April 6, 2021 Zoning and Platting Commission Meeting Question and Answer Report B-1 Vice-Chair Barrera Ramirez: Why don't they just close out the project and revise/amend the site plan when they are ready? What are the benefits of a site plan extension? Is it only that they get to take advantage of those regulations that were in place when they originally got the development approved and they are concerned that when they are ready to build, the regulations will be stricter? Response: Pending Commissioner King / Staff response in red: 1. What specific changes (additional lodges, additional square footage, parking, traffic, water, wastewater, utilities, etc.) are associated with this request for a three-year extension to the site plan expiration date? Response: The applicants have stated that their purpose in requesting the extension of time is to allow an opportunity to revise the site plan to add additional development. They have not disclosed (and may not have decided) the specifics of any changes they may request. Just today, we received a map (attached) showing the potential location of any additional development. Note that no changes in the approved plan are permitted with an extension of time. If changes are needed, a separate correction, revision, or subsequent Site Plan would be required. 2. What impacts will the changes have on drainage, well water, water quality, environment, parking, traffic, and utilities? Response: In the event the applicants apply for a Site Plan Revision, the application would be circulated to the same review disciplines who would review a new application in the same location. To address your specific questions: Drainage: Addressed by Drainage Engineering Reviewer. Well water/groundwater quantity: Not reviewed by City Staff as there are no applicable code sections. Water Quality: Addressed by Water Quality Reviewer. Environment: Addressed by Environmental Reviewer to the extent City of Austin regulations apply. In the ETJ, such reviews are more limited than in the Full Jurisdiction. Parking: Addressed by Transportation Reviewer, however, the parking requirements of the LDC do not apply in the ETJ. Traffic: Addressed by the Transportation and Austin Transportation Department reviewers. Again, most City regulations do not apply in the ETJ. Utilities: Addressed by reviewers from Austin Water and Austin Energy. Note that Site Plan applications in the ETJ are also reviewed by Travis County staff for compliance with their development ordinances. 3. What criteria does staff use to determine if a site plan …
Developer Project Name AA H A/NA WBE AA H A/NA WBE Contract Amount SMBR Contact Sponsor Dept. Project Status % Expensed Incentive Amount Expenditures to Date Contact Name (May extend past project completion date) Project Completion Date Consultant/ Contractor Project Type/ Phase Goal Type: C=Contract or P=Project Specific SMALL MINORITY BUSINESS RESOURCES DEPARTMENT ACTIVE THIRD PARTY - APRIL 2021 PROJECT GOALS CURRENT PARTICIPATION (Goals Met to Date) MBE WBE MBE WBE CAAICON Q2 Stadium (Austin FC) Mike Rock Land Use Agreement 7/1/2021 Gensler Sports Design P 1.22% 2.90% 3.48% 3.72% 0.00% 22.41% 2.28% 3.96% $5,306,272.00 $4,709,439.34 Austin Stadco (formally Precourt Sports Venture (PSV)) Design- Miscellaneous P 1.22% 2.90% 3.48% 3.72% 0.00% 7.27% 0.81% 4.08% $1,392,517.60 $1,274,407.41 P 0.65% 1.90% 1.24% 0.91% 0.02% 0.73% 0.00% 3.69% $50,375,054.00 $49,212,809.11 P 2.04% 3.86% 0.16% 6.06% 0.00% 0.00% 1.58% 2.32% $7,956,908.00 $7,547,573.61 P 1.83% 4.70% 1.20% 1.80% 10.97% 0.30% 0.00% 1.54% $59,260,106.00 $58,058,040.52 Austin Commercial P 2.93% 2.89% 0.58% 1.13% 2.54% 6.26% 0.00% 0.54% $37,772,928.09 $37,081,302.68 Construction in progress 88.75% Construction in progress 91.52% Construction in progress 97.69% Construction in progress 94.86% Construction in progress 97.97% Construction in progress 98.17% P 1.73% 1.49% 1.00% 2.08% 0.07% 1.35% 0.00% 0.00% $13,011,547.46 $11,241,415.35 Jolene Cochran EDD Construction in progress 86.40% P 1.69% 1.51% 1.00% 2.05% 0.14% 0.00% 14.16% 0.25% $15,565,318.00 $11,060,441.70 Construction in progress 71.06% Greenwater Block 185 Misc D Trammell Crow C 2.90% 9.00% 4.90% 15.80% 0.00% 0.00% 72.70% 12.33% $284,925.86 $242,281.77 Design in progress 85.03% 4/1/2022 Green Water Treatment Plant Block 185 D STG Design P 2.90% 9.00% 4.90% 15.80% 0.00% 0.45% 0.24% 4.53% $3,695,217.96 $3,176,200.52 Design in progress 85.95% 6/1/2022 Greenwater Block 185-C DPR Construction C 2.70% 9.70% 2.30% 13.80% 0.00% 0.24% 0.01% 0.00% $244,493,758.84 $97,574,145.47 Trammell Crow Bryan Embrey/ Mark Fowler Construction in progress 