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Jan. 7, 2020

Item B-07 (SP-2018-0565D - Ventura at Parmer Lane).pdf original pdf

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SITE PLAN REVIEW SHEET ENVIRONMENTAL VARIANCE REQUEST ONLY CASE: SP-2018-0565D ZAP COMMISSION DATE: 01/07/2020 PROJECT NAME: Ventura at Parmer Lane APPLICANT: Dominium Development, LLC. AGENT: Kimley-Horn ADDRESS OF SITE: 8407 E. Parmer Lane, Austin, TX 78653 COUNTY: Travis AREA: 31.29ac. WATERSHED: Gilleland Creek JURISDICTION: 2-Mile ETJ EXISTING ZONING: N/A (project is located in 2-Mile ETJ) PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: Multi-family development (216 units) with associated paving, utility, drainage, and water quality improvements DESCRIPTION OF VARIANCE: The applicant requests the following: 1. Request to vary from LDC 25-8-261 to allow development in a critical water quality zone. 2. Request to vary from LDC 25-8-341 to allow cut more than four feet in depth within 100 feet of a classified waterway. 3. Request to vary from LDC 25-8-342 to allow fill more than four feet in depth within 100 feet of a classified waterway. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff does not recommend these variances, having determined that the findings of fact have not been met. ENVIRONMENTAL BOARD ACTION: 12/04/2019: The Environmental Board voted in (10) favor, (0) against, (0) absentia ZONING AND PLATTING COMMISSION ACTION: ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW STAFF: Jonathan Garner, Development Services Department PHONE: 512-974-1665 CASE MANAGER: Randall Rouda, Development Services Department PHONE: 512-974-3338 1 of 34B-07 1 ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MOTION 20191204 008a Date: December 4, 2019 Subject: Ventura at Parmer Lane, SP-2018-0565D Motion by: Andrew Creel Seconded by: Wendy Gordon RATIONALE: WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes that the provision of affordable housing in the City of Austin is vital to ensure a resilient and equitable future for our City; and WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes that the applicant has worked to design improvements to the site that would have overall environmental benefits, including reduction in impervious cover and the protection of heritage trees. THEREFORE, the Environmental Commission recommends approval of the requested variances: to vary from LDC 25-8-261 to allow development in a critical water quality zone, to vary from LDC 25-8-341 to allow cut more than four feet in depth within 100 feet of a classified waterway, and to vary from LDC 25-8-341 to allow fill more than four feet in depth within 100 feet of a classified waterway with the following Environmental Commission conditions: 1. A restricted covenant to limit total development to 30% impervious cover 2. Commitment from the applicant to protect or mitigate at 300% any heritage trees removed on site 3. Restoration and preparation of a management plan for riparian …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:11 p.m.
Jan. 7, 2020

Item C-01 (NHCD Housing Displacement Mitigation Strategies Presentation).pdf original pdf

