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Urban Renewal BoardMarch 16, 2020

Item 3.d - Development Strategy Community Engagement Process Summary original pdf

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Scraped at: March 13, 2020, 1:10 p.m.
Urban Renewal BoardMarch 16, 2020

Item 3.d - Draft Blk 18 Community Benefits original pdf

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DRAFT SCORING CRITERIA - Block 18 14-Jan-19 Points (80 Point Maximum) 20 20 10 10 10 5 5 Project Creativity and Need Community Benefit Considerations To what extent will the project satisfy priority needs, as identified in the current Urban Renewal and the City Imagine Austin comprehensive plan? Describe the appropriateness of the proposed development for the neighborhood. Please provide: • Impact on making the commercial corridor more welcoming and on increasing the availability of pedestrian oriented retail goods or services. • Impact on other public or private investment in the neighborhood. • Jobs created as a result of the project. Additional Affordable Housing 25% of residential units. Rental = 60% MFI for 40 years; Ownership = 80% MFI for 99 years Community Parking Provide parking in excess of the minimum requirements to support adjacent businesses in the corridor Incorporation of the Historic Victory Grill It is strongly encouraged the proposed project identify synergies with the Historic Victory Grill. Define the approach the proposed project will utilize to successfully create a sustainable synergy with the Historic Victory Grill. How will proposed project design and uses be respectful to this historic structure? Minority and Women Owned Business As part of the implementation of City Council resolution no. 20071108‐127 (see Exhibit B), relating to MBE/WBE compliance (the City of Austin program for Minority‐owned Business Enterprises / Women‐owned Business Enterprises), the Successful Proposer is encouraged to set MBE/WBE participation goals or make a good faith effort to achieve these goals in the design and construction of improvements on the subject Property. Green Building Other Public Benefits The Successful Proposer is encouraged to meet ambitious green building goals. This includes meeting a minimum Austin Energy 2 Star Green Building rating or USGBC LEED Silver rating. Other public benefits proposed will be given additional consideration. Affordable Housing Threshold Requirement: 25% of residential units. Rental = 60% MFI for 40 years; Ownership = 80% MFI for 99 years

Scraped at: March 13, 2020, 1:10 p.m.
Urban Renewal BoardMarch 16, 2020

Item 3.d Block 18 Area original pdf

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Page 1 of 6 pages


Scraped at: March 13, 2020, 1:10 p.m.
Urban Renewal BoardMarch 16, 2020

Item 3.d Block 18- Stakeholder Comments original pdf

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BLOCK 18 RFP COMMENTS February 11, 2019 1 Resolve existing egress enchroachment and underground utility issues for Historic Victory Grill and Comment and/or Recommendation ensure its preservation. 2 Reserve and enhance Kenny's Backyard *Is it possible to keep an outdoor music venue? We really enjoy the music from Kenny Dorham's Backyard. • The Block 18/Kenny Dorham’s space should be allowed to remain in operation until the property has been sold and the timeline dictates that site prep needs to begin. • Going forward, if not specially Kenny Dorham’s Backyard, some facility based on this model should be incorporated into whatever development plan is accepted for Block 18 • Make Block 18 an intentional and specific destination for arts, culture, music, cultural preservation, and creative industries for the District • Though commercial in nature, Block 18 development should intentionally incorporate the Victory Grill Building (and the historic legacy of the venues and businesses that once populated these blocks) into a plan for this block to function as a Cultural Hub that pays homage to what once was the center of the Central East Austin Entertainment District 3 4 5 6 7

