P-2/1 P-2/2 P-2/3 P-2/4 P-2/5 P-2/6 9 / 6 / 2 0 1 9 B o a r d o f A d u s t j m e n t s 1 1 / 7 / 2 0 1 9 S p r i n g d a e F a r m l s P-2/7 • • • • • A c t i v i t y C o r r i d o r b o t h d i r e c t i o n s ) A r e a : 4 . 8 5 a c r e s i Z o n n g : C S - M U - C O N P - l A o n g I i m a g n e A u s t i n C o r r i d o r l 2 B o c k s f r o m T r a n s i t p r i o r i t y ( i n S i t e L o c a t i o n P-2/8 i N e g h b o r h o o d O u t r e a c h • • • • • t h e s i t e ) S u s t a n a b i i l i t y i N e g h b o r h o o d f a b r i c G r e e n i n f r a s t r u c t u r e M i x e d U s e ( r e s i d e n t i a l l f o r s a e a n d c o m m e r c i a l ) • l H e d c o m m u n i t y m e e t i n g s t o : • • • s t r a t e g y t h e c o m m u n i t y I n t r o d u c e S t o r y B u i l t a n d d i s c u s s o v e r a …
P-3/1 P-3/2 BOA GENERAL REVIEW COVERSHEET CASE: C15-2019-0063 BOA DATE: January 13th, 2020 ADDRESS: 1507 Fairfield Dr. OWNER: Stephen H. Rison COUNCIL DISTRICT: 7 AGENT: N/A ZONING: SF-3-NP LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 28 WOOTEN PARK SEC 5 VARIANCE REQUEST: Setback requirements SUMMARY: maintain an existing shed ZONING LAND USES Site North South East West SF-3-NP SF-3-NP SF-3-NP SF-3-NP SF-3-NP Single-Family Single-Family Single-Family Single-Family Single-Family ISSUES: trees would have prohibited construction in other areas; previous shed was built in same location NEIGHBORHOOD ORGANIZATIONS: Austin Independent School District Austin Lost and Found Pets Austin Neighborhoods Council Bike Austin Friends of Austin Neighborhoods Homeless Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Empowerment Foundation North Austin Neighborhood Alliance SELTexas Shoal Creek Conservancy Sierra Club, Austin Regional Group Wooten Neighborhood Assn. Wooten Neighborhood Plan Contact Team P-3/3 January 2, 2020 Stephen Rison 1507 Fairfield Dr Austin TX, 78757 Re: C15-2019-0063 Dear Stephen, Property Description: LOT 28 WOOTEN PARK SEC 5 Austin Energy (AE) has reviewed your application for the above referenced property, requesting that the Board of Adjustment consider a variance(s) from variance(s) from the minimum setback requirement of LDC Section 25-2-492 (Site Development Regulations) (D) to decrease the rear setback requirement from 10 feet (required) to 0 feet (requested) In order to maintain an existing shed in an “SF-3-NP”, Single-Family zoning district. (Wooten Neighborhood Plan) DENIED BY AUSTIN ENERGY (AE) , due to applicant having a permanent structures that conflict with Austin Energy’s clearance requirements. The Customer's facilities/installations shall maintain clearances from AE overhead facilities as required in Section 234 of the NESC. See NESC Clearance Envelope below for typical NESC clearances of 12-foot 6-inch vertical and 7-foot 6-inch horizontal from AE overhead primary voltage lines. Contact AE Design for specific clearance information. In addition, the Customer's facilities shall not be installed under or over AE overhead distribution facilities and shall maintain a minimum horizontal clearance of 7'-6" from overhead AE distribution facilities. It is recommended that you remove the features shown on the submitted survey, be relocated from outside the easement area and that they maintain the required electric clearance requirements. Please contact Eben Kellogg Property Agent for Austin Energy - Public Involvement and Real Estate Services 512-322-6050/ eben.kellogg@austinenergy.com to demonstrate that this has been accomplished. Please use this link to be advised of our clearance and safety requirements which are additional conditions of the above review action: https://austinenergy.com/wcm/connect/8bb4699c-7691-4a74- 98e7-56059e9be364/Design+Criteria+Manual+Oct+2015.pdf?MOD=AJPERES see - Page 92 - 1.10.0 Clearance and …
