Staff Briefing: Art in Public Places (AIPP) projects AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMISSION FEBRUARY 8, 2022 325+ works of art now in the AIPP collection $16,000,000+ Water Tower Bike Rack Alan Knox Westenfield Pool Open Room Austin R+R Studios Sand Beach Park Tau Ceti Josef Kristofoletti Austin 2nd St Conv. Ctr. Garage Aquifer LAMA Ventures Second Street District Municipal Code TITLE 7 LIBRARIES AND CULTURAL ACTIVITIES CHAPTER 7-2 ART IN PUBLIC PLACES Except as otherwise provided in this section, the council shall appropriate an amount equal to at least two percent of the construction cost of a project to select, acquire, and display art. The appropriation shall be a separate item in the project budget. Process for Art in Public Places project delivery Commitment to Equity We are a work-in-progress Art in Public Places embraces cultural equity. It is the goal of the program to ensure as many people as possible have meaningful engagements with public art and access to viewing, experiencing, and creating artwork. Staff updates AIPP actively seeks to provide members of historically underrepresented communities, which can include identities such as Black or African-American, Arab-American, Asian-American, Hispanic or LatinX, Pacific Islander, Indigenous Nations, LGBTQIA, or a person with a disability, with equitable access to public art opportunities. In support of this commitment, the program will make every effort to expand access to the collection and programmatic decision- making. Approved by the AIPP Panel and the Arts Commission, Dec. 20 Parking Garage/Admin. Bldg AIPP Project Parking Garage/Admin. Bldg AIPP Project Phase II Terminal Expansion AIPP Project Terminal Expansion AIPP Project Phase II Terminal Expansion AIPP Project Phase II (2) Local LaunchPAD artists Location based Art Vision Plan Artist: Mark Fornes of THEVERYMANY Status: Installed Budget: $1.55 million Local LaunchPAD Artist Accelerator: Lisa Woods Parking Garage and Administration Building AIPP Project Local Artists: Clay Odom and Kory Bieg Status: Installation Spring 2022 Budget: $212,000 Local LaunchPAD Artist Accelerator: Holly Veselka Parking Garage and Administration Building Phase II AIPP Project Artist: Janet Zweig Status: Installed Budget: $1,052,000 Local LaunchPAD Artist Accelerator: Steve Parker Terminal Expansion Project – Phase I Coming Soon! Local Artists: Josef Kristofoletti w/ Matthew Mazzotta Status: Community Engagement and Preliminary Design Budgets: $260,000 Terminal Expansion Project Phase II Interior Artwork Coming Soon! 2 Local Artists: Kat Kohl and Beili Liu Status: Community Engagement and Preliminary Design Budgets: $155,000 / $155,000 Kat Kohl Beili Liu Terminal Expansion Project Phase II Interior …
Financial Services Department Capital Contracting Construction Training Program Agenda Program Overview Program Requirements Statistics Aviation Specific Projects Training Organizations 2 Program Overview Development Partnerships Reporting Way Ahead • Council Resolution • DOL Training Programs • Initial Training Plan • Outreach Initiatives • Program Intent • Pipeline Organizations • Monthly Training Reports • Recognition 3 Program Requirements Construction Budget Trainee Requirement $500K - $2.5M Over $2.5M - $5M Over $5M - $10M 2 4 6 Trainees must be a Current Enrollee, or Graduate* of a COA-Approved: • Pipeline Organization or • DOL-Registered/Approved/Certified Apprenticeship, OJT, or Bilingual Training Program • Pipeline Organization or • DOL-Registered/Approved/Certified Apprenticeship, OJT, or Bilingual Training Program • Pipeline Organization or • DOL-Registered/Approved/Certified Apprenticeship, OJT, or Bilingual Training Program Over $10M 15% of Total Workforce • DOL-Registered/Certified Apprenticeship or Bilingual Training Program for Vertical (BC) Projects • DOL-Approved/Certified OJT or Bilingual Training Program for Horizontal (HH) Projects *Requirements may also be satisfied by workers enrolled in or a graduate of a DOL-Registered/Approved/Certified Training Program Regardless of estimated construction cost, no more than 50% of trainees can be graduates of a DOL-Registered/Approved/Certified Training Program 4 Meeting the Requirements For All Projects $500K and Above • Determine if current employees are enrolled, or a graduate of the following DOL Training Programs: - DOL-Registered Apprenticeship Program (for Vertical Projects) - DOL-Approved OJT Program (for Horizontal Projects) - DOL-Certified Bilingual Training Program (for Vertical and Horizontal Projects) • Select participants currently enrolled in one of the above programs • Enroll current employees in one of the above programs (These are the only options for above $10M) For $10M and Below Contracts • Augmenting current staff with personnel from the Pipeline Organizations • Upskilling current employees with training provided by the Pipeline Organizations 5 Total Trainees (14 BC Projects / 27 HH Projects) As of February 2, 2022 Construction Ready Trainees (79 of 323) Apprenticeship Programs (185 of 323) OJT Trainees (16 of 323) Graduates (43 of 323) 13% 5% 24% 58% 6 Current Trainees on Projects Above $10M (3 HH Projects) As of February 2, 2022 Apprenticeship Programs (10 of 17) 41% OJT Programs (7 of 17) 59% 7 Current Trainees on Projects $10M & Below (10 BC Projects / 17 HH Projects) As of February 2, 2022 Construction Ready Trainees (68 of 98) Apprenticeship Programs (17 of 98) OJT Programs (9 of 98) Graduates (4 …