Scraped at: March 13, 2020, 1:10 p.m.
Urban Renewal BoardMarch 16, 2020

Item 3.d Draft Blk 16 RFP Community Benefits original pdf

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DRAFT SCORING CRITERIA - Block 16 14-Jan-19 Points (80 Point Maximum) 20 20 10 10 5 5 Project Creativity and Need Community Benefit Considerations To what extent will the project satisfy priority needs, as identified in the current Urban Renewal and the City Imagine Austin comprehensive plan? Describe the appropriateness of the proposed development for the neighborhood. Please provide: • Impact on making the commercial corridor more welcoming and on increasing the availability of pedestrian oriented retail goods or services. • Impact on other public or private investment in the neighborhood. • Jobs created as a result of the project. Additional Affordable Housing 25% of residential units. Rental = 60% MFI for 40 years; Ownership = 80% MFI for 99 years Community Parking Provide parking in excess of the minimum requirements to support adjacent businesses in the corridor. Incorporation of the African American Cultural & Heritage Facility It is strongly encouraged the proposed project identify synergies with the African American Cultural and Heritage Facility (AAC&HF). Define the approach the proposed project will utilize to successfully create a sustainable synergy with the African American Cultural and Heritage Facility by providing for example; active space for community, educational and cultural uses. How will proposed project design and uses be respectful to the adjacent AAC&HF Dedrick-Hamilton house a historic structure? As part of the implementation of City Council resolution no. 20071108‐127 (see Exhibit B), relating to MBE/WBE compliance (the City of Austin program for Minority‐owned Business Enterprises / Women‐owned Business Enterprises), the Successful Proposer is encouraged to set MBE/WBE participation goals or make a good faith effort to achieve these goals in the design and construction of improvements on the subject Property. Green Building The Successful Proposer is encouraged to meet ambitious green building goals. This includes meeting a minimum Austin Energy 2 Star Green Building rating or USGBC LEED Silver rating. (Please refer to information and links provided at Other Public Benefits Other public benefits proposed will be given additional consideration. Affordable Housing Threshold Requirement: 25% of residential units. Rental = 60% MFI for 40 years; Ownership = 80% MFI for 99 years 10 Minority and Women Owned Business

Scraped at: March 13, 2020, 1:10 p.m.
Urban Renewal BoardMarch 16, 2020

Item 3.d Updated 1.10 Block 16 Perspective original pdf

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Scraped at: March 13, 2020, 1:10 p.m.
Urban Renewal BoardMarch 16, 2020

Item 3.d Updated 1.10 Block 18 Perspective original pdf

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Scraped at: March 13, 2020, 1:11 p.m.
Music CommissionMarch 16, 2020

Agenda original pdf

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Music Commission Special Called Meeting - Monday, March 16, 2020, 6:30pm Austin City Hall – Council Chambers Room 1001 301 W. 2nd Street, Austin TX 78701 CURRENT COMMISSION MEMBERS: Chair – Rick Carney, Vice-chair – Jonathan “Chaka” Mahone, Secretary - Anne-Charlotte Patterson, Parliamentarian - Oren Rosenthal, Al Duarte, Gavin Garcia, Doug Leveton, Patrice Pike, Paul Pinon, Graham Reynolds, Stuart Sullivan AGENDA CALL TO ORDER CITIZEN COMMUNICATION 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 2. CHAIR’S REPORT 3. NEW BUSINESS The first 10 speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. Approval of Minutes from Regularly Scheduled Meeting on March 2, 2020. a. Chair Carney addresses the SXSW cancellation and the impact on the music community. a. Discussion of and Possible Action on the cancellation of SXSW and its impact on the community, including but not limited to a resolution requesting that the City Council create a Music Disaster Relief Fund to assist Musicians and related service professionals and workers affected by the cancellation of SXSW. 5. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 6. ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days (48 hours) before the meeting date. Please call Kim McCarson 512-974-7963, for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the Music Commission please contact Kim McCarson at, 512-974- 7963.

Scraped at: March 13, 2020, 6 p.m.
South Central Waterfront Advisory BoardMarch 16, 2020

