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Planning CommissionJuly 28, 2020

B-05 (C14-2017-0010.SH - Nuckols Crossing Road - SMART Housing; District 2) original pdf

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ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET CASE: C14-2017-0010.SH – Nuckols Crossing Road P.C. DATE: July 25, 2017 Rezoning – SMART Housing November 14, 2017 December 12, 2017 January 9, 2018 January 23, 2018 February 27, 2018 March 13, 2018 March 27, 2018 April 10, 2018 May 22, 2018 June 12, 2018 July 24, 2018 August 28, 2018 October 9, 2018 November 13, 2018 December 11, 2018 May 28, 2019 June 25, 2019 July 23, 2019 September 10, 2019 February 25, 2020 April 14, 2020 May 26, 2020 July 14, 2020 July 28, 2020 ADDRESS: 4400 Nuckols Crossing Road DISTRICT AREA: 2 OWNERS: Angelos Angelou and John Sasaridis APPLICANT: McDowell Housing Partners AGENT: Thrower Design (Ariana Brendle) (Ron Thrower) ZONING FROM: SF-2-NP TO: MF-4-NP, as amended AREA: 9.978 acres NEIGHBORHOOD PLANNING AREA: Southeast Combined (Franklin Park) B-051 of 88 C14-2017-0010.SH Page 2 SUMMARY STAFF RECOMMENDATION (Revised on June 29, 2020): The Staff recommendation is to grant multifamily residence – low density – neighborhood plan (MF-2-NP) combining district zoning. The Restrictive Covenant includes all recommendations listed in the Neighborhood Traffic Analysis memo, dated July 21, 2020, as provided in Attachment A. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: July 25, 2017: APPROVED AN INDEFINITE POSTPONEMENT REQUEST BY THE APPLICANT [J. SHIEH, P. SEEGER – 2ND] (12-0) N. ZARAGOZA – ABSENT November 14, 2017: APPROVED A POSTPONEMENT REQUEST BY THE STAFF TO DECEMBER 12, 2017 [J. SHIEH, P. SEEGER – 2ND] (12-0) A. DE HOYOS HART – ABSENT December 12, 2017: APPROVED A POSTPONEMENT REQUEST BY THE STAFF TO JANUARY 9, 2018 [J. SHIEH, T. WHITE – 2ND] (13-0) January 9, 2018: APPROVED A POSTPONEMENT REQUEST BY STAFF TO JANUARY 23, 2018 [P. SEEGER; A. DE HOYOS HART – 2ND] (11-0) F. KAZI – NOT PRESENT FOR PASSAGE OF THE CONSENT AGENDA; T. NUCKOLS – ABSENT January 23, 2018: APPROVED A POSTPONEMENT REQUEST BY THE STAFF TO FEBRUARY 27, 2018 [P. SEEGER; G. ANDERSON – 2ND] (10-0) A. DE HOYOS HART, J. SCHISSLER – NOT PRESENT FOR PASSAGE OF THE CONSENT AGENDA; K. MCGRAW – ABSENT February 27, 2018: APPROVED A POSTPONEMENT REQUEST BY THE STAFF TO MARCH 13, 2018 [J. SCHISSLER; J. SHIEH – 2ND] (12-0) J. THOMPSON – ABSENT March 13, 2018: APPROVED A POSTPONEMENT REQUEST BY THE STAFF TO MARCH 27, 2018 [T. WHITE; P. SEEGER – 2ND] (8-0) A. DE HOYOS HART, T. NUCKOLS, J. SHIEH, T. SHAW, J. THOMPSON – ABSENT March 27, 2018: …

Scraped at: July 23, 2020, 4:50 p.m.
Planning CommissionJuly 28, 2020

B-06 (NPA-2020-0014.01 - 7135 E Ben White Blvd; District 2) original pdf

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************************************************************************ MEMORANDUM TO: Conor Kenny, Chair Planning Commission Members FROM: Wendy Rhoades, Principal Planner Maureen Meredith, Senior Planner Planning and Zoning Department DATE: July 23, 2020 RE: NPA-2020-0014.01 – 7135 E Ben White Blvd (Plan Amendment Case) C14-2020-0042 – 7135 E Ben White Blvd (Rezoning Case) Request for Postponement by Staff and the Applicant ************************************************************************ Staff and the Applicant continue to discuss the above-referenced neighborhood plan amendment and rezoning cases, and request postponement to August 11, 2020. Attachment: Map of Property B-061 of 2 C A R S O SF-3-NP N RID G E ELL LN W X A M SF-3-NP C14-2011-0158 C14-2012-0113 K A N E S T D E M E T RIU S W A Y UNDEV SF-6-CO-NP SF-3-NP Y ELL O W JA C K ET LN ( SF-3-NP ( 01-0060 NPA-2011-0005.03 C14-2012-0112 NPA-2012-0005.04 ERC STORAGE\BLDGS NPA-2015-0005.02 C14-2015-0073 TITA NIA S T 99-0086 78-144 ( SF-3-NP S P-02-0396C.S H ( 87-121 UNDEV C14-79-074(RCT) NPA-2011-0005.02 C14-2011-0169 CS-MU-NP CP79-77 01-0060 GR-MU-CO-NP LI-NP 79-289 H E R M I A S T C A R S O N R I D G E RZ87-34 R82-10 79-74R.C. CONV STORE/\GAS SP-99-0204C MOBILE HOME SALES W B B E N W H I T E B L V D T O M O N T O P O L I S R A M P ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! C14-79-285(RCT) ! ! ! ! ! 99-0114 ! ! C14-2018-0109 ! E B E N W H I T E B L V D S V R D E B C14-2018-0108 MOBILE HOME PARK E B E N W H I T E B L V D S V R D W B E B E N W H I T E B L V D W B E B E N W H I T E B L V D E B HOTEL SP-99-0045C H O T E L CS-1-NP C14-04-0176 04-0176 OFFC. PARK SP97-0332C ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! SP97-0332C 94-0157 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! RR-NP ! ! ! ! ! ! LI-CO-NP C14-95-0099 LI-NP RR-NP 98-0151 C A S E Y B RID G E C T ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! C14-03-0035 CS-MU-CO-NP ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! …

