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Hispanic/Latino Quality of Life Resource Advisory CommissionMay 27, 2020

20200527-003c: Covid-19 and Disparate Impacts for Latinx and other People of Color in Austin original pdf

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BOARD/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Hispanic/Latino Quality of Life Commission Recommendation Number: 20200527-003c – Covid-19 and Disparate impacts for Latinx and other People of Color in Austin WHEREAS, recent data as of May 28th, 2020 from Austin Public Health (APH) shows Latino/Hispanics represent 76 % of all COVID-19 hospitalizations in Austin; and WHEREAS, Latino/Hispanics now represent 55% of all COVID-19 cases, and 38% of COVID-19 deaths; and Latinos positivity rates for COVID-19 is 3.5 times higher (25%) compared to non-Latinos averaging 7%; and WHEREAS, according to recent information from Central Health & CommUnityCare Latino/Hispanics positive testing rate was 24.55% (3.5 times greater than the average test rate of 7% for non –Latinos); and WHEREAS, Latino/Hispanics are often essential workers, uninsured, susceptible to chronic diseases and live in multigenerational households which allows for more spread of the virus; and WHEREAS, Latino/Hispanics residents fear that getting tested for COVID-19 could expose their immigration status; and Whereas, Latino/Hispanics communities continue to express concerns on the devastating impact of COVID-19 disproportionately affecting our community and that they are not receiving enough bilingual, culturally sensitive educational materials regarding public health, safety and prevention about COVID-19; and WHEREAS, the City of Austin’s Equity Office requests a racial equity lens in all of Austin/Travis County Emergency Operation Center’s practices, policies, and procedures; and WHEREAS, the Austin community values equity and ensuring that all our vulnerable communities are protected and sufficiently served; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Hispanic/Latino Quality of Life Commission requests concrete actions to address disparate outcomes for our Communities of Color, including: Address Digital access and technology barriers. Make self-assessment and A. enrollment available through a multilingual call center or phone line. Provide confirmation for the appointment and results of testing via phone or in some way that does not require moderate access to technology. Create mobile site-based testing focusing on both identified clusters and potential B. areas of high risk. For example, go out to those living in Public Housing, temporary homeless shelters, and/or construction sites. C. Request that Austin Public Health and the Emergency Operations Center to prioritize, if not allocate all tests, from the IAmAware contract to perform mobile testing in priority zip codes of concentrated poverty and LatinX, Black, and Asian American communities. If the contract is successful, we urge that Council continue funding this contract and prioritizing zip codes of concentrated poverty and the LatinX/African/Asian American communities. Prioritize City Social …

Scraped at: May 29, 2020, 8:50 p.m.
HIV Planning CouncilMay 27, 2020

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Scraped at: May 29, 2020, 9:30 p.m.
Joint Sustainability CommitteeMay 27, 2020

Backup_JSC_Climate_Plan_Revision_Update_ZB_20200527 original pdf

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Joint Sust ainabilit y Commit t ee Climat e Program Manager Updat e May 27, 2020 Current Status ● The First DRAFT of Goals / Strategies from the Advisory Groups are in (with a few additions coming later this week). ● Friday 6/5 – Steering Committee comments due. ● Monday 6/15 – Advisory Groups submit final goals/strategies to Steering Committee ● Friday 6/19 – First full draft of the Revised Climate Plan Complete ● Next JSC Meeting in June 24 – Another update with more details Schedule - Revised as of 5/15 July 3 - OOS Finalize 2nd Draft July 3-10 - 2nd Draft Review July 10 - 24 - Finalize 2nd Draft July 24 - Deliver Executive Summary to Designer Boards and Commissions Tour Aug 3 - Draft Final Plan released for Public Comment Aug 10-21- Address Public Comments, Review & Finalization of Plan July 24 - 31 Layout 2nd Draft into Plan Template Aug 21-28 - FINAL REVIEW Sept 1 -11 FINALIZATION OF ALL MATERIALS CMO Presentation Prepare for Council Action Oct 1 - Council Meeting May 22 - first draft goals / Strategies Due June 12 - OOS Finalize 1st Draft May 26- June 5 - Review & Finalization of Strategies OOS Full Plan Drafting June 12-19 - 1st Review June 19 - July 3 - Address Comments and create 2nd Draft May June July August September 1st view of the DRAFT goals DRAFT Transport at ion and Land Use - Goals 1. By 2030, 70% of new housing units are located within the growth centers and corridors and 80% of new non-residential development are located within the growth centers and corridors. 2. Preserve 10,000 deeply affordable housing units and produce 1000 deeply affordable units by 2030. 3. By 2030, Public Transit will make up 20% of total commutes in Austin. 4. By 2030, 20% of Austin residents will work from home. 5. By 2030, People-powered Transportation (bicycle, walking, wheelchairs, etc.) will make up 15% of total commutes in Austin. DRAFT Transport at ion Elect rificat ion - Goals 1: By 2030, 40% of total vehicle miles traveled in the City of Austin are electrified (approximately 460,000 electric vehicles) and vehicle ownership is diverse culturally, geographically and economically. 2. By 2030, has adequate and equitably distributed charging infrastructure that is a mix of level 1, 2, and DC fast charging to accommodate 40% of total vehicle miles …

