Austin Parks and Recreation Department | Partnership Levels Partnership Configuration A (Non-profit Public Partnership NP3) Partnership A - Definition A 501(c)(3) Non-profit partner mission closely aligns with PARD mission, vision, and values; aligns to the public land/public facility owned by the City of Austin Parks and Recreation Department. Partner within configuration A seeks a level of autonomy to construct, operate, maintain, and/or program projects on parkland. Parks partnerships successfully combine the assets of the public and private sectors in novel ways to create new and refurbished parks, greenways, trails, and other public assets in our community. Partnerships between public agencies and private nonprofits can help effectively build, renovate, maintain, and program parks. By teaming up, parks agencies and nonprofits can help cities do a better job of meeting citizens' demands for more and better parks in the face of limited public resources. PARD review and oversight is meant to ensure Partners within Configuration A demonstrate the following values: ✓ ORGANIZATIONAL GOVERNANCE/CONSTITUTION ✓ DEMONSTRATION OF CAPACITY ✓ INCLUSIVITY ✓ TRANSPARENCY ✓ PUBLIC BENEFIT Common attributes for Partnership A include: • Partner has history of collaborating with PARD to lead major capital improvement projects on parkland, has co- collaborated with recognized entities to lead a major capital improvement project on parkland and/or has successfully independently led a major capital improvement project. (Demonstration of Capacity) • Partner can support project management for design and construction projects or has capacity to financially support third-party project management. (Demonstration of Capacity) • Partner has previously demonstrated integration of maintenance considerations into capital or Community Activated Park Projects. (Demonstration of Capacity) • Partner has a minimum 7-year history of collaboration with the City of Austin, with all levels of engagement recognized in the historical collaboration. (Demonstration of Capacity) • Partner maintains annual 990s. (Governance) • Partner has favorable Charity Navigator and Guidestar ratings. (Governance/Government Oversight) • Partner is committed to cooperative community engagement with PARD and has integrated community engagement into their organization’s goal(s). (Inclusivity/Transparency/Public Benefit) • Partner clearly articulates the public benefit from the organization’s role and mission. (Public Benefit) PARD Partners are integral to PARD and help further the mission and reach of the Department. PARD seeks to fully develop the umbrella program for partnerships within the Department’s Community PARKnerships program. Last updated 02-21-2021 1 Partnership A - Criteria This level of partnership requires a formal partnership review process. The review process will take up …
Austin Parks and Recreation Department Hancock Golf Course Parks and Recreation Board Presentation August 2021 Anthony Segura, Assistant Director/Kevin Gomillion, Division Manager Hancock Golf Course/Park Space PARD Goals for Hancock Golf Course/Surrounding Park Space: 1) Maintain Shared use of Space 2) 3) 4) Maintain golf’s historic significance at this location Increase the fiscal responsibility of City funds Financial solvency of Enterprise Fund Challenges: • Limited General Fund Resources • 9-hole Golf Course • Minimal Staffing Levels (Pay Station) • Limited Pro Shop Services • Course Conditions • Aging Equipment 2 Hancock Golf Course Financial Challenges Five Year FinancialTrend Revenue Expenses $526,735 $505,316 $326,592 $320,270 $306,411 $267,953 $433,959 $451,298* $380,228* $386,132 $600,000 $500,000 $400,000 $300,000 $200,000 $100,000 $0 2017 2018 2019 2020 ($200,413) ($185,046) ($127,548) ($118,179) * FY2021 Forecasted Revenue Totals Based on Current Actuals through May 31, 2021. 2021 Projected* $71,070* 3 General Fund Outlook • General Fund Fiscal Year 2021 (FY21) Estimates o Revenue estimated to end year $8.3 million below FY21 Budget o Future Revenue tax caps at 3.5% o “Departmental revenues much weaker than budgeted due to extended duration of shutdown in comparison with assumptions made last summer.” • Enterprise Golf Fund o $1.0M Annual Transfer reduced to $500,000 4 Recent Background – Continued Transparency Community Engagement Meetings • First meeting, February 29, 2020 • Neighborhood/Conservancy, November 2020 o (Eastwoods, Hyde Park, Cherrywood, North Loop, North University & Hancock) • Golf Advisory Group, November 2020 • PARB Briefing, December 2020 • Neighborhood Associations, January 2021 • Neighborhood/Conservancy, March 2021 • Conservancy Meeting, April 2021 Community Surveys • PARD Online Survey (February-May 2020) o 343 Responses • Hancock Conservancy Survey (Fall 2020) o 725 Responses - Surrounding Neighborhoods • PARD Hancock Golfer Survey (February-March 2021) o 808 Responses 5 March 2021 Community Survey • PARD worked with Austin Energy’s Data Analytics and Business Intelligence Division • Two-week survey was conducted (March 9th-23rd) • Email with Unique Link (40,000 random citizens across all 10 Council Districts) • Open Link (Shared with Neighborhood Associations, Conservancy Groups and our Golf Partners) • QR code (Posted around the municipal golf courses) • Survey Results • Email – 3,629 responses received • Open Link – 4,754 responses received • QR Code – 721 responses received 6 March 2021 Community Survey Results Q4 – Hancock Golf Course is one of the oldest public golf courses in the United States, having been established in 1899. …
