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Planning CommissionAug. 24, 2021

B-04 (C14-2021-0015 - Shelby Lane Residences; District 3).pdf original pdf

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MEMORANDUM ************************************************************************ TO: Todd Shaw, Chair Planning Commission Members FROM: Wendy Rhoades, Principal Planner Maureen Meredith, Senior Planner Housing and Planning Department August 16, 2021 DATE: RE: NPA-2021-0020.01 – Shelby Lane Residences (Plan Amendment Case) C14-2021-0015 – Shelby Lane Residences (Rezoning Case) Request for Indefinite Postponement by Staff ************************************************************************ The Staff requests an indefinite postponement of the above-referenced neighborhood plan amendment and rezoning cases. The Applicant has submitted a traffic impact analysis to the Austin Transportation Department (ATD) for review and ATD has issued an initial set of comments. An indefinite postponement will provide the Applicant time to respond to Staff comments, and Staff time to evaluate the additional information submitted and prepare recommendations for each case. Renotification of both cases will be required. Attachment: Map of Property 1 of 2B-4 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 05-0107 ! ! RIAL\W A R E H C14-70-001 LI-NP G AININ R T O U S E S T N E M Y O L P M E MINI- STORAGE S C 1 34 7-0 9 P S ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! MOBILE HOM E PARK MH-NP C14-2019-0018 ! ( ! ( ! ! ( ! ! ! SF-2-NP ! ! SP- 97 -0 3 41 CS LI-CO-NP 05-0107 ( 1 0 70-0 7 4 83-2 LI-NP LI-CO-NP W HSE IN D U ST O FF C. R A W K R A S P S E SIN U B AUTO S ALVA G E 83-312 70-001 OFFICES CAR SALES T O S G TIA N A S LI-PDA-NP CAFETERIA AUTO REPAIR HOTEL 70-001 SP-98-0045C AUTO RENTALS LI-NP E ST ELM O R D I N D U S T R I A L B L V D LI-PDA-NP C14-05-0107.01 05-0107 05-0107 MINI-WHSE PIPE CO. BO DY SH OP STONE SUPPLY CONCRETE PLANT C 54 1 P-03-0 S S HIC P A R G O H LIT 05-0107 LI-CO-NP 94-96 RECORDING LI-NP STUDIO E ST ELM O R D WAREHOUSES LI-NP W H S E M AT E ST O R RIA L A G E S P91-0078 C 77-186 70-01 05-0107 CS-MU-CO-NP SP-05-1285C N Y O L R R E T SP-05-1231C R E E T G RID N E E R …

Scraped at: Aug. 19, 2021, 7:30 p.m.
Planning CommissionAug. 24, 2021

B-05 (NPA-2021-0026.01 - Grady & Brownie Mixed Use; District 4).pdf original pdf

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Page 1 of 47 pages

Planning Commission: August 24, 2021 NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN AMENDMENT REVIEW SHEET NEIGHORHOOD PLAN: North Lamar Combined (North Lamar) CASE#: NPA-2021-0026.01 DATE FILED: March 12, 2021 (In-cycle, with winter storm deadline extension) 10609, 10611, 10613, 10615 Brownie Drive (Tract 1) and 10610, 10612, 10614 Middle Fiskville Road (Tract 2) PROJECT NAME: Grady & Brownie Mixed Use PC DATE: August 24, 2021 July 27, 2021 July 13, 2021 June 8, 2021 ADDRESS/ES: DISTRICT AREA: 4 SITE AREA: 1.79 acres OWNER/APPLICANT: Grady & Brownie Investments, LLC AGENT: Thrower Design (Ron Thrower & Victoria Haase) CASE MANAGER: Maureen Meredith, Housing & Planning Dept. PHONE: (512) 974-2695 STAFF EMAIL: TYPE OF AMENDMENT: Change in Future Land Use Designation From: Single Family (Tract 1) & Neighborhood Commercial (Tract 2) To: Mixed Use Base District Zoning Change Related Zoning Case: C14-2021-0039 From: SF-3-NP and LR-NP NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN ADOPTION DATE: June 24, 2010 To: MF-4-NP and CS-MU-NP 1 1 of 47B-5 Planning Commission: August 24, 2021 PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: August 24, 2021 – (action pending) July 27, 2021 – After discussion postponement, the case was postponed to August 24, 2021 to allow the applicant to work with the neighborhood. [G. Cox – 1st; C. Llanes Pulido – 2nd] Vote: 10-0 [P. Howard, T. Shaw and J. Thompson absent]. July 13, 2021 – Postponed to July 27, 2021 at the request of the neighborhood on the consent agenda. [C. Hempel – 1st; Y. Flores – 2nd] Vote: 8-0 [A. Azar, P. Howard, S. R. Praxis, C. Llanes Pulido and R. Schneider absent]. June 8, 2021 – Postponed to July 13, 2021 at the request of the neighborhood on the consent agenda. [A. Azar – 1st; J. Mushtaler – 2nd] Vote: 11-0 [Y. Flores and J. Shieh absent]. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff supports the applicant’s request to change the future land use map from Single Family and Neighborhood Commercial land to Mixed Use land use. BASIS FOR STAFF’S RECOMMENDATION: The property has frontage along the north side of Brownie Drive (Tract 1) and has frontage (Tract 2) along Middle Fiskville Road which runs along the I.H.-35 frontage road. Mixed Use land use appropriate in this location. The plan document supports new, higher density residential development to be located along major roadways. The property is proposed for a multifamily development with a possibility for commercial uses on Tract 2. The proposed residential uses will provide new housing options for the planning area …

