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Lake Austin Task ForceMay 13, 2013

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Applicant Review PanelMay 10, 2013

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Applicant Review Panel Friday, May 10, 2013 6pm City Hall, Boards & Commissions Room 1101 301 W. 2nd Street, Austin, TX 78701 Members: Michelle DeFrance Carol Feller Caroline Limaye CALL TO ORDER 1. CITIZEN COMMUNCIATION: GENERAL (Please limit to 3 minutes per speaker) 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Approve minutes of April 19, 2013 regular meeting. 3. NEW BUSINESS The ARP may discuss and take action on the following agenda items A. Review list of applicants after strikes B. Panel member’s interpretive writing regarding the selection process 4. OLD BUSINESS A. Presentation of the recommended list to City Council B. Finalize format of letters to applicants who were not selected C. Review ARP work plan and future meeting dates 5. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Request future agenda items, information, and reports ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 4 days before the meeting date. Please call Jawana Gutierrez at 512-322-6596 for additional information. TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. Questions regarding the Applicant Review Panel may be directed to Jawana Gutierrez at 512-322-6596.

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 8:56 p.m.
Applicant Review PanelMay 10, 2013

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Page | 1 Applicant Review Panel Meeting Minutes Friday, May 10, 2013 The Applicant Review Panel convened in a regularly called meeting on Friday, May 10, 2013 6:00 p.m. at City Hall’s Board and Commissioner’s Room #1101, 301 W 2nd St, Austin, TX 78701 Meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Jawana JJ Gutierrez, ARP staff liaison. COMMITTEE MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: Michelle DeFrance Carol Feller Caroline Limaye 1. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: Brad Parsons, Steve Bickerstaff, Edwin English 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The draft minutes for the regular ARP meeting on May 3rd were reviewed and approved. Member Limaye motioned to approve the minutes with the proposed amendments, member DeFrance seconded. Motion was passed on a vote of 3-0. 3. NEW BUSINESS: The ARP may discuss and take action on the following agenda items: A. Review list of applicants after strikes Upon review of the list of applicants that were removed, Liaison Gutierrez noted that one of the applicants that was on the removal list had withdrawn, thereby leaving panel members with the task of removing an additional applicant. Member Limaye motioned to remove application #115, member DeFrance seconded. Motion was passed on a vote of 3-0. The list is now down to 58 applicants, but the final list of 58 applicants will not be finalized until the next meeting on May 16th. B. Panel member’s interpretive writing regarding the selection process Panel members discussed and decided to work on a draft of their individual interpretive process regarding their selection process, including recommendations for process improvements and lessons learned. Drafts will be submitted to Liaison Gutierrez who will then combine their drafts into one final document; Liaison Page | 2 Gutierrez will try to get the document back to the panel members before the next meeting. 4. OLD BUSINESS A. Presentation of the recommended list to City Council Review of the recommendation letter to be sent to City Council. Liaison Gutierrez will check with the Legal team to see if the word ‘resolution” rather than “submission” can be used in the letter and will send an email to the panel members letting them know if it can be used and will check what the panel members preference will be. The panel members will vote and decide at the next meeting the terminology they wish to use. The panel members agreed to include the list of applicants in an attachment. This …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 8:56 p.m.
Applicant Review PanelMay 10, 2013

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Applicant Review PanelMay 10, 2013

