Economic Prosperity Commission April 17, 2020 3:00 pm VIA VIDEOCONFERENCING 301 W. 2nd Street, Austin, TX 78701 Minutes CALL TO ORDER 1) OPENING REMARKS Introduction of members and staff liaison a) Attendance: Larry Anazia - District 1; Kirsha Haverlah – District 2; Alexis Taylor - District 3, Ivanna Neri- District 4; - Amy Noel- District 7;- Nathan Ryan- District 8; and ; Rachel Green – Mayor’s Appointee b) Absent: Preston Tom- District 5 c) Staff in Attendance: Michelle Clemons and, Nydia Castillo 2) CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: a) No citizens signed up to speak. 3) PRESENTATIONS AND Q&A a) David Gray, Public Information and Marketing Manager for Economic Development Department, presented general information on COVID- 19 overview b) Xavier Zarate, Business Information Coordinator for Economic Development Department. Briefing on Austin Economic Injury Bridge Loan Program for small businesses. i. The presentations addressed agenda items Small Business: Resolution from March 26, 2020 Agenda Item 88 and Creatives: Resolution from 4/9/2020 4) WORKING GROUPS a) Creation of Keep Austin Working Group- A, 1st by Commissioner Ivanna Neri, 2nd by Commissioner Kirsha Haverlah. (i) Members: Nathan Ryan, Larry Anazia, Alexis Taylor, Ivanna Neri b) Creation of Working group B implantation of orders specific to job creation and construction of Keep Austin Working Members: Amy Noel, Holt Lackey, Kirsha Haverlah 5) DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION ITEMS a) Reviewed Keep Austin working document for possible council recommendation. b) Discussed the Creatives: Resolution from 4/9/2020 Agenda Item 86 related to the use of the Live Music Fund for Emergency Assistance grants for musicians and implementation of the program. c) Discussed the SXSW Cancellation impact to the Austin Community – no insurance for cancelled event. ADJOURNMENT d) Meeting was adjourned at 5:19 pm i) 1st by Commissioner Kirsha Haverlah , and 2nd by Commissioner Amy Noel The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days (48 hours) before the meeting date. Please call Michelle Clemons at the Economic Development Department, at (512) (974-2713), for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the Economic Prosperity Commission, please contact Michelle Clemons at ( ) or (512-974-2713).
COMMISSION FOR WOMEN MEETING MINUTES FRIDAY, April 17, 2020 SPECIAL CALLED MEETING FRIDAY, April 17, 2020 COMMISSION FOR WOMEN MINUTES The Commission for Women convened for a regular meeting on Friday, April 17, 2020 via videoconference. Chair Austen called the Commission Meeting to order at 1:04 p.m. Commissioners in Attendance: Rebecca Austen, Chair Flannery Bope, Vice Chair Tanya Athar-Jogee Neva Fernandez Amanda Lewis Julia Cuba Lewis Dyana Limon-Mercado Sarah Tober Commissioners Absent: Juliana Gonzales Vacant: District 2 District 3 Staff in Attendance: April Shaw, Human Resources Department 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. Consider approval of the minutes from the Commission for Women regular meeting on February 5, 2020. The minutes from the regular meeting on February 5, 2020 were approved on Chair Austen’s motion, Vice Chair Bope’s second on a vote of 5-0-1, with Commissioner Tober abstaining and Commissioners Athar-Jogee and Limon-Mercado off the dais. Commissioner Gonzales was absent. FRIDAY, April 17, 2020 COMMISSION FOR WOMEN MEETING MINUTES meeting on February 5, 2020. b. Consider approval of the minutes from the Commission for Women special called The minutes from the special called meeting on February 5, 2020 were approved on Chair Austen’s motion, Vice Chair Bope’s second on a vote of 5-0-1, with Commissioner Tober abstaining and Commissioners Athar-Jogee and Limon-Mercado off the dais. Commissioner Gonzales was absent. 2. OLD BUSINESS a. Discussion and possible action regarding the following working groups: ii. Sexual assault, violence prevention, and survivor experience i. Economic equity Discussion was held. No action was taken. Discussion was held. No action was taken. iii. Access to quality and affordable healthcare Discussion was held. No action was taken. iv. Women’s Hall of Fame Discussion was held. No action was taken. Committee. Discussion was held. No action was taken. b. Discussion and possible action regarding updates from the Joint Inclusion c. Discussion and possible action regarding the commission charter for 2020. Discussion was held. The motion to amend the commission charter to include those who self-identify as women was made by Chair Austen, seconded by Vice Chair Bope, was approved on a 7-0 vote with Commissioner Athar-Jogee off the dais. Commissioner Gonzales was absent. d. Discussion and possible action regarding the recommendation for the City of Austin FY2021 budget. Discussion was held. COMMISSION FOR WOMEN MEETING MINUTES FRIDAY, April 17, 2020 The motion to authorize Chair Austen’s online budget submittal, and to make a recommendation to the City Council …
PUBLIC NOTICE OF A MEETING TAKE NOTICE OF A BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF AUSTIN TO BE HELD Via Conference Call 872-240-3311, Access Code: 717-600-429 Thursday, April 16, 2020 12:00 PM CALL TO ORDER, ROLL CALL CERTIFICATION OF QUORUM Citizens Communication (Note: There will be a three-minute time limitation) 1. Presentation, Discussion, and Possible Action regarding the Approval of the Board Minutes Summary for the Board Meeting held on March 26, 2020 CONSENT ITEMS ACTION ITEMS 2. Update on HACA's actions related to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and update on HACA's Resident and Client Support Center 3. Update on HACA's Rental Assistance Demonstration Program 4. Presentation, Discussion, and Possible Action regarding Resolution No. 02645: Authorizing the disposition of 22 public housing scattered site units 5. Presentation, Discussion and Possible Action