AUSTIN TRAVIS COUNTY FOOD POLICY BOARD MONDAY, MARCH 9TH, 2020 AT 6:00 PM STREET JONES BUILDING/ROOM 400A 1000 EAST 11TH STREET, AUSTIN TEXAS 78702 AGENDA CALL TO ORDER CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL Speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. 1) STAFF BRIEFINGS a) City of Austin Financial Services 2020 Budget Update 2) APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM JANUARY 13TH AND FEBRUARY 10TH MEETING 3) OLD BUSINESS i. Board Appointments 4) NEW BUSINESS 1. Discuss Recruitment Strategy 2. Discuss and take possible action on new Vice-chair ii. Board Infrastructure & Protocol 1. Discuss Marketing Strategy 2. Review Board Members’ meetings with City and County Officials iii. Board Recommendations 1. Update on the COA Land Development Code rewrite i. Debrief of the Joint Sustainability Committee meeting 1. Nominate and vote for new ‘alternative’ Committee representative ii. Debrief of the Community Climate Plan iii. Working Group Briefings and Recommendations 1. Build Opportunities for Food Entrepreneurs 2. Support Farms & Farmers 3. Healthy Food Access to All Communities 4. Food and Gardens iv. Discuss and take possible action on budget recommendations v. Review of Board Member Assignments ADJOURNMENT 5) FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS a. Prioritize future staff briefings and external speakers The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days (48 hours) before the meeting date. Please call Edwin Marty, Office of Sustainability at 512-974-2120, for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the Food Policy Board please contact Edwin Marty at 512-974-2120
STRATEGIC PLANNING/NEEDS ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE HIV PLANNING COUNCIL Monday, March 9, 2020, 6:00 P.M. City Hall/ Conference Room 1029 301 West 2nd Street Austin, Texas STRATEGIC PLANNING/NEEDS ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Committee Chair-Glenn Crawford, Brian Johnson, Lee Miranda, Tara Scarbrough AGENDA CALL TO ORDER CITIZEN COMMUNICATION Speakers who have submitted a completed Citizen Communication card prior to Citizen Communication being called will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. Speakers on specific agenda items will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns at the time that item is called. 1. CERTIFICATION OF QUORUM 2. INTRODUCTION/ANNOUNCEMENTS 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 4. NEEDS ASSESSMENT a. Finalize Needs Assessment Survey Questionnaire 5. UPDATES FROM OFFICE OF SUPPORT a. Community Events b. Grant activities ADJOURNMENT Indicative of action items The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days (48 hours) before the meeting date. TTY users’ route through Relay Texas at 711. For More Information on the HIV Planning Council, Comprehensive Planning Committee, please contact Hailey de Anda at (512) 972-5862.
LGBTQ QUALITY OF LIFE ADVISORY COMMISSION Monday, March 9, 2020 7:00 p.m. City Hall, 301 West 2nd Street Room 1027 (Executive Session Conference Room) Austin, Texas 78701 District Commissioner 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Kannou (Kimberly) Curette Sandra Chavez Victor Martinez (Chair) Holly Kirby Ruben Baeza Terrance Hines Deirdre Doughty Saul Gonzalez CALL TO ORDER District 9 10 Mayor At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large AGENDA Commissioner Nan Dowling Brandon Wollerson Christina Gorczynski Tarik Daniels Charles Curry Kathryn Gonzales (Vice Chair) Melissa Taylor PUBLIC COMMUNICATION – Each speaker will have 3 minutes to speak. 1. MOTION TO SUSPEND ROBERT’S RULES OF ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 10 AND JANUARY 11, 2020 3. REGULAR BUSINESS – The commission may take action or make recommendations on the following topics: a. Presentation by Austin Parks and Recreation Department concerning its FY2020-2021 budget. (Sponsor: Staff; Strategic Outcome: Health & Environment) b. Consideration of budget recommendations for the 2020-2021 fiscal year budget. (Sponsor: Staff; Strategic Outcome: All) c. Update concerning an LGBTQ quality of life study (Sponsor: Taylor; Strategic Outcome: Government That Works for All) d. Review status of previous commission-approved recommendations and determine whether any future actions are required. (Sponsor: Gonzales; Strategic Outcome: Government That Works for All) ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days (48 hours) before the meeting date. Please call Staff Liaison Neal Falgoust at 512-974-2154 or email neal.falgoust@austintexas.gov, for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the LGBTQ Quality of Life Commission, please contact Neal Falgoust at (512) 974-2154.