AUS Environmental Assessment Briefing Kane Carpenter, Environmental Manager Sam Haynes, Acting Public Information & Marketing Manager Topics • Environmental Assessment (EA) Status • Environmental Impact Study Areas • Public Outreach 1 Proposed Action 2 Environmental Assessment Impact Categories • Affected Environments • Affected Environments • Air Quality • Biological Resources • Climate • Coastal Resources • Parkland, recreational, etc. • Hazardous Materials, • Historical, archeological and cultural resources • Land Use • Natural resources & energy supply • Noise • Farmland • Socioeconomic & environmental justice • Visual effects • Water Resources (floodplain, wetlands, scenic rivers, etc.) 3 Environmental Assessment Update • Major Sections in an EA • 100% - Statement of Purpose and Need • 100% - Description of Proposed Action • 100% – Alternatives Analysis – Focused on Terminal • 95% - Affected Environments • 95% - Confirm Significant Environmental Consequences • Scheduling - Public Presentations & Feedback • On-going - FAA coordination • Not started - Finding of no significant impact (FONSI) issued by FAA 4 Final Public Outreach Events • Virtual Draft EA Public Meeting on March 23, 2022 • In-Person Open House March 26, 2022 • Draft EA available for review and comment on February 22, 2022 • EA Website is live (Spanish and English) • AUS Evaluación Ambiental (Spanish) | SpeakUp Austin! • AUS Environmental Assessment | SpeakUp Austin! 5 Public Outreach Overview • Lead Consultant Team: Adisa Communications • Outreach to airport-adjacent neighbors & General Study Area • In-person & digital outreach • Mailed invitations, outreach to HOAs, in-person tabling at community events • City-wide public notification efforts • Radio, print ads, airport owned media 6 Questions 7 Kane Carpenter Environmental Manager 8
M E M O R A N D U M To: From: ATP Board, Mayor, and Council Members David Couch, Chief Program Officer, ATP Dottie Watkins, Deputy CEO, Capital Metro Annick Beaudet, City of Austin Mobility Officer Date: February 8, 2022 Subject: Project Connect Lady Bird Lake Bridge Programmatic Requirements & Design Process The purpose of this memo is to outline general considerations and the design process for the design of the Lady Bird Lake Bridge (LBLB) as part of the Blue Line project included in the Project Connect program. During the current Project Development and Preliminary Engineering phase for the Blue Line that includes the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS), and through discussion with participating agency partners and feedback from the community and stakeholders, the Project Connect team has been asked to explore the possibility of designing the bridge to not preclude bus service in addition to light rail and facilities for pedestrians and cyclists. The Project Connect system map that was adopted by the Austin City Council and the Capital Metro Board in June 2020, includes a crossing of Lady Bird Lake from the south shore at the South-Central Waterfront to the north shore aligning with Trinity Street. This alignment was consistent with the Austin Strategic Mobility Plan (ASMP) mode-shift goals. The modes currently being considered for the DEIS are light rail transit, pedestrians, and bicycles. Facilities for pedestrian and bicycles had previously been anticipated to be included in a separate bridge as part of the City Council-approved plan for Waller Creek and Waterloo Greenway. The Alternatives Analysis (AA) phase and the approved Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA) did not specifically address bus service on the bridge. The Blue Line project is participating in the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Capital Investment Grant (CIG) program. Funding that is available under this competitive program represents a significant part of the financing and implementation of the Blue Line. Specifically, the Blue Line is in a phase known as Project Development. || 301 Congress, 10th floor | Austin, Texas 78701 || 512.389.7590 During this phase of analysis, the project sponsor performs engineering and public outreach as required by the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) environmental review process. Capital Metro as Project Sponsor has two years from the Federal Register publication of the Notice of Intent, which occurred in May 2021, to prepare an EIS and complete the NEPA documentation and secure a …
