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Planning CommissionDec. 20, 2022

16 C14-2022-0062 - Industrial Blvd and Terry O Ln; District 3.pdf original pdf

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MEMORANDUM ************************************************************************ TO: Todd Shaw, Chair Planning Commission Members FROM: Wendy Rhoades, Principal Planner Housing and Planning Department DATE: RE: December 15, 2022 C14-2022-0062 – Industrial Blvd and Terry O Ln Request for Indefinite Postponement by Staff ************************************************************************ Staff requests an indefinite postponement of the above-referenced rezoning case. Staff is still reviewing the Applicant’s request for LI-PDA-NP zoning, including the required Zoning Traffic Analysis (ZTA). Renotification of the case will be required. Attachments: Map of Property Correspondence Received 1 of 316 SP-98-0462C 05-0107 SP-91-0184C CS-MU-NP C14-05-0106 BANK M O TEL BUSINE 05-0107 SS PA RK SP-02-0435C W AR E H O U SE S 05-0107 LI-CO-NP 01-0095 05-0107 LI-CO-NP O E\C L B R A M 01-0158 02-0060 LI-NP IN D U STRIAL PAR K 29 2 00-2 CS-MU-NP LI-CO-NP 30 2 00-2 CS-MU-NP C14-2019-0069 LI-CO-NP L A T N E O\R LI-NP L A C E T/D AIN P T U A O. L\C E E T S 8 2 2 0-2 0 WHSE 05-0107 NPA-2014-0020.01 LI-PDA-NP C14-2014-0034 T E L T U Y\O R O T C 05-0107 T FA AIN P LI-NP LI-CO-NP CS-1-CO-NP P-NP LI-CO-NP STRIP SHOPPING CENTER 05-0107 P82-67 LI-PDA-NP E B E N W HITE BLV D E B S IH 35 S E B E B T N W M ETAL FINIS HIN G W ATE R MFG. CO. LI-CO-NP W O E R S U O H E R A W FE N CE STO RE S P-03-0047 C C14-05-0138 70-076 CS-CO-NP TOWING CO S S A D P A O L Y A P 70-01 CS-CO-NP O B EN W HITE BLV E B E N W E B E N W HIT HITE R D W B A M P E B LV 05-0138 TOWING CO D S V R D W B MINI\STORAGE 05-0107 AUTO\SALES HIT E T O IH 35 N E B E N W B R A M P HITE BLV ADULT\ORIENTED\BUSINESS 05-0138 LI-CO-NP SP-05-1341C S 3 5 N B T O E B E N W HIT E W LU M BER\MILL B R A M P D S V R D E B E G N U O C 3 3 2 4-0 -9 C P S FU R NITU R E\SALES 5 0 83-1 TAIL\L K C O C C14-06-0126 CS-1-CO-NP FURNITURE\SALES E S H W 05-0107 LI-NP W H S E Y …

Scraped at: Dec. 16, 2022, 2:33 a.m.
Planning CommissionDec. 20, 2022

17 C14-2022-0084 - 705 Brownlee Circle Rezone; District 9.pdf original pdf

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ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET DISTRICT: 9 TO: MF-3-NP SITE AREA: 0.2302 acres (10,029 square feet) CASE: C14-2022-0084 – 705 Brownlee Circle Rezone ZONING FROM: SF-3-NP ADDRESS: 705 Brownlee Circle PROPERTY OWNER: Bradley Hoskins AGENT: Keepers Land Planning (Ricca Keepers) CASE MANAGER: Wendy Rhoades,; (512) 974-7719 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Staff recommendation is to grant multifamily residence - medium density – neighborhood plan (MF-3-NP) combining district zoning. For a summary of the basis of Staff’s recommendation, see page 3 of this report. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION / RECOMMENDATION: December 20, 2022: CITY COUNCIL ACTION: To be scheduled ORDINANCE NUMBER: ISSUES: Signatures have been submitted in response to the above-referenced rezoning case protesting any change of the Land Development Code which would rezone the property to any classification other than the existing SF-3-NP zoning. The petition includes 35.09% of eligible signatures and meets the 20% threshold for a valid petition. Petition materials and comment response forms are located at the back of the Staff report. A Notice of Violation for residential construction without required permits was mailed to the property owner on May 13, 2021. The Applicant reports that no construction on the property is occurring. The rezoning case was filed on June 27, 2022. A building permit was filed on August 17, 2022 and is for drywall and roof repair, and window replacement. 1 of 2017 C14-2022-0084 Page 2 CASE MANAGER COMMENTS: The subject rezoning area consists of one platted lot, which is located directly off of the southern side of Brownlee Circle, which is a small, circular road that intersects with Winflo Drive twice. The subject site is currently zoned as family residence – neighborhood plan (SF-3-NP) district, with an existing duplex onsite as well as a carport at the rear of the property. The Applicant has proposed to rezone the property to the multifamily residence- medium density – neighborhood plan (MF-3-NP) district to allow for the construction of a third unit onsite, converting the structure from a duplex to a triplex. Please refer to attached correspondence. The subject site is somewhat rectangular in shape. The property is only accessible via Brownlee Circle. There are residential uses located to both the west and east (MF-4-NP) of the subject site. There is a single-family residential use (SF-3-NP) located to the north, across Brownlee Circle, while a small plaza with a variety of uses is located to the south (CS-MU- V-CO-NP). Please refer …