Scraped at: Aug. 19, 2021, 7:30 p.m.
Planning CommissionAug. 24, 2021

B-06 (C14-2021-0039 - Grady & Brownie Mixed Use; District 4).pdf original pdf

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ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET CASE: C14-2021-0039 (Grady & Brownie Mixed Use) DISTRICT: 4 ZONING FROM: Tract 1: SF-3-NP Tract 2: LR-NP TO: Tract 1: MF-4-NP Tract 2: CS-MU-NP ADDRESS: 10609, 10611, 10613, 10615 Brownie Drive and 10610, 10612, 10614 Middle Fiskville Road SITE AREA: Tract 1: 1.03 acres Tract 2: 0.76 acres 1.795 acres (78,211.98 sq. ft.) PROPERTY OWNER: Grady & Brownie Investments LLC (Saleem Memon) AGENT: Thrower Design (A. Ron Thrower) CASE MANAGER: Sherri Sirwaitis (512-974-3057, STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends MF-2-NP, Multifamily Residence-Low Density District- Neighborhood Plan Combining District, zoning for Tract 1 and LR-MU-NP, Neighborhood Commercial-Mixed Use-Neighborhood Plan Combining District, zoning for Tract 2. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION / RECOMMENDATION: June 8, 2021: Postponed to July 13, 2021 at the neighborhood's request by consent (11-0); A. Azhar-1st, J. Mushtaler-2nd. July 13, 2021: Postponed to July 27, 2021 at a neighbor's request by consent (8-0, A. Azhar, P. Howard, S. Praxis, C. Llanes-Pulido, R. Schneider - absent); C. Hempel-1st, Y. Flores-2nd. July 27, 2021: Postponed to August 24, 2021 at the neighborhood's request (10-0); G. Cox-1st, C. Llanes-Pulido-2nd. August 24, 2021 CITY COUNCIL ACTION: ORDINANCE NUMBER: 1 of 41B-6 C14-2021-0039 ISSUES: N/A CASE MANAGER COMMENTS: 2 The property in question consists of seven undeveloped lots located between Brownie Drive and Middle Fiskville Road at East Grady Drive. The lots to the north, across Grady Drive, are zoned SF-3-NP and LR-NP respectively and are undeveloped. Further to the north, is a manufacturing facility (former Golfsmith site) with IP-NP and CS-NP zoning. To the south and east along Brownie Drive are single-family residences zoned SF-2-NP and SF-3-NP. Along Middle Fiskville Road to the south, there are commercial uses (Third Coast Auto Sales Group) with LR-NP and CS-NP zoning. The applicant is requesting MF-4-NP zoning for Tract 1 and CS-MU-NP zoning for Tract 2 to allow for the development of residential dwelling units at the periphery of an established neighborhood and commercial uses fronting IH-35/Middle Fiskville Road (please see Applicant’s Request Letter – Exhibit C). In 2010, the North Lamar Combined Neighborhood Plan was devised for this area of the City. The neighborhood plan recommended Single-Family fronting Brownie Drive and Neighborhood Commercial fronting Middle Fiskville Road on the future land use map for this property (please see North Lamar Combined NP FLUM – Exhibit D). On June 24, 2010, the City Council approved the North Lamar Combined Neighborhood Plan along with accompanying …

Scraped at: Aug. 19, 2021, 7:30 p.m.
Planning CommissionAug. 24, 2021

B-07 (C14-2021-0009 - 1725 Toomey Rd; District 5).pdf original pdf

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C14-2021-0009 1 ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET CASE: C14-2021-0009 – 1725 Toomey DISTRICT: 5 ZONING FROM: CS TO: MF-6 ADDRESS: 1725 Toomey Road SITE AREA: 0.90 Acres PROPERTY OWNER: 1725 Toomey LLC AGENT: Drenner Group (Amanda Swor) CASE MANAGER: Kate Clark (512-974-1237, STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends multifamily residence highest density (MF-6) district zoning. For a summary of the basis of staff’s recommendation, see page 2 and 3. SMALL AREA PLANNING JOINT COMMITTEE June 2, 2021 Forwarded to Planning Commission without a Recommendation. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION / RECOMMENDATION: August 24, 2021 Scheduled for Planning Commission July 27, 2021 Approved neighborhood’s request to postpone to August 24, 2021 on the consent agenda. Vote: 10-0. [Commissioner Schneider - 1st, Commissioner Azhar - 2nd; Chair Shaw and Commissioners Howard and Thompson were absent]. July 13, 2021 Approved neighborhood’s request to postpone to July 27, 2021 on the consent agenda. Vote: 8-0. [Vice Chair Hempel - 1st, Commissioner Flores - 2nd; Commissioners Azhar, Howard, Rosa Praxis, Llanes Pulido and Schneider were absent]. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: August 26, 2021 Scheduled for City Council July 29, 2021 Approved staff’s request to postpone to August 26, 2021 on the consent agenda. Vote: 11-0. 1 of 47B-7 C14-2021-0009 2 ORDINANCE NUMBER: ISSUES Staff has received comments in opposition and in favor of this rezoning request. For all written or emailed comments, please see Exhibit C: Correspondence Received. Separate from and prior to this rezoning case being submitted, a tree permit (2020-127211 TP) was filed and approved to remove a heritage tree at this property. The following is a summary of the application timeline from the Community Tree Preservation Division: The application was received on September 4, 2020 and included detailed photographs and a narrative report from a private Certified Arborist. These materials demonstrated the damage to the structure that was caused by the tree. The application also cited internal decay as a cause for concern and was statutorily disapproved pending documentation that supported that claim. On November 16, 2020 a tomography report from Tree Associates, LLC and completed International Society of Arboriculture tree risk assessment form were submitted to the City for further review. It was determined that the damage that was being caused to the structure (the roof of the apartment complex had been physically deformed by the upper stem of the tree), combined with the evidence of the presence of less-sound wood in the lower stem and …

Scraped at: Aug. 19, 2021, 7:31 p.m.
Planning CommissionAug. 24, 2021

B-08 (C14-2021-0115 - Clawson Heights Residential; District 5).pdf original pdf

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C14-2021-0115 1 ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET CASE: C14-2021-0115 – Clawson Heights Residential DISTRICT: 5 ZONING FROM: SF-3 TO: SF-5 ADDRESS: 4009 & 4011 Clawson Road SITE AREA: 1.0 acre PROPERTY OWNER: Clawson Heights LLC (Frank Gordon) AGENT: Thrower Design (Ron Thrower) CASE MANAGER: Kate Clark (512-974-1237, STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends urban family residence (SF-5) district zoning. For a summary of the basis of staff’s recommendation, see page 2. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION / RECOMMENDATION: August 24, 2021 Scheduled for Planning Commission CITY COUNCIL ACTION: September 30, 2021 To be Scheduled for City Council ORDINANCE NUMBER: ISSUES There are no known issues at this time. Staff has received comments in favor of this rezoning request. For all written or emailed comments, please see Exhibit C: Correspondence Received. CASE MANAGER COMMENTS: This site is located on the east side of Clawson Road and consists of two lots totaling approximately 1.0 acre in size. It is currently developed with two single-family buildings, one on each lot. One of the buildings is unoccupied and the other has a tenant that is aware redevelopment of the property is possible. Current adjacent zoning to the site consists of SF-3 on the north, east and south. Across Clawson Road to the west is SF-6 and SF-3 zoned properties. Please see Exhibit A: Zoning Map and Exhibit B: Aerial Map. 1 of 11B-8 C14-2021-0115 2 Per the applicant’s rezoning application, they are requesting SF-5 to construct up 10 units. This site is located within the South Lamar Combined NP Area and does not have an adopted future land use map (FLUM). BASIS OF RECOMMENDATION: 1. The proposed zoning should be consistent with the purpose statement of the district sought; Zoning changes should promote compatibility with adjacent and nearby uses. The purpose statement for the SF-5 base zoning district states the following: A duplex, two- family, townhouse, or condominium residential use is permitted in an SF-5 district under development standards that maintain single family neighborhood characteristics. Rezoning this property to SF-5 would be consistent with the zoning district’s purpose statement and maintain compatibility with adjacent land uses. EXISTING ZONING AND LAND USES: Zoning Land Uses Site North South East West SF-3 SF-3 SF-3 SF-3 Single-family Single-family Single-family Single-family SF-6 and SF-3 Multi-family (condominium) and Single-family NEIGHBORHOOD PLANNING AREA: South Lamar Combined NP Area - South Lamar (suspended) TIA: TIA shall be required at the time of site plan if …

