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Water and Wastewater CommissionMarch 11, 2020

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Recommendation for Water & Wastewater Commission COA Strategic Decision: Government That Works For All Commission Meeting Date: March 11, 2020 Council Meeting Date: March 26, 2020 Department: Client: Austin Water Christina Romero, David Anders SUBJECT Recommend approval of an ordinance amending the Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Austin Water Operating Budget (Ordinance No. 20190910-001) to increase the transfer in from the Capital Improvement Program by $5,428,000 and increase the transfer out appropriations by $5,287,000 for a net reduction to the ending balance of $141,000; and amending the Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Combined Utility Revenue Bond Redemption Fund (Ordinance No. 20190910-001) to increase the transfer in from Austin Water Operating Budget by $15,287,000 and increase other operating requirement expenditures by $15,287,000 to fund debt defeasance. AMOUNT AND SOURCE OF FUNDING Austin Water Operating transfer of $10,000,000 and Capital Recovery Fee (CRF) revenue transfer of $40,000,000, the sum of which ($50,000,000) will be used to fund the defeasance of certain outstanding debt of the Water and Wastewater System. Purchasing Language: September 10, 2019—Council approved an ordinance adopting the Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2019-2020. March 11, 2020 – To be reviewed by the Water and Wastewater Commission. Prior Council Action: Boards and Commission Action: MBE/WBE: N/A A defeasance is a method of using available cash to pay off outstanding debt. The cash is placed in an escrow account held by an escrow agent to make principal and interest payments on the required payment date for the bonds being defeased. The obligations payable from the escrow are no longer secured by or payable from the revenues initially pledged to their payment. The proposed action seeks authorization to pay off certain maturities of the City’s outstanding Water and Wastewater System Revenue Refunding Bonds. This process allows Austin Water to remove the debt from its books, which reduces debt levels and improves debt service coverage by lowering the burden of debt service payments in the short-term. Also, this proposed defeasance action is in direct relation to achieving a Water and Wastewater system rate stability over the next few years. The total source of funds for the defeasance of $50,000,000 will be provided from a combination of $10,000,000 in Austin Water Operating Funds, and $40,000,000 in Impact Fee/CRF collections. The final defeasance transaction and savings amount are dependent upon market conditions. Impact fee/CRF collections are restricted in use by Texas Local Government Code Chapter 395.012. Allowable uses include paying …

Scraped at: March 6, 2020, 5:31 p.m.
Water and Wastewater CommissionMarch 11, 2020

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Water & Wastewater Commission Review and Recommendation March 11, 2020 Government That Works For All Commission Meeting Date: Council Meeting Date: Department: Purchasing March 26, 2020 COA Strategic Direction: Client: Danielle Lord, Jermain DeFreeze, Anna Bryan-Borja Agenda Item Recommend approval to negotiate and execute two multi-term contracts with Ace Floor Solutions LLC (MBE) and Corza Construction LLC (MBE), to provide flooring installation and repair services, each for up to five years for total contract amounts not to exceed $16,885,000, divided between the contractors. Austin Water’s requested authorization is $1,500,000. Amount and Source of Funding Funding in the amount of $300,000 is available in the Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Operating Budget of Austin Water. Funding for the remaining contract terms is contingent upon available funding in future budgets. The Purchasing Office issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) 7500 CRR3005 for these services. The solicitation issued on September 16, 2019 and it closed on October 10, 2019. Of the four offers received, the recommended contractors submitted the best evaluated responsive offers. A complete solicitation package, including a log of offers received, is available for viewing on the City’s Financial Services website, Austin Finance Online. Link: Solicitation Documents. March 9, 2020 - To be reviewed by the Electric Utility Commission. March 11, 2020 - To be reviewed by the Water and Wastewater Commission. This solicitation was reviewed for subcontracting opportunities in accordance with City Code Chapter 2-9C Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program. For the services required for this solicitation, there were no subcontracting opportunities; therefore, no subcontracting goals were established. Purchasing Language: Prior Council Action: Boards and Commission Action: MBE/WBE: These contracts will provide floor installation and repairs, including labor and materials, for over 300 City-owned facilities. The flooring types covered under these contracts include carpet, linoleum, vinyl composition, rubber, hardwood, engineered wood, ceramic, porcelain, stone tile, concrete, and terrazzo. Installation and repair services include services such as floor leveling and removal of existing flooring. Materials and adhesives used under these contracts are required to comply with the City’s Carpet or Hard Surface Flooring Materials Guidelines. The contractors are required to recycle at least 80% of all flooring and carpeting removed. These contracts will replace an existing contract which expires on April 13, 2020. The requested authorization amounts were determined using departmental estimates for future repairs and historical spend. One of the recommended contractors is a current provider of these …

Scraped at: March 6, 2020, 5:31 p.m.
Water and Wastewater CommissionMarch 11, 2020

