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Codes and Ordinances Joint CommitteeSept. 15, 2021

Agenda original pdf

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Codes and Ordinances Joint Committee September 15, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. Street Jones Building – Room #400A 1000 E. 11th St, Austin, TX 78702 CURRENT COMMITTEE MEMBERS Claire Hempel Joao Paulo Connolly Awais Azhar Todd Shaw Nadia Barrera-Ramirez (Vice-Chair) Ann Denkler Jolene Kiolbassa EXECUTIVE SESSION (No public discussion) The Codes and Ordinances Joint Committee will announce it will go into Executive Session, if necessary, pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, to receive advice from Legal Counsel on matters specifically listed on this agenda. The committee may not conduct a closed meeting without the approval of the city attorney. Private Consultation with Attorney – Section 551.071 CALL TO ORDER 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. Approval of the April 21, 2021 meeting minutes. 2. NEW BUSINESS a. Election of Officers. Elect a chair and vice-chair of the Codes and Ordinances Joint Committee. 3. POTENTIAL CODE AMENDMENTS: Proposed for Discussion and/or Initiation Facilitator: City Attorney: None 1 Potential amendments to the code are offered for discussion and/or possible recommendation for initiation. If initiated, Staff will research the proposal and report back to the subcommittee. a. None. 4. REGULAR AGENDA: Previously Initiated Previously initiated amendments to the code are offered for discussion and possible recommendation to the full Planning Commission. a. Urban Trail Code Amendments. Discuss and consider amendments to City Code Title 25 related to cut and fill requirements and critical water quality zone development regulations as applied to Urban Trails. City Staff: Katie Wettick, Public Works Department (512) 974-3529, (Discussion and/or possible action). 5. OTHER BUSINESS a. Update on Potential Upcoming and Current Code Amendments – City Staff: Greg Dutton, Planning and Zoning Department, (512) 974-3509,; (Discussion and/or Possible Action). 6. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Future agenda items will NOT be discussed at the current meeting, but will be offered for initiation, discussion, and/or possible recommendation to the full Planning Commission at a FUTURE meeting. ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days before the meeting date. Please call Greg Dutton at Planning and Development Review Department, at (512) 974-3509, for additional information; the City receives and accepts Video Relay Service (VRS) calls from people who are …

Scraped at: Sept. 11, 2021, 2:30 a.m.
Codes and Ordinances Joint CommitteeSept. 15, 2021

Urban Trails draft code language original pdf

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Subsection (B) of City Code Section 25-8-261 (Critical Water Quality Zone Development) is amended to read as follows: (B) Open space is permitted in a critical water quality zone if a program of fertilizer, pesticide, and herbicide use is approved by the Watershed Protection Department, subject to the conditions in this Subsection. (1) In a water supply rural watershed, water supply suburban, or the Barton Springs Zone, open space is limited to sustainable urban agriculture or a community garden if the requirements in subsection (B)(4) are met, multi-use trails, picnic facilities, and outdoor facilities, excluding stables, corrals for animals and athletic fields. (2) A master planned park that is approved by the council may include recreational development other than that described in Subsection (B)(1). (3) A hard surfaced trail may cross the critical water quality zone pursuant to Section 25-8-262 (Critical Water Quality Zone Street Crossings). A hard surfaced trail that does not cross the critical water quality zone may be located within the critical water quality zone only if: (a) designed in accordance with the Environmental Criteria Manual; (b) (c) (d) (e) located outside the erosion hazard zone unless protective works are provided as prescribed in the Drainage Criteria Manual; limited to 12 feet in width plus one-foot compacted sub-grade shoulders, unless a wider trail is designated in a Council- adopted plan [the Urban Trails Master Plan adopted by Council]; located not less than 25 feet from the centerline of a waterway if within an urban watershed; located not less than 50 feet from the centerline of a minor waterway, 100 feet from the centerline of an intermediate waterway, and 150 feet from the centerline of a major waterway if within a watershed other than an urban watershed; September 2021 Ordinance re: Urban Trails Page 1 of 5 (f) located not less than 50 feet from the shoreline of Lake Travis, Lake Austin, Lady Bird Lake, and Lake Walter E. Long, as defined in Section 25-8-92; and (g) located not less than 100 feet from the ordinary high water mark of the Colorado River downstream from Longhorn Dam. (4) Open space may include sustainable urban agriculture or a community garden only if: (a) in an urban watershed and located not less than 25 feet from the centerline of a waterway, or in a watershed other than an urban watershed and located not less than 50 feet from the centerline …

