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Low Income Consumer Advisory Task ForceSept. 25, 2015

Item 4b-Staff Response-AE Weatherization Program Average Cost Per Home original pdf

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Austin Energy Weatherization Program Average Cost Per Home (2005-2015) 1 Averages based on audited yearly values and additional grant funding for contract years 2008-2009 and 2010-2012 2 Based upon a $1400 per home pricing established in 1995 as a baseline along with the Calculated Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR), the cost per home goal would be $2,527 in current dollars. 2015 price per home average is $4,003. AE is removing duct replacement and extensive structural home repair to meet the cost per home baseline of $2,527 32015 values will include costs incurred for AWU reimbursement of water related improvements, unvouchered AP transactions and Refrigerator Recycling costs. These values may change after final financial audited values are confirmed and may not be reflected in the weekly report generated by the department for the weatherization program $978 $1,707 $4,339 $5,167 $4,003 $- $1,000 $2,000 $3,000 $4,000 $5,000 $6,000Average Cost per Home2005-20072008-20092010-20122013-20142015 through JulyExample of AEWX Installed Measures Measures Quantity Installed 1. Attic Insulation (AE Installed 27R) 1,000 sq. ft. 2. Solar Screens (Minimum 60% Shading) 90 sq. ft. 3. Compact Fluorescents (14 Watt) 10 4. Smoke Alarms 1 5. Carbon Monoxide Detectors 1 6. Refrigerator Replacement Average Cost (Unit size varied by contract) 1 7. Central A/C Average Replacement Cost (Averaged cost of electric & gas 2 ton unit ) 1 Contract Legend Contract Year Contract Number Pricing 2005-2007 SLC04300008 (Weatherization) Contractor Bid 2008-2009 NA080000056 (Weatherization) Fixed 2010-2012 MA-11-NA100000072 ( HVAC, Refrigerator, Weatherization, Duct Replacement/Repair) Fixed 2013-2015 Tier 1 CA130000005 (Weatherization) Tier 2 CA130000006 ( HVAC, Refrigerator, Weatherization, Duct Replacement/Repair) *Material price increase in 2015 Averaged Coefficient Contract Years

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 10:53 p.m.
Low Income Consumer Advisory Task ForceSept. 25, 2015

Item 4b-Staff Response-Rebates-Incentives and CBC Contributions Graph original pdf

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$0$1,000,000$2,000,000$3,000,000$4,000,000$5,000,000$6,000,000$7,000,000$8,000,000<$26,000$26,000-$40,000$41,000-$60,000$61,000-$75,000$76,000-$100,000>$100,000CBC/Rebate/Incentive Dollars Average Annual Household Income Rebates/Incentives and CBC Contributions Residential Customers FY14 Data Solar IncentivesMF RebatesSF RebatesWeatherizationRebatesEE/CBCContributions

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 10:53 p.m.
Low Income Consumer Advisory Task ForceSept. 25, 2015

MINORITY REPORT (REVISED 11-4-15) of the Low Income Consumer Advisory Task Force_Chris Strand and Michael Wong original pdf

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Minority Report of The Low Income Consumer Advisory Task Force Version 2 November 4, 2015 2 Dear Mayor and Council: The authors of this minority report would like to express our sincere appreciation for being allowed to be a part of a special group that has spent considerable time discussing ways to improve the plight of those that have shared less in the prosperity that Austin has experienced recently. While we supported many of the recommendations of the Low Income Consumer Advisory Task Force (LICA) that we served on, there are fundamental differences we have with the final report that compel us to write this minority opinion. We have organized our report with 12 succinct recommendations in an Executive Summary, followed by more detail on each of the recommendations. To introduce our perspective, we would like to begin with a few general observations. • The largest flaw with LICA was that the recommendations were not made in a holistic manner. We were only tasked to look at electricity cost for Austin Energy, which is typically a small portion of the budget for low- and moderate-income households. As such, the total impact of LICA’s work will have limited impact on a household’s budget. In fact, some of the recommendations, such as including air conditioners in the free weatherization program, could actually increase the amount spent on an electric bill, adversely affecting a low-income household. Why pay for someone’s free air conditioner if they cannot afford to run it? A better strategy would have been to create a task force that considers all of the challenges faced by low- and moderate-income customers: housing; food; medical care; child care; transportation; and all utilities (not just electricity). Creating a Low Income Committee in the format of Austin’s newly created Sustainability Committee would have been a more balanced approach. • There was very little acknowledgement of the goals of Austin Energy’s Demand Side programs, and how those goals contribute positively by lowering the energy expenditure of a low- and moderate-income household and create a better environment for all. These programs lower the cost of electricity to Austin Energy, making the utility more profitable, lowering rates for customers in all income brackets. • Very little time was spent looking at ways to broaden the effect of the limited resources of the program. In fact, some of the recommendations do the opposite by recommending that additional funding …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 10:53 p.m.
Low Income Consumer Advisory Task ForceSept. 25, 2015