39.91% 7/31/2022 Developer Agreement; Not applicable Greenwater Block 185 Misc D Trammell Crow 2.90% 9.00% 4.90% 15.80% 0.00% 0.00% 72.70% 12.33% $284,925.86 $242,281.77 Design in progress 85.03% 4/1/2022 Handel Architects/The KOR Group 2.90% 9.00% 4.90% 15.80% 0.00% 5.75% 0.30% 11.16% $2,039,345.00 $2,039,345.00 Design in progress 100.00% 3/1/2021 Green Water Block 188 Austin Commercial C 2.70% 9.70% 2.30% 13.80% 0.15% 1.24% 0.36% 2.03% $134,625,855.00 $128,756,167.72 Construction in progress 95.64% 3/1/2021 NOTE: Based on March 2021 expenditure reports. Projects are incentive based contracts approved by Council and managed by the Economic Development Department. Construction-RFP 1 Construction-RFP 2 Construction-RFP 3 Construction-RFP 4 Construction-RFP 5 Construction-RFP 6 Professional (Block 185 Misc D) …
CITY OF AUSTIN PUBLIC WORKS Contractor Payment Process Improvement MBE/WBE Advisory Committee April 6, 2021 Agenda Contractual Requirements Finance Team Overview Our Journey for Improvement Deep Dive Into Processes Collaboration Continuous Improvement Where We Are Today Questions City of Austin | Public Works Department 1 Construction Contract Payment Provisions Article 14 of the General Conditions: Contractor can submit no more frequently than once per month Information Contractor to Submit: • Payment Application • Materials on Hand • • Updated Schedule • Updated Redline As-Builts Subcontractor Report City of Austin | Public Works Department 2 Construction Contract Payment Process How the Process Works: 1. Contractor submits a draft payment application for verification by Inspector 2. Contractor/Inspector agree on quantities and Materials on Hand (MOH) 3. 4. Contractor packages the following: Inspector verifies Contractor updated redline as-builts a) Cover Sheet b) MOH c) Deductions d) Contract Time Statement e) M/WBE Sub-K Schedule f) Inspector reviews/signs Inspection Supervisor reviews/signs 5. 6. 7. PM reviews/signs 8. PM submits to PWD Accounts Payable City of Austin | Public Works Department 3 Team Overview PWD Accounts Payable consists of two teams working together to ensure payments are processed timely for payment to vendors within 30 calendar days of a properly submitted invoice. PWD is responsible for processing payments for capital improvement projects for most City departments and three PWD operation funds. Project Accounting (PA) • • Audit of consultant coversheet and Intake of professional service invoices • invoice – rates, sequential payments, etc. Liaison for Project Manager approvals, payment issue resolution, and AP team. • Document areas for continuous improvement Intake of construction pay applications Payment processing in financial system Accounts Payable (AP) • • • Assist vendors with payment inquires • Liaison between PWD and Central Accounts Payable (CAP) • Document stale dated invoices and areas for continuous improvement City of Austin | Public Works Department 4 Our Journey for Improvement Oct 2018 Jan 2019 Feb 2019 Mar 2019 Apr 2019 Dec. 3 May 2019 Jun 2019 •Reviewed current processes starting with mail intake through AP and PA procedures •Collaborated with CAP to intake electronic invoices and changed methodology for assignment processing in PWD •Created resource accounts •Review of internal PWD finance processing reduce review timing and created a metric between teams •Established and escalation process to PWD management •Collaborated with PWD project management teams to reduce processing times •Coordinated with CCO and sponsor departments …
Solicitation No Cost Estimate Award Amount Prime MBE AA H A/NA WBE DBE SMBR Liaison Project Manager Dept Goals Met Type Laura Moreno Nicholas Sybille Austin Water Construction Council Date 1/27/2021 Jessica Oberembt Richard Duane Austin Energy 1/27/2021 Construction Yes Yes Cassidy Villegan Shobana Angia Public Works 1/27/2021 Yes Construction $125,000 $1,500,000 $6,477,749 Goal Information SG MG SG MG SG MG SG MG # 1 2 3 4 CLMC812 Prime Subs CLMC819 Prime Subs CLMC790 Prime Subs CLMC811 Prime Subs Ullrich WTP Low Service Pump Station Safety Improvements SEFBO Pipeline Bridge, Inc. (FA) Hsuequity, Inc. Decker Dam Slough Repairs (MH) Santa Clara Construction, Ltd. (MB) Avery's Lawn Care & Landscaping, LLC (MA) Benqwest, LLC (FW) S&R Investments, Inc. Non-M/WBE Subs Total Highland Park Water and Wastewater Improvements-Phase 2 (MH) Santa Clara Construction, Ltd. (MB) Earthco Landscape Construction, LLC (MA) Benqwest, LLC (FW) S&R Investments, Inc. (FW) Chlor-Serv, Inc. Non-M/WBE Subs Total Little Walnut Creek Flood Risk Reduction from Metric to Rutland PGC General Contractors, LLC (MB) Lewis