Planning Commission February 8, 2022 Question and Answer Report B-06 C814-89-0003.02 - 305 S. Congress PUD Commissioner Thompson: It states that there are an expected 3080 and that 20% of that total would be 527. %20Waterfront/2016%20Appendices%20to%20the%20SCW%20Vision%20Framework%20Repo rt.pdf But that math is wrong. 20% of 3080 is 616. Can staff explain where the 527 units of affordable housing described in the plan came from? Staff Response: The 527 units of affordable housing is about 17% of the total, which was the initial goal of the Framework Plan. At the time of the Framework Plan adoption, Council changed the goal to 20%, but the appendices reflect earlier calculations done during plan development. Is the loading, especially the dumpsters, underground in all buildings? I understand that loading gets a variance from waterfront rules, but what about standard loading rules in pedestrian zones? The Applicant’s response is that they are too early in the process to know where the loading and back-of-house services will be located. Once the Applicant moves into the site development stage they will have a better understanding of where these facilities will be located. As such, the Applicant is seeking as much flexibility as possible to integrate the facilities so that there is little to no impact on the pedestrian realm. Chair Shaw: 1. Did the Applicant meet the minimum requirements below for PUDs to be considered superior for parkland dedication? 2. If not, please explain the basis for PARD’s determination of superiority for parkland for 3. How many PUDs has PARD deemed superior for parkland without meeting these the 305 S. Congress PUD. minimum requirements? 4. Please explain the difference in dedicated parkland and a parkland easement and the process for removing parkland and vacating an easement. 5. The South Central Waterfront Vision Framework Plan calls for public and private funds for Bat Viewing Pier Amphitheater, Entry Plaza with Interpretive features, Overlook Cafe Terrace, Pontoon Bridge, Landing Pier, Natural Beach and Kayak Launch, Pavilion Deck and Beer Garden, Kayak and Bike Rentals. Applicant is only committing to Bat Viewing Area and Pier, Great Lawn, Water Steps, Boardwalk, and Play Area. How much is applicant contributing for the construction of these amenities? Questions to Working Group: WG Amendment #1 – 1) As described in the backup, The applicant proposed 1) dedicating at least 4% of the total rental units developed in the PUD to income eligible households at 80% …
February 07, 2022 Applicant: Alice Glasco From: GR-MU-CO-NP To: GR-MU-V-NP Case File: C14-2021-0166 – 6424 S. Congress Ave South Congress Neighborhood Plan Contact Team - SCCNPCT Case Manager: Wendy Rhodes DATE: TO: CC: ATTN: Council Member District-2: FROM: Re: Requesting Postponement Planning Commission for February 8, 2022 to February 22, 2022. C14-2021-0166 – 6424 S. Congress Ave. Re: Dear Planning Commission, We, the SCCNPCT are requesting postponement for C14-2021-0166 – 6424 S. Congress Ave. We request that the appointed District-2 Planning Commissioner be present and in attendance during the discussion of this case at Planning Commission. Our understanding is that Solveij Praxis will not be present at Planning Commission on February 8, 2022. Also, note C14-2021-0166 – 6424 S. Congress Ave will be the only case on the Planning Commission agenda for/within District-2. We ask for the Planning Commission to support submitted request and their colleague. Thank you, for your consideration Mario Cantu Chair SCCNPCT
From: To: Subject: Date: Attachments: Rhoades, Wendy SCCNPCT Friday, February 4, 2022 9:02:49 PM Screen Shot 2022-02-04 at 8.56.48 PM.png *** External Email - Exercise Caution *** Wendy, M. The questionnaire was altered and our question was never answered until I was able to prove that I did reach out to Alice. Could the screen shot be added to the back up. CAUTION: This email was received at the City of Austin, from an EXTERNAL source. Please use caution when clicking links or opening attachments. If you believe this to be a malicious and/or phishing email, please forward this email to
