D-01 (Resilience Is Community).pdf — original pdf

Dear Recipient, In May 2020, the City Council of the City of Austin passed a resolution regarding community resilience building and comprehensive resilience planning in order to create a more resilient Austin. As we work to amplify the City’s efforts universally to address societal shocks and stressors relevant to our community, we have begun to meet with community members so that together, we can begin to give shape to the comprehensive resilience planning effort of the City of Austin. I am writing to extend an invitation to your board, commission, or city group to attend our upcoming Community is Resilience event on December 16, 2020. At the event we will: 1) Provide an update on City of Austin resilience efforts, 2) Engage in interactive activities on shocks and stressors, and equity in comprehensive resilience planning. This event is part of a series of events with community members that will inform the focus and design of the City of Austin’s comprehensive resilience planning process. We invite you to send up to three members of your group to represent your group at this event. Because our mandate is to center equity in the comprehensive resilience planning process, we ask that whenever possible you select for attendance members of your boards, commissions and city groups that: • Are themselves from communities/groups that are most affected by societal shocks and stressors, • Work directly with communities/groups that are most affected by societal shocks and stressors, • Operate with/are versed in a strong equity lens. Title: Resilience Is Community – A Conversation with Austin Boards and Commissions Date: Wednesday, December 16, 2020 Time: 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. (CST) IS Resilience in Community A conversation w/ Austin Boards and Commissions Hosted by the City of Austin Resilience Wednesday, December 16, 2020 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. CST IN 2020, the City of Austin City Council passed a resolution on comprehensive community resilience building to create a more resilient Austin. Please join us for an update on the new resilience portfolio and interactive dialogue on Austin's resilience context that will help us shape comprehensive resilience planning in Austin! Registration Link: https://zoom.us/j/98849510988? pwd=T0xTMkNUU003RDF0d2t4bVFYaitPdz09