JOINT SUSTAINABILITY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING July 26, 2023 MEETING MINUTES The Joint Sustainability Committee convened in a hybrid meeting via videoconferencing and at PDC. Acting Chair Kaiba White called the Board Meeting to order at 6:13 pm. Board Members in Attendance in Person: Kaiba White, Haris Qureshi, Charlotte Davis, Jon Salinas, Larry Franklin, Rodrigo Leal Board Members in Attendance Remotely: Melissa Rothrock, Heather Houser, Anna Scott, Diana Wheeler, Christopher Campbell Board Members Absent: Kelsey Hitchingham, Chris Maxwell-Gaines, Yure Suarez Observing: Amy Noel (not yet completed oath) City Staff in Attendance: Zach Baumer, Rohan Lilauwala, Matt McCaw, Amanda Ross, Jodi, Juan Espinoza, Kerstin Johannson, Cameron Freberg, Christa McCarthy CALL TO ORDER PUBLIC COMMUNICATION The speakers who registered in advance for public comment have three minutes each to address items on the agenda at this time. 6. Approval of minutes from the June 28th meeting of the Joint Sustainability Committee. • Motion by Qureshi, seconded by Davis. Approved unanimously (11-0) 1. Parks and Recreation Department Land Management Plan Overview – Matt McCaw, Parks and Recreation Department • Leal: does $200/acre cost represent new costs? Where did this come from? • McCaw: study of comparable plans. Yes, new costs. Current 2 FTEs + 1 homelessness response coordinator, 75k operating budget. In the early phases of long-term project. • Qureshi: is there an ideal budgetary mount that should go to this? • McCaw: to fully fund this plan, $2 million • Qureshi: are there particular areas of vulnerability to wildfire? • McCaw: Generally well distributed, wildland-urban interface is everywhere. Fire behavior changes between woodland (in west) and grassland (in east). Woodland might be slower but more intense, grassland faster but less intense. Soil water availability – shallow soils in west contributes to vulnerability. • White: how much restoration is being done now vs 1000 acres a year target • McCaw: based on many treatments needed over time. Areas will need to be treated multiple times. 400 acres of restoration done in 2.5-3 years. • White: Are volunteers being used? • McCaw: Not as much as we can, beginning conversations with Parks foundation to collaborate on training and engagement with volunteers • White: Do Creekside lands fall into this plan? • McCaw: Riparian/aquatic areas are 5% of total. When streambank stabilization and engineering are involved, Watershed get involved. E.g. replaced a failing earthen dam in Onion Creek. Lots of collaboration with WPD. • Wheeler: What …
BOARD/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Joint Sustainability Committee Recommendation Number: (20230726-7): Regarding Proposal to Eliminate the Independence of the Offices of Sustainability, Resilience, Equity, and Civil Rights WHEREAS, the purpose of the Joint Sustainability Committee is “to advise the council on matters related to conservation and sustainability; and review City policies and procedures relevant to the Austin Community Climate Plan and the Austin Climate Equity Plan, including planning, implementation, community engagement, goal setting, and progress monitoring”; and WHEREAS, it is the duty of the Joint Sustainability Committee to “promote close cooperation between the council, City management, City boards, commissions, committees, and taskforces, and individuals, institutions, and agencies concerned with the politics, procedures, and implementation of the Austin Community Climate Plan and the Austin Climate Equity Plan with the goal of coordinating all similar activities within the City and the community in order to secure the greatest public benefit”; and WHEREAS, the Office of Sustainability is central and essential to the implementation of the Austin Climate Equity Plan and the Equity Office and Office of Resilience have important supporting roles to play in the implementation of the plan; and WHEREAS, direct access to the Office of the City Manager and at least being on equal status with other city departments is essential to promoting cooperation between all departments in achieving full and timely implementation of the Austin Climate Equity Plan; and WHEREAS, each of the offices of Sustainability, Equity, Resilience and Civil Rights were intentionally created as independent offices as a result of extensive community input with the intention of ensuring that the principles that guide the work of these offices are established as core priorities for the city; and WHEREAS, the scope of the work the offices of Sustainability and Resilience engage in goes well beyond that of the Planning Department; and WHEREAS, the Chief Sustainability Officer should be able to advocate for sustainability initiatives directly to the Office of the City Manager and city council, without going through another department head; and WHEREAS, promoting equity improvements in the Austin community is a priority within the Austin Climate Equity plan; and WHEREAS, merging the Equity Office, Office of Civil Rights, and Minority Business Resources Department reduces the influence that these priorities will have with the Office of the City Manager and likely with City Council because only one person will be responsible for advocating for the priorities of the combined department; NOW, THEREFORE, …
