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Austin Energy Low Income Customer AdvocatesMay 21, 2014

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1 Employee Training May 2014 Overview of Training Program New Hire Training •Five weeks of instructor lead training totaling 200 hours of training –125 hours of classroom instruction –75 hours of trainer supported phone time •New hire graduates transition to a nesting environment in the call center for 4 to 6 weeks directly after New Hire Training •12 hours of Customer Relationship Building training is provided by our Quality Assurance team during the first 3 days of nesting Overview of Training Program Training for Existing Agents •Refresher training is provided as needed •Training is provided anytime there is a policy or process change •Weekly huddles are scheduled twice a week to address any issues or changes from the previous week •Supervisors are on-site with the CSR’s and are able to coach through challenging situations •Supervisors are available to take over any situation that requires upper management approval •Supervisors have an escalated team available to them to assist as needed Customer Advocacy Recommendations & Current Training Program Components Current Program Components •New Hire Training includes 15 hours of training on these topics •Training focus –Determining that a customer needs help when it hasn’t been explicitly stated –Determining the difference between a high bill due to an AE error versus a high bill due to usage patterns –Analyzing usage patterns to help customers conserve through changing habits –Identifying conservation programs that may benefit the customer –Connecting the customer with assistance agencies •Refresher training is provided to all agents as needed Recommendation: Inquiries and referrals to assistance and conservation and efficiency programs would be part of the conference between the customer and the AE Customer Care employee. Current Program Components: •If and when an arrearage program is created and funded, the training curriculum will be updated to include all of the above mentioned items. Customer Advocacy Recommendations & Current Training Program Components Recommendation: As part of the referral process, there should be an explanation of any arrearage programs including providing the customer application forms and instructions. Current Program Components: •All newly hired call center employees complete a 12 hour Customer Relationship Building class that focuses on improving the customer experience through the way we communicate with our customers. •The goal of the class is to highlight the importance of communicating in a way that shows we value our customers and we will work to the best of our ability to address the reason …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 8:43 p.m.
Austin Energy Low Income Customer AdvocatesMay 13, 2014

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AE Consumer Advocates Working Group May 13, 2014 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm Town Lake Center, Assembly Room 100 Agenda Goal: To understand the current rules and to develop a sustainable set of recommended rules for: • Revising deferred payment plans and service disconnections • Developing an arrearage management plan, and, • Revising appropriate customer service practices. Meeting Objectives 1. Review group Ground Rules and protocols for interaction; 2. Finalize Arrearage Management Program recommendations; and, 3. Consider additional Payment Arrangement recommendations (Recommendations for Consideration by the Customer Assistance Advocacy Group). 12:45 PM Gathering and Sign-In 1:00 PM Welcome, Objectives and Agenda Ground Rules and Updates Discussion of Arrearage Management Program Discussion of Additional PA Recommendations for Consideration Wrap-up and Next Steps 3:00 PM Adjourn Thank you for your participation today.

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 8:43 p.m.
Austin Energy Low Income Customer AdvocatesMay 13, 2014

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City of Austin UtilitiesArrearage Program DesignDiscount ParticipantsAny Active Residential Customer Who Has Had Service with AE from June 2011 to June 2013EligibilityEnrolled or waitlisted on the discount programActive residential customer who had service with AE from June 2011 to June 2013BenefitsImmediate incentive towards debt (match/credits begin month 1 of program) will be able to tap into AE resources (education class, weatherization) Immediate incentive towards debt (match/credits begin month 1 of program) will be able to tap into AE resources (education class, weatherization) How to ApplyAlready in place Already in place Length of ProgramDetermined by amount of debt; $1,750-$3,000 = 12 months $3,001-$6,000 = 24 months $6,001+ = 36 months Determined by amount of debt; $1,750-$3,000 = 12 months $3,001-$6,000 = 24 months $6,001+ = 36 months Down payment RequirementNot requiredNot requiredPayment Amount %20%/80%, 30%/70%, 40%/60% 40%/60%, 30%70%, 20%/80%Removal from Program2 strikes rule 30 day no contact = strike Default payment = strike NSF = strike Customer can participate in the program twice in a lifetime regardless of the outcome of previous program enrollment2 strikes rule 30 day no contact = strike Default payment = strike NSF = strike Customer can participate in the program twice in a lifetime regardless of the outcome of previous program enrollmentAdministrationAustin EnergyAustin EnergyTBD

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 8:43 p.m.
Boards and Commissions Transition TaskforceApril 30, 2014

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BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS TRANSITION TASKFORCE WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30, 2014 4:00 PM 301 W. SECOND STREET CITY HALL ROOM 1027 AUSTIN, TEXAS CURRENT BOARD MEMBERS: Dave Anderson Bernie Bernfeld Scott Daigle Babette Ellis Dale Gray Jeff Jack Norman Kieke Peggy Maceo Victor Martinez (Chair) Angela-Jo Touza-Medina (Vice Chair) Mary Gay Maxwell Lori Cervenak-Renteria Gabriel Rojas Dave Sullivan Olga Wise AGENDA CALL TO ORDER 1. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL The first 10 speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approve the minutes of the Boards and Commissions Transition Taskforce meeting of April 28, 2014 3. STAFF UPDATES AND POSSIBLE DISCUSSION 4. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION ON 10-1 TRANSITION PLAN FROM WORK GROUPS a. Boards and Commissions workgroup report b. Transition workgroup report c. Planning & Development Review workgroup report d. Diversity workgroup report e. Intergovernmental group report f. Non 2-1 Boards 5. FUTURE MEETING DATES 6. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 4 days before the meeting date. Please call Myrna Rios or Mary Lamoreaux at the Office of the City Clerk, at 512-974-2210 for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711 For more information on the Boards and Commission Transition Taskforce, please contact Myrna Rios or Mary Lamoreaux at the Office of the City Clerk, at 512-974-2210.

