Zoning and Platting Commission - June 16, 2020

Zoning and Platting Commission Regular Meeting of the Zoning and Platting Commission

B-01 (C14-2019-0162 - Slaughter and Cullen; District 2) original pdf

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ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET DISTRICT: 2 CASE: C14-2019-0162 – Slaughter and Cullen ZONING FROM / TO: GR-CO, to change a condition of zoning and remove restaurant (general) and restaurant (limited) uses from the prohibited use list ADDRESS: 166 West Slaughter Lane and 9012 Cullen Lane SITE AREA: 1.273 acres PROPERTY OWNER: LG Slaughter and Cullen LLC (Rob Pivnick) AGENT: Husch Blackwell, LLP (Nikelle Meade) CASE MANAGER: Wendy Rhoades (512-974-7719, wendy.rhoades@austintexas.gov) STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Staff recommendation is to grant community commercial – conditional overlay (GR-CO) combining district zoning and remove restaurant (general) and restaurant (limited) uses from the prohibited use list. The remainder of the –CO that applies to the property remain unchanged. For a summary of the basis of Staff’s recommendation, see page 2. ZONING AND PLATTING COMMISSION ACTION / RECOMMENDATION: June 16, 2020: June 2, 2020: APPROVED A POSTPONEMENT REQUEST BY THE NEIGHBORHOOD TO JUNE 16, 2020 [H. SMITH; B. EVANS – 2ND] (10-0) J. DUNCAN – NOT PRESENT FOR PASSAGE OF THE CONSENT AGENDA CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Not yet scheduled ORDINANCE NUMBER: ISSUES: The Park Ridge Owners Association Board of Directors is opposed to the Applicant’s request. Please refer to correspondence attached at the back of this packet. CASE MANAGER COMMENTS: The subject undeveloped, platted “L” shaped lot has dual frontage on West Slaughter Lane and Cullen Lane, and is zoned community commercial – conditional overlay (GR-CO) 1 of 45B-1 C14-2019-0162 Page 2 combining district covered by two 2007 cases. The western portion of the lot is moderately treed and there is a large tree at the southwest corner of the lot, along the Slaughter frontage. To the north and west there is undeveloped property with an approved site plan for retail uses; to the east and south is an office / commercial building at the intersection of Slaughter and Cullen (GR-CO; CS-1), across Cullen Lane to the east is a bank, restaurant and pharmacy (CS-CO); across Slaughter Lane to the south is the South Park Meadows shopping center (GR-CO); and further to the west is Park Ridge, a single family residential subdivision (I-SF-4A; I-RR). Please refer to Exhibits A and A-1 – Zoning Map and Aerial Exhibit. The Applicant proposes to rezone the property and modify the Conditional Overlay, specifically to remove the restaurant (general) and restaurant (limited) uses from the prohibited use list. Otherwise, the Council-approved Conditional Overlay including the prohibited use list, 35-foot height limit, …