Scraped at: July 23, 2020, 4:51 p.m.
Planning CommissionJuly 28, 2020

B-07 (C14-2020-0042 - 7135 E Ben White Blvd; District 2) original pdf

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************************************************************************ MEMORANDUM TO: Conor Kenny, Chair Planning Commission Members FROM: Wendy Rhoades, Principal Planner Maureen Meredith, Senior Planner Planning and Zoning Department DATE: July 23, 2020 RE: NPA-2020-0014.01 – 7135 E Ben White Blvd (Plan Amendment Case) C14-2020-0042 – 7135 E Ben White Blvd (Rezoning Case) Request for Postponement by Staff and the Applicant ************************************************************************ Staff and the Applicant continue to discuss the above-referenced neighborhood plan amendment and rezoning cases, and request postponement to August 11, 2020. Attachment: Map of Property B-071 of 2 C A R S O SF-3-NP N RID G E ELL LN W X A M SF-3-NP C14-2011-0158 C14-2012-0113 K A N E S T D E M E T RIU S W A Y UNDEV SF-6-CO-NP SF-3-NP Y ELL O W JA C K ET LN ( SF-3-NP ( 01-0060 NPA-2011-0005.03 C14-2012-0112 NPA-2012-0005.04 ERC STORAGE\BLDGS NPA-2015-0005.02 C14-2015-0073 TITA NIA S T 99-0086 78-144 ( SF-3-NP S P-02-0396C.S H ( 87-121 UNDEV C14-79-074(RCT) NPA-2011-0005.02 C14-2011-0169 CS-MU-NP CP79-77 01-0060 GR-MU-CO-NP LI-NP 79-289 H E R M I A S T C A R S O N R I D G E RZ87-34 R82-10 79-74R.C. CONV STORE/\GAS SP-99-0204C MOBILE HOME SALES W B B E N W H I T E B L V D T O M O N T O P O L I S R A M P ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! C14-79-285(RCT) ! ! ! ! ! 99-0114 ! ! C14-2018-0109 ! E B E N W H I T E B L V D S V R D E B C14-2018-0108 MOBILE HOME PARK E B E N W H I T E B L V D S V R D W B E B E N W H I T E B L V D W B E B E N W H I T E B L V D E B HOTEL SP-99-0045C H O T E L CS-1-NP C14-04-0176 04-0176 OFFC. PARK SP97-0332C ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! SP97-0332C 94-0157 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! RR-NP ! ! ! ! ! ! LI-CO-NP C14-95-0099 LI-NP RR-NP 98-0151 C A S E Y B RID G E C T ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! C14-03-0035 CS-MU-CO-NP ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! …

Scraped at: July 23, 2020, 4:51 p.m.
Planning CommissionJuly 28, 2020

B-08 (C14-2020-0062 - Webberville; District 1) original pdf

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ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET DISTRICT: 1 CASE: C14-2020-0062 Webberville ZONING FROM: SF-3-NP TO: SF-6-NP ADDRESS: 1907 Webberville Road SITE AREA: 11.643 Acres PROPERTY OWNERS/APPLICANT: Webberville Holdings, LLC (Elisa Jiang and Haung Lung Wang) CASE MANAGER: Heather Chaffin (512-974-2122, STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff supports the Applicant’s request of SF-6-NP. For a summary of the basis of staff’s recommendation, see case manager comments on page 3. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION / RECOMMENDATION: June 28, 2020: CITY COUNCIL ACTION: To be determined ORDINANCE NUMBER: AGENT: Storybuilt (Jarred Corbell) 1 of 8B-08 C14-2020-0062 2 ISSUES: No issues at this time. CASE MANAGER COMMENTS: The subject property is located between Webberville Road and Tannehill Lane, approximately 500 feet north of Samuel Huston Avenue. The property is zoned SF-3-NP and is undeveloped. Immediately to the south is land zoned MF-3-NP and SF-3-NP. Both areas are developed with single family residential land uses. Immediately to the north is SF-3-NP that is developed with religious assembly land use. Across Webberville Road to the west is primarily property zoned SF-3-NP that is developed with single family land uses—the area also includes small areas of SF-4A-NP and SF-6-NP with higher density residential uses. Across Tannehill Lane to the east is property zoned MF-2-CO-NP that is developed with religious assembly land use. Please see Exhibits A and B—Zoning Map and Aerial Exhibit. Staff supports the requested SF-6-NP. The property has significant topographic constraints, with elevations ranging from 520 feet to 560 feet. The current SF-3-NP zoning and this topography makes it difficult to develop with consistently and reasonably sized buildable lots. Under SF-3-NP zoning, development of this site would require numerous flag lots and/or require an interior street which requires more impervious cover. SF-6-NP is the most restrictive zoning category that would allow the units to be developed in a clustered manner. Clustered residential units will allow development around the existing topography and reduce the level of impervious cover that would be needed to construct single family residential access. BASIS FOR STAFF RECOMMENDATION: 1. The proposed zoning should be consistent with the purpose statement of the district sought. Townhouse and condominium residence (SF-6) district is the designation for a moderate density single family, duplex, two-family, townhouse, and condominium use that is not subject to the spacing and location requirements for townhouse and condominium use in an SF-5 district. An SF-6 district designation may be applied to a use in an area with …

