1907 Webberville Road 7/28/2020 9/6/2019 Executive Summary ZONING: • SF-3-NP (Residential Urban Infill) – Allows for high density single family and commercial SIZE: • 11.6 acres • 8 acres developable (currently) APPROVED SITE PLAN: • Approved plan for 86 units-single family residential units • Under current Zoning, could achieve +/-102 • Requires right of way dedication, multiple City applications, oversized infrastructure, minimal open space GOAL: • Re-zone property to SF-6 • Maintain same use, single family residential with same density as currently entitled • Create more efficient design, reduce unwarranted infrastructure, more open space, provide affordable units Plat Approved Design; Conforms to Zoning (86 Units) Zoning Requirements: Urban Infill: • Single Family* 40-80% total units • Duplex 0-10% total units • TH & MF 10-20% total units • Community open space 20% for infill parcels > 5 acres Design Cons: • • Layout of homes placed against topography as opposed to “with it” Lot configuration, reduced efficiency • Alienated west side of the project • Minimized community green space • Minimized pedestrian and vehicular connections • Requires Right of Way dedication and multiple City permitting applications Option 1A: Allowed by Current Zoning (102 Units) • • • This plan would require “Site Revision” application to be approved by City of Austin and Planning Commission • Does allow for better vehicular and pedestrian connections • More community green space but still not as connected as desired Too much infrastructure (Still requires Right of Way dedication), City maintained streets on a portion of site, City owned ponds Fee simple lot creation limits design efficiencies Proposed Option: Rezone to SF-6 (~103 Units) Benefits • Reduced site infrastructure by creating private streets and not Publicly owned streets “Intentional” design elements around open space Pedestrian and vehicular connections improved Design of units to work with topography as opposed to against it Creates more diverse Unit Mix (2-4 BRs) • Open space increased 15% of all Units entitled above 86 units will be reserved for affordability and conveyed @ 70% MFI Parkland Fees generated to be earmarked for Red Bluff Nature Preserve during site plan review with the COA Impervious cover reduced by approx. 5- 10% • NO 3 story Units • • • • • • •
Jason Lucio 5501 Maple Marsh Ct. Austin, TX 78744 512-694-9377 jasonlucio@gmail.com July 27, 2020 Conor Kenny, Chair Planning Commission Members Planning Commission City of Austin RE: Neighborhood Plan Amendment Case Number: NPA-2016-0014.01.SH Rezoning Case Number: C14-2017-0010.SH Project Location: 4400 Nuckols Crossing Dear Commission Kenny and Planning Commissioners: As a resident of Dove Springs and member of the Arbor Ridge Homeowners Association, roughly 0.9 miles south of the proposed development, I stand in opposition to the amendment to the Southeast Combined Neighborhood Plan from SF-2 to MF-4, as well as the requested zoning change. I am a member of the SCNP Contact Team, a member of the Arbor Ridge Homeowners Association, and have attended the virtual community meetings with the applicant regarding this proposed development. The contact team has a history of supporting responsible development. This development is a project that I would normally support, but not in this specific location, as it is too dangerous. The entrance to the proposed development is on Nuckols Crossing, a substandard road, and is near a blind curve with quickly rising elevation. The proposed development is 100% low-income senior housing. Low-income residents are assumed to be low-income for life. They will need access to public transportation. However, without even sidewalks, the over half-mile trek to nearest public transportation is unacceptable and will put both pedestrian and driver lives at risk. Residents of this development will need to walk over a half-mile south to reach public transportation. The sidewalk starts several hundred feet to the south, and is on the opposite side of the street, with no pedestrian crossing, forcing residents to either jaywalk and dangerously cross traffic, or walk on an unimproved shoulder near a ditch. The other alternative will be to walk north over a half-mile, without a sidewalk, down a hill, around a blind curve, with thick brush on both sides. There are no street lights. We can assume that the low-income residents of the proposed development would use the new public health center planned for Dove Springs. However, there is no public transportation that travels down Nuckols Crossing, which means these senior low-income residents will need to walk over one mile, without access to a sidewalk for almost half a mile, in order to access public services, like the health center, recreation center, or library. The Austin Transportation Department traffic analysis, which has errors as to street width, does not take …
924 E 7th Street Compatibility Waiver Item B-17 SP-2019-0591C Planning Commission July 28, 2020 Site Plan 2 Property Line Study 3 Property Line Study 4 5 Historical Commission Letter 6 Historical Commission Letter 7
PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Recommendation Number: (20200728-B-22) : Street Impact Fee Program Please see attachment. Date of Approval: July 28 2020 Record of the vote: 10-0. Commissioners Llanes Pulido and Seeger abstained. Commissioner Hempel absent. Attest: _____________________________________________ Liaison Street Impact Fee Ordinance: Planning Commission Recommendation Based on discussion w/ city staff, stakeholders, and planning commissioners July 28, 2020 Collection fee rates – PC rec PC makes no recommendation on fee schedule, but recommends separating downtown and campus Collection fee rates 1. No recommendation on fees/development unit (table is not in draft ordinance) 2. Set separate fee schedule for downtown (could allow more freedom in setting fee schedule out of downtown) 3. Set separate fee schedule for UNO/West Campus area. Mobility adjustments Anti-displacement Affordable housing discounts Infrastructure offsets Full exemptions Phase-in Administration 2 Mobility adjustments – PC rec Staff rec utilizes TIA process to determine mobility adjustment. PC recommends instead using parking/location table. Collection fee rates PC WG replacement option (Stackable: 1 TPN adjustment and bicycle network adjustment – max 70% adjustment): Mobility adjustments Anti-displacement Affordable housing discounts Infrastructure offsets Full exemptions Phase-in Administration 1) Up to 40% adjustment for sites w/in ½ mile of Transit Priority Network graduated from 0-40% based on reduced parking per table published by ATD in Traffic Criteria Manual. 2) Up to 60% adjustment w/in ¼ mile of TPN or ½ mile of approved light rail stations graduated from 0-40% based on reduced parking per table published by ATD in Traffic Criteria Manual. 3) 10% adjustment if w/in ½ mile of Bicycle Priority Network. 4) Exception: New Single Family or residential w/ over 2 parking spots/unit are are not eligible for any mobility adjustment. 5) Alterative calc: Developers may submit a TIA and be eligible for the 70% maximum mobility adjustment based on trip reductions. 6) Separate downtown: Treat downtown as entirely served by transit/bike. Up to 70% adjustment, based on separate ATD published parking table specifically for downtown. 7) Separate UNO/west campus: Treat as entirely served by transit/bike. Up to 70% adjustment, based on separate ATD published parking table specifically for UNO/west campus. 3 Anti-Displacement Policy Staff rec does not have anti-displacement policy. PC recommends option for no mobility adjustments in displacement areas. Collection fee rates Any site containing existing residential units in active or potential displacement areas (per as-yet-created map published by NHCD) are not eligible for mobility adjustments. • Note: Affordable housing discounts, infrastructure …
PLANNING COMMISSION July 28, 2020 MINUTES The Planning Commission convened in a meeting on July 28, 2020 via videoconference (http://www.austintexas.gov/page/watch-atxn-live) Chair Kenny called the Commission Meeting to order at 6:10 p.m. Commission Members in Attendance: Greg Anderson Awais Azhar Yvette Flores Patrick Howard Fayez Kazi – Vice-Chair Conor Kenny – Chair Carmen Llanes Pulido Robert Schneider Patricia Seeger Todd Shaw James Shieh Jeffrey Thompson Don Leighton-Burwell – Ex-Officio Absent: Claire Hempel Ann Teich – Ex-Officio EXECUTIVE SESSION (No public discussion) The Planning Commission will announce it will go into Executive Session, if necessary, pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, to receive advice from Legal Counsel on matters specifically listed on this agenda. The Commission may not conduct a closed meeting without the approval of the city attorney. Private Consultation with Attorney – Section 551.071 A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of July 14, 2020. Motion to approve the minutes of July 14, 2020 was approved on the consent agenda on the motion by Vice-Chair Kazi, seconded by Commissioner Thompson on a vote of 12-0. Commissioner Hempel absent. B. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Rezoning: Location: C14-2020-0030 - 200 Montopolis Rezoning; District 3 200 Montopolis Drive and 6208 Clovis Street, Country Club East and Colorado River Watersheds; Montopolis NP Area Owner/Applicant: Nine Banded Holdings LLC (Taylor Jackson) Agent: Request: Staff Rec.: Staff: Thrower Design (A. Ron Thrower) SF-3-NP to SF-6-NP Recommended Kate Clark, 512-974-1237, kate.clark@austintexas.gov Planning and Zoning Department Public Hearing closed. Motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Seeger to deny SF-6-NP combining district zoning for C14-2020-0030 - 200 Montopolis Rezoning located at 200 Montopolis Drive and 6208 Clovis Street was approved on a vote of 7-5. Vice-Chair Kazi and Commissioners Anderson, Howard, Shieh, and Llanes Pulido voted nay. Commissioner Hempel absent. 2. Rezoning: Location: C14-2020-0044 - Saxon Acres Residential Zoning; District 3 316 Saxon Lane & 6328 El Mirando Street, Country Club East and Colorado River Watersheds; Montopolis NP Area Owner/Applicant: Saxon Acres LLC (Danny Walker) Thrower Design (A. Ron Thrower) Agent: SF-3-NP to SF-6-NP Request: Staff Rec.: Recommended Staff: Kate Clark, 512-974-1237, kate.clark@austintexas.gov Planning and Zoning Department Public Hearing closed. Motion by Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Howard to grant SF-6-NP combining district zoning for C14-2020-0044 - Saxon Acres Residential Zoning located at 316 Saxon Lane & 6328 El Mirando Street was approved on a vote of 7-5. Commissioners Schneider, Shaw and Seeger and Llanes …
