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Sign Review BoardJune 8, 2015

late back up at mtg original pdf

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Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:14 p.m.
Sign Review BoardJune 8, 2015

Approved Minutes original pdf

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BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT/SIGN REVIEW BOARD MEETING MINUTES (June 8, 2015) The Board of Adjustment/Sign Review Board convened in a meeting on June 8, 2015, City Council Chambers, 301 West 2nd Street, Austin, Texas. Chair Jeff Jack called the Board Meeting to order at 5:45 p.m. Board Members in Attendance: Jeff Jack (Chair), Melissa Hawthorne (Vice Chair), Sallie Burchett, Ricardo De Camps, Vincent Harding, Bryan King, Michael Von Ohlen, Cathy French (SRB) and Stuart Hampton (Alternate) for one case only D-3 Board Member absent - NONE Staff in Attendance: Leane Heldenfels, Cindy Crosby (COA Attorney) Staff Absent – Diana Ramirez EXECUTIVE SESSION (No public discussion) The Board of Adjustment/Sign Review Board will announce it will go into Executive Session, if necessary, pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, to receive advice from Legal Counsel on matters specifically listed on this agenda. The Board of Adjustment/Sign Review Board may also announce it will go into Executive Session, if necessary, to receive advice from Legal Counsel regarding any other item on this agenda. Private Consultation with Attorney – Section 551.071 A A-1 May 11, 2015 Board Member Vincent Harding motion to Approve the minutes for May 11, 2015, Melissa Hawthorne second on 8-0 vote; APPROVED MINUTES FOR May 11, 2015. Postponement requests from applicants and interested parties for Items L-2, L-3, L-4, M-2 and M-3 to July 13, 2015 and withdraw Item E-1 was approved by the Board with an exception of Item M-2. B. SIGN REVIEW BOARD RECONSIDERATIONS APPROVAL OF MINUTES SIGN REVIEW BOARD NEW PUBLIC HEARINGS SIGN REVIEW BOARD PREVIOUS POSTPONEMENTS Jim Bennett for Inayat Fidai 9001 Cameron Road NONE C. NONE D. D-1 C16-2015-0007 The applicant has requested a variance to: A. Section 25-10-124 (B) (1) (b) (Scenic Roadway Sign District Regulations) to increase the sign area from 64 square feet (required/permitted) to 144 square feet (requested); and to B. Section 25-10-124 (B) (2) (Scenic Roadway Sign District Regulations) to increase the sign height from 12 feet (required/permitted) to 30 feet (requested); and to C. Section 25-10-124 (F) (Scenic Roadway Sign District Regulations) to increase areas of internal illumination from individual letters only (required/permitted) to also include logo (requested) in order to add freestanding signage at this lot in a “CS”, General Commercial Services zoning district and Scenic Roadway Sign District. The public hearing was closed on Board Member Michael Von Ohlen motion to Postpone to July 13, …

Scraped at: Aug. 14, 2020, 1:10 p.m.
Sign Review BoardJune 8, 2015

sign in sheets original pdf

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Scraped at: Aug. 14, 2020, 1:10 p.m.
Waterfront Planning Advisory BoardMay 20, 2015

Downtown Austin Alliance/CoA Public Form Issues & Eggs for Congress Ave Urban Design Initiative. original pdf

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WATERFRONT PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD Community Interest Announcement Downtown Austin Alliance and City of Austin Public Engagement Forum for Issues & Eggs, to discuss the Congress Avenue Urban Design Initiative Date and Time: Wednesday, May 20, 2015 from 7:30-9:00 am Location Brazos Hall, 204 East 4th Street Christine Barton-Holmes 512-974-2788

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 10:47 p.m.
Urban Forestry BoardMay 20, 2015