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Water & Wastewater Commission Review and Recommendation March 11, 2020 Mobility COA Strategic Direction: Commission Meeting Date: Council Meeting Date: Department: Purchasing March 26, 2020 Client: Danielle Lord, Frankie Casarez Agenda Item Recommend approval to negotiate and execute cooperative contracts through the Houston-Galveston Area Council; Sourcewell; Local Government Purchasing Cooperative, administered by Texas Association of School Boards, Inc. (BuyBoard); and Texas Multiple Award Schedule cooperative purchase programs with various contractors, to provide vehicles and equipment, each for up to five years for total contract amounts not to exceed $289,000,000, divided among the contractors. Austin Water’s requested authorization is $27,628,400. Amount and Source of Funding Funding is available in the Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Capital Budget of Austin Water. Funding for the remaining contract terms is contingent upon funding in future budgets. Multiple cooperative purchase programs were reviewed for these goods. The Purchasing Office has determined these cooperative purchase programs best meet the needs of the department to provide the goods required at the best value for the City. N/A February 12, 2020 – Zero Waste Advisory Commission meeting cancelled. March 9, 2020 – To be reviewed by the Electric Utility Commission. March 11, 2020 – To be reviewed by the Water and Wastewater Commission. These procurements were reviewed for subcontracting opportunities in accordance with City Code Chapter 2-9D Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program. For the goods required there were no subcontracting opportunities; therefore, no subcontracting goals were established. these procurements, for Purchasing Language: Prior Council Action: Boards and Commission Action: MBE/WBE: These contracts will provide Fleet Mobility Services the ability to purchase new and replacement vehicles, trailers, and equipment. These items will be added to the City’s fleet for use by various departments. The Houston-Galveston Area Council (H-GAC), Sourcewell, Local Government Purchasing Cooperative, administered by Texas Association of School Boards, Inc. (BuyBoard), and Texas Multiple Award Schedule (TxMAS) cooperatives establish competitively bid contracts that can be utilized by the State and other government agencies through a cooperative agreement. Cooperative agreements save taxpayer dollars by leveraging volume-buying power to drive down costs on hundreds of contracts through a streamlined cooperative purchasing program. These contracts offer the lowest prices for the budgeted vehicles and equipment and can meet the needs of City departments. Fleet Mobility Services will review quotes obtained from the listed cooperatives to ensure the offered pricing provides the best value to the City. If during the …

Scraped at: March 6, 2020, 5:31 p.m.
Water and Wastewater CommissionMarch 11, 2020

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Water & Wastewater Commission Review and Recommendation Government That Works For All COA Strategic Direction: March 11, 2020 Commission Meeting Date: Council Meeting Date: Department: Purchasing March 26, 2020 Client: Danielle Lord, Chris Stewart, Bill Stauber Agenda Item Recommend approval to negotiate and execute a contract with GE Digital, LLC, to provide software licensing and technical support, for a term of two years in an amount not to exceed $198,149. Funding is available in the Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Operating Budget of Austin Water. Amount and Source of Funding Sole Source Purchasing Language: Prior Council Action: Boards and Commission Action: MBE/WBE: March 11, 2020 – To be reviewed by the Water and Wastewater Commission. Sole source contracts are exempt from the City Code Chapter 2-9C Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program; therefore, no subcontracting goals were established. The contract is for technical support, maintenance and license renewals for General Electric (GE) Proficy Globalcare software. This software is used in the daily operations of Austin Water treatment facilities including treatment plants, water distribution facilities and wastewater collection facilities. This software is part of the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system which is required to monitor and control the process equipment at these facilities. It is a critical system for Austin Water operations and is used 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. This software is highly specialized, proprietary and is necessary for operation of the SCADA system. GE Digital Solutions, LLC owns the intellectual property of this software and does not have any resellers or allow others to provide associated services to users. This contract is necessary to continue to provide support to this software. A longer term contract was not pursued given rapidly changing technology in this area. Continued licensing and maintenance of this software is critical to supporting Austin Water key daily operations.

Scraped at: March 6, 2020, 5:31 p.m.
Water and Wastewater CommissionMarch 11, 2020