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Page | 1 Applicant Review Panel Meeting Minutes Friday, May 3, 2013 The Applicant Review Panel convened in a regularly called meeting on Friday, May 3, 2013 6:00 p.m. at City Hall’s Board and Commissioner’s Room #1101, 301 W 2nd St, Austin, TX 78701 Meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Jawana JJ Gutierrez, ARP staff liaison. COMMITTEE MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: Michelle DeFrance Carol Feller Caroline Limaye 1. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: Edwin English 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The draft minutes for the regular ARP meeting on April 26th were reviewed and approved. Member Limaye motioned to approve the minutes with the proposed amendments, member DeFrance seconded. Motion was passed on a vote of 3-0. 3. NEW BUSINESS: The ARP may discuss and take action on the following agenda items: A. Summary of Round 2 Scoring-review and preparation for Round 3 Panel members reviewed the remaining list of 73 applicants after two rounds of scoring. Panel members Limaye and DeFrance each selected 5 applicants to strike from the list, bringing the total down to 63. The panel members discussed selecting 58-non student applicants from the list and the top 2 student applicants. Member DeFrance motioned to include 2 students, and 58 non-students in the final list of 60 recommended applicants, member Feller seconded. Motion was passed on a vote of 2-1. It was also agreed that member Feller will choose 5 applicants to strike and will provide her list to Liaison Gutierrez by the next meeting. Page | 2 B. Presentation of the recommended list to City Council Panel members discussed and reviewed a recommendation template to be given to the Board/Commission. The panel members decided to create a draft of their own recommendation letter and will discuss the details/content of the draft further in the next regularly scheduled ARP meeting. 4. OLD BUSINESS A. Finalize format of letters to applicants who were not selected Panel members reviewed the format and content of the draft letter that will be sent to the non-selected applicants. The panel members made suggestions for revisions; Liaison Gutierrez will bring the revised letter to the next meeting for the panel members’ final approval. B. Review ARP work plan and future meeting dates Liaison Gutierrez discussed the ARP meeting schedule for the month of May. A list of final applicant recommendations must be adopted by the panel on May 16th. The list should be submitted to …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 8:56 p.m.
Lake Austin Task ForceMay 6, 2013

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Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 10:45 p.m.
Lake Austin Task ForceMay 6, 2013

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LAKE AUSTIN TASK FORCE MEETING MINUTES OF May 6, 2013 301 W. Second Street City Hall Council Chambers 3:30 P.M. – 5:30 P.M. 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Linda Guerrero called the meeting to order at 3:45 P.M. LATF Attendees: Alan Roddy Ben Hodges Bill Moriarty Carol Lee Ellen Witt Jane Rivera Kenneth Pfluger Linda Guerrero Nick Wiersema Pam Murfin Eric Moreland LATF Members absent: Brian Roark Dr. Ernest Gonzalez Mary Ann Neely James Schissler Jared Matthews Staff and others present: Chris Yanez Chuck Lesniak John Scott Liz Johnston Marilla Shepherd Marilyn Shashoua Patricia Link 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. Approve the Lake Austin Task Force meeting minutes of April 29, 2013. The minutes were approved on LATF member Jane Rivera’s motion and seconded by Pam Murfin. Corrections were made to discussion and action items: 2a, 5b, and added letter d. [Vote 10-0] 3. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS a. Boat dock remodeling - specifically the 50% rule This item was conducted as posted. b. Remaining boat traffic issues This item was conducted as posted. c. LA zoning versus overlay issues This item was not conducted. d. Remaining coordination issues This item was not conducted. NEW BUSINESS - Future agenda items None. ADJOURNMENT Chair Linda Guerrero adjourned the meeting at 5:30 p.m.

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 10:45 p.m.
Applicant Review PanelMay 3, 2013

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Applicant Review Panel Friday, May 3, 2013 6pm City Hall, Boards & Commissions Room 1101 301 W. 2nd Street, Austin, TX 78701 Members: Michelle DeFrance Carol Feller Caroline Limaye CALL TO ORDER 1. CITIZEN COMMUNCIATION: GENERAL (Please limit to 3 minutes per speaker) 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Approve minutes of April 26, 2013 regular meeting. 3. NEW BUSINESS The ARP may discuss and take action on the following agenda items A. Summary of Round 2 Scoring – review and preparation for Round 3 B. Presentation of the recommended list to City Council 4. OLD BUSINESS A. Finalize format of letters to applicants who were not selected B. Review ARP work plan and future meeting dates 5. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Request future agenda items, information, and reports ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 4 days before the meeting date. Please call Jawana Gutierrez at 512-322-6596 for additional information. TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. Questions regarding the Applicant Review Panel may be directed to Jawana Gutierrez at 512-322-6596.