Scraped at: July 23, 2020, 4:51 p.m.
Planning CommissionJuly 28, 2020

B-09 (C14-2019-0108 - Parker House; District 9) original pdf

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C14-2019-0108 1 ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET DISTRICT: 5 CASE: C14-2019-0108 Parker House ZONING FROM: GO-H-NP and MF-4-H-NP TO: GO-H-NP (Tract 1) and MF-4-NP (Tract 2), as amended ADDRESS: 2404 Rio Grande Street SITE AREA: 0.3245 Acres PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: 2404 Rio Grande St. LP (William Archer) AGENT: South Llano Strategies (Glen Coleman) CASE MANAGER: Heather Chaffin (512-974-2122, STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff supports the Applicant’s request to rezone the property to GO-H-NP on Tract 1 and MF-4-NP on Tract 2, with conditions. For a summary of the basis of staff’s recommendation, see case manager comments on page 2. HISTORIC LANDMARK COMMISSION ACTION/ RECOMMENDATION: May 18, 2020: TO DENY THE REMOVAL OF HISTORIC LANDMARK DESIGNATION (H-) FROM TRACT 2 (7-0). [Myer- 1st, Little- 2nd; Reed, Jacob, Koch, Papavasiliou- Absent] PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION/ RECOMMENDATION: July 28, 2020: June 23, 2020: To grant postponement to July 28, 2020 as requested by Applicant, on consent. May 26, 2020: To grant postponement to June 23, 2020 as requested by Neighborhood, on consent. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: July 30, 2020: June 4, 2020: To grant postponement to July 30, 2020 as requested by Staff, on consent. ORDINANCE NUMBER: 1 of 8B-09 C14-2019-0108 2 ISSUES: The Applicant proposes removing the historic landmark designation (H-) from the rear of the property (Tract 2 only) and adjusting the boundary of the MF-4 area and the GO area. This would allow redevelopment of Tract 2. No change to the historic landmark designation is proposed on Tract 1, where the Parker House building is located. No changes to the Parker House structure are proposed. The Applicant previously requested higher intensity-mixed use zoning on the property and has amended the request twice to reduce the intensity of the zoning requested. The current amendment to the rezoning is a result of additional research by the Applicant into the West Campus/University Neighborhood Overlay (UNO). The Applicant has determined that their land use and redevelopment goals can be achieved under UNO if the H- designation is removed from Tract 2. Staff supports the current rezoning request with conditions. The Applicant proposes that the existing GO-H-NP zoning on Tract 1 extend 10 feet from the rear of the Parker House structure, and MF-4-NP for Tract 2. Staff recommends a 15-foot setback. Currently the GO- approximately 24 feet from the rear of the Parker House structure. The Historic Landmark Commission voted 7-0 to deny the request to remove the H- …

Scraped at: July 23, 2020, 4:51 p.m.
Planning CommissionJuly 28, 2020

B-10 (C14-2020-0067 - 3504 S. 1st Street Rezoning; District 3) original pdf

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C14-2020-0067 1 ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET CASE: C14-2020-0067 – 3504 S. 1st Street Rezoning DISTRICT: 3 ZONING FROM: CS-CO TO: CS-MU-V-CO ADDRESS: 3504 South 1st Street SITE AREA: 0.84 acres PROPERTY OWNER: Merc Properties LTD (Daryl Kunik) AGENT: Armbrust & Brown,PLLC (Richard Suttle) CASE MANAGER: Kate Clark (512-974-1237, STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends general commercial services – mixed use – vertical mixed use building – conditional overlay (CS-MU-V-CO) combining district zoning. The conditional overlay is to carry over existing prohibited uses. For a summary of the basis of staff’s recommendation, see page 2. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION / RECOMMENDATION: July 28, 2020 Scheduled for Planning Commission August 27, 2020 Planned to be Scheduled for City Council CITY COUNCIL ACTION: ORDINANCE NUMBER: ISSUES Staff has received comments both in favor of and in opposition to this rezoning case. For all communication, please see Exhibit C: Correspondence Received. CASE MANAGER COMMENTS: This property is approximately 0.84 acres. Adjacent to the north is a tract zoned CS-V, to the east is South 1st Street and across South 1st Street are tracts zoned MF-3-NP and LR-CO-NP. Adjacent to the south is a tract zoned MF-3 and to the west is SF-3 zoning. This property is subject to an existing Ordinance (20070405-043) which limits the number of trips per day, caps 1 of 12B-10 C14-2020-0067 2 development on the property to 40 feet and prohibits a set of uses. The applicant is requesting to remove the trip limitations and building height restriction but carry over the existing list of prohibited uses. Those uses include the following: Adult-oriented businesses Automotive rentals Automotive repair services Automotive sales Automotive washing (of any kind) BASIS OF RECOMMENDATION: Bail bond services Commercial blood plasma center Convenience storage Pawn shop services Vehicle storage 1. Zoning changes should promote compatibility with adjacent and nearby uses. The applicant is requesting to rezone from CS-CO to CS-MU-V-CO. This property is in between CS-V and MF-3 zoned tracts. Allowing for a mix of uses on this site would help in transition between zoning districts. Additionally, this property is located on a Core Transit Corridor as defined by the current City Land Development Code specifically designated to allow for the Vertical Mixed Use Overlay District. Rezoning this property to CS-MU-V-CO would not be inconsistent with the existing land use pattern. EXISTING ZONING AND LAND USES: Zoning Land Uses Site CS-CO Single family North CS-V South MF-3 Indoor …

Scraped at: July 23, 2020, 4:51 p.m.
Planning CommissionJuly 28, 2020

B-12 (C14-2020-0064 - 6007 IH 35 Residences; District 1) original pdf

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ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET DISTRICT: 1 CASE: C14-2020-0064 6007 IH 35 Residences ZONING FROM: CS-MU-NP TO: CS-MU-V-NP ADDRESS: 6007 IH 35 Service Road Northbound SITE AREA: 2.496 Acres PROPERTY OWNERS/APPLICANT: Binary Hospitality, LLC (Vijay Patel) CASE MANAGER: Heather Chaffin (512-974-2122, STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff supports the Applicant’s request of CS-MU-V-NP. For a summary of the basis of staff’s recommendation, see case manager comments on page 3. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION / RECOMMENDATION: July 28, 2020: CITY COUNCIL ACTION: To be determined ORDINANCE NUMBER: AGENT: Alice Glasco Consulting (Alice Glasco) 1 of 8B-12 C14-2020-0064 2 ISSUES: No issues at this time. CASE MANAGER COMMENTS: The subject property is located at the southeast corner of IH 35 and US 290. The rezoning tract is located on a vacant parcel adjacent to a small shopping center. The shopping center includes a mix of retail and restaurant uses; the whole property, including the rezoning tract, is zoned CS-MU-NP. To the east of the property is a multifamily complex zoned MF-4-NP. Across Clayton Lane to the south is property zoned CS-1-MU-NP that is developed with a hotel that contains a cocktail lounge. In the surrounding area southeast of IH 35 and US 290, other nearby zoning categories include CS-MU-NP and GR-MU-CO-NP. The properties on the frontage roads are used for a mix of commercial and religious assembly uses; the properties further from the highways are developed with multifamily land use. Please see Exhibits A and B—Zoning Map and Aerial Exhibit. The Applicant is requesting the rezoning to allow development of 269 multifamily units with 27 of those units to be certified affordable units. As a VMU project, the Applicant is also proposing approximately 3,000 square feet of ground floor commercial space. Staff supports the request to add the V- designation because vertical mixed use (VMU) allows greater residential density while requiring affordable units. Historically, VMU has been located on core transit corridors; neither IH 35 nor US 290 are designated as such, but transit is available immediately adjacent to the rezoning tract on Clayton Lane. A mixed use development at this site will provide a transition from the commercial uses along IH 35 and US 290 and the multifamily properties to the east and southeast. BASIS OF RECOMMENDATION: 1. The proposed zoning should be consistent with the goals and objectives of the City Council. 2. Zoning should promote clearly-identified community goals, such as creating employment opportunities …

