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Applicant Review PanelApril 19, 2013

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Page | 1 Applicant Review Panel Meeting Minutes Friday, April 19, 2013 The Applicant Review Panel convened in a regularly called meeting on Friday, April 19, 2013 6:00 p.m. at City Hall’s Board and Commissioner’s Room #1101, 301 W 2nd St, Austin, TX 78701 Meeting was called to order at 6:02 pm by Jawana JJ Gutierrez, ARP staff liaison. COMMITTEE MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: Carol Feller Caroline Limaye Michelle DeFrance (Absent) 1. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: Roger Borgelt, Brad Parsons, Steve Bickerstaff 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The draft minutes for the regular ARP meeting on April 8th were reviewed and approved. Member Limaye motioned to approve the minutes, member Feller seconded. Motion was passed on a vote of 2-0. 3. NEW BUSINESS: The ARP may discuss and take action on the following agenda items: A. Review demographic data for Austin area precincts Liaison Gutierrez received demographics from the City demographer and is still working on the data, but noted she will provide at the next meeting a data set for each precinct, and will also forward the information before the next meeting to the panel members so that the members can have it for preparation at the next meeting. Page | 2 B. Summary of application scores for precinct 4 and students Liaison Gutierrez reviewed the scores from Precinct 4, students, and the applicants from Williamson County. Liaison Gutierrez said she also included the breakdown of applicants by gender and race as previously requested at the last meeting, and will go back and add this breakdown to the other previous scored precincts as well. Liaison Gutierrez noted that her action item is to provide to member Feller the revised applicant list from the Auditor’s office, which includes the one late applicant. Upon review of the scores, member Limaye proposed to adopt a strategy to promote one student going forward in this round and for one student to go forward in the next round; member Feller agreed on this proposal. Top three students from each precinct will be ranked from 1-3, with 1 being the highest score. Liaison Gutierrez stated will fold in the Williamson county applicants with precinct one and will have that data provided at the next meeting. Per the members’ requests, Liaison Gutierrez will provide a map of all the applicants who have received a score of all 3’s, as well as a percentage of the precincts that are inside the …

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Applicant Review PanelApril 19, 2013

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Applicant Review PanelApril 19, 2013

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Page | 1 Applicant Review Panel Meeting Minutes Monday, April 8, 2013 The Applicant Review Panel convened in a regularly called meeting on Monday, April 8, 2013 6:00 p.m. at Town Lake Center, Assembly Room (1st Floor), 721 Barton Springs Road, Austin, Texas 78701 Meeting was called to order at 6:10 pm by Jawana JJ Gutierrez, ARP staff liaison. COMMITTEE MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: Michelle DeFrance Carol Feller Caroline Limaye 1. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: Edwin English, Seauf Peg Frey 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The draft minutes for the regular ARP meeting on March 22, 2013 were reviewed. Panel member Limaye submitted corrections to the draft minutes. Member Limaye motioned to approve the minutes with the submitted corrections, member DeFrance seconded. Motion was passed on a vote of 2-0 (Member Feller was not present during this vote) 3. NEW BUSINESS: The ARP may discuss and take action on the following agenda items: A. Discuss process for accepting citizen comments Liaison Gutierrez suggested that Panel utilize the email address posted on the ARP’s website to capture citizen’s comments on applicants. Liaison Gutierrez will be responsible for forwarding the citizen’s comments to the panel members. Liaison Gutierrez will create a form that requires a citizen to provide verifiable contact information. Member Limaye suggested to Liaison Gutierrez that she ensure the emails are valid, Liaison Gutierrez agreed. Comments received without verification information or contain information that cannot be verified will not be forwarded to the panel members. Member DeFrance suggested we have a deadline for citizens to submit their information and/or comments. Members Limaye and DeFrance agreed that citizens’ comments need to be submitted in by April 26th and all public comments at the ARP meetings need to fill out a comment form. All public comment will be accepted all the way through April 26. Liaison Gutierrez agreed to create a Page | 2 field on the form where the citizens can indicate which applicant they are making the comment about. Member Limaye move to accept citizen communication through the email listed on the ARP website and that citizen’s email address be verified before being forwarded to panel members and posted on the public forum. Member DeFrance seconded, motion was passed on a vote of 2-0 (Member Feller was not present during this vote). B. Review of application data sorted by zip code and demographics The Panel reviewed a summary of precincts 1, 2, 3, and …

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Applicant Review PanelApril 19, 2013