Scraped at: Dec. 16, 2022, 2:33 a.m.
Planning CommissionDec. 20, 2022

18 C14-2022-0090 - 2239 Cromwell Cir; District 3.pdf original pdf

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MEMORANDUM ************************************************************************ TO: Todd Shaw, Chair Planning Commission Members FROM: Wendy Rhoades, Principal Planner Housing and Planning Department DATE: RE: December 13, 2022 C14-2022-0090 – 2239 Cromwell Cir Request for Indefinite Postponement by Staff ************************************************************************ Staff requests an indefinite postponement of the above-referenced rezoning case. Staff is still reviewing the Applicant’s request to changes the ERC subdistrict, inclusion in the Hub boundary and development bonus eligibility. Renotification of the case will be required. Attachment: Map of Property 1 of 218 96-0097 C14-96-0097 C14-99-2115 APARTMENTS 94-0112 SHERINGHAM DR MF-2-NP 73-37 ERC APARTMENTS CP73-06 MF-2 APTS. CP-79-19 APTS. C14-2012-0114 SP07-0095C C14-2018-0027(RCA) N o n e ERC SP-95-0129C C14-2018-0027 ERC C14-72-204(RCA4) C14-72-204 SP88-0360C 71-42 ERC 94-0112 SP-95-0321C 94-0112 E RIVERSIDE DR S T N E M T R A P A 73-27 C14-05-0113.04 05-0113.04 SP-02-0312D 72-327 C14-06-0138 06-0138 71-260 SP07-0126C CP72-29 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 750814-B SP-03-0132C ERC APTS. C14-02-0022 02-0022 72-204(RCA) L G P SIN S O R C 84-98 > OFFC. > > R Y D E S K KIR = = > > > > = = = = = = = = = = SF-3-NP = = = = E V H A T E N N E K = = SF-3-NP = = ( NPA-2012-0021.02 = ERC NPA-2011-0021.02 APARTMENTS ERC P83-51 69-235 ! ! ! ! C14-2012-0111 ! ! ! ERC > ! ! > ! = = = = ! = ! ! ! = ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! C R ! O M W ! E L ! L C I R ! ! = = ! ! ! ! ! = ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! W IC K E R S H A M L N P84-65 MF-2-NP ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! C14-05-0113 ! ! ! ! ! SF-2-NP ( ( ( ( 72-204 750814-B P82-91 C814-74-008 (VOID) PUD-NP G C I R S I N S O R R C E R I V 72-204 D EV ELO PE D WITH TO W N H O U SE S C14-99-0102 SP-00-2279C 79-239 P80-22 P-NP CP73-56 DENIED 81-25 R O D R FA P-NP ERC 81-25 C14R-85-020 ( ( NPA-2018-0021.03 C14-2018-0088 LO-MU-CO-NP 99-0102 O F FIC E ( ( ( ( ( ( D …

Scraped at: Dec. 16, 2022, 2:33 a.m.
Planning CommissionDec. 20, 2022

19 C14-2022-0137 - 1304 Nueces DMU Zoning; District 9.pdf original pdf

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ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET CASE: C14-2022-0137 – 1304 Nueces DMU Zoning ZONING FROM: GO ADDRESS: 1304 Nueces Street PROPERTY OWNER: Charles Baxter DISTRICT: 9 TO: DMU SITE AREA: 0.0753 acres (3,280 square feet) AGENT: Sandlin Services, LLC (Adam Hughes) CASE MANAGER: Wendy Rhoades,, (512) 974-7719 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Staff recommendation is to grant downtown mixed use – conditional overlay (DMU-CO) combining district zoning. The proposed Conditional Overlay limits building height to 60 feet, and prohibits bail bond services, cocktail lounge, liquor sales, outdoor entertainment, and pawn shop services. For a summary of the basis of Staff’s recommendation, please see pages 2-3 of this report. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION / RECOMMENDATION: December 20, 2022: CITY COUNCIL ACTION: January 26, 2023: ORDINANCE NUMBER: ISSUES: None at this time. The Applicant has discussed this case with the Old Austin Neighborhood Association (OANA) and is in agreement with the requested list of prohibited uses. Please refer attached correspondence. The prohibited uses have been applied to other rezoning cases in the vicinity, and therefore Staff does not object and has incorporated them into the Staff recommendation. CASE MANAGER COMMENTS: The subject rezoning area consists of a portion of one platted lot, which is located on Nueces Street on the south side of an alley between West 14th Street and West 13th Street. The property proposed for rezoning is a 0.0753-acre site currently zoned as general office (GO) district, representing an office use that serves community or citywide needs, such as medical 1 of 1219 C14-2022-0137 Page 2 or professional offices. The subject site is not located within a documented floodplain or within a creek buffer. The property is square in shape and contains a 1,362 square foot, two-story law office, a parking area and trees. The property is accessible via either Nueces Street or an alley on the side (north) of the site. There are existing office uses at the properties immediately in every direction from the subject site, most of which are zoned GO with the exception of the tract to the south which has DMU-CO zoning (C14-2010-0197). There are also properties zoned DMU-CO a little further to the northwest and northeast on West 14th Street. It should also be noted that the Downtown Austin Plan calls for changing the zoning of the subject site to DMU-60. The plan also includes recommendations to replace single use zoning districts, including GO, with DMU zoning designations …

