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Electric Utility CommissionJune 8, 2020

Item 6: EnergyMgmt v SmartMeterTX original pdf

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Item 6 Energy Management and Smart Meter Texas Kheira Ardjani IT Systems Consultant, CIS Operations, IT Austin Energy John Halter IT BSA Senior, AMI, ESD Austin Energy June 2020 © 2018 Austin Energy Energy Management Monthly Electric Usage Billing Details Graphic Visualizations with Weather Data Daily / Interval Electric Meter Usage Details (as available) Home Energy Audit Personalized Usage Tips Educational Weekly Energy Updates Proactive Email Alerts for High Usage 2 COA Utilities Opower Energy Management Program Tour 3 Smart Meter Texas Electric Usage Reports Electric Data Graphs On Demand Reads My Friend’s Data In-home Device Management Third Party Agreements 4 Smart Meter Texas Dashboard 5 QUESTIONS / DISCUSSION 6 ©2018 Austin Energy. All rights reserved. Austin Energy and the Austin Energy logo and combinations thereof are trademarks of Austin Energy, the electric department of the City of Austin, Texas. Other names are for informational purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective owners.

Scraped at: June 6, 2020, 12:20 a.m.
Electric Utility CommissionJune 8, 2020

Item 8: Council Action Report original pdf

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Item 8 EUC Report re Council Action June 8, 2020 Items below approved by EUC May 11; Council approved on date indicated in parenthesis. 2. (5/21) [Purchasing] Authorize award of a multi-term contract with TransAmerican Power Products, to provide distribution steel poles, for up to five years for a total contract amount not to exceed $6,000,000. 3. (6/4) [Purchasing] Authorize negotiation and execution of a multi-term contract with Technology International Inc., to provide neutral grounding resistors for up to five years for a total contract amount not to exceed $790,000. 4. (6/4) [Purchasing] Authorize negotiation and execution of a multi-term contract with CLEAResult Consulting Inc D/B/A CLEAResult, to provide support services for energy efficiency retail instant savings program, for up to five years for a total contract amount not to exceed $5,250,000. 5. (6/4) [Purchasing: Various depts; AE’s portion approximately $1.7M] Authorize negotiation and execution of a cooperative contract with Home Depot USA Inc., to provide maintenance, repair, operating supplies, industrial supplies, and related products and services, for a term of 79 months for a total contract amount not to exceed $13,107,300. Item below approved by EUC May 11; Council consideration on date indicated in parenthesis. 6. (6/11) [Purchasing: Various depts; AE’s portion approximately $550K] Authorize negotiation and execution of a multi-term cooperative contract with Cornish Medical Electronics Corporation of Texas D/B/A Cornish Medical, to provide automated external defibrillators, bleed kits, accessories, and related services, for up to three years for a total contract amount not to exceed $5,410,000. 1

Scraped at: June 6, 2020, 12:20 a.m.
Electric Utility CommissionJune 8, 2020

Items 2-3: Draft RCAs original pdf

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Item 20-2166 Item 2 Posting Language ..Title Authorize negotiation and execution of a multi-term cooperative contract through Staples Contract & Commercial LLC, with Summus Industries Inc. (MBE), to provide office supplies and related services, for up to five years for a total contract amount not to exceed $13,432,500. (Note: This procurement was reviewed for subcontracting opportunities in accordance with City Code Chapter 2-9D Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program. For the goods and services required for this procurement, there were no subcontracting opportunities; therefore, no subcontracting goals were established). ..Body Lead Department Purchasing Office. Client Department(s) All City Departments. Fiscal Note Funding in the amount of $943,667 is available in the Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Operating Budget of various City departments. Funding for the remaining contract term is contingent upon available funding in future budgets. Purchasing Language: Multiple vendors within this cooperative purchasing program were reviewed for these goods and services. The Purchasing Office has determined this contractor best meets the needs of the departments to provide the goods and services required at the best value for the City. Prior Council Action: For More Information: Inquiries should be directed to the City Manager’s Agenda Office, at 512-974-2991 or or to Claudia Rodriquez, at 512-974-2959 or Council Committee, Boards and Commission Action: June 8, 2020 – To be reviewed by the Electric Utility Commission. June 10, 2020 - To be reviewed by the Water and Wastewater Commission. Additional Backup Information: The contract will provide a reliable source of office and workplace-related products and services used by various City departments. Staff will have quick and reliable access to products available from the contractor’s online ordering system. The contract will offer a wide variety of office and workplace supplies, including: 100% recycled paper, sustainable desk supplies, toner, and safety supplies. Staples Contract & Commercial LLC warehouses items and delivers orders to over 265 City locations with next day delivery. These goods and related services are provided through a developed strategic alliance with Summus Industries Inc., an independently owned, operated, and City certified minority-owned business. The program enhances the value of services provided to the City through Summus Industries’ customer service, ordering website, delivery tracking, order management, and overall experience in the office supply industry. The Purchasing Office conducted an analysis and determined that the Summus Industries Inc. cooperative contract provides the best value to the City. The analysis included …