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Scoring for Students and WilCoStudent Scoring -- ROUND1 041913Page 1Summary for StudentsResultsTotal of Non-Student Applications30Number of Applilcations where Panel Scored the Same723%Total number of Applicatons with Same ScoringTotal number of Applicatons with All Same Scoring of 33Total number of Applicatons with All Same Scoring of 24Total number of Applicatons with Same Scoring of 10Total Number of Applications with Different ScoringTotal Number of Applications where Two Scores were 3, Other was 28Total Number of Applications where Two Scores were 3, Other was 11Total Number of Applications where Two Scores were 2, Other was 39Summary for Williamson CountyResultsTotal of Non-Student Applications5Number of Applilcations where Panel Scored the Same120%Total number of Applicatons with Same ScoringTotal number of Applicatons with All Same Scoring of 30Total number of Applicatons with All Same Scoring of 21Total number of Applicatons with Same Scoring of 10Total Number of Applications with Different ScoringTotal Number of Applications where Two Scores were 3, Other was 20Total Number of Applications where Two Scores were 3, Other was 10Total Number of Applications where Two Scores were 2, Other was 32Legend:Scoring of 1 = NoScoring of 2 = MaybeScoring of 3 = Yes Scoring for Students and WIlCoStudent Scoring -- ROUND1 041913Page 2OCA_ApplIDApplicant NameCaroline's RankMichelle's RankCarol's RankCompared (3 if all match, 1 if two match, 0 if none)10021Andersen, Hilary Kathleen233110058Penny, William E Jr.222310108Russell, Michael James223110141Guerrero, Andrew Christopher232110147Pacheco, Daniel Ray222310177Howley, Ethan Thomas221110223McCary, Mary Marsha121110225Humble, Joyce Fumi232110230Cook, Benjamin Lee223110242Dieter, Eric Matthew223110245Dauster, Nick323110256Araiza, Jose Andres233110286Poulos, Natalie Shepherd 333310351Quanstrom, Warren Benefield222310355Rafols, Ryan Andrew333310362Campbell, Brandon Hoss223110369McNawl (Ramirez), Sandy P. 121110375Donald, Brian W112110395Madore, Ross Donahue233110406Medley, Blake Wayne223110432Salvaggio, Natalie Cecile323110454Fischer, Lisa Wolf232110459Jeffery, Neil Hyrum323110464LaTier, Jon-Paul233110468Riou, Garrett Joseph223110484Robles, Samantha333310488Shelton, Regina Catherine121110500Franks, William Brady233110510Bodin Gorgoroso Alicia K.331110519Howell, Emily Joy2223Number of 3-way matches7Number of 2-way matches23Number of 0 matches030 Scoring for Students and WIlCoStudent Scoring -- ROUND1 041913Page 3OCA_ApplIDApplicant NameCaroline's RankMichelle's RankCarol's RankCompared (3 if all match, 1 if two match, 0 if none)10081Lutowski, Richard Norman122110148Zunzanyika X. Kembo223110207Colinsky, Ed Garris222310301Kam, Liddell Michael211110330Rowland, Dennis Paul2231Number of 3-way matches1Number of 2-way matches5Number of 0 matches06 Scoring for Students and WilCoStudent Scoring -- ROUND1 041913Page 4OCA_ApplIDApplicant NameCaroline's RankMichelle's RankCarol's RankGenderRace_OMBPrct10286Poulos, Natalie Shepherd 333FWhite110355Rafols, Ryan Andrew333MWhite310484Robles, Samantha333FHispanic/Latin310245Dauster, Nick323MNot Provided110432Salvaggio, Natalie Cecile323FHispanic/Latin210459Jeffery, Neil Hyrum323MWhite410021Andersen, Hilary Kathleen233FWhite110256Araiza, Jose Andres233MHispanic/Latin210395Madore, Ross Donahue233MWhite210464LaTier, Jon-Paul233MWhite310500Franks, William Brady233MWhite210510Bodin Gorgoroso Alicia K.331FHispanic/Latin410141Guerrero, Andrew Christopher232MHispanic/Latin410225Humble, Joyce Fumi232FOther310454Fischer, Lisa Wolf232FWhite210108Russell, Michael James223MWhite310230Cook, Benjamin Lee223MWhite410242Dieter, Eric Matthew223MWhite410362Campbell, Brandon Hoss223MWhite410406Medley, Blake Wayne223MWhite210468Riou, Garrett Joseph223MWhite310058Penny, William E Jr.222MHispanic/Latin310147Pacheco, Daniel Ray222MHispanic/Latin410351Quanstrom, Warren Benefield222MWhite110519Howell, Emily Joy222FWhite410177Howley, Ethan Thomas221MWhite210223McCary, Mary Marsha121FWhite210369McNawl (Ramirez), Sandy …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 8:57 p.m.
Applicant Review PanelApril 19, 2013