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:44 p.m.
Boards and Commissions Transition TaskforceApril 30, 2014

DRAFT Basic Conversion Groups original pdf

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Boards and Commissions Transition Taskforce Basic Conversion Groups The following Commissions and other groups will transition from the current 7-member Council to the new 11-member Council growing from seven to eleven members appointed by each Council member. Some groups are re-named for consistency with the recommendation to name groups as “Commissions” Art Commission Austin Airport Advisory Commission Austin Community Technology and Telecommunication Commission Austin Music Commission Immigrant Affairs Commission Veterans Affairs Commission Electric Utility Commission Ethics Review Commission Historic Landmark Commission Human Rights Commission Impact Fee Advisory Committee Library Commission Parks and Recreation Commission Robert Mueller Municipal Airport Plan Implementation Advisory Commission Urban Transportation Commission Water and Wastewater Commission Zero Waste Advisory Commission

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:44 p.m.
Boards and Commissions Transition TaskforceApril 30, 2014

Draft BCWR original pdf

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Boards and Commissions Transition Taskforce Boards and Commissions Workgroup Report DRAFT 4/28/14, 8:30 pm 1. PURPOSE & BACKGROUND The Boards and Commissions Workgroup, (BCW), was formed initially to assess responses from various Boards and Commissions, (B&C), to a questionnaire developed by the B&C Transition Taskforce, (BCTT), regarding the transition from a 7-member to an 11-member City Council. Once responses were received, the BCW charge expanded to include making recommendations on the future, (continue, discontinue, merge, etc.), of any B&C not under consideration by the Planning & Development Review Workgroup. Comments and input were received during BCTT meetings, (including Citizens Communication), as well as from B&C representatives and staff liaisons. 2. ORGANIZATION The BCW included the following members of the BCTT: Angela-Jo Touza-Medina, Commission on Immigrant Affairs Olga Wise, Library Commission Norman Kieke, Austin Mayor’s Committee for People with Disabilities 3. MEETINGS The BCW met or conferred via email on these dates: March 3, 6, 10, 13, 24, 27 April 1, 3, 10, 15, 17, 22, 24, 25 Updates have been regularly provided to the BCTT at scheduled meetings. 4. RECOMMENDATIONS and LISTING of IMPACTED APPOINTEES Note:  This document does not cover Boards or Commissions being considered by the Planning and Development Review group.  Boards and Commissions not addressed by Transition Taskforce Work Groups will transition to 11-members with membership appointed by the City Council.  City staff will determine departmental oversight, and responsibilities in the case of mergers or new Commissions or Committees.  Commissions which are newly formed or merged should use Work Groups or permanent Committees to accomplish activities or address issues.  The merger of some existing Commissions and the creation of new Commissions or Committees represents efforts to (1) reduce the overall number of Commissions, Boards, Committees, etc.), (2) facilitate communication between groups and eliminate issue silos which currently exist in the Boards and Commissions structure, and (3) create Commissions or Committees to address issues not represented in the recommended re-structuring of all groups  For Commissions which are new, represent a merger of two existing Commissions or Boards, or have membership drawn from other Commissions, it is recommended that a “lead” staffing City Department be identified, with representation provided by additional appropriate City Departments.  It is recommended that a consistent naming convention be used in referring to all possible groups as “Commissions”.  Boards or Commissions represented in joint Commissions or Committees …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:44 p.m.
Boards and Commissions Transition TaskforceApril 30, 2014