Agenda 5-20-15 original pdf

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+ URBAN FORESTRY BOARD REGULAR MEETING Wednesday, May 20, 2015, - 5:30 p.m. Northwest Recreation Center 2913 Northland Austin, Texas URBAN FORESTRY BOARD MEMBERS: APPOINTMENT : Christopher Kite, Chair Council Member Laura Morrison, Place 4 Peggy Maceo (Vice-Chair) Council Member Kathie Tovo, Place 3 Len Newsom Council Member Bill Spelman, Place 5 Patrick Brewer Mayor Lee Leffingwell Nicholas Classen Mayor Pro-Tem Sheryl Cole, Place 6 Ryan Fleming Council Member Mike Martinez, Place 2 Keith Brown Council Member Chris Riley, Place 1 URBAN FORESTRY EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS : Michael Embesi, City Arborist, Development Services Department Pat Fuller, Division Manager, Parks and Recreation Department – Director Designee Vacant, Urban Forester, Development Services Department John Clement, Environmental Program Coordinator, Watershed Protection Department – Director Designee AGENDA A. CALL TO ORDER B. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approve the minutes of the Urban Forestry Board meeting of April 15, 2015. C. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION The first 4 (four) speakers signed up prior to the calling of the meeting to order are allowed a three-minute allotment each to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. D. ANNOUNCEMENTS E. URBAN FORESTER EXECUTIVE LIAISON REPORT – Emily King, Interim Urban Forester, Development Services Department, including: • Austin Urban Forest Plan Implementation Monthly Update F. ACTION ITEM BRIEFINGS 1. Urban Forestry Board 2014 Annual Internal Review. Presenter: Chris Kite, Urban Forestry Board Chair. 2. Draft Cemetery Master Plan - Presenter: Kim McKnight, Project Coordinator, Park Planning and Design Unit, Parks and Recreation Department (PARD). 3. Briefing on possible recommendations for transition of Urban Forestry Board functions to the Environmental Commission. Presenter: Board Chair Chris Kite. 4. Briefing on PARD 2016 Fiscal Year Financial Forecast. Presenter: Angela Means, PARD Financial Services Division Manager. G. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS 1. Discussion and possible action on a recommendation regarding the Urban Forestry Board 2014 Annual Internal Review. Presenter: Chris Kite, Urban Forestry Board Chair. 2. Discussion and possible action on a recommendation to the City Council on the Draft Cemetery Master Plan. Presenter: Urban Forestry Board Member Nicholas Classen. 3. Discussion and possible action on recommendations for transition of Urban Forestry Board functions to the Environmental Commission. Presenter: Board Chair Chris Kite. 4. Discussion and possible action on PARD 2016 Fiscal Year Financial Forecast. Presenter: Angela Means, PARD Financial Services Division Manager. H. BRIEFINGS – 10 Minute Limit For Each Briefing 1. Austin Energy Line Clearance Monthly Update – April 2015. Ray …

Scraped at: Jan. 20, 2020, 12:21 a.m.
Urban Forestry BoardMay 20, 2015

Approved Meeting Minutes from May 20, 2015 original pdf

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+ URBAN FORESTRY BOARD REGULAR MEETING Wednesday, May 20, 2015 - 5:30 p.m. Northwest Recreation Center 2913 Northland Austin, Texas Board Members in Attendance: Board Chair Chris Kite, Board Vice-Chair Peggy Maceo, Board Members Patrick Brewer, Nick Classen, Ryan Fleming, Len Newsom, Keith Brown. Staff in Attendance: Parks and Recreation Department Lara Schuman, Urban Forestry Program Manager Development Services Department Michael Embesi, City Arborist Emily King, Environmental Program Coordinator, Urban Forestry Lynn Tozser, Program Specialist, UFB Liaison Public Works Department Rob Grotty, Urban Forestry Program Manager Austin Energy Ray Henning, Line Clearance Supervisor MEETING MINUTES MAY 20, 2015 A. CALL TO ORDER Board Chair Kite called the meeting to order at 5:42 pm. B. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approve the minutes of the Urban Forestry Board meeting of April 15, 2015. Motion made by Board Member Newsom, Seconded by Board Member Brewer to approve the meeting minutes of April 15, 2015. Approved by Board Chair Kite, Board Vice-Chair Maceo, and Board Members Brewer, Classen, Newsom and Brown. Board Member Fleming abstained. C. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION The first 4 (four) speakers signed up prior to the calling of the meeting to order are allowed a three-minute allotment each to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. Sharon Blythe F2-G2: Approve cemetery plan with conditions as explained by Nick Classen. Sharon Blythe F4: Comments on PARD 2016 budget. D. ANNOUNCEMENTS  Urban Forestry Work Day program for mulching and pruning is planned for Thursday, May 28th at Butler Park.  Forester position available in PARD.  Several staff members will be attending a Certified Arborist Prep Course which is being offered by PARD Urban Forestry, Tree Folks, and the Texas A&M Forest Service.  Development Services Urban Forestry employee, Alan Halter, has submitted a Public Land Classification project proposal to the ATX Hack 4 Change Hackathon event for June 5-7.  The State legislative bill filing deadline has passed with no specific anti-tree bills coming out of committee. E. URBAN FORESTER EXECUTIVE LIAISON REPORT – Emily King, Interim Urban Forester, Development Services Department, including:  Austin Urban Forest Plan Implementation Monthly Update. Presentation given. F. ACTION ITEM BRIEFINGS 1. Urban Forestry Board 2014 Annual Internal Review. Presenter: Chris Kite, Urban Forestry Board Chair. Presentation given. 2. Draft Cemetery Master Plan - Presenter: Kim McKnight, Project Coordinator, Park Planning and Design Unit, Parks and Recreation Department (PARD). Additional information provided by Lara …

