20200311-3c: Encourage Austin ISD to Fund Pre-K Teaching Assistants — original pdf
MARCH 11, 2020 SPECIAL CALLED MEETING Electric Board DRAFT MINUTES The Electric Board convened in a Special Called Board Meeting on March 11, 2020 at Development Service Department, 5202 E. Ben White, Room 122. Chairman Flores called the Board Meeting to order at 10:05 am. Board Members in Attendance: Delwin Goss, David Adamson, Michael King, Michael King, Randy Pomikahl, Mark Weaver, Rogelio Wallace and Nicole Stasek Members Not in Attendance: Ben Brenneman and Robert Schmidt Staff in Attendance: Rick Arzola (DSD), Eric Zimmerman (DSD), Marty Starrett (DSD) and Mitchell Tolbert (DSD) 1. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: David Johnson 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes from the January 15, 2020 meeting was approved as written. Vice Chair member Pomikahl made a motion to accept the minutes as written. Board member Goss second the motion, motion passed 8-0. 3. DISCUSSION a. Austin Criteria Manual Update- DSD Residential Electrical Supervisor Eric Zimmerman reported to the board that Austin Energy cancelled their February 28 meeting and has re-scheduled for Friday March 13. So as now, no updates for the board. 4. DISCUSSION AND ACTION a. NEC ELECTRICAL ORDINANCE: Commercial Electrical Supervisor Marty Starrett informs the board that the request for Council Action Hearing has been accepted and approved and that Council is now set to hear our recommendation of the NEC Ordinance on April 9. Also, the Law department has reviewed the draft and has made some corrections to the language of the ordinance and that Staff wants final vote of those changes. Eric Zimmerman- Residential Electrical Supervisor, goes over all key areas that law has modified. After a few questions from the Board and the answers that staff provided, Board approved the changes and voted 8-0 to accept the ordinance as modified. Board member Goss made the motion to approve, Board member Stasek seconded the motion, motion passed. b. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION-LETTER TO COUNCIL REGARDING THE APPOINTMENT OF DAVID JOHNSON BACK TO THE BOARD: David Johnson, who signed up under citizen communication addressed the board and requested this item to be removed. Board made the motion to approve the request of item 4B to be removed. Board member Pomikahl made the motion for its removal, board member Goss, seconded. Motion passed 8-0. Side note: Board member Goss, addressed the board that he will resign from the board and seek other ventures. He would address his councilmember to consider David Johnson to fulfill his duties. …
COMMISSION ON SENIOR REGULAR MEETING MEETING MINUTES WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11TH, 2020 The Commission on Seniors convened a Regular Meeting at City Hall, Boards and Commissions Room, 301 West 2nd Street, Austin, Texas, 78702. Board Members in Attendance: Chair, Janee Briesemeister, Vice Chair, Peter Varteressian, Adam Hauser, Amy Temperley, Billy Jackson, Erica Garcia-Pittman, Jacqueline Angel, Karen Grampp, Natalie Cagle, Patricia Bordie, and Sally Van Sickle. Board Members not in Attendance: Diana Spain, Emily De Maria Nicola, Fred Lugo, and Martin Kareithi. Staff in Attendance: Tabitha Taylor, Age Friendly Plan Program Coordinator, Austin Public Health and Halana Kaleel, Public Health Educator II, Austin Public Health Presenters: None Chair, Janee Briesemeister called the Board Meeting to order at 12:08 p.m. The Commission introduced themselves. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION A. None I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM THE COMMISSION ON SENIORS FEBRUARY 12TH, 2020 REGULAR MEETING AND THE MAYOR’S COMMITTEE FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES FEBURARY 14TH, 2020 JOINT MEETING A. The minutes for the Regular Meeting of February 12th and the minutes for the Joint Meeting February 14th were approved on Vice Chair Varteressian motion, Commissioner Grampp second on a 11-0 vote. Commissioners Spain, De Maria Nicola, Lugo, and Kareithi were absent. II. ANNOUNCEMENTS when ready. A. Support Staff Tabitha Taylor will provide COVID-19 update from Council Kitchen B. Meals on Wheels can provide input on services for home bound individuals. C. Aging is Cool is concerned about isolation of seniors during this time. D. If a confirmed case is identified there will be a public announcement, and Austin Public Health’s investigation team will work to identify individuals exposed. E. Update on Senior Tax Exemption Resolution was provided, there will be another response provided with an after-action report by May 2020. i. Chair Briesemeister reviewed the memo provided and noted that it states there is no state law. She thinks this is inaccurate. ii. There is no mention of Williamson County. iii. Support Staff Tabitha will share this feedback on behalf of the Commission on Seniors. III. NEW BUSINESS A. Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Budget Requests and Recommendations. i. Budget Recommendations are due by April 10th. ii. Expect a special called meeting for the end of March. iii. Recommend voting to let the Budget Workgroup submit the budget iv. Commissioners review Budget packet prepared by Support Staff. v. Commissioner Garcia-Pittman requested demographics for the social service recommendations. contracts. B. Planning and Discussion of Older Americans Month 2020 Activities …