Draft minutes original pdf

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BOARD AND COMMISSION TRANSITION TASKFORCE WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30, 2014 1 BOARD AND COMMISSION TRANSITION TASKFORCE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, April 30, 2014 The Board and Commission Transition Taskforce convened in a regular meeting on Wednesday, April 30, 2014 at 301 W. Second Street, Room 1027. Chair Victor Martinez called the Taskforce Meeting to order at 4:03 p.m. Taskforce Members in Attendance: Dave Anderson Bernie Bernfeld Scott Daigle Dale Gray Jeff Jack Norman Kieke Victor Martinez (Chair) Angela-Jo Touza-Medina (Vice Chair) Mary Gay Maxwell Lori Cervenak-Renteria Dave Sullivan Staff in Attendance: Jannette Goodall, City Clerk, Myrna Rios, Assistant City Clerk, Cindy Crosby, Law, Cynthia Tom, Law 1. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL Emilio Zamora Scott Johnson Delia Garza Cynthia Valadez Ernesto Calderon Martha Cotera 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the April 28, 2014 Boards and Commissions Transition Taskforce meeting were approved with no objection. Babette Ellis and Olga Wise absent. 3. STAFF UPDATES AND POSSIBLE DISCUSSION No updates. 4. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION ON TRANSITION PLAN a. Boards and Commissions workgroup report b. Transition workgroup report c. Planning & Development Review workgroup report d. Diversity workgroup report e. Intergovernmental group report f. Non 2-1 Boards BOARD AND COMMISSION TRANSITION TASKFORCE WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30, 2014 2 The motion to approve section B1 of the Boards and Commissions transition work group report was made by Dave Anderson, Lori Cervenak-Renteria second on a 13-0 vote. Babette Ellis and Olga Wise absent. The motion to approve section B2 of the Boards and Commissions transition work group report was made by Angela-Jo Touza-Medina, Mary Gay Maxwell second on a 13-0 vote. Babette Ellis and Olga Wise absent. The motion to approve section B3 of the Boards and Commissions transition work group report was made by Dave Anderson, Jeff Jack second on a 13-0 vote. Babette Ellis and Olga Wise absent. The motion to approve section B4 of the Planning and Development Review work group report with revisions to add Option 2 was approved without objection. Lori Cervenak-Renteria off the dais, Babette Ellis and Olga Wise absent. The motion to approve section B5 of the Planning and Development Review work group report with revisions to add Option 2 was approved without objection. Lori Cervenak-Renteria off the dais, Babette Ellis and Olga Wise absent. The motion to approve section B6 of the Planning and Development Review work group report with revisions to add Option 2 was approved without …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:44 p.m.
Boards and Commissions Transition TaskforceApril 30, 2014

Draft Minutes original pdf

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BOARD AND COMMISSION TRANSITION TASKFORCE MONDAY, APRIL 28, 2014 1 BOARD AND COMMISSION TRANSITION TASKFORCE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Monday, April 28, 2014 The Board and Commission Transition Taskforce convened in a regular meeting on Monday, April 28, 2014 at 301 W. Second Street, Room 1029. Chair Victor Martinez called the Taskforce Meeting to order at 4:02 p.m. Taskforce Members in Attendance: Dave Anderson Bernie Bernfeld Scott Daigle Babette Ellis Dale Gray Jeff Jack Norman Kieke Victor Martinez (Chair) Angela-Jo Touza-Medina (Vice Chair) Mary Gay Maxwell Lori Cervenak-Renteria Dave Sullivan Olga Wise Staff in Attendance: Jannette Goodall, City Clerk, Myrna Rios, Assistant City Clerk, Cindy Crosby, Law, Cynthia Tom, Law 1. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL Vince Cobalis Alicia Perez Teresa Perez-Wisely Jane Rivera Gilbert Rivera Juan Oyervides Lesley Varghese 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the April 23, 2014 Boards and Commissions Transition Taskforce meeting were approved with no objection. Peggy Maceo and Gabriel Rojas absent. 3. STAFF UPDATES AND POSSIBLE DISCUSSION No updates. 4. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION ON TRANSITION PLAN a. Boards and Commissions workgroup report b. Transition workgroup report c. Planning & Development Review workgroup report d. Diversity workgroup report BOARD AND COMMISSION TRANSITION TASKFORCE MONDAY, APRIL 28, 2014 2 e. Intergovernmental group report f. Non 2-1 Boards The motion to approve sections A, C, & D of the Boards and Commissions transition work group report was approved without objection. Direction was given to staff to request that the final report be presented to City Council. Transition workgroup discussed the draft ordinance amending Chapter 2-1 of the Code regarding city commissions. The motion to approve the suggested revisions and return to the law department for further review was approved without objection. Part 1(E) add “or initiate a new commission” after July 1 date to replace an existing commission… The motion to approve the Planning and Development Review work group report with revisions was approved without objection. No discussion from the Diversity workgroup, Intergovernmental group or Non 2-1 Boards. 5. FUTURE MEETING DATES No items were discussed. 6. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS No Items were discussed. ADJOURN Chair Victor Martinez adjourned the meeting at 6:14 p.m. without objection.

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:44 p.m.
Boards and Commissions Transition TaskforceApril 30, 2014