Scraped at: Jan. 20, 2020, 12:21 a.m.
Urban Forestry BoardMay 20, 2015

20150520G2: UFB Recommendation on Cemetery Master Plan original pdf

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Scraped at: Jan. 20, 2020, 12:21 a.m.
Urban Forestry BoardMay 20, 2015

20150520-G3: UFB Recommendation on UFB transition of functions to Environmental Commission original pdf

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Scraped at: Jan. 20, 2020, 12:21 a.m.
Urban Forestry BoardMay 20, 2015

20150520-G4: UFB Recommendations on PARD 2016 Financial Forecast original pdf

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Scraped at: Jan. 20, 2020, 12:21 a.m.
Urban Forestry BoardMay 20, 2015

Austin Urban Forestry Plan Implementation Update original pdf

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Implementation ElementImplementation ActivitiesAUFP TimelineStatus as of 5‐20‐2015Update status and trend of Performance Report Card2015DeferredUpdate on progress of Departmental Urban Forest Plans2015DeferredGather data for updating/improving Performance Report Card2015Planned (2016)Share urban forest data with departments for creation of DUFPs 2015In progressAnnual report to Urban Forestry Board and City Council via State of the Urban Forest Report 2015Planned (2016)Establish standardized data collection and formats2015In progressDevelop Departmental Urban Forest Plans2015In progress (deferred timeline)Use action matrix to facilitate DUFPs2015DeferredUrban Foresty Board hold annual public meeting to review and comment2015DeferredEstablish process to include public comments from AUFP into DUFPs2015PlannedReport annually to Urban Forestry Board on AUFP implementation status2015PlannedIdentify/compile all existing operational/regulatory items related to urban forest management 2015In progressFacilitate working group to develop Austin specific SoC 2014In progressUpdate Standards of Care, brief Urban Forestry Board 2016DeferredIncorporate SoC into codeDeferredEducate the public on SoCDeferredInterdepartmental work group to coordinate urban forest policy changes, BMPs2014PlannedCity Manager recommends changes 2016DeferredCompile organizational structure and funding from all city departments, obtain benchmark data from other municipalities2015In progressCity Manager recommends changes to organization and structure/funding2016PlannedAustin's Urban Forest Plan Implementation BenchmarksAnnual State of the Urban Forest ReportUrban Forest Annual Performance Report Card Departmental Urban Forest PlansAustin Standard of Care Coordination