Scraped at: July 23, 2020, 4:52 p.m.
Planning CommissionJuly 28, 2020

B-13 (C14-2020-0007 - 2001 Guadalupe Street, District 9) original pdf

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ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET CASE: C14-2020-0007– 2001 Guadalupe Street Zoning ZONING FROM: CS-NP DISTRICT: 9 TO: CS-MU-NP ADDRESS: 2001 Guadalupe Street PROPERTY OWNER: Powell-Corbett LLC (William Corbett) SITE AREA: 0.201 acres (8,755 sq. ft.) AGENT: Coats-Rose (John Joseph) CASE MANAGER: Mark Graham (512-974-3574, ) STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommendation is to grant general commercial services – mixed use – neighborhood plan (CS-MU-NP) combining district zoning. For a summary of the basis of staff’s recommendation, see case manager comments below. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION / RECOMMENDATION: July 28, 2020: June 9, 2020: TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES WITH VIDEO, ACTION VOIDED- REQUEST TO POSTPONE TO JUNE 23, 2020. RE-NOTIFICATION REQUIRED May 26, 2020: APPROVED A POSTPONEMENT REQUEST TO JUNE 9, 2020 [C. HEMPEL, R. SCHNEIDER 2ND] (12-0) C. LLANES PULIDO – NOT PRESENT FOR PASSAGE OF THE CONSENT AGENDA. May 12, 2020: POSTPONED TO MAY 26, 2020 [C. KENNY, G. ANDERSON – 2ND] (13-0) April 28, 2020: POSTPONED TO MAY 12, 2020 [R. SCHNEIDER; P. HOWARD – 2ND] (12-0) C. LLANES PULIDO-LEFT EARLY April 14, 2020: APPROVED A POSTPONEMENT REQUEST TO APRIL 28, 2020. [R. SCHNEIDER, C. KENNY-2ND] (12-0) with C. LLANES PULIDO – ABSENT. March 10, 2020: APPROVED A POSTPONEMENT REQUEST BY APPLICANT TO APRIL 14, 2020. [J. SHIEH, R. SCHNEIDER-2ND] (11-0) A. AZHAR, P. HOWARD - ABSENT CITY COUNCIL ACTION: July 30, 2020 June 11, 2020: APPROVED A POSTPONEMENT REQUEST BY THE STAFF TO JULY 30, 2020 May 21, 2020: APPROVED A POSTPONEMENT REQUEST BY THE STAFF TO JUNE 11, 2020 May 7, 2020: APPROVED A POSTPONEMENT REQUEST BY THE STAFF TO MAY 21, 2020 April 9, 2020: APPROVED A POSTPONEMENT REQUEST BY THE STAFF TO MAY 7, 2020 1 of 48B-13 C14-2020-0007 2 ORDINANCE NUMBER: ISSUES At the May 12 Planning Commission meeting, the Commission voted (13-0) to postpone the subject case to May 26 (or later if requested by applicant or staff) to get more clarity on development options available to the applicant. Staff prepared a table with five columns comparing development with the existing commercial general services – neighborhood plan (CS-NP) zoning and with University Neighborhood Overlay (UNO) and 2 types of Affordability Unlocked. The table also includes development with the requested zoning: (CS – MU - NP). The table was provided to the applicant and is attached to this memo. Letter of Agreement There is a letter of agreement between the applicant and University Area Partners (UAP) and …

Scraped at: July 23, 2020, 4:52 p.m.
Planning CommissionJuly 28, 2020

B-14 (C14-2020-0052 - 903 W 12th Street; District 9) original pdf

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ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET CASE: C14-2020-0052 – 903 W 12th St DISTRICT: 9 ZONING FROM: CS TO: DMU-CO ADDRESS: 903, 905, 907 W 12th Street SITE AREA: 0.38 acres (16,500 sq. ft.) PROPERTY OWNER: Terrance Mountain Investors I LLC (Frank Trabold) AGENT: Drenner Group, PC (Amanda Swor) CASE MANAGER: Mark Graham (512-974-3574, STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff’s recommendation is to grant downtown mixed use – conditional overlay (DMU-CO) combining district zoning with the conditional overlay limiting building height to 60 feet. For a summary of the basis of staff’s recommendation, see case manager comments below. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION / RECOMMENDATION: July 28, 2020 CITY COUNCIL ACTION: August 27, 2020 ORDINANCE NUMBER: ISSUES None at this time. CASE MANAGER COMMENTS: The applicant requests rezoning from general commercial services (CS) to downtown mixed use – conditional overlay (DMU-CO) combining district zoning. The conditional overlay would limit building height to sixty feet per the Downtown Area Plan. The subject property is 0.38 acre (16,500 square foot) tract on the south side of West 12th Street, between North Lamar Boulevard and Shoal Creek Boulevard. The tract is about 240 feet east of North Lamar and 100 feet west of Shoal Creek Boulevard, and the east property line of the subject property is the Shoal Creek greenbelt. 1 of 12B-14 C14-2020-0052 2 The existing one-story building is a sandwich shop sited about 12 feet from West 12th Street with parking west of the building. Demolition of the building is proposed. The FEMA Floodplain extends along West 12th Street from the intersection with Shoal Creek west to about 150 feet from Baylor Street. In other words, the entire property is within the Floodplain. The proposed use of the parcel is listed as mixed use on the zoning application. Downtown Austin Plan The subject property is within the Downtown Austin Plan – Market / Lamar District boundaries adopted by the City Council on December 8, 2011. That plan produced a recommended rezoning map with proposed building heights limits. The recommendations were not implemented by rezoning all of the affected properties. Instead, they guide Staff recommendations for rezoning and for the conditional overlay recommendation on building height limits. The proposed zoning for the subject parcel in the DAP is DMU-60. BASIS OF RECOMMENDATION: 1. The proposed zoning should be consistent with the purpose statement of the district sought. The Applicant describes their proposed use as “mixed use” which is …