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Scoring for Precinct 4Precinct 4 Scoring -- ROUND1 041913Page 1SummaryResultsTotal of Non-Student Applications98Number of Applilcations where Panel Scored the Same1919%Total number of Applicatons with Same ScoringTotal number of Applicatons with All Same Scoring of 37Total number of Applicatons with All Same Scoring of 29Total number of Applicatons with Same Scoring of 13Total Number of Applications with Different ScoringTotal Number of Applications where Two Scores were 3, Other was 220Total Number of Applications where Two Scores were 3, Other was 10Total Number of Applications where Two Scores were 2, Other was 333Legend:Scoring of 1 = NoScoring of 2 = MaybeScoring of 3 = Yes Scoring for Precinct 4Precinct 4 Scoring -- ROUND1 041913Page 2OCA_ApplIDApplicant NameCaroline's RankMichelle's RankCarol's RankCompared (3 if all match, 1 if two match, 0 if none)10003Hinojosa, Eugenio Rogelio Jr.323110004Chavez, Florinda P. (Linda)223110006Richard, David Russell122110010Breen, Michael Dennis123010012Goldstraw, Steven Michael233110013Donoghue, Charles Michael223110026Crump, David W.112110030Burton, Christopher Sean233110032Albert, David J.223110034Farnsworth, William Royce122110035Sowards, Robert Daniel Jr.233110042Arms, David223110046Weber, Thomas W. II233110051Glina, Karen Kohansov212110054Cavello, Christopher223110078Hodson, Raymond Miller Jr.223110079Wilson, Sam Chadwick222310090Spindle, Shawn Floyd122110091Hewitt, Willam Philip323110095Rodgers, Gary R.223110096Steinhardt, Peter233110101Conway, Robert William121110104McIntire, Dean Allen123010118Scott, Jeffrey Randall223110121Garcia, Betty Rossana221110122Edwards, Shelly Gore122110139Treadwell, Margaret111310143Anderson Fly, Rebecca Dorothy223110156Walters, Jack W223110158McComb, Jimmie Lee111310162Durbin, Lyle J233110166King, Patricia Harriett122110171Lopez, Anastacio Stacy322110173Renteria, Solana C223110175Gonzales, Alberto C333310183Sconci, Patrick Emil223110186Barnes, Joseph Daniel233110188Milberger, Donald James222310193Barzano, Lorie J.223110199Grace, Zonia Vasquez232110208Rivera, Pete R3221 Scoring for Precinct 4Precinct 4 Scoring -- ROUND1 041913Page 310209Heikkala, Troy Thomas222310215Dey Valdez, Helen122110234Jacob, Ken R222310236Mather, Jean Allen23010240Callahan, Jason Todd333310241Perrone, Richard James123010248Castaneda-Ochoa, Minerva112110254Caudill, Mary Jane123010260Sanchez, Monica L.223110272Baulch, Sally A223110277Broussard, Nan A.211110280Solis, Maria Cadelaria233110289Weed, Elizabeth J. 211110290Presti, Diane C. 333310291Smith, Clint 222310296Calderon, Debbie F. 111310313Banks, Christine Lynch323110321Smith, Martha Gwendolyn122110324Vela, Joe H322110334Casarez, Ruth333310337Minjarez, Abraham223110343Diggs, Julia Ann323110360Caudill, Charles Robert223110368Thepsoumane, Viboun Tooney223110373Parker, Joel Matthew233110374Hexsel, Maria Cantu323110378Owens, Phyllis Joan222310384Navarro, Arthur322110386Aguirre, Ana Torrez333310392Burns, Lara Marie223110397McNabb, John M. Jr223110400Mathison, Pamela Jane233110402Farris, Rachel Truair233110417Worley, Lisa Elaine332110418Hobart, Sharon Elizabeth223110423MacLeod, Robert B223110426Sotelo-Stewart Leonor222310436Cameron-Mann, Henrietta Carla223110443Burnett, Michael D122110448Werner, Karen M231010455Gonzales, S. Lizeth222310456Jones, Rosalind Ann223110469Maciel, Anna Marie323110482Vega, Maria Margarita232110485Pettigrew, Ariana Michel223110487Fossum, Michael Erik222310491Valdez, Cynthia Imelda3221 Scoring for Precinct 4Precinct 4 Scoring -- ROUND1 041913Page 410495Markovits, Rebecca Frances223110498Black, Richard Carl112110505Houchins, James Oscar221110508Saenz, Anna M333310513Gonzales, Dominic L.323110515Diaz-Miranda, Mariano323110529Almanza, Librado Pablo333310537Gray, Elizabeth Ann 123010538Branson, James McKinley212110543Gallagher, Mary Suzanne23Number of 3-way matches19Number of 2-way matches71Number of 0 matches797 Scoring for Precinct 4Precinct 4 Scoring -- ROUND1 041913Page 5 Scoring for Precinct 4Precinct 4 Scoring -- ROUND1 041913Page 6OCA_ApplIDApplicant NameCaroline's RankMichelle's RankCarol's RankGenderRace_OMB10175Gonzales, Alberto C333MHispanic/Latino10240Callahan, Jason Todd333MWhite10290Presti, Diane C. 333FWhite10334Casarez, Ruth333FHispanic/Latino10386Aguirre, Ana Torrez333FHispanic/Latino10508Saenz, Anna M333FHispanic/Latino10529Almanza, Librado Pablo333MHispanic/Latino10417Worley, Lisa Elaine332FWhite10003Hinojosa, Eugenio Rogelio Jr.323MHispanic/Latino10091Hewitt, Willam Philip323MAmerican Indian10313Banks, …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 8:57 p.m.
Applicant Review PanelApril 19, 2013

Letter from City Auditor 041713; Applicant Pool Update original pdf

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Lake Austin Task ForceApril 15, 2013

Agenda original pdf

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1LakeAustinTaskforceRegularMeetingApril15,20133:30P.M.–5:30P.M.CityHallBoardandCommissionRoom#1101301WestSecondStreetAustin,Texas78701AGENDANickWiersemaPlace1AppointeeKennethPflugerPlace1AppointeeEllenWittPlace2AppointeeMaryAnnNeelyPlace2AppointeeCarolLeePlace3AppointeeVacantPlace3AppointeeDr.BenHodgesPlace4AppointeePamMurfinPlace4AppointeeDr.ErnestGonzalezPlace5AppointeeJaredMatthewsPlace5AppointeeLindaGuerreroPlace6AppointeeAlanRoddyPlace6AppointeeJaneRiveraParks&RecreationBoardJamesSchissler,P.E.EnvironmentalBoardWilliamMoriartyWater&WastewaterCommissionEricMorelandMayor’sAppointeeBrianRoarkMayor’sAppointee1.CALLTOORDER2.APPROVALOFMINUTESa.ApprovetheLakeAustinTaskForcemeetingminutesofApril8,2013.3.DISCUSSIONANDACTIONITEMSa.Continuediscussiononlakeboattraffic-LakeUseandManagementWorkGroupb.Discussthe50%ruleforboatdockremodeling–DevelopmentRegulationsandComplianceWorkGroupc.DiscussInvasiveSpecies,nothydrilla–WaterQualityandEnvironmentalWorkGroupNEWBUSINESS-FutureagendaitemsADJOURNMENTTheLATFmaytakeitemsinanyorder,andmaytakeactiononanyitemexceptcitizen’scommunication.DirectanyquestionsonthisagendaortheBoardtoMarillaJ.Shepherd,974-3443oftheWatershedProtectionDepartment.TheCityofAustiniscommittedto 2compliancewiththeAmericansDisabilitiesAct.Reasonablemodificationsandequalaccesstocommunicationswillbeprovided.Pleasecall974-3443forinformation.Forasignlanguageinterpreter,pleasecallimmediately.