Scraped at: Jan. 20, 2020, 12:21 a.m.
Urban Forestry BoardMay 20, 2015

Draft of 4-15-15 Meeting Minutes original pdf

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+ URBAN FORESTRY BOARD REGULAR MEETING Wednesday, April 15, 2015, - 5:30 p.m. Northwest Recreation Center 2913 Northland Austin, Texas Board Members in Attendance: Board Chair Chris Kite, Board Vice-Chair Peggy Maceo, Board Members Patrick Brewer, Len Newsom, Keith Brown. Board members Ryan Fleming and Nick Classen absent. Staff in Attendance: Parks and Recreation Department Pat Fuller, Division Manager, Director Designee Lara Schuman, Urban Forestry Program Manager Development Services Department Michael Embesi, City Arborist Lynn Tozser, Program Specialist, UFB Liaison Public Works Department Rob Grotty, Urban Forestry Program Manager Watershed Protection Department John Clement, Environmental Program Coordinator MEETING MINUTES A. CALL TO ORDER Board Chair Kite called the meeting to order at 5:40 pm B. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approve the minutes of the Urban Forestry Board meeting of March 18, 2015. Motion made by Board Member Brewer, Seconded by Board Member Brown to approve the meeting minutes of March 18, 2015. Approved by Board Chair Kite, Board Vice-Chair Maceo, and Board Members Brewer, Newsom and Brown. Board Members Classen and Fleming absent. C. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION The first 4 (four) speakers signed up prior to the calling of the meeting to order are allowed a three-minute allotment each to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. • Sharon Blythe, Item F2 • Jim Mallicote, Item F2 D. ANNOUNCEMENTS • Lara Schuman’s new title is Urban Forestry Program Manager • Forklift Danceworks Trees of Govalle performances this past weekend. Both were very successful. Educational events included: o Root collar clearing – APF o Firewise – AFD/WPD o Invasives – WPD o Girdling roots – Texas Forest Service o Ask an arborist and general tree info – TreeFolks o Tree tags – appraisals and benefits of trees – PARD UF o Critical Root Zones – PARD UF o NeighborWoods – TreeFolks o Mulching – TreeFolks • Upcoming work at Deep Eddy Pool/Eilers Park: o Raising some low limbs o Clearing volunteer hackberries and paper mulberries from fence o Vine removal from trees o Crown cleaning of trees • Combining the Urban Forestry Program with the City Arborist Program (from Parks and Recreation Department to the Development Services Department) will be completed on October 1, 2015. • A celebratory, end of the planting year and potluck will occur at Tree Folks this Saturday. See their website for more information. • Texas Forest Service has a one day seminar (April 30th) in …

Scraped at: Jan. 20, 2020, 12:21 a.m.
Urban Forestry BoardMay 20, 2015

F1 - Urban Forestry Board Annual Internal Review 2014 original pdf

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Annual Internal Review This report covers the time period of 1/1/2014 to 12/31/2014 _Urban Forestry Board_ The Board/Commission mission statement (per the City Code) is: May study, investigate, plan, advise, report, and recommend any action, program, plan, or legislation which the board determines necessary or advisable for the care, preservation, pruning, planting, replanting, removal, or disposition of trees and shrubs and other landscaping in public parks, along streets, and in other public areas. Develop and establish a comprehensive urban forest plan for the planting, maintenance, and replacement of trees in parks, along streets, and in other public areas, and submit it to city council for adoption before implementation. See Section 2-1-183 of the City Code for additional duties. 1. Describe the board’s actions supporting their mission during the previous calendar year. Address all elements of the board’s mission statement as provided in the relevant sections of the City Code. • Actions related to Austin’s Urban Forest Plan: o Received approval in January from the Environmental Board. o Presented it to City Council in February, and received final approval in March. o Recommended that City Council increase the Parks and Recreation Department (PARD) Urban Forestry annual budget by $500,000 for staff support to implement the plan. o Recommended that City Council direct the City Manager to have seven key departments work closely with the Urban Forester on implementation of the plan: PARD, Public Works, Planning and Development Review, Austin Water Utility, Austin Transportation, Austin Energy, and Watershed Protection. o City staff provided updates about implementation of the plan at monthly Urban Forestry Board (UFB) meetings in 2014. Annual Review and Work Plan Year Page # • We made the following recommendations to the City Council and/or the City Manager: o Recommended that City Council increase annual funding for the care, maintenance, and planting of public trees by $12.5 million from the current $3.8 million to the $16.3 million level need for the recommended level of service in a July 2014 report by staff to City Council in response to Resolution #20130627-070. o Developed and recommended a process for implementation of a pilot program for the care and maintenance of prominent trees in the urban core in response to City Council Resolution #20120426-076. o Recommended requiring the use of green infrastructure and sustainability incentives within the development of CodeNext. o Recommended that an appropriate board be allowed to review and comment on …

Scraped at: Jan. 20, 2020, 12:21 a.m.
Urban Forestry BoardMay 20, 2015

F2 - Cemetery Master Plan Memo original pdf

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MEMORANDUM TO: Urban Forestry Board FROM: Kim McKnight, Project Coordinator, Parks and Recreation Dept. DATE: May 5, 2015 SUBJECT: Historic Cemeteries Master Plan The Parks and Recreation Department (PARD) presented a briefing on the Historic Cemeteries Master Plan to the Urban Forestry Board on April 15, 2015. The board deferred action to May 20, 2015 to allow additional time for board review and response and to hear feedback from PARD Forestry staff. The master plan and associated appendices can be accessed by visiting the following website: Of special interest to Urban Forestry Board Members will be the following chapters and appendices that include tree-related topics and recommendations: •Chapter 3: General Management Guidelines•Chapter 4: Oakwood Cemetery•Chapter 5: Oakwood Cemetery Annex•Chapter 6: Plummers Cemetery•Chapter 7: Evergreen Cemetery•Chapter 8: Austin Memorial Park Cemetery•Appendix E: Tree SurveyPlease do not hesitate to contact me at 512.974.9478 should you have questions.