Scraped at: Aug. 19, 2021, 7:32 p.m.
Planning CommissionAug. 24, 2021

B-09 (C14-2021-0111 - Parcel 1, 300 & 301 Pressler & 1505 W 3rd St).pdf original pdf

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C14-2021-0111 1 ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET CASE: C14-2021-0111– Parcel 1, 300/301 Pressler, & 1505 W 3rd St DISTRICT: 9 ZONING FROM: CS-CO-NP TO: LI-PDA-NP ADDRESS: 301 Pressler Street SITE AREA: 1.072 acres (46,696 sq. ft.) PROPERTY OWNER: Pressler RRI, LP (Donald J. Reese) AGENT: Husch Blackwell LLP, (Nikelle Meade) CASE MANAGER Mark Graham (512-974-3574, ) STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommendation is to grant limited industrial services – planned development area – neighborhood plan (LI-PDA-NP) combining district zoning. The PDA establishes the CS-MU district for uses and site development regulations, additional conditional and prohibited uses, parking reductions, setback reductions and additional height, as enumerated on pages 4 and 5. For a summary of the basis of staff’s recommendation, see case manager comments on pages 6 and 7. SMALL AREA PLANNING JOINT COMMITTEE August 16, 2021: APPROVED THE STAFF RECOMMENDATION TO GRANT LI PDA- NP COMBINING DISTRICT AND RECOMMEND EMPHASIZING OPEN SPACE, MINIMIZING SUBSURFACE ENVIRONMENTAL DISRUPTION AND MAXIMIZING ACCESS TO PARKLAND. [MUSHTALER; SHIEH- 2ND] (4-0) MEMBERS C. ACOSTA, E. RAY, AND P. HOWARD – ABSENT PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION / RECOMMENDATION: August 24, 2021: CITY COUNCIL ACTION: September 30, 2021 1 of 26B-9 C14-2021-0111 2 ORDINANCE NUMBER: 2 of 26B-9 C14-2021-0111 3 ISSUES The project area is within the Waterfront Overlay and was reviewed by the Small Area Plan Joint Commission on August 16, 2021, prior to Planning Commission. A height variance, increasing maximum building height from 60 feet to 75 feet was approved by the Board of Adjustment on Monday June 14, 2021 (see attachment D: BOA Decision Sheet) prior to the Applicant’s submittal of the Zoning Application. Parking reductions proposed in the PDA have been reviewed by the Austin Transportation Department. (see Exhibit F) CASE MANAGER COMMENTS: There are three case numbers assigned to one development project. Parcels are separated by rights-of-way but will be developed and operated as a single development. Parcel 1 is case C14- 2021-0111; Parcel 2 is C14-2021-0112; and Parcel 3 is C14-2021-0113. Location and Access The three rezoning tracts are all south of the active Union Pacific railroad tracks. Vehicle access to the development will be from both Pressler and Paul Streets. Since those accesses rely on at- grade railroad crossings, there will be safety arms that lower across the streets as trains approach. The applicant is proposing to connect public sidewalk access to the park through the development from both streets. Site and Surrounding …

Scraped at: Aug. 19, 2021, 7:32 p.m.
Planning CommissionAug. 24, 2021

B-10 (C14-2021-0112 - Parcel 2, 300 & 301 Pressler & 1505 W 3rd St).pdf original pdf

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C14-2021-0112 1 ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET CASE: C14-2021-0112– Parcel 2, 300/301 Pressler, & 1505 W 3rd St DISTRICT: 9 ZONING FROM: CS-CO-NP TO: LI-PDA-NP ADDRESS: 300 Pressler Street, 1409 & 1501 West 3rd Street SITE AREA: 1.170 acres (50,963 sq. ft.) PROPERTY OWNER: Pressler RRI, LP (Donald J. Reese) AGENT: Husch Blackwell LLP, (Nikelle Meade) CASE MANAGER Mark Graham (512-974-3574, ) STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommendation is to grant limited industrial service – planned development area – neighborhood plan (LI-PDA-NP) combining district zoning. The PDA establishes the CS- MU district for uses and site development regulations, additional conditional and prohibited use, parking reductions, setback reductions and additional height, as enumerated on pages 4 and 5. For a summary of the basis of staff’s recommendation, see case manager comments on page 2. SMALL AREA PLANNING JOINT COMMITTEE August 16, 2021: APPROVED THE STAFF RECOMMENDATION TO GRANT LI PDA-NP COMBINING DISTRICT AND RECOMMEND EMPHASIZING OPEN SPACE, MINIMIZING SUBSURFACE ENVIRONMENTAL DISRUPTION AND MAXIMIZING ACCESS TO PARKLAND. [MUSHTALER; SHIEH- 2ND] (4-0) MEMBERS C. ACOSTA, E. RAY, AND P. HOWARD – ABSENT PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION / RECOMMENDATION: August 24, 2021: CITY COUNCIL ACTION: September 30, 2021 ORDINANCE NUMBER: 1 of 25 C14-2021-0112 2 ISSUES The project area is within the Waterfront Overlay and was reviewed by the Small Area Plan Joint Commission on August 16, 2021, prior to Planning Commission. A height variance, increasing maximum building height from 60 feet to 75 feet was approved by the Board of Adjustment on Monday June 14, 2021 (see attachment D: BOA Decision Sheet) prior to the Applicant’s submittal of the Zoning Application. Parking reductions proposed in the PDA are being reviewed by the Austin Transportation Department. CASE MANAGER COMMENTS: There are three case numbers assigned to one development project. Parcels are separated by rights-of-way but will be developed and operated as a single development. Parcel 1 is case C14- 2021-0111; Parcel 2 is C14-2021-0112; and Parcel 3 is C14-2021-0113. Location and Access The three rezoning tracts are all south of the active Union Pacific railroad tracks. Vehicle access to the development will be from both Pressler and Paul Streets. Since those accesses rely on at- grade railroad crossings, there will be safety arms that lower across the streets as trains approach. The applicant is proposing to connect public sidewalk access to the park through the development from both streets. Site and Surrounding Area Parcel 2 is …

Scraped at: Aug. 19, 2021, 7:32 p.m.
Planning CommissionAug. 24, 2021

B-11 (C14-2021-0113 - Parcel 3, 300 & 301 Pressler & 1505 W 3rd St).pdf original pdf