M E M O R A N D U M TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Parks and Recreation Board Members Kimberly A. McNeeley, M. Ed., CPRP, Director Austin Parks and Recreation Department May 9, 2021 Hancock Golf Course Survey Results The purpose of this memorandum is to provide you with results from the recent Hancock Golf Course survey and outline the next steps related to engagement associated with the Golf Course. Attached is the final report and appendixes that provide responses to all the questions and comments received from the open-ended questions. As you may recall, the Parks and Recreation Department (Department) completed online community engagement meetings in November 2020, regarding the financial status of the Hancock Golf Course. This included meeting with multiple Neighborhood Associations, Conservancy groups and Golf partners. At the conclusion, the Department determined a need to obtain additional information regarding community views related to the future uses of Hancock Golf Course. The property associated with Hancock Golf Course is unique in that it is the size of a district park, includes the city-wide activity of golf and offers recreation center programming that attracts individuals beyond the immediate neighborhood. March Hancock Golf Course Survey In March, the Department engaged Austin Energy’s Data Analytics and Business Intelligence (DABI) group to conduct research on community sentiment regarding Hancock Golf Course. The surveys were launched on March 9 and closed two weeks later, on March 23. To allow for input from multiple sources, three survey delivery methods were developed: • Email with a Unique Link • Open Link • QR Code posted around the municipal golf courses Austin Energy deployed an email link to approximately 40,000 citizens across all 10 Council Districts from a random list of survey participants created from an analysis based upon the demographics and psychographics of those likely to engage in outdoor activities. The analytics and the selection process allowed for a statistically valid analysis of the survey data. The Open Link provided anyone the opportunity to share their comments and was shared with Neighborhood Associations, Conservancy groups and our Golf partners. Lastly, the QR Code was for golfing patrons that allowed them to take the survey at the golf courses. All questions in the survey were the same irrespective of delivery method. The DABI team monitored all received responses to these surveys for duplication or replication of responses so that they could ensure fairness and equity …
A Sustainable Greenway for South Austin Presentation to the Parks and Recreation Board August 24, 2021 Supports the City of Austin Strategic Direction 2023: Health and Environment ● Strategies ○ To support, maintain, and expand parks, open spaces, recreational facilities, and our urban trail network. ○ Provide accessible, diverse, and inclusive parks and recreation programs and amenities. Supports the Council Approved PARD Long Range Plan: ● Specific Recommendations ○ Develop a Vision Plan for Williamson Creek Greenbelt ○ Acquire parkland and improved trail connection/development Supports Council Approved Neighborhood Plans: ● ● ● ● Southeast Combined South Congress Combined South Austin Combined Oakhill Combined Identified in Council Approved Urban Trails Master Plan: ● Tier II Urban Trail Community Engagement Joint Community and City collaboration through working groups Direct feedback tools on plan progress: ● Social Pinpoint interactive map ● Creek Idea Cards ● Participatory Budgeting activity ● Comment platform for reviewing drafts Person to Person conversations: ● Virtual Community Picnics ● Creek Chats (Virtual & in-person Pop-ups) ● Individual & group meetings as requested “Take home” and individual activities: ● Community storytelling ● iNaturalist ● Conversation Toolkit ● Virtual Creek Stomps ● Creek Stomp Journal ● Flat Stanley Creek Stories General outreach: ● Newsletters ● Door hangers ● Yard signs ● Direct mail event invitation ● Social media notifications ● Project and neighborhood listservs ● Maintain active project website Team Roles Community Powered Workshop ● Facilitate engagement process in collaboration with Working Groups ● Grant partner The Nature Conservancy ● Liaise with City of Austin Departments ● Conduct field assessments and mapping ● Grant partner Asakura Robinson ● Landscape Architecture consultant Community Working Group ● 8 residents ● Collaborate on engagement activities and process ● Conduct outreach with neighbors and neighborhood groups ● Provide direct feedback on plan progress City Working Group ● 11 City of Austin staff + 2 National Park Service staff ● Technical expertise on parks, trails planning, and environmental restoration ● Advise on City of Austin requirements for proposed plan elements and planning processes Engagement Numbers 2,126 unique visitors to Central Williamson Creek Greenway website in 2020 1,136 unique visitors to Central Williamson Creek Greenway website in 2021 (Jan 1 - May 25) 651 unique users on Social Pinpoint Interactive Map 999 unique users on Social Pinpoint Creek Idea Cards and Vision Plan draft 133 participants in all virtual and socially-distanced events 234 newsletter subscribers on Mailchimp …