MINORITY REPORT of the Low Income Consumer Advisory Task Force_Chris Strand and Michael Wong - submitted to Mayor and City Council September 30, 2015 original pdf

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Minority Report of The Low Income Consumer Advisory Task Force 2 Dear Mayor and Council: The authors of this minority report would like to express our sincere appreciation for being allowed to be a part of a special group that has spent considerable time discussing ways to improve the plight of those that have shared less in the prosperity that Austin has experienced recently. While we supported many of the recommendations of the Low Income Consumer Advisory Task Force (LICA) that we served on, there are fundamental differences we have with the final report that compel us to write this minority opinion. We have organized our report with 12 succinct recommendations in an Executive Summary, followed by more detail on each of the recommendations. To introduce our perspective, we would like to begin with a few general observations. • The largest flaw with LICA was that the recommendations were not made in a holistic manner. We were only tasked to look at electricity cost for Austin Energy, which is typically a small portion of the budget for low- and moderate-income households. As such, the total impact of LICA’s work will have limited impact on a household’s budget. In fact, some of the recommendations, such as including air conditioners in the free weatherization program, could actually increase the amount spent on an electric bill, adversely affecting a low-income household. Why pay for someone’s free air conditioner if they cannot afford to run it? A better strategy would have been to create a task force that considers all of the challenges faced by low- and moderate-income customers: housing; food; medical care; child care; transportation; and all utilities (not just electricity). Creating a Low Income Committee in the format of Austin’s newly created Sustainability Committee would have been a more balanced approach. • There was very little acknowledgement of the goals of Austin Energy’s Demand Side programs, and how those goals contribute positively by lowering the energy expenditure of a low- and moderate-income household and create a better environment for all. These programs lower the cost of electricity to Austin Energy, making the utility more profitable, lowering rates for customers in all income brackets. • Very little time was spent looking at ways to broaden the effect of the limited resources of the program. In fact, some of the recommendations do the opposite by recommending that additional funding should be given to the …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 10:53 p.m.
Low Income Consumer Advisory Task ForceSept. 25, 2015

Staff Response - Memo to Mayor and Council from AE Regarding Response to LICATF Resolutions with attachments - March 11, 2016 original pdf

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Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 10:53 p.m.
Low Income Consumer Advisory Task ForceSept. 25, 2015

Staff Response: Comparative list of recommendations - November 20, 2015 original pdf

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Item #Recommendations as Cited in LICATF FINALReportRecommendationCurrent StatusBudget ImpactFeasibilityAE ResponseRecommendation in Exec SummaryPageRecommendation in Body of FINAL doc1Austin Energy should develop better tracking data by energy efficiency program and city council district to: measure energy and demand savings, including consumption data measuring the actual customer usage both before and after the customer benefited from an energy efficiency program; analyze the demographics of program participation while protecting privacy data; and demonstrate coordination with other publically funded programsUnderwayModerateHighWith recently acquired Census data as well as a nascent data clearinghouse, we are now able to attach Census tract to premises. We will be able to report demographics without infringing on customers' privacy.Austin Energy should improve and make more transparent the tracking of its energy efficiency programs.21Austin Energy should improve and make more transparent the tracking of its energy efficiency programs.22All Austin Energy programs funded with revenues realized from the energy efficiency rate should be consistently reported to the public, the City’s advisory commissions and the Council. (Current practice)22All program costs funded with energy efficiency dollars should be consistently reported and the operations and maintenance costs should be separated out from the rebates and other direct costs of the program (Current practice; but unable to allocate/track admin costs associated with specific programs due to accounting system limits)23In any budget presentation to support its energy efficiency rate proposal, Austin Energy should not include any energy efficiency program costs funded with Customer Assistance Program revenues. (current practice)23Austin Energy should develop better tracking data by energy efficiency program and city council district to: measure energy and demand savings, including consumption data measuring the actual customer usage both before and after the customer benefited from an energy efficiency program; analyze the demographics of program participation while protecting privacy data; and demonstrate coordination with other publically funded programs (underway)24Austin Energy should provide monthly, quarterly and annual reports to the Resource Management Commission, Electric Utility Commission and City Council indicating energy efficiency, CAP Weatherization, Demand Response, Green Building and Solar activities and City Council should establish accountability procedures. (current practice)14Improving transparency, reporting and accountability for the energy efficiency, demand response and solar programs (current practice)21One key recommendation is requiring an improved annual report that would break out information not only by program but by City Council District. (underway - will report FY15 data accordingly)2Establish the long-term demand and energy saving goals for Austin Energy for its demand response and energy …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 10:53 p.m.
Low Income Consumer Advisory Task ForceSept. 25, 2015

