ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET CASE: C14-2020-0063 – Pier Property Rezoning DISTRICT: 10 ZONING FROM: CS-1, LA ADDRESS: 1703 River Hills Road SITE AREA: 0.096 acres (4181.76 sq. ft.) PROPERTY OWNER: Tires Made Easy, Inc (Andrew S. Price) TO: CR AGENT: Husch Blackwell, LLP, (Nikelle Meade) CASE MANAGER Mark Graham (512-974-3574, mark.graham@austintexas.gov ) STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Staff recommendation is to grant commercial recreation (CR) district zoning. For a summary of the basis of Staff’s recommendation, see case manager comments below. ZONING AND PLATTING COMMISSION ACTION / RECOMMENDATION: Planning to schedule for September 17, 2020 August 18, 2020: CITY COUNCIL ACTION: ORDINANCE NUMBER: ISSUES There is no new development proposed for the subject property. The requested CR zoning is required to repair the existing marina. There is a Travis County water district with a water intake nearby. Through their legal counsel, they expressed their concern about the proximity of the marina. CASE MANAGER COMMENTS: The subject property is addressed as 1703 River Hills Road. Currently there are no occupied structures or operating businesses on the 4.465 acre property. 1 of 9B-031 of 9 C14-2020-0063 2 The subject riverside and woodland property is surveyed as 4.465 acres (approximately 194,495 square feet) with approximately 212 feet of Lake Austin frontage. The requested rezoning tract is for the footprint of the existing marina (about 4,181 square feet). The marina was built to serve a restaurant that operated on the property but closed prior to 2006. The existing commercial-liquor sales (CS-1) zoning permits the bar/restaurant use as a primary land use and the Land Development Code allows a marina as an accessory use to a restaurant. Since the restaurant is not in operation, the marina becomes the primary use. The applicant stated that there are 20 boat slips and that they intend to reconstruct them in the same location. The requested commercial recreation (CR) zoning district allows a commercial marina as a primary use. An Austin Code Enforcement Official inspected the marina and determined that the boat slips may be unsafe and require repairs. The applicants responded to the enforcement notice and applied for permits to make the required repairs. The permits were denied because the marina does not have the correct zoning. The applicants indicate that they plan to remove all dangerous structures and make repairs when they can get permits to do so. BASIS OF RECOMMENDATION: 1. The proposed zoning should be consistent with …
ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET CASE: C14-2019-0159 (Arboretum Lot 9) DISTRICT: 10 ADDRESS: 9401 Arboretum Boulevard ZONING FROM: GR, CS, CS-1 TO: GR-MU SITE AREA: 15.20 acres (662,112 sq. ft.) PROPERTY OWNER: GF-ARB C, Ltd. % Live Oak Gottesman AGENT: Drenner Group, PC (Amanda Swor) CASE MANAGER: Sherri Sirwaitis (512-974-3057, sherri.sirwaitis@austintexas.gov) STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends GR-MU, Community Commercial-Mixed Use Combining District, zoning. ZONING AND PLATTING COMMISSION ACTION / RECOMMENDATION: February 4, 2020: Postponed to February 18, 2020 at the applicant's request by consent (9-0, J. Kiolbassa-absent); H. Smith-1st, N. Barrera-Ramirez-2nd. February 18, 2020: Postponed to April 7, 2020 at the applicant's request by consent (10-0); H. Smith-1st, B. Evans-2nd. April 7, 2020: Meeting cancelled. May 5, 2020: Postponed to June 16, 2020 at the staff's request by consent (8-0, N. Barrera-Ramirez and J. Kiolbassa-absent); B. Evans-1st, H. Smith-2nd. June 16, 2020: Case to be re-notified because of posting error. July 21, 2020: Postponed to August 18, 2020 at the applicant's request by consent (10-0); B. Evans-1st, J. Duncan-2nd. August 18, 2020 CITY COUNCIL ACTION: February 20, 2020: A motion to postpone this item to April 9, 2020 at the request of staff was approved on Mayor Pro Tem Garza's motion, Council Member Renteria's second on an 11-0 vote. April 9, 2020: Postponed to June 4, 2020 at the staff's request by consent (11-0); K. Tovo-1st, A. Alter-2nd. June 4, 2020: Postponed to July 30, 2020 at the staff's request by consent (11-0) July 30, 2020: Postponed to August 27, 2020 at the staff's request by consent (11-0) ORDINANCE NUMBER: 1 of 35B-041 of 35 C14-2019-0159 ISSUES: There is a restrictive covenant covenant on this property,C14r-83-280 (Please see the Restrictive Covenant - Exhibit D). In the covenant,,note 2. reads,, "The area on the site that is reserved for a Conservation Area will be rezoned to an appropriate zoning category that will preclude its use for commercial or residential facilities. Then the Principal Roadway Area site plan as required by Zoning Ordinance is approved. The site of the area is approximately 30 acres,and is shown on the attached site plan attached hereto as Exhibit B."” The conservation area was zoned GR and has never been rezoned to preclude the use for commercial or residential facilities. The Environmental Officer has provided an synopsis of the issues concerning the restrictive covenant conditions and impervious cover for this property (Please see Exhibit E). In this rezoning …
ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET CASE: C814-2018-0122 DISTRICT AREA: 2 ADDRESS: 9201 Circuit of the Americas Boulevard ZONING FROM: I-RR TO: PUD SITE AREA: 1,153 acres PROPERTY OWNER: Circuit of the Americas, LLC AGENT: Metcalfe Wolff Stuart & Williams, LLP (Michele Rogerson Lynch) Big Red Dog Engineering/Consulting (Bailey Harrington) CASE MANAGER: Sherri Sirwaitis PHONE: 512-974-3057 sherri.sirwaitis@austintexas.gov STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommendation is to approve the Circuit of the Americas Planned Unit Development (PUD) subject to the following conditions: 1. The conditions of the PUD shall be established in - a) the proposed Land Use Plan (Exhibit F) that includes a breakdown of: the planning area layout and size/acreages, the open space chart and the land use summary chart b) the Site Development Regulations, Tables and Notes (Exhibit G) that includes the parking and off-street loading requirements, the site development regulations per planning area and specific development notes c) the Zoning Use Summary Table (Exhibit E), which lists the permitted, not permitted and conditional land uses by planning area 2. The PUD shall comply with the Environmental staff recommendations that include: a) Water quality for all new development shall consist of 100% green storm water infrastructure b) Impervious cover limited to 68% c) Dedicate 11.38 gross acres of parkland d) Provide 298 acres of Open Space e) Restore 14.36 acres of wetlands f) Re-permit and construct US Army Corps of Engineers creek restoration g) Install 400 native trees minimum size 2" caliper and water trees for establishment. Trees shall not count towards any other landscape requirement h) Provide .88 acres of water quality treatment to mitigate asphalt trail i) Restore vegetation along asphalt trail per Exhibit j) Requirements outlined in conditions e , , h , and i shall be constructed with the first site plan requiring a building permit and only a site plan for the recreation fields associated with PA 4 shall proceed these requirements. , 1 of 41B-05 C814-2018-0122 Page 2 k) The development of the PUD shall comply with the conditions stipulated in the Parks and Open Space Plan (Exhibit I). 3. The development of the PUD site will be subject to the attached TIA memorandum from the Austin Transportation Department (ATD) dated June 19, 2020 – Exhibit P. The TIA memo limits the site development to uses and intensities that will not exceed or vary from the projected traffic conditions assumed in the final TIA [prepared by …
. B T C B E H - D R B : E L Y T S T O L P M A 6 2 8 : 0 2 0 2 7 / / 7 : N O D E T T O L P I S N B B E T S N O S L A I : Y B D E T T O L P . 3 C P F D P O T G W D : I H T W D E T T O L P M P 3 2 1 : 0 2 0 2 / 1 / 7 : I I N O D E F D O M T S A L . I K C R Y W A S S R A M I : I I Y B D E F D O M T S A L 5 4 3 2 1 I I I T B H X E L L F D N A T U C T U O Y A L - g w d . t i i b h x E l l i t F u C - 1 0 0 . 0 5 . 6 4 9 0 \ l a t t i m b u S r o i i f s n o s v e R n a P D U P \ s t i l i b h x E - 6 0 \ l i i v C i \ - 1 0 n o s n a p x E s a c i r e m A e h t f o t i u c r i C - 1 0 0 . 0 5 \ s a c i r e m A e h t f o t i u c r i C - 6 4 9 0 \ s t c e o r P j \ : P : E M A N E L I F G F E D C B A ALT T H P S RIP C S) - A T N S RIE O A C R.O.W.(V A B OPEN SPACE 4 OPEN SPACE 3 ALT H P S D A O S R S) - A U G RIE N A McA R.O.W.(V OPEN SPACE ELR OY …
. B T C B E H - D R B : E L Y T S T O L P : M A 8 2 8 0 2 0 2 7 7 / / : N O D E T T O L P I S N B B E T S N O S L A I : Y B D E T T O L P . 3 C P F D P O T G W D : I H T W D E T T O L P . I K C R Y W A S S R A M I : I I Y B D E F D O M T S A L : M A 9 1 2 1 0 2 0 2 5 5 / / : I I N O D E F D O M T S A L 5 4 3 2 1 s l i l a t e D g n i t n a P T U O Y A L - g w d . t e e h S s l i a t e D n i t n a P l - 1 0 0 . 0 5 . 6 4 9 0 \ l a t t i m b u S r o i i f s n o s v e R n a P D U P \ s t i l i b h x E - 6 0 \ l i i v C - 1 0 \ i n o s n a p x E s a c i r e m A e h t f o t i u c r i C - 1 0 0 . 0 5 \ s a c i r e m A e h t f o t i u c r i C - 6 4 9 0 \ s t c e o r P j \ : P : E M A N E L F I G F E D C B A EXHIBIT L G F E D C B A Y B I I N O T P R C S E D E T A D . O N 2 0 7 8 7 , S A X E T , I N T S …