Scraped at: Dec. 16, 2022, 2:33 a.m.
Planning CommissionDec. 20, 2022

20 C14-2022-0070 - Springdale Commercial (Tract 2) Amended; District 3.pdf original pdf

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************************************************************************ MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Shaw, Chair Planning Commission Members FROM: Heather Chaffin, Senior Planner Housing and Planning Department DATE: December 20, 2022 RE: Springdale Commercial -- C14-2022-0015 Springdale Commercial (Tract 2) Amended – C14-2022-0070 Postponement Request by Staff ************************************************************************ Staff requests a postponement of these related cases from the December 20, 2022, Planning Commission agenda to the January 24, 2023, commission agenda. The Applicant is gathering additional information regarding environmental issues related to these properties. 1 of 120

Scraped at: Dec. 16, 2022, 2:34 a.m.
Planning CommissionDec. 20, 2022

21 C14-2022-0015 - Springdale Commercial; District 3.pdf original pdf

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************************************************************************ MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Shaw, Chair Planning Commission Members FROM: Heather Chaffin, Senior Planner Housing and Planning Department DATE: December 20, 2022 RE: Springdale Commercial -- C14-2022-0015 Springdale Commercial (Tract 2) Amended – C14-2022-0070 Postponement Request by Staff ************************************************************************ Staff requests a postponement of these related cases from the December 20, 2022, Planning Commission agenda to the January 24, 2023, commission agenda. The Applicant is gathering additional information regarding environmental issues related to these properties. 1 of 121

Scraped at: Dec. 16, 2022, 2:34 a.m.
Planning CommissionDec. 20, 2022

22 C14-2022-0094 - 7601 Cameron Road; District 1.pdf original pdf

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ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET CASE: C14-2022 7601 Cameron Rd. DISTRICT: 1 ZONING FROM: GR-CO-NP TO: GR-MU-V-CO-NP ADDRESS: 7601 and 7601-1/2 Cameron Road SITE AREA: 1.60 Acres PROPERTY OWNER: Area 51st, LLC (Trevor Titman) AGENT: Drenner Group, PC (Leah Bojo) CASE MANAGER: Heather Chaffin (512-974-2122, STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff supports the Applicant’s request for rezoning to GR-MU-V-CO-NP. The conditional overlay states: A 25-foot wide vegetative buffer shall be provided and maintained along the eastern property line of the tract. Vegetative screening within the buffer zone must comply with the Screening Standards under Section 2.9.1 of the Environmental Criteria Manual. Improvements permitted within the vegetative buffer zone are limited to screening, drainage, underground utility improvements or those improvements that may be otherwise required by the City of Austin or specifically authorized in this ordinance. For a summary of the basis of staff’s recommendation, see case manager comments on page 2. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION / RECOMMENDATION: November 20, 2022: November 13, 2022: Meeting canceled November 8, 2022: To grant postponement to December 13, 2022, as requested by Neighborhood, on consent. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: December 8, 2022: ORDINANCE NUMBER: 1 of 2022 C14-2022-0094 2 ISSUES: No issues at this time. CASE MANAGER COMMENTS: The subject property is located on the east side of Cameron Road Approximately 500 feet south of the eastbound frontage road of Anderson Road / US 183. The undeveloped property is mostly open, with several trees on the southern and eastern portions of the tract. The property is currently zoned GR-CO- NP, with the conditional overlay requiring a vegetative buffer along the eastern boundary of the property. The Applicant does not propose removing the conditional overlay. North of the property are single family residential properties SF-5-NP, SF-3-NP and RR-NP. The RR-NP zoned area is adjacent to Buttermilk Branch Creek; the RR-NP encompasses the 100- year floodplain and creek buffers. Further north, at the intersection with the frontage road, is property zoned CS-NP that contains limited restaurant, limited retail, and a gas station. East of the property is the single family neighborhood of Coronado Hills, which is zoned SF-3-NP. Southwest of the property, along Cameron Road, are GR-NP properties that contain a mix of office and commercial uses. Across Cameron Road to the west are properties zoned GR-NP, GR-CO-NP and SF-3-NP that are developed with daycare and single family uses. Also to the west is property zoned MF-3-NP that is developed with …

