BOARD/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Urban Transportation Commission Recommendation Number 20200805-02B: Safe Mobility Bond WHEREAS, The City of Austin has committed to a 50/50 mode share split by 2039, as per the Austin Strategic Mobility Plan, WHEREAS, the City’s sidewalk plan identifies over 2,500 miles of absent sidewalks across the city, and estimates that the 580 miles of missing sidewalk considered high or very high priority will cost $308 million to construct, WHEREAS, the City’s 2014 Bicycle Master Plan calls for full implementation by 2025, and estimates that the remaining unbuilt portions of the planned network will cost $170 million for both on-street bike lanes and Tier 1 urban trails identified in the Urban Trails Master Plan, WHEREAS, The City’s Vision Zero Plan and Safe Route to School Program will require additional funding to continue implementation after funding from the 2016 Mobility Bond is depleted, WHEREAS, the 2016 Mobility Bond funds could be completely depleted by 2022, potentially ending the momentum and capacity built up while that funding has been deployed to construct sidewalks, bicycle infrastructure and general road safety infrastructure, WHEREAS, funding from the Project Connect Transit Bond will be essential to meeting the city of Austin’s transportation, equity and climate goals, but the funding may be limited transit construction and nearby streetscape improvements, WHEREAS, a safe and convenient active transportation network is essential to the success of Project Connect by enabling users to access transit without a vehicle, and would multiply the effectiveness of the Project Connect Bond, WHEREAS, Austin has a strong history of approving multiple bond packages, including the approval of 7 separate bonds in the 2018 election, and there is no evidence that adding the Safety Mobility Bond will negatively affect the approval of the Project Connect Bond, WHEREAS, the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a significant increase in people walking, biking and other active modes for both transportation and recreation, overflowing the capacity of much of the active transportation network and creating unsafe conditions in some areas, WHEREAS, the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in the need for the “Healthy Streets” program to promote social distancing, which has achieved improvements in crucial areas that could be made permanent with the Safe Mobility Bond funding, WHEREAS, ongoing protests against police brutality and economic inequality have shined a spotlight on the systemic injustice of our transportation system and infrastructure, which has been used to subjugate minority populations through inequitable enforcement …
BOARD/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Urban Transportation Commission Recommendation Number 20200805-02A: Project Connect funding and governance WHEREAS, the City of Austin’s rapid population growth has strained our transportation system; and WHEREAS, the City has allocated relatively few dedicated pathways for transit that allow citizens to choose a congestion-free transportation option; and WHEREAS, our current climate crisis calls for us to make changes to the way we live and plan our cities, and our pattern of continued sprawl and road construction is neither safe nor sustainable; and WHEREAS, prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, Capital Metro Transit Authority was experiencing sustained increases in ridership at a time when most transit systems in the country were losing ridership; and WHEREAS; the COVID-19 pandemic makes it even more crucial that we fund and build resilient infrastructure throughout our city, which is accessible and equitable for all; and WHEREAS, Capital Metro has been engaged in the current Project Connect long range transit system plan, gathering extensive public input, since October 2016; and WHEREAS, on April 11, 2019, Austin City Council unanimously adopted the Austin Strategic Mobility Plan (ASMP), which calls for Austin to make a watershed change in mode share, that is, to reach a goal of 50% of Austinites commuting by walking, biking, transit, or any other non-drive-alone mode by 2039, from today’s current 24% of Austinites using non-drive-alone modes; and WHEREAS, WHEREAS, the ASMP also established that the policy of the City is to proactively assess displacement impacts of transportation project; and WHEREAS, the Capital Metro Board of Directors unanimously adopted the Project Connect System Plan that includes the Locally Preferred Alternatives for the Orange, Blue, Gold, Green, and MetroRapid Lines on June 10, 2020; and WHEREAS, it is proposed that the Locally Preferred Alternatives will be funded by a tax rollback election (TRE), to be held in November 2020, which will provided sustained funding for the Project Connect System Plan over many years; and WHEREAS; a proposed interlocal agreement (ILA) between the City of Austin and Capital Metro Transit Authority will create the Austin Transit Partnership, a board of governors to oversee the TRE spending, and an additional Community Advisory Committee to engage the community and advise on all aspects of Project Connect, and WHEREAS, throughout the Project Connect planning process the Orange Line corridor has been consistently described by Capital Metro as the necessary spine of our transit system, and currently is the location …
