Resumen del Proyecto de Plan de Acción para el Año Fiscal 2022-23 Cada año, la Ciudad de Austin se prepara un Plan de Acción- un plan que detalle el monto de fondos federales a asignar a varios programas de vivienda y servicio público. El Plan de Acción es una solicitud al Departamento federal de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano (HUD) para recibir las siguientes subvenciones- Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnerships Program, Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG), and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA). En las páginas siguientes se muestra el importe de los fondos de cada subvención asignados a programas específicos, tal como se propone en el proyecto de Plan de Acción para el ejercicio 2022-23. A fecha de 3 de mayo de 2022, el HUD no ha anunciado las correspondientes al ejercicio 2022-23. Según las orientaciones del HUD, el proyecto de Plan de Acción para el ejercicio 2022-2023 se redactado con las asignaciones del Plan de Acción del año fiscal 2021- 2022. Una vez que el HUD publique las asignaciones de fondos para el año fiscal 2022-2023, el Plan de Acción de la Ciudad para el año fiscal 2022-2023 se actualizará para reflejar dichas asignaciones. Todos los presupuestos para las actividades propuestas se incrementarán o reducirán proporcionalmente al disminuir de los niveles de financiación estimados para que coincidan con los importes de las asignaciones reales. • Esta propuesta se pone a disposición del público para que la revise y comente del 3 de mayo al 10 de junio de 2022. Los ciudadanos pueden comentar el borrador de la siguiente manera – • Visitando y seleccionando la página del Plan de Acción del Año Fiscal 22-23 • Hablando en las siguientes audiencias públicas o 10 de Mayo 2022, Community Development Commission o 9 de junio 2022, Austin City Council • Envío de comentarios por escrito a la siguiente dirección Housing and Planning Department Attn: City of Austin FY 2021-22 draft Action Plan P.O. Box 1088 Austin, Texas 78767 • Enviar comentarios por teléfono a 512-974-3100, de Lunes a Viernes entre 8:00 AM y 5:00 PM • Enviar los comentarios por correo electrónico a con el título del tema- Subject Heading: Proyecto de Plan de Acción de la Ciudad de Austin para el año fiscal 2022-23 $1.8M (22.67%) Creación de capacidades sin ánimo de lucro para el desarr… Programa Administración Eliminación de barreras arquitectónicas - Propietario Pequeñas …
Draft Fiscal Year 2022-23 Action Plan Presentation for the Community Development Commission Agenda Draft Fiscal Year 2022-23 Action Plan Funding by Program Public Comment Period Feedback Draft FY 22-23 Action Plan Fiscal Year 22-23 Action Plan & HUD Formula Grants Year 4 of 5-Year reporting period Serves as application for funding from four entitlement grants Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Goal: Provide decent housing and a suitable living environment; expand economic opportunities for low-income people Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) Goal: Benefit low-income persons living with HIV/AIDS and their families by providing supportive services and housing Action Plan (1-Year) HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) Goal: create affordable housing for low- income households Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Goal: Assist people to quickly regain stability in permanent housing after experiencing a housing crisis and/or homelessness 4 Fiscal Year 21-22 Federal Formula Grant Funding HUD has not yet announced grant allocations for FY 22-23. The draft Action Plan is written with allocations from FY 21-22, Once FY 2022-2023 funding allocations are released by HUD, the City’s draft FY 2022-2023 Action Plan will be updated to reflect those appropriations. All proposed activities’ budgets will be proportionally increased or decreased from the estimated funding levels to match actual allocation amounts. Source FY 2021-22 FY 2022-23 CDBG HOME ESG $7,947,552 $3,156,803 $669,870 HOPWA $2,099,125 Total $13,757,934 - - - - - Percent Change from FY 21 - - - - - 5 Funding by Program Community Development Block Grant HOME Investment Parternships Emergency Solutions Grant Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS 7 8 9 10 Public Comment Period Public Comment Period May 3 to June 10, 2022 • • The Draft FY 22-23 Action Plan is available for the public to view in paper at the following locations- Austin City Hall, 301 W 2nd Street • Austin Central Library, 710 W Cesar Chavez St Asian American Resource Center, 8401 Cameron Rd Gus L. Garcia Recreation Center, 1201 E Rundberg Ln Housing Authority of the City of Austin, 1124 S I-35 Frontage Rd Dove Springs Recreation Center, 5801 Ainez Dr Carber Branch Austin Public Library, 1161 Angelina St St. John’s Branch Austin Public Library, 7500 Blessing Ave • • • • • The following public hearings will be held to receive public comment- • May 10th, Community Development Commission • June 9th, Austin City Council Draft FY 22-23 Action Plan 12 Public Comment Period …
HOME-ARP Briefing Community Development Commission Discussion of community needs and spending priorities for HOME-ARP Agenda HOME-ARP Eligible Uses HOME-ARP Proposed Uses HOME-ARP Qualifying Populations Community Needs Assessment/ Public Comment Schedule HOME-ARP HOME-ARP • Congress appropriated $5 billion in American Rescue Plan funds to be administered through the HOME grant • Austin is eligible for $11.4M • Funding intended to address the need for homelessness assistance and supportive services • Jurisdictions are required to consult with relevant agencies and publish a draft spending plan before applying for the funds with HUD HOME-ARP Eligible Uses HOME-ARP funding can be used for one or multiple of the following activities: Development of affordable housing Tenant-based Rental Assistance Provision of Supportive Services Acquisition and development of non-congregate shelter units 5 HOME-ARP Proposed Uses The Homeless Strategy Division of Austin Public Health, in coordination with the Housing and Planning Department, is proposing the following uses for HOME-ARP. HOME-ARP Funds Allocation Percentage Projected HOME-ARP Award $11,441,252 Sources Uses Acquisition and Development of Non-Congregate Shelters Development of Affordable Rental Housing Supportive Services Planning and Administration* Total $8,000,000 $1,000,000 $725,064.20 $1,716,187.80 $11,441,252 70% 9% 6% 15% 100% *Planning and administration can receive up to 15% of the total grant 6 HOME-ARP Qualifying Populations ARP requires that funds be used to primarily benefit individuals and families in the following specified “qualifying populations.” Homeless At risk of Homelessness Fleeing Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, Stalking, or Human Trafficking Other Populations where providing supportive services or assistance would prevent the family’s homelessness or would serve those with the greatest risk of housing instability. 