Clark Trucking, LLC (MB) CVI Development, LLC (MH) Environmental Safety Services, Inc. (MH) Accurate Pavement Striping, LLC (MH) CGT AUS Inc dba C Garcia Trucking (MH) Roadwise Solutions, LLC (MA) Alpha Paving Industries, LLC (FN) KLP Commercial, LLC (FW) Jennifer Weems dba Jennifer Weems Photography (FH) Melendrez Trucking, LLC (FW) Environmental Survey Inc. dba Environmental Survey Consulting Non-M/WBE Subs Total Percent of "Met Goal" Awards for January 100.00% Percent of "Met Goal" Awards for FY21 To-Date 82.35% FY21 Council Awards Report January 2021 MBE/ WBE 5.00 5.00 5.00 Non Sub 4.86 4.86 31.13 31.13 29.49 29.49 1.88 1.99 1.99 1.60 1.61 1.61 1.61 1.83 0.06 1.77 7.14 6.00 3.69 0.09 0.35 0.59 0.20 0.21 0.21 0.39 0.40 0.40 1.82 1.87 1.87 1.23 1.25 0.94 0.31 5.60 0.41 0.15 0.80 0.74 4.47 4.63 1.62 5.60 2.13 2.18 95.00 91.06 65.61 56.27 $52,166 $49,558 $2,608 $1,322,546 $1,204,398 $29,054 $2,750 $24,750 $64,344 $5,891,883 $3,753,969 $92,354 $23,059 $53,875 $17,500 $1,781,126 $17,103,695 $9,542,695 $10,000 $300,000 $625,000 $15,000 $60,000 $100,000 $950,000 $70,000 $25,000 $135,000 $125,000 $5,000,000 $15,000,000 John W Smith Minda Sarmiento 1/27/2021 Yes Construction Watershed Protection Council Awards Report PAGE 1 OF 1 B= African American/ BlackH= Hispanic/ LatinoA/N= Asian/Asian/Native AmericanPTD= Participation To DateW= Caucasian/WhiteF= FemaleM= MaleNon-Sub= Subcontractor Not CertifiedSG= Solicitation GoalMG= Met GoalGFE= Good Faith EffortMBE/WBE=Combined GoalsUNK=Unknown Participation
SMBR Disparity Study Update MBE/WBE AND SMALL BUSINESS ENTERPRISE PROCUREMENT PROGRAM ADVISORY COMMITTEE APRIL 6, 2021 Disparity Study Project Milestones 2 Contract Validation by Prime/Subs Department Executive Staff Sessions 96% Response Rate 8 Departments Stakeholder/Public Introduction Meetings COA Internal Input Sessions 312 Participants 117 Participants Public Engagement Sessions 185 Participants M/WBE Advisory Committee 7 out of 8 Members SMBR Session 27 Participants Anticipated Project Timeline 3 Quantitative Data Provided to Consultant Disparity Study Internal Kick- off Meeting Stakeholder/ Public Introduction 2 sessions Public Engagement Sessions Consultant Data Analysis Disparity Study Finalized Briefing Sessions RCA for Council Adoption Feb 2020 Mar 2020 Apr 2020 May – Aug 2020 Sep 2020 - Apr 2021 July 2021 July - September 2021 Fall/Winter 2021 City Council Resolution No. 20200326-053 4 March 26, 2020 - Inclusive Procurement Working Group (IPWG) City staff: SMBR, Financial Services, Equity Office, and Law MBE/WBE Stakeholders: Minority Trade Alliance, Minority Chambers, Prime and subcontractors, and MBE/WBE and Small Business Enterprise Procurement Advisory Committee ► Purpose: Review and consider the recommendations from Disparity Study Resources to MBEs and WBEs ► Memo to Mayor & City Council – November 4, 2020 Outlined all members of the IPWG Proposed a Tentative Schedule and Action Plan to accomplish identified tasks Tentative first meeting of the IPWG in August 2021 Four major areas: Certification, Best Practices, Communication & Transparency, and Stakeholders/Members of IPWG 5 Minority Trade Alliance • U.S. Hispanic Contractors de Austin – Frank Fuentes Asian Contractor Association - Aletta Sung Austin Black Contractors Association - Carol Hadnot • • Minority Chambers of Commerce • African American Chamber – Tam Hawkins Asian American Chamber – Fang Fang Hispanic Chamber – Diana Maldonado • • Prime Contractor Associations ABC of Texas – Crystal Smith • AGC of Texas – Phil Thoden • Community Stakeholders • • • • Reginald Worlds, Owner, Trini Construction, representing the MBE/WBE and Small Business Advisory Committee Paul Saldaña, Principal, Saldaña Public Relations (Community Advocate) Rick Garrett, CEO, TES Careers (Certified MBE/WBE firm) • Usha Boddapu, President, eSolvit (Certified MBE/WBE firm and MBE/WBE Advisory Committee member) • Ali Khataw, CEO, Encotech Engineering (Certified MBE firm) Barbra Boeta, Executive Director, Economic Growth Business Incubator (MBE/WBE Advisory Committee member and small business advocate) • Darrell Pierce, President, Snap Management (Certified MBE/WBE COA Departments: SMBR, CCO, Purchasing, FSD, Law Performance …