MEMORANDUM Date: February 7, 2022 To: City of Austin, Planning Commission From: Mylea Bayless, Chief of Strategic Partnerships Andrew Sansom, Vice-Chair, Board of Directors Bat Conservation International RE: Statement of Bat Conservation International on the Endeavor Project on the South-Central Waterfront. Planning Commission Agenda item B-06 C814-89-0003.02 Dear Commissioners, Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this important issue for downtown Austin. Bat Conservation International is a global organization committed to ending bat extinctions throughout the world. Our organization has appreciated the many discussions we have had with the Endeavor Group regarding the bat population which seasonally occupies the structure of the Ann W. Richards Congress Avenue Bridge. We are pleased to report that the Endeavor Group has been responsive to our concerns, and the proposed project, in the design phase, appears to have taken great care to consider its potential impact on the bats. It is clear to us that the City of Austin and Endeavor have carefully considered the bats in the process thus far and that the South-Central Waterfront Plan embraces the Congress Avenue bat colony as an asset and, in fact, a centerpiece of the development opportunity. Based on input from Bat Conservation International and other bat conservation interests, Endeavor has altered the following project components in consideration of the bats. • The setback of buildings from the river • Placing the parking garage underground to deter bat roosting in the concrete crevices • Minimal landscaping immediately under and adjacent to the bridge to reduce interactions between bats and people 1012 14th Street NW Suite 905 Washington, DC 20005 USA 500 N Capital of TX Hwy Building 1-201 Austin, TX 78746-3450 USA BATCON.ORG 512.327.9721 • No tree plantings immediately under and adjacent to the bridge to ensure unrestricted ingress and egress for the bats • Downward facing lighting and some dark sky compliance, including elimination of bright lights shining directly on the bridge crevices • Retention of the tree line along the river east of the bridge to provide cover for the bats as they emerge in the evening • Improved public bat viewing areas • Bat education signage and programs throughout the bat viewing areas in the project We urge Endeavor and the City to continue to consider the bats by limiting the most disruptive construction activities (such as those that may cause excessive vibration to the bridge structure, for example blasting during …
305 South Congress PUD Discussion and Debate of Amendments WG Consent Amendments 1. Working Group (WG) Chair or designee(s) will be provided 6 minutes to provide background for their posted WG amendments. 2. The Chair will request a motion to approve WG on consent with commissioners being able to request specific WG amendments be pulled for discussion. a. For each WG amendment, 2 Commissioners will be allowed 3 minutes each (6 minutes total) to ask clarifying questions of the WG in the process of determining whether to pull the amendment for discussion. b. Commissioners should consider pulling for discussion those amendments that are related to proposed WG and other individual amendments, so that the Commission can consider amendments or substitute motions covering the same topics at the same time. 3. Once there is a motion and a second on the consent Individual amendments, the PC will vote to approve these Individual amendments. Individual Consent Amendments 1. The Chair will request a motion to approve posted Individual amendments on consent with commissioners being able to request specific WG and Individual amendments be pulled for discussion. a. For each Individual Amendment, 2 Commissioners will be allowed 3 minutes each (6 minutes total) to ask clarifying questions of the Commissioner proposing the Individual amendment in the process of determining whether to pull the amendment for discussion. b. Commissioners should consider pulling for discussion those amendments that are related to proposed individual amendments, so that the Commission can consider amendments or substitute motions covering the same topics at the same time. 2. Once there is a motion and a second on the consent Individual amendments, the PC will vote to approve these amendments. WG Amendments Pulled for Discussion 1. The WG amendments pulled for discussion will be taken in order they appear within WG list of amendments. 2. 3 Commissioners will be allowed 3 minutes each (9 minutes total) for questions of staff or other Commissioners related to the amendment. 3. Within the question and answer time period, Commissioners are allowed to bring forward individual amendments for discussion that cover the same issue or intent as WG amendment being considered. 4. At the end of the question and answer period, any Commissioner can make a motion related to the amendment under discussion. 5. If the motion gains a second, Commissioners will begin debate using their normal procedures for debating main motions, amendments and substitute …