HISTORIC LANDMARK COMMISSION CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS REVIEW COMMITTEE Monday, March 9, 2020 – 4:30 p.m. Room 500, One Texas Center 505 Barton Springs Road Austin, Texas CURRENT BOARD MEMBERS: ____ Terri Myers ____ Kevin Koch ____ Beth Valenzuela CALL TO ORDER AGENDA CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL Speakers may communicate their concerns regarding issues or items not posted on the agenda. A. DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ON APPLICATIONS FOR CERTIFICATES OF APPROPRIATENESS and PRELIMINARY REVIEW OF OTHER PROJECTS 1. C14H-1996-0003 – Bartholomew-Robinson Building, 1415 Lavaca Street 2. NRD-2019-0075 – 311 E. 6th St (Sixth Street National Register Historic Proposal for high-rise addition. District) Add 2nd story onto existing structure. District) New high-rise. 3. NRD-2020-0004 – 92 Rainey Street (Rainey Street National Register Historic 4. C14H-1982-0015 – Clark-Emmert House, 4300 Avenue D Modify door/window openings. 5. LHD-2020-0001 – 4000 Avenue C (Hyde Park Historic District) Rear addition to primary building; front addition to attached garage. 6. LHD-2020-0012 – 703 Oakland Avenue (Smoot/Terrace Park Historic District) 7. Un-numbered – 70 Rainey Street (Rainey Street National Register Historic Replace siding and windows in-kind. District) Install signage. Rotate a contributing building. New window screens. 8. Un-numbered – 1008 E. 9th Street (Robertson/Stuart & Mair Historic District) 9. C14H-2007-0040 – Parrish-Fleming House, 1410 Northwood Road ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 48 hours before the meeting date. Please call Andrew Rice, Historic Preservation Planner, at 974-1686 for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. This is a public meeting, not a public hearing. Members of the public are welcome to attend and address the committee under Citizen Communication, but there is no public participation in the deliberations of the committee. For more information on the Historic Landmark Commission, please contact Steve Sadowsky, Historic Preservation Officer, at 974-6454; Cara Bertron, Deputy Preservation Officer, at 974-1446; Kalan Contreras, Senior Planner, at 974-2727, or Angela Gaudette, Preservation Planner, at 974-3393.
Questions for Historic Commission regarding 4300 Ave D (Clark-Emmert): 1. there are two doors that were not present when the house was constructed, that are currently unused/unusable: a) on the west side, facing the alley a door leads to the hallway containing the laundry. We have not opened as long as we’ve lived in the house. b) on the north side facing 4302 Ave D is a door that is covered by plywood and drywall on the interior c) We would like to remove both doors and concrete stoops and replace with either siding (north side) and is in the back of the pantry. or a matching window (west side) 2. There is rot in some of the sleeping porch window frames, and one contractor has recommended replacing them with clad units of the exact same size and lite configuration. I believe these windows are from when the sleeping porch was enclosed – roughly the 1940’s North door West door from sidewalk West door from yard 4300 site plan 4300 floor plan
Special-Called Joint Commission Meeting Electric Utility and Resource Management Commissions March 9, 2020 6:30 p.m. Town Lake Center, Shudde Fath Conference Room 721 Barton Springs Road, Austin, Texas AGENDA EUC Members: Cary Ferchill, Chair (Adler) Marty Hopkins, Vice Chair (Casar) Jim Boyle (Pool) Carrie Collier-Brown (Ellis) RMC Members: Leo Dielmann, Chair (Pool) Kaiba White, Vice Chair (Garza) James Babyak (Flannigan) Jonathan Blackburn (Ellis) Rebecca Brenneman (Alter) Lisa Chavarria (Adler) Erik Funkhouser (Garza) Karen Hadden (Kitchen) Cyrus Reed (Tovo) Rachel Stone (Harper-Madison) Dave Tuttle (Alter) Matt Weldon (Flannigan) Stefan Wray (Renteria) Nakyshia Fralin (Harper-Madison) Dana Harmon (Tovo) Shane Johnson (Casar) Tom “Smitty” Smith (Kitchen) Vacant (Renteria) For more information, please visit: www.austintexas.gov/euc or www.austintexas.gov/rmc CALL MEETING TO ORDER CITIZEN COMMUNICATIONS: GENERAL – Speaker remarks limited to three minutes NEW BUSINESS 1. Presentation and discussion regarding the Austin Energy Resource, Generation and Climate Protection Plan to 2030. ( ) = Target Council Meeting Date; [ ] = RCA Type 2. (3/26) [Austin Energy] Approve the Austin Energy Resource, Generation and Climate Protection Plan, including long-range planning through 2030. ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please call (512) 322-6450 at least 48 hours before the meeting date. TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information, please call (512) 322-6505.