Historic Landmark Commission Applications under Review for July 27, 2020 Meeting This list does not constitute a formal agenda and is subject to change. A final agenda will be posted at least 72 hours prior to the meeting. The Historic Landmark Commission meeting will be held with social distancing modifications. Public comment will be allowed via telephone; no in-person input will be allowed. All speakers (applicants included) must register in advance no later than Sunday, July 26th by noon. All public comment will occur at the beginning of the meeting. To register, applicants and residents must: Email or call the board liaison at preservation@austintexas.gov or (512) 974-1264 no later than noon on Sunday, July 26. The information required is the speaker name, item number(s) they wish to speak on, whether they are for/against/neutral, and a telephone number or email address. • Once a request to speak has been called in or emailed to the board liaison, residents will receive either an email or phone call providing the telephone number to call on the day of the scheduled meeting. • Handouts or other information may be emailed to preservation@austintexas.gov no later than noon on Sunday, July 26. This information will be provided to commissioners in advance of the meeting. • Address/description Rogers Washington Holy Cross Historic District (C14H-2020-0069) – Designate a historic district with African American community significance. Historic Zoning Item A.1 Certificates of Appropriateness Item B.1 Address/description 1415 Lavaca Street (C14H-1996-0003) – Construct a 12-story hotel atop the Bartholomew-Robinson Building. 2210 Windsor Road (C14H-2008-0016) – Construct additions and modify existing structure. 1406 Enfield Road (C14H-2009-0058) – Construct a pool and fencing; demolish the detached garage. 809 E. 9th Street (C14H-2011-0002) – Construct a mid-rise building adjacent to the historic structure. 4112 Avenue B (C14H-1989-0016) – Construct a steel fence. 506 Barton Boulevard/The UMLAUF (GF-2020-098312) – Replace the roof in-kind; repoint brick (Heritage Grant-funded project). B.2 B.3 B.4 B.5 B.6 National Register Historic District permits Item C.1 C.2 Address/description 92 Rainey Street (NRD-2020-0004)– Demolish a house (Postponement from June 22, 2020 meeting). 2338 Columbus Drive (NRD-2020-0025)– Construct a maintenance barn in the Zilker Park National Register District. C.3 C.4 C.5 C.6 2607 McCallum Drive (NRD-2020-0027) – Demolish a contributing building in the Old West Austin National Register District. 1404 Hardouin Avenue (HR-2020-084996) – Alter window and door openings, replace cladding, and construct a 2-story rear addition and 2-story detached garage in …
Regular Meeting of the Municipal Civil Service Commission Monday, July 27, 2020 at 9:30 a.m. Municipal Civil Service Commission meeting to be held Monday, July 27, 2020 with Social Distancing Modifications Public comment will be allowed via telephone; no in-person input will be allowed. All speakers must register in advance (Sunday, July 26, 2020 by Noon). All public comment will occur at the beginning of the meeting. To speak remotely at the July 27, 2020 Municipal Civil Service Meeting, residents must: • Call or email the board liaison at (512) 974-2859 or matthew.chustz@austintexas.gov no later than noon, Sunday, July 26, 2020 (the day before the scheduled meeting). The information required is the speaker name, item number(s) they wish to speak on, whether they are for/against/neutral, and a telephone number or email address. • Once a request to speak has been called in or emailed to the board liaison, residents will receive either an email or phone call providing the telephone number to call on the day of the scheduled meeting. • Speakers must call in at least 15 minutes prior to meeting start in order to speak, late callers will not be accepted and will not be able to speak. • Speakers will be placed in a queue until their time to speak. • Handouts or other information may be emailed to matthew.chustz@austintexas.gov by Noon on Sunday, July 26, 2020, the day before the scheduled meeting. This information will be provided to Commission members in advance of the meeting. • If this meeting is broadcast live, residents may watch the meeting here: http://www.austintexas.gov/page/watch-atxn-live MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING Monday, July 27, 2020 at 9:30 a.m. VIA VIDEOCONFERENCING AGENDA EXECUTIVE SESSION (No Public Discussion on These Items) The Commission will announce it will go into closed session pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, to receive advice from Legal Counsel, or to discuss matters of litigation and personnel matters as specifically listed on this agenda. If necessary, the Commission will go into closed session, as permitted by law, regarding any item on this agenda. CALL TO ORDER 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approve the minutes from the Municipal Civil Service Commission regular meeting on July 13, 2020. 2. HEARING a. Conduct a hearing on the appeal filed by Alexander Luna regarding their Discharge from the Public Works Department. b. Deliberate in open session or closed session, pursuant to 551.074 …
MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES Monday, July 13, 2020 REGULAR MEETING Monday, July 13, 2020 MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION MINUTES The Municipal Civil Service Commission convened in a regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, July 13, 2020 via videoconferencing. Chair Lancaster called the Commission meeting to order at 9:54 a.m. Commissioners in Attendance: Pamela Lancaster, Chair Melissa Rogers, Vice-Chair Rebecca Eisenbrey Erika Kane Teresa Perez-Wiseley Staff in Attendance: April Shaw, Municipal Civil Service Coordinator Lisa Rodriguez, Municipal Civil Service Coordinator Matthew Chustz, Municipal Civil Service Administrator 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. Approve the minutes from the Municipal Civil Service Commission regular meeting on The minutes from the February 24, 2020 regular meeting were approved on Commissioner Eisenbrey’s motion, Chair Lancaster’s second, on a 5–0 vote. February 24, 2020. 2. HEARING a. Conduct a hearing on the appeal filed by Alan Limuel regarding their Disciplinary Probation from the Austin Resource Recovery Department. A hearing was conducted on the appeal filed by Alan Limuel regarding their Disciplinary Probation from the Austin Resource Recovery Department. b. Deliberate in open session or closed session, pursuant to 551.074 of the Texas Government Code (personnel exception), on the appeal filed by Alan Limuel regarding their Disciplinary Probation from the Austin Resource Recovery Department. 