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 10:45 p.m.
Lake Austin Task ForceApril 15, 2013

Approved Minutes original pdf

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LAKEAUSTINTASKFORCEMEETINGMINUTESOFApril15,2013301W.SecondStreetCityHallBoardandCommissions#11013:30P.M.–5:30P.M.1.CALLTOORDERChairLindaGuerrerocalledthemeetingtoorderat3:37P.M.LATFAttendees:AlanRodyBenHodgesBillMoriartyCarolLeeEllenWittEricMorelandJamesSchisslerJaneRiveraKenPflugerLindaGuerreroMaryAnnNeelyPamMurfinLATFMembersabsent:BrianRoarkDr.ErnestGonzalezJaredMatthewsNickWiersemaStaffandotherspresent:AndrewClamann,WPDBrianHaws,AWUChrisYanez,PARDChuckLesniak,WPDJohnScott,APDLizPagano,InfactDailyMarillaShepherd,WPDMarilynShashoua,PDRDMarioGarcia,PDRDMaryGilroy,WPDRussellLewis,PDRDSueBarnett,PDRD 2.APPROVALOFMINUTESa.ApprovetheLakeAustinTaskForcemeetingminutesofApril8,2013.TheLakeAustinTaskForcemeetingminutesfromApril8,2013wereapprovedonMaryAnnNeely,andsecondedbyKennethPfluger[Vote10-0]LakeAustinTaskmembers3.DISCUSSIONANDACTIONITEMSa.Continuediscussiononlakeboattraffic-LakeUseandManagementWorkGroupThisitemwasconductedasposted.b.Discussthe50%ruleforboatdockremodeling–DevelopmentRegulationsandComplianceWorkGroupThisitemwasconductedasposted.c.DiscussInvasiveSpecies,nothydrilla–WaterQualityandEnvironmentalWorkGroupThisitemwasconductedasposted.NEWBUSINESS-Futureagendaitems1.Continuetrafficdiscussionsatafuturemeeting.ADJOURNMENTChairLindaGuerreroadjournedthemeetingat5:25P.M.

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 10:45 p.m.
Applicant Review PanelApril 8, 2013

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Applicant Review Panel Monday, April 8 2013 6pm Town Lake Center Assembly Room 130 721 Barton Springs Road, Austin, TX 78704 Members: Michelle DeFrance Carol Feller Caroline Limaye CALL TO ORDER 1. CITIZEN COMMUNCIATION: GENERAL (Please limit to 3 minutes per speaker) 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Approve minutes of March 22, 2013 regular meeting. 3. NEW BUSINESS The ARP may discuss and take action on the following agenda items A. Discuss process for accepting citizen comments B. Review of application data sorted zip code and demographics C. Summary of application scores for precincts 2 & 3 D. Review ARP work plan and future meeting dates 4. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Request future agenda items, information, and reports ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 4 days before the meeting date. Please call Jawana Gutierrez at 512-322-6596 for additional information. TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. Questions regarding the Applicant Review Panel may be directed to Jawana Gutierrez at 512-322-6596.

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 8:57 p.m.
Applicant Review PanelApril 8, 2013

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Page | 1 Applicant Review Panel Meeting Minutes Monday, April 8, 2013 The Applicant Review Panel convened in a regularly called meeting on Monday, April 8, 2013 6:00 p.m. at Town Lake Center, Assembly Room (1st Floor), 721 Barton Springs Road, Austin, Texas 78701 Meeting was called to order at 6:10 pm by Jawana JJ Gutierrez, ARP staff liaison. COMMITTEE MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: Michelle DeFrance Carol Feller Caroline Limaye 1. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: Edwin English, Seauf Peg Frey 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The draft minutes for the regular ARP meeting on March 22, 2013 were reviewed. Panel member Limaye submitted corrections to the draft minutes. Member Limaye motioned to approve the minutes with the submitted corrections, member DeFrance seconded. Motion was passed on a vote of 2-0 (Member Feller was not present during this vote) 3. NEW BUSINESS: The ARP may discuss and take action on the following agenda items: A. Discuss process for accepting citizen comments Liaison Gutierrez suggested that Panel utilize the email address posted on the ARP’s website to capture citizen’s comments on applicants. Liaison Gutierrez will be responsible for forwarding the citizen’s comments to the panel members. Liaison Gutierrez will create a form that requires a citizen to provide verifiable contact information. Member Limaye suggested to Liaison Gutierrez that she ensure the emails are valid, Liaison Gutierrez agreed. Comments received without verification information or contain information that cannot be verified will not be forwarded to the panel members. Member DeFrance suggested we have a deadline for citizens to submit their information and/or comments. Members Limaye and DeFrance agreed that citizens’ comments need to be submitted in by April 26th and all public comments at the ARP meetings need to fill out a comment form. All public comment will be accepted all the way through April 26. Liaison Gutierrez agreed to create a Page | 2 field on the form where the citizens can indicate which applicant they are making the comment about. Member Limaye move to accept citizen communication through the email listed on the ARP website and that citizen’s email address be verified before being forwarded to panel members and posted on the public forum. Member DeFrance seconded, motion was passed on a vote of 2-0 (Member Feller was not present during this vote). B. Review of application data sorted by zip code and demographics The Panel reviewed a summary of precincts 1, 2, 3, and …

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Applicant Review PanelApril 8, 2013

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Applicant Review PanelApril 8, 2013