7 Community Consultations Date Wednesday, March 16 Action Integral Care Thursday, March 17 Building and Strengthening Tenant Action Monday, March 21 SAFE Alliance Tuesday, March 22 Housing Authority of the City of Austin Tuesday, March 30 Housing Authority of Travis County Monday, April 4 ECHO Leadership Council Wednesday, April 6 Wednesday, April 6 Thursday, April 7 Friday, April 8 Tuesday, May 3 – Friday, June 10 Caritas Austin Latino Coalition Austin Area Urban League Mayor’s Committee for People with Disabilities Draft HOME-ARP Allocation Plan available for public review 8 Public Comment Period Date Tuesday, May 3 Action Start of Public Comment Period (DRAFT HOME-ARP Allocation Plan Published) Tuesday, May 10 Community Development Commission - Public Hearing Tuesday, June 8 Community Development Commission - Final Recommendations Thursday, June 9 City Council - Conduct a Public Hearing for Public Comment …
Draft HOME-ARP Allocation Plan On March 11, 2021, President Biden signed the American Rescue Plan (ARP) into law, which provides over $1.9 trillion in relief to address the continued impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. To address the need for homelessness assistance and supportive services, Congress appropriated $5 billion in ARP funds to be administered through the HOME grant to perform activities that primarily benefit individuals and families who are homeless, at risk of homelessness, or in other vulnerable populations. This grant is referred to as HOME-ARP and is administered by the Housing and Urban Development Department The following activities are eligible for funding by HOME-ARP, as stated by HUD in Notice CPD 21-10- (HUD). • • • • development and support of affordable housing; tenant-based rental assistance; provision of supportive services; acquisition and development of non-congregate shelter units The City of Austin is eligible for $11.4 million in HOME-ARP funding. In accordance with HUD requirements, the City has prepared the following Allocation Plan that describes the process of gathering feedback, analyzes the needs of populations who are unhoused or experiencing housing insecurity, and proposes a spending plan for HOME-ARP. This draft Allocation Plan will be available for the public to review and comment on from May 3 – June 10, 2022. After the public comment period, the plan will be finalized and submitted to HUD as an amendment to the FY 2021-22 Action Plan. A proposal for how to spend the $11.4 million HOME- ARP grant is included in Section IV: HOME-ARP Activities, and Attachment E: Budget Page. Table of Contents Section I: Consultation .................................................................................................................... 1 Section II: Public Participation ........................................................................................................ 7 Section III: Needs Assessment and Gap Analysis ....................................................................... 11 Section IV: HOME-ARP Activities................................................................................................. 25 Section V: Preferences ................................................................................................................. 28 Section VI: HOME-ARP Refinancing Guidelines ......................................................................... 29 Attachments Attachment A: Austin Homeless Advisory Council Survey Summary Attachment B: ARPA Homelessness Investment Priorities Survey Summary Attachment C: TX 503 Austin/Travis County 2021 Needs and Gaps Report Attachment D: SF424s and Certifications Attachment E: Budget Page Section I: Consultation Before developing its plan, a PJ must consult with the CoC(s) serving the jurisdiction’s geographic area, homeless and domestic violence service providers, veterans’ groups, public housing agencies (PHAs), public agencies that address the needs of the qualifying populations, and public or private organizations that address fair housing, civil rights, and the needs of persons with disabilities, at a minimum. State PJs are …
AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING MAY 10, 2022 3:00 PM 2716 SPIRIT OF TEXAS DRIVE ROOM 160 (Board Room and Public Comments) ROOM 174 (Public Viewing of Proceedings via videoconference) AUSTIN, TEXAS 78719 Some members of the Commission may be participating via videoconference. Live audio of the meeting will be available as an alternative to attending in person. Please email Steve Khanoyan at by noon of the day of the meeting for dial-in details. Any member of the public wishing to address the Commission in person may sign in before the meeting or, if via dial in, by noon of the meeting date by emailing Steve Khanoyan at Please include the phone number you will be calling from. CURRENT BOARD MEMBERS Eugene Sepulveda, Chair Wendy Price Todd, Vice-Chair Jeremy Hendricks Scott Madole Ernest Saulmon Jonathan Coon Billy Owens AGENDA CALL TO ORDER PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL Vicky Sepulveda Chad Ennis Raymond Young Speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. Please see further instructions on registration above. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES April 12, 2022 meeting. 2. STAFF REPORTS a) March 2022 Financial Results prepared by Rajeev Thomas, Deputy Chief Finance Officer. b) AUS Air Service Update prepared by Jamy Kazanoff, Air Service Development. 