Scraped at: June 11, 2020, midnight

B-02 (C14-2020-0041 - Stowers and Schiller; District 10) original pdf

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ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET CASE: C14-2020-0041 (Stowers and Schiller) DISTRICT: 10 ADDRESS: 8500 Bluegrass Drive ZONING FROM: LR TO: SF-2 SITE AREA: 2.05 acres (89,298sq. ft.) PROPERTY OWNER: Ken Schiller AGENT: Steve T. Stowers CASE MANAGER: Sherri Sirwaitis (512-974-3057, sherri.sirwaitis@austintexas.gov) STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends SF-2, Single Family-Standard Lot District, zoning. ZONING AND PLATTING COMMISSION ACTION / RECOMMENDATION: June 16, 2020 CITY COUNCIL ACTION: ORDINANCE NUMBER: 1 of 14B-2 C14-2020-0041 2 ISSUES: N/A CASE MANAGER COMMENTS: The property in question is currently undeveloped. The lots to the north are zoned SF-2-CO and are developed with single-family residences. To the south and east, there are PUD and LO zoned tracts that contain office buildings. To the west, there is undeveloped land that was originally right-of-way area for the construction of Arterial 8. The applicant’s request to change in the intensity of land use at this site is consistent with the deletion of Arterial 8 (Forsythia Drive), a ninety-foot arterial roadway that was to connect Loop 360 to Yaupon Drive. The City of Austin’s plans to construct Arterial 8 changed, due in part to BCCP issues and with the City’s purchase of the adjoining Stennis Tract. In this request, the applicant is asking to down zone this tract of land to build a single-family residence on the site. The staff recommends SF-2 zoning as the property meets the intent of the Single-Family Residence-Standard Lot district designation and is consistent with the SF- 2-CO zoning the north and west. SF-2 zoning will allow the applicant to develop the property with a single-family residence that is compatible with the residential uses adjacent to the site. The applicant agrees with the staff’s recommendation. BASIS OF RECOMMENDATION: 1. The proposed zoning should be consistent with the purpose statement of the district sought. Single-Family Residence (Standard Lot) district is intended as an area for moderate density single-family residential use, with a minimum lot size of 5,750 square feet. This district is appropriate for existing single-family neighborhoods having moderate sized lot patterns, as well as for development of additional single-family housing areas with minimum land requirements. 2. The proposed zoning should promote consistency and orderly planning. The proposed SF-2 zoning is consistent with the existing SF-2-CO zoning to the north and west. 3. The proposed zoning should allow for a reasonable use of the property. SF-2 zoning will allow the applicant to develop the property with a single-family residence …

Scraped at: June 11, 2020, midnight

B-03 (C14-2020-0050 - 3100 Scofield Ridge Parkway; District 7) original pdf

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ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET TO: GR-MU DISTRICT: 7 CASE: C14-2020-0050 (3100 Scofield Parkway) ZONING FROM: LR ADDRESS: 3100 Scofield Ridge Parkway SITE AREA: 3.28 acres (142,876.8 sq. ft.) PROPERTY OWNER: Tiger Creek Partners, LP (John Bultman) AGENT: Metcalfe, Wolff, Stuart & Williams, LLP (Michele Rogerson Lynch) CASE MANAGER: Sherri Sirwaitis (512-974-3057, sherri.sirwaitis@austintexas.gov) STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends GR-MU, Community Commercial-Mixed Use Combining District, zoning. ZONING AND PLATTING COMMISSION ACTION / RECOMMENDATION: June 16, 2020 CITY COUNCIL ACTION: ORDINANCE NUMBER: 1 of 14B-3 C14-2020-0050 2 ISSUES: N/A CASE MANAGER COMMENTS: The property in question is currently undeveloped tract of land located at the northeast intersection Burnet Road/FM 1325 and Scofield Ridge Parkway. The applicant is requesting to rezone this site because they propose to develop multifamily uses on the property. The staff is recommending GR-MU zoning at this location because the applicant’s request meets the intent of the purpose statement for the base and combining zoning district designations. The proposed zoning will promote consistency and orderly planning as the site under consideration is adjacent to existing commercial zoning to the north (GR) and south (GR-MU) and multifamily zoning to the east (MF-3-CO). The properties directly to the east and south of this tract are developed with apartment complexes (Scofield Park at Austin Apartments and Scofield Apartments). The GR-MU zoning district would allow for a fair and reasonable use of the site because it will permit this site to be developed with commercial uses, residential uses or a mixture of commercial and residential uses at the intersection of two arterial roadways. The applicant agrees with the staff’s recommendation. BASIS OF RECOMMENDATION: 1. The proposed zoning should be consistent with the purpose statement of the district sought. The Community Commercial (GR) district is the designation for an office or other commercial use that serves neighborhood and community needs and that generally is accessible from major traffic ways. The purpose of a mixed use (MU) combining district is to allow office, retail, commercial, and residential uses to be combined in a single development. 2. The proposed zoning should promote consistency and orderly planning. The proposed zoning will promote consistency and orderly planning as the site under consideration is adjacent to existing commercial zoning to the north (GR) and south (GR- MU) and multifamily zoning to the east (MF-3-CO). The properties directly to the east and south of this tract are developed with apartment complexes (Scofield …