Play video original link

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Scraped at: March 2, 2025, 6:40 a.m.
Low Income Consumer Advisory Task ForceSept. 18, 2015

Agenda original pdf

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The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days (48 hours) before the meeting date. Please call Liz Jambor at Austin Energy Department, 513-322-6353, for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the Low Income Consumer Advisory Task Force, please contact Liz Jambor at 512-322-6353 LOW INCOME CONSUMER ADVISORY TASK FORCE SEPTEMBER 18, 2015  9:00AM – 12:00 PM TOWN LAKE CENTER – ROOM 100 721 BARTON SPRINGS ROAD AUSTIN, TEXAS 78704 For more information: force AGENDA CALL TO ORDER 1. CITIZEN COMMUNICATIONS The first 5 speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. Approve minutes from the September 4, 2015 meeting 3. OLD BUSINESS a. Discussion and possible action on final report. 4. BRIEFINGS & REPORTS a. Austin Energy staff update on the weatherization program job status b. Status of data requests c. Committee Reports – possible reports from the Low Income Energy Efficiency Program Committee, Low-Moderate Income Energy Efficiency Program Committee, and/or Affordable Rental Property Committee 5. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS a. Discussion regarding future agenda items including a schedule of topics and issues and topics raised during briefings and citizen communications ADJOURNMENT

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 10:53 p.m.
Low Income Consumer Advisory Task ForceSept. 18, 2015

Item 2a-Draft of September 4, 2015 Meeting Minutes original pdf

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Page 1 of 3 LOW INCOME CONSUMER ADVISORY TASK FORCE MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 4, 2015 The Low Income Consumer Advisory Task Force convened in a regular meeting at Town Lake Center, 721 Barton Springs Road, Room 100, in Austin, Texas. Chairperson, Carol Biedrzycki called the meeting to order at 9:02 a.m. Task Force Members in Attendance: Carol Biedrzycki (Chair), Lanetta Cooper, Richard Halpin, Dan Pruett, Cyrus Reed and Michael Wong. Chris Strand was not present at the call to order, but arrived later. Tim Arndt (Vice Chair) and Karen Hadden were absent. Staff in Attendance: Austin Energy (AE) staff included Debbie Kimberly, Liz Jambor, Denise Kuehn, Ronnie Mendoza, Stacy Lewis and Hayden Migl. Neighborhood Housing and Community Development Department (NHCD) staff included Letitia Brown. 1. CITIZEN COMMUNICATIONS: GENERAL Kaiba White stated that money not expended in previous energy efficiency budgets should be rolled over. She stated her agreement that money collected for energy efficiency should be spent in that area, but a roll-over of unexpended funds is be simpler for this year. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. Approve minutes from the August 21, 2015 meeting- A motion was made by Member Richard Halpin to approve the August 21, 2015 meeting minutes and seconded by Member Dan Pruett. One amendment was proposed: Under Item c3, delete the sentence, “PACE program opportunities should also be explored.” Member Halpin and Member Pruett accepted the amendment and all members approved on a 6-0 vote, with Member Chris Strand not yet in attendance. 3. OLD BUSINESS a. Discussion and possible action on the low income weatherization budget. - Member Cyrus Reed introduced the document “Recommendation Regarding Energy Efficiency Budget Goal for Low and Low-Moderate Income Residential Customers” (Back-up Item 3a, September 4, 2015 meeting) and described the groups addressed in the recommendation. Member Richard Halpin moved approval of the recommendation, seconded by Member Cyrus Reed. Discussion included the current percentage of the budget dedicated to programs, program effectiveness and cost of repairs. Member Richard Halpin motioned to change “20%” in the Recommendation to “25%”, seconded by Member Lanetta Cooper. The motion passed 4-3 with Members Chris Strand, Cyrus Reed, and Michael Wong voting against. Member Richard Halpin moved to add in the Recommendation “with at least 10% of the Energy Efficiency Services budget dedicated to free weatherization,” seconded by Member Cyrus Reed. The motion passed 6-1 with member Chris Strand voting against. Member Cyrus Reed …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 10:54 p.m.
Low Income Consumer Advisory Task ForceSept. 18, 2015