Scraped at: July 23, 2020, 4:52 p.m.
Planning CommissionJuly 28, 2020

B-15 (C14-05-0112(RCA2) - AMLI South Shore; District 9).pdf original pdf

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C14-05-0112(RCA2) 1 RESTRICTIVE COVENANT AMENDMENT CHANGE REVIEW SHEET CASE: C14-05-0112(RCA2) – AMLI South Shore DISTRICT: 9 EXISTING ZONING: ERC (Corridor Mixed Use) ADDRESS: 1720 South Lakeshore Blvd SITE AREA: 10.48 acres PROPERTY OWNER: 1620 East Riverside Drive, LLC. (Taylor Bowen) AGENT: Drenner Group, PC (Amanda Swor) CASE MANAGER: Kate Clark (512-974-1237, STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends amending the Restrictive Covenants to increase the total number of units allowed on site to 520 units and removing the ownership requirements. For a summary of the basis of staff’s recommendation, see page 2. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION / RECOMMENDATION: July 28, 2020 Scheduled for Planning Commission CITY COUNCIL ACTION: August 27, 2020 Planned to be Scheduled for City Council RESTRICTIVE COVENANT AMENDMENT RECORDING NUMBER: ISSUES None at this time. CASE MANAGER COMMENTS: This property is approximately 10.48 acres and currently developed with a mixed-use project containing multifamily residential and commercial uses. It was rezoned to ERC with the East Riverside Neighborhood Plan Rezoning Case in 2006 and is surrounded by other properties within the ERC. This rezoning case included a public Restrictive Covenant (RC Recording No. 2007039123) which was later amended in 2011 (RC Recording No. 2011186530), please see Exhibit B: Original Restrictive Covenants. The Applicant’s request is to modify the ownership B-151 of 14 C14-05-0112(RCA2) 2 requirement from the first RC to remove the requirement that a minimum of 45 residential units be for sale and to increase the maximum number of residential units allowed on the property from 450 units to 520 units from the amended RC. No other changes are proposed at this time. BASIS OF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Applicant’s proposed changes to the Restrictive Covenants to allow for increased density and removal of ownership requirements. This is an existing mixed-use development. Currently the Applicant is proposing all new construction in an undeveloped area of the property with no increased entitlements other than the density. The Applicant is not proposing any changes to the existing Lady Bird Boardwalk Trail access. Allowing additional units for this development would increase density in an area that is already developed without replacing any existing units. EXISTING ZONING AND LAND USES: Site North South East West Zoning Land Uses ERC Mixed Use Lady Bird Lake N/A ERC and PUD Commercial and Mixed Use ERC ERC Multifamily Multifamily NEIGHBORHOOD PLANNING AREA: East Riverside/Oltorf Combined NP Area TIA: The site must demonstrate compliance with the TIA and …

Scraped at: July 23, 2020, 4:53 p.m.
Planning CommissionJuly 28, 2020

B-16 (SPC-2020-0076A - Vacancy Brewery; District 3).doc original pdf

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PLANNING COMMISSION SITE PLAN CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REVIEW SHEET PC DATE: 07/28/2020 SPC-2020-0076A CASE NUMBER: PROJECT NAME: Vacancy Brewery ADDRESS: APPLICANT: 415 E St. Elmo Road 415 St Elmo, LLC (Scott Trainer) P.O. Box 160896 Austin, Texas, 78745 (512) 965-1369 Site Specifics (John Hussey) 700 N Lamar, 200A Austin, Texas, 78748 (512) 472-5252 AGENT: Williamson Creek CASE MANAGER: Robert Anderson, (512) 974-3026 or WATERSHED: NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN: South Congress Combined (East Congress) PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: The request is for a conditional use allowing a brewery and tap room as a Light Manufacturing Use in an LI zoning district within 540 feet of single family uses. SUMMARY STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the conditional use permit. The site plan will comply with all requirements of the Land Development Code prior to its release. SUMMARY STAFF COMMENT ON SITE PLAN: The applicant proposes a 4,860 square foot brewery and a 1,180 square foot tap room for on-site sale and consumption. The Light Manufacturing Use permits beer or ale produced on-site to be sold for on-site consumption. Because the brewery is within 540 of single family uses, it is a conditional use according to Land Development Code Section 25-2- 865(B)(2). Therefore, Land Use Commission review and approval is required. The site is already developed. No construction will occur with this site plan approval. Two letters of support were received and are included within the back-up materials. One from OS St. Elmo, LLC and one from the South Congress Combined Neighborhood Plan Contact Team. PROJECT INFORMATION: SITE AREA ZONING PROPOSED USE EXISTING PARKING 4.19 acres LI-CO-NP Light Manufacturing Use 92 vehicle spaces (5 ADA) 1 of 7B-16 SPC-2020-0076A NEIGHBORHOOD ORGANIZATIONS: Austin Independent School District Austin Lost and Found Pets Austin Neighborhoods Council Battle Bend Springs Homeowner’s Association Bike Austin Friends of Austin Neighborhoods Go Austin Vamos Austin 78745 Homeless Neighborhood Association Homeowner’s Assoc. of Colonial Trails Vacancy Brewery Page 2 Neighborhood Empowerment Foundation Onion Creek Homeowners Assoc. Preservation Austin SELTexas Sierra Club, Austin Regional Group South Austin Neighborhood Alliance (SANA) South Congress Combined Neighborhood Plan Contact Team CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REVIEW AND EVALUATION CRITERIA The following evaluation is included to provide staff position on each point of the conditional use permit criteria. Section 25-5-145 of the Land Development Code states: “The Commission shall determine whether the proposed development or use of a conditional use site plan complies with the requirements of this section. A …