PARD Recommended Land Management Strategies and Climate Vulnerability Analysis A GUIDE TO RESTORATION OF PARKLAND NATURAL AREAS Presenters: Matt McCaw Environmental Conservation Program Manager, Land Management, Austin Parks and Recreation Department Amanda Ross Division Manager, Natural Resources, Austin Parks and Recreation Department BACKGROUND plants and animals. • A natural area is one with natural character, typically dominated by native • 74% of parkland (~12,500 acres) is designated as natural areas in Nature Preserves, Greenbelts, and other park types. • Natural areas provide critical services such as support for human health and well-being, climate regulation, clean air and water, and support for strong economies. 2 CHALLENGE 26% Developed/ mowed 74% Natural Areas PARD lands DEGRADED LANDS 0.2% Natural Areas 99.8% Developed/mowed lands, programs, admin PARD budget Most parkland natural areas have not been managed for ecosystem health and are degraded. As a result, they are threatened by heat, drought, disease, and wildfire and present safety risks to both park users and neighbors. 2019 WILDFIRE PREPAREDNESS AUDIT Found that PARD does not have the capacity to manage parkland natural areas and address wildfire risk. SOLUTION: ACTIVE ECOLOGICAL RESTORATION CLIMATE EQUITY PLAN Natural Systems Goal 1: Manage natural areas for resilience. Natural Systems Goal 4: Include all City-owned lands under a management plan that results in negative carbon emissions and maximizes co-benefits. 2019 WILDFIRE PREPAREDNESS AUDIT Recommended that PARD create and implement land management plans with a priority on “high-risk Response: PARD established the beginnings of a land management program as well as a technical properties.” guiding document to help direct action. OTHER INITIATIVES This strategy is also recommended by: • Austin/Travis County Community Wildfire Protection Plan • PARD Long Range Plan • Nine parks vision plans • Austin Green Infrastructure Strengths and Gaps Assessment • Austin Healthy Parks Plan (Austin Parks Foundation) LAND MANAGEMENT GUIDE SCOPE • 10,347 acres of natural areas • All PARD Nature Preserves and PARD Balcones Canyonlands Preserves • Contiguous natural areas > 75-100 acres • Excludes small and/or fragmented natural areas which provide difficult access and are expensive to manage • Creates large management complexes 5 LAND MANAGEMENT GUIDE COMPONENTS SITE ANALYSIS Current conditions and challenges. Existing vegetation communities, wildfire fuel conditions, soils, hydrology, endangered species, other elements CLIMATE VULNERABILITY ANALYSIS Defined the components of climate vulnerability. Identifies and maps vulnerability to intense heat, drought, disease, and wildfire. Incorporates social vulnerability as a component of risk. MANAGEMENT …
Recommended Land Management Strategies and Climate Vulnerability Analysis City of Austin, Parks and Recreation Department June 13, 2023 Acknowledgements This Climate Vulnerability and Land Management effort would not have been possible without the generous participation of numerous individuals. We would like to thank everyone who volunteered their time to participate in numerous conversations, meetings, and field work so that we could shape a plan that reflects the values of Austin. The Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center was particularly helpful in field assessments. We also want to thank everyone who took time out of their busy schedules to review the draft language of this report and provide comments. Each comment was thoroughly reviewed, and your recommendations helped shape this plan. COA Staff in Austin Parks and Recreation with valuable contributions from Austin Fire Department Wildfire Division, Austin Public Health, Austin Water - Balcones Canyonlands Preserve, City of Austin Equity Office, Office of Sustainability, Office of Resilience, and Watershed Protection Department. Consulting Team Blackland Collaborative Inc. Biohabitats Inc. RES Inc. 1 Introduction and Background ............................................................................................................... 1 Contents 1.1 1.2 Statement of Need Overview of Approach 1.2.1 Plan Scope ............................................................................................................................. 1 1.2.2 Plan scope ............................................................................................................................. 2 1.3 Relation to Other Plans and Studies 1.3.1 Climate, Park, and Sustainability Plans ................................................................................. 6 1.3.2 Land Management Plans ....................................................................................................... 7 2 Vision and Goals.................................................................................................................................... 9 2.1 2.2 2.3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Land Acknowledgement Mission Goals Investment Gaps and Equity Mapping Natural Areas and Human Health 3 Social Equity ........................................................................................................................................ 12 3.1.1 Physical health .................................................................................................................... 