Item 3a-AC in Low Income Weatherization Program Amendments_Lanetta Cooper original pdf

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Amend Section III(C)(4) by making the following changes to the Recommendation: 1. Provision of Air Conditioners in Low Income Weatherization Program Recommendation: To expand the income eligibility for the low income weatherization program to AE customers whose household incomes are 250% FPG or less , to make Energy Star window unit air conditioners the a standard energy efficiency services improvement option air conditioning application in the low income weatherization program, and to include under limited circumstances, repair and replacement of central air conditioners. Criteria should be developed to determine eligibility for window units and limited central air conditioning repair and replacement.

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 10:54 p.m.
Low Income Consumer Advisory Task ForceSept. 18, 2015

Item 3a-Amend Demographics Section of Background_Lanetta Cooper original pdf

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Amend the Demographics section of the Background portion of the report to replace the current section with the following: Reason: Some clarifying language; as well as responding to request for additional information. A. Demographics Austin Energy provides electrical service to a population of almost one million people spread over 437 square miles of service territory, 277 of which are within the Austin City limits. All but 15 of those miles are within Travis County.1 Forty-five percent of Austin Energy’s customers are homeowners while 55% rent.2 Overall, customers who rent are more likely to have lower incomes than those who own homes. Data show that 32.8% of renter households in Austin have annual income under $25,000 and another 31.1% have income between $25,000 and $49,999. Thus, 63.9% of renter households have income under $50,000 per year.3 Median household income for renters is $37,538 compared to $85,246 for homeowners.4 Furthermore, 21.9% of the homeowners in the Austin-Round Rock metro area spent 30% or more of their household income on housing in 2013; 9.1% spent 50% or more on housing.5 In 2013 the median owner household income was $82,200 with 88,100 homeowners burdened with housing costs.6 Renters are more disproportionally poor than homeowners in the Austin-Round Rock metro area having a median household income of $40,000 in 2013 with 138,900 renter households burdened with housing costs.7 48.3% of all renters spent more than 30% of their household incomes on housing in 2013; 24.4% spent 50% or more on housing.8 Austin Energy estimates that 28% (118,241)9 of its customers have family incomes at or below 200% federal poverty guidelines,10 the income eligibility cap for the low income 1 See service area map of Austin Energy located in the appendix of this report. 2 U.S. Census Bureau, American FactFinder, S2503 Financial Characteristics. 3 Ibid. 4 Ibid. 5 Joint Center For Housing Studies of Harvard University, “The State of the Nation’s Housing “ (2015), data from interactive map on Center’s website— 6 Id. 7 Id. 8 Id. 9 See “Update of Energy Burden Tables,” (Austin Energy 2015). 10 Federal poverty guidelines is a federal poverty measure (expressed in annual or monthly dollars starting with a one-person household level and increasing as the number of the household members increase) issued each year in the Federal Register by the Department of Health and Human Services. weatherization program. Of this amount, up to 43,000 averaging 35,306 households in FY …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 10:54 p.m.
Low Income Consumer Advisory Task ForceSept. 18, 2015

Item 3a-Amend ECAD Rules to Specify EE Program_Lanetta Cooper original pdf

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Amend Section III(D)(4) by replacing “ The Energy Conservation Audit Disclosure (ECAD) Rules should be amended” with “An EE program should be created” in the recommendation. And further amend this section by replacing the terms “Amend the ECAD Rules” with “Create an EE program” . This is to reflect what was voted on.

