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Small Area Planning Joint CommitteeApril 10, 2019

Item 6a North Lamar IA Plan Presentation original pdf

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North Lamar Imagine Austin Corridor Plan PilotSmall Area Plan Joint CommitteeMarch 10, 2019Stevie Greathouse, Planning and Zoning1 2Presentation Overview•Background•Study Area•Planning Process•Timeline•Scope •Public Participation Plan•Related Initiatives/Policy Goals•Discussion and Next Steps 3Background•New method of small area planning•Focus on IA Corridors and Centers•Leverage city investmentsMobilityAffordability•Pilot Planning Process:North Lamar S. Pleasant Valley North Lamar Study AreaLimits: Tech Ridge –US 183Boundaries:•Study area:Approximately ½ mile buffer from corridor Tech Ridge Center•Exact planning boundaries will be determined through process4 5About the North Lamar Corridor 6Timeline and Planning Process ScopeEngagement:•Public Participation Plan•Internal Alignment•Broad Stakeholder/Public Engagement Existing Conditions:•Community Inventory•Policy Scan•ListeningVision/Future Land Use Map Recommendations:•Land Use•Urban Design•CIP•ProgrammaticImplementation strategies (could include):•Land Development Code/Zoning•Incentives•Catalytic/Demonstration Projects•Housing Initiatives•PartnershipsAmendments to previously adopted plans (if needed)Evaluation of pilot process / lessons learned7 Implementation StrategiesImagine Austin Corridor PlanRecommendationsCIPPartnershipsOther: housing incentives, TIF, etcFuture Land Use MapLand Development Code/ ZoningImplementation StrategiesVision, Goals, ObjectivesPolicies, Recommendations8 Public Participation Plan: Stakeholders•Residents•Property owners•Small business owners•Major employers•Workers•Visitors•Students•Neighborhood Organizations and Community Groups•Transit Riders/Traveling Public•General Public•Citywide Advocacy Groups•Boards and Commissions•City Council•City Departments/AgenciesTargeted Outreach:•Limited English Proficiency (in particular Spanish, Vietnamese)•Renters•Young parents•Immigrant communities9 10Public Participation Plan: ProcessI.Pre-planning, preliminary outreach (Summer 2019)II.A.Active Planning (Fall 2019-Spring 2020)•Launch website, informational materials, marketing•Up to 5 rounds of iterative input (Visioning + Community Forum Series by Topic)II.B.Review Draft Plan (Summer -Fall 2020)III.Plan Adoption (Winter 2020-2021) 11Public Participation Plan: Methods and Tools•Methods:•On-going check-ins with community leaders•Partner with community groups, Council District Offices•Build stakeholder contact list, reach out via Community Registry•Community Forum Series: Parallel in person/on line engagement•Open Houses•Pop-Up Events/One-on-Ones•Targeted Group Meetings/Speaker Series•Office Hours•Interpretation/Translation•Analyze participationTools:•Project Website•Presentation Boards•Handouts•Map Exercises•Surveys•Online Exercises•Electronic and Print Newsletters•Email Blasts•Social Media Content•Videos•Media Press Releases•Mailed notifications 12Related Initiatives/Policy GoalsImagine Austin Plan•Growth Concept identifies North Lamar as an activity corridor•Designates two activity centers along corridor•Establishes vision for complete communitiesStrategic Direction 2023 •Identifies 6 key outcomes•PAZ has been aligned with “Economic Opportunity and Affordability”•North Lamar Plan will support all outcomes 13Related Initiatives/Policy Goals: Housing AffordabilityAustin Strategic Housing Blueprint•Identifies strategies to preserve housing •Calls for density bonus expansion to corridors•Draft North Lamar Corridor Goal=1,326 units affordable to 80% MFI and belowUT Study of Gentrification and Displacement•Identifies southern portion of the corridor as a “future displacement risk area” susceptible to gentrification•Identifies portion of the area as “most vulnerable” (i.e. home to unusually high proportion of vulnerable people) 14Related Initiatives/Policy Goals: MobilityAustin Strategic Mobility Plan/Project Connect •Identifies North Lamar as a “Level 3” Street on Transit Priority Network•Calls for transit supportive densities with ½ mile (16 residents per acre/8 employees per acre)•Identifies North Lamar as a future high …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:38 p.m.
Small Area Planning Joint CommitteeApril 10, 2019