Scraped at: Sept. 11, 2021, 2:30 a.m.
Codes and Ordinances Joint CommitteeSept. 15, 2021

Urban Trails Envt. Comm. recommendation original pdf

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1 ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MOTION 20210818 004b Date: August 18, 2021 Seconded by: Rachel Scott Subject: Proposed changes to the Land Development Code for urban trails Motion by: Kevin Ramberg RATIONALE: WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes the City staff are requesting changes to Land Development Code for urban trails specifically requesting: (1) An amendment to LDC 25-8-341 and 25-8-342 to cut and fill requirements to allow cut and fill of up to 8 feet for a public trail if the cut or fill is not located on a slope of more than 15% or within 100 feet of a classified waterway and the trail is constructed in accordance with the Environmental Criteria Manual and (2) An amendment to LDC 25-8-261 to clarify the language to formalize the current interpretation making clear that a trail within the critical water quality zone is limited to 12 feet plus one foot compacted subgrade shoulders on each side. THEREFORE, the Environmental Commission recommends the above noted changes to the Land Development Code. VOTE 7-0 For: Qureshi, Brimer, Scott, Thompson, Barrett Bixler, Ramberg, and Coyne Against: None Abstain: None Recuse: None Absent: Bedford, Bristol, Guerrero Approved By: Linda Guerrero, Environmental Commission Chair

Scraped at: Sept. 11, 2021, 2:30 a.m.
Codes and Ordinances Joint CommitteeSept. 15, 2021

Urban Trails presentation original pdf

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Urban Trail Proposed Code Amendments SEPTEMBER 15, 2021 Agenda 9.15.2021 I. Background #EFA160 #16362F II. Proposed Code Amendments I. II. LDC 25-8-341/342 LDC 25-1-261(B)(3)(c) #1886CA III. Q&A PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT – CITY OF AUSTIN 2 Background Resolution NO. 20200220-045 ] PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT – CITY OF AUSTIN 3 Background February 2020 April 2020 • Resolution NO. 20200220-045 Passed • Stakeholder Group Convened January 2021 #EFA160 • Memo response to Resolution June 2021 #16362F • Resolution NO. 20210610-041 Passed Resolution NO. 20210610-041 #1886CA “(2) Council initiates the following amendments to the Land Development Code, as recommended by PWD and WPD in Appendix B of the January 4, 2021 memo from PWD, and asks that they be brought back to Council by August 26, 2021: (a) Amend Land Development Code 25-8-341 and 25-8-342 to grant urban trails projects greater cut and fill allowances under specific environmental circumstances. (b) Amend Land Development Code 25-8-261(B)(3)(c) to reflect current policy that trails within the critical water quality zone be limited to 12 feet in surface width plus one-foot shoulders on each side. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT – CITY OF AUSTIN 4 PURPOSE • Streamline review process • Create transparency • Formalize internal policy What is Cut + Fill? cut fill #EFA160 #16362F #1886CA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT – CITY OF AUSTIN 6 LDC 25-8-341 & 25-8-342: Cut and Fill Current Status:  Cut and/or fill in a suburban watershed is limited to 4 ft in depth  Administrative variance typically granted to allow up to 8 ft, with certain conditions  Construction of roadways in public right-of-way has no cut or fill limit Proposed Improvement #EFA160 #16362F Allow cut and/or fill of up to 8 ft for a public trail if:  The cut or fill is not located on a slope of more than 15%  The cut or fill is not located within 100 #1886CA ft of a classified waterway; and  The trail is designed in accordance with the Environmental Criteria Manual. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT – CITY OF AUSTIN 7 NORTHERN WALNUT CREEK TRAIL Northern Walnut Creek Trail Phase 2A • Construction beginning November 2021 • Granted admin variance from cut and fill requirements LDC 25-8-261: Critical Water Quality Zone Development Current Status:  A hard surface trail within the critical water quality zone is limited to 12 feet in width, unless a wider trail is designated in a Council adopted plan.  Current …