3. STAFF BRIEFINGS a) Project Connect Combined Maintenance Facility presented by Tracy Thompson, Chief 1 Administrative and External Affairs Officer, Jocelyn Vokes, Public Involvement Manager, and Marcus Guerrero, Director of Facilities Expansion, Austin Transit Partnership. b) CEO Report on South Terminal Updates and TSA Staffing presented by Jacqueline Yaft, Chief Executive Officer. c) Hilton Hotel Update presented by Tracy Thompson, Chief Administrative and External Affairs Officer and Rajeev Thomas, Deputy Chief Finance Officer. d) Airport Expansion and Development Program (AEDP) RCA Schedule Update presented by Tracy Thompson, Interim Chief Planning and Development Officer. e) Airport System Revenue Bonds, Series 2022 (AMT) Results presented by Rajeev Thomas, Deputy Chief Finance Officer and Dennis Waley, Managing Director, PFM. a) Discussion and possible approval of changes to the AAC bylaws to add the position of 4. CONSENT AGENDA None. 5. ACTION ITEMS Secretary to its officers. 6. OLD BUSINESS None. 7. NEW BUSINESS Council Member. b) Future Agenda Items. a) Review of Commission Recommendations and Actions to discuss with appointing City c) Next regular meeting scheduled for 3:00 …
Hilton Austin Airport Information for Airport Advisory Commission City of Austin, Department of Aviation May 10, 2022 0 Hilton Austin Airport – Unique History • Former Headquarters of Bergstrom Air Force Base • Opened in 1968 • Three stories • Underground bunker • Enclosed courtyard • Names: • Building 2900 • The Roundagon • The Donut • The Little Pentagon • Base closed in 1993 1 Hilton Austin Airport – Facility Information Austin American Statesman December 17, 2000 • Improvements Description • Year Opened: 2001 • Property Type: Full-service lodging facility • Building Area: 206,608 square feet • Guestrooms: 262 • Number of Stories: Four • Meeting Space: 17,505 square feet • Parking Spaces: 278 (Surface) • Additional Facilities: Outdoor pool, an outdoor whirlpool, fitness center, a lobby workstation, guest laundry room, and vending areas • Food and Beverage Facilities: Restaurant and lounge, coffee shop 2 Hilton Austin Airport – Structure & Operations • Austin-Bergstrom Landhost Enterprises, Inc. (ABLE) • Texas nonprofit public facility corporation created by City of Austin (City) in 1998 • Authorized under Chapter 303 of Texas Local Government Code • ABLE acts on behalf of the City of Austin (City) • Created to be the Issuer of tax exempt bonds (1999 Bonds and 2017 Bonds) • Construct/improve public facilities at the Airport - Hilton Austin Airport (Hotel) • Department of Aviation (Aviation Department) oversight of ABLE • Staff provide liaison, business, and financial services to ABLE • Grant Agreement - Aviation Department supports Bond payments – as required • Ground Lease - Aviation Department receives Ground Rent/Administrative Fees • Operations of the Hotel are subject to Federal Aviation Administration regulations 3 Briefings to AAC Regarding Hotel • AAC Hotel briefings since the emergence of COVID-19 • 11/10/2020 – Hotel Property/Facility, Structure and Operations and Financial Information • 03/09/2021 – Update including COVID Impact, Loan Development, and Grant Pledge • 04/13/2021 - Update including ABLE Governance, Loan Agreement and Grant Payments • 12/14/2021 - Update on Loan Draws and Spending, 2021 Financial Performance • 04/11/2022 – AAC Finance Working Group – General Update on 2022 Financials • 05/10/2022 – Briefing on Report to Council Audit Finance Committee • Up Next 06/14/2022 – RCA for Amendment to Management Agreement 4 Hilton Austin Airport Information for Audit Finance Committee City of Austin, Department of Aviation April 27, 2022 5 Introductions • Tracy Thompson, Esq. Airport Chief Officer, Administrative & …
Airport Expansion and Development Program RCA Schedule Update To Airport Advisory Commission May 10, 2022 Draft for Review Indicative Schedule of AAC and City Council Requests Schedules subject to change based on AEDP program requirements RCA Program Element Est. Solicitation Date Est. AAC Date Est. Council Date Communications & Marketing Support for AEDP AEDP Airfield Construction - Design Consultant Contract Program Management Support Consultants (PMSC) AEDP Airfield Construction – CMR Construction Contract CUP B - Alt Del. Approval - Design-Build Passenger Tunnel - Alt. Del. Approval Concourse B - Alt Del. Approval AEDP Remediation IDIQ Environmental Mitigation Testing, Design, and Monitoring RL AEDP Building Demolition - Solicitation for Contractor Central Utility Plant (CUP) B - Design-Build (D-B) Solicitation Existing BHS - RCA for Full BHS/West Infill Construction - Package 2 South Campus Stormwater - 100% Design PFAS "Construction" Removal (if not with H&J) Stormwater Watershed Ordinance Update Concourse B - Design CMR Contract South Campus Stormwater Construction (if not with Midfield TWYs) Concourse B - Construction CMR Passenger Tunnel – Design CMR (if not with Concourse B) Passenger Tunnel – Construction CMR 3/21/2022 1/31/2022 3/23/2022 3/28/2022 N/A N/A N/A 22Q4 22Q4 22Q4 23Q1 N/A N/A 23Q1 N/A 23Q1 23Q1 23Q2 23Q2 23Q2 6/14/2022 6/14/2022 6/14/2022 8/9/2022 8/9/2022 8/9/2022 8/9/2022 1/10/2023 1/10/2023 1/10/2023 2/14/2023 22Q4 22Q4 22Q4 22Q4 23Q3 23Q3 23Q4 23Q4 24Q1 7/28/2022 6/16/2022 7/28/2022 9/1/2022 9/15/2022 9/15/2022 9/15/2022 1/26/2023 1/26/2023 2/9/2023 3/16/2023 11/3/2022 11/2/2022 12/1/2022 1Q23 TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD AEDP Program Summary 2 AEDP Contracting & Business Opportunities Follow progress of the program at Questions, Comments & Discussion 3