12 3.1.2 Mental health ...................................................................................................................... 12 3.1.3 Economics ........................................................................................................................... 13 3.1.4 Safety .................................................................................................................................. 14 Land Conservation in Austin Engagement and Decision Making 4.1 Regional Setting 4 Ecological Management Framework .................................................................................................. 20 4.1.1 Ecoregions ........................................................................................................................... 20 4.1.2 Geology ............................................................................................................................... 29 4.1.3 Hydrology ............................................................................................................................ 30 4.1.4 Soils ..................................................................................................................................... 33 4.1.5 Plant Community Types ...................................................................................................... 35 4.1.6 Habitat................................................................................................................................. 36 4.1.7 Land Use .............................................................................................................................. 37 4.2 Ecological Site Descriptions i 1 1 6 9 9 11 12 12 14 18 20 37 4.2.1 State and Transition Pathways ............................................................................................ 37 4.2.2 Ecological Site Summaries ................................................................................................... 39 5 Climate Vulnerability Analysis ............................................................................................................ 42 5.1 Climate Change Summary 5.1.1 CO2 concentrations and emissions scenarios ..................................................................... 42 5.1.2 Temperature ....................................................................................................................... 42 5.1.3 Precipitation ........................................................................................................................ 43 5.1.4 Evaporative demand ........................................................................................................... 44 5.1.5 Austin’s Timeline for Change .............................................................................................. 46 5.2 Ecosystem Components 5.3 Climate Analogues 5.2.1 Abiotic Components ............................................................................................................ 47 5.2.2 Biotic Factors ....................................................................................................................... 48 5.3.1 COA-generated analogues ..................................................... Error! Bookmark …
Austin Civilian Conservation Corps (ACCC) Core Curriculum Presentation for Joint Sustainability Committee Summer 2023 Outline - 15 mins ● Program Overview ● Challenges & Going Forward ● Q & A We are the next generation Climate Corps We envision and model a transformed work culture in which we, Vision Care for ourselves, others, and the planet; Dismantle supremacist systems that operate upon us and within us; (from Allied Media) Support leadership that represents the communities we live in and collaborate with; Adapt to changing circumstances and address the most pressing environmental and social challenges, (currently climate change & displacement) Mission Prioritize equity in green workforce development. Expand the narrative of green vocations. Examine and shape change in work cultures; Build more equitable pathways to employment and organizational leadership and entrepreneurship, and strengthen networks of support for those most impacted by a changing climate; Cultivate and fairly compensate the next generation of leaders; Invest in people and projects that have direct impact on climate justice ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Logo designed by youth digital media team Employment Outcomes Total number of individuals employed Individuals transitioned from ACCC to full time City positions 128 82 0 2 5* Fiscal Year 2023* 225 (rerun this number!) Fiscal Year 2021 Fiscal Year 2022 Running Totals Project Outcomes for FY23 ● Over 85,000 hours of natural systems management on parkland ● —--hours of environmental programming with —- participants (add next week) Challenges & Opportunities Going Forward Systems change, work cultures, & representative leadership Equitable pathways to employment & networks ● ● ● Direct impact on climate justice ● Long term funding Q & A Below are slides to support Q & A Newsletter Updates from May Newsletter from May N/view ACCC Website Resources ACCC Guiding Reports: MEASURE Report; Build with Humanity Report; UT Green Jobs Study; ACCC Photovoice Report COA Equity Office CCCC Resources: ; TPWD ; NPS ; The Corps Network; Camp Chicano; Living New Deal; TexasCCCParks, PNAS; Science; Princeton; Green 2.0; Conservation Letters; Yale CCC Equity & Inclusion Resources assembled by Sona Shah USDN-Equity-in-Recruitment_Hiring_Retention