Versión en español a continuación. Regular Meeting of the Public Safety Commission April 5, 2021 at 3:00pm Public Safety Commission meeting to be held, April 5, 2021 with Social Distancing Modifications Public comment will be allowed via telephone; no in-person input will be allowed. All speakers must register in advance (April 4, 2021 by noon). All public comment will occur at the beginning of the meeting. To speak remotely at the April 5, 2021 PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION Meeting, members of the public must •Call or email the board liaison at (512) 974-5747 or Janet.jackson@austintexas.gov no later than noon, April 4, 2021 (the day before the meeting). The information required is the speaker name, item number(s) they wish to speak on, whether they are for/against/neutral, and a telephone number or email address. •Once a request to speak has been called in or emailed to the board liaison, residents will receive either an email or phone call providing the telephone number to call on the day of the scheduled meeting. •Speakers must call in at least 15 minutes prior to meeting start in order to speak, late callers will not be accepted and will not be able to speak. •Speakers will be placed in a queue until their time to speak. •Handouts or other information may be emailed to Janet.jackson@austintexas.gov by Noon the day before the scheduled meeting. This information will be provided to Board and Commission members in advance of the meeting. •If this meeting is broadcast live, residents may watch the meeting here: http://www.austintexas.gov/page/watch- atxn-live Reunión del PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION la junta en reunión se residentes pueden ver FECHA de la reunion April 5, 2021 La junta se llevará con modificaciones de distanciamiento social Se permitirán comentarios públicos por teléfono; no se permitirá ninguna entrada en persona. Todos los oradores deben registrarse con anticipación (April 4, 2021 antes del mediodía). Todos los comentarios públicos se producirán al comienzo de la reunión. Para hablar de forma remota en la reunión, los miembros del público deben: • Llame o envíe un correo electrónico al enlace de (512) 974-5747 or Janet.jackson@austintexas.gov a más tardar al mediodía (el día antes de la reunión). La información requerida es el nombre del orador, los números de artículo sobre los que desean hablar, si están a favor / en contra / neutrales, y un número de teléfono o dirección de correo electrónico. • Una vez que se …
Versión en español a continuación. Meeting of the Austin-Travis County Food Policy Board April 05, 2021 Meeting of the Austin-Travis County Food Policy Board to be held April 05, 2021 with Social Distancing Modifications Public comment will be allowed via telephone; no in-person input will be allowed. All speakers must register in advance by April 04, 2021 by noon. All public comment will occur at the beginning of the meeting. To speak remotely at the April 5th Austin-Travis County Food Policy Board Meeting, members of the public must: •Call or email the board liaison at Amanda Rohlich, at Amanda.Rohlich@austintexas.gov no later than noon Sunday, April 4th. The information required is the speaker name, item number(s) they wish to speak on, whether they are for/against/neutral, and a telephone number or email address. •Once a request to speak has been called in or emailed to the board liaison, residents will receive either an email or phone call providing the telephone number to call on the day of the scheduled meeting. •Speakers must call in at least 15 minutes prior to meeting start in order to speak, late callers will not be accepted and will not be able to speak. •Speakers will be placed in a queue until their time to speak. •Handouts or other information may be emailed to Amanda.Rohlich@austintexas.gov by noon the day before the scheduled meeting. This information will be provided to Board and Commission members in advance of the meeting. •If this meeting is broadcast live, residents may watch the meeting here: http://www.austintexas.gov/page/watch- atxn-live Reunión del Austin-Travis County Food Policy Board FECHA de la reunion 5 de abril de 2021 u por otra correo pueden folletos enviarse electrónico reunión se información La junta se llevará con modificaciones de distanciamiento social Se permitirán comentarios públicos por teléfono; no se permitirá ninguna entrada en persona. Todos los oradores deben registrarse con anticipación (4 de abril de 2021 antes del mediodía). Todos los comentarios públicos se producirán al comienzo de la reunión. Para hablar de forma remota en la reunión, los miembros del público deben: • Llame o envíe un correo electrónico al enlace de la junta en Amanda.Rohlich@austintexas.gov, (512) 974-1364 a más tardar al mediodía (el día antes de la reunión). La información requerida es el nombre del orador, los números de artículo sobre los que desean hablar, si están a favor / en contra / neutrales, y un número de …