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NEIGHBORHOOD HOUSING and COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTHousing Displacement Mitigation Strategies1Zoning & Platting Commission January 7, 2020Nefertitti JackmonJonathan Tomko A GROWING CITY WITH DIVERSE HOUSING NEEDSAustinisafast-growingcity,havingexpandedtonearlyamillionresidentsinjustafewyears.Somepredicttheregion’spopulationcouldbe4millionpeopleby2050.2Suchrapidgrowthhasanseriousimpactuponaccessiblehousing,growinggentrification,transportation,andaffordablehomesinneighborhoodsthatarehealthyandsafe.Austiniscommittedtoensuringequitableaccesstoaffordablehousingandtheopportunitiesthatsafe,stablehomeprovides. WHAT IS AFFORDABLE HOUSING?Housingisdefinedasaffordableifsomeonepaysnomorethan30percentofmonthlyincomeforrent/mortgageandutilities,andnomorethan45percentofmonthlyincomeonhousingandtransportationcosts.3 WHO DOES NHCD SERVE?NHCDincreasesaffordablehousingsupply,promotesstablehomeownership,andfostersequitable,integrated,anddiversecommunities.EligibilityforassistanceislargelydeterminedbyMedianFamilyIncome(MFI),whichistheannualincomeinwhichhalfthepopulationmakesmore,andhalfthepopulationmakesless.42019 Austin Area Median Family Income (MFI)*•30% MFI: $19,900 for 1-person household; $28,400for a 4-person household•50% MFI: $33,150 for 1-person household; $47,300for a 4-person household•80% MFI: $52,850 for 1-person household; $75,500 for a 4-person household*Per HUD effective June 2019 for the Austin-Round Rock-San Marcos Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA)) FULFILLING THE NHCD MISSIONOurmissionistocultivateadiverseandeconomicallyinclusiveCitybycreatingaffordablehousingopportunitiesandmitigatingcommunitymemberdisplacement.5 AUSTIN’S HOUSING –HISTORICAL CONTEXT6NeighborhoodHousingandCommunityDevelopmentwillbehonestinourcommunicationaboutthehistoryofpastdiscriminationthatledtounfairhousingpracticesandpoliciesasweworkdiligently,creativelyandintentionallytocultivateadiverseandeconomicallyinclusiveCitybycreatingaffordablehousingopportunitiesandmitigatingcommunitymemberdisplacement. Anti-Displacement Task ForcePeople’sPlan7600+ DISPLACEMENT MITIGATION STRATEGIES REVIEWED 8Displacement Mitigation Recommendations Narrowing ProcessDISPLACEMENT MITIGATION STRATEGIES REVIEW612 (Records Tagged)335 (Actionable Records)143(Records in NHCD’s control)103 (Records prioritized)15 (Short Term Recommended Strategies) 9Displacement Mitigation Recommendations Narrowing ProcessDISPLACEMENT MITIGATION STRATEGIES REVIEW LONG-TERM DISPLACEMENT MITIGATION STRATEGIES10 RESOURCES FOR RENTERSNHCD’sResourcesforRenterswebsiteofferseverythingfromhousingsearchestoadvicefordealingwithlandlordsTenant-BasedRentalAssistancesupportslow-incomefamiliesmovefromhomelessnesstoself-sufficiencybyprovidingrentalsubsidiesandcasemanagementsupportservices.Tenants’RightsAssistanceProgramprovidescounselingandtechnicalassistancetolow-incomerentersontenant-landlordissues,disputemediation,andfairhousingissuestoresolveorminimizediscriminatoryhousingpractices.11LocalRentalAssistanceprovidesrent,mortgageandutilityassistancetomeeturgentneedsofeligiblepersonstopreventhomelessnessandtosupportindependentliving.ArchitecturalBarrierRemovalProgram(Renters)repairsunitsthatposehealthandsafetyrisksorarenecessarytoincreaseself-sufficiencyandmobilityoflow-tomoderate-incomeresidents. RESOURCES FOR HOMEBUYERS12Theideaissimple.Low-andmiddle-incomehouseholdspurchasethehouse(theactualbuilding),butpayamodestmonthlyfeetoleasetheunderlyingland.Bytakingthecostofthelandoutofthetransaction(oftenthemostexpensivepartofhomeownership),homesaremoreaffordablethanthoseontheopenrealestatemarket.DownPaymentAssistanceProgramassistsfirst-timehomebuyerswitha0%interestloanupto$40,000fornecessarydownpayment,eligibleclosingcosts,andpre-paidexpenses.Theloanamountisdependentonfinancialneed.HomebuyerTrainingputsfirst-timehomebuyersontrackforhomeownershipandfinancialempowermentAffordableHomeSalesarepossiblethroughAustinHousingFinanceCorporationbyincentivizingbothprivateandnonprofitdevelopersthroughloans,feewaivers,densitybonuses,andstatelow-incomehousingtaxcredits.CommunityLandTrustskeephomesaffordableforlow-tomoderate-incomehouseholdsandkeepthepropertyinthehandsofthecommunity. RESOURCES FOR HOMEOWNERS13ArchitecturalBarrierRemovalProgram(Owners)repairsunitsthatposehealthandsafetyrisksorarenecessarytoincreaseself-sufficiencyandmobilityoflow-tomoderate-incomeresidents.Eligiblehomeownersandrenterscanreceivegrantsofupto$15,000inhomeaccessibilityimprovements.MinorHomeRepairProgramprovideseligiblehomeownerswithassistanceupto$5,000ayearforminorrepairsforalife-threateningconditionorahealthandsafetyhazard.HomeRehabilitationLoanProgramassistslow-to-moderateincomehomeownerswithloansforneededrepairstocomplywithcitycodeandmakethehomesafe,livable,andhealthy.Theprogramoffers0%interestloansrangingfrom$15,000to$75,000thatareforgivenaftera20-yearaffordabilityperiod.GORepairProgramprovidesprovideupto$20,000peryeartoeligiblehomeownerstoimproveaccessibilityandmakerepairstoaddresssubstandardhousingconditionsthatposehealthandsafetyrisks. HOMELESS