Item 1.a.: DRAFT February SCWAB Minutes original pdf

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SOUTH CENTRAL WATERFRONT ADVISORY BOARD DRAFT MINUTES FOR FEBRUARY 18, 2020 AT 6:00 PM The South Central Waterfront Advisory Board convened in a regular meeting on February 18, 2020 at One Texas Center, 3rd floor conference room located at 505 Barton Springs Road, Austin, Texas. Chair Samuel Franco called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m. Board Members in attendance: Chair Samuel Franco (Design Commission) Vice Chair Lynn Kurth (Mayor & District 9 Appointee) Linda Guerrero (Environmental Commission) Francoise Luca (Parks & Recreation Board) Karen Paup (Affordable Housing Rep) Wendy Price Todd (S. River City NA) Alfred Godfrey (Trail Foundation) 1. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL a. No citizen communication. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND ACTION Ex Officios: Nazlie Saeedi (ATD) Molly Alexander (DAA) City of Austin Planning & Zoning Staff: Alan Holt, Executive Liaison Jodi Lane, PAZ Staff a. Board Member Wendy Price Todd made a motion, seconded by Board Member Linda Guerrero, to approve the draft January 21, 2020 SCWAB meeting minutes. The motion to approve passed with 7 yes and 2 absent (includes absentees Greg Anderson and Cory Walton) votes. 3. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION a. Draft 1 – 2020 Update Report on SCW Physical Framework Costs – Executive Liaison Alan Holt, Public Works Department staff Kevin Sweat, and Jodi Lane, PAZ Staff, presented an update on the SCW Physical Framework Costs. The Board discussed this but no action was taken. b. EDD process with Consultant for Development Corporation Entity - An update was provided by Executive Liaison Alan Holt. The Board agreed with the suggestion from EDD staff to potentially call a Special Called Meeting to provide feedback to the Consultant prior to his report being sent to Council. The Board anticipates taking action once further information is available from EDD. No action was taken. c. Council Resolution on February 20 on SCW Implementation - The Board discussed the Council Resolution brought forth by Executive Liaison Alan Holt but no action was taken. The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days before the meeting date. For information, please contact Alan Holt in the Planning and Zoning Department at or (512) 974-2716. TTY users route through …

Scraped at: March 13, 2020, 8:30 p.m.
South Central Waterfront Advisory BoardMarch 16, 2020

Item 2.a._2020 Update Report on SCW Physical Framework & Project Costs original pdf

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South Central Waterfront Advisory Board Meeting March 16, 2020 Agenda Item 2.a. - 2020 Update Report on SCW Plan’s Physical Framework & Project Costs South Central Waterfront Agenda Item 2.a. 2020 Update Report on SCW Physical Framework & Project Costs Updated: March 12, 2020 CONTENTS WHAT’S NEW 2.a. Staff Note - Update on 2016 SCW Plan’s Physical Framework: Map & Project Costs New memo explaining updates to 2016 SCW Plan 2.a.i. 2016 SCW Physical Framework Map New consolidated map 2.a.ii. 2020 SCW Physical Framework Project Updated Open Space costs Costs B. C. A. Streets and Utilities COA Cost Data Streets including Public and Private Indirect Costs 2020 SCW Physical Framework Project Costs & Funding Sources D. Open Space COA Cost Data No change from DRAFT 1 presented at SCWAB February 2020 Meeting No change from DRAFT 1 presented at SCWAB February 2020 Meeting Reflects a recalculation of Open Space direct costs. Please see following ‘Staff Note 2.a.’ for details No change from DRAFT 1 presented at SCWAB February 2020 Meeting DRAFT South Central Waterfront Advisory Board Meeting March 16, 2020 Agenda Item 2.a. - 2020 Update Report on SCW Plan’s Physical Framework & Project Costs South Central Waterfront 2.a. Staff Note - Update on 2016 SCW Plan’s Physical Framework: Map & Project Costs Updated: March 12, 2020 This packet contains two items, 2.a.i. & 2.a.ii.: 2.a.i. Draft 1: 2016 SCW Physical Framework Map. Key Map showing 2016 SCW Plan’s Street Classification, Project Costs, and Buildout for Financial Analysis. The 2016 SCW Plan contained four separate key maps, one each for (1) Property Ownership; (2) Street Classification; (3) District Project Costs; and (4) Property Buildout Scenarios. All of these factors are interrelated, and the multiple key map system created confusion and mistakes with linking information from one set of data (e.g., the cost of a street segment) to another set of data (e.g., associated cost of a street segment to a particular buildout scenario). The 2020 Update of the 2016 SCW Physical Framework Map attached herein combines reference keys to all the above factors and applies a consistent identification system. This new map is especially important to the overall 2020 update, allowing for linkage between the spreadsheets/databases associated with SCW Physical Framework Project Costs and the SCW Financial Framework spreadsheets/databases under development. 2.a.ii. Draft 2: 2020 SCW Physical Framework Project Costs: Draft 1 of this spreadsheet was released and reviewed at …