SUBDIVISION REVIEW SHEET COMMISSION DATE: August 18, 2020 CASE NO.: C8J-2018-0078.2A SUBDIVISION NAME: Preserve At Oak Hill ADDRESS: 10304 Circle Drive OWNER/APPLICANT: John C. Kuhn AGENT: Jamison Civil Engineering (Steve Jamison) EXISTING ZONING: None GRIDS: WZ-20 AREA: 30.81 acres WATERSHED: Barton Creek PROPOSED LAND USE: Single Family, Drainage, Green Space, Private Street SIDEWALKS: A variance to LDC 30-3-191 regarding the installation of sidewalks was approved by Travis County Commissioner’s Court on August 20, 2019 with the approved preliminary plan. DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: JURISDICTION: 2-Mile ETJ COUNTY: Travis DISTRICT: N/A LOT(S): 19 The request is for the approval of the Preserve At Oak Hill, a final plat out of an approved preliminary plan, comprised of 19 lots on 30.81 acres. A variance to LDC 30-2-159 regarding private streets was approved by Travis County Commissioner’s Court on August 20, 2019 with the approved preliminary plan. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the plat for the reasons listed in the comment report dated August 11, 2020 attached as third attachment. PHONE: 512-974-2767 PHONE: 512-864-7637 CASE MANAGER: Sylvia Limon E-mail: Sylvia.Limon@austintexas.gov Travis County Subdivision Reviewer: Sue Welch E-mail: Sue.Welch@Traviscountytx.gov ATTACHMENTS First Attachment: Vicinity map Second Attachment: Proposed plat Third Attachment: Comment report dated August 11, 2020 1 of 8B-06 2 of 8B-06 3 of 8B-06 4 of 8B-06 SYLVIA LIMON, FOR:DENISE LUCAS, DIRECTORDEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT448,BRANDON COUCH, D.R. #OS0029465 ON-SITE WASTEWATER, TRAVIS COUNTY TNR41. ALL RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURES SHALL BE EQUIPED WITH AN APPROVED NFPA 13D SPRINKLER SYSTEM.42. PARTICIPATION IN THE REGIONAL STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM WAS GRANTED FOR THIS SUBDIVISION THROUGH PAYMENT ON MARCH 19, 2020 BY THE CITY OF AUSTIN WATERSHED PROTECTION DEPARTMENT, OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR. THE RSMP CASE NUMBER FOR THIS PROJECT IS BAR-RS-2019-0005R.43. WATERWAY SETBACKS AS DEFINED BY THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE MAY BE LOCATED ON THIS PROPERTY. DEVELOPMENT IS LIMITED WITHIN WATERWAY SETBACKS.C8J-2018-0078.2AA PORTION OF THIS SUBDIVISION IS WITHIN ZONE X, (AREA OF MINIMAL FLOOD HAZARD), HOWEVERNO PORTION OF THIS SUBDIVISION IS WITHIN THE BOUNDARY OF THE 1% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOOD PLAINACCORDING TO DATA FROM THE FEDERAL INSURANCE ADMINISTRATION FIRM PANEL(S) 48453C0415J,48453C0420J, 48453C0555J & 48453C0560J, DATED JANUARY 22, 2020, FOR TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXAS, ANDINCORPORATED AREAS. THE FULLY DEVELOPED 1% ANNUAL CHANCE - ATLAS 14 FLOOD PLAIN HAS BEENFULLY CONTAINED IN A DRAINAGE EASEMENT._____________________________________________________________J. SCOTT LASWELL DATE5 of 8B-06 CITY OF AUSTIN – TRAVIS COUNTY – SINGLE SUBDIVISION OFFICE SUBDIVISION APPLICATION – MASTER COMMENT REPORT CASE NUMBER: REVISION #: CASE MANAGER: C8J-2018-0078.2A 00 …
4. 5. Special Meeting of the Zoning and Platting Commission August 18, 2020 Zoning and Platting Commission to be held August 18, 2020 with Social Distancing Modifications Public comment will be allowed via telephone; no in-person input will be allowed. All speakers, including applicants and representatives, must register in advance (Day before the scheduled meeting, August 17, 2020 by noon. N To speak remotely at the August 18, 2020 Zoning and Platting Commission Meeting, residents must: ) Preferably email andrew.rivera@austintexas.gov or call the board liaison at 512-974-6508 (the day before the meeting). The following information is required: 1. The speaker name. 2. Item number(s) they wish to speak on. 3. Whether they are for/against/neutral. Mailing address. Telephone number. Must be the number that will be used to call-in. Failure to provide the required information by noon August 17, 2020 shall render a request null and void. A registered speaker may not sign up another speaker. Previous registration on an item does not automatically roll over. • Once a request to register to speak has been called in or emailed to the board liaison, residents will receive either an email or phone call with additional information regarding the call in process. • Handouts or other information must be emailed to andrew.rivera@austintexas.gov by 1:00 PM Tuesday, August 18, 2020. This information will be provided to Commission members in advance of the meeting. • Residents may watch the meeting here: http://www.austintexas.gov/page/watch-atxn-live Applicant: 6 minutes and 3 minutes rebuttal. Time Allotment: Speakers: 3 minutes. Monday, August 17, 2020 Postponement requests must be submitted to the case manager and Andrew Rivera by 5PM ZONING & PLATTING COMMISSION AGENDA Tuesday, August 18, 2020 The Zoning and Platting