Scraped at: Dec. 16, 2022, 2:34 a.m.
Planning CommissionDec. 20, 2022

24 SPC-2021-0228A - Petite Ecole International; District 3.pdf original pdf

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PLANNING COMMISSION SITE PLAN CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REVIEW SHEET CASE NUMBER: SPC-2021-0228A PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: 12/20/2022 0.691 acre Commercial Daycare Petite Ecole International Blair Langlinais 3009 E 17th St Austin, TX 78702 PROJECT NAME: PROPOSED USE: ADDRESS OF APPLICATION: 831 Springdale Road COUNCIL DISTRICT: District 3 AREA: APPLICANT/ AGENT: CASE MANAGER: Christine Barton-Holmes, CNUa, LEED AP EXISTING ZONING: SF-3-NP PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: There is no proposed additional construction at the site – the daycare facility is housed within an existing church structure. SUMMARY STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The site plan will comply with all requirements of the Land Development Code prior to its release. PREVIOUS PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Postponed from December 13, 2022 hearing Kate Kniejski, AICP Drenner Group, PC 2705 Bee Caves Rd, Ste. 100 Austin, TX 78746 Telephone: 974-2788 AREA STUDY: Govalle WATERSHED: Boggy Creek APPLICABLE WATERSHED ORDINANCE: Current/ Comprehensive watershed ordinance CAPITOL VIEW: Not in View Corridor T.I.A.: Not Required PROJECT INFORMATION: ZONING: SF-3-NP MAX. BLDG. COVERAGE: 40% MAX. IMPERV. CVRG.: 45% MAX HEIGHT: 35’ REQUIRED PARKING: 3 EXIST. USE: Church LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION: NA PROPOSED BLDG. CVRG: 14% (existing) PROPOSED IMP. CVRG: 29.6% (existing) PROPOSED HEIGHT: NA (existing) PROVIDED PARKING: 3 (existing) PROPOSED USE: Daycare 1 of 824 SUMMARY COMMENTS ON SITE PLAN: Land Use: The applicant is requesting a conditional use permit to operate a commercial daycare for up to 40 children. The daycare will be within an existing church structure. The play area is located more than fifty feet from adjacent single-family. The site plan will comply with all requirements of the Land Development Code prior to its release. Environmental: The site is in the Boggy Creek watershed, which is within the Desired Development Zone. There is no increase in impervious coverage beyond what has been approved and no known Critical Environmental Features are located within the limits of construction. Transportation: Vehicular access will be available from Springdale Road. Parking is existing and available on site. SURROUNDING CONDITIONS: Zoning/ Land use North: SF-3-NP (Boggy Creek, then single-family residential) East: SF-3-NP (Single-family residential) South: LR-MU-NP (Commercial retail) West: P (Police station and community garden) Classification Major arterial Local Street R.O.W. 60’ 50’ Surfacing 55’ 30’ Street Springdale Road Milburn Lane NEIGHBORHOOD ORGANIZATIONS: Austin Independent School District Austin Lost and Found Pets Austin Neighborhoods Council El Concilio Mexican-American Neighborhoods Friends of Austin Neighborhoods Gardens Neighborhood Association The Govalle Neighborhood Association Govalle/Johnston Terrace Neighborhood Plan Contact Team Guadalupe Neighborhood …

Scraped at: Dec. 16, 2022, 2:34 a.m.
Planning CommissionDec. 20, 2022

26 Staff Presentation Palm District.pdf original pdf

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Palm District Planning Initiative Planning Commission November 15, 2022 Content Background and Study Area What We Heard Vision and Scenarios Implementation/Next Steps Background and Study Area Develop a shared vision for a complex, culturally rich, and rapidly transforming part of downtown Austin. 4 5 Resolution 20190523-029  Palm School Negotiations  Rainey Street District Fund  Fifth Street Mexican American Heritage Corridor  Convention Center Expansion  District Planning Process  Improved Connectivity 6 WE ARE HERE 7 Equity-Based Goals  Create a safe, welcoming place history  Preserve and interpret  Enhance educational and cultural assets  Provide economic benefits  Increase access to housing  Improve mobility and access  Improve access to nature, enhance natural systems, and support an equitable, sustainable, resilient future 8 What We Heard Participants • Visits to SpeakUp Austin! Webpage: 3,600 • Survey Responses: 700+ (3 Surveys) • Visioning Forum Attendees: 150+ • Targeted East Austin Outreach: 75 + (Individuals and Organizations) • AIA Event Participants: 60+ • Interactive Map Responses: 25+ 10 Survey Demographics 11 Visioning Forums 12 Targeted East Austin Engagement: • La Raza Roundtable • Current and Former Elected Officials • Greater Austin Hispanic Chamber of Commerce • Tejano Democrats • Palm School Alumni • The Emma S. Barrientos Mexican American Cultural Center (ESB-MACC) • La Pena Arts, Inc. • Mexic-Arte • Nuestro Grupo/Academia Cuauhtli • AHMIGA (Latina civic and social networking organization) • Café Con Letras • L.A.C.E. • PODER • Long-time East Austin residents 13 American Institute of Architects Recommendations: 14 Vision and Scenarios VISION The Palm District is a vibrant historic hub of downtown where the past is honored, culture is celebrated, and the future is shaped. Dense transit-oriented development is balanced with history and natural spaces creating physical connections that invite people to move easily to and through the district. The district is a dynamic place, growing and evolving, while actively retaining families and individuals who have traditionally called this place home. Creativity and innovation are cultivated, and people from Austin and beyond are welcome to live, relax, work, play, learn, and connect with others. 16 INCLUSIVE GROWTH Growth in the district will provide a prosperous future for longtime and recent residents and for established and new businesses. 17 CULTURE The district will become a destination that celebrates its multi- cultural heritage. 18 CONNECTION Physical, cultural and social connections will be strengthened within downtown and between …