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C14-2021-0113 1 ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET CASE: C14-2021-0113– Parcel 3, 300/301 Pressler, & 1505 W 3rd St DISTRICT: 9 ZONING FROM: LI-CO-NP TO: LI-PDA-NP ADDRESS: 1505 West 3rd Street SITE AREA: 0.947 acres (41,257 sq. ft.) PROPERTY OWNER: Pressler RRI, LP (Donald J. Reese) AGENT: Husch Blackwell LLP, (Nikelle Meade) CASE MANAGER Mark Graham (512-974-3574, ) STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommendation is to grant limited industrial service – planned development area -neighborhood plan (LI-PDA-NP) combining district zoning. The PDA establishes the CS- MU district for uses and site development regulations, additional conditional and prohibited uses, parking reductions, setback reductions and additional height, as enumerated on pages 4 and 5. For a summary of the basis of staff’s recommendation, see case manager comments on pages 6 and 7. SMALL AREA PLANNING JOINT COMMITTEE August 16, 2021: APPROVED THE STAFF RECOMMENDATION TO GRANT LI PDA-NP COMBINING DISTRICT AND RECOMMEND EMPHASIZING OPEN SPACE, MINIMIZING SUBSURFACE ENVIRONMENTAL DISRUPTION AND MAXIMIZING ACCESS TO PARKLAND. [MUSHTALER; SHIEH- 2ND] (4-0) MEMBERS C. ACOSTA, E. RAY, AND P. HOWARD – ABSENT PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION / RECOMMENDATION: August 24, 2021: CITY COUNCIL ACTION: September 30, 2021 ORDINANCE NUMBER: 1 of 24B-11 C14-2021-0113 2 ISSUES The project area is within the Waterfront Overlay and was reviewed by the Small Area Plan Joint Commission on August 16, 2021, prior to Planning Commission. A height variance, increasing maximum building height from 60 feet to 75 feet was approved by the Board of Adjustment on Monday June 14, 2021 (see attachment D: BOA Decision Sheet) prior to the Applicant’s submittal of the Zoning Application. Parking reductions proposed in the PDA have been reviewed by the Austin Transportation Department. (see Exhibit F) CASE MANAGER COMMENTS: There are three case numbers assigned to one development project. Parcels are separated by rights-of-way but will be developed and operated as a single development. Parcel 1 is case C14- 2021-0111; Parcel 2 is C14-2021-0112; and Parcel 3 is C14-2021-0113. Location and Access The three rezoning tracts are all south of the active Union Pacific railroad tracks. Vehicle access to the development will be from both Pressler and Paul Streets. Since those accesses rely on at- grade railroad crossings, there will be safety arms that lower across the streets as trains approach. The applicant is proposing to connect public sidewalk access to the park through the development from both streets. Site and Surrounding Area Parcel 3 is a …

Scraped at: Aug. 19, 2021, 7:32 p.m.
Planning CommissionAug. 24, 2021

B-12 (C14-2021-0101 - Verde Square; District 7).pdf original pdf

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ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET DISTRICT: 7 CASE: C14-2021-0101(Verde Square) ADDRESS: 10401 1/2, 10431, 10435, 10505, and 10509 Burnet Road ZONING FROM: NBG-CMU-NP TO: NBG-CMU(Gateway Zone)-NP SITE AREA: 6.22 acres PROPERTY OWNER: 27 Real Estate Ventures, L.P. (J. Anthony Precourt) AGENT: Armbrust & Brown, PLLC (Richard T. Suttle, Jr.) CASE MANAGER: Sherri Sirwaitis (512-974-3057, STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends NBG-CMU-NP, North Burnet/Gateway-Commercial Mixed Use- Gateway Zone-Neighborhood Plan, district zoning. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION / RECOMMENDATION: August 24, 2021 CITY COUNCIL ACTION: ORDINANCE NUMBER: 1 of 28B-12 C14-2021-0101 2 ISSUES: N/A CASE MANAGER COMMENTS: The property in question consists of five vacant parcels that make up a 6+ acre site fronting onto Burnet Road. It is located to the west of the Q2 Soccer Stadium (home of the Austin FC) and is bisected by Bright Verde Way, which runs east-west through the property and provides access from Burnet Road to the stadium. The lot to the north is zoned NBG-CMU- NP and contains a billboard, a surface parking area and an automotive repair use (Discount Tire). To the south, there is the Travis County Precinct 2 office, construction sales and services uses (Lighting Inc., Austin Window Fashions, Affinity Design), a multifamily complex (Windsor Burnet), and office/warehouse development (McKalla Business Park) that are also zoned NBG-CMU-NP. To the east of this site is an outdoor entertainment use (Q2 Stadium) zoned LI-PDA-NP. Across Burnet Road to the west, there is a research and development use (University of Texas JJ Pickle Research Campus). The applicant is requesting to rezone the property from NBG-NP (CMU Subdistrict) to NBG-NP (CMU-Gateway Zone Subdistrict) to redevelop the site with a mixed-use project that will include approximately 386,000 square feet of office space, 33,900 square feet of retail uses, a 160-key hotel, and 280 multi-family residential units (please see Applicant’s Request Letter-Exhibit C). The CMU subdistrict allows an FAR of 3:1 and a maximum building height of up to 180 feet, with development bonuses. Whereas the CMU-Gateway Zone subdistrict allows for an FAR of 8:1 and a maximum building height of up of 308 feet, with development bonuses (please see North Burnet Gateway - CMU subdistrict General Site Development Standards-Exhibit D). Therefore, the proposed CMU-Gateway Zone subdistrict will allow for higher height and density development on this property adjacent to the new Austin FC Soccer Stadium. The staff is recommending the applicant’s request of North Burnet Gateway-Neighborhood Plan (CMU-Gateway Zone Subdistrict) …