1 MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES Monday, July 13, 2020 Chair Lancaster recessed the Municipal Civil Service Commission meeting to go into closed session at 6:33 p.m. The Commission deliberated in closed session on the appeal filed by Alan Limuel regarding their Disciplinary Probation from the Austin Resource Recovery Department. Closed session ended and Chair Lancaster called the Municipal Civil Service Commission meeting back to order at 7:32 p.m. c. Possible action and decision on the appeal filed by Alan Limuel regarding their Disciplinary Probation from the Austin Resource Recovery Department. The motion to deny Alan Limuel’s appeal and uphold the decision made by the City of Austin in the Disciplinary Probation of Alan Limuel was approved on Chair Lancaster’s motion, Commissioner Roger’s second, on a vote of 5-0. 3. NEW BUSINESS a. Discussion and possible action regarding approval of the 2019 Commission Annual Review. The motion to approve the 2019 Commission Annual Review was approved on Commissioner Perez-Wiseley’s motion, Commissioner Eisenbrey’s second, on a vote of 5-0. a. Discussion and possible action on future meeting dates, times, and locations. Discussion was held regarding future meeting dates, times, and locations. 4. OLD …
MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION 20191108-4B Date: November 8, 2019 Subject: Review and report of Municipal Civil Service Commission denial of promotion and discharge appeals. Motioned By: Pamela Lancaster, Chair Seconded By: Rebecca Eisenbrey, Commissioner Recommendation The Municipal Civil Service Commission recommends Council direct the appropriate City official to review granted denial of promotion and discharge appeals, gather data, and report the findings of the review back to the Commission. Description of Recommendation to Council The Commission requests that the City Council direct the appropriate City official to: 1) Identify each appeal that the Commission granted from an employee who sought to overturn a discharge or denial of promotion; 2) For each such granted appeal, identify the effect of the appeal, including but not limited to the employee's position, rate of pay and any other relevant information regarding the employee before and after the appeal was granted; 3) For each such employee who had an appeal granted, identify whether the employee is still employed with the City and if so, the employee's position; 4) For each such employee who had an appeal granted, identify whether the employee has applied for any promotions or transfers and, if so, the result of such application; 5) For each such employee who had an appeal granted, identify whether the employee has been disciplined or placed on a performance improvement plan, and, if so, the nature and outcome of such disciplinary action or performance improvement plan; and 6) Report the finding of such review back to the Commission Rationale: The MCS Commission is a five-member commission established by the City Charter that, among other things, hears appeals and makes final, binding decisions in the case of any municipal civil service employee who is discharged, suspended, demoted, denied a promotion, or put on disciplinary probation. The first appeal hearing heard by this Commission was in September 2014 and it has been approximately five years since that date. 1of2 The Commission has received information that some employees who have had appeals granted may have suffered negative consequences. The Commission believes that a review of its rulings is appropriate. Pamela Lancaster, Chair; Melissa Rogers, Vice-Chair; Commissioner Rebecca Eisenbrey; Commissioner Teresa Perez-Wiseley Absent: Commissioner Lottie Dailey Vote For: Against: Abstain: Attest: 2 of2 MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION November 8, 2019 Letter Regarding MCS Review Dear Mayor and Council: As you know, the Municipal Civil Service Commission is a five-member …
2020 Municipal Civil Service Commission Regular Meeting Schedule Monday, January 13, 2020 Monday, July 13, 2020 Monday, January 27, 2020 Monday, July 27, 2020 Monday, February 10, 2020 Monday, August 10, 2020 Monday, February 24, 2020 Monday, August 24, 2020 Monday, March 9, 2020 Monday, September 14, 2020 Monday, March 23, 2020 Monday, September 28, 2020 Monday, April 13, 2020 Monday, October 12, 2020 Monday, April 27, 2020 Monday, October 26, 2020 Monday, May 11, 2020 Monday, November 9, 2020 Monday, June 8, 2020 Monday, December 14, 2020 Monday, June 22, 2020 Schedule approved at June 10, 2019 MCS Commission Meeting,
Historic Landmark Commission July 27, 2020 The Historic Landmark Commission meeting will be held July 27, 2020 with social distancing modifications. Public comment will be allowed via telephone; no in-person input will be allowed. All speakers (applicants and others) must register in advance (no later than Sunday, July 26, 2020 by noon). All public comment will occur at the beginning of the meeting. To speak remotely at the July 27, 2020 Historic Landmark Commission meeting, residents must: • Call or email the board liaison at preservation@austintexas.gov or (512) 974-1264 no later than noon on Sunday, July 26. The information required is the speaker name, item number(s) they wish to speak on, whether they are for/against/neutral, and a telephone number or email address. • Once a request to speak has been called in or emailed to the board liaison, residents will receive either an email or phone call providing the telephone number to call on the day of the scheduled meeting. • Speakers must call in at least 15 minutes prior to the meeting start in order to speak (not later than 5:45 p.m.). Late callers will not be accepted