BOARD/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Urban Transportation Commission Recommendation Number 20200805-02B: Safe Mobility Bond WHEREAS, The City of Austin has committed to a 50/50 mode share split by 2039, as per the Austin Strategic Mobility Plan, WHEREAS, the City’s sidewalk plan identifies over 2,500 miles of absent sidewalks across the city, and estimates that the 580 miles of missing sidewalk considered high or very high priority will cost $308 million to construct, WHEREAS, the City’s 2014 Bicycle Master Plan calls for full implementation by 2025, and estimates that the remaining unbuilt portions of the planned network will cost $170 million for both on-street bike lanes and Tier 1 urban trails identified in the Urban Trails Master Plan, WHEREAS, The City’s Vision Zero Plan and Safe Route to School Program will require additional funding to continue implementation after funding from the 2016 Mobility Bond is depleted, WHEREAS, the 2016 Mobility Bond funds could be completely depleted by 2022, potentially ending the momentum and capacity built up since that funding has been deployed to construct sidewalks, bicycle infrastructure and general road safety infrastructure, WHEREAS, funding from the Project Connect Transit Bond will be essential to meeting the city of Austin’s transportation, equity and climate goals, but the funding may be limited transit construction and nearby streetscape improvements, WHEREAS, a safe and convenient active transportation network is essential to the success of Project Connect by enabling users to access transit without a vehicle, and would multiply the effectiveness of the Project Connect Bond, WHEREAS, Austin has a strong history of approving multiple bond packages, including the approval of 7 separate bonds in the 2018 election, and there is no evidence that adding the Safety Mobility Bond will negatively affect the approval of the Project Connect Bond, WHEREAS, the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a significant increase in people walking, biking and other active modes for both transportation and recreation, overflowing the capacity of much of the active transportation network and creating unsafe conditions in some areas, WHEREAS, the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in the need for the “Healthy Streets” program to promote social distancing, which has achieved improvements in crucial areas that could be made permanent with the Safe Mobility Bond funding, WHEREAS, ongoing protests against police brutality and economic inequality have shined a spotlight on the systemic injustice of our transportation system and infrastructure, which has been used to subjugate minority populations through inequitable enforcement …
ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MOTION 202000805-003b Date: August 5, 2020 Subject: Recommendation to Name Tributary in Battle Bend Park Motion by: Kevin Ramberg Seconded by: Wendy Gordon RATIONALE: WHEREAS, Nicholas “Nick” Down was born on June 5, 1992 in Houston, Texas; and WHEREAS, while earning his bachelor’s degree at Texas State University, Nick served on the Bobcat Build Student Planning Committee, enthusiastically and effectively helping organize one of the largest, one-day community service projects in the State of Texas; and WHEREAS upon graduation, Nick joined the City of Austin’s Watershed Protection Department in May 2014, drawn by his great love of our natural environment and passion for public service; and WHEREAS Nick has put his irrepressible energy and talent into his work by creating maps and analyses used to understand and protect Austin's environmental and water resources, including our streams, trees, and open spaces; and WHEREAS one of Nick’s most memorable contributions was to the beautiful City of Creeks poster beloved by Watershed staff and shared widely with the public; and WHEREAS Nick and his wife Stephanie lived near Battle Bend Park and visited the park with their dog Otis, being attracted by their love of the outdoors; and WHEREAS the Watershed Protection Department completed a project in 2020 to daylight and restore a small, unnamed tributary in Battle Bend Park, which helped restore natural health and beauty to this community gem; Therefore, the Environmental Commission recommends the newly-daylighted and previously unnamed tributary of Williamson Creek within Battle Bend Park will be known as “Down Stream” in commemoration of the lifework of Nick Down to the betterment of Austin. 1 VOTE 10-0 For: Bedford, Smith, Thompson, Nill, Neely, Coyne, Maceo, Ramberg, Guerrero, and Gordon Against: None Abstain: None Recuse: None Absent: Creel Approved By: Linda Guerrero, Environmental Commission Chair 2
ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MOTION 202000805-003c Date: August 5, 2020 Subject: Vision Plan for John Treviño Jr. Metropolitan Park at Morrison Ranch Motion by: Kevin Ramberg Seconded by: Linda Guerrero RATIONALE: WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes the need to develop and implement a vision plan for the John Treviño Metropolitan park at Morrison Ranch; and WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes the unique environmental setting of the site along the Colorado River; and WHERAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes that the Parks and Recreation Board recommended adoption of the Vision Plan; THEREFORE, the Environmental Commission recommends the adoption of the Vision Plan for the John Treviño Metropolitan Park at Morrison Ranch with the following Environmental Commission condition: As the Master Plan continues to develop, the Parks and Recreation Department will re-present the plan to the Environmental Commission and seek the Environmental Commission’s input. VOTE 11-0 For: Bedford, Creel, Smith, Thompson, Nill, Neely, Coyne, Maceo, Ramberg, Guerrero, and Gordon Against: None Abstain: None Recuse: None Absent: None Approved By: Linda Guerrero, Environmental Commission Chair 1
COMMISSION FOR WOMEN RECOMMENDATION 20200805-02Aii Date: August 5, 2020 Subject: Victim Services Motioned By: Rebecca Austen Seconded By: Neva Fernandez Recommendation to Council WHEREAS, the Commission for Women (“Commission”) of the City of Austin (“City”) serves as an advisory body to the City Council (“Council”) and City Manager concerning the needs and problems of women in the Austin area and shall recommend programs designed to alleviate any inequities that may confront women in social, economic and vocational pursuits; and WHEREAS, on June 22, 20220 the Commission passed Recommendation 20200622-03A1: Race and Gender Equity, addressing public safety reform including the funding and operating structure of Victim Services, and additional measures to support survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence and human trafficking; and WHEREAS, on July 7, 2020, the Austin/Travis County Sexual Assault Response and Resource Team (SARRT) sent a letter to the City Manager, Mayor and City Council, objecting to Victims Services being moved out of the Austin Police Department (APD) and recommending increased authority for Victim Services within APD; and WHEREAS, on July 9, 2020, The SAFE Alliance sent a Position on Police and Public Safety in the City of Austin to the City Manager and City Council, addressing the needs of victims and survivors of abuse and violence, and recommending increased authority and capacity for Victim Services; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Commission recommends the following measures regarding public safety, policing and victim services. • Victim/survivor voices must be part of the dialogue and decision process regarding public • Victim Services must report at a level of city government that provides sufficient safety, policing and Victim Services. decision-making and funding authority. • Regardless of reporting structures, Victim Services must co-locate with police officers and have continued access to APD crime data and reporting systems. 1 • Victims must have a voice in whether to have police officers present with Victim Services when they reach out to public safety; the type of crime should influence the involvement of officers (e.g., a report of rape after the fact can be supported by Victim Services without officers present, to avoid re-traumatizing the victim). • Systems and services must support victims who choose not to prosecute as much as those who pursue prosecution. • Social services, counseling and support to navigate the criminal justice system must be available to the accused as well as to victims; the accused are innocent until proven …
2. ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, August 5, 2020 The Environmental Commission convened in a public meeting on Wednesday, August 5, 2020 with Social Distancing Modifications via remote video conferencing. Commissioners in Attendance: Andrew Creel Ryan Nill Curtis Smith Pam Thompson Kevin Ramberg Linda Guerrero Wendy Gordon Perry Bedford Katie Coyne Peggy Maceo Mary Ann Neely Commissioners Absent: None Staff in Attendance: Kaela Champlin Jonathan Garner Chris Herrington Atha Phillips Radmon Rice Sherri Sirwaitis CALL TO ORDER Commissioner Guerrero called the meeting to order at 3:03 P.M. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND ACTION a. Approval of the July 15, 2020 Environmental Commission Meeting Minutes (5 minutes) The minutes of the July 15, 2020 Environmental Commission regular meeting were approved on Commissioner Ramberg’s motion, Commissioner Coyne’s second on a 11-0 vote. STAFF BRIEFINGS a. Update on Green Infrastructure web portal—Erin Wood, Planner Principal, Watershed Protection Department (5 minutes) Item conducted as posted. No action taken. 1 3. 4. ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION a. Update on the Environmental Commission Annual Internal Review—Linda Guerrero, Environmental Commission Chair (5 minutes) Item conducted as posted. No action taken. b. Discuss and consider a recommendation to name an unnamed tributary in Battle Bend Neighborhood Park in memory of Watershed Protection Department employee Nick Down—Chris Herrington, Environmental Officer, Watershed Protection Department (10 minutes) A motion to close the public hearing was approved on Commissioner Ramberg’s motion, Commissioner Neely’s second on a 10-0 vote. Commissioner Creel was off the dais. A motion to support a recommendation to name an unnamed tributary in Battle Bend Neighborhood Park in memory of Watershed Protection Department employee Nick Down as approved on Commissioner Ramberg’s motion, Commissioner Gordons’s second on a 10-0 vote. Commissioner Creel was off the dais. c. Discuss and consider a recommendation for the Vision Plan for John Treviño Jr. Metropolitan Park at Morrison Ranch—Charles Mabry, Associate Project Manager, Parks and Recreation Department and David Malda, Principal, GGN (30 minutes) A motion to close the public hearing was approved on Commissioner Coyne’s motion, Commissioner Ramberg’s second on a 11-0 vote. A motion to approve a recommendation for the adoption of the Vision Plan for the John Treviño Jr. Metropolitan Park at Morrison Ranch was approved on Commissioner Ramberg’s motion, Commissioner Guerrero’s second on a 11-0 vote. COMMITTEE REPORTS a. Urban Growth Policy and Water Quality Protection Committee – Pam Thompson, Kevin Ramberg, Mary Ann Neely, Curtis Smith, and …
Urban Transportation Commission (UTC) Meeting Minutes Special Called Meeting 5 August 2020 The Urban Transportation Commission convened in a meeting on August 5, 2020 via videoconference. Commission Members in Attendance: Daniel Alvarado Kelly Davis Samuel Franco Commission Members Absent: Mario Champion – Chair Daniel Hennessey – Vice Chair Alex Reyna Allie Runas Susan Somers Athena Leyton Cynthia Weatherby Michael Wilfley CALL TO ORDER Hennessey called the meeting to order at 1:02 p.m. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: JULY 10, 2020 REGULAR MEETING The July 10, 2020 minutes were approved on a 7-0 vote with Commissioners Champion, Weatherby and Wilfley absent and Commissioner Davis not yet present. 2. NEW BUSINESS A. Project Connect transit plan funding and governance – Discussion and Possible Action Commissioner Somers proposed draft recommendation language which, after debate and amendment, read as follows: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: The Urban Transportation Commission urges Austin City Council to: • Adopt at least a 8.75% tax rollback election for the November ballot, which will serve to fund the Project Connect Locally Preferred Alternatives and $300 million for anti-displacement efforts such as land acquisition or transit-oriented affordable housing along the transit corridors; • Adopt clear language in the Contract with the Voters requiring the Republic Square to North Lamar Transit Center segment as part of the initial rail line(s); • Exclude any funding for roadway expansion. • Ensure there is broad community input on anti-displacement funding allocation and development of strategies to mitigate any potential negative effects of this project on existing communities. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: The Urban Transportation Commission urges Austin City Council and Capital Metro Transit Authority to: • Ensure the Austin Transit Partnership board has diverse representation and deep knowledge of the Austin transit rider experience by: o Require at least five years of experience for the professional members of the board o Expand the board with two community members to be chosen by a Community Advisory Committee o Require that the two community based board members collectively have the following expertise or experience: rides transit; interacts with and understands the needs of transit dependent individuals and families (including those experiencing disabilities); displacement mitigation; experience with labor and worker rights; and experience serving on advisory groups such as the City of Austin Urban Transportation Commission, Capital Metro Customer Satisfaction Advisory Committee, or Capital Metro Access Advisory Committee o Require the board to vote on recommendations made by …