EARLY CHILDHOOD COUNCIL MINUTES REGULAR MEETING Wednesday, March 11, 2020 The Early Childhood Council (ECC) convened in a regular meeting on Wednesday, March 11, 2020, at City Hall. Board Members in Attendance: Chair Alvarez, Vice Chair McHorse, Members Gordon, Conlin, Burson, Hosking, Cortes-Castillo, Wren, Bliss Lima Staff in attendance: Rachel Farley, Estella Kirscht, Donna Sundstrom, Cindy Gamez, Michelle Rodriguez, Mary Jamsek CALL TO ORDER: Chair Alvarez called the Meeting to order at 8:34 a.m. INTRODUCTIONS - ECC members and guests introduced themselves CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: Amy Kidwell – Effective March 1 Child Care Licensing has changed their name to Child Care Regulation; implemented new minimum standards curriculum, monthly training, 25 people training at a time but need space for additional training, with the idea to branch out to other areas; Unregulated Unit is working to send message to parents all over Texas about choosing regulated care, the State gave 28 positions across the state, with 23 already filled and have 5 more to fill Paola Ferate-Soto with Austin Public Library will pass on contact info for parent support specialists in schools to Chair Alvarez; asked about an interpreter for the April 1 meeting; Rachel Farley will ask Clerk’s Office for interpreter support DISCLOSURE OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST – N/A 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Member Conlin motioned and Member McHorse seconded to approve the January 8, 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes with no changes; minutes were approved unanimously. 2. PRESENTATION a. Success by 6 (SX6) Leadership Team early childhood policy agenda- Brooke Freeland, Consultant, United Way for Greater Austin- explained policy proposals aligned with Strategic Direction 2023, Travis County strategic plan, and 2-Gen strategic plan. Budgetary items proposed: o Add a full time employee focused on early childhood at Austin Public Health- early childhood has been understaffed for over 20 years o Preserve funding to AISD for Parent Support Specialists to support families and parents in 60 Title I schools, primarily elementary schools; AISD funds half, City funds other half o Manana Fund additional $3 million in new tax revenue to early childhood and other initiatives Non-budgetary items proposed o Encourage AISD to allocate funding to Pre-K teaching assistants to reduce teacher:student ratios o Economic Development Corporations (EDC)- opportunities for public-private partnerships to create revenue; City could purchase and rehab buildings; EDC could generate funds for early childhood education; City has hired a consultant to explore the possibilities o …
URBAN TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION (UTC) TUESDAY MARCH 10, 2020 – 5:00 PM TOWN LAKE CENTER ROOM 130 721 BARTON SPRINGS RD AUSTIN, TEXAS MEETING AGENDA CALL TO ORDER CITIZENS COMMUNICATION: GENERAL The first 4 speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three- minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: FEBRUARY 11, 2020 REGULAR MEETING 2. NEW BUSINESS A. Transit speed and reliability projects update – Briefing Staff: Caitlin D’Alton, Transit Program Manager, Austin Transportation B. Taxicab Franchise update, including review of a new Taxicab Franchise Application for Longhorn Taxicab Company – Discussion and Possible Action Staff: Jacob Culberson, Mobility Services Division Manager, Austin Transportation C. Project Connect update – Discussion and Possible Action Staff: Dave Couch, Project Connect Program Officer, Capital Metro Sponsor: Commissioner Champion Co-sponsor: Commissioner Alvarado 3. OLD BUSINESS Discussion and Possible Action Sponsor: Commissioner Somers 4. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS ADJOURNMENT A. Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) 2045 Transportation Plan – Co-sponsor: Commissioner Davis Note: These topics will NOT be discussed by the commission as part of this agenda A. Urban Trails Plan and Sidewalk/ADA Transition Plan Updates (Staff; April) is committed The City of Austin to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days (48 hours) before the meeting date. Please call Emily Smith at the Austin Transportatio n Department, at 512-974-2358 for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the Urban Transportation Commission please contact Emily Smith at 512-974-2358 or at emily.smith@austintexas.gov.