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 8:56 p.m.
Applicant Review PanelMay 3, 2013

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Page | 1 Applicant Review Panel Meeting Minutes Friday, May 3, 2013 The Applicant Review Panel convened in a regularly called meeting on Friday, May 3, 2013 6:00 p.m. at City Hall’s Board and Commissioner’s Room #1101, 301 W 2nd St, Austin, TX 78701 Meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Jawana JJ Gutierrez, ARP staff liaison. COMMITTEE MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: Michelle DeFrance Carol Feller Caroline Limaye 1. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: Edwin English 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The draft minutes for the regular ARP meeting on April 26th were reviewed and approved. Member Limaye motioned to approve the minutes with the proposed amendments, member DeFrance seconded. Motion was passed on a vote of 3-0. 3. NEW BUSINESS: The ARP may discuss and take action on the following agenda items: A. Summary of Round 2 Scoring-review and preparation for Round 3 Panel members reviewed the remaining list of 73 applicants after two rounds of scoring. Panel members Limaye and DeFrance each selected 5 applicants to remove from the list based on the criteria in the City Charter, bringing the total down to 63. The panel members discussed selecting 58-non student applicants from the list and the top 2 student applicants. Member DeFrance motioned to include 2 students, and 58 non-students in the final list of 60 recommended applicants, member Feller seconded. Motion was passed on a vote of 2-1. It was also agreed that member Feller will choose 5 applicants to remove from the list based on the criteria in the City Charter and will provide her list to Liaison Gutierrez by the next meeting. Page | 2 B. Presentation of the recommended list to City Council Panel members discussed and reviewed a recommendation template to be given to the Board/Commission. The panel members decided to create a draft of their own recommendation letter and will discuss the details/content of the draft further in the next regularly scheduled ARP meeting. 4. OLD BUSINESS A. Finalize format of letters to applicants who were not selected Panel members reviewed the format and content of the draft letter that will be sent to the non-selected applicants. The panel members made suggestions for revisions; Liaison Gutierrez will bring the revised letter to the next meeting for the panel members’ final approval. B. Review ARP work plan and future meeting dates Liaison Gutierrez discussed the ARP meeting schedule for the month of May. A list …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 8:56 p.m.
Applicant Review PanelMay 3, 2013

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Applicant Review PanelMay 3, 2013

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Applicant Review Panel May 3, 2013 Top Applicants from Round 2 Scoring Applicant Review Panel May 3, 2013 Top Applicants from Round 2 Scoring Applicant Review Panel May 3, 2013 Top Applicants from Round 2 Scoring Mapped Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 0.0% 10.0% 20.0% 30.0% 40.0% 50.0% African American Asian Hispanic/Latino Other White City Percent Population Percent Applicant Review Panel May 3, 2013 Demographics of Top Applicants from Round 2 Compared to City Applicant Review Panel May 3, 2013 Panel Ranking of Student Applications #1. Ryan Andrew Rafols #2. Natalie Shepherd Poulos #3. Samantha Robles Michelle’s Student Ranking Caroline’s Student Ranking #1. Samantha Robles #2. Natalie Shepherd Poulos #3. Ryan Andrew Rafols Carol’s Student Ranking #1. Ryan Andrew Rafols #2. Samantha Robles #3. Natalie Shepherd Poulos Applicant Review Panel May 3, 2013 Council RecommendationTemplate Applicant Review Panel May 3, 2013 Proposed Work Plan MON TUE WED THU FRI 1 2 3 6 7 8 9 10 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 ARP Meeting ARP Meeting ARP Meeting Send List Council Work Session (and ARP Presentation) OCA Draws 8 MAY 2013 Applicant Review Panel May 3, 2013 DRAFT Template Letter to Non-Selected Applicants

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Applicant Review PanelMay 3, 2013