Meeting Minutes 032213 (DRAFT) original pdf

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Page | 1 Applicant Review Panel Meeting Minutes Friday, March 22, 2013 Draft The Applicant Review Panel convened in a regularly called meeting on Friday, March 22, 2013 6:00 p.m. at City Hall’s Board and Commissioner’s Room #1101, 301 W 2nd St, Austin, TX 78701 Meeting was called to order at 6:12 pm by Jawana JJ Gutierrez, ARP staff liaison. COMMITTEE MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: Michelle DeFrance Carol Feller Caroline Limaye 1. CITIZEN COMMUNCIATION: Lorraine Atherton, Mario Cantu, Linda Curtis, Edwin English, Steve Bickerstaff 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes for March 11th 2013, and March 15th 2013 have been approved by the panel members 3. NEW BUSINESS: The ARP may discuss and take action on the following agenda items: A. Discuss approach to assessing applications, application merits, and work plan The Panel agreed to review applicants from precinct 2-3 for an additional test run of the scoring system. Panel member Carol Feller stated she will begin scoring on this next test run, rather than go back to work on precinct 1; the panel agreed. Panel also agreed to rank the application on just the final score and will provide their results to liaison Gutierrez prior to the next scheduled meeting. B. Define work plan Panel has tentatively agreed to the proposed work and schedule. The tentative schedule and proposed work plan is subject to change if the panel members deems it necessary. C. Set ARP Future meeting dates As agreed by the panel members, the next ARP meeting will be held on Friday, April 5th, 2013 at 6:00 PM. The meeting will be at City Hall’s Board and Commissioner’s Room #1101, 301 W 2nd St, Austin, TX 78701. The panel has Page | 2 agreed to meet every other Friday for now, but also has agreed to make any adjustments needed for scheduling changes. 4. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: Request future agenda items, information, and reports Panel members would like to have the citizens’ input on the process but did not decide upon a process. Liaison Gutierrez will conduct research to gather best practices for collecting citizens’ comments and will present the findings at the next meeting. As suggested and agreed by the panel members, staff liaison Gutierrez will provide to the panel members a breakdown of the population by zip code, and then a breakdown of the population by precinct. Staff Liaison Gutierrez adjourned the meeting at 7:07 pm without objection.

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Applicant Review PanelApril 8, 2013

Precinct 2 Scoring (DRAFT) original pdf

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Scoring for Precinct 2Precinct 2 Scoring -- DRAFT 040813Page 1SummaryResultsTotal of Non-Student Applications130Number of Applilcations where Panel Scored the Same3930%Total number of Applicatons with Same ScoringTotal number of Applicatons with All Same Scoring of 310Total number of Applicatons with All Same Scoring of 219Total number of Applicatons with Same Scoring of 110Total Number of Applications with Different ScoringTotal Number of Applications where Two Scores were 3, Other was 224Total Number of Applications where Two Scores were 3, Other was 11Total Number of Applications where Two Scores were 2, Other was 333Legend:Scoring of 1 = NoScoring of 2 = MaybeScoring of 3 = Yes Scoring for Precinct 2Precinct 2 Scoring -- DRAFT 040813Page 2110001Jordan, Dirk Matthew2121210005Rogers, Steven Wayne2231310007Harvey, Julia Blum2231410008Anton, Richard Henry2231510015Pritchett, Bette Napier3231610016Gordon, Joseph Spencer2121710018Cohen, Neil Kay1113810020Cannatti, Louis Rocco2121910022Lambert, Carl Waring21301010023DuBois, Caro E22231110025Humar, Pradeep23311210029Pollack, David N.11131310033Greer, Thomas Patrick22231410048Bluethman, Robert Glenn12211510053Wassenich, James (Red) Paul32311610061Conner, David Peyton32211710064Bohls, Josh Kent22311810070Graham, Seldon Bain Jr.32311910071Milam, Mary Ella (Susie)32312010074Driskill, Melvin Martin11212110082Keller, Eileen A22232210083McCarron, William E.32312310085Fulk, Janet Maureen32212410092Christianson, James (Jim)32312510094Webb, Stephanie Lynn33212610098Lancaster, John Oliver11132710099Morrow, Deverett B22312810102Lyon, John E32212910106McMillin, William John21213010112Martin, Anna Terese33333110117Almanza, Albert21303210125Little, Christopher Charles33213310128Newman, Holly S23313410145O'Shieles, Kelly Lynn22313510150Randazzo, Christopher Lee22233610152Kahle, Mary Closmann33333710154Hignight, Heath Kerr33333810161Souhami, Gloria23213910163McClelland, Blinda Eve11134010174Santos, Alfredo23214110179Smith, Charles L22314210180Dochen, Sanford Mark2231Michelle's RankCaroline's RankCompared (3 if all match, 1 if two match, 0 if none)OCA_ApplIDApplicant NameCarol's Rank Scoring for Precinct 2Precinct 2 Scoring -- DRAFT 040813Page 34310189Wheeler, Diana K23314410190Schultz, Robert Kenneth11134510195Priesnitz, Barbara Nadalini22234610200DiLeo, Michael J21214710202Flanagan, Karen Zern22314810203Hickerson, Melanie Jame21114910214Hendren, Ray32315010219Dunlap, Karen C22235110220Genet, Kathryn Kennemer22315210228Kane, Lynn23215310232Lackett, James John Jr.21215410235Smith, Paul Kevin21305510238Torres, Larry A22235610239Osburn, Anne Elizabeth11135710244Scheer, George Halley22235810247Conway, June Sederman11135910249Olbert, Art G.22236010257Comer, Mary Lee21116110263Statz, Joyce Ann22316210268Cowan, Julie S.22316310276Espinosa, Salvador G.22236410279Vail, Don22316510284Warlick, Doris H.11136610285Keils, Mary Kathryn (Kathy)32216710288Willis, John Edward21216810304Callahan, Blaze21216910317Costello, TJ32317010318Freeland, Clarence Joe12117110322Wettig, Harold E.11217210323Harrow, Harriett32317310325Orshalick, David Martin22237410327Roach, Paul Jeffrey22237510329Cotner, Thomas Ewing III.11137610338Andrews, Catherine Setzer32217710341Worsham, William Lee32317810347Lewis, Michael22317910348Art, David T33338010356Ortega, Anthony Cantu21218110357Pitt, Stephen P.21218210358Pavelka, Karen Lee21218310359Whatley, Thomas Lee22318410364Kass, James Allan21218510367Hay, John A III22238610376Kingsbury, Zachary Allen21308710377Dickens, Linda33338810380Risovi, Janet Lea3333 Scoring for Precinct 2Precinct 2 Scoring -- DRAFT 040813Page 48910382Boyd, Bobby Gene12309010383Person, Maria D.33339110387West, Dale Edward22319210388Cooley, Charles Hunt22239310391Cannon, Jerome Ralph22319410396Hamilton, Andrea Rado22319510398Blais, Lynn E.32319610403Ouellette, Laurence E.22239710405Schram, Elise Goeth23219810408Cornelius, Tracy S.22239910412Gregoire, Dennis Gerard223110010416Cavanaugh, Nina Ann132010110419Stevens, Leslie Marie323110210420Brisbin, Shelly D333310310427Takvorian, Alexan (Alexis)323110410430Jackson, Rachell221110510433Kroesche, Joseph L223110610438Dlugach, David111310710440Lopez, Arthur333310810442Stephens, Charles Jay223110910444Rainosek, Andrew Joseph223111010445Huang, Lawrence P233111110446Teich, Randal Edgar213011210449Brown, Emily Anne212111310453Randle, Flo Ann Miller222311410458Harris, Susan H.33111510465Torvik Ragan, Randeen S.212111610476Cullick, Robert Daniel323111710477Aleman, Micaela222311810479Pfefferle, Laura Sue323111910483Everton, Araminta L.323112010494Mejia-Dietche, Ana Isabel333312110501Michalik, Charles V.212112210502Hiebert, Julie H.213012310504Perez-Hodge, Alicia222312410506Smith, Kathleen Garza223112510507Frey, Peg Frederick (Seaufy)323112610509Pfluger, Kenneth Martin212112710514Furgeson, Jim Alan323112810522Mountain, Dianne Holley322112910523Self, Jim213013010528McMillen, Deanna Kay2121Number …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 8:57 p.m.
Applicant Review PanelApril 8, 2013