Item 6a North Lamar IA Plan Ref Memo original pdf

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1 MEMORANDUM To: Mayor and Council From: Gregory I. Guernsey, AICP, Director Planning and Zoning Department Date: March 29, 2018 Subject: Future of Small Area Planning/Pilot North Lamar Imagine Austin Corridor Plan Background In May 2018 I distributed a memorandum which outlined a recommended approach to developing new types of small area plans and a new way to select future planning areas. The memorandum also identified two corridors within which the Planning and Zoning Department (PAZ) proposed to develop pilot Imagine Austin Corridor Plans (see attachment A). Since then, PAZ staff has: (cid:120) Engaged with numerous City departments; (cid:120) Reviewed relevant city policy documents; (cid:120) Researched existing conditions along the North Lamar Corridor; (cid:120) Begun to identify the scope of work for a pilot planning process; and (cid:120) Briefed the Planning Commission, Zoning and Platting Commission, and Small Area Plan Joint Committee, and made several public presentations including a presentation in coordination with the AIA Austin Urban Design Committee and a presentation at the January General Meeting of the Austin Neighborhoods Council. Upcoming Request for Council Action PAZ anticipates requesting Council to formally initiate a pilot Imagine Austin Corridor Plan along North Lamar between IH 35 and US 183. This request will ask Council to consider approving a resolution that: (cid:120) Identifies a study area for the pilot North Lamar Imagine Austin Corridor Plan; (cid:120) Outlines the scope of the pilot planning process; (cid:120) Provides direction related to public engagement; (cid:120) Provides policy guidance related to enabling transit-supportive development patterns that will leverage near-term mobility investments and support future mobility options envisioned by Project Connect and the Austin Strategic Mobility Plan while accommodating and preserving affordable housing consistent with the Strategic Housing Blueprint, and supporting other major elements of the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan; and 2 (cid:120) Directs staff to collect and analyze data throughout the planning process that will allow lessons learned to be incorporated into future Imagine Austin Corridor planning processes. Timing and Next Steps We anticipate bringing forward a Request for Council Action related to initiation of the North Lamar Imagine Austin Corridor Plan at the April 25 Regular Meeting of City Council. Based on recent inquiries we have received from a few Council offices, as well as discussions we have had with internal agency partners, we recognize that there may be a desire to delay initiation of the Pilot North Lamar Imagine Austin Corridor Plan. A …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:38 p.m.
College Student CommissionMarch 8, 2019

Agenda original pdf

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The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. COLLEGE STUDENT COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA Regular Meeting- Friday, March 8th, 2019, 2:00pm-4:00pm Austin City Hall, Boards and Commissions (Room #1101) 301 W. 2nd Street Austin, TX 78701 COMMISSION MEMBERS: Maya Boehm, St. Edward’s University (Chair) Juan Zuniga, Huston-Tillotson University (Co-chair) Antanese Kinard, Huston-Tillotson University Jared Breckenridge, Huston-Tillotson University Vanessa Cavanaugh, Austin Community College Jose Garibay, St. Edward’s University Christian Goana, St. Edward’s University MEETING CALL TO ORDER- 2:00PM 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 2. CITIZEN’S COMMUNICATIONS 3. SPECIAL PRESENTATION  Austin Fire Department- Recruitment & hiring opportunities  Austin Public Library- Programming and events 4. DISCUSSION & POSSIBLE ACTION a. Approval of tenants’ rights resolution b. Update on campus-community policing 5. OLD BUSINESS a. Questions/concerns for city clerk’s office 6. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 7. ADJOURNMENT Denise Basore, Austin Community College Krista Gehlhausen, Concordia University Chelseaia Charran, University of Texas Pablo A. Pratt, University of Texas Madison Goodrich, University of Texas Brandon Barrows, Concordia University

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:40 p.m.
Comprehensive Plan Joint CommitteeMarch 1, 2019

Agenda original pdf

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Comprehensive Plan Joint Committee March 1, 2019 at 12:00 – 1:30 p.m. City Hall, Room 2152 301 W 2nd St, Austin, TX 78701 COMMITTEE MEMBERS PC ZAP Yvette Flores Ana Aguirre Conor Kenny Bruce Evans James Schissler Sunil Lavani Todd Shaw CALL TO ORDER 1. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL 1. Introduce members of the Committee and Staff. 2. Inform audience of procedure. 3. The first three speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 3. NEW BUSINESS a. None. 4. OLD BUSINESS a. Update on Austin Strategic Mobility Plan (ASMP) (Discussion and/or possible action). b. Update on Long Range CIP Strategic Plan (Discussion and/or possible action). 5. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Future agenda items will NOT be discussed at the current meeting, but will be offered for initiation, discussion, and/or possible recommendation to the full Planning Commission at a FUTURE meeting. ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days before the meeting date. Please call Matt Dugan at Planning and Zoning Department, at 512-974-7665, for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the Comprehensive Plan Joint Committee, please contact Matt Dugan at (512) 974-7665 or

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:50 p.m.
Comprehensive Plan Joint CommitteeMarch 1, 2019