Scraped at: Aug. 19, 2021, 7:32 p.m.
Planning CommissionAug. 24, 2021

B-13 (C14-2021-0017 - 5708 Springdale Road; District 1).pdf original pdf

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ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET CASE: C14-2021-0017 – 5708 Springdale Road DISTRICT: 1 ZONING FROM: GR-NP TO: GR-MU-NP ADDRESS: 5708 Springdale Road SITE AREA: 1.28 acres (55,756.8 sq. ft.) PROPERTY OWNER: Willie C. Lewis AGENT: Drenner Group, PC (Leah Bojo) CASE MANAGER: Mark Graham (512-974-3574, STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Staff recommendation is to grant community commercial – mixed use – neighborhood plan (GR-MU-NP) combining district zoning. For a summary of the basis of staff’s recommendation, see case manager comments on page 2. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION / RECOMMENDATION: August 24, 2021: August 10, 2021: July 27, 2021: JUNE 8, 2021: APPROVED POSTPONEMENT REQUEST BY THE APPLICANT TO AUGUST 24, 2021, BY CONSENT. [J. THOMPSON, P. HOWARD 2ND] (7-0) COMMISSIONERS J. CONNOLLY, VICE CHAIR HEMPEL, J. MUSHTALER, ,AND R. SCHNEIDER – ABSENT.C. LLANES PULIDO AND J. SHIEH OFF THE DAIS. APPROVED POSTPONEMENT REQUEST BY THE APPLICANT TO AUGUST 10, 2021, BY CONSENT. [R. SCHNEIDER, A. AZHAR – 2ND] (10-0) CHAIRMAN SHAW, P. HOWARD AND J. THOMPSON – ABSENT. APPROVED POSTPONEMENT REQUEST BY THE NEIGHBORHOOD TO JULY 27, BY CONSENT. [A. AZHAR, J. MUSHTALER – 2ND] (11-0) COMMISSIONERS Y. FLORES AND J. SHIEH – ABSENT. May 11, 2021: APPROVED A POSTPONEMENT REQUEST BY THE APPLICANT TO JUNE 8, 2021, BY CONSENT. [G. COX, A. AZHAR – 2ND] (12-0) T. SHAW – ABSENT B-131 of 36 C14-2021-0017 2 July 29, 2021: APPROVED POSTPONEMENT REQUEST BY STAFF TO AUGUST 26, 2021. June 10, 2021: APPROVED POSTPONEMENT REQUEST BY STAFF TO JULY 29, 2021. VOTE 11- 0. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: August 26, 2021: ORDINANCE NUMBER: ISSUES There is a Valid Petition on this case. The calculations show that there is a Valid Petition with more than 20% of the ownership in the buffer area in opposition to the rezoning request. A valid petition changes the required votes at 3rd and Final Reading of City Council to a super majority to grant the zoning change. That petitioner’s letter appears in the correspondence attached to the Staff Report. The letter states a preference that other businesses occupy the community commercial (GR) zoned tract. Other residents of the neighborhood also contacted staff to express a preference for commercial uses that would add places of interest for the community. There are two businesses on adjacent lots, one is a café, the other is a performance venue. CASE MANAGER COMMENTS: The rezoning tract is a 1.28-acre (about 55,756 sq. ft) tract of …

Scraped at: Aug. 19, 2021, 7:34 p.m.
Planning CommissionAug. 24, 2021

B-14 (C14H-2021-0116 - Travis County Fire Control Team Operations Center; District 4).pdf original pdf

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1037 Reinli Street Travis County Fire Control Team Operations Center ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET HLC DATE: July 26, 2021 PC DATE: August 24, 2021 CC DATE: September 30, 2021 (tentative) CASE NUMBER: C14H-2021-0116 APPLICANT: Lee and David Basore (property owners) HISTORIC NAME: Travis County Fire Control Team Operations Center WATERSHED: Urban; Tannehill Branch ADDRESS OF PROPOSED ZONING CHANGE: 1037 Reinli Street ZONING CHANGE: CS-MU-NP to CS-MU-H-NP COUNCIL DISTRICT: 4 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the proposed zoning change from CS-MU-NP (General Commercial Services-Mixed Use Combining District-Neighborhood Plan Combining District) to CS-MU-H-NP (General Commercial Services-Mixed Use Combining District-Historic Landmark Combining District-Neighborhood Plan Combining District). QUALIFICATIONS FOR LANDMARK DESIGNATION: Historical Associations, Community Value HISTORIC LANDMARK COMMISSION ACTION: Recommend proposed owner-initiated zoning change from CS-MU-NP (General Commercial Services-Mixed Use Combining District-Neighborhood Plan Combining District) to CS-MU-H-NP (General Commercial Services-Mixed Use Combining District-Historic Landmark Combining District-Neighborhood Plan Combining District). PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: TBD DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: The house is beyond the bounds of any historic resources survey to date. CITY COUNCIL DATE: 9-30-21 (tentative) ORDINANCE READINGS: N/A CASE MANAGER: Kalan Contreras NEIGHBORHOOD ORGANIZATIONS: Austin Independent School District, Austin Lost and Found Pets, Austin Neighborhoods Council, Del Valle Community Coalition, Friends of Austin Neighborhoods, Homeless Neighborhood Association, Neighborhood Empowerment Foundation, Neighbors United for Progress, Preservation Austin, Responsible Growth for Windsor Park, SELTexas, Sierra Club, Austin Regional Group, Windsor Park Neighborhood Association, Windsor Park Neighborhood Plan Contact Team ORDINANCE NUMBER: N/A PHONE: 512-974-2727 ACTION: TBD 1 of 143B-14 1037 Reinli Street Travis County Fire Control Team Operations Center BASIS FOR RECOMMENDATION: The property at 1037 Reinli Street is significant primarily for its historical associations and community value, though its status as an architectural curiosity—a typical Minimal Traditional house used as an emergency services hub—should also be considered. § 25-2-352 (A)(1) Period of Significance. The property is at least 50 years old and represents a period of significance of at least 50 years ago, unless the property is of exceptional importance as defined by National Register Bulletin 22, National Park Service (1996). The property is 82 years old, with a period of significance as the Travis County Fire Control Team Operations Center beginning at the date of Explorer Post 13’s establishment of the Travis County fire brigade in 1961 and ending at the 50-year cutoff in 1971. 1037 Reinli Street remained the organization’s dispatch center until 1982. § 25-2-352 (A)(2) Integrity. The property retains a high degree of integrity, …

Scraped at: Aug. 19, 2021, 7:35 p.m.
Planning CommissionAug. 24, 2021

B-15 (C14H-2004-0008; HR-2021-085739 - Mitchell-Robertson Building; District 9).pdf original pdf