regarding Resolution No. 02646: Approving the submittal of the Section 8 Management Assessment Program (SEMAP) Certification to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) 6. Presentation, Discussion and Possible Action on Resolution No. 02647 by the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the City of Austin (the “Authority”) to take the following actions with regard to Moonlight Garden (the “Development”) in Austin, Texas: (A) acquire the site of the Development; (B) lease the Development site to the owner of the Development; and (C) such other actions necessary or convenient to carry out this Resolution. EXECUTIVE SESSION The Board may go into Executive Session (close its meeting to the public) Pursuant to: a. 551.071, Texas Gov't Code, consultations with Attorney regarding legal advice, pending or contemplated litigation; or a settlement offer; b. 551.072, Texas Gov't Code, discussion about the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property; c. 551.074, Texas Gov't Code, discuss the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee; or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee. d. 551.087, Texas Gov't Code, discuss certain economic development negotiations. OPEN SESSION If there is an Executive Session, the Board will return to Open Session for discussion, consideration and possible action of matters discussed in Executive Session. REPORTS The Board accepts the following reports: • President's Report • Other Staff Reports ADJOURNMENT • Commissioners' Reports/Questions to the Department Staff "Pursuant to 30.06, Penal Code, (trespass by holder of license with a concealed handgun), a person licensed under Subchapter H, …
Special Meeting of the “Electrical Board” APRIL 15, 2020 Electrical Board to be held April 15 at 3:00 with Social Distancing Modifications Public comment will be allowed via telephone; no in-person input will be allowed. All speakers must register in advance April 14, 2020 by NOON. All public comment will occur at the beginning of the meeting. To speak remotely at the April 15 Electrical Board Meeting, residents must: •Call or email the board liaison at 512-974-2417 or no later than noon, (the day before the meeting). The information required is the speaker name, item number(s) they wish to speak on, whether they are for/against/neutral, and a telephone number or email address. •Once a request to speak has been called in or emailed to the board liaison, residents will receive either an email or phone call providing the telephone number to call on the day of the scheduled meeting. •Speakers must call in at least 30 minutes prior to meeting start in order to speak, late callers will not be accepted and will not be able to speak. •Speakers will be placed in a queue until their time to speak. •Handouts or other information may be emailed to by Noon the day before the scheduled meeting. This information will be provided to Board and Commission members in advance of the meeting. •Residents may watch the meeting here: Font Size: 12; Font: Times New Roman; Font Style: Regular ELECTRIC BOARD SPECIAL CALLED MEETING Wednesday, April 15, 2020 at 3:00 PM VIA VIDEOCONFERENCE CURRENT BOARD MEMBERS: Gabriel Flores-Chair (Garza); Delwin Goss-V.Chair (Renteria); Randy Pomikahl (Tovo), Michael King (Paige), Rogelio Wallace (Adler), Miguel Suazo (Madison); Robert Schmidt (Casar), Nicole Stasek (Kitchen), Mark Weaver (Flannigan), Ben Brenneman (Alter), Adamson, David (Pool) AGENDA CALL TO ORDER 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES- Minutes from Special Called Meeting March 11, 2020 2. DISCUSSION AND ACTION – International Swimming Pool and Spa Code. 3. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS- Agenda items were from March 11 Special Called Meeting requests. a. Update on Austin Criteria Manual b. DSD Permit Program. ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days (48 hours) before the meeting date. Please call Rick …
B&C MEETING INSTRUCTIONS As we temporarily transition to remote meetings, the following is how we propose meetings be conducted until further notice: MEETING • There will be no General Citizen Communication. • Date and start time of meetings will vary, they will not follow the approved time/date approved • Time for each meeting will be limited to an hour and a half, unless arrangements have been for the year. made in advance. • All Members will attend remotely. o A quorum of members, at least, must attend remotely to convene and conduct business. • The Board or Commission can handle all items, even if they are discussion items. • Chair will do Roll Call; attendance and votes should be taken verbally. SPEAKERS person. BOARD LIAISON • Speakers will be able to sign up in advance and speak via phone; no speakers will be heard in • Each speaker will get three minutes to discuss all items they register to speak on, with no donation of time due to technical challenges. Instructions on how to register to speak will be listed on the agenda. • All registered speakers on items will speak at the beginning of the meeting. • After a registered speaker dials into the conference line provided to them by the board liaison, they must mute their telephone line until the chair calls their name. Any speaker who speaks out of turn will be disconnected. • Please let the registered speaker know that similar to a regular meeting, depending on the number of speakers, and length of discussion, they may need to remain on the line for a period of time. • The staff liaison will be available via phone to answer questions and take meeting minutes as they do at regular meetings. Thank you for your continued service to the community and understanding the challenges faced making sure the services you provide are supported through the limited resources available to us. We appreciate you understanding and following the meeting schedule assignments.