Scraped at: June 6, 2020, 12:20 a.m.
Arts CommissionJune 8, 2020

Agenda original pdf

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Special Called Meeting of the Art in Public Places Panel June 8, 2020 – 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM Art in Public Places Panel to be held June 8, 2020 with Social Distancing Modifications Public comment will be allowed via telephone; no in-person input will be allowed. All speakers must register in advance, the day before the scheduled meeting, Sunday, June 7 by Noon. All public comment will occur at the beginning of the meeting. To speak remotely at the June 8 Art in Public Places Panel Meeting, residents must: • Call or email the panel liaison at 512-974-9310 or no later than noon, Sunday, June 7. The information required is the speaker name, item number(s) they wish to speak on, whether they are for/against/neutral, and a telephone number or email address. • Once a request to speak has been called in or emailed to the panel liaison, residents will receive either an email or phone call providing the telephone number to call on the day of the scheduled meeting. • Speakers must call in at least 30 minutes prior to meeting start in order to speak, late callers will not be accepted and will not be able to speak. • Speakers will be placed in a queue until their time to speak. • Handouts or other information may be emailed to by Noon the day before (Sunday, June 7) the scheduled meeting. This information will be provided to the AIPP Panel members in advance of the meeting. 2. ART IN PUBLIC PLACES PANEL AGENDA Special Called Meeting - Monday, June 8, 2020; 6:00 PM VIA VIDEOCONFERENCING CURRENT PANEL MEMBERS: Tammie Rubin – Chair, Jacob Villanueva –Vice Chair, Brett Barnes – Arts Commission Liaison, Sarah Carr, Stephanie Lemmo, Joel Nolan, Vacant seat CALL TO ORDER CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL The first 10 speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items posted on the agenda. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. Approve minutes from Regular Meeting on Monday, June 1, 2020. NEW BUSINESS a. Discussion and Action Items i. Review revisions to the Art in Public Places Guidelines - Jacob Villaneuva -Sarah Carr ii. Review details of the comprehensive Prospectus for thirteen Corridor Construction Program Art in Public Places Projects iii. Discuss next steps for the TEMPO Refresh project. 3. OLD BUSINESS a. Discussion and …

Scraped at: June 6, 2020, 1 a.m.
LGBTQ Quality of Life Advisory CommissionJune 8, 2020

Backup original pdf

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LGB TQ QUA LITY OF LIFE A D VISORY COM M ISSION RECOM M END A TION 20 20 0 60 8 -2C D at e Su b jec t Ju n e 8, 20 20 BLACK LIVES M ATTER: Urg en t St ep s t o Reform in g t h e Au st in Police D ep art m en t , Prot ect in g t h e Rig h t s of Peacefu l Prot est ors, an d D em ilit arizin g Pu b lic Safet y Rec om m en d at ion t o Cou n cil A. Commit to the Austin Justice Coalition’s Six Requests of Austin City Council 1. D em an d t h e resig n at ion s of t h e failed p u b lic safet y lead ersh ip : Ch ief Brian M an ley, h is Ch ief of St aff Troy Gay an d t h e civilian m an ag em en t lead Assist an t Cit y M an ag er Rey Arellan o. 2. D irect t h e cit y m an ag er t o d ecrease t h e APD b u d g et b y $10 0 m illion in t h e fiscal year t h at st art s on Oct ob er 1, 20 20 . 3. Pled g e t o con t in u e t o sig n ifican t ly d ecrease t h e p olice d ep art m en t ’s b u d g et in su b seq u en t years as Au st in b u ild s ou t rob u st an d w ell fu n d ed alt ern at ives t o p olicin g . 4 . Prot ect an d exp an d cu rren t in vest m en t s in non -p olice p u b lic h ealt h an d safet y st rat eg ies an d d irect assist an ce t o t h ose m ost in n eed d u e t o t h e p an d em ic. 5. Pu rsu e in vest m en t s in com m u n it y-led in it …