Care Strategies Committee Meeting of the HIV Planning Council Tuesday, August 4, 2020 Care Strategies Committee Meeting to be held 08/04/2020 with Social Distancing Modifications Public comment will be allowed via Microsoft Teams; no in-person input will be allowed. All speakers must register in advance (08/03/2020 by Noon). All public comment will occur at the beginning of the meeting. To speak remotely at the August 4, 2020 HIV Planning Council Meeting, residents must: •Call or email the board liaison at (512) 972-5806 and no later than noon, (the day before the meeting). The information required is the speaker name, item number(s) they wish to speak on, whether they are for/against/neutral, and a telephone number or email address. •Once a request to speak has been called in or emailed to the board liaison, residents will receive either an email or phone call providing the telephone number to call on the day of the scheduled meeting. •Speakers must call in at least 15 minutes prior to meeting start in order to speak, late callers will not be accepted and will not be able to speak. •Speakers will be placed in a queue until their time to speak. •Handouts or other information may be emailed to by Noon the day before the scheduled meeting. This information will be provided to Board and Commission members in advance of the meeting. •If this meeting is broadcast live, residents may watch the meeting here: atxn-live HIV PLANNING COUNCIL CARE STRATEGIES MEETING Tuesday, August 4, 2020, 6:00 P.M. City Hall/ Remote AGENDA CARE STRATEGIES COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Committee Chair Bart Whittington, Karson Jensen, Brian Johnson, and Michael Everett CALL TO ORDER CITIZEN COMMUNICATION Speakers who have registered one day prior to the meeting will have a three-minute allotment to address concerns regarding items on the agenda. 1. CERTIFICATION OF QUORUM 2. INTRODUCTION/ANNOUNCEMENTS 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 4. REVIEW AND DISCUSS STANDARDS OF CARE b. Discussion of Peer Navigation 5. COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING a. Introduction to the Comprehensive plan a. Review the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) Updates b. Discuss Early Identification of Individuals of HIV/AIDS population data 6. HIV PLANNING COUNCIL STAFF REPORT a. Discuss committee budget items ADJOURNMENT Indicative of action items The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with …
ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET CASE: C14-2020-0053 – Cascades – Hilltop ZONING FROM: I-SF-2; MF-2-CO ADDRESS: 11601-11811 South IH 35 Service Road Northbound SITE AREA: 11.46 acres PROPERTY OWNER: Onion Associates, LLC (Carolyn Beckett) DISTRICT: 5 TO: MF-4 AGENT: McLean & Howard, LLP (Jeffrey Howard) CASE MANAGER: Wendy Rhoades (512-974-7719, STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Staff recommendation is to grant multifamily residence – moderate-high density (MF-4) district zoning. For a summary of the basis of Staff’s recommendation, see page 2. ZONING AND PLATTING COMMISSION ACTION / RECOMMENDATION: August 4, 2020: July 7, 2020: APPROVED A POSTPONEMENT REQUEST BY ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS TO AUGUST 4, 2020 [J. DUNCAN; D. KING – 2ND] (8-2) B. EVANS; H. SMITH – NAY; 1 VACANCY ON THE COMMISSION CITY COUNCIL ACTION: August 27, 2020: ORDINANCE NUMBER: ISSUES: Please refer to attached correspondence from an adjacent property owner. In response to questions asked by an adjacent property owner, Staff looked into whether a potential east-west roadway connection between Bradshaw Road to the east (which provides access to the Bella Fortuna single family subdivision under construction) and the IH 35 frontage road has been studied. A roadway connection through the Cascades at Onion Creek West property to the north and through properties to the east was studied, but determined to be challenging in terms of floodplain and topographical constraints, as well as significant acreage outside of the City limits for planning purposes. To that end, the Travis County Transportation Blueprint, a countywide long-range transportation planning document published in July 2019, does not include a road connection between Bradshaw Road and the 1 of 