Scraped at: June 11, 2020, midnight

B-04 (C14-2020-0055 - Cooper Tract Commercial; District 1) original pdf

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ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET CASE: C14-2020-0055 Cooper Tract Commercial DISTRICT: 1 ZONING FROM: I-RR TO: CH ADDRESS: 10001 East US Highway 290 REZONING AREA: +/- 161.4 acre PROPERTY OWNERS: Cooper Milly Holdings LLC (Leighton Lord) AGENT: Husch Blackwell LLP (Nikelle Meade) CASE MANAGER: Heather Chaffin (512-974-2122, heather.chaffin@austintexas.gov) STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends CH for a +/- 99.5 acre portion of the site (Tract 1) and CS-MU for a +/- 48.4 acre portion (Tract 2). Please see Exhibit C- Braker Lane Extension Exhibit. For a summary of the basis of staff’s recommendation, see case manager comments on page 3. ZONING AND PLATTING COMMISSION ACTION / RECOMMENDATION: June 16, 2020: CITY COUNCIL ACTION: To be determined ORDINANCE NUMBER: 1 of 10B-4 C14-2020-0055 2 ISSUES: The Applicant supports the Staff recommendation of CH and CS-MU. CASE MANAGER COMMENTS: The proposed rezoning is for a +/- 161.4 acre tract located along the west side of SH 130 approximately 1,800 feet south of US 290 East. The property is zoned I-RR and is undeveloped. North of the property are undeveloped tracts zoned CS-CO, PUD, and I-RR. West and northwest of the property is a residential property zoned I-RR and a property located outside the City Limits that is developed with automotive repair services and a recycling collection facility. The southern boundary of the rezoning property is the Southwestern railroad. South of the railroad is undeveloped land zoned PUD. Southwest of the property is land zoned P that is part of the Walter E. Long parkland. Across SH 130 to the east is property zoned PUD that is developed with commercial and residential land uses. Please see Exhibits A and B—Zoning Map and Aerial Exhibit. The PUD zoned properties to the north, east and south of the proposed rezoning are all part of the Wildhorse Planned Unit Development. The portion that is located immediately north of the rezoning is under the same ownership but is not part of the rezoning request. This parcel may be incorporated into the overall development by providing vehicular access to the SH 130 southbound service road. The portion of the PUD that is south of the railroad boundary is planned primarily for residential land uses with park and other amenities. The Austin Strategic Mobility Plan (ASMP) includes an extension of Braker Lane across the rezoning property that divides the property into a northern tract (Tract 1) and a southern tract (Tract 2). …

Scraped at: June 11, 2020, midnight

B-05 (SP-2019-0417D - Additional 300K Ground Water Storage Tank Improvements 360) original pdf

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ZAP COMMISSION DATE: 16/06/2020 SITE PLAN REVIEW SHEET ENVIRONMENTAL VARIANCE REQUEST ONLY CASE: SP-2019-0417D PROJECT NAME: Additional 300K Ground Water Storage Improvements 360 APPLICANT: Gray Engineering, Inc. ADDRESS OF SITE: 5418-1/2 Buckman Mountain Road, Austin, TX 78746 COUNTY: Travis WATERSHED: Lake Austin (Water Supply Rural) JURISDICTION: ETJ EXISTING ZONING: N/a PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: Water Storage Tank DESCRIPTION OF VARIANCE: The applicant requests the following: AGENT: David Gray 1. Request to vary from LDC 25-8-341 to allow for cut that exceeds four feet in depth and not more STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends this variance, having determined the findings of fact to have been met. than 8 feet. ENVIRONMENTAL BOARD ACTION: 20/05/2020: The Environmental Board voted in (11) favor, (0) against, (0) absentia ZONING AND PLATTING COMMISSION ACTION: ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW STAFF: Hank Marley PHONE: 512-974-2067; hank.marley@austintexas.gov CASE MANAGER: Jeremy Siltala PHONE: 512-974-2945; Jeremy.siltala@austintexas.gov 1 of 21B-5 ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MOTION 20200520-006a Date: May 20, 2020 Subject: Additional 300K Ground Water Storage Tank Improvements 360, SP-2019-0417D Motion by: Kevin Ramberg Seconded by: Mary Ann Neely RATIONALE: WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes the applicant is requesting a variance from LDC 25- 8-341 to allow cut in excess of four feet in depth and not more than 8 feet; and WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes that staff recommend the variance with conditions having determined the findings of fact have been met. THEREFORE, the Environmental Commission recommends approval of the requested variance from LDC 25-8-341 to allow cut in excess of 4 feet and not more than 8 feet with the following; Staff Conditions: 1. Preserve the following trees next to the hammer head turnaround, the water quality pond, and the water tank: #524 Cedar; #525 Cedar; #526 Cedar; #527 Cedar and #534 Cedar; and 2. Re-vegetate all disturbed areas including the staging and storage area near the Buckman Mountain Road with City Standard Specification 604S.6 Native Grass and Forb Seeding. VOTE 11-0 For: Creel, Smith, Thompson, Nill, Neely, Coyne, Maceo, Ramberg, Guerrero, Gordon, and Bedford Against: None Abstain: None Recuse: None Absent: None Approved By: Linda Guerrero, Environmental Commission Chair 1 2 of 21B-5 Development Services Department Staff Recommendations Concerning Required Findings Project Name: SP-2019-0417D Additional 300K Ground Water Storage Tank Improvements 360 Ordinance Standard: Watershed Protection Ordinance Variance Request: For cut (LDC 25-8-341) exceeding 4 feet in depth in the Drinking Water Protection Zone Include an explanation with each applicable finding of fact. A. Land Use …