Approved Minutes original pdf

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1 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN JOINT COMMITTEE SPECIAL CALLED MEETING Minutes March 1, 2019 The Comprehensive Plan Joint Committee convened in a regular meeting on March 1, 2019 at City Hall, Room 2152, 301 W 2nd Street, Austin, TX 78701. The meeting was called to order at 12:00 p.m. Joint Committee Members in Attendance: PC ZAP Conor Kenny Ana Aguirre James Schissler Sunil Lavani Todd Shaw Yvette Flores City Staff in Attendance: Matt Dugan, Planning and Zoning Department Dee Dee Quinnelly, Planning and Zoning Department Annick Beaudet, Austin Transportation Department Cole Kitten, Austin Transportation Department Liane Miller, Austin Transportation Department Others in Attendance: None. 1. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL None. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A motion was made to approve the minutes from the January 10, 2019 meeting by Commissioner Lavani, seconded by Commissioner Schissler. Vote 6-0. Commissioner Evans was absent. 3. NEW BUSINESS a. None. 4. OLD BUSINESS a. Briefing on Austin Strategic Mobility Plan. Annick Beaudet, Liane Miller, and Cole Kitten with the Austin Transportation Department presented an update on the Austin Strategic Mobility Plan including a draft content outline, elements of the plan, and top strategies for plan implementation. Additional focus was provided on Chapter 2: Managing Our Demand and Phase III Feedback. Relevant to the Comprehensive Plan Joint Committee, key next steps in the planning process include: 2 March 5 and March 19 (Zoning and Platting Commission), March 12 and March 26 (Planning Commission) and March 28 (City Council). No action was taken. 5. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS The Long Range CIP. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 1:30 p.m. The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 4 days before the meeting date. Please call Matt Dugan at Planning and Zoning Department, at 512-974-7665, for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the Comprehensive Plan Joint Committee, please contact Matt Dugan at (512) 974- 7665 or

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:50 p.m.
Comprehensive Plan Joint CommitteeMarch 1, 2019

4a original pdf

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Austin Strategic Mobility Plan Final Draft BriefingJOINT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMMITTEEMARCH 1, 20191 Agenda•Schedule•Motivation Behind the Plan•ASMP Draft•Content Outline•Elements of the Plan•Top Strategies•Chapter 2: Managing Our Demand•Phase III Feedback•Next Steps2 Schedule3EstablishAdvisoryCommittee &PublicEngagementPlanPhase II OutreachApproval Process startsOct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar 201620172018Project Initiation & Phase I Public OutreachScenario Planning/Analysis & Phase II Public OutreachPreferred Strategy & Phase III Public OutreachPlan Review& AdoptionPhase I Outreach2019Phase III OutreachMobility Strategy review Motivation for the Plan4 MotivationforthePlan50%50%203974% drive alone today vs. 50% in 2039Sustainable ModesDrive Alone74%4%8%11%1%2%TODAYDrive AloneTransitTeleworkCarpool / Taxicab /OtherBicycleWalk5 Mode Share Targets74%4%8%11%1%2%TODAYDrive AloneTransitTeleworkCarpool / Taxicab /OtherBicycleWalk50%16%15%11%4%4%20396 ASMP Final Draft Plan7 Policy Document, Street Network Table + Map8 Prioritizing Our SafetySafety CultureDesigning for SafetySafe BehaviorsSupplying Our Transportation InfrastructureSidewalk SystemRoadway SystemPublic Transportation SystemBicycle SystemUrban Trail SystemCondition of InfrastructureEmerging Mobility SolutionsAviationManaging Our DemandLand UseParkingCurb ManagementTransportation Demand Management ProgrammingShared MobilityOperating Our Transportation NetworkTransportation OperationsClosures and DetoursGoods MovementProtecting Our Health and EnvironmentPublic HealthAir and ClimateWater and StormwaterLand and EcologySupporting Our CommunityEquityAffordabilityAccessibilityPublic InteractionImplementing Our PlanDataCollaborationFinancial StrategiesAction TableChapters & Subchapters9 How do we get to 50/50?126 Policies100s of multimodal projects to achieve ASMP goals10 Elements of the PlanIndicators + Targets:More specific measures of our goals which help us know how well we are achieving them. Some indicators have identified targetsnecessary to make ambitious yet reasonable progress toward a goal within a specified timeline. Policies:A definite course or method of action to guide and determine present and future decisionsActions: Steps necessary to support policies, programs, and projects11 Elements of the PlanPriority Networks: Designated for the roadway, public transportation, and bicycle systems to show where modes are prioritized to improve operationsTransportation Network Maps: Identify possible projects the City may pursue in the next 20 years based on a variety of factors, including the evolving needs of the transportation network, engineering analysis, public input, and available fundingStreet Network Table:Inventory of our streets and their future conditions, which will be used to identify right of way dedication requirements12 Top Strategies•Reduce traffic fatalities, serious injuriesby focusing on safetyculture, behaviors•Move more peopleby investing in public transportation•Manage congestion by managing demand•Build active transportation access for all ages and abilitieson sidewalk, bicycle, and urban trail systems•Strategically add roadway capacityto improve travel efficiency13 Top Strategies•Connect people to services and opportunities for better health•Address affordability by linking housing and transportation investments•Right-size and manage parking supply to manage …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:51 p.m.
Austin Travis County EMS Advisory BoardFeb. 6, 2019