15B-01 C14-2020-0053 Page 2 IH 35 frontage road, nor does the Austin Strategic Mobility Plan adopted by Council in April 2019. Travis County is also in discussions with local property owners about a possible alignment for South Pleasant Valley Road, proposed as a north-south collector road extending between the southern portion of the Onion Creek subdivision from an existing portion of Bradshaw Road) and SH 45. The South Pleasant Valley Road extension and nearly all of the adjacent properties are outside of the City limits, and the City is participating in those discussions. CASE MANAGER COMMENTS: The subject tract is undeveloped and has a flag configuration to the northbound IH-35 frontage road. The flag portion of the property is zoned multifamily residence-low density – conditional overlay (MF-2-CO) established by a 2006 rezoning case, and the Conditional …
MEMORANDUM ************************************************************************ TO: Jolene Kiolbassa, Chair Zoning & Platting Commission Members Planning and Zoning Department FROM: Mark Graham, Senior Planner DATE: RE: July 21, 2020 C814-2009-0139.03 – Bull Creek PUD Amendment #3 Request for Indefinite Postponement by Applicant ************************************************************************ The Staff requests an indefinite postponement of the above-referenced PUD amendment rezoning case in order to continue review of the Applicant’s proposed land use plan and related documents, and schedule the case for review by the Environmental Commission. 1 of 1B-02
SITE PLAN REVIEW SHEET ENVIRONMENTAL VARIANCE REQUEST ONLY ZAP COMMISSION DATE: 08/04/2020 AGENT: Dunaway Associates CASE: SP-2018-0579C.SH PROJECT NAME: Persimmons APPLICANT: Mike Mullone ADDRESS OF SITE: 7051 Meadow Lake Boulevard, Austin, TX 7844 COUNTY: WATERSHED: Onion Creek EXISTING ZONING: SF-6 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: Multi-Family Housing with associated improvements. DESCRIPTION OF VARIANCE: The applicant requests the following: JURISDICTION: Full-purpose AREA: 14.65 acres Travis 1. Request to vary from LDC 25-8-341 to allow cut of more than four feet on slopes in excess of 15 percent gradient. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the required findings of fact have been met and recommend approval of the variance request with the following conditions: 1. Revegetate the top and backside of the detention pond berm with native, deep-rooted bunch grasses, and provide additional tree protection for trees 4-8” in diameter located along the steeper slopes. ENVIRONMENTAL BOARD ACTION: 07/15/2020: The Environmental Board voted in (11) favor, (0) against, (0) absentia ZONING AND PLATTING COMMISSION ACTION: ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW STAFF: Jonathan Garner CASE MANAGER: Clarissa E. Davis PHONE: 512-974-1665 PHONE: 512-974-1423 1 of 22B-03 ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MOTION 20200715-003b Date: July 15, 2020 Subject: Persimmons, SP-2018-0579C.SH Motion by: Kevin Ramberg Seconded by: Pam Thompson RATIONALE: WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes the applicant requests a variance from LDC 25-8- 341 to allow cut of more than four feet on slopes in excess of 15 percent gradient; WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes the site is located at 7051 Meadow Lake Boulevard, Austin, TX 78744; and WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes that staff recommends, with conditions, the variance, having determined the findings of fact to have been met. THEREFORE, the Environmental Commission recommends the variance from LDC 25-8-341 to allow cut of more than four feet on slopes in excess of 15 percent gradient. Staff Conditions 1. Revegetate the top and backside of the detention pond berm with native, deep-rooted bunch grasses, and provide additional tree protection for trees 4-8” in diameter located east of the proposed pond along the steeper slopes. VOTE 11-0 For: Bedford, Creel, Smith, Thompson, Nill, Neely, Coyne, Maceo, Ramberg, Guerrero, and Gordon Against: None Abstain: None Recuse: None Absent: None Approved By: Linda Guerrero, Environmental Commission Chair 1 2 of 22B-03 Staff Findings of Fact Variance to LDC 25-8-341 3 of 22B-03 Development Services Department Staff Recommendations Concerning Required Findings Project Name: Ordinance Standard: Watershed Protection Ordinance Variance Request: Persimmons (SP-2018-0579C.SH) Request to vary from LDC 25-8-341 …