BYLAWS OF THE AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMISSION ARTICLE 1: NAME The name of the Commission is the Austin Airport Advisory Commission (AAC). ARTICLE 2: PURPOSE AND DUTIES A) The Austin Airport Advisory Commission (AAC) reviews, assesses, and makes recommendations to the Austin City Council concerning the Austin-Bergstrom International Airport (AUS): B) In its recommendations, the AAC ensures consistency with good business practices, integrity, and the values of the City of Austin and AUS, including: Capital improvement projects, Proposed aviation grants, Proposed aviation contracts, Annual operating budgets, and Quality of services and customer experience. Safety, Public service and engagement, Responsibility and accountability, Innovation and sustainability, Diversity and inclusion, and Ethics and integrity. C) The AAC advises and offers help to solve problems and advance the mission and D) The AAC brings public input to the airport leadership and engages community stakeholders as needed to promote public awareness and good decision making. E) The AAC facilitates and promotes communication between AUS staff and the Austin initiatives of AUS. City Council. F) In all their work, members of the AAC advocate the interests of the airport’s customers, City of Austin public, and the Austin City Council. ARTICLE 3: MEMBERSHIP A) The AAC is composed of eleven members appointed by the Austin City Council. B) A member serves at the pleasure of the Austin City Council. C) Commission members serve for a term of four years beginning May 1st on the year of appointment. 1 D) An individual Commission member may not act in an official capacity except through the action of the AAC. E) A commission member who is absent for three consecutive regular meetings or one-third of all regular meetings in a rolling twelve month timeframe automatically vacates the member’s position subject to the holdover provisions in Section 2-1-27 of the City Code. This does not apply to an absence due to illness or injury of the Commission member, an illness or injury of a Commission member’s immediate family, active military service, or the birth or adoption of the Commission member’s child for 90 days after the event. The Commission member must notify the Staff Liaison of the reason for the absence not later than the date of the next regular meeting of the Commission. Failure to notify the liaison before the next regular meeting of the AAC will result in an …
ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET CASE: C14-2022-0003 Clayton Lane Residences DISTRICT: 4 ZONING FROM: GR-MU-CO-NP TO: GR-MU-V-NP ADDRESS: 1120 and 1124 Clayton Lane SITE AREA: 1.9635 acres PROPERTY OWNER: Hallock Holdings, LLC (Gary Hallock) AGENT: Alice Glasco Consulting (Alice Glasco) CASE MANAGER: Heather Chaffin (512-974-2122, STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff supports the Applicant’s request for rezoning to GR-MU-V-NP with the following prohibited and conditional land uses: 1. The following land uses shall be prohibited: Automotive repair services, Automotive rentals, Automotive sales, Automotive washing (of any type), Service station, Funeral services, Commercial off-street parking, Bail bond services, Pawn shop services, Drop-off recycling services, and Pedicab storage and dispatch. 2. The following land use shall be conditional: Off-site accessory parking. This makes the zoning recommendation GR-MU-V-CO-NP; the Applicant agrees to this recommendation. For a summary of the basis of staff’s recommendation, see case manager comments on page 2. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION / RECOMMENDATION: May 10, 2022: April 12, 2022: To postpone to May 10, 2022 by Planning Commission. [Schneider- 1st, Praxis- 2nd] CITY COUNCIL ACTION: TBD ORDINANCE NUMBER: 1 of 8B-1 C14-2022-0003 2 ISSUES: The Applicant has agreed to keep the prohibited and conditional land uses that are currently on the property. The Applicant has also agreed to add other land uses to the list of prohibited uses as requested by the Neighborhood. The property is currently developed with one single family house and 16 2-bedroom apartments; the Applicant proposes redeveloping the site with 50 2-bedroom apartments and 245 1-bedroom apartments. The Applicant has provided information regarding occupancy and displacement. Please see Exhibit C- Displacement Information. CASE MANAGER COMMENTS: The subject property is located one lot northwest of the intersection of Clayton Lane and Cameron Road. The GR-MU-CO-NP zoned property is currently developed with one single family residence and multifamily residences as described in the Issues section above. Immediately east of the property, at the intersection of Clayton Lane and Cameron Road is a property zoned GR-MU-V-CO-NP that is developed with automotive sales land use. To the north and west of the subject property is land zoned GO-MU-CO-NP that is developed with office uses. Further northwest along Clayton Lane is a small single family residential neighborhood zoned SF-3-NP and a multifamily property zoned MF-4-NP. Directly across Clayton Lane to the south is property zoned GR-MU-V-CO-NP that is developed with multifamily residential. Also across Clayton Lane are properties zoned GR-MU-CO-NP, MF- 4-NP and CS-MU-CO-NP that …
Planning Commission: May 10, 2022 NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN AMENDMENT REVIEW SHEET DATE FILED: February 28, 2022 1004, 1006, and 1008 E. 39th Street NEIGHORHOOD PLAN: Central Austin Combined (CANPAC) CASE#: NPA-2022-0019.01.SH PROJECT NAME: Cady Lofts PC DATE: May 10, 2022 ADDRESS/ES: DISTRICT AREA: 9 SITE AREA: 0.736 acres OWNER/APPLICANT: Cady Lofts, LLC AGENT: SGI Ventures, Inc. (Sally Gaskin) CASE MANAGER: Maureen Meredith STAFF EMAIL: TYPE OF AMENDMENT: Change in Future Land Use Designation PHONE: (512) 974-2695 From: Single Family and Mixed Use/Office To: Multifamily Residential Base District Zoning Change Related Zoning Case: C14-2022-0019.SH From: SF-3-CO-NP & LO-MU-NP NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN ADOPTION DATE: CITY COUNCIL DATE: TBD PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: May 10, 2022 - To: MF-6-NP August 26, 2004 ACTION: 1 of 123B-2 Planning Commission: May 10, 2022 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To support the applicant’s request for Multifamily Residential land use. BASIS FOR STAFF’S RECOMMENDATION: The property is 0.736-acre tract comprised three lots with single family homes on 1004 and 1006 E. 39th Street and a vacant lot on 1008 E. 39th Street. To the north and east of the property is Mixed Use/Office land use with Mixed Use along the frontage road. To the south is Single Family and Mixed Use land use. To the west is Single Family land use. The applicant proposes to change the land use on the property from Single Family and Mixed Use/Office to Multifamily Residential