Scraped at: June 11, 2020, 12:01 a.m.

B-06 (SPC-2019-0563D - Professional Contract Services) original pdf

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ZONING & PLATTING COMMISSION SITE PLAN - PHASED SITE PLAN REVIEW SHEET ZAP HEARING DATE: June 16, 2020 SPC-2019-0563D CASE NUMBER: PROJECT NAME: ADDRESS OF SITE: 718 W FM 1626 Road WATERSHED: Professional Contract Services COUNCIL DISTRICT: N/A APPLICANT/ OWNER: JURISDICTION: 2-Mile ETJ (512) 616-8461 Onion Creek and Slaughter Creek Professional Contracting Services, Inc (Blue Clark) 718 W FM 1626 Road, Suite 200 Austin, TX 78748 Norma Divine, Garrett-Ihnen Civil Engineers, Inc 12007 Technology Boulevard, Suite 150 Austin, TX 78727 (512) 974-3102 (512) 454-2400 Ann.DeSanctis@austintexas.gov AGENT: CASE MANAGER: Ann DeSanctis, CNU-A, AICP Candidate PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: The applicant is requesting a 25-year development phase with two Phases for a non-profit organization which provides a special public benefit. Phase I would construct a three story office building, associated parking, fire access lanes, biofiltration ponds, stormwater management improvements, and hardscape/ landscape improvements. Phase II would construct another three-story office building and another associated driveway and parking. SUMMARY STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the 25-year development phased plan based on the case meeting criteria from 25-5-21. The applicant has included a justification letter explaining details of the site and their request (see attached). 25-5-21 (D) The Land Use Commission shall approve a request for development phasing and establish dates for beginning construction of each phase if the Land Use Commission determines that the site plan complies with the requirements of Subsections (C)(1) through (3) of this section and that the applicant has demonstrated a reasonable need for the requested phasing dates. 25-2-21 (C) The director shall approve a request for development phasing if the director determines that the site plan complies with the requirements of this subsection. (1)The entire development must be conducive to phasing, and each proposed phase must be a discrete and substantial part of the entire development. (2)Each development phase must independently satisfy the requirements of Section 25-5- 43 (Site Plan Release). (3) If a traffic impact analysis is required, the phasing plan must implement solutions to identified traffic problems that are approved by the director. 1 of 10B-6 SP-2014-0071C(XT2) All Saints Presbyterian Church SUMMARY COMPONENTS OF SITE PLAN: LAND USE: The site is in the 2-mile ETJ, thus, there is no zoning. The site currently has three (3), one-story buildings and associated parking and driveways. ENVIRONMENTAL: All environmental comments have been cleared. TRANSPORTATION: All transportation comments have been cleared. PROJECT INFORMATION SITE AREA EXISTING ZONING FLOOR-AREA RATIO BUILDING COVERAGE …

Scraped at: June 11, 2020, 12:02 a.m.