Hello Everyone For all B & C meetings, we have decided to use Webex. Below, you will find a link to a great introductory video that will tell you just about everything you need to know on how to join a WebEx meeting, how to test your hardware setup before joining a meeting, and how to turn on and off your microphone and your webcam. In addition to the training video, we have included some must have information about how to change your meeting view to a grid view, so that you can see everyone on one screen. The grid view is happily called “The Brady Bunch” view. We will be sending out a meeting invitation that’s specific for your meeting, which will include a WebEx meeting link. Introductory WebEx Training Video (only 2 min & 34 seconds) or try: Below are a few tips in order to make your meeting successful • For this meeting, please use a computer to connect, or dial in using your phone • Do not use the VPN for participating in this meeting, the VPN will cause a slowdown in your internet traffic, which will cause issues during the video conference • Please use the computer headset if you have one available • Please keep your microphone muted, unless you are recognized to speak • In order for other to see you clearly, please participate in the meeting from a location that provides ample lighting, and do not pick a spot where there is a window behind you • Use the “grid view” in order to see all meeting participants How to turn on “grid view” 1. Hover over the view icon in the top right corner of the screen 2. Select the “grid view” icon If anyone has any questions at all about the technology behind the B & C meetings, please let me know. Stay healthy, and we’ll see you all soon. Thank you, Kory Ellis IT Manager - City Hall
Special Meeting of the Environmental Commission April 15, 2020 at 3:00 P.M. Environmental Commission to be held April 15, 2020 with Social Distancing Modifications Public comment will be allowed via telephone; no in-person input will be allowed. All speakers must register in advance (day before the scheduled meeting, April 14, 2020 by noon). All public comment will occur at the beginning of the meeting. To speak remotely at the April 15, 2020 Environmental Commission Meeting, residents must: •Call or email the commission liaison at: Kaela Champlin (512) 974-3443 or, no later than noon, (the day before the meeting). The information required is the speaker name, item number(s) they wish to speak on, whether they are for/against/neutral, and a telephone number or email address. •Once a request to speak has been called in or emailed to the board liaison, residents will receive either an email or phone call providing the telephone number to call on the day of the scheduled meeting. •Speakers must call in at least 30 minutes prior to meeting start in order to speak, late callers will not be accepted and will not be able to speak. •Speakers will be placed in a queue until their time to speak. •Handouts or other information may be emailed to by noon the day before the scheduled meeting. This information will be provided to Board and Commission members in advance of the meeting. •Residents may watch the meeting here: 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Special Meeting of the Environmental Commission April 15, 2020 3:00 P.M. To 4:30 P.M. VIA VIDEOCONFERENCING COMMISSIONERS: Andrew Creel (D-1) Curtis Smith (D-2) Pam Thompson (D-3) Ryan Nill (D-4) Mary Ann Neely (D-5) Katie Coyne (D-6) Peggy Maceo (D-7) Linda Guerrero (D-9) Chair _________________________________________________________________________________ (Mayor) Vice Chair Wendy Gordon (D-10) Perry Bedford Kevin Ramberg (D-8) Secretary Agenda CALL TO ORDER 1. EDUCATION a. None APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND ACTION a. None ENVIRONMENTAL OFFICER’S UPDATE ON PAST COMMISSION ACTIONS AND REPORT ON ITEMS OF INTEREST a. Watershed Protection Department response to the COVID-19 pandemic (5 minutes) STAFF BRIEFINGS* a. None ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION a. None PUBLIC HEARINGS AND POSSIBLE ACTION a. Name: Water Oak Apartments, SP-2019-0109C Applicant: Gemsong Ryan, Jones Carter Location: 12125 S IH 35, Austin, TX 78747 Staff: Pamela Abee-Taulli, Environmental Review Specialist Senior, Development Services Department 2 Watershed: Onion Creek Watershed, Suburban Classification, Desired Development Zone Request: …