Versión en español a continuación. Commission on Immigrant Affairs Meeting Monday, April 5, 2021 Commission on Immigrant Affairs to be held April 5, 2021 with Social Distancing Modifications Public comment will be allowed via telephone; no in-person input will be allowed. All speakers must register in advance (April 4, 2021 by noon). All public comment will occur at the beginning of the meeting. To speak remotely at the April 5, 2021 Commission on Immigrant Affairs Meeting, members of the public must: •Call or email the board liaison at 512-972-5117 or sinying.chan@austintexas.gov no later than noon, April 4, 2021. The following information is required: speaker name, item number(s) they wish to speak on, whether they are for/against/neutral, email address and telephone number (must be the same number that will be used to call into the meeting). •Once a request to speak has been made to the board liaison, the information to call on the day of the scheduled meeting will be provided either by email or phone call. •Speakers must call in at least 15 minutes prior to meeting start time in order to speak, late callers will not be accepted and will not be able to speak. •Speakers will be placed in a queue until their time to speak. •Handouts or other information may be emailed to sinying.chan@austintexas.gov by noon the day before the scheduled meeting. This information will be provided to Board and Commission members in advance of the meeting. •If the meeting is broadcast live, it may be viewed here: http://www.austintexas.gov/page/watch-atxn-live Reunión del Commission on Immigrant Affairs FECHA de la reunion (Lunes, Abril 5, 2021) La junta se llevará con modificaciones de distanciamiento social Se permitirán comentarios públicos por teléfono; no se permitirá ninguna entrada en persona. Todos los oradores deben registrarse con anticipación (Abril 4, 2021 antes del mediodía). Todos los comentarios públicos se producirán al comienzo de la reunión. Para hablar de forma remota en la reunión, los miembros del público deben: • Llame o envíe un correo electrónico al enlace de junta en 512-972-5117 o sinying.chan@austintexas.gov a más tardar al mediodía (el día antes de la reunión). Se requiere la siguiente información: nombre del orador, número (s) de artículo sobre el que desean hablar, si están a favor / en contra / neutral, dirección de correo electrónico (opcional) y un número de teléfono (debe ser el número que se utilizará para llamar ). • Una …
BOARD/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Austin Travis County Food Policy Board Funding for Food and Equity WHEREAS, Total sales for food retail sector in the Capital Area was nearly $7.6 billion in 2015, however, only 1% of food consumed is sourced locally; WHEREAS, the population of Austin MSA grew by 32.4% from 2009 to 2019 compared to 16.9% in Texas and 6.9% in the US;[i] WHEREAS, the median home value in Travis County grew by 19.4% between 2012 and 2017;[ii] WHEREAS, the increasing trend of homeowners moving out of Travis County to another county in Texas and decreasing trend of people living below 150% of poverty moving to Travis County from another counties suggests that displacement due to rising living costs may be the reason behind decrease poverty and food insecurity rate in Central Texas;[iii] WHEREAS, the food insecurity population grew by 26.3% in Austin’s 5 county MSA from 12.4% pre- COVID to 15.7% during COVID, and the child food insecurity population grew by 37% from 16.9% pre- COVID to 23.2% during COVID;[iv] WHEREAS, More than 1 in 6 Central Texas residents were food insecure in 2017, and 12.9% of Travis County residents experienced food insecurity in 2018 and the 2020 projection is 18%; WHEREAS, Before COVID‐19, more than 1 in 8 Travis County residents and 1 in 6 Travis County children were food insecure in 2020; Whereas 41% of food insecure people in Travis County do not qualify for Federal Assistance (SNAP, WIC, School Meal Programs); WHEREAS, The City of Austin (CoA) with regional food system stakeholders participated in a two‐day facilitated workshop in 2019 that explored Food Systems Inequities in the U.S. and Central Texas: Root Causes and Historical Analysis and concluded that those negatively impacted must be involved in all decision making processes in order to authentically center equity; WHEREAS, Communities of color, low‐income, and rural populations are most negatively impacted by the existing food system due to systemic racism and structural inequity and face the greatest barriers to accessing healthy, affordable foods and now water, as well as economic opportunity; WHEREAS, A food system plan that meets the needs of all residents of Austin/Travis County requires meaningful input and participation from a diverse range of stakeholders; WHEREAS, the Austin/Travis County Food System Plan would take a comprehensive approach and involve the many major local planning functions such as land use, economic development, transportation, environmental sustainability and resilience, watershed protection, …