JOINT SUSTAINABILITY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING MEETING MINUTES June 28, 2023 The Joint Sustainability Committee convened in a hybrid meeting via videoconferencing and at PDC. Acting Chair Kaiba White called the Board Meeting to order at 6:06 pm. Board Members in Attendance in Person: Kaiba White (Chair), Haris Qureshi, Charlotte Davis, Rodrigo Leal, Christopher Campbell Board Members in Attendance Remotely: Lane Becker, Alice Woods, Yure Suarez, Melissa Rothrock, Jon Salinas, Heather Houser, Frances Deviney Board Members Absent: Kelsey Hitchingham, Diana Wheeler, Chris Maxwell-Gaines, Anna Scott City Staff in Attendance: Zach Baumer, Rohan Lilauwala, Daniel Culotta CALL TO ORDER PUBLIC COMMUNICATION The speakers who registered in advance for public comment have three minutes each to address items on the agenda at this time. Ben Suddaby – President AFCSME (Speaking on telework policy) Transportation costs, energy for buildings. City showing a lack of respect for employees by forcing people to show up to a workplace they don’t want to travel to or be at. Travis County has won awards for telework policy, and saved million of dollars in heating/cooling costs and office space. Carlos Soto – Community Advancement Network (speaking on work CAN has been doing) Partnership of public, private, non-profit, faith based resources, leverage mutual resources to advance social, economic goals. Data is available in dashboard – 18 different indicators that assess community health/well-being. 1. Approval of minutes from the May 24th meeting of the Joint Sustainability Committee. Motion by Qureshi, seconded by Davis. Approved unanimously (10-0) (Deviney, Campbell off dais) 2. Refresher on JSC Attendance and Conflict of Interest Form Form needs to be signed if in person If attending remotely – form must be signed before the meeting, otherwise you don’t count towards quorum and cannot vote. 3. Innovation Office support of Austin Climate Equity Plan Implementation Presentation – Daniel Culotta, Innovation Office (Discussion and/or Possible Action). (Discussion and/or Possible Action). Green Workforce Accelerator (GWA) – training next gen climate/sustainability workforce Qureshi – lots of existing climate/sustainability accelerators in Austin – engaging them would be good, especially for organizations that don’t get accepted to GWA. Have you had conversations with private accelerators? Culotta – we fill a gap that others miss. A lot of those are focused on for-profit companies, bottom-line focused outcome. GWA focused on programs around social services, people, workers – difficult to invest in …
BOARD/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Joint Sustainability Committee Recommendation Number: (20230726-XXX): Regarding Proposal to Eliminate the Independence of the Offices of Sustainability, Resilience, Equity, and Civil Rights WHEREAS, the purpose of the Joint Sustainability Committee is “to advise the council on matters related to conservation and sustainability; and review City policies and procedures relevant to the Austin Community Climate Plan and the Austin Climate Equity Plan, including planning, implementation, community engagement, goal setting, and progress monitoring”; and WHEREAS, it is the duty of the Joint Sustainability Committee to “promote close cooperation between the council, City management, City boards, commissions, committees, and taskforces, and individuals, institutions, and agencies concerned with the politics, procedures, and implementation of the Austin Community Climate Plan and the Austin Climate Equity Plan with the goal of coordinating all similar activities within the City and the community in order to secure the greatest public benefit”; and WHEREAS, the Office of Sustainability is central and essential to the implementation of the Austin Climate Equity Plan and the Equity Office and Office of Resilience have important supporting roles to play in the implementation of the plan; and WHEREAS, direct access to the Office of the City Manager and at least being on equal status with other city departments is essential to promoting cooperation between all departments in achieving full and timely implementation of the Austin Climate Equity Plan; and WHEREAS, each of the offices of Sustainability, Equity, Resilience and Civil Rights were intentionally created as independent offices as a result of extensive community input with the intention of ensuring that the principles that guide the work of these offices are established as core priorities for the city; and WHEREAS, the scope of the work the offices of Sustainability and Resilience engage in goes well beyond that of the Planning Department; and WHEREAS, the Chief Sustainability Officer should be able to advocate for sustainability initiatives directly to the Office of the City Manager and city council, without going through another department head; and WHEREAS, promoting equity improvements in the Austin community is a priority within the Austin Climate Equity plan; and WHEREAS, merging the Equity Office, Office of Civil Rights, and Minority Business Resources Department reduces the influence that these priorities will have with the Office of the City Manager and likely with City Council because only one person will be responsible for advocating for the priorities of the combined department; NOW, THEREFORE, …