SUBDIVISION REVIEW SHEET CASE NO.: C8J-2018-0078.2A COMMISSION DATE: August 4, 2020 SUBDIVISION NAME: Preserve At Oak Hill ADDRESS: 10304 Circle Drive OWNER/APPLICANT: John C. Kuhn AGENT: Jamison Civil Engineering (Steve Jamison) EXISTING ZONING: None JURISDICTION: 2-Mile ETJ GRIDS: WZ-20 AREA: 30.81 acres COUNTY: Travis LOT(S): 19 WATERSHED: Barton Creek DISTRICT: N/A PROPOSED LAND USE: Single Family, Drainage, Green Space, Private Street SIDEWALKS: A variance to LDC 30-3-191 regarding the installation of sidewalks was approved by Travis County Commissioner’s Court on August 20, 2019 with the approved preliminary plan. DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: The request is for the approval of the Preserve At Oak Hill, a final plat out of an approved preliminary plan, comprised of 19 lots on 30.81 acres. A variance to LDC 30-2-159 regarding private streets was approved by Travis County Commissioner’s Court on August 20, 2019 with the approved preliminary plan. The plat does not comply with the criteria for approval in LDC 30-2-32(D) and staff recommends disapproval for the reasons listed in the attached comment report. An application that has been disapproved with reasons may be updated to address those reasons until the application expires. If the applicant submits an update to address the reasons for disapproval, that update will be presented to the Land Use Commission within fifteen days of submittal. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends disapproval of the plat for the reasons listed in the comment report dated July 30, 2020, attached as third attachment, Exhibit C. CASE MANAGER: Sylvia Limon E-mail: PHONE: 512-974-2767 Travis County Subdivision Reviewer: Sue Welch E-mail: PHONE: 512-864-7637 1 of 13B-04 ATTACHMENTS First Attachment: Vicinity map Second Attachment: Proposed plat (see sheet 2 of the plan set) Third Attachment: Comment report dated July 29, 2020 2 of 13B-04 3 of 13B-04 4 of 13B-04 MINIMUM FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION FOR LOT 13 = 988.0' msl 5 of 13B-04 06/16/2020SYLVIA LIMON, FOR:DENISE LUCAS, DIRECTORDEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT448,BRANDON COUCH, D.R. #OS0029465 ON-SITE WASTEWATER, TRAVIS COUNTY TNR6 of 13B-04 CITY OF AUSTIN – TRAVIS COUNTY – SINGLE SUBDIVISION OFFICE SUBDIVISION APPLICATION – MASTER COMMENT REPORT CASE NUMBER: REVISION #: CASE MANAGER: C8J-2018-0078.2A 00 Sylvia Limon UPDATE: U0 PHONE #: 512-974-2767 PROJECT NAME: LOCATION: Preserve at Oak Hill (W/R C8j-2018-0078.1A) 10304 CIRCLE DR SUBMITTAL DATE: REPORT DUE DATE: July 30, 2020 FINAL REPORT DATE: July 29, 2020 July 6, 2020 STAFF REPORT: This report includes all staff comments received to date concerning your most recent subdivision …
SUBDIVISION REVIEW SHEET CASE NO.: C8-2019-0100.0A SUBDIVISION NAME: Resubdivision of Lot 3, Block E, Westover Hills Section Four Phase Z.A.P. DATE: August 4, 2020 Two LOTS: 2 COUNTY: Travis AGENT: Avalon Engineering (Bruce S. Aupperle, P.E.) AREA: 0.4329 acres APPLICANT: Stephen and Ellyn Yacktman ADDRESS OF SUBDIVISION: 4201 Hyridge Dr. WATERSHED: Bull Creek EXISTING ZONING: SF- 3 PROPOSED LAND USE: Residential VARIANCE: none STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the subdivision, the plat meets all applicable State and City of Austin Land Development Code requirements. DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: The request is for the approval of the Resubdivision of Lot 3, Block E, Westover Hills Section Four Phase Two composed of 2 lot on 0.4329 acres. The applicant proposes to resubdivide an existing lot for residential use. The developer will be responsible for all cost associated with required improvements. CASE MANAGER: Cesar Zavala E-mail: JURISDICTION: Full Purpose PHONE: 512-974-3404 1 of 4B-05 Legend Street Labels Jurisdiction FULL PURPOSE LIMITED PURPOSE OTHER CITY LIMITS OTHER CITIES ETJ TCAD Parcels Recorded Subdivision Zoning Text EXTRATERRITORIAL JURISDICTION 2 MILE ETJ AGRICULTURAL AGREEMENT 0.2 0 0.08 0.2 Miles NAD_1983_StatePlane_Texas_Central_FIPS_4203_Feet Date Printed: This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey. This product has been produced by the City of Austin for the sole purpose of geographic reference. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or completeness. 1: 4,800 Notes 4201 Hyridge Dr. C8-2019-0100.0A 2 of 4B-05 3 of 4B-05 RCSUBJ}/WS/ON OF .lOT 3 BLOCK "g; ffESTO VCR H/llS' SCCJ7/OH FOUR PHASE rrro STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF lRAVIS: K N OW ALL PERSONS B Y THESE PRESENTS: THAT WE, STEPHEN YACKTMAN AND E LLYN YACKTMAN, OWNERS OF 0.4329 ACRES OF B EI N G LOT 3, BLOCK "E", WESTOVER H I LLS SECTION FOU R P HASE TWO, A SUBDIVI SI ON I N THE CITY OF AUSTI N , TRAVI S COUN TY, TEXAS, A CCORDI N G TO THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF RECORDED I N VOLUME 52, P AGE 87, P LAT RECORDS, TRA VI S COU N TY, TEXAS, SAID LOT 3 H A� N G BEEN CONVEYED TO U S B Y GENERAL WAR R AN TY DEED RECORDED NO. 2009024294, HAVI N G B E E N APPROVED FOR RESUBDI VI SI ON P …