TO: City of Austin Parks and Recreation Board Members FROM: Community Powered Workshop DATE: July 28, 2021 RE: Central Williamson Creek Greenway Vision Plan Community Engagement Statistics This memo provides summary information regarding community engagement statistics for the Central Williamson Creek Greenway Vision Plan. The data provided reflects the verifiable number of individuals who were aware of the vision planning process and either chose to take further action or not. This data comes from analytics from the online platforms used throughout the vision planning process. We also acknowledge that there are many other means of increasing awareness about the vision planning process that may not be reflected in the data we are able to collect on individual engagement including: word of mouth between friends and neighbors; distribution of printed materials, such as engagement toolkits, door hangers, letters, and yard signs; and social media and neighborhood listserv posts. All of these awareness strategies listed were also conducted throughout the vision planning process, but we are unable to verify the number of individuals this information reached and are not including them in the tally provided below. Hence, it is possible that the numbers shown below are lower than the actual number of people that were aware of the ongoing vision planning process. Total confirmable individuals aware of the Central Williamson Creek Greenway Vision Plan Number Description Dec 31, 2020) May 25, 2021) 2,126 unique visitors* to Central Williamson Creek Greenway website in 2020 (Jan 1 - 1,136 unique visitors* to Central Williamson Creek Greenway website in 2021 (Jan 1 - 651 unique users** on Social Pinpoint Interactive Map 999 unique users** on Social Pinpoint Creek Idea Cards and Vision Plan draft 133 participants in all virtual and socially-distanced events*** 234 newsletter subscribers on Mailchimp***** Page 1/3 20 storytellers 28 observers on iNaturalist 5,327 TOTAL * Unique Visitors: according to the Squarespace analytics panel the total unique visitors is an estimate of the total number of visitors that reached the website. This is a distinct metric from the number of single browsing sessions by individual visitors or how many actual page requests the site received. For more information about Squarespace analytics please visit: ** Unique Users: according to the Social Pinpoint engagement summary dashboard unique users are defined as the total number of unique people viewing your site (generally determined by using the same browser). This number is distinct from the individual …
TO: City of Austin Parks and Recreation Board Members FROM: Community Powered Workshop DATE: July 28, 2021 RE: Central Williamson Creek Greenway Vision Plan May 25, 2021 PARB hearing questions and responses The following written responses to questions from the Parks and Recreation Board at the May 25, 2021 meeting are provided to offer additional documentation and clarity. Additional questions regarding the Central Williamson Creek Greenway Vision Plan and process may be directed to Community Powered Workshop Executive Director, Nicole Joslin at To review the presentation again please follow this link to the hearing recording; the presentation beings around minute marker 31:20 and ends around 43:12. PARB Member Anna Di Carlo: 1. Request for additional information about the engagement process over the past year and how the previous community engagement was also incorporated into this plan. a. This Vision Plan is the culmination of a multi-year process of community members sharing their stories; mapping and providing over 130 comments on 43+ community-identified ideas; joining in on 3 socially distanced pop-ups along the creek, 5 virtual events and 6 virtual creek chats; casting 2,200 votes on community priorities and providing nearly 700 feedback comments on the draft alone, which were incorporated into the final version presented on May 25, 2021 to the Parks and Recreation Board. This community-led effort involved a collaboration model of a Community Working Group of eight neighbors and a City Working Group of department representatives from the Watershed Protection Department, Parks and Recreation Department, Public Works, and more. 2. Request for confirmation of the total number of individuals who participated in any part of the engagement process. a. The data provided reflects the verifiable number of individuals who were aware of the vision planning process and either chose to take further action or not. This data comes from analytics from the online platforms used throughout the vision planning process. We also acknowledge that there are many other means of increasing awareness about the vision planning process that may not be reflected in the data we are able to collect on individual engagement including: word of mouth between friends and neighbors; distribution of printed materials, Page 1/9 such as engagement toolkits, door hangers, letters, and yard signs; and social media and neighborhood listserv posts. All of these awareness strategies listed were also conducted throughout the vision planning process, but we are unable to verify the number of …