B-07 (SPC-2019-0147C - The Addie) original pdf

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ZONING AND PLATTING COMMISSION HILL COUNTRY ROADWAY SITE PLAN REVIEW SHEET 10 16.82 acres 800 N Capitol of Texas Hwy Bee Creek (Water Supply Rural) SPC-2019-0147C ZAP COMMISSION DATE: June 16, 2020 VTC Addie LLC 205 Wild Basin Rd South Bldg 1 Austin, Texas 78746 Anthony Ennis LandDev Consulting, LLC 8200 North MOPAC, Ste. 250 Austin, Texas 78759 CASE NUMBER: PROJECT NAME: The Addie ADDRESS: DISTRICT: WATERSHED: AREA: APPLICANT: AGENT: CASE MANAGER: Christine Barton-Holmes, CNUa, LEED AP (512) 974-2788 EXISTING ZONING: PUD PROPOSED USE: associated improvement within the Low Intensity Zone of the Loop 360 Hill Country Roadway Corridor. REQUEST: The site is located within the Low Intensity Zone of the Loop 360 Hill Country Roadway Corridor, and must be presented to the Zoning and Platting Commission for approval, a Hill Country Roadway Ordinance requirement. WAIVER REQUEST: There are no waiver requests with this application. SUMMARY STAFF RECOMMENDATION FOR HCRC SITE PLAN: Staff recommends approval of this Hill Country Roadway site plan. The site plan complies will all other applicable requirements of the Land Development Code including all Hill Country Roadway Corridor development regulations. All comments have been cleared. The focus of granting the request should be based upon the site development regulations meeting the criteria of the Hill Country Ordinance and not the merits of the Council approved PUD. The question is to grant or deny; additional conditions may not be imposed. The applicant proposes to construct commercial multi-family with christine.barton-holmes@austintexas.gov 1 of 11B-7 PROPOSED PARKING:108 PROPOSED USE: Condominiums PROPOSED F.A.R.: .1830:1 PROPOSED HEIGHT: 35’ PROPOSED BLDG. CVRG: 10.77% PROPOSED IMP. CVRG.: 19.32%) ZONING AND PLATTING COMMISSION ACTION: A previous, similar case, SPC-2016- 0453C, which proposed 67 units, was postponed from the November 7, 2017 meeting by staff, from the December 5, 2017 meeting by neighborhood request, and from the January 2, 2018 meeting by applicant request. The application was also postponed from the January 16, 2018 agenda by mutual applicant and neighborhood request, and from the February 20, 2018 agenda due to a posting error. The case was withdrawn by staff at the March 8, 2018 hearing and subsequently expired. The case presented here is a new case comprised of only Lot 1, rather than Lots 1 & 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 1, Block A of the Rob Roy 360 Subdivision (200100089) EXIST. ZONING: PUD ALLOWED F.A.R.: NA ALLOWED HEIGHT: 35’ MAX. BLDG. COVERAGE: NA MAX. IMPERV. CVRG.: …

Scraped at: June 11, 2020, 12:05 a.m.