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 10:54 p.m.
Low Income Consumer Advisory Task ForceSept. 18, 2015

Item 3a-Amend History of Multifamily EE Programs_Lanetta Cooper original pdf

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Amend Section , Paragraph II(E) of the Background of the history of the multi-family EE programs at p. 12 of the 8th draft report the last paragraph of this section to read as follows: In the course of the Task Force meetings, a continual message delivered by members of the public is that Austin Energy needs to do more to make rental properties more efficient. Many residents of older apartment complexes are plagued by air conditioners that are 30 years old. They still work and therefore property owners are under no obligation to replace them but they use high amounts of electricity producing utility bills that many households cannot afford to pay. One of the intents of the ECAD ordinance was to increase the energy efficiency of multi-family properties. Lack of effective enforcement of ECAD has negated the ordinance’s effectiveness.

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 10:54 p.m.
Low Income Consumer Advisory Task ForceSept. 18, 2015

Item 3a-Final Report Draft 8_Carol Biedrzycki original pdf

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1 LOW INCOME CONSUMER ADVISORY TASK FORCE FINAL REPORT DRAFT 8 DRAFT 7 FOR DISCUSSION ON SEPTEMBER 18, 2015 September 14, 2015 THIS DRAFT 8 IS THE FINAL DRAFT REPORT BEING SUBMITTED BY THE WORKING GROUP (LANETTA COOPER, CYRUS REED, CHRIS STRAND AND CAROL BIEDRZYCKI) FOR REVIEW BY AUSTIN ENERGY AND THE FULL TASK FORCE. THIS DRAFT IS NOT A CONSENSUS DOCUMENT OF THE REPORT WRITING WORKING GROUP. DIFFERENCES OF OPINION WILL BE DISCUSSED AND HOPEFULLY RESOLVED AT THE MEETING OF THE FULL TASK FORCE. THE WORKING GROUP ALSO MAKES A SPECIAL REQUEST FOR TASK FORCE MEMBERS TO BRING ITEMS FOR FUTURE CONSIDERATION. THIS IS AN ISSUE BROUGHT UP TO THE TASK FORCE THAT WAS NOT VETTED THAT DESERVES FURTHER ATTENTION. SEE SECTION IV FOR EXAMPLES. PLEASE BRING A HARD COPY OF THE REPORT WITH YOU TO THE SEPTEMBER 18TH MEETING AND BE PREPARED TO OFFER YOUR CORRECTIONS AND SUGGESTED CHANGES TO THE FULL TASK FORCE. THE MEETING ON THE 18TH IS ESSENTIALLY DEVOTED TO THE REPORT. A VOTE WILL BE TAKEN ON THE FINAL REPORT ON SEPTEMBER 25TH. THE FINAL REPORT WILL BE SUBMITTED TO THE CITY MANAGER AND CITY COUNCIL ON OR BEFORE OCTOBER 1ST. i Executive Summary This is the final report of The Low Income Consumer Advisory Task Force, created in November 2014 by the seven member at-large Austin City Council. The focus of the Task Force was directed at making recommendations to improve energy efficiency programs for low and low moderate income households served by Austin Energy. The following lists the six directives given in the resolution creating the Task Force and a summary of applicable recommendations adopted by the Task Force. The recommendations are followed by a list of items for further consideration as the Task Force ran out of time before all the ideas could be considered. Directive 1. Make recommendations regarding the development, design, and implementation of energy efficiency and renewable energy programs to meet the demand reduction goals of low income and low-moderate income residential customer programs. Recommendations:  Austin Energy should improve and make more transparent the tracking of its energy efficiency programs.  Adopt overall program goals and goals specific to low income programs.  Establish an annual energy efficiency accounting true-up schedule.  Adopt the triple bottom line used by the City of Austin Sustainability Office for program cost-effectiveness evaluation.  Conduct a weatherization program cost reduction study. …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 10:54 p.m.
Low Income Consumer Advisory Task ForceSept. 18, 2015