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APPEAL TO PLANNING COMMISSION HISTORIC LANDMARK COMMISSION DENIAL OF A CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS REVIEW SHEET PLANNING COMMISSION: HISTORIC LANDMARK COMMISSION: March 22, 2021, postponed April 26, 2021, postponed May 24, 2021, feedback provided July 26, 2021, denied August 24, 2021 CASE NUMBER: HR-2021-085739 HISTORIC NAME: Mitchell-Robertson Building (C14H-2004-0008) DISTRICT: 9 ADDRESS: 909 Congress Avenue ZONING: CBD-H APPELLANT: Drenner Group, P.C. (Leah Bojo) AGENT: Drenner Group, P.C. (Leah Bojo) PROPERTY OWNER: H. Dalton Wallace PROJECT BACKGROUND: The applicant proposes to carefully deconstruct, store, and reconstruct the building façades at 907, 909, and 911 Congress Ave. as part of a redevelopment project at a later date. The Grandberry Building (907 Congress Ave.) and Mitchell- Robertson Building (909 Congress Ave.) are historic landmarks and require a certificate of appropriateness for this work, which the Historic Landmark Commission (HLC) has granted for 907 but not 909 Congress Ave. The building at 911 Congress Ave. is part of the Congress Avenue National Register historic district but has been too altered to be eligible for landmark designation. Per the applicant, stabilization and repair of the building façades in place is not technically feasible due to the extent of their deterioration, including mortar loss, shear failures and racking, and the infeasibility of shoring the façades during construction of a new tower behind them. The project will ultimately result in accurate reconstruction of the three façades to match their historic appearance, reusing historic materials to the greatest extent possible and accurately replicating missing or damaged elements. APPEAL REQUEST: The applicant has filed an appeal of the HLC’s July 26, 2021 denial of a certificate of appropriateness to deconstruct, store, and reconstruct the façade of 909 Congress Ave. and requests approval of this project. The appeals process for certificates of appropriateness is described in Land Development Code §25-11-247. The HLC’s decision may be appealed to the land use commission, and the land use commission’s decision may in turn may be appealed to City Council. BUILDING AND STANDARDS COMMISSION ACTION: March 24, 2021: The Building and Standards Commission issued orders for 907, 909, and 911 Congress Ave. requiring that conditions be remedied within 90 days or imposing fines on the property owner. That timeline expired on June 22, 2021. The orders require repairs to fully remedy violations, which include cracks and openings in exterior walls, roof and drainage issues, and missing windows, among other concerns. HISTORIC LANDMARK COMMISSION ACTION: March …

Scraped at: Aug. 19, 2021, 7:35 p.m.
Planning CommissionAug. 24, 2021

B-16 (C20-2021-007 - North Burnet-Gateway Parkland Dedication).pdf original pdf

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C20-2021-007 ORDINANCE AMENDMENT REVIEW SHEET Amendment: C20-2021-007 North Burnet/Gateway Parkland Dedication Description: Consider an amendment to Title 25 of the City Code to amend the North Burnet/Gateway Regulating Plan to modify certain requirements related to the dedication of parkland. Proposed Language: See attached draft ordinance. Summary of proposed code amendment  An area within the North Burnet/Gateway regulating plan which meets a certain set of criteria is eligible to defer parkland dedication to a future time period.  Criteria include subdivision of at least 20 acres, a Park Plan included with an approved preliminary plan, and a Restrictive Covenant that restricts the use of the future park area to park use.  The timeline includes the posting of fiscal at the appraised value of the future parkland, the dedication of the parkland no more than 10 years from the date of the fiscal, and an annual report to the City of the status of the dedication. Background: Initiated by City Council Resolution 20210729-172 On July 29, 2021, Council approved Resolution No. 20210729-172, initiating an amendment to the North Burnet/Gateway Regulating Plan to allow for development of community parks by providing alternative timelines for the dedication of land to satisfy parkland dedication requirements for development projects; on an 11-0 vote. Staff Recommendation: Staff brings forward the amendment with no recommendation. Board and Commission Actions August 24, 2021: To be reviewed by the Planning Commission. Council Action August 26, 2021: A public hearing has been scheduled. Ordinance Number: NA City Staff: Scott Grantham Phone: 512-974-9457 Email: 1 1 of 4B-16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 4.10.3 OF THE NORTH BURNET- GATEWAY REGULATING PLAN TO ALLOW FOR ALTERNATIVE TIMELINES FOR PARKLAND DEDICATION BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUSTIN: PART 1. City Council adopted the North Burnet-Gateway Regulating Plan in Ordinance No. 20090312-035 and has since amended it on several occasions. PART 2. Pursuant to Subsection (D) of the City Code Section 25-2-767.02 (Regulating Plan), Section 4.10.3 of the North Burnet-Gateway Regulating Plan is amended to add a new Subsection (D) to read as follows: D. Community Parks a. The dedication of land required under Section 25-1-602 (Dedication of Parkland) may be deferred in accordance …

Scraped at: Aug. 19, 2021, 7:36 p.m.
Planning CommissionAug. 24, 2021

B-17 (C8-2017-0124.1A(VAC).SH - Lightfield (plat vacation); District 1).pdf original pdf

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SUBDIVISION REVIEW SHEET CASE NO.: C8-2017-0124.1A(VAC).SH COMMISSION DATE: August 24, 2021 SUBDIVISION NAME: Lightfield (plat vacation) ADDRESS: 4902 Lott Avenue APPLICANT: 4908 Lott Holdings, LLC AGENT: Mahoney Engineering (Daniel Mahoney) ZONING: SF-6-CO-NP NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN: MLK-183 AREA: 5.01 acres COUNTY: Travis LOTS: 19 DISTRICT: 1 WATERSHED: Fort Branch JURISDICTION: Full Purpose VARIANCE: N/A DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: The request is for the approval of the Lightfield plat vacation. The applicant proposes to vacate the Lightfield subdivision, which is composed of 19 lots on approximately 5.01 acres. Plat vacations are not subject to H.B. 3167 requirements. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of this plat vacation. The vacation of the subdivision meets applicable State and City of Austin Land Development Code requirements. CASE MANAGER: Jennifer Bennett PHONE: 512-974-9002 E-mail: ATTACHMENTS Exhibit A: Location map Exhibit B: Lightfield subdivision (plat to be vacated) Exhibit C: Plat vacation document 1 of 6B-17 Legend 0.6 0 0.30 0.6 Miles NAD_1983_StatePlane_Texas_Central_FIPS_4203_Feet Date Printed: This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey. This product has been produced by the City of Austin for the sole purpose of geographic reference. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or completeness. 1: 19,200 Notes LOCATION MAP 2 of 6B-17 3 of 6B-17 4 of 6B-17 5 of 6B-17 6 of 6B-17

Scraped at: Aug. 19, 2021, 7:36 p.m.
Planning CommissionAug. 24, 2021

B-19 (C8-2018-0165.3A - Cascades at Onion Creek East, Phase Three; District 5).pdf original pdf