Scraped at: Dec. 16, 2022, 2:34 a.m.
Zoning and Platting CommissionDec. 20, 2022

04 C8J-2022-0273 - Lagos Austin Section 2 Preliminary Plan Part 2.pdf original pdf

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C E R R O C A S T E L L A N T R A C E R . O . W . ) ( 5 0 ' 8 9 9 1 7 9 8 . 7 N O M A T C H F N C 1 1 4 5 ) . W . O . R ' 0 5 ( L I A R T A N A X E T 0 2 5 8 4 5 1 6 5 2 4 2 1 0 4 5 2 2 6 8 9 4 8 9 9 0 . 6 8 9 0 . 8 9 1 0 . 3 S A N . S E W E R M A N H O L E 6 N O M A T C H F N C 1 E N D N O M A T C H F N C 1 S4 C O L U M N B R O C K W O O D F E N C E B 4 5 1 6 8 1 C O L U M N E N D 2 1 0 2 6 2 0 6 4 6 5 4 1 . 1 1 . 1 4 C O L U M N 4 0 . 8 0 . 7 2 2 5 2 2 5 5 5 6 8 2 9 46210 521.047 NOMATCH FNC1 B CONC NG A R T W L O 4 8 0 0 ) I . . . A N A X R ' 0 5 ( E T W S A N . S E W E R M A N H O L E 5 S T R E E T L A P O Y N O R ( V A R I A B L E W I D T H R . O . W . ) 4 6 S4 0 . 9 6 1 4 5 6 2 46212 521.110 NOMATCH FNC1 END NG 7 5 5 8 3 6 8 C O N D U I T 9 . 7 1 S A N . S E W E R M A N H O L E 3 1 9 . 1 7 1 7 0 5 5 S7 T E E R T S ) . . O W S O C …

Scraped at: Dec. 16, 2022, 7:20 a.m.
Zoning and Platting CommissionDec. 20, 2022

04 C8J-2022-0273 - Lagos Austin Section 2 Preliminary Plan Part 3.pdf original pdf

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X 505 565 S A G S A G S A G 10' N E A S O E M N-E E N X CLU T D O SIV E M N A C# 2021270011 O VILLE W P S C R T C 10' E E A X CLU S E M E N SIV T D O E M A N C#2021270010 O VILLE W S C P R T C 00 200' 400' GRAPHIC SCALE 200' C O B A W A Y 54 53 14 15 50 51 52 S A G S A G M U R C H ( 7 I S 0 ' O R N O S W T ) R E E T S A G D R AIN A G E E A S E M E N T S A G S A G S A G S A G S A G C A N T E R O L A N E 0 ' R O W ) 5 ( L E W I S V ( I 5 L 0 L ' E S T R O W ) R E E T ) T E E R T S N O S I H C R U M W O R ' 0 7 ( ) E V I R D A L U Y A S W O R ' 0 5 ( ) T E E R T S O N A L E M W O R ' 0 5 ( ) E V I R D A S O M R E H A T S I V W O R ' 0 5 ( GAZO STREET (50' ROW) G A Z O S (50' R O T R E E T W) S A L S (5 O R 0' R O O A D W ) E RIV O D W) C O O C 0' R X E O T (5 G A L 10' N E A S O E M N-E E N X CLU T D O SIV E M N A C# 2021270011 O VILLE W P S C R T C 10' E E A S X E M CLU E N SIV T D O E M A N C#2021270010 O VILLE W S C P R T C LAGO TORTUGA TRAIL …