Parks and Recreation Board Briefing AUGUST 24, 2021 AGENDA 1. Schedule 2. Review of Progress 3. Next Steps Community Meeting #1 | 3 SCHEDULE PROJECT KICK-OFF FEB 1ST SMALL GROUP DISCUSSIONS PROJECT POP-UPS COMMUNITY MEETING #5 (IF NEEDED) COMMUNITY MEETING #1 INTRO TO THE PROJECT PROJECT POP-UPS COMMUNITY MEETING #3 ALTERNATIVES FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR TAG KICK-OFF MEETING COMMUNITY MEETING #2 PROGRAMMING SMALL GROUP DISCUSSIONS COMMUNITY MEETING #4 DRAFT PLAN FINAL VISION PLAN DRAFT TO COUNCIL Strategic Kick-Off and Project Initiation Site and Contextural Analysis and Data Project Meetings Stakeholders/Community Participation City Staff, Public Review/Boards, Commissions, Council Review Vision Plan Report Preparation Project Work Plan Kick-Off Meeting Site Analysis and Needs Assessment Report Project Meetings Materials Community Outreach and Draft Vision Plan Presentation of the Site Analysis and Meeting Minutes and Summaries Engagement Plan Final Draft Vision Plan Document Technical Advisory Group Meetings Needs Assessment Report Community Engagement and Outreach Presentation of Final Draft Vision Plan Document to City Commission, Progress Reports Presentation of the Site Analysis and Needs Boards, City Manager and City Council Provide a Needs Assessment Report Preliminary Vision Plan Concepts Final Vision Plan Document Assessment Report to City Commission, Boards, City Manager and City Council Community Wide Survey 4 REVIEW OF PROGRESS COMMUNITY MEETING #1 • Time: June 29th 6pm • Participants: About 140 people through Zoom, 13-15 through Facebook Live • Survey during the Meeting: 82 participants • Presentation Contents • Team Overview • Schedule • The Purpose of the Plan • History • Ecology • Mobility • Program/Funding • Relevant Plans • Regulation 6 COMMUNITY MEETING #1 Facebook Live Screenshot Zoom Live Screenshot 7 Council District Pop-ups Additional Pop-ups Upcoming Pop-ups • Monday, July 19 • Tuesday, July 27 • Saturday, August 7 • Tuesday, August 10 • Tuesday, September 7 7am - 10am Northwest Family YMCA (D6) 5807 McNeil Drive 7pm - 10pm Hillside Concert Series (D2) A.B. Cantu Rec Center APF Volunteer Saturday Oak Springs (D1, D3) Oak Springs School Park 6pm - 8pm Blues on the Green - Postponed Zilker Park Great Lawn UT Happier Happy Hour student event UT Austin • Saturday, July 24 • Tuesday, July 27 • Saturday, August 7 • Wednesday, August 11 • Friday, September 17 12pm - 3pm Shipe Neighborhood Pool (D9) 4400 Avenue G 6pm - 8pm Blues on the Green Zilker Park …
PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD DIRECTOR’S REPORT DATE: August 2021 COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT EVENTS: Zilker Metropolitan Park Vision Plan: As follow-up to 11 in-person pop-ups in July which included an event at a park or pool in every Council District and one in Zilker Park, the planning team added several tabling events to continue to engage and survey community members prior to Community Meeting #2. Events included Blues on the Green (7/27, 7/28), Hillside Concert Series (7/27, 8/3), United Way’s Family Resource Fair (8/6), and Austin Parks Foundation Volunteer Days at Oak Springs (8/7). Community Meeting #2 occurred virtually on August 10 and focused on programming uses and priorities. The meeting’s survey will remain open for continued input and additional tabling opportunities will take place in September, as COVID-19 circumstances allow. Additionally, the planning team continues to engage the project’s Technical Advisory Group (Meeting #4, 8/18) and is scheduled to provide a briefing to the Parks and Recreation Board on August 24. Further details including the Site Analysis and Needs Assessment Report, meeting recordings, and community survey may be found on the project website at: Districts 5 and 8 Water Quality Improvements at the Asian American Resource Center: The Watershed Protection Department (WPD), will hold an informational community meeting on water quality improvements for Little Walnut Creek, which will enhance and benefit the Asian American Resource Center (AARC) and diminish the occurrence of flood events on Cameron Road. The Parks and Recreation Department (PARD) and WPD have worked together on this water quality project, as it surrounds the AARC campus and portions of the WPD project will include elements identified in the 2019 Council approved AARC Facility Expansion Plan. The project includes pond expansion, addition of a wetlands area, a new pedestrian bridge as well as new trails and landscaping. The online community meeting will be held on Wednesday, August 25, 2021, at 6:30pm. More information can be found at the project website at: This project will be funded by WPD. District 1 1 PLANNING UPDATES: North Burnet / Gateway Regulating Plan Amendment: In the course of review of the Broadmoor Preliminary Plan, PARD staff met often with the developer (Brandywine/Drenner Group) and the City Law Department. The resulting code interpretation from Law was that any credit for offsite parkland dedication (e.g., parkland dedication on a separate block), would require the dedication be completed by the time the certificate of …