and will not be able to speak. • Speakers will be placed in a queue until their time to speak. • Handouts or other information may be emailed to preservation@austintexas.gov no later than noon on Sunday, July 26, 2020. This information will be provided to commissioners in advance of the meeting. • Residents may watch the meeting here: http://www.austintexas.gov/page/watch- atxn-live HISTORIC LANDMARK COMMISSION Monday, July 27, 2020 - 6:00 p.m. Regular Meeting NOTE: This meeting will be conducted remotely via teleconference. Please see the attached notes for how to participate. COMMISSION MEMBERS: _____ Emily Reed, Chair ______ Beth Valenzuela, Vice Chair ______ Witt Featherston ______ Ben Heimsath ______ Mathew Jacob ______ Kevin Koch ______ Kelly Little ______ Trey McWhorter ______ Terri Myers ______ Alex Papavasiliou ______ Blake Tollett AGENDA CALL TO ORDER 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. June 22, 2020 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS 2. PRESENTATIONS, DISCUSSION, AND POSSIBLE ACTION A. Presentation by AISD regarding Yellow Jacket Stadium A. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION ON APPLICATIONS FOR HISTORIC ZONING, DISCUSSION AND ACTION ON APPLICATIONS FOR HISTORIC DISTRICT ZONING, AND REQUESTS TO CONSIDER THE INITIATION OF A HISTORIC ZONING CASE 1. C14H-2020-0069 – Rogers Washington Holy Cross Historic District – Discussion Roughly bounded by: E. 21st Street on the north, Cedar Avenue on the …
HISTORIC LANDMARK COMMISSION Monday, June 22, 2020 - 6:00 p.m. Regular Meeting NOTE: This meeting was conducted remotely via teleconference. COMMISSION MEMBERS: ___X__ Emily Reed, Chair ___X___ Beth Valenzuela, Vice Chair ___X___ Witt Featherston ___X___ Ben Heimsath ______ Mathew Jacob ___X___ Kevin Koch ___X___ Kelly Little ___X___ Trey McWhorter ______ Terri Myers ___X___ Alex Papavasiliou ___X___ Blake Tollett CALL TO ORDER 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. May 18, 2020 AGENDA MOTION: Pass item 1.A on the consent agenda by Reed, Valenzuela seconds. Vote: 8-0. 2. PRESENTATIONS, DISCUSSION, AND POSSIBLE ACTION A. Oakwood Cemetery Archaeology Excavation Report By: Kim McKnight, Austin Parks and Recreation Department staff B. Preliminary design concepts for an addition to the Bartholomew Building, 1415 Lavaca Street By: William Franks Speakers in favor: Bill Franks Keith Carlson Ali Momin Boyd Harris Nazar Momin No speakers opposed C. Presentation by AISD regarding Yellow Jacket Stadium NOTE: AISD is submitting an e-mail that addresses immediate concerns regarding the preservation of Yellow Jacket Stadium and will provide a full briefing at the July 27, 2020 meeting. 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION ON APPLICATIONS FOR HISTORIC ZONING, DISCUSSION AND ACTION ON APPLICATIONS FOR HISTORIC DISTRICT ZONING, AND REQUESTS TO CONSIDER THE INITIATION OF A HISTORIC ZONING CASE No cases. B. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ON APPLICATIONS FOR CERTIFICATES OF APPROPRIATENESS 1. C14H-1997-0008 – Northcliffe - Norwood Estate – Offered for consent approval 1018 Edgecliff Terrace Council District 9 Proposal: Restore historic home, add a rear trellis, reconstruct historic teahouse gazebo, add new storage building, and landscaping. Applicant: Susan Benz City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 974-2727 Committee Recommendation: Not reviewed. Staff Recommendation: Approve as proposed with the recommendation that on- site interpretive materials are included in the project’s scope of work. MOTION: Pass item B.1 on the consent agenda by Reed, Valenzuela seconds. Vote: 7-0-1, Heimsath abstaining. 2. C14H-2013-0003 – Offered for consent approval Seaholm Intake Building, 801 W. Cesar Chavez Council District 9 Proposal: Construct new front entrance, two rooftop units, and restore windows and other maintenance and repairs. Applicant: Kevin Johnson, City of Austin Parks and Recreation Department City Staff: Cara Bertron, Historic Preservation Office, 974-1446 Committee Recommendation: Not reviewed. Staff Recommendation: Approve the plans. MOTION: Pass item B.2 on the consent agenda by Reed, Valenzuela seconds. Vote: 8-0. 3. C14H-2006-LHD-2020-0018 – Offered for consent approval 3803 Avenue H Council District 3 Proposal: Reconstruct original dormer with …
A.1 - 1 ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET HLC DATE: PC DATE: July 27, 2020 CASE NUMBER: C14H-2020-0069 APPLICANTS: Rogers-Washington-Holy Cross Historic District Application HISTORIC NAME: Rogers Washington Holy Cross Historic District WATERSHED: Boggy Creek ADDRESS OF PROPOSED ZONING CHANGE: Roughly bounded by E. 21st Street on the north, Cedar Avenue on the east, E. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard on the south, and Chestnut Avenue (to 20th Street) on the west. See map for additional details. ZONING: All base zoning within the proposed historic district will have the HD (Historic Area Combining District) overlay added. No changes to base zoning are proposed by this application. SUMMARY STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the proposed zoning change to create the Rogers Washington Holy Cross Historic District. QUALIFICATIONS FOR HISTORIC DISTRICT DESIGNATION: The application for the Rogers Washington Holy Cross Historic District meets all Code requirements for the formation of a historic district. HISTORIC LANDMARK COMMISSION ACTION: PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: The proposed Rogers Washington Holy Cross Historic District is a largely intact postwar neighborhood that demonstrates the determination and success of the African American community in Austin. The neighborhood was developed by Black professionals for Black professionals. This was a major milestone at a time when many