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List of Applications with Top Scores from Rounds 1 and 2 Sort by OCA_APP NumberRound 2 TopScores--050113Page 1Non-StudentsOCA_ApplApplicant NameResAddressRes_CityRes_Res_ZipStudentEthnicityRaceGenderRace_OMBStandardTravis Pct.110015Pritchett, Bette 11400 Oakw AustinTX78753NScotch-Ir CaucasiaFWhite2210024Rice, David7806 Swindo AustinTX78745NMexican White/BMHispanic3310025Kumar, Pradeep 811 Theresa AustinTX78703NIndian SuIndianMAsian2410032Albert, David J.1700 Burton AustinTX78741NWHiteCaucasiaMWhite4510037Martin, Nicholas 2116 Noblem AustinTX78754NCaucasiaIrish/GeMWhite1610073Bradford, Natha5507 Basswo AustinTX78723NAfrican ABlackMAfrican A1710091Hewitt, Willam P8812 Mosqu AustinTX78748NAmerican America MAmerica 4810092Christianson, Jam 1520 Windso AustinTX78703NWhite (S WhiteMWhite2910112Martin, Anna Te4007 Ramsey AustinTX78756NCaucasiaFWhite21010113Noches, Ramon 6409 Back Ba AustinTX78739NBlack 1/4 BlackMAfrican A31110119Garcia, Gerald W2508 Nieman AustinTX78748NHispanicWhiteMHispanic31210120Gibbs, Lucy Leat7210 Silverm AustinTX78736NNative TeWhiteFWhite31310128Newman, Holly 4208 N Hills AustinTX78731NNon-LatiAfrican AFAfrican A21410152Kahle, Mary Clos5402 Hurlock AustinTX78731NWhiteCaucasiaFWhite21510154Hignight, Heath 1512 Ullrich AustinTX78756NAnglo-mMixedMWhite21610160Jones, Benjamin 11308 Pence AustinTX78750NBlackNegroMAfrican A31710175Gonzales, Albert 11321 Chata AustinTX78748NHispanic/Mexican MHispanic41810189Wheeler, Diana 2604 W 49th AustinTX78731NAngloWhiteFWhite21910191Cocco, Catherin 5609 Spurflo AustinTX78759NTaiwaneAsianFAsian32010194Kurth, Lynn LaRu4407 Twisted AustinTX78735NUS CaucaUS CaucFWhite32110213Reyna, Roy2003 Barton AustinTX78704NHispanicWhiteMHispanic32210240Callahan, Jason T2612 Stacy LAustinTX78704NAmerican WhiteMWhite42310246Garcia, Gavin La1400 Corona AustinTX78723NHispanicMexican MHispanic12410261Haley, Benjamin 10709 Chest AustinTX78726NWhiteCaucasiaMWhite32510267Llanes Pulido, Ca 5204 Waybo AustinTX78722NAmerican HispanicFHispanic12610271Rosal, Ana Ixche5204 Waybo AustinTX78723NGuatemaLatinaFHispanic12710275Martinez, Gilber 10113 Dobbi AustinTX78748NHispanicWhiteMHispanic32810280Solis, Maria Cad4415 Hank AAustinTX78745NMexican WhiteFHispanic42910290Presti, Diane C. 205 Park Lan AustinTX78704NWhite, E Caucasia FWhite43010292Rhedin, Judith A 8807 Marisc AustinTX78759NAfrican A Black FAfrican A33110297Mahoney, Tim R 2304 Tom M AustinTX78723NIrish Que Celtic (W MWhite13210299Graham, Edward 1311 Berksh AustinTX78723NAnglo-Iri White MWhite13310302Zigrossi, Sam Joe11300 Pickfa AustinTX78750NItalian-AWhiteMWhite33410309Johnson, Helen 5810 Charles AustinTX78749NWhiteAngloFWhite33510311Martinez, Gilber 5402 Badger AustinTX78749NLatino an Biracial MOther33610314Tyler, Jessica Le615 Amesbu AustinTX78752NDanish, FCaucasiaFWhite13710316Aleman, Steven 1813 Cedar AAustinTX78702NHispanicWhiteMHispanic13810317Costello, TJ5700 Tapade AustinTX78727NCaucasiaMWhite23910323Harrow, Harriett8230 Summe AustinTX78759NEnglish a CaucasiaFWhite24010331Johnson, Henry 6505 Auburn AustinTX78723NAfrican ABlackMAfrican A14110334Casarez, Ruth1805 Alta Vis AustinTX78704NMexicanHispanicFHispanic44210339Stansberry, Paul 5380 Austral AustinTX78739NNon-HispCaucasiaMWhite34310342Gray, Melissa Re10408 Yucca AustinTX78759NItalian, Ir CaucasiaFWhite3 List of Applications with Top Scores from Rounds 1 and 2 Sort by OCA_APP NumberRound 2 TopScores--050113Page 24410343Diggs, Julia Ann2905 Allison AustinTX78741NAngloWhiteFWhite44510344Harcrow, Kami R7005 Debora AustinTX78752NCaucasiaWhiteFWhite14610348Art, David T904 Robertso AustinTX78703NEuropea WhiteMWhite24710361Ortiz, Pablo Rive 6915 Vassar AustinTX78723NHispanicCaucasiaMHispanic14810365VanDyke, Thom 1506 New Yo AustinTX78702NAfrican-MAfrican A14910374Hexsel, Maria Ca312 W. Annie AustinTX78704NHispanicWhiteFHispanic45010377Dickens, Linda2801 Macke AustinTX78703NJewishWhiteFWhite25110380Risovi, Janet Lea4810 Avenue AustinTX78751NMixed Eu CaucasiaFWhite25210381Blanco, Magdale 2001 Dry Sea AustinTX78754NHispanicMexicanFHispanic15310383Person, Maria D5610 Bull Cre AustinTX78756NWhite an Europea FOther25410386Aguirre, Ana Tor6714 Ripple AustinTX78744NHispanicWhiteFHispanic45510402Farris, Rachel Tr2324 Santa R AustinTX78702NCaucasiaCaucasiaFWhite45610420Brisbin, Shelly D715 Landon AustinTX78705NAngloAngloFWhite25710428Ali, Thressa Lee1506 E 13th AustinTX78702NAfrican ABlackFAfrican A15810440Lopez, Arthur11905 A Sun AustinTX78758NHispanicMexican MHispanic25910441Street, Polly Red5713 Sandhu AustinTX78723NAfrican AmericanFAfrican A16010457Kaspar, Mary Al7205 Breezy AustinTX78749NOtherOtherFOther36110462Luevanos, Maria 2203 De Ver AustinTX78704NLatinoWhiteFHispanic36210483Everton, Aramin 3307 Perry LAustinTX78731NCaucasiaWhiteFWhite26310494Mejia-Dietche, A 2401 Vista LaAustinTX78703NLatina (CWhiteFHispanic26410496Davalos, David1305 Berksh AustinTX78723NHispanicMexican MHispanic16510507Frey, Peg Freder 8309 Krome AustinTX78757NSouthern CaucasiaFWhite26610508Saenz, Anna M6800 Bissel CAustinTX78745NHispanic CaucasaFHispanic46710511Lawson, Janet D5380 Austral AustinTX78739NNon-HispBlackFAfrican A36810513Gonzales, Domin 1818 River C AustinTX78741NMexican-AmericaMHispanic46910514Furgeson, Jim A1804 Robin H AustinTX78703NWhiteWhiteMWhite27010515Diaz-Miranda, M2601 Crowns AustinTX78748NLatinoMestizoMHispanic47110521Lee, Nicole Mich503 Swanee AustinTX78752NBlack, AfNon-hisFAfrican A17210529Almanza, …