Meeting of the Planning Commission August 24, 2021 Planning Commission to be held August 24, 2021 with Social Distancing Modifications Public comment will be allowed via telephone; no in-person input will be allowed. All speakers, including applicants and representatives, must register in advance (Day before the scheduled meeting, August 23, 2021 by noon). To speak remotely at the August 24, 2021 Planning Commission Meeting, residents must: Preferably email the board liaison at or call 512-974-6508 the day before the meeting. The following information is required: 1. The speaker name. 2. Item number(s) they wish to speak on. 3. Whether they are for/against/neutral. 4. Mailing address. 5. Telephone number. Must be the number that will be used to call-in. Failure to provide the required information by noon August 23, 2021 shall render a request null and void. A registered speaker may not sign up another speaker. Previous registration on an item does not automatically roll over. •Once a request to register to speak has been called in or emailed to the board liaison, residents will receive either an email or phone call with additional information regarding the call in process. •Handouts or other information must be emailed to by 1:00 PM Tuesday, August 24, 2021 This information will be provided to Commission members in advance of the meeting. •Residents may watch the meeting here: Postponement requests must be submitted to the case manager and Andrew Rivera by 5PM Monday, August 23, 2021 Reunión de la Comisión de Planificación Fecha 24 mes de agosto de 2021 La Comisión de Planificación se reunirá el 24 mes de agosto de 2021 con modificaciones de distanciamiento social. Se permitirán comentarios públicos por teléfono; no se permitirá ninguna entrada en persona. Llame o envíe un correo electrónico al enlace de la junta en 512-974-6508 a más tardar al mediodía (el día antes de la reunion, 23 mes de agosto de 2021). 1. El nombre del orador. 2. Número (s) de artículo sobre el que desean hablar. 3. Si están a favor / en contra / neutrales. 4. Dirección postal. 5. Número de teléfono. Debe ser el número que se utilizará para llamar a la persona que desea hablar. Si la información solicitada no se envía antes del mediodía del 23 mes de agosto , la solicitud será nula y sin efecto. Un orador registrado no puede registrar a otro orador. El registro …
SUBDIVISION REVIEW SHEET CASE NO.: C8-2020-0021.0A COMMISSION DATE: August 24, 2021 SUBDIVISION NAME: Fort Branch Subdivision ADDRESS: 5016 E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. APPLICANT: Robert Penta AGENT: Jerome Perales (Perales Land Development LLC) ZONING: SF-3-NP (single family residence) NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN: MLK-183 AREA: 2.9 acre (30,642 sf) COUNTY: Travis LOTS: 8 DISTRICT: 1 WATERSHED: Fort Branch JURISDICTION: Full Purpose VARIANCES: none DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: The request is for the approval of the Fort Branch Subdivision composed of 8 lots on 2.9 acres. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends disapproval of the plat for the reasons listed in the comment report dated August 19, 2021, and attached as Exhibit C. The plat does not comply with the criteria for approval in LDC 25-4-84(B) and staff recommends disapproval for the reasons listed in the attached comment report. An application that has been disapproved with reasons may be updated to address those reasons until the application expires. If the applicant submits an update to address the reasons for disapproval, that update will be presented to the Land Use Commission within fifteen days of submittal. CASE MANAGER: Cesar Zavala E-mail: PHONE: 512-974-3404 ATTACHMENTS Exhibit A: Vicinity map Exhibit B: Proposed plat Exhibit C: Comment report dated August 19, 2021 Legend Street Labels Jurisdiction FULL PURPOSE LIMITED PURPOSE OTHER CITY LIMITS OTHER CITIES ETJ Jurisdiction FULL PURPOSE LIMITED PURPOSE EXTRATERRITORIAL JURISDICTION 2 MILE ETJ AGRICULTURAL AGREEMENT EXTRATERRITORIAL JURISDICTION 2 MILE ETJ AGRICULTURAL AGREEMENT OTHER CITY LIMITS OTHER CITIES ETJ 0.3 0 0.14 0.3 Miles NAD_1983_StatePlane_Texas_Central_FIPS_4203_Feet Date Printed: This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey. This product has been produced by the City of Austin for the sole purpose of geographic reference. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or completeness. 1: 8,785 Notes SUBDIVISION NAME: Fort Branch Subdivision ADDRESS: 5016 E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. FORT BRANCH CREEK SUBDIVISION LEGEND 1/2" ROD FOUND 1/2" ROD SET M MAG NAIL FOUND CALCULATED POINT ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION/TELECOM. ESMT ETE SSE WWE P.O.B. SANITARY SEWER ESMT WATER/WASTEWATER ESMT POINT OF BEGINNING SIDEWALK BEARING BASIS: BEARINGS ARE GRID NORTH BASED ON THE TEXAS COORDINATE SYSTEM CENTRAL TEXAS ZONE (4203) NAD83 HARN HORIZONTAL CONTROL. LINE L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 BEARING N 62°37'24" W N 62°37'24" W N 64°35'54" W S …