B-08 (C8J-2018-0167 - Addison Section 5 - Preliminary Plan) original pdf

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SUBDIVISION REVIEW SHEET MUD: N/A COUNTY: Travis LOT(S): 144 Total Lots Z.A.P. DATE: 6.16.2020 JURISDICTION: 2-Mile ETJ CASE NO.: C8J-2018-0167 SUBDIVISION NAME: Addison Section 5 - Preliminary Plan AREA: 23.718 Acres OWNER/APPLICANT: CARMA Properties Westport AGENT: Kitchen Table Solutions (Chad Matheson) (Jonathan Fleming) ADDRESS OF SUBDIVISION: Near South US Highway 183 and Dee Gabriel Collins Road GRIDS: L:13/14 WATERSHED: Onion and Cottonmouth Creeks EXISTING ZONING: N/A PROPOSED LAND USE: Single-Family Residential ADMINISTRATIVE WAIVERS: None VARIANCES: None SIDEWALKS: Sidewalks will be provided on both sides of all internal and boundary streets. DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: The request is for approval of a preliminary plan located in the county and in the City of Austin’s 2 Mile ETJ. The plan is composed of 144 lots on 23.718 acres. The proposed subdivision includes 141 single-family lots and 3 open-space and landscape lot. The applicant has secured a service extension from the City of Austin to provide water and wastewater to the proposed development. COUNTY COMMENTS This property is located in the 2-Mile, ETJ (Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction) of the City of Austin. Section 212.003 of Texas Local Government prohibits the city and the county from regulating land uses, lot size, density, height and building coverage in the ETJ to name a few. There are no land use controls that can be imposed by the city or the county. In the county, there are 2 uses: Single-Family and Other. “Other” can mean commercial, retail, multi-family, office and industrial, any use that is not single-family residential. There are no zoning laws in the county. Public transportation is not available in the county. As part of review process, the local school district was sent a copy of the proposed preliminary plan for input, review and comment and as of today, the staff has not received any comments from the school district. 1 of 7B-8 The closes school is the John Ojeda Jr. High School on McKinney Falls Parkway and the Smith Elementary School on Smith School Road. The closes fire station is EDS #11 located on FM 812. ISSUES: Staff has not received any inquiries from anyone regarding the plan. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The preliminary plan meets all applicable state, county, and City of Austin Title 30 – Land Development Code requirements and staff recommends approval. ZONING AND PLATTING COMMISSION ACTION: CASE MANAGER: Jose Luis Arriaga Email address: joe.arriaga@traviscountytx.gov PHONE: 854-7562 2 of 7B-8 3 of 7B-8 4 of 7B-8 35. …

Scraped at: June 11, 2020, 12:06 a.m.

Agenda original pdf

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4. 5. Special Meeting of the Zoning and Platting Commission June 16, 2020 Zoning and Platting Commission to be held June 16, 2020 with Social Distancing Modifications Public comment will be allowed via telephone; no in-person input will be allowed. All speakers, including applicants and representatives, must register in advance (Day before the scheduled meeting, June 15, 2020 by Noon). To speak remotely at the June 15, 2020 Zoning and Platting Commission Meeting, residents must: Call or preferably email the board liaison at 512-974-6508 and andrew.rivera@austintexas.gov (the day before the meeting). The following information is required: 1. The speaker name. 2. Item number(s) they wish to speak on. 3. Whether they are for/against/neutral. Physical address. Telephone number. Must be the number that will be used to call-in. A registered speaker may not sign up another speaker. Previous registration on an item does not automatically roll over. • Once a request to register to speak has been called in or emailed to the board liaison, residents will receive either an email or phone call with additional information regarding the call in process. • Handouts or other information must be emailed to andrew.rivera@austintexas.gov by 1:00 PM Tuesday, June 16, 2020. This information will be provided to Commission members in advance of the meeting. • Residents may watch the meeting here: http://www.austintexas.gov/page/watch-atxn-live Applicant: 6 minutes and 3 minutes rebuttal. Time Allotment: Speakers: 3 minutes. Monday, June 15, 2020 Postponement requests must be submitted to the case manager and Andrew Rivera by 5PM Order of Meeting Determination of Quorum / Meeting Called to Order Reading of Proposed Consent Agenda *Vote and Disposal of Consent Agenda **Determination of Discussion Postponement Items Other Business Adjournment Discussion Cases (Including public comment, staff and applicant / representative presentations) * The consent agenda may be acted upon by one vote without separate discussion. Speakers are allowed to provide testimony on an item proposed for the consent agenda. At the discretion of the Commission the item may remain on the consent agenda. ** Discussion postponement consists of public comment by 2 individuals for the postponement and 2 individuals against the postponement at 2 minutes each per speaker. Testimony should not delve into the merits of the case. The granting of a postponement must be approved by affirmative vote of the Commission. ZONING & PLATTING COMMISSION AGENDA Tuesday, June 16, 2020 The Zoning and Platting Commission will convene at 6:00 PM …

Scraped at: June 12, 2020, 5 a.m.