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Applicant Review PanelMay 3, 2013

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Page | 1 Applicant Review Panel Meeting Minutes Friday, April 26, 2013 The Applicant Review Panel convened in a regularly called meeting on Friday, April 26, 2013 6:00 p.m. at City Hall’s Board and Commissioner’s Room #1101, 301 W 2nd St, Austin, TX 78701 Meeting was called to order at 6:01 pm by Jawana JJ Gutierrez, ARP staff liaison. COMMITTEE MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: Carol Feller (Absent) Caroline Limaye Michelle DeFrance 1. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: Brad Parsons, Edwin English, Peg “Seaufy” Frey 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The draft minutes for the regular ARP meeting on April 19th were reviewed and approved. Member Limaye motioned to approve the minutes, member DeFrance seconded. Motion was passed on a vote of 2-0. 3. NEW BUSINESS: The ARP may discuss and take action on the following agenda items: A. Review demographic data for Austin area precincts The Panel reviewed a map depicting the locations of the top scorers from Round 1. The Panel requested that Liaison Gutierrez obtain current data of Austin’s population. The Panel reviewed the student rankings provided by members Limaye and DeFrance, the rankings show no similarities, therefore it was decided that member Feller’s information is needed to determine the overall student ranking. B. Summary of Round 1 application scores and begin Round 2 Review of Round 2 scores and reconsidered applicant scores from Round 1 by members Limaye and DeFrance. The addition of the “reconsidered” applications created more than 60 chosen applicants, it has been decided that the next round will be the striking round. Each panel member will have list of five to strike, panel members will choose their own method of deciding who to strike. Liaison Gutierrez will contact the Auditor’s office to review the policy with regards to alternates if the selected student receives a strike from Council. Page | 2 C. Letters to applicants who were not selected A review of a draft letter written by member Limaye to send to the non-selected applicants; Liaison Gutierrez will work with the City of Austin’s Communication team to draft the letter-head format. Further discussion of the draft letter will be addressed at the next meeting, and a vote will be taken to approve the format. It was determined that the letter will be mailed to the non-selected applicants after the Council work session on May 21st. 4. OLD BUSINESS Review ARP work plan and future meeting dates The next scheduled …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 8:56 p.m.
Lake Austin Task ForceApril 29, 2013