REGULAR MEETING of the BUILDING AND STANDARDS COMMISSION Wednesday, July 26, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. Permitting and Development Center, Room 1405 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Drive, Austin, Texas 78752 Some members of the Building and Standards Commission may be participating via videoconference. The meeting may also be viewed online at: Public comment will be allowed in-person or remotely by telephone. Speakers may only register to speak on an item once either in-person or remotely and will be allowed up to three minutes to provide their comments. Registration no later than noon the day before the meeting is required for remote participation by telephone. To register to speak remotely, call or email Melanie Alley at 512-974-2679 or AGENDA The Building and Standards Commission (“Commission”) may go into a closed session under Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code to receive advice from legal counsel or for other reasons permitted by law as specifically listed on this agenda. Further, if necessary, the Commission may go into a closed session as permitted by law regarding any item on this agenda. Building and Standards Commission Members Stephen Truesdell, Fire Marshall (Ex Officio) Sade Ogunbode, Chair Edgar Farrera, Vice Chair Timothy Stostad Joseph Benigno Edward Selig Michael Francis Luis Osta Lugo Blaine Campbell CALL TO ORDER PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL The first five speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 2023. 1. Approve the minutes of the Building and Standards Commission regular meeting on June 28, DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION ITEMS 2. Discussion and possible action regarding Annual Internal Review Report PUBLIC HEARINGS New Case(s): The Commission will hear the following cases concerning alleged violations of the City’s Page 1 Property Maintenance Code and may issue an order to vacate, relocate occupants, repair, demolish, or secure the premises; and may assess civil penalties: 3. Case Numbers: CL 2023-069307, CL 2023-069310, CL 2023-069312, CL 2023-069318 and CL 2023-069320 Property address: 1137 Gunter Street - Exterior of Buildings 9, 14, 15, 16, and 17 (aka Lupine Terrace Apartments / Owner: Mason Manor Apartments, LLC Staff presenter: Kevin Berry Staff recommendation: Repair Repeat Offender Program commercial multi-family structures and accessory structures 4. Case Numbers: CL 2023-074854, CL 2023-074853, CL 2023-074858, CL 2023-074863 and CL 2023-084866 Property address: 5800 Wellington Drive - Exterior of …
BUILDING AND STANDARDS COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, July 26, 2023 BUILDING AND STANDARDS COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES WEDNESDAY, July 26, 2023 The BUILDING AND STANDARDS COMMISSION convened in a REGULAR meeting on 26 July, 2023, at the CITY OF AUSTIN PERMITTING AND DEVELOPMENT CENTER (PDC), 6310 WILHELMINA DELCO DRIVE, ROOM 1405, in Austin, Texas. Presiding Commissioner STOSTAD COMMISSION (BSC) Meeting to order at 6:43 p.m. Board Members/Commissioners in Attendance: Presiding Commissioner Timothy Stostad, Joseph Benigno, Blaine Campbell, Michael Francis and Luis Osta Lugo. Board Members/Commissioners in Attendance Remotely: Commissioner Edward Selig and Austin Fire Department Battalion Chief Bret Carr (representing Ex Officio Commissioner Stephen Truesdell). PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL Howard Liljestrand appeared before the commission to testify as to the progress on 4003 Avenue G, which came before the Commission in June 2023. the BUILDING AND STANDARDS called APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approve the minutes of the BUILDING AND STANDARDS COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING on June 28, 2023. The minutes from the meeting of June 28, 2023 were approved on COMMISSIONER FRANCIS’ motion, COMMISSIONER OSTA LUGO’s second on a 6-0-0 vote. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION ITEMS Annual Internal Review Report was not taken up due to loss of quorum. PUBLIC HEARINGS Conduct a public hearing and consider case number CL 2023-069307, CL 2023-069310, CL 2023-069312, CL 2023-069318 and CL 2023-069320; Property address: 1137 Gunter Street - Exterior of Buildings 9, 14, 15, 16, and 17 (also known as Lupine Terrace Apartments). 1. 2. 3. 1 BUILDING AND STANDARDS COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, July 26, 2023 COMMISSIONER BENIGNO moved to close the public hearing, COMISSIONER OSTA LUGO’s second. COMMISIONER FRANCIS moved to adopt City staff’s recommended order for repair with the modification of the compliance period from 45 to 90 days, COMMISSIONER BENIGNO’s and COMMISIONER SELIG’s second. The motion passed on a 6-0-0 vote. Conduct a public hearing and consider case numbers CL 2023-074854, CL 2023-074853, CL 2023-074858, CL 2023-074863 and CL 2023-084866; Property address: 5800 Wellington Drive - Exterior of Buildings 3, 4, 7, 8 and 9 (also known as Mueller Place Apartments) COMISSIONER OSTA LUGO moved to close the public hearing, COMMISSIONER BENIGNO’s second. COMMISSIONER SELIG made a motion to adopt City staff’s recommended order for repair, with the modification of the compliance period from 45 to 35 days, COMMISSIONER OSTA LUGO’s second. The motion passed on a 6-0-0 vote. Conduct a public hearing and consider case number CL 2023-070716; Property address: …