Agenda original pdf

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The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days before the meeting date. Please call Vivian Holmes at the EMS Department, at (512) 972-7148 for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. RBJ HEALTH CENTER 2nd FLOOR, EMS HEADQUARTERS 15 WALLER STREET, AUSTIN, TEXAS February 6, 2019 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. AGENDA ITEM 1) Call to Order 2) Quorum Determination 3) Recognition of Service and Dedication a) Mark Clayton 4) Review and approve minutes of previous meeting 5) Receive Citizen Communications/Comments 6) Review of System Reports 7) Receive updates from System Agencies Representatives: a) Medical Director’s Report: Dr. Mark Escott, Medical Director b) Austin EMS Department: Ernesto Rodriguez, Chief c) Travis County Emergency Services: Charles Brotherton, County Executive d) Austin Fire Department: Jim Baker, Fire Chief e) Emergency Services Districts: Robert Abbott, CAFCA President 8) Other business 9) Adjourn AUSTIN-TRAVIS COUNTY EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES ADVISORY BOARD MEETING

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:18 p.m.
Austin Travis County EMS Advisory BoardFeb. 6, 2019

Approved Minutes original pdf

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AUSTIN – TRAVIS COUNTY EMS ADVISORY BOARD MEETING MINUTES WEDNESDAY, February 6, 2019 The Austin – Travis County EMS Advisory Board convened on FEBRUARY 6, 2019, 15 Waller Street, in Austin, Texas at 9:30 a.m. Board Members in Attendance: Tracy Dalbosco, Chris Ziebell, Lisa Harris, Justin Otwell, John Villanacci, Jerry Staton, Janice Bray, Robert Ugaste Board Members Absent: None Other Attendees: Brett Steffen, Mark Escott, Vivian Holmes, Jeff Hayes, Chuck Brotherton, Selenia Xie, Ashleigh Voslevik, Teresa Gardner, Robert Abbott, Jason Pickett, Jasper Brown 1. CALL TO ORDER – February 6, 2019 The meeting was called to order at 9:32 a.m. 2. QUORUM DETERMINATION A quorum was met and the meeting proceeded. 3. RECOGNITION OF SERVICE AND RECOGNITION a) Mark Clayton - This item was postponed. 4. REVIEW AND APPROVE MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Motion: The minutes for the regular meeting of November 7, 2018 were approved on a motion by Board Member Ugaste and seconded by Board Member Villanacci on an 8-0 vote. 5. RECEIVE CITIZEN COMMUNICATIONS/COMMENT Selena Xie - New President of the Austin EMS Employee Association - Introduction to Board Members. 6. REVIEW OF SYSTEM REPORTS - This is covered under Item 7. 7. RECEIVE UPDATES FROM SYSTEM AGENCIES REPRESENTATIVES: a) Medical Director’s Report: Mark Escott, Medical Director, Office of the Medical Director (OMD) • Dr. Escott provided an update (see attached). Reviewed Office of the Medical Director Organizational Charts and a list of “Responsibilities of the Medical Director under TAC 197”. • OMD will be relocating in June to join other the city offices housed at Techni Center, 4201 Ed Bluestein. • OMD’s EMS Fellow position anticipated to be approved in FY2020. • Will be requesting approval in the FY2020 budget to hire a part-time CPR Take 10 employee to teach by-stander CPR to citizens. A full-time employee was requested during last year's budget planning, however it wasn't approved. Chair Dalbosco commented the Board will be looking at budget recommendations at the next meeting and will look at this item. Dr. Escott noted that the EMS Department has a full-time employee for their CPR program and said all high school students in the AISD and several other school districts have to complete mandatory CPR training prior to graduation. • Board Members asked to have ESD Medical Directors attend a future meeting to receive updates and see if there are any needs to help improve a cohesive medical …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:18 p.m.
Small Area Planning Joint CommitteeFeb. 6, 2019