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Water & Wastewater Commission Review and Recommendation Government That Works For All COA Strategic Direction: March 11, 2020 Commission Meeting Date: Council Meeting Date: Department: Purchasing March 26, 2020 Client: Chris Stewart, Jim Howard Agenda Item Recommend approval to amend existing cooperative contracts with AT&T Mobility; T- Mobile USA, Inc.; and Cellco Partnership D/B/A Verizon; for continued wireless communication services and equipment, for an increase in the amount of $4,200,000 and to extend through the completion of the cooperative contracts for revised contract amounts not to exceed $17,530,839, divided among the contractors. Austin Water’s requested authorization is $400,000. Funding is available in the Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Operating Budget of Austin Water. Funding for the remaining contract terms is contingent upon funding in future budgets. Amount and Source of Funding Contract Amendments May 21, 2015 – Council approved the original contract, item 6, on a 10-0 vote, with Council Member Garza absent. March 9, 2020 – To be reviewed by the Electric Utility Commission. March 11, 2020 – To be reviewed by the Water and Wastewater Commission. These cooperative contracts were awarded in compliance with City Code Chapter 2-9C Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program. No subcontracting opportunities were identified; therefore, no goals were established for these contracts). Purchasing Language: Prior Council Action: Boards and Commission Action: MBE/WBE: The proposed amendments will provide additional funding and time for continued wireless communication services and support for critical City operations while the State of Texas Department of Information Resources executes new wireless communication services and equipment contracts. This support will cover functions such as wireless data network connectivity for dispatch and first responders, mobile data devices installed in vehicles, wireless access to permitting reports created in the field and noise cancelling and service order routing in support of aviation. These contracts are for wireless communication services and equipment for various City departments. Wireless support is vital to the City’s continued growth. Contract Detail: Contract Term Initial Contract Contract Amendment Contract Amendment Extension Option 1 Extension Option 2 Extension Option 3 Extension Option 4 Proposed Amendment TOTALS Length of Term 1 yr. 1 yr. 1 yr. 1 yr. 1 yr. 5 yrs. Current Contract Authorization $ 2,500,000 $ 30,000 $ 27,999 $ 2,575,000 $ 2,652,250 $ 2,731,818 $ 2,813,772 $ 13,330,839 Requested Additional Authorization $ 4,200,000 $ 4,200,000 Revised Total Authorization $ 2,500,000 $ 30,000 $ 27,999 $ 2,575,000 $ 2,652,250 …

Scraped at: March 6, 2020, 5:31 p.m.
Water and Wastewater CommissionMarch 11, 2020

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Water & Wastewater Commission Review and Recommendation Government That Works For All COA Strategic Direction: March 11, 2020 Commission Meeting Date: Council Meeting Date: Department: Purchasing April 9, 2020 Client: Christina Romero, David Anders Agenda Item Recommend approval to amend an existing contract with Marsh USA, Inc. D/B/A Marsh USA, for continued administration services for the Rolling Owner Controlled Insurance Program VII, for an increase in the amount of $355,000, for a revised contract amount not to exceed $1,856,074. Austin Water’s requested authorization is $136,567. Amount and Source of Funding Funding is available in the Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Capital Budget of Austin Water. Funding for the remaining contract term is contingent upon available funding in future budgets. Contract Amendment February 16, 2017 – Council approved the original contract, item 19, on an 11-0 vote. June 22, 2017 – Council approved the reallocation of funds from this contract to Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, item 28, on a 10-0 vote with Council Member Troxclair absent. March 11, 2020 – To be reviewed by the Water and Wastewater Commission. reviewed for subcontracting opportunities This contract was in accordance with City Code Chapter 2-9C Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program. For the services required for this contract, there were no subcontracting opportunities; therefore, no subcontracting goals were established. Purchasing Language: Prior Council Action: Boards and Commission Action: MBE/WBE: Under the Rolling Owner Controlled Insurance Program (ROCIP) VII, the City obtains insurance coverage instead of requiring individual contractors to provide their own. This structure establishes improved contractor equity, removes insurance barriers that can impact small and minority contractors, assures broad and uniform insurance protection is in place for the City, and provides construction cost reductions through the volume purchasing of insurance coverage. The City implemented the first ROCIP program in 1992 and ROCIP VII is a continuation of the City’s efforts to achieve these goals. ROCIP VII administrator services include negotiation of the insurance coverage, enrollment and close out of all contractors that are covered under the ROCIP VII program and payment of the excess liability insurance premiums for the program. Council approved the ROCIP VII on February 16, 2017 with an anticipated $400 million in construction values and 27 projects as initial candidates for inclusion in the program. The City has now identified an additional 13 projects with total construction values of $246 million for inclusion in the program. This proposed …

Scraped at: March 6, 2020, 5:31 p.m.
Water and Wastewater CommissionMarch 11, 2020