Scraped at: July 23, 2020, 4:53 p.m.
Planning CommissionJuly 28, 2020

B-17 (SP-2019-0591C - 924 E. 7th St. Development; District 1) original pdf

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PLANNING COMMISISON SITE PLAN – COMPATIBILITY VARIANCES ONLY SP-2019-0591C HEARING DATE: July 28, 2020 PLANNING COMMISSION 924 E. 7th St. Development 924 E 7th Street 7th & San Marcos, LLC 2004 Lakeshore Drive Austin, Texas 78746-2907 (512) 328-8363 CASE NUMBER: PROJECT NAME: ADDRESS: APPLICANT: AGENT: LJA Engineering, Inc. (David J. Hildebrandt, P.E.) 7500 Rialto Blvd Building II, Suite 100 Austin, TX 78735 (512) 439-4700 (512) 974-3338 Randall Rouda CASE MANAGER: NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN: Central East Austin NP Area PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: The applicant is proposing to redevelop five vacant narrow lots, zoned TOD-NP (Plaza Saltillo Transit Oriented Development - Neighborhood Plan) into a five story office building with a restaurant and retail space on the ground level and five floors of below grade parking. Total gross floor area (excluding below grade parking) is 104,723 square feet, with a total of 249 vehicle parking spaces (including 12 ADA spaces) and 72 bicycle spaces. The restaurant consists of 4,559 square feet and the ground floor retail would be 3,588 square feet. The site will have a single driveway accessing San Marcos Street, with trash and loading in the alley to the north. Public sidewalk improvements are proposed along 7th Street and along San Marcos and public alley improvements are proposed to the north of the building. One variance from compatibility setback requirements is being requested. DESCRIPTION OF VARIANCE: 1) From 25 feet to 20 feet for the north setback. [LDC § 25-2-1063] SUMMARY STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The parcel to the north is separated from the subject site by a 20 foot wide public alley. That parcel is developed with an historic use (the French Legation) and is within the SF-3-H-HD-NP (Family Residence – Historic – Historic District - Neighborhood Plan) Zone. Improvements are proposed to the alley, within the public right of way. At the southern edge of the alley, the project includes new paving to serve a proposed loading zone. While the building wall is placed at 25 feet from the residentially zoned property to the north, in conformance with the compatibility setbacks, the new on-site paving for loading access and trash collection wall require a variance for construction beginning 20 feet south of those parcels. No written objections to the proposed variance have been received. The owner of the parcel to the north has submitted written comments in general support of the project. The Plaza Saltillo TOD Regulating Plan establishes the majority …

Scraped at: July 23, 2020, 4:53 p.m.
Planning CommissionJuly 28, 2020

B-18 (C8-2019-0062.0A - Resubdivision of Lot 3, Less West 53 feet thereof, Block 2, Magnolia Addition; District 3) original pdf

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SUBDIVISION REVIEW SHEET CASE NO.: C8-2019-0062.0A P.C. DATE: July 28, 2020 SUBDIVISION NAME: Resubdivision of Lot 3, Less West 53 feet thereof, Block 2, Magnolia Addition AREA: 0.4683 acres LOT(S): 2 OWNER/APPLICANT: Haskell 1411, LLC AGENT: Permit Partners, LLC (Mark Harries) (Jennifer Hanlen) ADDRESS OF SUBDIVISION: 1411 Haskell St. WATERSHED: Lady Bird Lake COUNTY: Travis EXISTING ZONING: SF-3-NP JURISDICTION: Full NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN: East Cesar Chavez PROPOSED LAND USE: Residential VARIANCES: A variance to section 25-4-175 to allow a residential flag lot has been requested. The applicant is proposing one residential flag lot with this application for Lot 2. The applicant has obtained approval from the Fire Department to verify accessibility for emergency responders, approval from the Austin Water Utility, Austin Energy, and the City Arborist to verify there is adequate room for the required utilities and enhanced tree protection on the site. It is the Staff’s opinion that the proposed subdivision is compatible with the surrounding development, and is consistent with other flag lots or multi-units within the neighborhood. It should also be noted that there are no known deed restrictions on the site, and a note has been added that requires all addresses for residential lots utilizing a flag lot design must be displayed at their closest point of access to a public street for emergency responders. Because the application meets the flag lot criteria as required by the Land Development Code, the Staff recommends approval of the variance. For additional information on the variance request see the accompanied memo and exhibits. DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: The request is for the approval of the Resubdivision of Lot 3, Less West 53 feet thereof, Block 2, Magnolia Addition composed of two lots on 0.4683 acres. The applicant is proposing to resubdivide a portion of a lot into a two lot subdivision for residential uses. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: If the variance is approved, the staff recommends approval of the plat. With variance approval, this plat would meet all applicable State and City of Austin LDC requirements. CASE MANAGER: Cesar Zavala Email address: PHONE: 512-974-3404 1 of 8B-18 Legend Street Labels 0.2 0 0.08 0.2 Miles NAD_1983_StatePlane_Texas_Central_FIPS_4203_Feet Date Printed: This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey. This product has been produced by the City of Austin for the sole purpose of geographic …

Scraped at: July 23, 2020, 4:53 p.m.
Planning CommissionJuly 28, 2020

B-19 (C8-2019-0127.0A - Cherico Subdivision; District 3) original pdf

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SUBDIVISION REVIEW SHEET LOT(S): 2 COUNTY: Travis PC DATE: July 28, 2020 CASE NO.: C8-2019-0127.0A SUBDIVISION NAME: Cherico Subdivision AREA: 0.497 ac OWNER: Austin Land Development, LLC (Addison Thom) AGENT/APPLICANT: Jennifer Hanlen (Permit Partners, LLC) ADDRESS OF SUBDIVISION: 1103 Cherico St WATERSHED: Boggy Creek Watershed EXISTING ZONING: SF-3-NP PROPOSED LAND USE: Residential DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: The request is for approval of the Cherico Subdivision which will create a 2 lot subdivision out of previously platted land (Hood’s Eastside Lots, Resub of Tracts A & B) for residential use. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends approval of the subdivision as it meets all applicable State and City of Austin LDC requirements. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: CASE MANAGER: Joey de la Garza EMAIL: PHONE: 512-974-2664 1 of 4B-19 2 of 4B-19 3 of 4B-19 Y R E L TIL GOVALLE NEAL R E T N U G O RIC E H C LYONS Subject Tract ± This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying CASE#: C8-2019-0127.0A LOCATION:1103 Cherico St. purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries. Base Map This product has been produced by the Planning and Development Review Department for the sole purpose of geographic reference. 4 of 4B-19