PDR work group report original pdf

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DRAFT Planning & Development Review Department Working Group Subcommittee Report April 30, 2014 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Planning and Development Review (PDR) Working Group was formed as a Working Group under the full Boards and Commissions (B&C) Task Force to understand and evaluate B&C roles and membership requirements for those Boards and Commissions associated primarily or tangentially with the Planning and Development Review Department, and provide our recommendations to the full B&C Task Force. The PDR Working Group evaluated the following Boards and Commissions: • Board of Adjustment • Bond Oversight Committee (Capital Planning Office) • Building and Fire Code Board of Appeals • Building and Standards Commission • Land Development Code Advisory Committee • Construction Advisory Commission • Design Commission • Downtown Commission (Economic Development Department) • Electric Board • Mechanical, Plumbing, and Solar Advisory Board • Historic Landmark Commission • Planning Commission • Residential Design and Compatibility Commission • Sign Review Board • Waterfront Planning Advisory Board • Zoning and Platting Commission The PDR Working Group consisted of Dave Sullivan (scientist), Jeff Jack (architect), Gabe Rojas (planner), and Dave Anderson (engineering), and met as a group nine (9) times in March and April 2014, in addition to the regular meetings of the full Boards and Commissions Task Force. The PDR Working Group also presented at the City Council Work Session on April 8, 2014, where they responded to questions and received comments that were integrated into the recommendations The PDR Working Group’s recommendations are summarized in the Table ES-­‐1. Table ES-­‐1. Summary of Recommendations Board/ Commission Recommended Action Recommended # Members Board of Adjustment Maintain duties of the Board of Adjustment, without the two additional Sign Review Board members as currently organized 11 Bond Oversight Committee Reassign duties to a newly-­‐created Economic and Capital Budget Joint Subcommittee of the Planning Commission and Zoning and Platting Commission Building & Fire Code Board of Appeals Join the duties of the Building and Fire Code Board of Appeals with the duties of the Electric Board and the Mechanical, Plumbing, and Solar Board into a new Life Safety Board of Appeals 11 Building & Standards Commission Maintain duties of Buildings and Standards Commission as currently envisioned. 22 Land Development Code Advisory Committee Maintain duties of Land Development Code Advisory Committee as currently envisioned 11 Construction Advisory Commission Reassign duties to a new Municipal Contracts and Construction Commission. Design Commission Maintain duties of Design …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:44 p.m.
Boards and Commissions Transition TaskforceApril 28, 2014

Agenda original pdf

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BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS TRANSITION TASKFORCE MONDAY, APRIL 28, 2014 4:00 PM 301 W. SECOND STREET CITY HALL ROOM 1029 AUSTIN, TEXAS CURRENT BOARD MEMBERS: Dave Anderson Bernie Bernfeld Scott Daigle Babette Ellis Dale Gray Jeff Jack Norman Kieke Peggy Maceo Victor Martinez (Chair) Angela-Jo Touza-Medina (Vice Chair) Mary Gay Maxwell Lori Cervenak-Renteria Gabriel Rojas Dave Sullivan Olga Wise AGENDA CALL TO ORDER 1. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL The first 10 speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approve the minutes of the Boards and Commissions Transition Taskforce meeting of April 23, 2014 3. STAFF UPDATES AND POSSIBLE DISCUSSION 4. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION ON 10-1 TRANSITION PLAN FROM WORK GROUPS a. Boards and Commissions workgroup report b. Transition workgroup report c. Planning & Development Review workgroup report d. Diversity workgroup report e. Intergovernmental group report f. Non 2-1 Boards 5. FUTURE MEETING DATES 6. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 4 days before the meeting date. Please call Myrna Rios at the Office of the City Clerk, at 512-974-2210 for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711 For more information on the Boards and Commission Transition Taskforce, please contact Myrna Rios at the Office of the City Clerk, at 512-974-2210.

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:44 p.m.
Boards and Commissions Transition TaskforceApril 28, 2014

Draft Minutes original pdf

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BOARD AND COMMISSION TRANSITION TASKFORCE WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 2014 1 BOARD AND COMMISSION TRANSITION TASKFORCE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, April 23, 2014 The Board and Commission Transition Taskforce convened in a regular meeting on Wednesday, April 23, 2014 at 301 W. Second Street, Room 1029. Chair Victor Martinez called the Taskforce Meeting to order at 4:01 p.m. Taskforce Members in Attendance: Bernie Bernfeld Scott Daigle Dale Gray Jeff Jack Norman Kieke Peggy Maceo Victor Martinez (Chair) Lori Cervenak-Renteria Dave Sullivan Olga Wise Staff in Attendance: Jannette Goodall, City Clerk, Myrna Rios, Assistant City Clerk 1. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL Paul Saldana Susana Almanza Jesus Lardizabal Anita Quintanilla Gilbert Rivera Juan Oyervides 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the April 21, 2014 Boards and Commissions Transition Taskforce meeting were approved with no objection. Member’s Dave Anderson, Babette Ellis, Angela-Jo Touza-Medina, Mary Gay Maxwell, and Gabriel Rojas absent. 3. STAFF UPDATES AND POSSIBLE DISCUSSION Staff distributed the Boards and Commissions Transition Ordinance for review. 4. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION ON TRANSITION PLAN a. Boards and Commissions workgroup report b. Transition workgroup report c. Planning & Development Review workgroup report d. Diversity workgroup report e. Intergovernmental group report BOARD AND COMMISSION TRANSITION TASKFORCE WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 2014 2 The Boards and Commissions work group discussed the recommendations and survey results regarding mergers. No discussion from the transition workgroup, the Planning and Development Review work group, Diversity workgroup report or Intergovernmental group report. 5. FUTURE MEETING DATES No items were discussed. 6. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS No Items were discussed. ADJOURN Chair Victor Martinez adjourned the meeting at 5:54 p.m. without objection.