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SUBDIVISION REVIEW SHEET LOTS: 120 (William G. Peckman) P.C DATE: August 24, 2021 CASE NO.: C8-2018-0165.3A SUBDIVISION NAME: Cascades at Onion Creek East, Phase Three AREA: 23.1107 acres APPLICANT: M/I Homes of Austin, LLC ADDRESS OF SUBDIVISION: 2333 Cascades Ave WATERSHED: Onion Creek EXISTING ZONING: I-SF-2 PROPOSED LAND USE: Residential / Open Space / Right-of-Way DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: The request is for the approval of Cascades at Onion Creek East, Phase Three, comprised of 120 lots on 23.1107 acres. AGENT: LJA Engineering Inc. (Russell Kotara, P.E.) JURISDICTION: Full Purpose COUNTY: Travis Staff recommends approval of the plat, subject to the conditions listed in the attached comment report. After the conditions are met, the plat will comply with LDC 25-4-84(B). The condition is for the posting of fiscal. This is an administrative action that require no discretionary review. An application that has been approved with conditions may be updated to address those conditions until the application expires and the plat does not need to be heard before the Commission again. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the plat, subject to the conditions listed in the comment report dated August 17, 2021, and attached as Exhibit C. PHONE: 512-974-3404 CASE MANAGER: Cesar Zavala E-mail: ATTACHMENTS Exhibit A: Vicinity map Exhibit B: Proposed plat Exhibit C: Comment report dated August 17, 2021 1 of 7B-19 2 of 7B-19 08/02/202108/02/20213 of 7B-19 4 of 7B-19 5 of 7B-19 CITY OF AUSTIN –DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT SUBDIVISION APPLICATION – MASTER COMMENT REPORT CASE NUMBER: REVISION #: CASE MANAGER: C8-2018-0165.3A 00 UPDATE: Cesar Zavala PHONE #: U1 512-974-3404 PROJECT NAME: LOCATION: Cascades at Onion Creek East Phase Three Final Plat 11601 S IH 35 SVRD NB SUBMITTAL DATE: REPORT DUE DATE: August 23, 2021 FINAL REPORT DATE: August 17, 2021 August 9, 2021 STAFF REPORT: This report includes all staff comments received to date concerning your most recent subdivision application submittal. The comments may include requirements, recommendations, or information. The requirements in this report must be addressed by an updated submittal. The subdivision application will be approved when all requirements from each review discipline have been addressed. If you have any questions, concerns or if you require additional information about this report, please contact your case manager at the phone number listed above or by using the contact information listed for each reviewer in this report. Any change to the plan/plat shall not cause noncompliance with any …

Scraped at: Aug. 19, 2021, 7:36 p.m.
Asian American Quality of Life Advisory CommissionAug. 24, 2021

Agenda original pdf

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Versión en español a continuación. Asian American Quality of Life Advisory Commission August 24, 2021 Asian American Quality of Life Advisory Commission to be held August 24, 2021 with Social Distancing Modifications Public comment will be allowed via telephone; no in-person input will be allowed. All speakers must register in advance (August 23, 2021 by noon). All public comment will occur at the beginning of the meeting. To speak remotely at the August 24, 2021 Asian American Quality of Life Advisory Commission Meeting, members of the public must:  Call or email the board liaison ena ganguly at (512) 978-1569 or no later than noon, (the day before the meeting). The following information is required: speaker name, item number(s) they wish to speak on, whether they are for/against/neutral, email address and telephone number (must be the same number that will be used to call into the meeting).  Once a request to speak has been made to the board liaison, the information to call on the day of the scheduled meeting will be provided either by email or phone call.  Speakers must call in at least 15 minutes prior to meeting start time in order to speak, late callers will not be accepted and will not be able to speak.  Speakers will be placed in a queue until their time to speak.  Handouts or other information may be emailed to by noon the day before the scheduled meeting. This information will be provided to Board and Commission members in advance of the meeting.  If the meeting is broadcast live, it may be viewed here: atxn-live Reunión del Asian American Quality of Life Advisory Commission Agosto 24, 2021 La junta se llevará con modificaciones de distanciamiento social Se permitirán comentarios públicos por teléfono; no se permitirá ninguna entrada en persona. Todos los oradores deben registrarse con anticipación (agosto 23, 2021 antes del mediodía). Todos los comentarios públicos se producirán al comienzo de la reunión. Para hablar de forma remota en la reunión, los miembros del público deben:  Llame o envíe un correo electrónico al enlace de la junta en ena ganguly at (512) 978-1569 o a más tardar al mediodía (el día antes de la reunión). Se requiere la siguiente información: nombre del orador, número (s) de artículo sobre el que desean hablar, si están a favor / en contra / neutral, …

Scraped at: Aug. 20, 2021, 9:30 p.m.
Parks and Recreation BoardAug. 24, 2021

Agenda original pdf

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Versión en español a continuación. Parks and Recreation Board Meeting August 24, 2021 Parks and Recreation Board to be held August 24, 2021 with Social Distancing Modifications Public comment will be allowed via telephone; no in-person input will be allowed. All speakers must register in advance (August 23, 2021 by noon). All public comment will occur at the beginning of the meeting. To speak remotely at the August 24, 2021 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting, members of the public must: • Call or email the board liaison at 512-974-6716 or no later than noon, (the day before the meeting). The information required is the speaker name, item number(s) they wish to speak on, whether they are for/against/neutral, and a telephone number or email address. • Once a request to speak has been made to the board liaison, the information to call on the day of the scheduled meeting will be provided either by email or phone call. • Speakers must call in at least 15 minutes prior to meeting start time in order to speak, late callers will not be accepted and will not be able to speak. • Speakers will be placed in a queue until their time to speak. • Handouts or other information may be emailed to by noon the day before the scheduled meeting. This information will be provided to Board and Commission members in advance of the meeting. If this meeting is broadcast live, residents may watch the meeting here: • Reunión del Parks and Recreation Board August 24, 2021 La junta se llevará con modificaciones de distanciamiento social Se permitirán comentarios públicos por teléfono; no se permitirá ninguna entrada en persona. Todos los oradores deben registrarse con anticipación (August 23, 2021 antes del mediodía). Todos los comentarios públicos se producirán al comienzo de la reunión. Para hablar de forma remota en la reunión, los miembros del público deben: • Llame o envíe un correo electrónico al enlace de la junta en 512-974-6716 or a más tardar al mediodía (el día antes de la reunión). Se requiere la siguiente información: nombre del orador, número (s) de artículo sobre el que desean hablar, si están a favor / en contra / neutral, dirección de correo electrónico (opcional) y un número de teléfono (debe ser el número que se utilizará para llamar ). • Una vez que se haya realizado una solicitud para …