Scraped at: June 1, 2020, 3 p.m.
Joint Sustainability CommitteeMay 27, 2020

Backup_JSC_Green_Infrastructure_Story_Map_20200527 original pdf

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Green Infrastructure Story Map JOINT SUSTAINABILITY COMMITTEE 5.27.2020 Background  Dynamic web portal that introduces the concept of green infrastructure and serves as a streamlined, user-friendly gateway to city data and resources  The story map is divided into eleven major topics: Introduction, Urban Forest, Water Resources, Parks, Wildlands, Trails, Green Streets, Food, Habitat (including Endangered Species), Landscape, and Land Management (including Wildfire Risk).  Part of a larger response to Council Resolution 20170615-071 to develop an Integrated Green Infrastructure Plan as directed by Imagine Austin  Under final internal review and will be published in early June

Scraped at: June 1, 2020, 3 p.m.
Hispanic/Latino Quality of Life Resource Advisory CommissionMay 27, 2020

20200527-3a: Support of Community Letter Regarding Austin Independent School District's Superintendent Search and the District's Commitment to Equity original pdf

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BOARD/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Hispanic/Latino Quality of Life Resource Advisory Commission Recommendation Number: 20200527‐3a: Support of Community Letter Regarding Austin Independent School District’s Superintendent Search and the District’s Commitment to Equity WHEREAS, the Austin Independent School board made a bold and courageous decision to create the district’s equity office, yet the equity office is often missing from the table during the most important public board discussions; and WHEREAS, there continues to be disparate access to academics, a lack of vertical alignment of the dual language programs, and lack of investment in the special education services; and WHEREAS, Austin ISD has previously closed historically Black and Hispanic/Latino schools and continue to close schools although AISD Chief Equity Officer, Dr. Stephanie Hawley, stated, “… the map that you have of the [school] closures, is a map of what 21st Century racism looks like…;” and WHEREAS, actions by the AISD Board of Trustees and the administration have left many feeling shut out and marginalized; and WHEREAS, previous AISD superintendent searches took nine months during a non‐pandemic situation and allowed for an interim superintendent; and WHEREAS, the pandemic underscores Austin’s digital divide and greatly limits the public’s ability to participate in important decisions and the district has decided to undertake the superintendent search in a drastically shortened time frame during an unprecedented pandemic; and WHEREAS, regarding the superintendent search, two weeks for Zoom meetings with community groups is insufficient and limits input to those with access to technology; and WHEREAS, the website superintendent survey is misleading and employs a confusing scale 1‐5 scale, with 1 counterintuitively meaning the highest score; the questions were not approved by the full board; and the survey is only available in English and Spanish, rendering it inaccessible to those speaking the other nearly 90 languages represented in AISD; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Hispanic/Latino Quality of Life Resource Advisory Commission supports the AISD Community Request Letter, and recommends that the members of Austin City Council submit a request for the Austin Independent School District Board of Trustees and/or the Superintendent to: 1. Increase transparency in all activities and decision‐making by opening all meetings to the public, including those of the executive board and board committees, and ensuring all meetings are broadcast; 2. Lead with an equity lens in decision‐making and resource distribution by: a. Commissioning a third‐party equity audit immediately and using these findings to drive the district’s …

Scraped at: June 5, 2020, 12:20 p.m.
Parks and Recreation BoardMay 27, 2020

Approved Minutes original pdf

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PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD May 27, 2020 Minutes The Parks and Recreation Board convened in a special meeting on Wednesday, May 27, 2020 via videoconference in Austin, Texas. Chair Lewis called the meeting to order at 3:06pm. Board Members in Attendance: Dawn Lewis; Laura Cottam Sajbel; Sarah Faust; Richard DePalma; Francoise Luca; Kate Mason-Murphy; Fred Morgan and Nina Rinaldi. Board Members Absent: Vice Chair Romteen Farasat and Board Members Anna L. DiCarlo and Kimberly Taylor. Staff in Attendance: Kimberly McNeeley; Liana Kallivoka; Lucas Massie; Suzanne Piper; Anthony Segura; Kymberley Maddox; Kalpana Sutaria; Scott Grantham and Sammi Curless. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION Pat Valls Trelles – Lamar Beach Master Plan and City of Austin lease agreement Austin Pets Alive. A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes from the meeting of April 29, 2020 were approved on Board Member Cottam Sajbel motion, Board Member Morgan second on an 8-0 vote. B. STAFF BRIEFINGS AND REPORTS* 1. Update on Dove Springs Public Health Facility Project Presentation made by Kymberley Maddox, Assistant Director, Austin Public Health and Kalpana Sutaria, Project Manager, Public Works Department. C. NEW BUSINESS: DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION ITEMS 1. Presentation, discussion and possible action regarding a recommendation to the City Council regarding the superiority of the Circuit of the Americas Planned Unit Development as it pertains to parkland. Board Member Cottam Sajbel made a motion to recommend to the City Council the Circuit of the Americas Planned Unit Development as superior as it pertains to parkland; Board Member DePalma seconded the motion. The motion passed on a vote of 7-0 with Vice Chair Farasat and Board Members DiCarlo and Taylor absent. Board Member Faust abstained. Page 1 of 2 2. Discussion and possible action regarding the Parks and Recreation Department Fiscal Year 2021 proposed budget. No action was taken on this item, but it was suggested by Board Members DePalma and Faust to establish a budget committee or working group for the Board. 3. Discussion and possible action regarding continuation of the Land, Facilities and Programs Committee. No action was taken on this item but possible sunsetting of this Committee and amending the bylaws was discussed by the Board. Board Member DePalma will review the bylaws and return to the Board at a future meeting with a recommendation. D. ITEMS FROM BOARD MEMBERS 1. Discussion and possible action regarding the Alternative Funding Working Group (Lewis, Farasat, DePalma, Rinaldi). Board Member Rinaldi is drafting …