Scraped at: June 8, 2020, 2:10 p.m.
LGBTQ Quality of Life Advisory CommissionJune 8, 2020

Backup original pdf

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LGB TQ QUA LITY OF LIFE A D VISORY COM M ISSION RECOM M END A TION 20 20 0 60 8 -2B D at e Su b jec t Ju n e 8, 20 20 In volvem en t of Cit y Board s an d Com m ission s in t h e Procu rem en t Process Rec om m en d at ion t o Cou n cil D irect t h e cit y m an ag er t o revise p olicies an d p roced u res relat ed t o t h e in volvem en t of Cit y Board s an d Com m ission s in t h e p rocu rem en t p rocess t o: 1. In crease t ran sp aren cy of t h e p rocu rem en t p rocess, esp ecially as it relat es t o t h e p rocu rem en t of services relat ed t o t h e ad visory resp on sib ilit y of Board s an d Com m ission s t o t h e Cit y Cou n cil; 2. En su re t h at Board s an d Com m ission s m em b ers are eq u ip p ed w it h all availab le in form at ion ab ou t t h e p rocu rem en t p rocess as w ell as b ack u p d ocu m en t at ion ab ou t t h e recom m en d ed ven d or p u t fort h b y select ion com m it t ees; an d 3. Fu lly u t ilize t h e su b ject m at t er exp ert ise of Board s an d Com m ission s m em b ers w h en p rocu rin g services for t h e Cit y t h at d irect ly relat e t o t h e b u sin ess of t h e resp ect ive Board or Com m ission . Rat ion ale Th e LGBTQ+ Qu alit y of Life Com m ission w as aw ard ed $20 0 ,0 0 0 t o p rocu re a st u …

Scraped at: June 8, 2020, 2:10 p.m.
LGBTQ Quality of Life Advisory CommissionJune 8, 2020

Backup original pdf

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LGB TQ QUA LITY OF LIFE A D VISORY COM M ISSION RECOM M END A TION 20 20 0 60 8 -2A D at e Su b jec t Ju n e 8, 20 20 Recom m en d at ion for Aw ard of RFP 4 4 0 0 JSB30 0 5 LGBTQIA+ Qu alit y of Life St u d y Rec om m en d at ion t o Cou n cil Th e com m ission [ap p roves t h e/d oes n ot ap p rove t h e/d eclin es t o m ak e a] recom m en d at ion for aw ard of RFP 4 4 0 0 JSB30 0 5 LGBTQIA+ Qu alit y of Life St u d y t o Healt h M an ag em en t Associat es, In c. Rat ion ale [To b e d et erm in ed d u rin g d iscu ssion on It em 2A] Vot e D at e of Ap p roval: Record of t h e vot e: Presen t : At t est : _____________________________________________ Kat h ryn Gon zales, Vice Ch air