Commission will convene at 6:00 PM on Tuesday, August 18, 2020 via Videoconference http://www.austintexas.gov/page/watch-atxn-live Nadia Barrera-Ramirez – Vice-Chair Jolene Kiolbassa – Chair Ana Aguirre – Secretary Ann Denkler - Parliamentarian Timothy Bray Jim Duncan Bruce Evans David King Ellen Ray Hank Smith Vacant (District 4) EXECUTIVE SESSION (No public discussion) The Zoning & Platting Commission will announce it will go into Executive Session, if necessary, pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, to receive advice from Legal Counsel on matters specifically listed on this agenda. The commission may not conduct a closed meeting without the approval of the city attorney. Private Consultation with Attorney – Section 551.071 A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approval of minutes from August …
Annual Internal Review This report covers the time period of 7/1/2019 to 6/30/2020 Zoning and Platting Commission ____________________________________ (Official Name of Board or Commission) The Board/Commission mission statement (per the City Code) is: 1. Describe the board’s actions supporting their mission during the previous calendar year. Address all elements of the board’s mission statement as provided in the relevant sections of the City Code. (Reference all reports, recommendations, letters or resolutions presented to the City Council on mission-specific issues. If some of the elements of the mission statement were not acted on by the board in the past year, the report should explain why no action was taken.) Recommendation Regarding Atlas 14, amending Title 25 and Title 30 of the City Code related to floodplain regulations (October 1, 2019) Recommendation Regarding Nonconforming Commercial Properties in Land Development Revision (January 7, 2020) 2. Determine if the board’s actions throughout the year comply with the mission statement. (If any of the board’s actions were outside the scope of the mission statement, the report should explain the non-compliance issues.) Actions of the Zoning and Platting Commission comply with the mission statement and no non-compliance issues were identified. Annual Review and Work Plan Year Page # 3. List the board’s goals and objectives for the new calendar year. (Make sure the goals and objectives fall within the mission statement of the board/commission.) 1. Offer recommendations on areas related to land use and development 2. Provide a forum for public input on the Land Development Code 3. Facilitate outreach to communities 4. Nominate ZAP commissioners for joint ZAP-PC committees 5. Encourage commissioners to participate in an Undoing Racism workshop
August 18, 2020 Via Electronic Delivery Amanda Swor direct dial: (512) 807-2904 aswor@drennergroup.com Ms. Denise Lucas Planning and Zoning Department City of Austin 505 Barton Springs Road Austin, TX 78704 Re: Arboretum – Lot 9 (C14-2019-0159) – Postponement request for the zoning application associated with the 15.2-acre piece of property located at 9401 Arboretum Boulevard in Austin, Travis County, Texas (the “Property”) Dear Ms. Lucas: As representatives of the owners of the above stated Property, we respectfully request postponement of the public hearing currently scheduled for Zoning and Platting Commission on August 18, 2020 to the October 6, 2020 Zoning and Platting Commission meeting. This postponement is to allow the applicant to finalize discussions with Environmental Review staff. Please let me know if you or your team members require additional information or have any questions. Thank you for your time and attention to this project. Very truly yours, Amanda Swor Joi Harden, Planning and Zoning Review Department (via electronic delivery) Sherri Sirwaitis, Planning and Zoning Review Department (via electronic delivery) Jerry Rusthoven, Planning and Zoning Department (via electronic delivery) cc:
From: Cathy Olive < > Sent: Sunday, August 16, 2020 6:06 PM To: Sirwaitis, Sherri <Sherri.Sirwaitis@austintexas.gov> Subject: COTA PUD Sharri Sirwaitis *** External Email - Exercise Caution *** Case Number C814-2018-1022 Hearing Date 8/18 Thursday I quickly wrote you a letter to object to the above case number. This weekend I talked to some of my neighbors. We changed it to the below. We ALL object. So now it's not just me. It's the neighborhood. I am going to call you on Monday to see if I need to participate on-line and how to do that. Or is this letter enough for the commission members to read. Thank you. Cathy Olive 8/16/2020 Case C814-2018-1022 To whom it may concern on the Zoning and Platting Commission: The Elroy Road Neighborhood Association is apposed/object to the COTA PUD. We are putting signs on Elroy Road to that fact. 1) COTA Blvd is not a public thoroughfare. Gates are locked when there isn't an event. You can NOT have a "free" park or fields open to the public with locked gates. And on event days how do to separate park people from event people. You can't. Will not happen. 