and SPECIAL NEEDS14HomelessnessisakeypriorityfortheCityofAustin,withanestimateofapproximately2,000peopleexperiencinghomelessnessonthestreetorinshelters.NHCDpartnerswithAustinPublicHealthandseveralcommunityorganizationstofundandadministerprogramsforHomeless&SpecialNeedspopulations.PermanentSupportiveHousing(PSH)isthecity’sinvestmenttoaddresschronichomelessnessbycreatingaffordablehousingunitslinkedtosupportservicesthatenablechronicallyhomelesstoliveindependentlyandparticipateincommunitylifetoreducecostlyusesofpublicmedicalandsocialservices.TenantRelocationAssistanceProgramsupportsvulnerablelow-incomehouseholds,theelderly,andpersonswithdisabilitiesfacingdisplacement.•Requireslandlordstoprovideearlynoticetotenants•Refersclientstocommunityservices/legalassistance CREATING and PRESERVING AFFORDABLE UNITS15IncentiveProgramsencouragebothnon-profitandfor-profitdeveloperstocreateandpreserveaffordablerentalandownershiphousingforlow-andmoderate-incomehouseholdsandAustiniteswithdisabilities.AffordabilitymayalsobepromotedthroughDevelopmentAgreementswhichmayproduceaffordableunitsand/orfees-in-lieu.RentalHousingDevelopmentAssistanceProgramexpandsthesupplyofaffordablerentalhousingforlow-incomehouseholdsandincreasestheavailabilityofpermanentsupportivehousingforpersonsexperiencinghomelessnessorwithspecialneeds.AffordableHousingBonusProgramsallowdeveloperstobuildmoreunitsthanareallowedbyalocation’sbasezoningifthedeveloperagreestosetasideaportionofunitsforincome-restrictedaffordablehousing.Bonusesoffsetdevelopers’coststobuildaffordablehousingwithoutrequiringcitycurrentorfutureexpenditures.ExamplesincludetheDowntownDensityBonusProgram,UniversityNeighborhoodOverlay(UNO),andproposedcitywideAffordableHousingBonusProgram. 16Bond Financing through the Austin Housing Finance Corporation (AHFC) Private Activity Bonds to finance the development of affordable rental or ownership housing.•RentalHousingDevelopmentAssistanceProgramfinancerentaldevelopments,repaidthroughrentscollectedoncethepropertyisoperational.•Single-FamilyMortgageRevenueBondsmakelow-interestmortgagesanddownpaymentassistance,orofferingmortgagetaxcreditsforqualifiedbuyersofasmuchas$2,000peryear.Low-IncomeHousingTaxCreditProgramismanagedwiththeTexasDepartmentofHousingandCommunityAffairstoincentivizeinvestmentinlow-incomehousingbysellingtaxcreditstobanksandotherinvestors,whointurnusethosecreditstolowertheirowntaxbills.CREATING and PRESERVING AFFORDABLE UNITS DISPLACEMENT MITIGATION GOALS171.PreventDisplacementofLow-andModerate-IncomeHomeownersandRenters2.IncreaseNumberofIncomeRestrictedAffordableHousingUnits3.IncreaseOpportunitiesforHouseholdstoReduceUtilityCosts4.MinimizetheDisplacementofTransitRiders5.ImproveNHCD’sOperationstoAddressDisplacementMitigationDemands 1815 STRATEGIC PRIORITIES•Implement a Preference Policy to prioritize new city-subsidized affordable units for income-qualified households that are appropriately sized to the unit and/or have ties to the city.Update: Preference policy notification sent to City Council in October •Incorporate robust tenant protections for all rental properties receiving city support. Update: Tenant protections included in all new city-funded developments •Streamline the application process for affordable units. Update: Housing HUB affordable housing search tool ready to launch•Market NHCD-subsidized affordable units to people of color in gentrifying areas. Update: Outreach contracts to launch in early 2020•Engage directly with communities vulnerable to displacement and connect them with services. Update: Outreach contracts to launch in early 2020 1915 STRATEGIC PRIORITIES•Modify and expand home repair programs in gentrifying areas. Update: Begin discussions in early 2020•Support tenant organizing and engagement and provide legal and other assistance to tenants facing eviction or displacement. Update: Tenant Stabilization Contract (Tenant Rental Assistance, Eviction Prevention & Relocation Services) to be released December/January; up to $750,000•Provide tenant relocation assistance and emergency rental assistance. Update: Tenant Stabilization Contract (Tenant Rental Assistance, Eviction Prevention & Relocation Services) to be released December/January; up to $750,000•Proactively monitor affordable properties at risk of losing affordability to extend affordability periods. Update: Staff member hired to be able to assist with this•Increase fair housing enforcement and education. Update: Coordination with regional group beginning in early 2020 2015 …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:13 p.m.
Jan. 7, 2020