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:45 p.m.
Boards and Commissions Transition TaskforceApril 28, 2014

Draft PDR Work Group Report original pdf

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DRAFT Planning & Development Review Department Working Group Subcommittee Report April 30, 2014 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Planning and Development Review (PDR) Working Group was formed as a Working Group under the full Boards and Commissions (B&C) Task Force to understand and evaluate B&C roles and membership requirements for those Boards and Commissions associated primarily or tangentially with the Planning and Development Review Department, and provide our recommendations to the full B&C Task Force. The PDR Working Group evaluated the following Boards and Commissions: • Board of Adjustment • Bond Oversight Committee (Capital Planning Office) • Building and Fire Code Board of Appeals • Building and Standards Commission • Land Development Code Advisory Committee • Construction Advisory Commission • Design Commission • Downtown Commission (Economic Development Department) • Electric Board • Mechanical, Plumbing, and Solar Advisory Board • Historic Landmark Commission • Planning Commission • Residential Design and Compatibility Commission • Sign Review Board • Waterfront Planning Advisory Board • Zoning and Platting Commission The PDR Working Group consisted of Dave Sullivan (scientist), Jeff Jack (architect), Gabe Rojas (planner), and Dave Anderson (engineering), and met as a group nine (9) times in March and April 2014, in addition to the regular meetings of the full Boards and Commissions Task Force. The PDR Working Group also presented at the City Council Work Session on April 8, 2014, where they responded to questions and received comments that were integrated into the recommendations The PDR Working Group’s recommendations are summarized in the Table ES-­‐1. Table ES-­‐1. Summary of Recommendations Board/ Commission Recommended Action Recommended # Members Board of Adjustment Maintain duties of the Board of Adjustment, without the two additional Sign Review Board members as currently organized 11 Bond Oversight Committee Reassign duties to a newly-­‐created Economic and Capital Budget Joint Subcommittee of the Planning Commission and Zoning and Platting Commission Building & Fire Code Board of Appeals Join the duties of the Building and Fire Code Board of Appeals with the duties of the Electric Board and the Mechanical, Plumbing, and Solar Board into a new Life Safety Board of Appeals 11 Building & Standards Commission Maintain duties of Buildings and Standards Commission as currently envisioned. 22 Land Development Code Advisory Committee Maintain duties of Land Development Code Advisory Committee as currently envisioned 11 Construction Advisory Commission Reassign duties to a new Municipal Contracts and Construction Commission. Design Commission Maintain duties of Design …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:45 p.m.
Boards and Commissions Transition TaskforceApril 28, 2014

Draft Report original pdf

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Boards and Commissions Transition Taskforce Boards and Commissions Workgroup Report DRAFT 4/25/14, 12:00 noon 1. PURPOSE & BACKGROUND The Boards and Commissions Workgroup, (BCW), was formed initially to assess responses from various Boards and Commissions, (B&C), to a questionnaire developed by the B&C Transition Taskforce, (BCTT), regarding the transition from a 7-member to an 11-member City Council. Once responses were received, the BCW charge expanded to include making recommendations on the future, (continue, discontinue, merge, etc.), of any B&C not under consideration by the Planning & Development Review Workgroup. Comments and input were received during BCTT meetings, (including Citizens Communication), as well as from B&C representatives and staff liaisons. 2. ORGANIZATION The BCW included the following members of the BCTT: Angela-Jo Touza-Medina, Commission on Immigrant Affairs Olga Wise, Library Commission Norman Kieke, Austin Mayor’s Committee for People with Disabilities 3. MEETINGS The BCW met or conferred via email on these dates: March 3, 6, 10, 13, 24, 27 April 1, 3, 10, 15, 17, 22, 24, 25 Updates have been regularly provided to the BCTT at scheduled meetings. 4. RECOMMENDATIONS and LISTING of IMPACTED APPOINTEES Note:  This document does not cover Boards or Commissions being considered by the Planning and Development Review group.  Boards and Commissions not addressed by Transition Taskforce Work Groups will transition to 11-members with membership appointed by the City Council.  City staff will determine departmental oversight, and responsibilities in the case of mergers or new Commissions or Committees.  Commissions which are newly formed or merged should use Work Groups or permanent Committees to accomplish activities or address issues.  For Commissions which are new, represent a merger of two existing Commissions or Boards, or have membership drawn from other Commissions, it is recommended that a “lead” City Department be identified to staff those Commissions, with representation provided by additional appropriate City Departments.  It is recommended that a consistent naming convention be used in referring to all groups as “Commissions”.  It is recommended that the City Council hold a public hearing on the transition of Boards and Commissions to the 11-member City Council and these recommendations.  Boards or Commissions represented in joint Commissions or Committees will select their own representative from their membership. Other members who are not representatives of a Board or Commission shall be nominated by the Mayor and approved by a majority of the Council. A. GROUPS …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:45 p.m.
Boards and Commissions Transition TaskforceApril 28, 2014

