Multi Family Commercial Pipeline December 2020 — original pdf

Multifamily & Commercial Project Pipeline – Monthly Report 12/4/2020 Figure 1: Commercial and Multifamily Project Pipeline Commercial and Small Business Multifamily 127 24 Pre-Approval in Progress Approved: Installation FY21 Paid and Verification Pre-Approval in Approved: Installation FY21 Paid Progress and Verification 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 t n u o C t c e o r P j 65 70 Multifamily Income Qualified Multifamily 9 5 5 3 250 200 150 100 50 0 t n u o C t c e o r P j 237 Project Pipeline Notes: 1. Figures includes all leads and applications, regardless of estimated rebate amount. 2. “Pre-Approval in Progress” includes: 1) customer/contractor submitted leads; 2) applications in development but not yet submitted to Austin Energy; and 3) applications submitted to Austin Energy that are under review for eligibility and approval of project scope. 3. “Approved: Installation and Verification” includes projects: 1) approved with installation underway; and 2) where installation is complete and final inspection and quality review are ongoing. 4. “FY21 Projects Paid” includes projects in which the check or payment has been distributed to the customer in FY21 5. In coordination with the customer and contractor, Austin Energy periodically removes leads and new applications that do not proceed to Installation. 6. Multifamily COVID-19 Note: Multifamily projects are allowed to proceed. Tenant approval will be obtained for all interior upgrades. Projects will proceed in phases to limit contractor time spent in tenant spaces. 7. Commercial & Small Business COVID-19 Note: Program staff continue to process rebate payments. Inspections are proceeding with remote video software; limited in-person inspections occur when absolutely necessary. Multifamily & Commercial Project Pipeline – Monthly Report 12/4/2020 Table 1: Multifamily and Multifamily Income Qualified – Estimated RCA Project Pipeline (for estimated rebates >$62k) Program Multifamily Income Qualified Multifamily Income Qualified Multifamily Income Qualified Latest Enrollment Workflow # Location Name Installation Address Council District Estimated kW savings Estimated kWh savings Estimated $ Incentive Measures Planned Paid 1183402 Lupine Terrace* 1 34.8 131,144 $62,724 Installation 1203275 Bent Tree Apartments* 10 98.3 231,788 $82,263 Installation 1203807 Huntington Meadows* 1 56.3 206,305 $97,860 Multifamily Installation Nalle Woods* 10 57.0 263,247 $98,886 1137 GUNTER ST 8405 BENT TREE RD 7000 DECKER LN 4700 N CAPITAL OF TEXAS HWY SB 4701 STAGGERBRUSH RD 14233 The Lakes Blvd 8 7 1190747, 1205154 1201740, 1201741, 1190308 1205826, 1207373, 1207491 Multifamily Installation Monterrey Ranch* 194.4 33,247 $107,410 Solar Screens 1,070 Multifamily Installation Lantower Tech Ridge* 68.9 328,210 $151,500 * projects in which the RCA Fact Sheet was submitted in a prior month’s report Total # of Units 140 126 200 238 Lighting, Smart Thermostat, HVAC Tune-Up, Air Conditioner Replacement and Smart Thermostats Lighting, Smart Thermostat, HVAC Tune-Up Phase 1 (unoccupied) and Phase 2 (occupied): HVAC Tune-Up and Smart Thermostats Smart Thermostats and HVAC Tune-Up 375 Multifamily & Commercial Project Pipeline – Monthly Report 12/4/2020 Table 2: Commercial and Small Business – Estimated RCA Project Pipeline (for estimated rebates >$62k) Program Latest Workflow Enrollment Number Location Name Installation Address Council District Estimated kW savings Estimated kWh savings Estimated $ Incentive Measures Planned Commercial Installation 1195942 Costco* Commercial Installation 1179740 Atria Senior Living* Commercial Installation 1201470 Lowe’s #1948* 4301 W WILLIAM CANNON DR A 9306 GREAT HILLS TRL 12611 SHOPS PKWY Unit 200 8 10 ETJ 252 220 713,089 $ 62,488 Lighting 839,176 $63,335 Lighting 234.4 664,837 $62,247 Lighting * projects in which the RCA Fact Sheet was submitted in a prior month’s report Notes: 1. Rebates, kW, and kWh are subject to change pending final installation scope and site inspections. 2. The above pipeline includes projects that, upon completion of the pre-installation inspection, exceed $62k in estimated rebates. RCA Fact Sheets will be provided for these projects based on the approved scope. 3. Estimated kW and kWh savings include estimated transmission and distribution system losses.