Scraped at: June 8, 2020, 2:10 p.m.
Tourism CommissionJune 8, 2020

Approved Minutes of Febraury 10, 2020 meeting original pdf

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Tourism Commission February 10, 2020 6:30pm Austin Convention Center 500 E. Cesar Chavez Austin, TX 78701 MINUTES In Attendance: Alta Alexander Vanessa Fuentes Rachel Magee Edward Bailey John Riedie Lois Rodriguez Brian Rodgers Mike Cannatti Catlin Whitington Absent: Scott Joslove Bill Bunch Staff and Other In Attendance: Felicia Ojeda, Austin Convention Center Department, Staff liaison Trisha Tatro, Austin Convention Center Department, Interim Director Carla Steffen, Austin Convention Center Department, Deputy Director AGENDA 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER a. Meeting called to order at 6:40 pm by Chair, Catlin Whitington 2. CITIZEN COMMUNICATIONS: GENERAL 6:40pm a. No Citizen Communications 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 6:41pm a. August 12, 2019 – Motioned to approve Commissioner Fuentes, Second by Rodgers. All votes to approve b. September 9, 2019- Motioned to approve by Chair Whitington, Second by Commissioner Fuentes. Commissioners Alexander, Fuentes, Bailey, Magee, Riedie, Rodgers, and Whitington approved minutes and Commissioner Cannatti abstained c. December 9, 2019- Motioned to approve by Commissioner Fuentes and second by Chair Whitington. Commissioners Alexander, Fuentes, Bailey, Magee, Riedie, Rodgers, and Whitington approved minutes and Commissioner Cannatti abstained 4. OLD BUSINESS 6:44pm The Commission discussed the following agenda item: a. Discussed the Commission Working Groups and Working Groups Updates a. Commissioner Cannatti motioned to Working Group lists. Second by Chair Whitington. Approved by all Commissioners presence b. Chair Whitington motions to approve Short-Term Rentals Working Groups with Commissioners Fuentes, Whitington, Alexander, and Rodgers. Seconded by Commissioner Bailey. Approved by all Commissioners present. c. Chair Whitington motions to approve and separate to Working Groups for Arts and Historic. Commissioners Magee and Rodriguez with Arts Working Group and Commissioners Rodriguez, Riedie and Bailey with Historic Working Group. Seconded by Commissioner Rodgers. All Commissioners presence approved. b. Discussed future Commission meetings and dates. a. Chair Whitington proposes to Quarterly Meetings, Months of May, August, November 2020 and February 2021 i. Commissioner Riedie opposes to Quarterly Meetings due to possibility of missing significant information. Proposes Bi-Monthly meetings. b. Vice -Chair Magee and Second by Commissioner Alexander motions to move the meetings to Bi -monthly meetings. All Commissioners presence voted approved. 5. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 7:52pm The Commission may discuss and identify future agenda items, topics, or presentations a. Discuss additional tax mechanisms that are affected by tourism. b. State Economic Development and Tourism, Marketing efforts c. Visit Austin, Marketing efforts 6. ADJOURNMENT Chair, Catlin Whitington adjourned the meeting at 8:22 pm. The City …

Scraped at: June 8, 2020, 9:50 p.m.
Tourism CommissionJune 8, 2020

Austin Convention Center Department, HOT Programs update original pdf

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HOT Funded Programs- Update to Tourism Commission June 8, 2020 Katy Zamesnik, Convention Center HOT-Funded Programs Update FY20 Budget FY20 CYE FY21 FY22 FY23 FY24 FY25 Proposed Projected Projected Projected Projected Cultural Arts $11,880,629 $8,623,318 $7,790,403 $8,369,337 $8,991,293 $9,659,468 $10,377,299 Historic Preservation $15,025,076 $11,087,123 $10,016,232 $10,760,576 $11,560,234 $12,419,316 $13,342,241 Live Music $3,144,447 $2,463,805 $2,225,829 $2,391,239 $2,568,941 $2,759,848 $2,964,942 TOTAL PROGRAMS $30,050,152 $22,174,246 $20,032,465 $21,521,152 $23,120,467 $24,838,632 $26,684,482 Hotel Occupancy Tax Collections as of April 30, 2020: $58.5M 2

Scraped at: June 8, 2020, 9:50 p.m.
Tourism CommissionJune 8, 2020

Historic Hotel Occupancy Tax Graphs original pdf

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HOT Taxable Revenue for COA Properties Annual, 1995 - 2017 19951996199719981999200020012002200320042005200620072008200920102011201220132014201520162017 HOT Taxable Revenue for COA Properties Monthly, 1995 - 2017 5 9 - n a J 5 9 - t c O 6 9 - l u J 7 9 - r p A 8 9 - n a J 8 9 - t c O 9 9 - l u J 0 0 - r p A 1 0 - n a J 1 0 - t c O 2 0 - l u J 3 0 - r p A 4 0 - n a J 4 0 - t c O 5 0 - l u J 6 0 - r p A 7 0 - n a J 7 0 - t c O 8 0 - l u J 9 0 - r p A 0 1 - n a J 0 1 - t c O 1 1 - l u J 2 1 - r p A 3 1 - n a J 3 1 - t c O 4 1 - l u J 5 1 - r p A 6 1 - n a J 6 1 - t c O 7 1 - l u J $1,200,000,000.00 $1,000,000,000.00 $800,000,000.00 $600,000,000.00 $400,000,000.00 $200,000,000.00 $- $160,000,000.00 $140,000,000.00 $120,000,000.00 $100,000,000.00 $80,000,000.00 $60,000,000.00 $40,000,000.00 $20,000,000.00 $- Catlin Whitington - 2020