land use to build a 100-unit multifamily supportive affordable housing project. The project is S.M.A.R.T. Housing Certified. Staff supports the applicant’s request of Multifamily Residential land use because it steps down the land use intensity from the Mixed Use and Mixed Use/Office to the east that is closest to the IH-35 frontage road and the single family uses to the west of the property. The request will provide much-needed affordable housing to the planning area and the city to help meet the goals of the Austin Strategic Housing Blueprint. The property is near the proposed Project Connect Gold Line and approximately ½-mile south of Airport Blvd, an Imagine Austin Activity Corridor, and approximately ½-mile south of Hancock Shopping Center with an HEB grocery store and other services. The property has access to multiple Capital Metro bus routes that provides public transportation options for the future residents. There is a notation on the FLUM for this area that says: The proposed FLUM change to Multifamily Residential for an affordable housing project is …
ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET SITE AREA: 0.4968 acres (21,640 square feet) DISTRICT: 3 TO: SF-4A-NP CASE: C14-2022-0024 – Jaimes Development Project ZONING FROM: SF-2-NP ADDRESS: 202 Red Bird Lane PROPERTY OWNER: Joel M. Jaimes AGENT: Moreno Development Services (Candelario Moreno) CASE MANAGER: Wendy Rhoades (512-974-7719, STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Staff recommendation is to grant single family residence – small lot – neighborhood plan (SF-4A-NP) combining district zoning. For a summary of the basis of Staff’s recommendation, please see case manager comments on page 2. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION / RECOMMENDATION: May 10, 2022: CITY COUNCIL ACTION: June 9, 2022: ORDINANCE NUMBER: ISSUES: None at this time. CASE MANAGER COMMENTS: The subject platted lot is located on Red Bird Lane approximately mid-point between South Congress Avenue to the east and Blue Bird Lane to the west. It contains a vacant single family residence and is zoned single family residence-standard lot – neighborhood plan (SF- 2-NP) combining district. There are single family residences, two-family residences and condominiums on Mockingbird Lane to the north (SF-4A-NP; SF-3-NP; SF-6-NP), residential uses to the east and west (SF-2-NP; SF-3-NP), and residential uses and non- conforming commercial uses across Red Bird Lane to the south (SF-2-NP; SF-3-NP; SF-6- NP). Commercial uses front South Congress Avenue further east (CS-MU-NP; CS-1-MU- NP; CS-MU-CO-NP). Please refer to Exhibits A (Zoning Map) and A-1 (Aerial Exhibit). 1 of 10B-4 C14-2022-0024 Page 2 The Applicant has requested single family residence-small lot – neighborhood plan (SF-4A- NP) district zoning in order to resubdivide the lot and build up to six single family residences. BASIS OF RECOMMENDATION: 1. The proposed zoning should be consistent with the purpose statement of the district sought. The single family residence – small lot (SF-4A) district is intended as an area for moderate density single-family residential use, with a minimum lot size of 3,600 square feet. In appropriate locations, small lot single-family use is permitted under standards that maintain single-family neighborhood characteristics. The neighborhood plan (NP) district denotes a tract located within the boundaries of an adopted Neighborhood Plan. Zoning changes should promote compatibility with adjacent and nearby uses. 2. Staff recommends SF-4A-NP zoning as it is compatible use and zoning with the surrounding residential portion of the Pleasant Hill Addition neighborhood which provides for a variety of housing types, and there are other SF-4A-NP zoned lots in the vicinity. EXISTING ZONING AND LAND USES: Site North South East West …
ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET CASE: C14-2022-0045 (10321 and 10401 Burnet Road) DISTRICT: 7 ADDRESS: 10321 and 10401 Burnet Road ZONING FROM: NBG-CMU-NP TO: NBG-CMU(Gateway Zone)-NP SITE AREA: Tract 1: 1.8388 acres Tract 2: 1.4974 acres 3.3362 acres PROPERTY OWNER: Thom Interests LLC (Tract 1) and G B T & D LTD (Tract 2) AGENT: Drenner Group, PC (Amanda Swor) CASE MANAGER: Sherri Sirwaitis (512-974-3057, STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends NBG-CMU-NP, North Burnet/Gateway-Commercial Mixed Use- Gateway Zone-Neighborhood Plan, district zoning. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION / RECOMMENDATION: May 10, 2022 CITY COUNCIL ACTION: ORDINANCE NUMBER: 1 of 24B-5 C14-2022-0045 2 ISSUES: N/A CASE MANAGER COMMENTS: The property in question is developed with construction sales and services and general retail sales uses (Lighting Inc., Austin Window Fashions, Affinity Design) that are zoned NBG- CMU-NP. The lots to the north are currently undeveloped and were rezoned to NBG- CMU(Gateway Zone)-NP through zoning case C14-2021-0101 (Verde Square) last year. To the east of this site is an outdoor entertainment use, with surface parking (Q2 Stadium), zoned LI-PDA-NP. Across Burnet Road to the west, there is a research and development use (University of Texas JJ Pickle Research Campus). The tract of land to the south fronting Burnet Road is developed with a multifamily use (Windsor Burnet). The applicant is requesting to rezone the property from NBG-NP (CMU Subdistrict) to NBG-NP (CMU-Gateway Zone Subdistrict) to redevelop the site with additional residential density (please see Applicant’s Request Letter-Exhibit C). The CMU subdistrict allows an FAR of 3:1 and a maximum building height of up to 180 feet, with development bonuses. Whereas, the CMU-Gateway Zone subdistrict allows for an FAR of 8:1 and a maximum building height of up of 308 feet, with development bonuses (please see North Burnet Gateway - CMU subdistrict General Site Development Standards-Exhibit D). Therefore, the proposed CMU-Gateway Zone subdistrict will allow for higher height and density development on this property adjacent to the new Austin FC Soccer Stadium. The staff is recommending the applicant’s request of North Burnet Gateway-Neighborhood Plan (CMU-Gateway Zone Subdistrict) zoning because the proposed zoning is compatible and consistent with the surrounding zoning and uses in this area. The gateway zones in the North Burnet Gateway Regulating Plan are in areas within close proximity to a transit. Gateway zones are connected to the designated Transit Corridors and allow for greater height and density due to the location to a rail station. The …
ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET DISTRICT: 3 TO: CS-1-NP CASE: C14-2021-0179 ZONING FROM: GR-NP ADDRESS: 2765 E 7th Street (tenant space) / 2727 E 7th Street (property address) REZONING AREA: 3,957 Square Feet (0.091 Acres) PROPERTY OWNER: GovalleCenter, LLC (Christopher Rassier) CASE MANAGER: Heather Chaffin (512-974-2122, STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff supports the Applicant’s request for CS-1-NP zoning with the added condition that Cocktail Lounge land use be prohibited, making the recommendation CS-1-CO- NP. The Applicant agrees to this condition. AGENT: Thrower Design (Ron Thrower) For a summary of the basis of staff’s recommendation, see case manager comments on page 2. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION / RECOMMENDATION: May 10, 2022: CITY COUNCIL ACTION: TBD ORDINANCE NUMBER: 1 of 12B-7 C14-2021-0179 2 ISSUES: The applicant is requesting CS-1-NP zoning for a tenant space in a shopping center at the southwest corner of Pleasant Valley Drive and East 7th Street. The applicant proposes Liquor sales use and has agreed to prohibit Cocktail lounge land use. Capital Metro operates a Child Care and Early Learning Center within the 300’ distance of the proposed liquor store and has expressed opposition to the rezoning. Development Services Department (DSD) has confirmed that Liquor sales land use may be permitted at this location in accordance with City of Austin and TABC regulations. (Please see Exhibit C- Correspondence). CASE MANAGER COMMENTS: The proposed rezoning is for a 3,957 square foot tenant space in a shopping center at the southwest corner of Pleasant Valley Drive and East 7th Street. In the same building are a mix of uses, including Limited retail, Alternative financial services, and Medical office. In an adjacent building on the property is a HEB grocery store. The shopping center is zoned GR- NP. West of the property, across Calles Street, is a small residential neighborhood zoned SF- 3-NP, as well a mix of commercial uses along East 7th Street zoned CS-MU-CO-NP. South of the rezoning tract is a Child Care and Early Learning Center operated by Capital Metro that is also zoned GR-NP. Further south is LI-NP property with Book publishing land use, and beyond that, railroad right-of-way. Across Pleasant Valley Drive to the east are the Zaragoza Library Warehouse and Cepeda Branch Library, which are zoned P-NP. Southeast of the rezoning tract is property zoned CS-NP with an undetermined commercial land use. Across 7th Street to the north are properties zoned CS-V-CO-NP and CS-V-NP that are developed with …
ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET DISTRICT: 1 TO: CS-MU-V-NP CASE: C14-2022-0009 Fifty First Street Residences ZONING FROM: CS-MU-CO-NP ADDRESS: 5525 East 51st Street SITE AREA: 4.0 acres PROPERTY OWNER: Therese M. Baer CASE MANAGER: Heather Chaffin (512-974-2122, STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff does not support the requested rezoning to CS-MU-V-NP. AGENT: Alice Glasco Consulting (Alice Glasco) For a summary of the basis of staff’s recommendation, see case manager comments on page 2. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION / RECOMMENDATION: May 10, 2022: CITY COUNCIL ACTION: TBD ORDINANCE NUMBER: 1 of 8B-8 C14-2022-0009 2 ISSUES: If rezoning is granted, Staff recommends that the existing conditional overlays on the property be retained. The following uses are currently prohibited on the property: Drive-in service as an accessory use to commercial uses, Automotive rentals, Automotive repair services, Automotive sales, Automotive washing (of any type), Service station, and Pawn shop services. CASE MANAGER COMMENTS: The subject property is located on the south side of East 51st Street approximately 400 feet west of Ed Bluestein Boulevard. The 4-acre property is undeveloped and heavily vegetated. The CS-MU-CO-NP property included prohibited land uses, as outlined in the Issues section of this report. Immediately to the west and south of the property is a residential neighborhood zoned SF-4A-NP which triggers compatibility standards on the site. Immediately to the east of the property is property zoned CS-CO-NP is the newly constructed 183/51st Street Trailhead that provides bicycle and pedestrian access across 183/Ed Bluestein Boulevard. The trail connects on the east side of the highway adjacent to the East Communities YMCA and Walnut Creek Greenbelt. Also east and southeast of the rezoning tract are properties that front the southbound Ed Bluestein frontage road. These properties are zoned LI-CO-NP, CS-NP, and CS-CO-NP; these properties include Automotive repair, Undeveloped, and Public high school land uses, respectively. Across East 51st Street to the north is Little Walnut Creek Greenbelt, zoned P-NP, and a Hotel-motel property zoned GR-NP. Please see Exhibits A and B- Zoning Map and Aerial Exhibit. Staff does not support the request to rezone the property to CS-MU-V-NP. The closest bus service is one mile away at 51st and Springdale Road. Sidewalks in the area are fragmented between the property and the closest bus route. Commercial opportunities are very limited in the area, so development on this site will be largely automobile oriented. Under the current zoning the site could get a 20% parking reduction; with …