2) When FEMA changed/enlarged the flood plain, it now comes up, or close to the track. These mythical buildings would be in the flood plain, causing MORE down stream flooding then they have already been causing. COTA is not disclosing this to the 2 downstream neighborhoods effected. 1 or 2 new retention ponds will not stop the water pouring off a 170 ft hill. And the retention ponds that are there now, aren't working. 3) The Airport Hilton and another hotel on Ben White told me they are seldom at or near a 100% occupancy rate unless a big event is in town. A 6 story hotel on Elroy Road, a long way from Highway 71 traffic flow, would be looking at bankruptcy with low to empty occupancy, except 2 major events a year. We do not believe this is the reason for a PUD. We have NO idea what they are going to do with this PUD. And that is worrisome to the neighborhood. 4) There is NO shopping center on a race track in America as was told to the Del Valle Coalition meeting. Or day care. A day care could NOT be licensed by the State of Texas due to the …
From: Cathy Olive < > Sent: Sunday, August 16, 2020 6:06 PM To: Sirwaitis, Sherri <Sherri.Sirwaitis@austintexas.gov> Subject: COTA PUD Sharri Sirwaitis *** External Email - Exercise Caution *** Case Number C814-2018-1022 Hearing Date 8/18 Thursday I quickly wrote you a letter to object to the above case number. This weekend I talked to some of my neighbors. We changed it to the below. We ALL object. So now it's not just me. It's the neighborhood. I am going to call you on Monday to see if I need to participate on-line and how to do that. Or is this letter enough for the commission members to read. Thank you. Cathy Olive 8/16/2020 Case C814-2018-1022 To whom it may concern on the Zoning and Platting Commission: The Elroy Road Neighborhood Association is apposed/object to the COTA PUD. We are putting signs on Elroy Road to that fact. 1) COTA Blvd is not a public thoroughfare. Gates are locked when there isn't an event. You can NOT have a "free" park or fields open to the public with locked gates. And on event days how do to separate park people from event people. You can't. Will not happen. 2) When FEMA changed/enlarged the flood plain, it now comes up, or close to the track. These mythical buildings would be in the flood plain, causing MORE down stream flooding then they have already been causing. COTA is not disclosing this to the 2 downstream neighborhoods effected. 1 or 2 new retention ponds will not stop the water pouring off a 170 ft hill. And the retention ponds that are there now, aren't working. 3) The Airport Hilton and another hotel on Ben White told me they are seldom at or near a 100% occupancy rate unless a big event is in town. A 6 story hotel on Elroy Road, a long way from Highway 71 traffic flow, would be looking at bankruptcy with low to empty occupancy, except 2 major events a year. We do not believe this is the reason for a PUD. We have NO idea what they are going to do with this PUD. And that is worrisome to the neighborhood. 4) There is NO shopping center on a race track in America as was told to the Del Valle Coalition meeting. Or day care. A day care could NOT be licensed by the State of Texas due to the …
Zoning and Platting Commission Q & A Report 5. Zoning: C814-2018-0122 - Circuit of the Americas PUD; District 2 Question: Commissioner Aguirre 1. In regards to Affordable Housing, what is the proposed estimated amount expected for the fee in lieu donation per the 2.5.6 Development Bonus? Response: It is not possible to provide an accurate estimate since the fee-in-lieu will be calculated as individual site plans are submitted. Once a site plan is submitted the fee will be calculated based on the current fee rate (which is updated on a yearly basis) multiplied by the bonus square footage of that particular site plan ( which is the square footage above what would have been possible under the baseline CS zoning). 2. It is implied, but need to clarify if the Atlas 14 requirements will be met? Atlas 14 requirements will be met 3. Part 1 of the Backup (p. 13; 2nd paragraph), states, "Applicant has acknowledged no deviations are being requested, and no superior is being proposed for drainage purposes. The requirements of t place at the time of future applications will apply. No further comment." Please clarify. 4. Where are the waste water lines going to be located? Response: The location of the water and wastewater lines will be determined during the Site Plan review process. 