Scraped at: Sept. 11, 2021, 2:30 a.m.
Codes and Ordinances Joint CommitteeSept. 15, 2021

Urban Trails summary of changes original pdf

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Description Type of Change Current Status/Concern Proposed Improvement 25-8-341 Cut Requirements and 25-8-341 Fill Requirements Policy 25-8-261 Criteria for hard surfaced trails located within the critical water quality zone Clarify Cut and fill for a trail located in a suburban watershed is currently limited to 4 ft or an administrative variance is required. While administrative variances are typically granted, construction of roadways in public right-of-way has no cut or fill limit. A hard surface trail within the critical water quality zone is limited to 12 feet in width, unless a wider trail is designated in a Council adopted plan. Current language does not make clear if that is surface width or if it includes the sub- grade shoulders that extend beyond the usable width of the trail. Current interpretation is that the 12 ft width refers to the usable width of the trail. Allow cut and fill of up to 8 ft for a public trail if the cut or fill is not located on a slope of more than 15% or within 100 ft of a classified waterway and the trail is designed in accordance with the Environmental Criteria Manual. Clarify the language to formalize current interpretation making clear that a trail within the critical water quality zone is limited to 12 feet plus one foot compacted sub grade shoulders on each side. Advantage Disadvantage Streamlines review process. None Formalizes internal policy. None

Scraped at: Sept. 11, 2021, 2:30 a.m.
Independent Citizens Redistricting CommissionSept. 15, 2021

Item1_ICRC_DraftMinutes_20210908 original pdf

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Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission (ICRC) Sept. 8, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. Permitting and Development Center (PDC) 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Dr. Austin, TX 78752 CURRENT COMMISSION MEMBERS: Prabhu Kannan Brigham Morris Errol Hardin Eugene Schneider Erin Dempsey Luis Gonzalez, Vice-Chair Dr. Sterling Lands Hoang Le Shaina Kambo Sara Inés Calderón Selina Yee Christina Puentes, Chair Joshua Blank Camellia Falcon Staff In Attendance Matthew Dugan, City's Planning Manager George Korbel, Mapping Specialist Christine Granados, ICRC Administrative Manager Members in Attendance Christina Puentes, Chair Luis Gonzalez, Vice Chair Joshua Blank Camellia Falcon Errol Hardin Shaina Kambo Prabhu Kannan Sterling Lands Eugene Schneider Selina Yee draft AGENDA Meeting Goals: Discussion on maps presented; Discussion on public forum protocols; Receive Updates from Working Groups/Subcommittees CALL TO ORDER Chair Puentes called the meeting to order at 6:04 p.m. with ten members present. Commissioner Morris joined virtually at 6:05 p.m. and Commissioner Dempsey joined in person at 6:07 p.m. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL The first three speakers who register to speak no later than noon the day before the meeting will be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. Brad Parsons addressed the commission about proposed map draft. Jerry Patterson asked the commission questions about where and how to view proposed map online. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Discussion and possible action on the Sept. 1, 2021, ICRC meeting minutes. The Sept. 1, 2021 draft minutes were approved as amended without objection. 2. UNFINISHED BUSINESS The ICRC may discuss and take action on the following agenda items A. Discussion on public forum structure and protocols Chair Puentes proposed, in addition to having public testimony at the beginning of meetings, allowing citizens to sign up to testify at regular meetings 20 minutes after the start of the meeting, so long as they specify the subject matter they will address and the commissioners agreed to the change. Commissioner Hardin proposed protocols for public forums to help facilitate engagement and interaction with public. Motion was made by Commissioner Falcon and seconded by Commissioner Lands to build into public forums a section for questions and answers of technical or logistical nature. Following discussion, Commissioner Falcon motioned and Commissioner Lands seconded to amend the original motion to instead adopt 5 and 6 of Commissioner Hardin's protocols: "5. Responding to questions during the public testimony: When questions are asked during testimony when a speaker is seeking information, …