white Austinites with similar socioeconomic and community standing were buying suburban homes and moving out of the city. Racially restrictive covenants, redlining, prejudiced lenders, and other social and governmental barriers prevented African Americans from making the same move. Rogers Washington Holy Cross was a powerful symbolic response, and established a tight-knit neighborhood of movers and shakers in the Black community, Austin, and beyond. Early residents included Huston-Tillotson Chancellor John Q. Taylor King; Carnegie H. Mims, Jr., the first Ombudsman at the University of Texas; T. C. Calhoun, longtime principal of Kealing Junior High School; and numerous other educational leaders, including Willie Mae Kirk, Carnegie Harvard Mims, Sr., and Ira Poole The Kirk family lived on Maple Avenue; Ms. Kirk’s husband Lee Sr. was the first African American postal worker and certified pilot in Austin, and her son Ron served as Dallas’s first African American Mayor and an Obama cabinet member. Jimmy Snell was a City Council member who served as the first Black Mayor Pro Tem. Norman Scales was a member of the famed Tuskegee Airmen. Prominent business owners, some of the earliest graduates from UT following desegregation, and even more leaders also called the …
Dear Members of the Historic Landmark Commission I thank you for your service and making time to listen to public input regarding the application for the Historic District Application for the Rogers Washington Holy Cross neighborhood. My wife and I own and lease a contributing property associated with the application. We collectively spent 15 years in Austin. We moved away from Austin to support extended family in 2014. However, we loved living in Austin and kept our home so that we can retire there. We look forward to spending more time with our Austin friends and the broader community. We treat our lessees like we would want to be treated and invest in the home as if we lived there. In the last decade, we have invested in over $30,000 in maintenance and improvements, including approximately $6,000 in above-code energy efficiency improvements. I cannot think of a time when we denied a tenant a request, from paying for smart thermostats to indoor air quality tests. As recently as July of this year, we upgraded the HVAC equipment at our property in Rogers Washington to meet current Energy Star standards. In March of this year, we offered rent forgiveness to our tenants - no strings attached - to alleviate the stress of COVID19. I’d be happy to share with you other anecdotes that demonstrate how we care for our tenants and property. We know it is stressful to live in an ever changing and growing Austin. While we support the Rogers Washington community in their stated objectives, we ultimately voted against the design standards because: (1) the processes used to develop the design standards excluded us; (2) some original features are required to be preserved where replacements may perform better; (3) there appear to be conflicts within the standards, particularly when combined with existing and future development requirements; and (4) we see no institutional mechanisms in place at the City to deal with these conflicts and democratize voices when preservation requires trade-offs. We found the processes used to develop the standards to be exclusive and opaque. We asked to join the design committee and neighborhood association and/or connect with the design committee by phone. We paid for a Basecamp account to share information online, as there is no online presence for the neighborhood association, the design committee, or draft documents submitted to the City. None of these efforts were successful. Twice …
ROGERS WASHINGTON HOLY CROSS HISTORIC DISTRICT DESIGN STANDARDS 1 CONTEXT Historic Rogers Washington Holy Cross was one of the first neighborhoods developed by black professionals for black professionals, and therefore the development pattern of the neighborhood is strongly tied to the cultural significance of the neighborhood as a professional, middle-class, suburban neighborhood. Historic Rogers Washington Holy Cross is an auto-oriented development. Therefore, the patterns of development are based on a street pattern favoring the auto, not the pedestrian. Much of the neighborhood is characterized by curvilinear streets without sidewalks. Construction in the neighborhood began around 1950. The oldest structure documented in the neighborhood is from 1947, but the era of significance of the District is between 1950 and 1965, when the majority of the houses were built. The District features classic mid-century American architecture, which falls into three primary styles: Minimal Traditional, Ranch and Contemporary. 2 INTRODUCTION The primary goal of this historic district is to preserve the overall character, identity, and presence of the Rogers Washington Holy Cross neighborhood. Buildings, sites, and landscapes help create the identity and character of the neighborhood. Design standards serve to preserve and protect areas of historical and architectural importance, as well as the overall visual characteristics of the district. The design standards recognize that change is inevitable. They are written to enable and empower property owners to acknowledge and maintain the integrity of historic buildings and comply with the Secretary of Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation. Consequently, the Rogers Washington Holy Cross Design Standards provide guidance and support for the repair, rehabilitation, preservation and restoration of historic buildings within the historic district, and to ensure that additions and new construction are compatible with the architectural character of the district. Historic district designation does not require property owners to make changes to their properties, such as returning buildings to their historic appearance. Additionally, the historic review process that results from district designation is limited to projects that affect the exterior of the building and its site. Interior remodeling projects do not require Historic Preservation Office or Historic Landmark Commission review and approval. This document is a tool for property owners, tenants, contractors, design professionals, realtors, and anyone else planning a change to the exterior or site of a building or new construction within the district; as well as the Historic Landmark Commission in its evaluation of whether to grant a Certificate of Appropriateness for any …