HISTORIC LANDMARK COMMISSION CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS REVIEW COMMITTEE Monday, March 9, 2020 – 4:30 p.m. Room 500, One Texas Center 505 Barton Springs Road Austin, Texas CURRENT BOARD MEMBERS: ____ Terri Myers ____ Kevin Koch ____ Beth Valenzuela CALL TO ORDER REVISED AGENDA CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL Speakers may communicate their concerns regarding issues or items not posted on the agenda. A. DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ON APPLICATIONS FOR CERTIFICATES OF APPROPRIATENESS and PRELIMINARY REVIEW OF OTHER PROJECTS 1. C14H-1996-0003 – Bartholomew-Robinson Building, 1415 Lavaca Street 2. NRD-2019-0075 – 311 E. 6th St (Sixth Street National Register Historic Proposal for high-rise addition. District) Add 2nd story onto existing structure. District) New high-rise. 3. NRD-2020-0004 – 92 Rainey Street (Rainey Street National Register Historic 4. C14H-1982-0015 – Clark-Emmert House, 4300 Avenue D Modify door/window openings. 5. LHD-2020-0001 – 4000 Avenue C (Hyde Park Historic District) Rear addition to primary building; front addition to attached garage. 6. LHD-2020-0012 – 703 Oakland Avenue (Smoot/Terrace Park Historic District) Replace siding and windows in-kind. 7. Un-numbered – 70 Rainey Street (Rainey Street National Register Historic 8. Un-numbered – 1008 E. 9th Street (Robertson/Stuart & Mair Historic District) District) Install signage. Rotate a contributing building. New window screens. Repair windows on east elevation. 9. C14H-2007-0040 – Parrish-Fleming House, 1410 Northwood Road 10. C14H-2006-0016 – Norwood Tower, 114 W 7th Street ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 48 hours before the meeting date. Please call Andrew Rice, Historic Preservation Planner, at 974-1686 for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. This is a public meeting, not a public hearing. Members of the public are welcome to attend and address the committee under Citizen Communication, but there is no public participation in the deliberations of the committee. For more information on the Historic Landmark Commission, please contact Steve Sadowsky, Historic Preservation Officer, at 974-6454; Cara Bertron, Deputy Preservation Officer, at 974-1446; Kalan Contreras, Senior Planner, at 974-2727, or Angela Gaudette, Preservation Planner, at 974-3393.