Agenda for 2-6-19 Regular Meeting original pdf

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SMALL AREA PLANNING JOINT COMMITTEE Wednesday, February 6, 2019 11:30 A.M. ONE TEXAS CENTER (OTC), ROOM 500 505 BARTON SPRINGS ROAD AUSTIN, TEXAS CURRENT COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Greg Anderson (Planning Commission) James Shieh, Chair (Planning Commission) Jeffrey Thompson (Planning Commission) Tracy Witte (Planning Commission) Jim Duncan (Zoning and Platting Commission) David King, Vice-Chair (Zoning and Platting Commission) Jolene Kiolbassa (Zoning and Platting Commission) AGENDA CALL TO ORDER 1. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL The first three speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. Approval of minutes from the December 12, 2018 regular Small Area Planning Joint Committee meeting. 3. OLD BUSINESS a. Small Area Planning — The Committee will discuss future small area planning efforts and hear a staff update on the North Lamar Imagine Austin Corridor Plan process. (Discussion and/or Possible Action) 4. NEW BUSINESS a. SP-2018-0452C (601 W. 2nd St) — The applicant is seeking a variance to the Waterfront Overlay Combining District section 25-2-721(E)(1) regulations pertaining to the prohibition of mirrored glass or glare producing glass surface building materials. (Discussion and/or Possible Action) b. Creating a Working Regarding Small Area Planning — The Committee will discuss creation of a working group to expedite small area planning (Discussion and/or Possible Action) c. Recording of Small Area Planning Joint Committee — The Committee will discuss alternate meeting locations to facilitate the audio and video recording of their meetings. (Discussion and/or Possible Action) 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS a. None 6. STAFF BRIEFINGS a. Update on the Development of the North Lamar Imagine Austin Corridor Planning Process — Staff will provide a high-level overview of the North Lamar Imagine Austin Corridor and Centers Plan work plan. Presenting staff: Stevie Greathouse (512-974-7226), . (Discussion and/or Possible Action) 7. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days before the meeting date. Please call Jeff Engstrom at Planning and Zoning Department, at 512-974-1621, for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the Small Area Planning Joint Committee, please contact …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:39 p.m.
Small Area Planning Joint CommitteeFeb. 6, 2019

Meeting Audio original link

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Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:39 p.m.
Small Area Planning Joint CommitteeFeb. 6, 2019

DRAFT MINUTES from 12-12-18 SAPJC Meeting original pdf

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MINUTES SMALL AREA PLANNING JOINT COMMITTEE Wednesday, December 12, 2018 11:30 A.M. ONE TEXAS CENTER (OTC), ROOM 525 505 BARTON SPRINGS ROAD AUSTIN, TEXAS Board Members in Attendance Greg Anderson (Planning Commission) James Shieh, Chair (Planning Commission) Jeffrey Thompson (Planning Commission) Jim Duncan (Zoning and Platting Commission) Jolene Kiolbassa (Zoning and Platting Commission) Staff Present Mark Walters — PAZ Anne Milne — PAZ Matt Dugan — PAZ Jeff Engstrom — PAZ Andrew Rivera — PAZ Public in Attendance Susanna Almanza Michael Whellan Colin McDougal The Small Area Planning Joint Committee convened its regularly scheduled meeting on December 12, 2018 @ 505 Barton Springs Road, Room 500 in Austin, Texas. Chair James Shieh called the Board Meeting to order at 11:36 A. M. AGENDA CALL TO ORDER 1. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL The first three speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. None 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. Approval of minutes from the October 3, 2018 Small Area Planning Joint Committee meeting. Commissioner Thompson moved approval of the minutes from October 3, 2018, 2018 meeting of the Small Area Plan Joint Committee meeting minutes with a second by Commissioner Shieh, on a vote 5-0, with Commissioners King and Witte not in attendance. 3. OLD BUSINESS a. Small Area Planning — The Committee will discuss future small area planning efforts. (Discussion and/or Possible Action) No discussion. b. Community Concerns Regarding the East Riverside Corridor Plan Regulating Plan — The Committee will discuss community concerns regarding the East Riverside Corridor Plan Regulating Plan. Anne Milne (PAZ) presented on development trends in the area covered by the East Riverside Corridor Plan Regulating Plan. There was extensive discussion among the Committee and the public in attendance, but no action. 4. NEW BUSINESS a. None 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS a. None 6. STAFF BRIEFINGS Update on the Development of the Imagine Austin Corridor and Centers Planning Process — Staff will brief the Committee on the high-level steps they taking on developing the Imagine Austin Corridor and Centers Planning process. The emphasis of the briefing will be on how this is being applied to the North Lamar Corridor (US Hwy 183 to Tech Ridge Neighborhood Center). Matt Dugan (PAZ) briefed the Committee the proposed Imagine Austin Corridors and Centers planning process. Discussion, but no action. 7. FUTURE …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:39 p.m.
Small Area Planning Joint CommitteeFeb. 6, 2019

Item 2B Variance Request (602 W 2nd St) original pdf

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Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:39 p.m.
Small Area Planning Joint CommitteeFeb. 6, 2019

Item 6a - Update on Imagine Austin Corridor Plan - North Lamar Corridor workplan original pdf