4. 5. Special Meeting of the Zoning and Platting Commission August 4, 2020 Zoning and Platting Commission to be held August 4, 2020 with Social Distancing Modifications Public comment will be allowed via telephone; no in-person input will be allowed. All speakers, including applicants and representatives, must register in advance (Day before the scheduled meeting, August 3, 2020 by noon. To speak remotely at the August 4, 2020 Zoning and Platting Commission Meeting, residents must: Call or preferably email the board liaison at 512-974-6508 and (the day before the meeting). The following information is required: 1. The speaker name. 2. Item number(s) they wish to speak on. 3. Whether they are for/against/neutral. Mailing address. Telephone number. Must be the number that will be used to call-in. Failure to provide the required information by noon August 3, 2020 shall render a request null and void. A registered speaker may not sign up another speaker. Previous registration on an item does not automatically roll over. • Once a request to register to speak has been called in or emailed to the board liaison, residents will receive either an email or phone call with additional information regarding the call in • Handouts or other information must be emailed to by 1:00 PM Tuesday, August 4, 2020. This information will be provided to Commission members in advance • Residents may watch the meeting here: process. of the meeting. Time Allotment: Speakers: 3 minutes. Applicant: 6 minutes and 3 minutes rebuttal. Postponement requests must be submitted to the case manager and Andrew Rivera by 5PM Monday, August 3, 2020 Order of Meeting Determination of Quorum / Meeting Called to Order Reading of Proposed Consent Agenda *Vote and Disposal of Consent Agenda **Determination of Discussion Postponement Items Other Business Adjournment Discussion Cases (Including public comment, staff and applicant / representative presentations) * The consent agenda may be acted upon by one vote without separate discussion. Speakers are allowed to provide testimony on an item proposed for the consent agenda. At the discretion of the Commission the item may remain on the consent agenda. ** Discussion postponement consists of public comment by 2 individuals for the postponement and 2 individuals against the postponement at 2 minutes each per speaker. Testimony should not delve into the merits of the case. The granting of a postponement must be approved by affirmative vote of the Commission. ZONING …
SUBDIVISION REVIEW SHEET CASE NO.: C8-2019-0100.0A SUBDIVISION NAME: Resubdivision of Lot 3, Block E, Westover Hills Section Four Phase Z.A.P. DATE: August 4, 2020 Two LOTS: 2 COUNTY: Travis AGENT: Avalon Engineering (Bruce S. Aupperle, P.E.) AREA: 0.4329 acres APPLICANT: Stephen and Ellyn Yacktman ADDRESS OF SUBDIVISION: 4201 Hyridge Dr. WATERSHED: Bull Creek EXISTING ZONING: SF- 3 PROPOSED LAND USE: Residential VARIANCE: none STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the subdivision, the plat meets all applicable State and City of Austin Land Development Code requirements. DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: The request is for the approval of the Resubdivision of Lot 3, Block E, Westover Hills Section Four Phase Two composed of 2 lot on 0.4329 acres. The applicant proposes to resubdivide an existing lot for residential use. The developer will be responsible for all cost associated with required improvements. CASE MANAGER: Cesar Zavala E-mail: JURISDICTION: Full Purpose PHONE: 512-974-3404 1 of 4B-05 Legend Street Labels Jurisdiction FULL PURPOSE LIMITED PURPOSE OTHER CITY LIMITS OTHER CITIES ETJ TCAD Parcels Recorded Subdivision Zoning Text EXTRATERRITORIAL JURISDICTION 2 MILE ETJ AGRICULTURAL AGREEMENT 0.2 0 0.08 0.2 Miles NAD_1983_StatePlane_Texas_Central_FIPS_4203_Feet Date Printed: This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey. This product has been produced by the City of Austin for the sole purpose of geographic reference. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or completeness. 1: 4,800 Notes 4201 Hyridge Dr. C8-2019-0100.0A 2 of 4B-05 3 of 4B-05 RCSUBJ}/WS/ON OF .lOT 3 BLOCK "g; ffESTO VCR H/llS' SCCJ7/OH FOUR PHASE rrro STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF lRAVIS: K N OW ALL PERSONS B Y THESE PRESENTS: THAT WE, STEPHEN YACKTMAN AND E LLYN YACKTMAN, OWNERS OF 0.4329 ACRES OF B EI N G LOT 3, BLOCK "E", WESTOVER H I LLS SECTION FOU R P HASE TWO, A SUBDIVI SI ON I N THE CITY OF AUSTI N , TRAVI S COUN TY, TEXAS, A CCORDI N G TO THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF RECORDED I N VOLUME 52, P AGE 87, P LAT RECORDS, TRA VI S COU N TY, TEXAS, SAID LOT 3 H A� N G BEEN CONVEYED TO U S B Y GENERAL WAR R AN TY DEED RECORDED NO. 2009024294, HAVI N G B E E N APPROVED FOR RESUBDI VI SI ON P …