Scraped at: March 13, 2020, 8:30 p.m.
South Central Waterfront Advisory BoardMarch 16, 2020

Item 2.b._Consultant's Report & Review of 305 S Congress PUD Application Infrastructure Costs original pdf

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South Central Waterfront Advisory Board Meeting March 16, 2020 Agenda Item 2.b. - Consultant’s Report & Review of 305 S Congress PUD Application Infrastructure Costs Consultant’s Report & Review of 305 S Congress PUD South Central Waterfront Agenda Item 2.b. Application Infrastructure Costs Updated: March 12, 2020 CONTENTS WHAT’S NEW 2.b.i. Cost Estimates Packet for Site Improvements from Endeavor Real Estate Group Applicant provided cost estimates for the PUD-proposed site improvements 1: Infrastructure Improvements (DRAFT) - Key Map (prepared by Endeavor consultant team) 2: Waterfront Park Concept Map 3: Waterfront Park Cost Estimates Table (prepared by Endeavor consultant: CMG Landscape Architecture) (prepared by Endeavor consultant: CMG Landscape Architecture) 4: Site Infrastructure - Program Cost Metrics Spreadsheet (prepared by Endeavor consultant: DPR Construction) 5: Below-Grade Parking Cost Spreadsheet (prepared by Endeavor consultant: DPR Construction) 2.b.ii. City Of Austin Review & Adjustments Of Cost Consultant review of item 2.b.i. Estimates For Site Improvements As Submitted By Endeavor Real Estate Group 1: MEMO: Review of Cost Estimates submitted by Applicant for 305 S. Congress PUD (prepared by Project Cost Resources, consultants to CoA/PAZ) 2: Adjusted Direct Costs for 305 S. Congress PUD (prepared by CoA/PAZ staff, based on Project Cost Resources memo) DRAFT COST ESTIMATES PACKET FOR SITE IMPROVEMENTS FROM ENDEAVOR REAL ESTATE GROUP At the request of the City of Austin, Planning & Zoning Department, the Endeavor Real Estate Group, the development partner of the Applicant team for the 305 S. Congress Planned Unit Development (PUD) amendment submission, provided cost estimates for the PUD-proposed Site Improvements, including Waterfront Park, Plazas, Streets and Streetscapes (improvements to existing and newly proposed), and Underground Parking, as well as Site Preparation and Utilities Infrastructure. The purpose of the City request was twofold: (1) better understand the proposed Site Improvements in terms schematic design and the quantity and qualities of building materials; and (2) conduct an independent review of the submitted cost estimates with City-hired consultants as part of the ongoing South Central Waterfront planning update. The Endeavor Real Estate Group submitted the following documents, prepared by their consultants, in support of their cost estimates: Attachment 1: Infrastructure Improvements (DRAFT) - Key Map (prepared by Endeavor consultant team) Attachment 2: Waterfront Park Concept Map (prepared by Endeavor consultant: CMG Landscape Architecture) Attachment 3: Waterfront Park Cost Estimates Table (prepared by Endeavor consultant: CMG Landscape Architecture) Attachment 4: Site Infrastructure - Program Cost Metrics Spreadsheet (prepared by Endeavor …

Scraped at: March 13, 2020, 8:34 p.m.
South Central Waterfront Advisory BoardMarch 16, 2020

Item 2.c._2020 Update Report on SCW Modified Physical Framework & Project Costs original pdf