Rogers Washington Holy Cross Historic District Preservation Plan & Narrative History 1 Rogers Washington Holy Cross Preservation Plan Overview About the historic district The Rogers Washington Holy Cross Historic District is one of the most intact concentrations of post-World War II housing for African Americans in Austin. As an early neighborhood developed by black professionals for black professionals, its development pattern is strongly tied to its cultural significance as a professional, middle-class, suburban neighborhood. Neighborhood residents positively impacted science, architecture, local and national government, education, the U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force, and more. Architecturally, the houses represent post- war stylistic trends, including ranch, minimal traditional, contemporary and split-level styles. John Chase, the first African American to graduate from the University of Texas School of Architecture, designed houses in the district. Nash Phillips, a well-known builder, is also associated with the district. Historic district (HD) designation is intended to protect and enhance existing historic resources. By establishing Rogers Washington Holy Cross Historic District zoning, the City of Austin provides a mechanism to ensure that architectural changes within the district are compatible with its historic character. Some of the homes within the district may not have sufficient historical or architectural significance to be designated as individual historic landmarks, but they have significance as part of the neighborhood fabric and context. Rogers Washington Holy Cross has retained its original appearance and landscape patterns and conveys a distinct and accurate sense of its own history. As noted in the East Austin Historic Resource Survey, the district is significant for its relevance to important historic development and architectural trends in Austin, including post- World War II development patterns and its associations with Nash Phillips and John Chase, both known for their impact on Austin’s growth and development. In sum, Rogers Washington Holy Cross meets several of the criteria for local designation, including architecture, historical associations, and community value. The neighborhood is overwhelmingly comprised of historic-age resources that retain architectural integrity (47 of 57 resources), and it has an exceptional ratio of contributing to noncontributing properties with 82% contributing and 18% non-contributing. The Rogers Washington Holy Cross Historic District represents the history and significance of an underrepresented population and under-told story of the history of Austin. Purpose of the preservation plan The City of Austin benefits from having neighborhoods and buildings that represent its diverse history and with unique architectural styles. The Rogers Washington Holy …
Rogers Washington Holy Cross HD Case Number: PETITION Total Square Footage of Buffer: Percentage of Square Footage Owned by Petitioners Within Buffer: Date: 3/11/2020 551692.1328 53.04% Calculation: The total square footage is calculated by taking the sum of the area of all TCAD Parcels with valid signatures including one‐half of the adjacent right‐of‐way that fall within 200 feet of the subject tract. Parcels that do not fall within the 200 foot buffer are not used for calculation. When a parcel intersects the edge of the buffer, only the portion of the parcel that falls within the buffer is used. The area of the buffer does not include the subject tract. TCAD ID Address Owner Petition Petition Area Percent 0212101306 0212101505 0212101314 0212101313 0212101414 0212101416 0212101409 0212101523 0212101522 0212101230 0212101226 0212101310 0212101417 0212101231 0212101407 0212101406 0212101524 0212101404 0212101303 0212101405 0212101525 0212101504 0212101514 0212101232 0212101518 0212101228 0212101304 0212101408 0212101410 0212101225 0212101316 0212101515 0212101402 0212101503 0212101229 0212101308 0212101233 0212101519 0212101312 0212101506 0212101507 0212101302 0212101415 0212101227 0212101521 0212101305 0212101307 0212101309 0212101311 0212101301 0212101516 0212101517 0212101401 0212101317 0212102001 0212101801 0212102101 Total 2006 CEDAR AVE 2004 MAPLE AVE 78722 2005 MAPLE AVE 78722 2003 MAPLE AVE AUSTIN 78722 2406 E M L KING JR BLVD 78702 1903 MAPLE AVE 78722 2504 E M L KING JR BLVD 78702 1907 CHESTNUT AVE 78702 1905 CHESTNUT AVE 78702 2500 WEBER AVE 78722 2508 WEBER AVE 78722 2504 GIVENS AVE 78722 2401 GIVENS AVE 78722 2011 MAPLE AVE 78722 1906 CEDAR AVE 78722 2511 GIVENS AVE 78722 1909 CHESTNUT AVE 78722 2507 GIVENS AVE 78722 2505 WEBER AVE 78722 2509 GIVENS AVE 78722 1911 CHESTNUT AVE 78722 2006 MAPLE AVE 78722 1910 MAPLE AVE 78722 2009 MAPLE AVE 78722 1902 MAPLE AVE 78722 2504 WEBER AVE 78722 2507 WEBER AVE 78722 1900 CEDAR AVE 78722 2502 E M L KING JR BLVD 78702 2100 CEDAR AVE AUSTIN 78722 2400 GIVENS AVE 78722 1908 MAPLE AVE 78722 2503 GIVENS AVE 78722 2305 E 21 ST 78722 2502 WEBER AVE 78722 2508 GIVENS AVE 78722 2007 MAPLE AVE 78722 2310 E M L KING JR BLVD 78702 2001 MAPLE AVE 78722 2002 MAPLE AVE 78722 2000 MAPLE AVE 78722 2503 WEBER AVE 78722 2400 E M L KING JR BLVD 78702 2506 WEBER AVE 78722 1903 CHESTNUT AVE 78722 2509 WEBER AVE 78722 2000 CEDAR AVE 78722 2506 GIVENS AVE 78722 2502 GIVENS AVE 78722 2501 WEBER AVE 78722 1906 MAPLE …