Scraped at: Aug. 20, 2021, 10:50 p.m.
Parks and Recreation BoardAug. 24, 2021

A: Draft Minutes of June 22, 2021 original pdf

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PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD Tuesday, June 22, 2021 – 5:30pm Via Videoconference MINUTES The Parks and Recreation Board convened in a regular meeting on Tuesday, June 22, 2021 via videoconference in Austin, Texas. Chair Lewis called the meeting to order at 5:35pm. Board Members in Attendance: Chair Dawn Lewis, Vice Chair Richard DePalma, Nancy Barnard, Laura Cottam Sajbel, Anna Di Carlo, and Nina Rinaldi. Board Members Absent: Sarah Faust and Kimberly Taylor. Staff in Attendance: Kimberly McNeeley, Liana Kallivoka, Lucas Massie, Suzanne Piper, Anthony Segura, Kymberley Maddox, Kalpana Sutaria, Jason Inge, Gregory Montes, Ricardo Soliz, Lisa Storer, Christina Bies, Kevin Gomillion, Denisha Cox, Patricia Rossett, Kevin Johnson, Shwetha Pandurangi and Sammi Curless. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL Kevin Reinis – Austin Rowing Club operations update Conor Kenny – parkland dedication for a Windsor Park development A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes from the regular meeting of May 25, 2021 were approved on Board Member Cottam Sajbel motion, Board Member Di Carlo second on an 6-0 with Board Members Faust and Taylor absent and three vacancies. B. NEW BUSINESS: PRESENTATION, DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION ITEMS 1. Discussion and possible action regarding a recommendation to the City Council approving the renaming of Payton Gin Pocket Park to Heron Hollow Pocket Park. Vice Chair DePalma made a motion to recommend to the City Council to approve the renaming of Payton Gin Pocket Park to Heron Hollow Pocket Park; Board Member Rinaldi seconded the motion. The motion passed on a vote of 6-0 with Board Members Faust and Taylor absent and three vacancies. Recommendation 20210622-B1. 2. Presentation, discussion and possible action regarding a recommendation to City Council to approve the Permanent Wastewater Use and Temporary Work Area, not to exceed 11 Page 1 of 3 Months, on parkland located at Davis White Neighborhood Park (6705 Crystalbrook Dr.) and Southern Walnut Creek Greenbelt (6013 Loyola Ln.). Total Mitigation is $42,189. Board Member Rinaldi made a motion to recommend to the City Council to approve the Permanent Wastewater Use and Temporary Work Area, not to exceed 11 Months, on parkland located at Davis White Neighborhood Park (6705 Crystalbrook Dr.) and Southern Walnut Creek Greenbelt (6013 Loyola Ln.). Total Mitigation is $42,189; Vice Chair DePalma seconded the motion. The motion passed on a vote of 6-0 with Board Members Faust and Taylor absent and three vacancies. 3. Presentation, discussion and possible action regarding a recommendation to the Planning Commission …

Scraped at: Aug. 20, 2021, 10:50 p.m.
Parks and Recreation BoardAug. 24, 2021

B1: A-Presentation original pdf

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The Austin Parks and Recreation Department and The Trail Foundation Partnership Agreement Parks and Recreation Board Parks and Recreation Department, City of Austin Christine Chute Canul, PARD Partnership Manager Heidi Anderson, CEO, The Trail Foundation August 24, 2021 The Trail Foundation 2 The Trail Foundation (TTF) A 501(c)3 dedicated to protecting, enhancing, and connecting the Butler Hike-and-Bike Trail at Lady Bird Lake for the benefit of all. TTF/City of Austin Partnership Timeline  1971 – Public-private civic effort formed led by the Citizen’s Committee for a More Beautiful Town Lake  2003 – Town Lake Trail Foundation (now The Trail Foundation) was formed to continue the work of the Citizen’s Committee and ensure that the Trail remains one of Austin’s outstanding places  2014 – Boardwalk opens, completes the 10+ mile loop of the Ann and Roy Butler Trail  2015 – TTF adopted the Butler Trail at Lady Bird Lake Urban Forestry and Natural Areas Management Guidelines, developed by Siglo Group in consultation with TTF, Austin Parks and Recreation (PARD) and the City of Austin Watershed Protection Department (WPD).  2018 – PARD and TTF begin discussions to formalize partnership  2020 – Formal process begins to enter into phased Parkland Operations & Maintenance Agreement (POMA) with PARD 3 TTF Investment & Public Benefit Since 2003, TTF has invested more than $17,550,000 on the Butler Trail and the Town Lake Metro Park, including infrastructure projects, ecological restoration, and maintenance. Pre-pandemic (2019) Annual TTF Investment: $3,319,731 Volunteer Impact Since January 2017:  219 Volunteer Events  3,988 Volunteers  15,687 Sapling Trees Planted  1,588 Yards of Mulch/compost Spread  59.4 Acres of Wildflowers Planted ...In addition to an increasingly robust volunteer impact program. Just this year, 400+ bags of trash were collected, and 71 screech owl nest boxes were made and installed. 4 Council Resolution - 20200312-041 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUSTIN: The City Council expresses support for the concept of parkland agreements between nonprofit organizations and PARD if the agreements further the mission And vision of the department with regard to non- enterprise fund public parks and trails in an effective, efficient, and inclusive manner. BE IT RESOLVED: The City Council directs the City Manager to work with parks nonprofit partners that have established relationships with PARD, including but not limited to The Trail Foundation and the Pease Park Conservancy, to …

Scraped at: Aug. 20, 2021, 10:50 p.m.
Parks and Recreation BoardAug. 24, 2021

B1: B-Resolution No.20200312-041 original pdf

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RESOLUTION NO. 20200312-041 WHEREAS, Austin is home to nearly 20,000 acres of parks and trails which play an essential role in the city's overall environmental health as well as in the physical and mental health of all Austinites; and WHEREAS, as the City's population continues to grow, these parks and trails are increasingly important to the environmental, health, and mobility needs of the citizens of Austin; and WHEREAS, on March 8, 2018, the City adopted a Strategic Direction, including several goals that specifically depend on having strong and sustainable including Economic Opportunity and Affordability, parks and trails systems, Mobility, Health and Environment, and Culture and Lifelong Learning; and WHEREAS, as areas of the City continue to redevelop with denser populations, the acreage of parks also grows due to the critical benefits provided by the City' s Parkland Dedication Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Parks and Recreation Department (PARD) is currently these the vast majority of responsible for approximately 20,000 acres of parkland across the city; and the care and maintenance of WHEREAS, as the parks and trails, and the number of people who depend the need for innovative partnerships with local nonprofits increases, on them, becomes increasingly worth exploring; and WHEREAS, PARD is committed to partnerships that align with its overall mission, vision, and commitment to benefit the public through the Austin parks system; and WHEREAS, the Parks and Recreation Department Long Range Plan specifically outlines partnerships as a sustainability strategy for developing, improving, maintaining and programming park spaces; and Page 1 of 3 WHEREAS, PARD works with nonprofit organizations, conservancies, increase community groups, and businesses to enhance and improve parks, recreational and cultural opportunities, and preserve natural areas in Austin; and WHEREAS, the goals of these partnerships are to enhance and expand public use of PARD's grounds and facilities; encourage active recreation and healthy lifestyles; improve environmental stewardship through public participation and education; celebrate arts, culture, and history to build community; and maximize public benefit at minimum taxpayer cost; and WHEREAS, many peer cities such as Dallas, Houston, Chicago, New York City, and others have negotiated partnerships with nonprofit organizations dedicated to the maintenance and stewardship of particular parks; and WHEREAS, nonprofit organizations dedicated to improving parks and open space for the benefit of the community often have the ability to fundraise and other opportunities that municipalities do not have; and WHEREAS, in Austin, some nonprofits have already begun partnering …

Scraped at: Aug. 20, 2021, 10:50 p.m.