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DRAFT South Central Waterfront Advisory Board Meeting March 16, 2020 Agenda Item 2.c. - 2020 Update Report on SCW Plan’s Modified Physical Framework & Project Costs South Central Waterfront 2.c. Staff Note - 2020 SCW Modified Physical Framework: Map & Project Costs Updated: March 12, 2020 This packet contains two items, 2.c.i. & 2.c.ii.: 2.c.i. DRAFT 1: 2020 SCW Modified Physical Framework Map. The 2020 SCW Modified Physical Framework Map is identical to the 2016 SCW Physical Framework Map, EXCEPT for the layout of streets, parks and open spaces on the two largest properties in the district: the “Statesman” (property owner 22, @ nearly 19 acres) and the “Crockett” (property owner 23, @ approximately 12 acres). ○ Here are the differences between the two maps: i. ii. i. On the 2016 SCW Physical Framework Map, the street/block configuration on the Statesman & Crockett properties has the East Barton Springs Road located partially on the Statesman site (approximately 40% of the new road) and partially on the Crockett site (approximately 60%), with a rational street/block structure branching off from that “spine” street to the south on Crockett and to the north on Statesman. On the 2020 SCW Modified Physical Framework Map, the East Barton Springs road is shown wholly on the Statesman property (except for the southern sidewalk, which would be built on the Crockett property at some point). The corresponding street/block structures that build off that “spine” street to the Statesman north of East Barton Springs and Crockett south of East Barton Springs are reconfigured from how they’re shown on the 2016 SCW Physical Framework Map, to respond to the new location of East Barton Springs. ○ Intention of the SCW Plan: Collectively, these two properties now form a 30-acre superblock of mostly surface parking. Together, they offer an opportunity to introduce a new, connected street grid and connected open space system that can transform the character of the district with a walkable, transit-friendly, human-scaled public realm framework. To best set this framework in place, the 2016 SCW Physical Framework Plan envisioned that the key community-contributing east-west street, East Barton Springs, would be built across two properties (Statesman and Crockett), from South Congress Avenue to the properties’ eastern boundary (approximately 1,000 feet long). The eastern end of East Barton Spring would then join a new connector, Moton Lane, which would link to the intersection on East Riverside Drive. Moton Lane …

Scraped at: March 13, 2020, 8:35 p.m.
South Central Waterfront Advisory BoardMarch 16, 2020

Item 2.d_2020 SCW Buildouts for Financial Analysis original pdf

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South Central Waterfront Advisory Board Meeting March 16, 2020 Agenda Item 2.d. - 2020 SCW Buildouts for Financial Analysis South Central Waterfront Agenda Item 2.d. 2020 SCW Buildouts for Financial Analysis Updated: March 12, 2020 CONTENTS WHAT’S NEW 2.d.i. Building Key – Endeavor Plan with SCW Building Heights 2.d.ii SCW Buildout Scenarios PUD proposal with notation showing the revised building heights, based on the 2016 SCW Plan Document outlining the uses and square footages associated with three scenarios DRAFT DRAFT RELEASE: March 12, 2020 Draft 1: 2020 Buildout Scenarios for Financial Analysis This packet contains two items: 1) Building Key – Endeavor Plan with SCW Building Heights a. Within the physical framework of blocks and green infrastructure, the SCW Plan modeled potential building developments on development parcels. This exercise involves creating site-specific schematic building designs to create Buildout Scenarios. Each Buildout Scenario models a building height, massing and program of uses (square feet of Office, Retail, Residential, Hotel), as well as calculate the required parking and accommodating the parking demand in the schematic design (i.e., schematic design of parking structures, in podium and below grade). i. The 2016 SCW Financial Framework Plan modeled schematic Buildout Scenarios on the “tipping parcels.” The Updated 2016 SCW Physical Framework Map keys in these individual Buildout Scenarios, which are identified on the map on top of the schematic building plans. As part of the work underway with CoA consultants (ECONorthwest), the 2016 Buildout Scenario is being updated with revised inputs (Physical Framework Costs, Development Assumptions, etc). ii. In addition to updating the proforma analysis of the 2016 Buildout Scenarios, the CoA consultants are also running an analysis of the Buildout Scenario as proposed by the PUD proposal. Simply, the PUD proposal differs from the 2016 Plan in three ways: 1. 90% of the parking is put in underground parking structures, as opposed to the 2016 SCW Plan which put approximately 25% parking underground, with 75% parking in podiums approximately 60’ high. Placing 90% of parking underground provides for superior urban design, but it is much more expensive than the more typical practice of using a combination of podium parking with some underground parking. 2. The PUD proposal takes their building heights above those as modeled in the SCW Plan. 3. The PUD proposal increases the uses to 3.5 M square feet, as opposed to 2.1 M square feet as modeled in the 2016 SCW …