0000 Zoning and Platting Commission Q and A Report - Final original pdf

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June 16, 2020 Zoning and Platting Commission Q and A Report B-1. C14-2019-0162 - Slaughter and Cullen; District 2 Questions: Commissioner King As, I understand, the backup for this case indicates that the site is located in the Southpark Meadows Regional Center. The backup defines a Regional Center as: "the most urban of the three activity centers outlined in the growth concept map. These centers are the places where the greatest density of people and jobs and the tallest buildings in the region will be located." The Growth Concept map on pages A-30 and A-31 of the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan (IACP) shows Southpark Meadows as a Neighborhood Center. The IACP defines a Neighborhood Center as: "the smallest and least intense of the three types of activity centers outlined in the Growth Concept Map." Given that this site is located in a Neighborhood Center and not a Regional Center, does staff still recommend this zoning request? Why or why not? How may the public obtain a copy of the Southpark Meadows Neighborhood Center plan? Staff Response: Staff is still recommending this rezoning request. I confirmed with Comprehensive Long Range Planning Staff that the property is actually located in an Imagine Austin Town Center (rather than a Regional Center or a Neighborhood Center) and along an Activity Corridor. Town Centers and Activity Corridors support retail and commercial uses, which includes restaurants. Revised comments from Comprehensive Planning are attached and will be incorporated into future editions of the Staff report. The Long Range Planning staff has responded that there is no existing plan, nor plan in progress for the Southpark Meadows Center identified in the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan. See attached exhibit B-1. B-03 - C14-2020-0050 3100 Scofield Parkway Questions Commissioner King Could you please help me find the compliance report that was submitted on this same parcel in March 2015 to go from LR to CS-CO? Page 6 of the compliance report for this case indicates that the March 2015 zoning application was not approved. I'm trying to find the meeting date and minutes for the ZAP meeting at which the March 2015 zoning application was apparently denied. Staff Response: The previous zoning case for this property, case C14-2016-0035 (Scofield Farms), was withdrawn by the applicant on July 24, 2016 before a zoning case report was compiled and before the Zoning and Platting Commission reviewed the case. B-4 C14-2020-0055 - Cooper …

Scraped at: June 17, 2020, 1 a.m.

B-1 (Cullen and Slaughter - Park Ridge Neighborhood Opposition) original pdf

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Dear Commissioners: The Park Ridge Owners Association (“Park Ridge”) asks that you consider the following information prior to the zoning hearing on the subject property (the “Property”) that will be held next Tuesday, June 16. I will not have adequate speaking time to provide you with the background history on this matter that the neighbors believe is very important to your deliberations. 2007 Ordinances and Covenants In 2007, the neighbors in Park Ridge that were adjacent to this property and board members began discussions with the former owner regarding uses we believed would provide disruption and intrusion into our daily lives and our right to peaceful enjoyment of our homes. We were unable to reach accord on the uses we wished to restrict, with restaurant uses (both limited and general) being at the very top of our list of prohibited uses. At the first zoning hearing, several of the commissioners voiced their belief that there was sufficient cause to delay ruling on the matter at the first hearing, and the Chair of that commission, the legendary Ms. Betty Baker, formed a "task force" of commissioners, Applicant and neighborhood representatives. The following list of prohibited uses is contained in Ordinance Nos. 20070503-047 and 20070503-048 (the "Cullen and Slaughter Ordinances") and was agreed upon by Applicant and the Neighborhood as a result of the task force meetings. It was and remains our position that restaurants, especially fast food restaurants, would be detrimental to our neighbors whose properties are adjacent. After a round of kumbaya at the second hearing, the Commission ruled and the property was encumbered by the following list of prohibited uses pursuant to the Cullen and Slaughter Ordinances. Current Application to Remove Restaurants from Prohibited Use. Fast forward to 2020, and a new Applicant, who purchased the property at least five years ago, is seeking to rezone the property, and seeks to remove only restaurant uses from the prohibited 1 list. Literally nothing has changed since 2007 that would make a restaurant use now attractive to Park Ridge neighbors. We have the same homes, many of the same owners, and the old and new homeowners of those residences still object to restaurant uses being adjacent to their homes. Applicant advises that its proposed tenant will be a fast food fried chicken chain restaurant called "Raising Cane's Chicken Fingers." Their sole function is fried chicken, and some of their locations are …

Scraped at: June 17, 2020, 1 a.m.