Pamela Abee‐Taulli Environmental Review Specialist Senior Development Services Department This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the- ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries. This product has been produced by the Watershed Protection Department for the sole purpose of geographic reference. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or completeness. 0 5 10 Miles[ Site Location Austin ETJ Austin City Limits Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone Edwards Aquifer Contributing Zone April 15, 2020 2 Site Location [ April 15, 2020 3 • Onion Creek Watershed • Suburban Classification • Desired Development Zone • Full Purpose Jurisdiction • Not located over Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone • No Critical Environmental Features • Council District 5 April 15, 2020 4 • Steep, wooded valley bisects site. Site Location 2‐foot contours April 15, 2020 5 • Cut over 8 feet is restricted to ponds. April 15, 2020 6 • Slopes in main pond are between 15 and 35 percent. • Pond is designed to preserve Heritage trees. (See notches.) April 15, 2020 7 Request to vary from LDC 25‐8‐341 to allow cut in excess of 4 feet on slopes exceeding 15 percent. VARIANCE REQUEST April 15, 2020 8 Staff recommends this variance with the following conditions: Stockpile and reserve topsoil for use in revegetation of disturbed areas. Revegetate disturbed areas adjacent to creek and pond with riparian plantings per 609S.6. Use enhanced erosion & sedimentation controls during construction to prevent outflow of sediment‐laden water from pond. VARIANCE RECOMMENDA‐ TION April 15, 2020 9
ITEM FOR ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION AGENDA COMMISSION MEETING DATE: April 15, 2020 NAME & NUMBER OF PROJECT: Water Oak Apartments SP-2019-0109C NAME OF APPLICANT OR ORGANIZATION: Gemsong Ryan Jones Carter LOCATION: 12125 S IH 35, Austin, TX 78747 COUNCIL DISTRICT: District 5 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW STAFF: WATERSHED: REQUEST: Pamela Abee-Taulli, Environmental Review Specialist Senior, Development Services Department, 512-974-1879 Onion Creek Watershed, Suburban Classification, Desired Development Zone Variance request is as follows: 1. Request to vary from LDC 25-8-341 to allow cut in excess of 4 feet on slopes exceeding 15 percent. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends this variance with conditions, having determined the findings of fact to have been met. STAFF CONDITIONS: 1. Stockpile and reserve topsoil for use in revegetation of disturbed areas. 2. Revegetate disturbed areas adjacent to creek and pond with riparian plantings per 609S.6. 3. Use enhanced erosion & sedimentation controls during construction to prevent outflow of sediment-laden water from pond. Development Services Department Staff Recommendations Concerning Required Findings Project Name: Ordinance Standard: Watershed Protection Ordinance Variance Request: Water Oak Apartments Request to vary from LDC 25-8-341 to allow cut in excess of 4 feet, to 13 feet, on slopes exceeding 15 percent. Include an explanation with each applicable finding of fact. A. Land Use Commission variance determinations from Chapter 25-8-41 of the City Code: 1. The requirement will deprive the applicant of a privilege available to owners of similarly situated property with approximately contemporaneous development subject to similar code requirements. Yes The site slopes toward the middle, from east and west, toward an unclassified creek (drainage area less than 64 acres) that bisects the lot (see Applicant Exhibit 4 for topography). With a gross site area of 21.4 acres, 1.6 acres have slopes between 15 and 25 percent, 0.5 acres have slopes from 25 to 35 percent, and 0.04 acres have slopes over 35 percent. The steepest slopes are at the north, downstream end of the creek. This is also the best location for the detention pond, since it is the lowest point of the site. Developers of similarly situated properties have been allowed to grade over 4 feet for ponds located on steep slopes. 2. The variance: a) Is not necessitated by the scale, layout, construction method, or other design decision made by the applicant, unless the design decision provides greater overall environmental protection than is achievable without the variance; Yes The variance is not necessitated by …
ULLRICH WATER TREATMENT PLANT – ZEBRA MUSSEL MITIGATION PROJECT 1000 FOREST VIEW DRIVE SPC-03-0005C(R1) Scott E. Hiers, P.G. Hydrogeologic Reviewer Watershed Protection Department And Pamela Abee-Taull Environmental Review Specialist Senior Development Services Department This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the- ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries. This product has been produced by the Watershed Protection Department for the sole purpose of geographic reference. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or completeness. 2 PROPERTY DATA • Lake Austin Watershed • Water Supply Rural Classification • Drinking Water Protection Zone • Full Purpose • Over Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone • Critical Environmental Features on site • Council District 8 3 This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the- ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries. This product has been produced by the Watershed Protection Department for the sole purpose of geographic reference. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or completeness. 4 5 BACKGROUND • To provide Zebra Mussel Mitigation at the raw water in-take using low concentration of copper sulfate penetahydate (CuSO4 ꞏ 5H2O). • Double-walled chemical storage, canopy and meeting system to the low service pump station (LSPS). • Proposed construction will coincide with existing impervious cover. 