Scraped at: March 13, 2020, 8:39 p.m.
South Central Waterfront Advisory BoardMarch 16, 2020

Item 2.f_Update EDD+Consultant for Development Corporation Entity original pdf

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South Central Waterfront Advisory Board Meeting March 16, 2020 Agenda Item 2.F. - Update on EDD/Consultant for Development Corporation Entity & Potential Special Called Meeting South Central Waterfront 2.f. Update on EDD/Consultant for Development Corporation Entity & Potential Special Called Meeting Corporation Entity & Potential Special Called Meeting Corporation Entity & Potential Special Called Meeting Updated: March 12, 2020 T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CONTENTS WHAT’S NEW WHAT’S NEW WHAT’S NEW 2.f. 2.f. 2.f. Materials distributed to participants of the Materials distributed to participants of the Materials distributed to participants of the March 5, 2020 SCW Waterfront Bus Tour March 5, 2020 SCW Waterfront Bus Tour March 5, 2020 SCW Waterfront Bus Tour with EDD/Consultant for Development with EDD/Consultant for Development with EDD/Consultant for Development Corporation Entity Corporation Entity Corporation Entity A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D MARCH 5, 2020: S CW BU S TOU R ECONOMIC DEVELO PM ENT D EPARTMENT/ECONOMI C D EVELOPMENT ENTI TY DI S C USS I O N * Provide overview of the 2016 South Central Waterfront D D D D * Provide overview of the 2016 South Central Waterfront * Provide overview of the 2016 South Central Waterfront * Highlight four key recomendations which exemplify the master plan & the SCW District PU RP OSE OF TOUR: range of potential p3 projects that create affordable housing, urban trail infrastructure, high-capacity transit, and park/ plaza/placemaking * Consider role of an economic development entity to facilitate p3 and project delivery A A A A F F F F 1 2 R R R R T T T T 4 3 1 MARCH 5, 2020: S CW BU S TOU R ECONOMIC DEVELO PM ENT D EPARTMENT/ECONOMI C D EVELOPMENT ENTI TY DI S C USS I O N F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F 3 A A A A A A …

Scraped at: March 13, 2020, 8:39 p.m.
Arts CommissionMarch 16, 2020

Agenda original pdf

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AUSTIN ARTS COMMISSION AGENDA Regular Meeting – Monday, March 16, 2020, 6:00 P.M. Cultural Arts Division Bluebonnet Training Room – 5202 E Ben White, Suite 400 Austin, TX 78741 CURRENT BOARD MEMBERS: Jaime Castillo – Chair, Michelle Polgar – Vice Chair, Brett Barnes, Lulu Flores, Bears Rebecca Fonte, Felipe Garza, kYmberly Keeton, Amy Mok, Celina Zisman CALL TO ORDER – 6:00 P.M. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. Approve the minutes for the Arts Commission Regular Meeting on February 24, 2020 2. STAFF BRIEFINGS Holt-Rabb a. Impact of SXSW on Hotel Occupancy Tax and City response to COVID-19, Sylnovia b. Visit Austin marketing partnership, Peggy Ellithorpe c. Cultural Funding Review Process Update, Meghan Wells 3. CHAIR’S REPORT a. Art In Public Places Arts Commission Liaison Report – Commissioner Barnes b. Downtown Commission Liaison Report – Commissioner Garza c. Quality of Life Commission Updates CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL – 6:30 PM Time Certain The speakers signed up prior to 6:30pm will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items posted and/or not posted on the agenda. 4. SPECIAL PRESENTATION a. Molly Alexander, Downtown Austin Alliance b. Vortex Repertory Co., Melissa Vogt and Jeremy Rashad Brown c. Jacqui Cross, Spectrum Theatre Company 5. NEW BUSINESS a. Discussion and possible action on the impact of SXSW on Hotel Occupancy Tax b. Approve the Prospectus for Art in Public Places Georgian Acres Neighborhood Park Project Public Places Project c. Approve the Direct Select of Arte Texas for the Martin Pool Mural Restoration Art in d. Nominate a new Arts Commissioner to serve as the Downtown Commission Liaison e. Discussion and possible action on Arts Commission Budget Recommendation f. Discussion and action on CSAP joint Arts & Music Working Group 6. OLD BUSINESS a. Discussion and Action Items i. Approve the Selection Process Recommendations for the AUS Terminal/Apron Expansion and Improvement AIPP Project Phase II ii. Working Group Updates A. Cultural Funding Program Responsiveness Working Group – Commissioners Castillo, Polgar, Mok, and Fonte (Chair) B. Joint Arts and Music Land Development and Permitting Working Group – Commissioners Polgar (Chair), Reeves, community members Zac Traeger and David Sullivan, and Music Commissioners Oren Rosenthal and Graham Reynolds C. TEMPO Program Guidelines and Goals Working Group – Commissioners Fonte, Barnes (Chair), Zisman, Polgar, community member Jade Walker and AIPP Panel members D. Donation and Loan Policy Working Group – Commissioners Barnes (chair) Polgar and Flores 7. …