Item D-01 (Kiolbassa - Nonconforming commercial ZAP 1.6.2020).pdf original pdf

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CommercialNonconformitiesUnder CodeNEXTversion4JoleneKiolbassa1/7/2020presentation CN4 Creates ManyNonconformities(CommercialStructures,UsesandLots)•By stating new code will make someproperties nonconforming even if currentlyconforming.•With language that explains how andwhyproperties will becomenonconforming.•By eliminating uses now allowed in somezones.•By being very prescriptive with site development standards, such are setbacks, height, parking.etc.•By not retaining current “Safe Harbor”provision.2 All Legal Uses and Structures Not CN4Compliant are NonconformingYet buildings on “narrow interior lots”are exempted from setback requirements in MU, MS, RC,IF3 Self-Storage Facilities Only AllowedInCN4MU5B,IFandIGThese businesses will becomeprohibited(NOTgrandfathered)•CubeSmart Storage onBurnet•Life Storage onMenchaca•Public Storage on WestGate•Kingsize Storage on Hwy290•and many more4 Mortuaries OnlyAllowedIn CN4 MU4, MU5B,IF,IG and IHThese businesses will become prohibited(NOTgrandfathered)•Weed-Corley-FishFuneralHomeonN.Lamar•CookWaldenFuneralHomeorN.Lamar•HarrellFuneralHomeonFrontierTrail•MissionFuneralHomeonE.CesarChavez•MissionFuneralHomeSerenityChapelonS.1st5 Auto-Related Uses in CN4 Only Allowed in MU5B& Industrial (IF, IG &IH)These businesses will become prohibited(NOTgrandfathered)•Lamb’sTireandAutomotive•APR Engines andAutomotive•GroovyAuto•R&DAutoSales•Ruben’sAutomotive•And many gasstations•Atlas Automotive andRepair•Youniversal Autoare•RiveraWeldingAutoMechanic•RoliTruckandAutoSales•Auto 7Tech•FlamingoAutomotive6 RezonedfromCStoMS3RezonedfromCStoMU5AA Tale of Two TireShopsBoth are now zoned CS and legal, but with CN4 rezoning, one will beprohibited7 CN4 Makes Stand-Alone Car WashNot Possible•“Automotive washing” nowpermitted•CN4 eliminates such permitteduse•Included only aspart of “gasstation”8 Strange CN4Bedfellows:“Repairs and DespairsDownstairs”•Mixed use typically allows officesand residential over retail andrestaurants.•CN4 MUalso allows auto repair shops andfuneralhomesongroundfloor.9 OtherProblematicCN4Uses•Useschanged•“MedicalOffices”and“HospitalServicesLimited”disappearandbecome part of Medical Services” thatallows outpatient surgicalservices•“Drive-through,retail,orservicefacility”•Currentlyanaccessoryuse•“…notlimitedtobanks,pharmacies,postoffices,liquorstores…”•Proposedtobeastand-aloneuseallowed onlyinMU,UCandRD•Notlistedasanaccessoryusein23-3D-1050•Terminologychanged•“Convenience storage” to“Personalstorage”•“Art workshop” to “Artstudio”Willmakeitdifficulttofigureoutnewuseandifgrandfathered10 1.LookuppropertyonLDCwebsite “Comparison Map” orzoning2.Look up alloweduses•City of Austinwebsite notuseful•Use Zilker NAwebsite zilkerneighborhood.org/docs/ldc/LDCR 1/LDCR1_alowed_uses_citywide.pdf3.If definition is new, look upin 23-3C-2030Steps toDetermine if CN4 AllowsUse:11 All New