Draft Transition Plan original pdf

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Page 1 of 3 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 2-1 OF THE CITY CODE 1 REGARDING CITY BOARDSCOMMISSION; AND PROVIDING FOR A 2 TRANSITION FROM A SEVEN-MEMBER COUNCIL TO AN 11-MEMBER 3 COUNCIL WITH REGARD TO BOARD COMMISSION MEMBERSHIP AND 4 APPOINTMENTS. 5 6 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUSTIN: 7 8 PART 1. Board Commission Transition. 9 (A) In this Part “boardcommission” means: 10 (1) a board or commission named in Chapter 2-1 of the City Code and: 11 (a) the Austin Area Comprehensive HIV Planning Council; 12 (b) the Impact Fee Advisory Committee; and 13 (c) the Urban Renewal Authority. 14 (B) Beginning on the first date that the city council elected in the November 2014 15 general election convenes: 16 (1) the size, composition, officers, committees, and bylaws of each board 17 commission are continued as each of these exist until June 30, 2015; 18 (2) unless otherwise required by state law or the City Charter a quorum of a 19 boardcommission, and the number of votes required for action by the 20 boardcommission, is a majority of the members, not including a member 21 who has died, been removed, or resigned unless that member is serving in 22 a hold-over capacity; and 23 (3) unless otherwise required by state law or the City Charter: 24 (a) the term of each current council appointee on a board commission 25 is extended to June 30, 2015; and 26 (b) the term of each current council appointee on a board commission 27 expires on June 30, 2015. 28 (C) If a vacancy exists on a board commission after the last regularly scheduled 29 meeting of the seven-member at-large city council; the vacancy shall be filled 30 Page 2 of 3 by the council elected at the November 2014 general election. The Mayor shall 1 nominate a person to fill the vacancy, subject to the council’s approval. Unless 2 otherwise required by state law or the City Charter, a term of a person 3 appointed to fill a vacancy under this subpart expires on June 30, 2015. 4 (D) A council member elected at the November 2014 election who will be entitled 5 to nominate a person for appointment to a board commission under Chapter 2-6 1 as amended by Part 2 of this ordinance may nominate a person before the 7 effective …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:45 p.m.
Boards and Commissions Transition TaskforceApril 28, 2014

Impact on Appointments Report original pdf

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IMPACTS TO THE NUMBER OF APPOINTEES BASED ON PROPOSED CHANGES 28‐4‐14 Existing Proposed Board/Commission # AppointeesBoard/Commission #AppointeesAfrican American Resource Advisory Commission 7African American Quality of Life Commission 15African American Cultural & Heritage Facility Advisory Group Airport Boulevard Advisory Group 21Airport Boulevard Advisory Group 21Animal Advisory Commission 7Animal Advisory Commission5Applicant Review Panel 3Applicant Review Panel3Arts Commission 7Arts Commission11Asian American Quality of Life Advisory Commission 7Asian American Quality of Life Commission 15Asian American Cultural Center Austin Airport Advisory Commission 7Austin Airport Advisory Commission 11Austin Area Comprehensive HIV Planning Council 13Austin Area Comprehensive HIV Planning Council13Austin Community Technology and Telecommunications Commission 7Austin Community Technology and Telecommunications Commission 11Austin Energy Low Income Customer Advocates 16Austin Energy Resource Planning Task Force 8Austin Mayor's Committee for People with Disabilities 7People with Disabilities and Seniors Quality of Life Commission 15Austin Music Commission 7Austin Music Commission11Austin Travis County Integral Care Board of Trustees 9Austin Travis County Integral Care Board of Trustees 9Austin‐Travis County EMS Advisory Board 9Austin‐Travis County EMS Advisory Board 9Central Health Board of Managers 9Central Health Board of Managers 9City of Austin Firefighters,' Police Officers' and Emergency Medical Services Personnel Civil Service Commission 3City of Austin Firefighters,' Police Officers' and Emergency Medical Services Personnel Civil Service Commission 3Commission for Women 7Commission on Immigrant Affairs 7Immigrant Affairs Commission 11Commission on Seniors 11Commission on Veterans Affairs 7Veterans Affairs Commission11Community Development Commission 15Community Development Commission 15Downtown Austin Community Court Advisory Committee 7Early Childhood Council 13Early Childhood Commission13Electric Utility Commission 7Environmental Board 7Environmental Commission11Ethics Review Commission 7Ethics Review Commission11Hispanic/Latino Quality of Life Resource Advisory Commission 7Hispanic/Latino Quality of Life Commission 15Mexican American Cultural Center Advisory Board 7Housing Authority of the City of Austin 5Housing Authority of the City of Austin 5Human Rights Commission 7Human Rights Commission11Impact Fee Advisory Committee 7Impact FeeAdvisory Committee 11Lake Austin Task Force 17 IMPACTS TO THE NUMBER OF APPOINTEES BASED ON PROPOSED CHANGES 28‐4‐14 Library Commission 7Library Commission11MBE/WBE and Small Business Enterprise Procurement Program Advisory Committee 7Municipal Contracts and Construction Commission Municipal Civil Service Commission 5Municipal Civil Service Commission 11Parks and Recreation Board 7Parks and Recreation Commission 11Public Safety Commission 7Emergency Response Services Commission 11Resource Management Commission 7Robert Mueller Municipal Airport Plan Implementation Advisory Commission 7Robert Mueller Municipal Airport Plan Implementation Advisory Commission 11Sustainable Food Policy Board 13Sustainable Food Policy Commission 13Travis Central Appraisal District Board of Directors 3Travis Central Appraisal District Board of Directors3Urban Forestry Board 7Urban Renewal Board 7Urban Renewal Commission7Urban Transportation Commission 7Urban …

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Boards and Commissions Transition TaskforceApril 23, 2014