Scraped at: June 25, 2020, 8:10 p.m.
Building and Standards CommissionMay 27, 2020

Approved Minutes original pdf

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BUILDING AND STANDARDS COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES The Building and Standards Commission (BSC) convened remotely via video conference for a regular meeting on Wednesday, May 27, 2020. The meeting was available for viewing at Commission Members in Attendance: Jessica Mangrum, Chair; Andrea Freiburger, Vice Chair; Commissioners: Natalya Sheddan, Wordy Thompson, Timothy Stostad, James Briceno, Pablo Avila, John Green, Elizabeth Mueller, Sade Ogunbode and Edgar Farrera Date: May 27, 2020 Staff in Attendance: Melanie Alley, Code Review Analyst/BSC Coordinator; Robert Moore, Division Manager; Marlayna Wright, Investigator; Farah Presley, Inspector; James Candelas, Program Specialist; Brandon Carr, Assistant City Attorney; Lisa DeRoche, Administrative Manager; Amber Woolwine, Permit and Licensing Review Analyst; Sacheen Yates, Program Compliance Coordinator; and Tamara Kurtz, Business Process Consultant Sr. CALL TO ORDER Chair Jessica Mangrum called the Commission Meeting to order at 6:39 p.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Avila moved to approve the minutes from the February 26, 2020 regular meeting seconded by Commissioner Vice Chair Freiburger. The motion passed on a 9-0-2 vote; thus, approving the February meeting minutes. Commissioners Farrera and Ogunbode abstained from the vote. PUBLIC HEARINGS Appeal(s) Case Number OL 2019-225001 1. Street Address 1015 E. 12 Street Owner(s) Vito Rotunna on behalf of owners, Sadrudin & Rozina Valla Vito Rotunna represented the property owner/appellant at the hearing. Elena Grey, a neighbor, testified in opposition to the appeal. Chair Jessica Mangrum admitted the Appellant’s documents. Commissioner Freiburger motioned to close the public meeting and Commissioner Green seconded the motion. On Commissioner Green’s motion, seconded by Commissioner Stostad, the Commission voted 11-0 to deny the appeal regarding suspension of a Type 1 short term rental license application. 2. 901 E. 13th Street Vito Rotunna on behalf of owners, OL 2019-239845 Sadrudin & Rozina Valla Staff was notified at the meeting that the appeal had been withdrawn by the owners, therefore the appeal was removed from the docket and was not heard. 1 Returning Case(s): Items # 3-17, referenced below, are all returning aged cases with existing BSC orders. These cases are all in compliance regarding the violations. However, the penalties remain unpaid in each of the cases. Staff requested the Commission to reconsider the penalties imposed due to inaction regarding the cases. The Commission heard the aged cases as a group. Chair Jessica Mangrum admitted Staff’s reference documents in each case. Commissioner Avila motioned to adopt Staff’s recommended order in each of the cases, which …

Scraped at: June 25, 2020, 8:40 p.m.
Joint Sustainability CommitteeMay 27, 2020

Approved Minutes_JSC_20200527 original pdf

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Item 1 JOINT SUSTAINABILITY COMMITTEE SPECIAL MEETING MEETING MINUTES May 27, 2020 The Joint Sustainability Committee convened in a special meeting on May 27, 2020 via videoconferencing. Vice Chair Katie Coyne called the Board Meeting to order at 1:08 pm. Board Members in Attendance: Kaiba White Chair, Katie Coyne Vice-Chair, Nhat Ho, Fisayo Fadelu, Rob Schneider, Holt Lackey, Melissa Rothrock, Karen Hadden, Karen Magid Board Members Absent: David Carroll, Kelly Davis, Alberta Phillips City Staff in Attendance: Zach Baumer, Phoebe Romero CALL TO ORDER CITIZEN COMMUNICATION The speakers who registered in advance for public comment have three minutes each to address items on the agenda at this time. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a) April 22, 2020 meeting of the Joint Sustainability Committee • Motion to approve (Commissioner Schneider), second (Commissioner Hadden), 7 approved, 0 opposed, 0 abstained. 2. NEW BUSINESS a) Community Resilience Discussion (Discussion and/or possible action) • Moved item to 2C in meeting order • Commissioner Coyne discussed community resilience resolution that was passed by council on May 7, 2020 and provided overview of next steps for the response to the resolution b) Green Infrastructure Update (Discussion and/or possible action) • Erin Wood, Principal Planner with Watershed Protection Department, reviewed the Green Infrastructure Story Map, which is part of a larger response to Resolution No. 20170615-071 • The Story Map was created as a one-stop resource including ten topics to keep track of all the cross-departmental initiatives related to green infrastructure throughout the city. • Commissioners noted recommendations on highlighting education efforts for children’s and ways for the public to get involved within the map • Gaps and strengths analysis of green infrastructure initiatives will be released soon. c) Update on the Austin Community Climate Plan Revision (Discussion and/or possible action) • Zach Baumer, Climate Program Manager at the Office of Sustainability, provided an update on the first draft of goals • Reviewed draft goals for the five topic categories (Consumption, Natural Systems, Sustainable Buildings, Transportation Electrification, and Transportation and Land Use) • Provided overview of schedule to get plan to council by October 1st • Commissioners noted interested in how COVID19 has affected transportation emissions and support for a glossary of terms and plans for community collaboration for implementation. d) Commission members report back on any relevant discussions from their respective boards and commissions – (Discussion and/or possible action) • Planning Commission • Update on Land Development …