Scraped at: Sept. 11, 2021, 3:50 a.m.
Downtown CommissionSept. 15, 2021

Downtown_Commission_Regular_Meeting_Agenda original pdf

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DOWNTOWN COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 15, 2021, TIME: 5:30 p.m. Austin City Hall, Council Chambers, Room 1001 301 W 2nd Street, Austin, Texas 78701 Some members of the Downtown Commission may be participating by videoconference. The meeting may be viewed online at: CURRENT BOARD MEMBERS: August Harris, Chair Christopher Lehman, Vice Chair Megan Meisenbach, Commissioner Chris Kanipe, Commissioner Melissa Henao-Robledo, Commissioner Mike Lavigne, Commissioner Preston Reine Commissioner Josh Lickteig, Commissioner Laura Templeton, Commissioner Joel Sher, Commissioner Christopher Limon, Commissioner Ben Heimsath, Commissioner kYmberly Keeton, Commissioner Kelan Robinson, Commissioner David Gomez, Commissioner Nelly Paulina Ramirez, Commissioner Cynthia Weatherby, Commissioner Kimberly Taylor, Commissioner AGENDA CALL TO ORDER CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL The first ten speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. 1. Approval of Minutes of the August 18, 2021 Meeting Minutes  Discussion and Possible Action (5 minutes) 2. New Business – Discussion and Possible Action a. Downtown Density Affordable Housing Program: Presentation by Sam Tedford, Housing and Planning Department b. Briefing on the Convention Center Redevelopment and Expansion Project: Presentation by Trisha Tatro and Katy Zamesnik, Austin Convention Center Department (ACCD) c. Discussion and possible action on the creation of a Convention Center Expansion Working Group voting members: 3. Old Business – Items from representatives of collaborating commissions including non- a. Update from Commissioner Melissa Henao-Robledo on recent activities and actions taken by the Design Commission b. Update from Commissioner Ben Heimsath on recent activities and actions taken by the Historic Landmark Commission c. Update from Commissioner Cynthia Weatherby on recent activities and actions taken by the Urban Transportation Commission d. Update from Commissioner kYmberly Keeton on recent activities and actions e. Update from Commissioner Christopher Limon on recent activities and actions taken by the Arts Commission taken by the Music Commission f. Update from Commissioner Kimberly Taylor on recent activities and actions taken by the Parks & Recreation Board g. Update from Commissioner Nelly Paulina Ramirez on recent activities and actions taken by the Public Safety Commission 4. Potential Future Agenda Items The Commission may discuss and identify future agenda items, topics, or presentations Adjournment The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If …

Scraped at: Sept. 11, 2021, 5:50 a.m.
Independent Citizens Redistricting CommissionSept. 15, 2021