Scraped at: June 8, 2020, 9:50 p.m.
Tourism CommissionJune 8, 2020

Visit Austin, Marketing Board Recap original pdf

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Visit Austin Marketing Recap M A R K E T I N G , P R , T O U R I S M , M U S I C A N D F I L M | M A R C H - M A Y 2 0 2 0 While all paid advertising efforts are paused, we’ve ensured that our website and social media accounts remain active engaging our audience with timely, relevant and inspiring content. Meanwhile, efforts are also underway to develop a recovery campaign that will deploy when the market is ready. As part of our ongoing commitment to our local hospitality community, we are bringing additional attention to the products and services Austinites and visitors can take advantage of from home. These efforts are engaging with thousands of locals and non-locals every day. W E B S I T E In March, we launched our new (temporary) homepage “Visit Austin, From Home” which highlights Austin content users can take advantage of from home.​ ​ In mid-June, we will launch a new homepage (and other web & social content) designed to support travelers in trip-planning mode, as well as provide Austin content for those that remain at home. S O C I A L M E D I A P E R F O R M A N C E The current goal of Visit Austin’s social media platforms, including leisure, meetings, film, sports and music, is to be a source of entertainment for its followers during the COVID-19 crisis, while continuing to promote local businesses and attractions. Despite paid efforts on pause, betwee​n April 1- May 30,​ Visit Austin’s leisure channels still earned: ● ● ● 843 new followers 93,437 engagements 2,579,536 ​ impressions @visitaustin @musicaustin ​@meetaustin @filmatx @sportsaustin All of this signals that while fans can’t travel now, people are still dreaming of visiting Austin. Follow us today at: @visitaustin @musicaustin Music Austin Visit Austin, Texas VisitAustinTX R E C E N T M A R K E T I N G A C T I V I T I E S Austin Table Cookbook During National Travel and Tourism Week, we launched Austin Table in partnership with R/GA Austin. This​ digital cookbook is filled with recipes from the menus of 21 beloved local restaurants. 100% of profits go directly to participating restaurants. Since May 6th, this project has raised more than $15,000 to …

Scraped at: June 8, 2020, 9:50 p.m.
Tourism CommissionJune 8, 2020

Visit Austin, Travel and Tourism Update original pdf

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T R A V E L & T O U R I S M U P D A T E Tom Noonan, President & CEO of Visit Austin T R A V E L I N D U S T R Y I M P A C T L O S T B U S I N E S S 3 C A N C E L L A T I O N I M P A C T I M P A C T O F C A N C E L E D V I S I T A U S T I N B O O K I N G S I M P A C T O F S X S W C A N C E L L A T I O N 263 308,842 $81 MM $316 MM 58,000 $34 MM C A N C E L E D T O T A L R O O M L O S T H O T E L G R O U P S N I G H T S R E V E N U E T O T A L E C O N O M I C I M P A C T T O T A L R O O M N I G H T S L O S T H O T E L R E V E N U E *Farthest out citywide cancellation: early November *Farthest out future cancellation: April 2021 (this is the only 2021 cancellation thus far) NOTE: Cancellation loss represents Visit Austin booked meetings only, as of MAY 31; SXSW estimated room night/revenue loss per STR analysis 4 F U T U R E B O O K I N G S 5 R O O M N I G H T S O N T H E B O O K S T E N T A T I V E F U N N E L YEAR # Leads TRN ESTIMATED ECONOMIC IMPACT 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 137 348 141 99 43 24 8 6 4 1 73,573 $64,398,827 341,184 $240,719,605 245,270 $177,661,349 314,443 $223,768,730 192,476 $164,380,220 96,475 76,064 17,087 14,306 2,824 $88,360,066 $39,473,300 $17,582,850 $14,323,200 $2,218,950 TOTAL 811 1,373,02 $1 Billion L E A D T R E N D S (March-May) ● Lead volume …