Precinct 3 Scoring (DRAFT) original pdf

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Scoring for Precinct 3Precinct 3 Scoring -- DRAFT 040813Page 1SummaryResultsTotal of Non-Student Applications121Number of Applilcations where Panel Scored the Same4033%Total number of Applicatons with Same ScoringTotal number of Applicatons with All Same Scoring of 312Total number of Applicatons with All Same Scoring of 216Total number of Applicatons with Same Scoring of 112Total Number of Applications with Different ScoringTotal Number of Applications where Two Scores were 3, Other was 222Total Number of Applications where Two Scores were 3, Other was 12Total Number of Applications where Two Scores were 2, Other was 327Legend:Scoring of 1 = NoScoring of 2 = MaybeScoring of 3 = Yes Scoring for Precinct 3Precinct 3 Scoring -- DRAFT 040813Page 2110002Madeley, Suzann2223210017Haag, Stefan David3333310024Rice, David3333410031Newton, Glenn P2130510038Smith, Trent Matthew1113610040Russiello, Emil F. 2121710041Kelly-Mahaffey, Willam Larry2223810043Dalchau, Shari Pahl1113910045Bennett, Brian Tyson11131010047Oberkrom, James C.21111110055Puchacz, Sigmund Joseph21211210057Branson, Clare Lynn22231310059DeWeese, Charles Calvin32211410060Martin, Alton E. 11131510065Richards, Joanne22231610067D'Arco, Jeff21211710068Olander-Waters, Stephen Michael31201810069Hersh, Stuart Harry22231910084Paul, Barbara Rutherford11132010086Yaple, James Abraham21112110087Meo, Gary Anthony22312210088Hatfield, John Howard11212310089Finley, Keith A21212410093Cumming, Thomas Newton Jr.21112510110Burke, Edward Joseph22232610113Noches, Ramon Crespin33332710115Cramer, Cathy22112810116Schaffner, Timothy F.32312910119Garcia, Gerald William33333010120Gibbs, Lucy Leaton33333110127Pyron, Dillon Marsdon Jr21213210129Stuber, Alan Lynn21213310130Keshet, Daniel J22233410131Satterwhite, Robert William11133510136Wilson, Margaret Alice22313610146Lee, Sarah Ann23213710149Peterson, James Lyle21213810151Hurlimann, Dan E 11133910157Derfler, Anne Elizabeth11134010160Jones, Benjamin Franklin Jr.33334110165Richmond, K. Karin22114210168Tyler, Sandra Camille11134310172Rivera, Elvira32214410191Cocco, Catherine T.3231Michelle's RankCaroline's RankCompared (3 if all match, 1 if two match, 0 if none)OCA_ApplIDApplicant NameCarol's Rank Scoring for Precinct 3Precinct 3 Scoring -- DRAFT 040813Page 34510192Pullen, Joe Perry21214610194Kurth, Lynn LaRue33334710201Kolar, Daniel E22314810211Perry, Krin Brooks31314910212Benold, Terrell Barnes21215010213Reyna, Roy23315110217Gilligan, Gerald Martin21305210224Icard, Fred Crawford Jr33215310226Charvet, Jocelyn 12115410229O'Grady, Teresa L.11135510243Thayer, Thomas G32315610252Joseph, Joe Lewis Jr.21305710261Haley, Benjamin Paschal32315810262Morton, Peggy Ann33215910264Collier, Elba Karol22236010266Mondal, Rayfes Ahmed22236110270Christian, William Gerow III22236210275Martinez, Gilbert M23316310278Wisthuff, Linda Stanford22316410281Aintablian, John 22316510283Cartwright, Linda S. 21216610287de la Morena, Almudena 22316710292Rhedin, Judith A. 23316810300Bennett, Gary Weldon 31316910302Zigrossi, Sam Joe33337010308Laing, Marie Elizabeth21307110309Johnson, Helen Benner32317210310Snider, Stewart Vestal22317310311Martinez, Gilbert D33337410315Kilgard, Deirdre T22237510319Williams, Wendell22237610328Bishop, John Franklyn Jr.32217710335Kimble, Roy Logan21307810339Stansberry, Paul K. 32317910342Gray, Melissa Rebecca33338010349Hernadez, John Frank23218110352Morris, Rosemary Graziano21218210353Weekly, Roger Donnell32218310354Cheng, Jason Mark32318410363Clayton, Marlene 32318510371Wilcox, Cynthia32318610372Barkley-Booher, JaNet Sue21308710389Mlotok, Marion22118810393Johnson, Robert (Rob) F. III32318910394Hagemann, Jody Lynn22319010404Waldman, Michael Fred32219110413Callis, John Christopher (JC)12119210414Callis, Julie Lopez1113 Scoring for Precinct 3Precinct 3 Scoring -- DRAFT 040813Page 49310415Rivera, Michael Anthony22239410422Shoppa, Dwayne Michael32319510424Williams, Talley Jones22239610429Perry, Gemsong Nova22319710431Herbst, Richard Alan22319810434Owens, M'Lynda22319910435Robertson, Daniel LeRoy223110010450Reed, James A223110110452Nabours, Cathy223110210457Kaspar, Mary Alice333310310462Luevanos, Maria Carmen233110410466McNair, Andrea Sevier323110510467Burger, Mary Frances212110610470Cohen, Conrad Herman111310710472Roberts, Leon212110810478Wiley, Phillip James323110910480Zarling, Suzanne Giesecke303111010481Barrett, Gerald George223111110490Chang, Samuel Yen-En322111210492Agarawal, Vandana232111310493Nhan, Vanessa Mei222311410499Jasinski, Daniel Joseph222311510511Lawson, Janet Denise333311610517Parker, Phillip Howard323111710520Baumel, Leonard Saul323111810525Tijerina, Juanita332111910526Diaz, Romeo Javier223112010527Wisdom, Laura Anne223112110535Maher, Mary Frances3221Number of 3-way matches40Number of 2-way matches74Number …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 8:57 p.m.
Applicant Review PanelApril 8, 2013