Scraped at: March 14, 2020, 1:30 a.m.
Mayor's Committee for People with DisabilitiesMarch 13, 2020

MCPD Regular Agenda Friday March 13, 2020 original pdf

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pbb REGULAR MEETING AGENDA March 13, 2020 301 West Second Street Austin, TX 78701 MAYOR’S COMMITTEE FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES (MCPD) 5:00 pm in City Hall Board and Commission Room 101 CURRENT COMMISSION MEMBERS: Jonathan Franks, Chair Vacant, Vice-chair Gene Brooks Taurean Burt Joey Gidseg Diane Kearns-Osterweil CALL TO ORDER Jose Levy Robin Orlowski Danny Saenz Emily Shryock Deborah Trejo 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Consider approval of the minutes from the Mayor’s Committee for People with Disabilities December 13, 2019 and February 14, 2020 meetings. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION 5:05pm: Each speaker signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will be called in order of sign-up and will be allowed three minutes to speak about items posted or not on the agenda 2. OLD BUSINESS: 3A. Discussion and possible action on recommendation from the disability Quality of Life working group - Chair Franks and working group members 3B. Discussion and possible action on MCPD 2021 budget recommendations – Chair Franks and Commissioner Trejo 3. NEW BUSINESS: 4. STAFF BRIEFING Initiative 4A. Discussion and possible action to appoint a vice-chair to replace the position vacated by Rachel Gandy – Chair Franks and Full Committee 5A. Presentation from APD regarding Mental Health Taskforce and new Safe Place 5B. Presentation from Office of Police Oversight (OPO) on racial profiling data and discussion on how OPO can receive feedback from people with disabilities. 5. COMMISSIONER ANNOUNCEMENTS 6. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 7. ADJOURNMENT For accessibility, we appreciate your cooperation in keeping our meetings fragrance free. The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair and public transportation access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 48 hours before the meeting. Please call Lee Nguyen at Human Resources Department, at (512) 974-1897 or, for additional information, TTY users’ route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the Mayors Committee for People with Disabilities, please contact David Ondich at (512) 974-3256 or

Scraped at: March 10, 2020, 6:40 p.m.
Mayor's Committee for People with DisabilitiesMarch 13, 2020

ATXN Link to MCPD Regular Meeting Friday March 13,2020 original link

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Scraped at: May 6, 2020, 1:30 p.m.
Mayor's Committee for People with DisabilitiesMarch 13, 2020