HHM ID 61642 2305 E 21 ST March 2019 Fri, 18 Mar 2016 IDENTIFICATION Street number 2305 Street direction E Street name 21 Street type ST Zip Code 78722 Addition / subdivision SUNRISE ADDN Neighborhood UPPER BOGGY CREEK GENERAL EXTERIOR Type Building - Residential - Single- Family House Stylistic influences Ranch Exterior wall Horizontal wood board, hardiplank, cut stone Roof shape Hipped Roof materials Asphalt shingles Door types Door features Number of chimneys ROOF DOORS AND WINDOWS PORCH LANDSCAPE Landscape features No. of garages Porch type Porch roof type Legal description LOT 4-5 BLK 1 OLT 47 DIV B SUNRISE ADDN Zoning code SF-3-NP Owner name LEVINE PHILIPPA JUDITH Owner city AUSTIN Owner state TX Owner zip code 78722 Parcel ID 204113 Zoning ID 134769 Structural materials Bays Stories 1 Foundation type Description notes Chimney locations Chimney materials Chimney feature Window types Awning, fixed Window materials Vinyl Window features Porch support type Other porch features No. of sheds Other outbuildings Other associated places HHM ID 61642 2305 E 21 ST Current name Current use Residential Year built 1956 Source for year built TCAD HISTORY INTEGRITY Historic name Source for historic name Occupant history Source of occupant history Additions None visible Historic use Source for historic use Architect Source for architect Builder Source for builder History notes NRHP criteria NRHP areas of significance NRHP level of significance Alterations Windows replaced, Doors replaced Integrity notes Alterations compatible Prior local designations Prior NRHP designations PRIOR DESIGNATIONS PREVIOUS AND RECOMMENDED DESIGNATIONS Prior NRHP determinations Other designations Designation notes Previous and recommended local designations No previous local designations; Recommended contributing to a local historic district Previous and recommended NRHP designations Recommended contributing to a local historic district Justification for NRHP designations Recommended NRHP designations Recommended contributing No previous NRHP designations; Recommended contributing to a NRHP district to a NRHP district Recommended local designations Justification for local recommendation Local criteria Local areas of significance HHM ID 61271 1900 CEDAR AVE October 2019 October 2019 Street number 1900 Street direction Street name CEDAR Street type AVE Zip Code 78722 IDENTIFICATION GENERAL EXTERIOR Addition / subdivision HOLY CROSS HEIGHTS Neighborhood UPPER BOGGY CREEK ROOF Type Building - Residential - Single- Family House Stylistic influences Ranch Exterior wall Horizontal wood board, Permastone Roof shape Side Gable Roof materials Asbestos shingle, stone, horizontal wood board Number of chimneys Door types Door features DOORS AND WINDOWS PORCH LANDSCAPE Landscape features No. …
July 17, 2020 Emily Reed, Chair City of Austin Historic Landmark Commission Re: Rogers Washington Holy Cross District LHD Application Dear Ms. Reed, Preservation Austin is so pleased to offer this letter of support for the Rogers Washington Holy Cross Historic District application. Our organization has been Austin’s leading nonprofit voice for historic preservation since 1953, with a mission to promote our city’s diverse cultural heritage through the preservation of historic places. We strongly support the establishment of a local historic district in Rogers Washington Holy Cross (RWHC). The Rogers Washington Holy Cross Historic District is one of the most intact concentrations of post- World War II housing for African Americans in Austin. As an early neighborhood developed by Black professionals for Black professionals, Rogers Washington Holy Cross represents the strength and tenacity of many African American families who dedicated their lives to the education and uplifting of their children and their community. The RWHC neighborhood is small in size but large in significance, including several architecturally distinct buildings designed by African American architect John Chase, FAIA, and many residences of individuals and families who made meaningful contributions to the city of Austin and beyond. Historic district status would help preserve this unique cultural and built legacy. The RWHC neighborhood organization has been committed to investing in the needs and improvements of the neighborhood for decades, despite the pressures of systemic racism and economic inequities. The neighborhood association has worked collaboratively and creatively with homeowners, renters, and businesses over the last three years to develop design standards that incorporate the spirit of preservation and the dynamic realities of this central East Austin neighborhood. Our nonprofit has supported this community-based, volunteer-driven effort for the past two years, including through two matching grants to help cover application fees. We’ve been honored to work with these advocates, and urge the Historic Landmark Commission to support making this district a reality. Sincerely, Lori Martin, President Dear Commissioners, Re: Rogers-Washington-Holy Cross District Preservation Application On behalf of the City of Austin's Equity Office, please accept this letter of support for the Rogers- Washington-Holy Cross Neighborhood Association [RWHC] Historic District Preservation Application. The City of Austin’s Strategic Direction 2023 calls for the focus on culture and lifelong learning being enriched by Austin’s unique civic, cultural, ethnic, and learning opportunities. Unfortunately, one of the major challenges we face is the loss of that culture and history of …