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Water & Wastewater Commission Review and Recommendation Government That Works For All COA Strategic Direction: March 11, 2020 Commission Meeting Date: Council Meeting Date: Department: Purchasing April 9, 2020 Client: Christina Romero, David Anders Agenda Item Recommend approval to amend an existing contract with Liberty Mutual Insurance Company D/B/A Liberty Mutual Insurance, for the continued payment of insurance premiums to the Rolling Owner Controlled Insurance Program VII, for an increase in the amount of $3,128,579, for a revised contract amount not to exceed $8,400,064. Austin Water’s requested authorization is $1,203,555. Amount and Source of Funding Funding is available in the Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Capital Budget of Austin Water. Funding for the remaining contract term is contingent upon available funding in future budgets. Purchasing Language: Contract Amendment June 22, 2017 – Council approved the original contract and reallocation of funds from Marsh USA to Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, item 28, on a 10-0 vote with Council Member Troxclair absent. March 11, 2020 – To be reviewed by the Water and Wastewater Commission. reviewed for subcontracting opportunities This contract was in accordance with City Code Chapter 2-9C Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program. For the services required for this contract, there were no subcontracting opportunities; therefore, no subcontracting goals were established. Prior Council Action: Boards and Commission Action: MBE/WBE: Under the Rolling Owner Controlled Insurance Program (ROCIP), the City obtains insurance coverage instead of requiring individual contractors to provide their own. This structure establishes improved contractor equity, removes insurance barriers that can impact small and minority contractors, assures broad and uniform insurance protection is in place for the City, and provides construction cost reductions through the volume purchasing of insurance coverage. The City implemented the first ROCIP program in 1992 and ROCIP VII is a continuation of the City’s efforts to achieve these goals. This contract allows for payment of the actual insurance premiums for the ROCIP VII to the selected insurance carrier. Council approved the ROCIP VII on February 16, 2017 with an anticipated $400 million in construction values and 27 projects as initial candidates for inclusion in the program. The City has now identified an additional 13 projects with total construction values of $246 million for inclusion in the program. This proposed amendment will allow for payment of the increased insurance premiums for these additional projects to be included in the program to then cover a revised …

Scraped at: March 6, 2020, 5:31 p.m.
Water and Wastewater CommissionMarch 11, 2020

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Water & Wastewater Commission Review and Recommendation Government That Works For All COA Strategic Direction: March 11, 2020 Commission Meeting Date: Council Meeting Date: Department: Purchasing April 9, 2020 Client: Christina Romero, David Anders Agenda Item Recommend approval to amend an existing contract with Safety Solutions, Inc., to provide continued construction safety management services associated with the Rolling Owner Controlled Insurance Program VII, for an increase in the amount of $118,950, for a revised contract amount not to exceed $375,550. Austin Water’s requested authorization is $45,760. Amount and Source of Funding Funding is available in the Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Capital Budget of Austin Water. Funding for the remaining contract term is contingent upon available funding in future budgets. Purchasing Language: Contract Amendment February 16, 2017 – Council approved the original contract, item 20, on an 11-0 vote. March 11, 2020 – To be reviewed by the Water and Wastewater Commission. reviewed for subcontracting opportunities This contract was in accordance with City Code Chapter 2-9C Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program. For the services required for this contract, there were no subcontracting opportunities; therefore, no subcontracting goals were established. Prior Council Action: Boards and Commission Action: MBE/WBE: Under the Rolling Owner Controlled Insurance Program (ROCIP) program, the City obtains insurance coverage instead of requiring individual contractors to provide their own. This structure establishes improved contractor equity, removes insurance barriers that can impact small and minority contractors, assures broad and uniform insurance protection is in place for the City, and provides construction cost reductions through the volume purchasing of insurance coverage. The City implemented the first ROCIP program in 1992 and ROCIP VII is a continuation of the City’s efforts to achieve these goals. ROCIP VII construction safety management services include reviewing and approving additional general contractor’s written safety manuals, assessing and approving additional contractor’s on-site safety managers, and inspecting additional construction project sites for compliance with safety laws and regulations under the larger ROCIP VII program. Council approved the ROCIP VII on February 16, 2017 with an anticipated $400 million in construction values and 27 projects as initial candidates for inclusion in the program. The City has now identified an additional 13 projects with total construction values of $246 million for inclusion in the program. This proposed amendment will allow for additional construction safety management services associated with the additional $246 million in City construction values. This proposed …

Scraped at: March 6, 2020, 5:31 p.m.
Water and Wastewater CommissionMarch 11, 2020

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Water & Wastewater Commission Review and Recommendation COA Strategic Direction: Health and Environment, Government That Works For All March 11, 2020 Commission Meeting Date: Council Meeting Date: Department: Public Works March 26, 2020 Client: Charles Celauro, Bill Stauber, Gabriel Castano Agenda Item Recommend approval to award and execute a construction contract with PLW Waterworks, LLC, for the Walnut Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Pumping System Improvements project in the amount of $14,124,000 plus a $1,412,400 contingency, for a total contract amount not to exceed $15,536,400. (District 1) Funding is available in the Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Capital Budget of Austin Water. Amount and Source of Funding Lowest responsive bid of two bids received through a competitive Invitation for Bid solicitation. March 11, 2020 - To be reviewed by the Water and Wastewater Commission This contract will be awarded in compliance with City Code Chapter 2-9A (Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program) by meeting the goals with 31.31% MBE and 1.36% WBE participation. Purchasing Language: Prior Council Action: Boards and Commission Action: MBE/WBE: The Walnut Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) is permitted to treat and discharge an average daily flow of 75 million gallons per day (MGD) with a peak flow of 165 MGD. The plant’s initial construction was in 1977. Capacity improvements were constructed in 1987 and again in 1990. The Walnut Creek WWTP has faced increased difficulty in maintaining control, reliability, maintainability, and operation of pumping systems in the primary treatment complexes and operations building (the plant’s main lift station). The advanced age of the equipment and obsolescence of the instrumentation and controls in these process areas has led to operational and maintenance challenges. Replacement of the existing pumping systems is necessary to restore reliability to the plant’s hydraulic capacity. The work consists of removal and replacement of five existing primary sludge pumps, three scum pumps, associated piping and valves; removal and replacement of eight existing settled wastewater pumps, and associated discharge piping and valves; removal and replacement of three existing cooling water pumps, partial replacement of open loop non-potable water (NPW) piping system, replacement of closed loop piping system, and rehabilitation of existing heat exchanger; installation of a new portable emergency generator interconnect for raw water pumping system; and replacement of existing control panels and instrumentation and control devices with modern components inside new modern cabinets. This item includes four allowances: • An allowance of $20,000 will …