JOINT INCLUSION COMMITTEE (JIC) MEETING AGENDA JULY 26th, 2023 REGULAR MEETING of the JOINT INCLUSION COMMITTEE (JIC) WEDNESDAY, JULY 26th, 2023 at 3:00 P.M. CST PERMITTING & DEVELOPMENT CENTER (PDC) ROOM #1215 CAFE 6310 WILHELMINA DELCO DR, AUSTIN, TX 78752 MEETING AGENDA This meeting is being held in a hybrid format, and some members of the Commission may be participating by video conference. Public comment will be allowed in-person or via telephone. Remote speakers must register in advance (July 25th by 12pm-Noon CST). All public comments will occur at the beginning of the meeting and public speakers will be allowed up to three minutes to provide their comments. To speak or attend remotely, residents must contact the Equity Office’s Business Process Consultant, Jeremy Garza, no later than 12pm-noon (CST) on Tuesday, July 25th, 2023. Please telephone call at (512) 978-1797 and/or email The information required is the speaker’s name, the item number(s) they wish to speak on, whether they are for/against/neutral, email address, and telephone number (must be the same number that will be used to call into the meeting). CURRENT JIC MEMBER COMMISSIONS & REPRESENTATIVES: Primary Representative: Alternate Representative: Serita Fontanesi Antonio Ross Hanna Huang Nayer Sikder Member Commission: African American Resource Advisory Commission Asian American Quality of Life Advisory Commission Commission for Women Juliana Gonzalez Richard Bondi Commission on Aging Commission on Immigrant Affairs Miriam Dorantes Early Childhood Council Hispanic/Latino Quality of Life Resource Advisory Commission Human Rights Commission Leonor Vargas Amanda Afifi Rebecca Austen Teresa Ferguson Melissa Ortega Eliza Gordon Ivana Neri LGBTQ+ Quality of Life Advisory Commission Mayor’s Committee for People with Disabilities Kimberly Brienzi (Vice-Chair of JIC) VACANT Morgan Davis VACANT Jennifer Powell Elizabeth Meyer JOINT INCLUSION COMMITTEE (JIC) MEETING AGENDA JULY 26th, 2023 MEETING AGENDA PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL The first ten speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of the COMMITTEE’s REGULAR MEETING on JUNE 28th, 2023. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS 2. Discussion on the Interim City Manager’s changes to the telework policy for city employees, with possible action to pass a recommendation to City Council in support of continuing telework to maintain a competitive workforce. Discussion on the Interim City Manager’s Proposed Budget for FY24, with possible action to approve a recommendation to …
JOINT INCLUSION COMMITTEE (JIC) MEETING MINUTES JULY 26th, 2023 JOINT INCLUSION COMMITTEE (JIC) REGULAR MEETING MINUTES WEDNESDAY, JULY 26th, 2023 The JOINT INCLUSION COMMITTEE convened in a REGULAR meeting on WEDNESDAY, JULY 26th, 2023, at the PERMITTING AND DEVELOPMENT CENTER (PDC) - AUSTIN CITY HALL - BOARDS & COMMISSIONS ROOM, 301 W. 2ND STREET in AUSTIN, TEXAS. Chair AMANDA AFIFI called the JOINT INCLUSION COMMITTEE MEETING to order at 3:17pm CST. Commissioners in Attendance: Hispanic/Latino Quality-of Life-Resource Advisory Commission: Amanda Afifi (Chair) Asian American Quality-of-Life Advisory Commission: Hanna Huang Commissioners in Attendance Remotely: African American Resource Advisory Commission: Serita Fontanesi Commission for Women: Julie Glasser Commission on Aging: Richard Bondi Commission on Immigrant Affairs: Miriam Dorantes & Melissa Ortega Early Childhood Council: Leonor Vargas & Eliza Gordon Human Rights Commission: Morgan Davis Mayor’s Committee for People with Disabilities: Jennifer Powell Commissioners Absent: LGBTQ+ Quality-of-Life Advisory Commission: VACANT Staff in Attendance: Equity Office, Immigrant Affairs Program Manager – Rocio Villalobos Equity Office, Business Process Consultant – Jeremy Garza 1 JOINT INCLUSION COMMITTEE (JIC) MEETING MINUTES MEETING MINUTES JULY 26th, 2023 PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL The first ten speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of the COMMITTEE’s REGULAR MEETING on JUNE 28th, 2023. The minutes from the meeting of JUNE 28th, 2023, were approved on COMMISSIONER SERITA FONTANESI’s motion, COMMISSIONER JENNIFER POWELL’s second on a 9 – 0 vote. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS 2. Discussion on the Interim City Manager’s changes to the telework policy for city employees, with possible action to pass a recommendation to City Council in support of continuing telework to maintain a competitive workforce. Whereas, the ability to telework has the largest impact on women, childcare givers, and those with childcare needs. Whereas, the City of Austin has the highest childcare costs in the State of Texas, with impacts felt across the city and telework provides flexibility and helps alleviate pressure on the affordability crisis facing families and childcare givers in Austin. Whereas, telework has direct impacts in opening access to people with disabilities to the City workforce and is crucial to retaining those employees in a healthy and accommodating work environment. Whereas, it is a more inclusive policy to have telework for BIPOC staff and people of …