Scraped at: July 23, 2020, 4:54 p.m.
Planning CommissionJuly 28, 2020

B-20 (C8-2019-0114.1A - Simon-Caskey Final Plat; District 8) original pdf

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SUBDIVISION REVIEW SHEET LOT(S): 26 PC DATE: July 28, 2020 COUNTY: Travis CASE NO.: C8-2019-0114.1A SUBDIVISION NAME: Simon-Caskey Final Plat AREA: 16.664 ac. OWNER: Stephen Simon AGENT/APPLICANT: Bill E. Couch (Carlson, Brigance & Doering, Inc.) ADDRESS OF SUBDIVISION: 7715 W SH 71 WATERSHED: Williamson Creek EXISTING ZONING: SF-1, SF-2-NP, SF-6-NP PROPOSED LAND USE: Multifamily & Commercial with ROW and Parkland DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: The request is for the approval of the Simon-Caskey Final Plat which will develop a 16.664 ac. previously un-platted tract creating 26 lots consisting of 2 lots for multifamily use (7.748 ac.), 21 lots for single-family use (3.810 ac.), 1 lot for parkland (1.307 ac.) and 2 lots designated for drainage & water quality easements and greenbelt (1.538 ac.) with 2.261 ac. being dedicated for streets with all associated improvements. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends disapproval of the plat for the reasons listed in the comment report dated July 22, 2020 , and attached as Exhibit C. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: CASE MANAGER: Joey de la Garza EMAIL: PHONE: 512-974-2664 B-201 of 8 A.J. BOND SURVEY #91, ABSTRACT # 114 JESSE WILLIAMS SURVEY #62, ABSTRACT # 788 Carlson, Brigance & Doering, Inc. B-202 of 8 Carlson, Brigance & Doering, Inc. B-203 of 8 CITY OF AUSTIN –DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT SUBDIVISION APPLICATION – MASTER COMMENT REPORT CASE NUMBER: UPDATE: U0 CASE MANAGER: C8-2019-0114.1A Joey de la Garza PHONE #: 512-974-2664 PROJECT NAME: LOCATION: Simon-Caskey Final Plat 7715 W SH 71 June 29, 2020 SUBMITTAL DATE: REPORT DUE DATE: July 28, 2020 FINAL REPORT DATE: July 22, 2020 STAFF REPORT: This report includes all staff comments received to date concerning your most recent subdivision application submittal. The comments may include requirements, recommendations, or information. The requirements in this report must be addressed by an updated submittal. The subdivision application will be approved when all requirements from each review discipline have been addressed. If you have any questions, concerns or if you require additional information about this report, please contact your case manager at the phone number listed above or by using the contact information listed for each reviewer in this report. Any change to the plan/plat shall not cause noncompliance with any applicable code or criteria. In addition, any change to the plat may trigger new comments. UPDATE DEADLINE INFORMATION (LDC 25-4-56; 25-4-82): All comments must be addressed by filing an updated submittal prior to the update deadline of September 28, …

Scraped at: July 23, 2020, 4:54 p.m.
Planning CommissionJuly 28, 2020

B-21 (Demolition Permit Requirements) original pdf

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Demolition Process Changes 1 of 176B-21 Timeline - 2017 Demolition Permit Audit Report issued identifying changes needed to the City’s demolition process • August: • December: City Council adopted Resolution No. 20171214-066 requesting DSD to conduct stakeholder meetings, and develop a proposal to re-design the demolition permitting process 2 of 176B-21 Timeline - 2018 • March and April: 4 stakeholder engagement meetings were held with 123 attendees • February–March and May–July: Online stakeholder engagement was conducted via the “Speakup Austin!” forum • October: DSD responded to Council’s resolution 3 of 176B-21 To Recommend Ordinance Amendments The Request: 4 of 176B-21 Pertaining Documents • Demolition Permit Audit Report • Council’s Resolution • DSD’s Demolition Process Recommendation Report • Draft Ordinance 5 of 176B-21 Demolition Permit Audit Report 6 of 176B-21 Council’s Resolution 7 of 176B-21 DSD’s Demolition Process Recommendation Report 8 of 176B-21 To Recommend Ordinance Amendments The Request: • PART 1. • PART 2. • PART 3. – City Code Section Chapter 25-11-37 (Demolition Permit Requirement) is amended to add a new Subsection (D) – City Code Section 25-11-64 (Verification of a Utility Service) is repealed and replaced – Consistent with the report of the Director of the Development Services Department, dated October 18, 2018, the City Council initiates code amendments to establish a contractor registration program for demolition permitting 9 of 176B-21 Proposed Changes to BCM • Sections that need additions and/or modifications to incorporate the notification recommendations – Chapter 1 – 4.6.2 Residential Building Inspections – 5.4.0 Building Code 7 10 of 176B-21 Next Steps • C&O Joint Committee recommendation Presented June 17 • Presentation to Planning Commission • Hearing at City Council 11 of 176B-21 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CITY CODE CHAPTER 25-11 RELATING TO DEMOLITION PERMIT REQUIREMENTS. PART 1. City Code Section 25-11-37 (Demolition Permit Requirement) is amended to add a new Subsection (D) to read as follows: (D) An applicant for a demolition permit must provide notice of the demolition to adjacent one-family structures, two-family structures, and any multi- family component of other adjacent structures. The building official shall adopt rules regarding the requirements of the notice. At a minimum, the required notification must be: (1) on a form approved by the director and specify the …