Special-Called Joint Commission Meeting Electric Utility and Resource Management Commissions March 9, 2020 6:30 p.m. Town Lake Center, Shudde Fath Conference Room 721 Barton Springs Road, Austin, Texas AGENDA EUC Members: Cary Ferchill, Chair (Adler) Marty Hopkins, Vice Chair (Casar) Jim Boyle (Pool) Carrie Collier-Brown (Ellis) RMC Members: Leo Dielmann, Chair (Pool) Kaiba White, Vice Chair (Garza) James Babyak (Flannigan) Jonathan Blackburn (Ellis) Rebecca Brenneman (Alter) Lisa Chavarria (Adler) Erik Funkhouser (Garza) Karen Hadden (Kitchen) Cyrus Reed (Tovo) Rachel Stone (Harper-Madison) Dave Tuttle (Alter) Matt Weldon (Flannigan) Stefan Wray (Renteria) Nakyshia Fralin (Harper-Madison) Dana Harmon (Tovo) Shane Johnson (Casar) Tom “Smitty” Smith (Kitchen) Vacant (Renteria) For more information, please visit: www.austintexas.gov/euc or www.austintexas.gov/rmc CALL MEETING TO ORDER CITIZEN COMMUNICATIONS: GENERAL – Speaker remarks limited to three minutes NEW BUSINESS 1. Presentation and discussion regarding the Austin Energy Resource, Generation and Climate Protection Plan to 2030. ( ) = Target Council Meeting Date; [ ] = RCA Type 2. (3/26) [Austin Energy] Approve the Austin Energy Resource, Generation and Climate Protection Plan, including long-range planning through 2030. ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please call (512) 322-6450 at least 48 hours before the meeting date. TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information, please call (512) 322-6505.
..De ITEM 2 DRAFT RCA Posting Language ..Title Approve the Austin Energy Resource, Generation and Climate Protection Plan to 2030. Lead Department Austin Energy Fiscal Note A fiscal note is not required. Prior Council Action: For More Information: Erika Bierschbach, Vice President, Energy Market Operations and Resource Planning (512) 322-6476; Jeff Vice, Director, Local Government Issues (512) 322-6087 Council Committee, Boards and Commission Action: March 9, 2020- To be reviewed by the Electric Utility Commission and the Resource Management Commission. Additional Backup Information: Austin Energy requests approval of the Austin Energy Resource, Generation and Climate Protection Plan to 2030 (“Resource Plan”). The Resource Plan was developed by the Electric Utility Commission Resource Planning Working Group in collaboration with Austin Energy staff. The Working Group is composed of community members representing the Electric Utility Commission and Resource Management Commission; advocates for the environment, low-income customers and small businesses; and representatives of large commercial customers. The Working Group met 10 times over a period of 6 months and approved the Resource Plan unanimously. The process of updating the Resource Plan involves extensive analysis of the expected risks, costs and opportunities regarding Austin Energy’s generation fleet. The Resource Plan is a road map for the management of Austin Energy’s generation resources and is intended to be flexible and dynamic, allowing it to reflect changing circumstances. It brings together demand and energy management options over the planning horizon. As always, execution of individual elements of the Resource Plan will be subject to affordability impacts and Council approval. Strategic Outcome(s) Government That Works for All
FINAL DRAFT 03/06/20 Austin Energy Resource, Generation and Climate Protection Plan to 2030 On August 12, 2019, the Electric Utility Commission (EUC) created the Resource Plan Working Group1 (Working Group) to provide leadership and guidance to Austin Energy and the Austin City Council on technical and market issues to meet environmental, efficiency and affordability goals established by the Austin City Council.2 This Austin Energy Resource, Generation and Climate Protection Plan to 2030 (2030 Plan) outlines the Working Group’s recommendations and strategic goals and represents an extensive effort of the Austin community working through the Working Group and Austin Energy staff. The 2030 Plan is based on analysis of the risks, costs and opportunities to meet future demand for electricity. The 2030 Plan is intended to be flexible and dynamic in order to respond to changing circumstances, including customer electric load, economic conditions, energy prices, and technological development, while strictly committing to firm carbon reductions. The 2030 Plan updates and replaces the Generation and Climate Protection Plan to 2027.3 To the extent the provisions of this 2030 Plan are inconsistent with prior resource plans for Austin Energy or related City Council resolutions adopting such plans, this 2030 Plan will prevail upon its adoption by the City Council. The Working Group believes this 2030 Plan is groundbreaking in its approach and can serve as a model for others in achieving immediate, large-scale environmental