JOINT INCLUSSION COMMITTEE (JIC) RECOMMENDATION 20230726-002 CITY EMPLOYEE “WORK-FROM-HOME”/TELEWORK POLICY Date: July 26, 2023 City of Austin Employee “Work-From-Home” Telework Policy Subject: Motioned by: Commissioner Hanna Huang Seconded By: Commissioner Richard Bondi JOINT INCLUSION COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION 20230726-002 JOINTLY ENDORSED RECOMMENDATION TO AUSTIN CITY COUNCIL WHEREAS, the ability to telework has the largest impact on women, childcare givers, and those with childcare needs; and WHEREAS, the City of Austin has the highest childcare costs in the State of Texas, with impacts felt across the city and telework provides flexibility and helps alleviate pressure on the affordability crisis facing families and childcare givers in Austin; and WHEREAS, telework has direct impacts in opening access to people with disabilities to the City workforce and is crucial to retaining those employees in a healthy and accommodating work environment; and WHEREAS, it is a more inclusive policy to have telework for BIPOC staff and people of color who overwhelmingly report better work productivity and overall health with a flexible telework policy; and WHEREAS, the City of Austin's vision for net zero emissions by 2040 prioritizes greenhouse gas emission reduction and calls for 50% of trips to be made by using public transit, biking, walking, carpooling, or avoided altogether by working from home and providing a robust telework policy; and WHEREAS, the Climate Equity Plan states that climate impacts are not felt equally across all communities and that the City of Austin's Interim City Manager's recent orders to revoke work- from-home and severely limit teleworking options will disproportionately impact employees who may not be able to afford transportation costs, child care, and other expenses related to commuting while inflation and affordability issues continue to be of concern when recruiting and retaining city staff; and WHEREAS, the City of Austin is struggling to fill many positions and allowing employees to work remotely is a benefit that costs the city nothing and removing this benefit will likely make recruitment and retention of employees even more challenging, and vacancies result in unfulfilled goals and reduced services, which is not in the community’s interest; and WHEREAS, the Austin Strategic Mobility Plan aims to decrease emissions of greenhouse gases by encouraging telework and work-from-home initiatives; and WHEREAS, driving contributes to the creation of ground-level ozone, which is a harmful air pollutant that causes and contributes to asthma and other respiratory illnesses; and WHEREAS, driving creates a large amount of plastic pollution …
JOINT INCLUSSION COMMITTEE (JIC) RECOMMENDATION 20230726-006 2024 CITY OF AUSTIN GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND PROGRAM for CULTURAL CENTERS in the PARD MUSEUMS & CULTURAL PROGRAMS DIVISION Date: July 26, 2023 Subject: 2024 City of Austin General Obligation Bond Program for Cultural Centers in the PARD Museums & Cultural Programs Division Motioned by: Commissioner Leonor Vargas Seconded By: Commissioner Amanda Afifi JOINT INCLUSION COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION 20230726-006 JOINTLY ENDORSED RECOMMENDATION TO AUSTIN CITY COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION: The Joint Inclusion Committee (JIC) recommends that City Council direct the Interim City Manager to proceed with completing the directive given in Resolution 20221208-068, namely to include funding needed to complete construction and fulfillment of master plans for the Asian American Resource Center, Doughtery Arts Center, Emma S. Barrientos Mexican American Cultural Center, and the George Washington Carver Museum and Cultural Center in the 2024 City of Austin General Obligation Bond election. RATIONALE: The Joint Inclusion Committee recommends that rather than pausing all General Obligation Bonds in 2024, it is essential our City’s cultural centers are prioritized for a bond package to enable them to continue to move forward in the next steps of their master plans. Each facility was developed to serve diverse and underrepresented arts and cultural communities within Austin and have undergone extensive public input and engagement throughout the last 10 years. Doing so would prevent delay of further funding for their next phases, which is particularly needed to ensure safe facilities for cultural programs, meet the increased demand and use by the public, reduce rising costs of construction related to inflation, and continue to serve the City’s growing diverse populations. DESCRIPTION OF RECOMMENDATION TO COUNCIL: WHEREAS, the City of Austin has the highest childcare costs in the State of Texas, with impacts felt across the city and telework provides flexibility and helps alleviate pressure on the affordability crisis facing families and childcare givers in Austin; and WHEREAS, it is the value of the City of Austin to be an inclusive city for all of its citizens including those of diverse racial, ethnic, religious, and national origin backgrounds; and WHEREAS, according to section 2-1-204 of the City Code, the Joint Inclusion Committee is charged with advising the Council on issues pertaining to diversity and inclusion, and is representative body, consisting of the following ten commission members: African American Resource Advisory Commission, Asian American Quality of Life Advisory Commission, Commission for Women, Commission on Immigrant Affairs, …