Fayez Kazi, Chair and Planning Commission Members MEMORANDUM ************************************************************************ TO: FROM: DATE: RE: NPA-2019-0003.01– David Chapel Missionary Baptist Church 2201, 2203, 2207, 2211, 2301 E. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd 1805 and 1807 Ferdinand St. 1803 and 1807 Chestnut Ave. Staff Postponement Request Maureen Meredith, Senior Planner Planning and Zoning Department March 3, 2020 ************************************************************************ Staff requests a postponement of the above-referenced plan amendment case from the March 10, 2020 Planning Commission hearing to the April 28, 2020 hearing date to allow time for the submission and review of the associated zoning case. Attachment: Map of property location 1 of 2B-01 2 of 2B-01
MEMORANDUM ************************************************************************ TO: Fayez Kazi, Chair Planning Commission Members FROM: Wendy Rhoades Planning and Zoning Department DATE: March 4, 2020 RE: C14-2019-0003 and C14-85-288.8(RCA5) – Lantana, Block P, Lot 3 Request for Postponement by the Staff ************************************************************************ The Staff requests a postponement of the above-referenced rezoning and restrictive covenant amendment cases to March 24, 2020. At that time, a related project consent agreement item will also be placed on the agenda to address residential use for the property, and under what circumstances it could occur. The project consent agreement is scheduled for review by the Environmental Commission on March 4, 2020. Attachment: Map of Property 1 of 2B-02 DR RR 92-0116 DR SP92-246C SO UTHW EST PKWY ! ! ! ! ! ! I M R A D O R D R ! ! ! ! ! 85-288 RC SP06-0757C 92-0142 SP-06-0061CS CS-NP ! ! ! TRACT 2 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 92-0142 ! ! ! ! ! CS-1-CO-NP ! ! ! ! ! C14-2018-0005 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! FAST FOOD FAST FOOD GO 92-0116 RESTURANT TEC O M A CIR GO ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! TRACT 1 GR-NP UNDEV ! ! ! ! NPA-2016-0025.02 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! R D N O N N A C M A I I L L W W RIA LT O B L V D MF-2-NP UNDEV SF-2-NP 92-0142 ! ! ! ! ! ! 92-0142 P-NP UNDEV 94-0145 85-288.8 SPC-92-0286 92-0142 P-NP CMP88-0011 SP89-0045C GO-NP ZONING 87-145 R A D T VIS A R R E T ZONING CASE#: C14-2019-0003 M E N L E R D R SF-2-NP ± SUBJECT TRACT ! ! ! ! ! ! PENDING CASE ZONING BOUNDARY This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries. 1 " = 400 ' This product has been produced by CTM for the sole purpose of geographic reference. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or completeness. GR-NP C14-2008-0129 GO-NP C14-85-288.8(RCT) C14-2016-0011 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! …
MEMORANDUM ************************************************************************ TO: Fayez Kazi, Chair Planning Commission Members FROM: Wendy Rhoades Planning and Zoning Department DATE: March 4, 2020 RE: C14-2019-0003 and C14-85-288.8(RCA5) – Lantana, Block P, Lot 3 Request for Postponement by the Staff ************************************************************************ The Staff requests a postponement of the above-referenced rezoning and restrictive covenant amendment cases to March 24, 2020. At that time, a related project consent agreement item will also be placed on the agenda to address residential use for the property, and under what circumstances it could occur. The project consent agreement is scheduled for review by the Environmental Commission on March 4, 2020. Attachment: Map of Property 1 of 2B-03 DR RR 92-0116 DR SP92-246C SO UTHW EST PKWY ! ! ! ! ! ! I M R A D O R D R ! ! ! ! ! 85-288 RC SP06-0757C 92-0142 SP-06-0061CS CS-NP ! ! ! TRACT 2 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 92-0142 ! ! ! ! ! CS-1-CO-NP ! ! ! ! ! C14-2018-0005 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! FAST FOOD FAST FOOD GO 92-0116 RESTURANT TEC O M A CIR GO ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! TRACT 1 GR-NP UNDEV ! ! ! ! NPA-2016-0025.02 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! R D N O N N A C M A I I L L W W RIA LT O B L V D MF-2-NP UNDEV SF-2-NP 92-0142 ! ! ! ! ! ! 92-0142 P-NP UNDEV 94-0145 85-288.8 SPC-92-0286 92-0142 P-NP CMP88-0011 SP89-0045C GO-NP ZONING 87-145 R A D T VIS A R R E T ZONING CASE#: C14-2019-0003 M E N L E R D R SF-2-NP ± SUBJECT TRACT ! ! ! ! ! ! PENDING CASE ZONING BOUNDARY This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries. 1 " = 400 ' This product has been produced by CTM for the sole purpose of geographic reference. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or completeness. GR-NP C14-2008-0129 GO-NP C14-85-288.8(RCT) C14-2016-0011 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! …