Scraped at: June 8, 2020, 9:50 p.m.
Water and Wastewater CommissionJune 8, 2020

D3 original pdf

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Drinking Water and Reclaimed Water CIP Update Shay Ralls Roalson, P.E. Matt Cullen, P.E. Gareth Nicely, P.E. June 8, 2020 5 Year Capital Improvement Plan (by funding category) Reclaimed Water CIP FY 2020 "Completing the Core" Projects Estimated Project Cost W/WWC Review Construction RCA Project Name Oltorf Street RW Ph. I Oltorf Street RW Ph. II Travis Heights RW Barton South Congress RW ABIA North Onion Creek Phase I Onion Creek Park Ph. II $4.0 M $5.2 M $4.3 M $3.4 M $1.3 M $8.1 M $0.7 M Early FY22 Early FY22 Early FY23 Late FY22 Late FY21 Mid FY21 5/6/2020 System Expansion Projects Reclaimed Water CIP FY 2020  Projects to fully utilize the Montopolis Reservoir and Pump Station • Nearing completion  Non-CIP Projects • Updating RW master plan with in-house engineering resources  Centralized plan to be complete this Fall  Distributed WW Reuse plan to be created in FY21  Develop Sewer Mining Strategy in FY22 • System Water Hammer Analysis • To be completed this FY Water Distribution System CIP FY 2020 System Improvement CIPs Project Name Estimated Project Cost Next W/WWC Action McNeil Road TM $24.0 M Design early FY21 Highland Park Water Improvements Springdale/Hwy 290 Oltorf Pressure Zone Improvements - West Area $5.7 M $4.1 M $2.6 M Construction January 2020 Construction FY21 Construction FY22 Water Distribution System CIP FY 2020 System Maintenance/Rehabilitation CIPs Project Name Estimated Project Cost Next W/WWC Action Waterline On-call IDIQ $10 M ($2 M/year) Construction - Early FY21 Polybutylene Service Replacements $8.1 M Construction - Early FY21 Renewing Austin Program Zilker Pipeline Renewal Harmon Ave. Renewal $6.4 M $3.8 M Construction – Early FY21 Construction - Late FY20 Water Distribution System CIP FY 2020  Paving IDIQ – 5 year construction contract • $3.5 M/year for operations/maintenance follow up repairs • $0.5 M/year for AW in-house CIP construction follow up Facility Engineering Water CIP FY 2020 Water Treatment, Pumps Stations, and Reservoirs Major CIP Projects SPID 2127.012 North Austin Reservoir and Pump Station Improvements (TWDB Funded) PROJECT 2127.036 Aquifer Storage and Recovery Pilot (TWDB Funded) 5335.016 Ullrich WTP Low Service Pump Station Electrical Feed Renewal (TWDB Funded) $19,230,000 2015.041 Davis Water Treatment Plant Treated Water Discharge System 5335.070 Ullrich WTP Lime Feed Loop 5335.008 Ullrich WTP On-site Generation of Chlorine and Ammonium Sulfate Conversion $11,370,000* 2015.102 Davis WTP Polymer Feed System (2018 Flood Resiliency Improvements) $3,619,267 2015.017 Davis …

Scraped at: June 9, 2020, 12:30 a.m.
Water and Wastewater CommissionJune 8, 2020

Revision to WPD Memo pg. 6 original pdf

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Water & Wastewater Commission Review and Recommendation Government That Works For All COA Strategic Decision: June 8, 2020 Commission Meeting Date: Council Meeting Date: Department: Austin Water June 11, 2020 Client: Colleen Kirk, Kevin Critendon Agenda Item Recommend approval for Service Extension Request No. 4622 for wastewater service to a 77.78-acre tract located at 9021 W. US 290 Highway within the Drinking Water Protection Zone, the City’s 2-mile Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction and Austin Water’s service area. (District 8) Amount and Source of Funding There is no anticipated fiscal impact. N/A N/A Purchasing Language: Prior Council Action: Boards and Commission Action: MBE/WBE: June 3, 2020 - To be reviewed by the Environmental Commission. June 8, 2020 – To be reviewed by the Water and Wastewater Commission. N/A The Ledgestone project consists of approximately 77.78 acres of land located at 9021 W. US 290 Highway (the “Property”). The Property is located entirely within the City of Austin’s (the “City”) 2-mile Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction, Impact Fee Boundary, Austin Water’s service area for wastewater, the Drinking Water Protection Zone, and the Slaughter Watershed. A map of the property location is attached. Applicant: Michael Wong 1991 Trust (the “Owner”) is proposing to develop approximately 550 multi-family units. The Owner requested that the City provide wastewater utility service to the Property as proposed in Service Extension Request (SER) No. 4622. West Travis County Public Utility Agency will provide retail water service to the Property. City Code § 25-9-35 requires City Council approval for this SER because the Property is located within the Drinking Water Protection Zone and outside the City’s full-purpose corporate limits. The City will not cost participate on this project. Infrastructure Improvements: To serve the Property, the Owner will be required to construct: • Approximately 1,800 feet of 15-inch gravity wastewater main from the existing 15-inch gravity wastewater main near W SH 71 and extend west along Williamson Creek to Covered Bridge Drive, • Approximately 2,250 feet of 12-inch gravity wastewater main from the existing 8- inch gravity wastewater main located north of Towana Trail and extend west along Towana Trail and south along Mowinkle Drive, • Approximately 1,000 feet of 8-inch gravity wastewater main from the existing 8- inch gravity wastewater main in Circle Drive and extend west along W US 290 Highway, • An appropriately sized lift station within the subject tract, and • Approximately 6,150 feet of appropriately sized force main from the …