From: To: Cc: Subject: Date: Attachments: Paula Kothmann Rivera, Andrew Paula Kothmann opposition to 305 S Congress PUD Tuesday, February 8, 2022 1:41:41 PM South River City Citizens statement in opposition to 305 S Congress PUD Amendment January 21 Update.docx.pdf THZC_Improvement Values TH vs Downtown Jan 18, 2022.pdf THZC_Land Values TH vs Downtown Jan 18, 2022.pdf Statesman_TCAD_Roll Value History.pdf *** External Email - Exercise Caution *** Dear Planning Commission: Superior? Thank you for taking such care to ask questions about this proposed PUD. The question that was not answered in Dec: why is this project afforded a Superior Rating? Since the staff couldn't answer it, I question why they seem to favor an out of town owner paying a remarkably low rate of ad valorem tax when the PUD is opposed by approximately 5,000 households with the South River City Citizens (see attached). Financials Furthermore, the financials are quite scary. I've attended many presentations: I was led to believe that the community benefits would be paid by the owner in exchange for the entitlement to develop over 4 times the current entitlement. Then we're told that they won't even be building affordable housing on site. How can that be helping Austin's housing crisis? Exactly how much housing has "fee in lieu" built to date? The fact that the City of Austin contemplates a $277M bond has incurred the wrath of many taxpayers. Attached please see the low rate that the Statesman tract pays as compared to nearby properties. See attached documents: the ~64K sf building is valued at $888 less than 1 cent/sf when vintage houses are $258/sf? & land value is less than $4M/acre, much less than surrounding properties. Is that true or the result of protests at TCAD? thus the 2 acres they plan to give to Barton Springs Road that will only serve their property is worth $8M. Granted. But $8M doesn't absolve a developer to build o-nsite affordable housing (and $8M doesn't get a lot of housing) much of the 6.5 acres to be used for a park is not buildable anyway (and is valued less) Also, this proposed bond will raise our taxes, and it's even proposed that taxes from the District will be spent in the District, thus others have to cover the basics. Just the fee to get the debt is $800K+. Debt does not lead to prosperity. In addition, Elloa Mathews asked …
From: Jim Young Sent: Tuesday, February 1, 2022 6:34 AM To: Meredith, Maureen <> Subject: C14-2021-0125 support letter *** External Email - Exercise Caution *** Maureen- My name is Jim Young. I am one of the codevelopers of the Goodwin Apartments, at 3706 Goodwin, Austin Texas. I am writing to offer my support for the rezone on Gunter Street: c14-2021-0125. I think this rezone, particularly since it fronts Airport Boulevard, will be a much higher and better use to the community than it's current zoning. Jim Young, CCIM 512-565-7509 -typed from mobile- CAUTION: This email was received at the City of Austin, from an EXTERNAL source. Please use caution when clicking links or opening attachments. If you believe this to be a malicious and/or phishing email, please forward this email to
BOARD/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Urban Transportation Commission Recommendation Number 20220208-02C: Vehicle Booting City Code Amendment WHEREAS, The purpose of the board is to serve as an advisory body to the city council, the city manager, and all other 11 transportation-related departments concerning transportation-related matters including: transportation energy conservation matters grant applications; streets and highways; bus and rail service; pedestrian and bikeway programs and projects; safety related programs and projects; provision for the needs of the mobility impaired; transportation franchise requests, renewals, rate adjustments, and hours of operation; WHEREAS, The City of Austin Urban Transportation Commission (UTC) is allowed to review and make recommendations to the city council on all request for taxicab permits, including annual permits and franchise permits WHEREAS The City of Austin Urban Transportation Commission (UTC) is allowed to annually review and report to the city council on the City's transportation system, including policies programs. WHEREAS, The City of Austin Urban Transportation Commission (UTC) is allowed to review, study, and make recommendations to the Planning Commission on: transportation-related projects proposed for inclusion in the Capital Improvements Program; and plans and programs submitted by the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization. WHEREAS, The City of Austin Urban Transportation Commission (UTC) is allowed to receive and study citizen comments and suggestions in all areas of transportation. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the UTC supports Austin Transportation Departments recommendation that code §13-7-42 be amended to authorize vehicle immobilization companies to allow an option for customers to self-remove a booting device upon their own vehicle with the following stipulations: 1.Customers shall retain the ability to request the company remove the booting device within one hour of requesting removal. 2.Customers shall not be required to provide a deposit. 3.A secured, well-lit receptacle shall be available upon every property where customer removal of a booting device occurs, so that a customer may return the boot safely and without having to travel to another location. Date of Approval: February 8th 2022 Record of the vote: 9-0 unanimous vote with Commissioners Weatherby and Ryan absent. No abstentions Attest: Christopher Parks Christopher Parks, Staff Liaison