Scraped at: March 6, 2020, 5:31 p.m.
Early Childhood CouncilMarch 11, 2020

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EARLY CHILDHOOD COUNCIL Wednesday, March 11, 2020, 8:30 a.m. City Hall, Board and Commission Room #1101 301 West Second Street, Austin, Texas AGENDA Members: Raul Alvarez, Chair (Rentería, D3) Cathy McHorse, Vice Chair (Tovo) Johanna Hosking (Adler) Eliza Gordon (Harper-Madison, D1) Matt Worthington (Garza, D2) Sebastian Wren (Casar, D4) Aletha Huston (Kitchen, D5) Rebecca Harrison (Flannigan, D6) Rhonda Paver (Pool, D7) Ashley Bliss Lima (Ellis, D8) Mary Jane Burson (Alter, D9) Ami Cortes-Castillo (Austin ISD) Anna Lisa Conlin (Travis County) CALL TO ORDER CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL The first five speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: January 8, 2020 regular meeting minutes 2. PRESENTATION a. Success By 6 (SX6) Leadership Team early childhood policy agenda- Brooke Freeland, Consultant, United Way for Greater Austin 3. NEW BUSINESS AND POSSIBLE ACTIONS: a. Vote to recommend Council add a representative from the ECC to the Joint Inclusion b. Policy work group update on boards and commissions budget community engagement c. Vote to recommend Council encourage Austin ISD (AISD) to fund teaching assistants for Pre- d. Vote to recommend Council direct the estimated $3 million in new property tax revenue from the “Mañana Fund” to early childhood initiatives e. Vote to recommend Council maintain funding for Parent Support Specialists within AISD at Committee meetings K classrooms the current level f. Community Partnership and Engagement work group next steps g. Success By 6 Mayor and Council office visits about early childhood issues h. Week of the Young Child updates (April 13-17) 4. STAFF BRIEFING- Rachel Farley, Austin Public Health a. Time, location for April 1, 2020, and September 9, 2020, ECC meetings b. Updates on child care centers on City of Austin leased/owned properties 5. RELATED GROUPS (As needed) a. Austin Chapter of the Texas Association for the Education of Young Children b. Child Care Licensing c. Child Inc. d. E3 Alliance e. Workforce Solutions FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Next Meeting- 6:30 p.m., Wednesday, April 1, 2020, Uphaus Early Childhood Center, 5200 Freidrich Lane, Austin, TX 78744- Presentation by Neighborhood Housing and Community Development; last opportunity for ECC to make budget-related recommendations Possible presentations to schedule:  City of Austin Consultant exploring Economic Development Corporations  Family Connects  Head Start/Early Head Start  Austin ISD teen parent program and …

Scraped at: March 6, 2020, 10:20 p.m.
Early Childhood CouncilMarch 11, 2020

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EARLY CHILDHOOD ONLY 34 % of children under four from households with low income are receiving any early learning services at all. There is a gap between our community needs and service capacity. We have many more children who are at risk and eligible for early childhood services than our funding and programs can serve. 90% of children under six from households experiencing poverty are children of color. FUNDING GAP Austin/Travis County investments are lagging those of other communities. SX6 AND 2-GEN BUDGET RECOMMENDATIONS Aligning with City Strategic Direction 2023 Goals • Hire one new FTE staff member at Austin Public Health to support Early Childhood initiatives. ($95,000 annual cost) o Bolsters early childhood integration within all relevant city departments including Quality of Life Commissions (Parks and Rec, Library, the Health Department and Schools, etc.) to improve coordination, planning service implementation and capacity building. o Demonstrates a strong public/private partnership by helping the community meet a required matching grant as part of $425,000 philanthropic investment by the Pritzker Children’s Learning Initiative. o From 1995 – 1999, the City had three staff members focused on early childhood. In 2000, budget cuts eliminated two of those positions. Since 2000, only one staff member – a program coordinator – has focused on early childhood. • Preserve Parent Support Specialists (PSS) funding within AISD ($1,290,000 annual cost) o PSS empower parents to become active participants in the education of their children. They develop and promote inclusive Family-Friendly Schools. Instrumental in creating a strong connection between the school, City and County departments, and community service providers using a coordinated integrated services model approach that improves the quality of life of families. o In 2018–2019, PSS provided services to 11,223 students’ parents, families or guardians, of whom 66% had students at elementary grade levels. o PSS organize and/or conduct classes, trainings, and workshops to support parent education and life skills. Last year, AISD families participated in 3,339 of these events at 70 schools. o Using a combination of federal, district, and city funding, AISD employs PSS in 60 Title I schools. The majority are elementary schools. • Recommend the estimated $3M in new property tax revenue from the “Manana Fund” be directed to early childhood initiatives as outlined in Resolution #20190620-089. o Funding will help scale proven and effective programs aimed at improving access and quality and advance coordination and navigation for families and service providers. …