Scraped at: July 10, 2020, 9:30 p.m.
Joint Sustainability CommitteeMay 27, 2020

Video_JSC_Special_Called_20200527 original link

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Scraped at: Sept. 11, 2020, 3 a.m.
Planning CommissionMay 26, 2020

B-01 (NPA-2019-0022.02 - 305 S. Congress; District 9) original pdf

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MEMORANDUM ************************************************************************ TO: Fayez Kazi, Chair Planning Commission Members FROM: Kate Clark Planning and Zoning Department DATE: May 12, 2020 RE: C814-89-0003.02 305 S. Congress NPA-2019-0022.02 Request for Indefinite Postponement by the Staff ************************************************************************ Staff requests an indefinite postponement of the above referenced neighborhood plan amendment (NPA) and rezoning cases. Staff is still working with the applicant on their application and waiting for the Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) to be reviewed. Attachment: Map of Property 1 of 2B-01 2 of 2B-01

Scraped at: May 21, 2020, 8:50 p.m.
Planning CommissionMay 26, 2020

B-02 (C814-89-0003.02 - 305 S. Congress; District 9) original pdf

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MEMORANDUM ************************************************************************ TO: Fayez Kazi, Chair Planning Commission Members FROM: Kate Clark Planning and Zoning Department DATE: May 12, 2020 RE: C814-89-0003.02 305 S. Congress NPA-2019-0022.02 Request for Indefinite Postponement by the Staff ************************************************************************ Staff requests an indefinite postponement of the above referenced neighborhood plan amendment (NPA) and rezoning cases. Staff is still working with the applicant on their application and waiting for the Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) to be reviewed. Attachment: Map of Property 1 of 2B-02 2 of 2B-02

Scraped at: May 21, 2020, 8:50 p.m.
Planning CommissionMay 26, 2020

B-03 (C14-2017-0010.SH - Nuckols Crossing Road - SMART Housing; District 2) original pdf

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MEMORANDUM ************************************************************************ TO: Fayez Kazi, Chair Planning Commission Members FROM: Wendy Rhoades, Principal Planner Maureen Meredith, Senior Planner Planning and Zoning Department DATE: May 19, 2020 RE: NPA-2016-0014.01.SH – Nuckols Crossing Road – SMART Housing (Plan Amendment Case) C14-2017-0010.SH – Nuckols Crossing Road – SMART Housing (Rezoning Case) Request for Postponement by Staff ************************************************************************ Staff requests a postponement of the above-referenced neighborhood plan amendment and rezoning cases to July 14, 2020. The Applicant is working to address ATD review comments on a driveway access study for Nuckols Crossing Road. A postponement will allow Staff the time to evaluate the additional information provided by the Applicant and update the neighborhood traffic analysis. Prior to the public hearing at Planning Commission, Staff will hold an additional meeting with the Applicant and the Neighborhood. Attachment: Map of Property 1 of 2B-03 ( SF-2-NP LI-NP ( LE GIO N 84-072 U N D E V 84-317 95-0405C LI-NP CHURCH W H S E 84-317 ( RR-NP C14-03-0026 ! ! E ST EL ! LO-MU-NP ! ! C14-2015-0142 M O R D 84-248 R.C. !! LI-CO-NP ! 03-0026 CS-1-NP 03-0121 C14-03-0176.SH RR-CO-NP C14-03-0121 APARTMENTS RR-CO-NP C14-03-0122 MF-3-CO-NP 02-0155.SH C14-02-0155.SH C O N D O MINIU M S SF-6-CO-NP 03-0027 C14-03-0027 86-025R.C. SP-03-0121C.SH 03-0123 RR-CO-NP C14-03-0123 LO-CO-NP 01-0032(SH) SP-01-0460C.SH C14-86-025 03-0123 MF-3-NP MF-2-NP 01-0144 NPA-2008-0014.03 C14-01-0144 ! ! ! ! 03-0123 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! LI-NP LI-CO-NP C14-03-0030 W I N N E B A G O L N LI-CO-NP C14-03-0029 98-0023 98-0023 03-0029 SF-2-CO-NP UNDEV SF-2-NP ( SF-2-NP ( ( ( N D L R ( A G W G E R G ( ( ( ( C A RTE R LN SF-2-NP ( ( ( N N L O T F A ( 03-0027 ( ( 84-174 ( ( ( ( ( SF-2-CO-NP 84-0174 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! UNDEV ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! None ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! M.H. ! …