City of Austin Urban Transportation Commission Recommendation 20220208-02D: Proposed Resolution on Coordinating Transportation and Land Use Plans February 8th, 2022 WHEREAS the bylaws of the Urban Transportation Commission require the Commission to “Seek to promote close cooperation between the city council, other city boards and commissions, city departments, and individuals, institutions, and agencies concerned with transportation-related activities” WHEREAS the Strategic Mobility Plan’s Land Use Policy 1 states the goal: Plan and promote transit- supportive densities along the Transit Priority Network, and further requests: Use all planning tools to establish transit-supportive densities along Transit Priority Network corridors WHEREAS Project Connect high capacity services are part of the Transit Priority Network and Project Connect engineering has proceeded to the point at which the specific routes for high capacity service have been determined WHEREAS the location of these routes now needs to be taken into consideration in all land use decisions including the recommendations made by the Planning Commission and the Zoning and Platting Commission THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Urban Transportation Commission requests that Council take actions and adopt policies to ensure that all boards and commission involved in land use decisions are aware of both the adopted Strategic Mobility Plan land use policies and the final Project Connect routes The UTC recommends that Council take the following actions: • Request that the Planning Department prepare rankings into major groups of the potential of each of the current zoning classifications for achieving transit supportive density. In addition to considering the maximum number of units per square mile permitted under these classifications, the rankings should also consider current usage practices for each classification. • Request that whenever the Planning Commission or the Zoning and Platting Commission considers a case that is within a quarter mile the Transit Priority Network and recommends a classification which is significantly lower in the ranking than the one requested by the applicant, they be asked to include the specific considerations which caused them to prefer the lower ranked zoning in their recommendation to Council. • Request that the Planning Department annually supply Council and the Planning and Zoning and Platting commissions with maps showing current residence and employment density along Project Connect routes and the change over the last five years. The maps should be made at • fine enough level of detail, such as census block groups, so that the potential impact of land use changes …
facebook_url twitter_url youtube_url instagram_url reddit_url linkedin_url ! MENU NEWS WEATHER CBS News Minnesota WATCH NOW " 17° # Sister Decries ‘Deplorable Conditions’ Of Street In Ohio Named For Alan Page April 21, 2018 at 3:58 pm Filed Under: Alan Page, Minnesota Vikings, Ohio CANTON, Ohio (AP) — The southeast street named for Pro Football Hall of Famer Alan Page has no road sign. The road, which runs from Cherry Avenue SE to 17th Street SE, is bumpy and ends at a gate after meandering through Skyline Terrace Apartments. Top Videos Man’s Food Truck Dreams On Pause Due To Email address FOLLOW US OUR | NEWSLETTER Sign up and get our latest headlines delivered right to your inbox! Subscribe Now! Trailer Theft READ MORE: Cloud Authorities Seek Help Finding 14-Year-Old Boy In St. Twila Page, sister of Alan Page, said she decided to advocate for improvements after her nephew made a recent visit and was dismayed at what he found. On April 8, she emailed Mayor Thomas Bernabei, stating the street and neighborhood’s condition “does not reflect the morals nor the values of one of Canton’s famed black families.” Twila Page, who lives in Toledo, wrote the “deplorable conditions” of Alan Page Drive were in contrast to progress at the Johnson Controls Hall of Fame Village. She acknowledges it could take years of work to address blight and criminal activity, saying she simply seeks a commitment from the city toward improvement, without which they don’t want Alan’s name associated with the area. “It can be done,” she wrote the mayor. On Monday, a city crew made some repairs on the street. A NEPHEW’S VISIT Christopher Page, Alan Page’s nephew, said he visited his mother in Canton for Easter and wanted to show his fiancee the street with his surname. “It was on April Fool’s Day, and the joke was on me,” he said. Page first noticed the absence of a street sign. Then, he noticed the bumpy ride. “It’s probably one of the worst streets I’ve driven on, and I tour all over the country doing music,” he said. He said he did not speak on behalf of his uncle or the community, emphasizing his opinion of the street did not reflect on residents. As a visitor, though, it sent the wrong message. “That’s a telling sign of what the government thinks of the community of that street,” he said. ALAN …