Scraped at: March 6, 2020, 10:20 p.m.
Water and Wastewater CommissionMarch 11, 2020

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Water & Wastewater Commission Regular Meeting February 12, 2020 Approved March 11, 2020 The Water and Wastewater Commission convened in a regular meeting on February 12, 2020 at Waller Creek Center, 625 East 10th Street, Room 104, in Austin, Texas. AGENDA Commissioners: Chien Lee, Chair William Moriarty Jesse Penn Nhat Ho Christianne Castleberry, Vice Chair Travis Michel Mia Parton Annie Schmitt Christy Williams Grant Fisher Susan Turrieta Commissioners in Attendance: William Moriarty, Jesse Penn, Chien Lee, Christianne Castleberry, Mia Parton, Christy Williams, Grant Fisher, Susan Turrieta Staff in Attendance: David Anders, Sherri Hampton, Danielle Lord, Reza Aghili, Jonathan Dalchau, Shwetha Pandurangi, Randi Jenkins, Teresa Lutes, Heather Cooke, Bill Stauber, Aldo Ranzani, Janet Stark, Kevin Critendon, Tiger Davis, Daniel Layton, Rick Coronado, Georgia Billea, Andres Ramirez, Gareth Nicely, Charles Celauro, Chris Stewart, Anna Bryan-Borja, Kevin Koeller, Brian Haws Additional Attendees: Erik Andersen, Dex Kuzo, Matthew Duree, Ed Campos, John Wepryk, Garrett Cox, Nick Trowbridge, Justin Lilhe, Jeffrey Jacoby CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 6:04p.m. by Chair Chien Lee. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION Jeffrey Jacoby, Texas Campaign for the Environment registered to speak. A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes from the January 8, 2020 Water & Wastewater Commission regular meeting were approved on a 7-0 vote on Commissioner Moriarty’s motion and Commissioner Turrieta’s second. Commissioners Ho, Michel and Schmitt were absent with Commission Parton off the dais. B. ITEMS FOR COMMISSION’S REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION FOR APPROVAL TO CITY COUNCIL Water & Wastewater Commission Regular Meeting February 12, 2020 1. Recommend approval to negotiate and execute an Advance Funding Agreement with Texas Department of Transportation for the relocation of existing utility lines in conflict with the Oak Hill Parkway Improvements Project, for a total amount not to exceed $24,772,144.03. Recommended by the Water & Wastewater Commission on Commissioner Castleberry’s motion and Commissioner Turrieta’s second on a 7-0 vote. Commissioners Ho, Michel and Schmitt were absent with Commission Parton off the dais. 2. Recommend approval to authorize an amendment to the existing contract with West Monroe Partners LLC, for continued consulting services to assist in the next phases of advanced meter infrastructure program management, for an increase in the amount of advanced meter infrastructure program management, for an increase in the amount of advanced meter infrastructure program management, for an increase in the amount of $6,355,000, for a revised contract amount not to exceed $8,456,000. Recommended by the Water & Wastewater …

Scraped at: March 12, 2020, 7:30 p.m.
Water and Wastewater CommissionMarch 11, 2020

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Title of Presentation Presentation Date Zebra Mussel Mitigation Update March 11, 2020 Name of Person, Assistant Director Mehrdad Morabbi, P.E., Operations Manager – Water Treatment Last presentation to W&WW Commission (9.11.19) W&WW Commission 9.11.2019 - ZM Briefing Update 2 LCRA’s Zebra Mussel Workshop (11.6.19) Summary • Lake Travis spawning April-July • Lake Austin spawning May-October • Suggested cleaning and inspection December-March • Expect elevated reproductive activity in 2020 3 Lake Travis Veliger Density 4 Lake Austin Veliger Density 5 Copper Sulfate Feed Facilities • Handcox WTP permanent chemical feed system is in operation • Received TCEQ approval to feed copper sulfate at Ullrich WTP and Davis • Ullrich WTP site permitting is in progress and expected to be completed in • Davis WTP site permitting is in progress and expected to be completed in WTP (1.29.2020) April June • Moving forward with temporary feed equipment to be operational in May at Davis and Ullrich water treatment plants • Permanent facilities are expected to be completed this fall 6 Copper Ion Generation • FIFRA Registration • Not yet NSF Approved but expected soon • This system is still under consideration 20 MGD Copper Ion Generator Lawrence, KS 7 Intake Cleaning & Inspection Cleaning and inspection • Ullrich WTP • Davis WTP • Handcox WTP 10.21.2019 11.04.2019 12.09.2019 Handcox WTP Upper Intake Before and After Cleaning 12.09.2019 8