C14-2020-0007 1 ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET CASE: C14-2020-0007– 2001 Guadalupe Street Zoning ZONING FROM: CS-NP DISTRICT: 9 TO: CS-MU-NP ADDRESS: 2001 Guadalupe Street PROPERTY OWNER: Powell-Corbett LLC (William Corbett) SITE AREA: 0.201 acres (8,755 sq. ft.) AGENT: Coats-Rose (John Joseph) CASE MANAGER: Mark Graham (512-974-3574, mark.graham@austintexas.gov ) STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommendation is to grant general commercial services – mixed use – neighborhood plan (CS-MU-NP) combining district zoning. For a summary of the basis of staff’s recommendation, see case manager comments below. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION / RECOMMENDATION: Scheduled for March 10, 2020 CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Scheduled for April 9, 2020 ORDINANCE NUMBER: ISSUES While there is staff support for the requested Mixed Use zoning for the property at 2001 Guadalupe Street, there are other processes available that may provide more flexible development standards such as parking, height, floor to area ratio (FAR) and in return require participation in affordable housing, streetscape investments and adherence to design standards. CASE MANAGER COMMENTS: The subject lot is on the east side of Guadalupe Street at the south end of “The Drag,” a nickname for the portion of Guadalupe Street along the western edge of the University of Texas (UT) Austin Campus. The lot is situated between the five-story University of Texas, McCombs Business School on the south and the two story Dobie Center retail buildings to the north, in the shadow of the 27 story Dobie residential tower. This busy section of the West Campus Neighborhood has many apartments and condominiums housing UT students as well as food, clothing, school supplies and service businesses catering to students and university employees. 1 of 12B-05 C14-2020-0007 2 The 0.201 acres (8,755 square foot) parcel is located on the northeast corner of Guadalupe Street and West 20th Street. On the parcel there are three retail commercial buildings, two one story buildings and a two story building. There is also outside seating between the building and Guadalupe Street for patrons of the food oriented businesses. The adjacent lot to the north is vacant. The current zoning is General Commercial Services - Neighborhood Plan (CS-NP) district. The applicant is requesting the addition of Mixed Use (MU) combining to allow building up to 66 dwelling units on the lot. Guadalupe is a designated Core Transit Corridor and supports mixed use and intensity of use. University Neighborhood Overlay The subject tract is within the University Neighborhood Overlay (UNO) district (LDC …
NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN AMENDMENT REVIEW SHEET DATE FILED: November 21, 2019 March 10, 2020 NPA-2019-0015.02 3500 Pecan Springs Road NEIGHORHOOD PLAN: East MLK Combined Neighborhood Plan CASE#: PROJECT NAME: Pecan Springs Residential PC DATES: February 25, 2020 ADDRESS/ES: DISTRICT AREA: 1 SITE AREA: APPLICANT/OWNER: AGENT: TYPE OF AMENDMENT: Change in Future Land Use Designation From: Single Family To: Higher Density Single Family Related Zoning Case: C14-2019-0164 Ron Thrower; Thrower Design (512) 476-4456 WATERSHED: Fort Branch Approx. 2.4 acres Peter Gray Base District Zoning Change From: SF-3 To: SF-6 NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN ADOPTION DATE: November 7, 2002 PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: Pending. To be reviewed on March 10, 2020. February 25, 2020 – Item postponed at neighborhood’s request to March 10, 2020 [APPROVED BY COMMISSSIONER SCHNEIDER, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER KENNY ON A VOTE OF 12-0; COMMISSIONER SHIEH ABSENT] STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Recommended BASIS FOR STAFF’S RECOMMENDATION: The Long-Range Planning staff met on Monday, January 27, 2020 to discuss this case and the community meeting which was held on January 13, 2020. Staff voted to recommend the FLUM 1 1 of 20B-06 change from Single Family land use to Higher Density Single Family land use with a vote of 6- 0. Staff recommends the project because it will provide additional housing and density along Springdale Road which is an Imagine Austin Growth Concept Map corridor. The project will also create new opportunities for home ownership, a goal of the East MLK Neighborhood Plan. The site is within ¼ mile of the Capital Metro #300 bus line and less than a mile to the Little Walnut Creek Greenbelt. Land Use (excerpts from neighborhood plan) Goal One Preserve established residential areas and improve opportunities for home ownership by promoting the rehabilitation of existing housing and new, infill housing compatible with the existing style of this neighborhood. Goal Four Promote the development and enhancement of the neighborhood’s major corridors. Goal Nine Improve bicycle and pedestrian traffic safety on neighborhood streets. Goal Twelve Improve the quality, safety, and cleanliness of area creeks, and reduce the impact of flooding in the neighborhood. LAND USE DESCRIPTIONS EXISTING LAND USE ON THE PROPERTY Single Family Single family detached or two-family residential uses at typical urban and/or suburban densities. Purpose 1. Preserve the land use pattern and future viability of existing neighborhoods; 2. Encourage new infill development that continues existing neighborhood patterns of development; and 3. Protect residential neighborhoods from incompatible business or industry …
ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET DISTRICT: 1 CASE: C14-2019-0164 Pecan Springs Residential ZONING FROM: SF-3-NP TO: SF-6-NP ADDRESS: 3500 Pecan Springs Road SITE AREA: 2.40 Acres PROPERTY OWNERS/APPLICANT: 9025BFD, LLC (Peter Gray) CASE MANAGER: Heather Chaffin (512-974-2122, heather.chaffin@austintexas.gov) STAFF RECOMMENDATION: AGENT: Thrower Design (Ron Thrower) Staff supports the Applicant’s request of SF-6-NP. For a summary of the basis of staff’s recommendation, see case manager comments on page 2. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION / RECOMMENDATION: March 10, 2020: February 25, 2020: To grant postponement request by Neighborhood to March 10, 2020, on consent. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: March 26, 2020: ORDINANCE NUMBER: 1 of 11B-07 C14-2019-0164 2 ISSUES: No issues at this time. CASE MANAGER COMMENTS: The subject property is located at the northwest corner of the intersection of Springdale Road and Pecan Springs Road. The 2.40 acre lot is zoned SF-3-NP and developed with one single family residence. The north half of the property is constrained by a tributary to Fort Branch Creek, including floodplain and creek buffers. West and Southwest of the property, along Pecan Springs Road, are additional SF-3-NP properties developed with single family residences. Northwest of the property are more SF-3-NP lots, and a SF-6-CO-NP parcel. These properties are developed with single family residences. Immediately north of the property are tracts zoned GR-MU-CO-NP that include townhouse/condominium and limited retail land uses. Across Springdale Road to the east is undeveloped land zoned SF-6-NP and land zoned GR-CO-NP that contains religious assembly land use. Please see Exhibits A, B, and C—Zoning Map, Aerial Exhibit, and Environmental Exhibit. Staff supports the Applicant’s request of SF-6-NP zoning. The environmental constraints of the property impact the option of subdividing and developing the site with single family residences. SF-6 zoning allows clustering of residential units to avoid the environmental features. SF-6 zoning has been approved for properties northwest and east; the GR-MU-CO- NP property immediately of the site is developed with townhouse/condominium land use. Staff has received correspondence regarding the rezoning request. Please see Exhibit D- Correspondence. BASIS OF RECOMMENDATION: 1. The rezoning should be consistent with the policies and principles adopted by the City Council or Planning Commission. The Strategic Housing Blueprint promotes a mix of housing types and densities across the city. Zoning should promote a transition between adjacent and nearby zoning districts, 2. land uses, and development intensities. Immediately north of the property are tracts zoned GR-MU-CO-NP that include townhouse/condominium and limited retail …
MEMORANDUM ************************************************************************ TO: Fayez Kazi, Chair Planning Commission Members Heather Chaffin, Senior Planner Planning and Zoning Department FROM: DATE: March 10, 2020 RE: C14-2019-0107.SH Diamond Forty-Two Postponement Request by Staff ************************************************************************ Staff requests a postponement of the above-referenced rezoning case from the March 10, 2020 Planning Commission hearing to the April 14, 2020 hearing date. The Applicant on the request has changed, and additional paperwork and processing is necessary before the case can be heard. From: Sally Gaskin Sent: Thursday, October 03, 2019 11:37 AM To: Chaffin, Heather <Heather.Chaffin@austintexas.gov> Cc: Megan Lasch Subject: RE: Zoning Case: C14-2019-0107.SH Jackie Robinson Street Yes, thank you for the correction. Sally 713-882-3233 From: Chaffin, Heather <Heather.Chaffin@austintexas.gov> Sent: Thursday, October 3, 2019 11:35 AM To: Sally Gaskin < Cc: Megan Lasch < Subject: RE: Zoning Case: C14-2019-0107.SH Jackie Robinson Street There is no meeting on November 5th—would you like to postpone to November 12th? From: Sally Gaskin Sent: Thursday, October 03, 2019 11:34 AM To: Chaffin, Heather <Heather.Chaffin@austintexas.gov> Cc: Megan Lasch Subject: RE: Zoning Case: C14-2019-0107.SH Jackie Robinson Street Heather, After further internal discussions, we have decided to hold off on scheduling the PC meeting for the zoning case to allow time for meetings with the neighborhood to occur without the pressure of an imminent deadline. While we are confident that the issues can be satisfactorily addressed, we want to be considerate of the neighborhood process. Our goal is to be ready for the Nov 5 meeting, but will contact you to reschedule. Also, per your suggestion, we will be present at the Oct 8 meeting in the event there are questions. Thank you, Sally 713-882-3233
ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET DISTRICT: 1 CASE: C14-2020-0010 FM 969 Retail Center ZONING FROM: LR-NP TO: CS-1-NP ADDRESS: 6401 FM 969 REZONING AREA: 2,570 square feet PROPERTY OWNERS: 6401 E FM 969 LLC (Najib Wehbe) CASE MANAGER: Heather Chaffin (512-974-2122, heather.chaffin@austintexas.gov) STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends CS-1-CO-NP. Staff supports the Applicant’s request of CS-1-NP with the additional prohibition of cocktail lounge land use (CS-1-CO-NP). AGENT: South Llano Strategies (Glen Coleman) For a summary of the basis of staff’s recommendation, see case manager comments on page 2. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION / RECOMMENDATION: March 10, 2020: CITY COUNCIL ACTION: April 9, 2020: ORDINANCE NUMBER: C14-2020-0010 2 ISSUES: The Applicant proposes CS-1-NP to allow a liquor store in a retail center. The Applicant accepts Staff recommendation to prohibit cocktail lounge land use. CASE MANAGER COMMENTS: The proposed rezoning is for a space in a retail shopping center located at the southwest corner of the intersection of Craigswood Drive and FM 969. Other uses in the shopping center include a convenience store with gas pumps, retail and limited restaurant uses. The property is zoned LR-NP; the Applicant proposes rezoning only the portion of the building where the liquor store is proposed. Immediately to the west of the property is undeveloped property zoned W/LO-CO; further west are properties zoned CS-CO-NP and CS-NP that include cocktail lounge, machine shop and undeveloped land uses. Immediately south of the property is a residential neighborhood zoned SF-2-NP. Across Craigswood Drive to the east is property zoned LR-NP that is developed with a convenience store with gas pumps. Also to the east are single family residences zoned SF-2-NP and undeveloped land zoned LI-NP. Across FM 969 to the north is the Mosaic Sound Collective which includes several music production-related uses. The property is predominately zoned CS-MU-CO-NP and contains a footprint area of CS-1-MU-CO-NP zoning as well. Also across FM 969 are properties zoned LR-MU-NP, MF-2-NP, and LI-PDA-NP that are undeveloped, developed with single family residences, and undeveloped, respectively. Please see Exhibits A and B—Zoning Map and Aerial Exhibit. Staff supports the Applicant’s request of CS-1 with the condition that cocktail lounge is a prohibited land use. The addition of CS-1-CO-NP at this location will allow additional services to the surrounding area. BASIS OF RECOMMENDATION: 1. sought. The proposed zoning should be consistent with the purpose statement of the district Per City Code, “Commercial-liquor sales (CS-1) district is the designation for a …
SUBDIVISION REVIEW SHEET LOT(S): 26 ZAP DATE: Mar. 10, 2020 CASE NO.: C8-2019-0114 SUBDIVISION NAME: Simon-Caskey Tract Preliminary Plan AREA: 16.664 ac. OWNER: Ridgelea Properties, Inc. (Adams Caskey) AGENT/APPLICANT: Bill E. Couch (Carlson, Brigance & Doering) COUNTY: Travis ADDRESS OF SUBDIVISION: 7715 W SH 71 WATERSHED: Williamson Creek EXISTING ZONING: SF-1-NP, SF-2-NP, SF-6-NP PROPOSED LAND USE: Multifamily & Commercial with ROW & Parkland DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: The request is for the approval of the Simon-Caskey Tract Preliminary Plan which will develop a 16.664 ac. previously un-platted tract creating 26 lots consisting of 2 lots for multifamily use (7.748 ac.), 21 lots for single-family use (3.810 ac.), 1 lot for parkland (1.307 ac.) and 2 lots designated for drainage & water quality easements and greenbelt (1.538 ac.) with 2.261 ac. being dedicated for streets with all associated improvements. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of this preliminary plan as it meets all applicable State and City of Austin LDC requirements. ZONING AND PLATTING COMMISSION ACTION: CASE MANAGER: Joey de la Garza EMAIL: joey.delagarza@austintexas.gov PHONE: 512-974-2664 E MIN R E SILV N O O C C A R PAX E L F RI L I T T L E D E E R PIN T O K O O HIN C 7 1 SCENIC BROOK G R O V E C R E S T O A K M E A D O W M A R B L L A C Subject Tract ± This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not CASE#: C8-2019-0114 LOCATION: 7715 W SH 71 represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries. Base Map This product has been produced by the Development Services Department for the sole purpose of geographic reference. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or completeness.