Scraped at: Jan. 20, 2020, 12:21 a.m.
Urban Forestry BoardMay 20, 2015

F2 - Cemetery Master Plan Presentation original pdf

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City of Austin Historic Cemeteries Master Plan Kim McKnight, MSHP Presentation to Urban Forestry Board April 15, 2015 Process to Date •2012: Parks Board Working Group to identify issues and concerns •Summer, 2013: 6 meetings to develop Scope of Work •Fall, 2013: RFP issued •March, 2014: Contract with AmaTerra Env. Executed; includes tree assessment and survey •Community Meetings •April 30, 2014: Carver Branch Library •June 26, 2014: NW Recreation Center •August 23, 2014: Ruiz Branch Library •November 2, 2014: Zilker Botanical Garden •January 24, 2015: Carver Branch •January 23-March 9, 2015: Draft Master Plan Posted to Website for Community Review •Early April, 2015: Post revised draft for Boards, Commissions & Council Community Engagement •6 Scope of Work development meetings •5 public meetings •Board and Commission process •Media releases •Monthly newsletters throughout entire process placed in libraries and recreation centers •Email notices •City website and project website •Signage in Cemeteries •Extensive outreach through more than 70 social media outlets •Interviews with 25 Stakeholders •Outreach targeted to Community Registry, Austin Neighborhoods Council, Save Austin’s Cemeteries, Preservation Austin, African-American Cultural Heritage District The draft Master Plan Part I: Introduction 1.Introduction 2.Natural, Historical, and Cultural Contexts Part II: Cemetery Management Guidelines 3.General Management Guidelines 4.Oakwood Cemetery 5.Oakwood Cemetery Annex 6.Plummers Cemetery 7.Evergreen Cemetery 8.Austin Memorial Park Cemetery Part III: Policy and Funding Recommendations 9.Regulations and Laws 10.Cemetery Oversight 11.Emergency Preparedness 12.Historic Designations 13.Grave Ornamentation 14.Funding and Revenue 15.Partnerships and Programs Tree Survey •Rehabilitation •Spatial Organization and Circulation •Vegetation, including trees •Grave Markers, Plot Curbs, Plot Fencing •Fences •Site Furnishings •Benches, Signs and Kiosks General Management Guidelines Cemetery Treatment Guidelines for Individual Cemeteries •Vegetation Conditions •Marker Conditions •Drainage •Buildings and Facilities •Appearance •Boundary fencing and screening •Wayfinding and interpretation •Preservation and protection •Visitor amenities •Entrance and Access •Vulnerability •Expansion Cemetery Treatment Guidelines related to trees •Importance of Vegetation •Historic Cemetery Trees •Preserving •Removing •Replacing •Planting New Trees •Trees of Special Concern •Post Oaks •Crape Myrtles •Eastern Red Cedar •Preserving Historic Shrubs and Perennials •Invasive Plants •Cemetery Lawn Care •Analyze •Prepare •Plant •Maintain •Irrigation Process Going Forward Please note that this is a tentative timeframe and subject to change: •April, 2015: Present draft plan to Urban Forestry Board & Historic Landmark Commission •May, 2015: Present final draft plan to Land Facilities & Program Committee, Parks and Rec Board •June, 2015: Present final draft plan to Planning Commission & Open Space, Environment & Sustainability Committee of the …