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Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 10:45 p.m.
Lake Austin Task ForceApril 29, 2013

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LAKEAUSTINTASKFORCEMEETINGMINUTESOFApril29,2013301W.SecondStreetCityHallBoardandCommissions#11013:30P.M.–5:30P.M.1.CALLTOORDERChairLindaGuerrerocalledthemeetingtoorderat3:37P.M.LATFAttendees:AlanRoddyBenHodgesBillMoriartyCarolLeeEllenWittJamesSchisslerJaneRiveraJaredMatthewsKennethPflugerLindaGuerreroMaryAnnNelyNickWiersemaPamMurfinEricMorelandLATFMembersabsent:BrianRoarkDr.ErnestGonzalezStaffandotherspresent:AndrewClamannChrisYanezChuckLesniakJohnScottKathleenBuchananLizJohnstonMarillaShepherdMarilynShashoua2.CALLTOORDER3.ChairLindaGuerrerocalledthemeetingtoorderat3:34p.m.4.APPROVALOFMINUTES a.ApprovetheLakeAustinTaskForcemeetingminutesofApril22,2013.TheminuteswereapprovedmotionedtoapprovedbyKennnethPflguerandsecondedbyBenHodges[Vote9-0]5.DISCUSSIONANDACTIONITEMSa.ContinuediscussiononvariancesandroleofParksBoard.Thisitemwasconductedasposted.b.DiscussAustin’slegalauthorityrelativetoLakeAustin,departmentalcoordination,androlesofCitydepartments,boardsandcommissions,andCityCouncil.Thisitemwasnotconductedasposted.c.Continuediscussiononboatdockremodeling(50%rule).Thisitemwasnotconductedasposted.d.Discusspubliceducationandoutreachforcodecompliance,lakeuse,andotherissues.Thisitemwasnotconductedasposted.NEWBUSINESS-FutureagendaitemsNone.ADJOURNMENTGuerreroadjournedthemeetingat5:25p.m.

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 10:45 p.m.
Applicant Review PanelApril 26, 2013

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Applicant Review Panel Friday, April 26 2013 6pm City Hall, Boards & Commissions Room 1101 301 W. 2nd Street, Austin, TX 78701 Members: Michelle DeFrance Carol Feller Caroline Limaye CALL TO ORDER 1. CITIZEN COMMUNCIATION: GENERAL (Please limit to 3 minutes per speaker) 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Approve minutes of April 19, 2013 regular meeting. 3. NEW BUSINESS The ARP may discuss and take action on the following agenda items A. Review demographic data for Austin area precincts B. Summary of Round 1 application scores and begin Round 2 C. Letters to applicants who were not selected 4. OLD BUSINESS Review ARP work plan and future meeting dates 5. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Request future agenda items, information, and reports ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 4 days before the meeting date. Please call Jawana Gutierrez at 512-322-6596 for additional information. TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. Questions regarding the Applicant Review Panel may be directed to Jawana Gutierrez at 512-322-6596.

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 8:56 p.m.
Applicant Review PanelApril 26, 2013