Summary of Applicants Stats original pdf

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Summary of Applicant Statistics Page | 1 Precinct 1 Total % of Total Total % of Total Female 32 47 Caucasian/White 29 43 Male 36 53 African American 22 32 Hispanic/Latino 14 21 American Indian 0 0 Asian 0 0 Other 3 4 Precinct 2 Total % of Total Total % of Total Female 54 42 Caucasian/White 111 85 Male 76 58 African American 6 5 Hispanic/Latino 9 7 American Indian 0 0 Asian 2 1 Other 2 2 47% 53% Gender Female Male 43% 32% 21% 0% 0% 4% Race Caucasian/ White African American Hispanic/ Latino American Indian Asian Other 42% 58% Gender Female Male 85% 5% 7% 0% 1% 2% Race Caucasian/ White African American Hispanic/ Latino American Indian Asian Other Summary of Applicant Statistics Page | 2 Precinct 3 Total % of Total Total % of Total Female 48 40 Caucasian/White 87 73 Male 72 60 African American 9 8 Hispanic/Latino 11 9 American Indian 0 0 Asian 6 5 Other 6 5 Precinct 4 Total % of Total Total % of Total Female 45 46 Caucasian/White 59 62 Male 52 54 African American 6 7 Hispanic/Latino 24 25 American Indian 3 3 Asian 1 1 Other 2 2 40% 60% Gender Female Male 73% 8% 9% 0% 5% 5% Race Caucasian/ White African American Hispanic/ Latino American Indian Asian Other 46% 54% Gender Female Male 62% 7% 25% 3% 1% 2% Race Caucasian/ White African American Hispanic/ Latino American Indian Asian Other Summary of Applicant Statistics Page | 3 Precinct 1 78702 78713 78721 78722 78723 78724 78727 78752 78753 78754 total Caucasian/ White 3 1 2 3 12 0 2 3 2 1 29 African American 2 0 0 3 10 2 0 2 2 1 22 Hispanic/ Latino 2 0 1 2 4 0 0 3 1 1 14 American Indian 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Asian 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 3 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 78702 78713 78721 78722 78723 78724 78727 78752 78753 78754 Other Asian American Indian Hispanic/ Latino African American Caucasian/ White Summary of Applicant Statistics Page | 4 Precinct 2 78701 78703 78705 78727 78729 78731 78746 78751 78753 78756 78757 78758 78759 total White 1 32 3 5 1 23 1 …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 8:57 p.m.
Lake Austin Task ForceApril 8, 2013

Agenda original pdf

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Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 10:46 p.m.
Lake Austin Task ForceApril 8, 2013

added: Confirm revised process on consensus recommendations - Chuck Lesniak, Watershed Protection Department original pdf

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1LakeAustinTaskforceRegularMeetingApril08,20133:30P.M.–5:30P.M.CityHallBoardandCommissionRoom#1101301WestSecondStreetAustin,Texas78701REVISEDAGENDANickWiersemaPlace1AppointeeKennethPflugerPlace1AppointeeEllenWittPlace2AppointeeMaryAnnNeelyPlace2AppointeeCarolLeePlace3AppointeeVacantPlace3AppointeeDr.BenHodgesPlace4AppointeePamMurfinPlace4AppointeeDr.ErnestGonzalezPlace5AppointeeJaredMatthewsPlace5AppointeeLindaGuerreroPlace6AppointeeAlanRoddyPlace6AppointeeJaneRiveraParks&RecreationBoardJamesSchissler,P.E.EnvironmentalBoardWilliamMoriartyWater&WastewaterCommissionEricMorelandMayor’sAppointeeBrianRoarkMayor’sAppointee1.CALLTOORDER2.APPROVALOFMINUTESa.ApprovetheLakeAustinTaskForcemeetingminutesofApril1,2013.3.DISCUSSIONANDACTIONITEMSa.Confirmrevisedprocessonconsensusrecommendations–ChuckLesniak,WatershedProtectionDepartmentb.Discusslakeboattraffic-LakeUseandManagementWorkGroupc.Discussthe50%ruleforboatdockremodeling–DevelopmentRegulationsandComplianceWorkGroupNEWBUSINESS-FutureagendaitemsADJOURNMENTTheLATFmaytakeitemsinanyorder,andmaytakeactiononanyitemexceptcitizen’scommunication.DirectanyquestionsonthisagendaortheBoardtoMarillaJ.Shepherd,974-3443oftheWatershedProtectionDepartment.TheCityofAustiniscommittedto 2compliancewiththeAmericansDisabilitiesAct.Reasonablemodificationsandequalaccesstocommunicationswillbeprovided.Pleasecall974-3443forinformation.Forasignlanguageinterpreter,pleasecallimmediately.