Agenda original pdf

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Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission (ICRC) September 15, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. Permitting and Development Center (PDC); Event Center 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Dr. Austin, TX 78752 CURRENT COMMISSION MEMBERS: Prablm Kannan Brigham Morris Errol Hardin Eugene Schneider Erin Dempsey Luis Gonzalez, Vice-Chair Dr. Sterling Lands Hoang Le Shaina Kambo Sara Ines Calderon Selina Yee Christina Puentes, Chair Joshua Blank Camellia Falcon AGENDA Meeting Goals: Discussion and approval of maps presented; Receive Updates from Working Groups/Subcommittees CALL TO ORDER CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL Public comment will be allowed in-person. All speakers must register in advance and identify the subject matter to be discussed up to 20 minutes after the start of the meeting. All public comment will occur at the beginning of the meeting or throughout the meeting where appropriate. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Discussion and possible action on the Sept. 8, 2021, ICRC meeting minutes. 2. NEW BUSINESS The ICRC may discuss and take action on the following agenda items A. Presentation and discussion of draft map created between Korbel and NAACP/Hispanic Coalition B. Discussion of Draft Maps by Item C. Housekeeping 3. UNFINISHED BUSINESS The ICRC may discuss and take action on the following agenda items A. Updates from Working Groups/Subcommittees 1. Social Media/Press Release Working Group 2. Advertising/Website Working Group 3. Public Forum Working Group Update 4. Finance Subcommittee 5. Final Report Subcommittee FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days (48 hours) before the meeting date. Please call Matt Dugan at the Housing and Planning Department, at 512-974-7665 and, for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission, please contact Matt Dugan at 512-974-7665 and or Lisa Rodriguez at 512-974-3119 and

Scraped at: Sept. 14, 2021, 6:50 p.m.
Commission on Veterans AffairsSept. 15, 2021

Draft Minutes 05.19.21 original pdf

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COMMISSION ON VETERANS AFFAIRS MINUTES The Commission on Veteran Affairs convened in a Regular Meeting on May 19, 2021 via videoconference meeting. REGULAR MEETING May 19, 2021 Chair Doris Williams called the Board Meeting to order at 1:05 PM. Board Members in Attendance: Doris Williams - Chair Manuel Jimenez - Vice Chair Alfred Bingham Jose Carrasco Jason Denny Thomas Just Kevin Lenau Adrenne Luna Staff in Attendance: Tina Lee Jonathan Babiak 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Chair Williams asked the Commission members to review the minutes from the regular called meeting on March 19, 2021. Vice Chair Jimenez made a motion to approve the meeting minutes and Commissioner Mendoza seconded the motion. Motion passed with no objection on a vote of 8-0. 2. OLD BUSINESS Office. 3. NEW BUSINESS a) Update and status of the Service Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise from the Purchasing Yolanda Miller, Deputy Purchasing Officer, City of Austin Purchasing Office, addressed the Commission and answered questions from members. The Commission discussed this item. The Commission took no action on this item. a) Update from Vice Chair Jimenez as the Liaison for the Commission on the newly developed Winter Review Task Force Group. (Sponsors: Manuel Jimenez, Doris Williams). Vice Chair Jimenez updated the Commission on this item. The Commission discussed this item. The Commission took no action on this item. b) Discussion and possible action on the process for the City of Austin to formally identify veterans in encampments. (Sponsors: Pete Salazar, Manuel Jimenez) The Commission discussed this item. The Commission took no action on this item. COMMISSION ON VETERAN AFFAIRS MEETING MINUTES c) Officer Nominations and Elections. Vice Chair Jimenez nominated himself for the Office of Chair. Chair Williams closed the nominations. Vice Chair Jimenez was elected Chair on a vote of 8-0. Commissioner Mendoza was nominated by Vice Chair Jimenez for the Office of Vice Chair. Chair Williams closed the nominations. Commissioner Mendoza was elected Vice Chair on a vote of 8-0. 4. STAFF UPDATES a) Introduction of Carol Johnson, Civil Rights Officer, City of Austin Office of Civil Rights and discussion and possible action regarding Commission on Veteran Affairs and Office of Civil Rights. Carol Johnson, Civil Rights Officer, introduced herself and answered questions from members. ADJOURN: Chair Williams adjourned the meeting at 2:08 PM without objection upon motion by Commissioner Bingham and second by Commissioner Mendoza.