Clark, Kate From: Sent: To: Subject: Jim Karabaic Monday, August 23, 2021 10:35 PM Clark, Kate opposition to rezoning of 1725 Toomey Road property *** External Email - Exercise Caution *** Hello Ms. Clark, I am submitting this letter in opposition to the proposed 'rezoning' of the property at 1725 Toomey Rd. I have been a resident here for many years, and I believe the 'rezoning' of this property will only worsen a safety issue that we are already dealing with. As you may know, there are several 'events' held throughout the year at Zilker Park and the surrounding grounds. Whenever we have one of these events such as ACL Festival, Blues on the Green, The Trail of Lights, etc, we experience a large traffic jam all along our streets (Toomey Road and Sterzing avenue). The safety concern is this: With cars packing both sides of the road and traffic at a standstill (it's like a full parking lot with cars barely moving for hours at a time), there is absolutely NO WAY that the city would be able to get a fire truck down here, or an EMS vehicle, or a police officer. When we are 'blocked in' by these (already existing) traffic jams, we are at grave risk ‐ if we were in need of the services of the Austin Fire Department, the Austin EMS, or the police. Rezoning this property and increasing the population here (fivefold) will only make it much worse. The current number of units here is about forty. The proposal for 'rezoning' includes a request for up to 215 units here. This is simply going to make the location even more 'unsafe', because it will just lead to even more cars and more crowding. Does the City of Austin have plans to completely 'relocate' the Austin City Limits Music Festival or the Blues on the Green, or the Trail of Lights? Do they have a plan to use the 'Starflight Helicopter here? Will it land in the baseball fields? Finally, there is a legitimate concern to preserve at least some 'affordable housing' in the downtown Austin area. The people who live here are teachers, nurses, airline pilots, and state workers. My neighbors are hard working people, and we are not millionaires. This area already has several high rise buildings in which the rents start at $2,000.00 a month and go up from there. New …
From: Dewitt Peart < Sent: Monday, August 23, 2021 8:03 AM To: Brummett, Elizabeth <> Cc: Subject: 909 Congress Avenue appeal *** External Email - Exercise Caution *** Elizabeth, please forward this note to the members of the Historic Landmark Commission in advance of their meeting on Tuesday, August 24, 2021. Dear Commissioners, I write to you in support of item 15 on your August 24, 2021 agenda, an appeal of the Historic Landmark Commission’s denial of a Certificate of Appropriateness for the deconstruction and reconstruction of 909 Congress Avenue facade. The Downtown Austin Alliance is supportive of the plan to reconstruct this historic façade, along with those at 907 and 911 Congress Avenue, and understand that without this first step that process will not be able to proceed. We look forward to working with the applicant as the project evolves and are comforted to know that there will be a restrictive covenant on the property requiring that the owner has only three years to replace the facades. This gives us the assurance that within that timeframe this portion of Congress Avenue will be reconstructed in keeping with the historic nature of the avenue. We understand that there is broad support for this proposal and we join in that support. We ask that you vote for this appeal. Sincerely, Dewitt Peart
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Version Two ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 4.10.3 OF THE NORTH BURNET- GATEWAY REGULATING PLAN TO ALLOW FOR ALTERNATIVE TIMELINES FOR PARKLAND DEDICATION AND WAIVING REQUIREMENTS IN CITY CODE SECTION 25-1-502 FOR PLANNING COMMISSION REVIEW. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUSTIN: PART 1. City Council adopted the North Burnet-Gateway Regulating Plan in Ordinance No. 20090312-035 and has since amended it on several occasions. PART 2. Pursuant to Subsection (D) of City Code Section 25-2-767.02 (Regulating Plan), Section 4.10.3 of the North Burnet-Gateway Regulating Plan is amended to add a new Subsection (D) to read as follows: D. Community Parks a. The dedication of land required under Section 25-1-602 (Dedication of Parkland) may be deferred in accordance with the alternative parkland dedication timeline described in Paragraph 4.10.3.D.b if the development meets the following requirements: i. The original tract before the development was subdivided consisted of at least 20 acres. ii. The preliminary plan or the final plat includes a parks plan approved by the Director of the PARD that identifies community parks that will serve all the residents of the subdivision (“Parks Plan”). iii. The parkland to be dedicated (“Future Park Area”) must be located within the boundaries of the preliminary plan and subject to the Parks Plan. iv. The owner of the Future Park Area executes a covenant with the City that restricts the use of the Future Park Area to park purposes, with limited exceptions that must be approved by the Director of the PARD prior to recordation. v. The development project provides an additional significant public benefit as determined in the City’s discretion. 8/23/2021 5:07 PM Page 1 of 2 COA Law Department 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 b. Alternative Parkland Dedication Timeline. If a development meets the requirements under Paragraph 4.10.3.D.a, the applicant may use the following process to dedicate land required to fulfill parkland dedication requirements: i. At the time of site plan review for an application that requires parkland dedication, the applicant shall post …