Planning Commission: May 10, 2022 NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN AMENDMENT REVIEW SHEET NEIGHORHOOD PLAN: East MLK Combined (MLK-183) CASE#’s: NPA-2021-0015.03 and NPA-2021-0015.04 DATES FILED: July 29, 2021 and July 30, 2021 (In-cycle) PROJECT NAMES: NPA-2021-0015.03 - 6603 Regiene Road and NPA-2021-0015.04 - 6600, 6702, 6704, & 6706 Regiene Road PC DATES: May 10, 2022 April 26, 2022 March 8, 2022 ADDRESS/ES: NPA-2021-0015.03 - 6603 Regiene Road and (NPA-2021-0015.04 0 6600, 6702, 6704 & 6706 Regiene Road DISTRICT AREA: 1 SITE AREA: 0.52 acres and 4.26 acres OWNERS/APPLICANTS: 6603 Regiene Road: Laurie Lynn Alkier 6600 Regiene Road: Ira E. Regiene, Dorothy M. Regiene, Victoria Mae Gable, William John Regiene, Kathryn Ann Pool, and Laurie Lynn Alkie 6702 Regiene Road: Victoria Mae Gable; 6704 Regiene Road: Kathryn Ann Pool 6706 Regiene Road: William John Regiene AGENT: Drenner Group, PC (Leah M. Bojo) CASE MANAGER: Maureen Meredith STAFF EMAIL: TYPE OF AMENDMENT: Change in Future Land Use Designation From: Industry To: Major Planned Development PHONE: (512) 974-2695 1 of 29B-9 Planning Commission: May 10, 2022 Base District Zoning Change Related Zoning Case: C14-2021-0157 & C14-2021-0158 From: SF-2-NP and LI-NP To: LI-PDA-NP ACTION: NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN ADOPTION DATE: November 2, 2002 CITY COUNCIL DATE: TBD PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: May 10, 2022- (Action pending) April 26 2022 – Postponed to May 10, 2022 on the consent agenda at the request of staff. [J. Thompson – 1st; R. Schneider – 2nd] Vote: 117-0 [G. Anderson recused from Items B-4 and B-5. T. Shaw and J. Shieh absent. March 8, 2022 – Postponed to April 26, 2022 on the consent agenda at the request of staff. [R. Schneider – 1st; A. Azhar – 2nd] Vote: 10-0 [J. Mushtaler off the dais. J. Thompson and J. Shieh absent]. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Recommended BASIS FOR STAFF’S RECOMMENDATION: These two cases are 0.52-acre and 4.26-acre sites with a current FLUM designation of Industry. The proposed FLUM request is for Major Planned Development landuse. NPA- 2021-0015.03 has a single-family home and NPA-2021-0015.04 has three homes and a garage/warehouse-like structure. These two cases will be developed in conjunction with a recently approved by City Council cases located directly to the south. These cases, (NPA- 2020-0015.03 and C14-2020-0150, 6501 and 6705 Regiene Rd) were approved for LI-PDA- NP and Major Planned Development land use. Directly north and east, is 109.65-acre tract that was recently approved for LI-PDA-NP (C14- 2017-0148, 3443 Ed Bluestein Boulevard, no change to …
ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET Please note: These is a combined case report regarding two zoning requests. TO: LI-PDA-NP CASE # 1: C14-2021-0157 -- 6600, 6702, 6704 & 6706 Regiene Road DISTRICT: 1 ZONING FROM: LI-NP ADDRESS: 6600, 6702, 6704 & 6706 Regiene Road SITE AREA: 4.26 acres PROPERTIES OWNERS: Ira E. Regiene, Dorothy M. Regiene, Victoria Mae Gable, William John Regiene, Kathryn Ann Pool, and Laurie Lynn Alkie AGENT: Drenner Group, PC (Leah Bojo) CASE #2: C14-2021-0158 -- 6603 Regiene Road DISTRICT: 1 ZONING FROM: SF-2-NP ADDRESS: 6603 Regiene Road SITE AREA: 0.52 acres PROPERTIES OWNER: Laurie Lynn Alkier AGENT: Drenner Group, PC (Leah Bojo) CASE MANAGER: Heather Chaffin (512-974-2122, STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff supports the Applicant’s request for rezoning to LI-PDA-NP, with the following condition: A public restrictive covenant will be required for the associated TIA Memorandum. TO: LI-PDA-NP For a summary of the basis of staff’s recommendation, see case manager comments on page 3. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION / RECOMMENDATION: April 26, 2022: March 8, 2022: To grant a postponement to April 26, 2022 as requested by staff, on consent. 1 of 21B-10 C14-2021-0157 and C14-2021-0158 2 CITY COUNCIL ACTION: TBD ORDINANCE NUMBER: 2 of 21B-10 C14-2021-0157 and C14-2021-0158 3 ISSUES: These two cases are part of a planned development area that will combine three tracts. The largest of these tracts was rezoned to LI-PDA-NP in January 2022 under City File # C14-2020-0150. The properties included in the current requests were put under contract after the C14-2020-0150 case was well underway. Because of that timing and the fact that one tract is separated by Regiene Road, the planned area is being processed as 3 separate zoning cases. The two rezoning cases addressed in this report are requesting the same PDA conditions as were granted to the C14-2020-0150 case when in was approved in January of this year. Please see Exhibit C- Related Tracts Exhibit. CASE MANAGER COMMENTS: The subject properties are located east of Ed Bluestein Boulevard and north of the proposed Capital Metro Green Line rail right of way. The property being rezoned under City File # C14-2021-0157 is zoned LI-NP; the property being rezoned under City File # C14-2021-0158 is zoned SF-2-NP. Both properties are developed with a handful of single family residences. The property that was rezoned to LI- PDA-NP is immediately to the east. North of the property is undeveloped land zoned LI-NP. South and …
Planning Commission: May 10, 2022 NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN AMENDMENT REVIEW SHEET NEIGHORHOOD PLAN: East MLK Combined (MLK-183) CASE#’s: NPA-2021-0015.03 and NPA-2021-0015.04 DATES FILED: July 29, 2021 and July 30, 2021 (In-cycle) PROJECT NAMES: NPA-2021-0015.03 - 6603 Regiene Road and NPA-2021-0015.04 - 6600, 6702, 6704, & 6706 Regiene Road PC DATES: May 10, 2022 April 26, 2022 March 8, 2022 ADDRESS/ES: NPA-2021-0015.03 - 6603 Regiene Road and (NPA-2021-0015.04 0 6600, 6702, 6704 & 6706 Regiene Road DISTRICT AREA: 1 SITE AREA: 0.52 acres and 4.26 acres OWNERS/APPLICANTS: 6603 Regiene Road: Laurie Lynn Alkier 6600 Regiene Road: Ira E. Regiene, Dorothy M. Regiene, Victoria Mae Gable, William John Regiene, Kathryn Ann Pool, and Laurie Lynn Alkie 6702 Regiene Road: Victoria Mae Gable; 6704 Regiene Road: Kathryn Ann Pool 6706 Regiene Road: William John Regiene AGENT: Drenner Group, PC (Leah M. Bojo) CASE MANAGER: Maureen Meredith STAFF EMAIL: TYPE OF AMENDMENT: Change in Future Land Use Designation From: Industry To: Major Planned Development PHONE: (512) 974-2695 1 of 29B-11 Planning Commission: May 10, 2022 Base District Zoning Change Related Zoning Case: C14-2021-0157 & C14-2021-0158 From: SF-2-NP and LI-NP To: LI-PDA-NP ACTION: NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN ADOPTION DATE: November 2, 2002 CITY COUNCIL DATE: TBD PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: May 10, 2022- (Action pending) April 26 2022 – Postponed to May 10, 2022 on the consent agenda at the request of staff. [J. Thompson – 1st; R. Schneider – 2nd] Vote: 117-0 [G. Anderson recused from Items B-4 and B-5. T. Shaw and J. Shieh absent. March 8, 2022 – Postponed to April 26, 2022 on the consent agenda at the request of staff. [R. Schneider – 1st; A. Azhar – 2nd] Vote: 10-0 [J. Mushtaler off the dais. J. Thompson and J. Shieh absent]. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Recommended BASIS FOR STAFF’S RECOMMENDATION: These two cases are 0.52-acre and 4.26-acre sites with a current FLUM designation of Industry. The proposed FLUM request is for Major Planned Development landuse. NPA- 2021-0015.03 has a single-family home and NPA-2021-0015.04 has three homes and a garage/warehouse-like structure. These two cases will be developed in conjunction with a recently approved by City Council cases located directly to the south. These cases, (NPA- 2020-0015.03 and C14-2020-0150, 6501 and 6705 Regiene Rd) were approved for LI-PDA- NP and Major Planned Development land use. Directly north and east, is 109.65-acre tract that was recently approved for LI-PDA-NP (C14- 2017-0148, 3443 Ed Bluestein Boulevard, no change to …
ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET Please note: These is a combined case report regarding two zoning requests. TO: LI-PDA-NP CASE # 1: C14-2021-0157 -- 6600, 6702, 6704 & 6706 Regiene Road DISTRICT: 1 ZONING FROM: LI-NP ADDRESS: 6600, 6702, 6704 & 6706 Regiene Road SITE AREA: 4.26 acres PROPERTIES OWNERS: Ira E. Regiene, Dorothy M. Regiene, Victoria Mae Gable, William John Regiene, Kathryn Ann Pool, and Laurie Lynn Alkie AGENT: Drenner Group, PC (Leah Bojo) CASE #2: C14-2021-0158 -- 6603 Regiene Road DISTRICT: 1 ZONING FROM: SF-2-NP ADDRESS: 6603 Regiene Road SITE AREA: 0.52 acres PROPERTIES OWNER: Laurie Lynn Alkier AGENT: Drenner Group, PC (Leah Bojo) CASE MANAGER: Heather Chaffin (512-974-2122, STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff supports the Applicant’s request for rezoning to LI-PDA-NP, with the following condition: A public restrictive covenant will be required for the associated TIA Memorandum. TO: LI-PDA-NP For a summary of the basis of staff’s recommendation, see case manager comments on page 3. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION / RECOMMENDATION: April 26, 2022: March 8, 2022: To grant a postponement to April 26, 2022 as requested by staff, on consent. 1 of 21B-12 C14-2021-0157 and C14-2021-0158 2 CITY COUNCIL ACTION: TBD ORDINANCE NUMBER: 2 of 21B-12 C14-2021-0157 and C14-2021-0158 3 ISSUES: These two cases are part of a planned development area that will combine three tracts. The largest of these tracts was rezoned to LI-PDA-NP in January 2022 under City File # C14-2020-0150. The properties included in the current requests were put under contract after the C14-2020-0150 case was well underway. Because of that timing and the fact that one tract is separated by Regiene Road, the planned area is being processed as 3 separate zoning cases. The two rezoning cases addressed in this report are requesting the same PDA conditions as were granted to the C14-2020-0150 case when in was approved in January of this year. Please see Exhibit C- Related Tracts Exhibit. CASE MANAGER COMMENTS: The subject properties are located east of Ed Bluestein Boulevard and north of the proposed Capital Metro Green Line rail right of way. The property being rezoned under City File # C14-2021-0157 is zoned LI-NP; the property being rezoned under City File # C14-2021-0158 is zoned SF-2-NP. Both properties are developed with a handful of single family residences. The property that was rezoned to LI- PDA-NP is immediately to the east. North of the property is undeveloped land zoned LI-NP. South and …
ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET SITE AREA: 0.996 acre (43,385 square feet) DISTRICT: 9 TO: CBD CASE: C14-2022-0026 – 708 E. 12th Street ZONING FROM: GO; LR ADDRESS: 708 East 12th Street OWNER / APPLICANT: Texas Municipal Retirement System (David Wescoe) AGENT: Drenner Group, PC (Leah Bojo) CASE MANAGER: Wendy Rhoades (512-974-7719, STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Staff recommendation is to grant central business district (CBD) district zoning. For a summary of the basis of Staff’s recommendation, please see case manager comments on page 2. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION / RECOMMENDATION: May 10, 2022: CITY COUNCIL ACTION: June 9, 2022: ORDINANCE NUMBER: ISSUES: None at this time. CASE MANAGER COMMENTS: The subject rezoning area is comprised of four platted lots and forms the block of East 12th Street between the southbound IH 35 service road and Sabine Street. The eastern two-thirds of the property is zoned neighborhood commercial (LR) district and the western one-third is zoned general office (GO) district. The property is developed with an office building and parking garage, and access is taken from one driveway each to the IH-35 service road, East 12th Street and Sabine Street. There is a service driveway that extends along a portion of the north property line at its intersection with Sabine Street. As information, the property is not located within any Capitol View Corridors (CVCs). Please refer to Exhibits A (Zoning Map) and A-1 (Aerial Exhibit). The subject rezoning area is adjacent to an electrical substation, the Sobering Center, and hospital services, medical offices and parking facilities associated with Central Health to the 1 of 10B-13 C14-2022-0026 Page 2 north (P; PUD); financial services to the south (CBD); and an office and adjoining parking area to the west (CS; CS-1). The Applicant is requesting a zoning change to the central business district (CBD) in order to construct a mixed use development comprised of approximately 35,000 square feet of retail uses and 350 multifamily units. The subject tract is located in the Waller Creek District of the Downtown Austin Plan (DAP) which was adopted in 2011. The DAP identifies the tract as a Development Opportunity Site, one which is unconstrained. In addition, the East 12th Street and IH-35 intersection is identified as a Major Downtown Gateway and East 12th Street is identified as an Important Corridor. The DAP also recommends CBD zoning for the tract and others in the vicinity - properties between the IH-35 …