Scraped at: June 9, 2020, 12:30 a.m.
Board of AdjustmentJune 8, 2020

D-1 C16-2020-0001 LATE BACK UP original pdf

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From: To: Subject: Date: Gavino Fernandez Ramirez, Elaine Case - C16-2020-0001 Tuesday, June 02, 2020 5:15:07 PM *** External Email - Exercise Caution *** Dear Board of Adjustment Members, We the members of Barrio Unido Neighborhood Association, hereby submit this letter of support for case C16-2020-0001, variances request, for consent approval at your June 8, 2020, Board of Adjustment meeting. We met with Jason Thumlert, of Endevor and answered all of our questions. Please advise Gavino Fernandez, Jr. President Barrio Unido Neighborhood Association CAUTION: This email was received at the City of Austin, from an EXTERNAL source. Please use caution when clicking links or opening attachments. If you believe this to be a malicious and/or phishing email, please forward this email to LATE BACK UPD-1/65

Scraped at: June 9, 2020, 4:10 a.m.
Board of AdjustmentJune 8, 2020

I-1 C15-2020-0022 LATE BACK UP original pdf

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Scraped at: June 9, 2020, 4:10 a.m.
Board of AdjustmentJune 8, 2020

P-2 C15-2020-0010 PRESENTATION LATE BACK UP original pdf

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Address: 71 Julius St, Austin, TX Homeowners: Dan Coops and Amy Ruhl-Coops Variance request: Waterfront Overlay - Residential home re-build in secondary setback - Impervious cover from 30% → 36.8% Adjacent green space 1 71 Julius Street  The Austin lot we purchased had three very old buildings which had been vacant for several years (back yard view) We have planned to build these two homes on the lot → 2 It is large enough to accommodate building both our home and a home for my wife’s parents Why this lot? History We sold our primary home in north Austin in order to purchase the Julius lot. We moved into an apartment. Building plans were assembled, architecture plans completed. Structural plans completed. Water/wastewater plans completed. Everything has been paid for and the plans have been ready to go. In Dec 2019 when ready to submit building permits, Surprise! There is a thing called a Waterfront Overlay that we had never heard of, doesn’t show up on the property profile, doesn’t show up anywhere unless you know the secret layer to turn on in the GIS viewer, and yet is is suddenly blocking all progress. 3 The 35” heritage pecan 4 • The W.O. restriction is in direct conflict with preservation of the 35” pecan • We love the big trees and we were committed to preserving them • However cannot place a house further north (out of secondary setback) due to the 35” pecan • Cannot accept the loss of use of the land that both of those two city restrictions would impose • If we get denied on the W.O. variance, that denial leads to the tree removal variance 5 The proposed plan which needs the W.O. variances is good for Austin Preserves the 35” pecan 1. 2. Increases housing: total four dwelling units compared to three at time of purchase 3. Replaces uninhabitable and long-vacant units with livable homes 4. Provides adequate off-street parking so that the street can continue to be used for basketball 5. Minimizes risk of flooding and run-off by reducing the permeable surface impact by eliminating one driveway by having a shared driveway between units, as well as uses rainwater collection barrels 6. Does not obstruct the view of the water (because the view is really of trees) 7. Does not obstruct the view of the shoreline from the water (because the view is …