Budget Components - All Costs Calculated Per Year Food & Equity Plan Coordination/Administrative Support: Provide overall coordination and support to guide the process. Work includes coordinating all participants, organizing meetings, Community Advisory Board: The Community Advisory Board will reflect the Austin/Travis County Community. To ensure full participation in decision-making processes, Community Engagement: Recruit and engage food system community ambassadors, similar to the program used for the Community Climate Plan. Ambassadors will be Equity Tool Kit: Development of an equity tool specific to the food system to use to evaluate all food system decision-making. The tool and the process to Equity Kit Pilot: Establish an application process to select 12 non-profits and community-based organization to pilot the equity tool kit. Provide TOTAL FY22 BUDGET REQUEST 20 community advisory board members. At least 10 advisory board members will 10 ambassadors x $10,000 stipend Amount $125,000 $100,000 $100,000 $10,000 $65,000 $400,000
Regular Meeting of the Art in Public Places Panel April 5th, 2021 – 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM Art in Public Places Panel to be held April 5th, 2021 with Social Distancing Modifications Public comment will be allowed via telephone; no in-person input will be allowed. All speakers must register in advance, the day before the scheduled meeting, Sunday, April 4 by Noon. All public comment will occur at the beginning of the meeting. To speak remotely at the April 5th Art in Public Places Panel Meeting, residents must: • Contact the panel liaison at 512.974.7860 or alex.irrera@austintexas.gov no later than noon, Sunday, April 4. The information required is the speaker name, item number(s) they wish to speak on, whether they are for/against/neutral, and a telephone number or email address. • Once a request to speak has been called in or emailed to the panel liaison, residents will receive either an email or phone call providing the telephone number to call on the day of the scheduled meeting. • Speakers must call in at least 30 minutes prior to meeting start in order to speak, late callers will not be accepted and will not be able to speak. • Speakers will be placed in a queue until their time to speak. • Handouts or other information may be emailed to alex.irrera@austintexas.gov by Noon the day before (Sunday, April 4) the scheduled meeting. This information will be provided to Board and Commission members in advance of the meeting. Reunión del Art in Public Places Panel FECHA de la reunion (Abril 5, 2021 – 6:00pm - 7:30pm) La junta se llevará con modificaciones de distanciamiento social Se permitirán comentarios públicos por teléfono; no se permitirá ninguna entrada en persona. Todos los oradores deben registrarse con anticipación (Abril 4, 2021 antes del mediodía). Todos los comentarios públicos se producirán al comienzo de la reunión. Para hablar de forma remota en la reunión, los residentes deben: • Llame o envíe un correo electrónico al enlace de la junta en 512.974.7860 o alex.irrera@austintexas.gov más tardar al mediodía (el día antes de la reunión). La información requerida es el nombre del orador, los números de artículo sobre los que desean hablar, si están a favor / en contra / neutrales, y un número de teléfono o dirección de correo electrónico. • Una vez que se haya llamado o enviado por correo electrónico una solicitud para hablar …
Versión en español a continuación. Music Commission Meeting April 5, 2021, 6:30pm Music Commission meeting to be held April 5, 2021, with Social Distancing Modifications Public comment will be allowed via telephone; no in-person input will be allowed. All speakers must register in advance (April 4, by noon). All public comment will occur at the beginning of the meeting. To speak remotely at the April 5 Music Commission Meeting, members of the public must: •Call or email the board liaison at Kimberly.mccarson@austintexas.gov, 512-974-7963 no later than noon, (the day before the meeting). The following information is required: speaker name, item number(s) they wish to speak on, whether they are for/against/neutral, email address and telephone number (must be the same number that will be used to call into the