Scraped at: May 21, 2020, 8:50 p.m.
Planning CommissionMay 26, 2020

B-04 (C14-2017-0010.SH - Nuckols Crossing Road - SMART Housing; District 2) original pdf

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MEMORANDUM ************************************************************************ TO: Fayez Kazi, Chair Planning Commission Members FROM: Wendy Rhoades, Principal Planner Maureen Meredith, Senior Planner Planning and Zoning Department DATE: May 19, 2020 RE: NPA-2016-0014.01.SH – Nuckols Crossing Road – SMART Housing (Plan Amendment Case) C14-2017-0010.SH – Nuckols Crossing Road – SMART Housing (Rezoning Case) Request for Postponement by Staff ************************************************************************ Staff requests a postponement of the above-referenced neighborhood plan amendment and rezoning cases to July 14, 2020. The Applicant is working to address ATD review comments on a driveway access study for Nuckols Crossing Road. A postponement will allow Staff the time to evaluate the additional information provided by the Applicant and update the neighborhood traffic analysis. Prior to the public hearing at Planning Commission, Staff will hold an additional meeting with the Applicant and the Neighborhood. Attachment: Map of Property 1 of 2B-04 ( SF-2-NP LI-NP ( LE GIO N 84-072 U N D E V 84-317 95-0405C LI-NP CHURCH W H S E 84-317 ( RR-NP C14-03-0026 ! ! E ST EL ! LO-MU-NP ! ! C14-2015-0142 M O R D 84-248 R.C. !! LI-CO-NP ! 03-0026 CS-1-NP 03-0121 C14-03-0176.SH RR-CO-NP C14-03-0121 APARTMENTS RR-CO-NP C14-03-0122 MF-3-CO-NP 02-0155.SH C14-02-0155.SH C O N D O MINIU M S SF-6-CO-NP 03-0027 C14-03-0027 86-025R.C. SP-03-0121C.SH 03-0123 RR-CO-NP C14-03-0123 LO-CO-NP 01-0032(SH) SP-01-0460C.SH C14-86-025 03-0123 MF-3-NP MF-2-NP 01-0144 NPA-2008-0014.03 C14-01-0144 ! ! ! ! 03-0123 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! LI-NP LI-CO-NP C14-03-0030 W I N N E B A G O L N LI-CO-NP C14-03-0029 98-0023 98-0023 03-0029 SF-2-CO-NP UNDEV SF-2-NP ( SF-2-NP ( ( ( N D L R ( A G W G E R G ( ( ( ( C A RTE R LN SF-2-NP ( ( ( N N L O T F A ( 03-0027 ( ( 84-174 ( ( ( ( ( SF-2-CO-NP 84-0174 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! UNDEV ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! None ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! M.H. ! …

Scraped at: May 21, 2020, 8:50 p.m.
Planning CommissionMay 26, 2020

B-05 (NPA-2019-0015.01 - 5010 & 5102 Heflin Lane; District 1) original pdf

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MEMORANDUM ************************************************************************ TO: Conor Kenney, Chair Planning Commission Members Kathleen Fox, Senior Planner, Long Range Planning Division Planning and Zoning Department (PAZ) FROM: DATE: May 19, 2020 RE: 5010 & 5102 Heflin Lane Plan Amendment Case: NPA-2019-0015.01 Postponement Request by Staff Council District 1 ************************************************************************ Staff requests a postponement of the above-referenced plan amendment from the May 26, 2020 Planning Commission hearing to the June 9, 2020 hearing date to allow staff to further review and make a decision on this case. Attachment: Map of Property 1 of 2B-05 2 of 2B-05