Agenda original pdf

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BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS TRANSITION TASKFORCE WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 2014 4:00 PM 301 W. SECOND STREET CITY HALL ROOM 1029 AUSTIN, TEXAS CURRENT BOARD MEMBERS: Dave Anderson Bernie Bernfeld Scott Daigle Babette Ellis Dale Gray Jeff Jack Norman Kieke Peggy Maceo Victor Martinez (Chair) Angela-Jo Touza-Medina (Vice Chair) Mary Gay Maxwell Lori Cervenak-Renteria Gabriel Rojas Dave Sullivan Olga Wise AGENDA CALL TO ORDER 1. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL The first 10 speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approve the minutes of the Boards and Commissions Transition Taskforce meeting of April 21, 2014 3. STAFF UPDATES AND POSSIBLE DISCUSSION 4. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION ON 10-1 TRANSITION PLAN FROM WORK GROUPS a. Boards and Commissions workgroup report b. Transition workgroup report c. Planning & Development Review workgroup report d. Diversity workgroup report e. Intergovernmental group report 5. FUTURE MEETING DATES 6. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 4 days before the meeting date. Please call Myrna Rios or Mary Lamoreaux at the Office of the City Clerk, at 512-974-2210 for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711 For more information on the Boards and Commission Transition Taskforce, please contact Myrna Rios or Mary Lamoreaux at the Office of the City Clerk, at 512-974-2210.

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:45 p.m.
Boards and Commissions Transition TaskforceApril 23, 2014

Approved Minutes original pdf

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BOARD AND COMMISSION TRANSITION TASKFORCE WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 2014 1 BOARD AND COMMISSION TRANSITION TASKFORCE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, April 23, 2014 The Board and Commission Transition Taskforce convened in a regular meeting on Wednesday, April 23, 2014 at 301 W. Second Street, Room 1029. Chair Victor Martinez called the Taskforce Meeting to order at 4:01 p.m. Taskforce Members in Attendance: Bernie Bernfeld Scott Daigle Dale Gray Jeff Jack Norman Kieke Peggy Maceo Victor Martinez (Chair) Lori Cervenak-Renteria Dave Sullivan Olga Wise Staff in Attendance: Jannette Goodall, City Clerk, Myrna Rios, Assistant City Clerk 1. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL Paul Saldana Susana Almanza Jesus Lardizabal Anita Quintanilla Gilbert Rivera Juan Oyervides 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the April 21, 2014 Boards and Commissions Transition Taskforce meeting were approved with no objection. Member’s Dave Anderson, Babette Ellis, Angela-Jo Touza-Medina, Mary Gay Maxwell, and Gabriel Rojas absent. 3. STAFF UPDATES AND POSSIBLE DISCUSSION Staff distributed the Boards and Commissions Transition Ordinance for review. 4. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION ON TRANSITION PLAN a. Boards and Commissions workgroup report b. Transition workgroup report c. Planning & Development Review workgroup report d. Diversity workgroup report e. Intergovernmental group report BOARD AND COMMISSION TRANSITION TASKFORCE WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 2014 2 The Boards and Commissions work group discussed the recommendations and survey results regarding mergers. No discussion from the transition workgroup, the Planning and Development Review work group, Diversity workgroup report or Intergovernmental group report. 5. FUTURE MEETING DATES No items were discussed. 6. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS No Items were discussed. ADJOURN Chair Victor Martinez adjourned the meeting at 5:54 p.m. without objection.

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:45 p.m.
Boards and Commissions Transition TaskforceApril 23, 2014

Late Backup - Item 4.a - Letter from Austin Raza Round Table original pdf

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1 Austin Raza Round Table April 22, 2014 Boards and Commissions Transition Task Force City of Austin P.O. 1088 Austin, TX 78701 c/o Myrna Rios, Office of the City Clerk, 512-974-2504, Email: Dear Chair Martinez and Members of the Task Force: The Emma S. Barrientos Mexican American Cultural Center (ESBMACC) and Hispanic/Latino Quality of Life Resource Advisory Commission (HQLRAC) are two important yet distinct initiatives in the City of Austin. “Somehow combining them under one single advisory board or as one voice” would be harmful and detrimental to both. The significance, history and interests of the Mexican American Cultural Center in the eyes of the Mexican American community of Austin over the last 40 years would be diluted if “somehow merged” with any other city of Austin board. The ESBMACC mission is “...the preservation, creation, presentation, and promotion of Mexican American cultural arts and heritage. The Center is a resource for the community and visitors to learn and participate in classes and programs that will foster a meaningful understanding and appreciation of not only Mexican American, but also Native American, Chicano, and other Latino cultures. The programs and educational curriculum include areas of visual art, theatre, dance, literature, music, language arts, and multi-media.” The Mexican American community struggled and fought for decades and demanded that a cultural center be established. The dream finally came to fruition in 2007. The ESBMACC Board responsibility is to bring the mission of the ESBMACC to life through its support and approval of programming and activities that staff and community organizations bring forward for approval. 2 The Hispanic/Latino Quality of Life Initiative goal was: “…to answer the following questions for Austin: A. Is the quality of life experience of Hispanics/Latinos significantly different from the quality of life experienced by the rest of Austin and other demographic groups? B. Is the City of Austin providing programs, services, financial assistance and other opportunities to enhance the quality of life for Hispanics/Latinos?” The HQLRAC major topics to be considered and recommendations for City action by this entity are: A. Education, B. Youth Services, C. Housing and Community Development, D. Cultural Arts, E. Economic Development, F. Health, G. Civic Engagement, and H. Transportation. The HQLRAC has too broad a role and mission to give the citizens an opportunity to participate closely with their city government when it comes to the MACC. The HQLRA Commission should have a major …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:45 p.m.
Boards and Commissions Transition TaskforceApril 23, 2014