ZAP Speakers List June 16th original pdf

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ZAP Speakers B-1 Applicant: Nikelle Mead For Micah King Opposed Susan Hambright Stephanie Lindholm Elsbeth Clarson Jeanne Baert Katherine Fernandez Shirley Masterson Megan Ehrhart Maggie Longauer Jesus Rodriguez B-2 B-3 Applicant: Michele Rogerson Lynch B-4 Applicant: Nikelle Mead For Micah King Justin Lange (Engineer) B-5 Applicant: Steven Minor B-6 Applicant Blue Clark Jerry Goff (Project Manager) Peter Dueno (Engineer) Kevin Cloud Opposed Zenobia Joseph B-7 Applicant - Dave Anderson B-8

Scraped at: June 17, 2020, 1 a.m.

Approved Minutes original pdf

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Regular Called Meeting ZONING & PLATTING COMMISSION Tuesday, June 16, 2020 The Zoning & Platting Commission convened in a meeting on Tuesday, June 16, 2020 @ http://www.austintexas.gov/page/watch-atxn-live Chair Kiolbassa called the Commission Meeting to order at 6:01 p.m. Commission Members in Attendance: Ana Aguirre – Secretary Nadia Barrera-Ramirez Timothy Bray Jim Duncan – Vice-Chair Bruce Evans David King Jolene Kiolbassa – Chair Ellen Ray Hank Smith Absent Ann Denkler – Parliamentarian One vacancy (D-4) EXECUTIVE SESSION (No public discussion) The Zoning & Platting Commission will announce it will go into Executive Session, if necessary, pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, to receive advice from Legal Counsel on matters specifically listed on this agenda. The Commission may not conduct a closed meeting without the approval of the city attorney. Private Consultation with Attorney – Section 551.071 A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approval of minutes from June 2, 2020. Motion to approve the minutes from June 2, 2020, as amended, approved on the consent agenda on the motion by Commissioner Smith, seconded by Commissioner King on a vote of 9-0. Commissioner Denkler absent. B. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Rezoning: Location: Owner/Applicant: LG Slaughter and Cullen LLC (Rob Pivnick) Agent: Request: Staff Rec.: Staff: C14-2019-0162 - Slaughter and Cullen; District 2 166 West Slaughter Lane and 9012 Cullen Lane, Onion Creek Watershed Husch Blackwell LLP (Nikelle Meade) GR-CO to GR-CO, to change a condition of zoning Recommended Wendy Rhoades, 512-974-7719, wendy.rhoades@austintexas.gov Planning and Zoning Department Public Hearing closed. Motion by Commissioner Evans, seconded by Commissioner Smith to grant Staff’s recommendation of GR-CO, to change a condition of zoning, for C14-2019-0162 - Slaughter and Cullen located at 166 West Slaughter Lane and 9012 Cullen Lane was approved on a vote of 6-3. Chair Kiolbassa and Commissioners Aguirre and King voted nay. Commissioner Denkler absent. 2. Rezoning: Location: Owner/Applicant: Ken Schiller Agent: Request: Staff Rec.: Staff: Steve T. Stowers LR to SF-2 Recommended Sherri Sirwaitis, 512-974-3057, sherri.sirwaitis@austintexas.gov Planning and Zoning Department C14-2020-0041 - Stowers and Schiller; District 10 8500 Bluegrass Drive, Bull Creek Watershed Public Hearing closed. Motion to grant Staff’s recommendation of SF-2 district zoning for C14-2020-0041 - Stowers and Schiller located at 8500 Bluegrass Drive was approved on the consent agenda on the motion by Commissioner Smith, seconded by Commissioner King on a vote of 9-0. Commissioner Denkler absent. C14-2020-0050 - 3100 Scofield Ridge Parkway; District 7 3100 Scofield Ridge Parkway, …

Scraped at: Aug. 29, 2020, 3:30 a.m.