Scraped at: Sept. 15, 2021, 5 p.m.
Electric BoardSept. 15, 2021

Approved TIA-NFPA 70 original pdf

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Scraped at: Sept. 16, 2021, 1:10 p.m.
Environmental CommissionSept. 15, 2021

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Scraped at: Sept. 16, 2021, 10:10 p.m.
Independent Citizens Redistricting CommissionSept. 15, 2021

Item2_Proposed Districts original pdf


Scraped at: Sept. 17, 2021, 4:50 a.m.
Electric BoardSept. 15, 2021

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Scraped at: Sept. 17, 2021, 6:10 p.m.
Independent Citizens Redistricting CommissionSept. 15, 2021

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Scraped at: Sept. 17, 2021, 7:20 p.m.
Downtown CommissionSept. 15, 2021

9.15.2021.Downtown_Commission_Meeting_ Backup original pdf

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Downtown Density Bonus Program Affordable Housing Fee Calibration September 15 Downtown Commission Content Resolution No 20210422-039 Draft Fees Fee Calibration Discussion Next Steps Resolution No 20210422-039 FAR Policy •Amend City Code section 25-2-586 (Downtown Density Bonus Program) to amend subsection (B)(6). •The amendments shall maximize participation in the Program and maximize community benefits, especially the funding of permanent supportive housing and housing vouchers. •Before deliberation on the code changes by the Planning Commission or City Council, the City Manager is directed to present a report on Floor to Area Ratio best practices. Interim Fees •Implement interim revisions to the in-lieu affordable housing fees for residential development for the Downtown Density Bonus Program; •Implements interim revisions to the in-lieu affordable housing fees for non-residential development for the Downtown Density Bonus Program and Rainey Density Bonus Programs; and •Moves revised fees described above to the City Fee Schedule so they can be updated more effectively. Fee Calibration •Update the fee-in-lieu analysis provided by EcoNorthwest to reflect current market conditions and existing zones of the Downtown Density Bonus Program area and return to Council with, if necessary, an item for action no later than August 26, 2021, or prior to budget approval if possible. 3 Resolution No 20210422-039 ▪ The City Council directs the City Manager to post an item for action on May 20, 2021 that accomplishes the following: – Implements interim revisions to the in-lieu affordable housing fees for residential development for the Downtown Density Bonus Program; – Implements interim revisions to the in-lieu affordable housing fees for non-residential development for the Downtown Density Bonus Program and Rainey Density Bonus Programs; and – Moves revised fees described above to the City Fee Schedule so they can be updated more effectively. 4 LDC Revision Calibrated DDBP fees Interim Fees Based on LDC Revision calibrated fees for the Downtown Density Bonus Program: - Calibrated using late 2019 market - Based on new zones of the LDC dynamics Revision - Calibrated to a site’s base zoning not the downtown sub-district - Tuned to specific requirements of proposed LDC Revision from January 28, 2020 memo from economic consultants, EcoNorthwest 5 Resolution No 20210422-039 ▪ Update the fee-in-lieu analysis provided by EcoNorthwest to reflect current market conditions and existing zones of the Downtown Density Bonus Program area and return to Council with, if necessary, an item for action no later than August 26, 2021, or prior …