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Future of Small Area Planning: North Lamar Imagine Austin Corridor Plan PilotSmall Area Plan Joint CommitteeFebruary 6, 2019Stevie Greathouse, Planning and Zoning1 Capital Improvement ProgramLand Development CodePartnershipsSmall Area Plans: Neighborhood PlansCorridor PlansStation Area PlansArea Master PlansCitywide Master Plans:Sidewalk Master PlanParks Master PlanOther Citywide PlansBackground2 Our Planning Program has evolved•Neighborhood Planning Program•Urban Design Master Plans•Imagine Austin•2016 Audit of Neighborhood Planning1•Resolution 20170928-101 (Leverage Corridor Investments with Planning)23Background1. 4RecommendationSpectrum of Planning Services:IA Centers and Corridors PlanningComplete Communities PlanningSpecial Studies and PlansGoalLeverage investments along Centers and Corridors to create more livable places and support positive citywide outcomes, particularly related to affordability and transportation.Improve access to opportunity and daily needs through near-term improvements.VariesScope“Full Service” plan. Adopted as an attachment toImagine Austin.Includes Vision, Future Land Use Map, and infrastructure recommendations. May include zoning and other implementation.Planning Intervention.May include prioritized list of CIP investments, early out interventions, minor changes to zoning.VariesProcess12-18 months6-12 monthsVariesFuture of Small Area Planning Recommendations: 5Neighborhood Planning Legacy•Keep existing neighborhood plans•Shift to new planning services•Modifications to existing neighborhood plans as needed•Update/create neighborhood plans if directed 6IA Corridor and Center PlansPilot new planning process:•North Lamar•South Pleasant Valley 7North Lamar IA Corridor Pilot: Study Area 8North Lamar IA Corridor Pilot: Planning Process 9DeliverablesImagine Austin Corridor PlanRecommendationsCIPPartnershipsOther: housing incentives, TIF, etcFuture Land Use MapLand Development Code/ ZoningPhase 3: ImplementationPhase 1: Vision, Goals, ObjectivesPhase 2: Policies, Recommendations 10North Lamar IA Corridor Pilot: Timeline and Next StepsWinter/Spring 2019:•Existing Conditions Analysis•Internal Process Alignment•Draft Public Participation Plan DevelopmentSpring 2019:•Council Initiation •Internal Alignment•Preliminary Stakeholder OutreachSummer/Fall 2019:•Plan Kick-Off•Listening/Visioning 11Questions?Stevie Greathouse, Program ManagerPlanning and Zoning Departmentstevie.greathouse@austintexas.gov512-974-7226Matt Dugan, Division ManagerPlanning and Zoning DepartmentMatt.Dugan@austintexas.gov512-974-7665

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:39 p.m.
College Student CommissionJan. 25, 2019

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The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. COLLEGE STUDENT COMMISSION MEETING Regular Meeting- Friday, January 25th, 2019 Austin City Hall, Room 1101 301 W. 2nd Street, Austin, TX 78701 2PM-4PM COMMISSION MEMBERS: Krista Gehlhausen, Concordia University (Chair) Juan Zuniga, Huston-Tillotson University (Co-chair) Antanese Kinard, Huston-Tillotson University Jared Breckenridge, Huston-Tillotson University Richard Vega, Austin Community College MEETING CALL TO ORDER- 2:00PM 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 2. CITIZEN’S COMMUNICATIONS 3. SPECIAL PRESENTATION  AmeriCorps VISTA Program Summer associates  Neighborhood Housing & Community Development (NHCD) Austin Strategic Direction 2023 4. DISCUSSION & POSSIBLE ACTION a. Approval of tenants’ rights resolution 5. OLD BUSINESS a. Update on community policing b. Questions/concerns for city clerk’s office 6. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 7. ADJOURNMENT Denise Basore, Austin Community College Maya Boehm, St. Edwards University Chelseaia Charran, University of Texas Pablo A. Pratt, University of Texas Madison Goodrich, University of Texas

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:40 p.m.
Comprehensive Plan Joint CommitteeJan. 10, 2019

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Comprehensive Plan Joint Committee January 10, 2019 at 12:00 – 1:30 p.m. City Hall, Room 2152 301 W 2nd St, Austin, TX 78701 COMMITTEE MEMBERS PC ZAP Yvette Flores Ana Aguirre Conor Kenny Bruce Evans James Schissler Sunil Lavani Todd Shaw CALL TO ORDER 1. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL 1. Introduce members of the Committee and Staff. 2. Inform audience of procedure. 3. The first three speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 3. NEW BUSINESS a. None. 4. OLD BUSINESS a. Update on Long Range CIP Strategic Plan (Discussion and/or possible action). 5. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Future agenda items will NOT be discussed at the current meeting, but will be offered for initiation, discussion, and/or possible recommendation to the full Planning Commission at a FUTURE meeting. ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days before the meeting date. Please call Matt Dugan at Planning and Zoning Department, at 512-974-7665, for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the Comprehensive Plan Joint Committee, please contact Matt Dugan at (512) 974-7665 or

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:51 p.m.
Comprehensive Plan Joint CommitteeJan. 10, 2019