meeting). •Once a request to speak has been made to the board liaison, the information to call on the day of the scheduled meeting will be provided either by email or phone call. •Speakers must call in at least 15 minutes prior to meeting start time in order to speak, late callers will not be accepted and will not be able to speak. •Speakers will be placed in a queue until their time to speak. •Handouts or other information may be emailed to Kimberly.mccarson@austintexas.gov by noon the day before the scheduled meeting. This information will be provided to Board and Commission members in advance of the meeting. •If the meeting is broadcast live, it may be viewed here: http://www.austintexas.gov/page/watch-atxn-live Font Size: 12; Font: Times New Roman; Font Style: Regular Reunión del MUSIC COMMISSION al correo envíe un electrónico enlace de FECHA de la reunion (April 5, 2021, 6:30pm) La junta se llevará con modificaciones de distanciamiento social Se permitirán comentarios públicos por teléfono; no se permitirá ninguna entrada en persona. Todos los oradores deben registrarse con anticipación (April 4 antes del mediodía). Todos los comentarios públicos se producirán al comienzo de la reunión. Para hablar de forma remota en la reunión, los miembros del público deben: • Llame o en 512-974-7963, la Kimberly.mccarson@austintexas.gov a más tardar al mediodía (el día antes de la reunión). Se requiere la siguiente información: nombre del orador, número (s) de artículo sobre el que desean hablar, si están a favor / en contra / neutral, dirección de correo electrónico (opcional) y un número de teléfono (debe ser el número que se utilizará para llamar ). • Una …
Live Music Fund – Update Sylnovia Holt Rabb, Deputy Director Economic Development Department April 5, 2021 C I T Y O F A U S T I N E C O N O M I C D E V E L O P M E N T 1 FY20 Approved Budget vs. FY20 Actuals *https://assets.austintexas.gov/financeonline/downloads/comprehensive_annual_financial_report/compr ehensive_annual_financial_report_2020.pdf, Page 146 C I T Y O F A U S T I N E C O N O M I C D E V E L O P M E N T 2 00*No data returned for this view. This might be because the applied filter Live Music FundEnding Balance0 2,463,805 1,749,569 Excess (Deficiency) of Total Available Funds Over Total Requirements0 2,463,805 1,749,569 Total Requirements0 0 0 Total Program Requirements000Music and Entertainment Division000Program Requirements Total Available Funds0 2,463,805 1,749,569 Total Transfers In02,463,8051,738,453Convention Center02,463,8051,738,453Transfers In Total Revenue05,60011,116Interest05,60011,116ActualApproved BudgetActualRevenue 2018-19 2019-20 2019-20 * FY21 Approved Budget https://assets.austintexas.gov/budget/20-21/downloads/2020-21_Approved_Budget.pdf, Page 468 C I T Y O F A U S T I N E C O N O M I C D E V E L O P M E N T 3 FY21 Approved Budget vs. FY21 Estimate C I T Y O F A U S T I N E C O N O M I C D E V E L O P M E N T 4 001,749,5692,469,405 *No data returned for this view. This might be because the applied filter Note: Numbers may not add due to rounding.Ending Balance0 2,463,805 980,398 1,700,234 Excess (Deficiency) of Total Available Funds Over Total Requirements0 2,463,805 (769,171)(769,171)1,749,569 1,749,569 Total Requirements0 0 3,000,000 3,000,000 0 Total Program Requirements003,000,0003,000,0000Music and Entertainment Division003,000,0003,000,0000Program Requirements Total Available Funds0 2,463,805 2,230,829 2,230,829 1,749,569 Total Transfers In02,463,8052,225,8292,225,8291,738,453Convention Center02,463,8052,225,8292,225,8291,738,453Transfers In Total Revenue05,6005,0005,00011,116Interest05,6005,0005,00011,116Revenue Live Music FundActualApproved BudgetEstimatedAmendedActual 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2020-21 2019-20 * MUSIC & ENTERTAINMENT DIVISION T H E L I V E M U S I C F U N D, E S TA B L I S H E D BY C I T Y O R D I N A N C E N O. 2 0 1 9 0 9 1 9 - 1 4 9 O N S E P T E M B E R 1 9 , 2 0 1 9 , I S B A S E D O N R E C O M M E N D AT I O N S F …