CN4 Commercial Site DevelopmentStandards•Lotsize•Structureplacement•Buildingsize,heightandsetbacks•Frontage and wallarticulation•Uses•Parkingrequirement•Parkingplacement12 ©2019JoleneKiolbassaCSMU1MU2MU3MU4MU5MS2MS3Max. ImperviousCover95%70%70%70%80%90%90%95%MaximumFAR2:11:11:1.8:11:12:1--MaximumHeight6035404060604565Min. 1stFloorHeight------1818SetbacksMinimum FrontYard101510105555Min. StreetSideYard101510105555Min. InteriorSideYard-5555---Minimum RearYard-101055-5-Maximum FrontYard------1010Max.StreetSideYard----1010Comparative Site DevelopmentStandardsAffordable housing bonus not included13 CN4 WillMake Many Existing StructuresNonconforming•Allcommercialusesonfrontpropertyline•Allpropertieswith100%imperviouscover•MainStreet(MS) buildings need tobe:•between5’and10’fromfrontpropertyline•between5’and10’fromsidepropertyline•Buildingsinotherzonesalsoaffected•Setbackgrandfatheringprobably will notapply14 Severe Impact of Setback Nonconformity15 These Buildings Do NOT Meet New CN4 MS PlacementRules*willrequiresurveytodeterminedistancesandpropertylines16 One Street’s Story: MS2B and MS3 on E. Cesar Chavez17 Violations of Minimum and Maximum SetbacksViolation of Maximum 10’ Front Setback 2017 E. Cesar Chavez18 Even Though CN4 Reduces Parking New Rules Will Create Nonconformities•ParkingmaximumsinMUandMSzones•No off-street parking between buildingfacade andcorridorfornewconstruction,or•Enclosedadditionof25%+grossfloorarea•Usechangeincreasesrequiredspaces19 •Look up mapped zoningdesignation•GotoChapter 23-3forspecifications•Measure property fromROW,etc.•MeasureheightoffirstfloorifMS•Countparkingspaces,iflargebuildingTo Figure Out if Commercial Property isNonconforming:20 CN4 StatesNonconforming PropertiesCeasetoExist•By limiting investment and restrictingexpansion•If discontinued for more than 90days•Have 18 months torebuild•Insurance settlements can takelonger•Enough time to mitigateasbestos?•Repairs must cost less than 50% totalvalue•Director can deny application to alter orrepair21 •“or otherwise affect adjoining propertiesor neighborhoods”•“those nonconformities that are consideredto be especially incompatible with the ComprehensivePlanorapplicableregulations”•“aredeclaredtobeincompatiblewithallowed usesin thezone”Discretion Given Staffto DeclareNonconformities22 “SafeHarbor”Provision in Current Code•Grandfathersstructuresanduses•Ifconformingundercurrentrules,conformity continues regardless of newrules•Recognizesprevious buildings constructed underrequirementsforsetbacks,cover,etc.•Makesconfusing/contradictorylanguageabout nonconforming propertieslessworrisome23 •1984 grandfather provision wasa badidea.•Provision difficult to interpret and apply.•City will not include “SafeHarbor”again.•CN4doesnotcreatemanynonconformitiesStaff Reasoning for Removing “Safe Harbor” Provision24 Many More PropertiesWill BecomeNonconforming•Noideahowmanytotal•Auto-related, mortuary …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:13 p.m.
Jan. 7, 2020