Scraped at: Jan. 20, 2020, 12:21 a.m.
Urban Forestry BoardMay 20, 2015

F2 - Cemetery Master Plan Tree Care Service Analysis1 original pdf

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City of Austin Draft Cemetery Master Plan Tree Care Work Plan and Gap Analysis Definitions Historic Trees: Individual trees and other plants within the cemeteries are considered historic if they were either growing or planted within the period of significance of a cemetery, or if they are part of a pattern of vegetation from the period of significance. Protected Trees: Any tree 19” in diameter at breast height, ~4.5’ from grade (DBH), regardless of species or condition Heritage Trees: as having a diameter of 24 inches or more in DBH, and is one of the following species: Texas ash, bald cypress, American elm, cedar elm, Texas madrone, bigtooth maple, all oaks, pecan, Arizona walnut, and Eastern black walnut. Summary of Maintenance Tasks and Estimated Costs Analysis • Preserve historic trees by developing a tree protection, preservation, planting, and maintenance plan for each cemetery in collaboration with an ISA Certified Arborist and PARD Urban Forestry o An MOU between DS & PARD will require a tree mitigation plan to be developed and reported on a semi-annual basis. Estimated 624 hours of labor/year required. • Perform bulk density testing of CRZs to determine levels of soil compaction, and then aerate using an air-spade as needed. o Soil testing was estimated to take 50 hours/year in labor and $6142/year in testing fees. • Fertilize trees annually with a slow release organic fertilizer, preferably compost, as determined necessary by soil testing. o Compost could be combined with mulch and applied to as much of the CRZ as possible to meet this requirement. Estimated 6867 hours of labor/year required, based on half an hour per tree with a three person crew, average DBH of 17”, and 4578 trees. Cost of materials based on $35/cubic yard of a mulch and compost mix, an estimated 2826 cu yds to cover the ¼ CRZ of 4578 trees with an average DBH of 17”. Soil testing was estimated to take 50 hours/year in labor and $6142/year in testing fees. • Mulch all trees, covering as much of the Critical Root Zone (CRZ) as possible, while keeping a mulch free area around trunks o Compost could be combined with mulch and applied to as much of the CRZ as possible to meet this requirement. Estimated 6867 hours of labor/year required. Cost of materials based on $35/cubic yard of a mulch and compost mix, an estimated 2826 cu yds. to cover …

Scraped at: Jan. 20, 2020, 12:21 a.m.
Urban Forestry BoardMay 20, 2015

F2 - Urban Forestry Presentation on Cemetery Master Plan original pdf

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Cemetery Draft Master PlanLara SchumanCity of AustinParks and Recreation Urban ForestryTree Care Work Plan and Funding Analysis •Preserve trees during excavation or construction•Perform soil testing for nutrients and compaction•Fertilize or compost and mulch all trees•Prune levels following three priority levels•Explore alternative options for mitigating risk before removing a tree•Inspect all trees following storms and perform maintenance as necessaryTree Care Highlights Funding Gaps IdentifiedItemHoursAdditional CostsRateCurrent Level of FundingRequired Level of FundingFunding GapTree protection/site plan review62430.53$ 1,588.00$ 19,051.00$ 17,463.00$ Soil Testing ‐ nutrients and bulk density506,142.00$ 30.53$ ‐$ 7,668.50$ 7,668.50$ Composting & Mulching686798,910.00$ 91.23$ ‐$ 725,386.41$ 725,386.41$ Level 1 inspection & maintenance225285,763.00$ 28.66$ 50,000.00$ 292,211.50$ 242,211.50$ Level 2 pruning2277131.23$ ‐$ 298,810.71$ 298,810.71$ Level 3 pruning2277131.23$ ‐$ 298,810.71$ 298,810.71$ Cabling/Bracing/Propping inspection time71928.66$ ‐$ 20,606.54$ 20,606.54$ Cabling/Bracing/Propping installation costN/A17,000.00$ N/A‐$ 17,000.00$ 17,000.00$ Inspection following storms22528.66$ ‐$ 6,448.50$ 6,448.50$ Maintenance following storms138131.23$ 5,511.66$ 18,109.74$ 12,598.08$ Totals57,099.66$ 1,704,103.61$ 1,647,003.95$ Plan to Implement1.Use inventory to perform Level 1 inspection and maintenance work2.Develop a MOU with Cemeteries, PARD Forestry, and City Arborist to protect trees during excavations and construction3.Train cemetery staff in proper tree care practices4.Pursue additional funding to support higher level of service Help Needed•Recommendations for changes•Support of the plan with changes so it can go to City Council•Advocacy for funding to meet the gap identified Thank You!