Scraped at: July 23, 2020, 4:55 p.m.
Planning CommissionJuly 28, 2020

B-22 (Street Impact Fee Program) original pdf

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Street Impact Fee Briefing: Study Results & Policy Recommendation 1 of 46B-22 Overview • Impact Fees in Texas • Street Impact Fee Study Results • Staff Recommendation • Next Steps 2 2 of 46B-22 Texas Local Government Code Chapter 395 • "Impact fee" means a charge or assessment imposed by a political subdivision against new development in order to generate revenue for funding or recouping the costs of capital improvements or facility expansions necessitated by and attributable to the new development. • Water, Wastewater, Stormwater, Roadways 3 3 of 46B-22 Why Street Impact Fees? • Determining a method for growth to pay for necessary infrastructure in a way that is: • Equitable – the same type and intensity development pays equal fee within a Service Area • Predictable – can determine the fee without doing an intensive study • Transparent – a worksheet to calculate the fee would be publicly available • Flexible – fees collected can be spent within a Service Area on any projects identified in the study within 10 years of being collected • Ultimate purpose is to develop a fair and reasonable fee development should pay for vehicle capacity improvements 4 4 of 46B-22 Example Developments Austin Development Round Rock+ Frisco+ Fort Worth+ Prosper+ Austin Mitigation/TIA 298 Apartments $86,288 $424,104 55,000 ft2 Office $317,388 $107,402 $631,164 $177,870 397,000 ft2 Office 46,700 ft2 Restaurant 250 Apartment 100 Room Hotel Single Family: 153 D.U. Office: 7,700 ft2 Retail: 7,700 ft2 $561,325 $1,566,632 $2,274,362 $260,000 $1,051,057 $624,023 $365,348 - $803,408 $216,315 - $475,915 $2,395,819 - $5,270,671 $375,130 - $785,925 $1,059,688 - $1,397,620 $214,005 - $282,260 $2,785,632 - $3,674,050 $761,045- $1,003,832 + Note: Comparison cities are collection rate. 5 5 of 46B-22 LGC Chapter 395 Required Study • Project new growth for the next 10 years • Establish Service Areas within which a maximum impact fee is determined • Develop Land Use Assumptions and corresponding growth projections within each Service Area • Project corresponding roadway capacity needs (Roadway Capacity Plan) to accommodate that growth within each Service Area 6 6 of 46B-22 Texas Law: CIP Definition • Roadway (Street) facilities means arterial or collector streets or roads that have been designated on an officially adopted roadway plan of the political subdivision, together with all necessary appurtenances. The term includes the political subdivision share of cost for roadways and associated improvements designated on the federal or Texas highway system, including local …

Scraped at: July 23, 2020, 4:55 p.m.
Planning CommissionJuly 28, 2020

Planning Commission July 28 2020 Agenda original pdf

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Special Meeting of the Planning Commission July 28, 2020 Planning Commission to be held July 28, 2020 with Social Distancing Modifications Public comment will be allowed via telephone; no in-person input will be allowed. All speakers, including applicants and representatives, must register in advance (Day before the scheduled meeting, July 27, 2020 by Noon). To speak remotely at the July 28, 2020 Planning Commission Meeting, residents must: Call or preferably email the board liaison at 512-974-6508 and (the day before the meeting). The following information is required: 1. The speaker name. 2. Item number(s) they wish to speak on. 3. Whether they are for/against/neutral. 4. Mailing address. 5. Telephone number. Must be the number that will be used to call-in. Failure to provide the required information by noon July 27, 2020 shall render a request null and void. A registered speaker may not sign up another speaker. Previous registration on an item does not automatically roll over. • Once a request to register to speak has been called in or emailed to the board liaison, residents will receive either an email or phone call with additional information regarding the call in process. • Handouts or other information must be emailed to by 1:00 PM Tuesday, July 28, 2020. This information will be provided to Commission members in advance of the meeting. • Residents may watch the meeting here: Postponement requests must be submitted to the case manager and Andrew Rivera by 5PM Monday, July 27, 2020 Order of Meeting Determination of Quorum / Meeting Called to Order Reading of Proposed Consent Agenda *Vote and Disposal of Consent Agenda **Determination of Discussion Postponement Items Discussion Cases (Including public comment, staff and applicant / representative presentations) Other Business Adjournment * The consent agenda may be acted upon by one vote without separate discussion. Speakers are allowed to provide testimony on an item proposed for the consent agenda. At the discretion of the Commission the item may remain on the consent agenda. ** Discussion postponement consists of public comment by 2 individuals for the postponement and 2 individuals against the postponement at 2 minutes each per speaker. Testimony should not delve into the merits of the case. The granting of a postponement must be approved by affirmative vote of the Commission. Speaker Applicant / Agent Speakers For Speakers For Primary Speaker Against Speakers Against Speakers Against Speaker Testimony Time Allocation …

Scraped at: July 24, 2020, 9:50 p.m.
Planning CommissionJuly 28, 2020

B-09 (UAP Letter of Agreement) original pdf

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Scraped at: July 24, 2020, 9:50 p.m.
Planning CommissionJuly 28, 2020

B-11 (C14-2020-0056 - Wickersham Retail Center; District 3).pdf original pdf

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C14-2020-0056 1 ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET CASE: C14-2020-0056 – Wickersham Retail DISTRICT: 3 Center ZONING FROM: GR-MU-CO ADDRESS: 4544 E. Oltorf Street SITE AREA: 1.96 acres TO: GR-MU-CO, to change a condition of use PROPERTY OWNER: Wickersham Enterprises, LLC (Abdul Patel) AGENT: Land Answers, Inc. (Jim Wittliff) CASE MANAGER: Kate Clark (512-974-1237, STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Community Commercial – Mixed Use – Conditional Overlay (GR-MU- CO) combining district zoning. For a summary of the basis of staff’s recommendation, see page 2. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION / RECOMMENDATION: July 28, 2020 Scheduled for Planning Commission July 14, 2020 Approved the EROC Contact Team request for postponement to July 28. 2020 on the consent agenda. [A. Azhar; J. Shieh – 2nd]. Vote 13-0. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: August 27, 2020 Planned to be Scheduled for City Council ORDINANCE NUMBER: ISSUES On July 19, 2020 staff received an email that the EROC Contact Team voted to oppose the rezoning of this property. Staff has received communication both in favor of and in opposition to this rezoning case, please see Exhibit C: Correspondence Received. B-111 of 22 C14-2020-0056 2 CASE MANAGER COMMENTS: This property is approximately 1.96 acres and is currently undeveloped. It is north of the intersection of E. Oltorf Street and Wickersham Lane and is surrounded on all sides with a base zoning of MF-2. In 2013 this property was rezoned from MF-2 to GR-MU-CO. The conditional overlay on the property prohibited a list of land uses and limited the density of the property to 36 residential units per acre, see Exhibit D: Ordinance No. 20130214-066. The applicant is requesting to rezone to GR-MU-CO to remove Part 2 (A) of the existing ordinance to allow for drive-in service as an accessory use to commercial uses. The current ordinance prohibits the following uses which will be carried over if the rezoning request is granted: Automotive repair services Automotive sales Commercial off-street parking Community recreation (public) Congregate living Drop-off recycling collection facility Exterminating services Hospital services-general Hotel-motel BASIS OF RECOMMENDATION: Indoor sports and recreation Off-site accessory parking Outdoor entertainment Pawn shop services Private primary educational services Private secondary educational services Residential treatment Service station Theater 1. The proposed zoning should be consistent with the purpose statement of the district sought. Staff recommends rezoning this property to allow for drive-in service use as an accessory use. The City Code defines the GR district as: intended for …

Scraped at: July 24, 2020, 9:50 p.m.