benefits and reducing emissions, while maintaining affordable electricity rates. Vision Statement This 2030 Plan commits Austin Energy to continuing to provide affordable, dependable and safe electricity service to residents and businesses while pursuing the City of Austin’s climate protection and sustainability goals4 and the directives set forth in the Austin Climate Emergency Resolution.5 As a part of its commitment, Austin Energy will maintain an energy supply portfolio sufficient to offset customer demand while eliminating carbon and other pollutant emissions from its electric generation facilities as rapidly as feasible within the limitations set by the Austin City Council. Austin Energy commits to providing access to the benefits of this 2030 Plan for limited-income communities and communities of color. 2 The Working Group Charter can be found at: https://austinenergy.com/wcm/connect/2febfc53-8bad-4029-aabe- 1 The Working Group members are listed at the end of this 2030 Plan. The Resource Plan Working Group met ten times 3 See: Austin City Council Resolution No. 20170817-061, https://austinenergy.com/wcm/connect/6dd1c1c7-77e4- in late 2019 and early 2020. a9e5461fb516/EUCWG-Sep26-Agenda-Packet.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&CVID=mRKMujG . 43e4-8789-838eb9f0790d/gen-res-climate-prot-plan-2027.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&CVID=mNO-55U. _OOS_AustinClimatePlan_061015.pdf . …
Electric Utility Commission March 9, 2020 6:00 p.m. Town Lake Center, Shudde Fath Conference Room 721 Barton Springs Road, Austin, Texas AGENDA Members: Cary Ferchill, Chair (Adler) Marty Hopkins, Vice Chair (Casar) Jim Boyle (Pool) Carrie Collier-Brown (Ellis) Erik Funkhouser (Garza) Karen Hadden (Kitchen) Cyrus Reed (Tovo) Rachel Stone (Harper-Madison) Dave Tuttle (Alter) Matt Weldon (Flannigan) Stefan Wray (Renteria) For more information, please visit: www.austintexas.gov/euc Reading and Action on Consent Agenda: Items 2-5 may be acted upon by one motion. No separate discussion or action on any of the items is necessary unless desired by a Commissioner. CALL MEETING TO ORDER CITIZEN COMMUNICATIONS: GENERAL – Speaker remarks limited to three minutes 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Approve minutes of the February 10, 2020 meeting. NEW BUSINESS – CONSENT ( ) = Target Council Meeting Date; [ ] = RCA Type 2. (3/26) [Purchasing for Multiple Departments; AE’s portion = $25M] Authorize negotiation and execution of cooperative contracts through the Houston-Galveston Area Council; Sourcewell; Local Government Purchasing Cooperative, administered by Texas Association of School Boards, Inc. (BuyBoard); and Texas Multiple Award Schedule cooperative purchase programs with various contractors, to provide vehicles and equipment, each for up to five years for total contract amounts not to exceed $289,000,000, divided among the contractors. 3. (3/26) [Purchasing for Multiple Departments; AE’s portion (including CTECC) = $1.5M] Authorize negotiation and execution of two multi-term contracts with Ace Floor Solutions LLC (MBE) and Corza Construction LLC (MBE), to provide flooring installation and repair services, each for up to five years for total contract amounts not to exceed $16,885,000, divided between the contractors. 4. (3/26) [Purchasing for Multiple Departments; AE’s portion = $659K] Authorize amendments to existing cooperative contracts with AT&T Mobility; T-Mobile USA, Inc.; and Cellco Partnership D/B/A Verizon; for continued wireless communication services and equipment, for an increase in the amount of $4,200,000 and to extend through the completion of the cooperative contracts for revised contract amounts not to exceed $17,530,839, divided among the contractors. 5. (4/23) [Purchasing for Multiple Departments; AE’s portion = $200K] Authorize an amendment to an existing contract with CDW LLC D/B/A CDW Government D/B/A CDWG D/B/A CDW Government LLC, to continue to provide Autodesk products and services including software maintenance and support services, for an increase in the amount of $300,000 and to extend the term by one year, for a revised contract amount not to exceed $698,498. OTHER …