Scraped at: Dec. 16, 2022, 7:24 a.m.
Planning CommissionDec. 20, 2022

Planning Commission December 20 2022 Agenda.pdf original pdf

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Page 1 of 13 pages

PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA Tuesday, December 20, 2022 The Planning Commission will convene in a special called meeting at 5:00 PM on Tuesday, December 20, 2022 at City Hall, Council Chambers 1001 301 W. Second Street, Austin, TX. Some members of the Planning Commission may be participating by videoconference. The meeting may be viewed online at: Greg Anderson Awais Azhar Grayson Cox Yvette Flores – Secretary Claire Hempel – Vice-Chair Patrick Howard Jennifer Mushtaler Carmen Llanes Pulido Robert Schneider Todd Shaw – Chair James Shieh – Parliamentarian Jeffrey Thompson District 2 - Vacant Ex-Officio Members Arati Singh – AISD Board of Trustees Jessica Cohen – Chair of Board of Adjustment Spencer Cronk - City Manager Richard Mendoza - Director of Public Works EXECUTIVE SESSION (No public discussion) The Planning Commission will announce it will go into Executive Session, if necessary, pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, to receive advice from Legal Counsel on matters specifically listed on this agenda. The Commission may not conduct a closed meeting without the approval of the city attorney. Private Consultation with Attorney – Section 551.071 Attorney: Steven Maddoux, 512-974-6080 Commission Liaison: Andrew Rivera, 512-974-6508 PUBLIC COMMUNICATION The first four (4) speakers signed up prior to the commencement of the meeting will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of November 15, 2022. PUBLIC HEARINGS 2. Plan Amendment: Location: Owner/Applicant: Agent: Request: Staff Rec.: Staff: Postponement Request 3. Plan Amendment: Location: Owner/Applicant: Agent: Request: Staff Rec.: Staff: Postponement Request: NPA-2022-0021.02 - Burleson & Ben White; District 3 3507 Burleson Road, Country Club West Watershed; East Riverside/Oltorf (Parker Lane) NP Area Stoneridge Capital Partners, LTD Dunaway Associates (Vanessa Mendez) Single Family, Office and Commercial to Mixed Use land use. Pending Kathleen Fox, 512-974-7877, Housing and Planning Department Staff postponement request to January 10, 2023 NPA-2022-0017.01 - Crestview Village; District 7 6916, 6926, 6928 N. Lamar Blvd and 808, 810, 812, 906 Justin Ln, Waller Creek Watershed; Crestview/Wooten Combined NP Area and Lamar/Justin Station Area Plan 3423 HOLDINGS LLC (Peter Barlin, Manager) Armbrust & Brown, PLLC (Michael Gaudini) To amend the Lamar/Justin Station Area Plan to allow a maximum building height of 160 feet on the subject tract. The existing land use on the future land use map is Specific Regulating District. There is no proposed …

Scraped at: Dec. 16, 2022, 5 p.m.
Planning CommissionDec. 20, 2022

23 SPC-2022-0141A - Republic Square Conditional Use; District 9.pdf original pdf

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PLANNING COMMISSION SITE PLAN CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REVIEW SHEET CASE NUMBER: SPC-2022-0141A PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: 12/20/2022 COUNCIL DISTRICT: 9 PROJECT NAME: Republic Square PROPOSED USE: Alcohol sales within an existing park ADDRESS OF APPLICATION: 422 Guadalupe St AREA: 1.75 acres (park); 5600 sf (CUP). APPLICANT: AGENT: City of Austin Parks and Recreation Department 200 S Lamar Blvd Austin, TX 78704 Reynaldo Hernandez, Project Manager City of Austin Parks and Recreation Department 919 28 ½ St Austin, TX 78705 CASE MANAGER: Christine Barton-Holmes, CNUa, LEED AP Telephone: 974-2788 PARD and DSD staff are requesting a postponement to the January 24th, 2023 hearing. 1 of 1

Scraped at: Dec. 16, 2022, 5 p.m.
Zoning and Platting CommissionDec. 20, 2022

Zoning and Platting Commission December 20, 2022 Agenda.pdf original pdf

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ZONING & PLATTING COMMISSION AGENDA Tuesday, December 20, 2022 The Zoning and Platting Commission will convene at 6:00 PM on Tuesday, December 20, 2022 at Austin City Hall, Council Chambers, Room 1001 301 W. Second Street, Austin, TX. Some members of the Zoning and Platting Commission may be participating by videoconference. The meeting may be viewed online at: Cesar Acosta Nadia Barrera-Ramirez – Chair Scott Boone Ann Denkler – Parliamentarian Betsy Greenberg David King – Secretary Jolene Kiolbassa – Vice-Chair Hank Smith Lonny Stern Carrie Thompson Roy Woody EXECUTIVE SESSION (No public discussion) The Zoning & Platting Commission will announce it will go into Executive Session, if necessary, pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, to receive advice from Legal Counsel on matters specifically listed on this agenda. The commission may not conduct a closed meeting without the approval of the city attorney. Private Consultation with Attorney – Section 551.071 PUBLIC COMMUNICATION The first four (4) speakers signed up prior to the speaker registration deadline will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approval of minutes from December 6, 2022. Attorney: Chrissy Mann, 512-974-2179 Commission Liaison: Andrew Rivera, 512-974-6508 PUBLIC HEARINGS 2. Rezoning: Location: Agent: Request: Staff Rec.: Staff: Postponement Request 3. Environmental Variance / Site Plan: C14-2022-0092 - Mopac Park Development; District 7 12408 N. Mopac Expressway Service Road South Bound and 2900 O’Neal Lane, Walnut Creek Watershed Owner/Applicant: Sharon Ma Austin Revocable Trust (Danny Y-L Ma, & Michael-Z Chang, Co-Trustees) Alice Glasco Consulting (Alice Glasco) CS-1-CO to CH Recommendation Pending Sherri Sirwaitis, 512-974-3057, Housing and Planning Department Applicant Indefinite Postponement Request SP-2022-0020C - Concordia University Sports Complex; District 6 Location: Owner/Applicant: Kimley Horn, Allison Kennaugh / Jack Lytle Request: 8200 Kilian Road, Bull Creek Watershed Approve variance from Lake Austin Watershed Ordinance No. 840301-F section 9-10-409(a) for fill exceeding four feet (up to ~12’) and section 9-10-409(b) for cut exceeding four feet (to ~15’). Recommended Mel Fuechec, 512-974-3036, Rosemary Avila, (512) 974-2784, Development Services Department 4. Preliminary Plan: C8J-2022-0273 - Lagos Austin Section 2 Preliminary Plan Location: Owner/Applicant: 11215 North FM 973 Road, Gilleland Creek Watershed 706 Investment Partnership Ltd. (Danny Burnett), Ashton Austin Residential LLC. (Steven Pierce) Kimley Horn (Matthew Strub, PE) Approval with Conditions of the Lagos Austin Section 2 Preliminary Plan consisting of 674 lots …