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 10:46 p.m.
Lake Austin Task ForceApril 8, 2013

Approved Minutes original pdf

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LAKEAUSTINTASKFORCEMEETINGMINUTESOFApril08,2013301W.SecondStreetCityHallBoardCouncilChambers3:30P.M.–5:30P.M.1.CALLTOORDERChairLindaGuerrerocalledthemeetingtoorderat3:40P.M.LATFAttendees:LindaGuerreroBenHodgesCarolLeeEricMorelandBillMoriartyPamMurfinMaryAnnNeelyKenPflugerJaneRiveraBrianRoarkAlanRoddyJamesSchisslerLATFMembersabsent:Dr.ErnestGonzalezNickWiersemaStaffandotherspresent:ChuckLesniakSueBarnettKathleenBuchananTinaBuiAndrewClamannLizJohnsonJacquelineRamosJohnScott2.APPROVALOFMINUTESa.ApprovetheLakeAustinTaskForcemeetingminutesofApril1,2013AmendmenttoreviseLakeAustinTaskForceminutesofApril1,2013toshowBrianRoarkasattendingratherthanabsent.MotionbyMemberJamesSchisslerandsecondedbyMemberJaneRivera.[Vote9-0-1-7] TheminuteswereapprovedonLakeAustinTaskForcememberKenPfluger’smotionandLakeAustinTaskForcemembersJamesSchissler’ssecond.[Vote9-0-1-7]3.DISCUSSIONANDACTIONITEMSa.Confirmrevisedprocessonconsensusrecommendations–ChuckLesniak,WatershedProtectionDepartmentThisitemwasconductedasposted.b.Discusslakeboattraffic-LakeUseandManagementWorkGroupThisitemwasdiscussedhowevernotcompleted.April15,2013meetingforfurtherdiscussion.c.Discussthe50%ruleforboatdockremodeling–DevelopmentRegulationsandComplianceWorkGroupThisitemwasdiscussedhowevernotcompleted.April15,2013meetingforfurtherdiscussion.NEWBUSINESS-Futureagendaitems1.ReportfromstaffregardingCOAfutureplansinthenext10yearsforannexationinthearea;whichincludesjurisdiction500ft.fromtheshoreline.ADJOURNMENTChairLindaGuerreroadjournedthemeetingat5:32p.m.

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 10:46 p.m.
Applicant Review PanelMarch 22, 2013

Agenda original pdf

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Applicant Review Panel Friday, March 22, 2013 6pm City Hall, Boards & Commissions Room 1101 301 W. 2nd Street, Austin, TX 78701 Members: Michelle DeFrance Carol Feller Caroline Limaye CALL TO ORDER 1. CITIZEN COMMUNCIATION: GENERAL (Please limit to 3 minutes per speaker) 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Approve minutes of March 11 and March 15, 2013 regular meetings. 3. NEW BUSINESS The ARP may discuss and take action on the following agenda items A. Discuss approach to assessing applications and application merits B. Define work plan C. Set ARP future meeting dates 4. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Request future agenda items, information, and reports ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 4 days before the meeting date. Please call Jawana Gutierrez at 512-322-6596 for additional information. TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. Questions regarding the Applicant Review Panel may be directed to Jawana Gutierrez at 512-322-6596.

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 8:58 p.m.
Applicant Review PanelMarch 22, 2013

Approved Minutes original pdf

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Page | 1 Applicant Review Panel Meeting Minutes Friday, March 22, 2013 The Applicant Review Panel convened in a regularly called meeting on Friday, March 22, 2013 6:00 p.m. at City Hall’s Board and Commissioner’s Room #1101, 301 W 2nd St, Austin, TX 78701 Meeting was called to order at 6:12 pm by Jawana JJ Gutierrez, ARP staff liaison. COMMITTEE MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: Michelle DeFrance Carol Feller Caroline Limaye 1. CITIZEN COMMUNCIATION: Lorraine Atherton, Mario Cantu, Linda Curtis, Edwin English, Steve Bickerstaff 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes from the regular ARP meetings on March 11, March 15, 2013 were approved on member Limaye’s motion, member DeFrance second on a vote of 2-0 (member Feller abstaining because she had not been officially appointed at the time of the meetings.) 3. NEW BUSINESS: The ARP may discuss and take action on the following agenda items: A. Discuss approach to assessing applications, application merits, and work plan The Panel agreed to review applicants from precinct 2-3 using the same scoring system used for Precinct 1. Panel member Carol Feller stated she will begin scoring on this next test run, rather than go back to work on precinct 1; the panel agreed. The panel members agreed to rank the application on just the final score and will provide their results to liaison Gutierrez prior to the next scheduled meeting. B. Define work plan The tentative work plan was approved on member DeFrance’s motion, member Limaye’s second on a vote of 3-0. The tentative schedule and proposed work plan is subject to change if the panel members deems it necessary. Liaison Gutierrez suggested that she could add information on the gender and minority status of the applications raked. Also, the panel agreed to disclose any person the member may know outside of the application process. The motion to accept citizen information (if signed with an email address and additional contact information) was approved on Page | 2 member Limaye’s motion, member Feller second on a vote of 3-0. Liaison Gutierrez said she will work with other City staff to propose a process to collect citizen comments. The panel may consider the process at the next meeting. C. Set ARP Future meeting dates As agreed by the panel members, the next ARP meeting will be held on Friday, April 5th, 2013 at 6:00 PM. The meeting will be at City Hall’s Board and Commissioner’s Room …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 8:58 p.m.