Item 6 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. EUC Report re Council Action March 9, 2020 Item below approved by EUC January 13; Council to review on date indicated in parenthesis. 13. (3/26) [Austin Energy] Authorize negotiation and execution of all documents and instruments necessary or desirable to sell approximately 0.021 acres or 912 square feet of land out of the Thomas Anderson Survey No. 17, Travis County, Texas, to the State of Texas for the Texas Department of Transportation project known as the Oak Hill Parkway, located at 6005 McCarty Lane and conveyed by warranty deed to the City of Austin Electric Utility Department, recorded in Volume 11591, Page 1325, for the amount of $6,384. (District 8) Item below declined by EUC February 10; Council declined on date indicated in parenthesis. 2. (2/20) [Purchasing for Multiple Departments; AE’s portion = $260K] Authorize negotiation and execution of an emergency multi-term contract with Waste Management of Texas Inc., to provide collection, transportation, processing, and disposal of refuse, recycling, brush, and compostable materials generated by City facilities, for up to one year in an amount not to exceed $1,068,000. Items below approved by EUC February 10; Council to review on date indicated in parenthesis. 3. (3/12) [Austin Energy] Authorize negotiation and execution of all documents and instruments necessary or desirable to acquire a permanent electric transmission and distribution easement consisting of approximately 0.227 acres (9,880 square feet) of land for the purpose of upgrading the capacity of Circuits 1004 and 961 and the overall electric system, and being a part of Lot 2, Reed Central Austin, a subdivision in Travis County, Texas, according to the Plat recorded in Volume 94, Page 133 of the Plat Records of Travis County, Texas, with said Lot 1 being described to Kumusha Investments, L.L.C., a Texas limited liability company in that certain Special Warranty Deed recorded in Document Number 2009021276 of the Official Public Records of Travis County, Texas, and located at 915 W. Howard Lane, in an amount not to exceed $245,000, including standard and customary closing costs. (District 7) (3/12) [Capital Contracting] Authorize negotiation and execution of professional services agreements with the following four staff recommended firms (or other qualified responders) for Request for Qualifications Solicitation No. CLMP288: HDR Engineering, Inc.; Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc.; Stanley Consultants, Inc.; and Stantec Consulting Services, Inc.; for engineering and technical services for the 2020 Engineering Services for Austin …
Item 20-1458 Item 2 Posting Language ..Title Authorize negotiation and execution of cooperative contracts through the Houston-Galveston Area Council; Sourcewell; Local Government Purchasing Cooperative, administered by Texas Association of School Boards, Inc. (BuyBoard); and Texas Multiple Award Schedule cooperative purchase programs with various contractors, to provide vehicles and equipment, each for up to five years for total contract amounts not to exceed $289,000,000, divided among the contractors. (Note: These procurements were reviewed for subcontracting opportunities in accordance with City Code Chapter 2-9D Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program. For the goods required for these procurements, there were no subcontracting opportunities; therefore, no subcontracting goals were established). ..Body Lead Department Purchasing Office. Client Department(s) Fleet Mobility Services. Fiscal Note Funding in the amount of $26,263,500 is available in the Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Capital Budget of various City departments. Funding in the amount of $385,310, is available in the Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Operating Budget of various City departments. Funding for the remaining contract terms is contingent upon funding in future budgets. Purchasing Language: Multiple cooperative purchase programs were reviewed for these goods. The Purchasing Office has determined these cooperative purchase programs best meet the needs of the department to provide the goods required at the best value for the City. Prior Council Action: For More Information: Inquiries should be directed to the City Manager’s Agenda Office, at 512-974-2991 or AgendaOffice@austintexas.gov or to John Hilbun, at 512-974-1054 or John.Hilbun@austintexas.gov. Council Committee, Boards and Commission Action: February 12, 2020 – To be reviewed by the Zero Waste Advisory Commission. March 9, 2020 – To be reviewed by the Electric Utility Commission. March 11, 2020 – To be reviewed by the Water and Wastewater Commission. Additional Backup Information: These contracts will provide Fleet Mobility Services the ability to purchase new and replacement vehicles, trailers, and equipment. These items will be added to the City’s fleet for use by various departments. The Houston-Galveston Area Council (H-GAC), Sourcewell, Local Government Purchasing Cooperative, administered by Texas Association of School Boards, Inc. (BuyBoard), and Texas Multiple Award Schedule (TxMAS) cooperatives establish competitively bid contracts that can be utilized by the State and other government agencies through a cooperative agreement. Cooperative agreements save taxpayer dollars by leveraging volume-buying power to drive down costs on hundreds of contracts through a streamlined cooperative purchasing program. These contracts offer the lowest prices for the budgeted vehicles and equipment and can …