Project Connect Lady Bird Lake Bridge Update 2 Lady Bird Lake Bridge Rail (underground) Rainey/MACC Station platform (underground) Rail Portal Rainey/MACC Station Entrances Lady Bird Lake Bridge Rail / Ped / Bike Waterfront Station Rail (at-grade) 3 3 Key Rail Connections: • South Shore: Above-ground station (“Waterfront”) • North Shore: underground station (“Rainey/MACC””) Bridge modes*: 1. Light rail (Blue Line) – electric vehicles 2. Cyclists 3. Pedestrians *Capacity for bus service being studied Other considerations: • Connections to Butler Hike and Bike Trail and Waterloo Greenway • Waller Creek Tunnel outfall structure • Waller Creek Boathouse impacts Lady Bird Lake Bridge: Next Steps • Analysis of including capacity for buses on the Lady Bird Lake Bridge, in addition to LRT vehicles and bicyclist/pedestrians, is underway. • Public meeting on subject likely in April • Decision about how to proceed necessary by May 31, 2022 in order to meet current timelines for the program. • Impact on Design Competition process pending. 4 4 Lady Bird Lake Bridge: Next Steps Subject areas requiring further analysis: • Design and Engineering • Includes options both for separated, dedicated guideways for buses and LRT as well as a shared LRT/bus guideway • Potential impacts on north and south shores of lake • Operations, including safety and system risk analysis • Bus Service Planning framework • Blue Line FTA Project Development impacts • Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) • FTA Capital Investment Grant program (CIG) • Other infrastructure needs required to maximize efficiency of bus network • Potential cost impacts 5 5 Thank you! 6 6
PLANNING COMMISSION February 8, 2022 MINUTES The Planning Commission convened in a meeting on February 8, 2022 in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 301 W. 2nd Street, Austin, Texas and via videoconference @ Chair Shaw called the Commission Meeting to order at 6:08 p.m. Commission Members in Attendance: Awais Azhar Joao Paulo Connolly Grayson Cox Yvette Flores Claire Hempel – Vice-Chair Patrick Howard Jennifer Mushtaler Carmen Llanes Pulido Robert Schneider Todd Shaw – Chair James Shieh Jeffrey Thompson Jessica Cohen – Ex-Officio Absent: Solveij Rosa Praxis Arati Singh – Ex -Ex-Officio Richard Mendoza – Ex-Officio Spencer Cronk – Ex-Officio EXECUTIVE SESSION (No public discussion) The Planning Commission will announce it will go into Executive Session, if necessary, pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, to receive advice from Legal Counsel on matters specifically listed on this agenda. The Commission may not conduct a closed meeting without the approval of the city attorney. Private Consultation with Attorney – Section 551.071 CITIZEN COMMUNICATIONS A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of January 25, 2022. Approve the minutes of January 25, 2022 was approved on the consent agenda on the motion by Commissioner Shieh, seconded by Commissioner Cox on a vote of 11-0. Commissioner Connolly off the dais. Commissioner Praxis absent. B. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Rezoning: Location: C14-2021-0166 - South Congress Avenue Residences; District 2 6424 South Congress Avenue, Williamson Creek Watershed; South Congress Combined (Sweetbriar) NP Area Owner/Applicant: Calixto Jesus Cobos Agent: Request: Staff Rec.: Staff: Alice Glasco Consulting (Alice Glasco) GR-MU-CO-NP to GR-MU-V-NP Recommendation of GR-MU-V-CO-NP Wendy Rhoades, 512-974-7719, Housing and Planning Department Motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Azhar to grant Staff’s recommendation of GR-MU-V-CO-NP combining district zoning for C14-2021-0166 - South Congress Avenue Residences located at 6424 South Congress Avenue was approved on a vote of 10-0. Commissioners Cox and Llanes Pulido abstained on this item. Commissioner Praxis absent. 2. Rezoning: Location: C14-2021-0174 - 815 W. 11th Street; District 9 815 West 11th Street, Shoal Creek Watershed; Downtown Austin Plan Owner/Applicant: BSF Land Ventures LLC (Steven Bell, Ben Snyder, and Kevin Agent: Request: Staff Rec.: Staff: Fleming) Drenner Group, PC (Leah M. Bojo) LO to DMU-CO Recommended Heather Chaffin, 512-974-2122, Housing and Planning Department Public Hearing closed. Motion by Commissioner Shieh, seconded by Commission Azhar to grant Staff’s recommendation of DMU-CO combining district zoning for C14-2021-0174 - 815 W. 11th Street …