Itme B-05 (C8-2019-0032 - Three Hills Apartments Preliminary Plan; District 5 Part 1).pdf original pdf

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SUBDIVISION REVIEW SHEET CASE NO.: C8-2019-0032 ZAP DATE: Jan. 7, 2020 SUBDIVISION NAME: Three Hills Apartments Preliminary Plan AREA: 58.39 ac. LOT(S): 6 OWNER: South IH 35 Investors, LP (C.W. Hetherley) AGENT/APPLICANT: Gemsong N. Ryan, P.E. (Jones Carter, Inc.) ADDRESS OF SUBDIVISION: 12001 S IH 35 COUNTY: Travis WATERSHED: Onion Creek EXISTING ZONING: MF-4 PROPOSED LAND USE: Multifamily, ROW and Parkland DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: The request is for the approval of Three Hills Apartments Preliminary Plan which will develop a 58.39 ac. previously un-platted tract into 3 lots for multifamily use (48.82 ac.), 1 lot for ROW (4.89 ac.) and 2 lots for parkland (4.68 ac.) in order to create a three lot subdivision (Lots 1, 2 & 3, Block A, Three Hills Apartments Subdivision) with all associated improvements. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of this preliminary plan as it meets all applicable State and City of Austin LDC requirements. ZONING AND PLATTING COMMISSION ACTION: CASE MANAGER: Joey de la Garza PHONE: 512-974-2664 EMAIL: joey.delagarza@austintexas.gov B-051 of 1

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:13 p.m.
Jan. 7, 2020

20200107-D1a Commercial Nonconformities Under CodeNEXT original pdf

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ZONING AND PLATTING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION 2020107-D1a: Commercial Nonconformities Under CodeNEXTversion4 Date: January 7, 2020 Subject: Commercial Nonconformities Under CodeNEXTversion4 Motioned By: Commissioner Denkler Seconded By: Commissioner King Motion to forward information regarding Commercial Nonconformities Under CodeNEXTversion4 for Council’s review, attached. For: Chair Kiolbassa, Vice-Chair Duncan and Commissioners Aguirre, Bray,Denkler, Evans, King, Ray and Smith Absent: Commissioners Barrera – Ramirez and Tatkow, off the dais. Vote: 9-0 Against: Abstain: Attest: Andrew Rivera - Liaison Commercial Nonconformities Under CodeNEXTversion4 JoleneKiolbassa 1/7/2020 presentation CN4 Creates Many Nonconformities (Commercial Structures, Usesand Lots) • By stating new code will make someproperties nonconforming even if currentlyconforming. • With language that explains how andwhy properties will becomenonconforming. • By eliminating uses now allowed in somezones. • By being very prescriptive with site development standards, such are setbacks, height, parking. etc. • By not retaining current “Safe Harbor”provision. 2 All Legal Uses and Structures Not CN4 Compliant are Nonconforming Yet buildings on “narrow interior lots”are exempted from setback requirements in MU, MS, RC,IF 3 Self-Storage Facilities Only Allowed In CN4 MU5B, IFandIG These businesses will become prohibited (NOT grandfathered) • CubeSmart Storage on Burnet • Life Storage on Menchaca • Public Storage on West Gate • Kingsize Storage on Hwy 290 • and many more 4 Mortuaries Only Allowed In CN4 MU4, MU5B,IF,IG and IH These businesses will become prohibited (NOT grandfathered) • Weed-Corley-FishFuneralHomeon N.Lamar • CookWaldenFuneralHomeor N.Lamar • Harrell FuneralHomeon FrontierTrail • Mission FuneralHomeon E. CesarChavez • Mission FuneralHomeSerenity Chapelon S. 1st 5 Auto-Related Uses in CN4 Only Allowed in MU5B & Industrial (IF, IG &IH) These businesses will become prohibited (NOT grandfathered) • Atlas Automotive andRepair • Youniversal Autoare • RiveraWeldingAuto Mechanic • RoliTruckandAuto Sales • Auto 7Tech • FlamingoAutomotive • Lamb’sTire andAutomotive • APR Engines andAutomotive • GroovyAuto • R&DAuto Sales • Ruben’sAutomotive • And many gasstations 6 A Tale of Two TireShops Both are now zoned CS and legal, but with CN4 rezoning, one will be prohibited RezonedfromCS to MU5A RezonedfromCS toMS3 7 CN4 Makes Stand-Alone Car Wash Not Possible • “Automotive washing” now permitted • CN4 eliminates such permitted use • Included only as part of “gas station” 8 Strange CN4Bedfellows: “Repairs and Despairs Downstairs” • Mixed use typically allows officesand residential over retail andrestaurants. • CN4 MUalso allows auto repair shops and funeral homes on ground floor. 9 OtherProblematicCN4Uses • Useschanged • “Medical Offices” and “Hospital ServicesLimited” disappearand become part of Medical …