Item 3a-Items for Future Consideration_Carol Biedrzycki original pdf

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ITEM FOR FUTURE CONSIDERATION One-Stop Weatherization Implementing the universal application and contractor rebate recommendations should make the delivery of program services more seamless but falls short of providing what some task force embers refer to as “one stop” weatherization where other city programs could be reimbursed for providing Weatherization to their housing repair program eligible clients. At the January 16, 2015 Task force meeting, Letitia Brown, Neighborhood Housing and Community Development and Austin Housing Finance Corporation provided a description of 9 housing repair programs1 that could also provide weatherization directly instead of referring the client to Austin Energy. Also note that newly constructed affordable housing must meet city’s energy efficiency code but there is no such standard for the housing repair programs. A panel discussion of non-profit organizations was asked to share insight on ways to improve weatherization and utility based programs. A number of organizations participated including Austin Tenants’ Council, Home Repair Coalition, Austin Habitat for Humanity, Foundation Communities and The United Way for Greater Austin. Charles Cloutman from The Home Repair Coalition and Jesse Porter, Habitat for Humanity, expressed frustration for clients who receive home repairs and weatherization through two separate programs. Representatives for both organizations recommended that the weatherization funds be made available to the housing programs so that weatherization measures can be installed at the same time other repairs are being made on the client’s home.2 Susan Peterson, Foundation Communities pointed out that weatherization is often piecemeal in an apartment building because of differing housing income eligibility and weatherization income eligibility requirements.3 She suggested that all subsidized housing units should qualify for the weatherization program. Further streamlining of program delivery and cost reduction may be possible with a seamless operation that uses all the city’s programs o reach low and low moderate income households that would benefit from energy efficiency services. 1 Architectural Barrier Removal, LeadSmart, Lead Healthy Homes, Private lateral Pipeline Grant, Home Repair Loan Program, Holly Good neighbor, Emergency Home Repair, GO Repair. Distributed to Task Force members January 16, 2015. 2 Low-Income Consumer Advisory Task Force Meeting Minutes January 16, 2015, p. 2. 3 Ibid. ITEM FOR FUTURE CONSIDERATION Increasing the cap on incidental repairs for the weatherization program. The Austin Energy weatherization program places a cap of $500 on incidental repairs. As of September 1, 2015 Austin Energy reported to the Task Force that it was unable to serve 2,372 of 3,883 …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 10:54 p.m.
Low Income Consumer Advisory Task ForceSept. 18, 2015

Item 3a-On Bill Repayment Amendments_Lanetta Cooper original pdf

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Amend Section III(C)(5) as follows: 1. On-Bill Repayment Recommendation: Austin Energy would allow for repayment for energy efficiency retrofits on a customer’s monthly utility bill. Rebates would also be provided for qualifying measures. Targeted Group: Middle and Moderate Income Residential Customers Time Schedule: Not Determined Estimated Cost: Depending on how the financing is structured, the cost effectiveness should be less than or equal to Austin Energy’s current financing program for home efficiency. Initial capital must be provided; $500,000 is suggested for a pilot project either from Austin Energy directly or a third party. Money could also to be be utilized for a loan-loss guarantee or as a guarantor on a vendor note. There could also be some cost involved for the redesign of the bill to include the tariff or payment arrangement for repaying the loan. This does not include staff time. Description: Through on bill repayment, Tthe utility assists customers in attaining cost-effective energy upgrades at customer sites – like better building efficiency, more efficient appliances, HVAC (heating, ventilating and air conditioning) systems and rooftop solar through on-bill repayment. The customer pays nothing upfront for the upgrades they choose because the third party lender or vendor pays the installer. Using a tariff payment arrangement, the utility puts a fixed charge on the customer’s monthly bill that is less than the estimated savings generated by the upgrade – so the customer enjoys immediate and sustained cash flow. Until the investment is recovered, the tariff payment arrangement for the improvement charge automatically transfers to future customers at that site. Transparency would be assured by requiring building owners to inform future buyers or renters of the property of the on-bill repayment in place. On-Bill Repayment (OBR) clears the biggest barriers to financing because it does not necessarily depend on a consumer loan,. Nor is it characterized as a long-term lease, or a lien on the value of the property. Renters and lower-income households have faced barriers to accessing investment capital for cost-effective energy upgrades, and similar financing challenges have stumped credit-strained companies and local governments. Compared to typical debt-based programs, experience shows that OBR has a bigger impact for these reasons: 1. First, the addressable market is double the size because nearly all customers are eligible. 2. When customers are offered upgrades with the OBR value proposition, they accept more than half of the time, which is 5 times the typical rate. …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 10:54 p.m.
Low Income Consumer Advisory Task ForceSept. 18, 2015