6 CODE REFERENCE Title 25 – Land Development Code, Chapter 25-8-281(C)(2)(b). 7 VARIANCE REQUEST Request to vary from LDC 25-8-281(C)(2)(b) to allow the construction Zebra Mussel Mitigation System within 150-foot Critical Environmental Feature (CEF) buffer for a Rimrock CEF. 8 VARIANCE RECOMMENDATION Finding of Facts have been met. Approval of variance with following condition: • Additional wetland mitigation and shoreline stabilization will be installed per Code, no special conditions. 9 0 1 The requirement will deprive the applicant of a privilege available to owners of similarly situated property with approximately contemporaneous development subject to similar code requirements. Yes. Other City of Austin water treatment plants have the same chemical feed system in place to help control zebra mussel infestations in the raw water transmission main. Chemical treatment is necessary to control zebra mussel infestations in raw water transmission mains. 1 …
ITEM FOR ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION AGENDA COMMISSION MEETING DATE: 04/15/2020 NAME & NUMBER OF PROJECT: Albert H. Ullrich Water Treatment Plant SPC-03-0005C(R1) NAME OF APPLICANT OR ORGANIZATION: MWM Design Group; Shari Pape LOCATION: 3602½ Redbud Trail Unit C, 78746 COUNCIL DISTRICT: District 8 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW STAFF: Scott Hiers, Environmental Scientist Senior, Watershed Protection Department, 512.974.1916, WATERSHED: REQUEST: Pamela Abee-Taulli, Environmental Review Specialist Senior, Development Services Department, 512.974.1879, pamela.abee- Bee Creek, Little Bee Creek, & Lake Austin watersheds, Water Supply Rural Classification, Drinking Water Protection Zone Variance request is as follows: Request to vary from LDC 25-8-281(C)(2)(b) to allow the construction within 150-foot Critical Environmental Feature (CEF) buffer for a Rimrock CEF. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends this variance, having determined the findings of fact to have been met. STAFF CONDITIONS: None. Staff Findings of Fact Development Services Department Staff Recommendations Concerning Required Findings Project Name & Case Number: Albert H. Ullrich Water Treatment Plant - SPC-03-0005C(R1) Ordinance Standard: Watershed Protection Ordinance Variance Request: To allow construction within 150-foot Critical Environmental Feature (CEF) buffer for a Rimrock CEF [LDC 25-8-281(C)(2)(b)]. Include an explanation with each applicable finding of fact. A. Land Use Commission variance determinations from Chapter 25-8-41 of the City Code: 1. The requirement will deprive the applicant of a privilege available to owners of similarly situated property with approximately contemporaneous development subject to similar code requirements. Yes. Other City of Austin water treatment plants have the same chemical feed system in place to help control zebra mussel infestations in the raw water transmission main. Chemical treatment is necessary to control zebra mussel infestations in raw water transmission mains. 2. The variance: a) Is not necessitated by the scale, layout, construction method, or other design decision made by the applicant, unless the design decision provides greater overall environmental protection than is achievable without the variance; Yes. The variance is not necessitated by the design. No alternative locations are available on site for a Zebra Mussel Mitigation System. The system must be placed in or near the existing intake pump house. There is not enough room in the existing pump station to house the entire system, such as the chemical storage. All the proposed construction coincides within areas of existing impervious cover. No additional impervious cover is being added. b) Is the minimum deviation from the code requirement necessary to allow a reasonable use of the property; Yes. The variance is …
DAVIS WATER TREATMENT PLANT – ZEBRA MUSSEL MITIGATION PROJECT 3352 MOUNT BONNELL ROAD SPC-03-0414(R1) Scott E. Hiers, P.G. Hydrogeologic Reviewer Watershed Protection Department And Pamela Abee-Taull Environmental Review Specialist Senior Development Services Department This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the- ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries. This product has been produced by the Watershed Protection Department for the sole purpose of geographic reference. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or completeness. PROPERTY DATA • Lake Austin Watershed • Water Supply Suburban &Rural Classification • Drinking Water Protection Zone • Full Purpose • Over Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone • Critical Environmental Features on site • Council District 10 This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the- ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries. This product has been produced by the Watershed Protection Department for the sole purpose of geographic reference. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or completeness. BACKGROUND • To provide Zebra Mussel Mitigation at the raw water in-take using low concentration of copper sulfate penetahydate (CuSO4 ꞏ 5H2O). • Double-walled chemical storage, canopy and meeting system to the low service pump station (LSPS). CODE REFERENCE Title 25 – Land Development Code, Chapter 25-8-281(C)(2)(b) and 25-8-341. VARIANCE REQUEST 1. Request to vary from LDC 25-8-281(C)(2)(b) to allow the construction Zebra Mussel Mitigation System within 150-foot Critical Environmental Feature (CEF) buffers. 2. Request to vary from LDC 25-8-341 to allow cut exceeding 4 feet, to 4.5 feet. VARIANCE RECOMMENDATION Finding of Facts have been met. Approval of variance with following condition: • Additional wetland mitigation and shoreline stabilization will be installed per Code, no special conditions. The requirement will deprive the applicant of a privilege available to owners of similarly situated property with approximately contemporaneous development subject to similar code requirements. Yes. Other City of Austin water treatment plants have the same chemical feed system in place to help control zebra mussel infestations in the raw water transmission main. Chemical treatment is necessary to control zebra mussel infestations in raw water transmission mains. Is not necessitated by …
ITEM FOR ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION AGENDA COMMISSION MEETING DATE: April 15, 2020 NAME & NUMBER OF PROJECT: Davis Water Treatment Plant SPC-2012-0414(R1) NAME OF APPLICANT OR ORGANIZATION: MWM Design Group; Shari Pape LOCATION: 3352 Mount Bonnell Road COUNCIL DISTRICT: District 10 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW STAFF: Scott Hiers, Environmental Scientist Senior; Watershed Protection Department, 512.974.1916, ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW STAFF: Pamela Abee-Taulli, Environmental Review Specialist Senior, Development Services Department, 512.974.1879, pamela.abee- WATERSHED: Huck’s Slough & Lake Austin watersheds, Water Supply Suburban & Water Supply Rural Classification, Drinking Water Protection Zone REQUEST: Variance requests are as follows: 1. Request to vary from LDC 25-8-281(C)(2)(b) to allow the construction within 150-foot of Critical Environmental Feature (CEF) buffers. 2. Request to vary from LDC 25-8-341 to allow cut exceeding 4 feet, to 4.5 feet. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends these variances, having determined the findings of fact to have been met. STAFF CONDITIONS: None Development Services Department Staff Recommendations Concerning Required Findings Project Name & Case Number: Davis Water Treatment Plant - SPC-2012-0414(R1) Ordinance Standard: Watershed Protection Ordinance Variance Request: To allow construction within 150-foot Critical Environmental Feature (CEF) buffer for a Rimrock CEF [LDC 25-8-281(C)(2)(b)]. Include an explanation with each applicable finding of fact. A. Land Use Commission variance determinations from Chapter 25-8-41 of the City Code: 1. The requirement will deprive the applicant of a privilege available to owners of similarly situated property with approximately contemporaneous development subject to similar code requirements. Yes. Other City of Austin water treatment plants have the same chemical feed system in place to help control zebra mussel infestations in the raw water transmission main. Chemical treatment is necessary to control zebra mussel infestations in raw water transmission mains. 2. The variance: a) Is not necessitated by the scale, layout, construction method, or other design decision made by the applicant, unless the design decision provides greater overall environmental protection than is achievable without the variance; Yes. The variance is not necessitated by the design. No alternative locations are available on site for a Zebra Mussel Mitigation System. The system must be placed in or near the existing intake pump house. There is not enough room in the existing pump station to house the entire system, such as the chemical storage. All the proposed construction coincides within areas of existing impervious cover. Minimal impervious cover is being added. b) Is the minimum deviation from the code requirement necessary to allow a …
Special Meeting of the Austin-Travis County Food Policy Board 04/15/20, 10:00-11:30 am Austin-Travis County Food Policy Board to be held 04/15/20 with Social Distancing Modifications Public comment will be allowed via telephone; no in-person input will be allowed. All speakers must register in advance by 04/14/20 by NOON. All public comment will occur at the beginning of the meeting. To speak remotely at the 04/15/29 Austin-Travis County Food Policy Board Meeting, residents must: • Call or email the board liaison, Samantha Night ( or 713-824-7335) no later than noon, Tuesday, the 14th of April. The information required is the speaker name, item number(s) they wish to speak on, whether they are for/against/neutral, and a telephone number or email address. • Once a request to speak has been called in or emailed to the board liaison, residents will receive either an email or phone call providing the telephone number to call on the day of the scheduled meeting. • Speakers must call in at least 30 minutes prior to meeting start in order to speak, late