Scraped at: May 21, 2020, 8:50 p.m.
Planning CommissionMay 26, 2020

B-06 (NPA-2019-0016.01 - Shady Lane Mixed Use; District 3) original pdf

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Planning Commission: May 26, 2020 NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN AMENDMENT REVIEW SHEET DATE FILED: July 25, 2019 (In-cycle) NEIGHORHOOD PLAN: Govalle/Johnston Terrace Combined CASE#: NPA-2019-0016.01 PROJECT NAME: Shady Lane Mixed Use PC DATE: May 26, 2020 May 12, 2020 March 24, 2020 (hearing canceled) February 25, 2020 January 14, 2020 December 17, 2019 ADDRESS: 914 Shady Lane DISTRICT AREA: 3 SITE AREA: 4.13 acs (Tract 1- 1.72 acres; Tract 2 - 2.41 acres) OWNER/APPLICANT: Kimberly Beal and Stephanie Scherzer AGENT: Glasco Consulting (Alice Glasco) CASE MANAGER: Maureen Meredith STAFF EMAIL: TYPE OF AMENDMENT: Change in Future Land Use Designation: From: Water & Single Family Base District Zoning Change: Related Zoning Case: C14-2019-0098 PHONE: (512) 974-2695 To: Higher Density Single Family & Neighborhood Mixed Use (as amended) To: SF-6-NP & LR-MU-NP (as amended) From: SF-3-NP NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN ADOPTION DATE: March 27, 2003 PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: May 26, 2020 – (pending) 1 NPA-2019-0016.01 1 of 39B-06 Planning Commission: May 26, 2020 May 12, 2020 – Postponed to May 26, 2020 on the consent agenda at the request of the Govalle/Johnston Terrace Neighborhood Plan Contact Team. [P. Seeger – 1st: G. Anderson – 2nd] Vote: 13-0. March 24, 2020 – Public Hearing Canceled. No action taken. February 25, 2020- Postponed to March 24, 2020 on the consent agenda at the request of the Applicant. [R. Schneider – 1st; C. Kenny – 2nd] Vote: 12-0 [J. Shieh absent]. January 14, 2020 – Postponed on the consent agenda to February 25, 2020 at the request of the applicant. [J. Thompson – 1st; C. Kenny – 2nd] Vote: 9-0 [A. Azhar, C. Hempel, C. Llanes-Pulido and P. Seeger absent]. December 17, 2019 – Postponed to January 14, 2020 at the request of staff. [P. Howard – 1st; Y. Flores – 2nd] Vote: 10-0 [G. Anderson, C. Llanes-Pulido, T. Shaw absent]. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the applicant’s request for Higher Density Single Family on Tract 1 and Neighborhood Mixed Use land use on Tract 2. BASIS FOR STAFF’S RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the applicant’s request for Higher Density Single Family on Tract 1 because there is single family land use to the north of Boggy Creek and to the west with Civic land use to the south. Higher Density Single Family is appropriate in this location. Staff recommends Neighborhood Mixed Use land use on Tract 2 because this Tract is across the street from residential and office uses and …

Scraped at: May 21, 2020, 8:50 p.m.
Planning CommissionMay 26, 2020

B-08 (C14-2020-0007 - 2001 Guadalupe Street, District 9) original pdf

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C14-2020-0007 1 ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET CASE: C14-2020-0007– 2001 Guadalupe Street Zoning ZONING FROM: CS-NP DISTRICT: 9 TO: CS-MU-NP ADDRESS: 2001 Guadalupe Street PROPERTY OWNER: Powell-Corbett LLC (William Corbett) SITE AREA: 0.201 acres (8,755 sq. ft.) AGENT: Coats-Rose (John Joseph) CASE MANAGER: Mark Graham (512-974-3574, ) STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommendation is to grant general commercial services – mixed use – neighborhood plan (CS-MU-NP) combining district zoning. For a summary of the basis of staff’s recommendation, see case manager comments below. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION / RECOMMENDATION: May 12, 2020 April 28, 2020: POSTPONED TO MAY 12, 2020 [R. SCHNEIDER; P. HOWARD – 2ND] (12-0) C. LLANES PULIDO-LEFT EARLY April 14, 2020: APPROVED A POSTPONEMENT REQUEST TO APRIL 28, 2020. [R. SCHNEIDER, C. KENNY-2ND] (12-0) with C. LLANES PULIDO – ABSENT. March 10, 2020: APPROVED A POSTPONEMENT REQUEST BY APPLICANT TO APRIL 14, 2020. [J. SHIEH, R. SCHNEIDER-2ND] (11-0) A. AZHAR, P. HOWARD - ABSENT CITY COUNCIL ACTION: May 21, 2020: May 7, 2020: POSTPONED TO MAY 21, 2020 April 9, 2020: POSTPONED TO MAY 7, 2020 ORDINANCE NUMBER: 1 of 36B-08 C14-2020-0007 2 ISSUES While there is staff support for the requested Mixed Use zoning for the property at 2001 Guadalupe Street, there are other processes available that may provide more flexible development standards such as parking, height, floor to area ratio (FAR) and in return require participation in affordable housing, streetscape investments and adherence to design standards. The applicant and representatives of University Area Partners are negotiating a private Restrictive Covenants for the property. CASE MANAGER COMMENTS: The subject lot is on the east side of Guadalupe Street at the south end of “The Drag,” a nickname for the portion of Guadalupe Street along the western edge of the University of Texas (UT) Austin Campus. The lot is situated between the five-story University of Texas, McCombs Business School on the south and the two story Dobie Center retail buildings to the north, in the shadow of the 27 story Dobie residential tower. This busy section of the West Campus Neighborhood has many apartments and condominiums housing UT students as well as food, clothing, school supplies and service businesses catering to students and university employees. The 0.201 acres (8,755 square foot) parcel is located on the northeast corner of Guadalupe Street and West 20th Street. On the parcel there are three retail commercial buildings, two one story buildings and …