Scraped at: Dec. 16, 2022, 9:40 p.m.
Zoning and Platting CommissionDec. 20, 2022

06 Briefing - Urban Stream Syndrome.pdf original pdf

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Urban Stream Syndrome Staryn Wagner Environmental Scientist Senior ZAP 12/20/2022 C I T Y O F A U S T I N W A T E R S H E D P R O T E C T I O N D E P A R T M E N T Executive Summary U r b a n S t re a m Sy n d ro m e i s t h e c a s c a d e o f e nv i ro n m e nta l d e g ra d at i o n o f w ate r w ay s re s u l t i n g f ro m d e ve l o p m e nt I m p e r v i o u s c o ve r c a u s e s e ro s i o n , i n c i s i o n a n d l o s s o f h a b i tat t h ro u g h s i g n i f i c a nt c h a n ge s to t h e hyd ro g ra p h b e c a u s e o f : • • • limited infiltration decreasing baseflow rapid runoff increasing stormwater velocity increased volume exacerbating flood frequencies and levels Po l l u ta nt s a n d re d u c e d b i o l o g i c a l c o m p l ex i t y o f t h e l a n d s c a p e a l te r st re a m e c o l o g y b y re d u c i n g d i ve rs i t y a n d re s i l i e n c y C I T Y O F A U S T I N W A T E R S H E D P R O T E C T I O N D E P A R T M E N T 2 Stream Functional Pyramid C I T Y O F A U S T I N W A T E R S H E D P R …

Scraped at: Dec. 16, 2022, 9:40 p.m.
Library CommissionDec. 19, 2022

Community Interest Announcement Notice original pdf

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Library Commission Community Interest Announcement Reception for Library Commission, Library Foundation and Austin History Center Association December 19, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. Central Library, 710 W Cesar Chavez A quorum of Commission members may be present. No action will be taken, and no Commission business will occur. Laura Polio 512-974-9624

Scraped at: Dec. 15, 2022, 12:10 a.m.
Historic Landmark CommissionDec. 19, 2022

Agenda original pdf

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HISTORIC LANDMARK COMMISSION ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE Monday, December 19th, 2022 – 2:00 PM Permitting and Development Center Conference Room 1401 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Dr Austin, TX 78752 Some members of the committee may be participating by videoconference Public comment will be allowed in-person or remotely via telephone. Speakers may only register to speak on an item once either in-person or remotely and will be allowed up to three minutes to provide their comments. Registration no later than noon the day before the meeting is required for remote participation by telephone. To register to speak remotely, email or call Amber Allen at (512) 974-3393. COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Terri Myers Kevin Koch Beth Valenzuela CALL TO ORDER AGENDA PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL The first ten (10) speakers who register to speak no later than noon the day before the meeting will be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. BRIEFINGS 1. 2. 3. ADJOURNMENT 706 Oakland Avenue – Webster House Addition/remodel 613 Blanco Street – Castle Hill Local Historic District Addition/remodel 1804 Brackenridge Street – Travis Heights-Fairview Park National Register District Demolish a contributing house and build new construction The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days (48 hours) before the meeting date. Please call the Historic Preservation Office at 512-974-3393 for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the Historic Landmark Commission, please contact Amber Allen, Planner II, at 512-974-3393; Kalan Contreras, Senior Planner, at 512-974-2727; Kimberly Collins, Senior Planner, at 512-974-1801.

Scraped at: Dec. 15, 2022, 9:20 p.m.
South Central Waterfront Advisory BoardDec. 19, 2022