Scraped at: March 12, 2020, 7:30 p.m.
Water and Wastewater CommissionMarch 11, 2020

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Financial Status Report – December 2019 March 11, 2020 Christina Romero, Financial Mgr III, Financial Management Financial Status Report – December 2019 Revenues Revenue – Budget vs. Actual Year-to-Date in Millions Revenue & Requirements Summary Year-to-Date in Millions Total Revenues & Transfers $141.32 $150.11 Total Program Operating Req. $61.47 $66.02 Total Other Requirements $5.70 $5.03 Total Debt Service Transfers Out $38.15 $40.00 $36.81 $36.85 Allotment Actual Water Services • $8.58M (12.5%) above projections Wastewater Services • $0.84M (1.3%) above projections Total Revenues • $8.79M (6.2%) above projections 2 2 Financial Status Report – December 2019 Billed Water Revenue by Month Water Service Revenue Monthly Actuals v. Budget ) $ ( s r a l l o D f o s n o i l l i M 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Nov Oct 25.52 22.74 20.34 20.46 18.25 19.38 21.17 22.42 24.73 29.39 32.51 31.53 Mar Apr May Sep Aug Dec Feb Jan Jun Jul Budget Actual Variance % Var 32.25 24.30 20.64 6.73 1.56 0.30 26.4% 6.9% 1.5% FY'19-Actual 20.48 18.89 17.34 17.66 17.48 17.21 20.04 20.48 22.66 25.01 32.99 36.84 3 Financial Status Report – December 2019 Water Revenue by Class Revenue by Customer Class Year-to-Date Water Service Revenue s r a l l o D f o s n o i l l i M 40 30 20 10 0 Budget Actual Variance % Var Residential Multifamily Commercial 18.76 27.33 14.64 Large Vol. Wholesale 2.56 5.31 33.45 6.12 22.4% 15.15 0.51 3.5% 20.29 1.53 8.2% 5.54 0.23 4.3% 2.76 0.20 7.8% Total 68.60 77.19 8.59 12.5% 4 Financial Status Report – December 2019 Rainfall by Month (Inches) Monthly Rainfall Actual vs. Normal i n a R f o s e h c n I 6 5 4 3 2 1 - Normal Actual Oct 4.40 2.53 Nov 2.88 0.62 Dec 2.39 0.78 Jan 2.20 0 Feb 1.72 0 Mar 2.82 0 Apr 2.26 0 May 4.84 0 Jun 3.23 0 Jul 2.31 0 Aug 2.33 0 Sep 2.97 0 National Weather Service data collected at Austin - Camp Mabry compared to 20-year averages In December 2019, 0.78 inches of rain fell, 1.61 inches below normal for the month. Generally, as rainfall increases significantly, water pumpage decreases and wastewater influent increases due to inflow and infiltration. Conversely, as rainfall decreases significantly, water pumpage increases and wastewater influent decreases. 5 Financial Status Report – …

Scraped at: March 12, 2020, 7:30 p.m.
Water and Wastewater CommissionMarch 11, 2020