Late Backup Item 3 - draft transition ordinance original pdf

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Page 1 of 3 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 2-1 OF THE CITY CODE 1 REGARDING CITY BOARDS; AND PROVIDING FOR A TRANSITION FROM 2 A SEVEN-MEMBER COUNCIL TO AN 11-MEMBER COUNCIL WITH 3 REGARD TO BOARD MEMBERSHIP AND APPOINTMENTS. 4 5 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUSTIN: 6 7 PART 1. Board Transition. 8 (A) In this Part “board” means: 9 (1) a board named in Chapter 2-1 of the City Code and: 10 (a) the Austin Area Comprehensive HIV Planning Council; 11 (b) the Impact Fee Advisory Committee; and 12 (c) the Urban Renewal Authority. 13 (B) Beginning on the first date that the city council elected in the November 2014 14 general election convenes: 15 (1) the size, composition, officers, committees, and bylaws of each board are 16 continued as each of these exist until June 30, 2015; 17 (2) unless otherwise required by state law or the City Charter a quorum of a 18 board, and the number of votes required for action by the board, is a 19 majority of the members, not including a member who has died, been 20 removed, or resigned unless that member is serving in a hold-over 21 capacity; and 22 (3) unless otherwise required by state law or the City Charter: 23 (a) the term of each council appointee on a board is extended to June 24 30, 2015; and 25 (b) the term of each council appointee on a board expires on June 30, 26 2015. 27 (C) If a vacancy exists on a board after the last regularly scheduled meeting of the 28 seven-member at-large city council; the vacancy shall be filled by the council 29 elected at the November 2014 general election. The Mayor shall nominate a 30 Page 2 of 3 person to fill the vacancy, subject to the council’s approval. Unless otherwise 1 required by state law or the City Charter, a term of a person appointed to fill a 2 vacancy under this subpart expires on June 30, 2015. 3 (D) A council member elected at the November 2014 election who will be entitled 4 to nominate a person for appointment to a board under Chapter 2-1 as 5 amended by Part 2 of this ordinance may nominate a person before the 6 effective date of Part 2, and the council may make appointment a person …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:45 p.m.
Boards and Commissions Transition TaskforceApril 23, 2014

Late Backup Item 4.a original pdf

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BOARD AND COMMISSIONS TRANSITION TASKFORCE April 23, 2014 BC CONSIDERATIONS / POSSIBILITIES Prepared by: Boards and Commissions Survey Work Group Note: • This document does not cover (1) BC being considered by the Planning and Development Review group (+) or (2) other groups with membership requirements set by various governmental entities. • City staff would determine departmental oversight, and responsibilities in the case of mergers or new commissions. • Commissions which are newly formed or merged should use work groups or permanent committees to accomplish issues or activities. A. GROUPS TO BE CONSIDERED FOR REMOVAL • Comprehensive Plan Citizens Advisory Task Force – Work is complete • Lake Austin Task Force – Final Report was in 2013 B. GROUPS TO CONSIDERED FOR CONSOLIDATION B1. Emergency Response Services - Downtown Community Court – Advises the Downtown Austin Community Court on policy and operational issues. Section 2-1-130 of the City Code. - Public Safety Commission – Advisory body on all budgetary and policy matters concerning public safety including matters related to the Austin Police Department, the Austin fire Department and the Austin/Travis county EMS Department. Currently under the APD, AFD and EMS Departments. JUSTIFICATION: The combined groups address issues pertaining to emergency services and public safety. B2. Environmental Commission - Environmental Board – Advisory capacity on all projects and programs which affect the quality of life for the citizens of Austin. Connected to the Watershed Protection Department. - Urban Forestry Board – The care, preservation, pruning, planting, replanting, removal or disposition of trees and shrubs and other landscaping in public areas. Currently under the Parks and Recreation Department. JUSTIFICATION: -- The Urban Forestry Board should be formally connected to the Environmental Board and to the Watershed Protection Department. The WPD is focused on the green infrastructure of the city and uses a science-based approach to protecting that infrastructure. The WPD also works with other departments routinely and can facilitate activities that can result in protection of the canopy of the City of Austin. BOARD AND COMMISSIONS TRANSITION TASKFORCE April 23, 2014 B3. Municipal Contracts and Construction Commission - MBE/WBE Small Business Enterprise Procurement Program Advisory Committee – Review and recommend changes to City Code provisions 2-9A-18, 2-9B-18, 2-9C-18 and 2-9D-18. - Small and Minority Business Resources - Construction Advisory Committee – Monitor enforcement of prevailing wage scales and job classifications on municipal construction contracts. Review construction contracts. - In Public Works JUSTIFICATION: …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:45 p.m.