JOINT SUSTAINABILITY COMMITTEE HYBRID MEETING FORMAT Jun 28th, 2023 at 6pm Austin Energy Headquarters – Shudde Fath Conference Room 4815 Mueller Blvd, Austin, Texas 78723 Some members of the Committee may be participating by videoconference Public comment will be allowed in-person or remotely via telephone. Speakers may only register to speak on an item once either in-person or remotely and will be allowed up to three minutes to provide their comments. Registration no later than noon the day before the meeting is required for remote participation by telephone. To register to speak remotely, call or email Zach Baumer at ( or 415-694-3111). CURRENT BOARD MEMBERS: Kaiba White, Chair (Electric Utility Commission) Diana Wheeler, Vice Chair (Urban Transportation Commission) Charlotte Davis (Resource Mgmt. Commission) Haris Qureshi (Environmental Commission) Melissa Rothrock (Zero Waste Advisory Commission) Vacant (Community Development Commission) Frances Deviney (Austin Travis County Food Policy Board) Chris Maxwell-Gaines (Water & Wastewater Commission) Kelsey Hitchingham (Economic Prosperity Commission) Lane Becker (Parks & Recreation Board) Jon Salinas (Design Commission) Vacant (City Council) Alice Woods (Planning Commission) Rodrigo Leal (Mayor’s Representative) Anna Scott (Mayor’s Representative) Heather Houser (Mayor’s Representative) Yureisly Suarez (Mayor’s Representative) Christopher Campbell (Mayor’s Representative) For more information, please visit: AGENDA CALL TO ORDER PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL The first 10 speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS 1. Approval of minutes from the May 24th meeting of the Joint Sustainability Committee. 2. Refresh on JSC attendance and conflict of interest rules – Rohan Lilauwala, Office of Sustainability. 3. Innovation Office support of Austin Climate Equity Plan Implementation Presentation – Daniel Culotta, Innovation Office (Discussion and/or Possible Action). 4. City of Austin Telework Policy – Whitney Holt, AFSCME (Discussion and/or Possible Action). 5. Austin Community Investment Budget Presentation – Daniela Silva, Equity Action (Discussion and/or Possible Action). 6. Updates from JSC working groups on Austin Climate Equity Plan Implementation (Discussion and/or Possible Action). 7. Updates from home commissions (Discussion and/or Possible Action). FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days (48 hours) …
JOINT SUSTAINABILITY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING MEETING MINUTES June 28, 2023 The Joint Sustainability Committee convened in a hybrid meeting via videoconferencing and at PDC. Acting Chair Kaiba White called the Board Meeting to order at 6:06 pm. Board Members in Attendance in Person: Kaiba White (Chair), Haris Qureshi, Charlotte Davis, Rodrigo Leal, Christopher Campbell Board Members in Attendance Remotely: Lane Becker, Alice Woods, Yure Suarez, Melissa Rothrock, Jon Salinas, Heather Houser, Frances Deviney Board Members Absent: Kelsey Hitchingham, Diana Wheeler, Chris Maxwell-Gaines, Anna Scott City Staff in Attendance: Zach Baumer, Rohan Lilauwala, Daniel Culotta CALL TO ORDER PUBLIC COMMUNICATION The speakers who registered in advance for public comment have three minutes each to address items on the agenda at this time. • Ben Suddaby – President AFCSME (Speaking on telework policy) • Transportation costs, energy for buildings. • City showing a lack of respect for employees by forcing people to show up to a workplace they don’t want to travel to or be at. • Travis County has won awards for telework policy, and saved million of dollars in heating/cooling costs and office space. • Carlos Soto – Community Advancement Network (speaking on work CAN has been doing) • Partnership of public, private, non-profit, faith based resources, leverage mutual resources to advance social, economic goals. • Data is available in dashboard – 18 different indicators that assess community health/well-being. 1. Approval of minutes from the May 24th meeting of the Joint Sustainability Committee. • Motion by Qureshi, seconded by Davis. Approved unanimously (10-0) (Deviney, Campbell off dais) 2. Refresher on JSC Attendance and Conflict of Interest Form • Form needs to be signed if in person • If attending remotely – form must be signed before the meeting, otherwise you don’t count towards quorum and cannot vote. 3. Innovation Office support of Austin Climate Equity Plan Implementation Presentation – Daniel Culotta, Innovation Office (Discussion and/or Possible Action). (Discussion and/or Possible Action). • Green Workforce Accelerator (GWA) – training next gen climate/sustainability workforce • Qureshi – lots of existing climate/sustainability accelerators in Austin – engaging them would be good, especially for organizations that don’t get accepted to GWA. Have you had conversations with private accelerators? • Culotta – we fill a gap that others miss. A lot of those are focused on for-profit companies, bottom-line focused outcome. GWA focused on programs around social services, people, workers – difficult to invest in …