Scraped at: June 9, 2020, 4:10 a.m.
Board of AdjustmentJune 8, 2020


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Board of Adjustment; Guidelines for Postponements In an effort to minimize multiple, on-going postponements, the Board of Adjustment (BOA) shall set forth the following guidelines in considering the merits of requests for postponement. 1. FIRST POSTPONEMENT REQUEST (applicant or opposition): a. An applicant (or their agent) for a variance or special exception may request one (1) postponement without cause for any new case on the BOA agenda. b. The opposition (only one entity per case) to a variance or special exception may request one (1) postponement without cause for any new case on the BOA agenda. 2. SUBSEQUENT POSTPONEMENT REQUESTS: a. After the first requested postponement (by either the applicant or the opposition), consideration of any subsequent postponements shall be handled as follows: i. Applicant shall submit (in writing to the BOA Staff Liaison) a concise, clear statement outlining why an additional postponement is warranted. The applicant (or their agent) should attend the BOA hearing to answer any questions from the BOA, and be ready to proceed with the case should the request for postponement be denied. ii. Absence from the BOA hearing may result in denial of the variance or special exception request (at the Board’s sole discretion). iii. BOA may accept or reject the request for postponement based on the merits of the request. Any postponed cases shall be added to the next scheduled BOA meeting agenda. b. The BOA will consider the following in determining if a case should be postponed: i. Merits (e.g. new evidence) of the postponement request as submitted by the applicant. ii. Need for applicant to provide additional information requested by the BOA. iii. Need for applicant to consult with opposition, neighbors and neighborhood groups/planning teams, adjacent S-4/1 property owners, City Staff, design professionals, or other such entities. iv. Need for applicant to investigate and report to the BOA regarding alternative solutions, etc. v. Personal emergency. c. The BOA Staff Liaison will add to BOA’s agenda (or to the case’s back-up documents) a tally of the past postponements including (but not limited to) date and requestor of previous postponements for consideration by the Board in determining if additional postponements are warranted. 3. POSTPONEMENT REQUESTS -- Miscellaneous (based on BOA Member attendance or Staff request): a. Should the number of BOA members (including alternates) present at a hearing (by number, abstentions or recusal) be less than (eleven) 11 members for cases requiring nine (9) …

Scraped at: June 9, 2020, 4:10 a.m.
Board of AdjustmentJune 8, 2020

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Scraped at: June 9, 2020, 6:40 p.m.
LGBTQ Quality of Life Advisory CommissionJune 8, 2020

20200608-2B: Recommendation to Improve Boards and Commissions Involvement in the Procurement Process original pdf

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Date LGBTQ QUALITY OF LIFE ADVISOR COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION 20200608-2B June 8, 2020 Involvement of City Boards and Commissions in the Procurement Process Subject Recommendation to Council Direct the city manager to revise policies and procedures related to the involvement of City Boards and Commissions in the procurement process to: 1. Increase transparency of the procurement process, especially as it relates to the procurement of services related to the advisory responsibility of Boards and Commissions to the City Council; 2. Ensure that Boards and Commissions members are equipped with all available information about the procurement process as well as backup documentation about the recommended vendor put forth by evaluation team; and 3. Fully utilize the subject matter expertise of Boards and Commissions members when procuring services for the City that directly relate to the business of the respective Board or Commission. Rationale The LGBTQ+ Quality of Life Commission was awarded $200,000 to procure a study of the quality of life of the LGBTQIA+ community in Austin. Commissioner Taylor liaised between the Equity Office and the Commission to create a scope of work and statement of deliverables. These documents were used to post a request for proposal. Three proposals were submitted and reviewed by an evaluation team of five City employees who are all members of the LGBTQIA+ community. Based on the scoring criteria, the evaluation team recommended Health Management Associates, Inc. be awarded the contract. When briefed about the recommended vendor, the Commission was only provided with three documents: Page 1 of 3 1. A cover letter from the Purchasing Office explaining that the evaluation team recommended that Health Management Associates, Inc. be awarded the contract. 2. A copy of the scoring matrix used by the evaluation team. 3. The City of Austin Purchasing Office Log of Offers Received. The Commission appreciates the evaluation team’s work and does not question their competency in assessing the submitted proposals and offering their recommendation for which vendor to contract with for our quality of life study. However, the inability of the Commission to review any documentation from the recommended vendor’s proposal leaves us poorly equipped to fulfill our duty to advise City Council in this matter and any future procurement matter. We understand that proposals often include proprietary and/or confidential information that cannot be made available to the public. Even still, it would be helpful for Commissions to see cover letters, executive summaries, resumes …

Scraped at: June 9, 2020, 7:10 p.m.