Item 3a-Revised On Bill Repayment Recommendation_Cyrus Reed original pdf

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1. On-Bill Repayment Recommendation: Austin Energy would allow for repayment for energy efficiency retrofits on a customer’s monthly utility bill. Financing Would Come from a third-party not from the utility itself. Rebates would also be provided for qualifying measures. Targeted Group: Middle and Moderate Income Residential Customers Time Schedule: Not Determined Estimated Cost: Depending on how the financing is structured, the cost effectiveness should be less than or equal to Austin Energy’s current financing program for home efficiency. Initial capital must be provided; $500,000 is suggested for a pilot project either from Austin Energy directly or a third party. Money could also to be be utilized for a loan-loss guarantee or as a guarantor on a vendor note. There could also be some cost involved for the redesign of the bill to include the tariff or payment arrangement for repaying the loan. This does not include staff time. Description: Through on bill repayment, Tthe utility assists customers in attaining cost-effective energy upgrades at customer sites – like better building efficiency, more efficient appliances, HVAC (heating, ventilating and air conditioning) systems and rooftop solar through on-bill repayment. The customer pays nothing upfront for the upgrades they choose because the third party lender or vendor pays the installer. Using a tariff payment arrangement, the utility puts a fixed charge on the customer’s monthly bill that is less than the estimated savings generated by the upgrade – so the customer enjoys immediate and sustained cash flow. Until the investment is recovered, the tariff payment arrangement for the improvement charge automatically transfers to future customers at that site. Transparency would be assured by requiring building owners to inform future buyers or renters of the property of the on-bill repayment in place. On-Bill Repayment (OBR) clears the biggest barriers to financing because it does not necessarily depend on a traditional consumer loan,. Nor is it characterized as a long-term lease, or a lien on the value of the property. Renters and lower-income households have faced barriers to accessing investment capital for cost-effective energy upgrades, and similar financing challenges have stumped credit-strained companies and local governments. Compared to typical debt-based programs, experience shows that OBR has a bigger impact for these reasons: 1. First, the addressable market is double the size because nearly all customers are eligible. 2. When customers are offered upgrades with the OBR value proposition, they accept more than half of the time, …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 10:54 p.m.
Low Income Consumer Advisory Task ForceSept. 18, 2015

Item 3a-Staff Response to Low Income Consumer Advisory Task Force (LICATF) Final Report original pdf

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MEMORANDUM TO: Low Income Consumer Advisory Task Force FROM: Debbie Kimberly, V.P. Customer Energy Solutions DATE: September 16, 2015 SUBJECT: Response to Low Income Consumer Advisory Task Force (LICATF) Final Report On September 14, 2015, the LICATF submitted the updated final draft (version 8) of its report to task force members and staff for review in preparation for task force votes on September 18. Austin Energy deeply appreciates the work of this group, and also acknowledges the support of many Austin Energy staff over the past 11 months, which entailed 25 meetings, numerous information requests and thousands of hours of work. With the final report totaling 60 pages, and in an effort to facilitate task force dialogue, this document is prepared in summary fashion, with further staff input on specific recommendations to be provided by September 25. In reviewing the task force report, we are encouraged by areas of agreement and would note that many of these initiatives have already been implemented and/or agreed to by staff. Examples include: 1) Increased detail and transparency in data reporting via monthly and annual reports. Monthly reports are posted online, and staff will continue to add detail (including monthly weatherization reporting shared with the task force). Requests for Council Approval (RCAs) have added significant explanatory detail. Staff prepared detail on the CES budget that expanded the high level information assembled by the City. Staff also agreed prospectively to prepare year-end reports that depict participation by Councilmember district (as well as for customers living outside the City of Austin). 2) Enhanced efficiencies in program administration. Reflective of program process improvements made this year, roughly 530 customer residences will be weatherized this year, a number that would have been higher were it not for issues beyond staff’s control associated with finalizing the new contract. Multifamily performance has exceeded budget and steps have been taken to ensure that the program is cost-effective in reaching this large, growing and hard-to-reach market. 3) Staff commissioned and distributed a report by GDS Associates to assess best practices and is continuing to explore ways to enhance and streamline program administration. 4) AE is coordinating with other City departments on focused outreach to select neighborhoods in 2016 – in particular, the Holly and Rundberg Lane communities. 5) Multifamily ECAD audits and disclosures are already available on the COA data mart. Staff is committed to further enhance outreach efforts that were expanded …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 10:54 p.m.
Low Income Consumer Advisory Task ForceSept. 18, 2015