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Page | 1 Applicant Review Panel Meeting Minutes Friday, April 26, 2013 The Applicant Review Panel convened in a regularly called meeting on Friday, April 26, 2013 6:00 p.m. at City Hall’s Board and Commissioner’s Room #1101, 301 W 2nd St, Austin, TX 78701 Meeting was called to order at 6:01 pm by Jawana JJ Gutierrez, ARP staff liaison. COMMITTEE MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: Carol Feller (Absent) Caroline Limaye Michelle DeFrance 1. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: Brad Parsons, Edwin English, Peg “Seaufy” Frey 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The draft minutes for the regular ARP meeting on April 19th were reviewed and approved. Member Limaye motioned to approve the minutes, member DeFrance seconded. Motion was passed on a vote of 2-0. 3. NEW BUSINESS: The ARP may discuss and take action on the following agenda items: A. Review demographic data for Austin area precincts The Panel reviewed a map depicting the locations of the top scorers from Round 1. The Panel requested that Liaison Gutierrez obtain current data of Austin’s population. The Panel reviewed the student rankings provided by members Limaye and DeFrance, the rankings show no similarities, therefore it was decided that member Feller’s information is needed to determine the overall student ranking. B. Summary of Round 1 application scores and begin Round 2 Review of Round 2 scores and reconsidered applicant scores from Round 1 by members Limaye and DeFrance. The addition of the “reconsidered” applications created more than 60 chosen applicants, it has been decided that the next round will be the striking round. Each panel member will have list of five to strike in accordance with the criteria set forth in the City charter, panel members will choose their own method of deciding who to strike based on the criteria. Liaison Gutierrez Page | 2 will contact the Auditor’s office to review the policy with regards to alternates if the selected student receives a strike from Council. C. Letters to applicants who were not selected A review of a draft letter written by member Limaye to send to the non-selected applicants; Liaison Gutierrez will work with the City of Austin’s Communication team to draft the letter-head format. Further discussion of the draft letter will be addressed at the next meeting, and a vote will be taken to approve the format. It was determined that the letter will be mailed to the non-selected applicants after the Council work session on May …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 8:56 p.m.
Applicant Review PanelApril 26, 2013

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Applicant Review PanelApril 26, 2013

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Page | 1 Applicant Review Panel Meeting Minutes Friday, April 19, 2013 The Applicant Review Panel convened in a regularly called meeting on Friday, April 19, 2013 6:00 p.m. at City Hall’s Board and Commissioner’s Room #1101, 301 W 2nd St, Austin, TX 78701 Meeting was called to order at 6:02 pm by Jawana JJ Gutierrez, ARP staff liaison. COMMITTEE MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: Carol Feller Caroline Limaye Michelle DeFrance (Absent) 1. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: Roger Borgelt, Brad Parsons, Steve Bickerstaff 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The draft minutes for the regular ARP meeting on April 8th were reviewed and approved. Member Limaye motioned to approve the minutes, member Feller seconded. Motion was passed on a vote of 2-0. 3. NEW BUSINESS: The ARP may discuss and take action on the following agenda items: A. Review demographic data for Austin area precincts Liaison Gutierrez received demographics from the City demographer and is still working on the data, but noted she will provide at the next meeting a data set for each precinct, and will also forward the information before the next meeting to the panel members so that the members can have it for preparation at the next meeting. Page | 2 B. Summary of application scores for precinct 4 and students Liaison Gutierrez reviewed the scores from Precinct 4, students, and the applicants from Williamson County. Liaison Gutierrez said she also included the breakdown of applicants by gender and race as previously requested at the last meeting, and will go back and add this breakdown to the other previous scored precincts as well. Liaison Gutierrez noted that her action item is to provide to member Feller the revised applicant list from the Auditor’s office, which includes the one late applicant. Upon review of the scores, member Limaye proposed to adopt a strategy to promote one student going forward in this round and for one student to go forward in the next round; member Feller agreed on this proposal. Top three students from each precinct will be ranked from 1-3, with 1 being the highest score. Liaison Gutierrez stated will fold in the Williamson county applicants with precinct one and will have that data provided at the next meeting. Per the members’ requests, Liaison Gutierrez will provide a map of all the applicants who have received a score of all 3’s, as well as a percentage of the precincts that are inside the …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 8:56 p.m.
Applicant Review PanelApril 26, 2013