callers will not be accepted and will not be able to speak. • Speakers will be placed in a queue until their time to speak. • Handouts or other information may be emailed to by Noon the day before the scheduled meeting. This information will be provided to Board and Commission members in advance of the meeting. • Residents may watch the meeting here: Austin-Travis County Food Policy Board Wednesday, April 15, 2020, 10:00-11:30 am VIA VIDEOCONFERENCING Kara Prior, Vice Chair Felipe Camacho Kacey Hanson Sharon Mays Joi Chevalier Ryan Rosshirt AGENDA CURRENT BOARD MEMBERS: Karen Magid, Chair Andrea Abel Ellen Sweets Roman Gonalez Emily Nicola Kara Prior CALL TO ORDER 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 2. OLD BUSINESS a. Board Infrastructure & Protocol 3. STAFF BRIEFINGS 4. NEW BUSINESS i. Review Board Members’ meetings with City and County Officials a. Office of Sustainability City of Austin emergency food access update a. Working Group Briefings and Recommendation i. Build Opportunities for Food Entrepreneurs ii. Support Farms & Farmers iii. Healthy Food Access to All Communities iv. Food and Gardens v. COVID-19 Food System Response i. Discuss and take possible action on recommendations vi. Discuss and take possible action on budget recommendations vii. Review of Board Member Assignments a. Discuss ability to continue to meet remotely and possible frequency FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS ADJOURNMENT The …
ULLRICH WATER TREATMENT PLANT – ZEBRA MUSSEL MITIGATION PROJECT 1000 FOREST VIEW DRIVE SPC-03-0005C(R1) Scott E. Hiers, P.G. Hydrogeologic Reviewer Watershed Protection Department And Pamela Abee-Taull Environmental Review Specialist Senior Development Services Department This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the- ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries. This product has been produced by the Watershed Protection Department for the sole purpose of geographic reference. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or completeness. PROPERTY DATA • Lake Austin Watershed • Water Supply Rural Classification • Drinking Water Protection Zone • Full Purpose • Over Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone • Critical Environmental Features on site • Council District 8 This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the- ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries. This product has been produced by the Watershed Protection Department for the sole purpose of geographic reference. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or completeness. BACKGROUND • To provide Zebra Mussel Mitigation at the raw water in-take using low concentration of copper sulfate pentahydate (CuSO4 ꞏ 5H2O). • Double-walled chemical storage, canopy and metering system to the low service pump station (LSPS). • Proposed construction will coincide with existing impervious cover. CODE REFERENCE Title 25 – Land Development Code, Chapter 25-8-281(C)(2)(b). VARIANCE REQUEST Request to vary from LDC 25-8-281(C)(2)(b) to allow the construction Zebra Mussel Mitigation System within 150-foot Critical Environmental Feature (CEF) buffer for a Rimrock CEF. VARIANCE RECOMMENDATION Finding of Facts have been met. Approval of variance with following condition: • Additional wetland mitigation will be installed per Code, no special conditions. The requirement will deprive the applicant of a privilege available to owners of similarly situated property with approximately contemporaneous development subject to similar code requirements. Yes. Other City of Austin water treatment plants have the same chemical feed system in place to help control zebra mussel infestations in the raw water transmission main. Chemical treatment is necessary to control zebra mussel infestations in raw water transmission mains. Is not necessitated by the scale, layout, construction method, or other design decision made …
DAVIS WATER TREATMENT PLANT – ZEBRA MUSSEL MITIGATION PROJECT 3352 MOUNT BONNELL ROAD SPC-03-0414(R1) Scott E. Hiers, P.G. Hydrogeologic Reviewer Watershed Protection Department And Pamela Abee-Taull Environmental Review Specialist Senior Development Services Department This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the- ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries. This product has been produced by the Watershed Protection Department for the sole purpose of geographic reference. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or completeness. PROPERTY DATA • Lake Austin Watershed • Water Supply Suburban &Rural Classification • Drinking Water Protection Zone • Full Purpose • Over Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone • Critical Environmental Features on site • Council District 10 This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the- ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries. This product has been produced by the Watershed Protection Department for the sole purpose of geographic reference. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or completeness. BACKGROUND • To provide Zebra Mussel Mitigation at the raw water in-take using low concentration of copper sulfate pentahydate (CuSO4 · 5H2O). • Double-walled chemical storage, canopy and metering system to the low service pump station (LSPS). CODE REFERENCE Title 25 – Land Development Code, Chapter 25-8-281(C)(2)(b) and 25-8-341. VARIANCE REQUEST 1. Request to vary from LDC 25-8-281(C)(2)(b) to allow the construction Zebra Mussel Mitigation System within 150-foot Critical Environmental Feature (CEF) buffers. 2. Request to vary from LDC 25-8-341 to allow cut exceeding 4 feet, to 5.5 feet. VARIANCE RECOMMENDATION Finding of Facts have been met. Approval of variance with following condition: • Additional wetland mitigation will be installed per Code, no special conditions. The requirement will deprive the applicant of a privilege available to owners of similarly situated property with approximately contemporaneous development subject to similar code requirements. Yes. Other City of Austin water treatment plants have the same chemical feed system in place to help control zebra mussel infestations in the raw water transmission main. Chemical treatment is necessary infestations in raw water to control zebra mussel transmission mains. Is not necessitated by the scale, layout, …
ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MOTION 20200415 006a Date: April 15, 2020 Subject: Water Oak Apartments, SP-2019-0109C Motion by: Kevin Ramberg Seconded by: Linda Guerrero RATIONALE: WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes the applicant is requesting a variance from LDC 25- 8-341 to allow cut in excess of 4 feet on slopes exceeding 15 percent; and WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes the site is located in the Onion Creek Watershed, desired development zone and not over the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone; and WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes that staff recommend the variance with conditions having determined the findings of fact have been met. THEREFORE, the Environmental Commission recommends approval of the requested variance from LDC 25-8-341 to allow cut in excess of 4 feet on slopes exceeding 15 percent with the following; Staff Conditions: 1. Stockpile and reserve topsoil for use in revegetation of disturbed areas 2. Revegetate disturbed areas adjacent to creek and pond with riparian plantings per 609S.6 3. Use enhanced erosion and sedimentation controls during construction to prevent outflow of sediment laden water from pond. Environmental Commission Conditions: None VOTE 9-0 For: Smith, Nill, Neely, Gordon, Bedford, Ramberg, Guerrero, Coyne, and Maceo Against: None Abstain: None Recuse: None Absent: Creel, Thompson 1 Approved By: Linda Guerrero, Environmental Commission Chair 2
ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MOTION 20200415 006b Date: April 15, 2020 RATIONALE: Subject: Albert H. Ullrich Water Treatment Plant, SPC-03-0005C(R1) Motion by: Kevin Ramberg Seconded by: Katie Coyne WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes the applicant is requesting a variance from LDC 25- 8-281 (C)(2)(b) to allow construction within the 150-foot buffer for a rimrock Critical Environmental Feature. WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes that staff recommend the variance without conditions having determined the findings of fact have been met. THEREFORE, the Environmental Commission recommends approval of the requested variance from LDC 25-8-281 (C)(2)(b) to allow construction within the 150-foot buffer for a rimrock Critical Environmental Feature with the following; Staff Conditions: None Environmental Commission Conditions: None VOTE 9-0 For: Smith, Nill, Neely, Gordon, Bedford, Ramberg, Guerrero, Coyne, and Maceo Against: None Abstain: None Recuse: None Absent: Creel, Thompson Approved By: Linda Guerrero, Environmental Commission Chair 1
ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MOTION 20200415 006c Date: April 15, 2020 Subject: Davis Water Treatment Plant, SPC-2012-0414(R1) Motion by: Kevin Ramberg Seconded by: Katie Coyne RATIONALE: WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes the applicant is requesting a variance from LDC 25- 8-281 (C)(2)(b) to allow construction within the 150-foot buffer of Critical Environmental Features. WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes the applicant is requesting a variance from LDC 25- 8-341 to allow cut exceeding 4 feet, to 5.5 feet. WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes that staff recommend the variance without conditions having determined the findings of fact have been met. THEREFORE, the Environmental Commission recommends approval of the requested variances from LDC 25-8-281 (C)(2)(b) to allow construction within the 150-foot buffer of Critical Environmental Features and LDC 25-8-341 to allow cut to 5.5 feet with the following; Staff Conditions: None Environmental Commission Conditions: None VOTE 9-0 For: Smith, Nill, Neely, Gordon, Bedford, Ramberg, Guerrero, Coyne, and Maceo Against: None Abstain: None Recuse: None Absent: Creel, Thompson 1 Approved By: Linda Guerrero, Environmental Commission Chair 2