Item 3a-Summary of Recommendations Adopted Categorized by Directive_Carol Biedrzycki original pdf

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LOW INCOME CONSUMER ADVISORY TASK FORCE SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS ADOPTED Draft 09/14/15 Directive 1 Make recommendations regarding the development, design, and implementation of energy efficiency and renewable energy programs to meet the demand reduction goals of low income and low-moderate income residential customer programs. Recommendation that Austin Energy Should Improve and Make More Transparent the Tracking of its Energy Efficiency Programs. (A) All Austin Energy programs funded with revenues realized from the energy efficiency rate should be consistently reported to the public, the City’s advisory commissions and the Council. (B) All program costs funded with energy efficiency dollars should be consistently reported and the operations and maintenance costs should be separated out from the rebates and other direct costs of the programs. (C) In any budget presentation to support its energy efficiency rate proposal, Austin Energy should not include any energy efficiency program costs funded with Customer Assistance Program revenues. (D) Austin Energy should develop better tracking data by city council district to: measure energy and demand savings, including consumption data measuring the actual customer usage both before and after the customer benefited from an energy efficiency program; analyze the demographics of program participation while protecting privacy data; and demonstrate coordination with other publically funded programs. (E) Austin Energy should provide monthly, quarterly and annual reports to the Resource Management Commission, Electric Utility Commission and City Council indicating energy efficiency, Customer Assistance Program (CAP) Weatherization, Demand Response, Green Building and Solar activities and City Council should establish accountability procedures. (Adopted 06/05/15 - 7 yes, 0 no) LOW INCOME CONSUMER ADVISORY TASK FORCE Page 2 SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS ADOPTED Draft 09/14/15 Recommendation for Weatherization Program Cost Reduction Study. The City Council should direct the City Manager to investigate operating practices that could potentially increase the cost effectiveness of the low income weatherization program while maintaining all program services and standards and report back to city council in six months with a strategy for implementation. (Adopted 09/04/15 - 7 yes, 0 no) Recommendation for an Annual Energy Efficiency True-up. The City Council should establish a true up proceeding for the energy efficiency rates within six months after the close of each fiscal year to reconcile any over or under recovery of the utility’s energy efficiency revenues, realized and imputed, attributable to the energy efficiency rate for that recently closed fiscal year with that fiscal year’s energy efficiency expenses, including operations and maintenance, …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 10:54 p.m.
Low Income Consumer Advisory Task ForceSept. 18, 2015

Item 3a-Tracking Data Amendment_Lanetta Cooper original pdf

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Amend Section III (A)(5)(d) by adding the term “energy efficiency program and by” between the words “better tracking data by” and “city council” in the sub paragraph heading and amending the first full paragraph on p. 23 of the 8th draft final report to state as follows: Tracking energy use and demand before and after energy efficiency improvements are installed by program will ensure all demand and energy savings are captured when Austin Energy leverages its resources with other funds. One example is Austin Energy leveraging its weatherization program with the home repairs funded by the city and implemented through Neighborhood Housing. Energy and demand savings realized from home repairs which are not currently captured would be credited to the energy efficiency program. Data tracked by program can also be used to serve as a check on the reasonableness of deemed savings assumptions that are in general use to estimate program savings. For instance, AE has informed the Task Force that its deemed savings assumptions for its Multi-family program overstated actual bill savings.1 Austin Energy’s success of partnership with the city’s affordable housing programs should be tracked to ensure that the city and Austin Energy maximize the effect public and utility resources can have when merged. 1 July 17, 2015 Task Force Meeting, AE response to question on Multi-family Retrofit Report (Audio at 85:09 minuites).

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 10:54 p.m.