Scraped at: May 21, 2020, 8:50 p.m.
Planning CommissionMay 26, 2020

B-09 (C14-2019-0108 - Parker House; District 9) original pdf

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ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET DISTRICT: 5 CASE: C14-2019-0108 Parker House ZONING FROM: GO-H-NP and MF-4-H-NP TO: GR-MU-H-NP (Tract 1) and GR-MU-NP (Tract 2), as amended ADDRESS: 2404 Rio Grande Street SITE AREA: 0.3245 Acres PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: 2404 Rio Grande St. LP (William Archer) AGENT: South Llano Strategies (Glen Coleman) CASE MANAGER: Heather Chaffin (512-974-2122, STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff supports the Applicant’s request to rezone the property to GR-MU-H-NP on Tract 1 and GR-MU-NP on Tract 2, with conditions. For a summary of the basis of staff’s recommendation, see case manager comments on page 2. HISTORIC LANDMARK COMMISSION ACTION/ RECOMMENDATION: May 18, 2020: TO DENY THE REMOVAL OF HISTORIC LANDMARK DESIGNATION (H- ) FROM TRACT 2 (7-0). [Myer- 1st, Little- 2nd; Reed, Jacob, Koch, Papavasiliou- Absent] PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION/ RECOMMENDATION: May 26, 2020: CITY COUNCIL ACTION: June 4, 2020: ORDINANCE NUMBER: 1 of 7B-09 ISSUES: The applicant proposes removing the historic landmark designation (H-) from the rear of the property only to allow redevelopment of that area (Tract 2). No change to the historic landmark designation is proposed on Tract 1, where the Parker House building is located. No changes to the Parker House structure is proposed with the rezoning request. The applicant proposes changing the base zoning on both tracts to GR-MU to allow commercial and residential uses on both tracts. The applicant originally requested CS-MU-NP zoning but later revised the request. CASE MANAGER COMMENTS: The proposed rezoning is for 0.3245 acre property located on the west side of Rio Grande Street between West 24th and West 25th Streets. The property is located in the Outer West Campus subdistrict of the West Campus/University Neighborhood Overlay (UNO). The property is also located within the West University Neighborhood Plan area. The front portion of the property is developed with the historic Parker House and is zoned GO- H-NP (Tract 1). The rear of the property is zoned MF-4-H-NP and is used for a parking area, garage, and a garage apartment. South of the property is a fraternity house and a convenience store with gas station, both zoned CS-NP. West of the property is multifamily land use, zoned MF-4-NP. North of the property is multifamily land use, zoned MF-5-NP, LO-NP, GO-NP, and MF-4-NP. Across Rio Grande Street to the east are properties zoned MF-4-NP, CS-NP, and CS- 1-NP. These properties are developed with sorority house and multifamily land uses. Please see Exhibits A …

Scraped at: May 21, 2020, 8:50 p.m.
Planning CommissionMay 26, 2020

B-10 (C14-2020-0031.SH - E MLK Rezoning, District 1) original pdf

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ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET DISTRICT:1 CASE: C14-2020-0031.SH – E MLK Rezoning ZONING FROM: SF-3-NP TO: MF-6-NP ADDRESS: 5201 East Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard SITE AREA: 2.64 Acres PROPERTY OWNERS/APPLICANT: 5201 E MLK LP (Ryan Walker) CASE MANAGER: Heather Chaffin (512-974-2122, STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends MF-3-NP. For a summary of the basis of staff’s recommendation, see case manager comments on page 3. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION / RECOMMENDATION: May 26, 2020: CITY COUNCIL ACTION: June 4, 2020 ORDINANCE NUMBER: AGENT: Thrower Design (Ron Thower) 1 of 11B-10 C14-2020-0031.SH 2 ISSUES: No issues at this time. CASE MANAGER COMMENTS: The subject property is located on the south side of East Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard (E MLK) roughly halfway between Springdale Road and Tannehill Lane. The property is zoned SF-3-NP and is developed with a single family residence. The property is surrounded by SF- 3-NP zoned land to the west, south, and east. The areas to the west and south are developed with a single family residential neighborhood; the property to the east is Blair Woods Nature Preserve, Austin Wildlife Rescue, and Ulit Baptist Church. Further to the west, near the intersection with Springdale Road, are properties zoned GR-MU-NP and GR-NP. These are developed with two single family houses and a range of commercial land uses including limited retail, a gas station, automotive repair, a police substation, and more. Further to the east and south east, closer to the intersection with Tannehill Lane are properties zoned MF-3- CO-NP and GR-CO-NP. These properties contain a senior apartment complex and undeveloped land. Across E MLK to the north and northwest are a single family neighborhood zoned SF-2-NP and an undeveloped property zoned SF-6-NP. The property is designated as Mixed Residential on the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) of the East MLK Combined Neighborhood Plan area, so a plan amendment is not required. This portion of East MLK is designated as an Activity Corridor in the Imagine Austin plan. Elmsgrove Drive is a local residential street that currently stubs out along the southern property line. Austin Transportation Department (ATD) has reviewed the rezoning request and has determined that a connection to or extension of Elmsgrove Drive is not required. Elmsgrove Drive was platted in the 1960s; there are not ATD plans for the extension of the local street. Please see Exhibits A and B—Zoning Map and Aerial Exhibit. The Applicant is proposing MF-6 zoning …