Scraped at: Jan. 20, 2020, 12:22 a.m.
Urban Forestry BoardMay 20, 2015

F3 - UFB Functions to Transfer to Environmental Commission original pdf

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Suggested Changes to Ordinance #20141211-204 PART 20. City Code Section 2-1-144 (Environmental Board) is amended to read: “§2-1-144 ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION [BOARD]” (B) The Environmental Commission [Board membership] should [may] include: [a Barton Springs-Edwards Aquifer Conservation District board member or staff person who has professional expertise in geology. hydrology, or ecology; and members who have:] (1)[Persons who have:] Members who have demonstrated concern for and the desire to improve the status of the natural resources and living environment of the City; (2)[A person who has] One or more persons who have professional expertise or who have demonstrated expertise in geology, hydrology, civil engineering, land planning, ecology, arboriculture, urban forestry, or landscape architecture; and 3) [Expertise in arboriculture, urban forestry, or landscape architecture] One Barton Springs Edwards Aquifer Conservation District board or staff person who has professional expertise in geology, hydrology, or ecology. (C) A member described in Subsection (B) (3) need not be a City resident. (D) Not more than [three] five members should be employed in land development or related activities. (E) The department director and the director of the Development Services Department [the urban forester, the city arborist, and the director of the Parks and Recreation Department] are [shall be an] ex officio members of the commission [board] for the purpose of deliberation on a matter relating to [the] their respective departments. [for which each of them works.] (F) The commission may: (4) [Study, investigate, plan,] Advise, and recommend any [action, program, plan, or legislation] issue which the commission determines necessary or advisable for the [care, preservation, pruning, planting, replanting, removal, or disposition of trees and shrubs and other landscaping in public parks, along streets, and in other public areas.] enhancement and stewardship of the urban forest. (G) The commission shall: (2) Develop, establish and oversee implementation of a comprehensive urban forest plan for the planting, maintenance, and replacement of trees [in parks, along streets and in other public areas] within the city’s jurisdiction, and revise as necessary. When a portion of the plan has been developed and established, it shall be submitted to the city council for adoption before implementation. (H) (15) The [all matters pertaining to the City’s] urban forest. (A)(B)(C)(D)(E)(F)§ 2-1-183 - URBAN FORESTRY BOARD.The Urban Forestry Board membership should include persons with expertise in arboriculture, urbanforestry, or landscape architecture and persons who represent diverse regions or interests of thecommunity.The urban forester, city arborist, the director …