Approved Minutes original pdf

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Water & Wastewater Commission Regular Meeting March 11, 2020 Approved April 10, 2020 The Water and Wastewater Commission convened in a regular meeting on March 11, 2020 at Waller Creek Center, 625 East 10th Street, Room 104, in Austin, Texas. AGENDA Commissioners: Chien Lee, Chair William Moriarty Jesse Penn Nhat Ho Christianne Castleberry, Vice Chair Travis Michel - Absent Mia Parton - Absent Annie Schmitt - Absent Christy Williams - Absent Grant Fisher Susan Turrieta Commissioners in Attendance: William Moriarty, Jesse Penn, Chien Lee, Christianne Castleberry, Nhat Ho, Grant Fisher, Susan Turrieta Staff in Attendance: Greg Meszaros, Randi Jenkins, David Anders, Dan Strub, Rebecca Vento, Chris Stewart, Mehrdad Morabbi, Shwetha Pandurangi, Matt Cullen, Georigia Billea, Colleen Kirk, Bill Stauber, Charles Celauro, Danielle Lord, Katie Frazier, Anna Bryan-Borja, Rick Coronado, Janet Atkinson, Tina Romero, Aldo Ranzani, Kevin Koeller, Heather Cooke, Brian Haws, Martin Tower, Teresa Lutes, Denise Avery, and Blanca Madriz Others in Attendance: Gabriel Castano, Eric Bailey, Jim Howard, Ioan Chiereseu, Michael Singleton, Monica Stiggins, Alexander Krokov, David Wych, Rick Harland, Benny Vanden Avond, Jeremy Wall, Rick Wilson, Greg Shaw CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chair Chien Lee. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION None. A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes from the February 12, 2020 Water & Wastewater Commission regular meeting were approved on a 7-0-0-4 vote on Commissioner Penn’s motion and Commissioner Castleberry’s second. Commissioners Michel, Parton, Schmitt and Williams were absent. B. ITEMS FOR COMMISSION’S REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION FOR APPROVAL TO CITY COUNCIL Water & Wastewater Commission Regular Meeting March 11, 2020 1. Recommend approval to negotiate and execute a contract with Lakeside Equipment Corporation, to provide a Raptor® fine screen with tank, in an amount not to exceed $130,000. Recommended by the Water and Wastewater Commission on Commissioner Castleberry’s Motion and Commissioner Turrieta’s 2nd on a 7-0-0-4 vote with Commissioners Michel, Parton, Schmitt and Williams absent. 2. Recommend approval to negotiate and execute two multi-term contracts with Ace Floor Solutions LLC (MBE) and Corza Construction LLC (MBE), to provide flooring installation and repair services, each for up to five years for total contract amounts not to exceed $16,885,000, divided between the contractors. Austin Water’s requested authorization is $1,500,000. Recommended by the Water and Wastewater Commission on Commissioner Castleberry’s Motion and Commissioner Turrieta’s 2nd on a 7-0-0-4 vote with Commissioners Michel, Parton, Schmitt and Williams absent. 3. Recommend approval to negotiate and execute …

Scraped at: April 10, 2020, 7:30 p.m.
Water and Wastewater CommissionMarch 11, 2020

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Scraped at: April 10, 2020, 7:30 p.m.
Early Childhood CouncilMarch 11, 2020

20200311-3a: Encourage representation from the Early Childhood Council on the Joint Inclusion Committee original pdf

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Scraped at: April 13, 2020, 10:10 a.m.
Early Childhood CouncilMarch 11, 2020

20200311-3c: Encourage Austin ISD to Fund Pre-K Teaching Assistants original pdf

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Scraped at: April 13, 2020, 10:10 a.m.
Early Childhood CouncilMarch 11, 2020

20200311-3d: Direct Manana Fund revenue to Early Childhood original pdf

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Scraped at: April 13, 2020, 10:10 a.m.
Electric BoardMarch 11, 2020

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MARCH 11, 2020 SPECIAL CALLED MEETING Electric Board DRAFT MINUTES The Electric Board convened in a Special Called Board Meeting on March 11, 2020 at Development Service Department, 5202 E. Ben White, Room 122. Chairman Flores called the Board Meeting to order at 10:05 am. Board Members in Attendance: Delwin Goss, David Adamson, Michael King, Michael King, Randy Pomikahl, Mark Weaver, Rogelio Wallace and Nicole Stasek Members Not in Attendance: Ben Brenneman and Robert Schmidt Staff in Attendance: Rick Arzola (DSD), Eric Zimmerman (DSD), Marty Starrett (DSD) and Mitchell Tolbert (DSD) 1. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: David Johnson 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes from the January 15, 2020 meeting was approved as written. Vice Chair member Pomikahl made a motion to accept the minutes as written. Board member Goss second the motion, motion passed 8-0. 3. DISCUSSION a. Austin Criteria Manual Update- DSD Residential Electrical Supervisor Eric Zimmerman reported to the board that Austin Energy cancelled their February 28 meeting and has re-scheduled for Friday March 13. So as now, no updates for the board. 4. DISCUSSION AND ACTION a. NEC ELECTRICAL ORDINANCE: Commercial Electrical Supervisor Marty Starrett informs the board that the request for Council Action Hearing has been accepted and approved and that Council is now set to hear our recommendation of the NEC Ordinance on April 9. Also, the Law department has reviewed the draft and has made some corrections to the language of the ordinance and that Staff wants final vote of those changes. Eric Zimmerman- Residential Electrical Supervisor, goes over all key areas that law has modified. After a few questions from the Board and the answers that staff provided, Board approved the changes and voted 8-0 to accept the ordinance as modified. Board member Goss made the motion to approve, Board member Stasek seconded the motion, motion passed. b. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION-LETTER TO COUNCIL REGARDING THE APPOINTMENT OF DAVID JOHNSON BACK TO THE BOARD: David Johnson, who signed up under citizen communication addressed the board and requested this item to be removed. Board made the motion to approve the request of item 4B to be removed. Board member Pomikahl made the motion for its removal, board member Goss, seconded. Motion passed 8-0. Side note: Board member Goss, addressed the board that he will resign from the board and seek other ventures. He would address his councilmember to consider David Johnson to fulfill his duties. …

Scraped at: April 21, 2020, midnight