Cultural Trust Update Austin Music Commission Update: April 5, 2021 Cultural Trust Background and Goals INITIAL GOAL OF CULTURAL TRUST In 2018, the City resolved to support "a community arts stabilization trust, the ‘Austin Cultural Trust’, that creates, through purchase and long-term lease, affordable spaces that supports artists and arts organizations, preserves historic and iconic cultural buildings and spaces for creative and cultural uses, and functions in a way that provides for cultural assets to exist in all parts of the city" - Resolution 20201001-055 In 2020, the City identified “To support acquisition and preservation of cultural spaces within the City of Austin,” as a function of AEDC. - Resolution 20201001-055 Austin EDC Cultural Trust | 2 Cultural Trust Goals – First Initiative AEDC will propose additional measures for the Cultural Trust to address other Austin cultural needs, but this first step is targeted toward acquiring and preserving spaces. • Create a competitive RFP to fund an initial set of organizations • Use AEDC as broker and facilities manager to save City money • Leverage existing funds using AIDC or private debt • Spaces would be owned by the City as permanent cultural infrastructure • Prioritize support for organizations based on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion principles • Spaces would be made available to organizations at affordable rates o Organizations would have to provide an equity match for purchase o Organizations would have to demonstrate capability to make payments Austin EDC Cultural Trust | 3 Program Summary Competitive RFP to fund two types of projects as a first initiative Outcome: Acquire venues with associated qualified operators for long-term ownership by the City of Austin for the public benefit of enhanced access to creative and cultural facilities Priority: Financial and Operating Capacity Outcome: Provide affordable multi-use space for cultural organizations with a focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion. Priority: Policy Goal Alignment Anticipated outcome: 1-2 existing venues saved Anticipated Outcome: 4-6 organizations sharing 2 AEDC managed spaces Anticipated funding source: Iconic Venue Fund ("HOT") Anticipated funding source: Creative Facilities Bond ("CFB") Austin EDC Cultural Trust | 4 City of Austin/AEDC Interlocal Agreement authorization Scheduled for April 8 RFP Release Timeline Pre-Issuance City of Austin, CTAC RFP review Host public information session and conduct outreach Present to Joint Arts and Music Commission Publish notice of RFP Issue RFP Post Issuance Pre-Response Meeting Receive & Post Responses to Q&A Pre-Response Meeting #2 Responses Due …
City of Austin Food Policy Updates FOOD POLICY MANAGER CITY OF AUSTIN Food Policy State Bill Tracking •STATE - OOS 87th TX Legislative Tracking •Elimination of SNAP Asset Test • HB 1230 (Rep Ortega) completely eliminates the SNAP vehicle asset test • Rep. Ortega will put out a committee substitute to raises the vehicle asset limit to $25,000 per vehicle and index that value to inflation. •SNAP eligibility: •Restrictive SNAP bills: • • • • • • HB 1353 (Rep Ortega) Relating to continued household eligibility for supplemental nutrition assistance program benefits on the ineligibility of the head of household for failure to comply with certain work requirements. HB 2126: (Rep Walle) expands SNAP access for college students HB 1211 (Rep Minjarez) eliminates the asset test when the state is designated under disaster declaration which would create serious administrative difficulties and could harm individuals by removing them from the program before their economic situation has improved HB 343 (Rep Caine) creates restrictions on what SNAP recipients can purchase HB 319 (Rep Springer) prohibits waiving work requirements for any SNAP recipient at any time SB 866 (Senator Creighton) would require a photo ID on all EBT cards - legislation that has been introduced in the past in TX to ‘reduce fraud’ but will actually create new barriers to applying for SNAP and increase the cost to the state Winter Weather Disaster Response - Uri Emergency Operation Center - Unmeet Needs Committee - After Action Report - Resolution 67 - The City Council creates the Winter Storm Uri Emergency Response Task Force under section 2-1-2(E) of the City Code for the purpose of holding open public listening sessions during which individuals and organizational representatives can share information, experiences, and recommendations related to the winter storm and resulting crises and to develop recommendations based on these sessions. City Council March 25th Resolution Response Resolution 066 – COVID Response ◦ Increasing agriculture and nutrition programs for individuals living in areas with limited access to grocery stores. This shall include a staff analysis determining various contracting mechanisms and options to achieve emergency food distribution to those negatively impacted by COVID-19, which could also be activated during a natural disaster; ◦ The City Manager is directed to report back to Council no later than April 16, 2021 regarding identified funding and methods for implementing or continuing the listed programs related to the Covid-19 pandemic, and the …