Approved Minutes original pdf

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1 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN JOINT COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING Minutes January 10, 2019 The Comprehensive Plan Joint Committee convened in a regular meeting on January 10, 2019 at City Hall, Room 2152, 301 W 2nd Street, Austin, TX 78701. The meeting was called to order at 12:00 p.m. Joint Committee Members in Attendance: PC ZAP Conor Kenny Ana Aguirre James Schissler Bruce Evans Todd Shaw Sunil Lavani City Staff in Attendance: Stevie Greathouse, Planning and Zoning Department Matt Dugan, Planning and Zoning Department Dee Dee Quinnelly, Planning and Zoning Department Derica Peters, Planning and Zoning Department Annie Van Zant, Public Works Department Others in Attendance: None. 1. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL None. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A motion was made to approve the minutes from the October 11, 2018 meeting by Commissioner Schissler, seconded by Commissioner Aguirre. Vote 6-0. Commissioner Flores was absent. 3. NEW BUSINESS a. None. 4. OLD BUSINESS a. Briefing on Long Range CIP Strategic Plan. Stevie Greathouse with the Planning and Zoning Department and Annie Van Zant with the Public Works Department gave an update on the Long Range CIP Strategic Plan including a draft Strategic Areas Map showing an overlap of city initiatives, and a draft set of CIP priorities. Commissioner Flores replaced Commissioner Kenny on the CIP working group. No action was taken. 2 5. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS The Austin Strategic Mobility Plan (ASMP), Long Range CIP. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 1:20 p.m. The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 4 days before the meeting date. Please call Matt Dugan at Planning and Zoning Department, at 512-974-7665, for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the Comprehensive Plan Joint Committee, please contact Matt Dugan at (512) 974- 7665 or

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:51 p.m.
Comprehensive Plan Joint CommitteeJan. 10, 2019

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1 DRAFT CIP Priorities for Long Range CIP Strategic Plan For Discussion at January 10, 2019 Comprehensive Plan Joint Committee Meeting This chapter provides a recommended framework for prioritizing capital investments. Even with innovative approaches to infrastructure funding and increasing revenues, our needs will likely continue to exceed our ability to make investments in infrastructure over time, and setting priorities helps to increase our capacity to leverage the resources that we have to meet our most critical infrastructure needs. These priorities build on the analysis and conclusions of the LRCSP as well as relevant strategies identified in Strategic Directions 2023. The recommended priorities are arranged by strategic outcome and can be used to help guide incremental decisions made by:  City Council through formal policy decisions, initiation of General Obligation bond propositions for voter approval, acceptance of contracts, grant awards and partnership agreements for CIP projects, and approval of the Capital Budget  City Management through implementation direction, monitoring, and issues resolution  The Planning Commission through fulfillment of their Charter requirement to recommend capital improvements necessary or desirable to implement Imagine Austin  The Planning and Zoning Department, Budget Office, and others through ongoing Capital Improvement Program planning, coordination and oversight  The Budget Office through development of the Capital Budget and long-term financial strategies  Departments through implementation of the Capital Improvement Program and identification of future capital needs  The Development Services Department and development review staff in many departments through the review and application of private development infrastructure requirements  The City through the revision of private development infrastructure requirements and other CIP-related requirements within the Land Development Code;  The Planning and Zoning Department through future small area planning and annexation planning; and  Partnerships with other public agencies and non-profit organizations Strategic Outcome: Economic Opportunity and Affordability Priority #1: Continue to use bond funding to support “highest potential impact” actions identified in Austin’s Strategic Housing Blueprint. Priority #2: Explore ways of using CIP investments to leverage privately-funded community benefits including workforce development and affordable housing. Priority #3: Acknowledge Austin’s history of racial segregation and counter it by applying an equity perspective to infrastructure investments. Priority #4: Focus investments in Imagine Austin Centers and Corridors in coordination with land use changes, and consider the use of innovative funding strategies including value capture and public private partnerships where appropriate. Priority #5: Plan for infrastructure investments in …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:51 p.m.
Comprehensive Plan Joint CommitteeJan. 10, 2019

draft strategic areas map original pdf

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£¤183£¤290¬«130¬«1¬«71¬«360§¨¦35¬«71£¤290£¤183¬«45¬«45Degree of OverlapVery LowLowMediumHighVery High±03.571.75MilesStrategic Areas Map: Overlap of City InitiativesDraft LRCSP Strategic Areas Map_1 10 2019

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:51 p.m.
Comprehensive Plan Joint CommitteeJan. 10, 2019