MCPD Approved Regular Meeting Minutes Friday March 13, 2020 original pdf

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Mayor’s Committee for People with Disabilities (MCPD) Regular Meeting Minutes March 13, 2020 Mayor’s Committee for People with Disabilities REGULAR MEETING MINUTES (13 March 2020) The City of Austin, Mayor’s Committee for People with Disabilities convened in a regular meeting on March 13, 2020 at the Board and Commission Room #1100 located inside City Hall at 301 W 2nd St in Austin, Texas. CALL TO ORDER: With quorum present and Chair Jonathan Franks absent, Commissioner Deborah Trejo called the March 13, 2020 meeting of the Mayor’s Committee for People with Disabilities to order at 5:00 p.m. Committee Members in Attendance:, Commissioners: Joey Gidseg, Jose Levy, Robin Orlowski, Danny Saenz, Emily Shryock and Deborah Trejo. Committee Members Absent: Chair Jonathan Franks Commissioners: Taurean Burt, Gene Brooks and Diane Kearns-Osterweil Staff in Attendance: David Ondich, ADA Program Administrator 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Emily Shryock made a motion to approve the minutes from the Mayor’s Committee for People with Disabilities and Commission on Seniors Joint Meeting from February 14, 2020. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Joey Gidseg. The motion passed unanimously. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: There was no citizen communication that took place during the March 13, 2020 MCPD Regular Meeting. Commissioner Deborah Trejo moved item 4A A City staff presentation up on the agenda. Please refer to item 4A for description. 2. OLD BUSINESS: 2A. Discussion and possible action on recommendation from the disability Quality of Life working group – Commissioner Jose Levy led a discussion on the progress of the Disability Quality of Life working group. To view the discussion, commissioners’ comments in their entirety please visit: and view item 2A Commissioner Deborah Trejo moved item 3 the appointment of a new MCPD Vice Chair under New Business up on the agenda. Please refer to item 3 for description. 2B. Discussion and possible action on MCPD 2021 budget recommendations - Vice Chair Jose Levy and Commissioner Deborah Trejo led a discussion regarding the 2020-2021 MCPD budget recommendations. No action was taken on the item. To view the discussion and commissioners’ comments in their entirety visit: and view item 2B 3. NEW BUSINESS: Discussion and possible action to appoint a vice-chair to replace the position vacated by Rachel Gandy – Commissioner Deborah Trejo and Full Committee Motion: Commissioner Robin Orlowski made a motion to nominate Commissioner Jose Levy as the MCPD Vice Chair. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Deborah …

Scraped at: May 7, 2020, 6:30 p.m.
Parks and Recreation BoardMarch 12, 2020

Community Interest Announcement original pdf

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PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD Community Interest Announcement Thursday, March 12, 2020 at 12:30pm 7022 Hart Lane, Austin, TX 78731 Board Liaison Sammi Curless 512-974-6716 Loewy Family Playground at Murchison Pool Park Ribbon Cutting Ceremony A quorum of board members may be present but no business will be conducted.

Scraped at: Feb. 24, 2020, 6:10 p.m.
Electric BoardMarch 11, 2020

Agenda original pdf

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ELECTRIC BOARD SPECIAL CALLED MEETING Wednesday, March 11, 2020 at 10:00 A.M Development Service Department 5202 East Ben White Blvd Conference Room 122 CURRENT BOARD MEMBERS: Gabriel Flores-Chair (Garza); Delwin Goss-V.Chair (Renteria); Randy Pomikahl (Tovo), Michael King (Paige), Rogelio Wallace (Adler), Miguel Suazo (Madison); Robert Schmidt (Casar), Nicole Stasek (Kitchen), Mark Weaver (Flannigan), Ben Brenneman (Alter), Adamson, David (Pool) AGENDA CALL TO ORDER CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL Speakers will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES- Minutes from Regular Meeting January 15, 2020 2. DISCUSSION - Update on Austin Criteria Manual 3. DISCUSSION AND ACTION: a- Discussion and Possible Action on the 2020 City of Austin Electrical Ordinance b- Discussion and Possible Action concerning a letter to council regarding the re- appointment of David Johnson back to the Electrical Board. 4. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days (48 hours) before the meeting date. Please call Rick Arzola at Development Services Department, Building Inspections, at (512) 974-2417, for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711.

Scraped at: Feb. 24, 2020, 6:30 p.m.