August 24, 2021 Planning Commission Registered Speakers Speaker Citizen Communication Zenobia C. Joseph B1 /B2 Applicant - B3 / B4 Applicant - Alice Glasco B5 / B6 Applicant - Victoria Haase Ron Thrower Opposed Jade Lovera Preston King Ana Aguire Zenobia C. Joseph B7 Applicant - Amanda Swor Stephen Drenner Greg Smith Opposed David Piper Rebecca Taylor Andie Haddad Daniel Harry Sewell B8 Applicant - Victoria Haase Ron Thrower B9 - B11 Time Allotment 3min 6min / 3min Rebuttal 3min 3min 3min 6min / 3min Rebuttal 3min 3min 6min 3min 3min 3min 6min / 3min. Rebuttal 3min Applicant - Nikelle Meade Nick Brown Barrett Lepore B12 Applicant - Richard Suttle Amanda Morrow B13 Applicant - Leah Bojo Anaiah M. Johnson Nhat Ho Opposed Marcia Poss Nadia Barbot Kate Taylor Jacqueline Williams Zenobia C. Joseph William Stout B14 Applicant - Lee R. Basore B15 Applicant - Leah Bojo Donna Carter Ryan Stolz Charley Dorsaneo Jeff Howard Julia Taylor B16 Applicant - Dave Anderson Leon Shadowen B17 Applicant - Tyler Boykin B18 6min / 3min. Rebuttal 3min 6min / 3min Rebuttal 3min 6min / 3min Rebuttal 3min 3min 6min 3min 3min 3min 3min 3min 6min / 3min Rebuttal 6min / 3min Rebuttal 3min 3min 3min 3min 3min 6min / 3min Rebuttal 6min / 3min Rebuttal Applicant Opposed B19 Applicant
ASIAN AMERICAN QUALITY OF LIFE ADVISORY COMMISSION (AAQOLAC) SPECIAL CALLED MEETING MINUTES OF TUESDAY, JUNE 15, 2021 The AAQOLAC convened in a regular meeting on Tuesday, June 15, 2021 Chair Yoshida called the Commission Meeting to order at 6:14 p.m. Commission Members in Attendance: Pooja Sethi, Sarah Chen, Kirk Yoshida, Hanna Huang, Shubhada Saxena, Fang Fang, Pramod Patil, and Vince Cobalis Staff in Attendance: Rey Arellano, Assistant City Manager Joshua Robinson, Equity & Inclusion Program Coordinator (Equity Office) Citizen Communication: N/A 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Commission moved to approve minutes from AAQOLAC meeting on April 20, 2021. Commissioner Cobalis motioned. Commissioner Huang seconded. Vote was 8-0. 2. OLD BUSINESS a. Workgroup/Project Reports 1. Asian American Resource Center (AARC) Workgroup – No updated provided 2. Health and Community Engagement Workgroup – No updated provided 3. Arts & Culture Workgroup – Commissioner Patil provided an update 4. Human Resources Workgroup – No update provided 5. Business Planning Workgroup – No update provided 6. Public Safety / Policing Project – Chair Yoshida provided an update. 7. Community Stakeholder Nomination Project – No update provided b. Update on the Joint Inclusion Committee Meeting – Commissioner Cobalis provided an update on the upcoming 1. Update on the AARC Master Plan - Chair Yoshida provided an update. 2. Winter Storm Review Task Force – No update provided. c. Follow-up Items: 3. NEW BUSINESS a. Presentation and Discussion with the Central Health Pandemic Equity Committee (Megan Cermak) – Megan Cermak, Central Health Pandemic provided an update on the Central Health Pandemic Equity Committee. 4. INFORMATION SHARING a. Commissioners Sethi, Cobalis, Patil, and Chen 5. FUTURE AGENDA 6. ADJOURN Chair Yoshida adjourned the meeting without any objections at 7:35 p.m.
JOINT INCLUSION COMMITTEE June 23rd, 2021 Report to Asian American Quality of Life Commission By Vince Cobalis Joint Inclusion Committee members: Hispanic Quality of Life Advisory Commission: Amanda Afifi Alternate: Sharon Vigil Alternate: Johanna Hosking Pulido Early Childhood Council: Raul Alvarez Commission for Women: Flannery Bope Alternate: Rebecca Austen Comission for Seniors: Janee Briesemeister Alternate: Sally VanSickle Human Rights Commission: Jamarr Brown Alternate: Idona Griffith Asian American Quality of Life Commission: Vincent Cobalis Alternate: Hanna Huang Commission on Immigrant Affairs: Karen Crawford (Vice Chair) Alternate: Krystal Gomez Alternate: Charles Curry LGBTQ Quality of Life Commission: Sandra Chavez (Chair) Mayor’s Committee for People with Disability: Robin Orlowski African American Resource Advisory Commission: Gregory Smith Alternate: Joey Gidseg Alternate: Marissa Jones 1. Presentation from Central Health Pandemic Equity from Megan Cermak 2. Discussed Compassion 2020 Compassion Contract 3. Supported 6 recommendations from the Mayor’s Committee for People with Disabilities 4. Increased funding for cultural-specific mental health awareness and services and support for the recommendations from the Asian American Quality of Life Advisory Commission and the LGBTQ Quality of Life Commission. 5. Recommendation for increased funding for health care navigators and support for the recommendations from the Asian American Quality of Life Advisory Commission and the Commission on Immigrant Affairs. Amended to add Hispanic Quality of Life Commission 6. Support recommendation from the Commission on Women to provide free menstrual products in public places that are controlled and managed by the City of Austin that are accessible to folks experiencing homelessness and providing kits and educational materials about menstruation and menstrual disorders to individuals experiencing homelessness, 7. Voted to schedule Joint Inclusion Committee meetings in 2021 on the fourth Wednesdays at 3 pm with the exception of the November and December meetings NEW BUSINESS: 1. Endorse the Commission on Disabilities Resolution Number: 20210212-2B: A Resolution to Replace Mention of TTY in City of Austin Facilities 2. Endorsement of Mayor’s Committee for People with Disability’s Resolution Number: 20210409- 2B: A Resolution Acknowledging Impacts of Winter Storm Uri on People with Disabilities 3. Endorsement of Mayor’s Committee for People with Disability’s Resolution Number: 20210312- 2D: A Resolution For Austin Police department to reintegrate braille onto identification cards 4. Two Early Childhood Council recommendations tabled until next meeting