5. The Water Quality/Environmental Item (p. 20), under the PUD Proposal/Superiority Column, refers to the Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPM). Does IPM prohibit the use of toxic chemicals? Yes, it is a management plan for pesticides based on landscape and features on site. The Open Space/Parkland Item (p. 21), under the PUD Proposal/Superiority Column, refers to 10% above minimum with private and public open space. Of the 10%, what percentage of the open space will be public? Private? Response: Applicant is meeting more than 10% above in terms of Public Park acreage – 9.71 credited acres dedicated vs. 7.81 acres required. In addition, the applicant is building trails which will not be dedicated parkland (therefore private), and these will be outside of PARD’s jurisdiction. 6. Will Adult Oriented Business be included as a prohibited land use? Response: Yes, the applicant has stated that Adult Oriented Businesses will be prohibited in the PUD. The staff will read this information into the record at the Zoning and Platting Commission meeting. 7. In regards to public safety: a. Will WPD work with the applicant to incorporate …
Special Meeting of the Contracts and Concessions Committee of the Parks and Recreation Board July 17, 2020 Contracts and Concessions Committee to be held July 17, 2020 with Social Distancing Modifications Public comment will be allowed via telephone; no in-person input will be allowed. All speakers must register in advance (July 16, 2020 by Noon). All public comment will occur at the beginning of the meeting. To speak remotely at the July 17, 2020 Contracts and Concessions Committee Meeting, residents must: •Call or email the board liaison at 512-974-6716 or sammi.curless@austintexas.gov no later than noon, (the day before the meeting). The information required is the speaker name, item number(s) they wish to speak on, whether they are for/against/neutral, and a telephone number or email address. •Once a request to speak has been called in or emailed to the board liaison, residents will receive either an email or phone call providing the telephone number to call on the day of the scheduled meeting. •Speakers must call in at least 15 minutes prior to meeting start in order to speak, late callers will not be accepted and will not be able to speak. •Speakers will be placed in a queue until their time to speak. •Handouts or other information may be emailed to sammi.curless@austintexas.gov by Noon the day before the scheduled meeting. This information will be provided to Board and Commission members in advance of the meeting. •If this meeting is broadcast live, residents may watch the meeting here: http://www.austintexas.gov/page/watch-atxn-live. Page 1 of 3 • • • • • • PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD CONTRACTS AND CONCESSIONS COMMITTEE Monday, August 17, 2020 – 10:00-11:30AM Via Videoconference Sarah Faust (D-5) Nina Rinaldi, (D-1) Dawn Lewis, (D-10), Ex-Officio AGENDA COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Francoise Luca, (D-7), Chair Rich DePalma, (Mayor) Anna Di Carlo, (D-2) CALL TO ORDER A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approve the minutes of the Contracts and Concessions Committee special meeting of June 5, 2020. B. NEW BUSINESS: DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION ITEMS 1. Recommendation to the Parks and Recreation Board to recommend to the City Council the negotiation and execution of an interlocal agreement with the Save Historic Muny District for the operations and management of the food and beverage concession at Lions Municipal Golf Course. Presenter: Kevin Gomillion, Golf Services Division Manager, Parks and Recreation Department C. STAFF BRIEFINGS* 1. Draft scope of work for request for proposals for a boating concession on …
PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD CONTRACTS AND CONCESSIONS COMMITTEE JUNE 5, 2020 MINUTES COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Francoise Luca, (D-7), Chair Rich DePalma, (Mayor) Anna Di Carlo, (D-2) Sarah Faust (D-5) Nina Rinaldi, (D-1) Dawn Lewis, (D-10), Ex-Officio The Contracts and Concessions Committee of the Parks and Recreation Board convened in a special meeting on Friday, June 5, 2020 via videoconference in Austin, Texas. Chair Luca called the meeting to order at 1:13pm. Committee Members in Attendance: Francoise Luca; Rich DePalma; Anna DiCarlo; Sarah Faust; Nina Rinaldi and Dawn Lewis, Ex-Officio. Staff in Attendance: Suzanne Piper; Jim Kotick; Lucas Massie; Gabrielle Restivo; Patricia Rossett; Margaret Stenz and Sammi Curless. A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes from the meeting of January 14, 2020 were approved on Committee Member DePalma motion, Chair Luca second on an 5-0 vote. B. NEW BUSINESS: DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION ITEMS 1. Presentation, discussion and possible action regarding a recommendation to the Parks and Recreation Board to recommend to the Parks and Recreation Director the approval of a five-year extension to the Contract between the City of Austin and Lone Star Riverboat, Inc. for the Excursion Boat Operation on Lady Bird Lake. Committee Member Rinaldi made a motion to recommend to the Parks and Recreation Board, as a consent agenda item, the consideration of a recommendation to the Parks and Recreation Director for the approval of a five-year extension to the Contract between the City of Austin and Lone Star Riverboat, Inc. for the Excursion Boat Operation on Lady Bird Lake; Committee Member DiCarlo seconded the motion. The motion passed on a vote of 5-0. 