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CAROLINE'S ROUND 2OCA_ApplIDApplicant NameRes_ZipStudentEthnicityRaceGenderRace_OMBStandardPct10015Pritchett, B 78753NScotch-Irish CaucasianFWhite210053Wassenich, 78703NAngloWhiteMWhite210070Graham, Se 78731NCaucasianWhiteMWhite210071Milam, Ma 78758NAmericanWhiteFWhite210083McCarron, 78731NAmericanWhite/CaucMWhite210085Fulk, Janet 78758NAngloAngloFWhite210092Christianso 78703NWhite (Swe WhiteMWhite210214Hendren, R78731NCaucasianWhiteMWhite210317Costello, TJ78727NCaucasianMWhite210323Harrow, Ha78759NEnglish and CaucasianFWhite210398Blais, Lynn 78705NAmericanCaucasianFWhite210419Stevens, Le 78703NAnglo-SaxoCacausianFWhite210427Takvorian, 78759NUS CitizenWhiteMWhite210476Cullick, Rob 78731NNon-hispanWhiteMWhite210479Pfefferle, L 78758NAmericanCaucasianFWhite210483Everton, Ar 78731NCaucasianWhiteFWhite210507Frey, Peg F 78757NSouthern, C CaucasianFWhite210514Furgeson, J 78703NWhiteWhiteMWhite2OCA_ApplIDApplicant NameRes_ZipStudentEthnicityRaceGenderRace_OMBPrct10116Schaffner, T 78704NAmericanOtherMOther310191Cocco, Cath 78759NTaiwaneseAsianFAsian310243Thayer, Tho 78736NWhiteWhiteMWhite310261Haley, Benj 78726NWhiteCaucasianMWhite310309Johnson, H 78749NWhiteAngloFWhite310339Stansberry, 78739NNon-HispanCaucasianMWhite310354Cheng, Jaso 78749NChinese AsianMAsian310363Clayton, M 78746NCaucasian WhiteFWhite310371Wilcox, Cyn78735NMixedCaucasianFWhite310393Johnson, Ro 78739NNon-HispanCaucasianMWhite310422Shoppa, Dw 78735NWhiteWhiteMWhite310466McNair, An 78735NAll America CaucasianFWhite310478Wiley, Phill 78701NAmericanMultiracial MOther310517Parker, Phi 78701NAngloWhiteMWhite310520Baumel, Le 78736NJewishCaucasion MWhite3OCA_ApplIDApplicant NameRes_ZipStudentEthnicityRaceGenderRace_OMBPrct10012Goldstraw, 78744NCaucasian/White/CaucMWhite410030Burton, Chr 78704NEnglishWestern EuMWhite410032Albert, Dav 78741NWHiteCaucasianMWhite410035Sowards, R 78745NAmerican/FCaucasianMWhite4 10046Weber, Tho 78745NEuropeanWhiteMWhite410096Steinhardt, 78745N3rd generat CaucasianMWhite410162Durbin, Lyle 78741NNon-HispanWhiteMWhite410186Barnes, Jos 78747NWhiteCaucasianMWhite410280Solis, Maria 78745NMexican AmWhiteFHispanic/La410289Weed, Eliza 78704NHispanic an White FWhite410373Parker, Joe 78704NCaucasianWhiteMWhite410400Mathison, P 78702NWhiteCaucasianFWhite410402Farris, Rach 78702NCaucasianCaucasianFWhite4This is to let you know the applications in Pct 1 for reconsideration. This is so you can pass this 10271 Ana Ixchel Rosal10316 Steve Aleman10331 Henry Johnson10381 Magdalena Patricia Blanco10521 Nicole Michelle Lee10540 Zenobia M Orimoloye MICHELLE'S ROUND 2Revised RankThese were individuals that I considered "borderline 2s" and I would not object to the 3OCA_ApplIDApplicant NamePrct210515Diaz-Miranda, Mariano4210343Diggs, Julia Ann4210513Gonzales, Dominic L.4210091Hewitt, Willam Philip4210374Hexsel, Maria Cantu4310025Humar, Pradeep2210459Jeffery, Neil Hyrum4310462Luevanos, Maria Carmen3310275Martinez, Gilbert M3210128Newman, Holly S2210213Reyna, Roy3210292Rhedin, Judith A. 3210432Salvaggio, Natalie Cecile2210189Wheeler, Diana K2310271Ana Ixchel Rosal1310316Steve Aleman1310331Henry Johnson110381Magdalena Patricia Blanco1Rank10521Nicole Michelle Lee1210540Zenobia M Orimoloye1323These individuals were solid "2s." Based on that, I would not suggest that they be add 310313Banks, Christine Lynch4310245Dauster, Nick1210003Hinojosa, Eugenio Rogelio Jr.4210445Huang, Lawrence P2210469Maciel, Anna Marie4222222Rank2232 222232223 along to Michelle. ese individuals being including in the pool. ded to the pool.

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 8:56 p.m.