November 21, 2022 Draft Meeting Minutes original pdf

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1. 2. SOUTH-CENTRAL WATERFRONT ADVISORY BOARD SPECIAL CALLED MEETING MINUTES NOVEMBER 21, 2022 AT 6:00PM The South Central Waterfront Advisory Board Convened in a Regular Meeting on November 21st at Austin City Hall, Council Chambers, 301 W. 2nd Street Austin, Texas Chair S. Franco called the Meeting to order at 6:03 pm BOARD MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: Samuel Franco, Chair Jeffrey Thompson, Vice Chair (Remote) Ana Aguirre, Board Member (Remote) Laura Cottam-Sajbel, Board Member (Remote) Karen Paup, Board Member EX OFFICO MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: Matiur Rahman, Austin Transportation Department Josh Rudow, Housing and Planning Department STAFF IN ATTENDANCE: Aaron D. Jenkins Christine Maguire (Remote) PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL None APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes from the Special Called meeting of October 12, 2022 were approved with amendments to add a hyperlink to Item 3a and correct a name of a Public Communication speaker on Chair S. Franco motion, Board Member K. Paup seconded the motion on a vote of 5-0. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION Discussion and Possible action on the proposed South Central Waterfront Advisory Board Regular Meeting schedule for 2023. a. Chair S. Franco made a motion to approve the 2023 Meeting Schedule, Board Member K. Paup seconded the motion on a vote of 5-0. WORKING GROUP/COMMITTEE UPDATES Update from the Active Projects Working Group a. Board Member L. Cottam-Sajbel proposed a meeting for the Active Projects Working Group to discuss the new 311 South Congress PUD application. She will reach out to the contact provided by staff to schedule a Working Group meeting. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 4. Presentation on the Zoning & Development Process which includes a flow chart from the Housing and Planning Department. ADJOURNMENT Chair S. Franco the meeting at 6:36pm without objection 3.

Scraped at: Dec. 16, 2022, 1:40 p.m.
Library CommissionDec. 19, 2022

Agenda original pdf

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1. 2. REGULAR MEETING of the LIBRARYCOMMISSION December 19, 2022 – 6 p.m. Austin Central Library Special Event Center 710 W Cesar Chavez St. AUSTIN, TEXAS Public comment will be allowed in-person or remotely via telephone. Speakers may only register to speak on an item once either in-person or remotely and will be allowed up to three minutes to provide their comments. Registration no later than noon the day before the meeting is required for remote participation by telephone. To register to speak remotely, call or email Laura Polio, 512-974-9624, CURRENT BOARD MEMBERS/COMMISSIONERS: Mark Smith, Chair; Lynda Infante Huerta, Vice Chair; Julia Aguilar; Patricia Dabbert; JC Dwyer; Melanie Haupt; Cristina Masters; Courtney Rosenthal; Steven Self; Tori Vogel and Gabriel Nwajiaku CALL TO ORDER PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL AGENDA The first five speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approve the minutes of the LIBRARY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING on November 28, 2022 Staff briefing regarding Library Marketing, Baylor Johnson, Public Information & Marketing Program Manager STAFF BRIEFINGS DISCUSSION ITEMS 3. 4. 5. Presentation by The Austin History Center Association, regarding AHCA programs and services Presentation by The Library Foundation, regarding programs and services Discussion of the December Director’s Report covering public programming highlights, facilities, and APL priorities FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days (48 hours) before the meeting date. or Please for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the Library Commission, please contact Laura Polio at 512-974-9624 or the Library Department, call Laura Polio 512-974-9624 at at

Scraped at: Dec. 16, 2022, 7:40 p.m.
Urban Renewal BoardDec. 19, 2022

Agenda original pdf

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2. 3. REGULAR CALLED MEETING of the URBAN RENEWAL BOARD DECEMBER 19, 2022, 6:00 P.M. PERMITTING AND DEVELOPMENT CENTER, ROOM 1401/1402 6310 WILHELMINA DELCO DR. AUSTIN, TEXAS 78752 *NOTE: The Urban Renewal Board no longer meets at the Street-Jones Building. Some members of the Urban Renewal Board may be participating by videoconference. Public comment will be allowed in-person or remotely via telephone. Speakers may only register to speak on an item once, either in-person or remotely, and will be allowed up to three minutes to provide their comments. Registration no later than noon the day before the meeting is required for remote participation by telephone. To register to speak remotely, call or email Courtney Banker, (512) 974-3114 or CURRENT BOARD MEMBERS/COMMISSIONERS: Manuel Escobar, Chair Darrell W, Pierce, Vice Chair Danielle Skidmore Amit Motwani Nathaniel Bradford Jacqueline Watson Kobla Tetey CALL TO ORDER PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL AGENDA The first 10 speakers who registered to speak no later than noon the day before the meeting, if speaking virtually, will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approve the minutes of the URB’s regular meeting on November 14, 2022 1. STAFF BRIEFINGS Update regarding using Affordability Unlocked within the Urban Renewal Plan area (Staff) Update regarding Commissioners’ terms and appointments (Staff) 1 of 2 DISCUSSION ITEMS 4. 5. 6. Presentation and discussion related to updates on future development of Blocks 16 & 18 from Austin Economic Development Corporation, including updated program scenarios/ financial analysis and draft RFP criteria (Anne Gatling Haynes, AEDC and consultants) Update and discussion related to Victory Grill operation concerns (Chair Escobar) DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS Discussion and possible action related to proposed language changes for URB meeting invitations and video conferencing (Megan Santee, Legal Counsel) FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS • Presentation and discussion related to urban renewal district precedents and approaches, and discussion of the future vision of the URB ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days (48 hours) before the meeting date. Please call Courtney Banker at Housing and Planning Department, at (512) 974-3114, for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas …

Scraped at: Dec. 16, 2022, 8:50 p.m.