Scraped at: May 21, 2020, 8:50 p.m.
Planning CommissionMay 26, 2020

B-11 (C14-2020-0010 - FM 969 Retail Center; District 1) original pdf

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ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET CASE: C14-2020-0010 FM 969 Retail Center DISTRICT: 1 ZONING FROM: LR-NP TO: CS-1-NP ADDRESS: 6401 FM 969 REZONING AREA: 2,570 square feet PROPERTY OWNERS: 6401 E FM 969 LLC (Najib Wehbe) AGENT: South Llano Strategies (Glen Coleman) CASE MANAGER: Heather Chaffin (512-974-2122, STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends CS-1-CO-NP. Staff supports the Applicant’s request of CS-1-NP with the additional prohibition of cocktail lounge land use (CS-1-CO-NP). For a summary of the basis of staff’s recommendation, see case manager comments on page 2. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION / RECOMMENDATION: May 26, 2020: March 10, 2020: Indefinite postponement by Applicant. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: June 11, 2020: April 9, 2020: Indefinite postponement by Applicant. ORDINANCE NUMBER: 1 of 7B-11 C14-2020-0010 2 ISSUES: The Applicant proposes CS-1-NP to allow a liquor store in a retail center. The Applicant accepts Staff recommendation to prohibit cocktail lounge land use. CASE MANAGER COMMENTS: The proposed rezoning is for a space in a retail shopping center located at the southwest corner of the intersection of Craigswood Drive and FM 969. Other uses in the shopping center include a convenience store with gas pumps, retail and limited restaurant uses. The property is zoned LR-NP; the Applicant proposes rezoning only the portion of the building where the liquor store is proposed. Immediately to the west of the property is undeveloped property zoned W/LO-CO; further west are properties zoned CS-CO-NP and CS-NP that include cocktail lounge, machine shop and undeveloped land uses. Immediately south of the property is a residential neighborhood zoned SF-2-NP. Across Craigswood Drive to the east is property zoned LR-NP that is developed with a convenience store with gas pumps. Also to the east are single family residences zoned SF-2-NP and undeveloped land zoned LI-NP. Across FM 969 to the north is the Mosaic Sound Collective which includes several music production-related uses. The property is predominately zoned CS-MU-CO-NP and contains a footprint area of CS-1-MU-CO-NP zoning as well. Also across FM 969 are properties zoned LR-MU-NP, MF-2-NP, and LI-PDA-NP that are undeveloped, developed with single family residences, and undeveloped, respectively. Please see Exhibits A and B—Zoning Map and Aerial Exhibit. Staff supports the Applicant’s request of CS-1 with the condition that cocktail lounge is a prohibited land use. The addition of CS-1-CO-NP at this location will allow additional services to the surrounding area. BASIS OF RECOMMENDATION: 1. sought. The proposed zoning should be consistent with the …

Scraped at: May 21, 2020, 8:51 p.m.
Planning CommissionMay 26, 2020

B-12 (C14H-2020-0033 - Teer-Peterson House; District 9) original pdf

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ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET HLC DATE: April 27, 2020 PC DATE: May 26, 2020 CASE NUMBER: C14H-2020-0033 APPLICANT: Willy Fischler, owner HISTORIC NAME: Teer-Peterson House WATERSHED: Shoal Creek ADDRESS OF PROPOSED ZONING CHANGE: 2408 Harris Boulevard ZONING FROM: SF-3-NP to SF-3-H-NP SUMMARY STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the proposed zoning change from single family residence (SF-3) district to single family residence – Historic Landmark (SF-3-H) combining district zoning. QUALIFICATIONS FOR LANDMARK DESIGNATION: Architecture and historical associations. HISTORIC LANDMARK COMMISSION ACTION: Recommended the proposed zoning change from SF-3-NP to SF-3-H-NP. Vote: 9-0 (Papavasiliou and Jacob absent). PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: The house is beyond the bounds of the Comprehensive Cultural Resources Survey (1984), but was identified as contributing to the Old West Austin National Register Historic District. ACTION: PHONE: 974-6454 ORDINANCE NUMBER: CITY COUNCIL DATE: June 11, 2020 ORDINANCE READINGS: 1ST 2ND 3RD CASE MANAGER: Steve Sadowsky NEIGHBORHOOD ORGANIZATION: Pemberton Heights Neighborhood Association BASIS FOR RECOMMENDATION: Architecture: One-story, L-plan, stone-veneered Tudor Revival house two steep front-facing gables, a prominent front-facing exterior stone chimney, a stuccoed gabled bay with false half- timbering containing the principal entry, and a combination of 9:9 and diamond-paned casement fenestration. There is an integral screened porch to the left of the principal block of the house. The house was designed by Charles H. Page, of the prominent Austin architectural firm of Page Brothers in 1930 and completed in 1933. Page designed a rear addition, known as the “Lodge” in 1935, and another addition designed by Austin architects Niggli & Gustafson was completed in 1945. There is a more modern gabled wood carport to the south (left) of the house. 1 of 23B-12 Historical Associations: The house was designed and built for former state representative and then-chair of the State Board of Control Claude D. Teer and his wife Clara. Teer lived in his home town of Granger until 1927, when he moved his family to Austin. Prior to their residence in this house, the Teer family lived in a rented house on W. 13th Street. The family moved in around 1934. The 1932- 33 city directory shows the family on W. 13th Street; by 1935, they lived at this Harris Boulevard address. Claude D. Teer was born in Arkansas in 1881 but lived as a young man in Granger, Texas. He was elected to the State House of Representatives from Granger in 1919 and served until 1927 …

Scraped at: May 21, 2020, 8:51 p.m.