Scraped at: Jan. 22, 2020, 2 a.m.
Jan. 7, 2020

Zoning and Platting Commission 2020-01-07 Minutes.pdf original pdf

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Regular Called Meeting ZONING & PLATTING COMMISSION Tuesday, January 7, 2020 The Zoning & Platting Commission convened in a meeting on Tuesday, January 7, 2020 @ 301 W. 2nd St., Austin, TX 78704 Chair Kiolbassa called the Commission Meeting to order at 6:01 p.m. Commission Members in Attendance: Ana Aguirre – Secretary Nadia Barrera-Ramirez Timothy Bray Ann Denkler – Parliamentarian Jim Duncan – Vice-Chair Bruce Evans David King Jolene Kiolbassa – Chair Ellen Ray Hank Smith Abigail Tatkow EXECUTIVE SESSION (No public discussion) The Zoning & Platting Commission will announce it will go into Executive Session, if necessary, pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, to receive advice from Legal Counsel on matters specifically listed on this agenda. The Commission may not conduct a closed meeting without the approval of the city attorney. Private Consultation with Attorney – Section 551.071 CITIZEN COMMUNICATION The first four (4) speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. Facilitator: Heather Chaffin, 512-974-2122 Attorney: Commission Liaison: Andrew Rivera, 512-974-6508 A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approval of minutes from December 17, 2019. Motion to approve the minutes from December 17, 2019 as amended was approved on the consent agenda on the motion by Commissioner Smith, seconded by Commissioner Evans on a vote of 10-0. Commissioner Aguirre off the dais. B. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Rezoning: Location: C14-2019-0158 - Alonti Catering; District 5 3421 West William Cannon Drive, Suite 115, Williamson Creek Watershed-Barton Springs Zone Cannon Oaks, LLC (Timothy Timmerman) Lenworth Consulting, LLC (Nash Gonzales) GR to CS-CO Recommended Wendy Rhoades, 512-974-7719, wendy.rhoades@austintexas.gov Planning and Zoning Department Owner/Applicant: Agent: Request: Staff Rec.: Staff: Public Hearing closed. Motion to grant Staff’s recommendation of CS-CO combining district zoning for C14-2019-0158 - Alonti Catering located at 3421 West William Cannon Drive, Suite 115 was approved on the consent agenda on the motion by Commissioner Smith, seconded by Commissioner Evans on a vote of 10-0. Commissioner Aguirre off the dais. 2. Rezoning: Location: Owner/Applicant: Agent: Request: C814-88-0001.12 - Davenport West PUD Amendment 12; District 10 4417 Westlake Drive, St. Stephens Creek Watershed Michael and Susan Dell Foundation (Anand Srinivasan) Metcalfe, Wolff, Stuart & Williams (Michele Rogerson Lynch) PUD to PUD, to change a condition of zoning and allow additional office building Recommended Mark Graham, 512-974-3574, mark.graham@austintexas.gov Planning and Zoning …

Scraped at: March 3, 2020, 9 p.m.
Jan. 7, 2020

January 7, 2020 Zoning and Platting Commission original link

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Scraped at: March 3, 2020, 9 p.m.