2. Presentation, discussion and possible action regarding a recommendation to the Parks and Recreation Board to recommend to the City Council to approve the negotiation and execution of an agreement with the successful proposer, Texas Rowing Center, Page 1 of 2 Inc., to provide management and operation of a boating concession on Lady Bird Lake. Committee Member DePalma made a motion to recommend to the Parks and Recreation Board, as a consent agenda item, the consideration of a recommendation to the City Council to approve the negotiation and execution of an agreement with the successful proposer, Texas Rowing Center, Inc., to provide management and operation of a boating concession on Lady Bird Lake; Committee Member Rinaldi seconded the motion. The motion passed on a vote of 5-0. 3. Presentation, discussion and possible action regarding a …
INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN SAVE HISTORIC MUNY DISTRICT AND THE CITY OF AUSTIN TO MANAGE AND OPERATE THE FOOD AND BEVERAGE CONCESSION AT LIONS MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE Agreement Overview The City operates the Lions Municipal Golf Course (Lions), located at 2901 Enfield Road, through a lease agreement, a component of the Brackenridge Development Agreement between The University of Texas System (UT System) and the City. The status of Lions Municipal Golf Course, a golf course with historical importance, is uncertain. Save Historic Muny District (SHMD) was created by the Texas Legislature in June 2019 to preserve the 141.35 acres as a public golf course and publicly available parkland. While UT System considers various options for the future of the property, SHMD and the City are collaborating to preserve the property as the Lions Municipal Golf Course in perpetuity. As part of that collaboration, the City wishes to permit the SHMD to manage and operate the food and beverage concession at Lions. The agreement with the previous food concessionaire at Lions terminated in May, and because the City's lease with the University is month to month, a new solicitation was not conducted. Currently, food services are being offered by a temporary food truck. What is the Purpose of the Agreement? This is an interlocal agreement between the City of Austin and the Save Historic Muny District to allow SHMD to operate and manage the food and beverage concession at Lions Municipal Golf Course. What is the Term of the Agreement? The term of this agreement shall run congruent to the current golf course operating lease agreement with UT System and the City. The current lease agreement is a month-to- month agreement with five (5) months minimum notification of termination. This agreement will continue until the lease is terminated, the golf course is sold, or as otherwise agreed to in writing by the parties. Page 1 of 3 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN SAVE HISTORIC MUNY DISTRICT AND THE CITY OF AUSTIN TO MANAGE AND OPERATE THE FOOD AND BEVERAGE CONCESSION AT LIONS MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE What Services and Deliverables Will SHMD Provide? • SHMD will solicit and contract with a vendor to provide a food service concession operation at Lions, acceptable to the City and approved by the PARD Director, before the vendor enters or conducts operations at Lions. • SHMD will ensure that the food service concession operation and vendor meet all PARD …