AARC Workgroup 7/13/21 Meeting notes Attendees: Sona Shah, Jae Kwon, Laura Esparza, Christina Bies , Debasree Das Gupta, Shiller Liao, Vince Cobalis (lead) 1. NAAO Donor wall - - AARC staff awaiting NAAO completion to make additional improvements in the Zen Garden. - Per S. Liao: Delays due to COVID preventing access for awhile and then impacting the contractor. * Paint background, secure bricks and place a glass front for protection. 2. Introductions: Jae Kwon, part-time temp Marketing Rep, was introduced. He will be focused on helping with Phase 2 community engagement. 3. Phase 2 Community Engagement * David Nicks will write out Community Engagement Plan document * Architect under contract in August so currently no contact period - Architect will have it’s own process, informed by the City Community Engagement - Community Engagement * AARC staff working on following: ‐ Identifying groups that currently use the facility and don't - Developing outreach plan using Airtables so we are ready once architect contract signed ‐ Identifying Community Champions that can outreach in their communities ‐‐ would like Culture & Arts group of Commission to be involved - input from community will be about facility needs so thinking about how to present that information since City language is hard to understand for many communities ‐ Considering having initial meeting to invite public and NAAO to understand process and then do direct outreach ‐ During engagement process will also go to events hosted by other culture groups for hard to reach populations * Next steps: flesh out air table * Future meeting with Architect * Expect Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) contract in October (9700 sq gy, 450 capacity) 4. Language Access * APH Language Access Coordinator (template for similar PARD position) * PARD has Language Access SPOC, but need wider responsibility * Focus on defining position for 2023 budget request 5. Senior program / Meals on Wheels update * AARC will Open August 16, * Slow to implement Meals on Wheels due to supply chain problem * Space Reserved for Senior meals Mon ‐ Thurs 9am‐3pm 6. AARC now taking reservations for rooms and events * Fees same as 2021
PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD Tuesday, August 24, 2021 – 5:30pm Via Videoconference MINUTES The Parks and Recreation Board convened in a regular meeting on Tuesday, August 24, 2021 via videoconference in Austin, Texas. Chair Lewis called the meeting to order at 5:32pm. Board Members in Attendance: Chair Dawn Lewis, Vice Chair Richard DePalma, Nancy Barnard, Laura Cottam Sajbel, Anna Di Carlo, Sarah Faust, Lisa Hugman and Nina Rinaldi. Board Members Absent: Kimberly Taylor. Staff in Attendance: Kimberly McNeeley, Liana Kallivoka, Suzanne Piper, Anthony Segura, Gregory Montes, Ricardo Soliz, Christina Bies, Kevin Gomillion, Denisha Cox, Patricia Rossett, Christine Chute Canul, Leah Gibson, Christa McCarthy, Justin Schneider, Megan Eckard, Sammi Curless. Chair Lewis made a motion to modify Agenda Item speaker comment time to 90 seconds; Vice Chair DePalma seconded the motion. The motion passed 7-1 with Board Member Taylor absent and two vacancies. Those voting aye were Chair Lewis, Vice Chair DePalma, Board Members Barnard, Cottam Sajbel, Di Carlo, Hugman, and Rinaldi. Those voting nay were Board Member Faust. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL Kevin Reinis – creation of a special committee to engage in rebuilding/relocation of the boat house. A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes from the regular meeting of June 22, 2021 were approved on Vice Chair DePlama’s motion, Board Member Barnard second on a 6-1 vote with Board Member Taylor absent and two vacancies. Those voting aye were Chair Lewis, Vice Chair DePalma, Board Members Barnard, Di Carlo, Hugman and Rinaldi. Those voting nay were Board Member Cottam Sajbel. Those abstaining were Board Members Faust. B. NEW BUSINESS: PRESENTATION, DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION ITEMS CONSENT 1. Presentation, discussion and possible action regarding a recommendation to the City Council for the negotiation and execution of a partnership agreement with The Trail Page 1 of 3 Foundation for the operations, maintenance and programming for the Ann and Roy Butler Hike-and-Bike Trail at Town Lake Metropolitan Park. Board Member Faust pulled the item from the consent agenda. Following discussion, Vice Chair DePalma made a motion to recommend to the City Council the negotiation and execution of a partnership agreement with The Trail Foundation for the operations, maintenance and programming for the Ann and Roy Butler Hike-and-Bike Trail at Town Lake Metropolitan Park; Board Member Di Carlo seconded the motion. The motion passed 8-0 with Board Member Taylor absent and two vacancies. NON-CONSENT 2. Discussion and possible action on Contracts and Concessions Committee and …