PLANNING COMMISSION SITE PLAN EXTENSION REVIEW SHEET SP-2013-0148C(XT2) CASE NUMBER: PROJECT NAME: Riverside Retail ADDRESS OF SITE: 7800 E Ben White Blvd NEIGHBORHOOD PLANNING AREA: Montopolis WATERSHED: APPLICANT/ OWNER: AGENT: Carson Creek (Suburban) Zahir Walji, Riverside Retail, LP 8708 Broken Point Drive Irving, TX 75063 Zahir Walji, Riverside Retail, LP 8708 Broken Point Drive Irving, TX 75063 PC HEARING DATE: March 10, 2020 COUNCIL DISTRICT: 3 JURISDICTION: Full Purpose (512) 987-0050 (512) 987-0050 (512) 974-2784 rosemary.avila@austintexas.gov CASE MANAGER: Rosemary Avila PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: The applicant is requesting a three year extension to a previously approved site plan. The previously approved site plan consists of a general retail (convenience) building, a limited restaurant building with a drive thru, and service station gas pumps. SUMMARY STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval to extend this site plan permit by three years, from March 22, 2019 to March 22, 2022 based on the case meeting criteria from the LDC Section 25-5-62(C). 25-5-63(C) Extension of released site plan by the Land Use Commission: “the Land Use Commission may extend the expiration date of a released site plan beyond the date established by this chapter if the Land Use Commission determines that the request complies with the requirements for extension by the director under 25-5-62 (Extension of Released Site Plan by Director).” 25-5-62(C) The director may extend the expiration date of a released administrative site plan one time for a period of one year if the director determines that there is good cause for the requested extension; and “ (1) the director determines that: (a) the site plan substantially complies with the requirements that apply to a new application for site plan approval; (b) the applicant filed the original application for site plan approval with the good faith expectation that the site plan would be constructed; (c) the applicant constructed at least one structure shown on the original site plan that is suitable for permanent occupancy; or (d) the applicant has constructed a significant portion of the infrastructure required for development of the original site plan; and” SP-2013-0148C(XT2) Riverside Retail Site Plan administrative approval, permit expiration 05/22/2018. One year Site Plan Extension administrative approval, permit expiration 05/22/2019. SUMMARY OF SITE PLAN: LAND USE: The site is zoned ERC, all site calculations are within the allowed amount. The applicant filed the original application for site plan approval with the good faith expectation that the site plan would be constructed. …
Hispanic Latino Quality of Life Resource Advisory Commission HISPANIC/LATINO QUALITY OF LIFE RESOURCE ADVISORY COMMISSION SPECIAL CALLED MEETING OF THE CURRENT BOARD MEMBERS: Amanda Afifi, Chair Angelica Erazo, Vice-Chair Diana Salas Melissa Ayala Zaira R. Garcia Maria C. Solis Tuesday, March 10, 2020 at 6:00pm City Hall Room 1029 301 W 2nd St, Austin, Texas 78701 AGENDA Jovita J. Flay Felicia Peña Ricardo Garay Lourdes Zuniga Sharon Vigil Citizens wishing to speak on agenda and non-agenda related items must sign up at least ten minutes before the meeting is called to order. Citizens may speak on non-agenda items under the Citizens Communications section of the agenda. Citizens may speak on an agenda related item after a presentation on the item has been made. Citizens may not speak after City staff presentations. Speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns. Boards and Commissions follow the same rules as City Council meetings. CALL TO ORDER PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL 1. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION ON SUSPENSION OF ROBERT’S RULES OF ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 3. NEW BUSINESS a. Consider Approval of February 25 meeting minutes a. Discussion and possible action regarding FY2020-2021 budget recommendations ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. 1 | P a g e Hispanic Latino Quality of Life Resource Advisory Commission Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least two days (48 hours) before the meeting date. Please call Amanda Jasso at (512) 974-9107 or via email at Amanda.Jasso@austintexas.gov for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the Hispanic/Latino Quality of Life Resource Advisory Commission, please contact Amanda Jasso at (512)974-9107 or Amanda.Jasso@austintexas.gov. 2 | P a g e
ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET CASE: C14-2020-0008 – South Congress Multifamily ZONING FROM: CS-MU-NP ADDRESS: 4302 South Congress Avenue PROPERTY OWNER: Lampros Moumouris DISTRICT: 3 TO: CS-MU-V-NP SITE AREA: 1.15 acres AGENT: Rivera Engineering (Michael A. Rivera) CASE MANAGER: Wendy Rhoades (512-974-7719, wendy.rhoades@austintexas.gov) STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Staff recommendation is to grant general commercial services – mixed use – vertical mixed use building – neighborhood plan (CS-MU-V-NP) combining district zoning. If the rezoning request is granted, it is recommended that 65 feet of right-of-way from the existing centerline be dedicated for South Congress Avenue according to the Transportation Plan prior to Third Reading of the ordinance at City Council. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION / RECOMMENDATION: March 10, 2020: CITY COUNCIL ACTION: April 8, 2020: ORDINANCE NUMBER: ISSUES: The Applicant and representatives of the South Congress Combined Neighborhood Plan Contact Team are working on a private restrictive covenant that addresses affordable housing as it pertains to rental units. CASE MANAGER COMMENTS: The subject undeveloped lot is located on South Congress Avenue, is undeveloped and has had general commercial services – mixed use – neighborhood plan (CS-MU-NP) zoning since Council approved the West Congress Neighborhood Plan rezonings in August 2005. There are retail and various commercial services, auto-related uses and apartments along both sides of Congress Avenue in the vicinity (CS-MU-NP; CS-MU-CO-NP/MF-6-CO-NP). Please see Exhibits A and A-1 – Zoning Map and Aerial Exhibit. B-041 of 18 The Applicant proposes to rezone the property and add a vertical mixed use building (–V) combining district to the existing zoning and develop it with up to 150 apartment units and ground floor retail space. The property is designated as Mixed Use on the adopted Future Land Use Map (as is most of South Congress Avenue in the neighborhood planning area), and the Mixed Use designation is defined as “An area that is appropriate for a mix of residential and non-residential uses.” South Congress Avenue is also designated as a Core Transit Corridor. During the Vertical Mixed Use Overlay (VMU) Opt-in/Opt-out process conducted by the Neighborhood Planning and Zoning Department in 2007-09, an application to designate certain properties as appropriate to add the –V combining district or exclude other properties from the VMU overlay was not filed by the South Congress Combined Planning Contact Team. The addition of –V provides an additional development option to a property, but allows it to retain the ability to redevelop under the …
COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION (CDC) – HOUSING COMMITTEE Regular Meeting March 10, 2020, 5:00 pm Boards and Commissions Room City Hall, 301 West 2nd Street Austin, Texas 78701 CURRENT CDC HOUSING COMMITTEE MEMBERS Karen Paup, Chair Private Sector Amit Motwani Public Sector Appointee Raymond Young Public Sector Appointee Shavone Otero Private Sector Appointee Purpose: The committee shall explore in depth policy issues related to affordable housing, community development and other issues as assigned to the committee. AGENDA AGENDA CALL TO ORDER CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL The first 10 citizens signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. A speaker who requires a translator or interpreter will be allowed double the amount of time of a speaker who does not require a translator. The same doubled time limit (six minutes) will apply to a speaker with a disability who needs assistance in a manner that requires additional time to deliver the speaker’s message. The doubled time limits apply to speakers with special requirements during general citizen communication and to those signed up to speak on a specific agenda item. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Discussion and possible action on the February 11, 2020, CDC Housing Committee meeting minutes. 2. NEW BUSINESS strategies (Commissioner Otero) a. Discussion and possible action regarding recommendations on displacement mitigation b. Discussion regarding data from the Housing Authority of the City of Austin (HACA) on Small Area Fair Market Rents (SAFMRs) and Section 8 vouchers (Commissioner Paup) 3. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS ADJOURN NEXT MEETING DATE Tuesday, April 14, 2020 5:00 pm, Boards and Commissions Room, City Hall, 301 West 2nd Street, Austin, Texas 78701 The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice by calling 512-974-3144 at least 2 days prior to the meeting date. Commissioners may contact CTM for email/technology assistance: 512-974-4357