BOATING CONCESSION ON BARTON CREEK REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Currently operating as Zilker Park Boat Rentals Presented by: Gabrielle Restivo Contract Management Specialist IV Contracts and Concessions Committee August 17, 2020 1 CONCESSION LOCATION ON BARTON CREEK 2 CONCESSION HISTORY Opened as Zilker Park Boat Rentals as a canoe rental service in 1969 by Howard Barnett Now includes kayaks and stand-up paddle boards Community partnerships with Sunshine Camp, Texas River School, City of Austin Park Rangers Current contract period: • Initial Period (02/28/2006 – 03/01/2011) • Extension #1 (03/01/2011 – 02/29/2016) • Extension #2 (03/01/2016 – 02/29/2021) 3 CONCESSION ASSETS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS Open shed used for rental transactions and equipment storage Storage shed with attached decking and stairway Detached storage unit Boat storage racks 2015-2016 • Earthwork and replacement of boating assets: $75,587 • Decking and stairs: $20,278 2019 • Earthwork: $8,154 4 HISTORICAL GROSS SALES, REPORTED EXPENDITURES, AND REVENUE PAYMENTS $900,000 $800,000 $700,000 $600,000 $500,000 $400,000 $300,000 $200,000 $100,000 $- Gross Revenue Expenditures Revenue Payments to City 2015 $445,267 $155,090 $46,877 2016 $456,403 $240,126 $45,700 2017 $632,740 $294,599 $57,163 2018 $805,039 $56,824 $74,536 2019 $676,775 $332,002 $67,678 5 RFP BOATING SOLICITATION GOALS AND REQUIREMENTS Programming • 5 years of experience with safety record • Supply all necessary watercraft • Nonmotorized craft only • Sustainability (environmental) Plan • Public benefit programs for youth and seniors • Fee schedule approval • Marketing Plan • Monthly and annual reporting • Revenue share proposal Improvements • Capital Improvement Plan required • Improvement Plans require PARD’s written approval • 10% reinvestment annually in equipment and facilities 6 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROPOSAL LANGUAGE Contractor shall not make any structural alterations, repairs, nor improvements of the premises without written permission and approval from the PARD Director or designee. Any alteration made by the Contractor shall become the property of the City at the termination of the contract. City reserves the right to require Contractor to restore the property to its original condition at Contractor's expense. Contractor shall make written report to City Contract Manager of any needed repairs or suggested alterations or improvements. Improvement plans and any revisions are subject to the City’s written approval. 7 MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONS PROPOSAL LANGUAGE Concessionaire shall prepare and submit to PARD a Program Plan for educating the public on the use of canoes, kayaks, and SUPs. The plan …
Land Management Plan for Parks and Recreation Department Natural Areas Request for Proposals Matt McCaw Environmental Conservation Program Manager Land Management Program Natural Resources Division Austin Parks and Recreation Department matt.mccaw@austintexas.gov Purpose To receive feedback from the Contracts & Concessions Committee related to the scope of work for the Land Management Plan for Parks and Recreation Department natural areas request for proposals. 2 3 Background • The majority of PARD’s lands are protected as natural areas in preserves (Balcones Canyonlands Preserve, greenbelts, metro parks, district parks, even along the margins of golf courses). • A natural area is an area that retains or has reestablished its natural character, typically dominated by native plants and animals. 4 Background • These natural areas provide critical services, such as: • climate regulation • water cleansing • air cleansing • mental health social benefits • • Most have not been managed to maintain ecosystem health. • Threatened by climate change, invasive species, and loss of biodiversity, all of which make them more susceptible to heat, drought, disease, and wildfire. 5 Background • The need for comprehensive planning and management of PARD natural areas has long been recognized by staff, partners, and the community. • The 2019 Wildfire Preparedness Audit highlighted this need from a public safety standpoint. • Recommended that PARD create and implement land management plans. • PARD committed to establish a land management team to do this. 6 PARD Lands Involved • All Preserves and PARD Balcones Canyonlands Preserves • Contiguous natural areas > 75-100 ac. • Excludes high perimeter area (difficult access, expensive mgmt) • Creates large mgmt. complexes • 10,000+ ac. included Ecosystems 7 Oak savanna Grassland Oak-juniper woodland Bottomland forest Riparian and aquatic 8 Deliverables & Plan Components Site analysis • Soils • Hydrology • Existing vegetation communities • Endangered species habitat • Trails, authorized and unauthorized • Other elements Climate vulnerability analysis • Identify components of ecosystems that affect vulnerability to intense heat, drought, and wildfire • Map these components to indicate where natural resources may be most vulnerable to climate change • Will help prioritize work Deliverables & Plan Components 9 Management goals: vegetation communities that are expected to provide desired ecosystem services most sustainably. Restoration strategies that may be effective and appropriate for achieving management goals in various contexts. Monitoring design to evaluate progression toward management goals. ~10-year document; 50-year horizon. PARD Long-Range Plan Strategies & …