Scraped at: Sept. 17, 2021, 9:20 p.m.
Downtown CommissionSept. 15, 2021

9.15.2021_Downtown_Commission_Meeting_Backup original pdf

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 Hotel Occupancy Tax Review  History of Convention Center Redevelopment and Expansion  Convention Center Redevelopment and Expansion Update and Next Planning Steps 2 3  Sec. 351.101. USE OF TAX REVENUE*.  (a) Revenue from the municipal hotel occupancy tax may be used only to promote tourism and the convention and hotel industry, and that use is limited to the following:  (1) the acquisition of sites for and the construction, improvement, enlarging, equipping, repairing, operation, and maintenance of convention center facilities or visitor information centers, or both;  (2) the furnishing of facilities, personnel, and materials for the registration of convention delegates or registrants;  (3) advertising and conducting solicitations and promotional programs to attract tourists and convention delegates or registrants to the municipality or its vicinity;  (4) the encouragement, promotion, improvement, and application of the arts, including instrumental and vocal music, dance, drama, folk art, creative writing, architecture, design and allied fields, painting, * 4  sculpture, photography, graphic and craft arts, motion pictures, radio, television, tape and sound recording, and other arts related to the presentation, performance, execution, and exhibition of these  (5) historical restoration and preservation projects or activities or advertising and conducting solicitations and promotional programs to encourage tourists and convention delegates to visit preserved  (A) at or in the immediate vicinity of convention center facilities or visitor information centers; or  (B) located elsewhere in the municipality or its vicinity that would be frequented by tourists and  (9) signage directing the public to sights and attractions that are visited frequently by hotel guests in the major art forms; historic sites or museums: convention delegates; municipality; Chapter 351 prohibits HOT use for general government activities 5 6 7 Convention Center Long Range Master Plan (May 2015)  Outside core not viable  Musts include proximity to  Existing and planned hotel room supply  Variety of services  Dining  Entertainment  Concluded west expansion was the only viable option Urban Land Institute (Spring 2015)  Created Technical Assistance Panel (TAP)  TAP review reaffirmed the Master Plan conclusion of westward expansion Visitor Impact Task Force (June 2017)  Council appointed 18 members  Recommended expansion to the west, leaving Trinity open 8 Center for Sustainable Development at University of Texas (April 2019)  Council Resolution No. 20170928-052  Concluded westward expansion was well vetted and the only realistic …

Scraped at: Sept. 17, 2021, 9:20 p.m.
Environmental CommissionSept. 15, 2021

Approved Minutes original pdf

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ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, September 15, 2021 The Environmental Commission convened in a public meeting on Wednesday, September 15, 2021 with Social Distancing Modifications via remote video conferencing. Commissioners attending in person: Perry Bedford Haris Qureshi Rachel Scott Audrey Barrett Bixler Rick Brimer Kevin Ramberg Katie Coyne Commissioners attending remotely: Jennifer Bristol Linda Guerrero Pam Thompson Commissioners Absent: None Staff in Attendance: Sari Albornoz Andrea Bates Kaela Champlin Sara Hartley Matt Hollon Liz Johnston Jorge Morales Erin Wood CALL TO ORDER Commissioner Coyne called the meeting to order at 6:04 P.M. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL The first ten speakers who register to speak no later than noon the day before the meeting will be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. Speakers Craig Nazor 1 1. 2. ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION UPDATES a. Update on Brodie Oaks Planned Unit Development (PUD)—Liz Johnston, Deputy Environmental Officer, Watershed Protection Department (10 minutes) Item conducted as posted. No action taken. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND ACTION a. Approval of the August 25, 2021 Environmental Commission Special Called Meeting Minutes and the September 1, 2021 Environmental Commission Regular Meeting Minutes (5 minutes) A motion to approve the August 25, 2021 Environmental Commission Special Called Meeting Minutes and the September 1, 2021 Environmental Commission Regular Meeting Minutes was approved on Commissioner Ramberg’s motion, Commissioner Barrett Bixler’s second on a 10-0 vote. 3. BRIEFINGS a. Update on the Watershed Protection Strategic Plan—Andrea Bates, Watershed Planning Manager and Sari Albornoz, Community Engagement Planner, Watershed Protection Department (1 hour) Item conducted as posted. No action taken. 4. COMMITTEE REPORTS and Linda Guerrero a. Urban Forestry Committee –Pam Thompson, Richard Brimer, Audrey Barrett Bixler, b. Report on the Joint Sustainability Committee – Katie Coyne c. Report on the Balcones Canyonlands Conservation Plan Citizen’s Advisory Committee – Kevin Ramberg d. Report on the Joint Committee of the Environmental Commission and Parks and Recreation Board –Linda Guerrero and Pam Thompson e. Report on the South Central Waterfront Advisory Board – Linda Guerrero FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Commissioner Guerrero requested a briefing about the issues raised by Dr. Craig Nazor regarding the McKalla site and Little Walnut Creek. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Coyne adjourned the meeting at 8:12 P.M. 2 The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned …

Scraped at: Oct. 7, 2021, 11:10 a.m.
Codes and Ordinances Joint CommitteeSept. 15, 2021

Approved Minutes original pdf

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REGULAR MEETING CODES AND ORDINANCES JOINT COMMITTEE MINUTES Wednesday, September 15, 2021 The Codes and Ordinances Joint Committee convened in a regular meeting on Wednesday, September 15, at 1000 E. 11th St, Street Jones Building, Room 400A, Austin, TX 78702. Vice Chair Barrera-Ramirez called the meeting to order at 6:15 pm. Subcommittee Members in Attendance: Awais Azhar Ann Denkler Todd Shaw City Staff in Attendance: Katie Wettick, Public Works Department Atha Phillips, Watershed Protection Department Others in Attendance: None CALL TO ORDER 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Nadia Barrera-Ramirez (Vice-Chair) Claire Hempel Jolene Kiolbassa a. Approval of the April 21, 2021 meeting minutes. Postponed without objection to the next meeting. 2. NEW BUSINESS Committee. a. Election of Officers. Elect a chair and vice-chair of the Codes and Ordinances Joint A motion was made to elect Commissioner Barrera-Ramirez as Chair and Commissioner Hempel as Vice-Chair, by Commissioner Azhar, seconded by Commissioner Shaw. Vote: 6-0. (Commissioner Connolly absent). 3. POTENTIAL CODE AMENDMENTS: Proposed for Discussion and/or Initiation Potential amendments to the code are offered for discussion and/or possible recommendation for initiation. If initiated, Staff will research the proposal and report back to the subcommittee. a. None. Facilitator: Commissioner Barrera-Ramirez, Vice-Chair of COJC City Attorney: None 1 4. REGULAR AGENDA: Previously Initiated Previously initiated amendments to the code are offered for discussion and possible recommendation to the full Planning Commission. a. Urban Trail Code Amendments. Discuss and consider amendments to City Code Title 25 related to cut and fill requirements and critical water quality zone development regulations as applied to Urban Trails. City Staff: Katie Wettick, Public Works Department (512) 974-3529, (Discussion and/or possible action). Katie Wettick gave an overview of proposed amendments related to urban trails, that will modify cut and fill requirements and allow wider trails within critical water quality zones. A motion was made to recommend the item by Commissioner Azhar, seconded by Commissioner Hempel. Vote: 6-0 (Commissioner Connolly absent). 5. OTHER BUSINESS a. Update on Potential Upcoming and Current Code Amendments – City Staff: Greg Dutton, Planning and Zoning Department, 974-3509,; (Discussion and/or Possible Action). A request was made for a summary list of in-process code amendments, which will be provided at a future meeting. 6. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Future agenda items will NOT be discussed at the current meeting, but will be offered for initiation, discussion, and/or possible recommendation to the full Planning Commission at a FUTURE …

Scraped at: Oct. 22, 2021, 4:30 a.m.
Downtown CommissionSept. 15, 2021

September_15_2021_Downtown_Commission_Meeting_Recording original link

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Scraped at: Oct. 25, 2021, 10:50 p.m.
Codes and Ordinances Joint CommitteeSept. 15, 2021

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Scraped at: Oct. 28, 2021, 8 p.m.