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Click to edit Master subtitle styleComprehensive Plan Joint CommitteeLong-Range CIP Strategic PlanPlanning and ZoningJanuary 10, 2019 Update on Project StatusStrategic Areas MapDraft PrioritiesNext StepsPRESENTATION OVERVIEW2 UPDATE ON PROJECT STATUS3 LRCSPPROCESS4FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 May-Jun Jul-Sep Oct-Dec Jan-Mar Apr-Jun Jul-Sep Oct-Dec Jan-Mar Apr-Jun Task 1: Coordination Activities / Strategic Initiatives Task 2: Strategic Investment Analysis Lead: PAZ Task 3: Comprehensive Infrastructure Assessment Lead: PWD Task 4: Rolling Needs Assessment Lead: Budget Task 5: Document Production and PC Review Lead: PAZ   PC Updates Recommendations (April/May 2018) PC Reviews Plan and Transmits to CMO (April/May 2019) CPJC Develops Recommendation DateTaskCOMPLETE•Departmentssubmit needs to Budget (RNA)•PWD finalizes draft Comprehensive Infrastructure Assessment (CIA)•PAZ finalizes draft Strategic Areas Map (SIA)January 2019•PAZ finalizes internaldraft LRCSP•CPJC reviews Strategic Areas Map and PrioritiesFebruary 2019•Departments review internal draft LRCSPMarch –April 2019•CPJC reviews draft LRCSP (including RNA, CIA, and SIA)•CIP Working Group drafts transmittal memoMay 2019Planning CommissionTransmits LRCSP to CMOLRCSP MILESTONES5 STRATEGIC INVESTMENT ANALYSIS6 STRATEGIC AREAS MAP7•Purpose: Identify geographic areas where investments can have the most impact•Heat map layers city initiatives•Darker areas = larger number of initiatives•Existing initiatives identified and vetted through an extensive process•Initiatives listed on page 48 of FY 2017-18 LRCSP STRATEGIC AREAS MAP “REFRESH”8•Data Audit:•Are data layers up to date?•Are there redundancies?•Are there better data sources?•Do refinements need to be made in data method?•Should layers be combined or separated?•Are there missing initiatives/initiatives that are no longer relevant?•Categorize Layers by Strategic Outcomes•Develop a Draft Composite Heat Map INITIATIVE LAYERS9•Economic Opportunity and Affordability•Imagine Austin Centers and Corridors•Economic Development Initiatives (Refined)•Environmental Justice Areas (CAMPO Data) (New)•Emerging Projects (New)•Small Area Plan Recommendations (Refined to show recommendations only vs. entire plan boundaries)•City owned property identified for redevelopment (New)•Areas at Risk of Gentrification (New) INITIATIVE LAYERS10•Mobility•Urban Trails Master Plan•Sidewalk Master Plan•Austin Strategic Mobility Plan Roadways (New, replaces 2014 Strategic Mobility Plan Corridors)•Public Transit (Capital Metro Rail + Rapid)•Bicycle Master Plan INITIATIVE LAYERS11•Health and Environment•Colorado River Corridor Plan (Travis County)•Watershed Protection Master Plan (Refined)•Urban Forest Plan (New)•PARD Parks Master Plans•PARD Long Range Plan (Refined)•Community Health Assessment (Refined)•Healthy Food Priority Areas (New)•Culture and Lifelong Learning•Cultural Districts•Entertainment Districts INITIATIVE LAYERS12•Safety•Watershed Protection Master Plan (Refined)•Deficient Bridges (TxDOT) (New, Not Yet Shown)•Vision Zero (Refined)•Wildfire Protection Plan (New)•Government that Works For All•Population Growth By 2040 (Refined)•City Owned Parcels (Refined) STRATEGIC AREAS MAP13•General Observations:•More emphasis on Imagine Austin Corridors•Downtown heat is focused within CBD•Less emphasis on the “core”•More emphasis on the Eastern Crescent•More heat in suburban areasStrategic Areas …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:56 p.m.
Anti-Displacement Task ForceNov. 9, 2018

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ANTI-DISPLACEMENT TASK FORCE Regular Meeting November 9, 2018, 9:00 a.m. Street-Jones Building 1000 E. 11th Street, Room 400A Austin, Texas 78702 CURRENT MEMBERS: Raul Alvarez, Co-Chair Mayor Appointee Juliana Gonzales CM Kitchen Appointee Vacant CM Houston Appointee Ann Teich CM Pool Appointee Nefertitti Jackmon, Co-Chair Mayor Appointee John Henneberger Mayor Appointee Solveij Rosa Praxis CM Flannigan Appointee Vacant Mayor Appointee Yvette Crawford-Lee Mayor Appointee Shoshana Krieger CM Casar Appointee J.D. Rimann CM Troxclair Appointee Ed Wendler, Jr. CM Alter Appointee Alberto Garcia CM Garza Appointee Vincent Limon-Viteritt CM Renteria Appointee Ruby Roa MPT Tovo Appointee Bree Williams Mayor Appointee Diana Zuniga Mayor Appointee AGENDA CALL TO ORDER 9:00 a.m. 1. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL The first 10 speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. 9:00 – 9:30 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Discussion and possible action on the August 3, 2018 meeting minutes 9:30 – 9:35 3. OLD BUSINESS A. Discussion and possible action on the PolicyLink Anti-Displacement Network B. Discussion and possible action on final recommendations and report 9:35 – 11:55 ADJOURNMENT 12:00 The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days before the meeting date. For more information on the Anti-Displacement Task Force, please contact Staff Liaison, Matthew Ramirez @ 512-974-3196, or at

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 8:48 p.m.