..De ITEM 2 DRAFT RCA Posting Language ..Title Approve the Austin Energy Resource, Generation and Climate Protection Plan to 2030. Lead Department Austin Energy Fiscal Note A fiscal note is not required. Prior Council Action: For More Information: Erika Bierschbach, Vice President, Energy Market Operations and Resource Planning (512) 322-6476; Jeff Vice, Director, Local Government Issues (512) 322-6087 Council Committee, Boards and Commission Action: March 9, 2020- To be reviewed by the Electric Utility Commission and the Resource Management Commission. Additional Backup Information: Austin Energy requests approval of the Austin Energy Resource, Generation and Climate Protection Plan to 2030 (“Resource Plan”). The Resource Plan was developed by the Electric Utility Commission Resource Planning Working Group in collaboration with Austin Energy staff. The Working Group is composed of community members representing the Electric Utility Commission and Resource Management Commission; advocates for the environment, low-income customers and small businesses; and representatives of large commercial customers. The Working Group met 10 times over a period of 6 months and approved the Resource Plan unanimously. The process of updating the Resource Plan involves extensive analysis of the expected risks, costs and opportunities regarding Austin Energy’s generation fleet. The Resource Plan is a road map for the management of Austin Energy’s generation resources and is intended to be flexible and dynamic, allowing it to reflect changing circumstances. It brings together demand and energy management options over the planning horizon. As always, execution of individual elements of the Resource Plan will be subject to affordability impacts and Council approval. Strategic Outcome(s) Government That Works for All
FINAL DRAFT 03/06/20 Austin Energy Resource, Generation and Climate Protection Plan to 2030 On August 12, 2019, the Electric Utility Commission (EUC) created the Resource Plan Working Group1 (Working Group) to provide leadership and guidance to Austin Energy and the Austin City Council on technical and market issues to meet environmental, efficiency and affordability goals established by the Austin City Council.2 This Austin Energy Resource, Generation and Climate Protection Plan to 2030 (2030 Plan) outlines the Working Group’s recommendations and strategic goals and represents an extensive effort of the Austin community working through the Working Group and Austin Energy staff. The 2030 Plan is based on analysis of the risks, costs and opportunities to meet future demand for electricity. The 2030 Plan is intended to be flexible and dynamic in order to respond to changing circumstances, including customer electric load, economic conditions, energy prices, and technological development, while strictly committing to firm carbon reductions. The 2030 Plan updates and replaces the Generation and Climate Protection Plan to 2027.3 To the extent the provisions of this 2030 Plan are inconsistent with prior resource plans for Austin Energy or related City Council resolutions adopting such plans, this 2030 Plan will prevail upon its adoption by the City Council. The Working Group believes this 2030 Plan is groundbreaking in its approach and can serve as a model for others in achieving immediate, large-scale environmental benefits and reducing emissions, while maintaining affordable electricity rates. Vision Statement This 2030 Plan commits Austin Energy to continuing to provide affordable, dependable and safe electricity service to residents and businesses while pursuing the City of Austin’s climate protection and sustainability goals4 and the directives set forth in the Austin Climate Emergency Resolution.5 As a part of its commitment, Austin Energy will maintain an energy supply portfolio sufficient to offset customer demand while eliminating carbon and other pollutant emissions from its electric generation facilities as rapidly as feasible within the limitations set by the Austin City Council. Austin Energy commits to providing access to the benefits of this 2030 Plan for limited-income communities and communities of color. 2 The Working Group Charter can be found at: https://austinenergy.com/wcm/connect/2febfc53-8bad-4029-aabe- 1 The Working Group members are listed at the end of this 2030 Plan. The Resource Plan Working Group met ten times 3 See: Austin City Council Resolution No. 20170817-061, https://austinenergy.com/wcm/connect/6dd1c1c7-77e4- in late 2019 and early 2020. a9e5461fb516/EUCWG-Sep26-Agenda-Packet.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&CVID=mRKMujG . 43e4-8789-838eb9f0790d/gen-res-climate-prot-plan-2027.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&CVID=mNO-55U. _OOS_AustinClimatePlan_061015.pdf . …