Scraped at: Jan. 20, 2020, 12:22 a.m.
Urban Forestry BoardMay 20, 2015

F4 - 2016 PARD Financial Forecast Presentation original pdf

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FY 2016 Financial ForecastForecast Means, Financial Services Division Manager Organization OverviewFY16 PARD Budget Forecast FY16 Revenue ForecastCapital HighlightsUnmet Service DemandsNext Steps Respondents rate overall satisfaction with Parks and Recreation at 75%Measure20132014PARD Overall Satisfaction73%75%National Average67%67%****Ranked # 3 in national survey of satisfaction with parks and recreation programs and facilities**** 4 Community Services (46%)Parks, Planning, Development & Operations (36%)Requirements$38.7MFTEs313.25Requirements$30.0MFTEs308.75Requirements$83.5MFTEs681.75Requirements$14.7MFTEs59.75Total PARD BudgetSupport Services, Other (18%)General Fund: 85%; Golf Ent. Fund: 9%; Other: 6% General Fund Budget Increase‐$2.5 millionEmployee Insurance, Wage Adjustment IncreasesFleet Maintenance and FuelCity Support Services Department Cost DriversEmergency Cold Weather Shelter: ($16k)◦Contractuals, Commodities and Temp StaffForestry Transfer to PDRD: ($725k)◦5 FTEs, Contractuals, CommoditiesParking Meters: ($125k)◦Contractuals◦Butler Shores, ESB‐MACC, Walsh Boat •$70.9MFY 15 Budget•$73.4MFY 16 Forecast•3.5%% Change Forecast HighlightsSouth Austin Senior Activity Center◦12,311 Square foot –Activity Center◦750 square foot –Renovated Facility◦New Programmable Space; Restrooms◦Contractuals and Commodities ($25k)Facility Services◦Brandt Rd/Onion Creek (25 acres); ($5k)◦Copperfield Neighborhood Park (9 acres); ($2k)◦Oakwood Cemetery ($6k)◦Old San Antonio Rd/Brown Homestead (6 acres); ($66k)1 FTE: Maintenance Worker II◦Tom Lassetter–South Austin Playground ($19k)◦Zilker Caretaker Facility Redevelopment ($2k) Forecast HighlightsNortheast Park District Grounds◦Mueller ($10k)◦Pomerleau(1,929 acres); ($4k)◦Upper Boggy Creek Trail ($8k)Central South Park District Grounds◦Brush Square ($3k)◦Brush Country Pocket Park/Westcreek(1 acre); ($2k)◦PoncianaPark (5 acres); ($6k)◦Shoal Creek Greenbelt/Downtown Library ($9k)Park Ranger Program: ($84k)◦1 FTE: Park Ranger Program Supervisor◦Contractuals and CommoditiesConstruction Administration ($62k)◦1 FTE: Heavy Equipment Operator I Department Revenue Changes: $0.2 millionTotal department revenue of $10.2 million, an increase of $196 thousand from last fiscal year.The conservative growth estimate factors in elements, such as (but not limited to), cemetery sales, parking meter revenue, and the impact of the financial aid program.•$10.0MFY 15 Revenue•$10.2M*FY 16 Forecast•2%*% Change* Does not include requested Fee changesGeneral Fund Major Accomplishments◦Auditorium Shores Trailhead◦Southern Walnut Creek Trail◦Dove Springs District Park Playscape◦Boardwalk at Lady Bird Lake◦Bartholomew Municipal Pool RenovationFY 2016‐2020 (Projects in Progress)◦Colony District Park Phase 1 Improvements◦Gus Garcia District Park Phase 3 Improvements◦Northern Walnut Creek Trail Phase 1◦MontopolisCommunity and Recreation Center◦Zilker Metropolitan Park Phase 1 Improvements◦Republic Square Phase 2 Improvements◦Waller Creek District Park and Open Space Safety, Security, and AccessRequestFTEsCostWalter E. Long Master Plan0.00350,000$ Trails and Playground Safety3.001,518,595$ Staffing for Programming8.00498,910$ Museums and Cultural Facilities Grounds Maintenance2.00107,584$ Master Planning, Long‐Term Planning and Parkland Survey0.00350,000$ Community Engagement and Marketing0.00100,000$ Forestry1.00270,177$ Parkland Development Coordinator1.0087,407$ Park Rangers and Equipment5.00374,277$ Nature‐Based Programs Staffing2.00132,607$ Recreation Program Instructor for Aquatics1.7597,656$ TOTAL23.753,887,213$ May/June Boards and Commissions Public EngagementCouncil Forecast WorksessionsJuly 30Proposed Budget Presented to CouncilAugust 10, 12Council Budget Work SessionsAugust 20, 27Budget, Tax Rate and Utility Rate …

Scraped at: Jan. 20, 2020, 12:22 a.m.
Urban Forestry BoardMay 20, 2015

G2 - Draft Recommendations for Cemetery Master Plan original pdf

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Scraped at: Jan. 20, 2020, 12:22 a.m.
Urban Forestry BoardMay 20, 2015

H1-Austin Energy Line Clearance Monthly Update - April 2015 original pdf

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Urban Forestry Board32 72 147 91 87 102 46 65 49 26 59 101 79 125 80 97 118 84 47 34 19 38 42 100 020406080100120140160May-14Jun-14Jul-14Aug-14Sep-14Oct-14Nov-14Dec-14Jan-15Feb-15Mar-15Apr-15# of Customer Calls Completed-TOT# of Customer Calls Received-TOT# of Customer Calls Received and Completed_TOT 37 19 18 17 12 18 22 16 17 29 50 35 0102030405060May-14Jun-14Jul-14Aug-14Sep-14Oct-14Nov-14Dec-14Jan-15Feb-15Mar-15Apr-15# of Miles Completed_TOT 909 650 878 804 935 1093 794 465 596 1038 1213 1157 0200400600800100012001400May-14Jun-14Jul-14Aug-14Sep-14Oct-14Nov-14Dec-14Jan-15Feb-15Mar-15Apr-15# of Properties Worked-TOT 0 90 0 46 0 311 131 0 131 77 102 54 0 23 8 18 4 17 16 16 50 61 81 050100150200250300350May-14Jun-14Jul-14Aug-14Sep-14Oct-14Nov-14Dec-14Jan-15Feb-15Mar-15Apr-15# of Trees Removed & Distributed # of Trees Distributed# of Trees Removed

Scraped at: Jan. 20, 2020, 12:22 a.m.