Amanda Swor direct dial: (512) 807-2904 July 6, 2021 Ms. Rosie Truelove Housing and Planning Department City of Austin Street-Jones Bldg., 1000 E. 11th Street Austin, TX 78752 Via Electronic Delivery Re: 11705 Research Blvd. – (C14-2020-0146) – Rezoning application for the 5.60-acre piece of property located at 11705 Research Blvd. in Austin, Travis County, Texas (the “Property”) Dear Ms. Truelove: As representatives of the owners of the Property, we respectfully request postponement of the public hearing currently scheduled for Zoning and Platting Commission on July 6, 2021 to the July 20, 2021 Zoning and Platting Commission meeting. This postponement request is to allow for a full Commission to hear the case given the limited number of Commissioners in attendance at the July 6, 2021 meeting due to the Holiday. Please let me know if you or your team members require additional information or have any questions. Thank you for your time and attention to this project. Very truly yours, Amanda Swor CC: Joi Harden, Planning and Zoning Review Department (via electronic delivery) Sherri Sirwaitis, Planning and Zoning Review Department (via electronic delivery) -2-
June 14, 2021 Zoning and Platting Commission City of Austin RE: Letter of Opposition to Item B-3, 11705 Research Blvd.; Rezoning Case C14-2020-0146 Dear Commissioners: We are opposed to the rezoning of 11705 Research Boulevard until there is a plan to solve the serious traffic congestion and safety issues on the adjacent portion of the US Highway 183 NB service road. The headquarters of our organization, the Texas Association of School Boards, Inc. (TASB), is located just 0.3 miles northbound from the subject property, adjacent to the same service road. Our employees, tenants, and visitors already have a difficult time safely entering and exiting the parking lot with the high traffic volumes and crossing three lanes of traffic to get onto the on-ramp for the highway, and this situation will worsen if the proposed rezoning were approved. In 1990, the City Council approved the rezoning of the property to LI-CO, with conditions that reflected traffic concerns at that time. Now, nearly 30 years later, those concerns are substantially worse, and yet the applicant is requesting to lift much of the conditional overlay even though the population of the metropolitan area has increased from 846,227 in 1990 to 2,295,303 as of 2020. To summarize our concerns: 1. The General Warehousing and Distribution, Equipment Sales, and Equipment Repair Services uses should be prohibited on the entire property, since these uses would likely increase the volume of large trucks on the frontage road. 2. The projected traffic from the redevelopment of the larger overall 3M property is 16,136 trips per day. Because the property is just one portion of the overall 3M property, a decision on the proposed rezoning should consider the impact of the redevelopment of the entire 3M property, and there should be increased protections against traffic issues—not fewer. 3. The conditional overlay setting a maximum height of 40 feet should remain in place; otherwise there could be a more intensive development, which would further exacerbate the traffic issues. 4. We have seen no plan that would actually address the traffic issues, and the rezoning should be denied until there is a proven solution that is required to be implemented. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, James. B. Crow Executive Director
Zoning and Platting Commission Registered Speaker List B1 Applicant - Amanda Swor For Clayton Baca Bobak Tehrany Kevin Brooke Opposed Steven Schrader Micah King June Murphy Stephen Malina Rebecca Quiñonez-Piñón Ashley Malina Kelly Wamhoff Nelda Bruggeman Mary Kay Tiernam Kristin McConnell Terron Evertson Karen Evertson Richard Bean Robby Robinson Beau Perry Gaye Thomson Dan Wittliff Stacey Peterson B3 Applicant - John Joseph Opposed Tiffany Conner Charli Ford Mubaraka Malbari Ed Bos Glenn Weichert Loick Gaulin B4 / B5 Applicant - Dave Anderson Aneil Naik Cary Krier Keith Buchannan Tyler Boykin B-6 Way Atmadja
# 1 2 Solicitation No CLMC834 Prime Subs CLMC838 Prime Subs Lake Austin-Meredith St Storm Drain Improvements (MH) Facilities Rehabilitation, Inc. (MB) Sam Kellough Trucking (MA) Alpha Paving Industries, LLC (FH) CL Concrete Construction Corporation North Tarrytown Water and Wastewater Pipeline Renewal M.A. Smith Contracting Company, Inc. (MB) Avery's Lawn Care & Landscaping, LLC (MH) Industry Junction, Inc. (FA) Marie's Trucking (FN) KLP Commercial, LLC Non-M/WBE Subs Total Goal Information SG MG SG MG $4,183,373 $6,492,000 FY21 Council Awards Report May 2021 2.04 2.59 2.59 2.04 2.18 2.18 6.25 6.57 6.59 6.59 0.53 1.44 1.44 0.47 0.48 0.48 0.78 0.86 0.86 1.39 1.42 1.42 MBE/ WBE Non Sub 0.03 0.03 95.11 89.30 $3,485,119 $3,309,119 $90,000 $50,000 $30,000 $4,880,010 $4,089,510 $100,000 $302,000 $22,000 $65,000 $1,500 Percent of "Met Goal" Awards for May 100.00% Percent of "Met Goal" Awards for FY21 To-Date 82.43% Cost Estimate Award Amount Prime MBE AA H A/NA WBE DBE SMBR Liaison Project Manager Dept Goals Met Type Kenneth Kalu Frederick Reza Public Works Yes Construction Council Date 5/20/2021 Kenneth Kalu Shivani Kesar Public Works 5/20/2021 Yes Construction Council Awards Report PAGE 1 OF 1 B= African American/ BlackH= Hispanic/ LatinoA/N= Asian/Asian/Native AmericanPTD= Participation To DateW= Caucasian/WhiteF= FemaleM= MaleNon-Sub= Subcontractor Not CertifiedSG= Solicitation GoalMG= Met GoalGFE= Good Faith EffortMBE/WBE=Combined GoalsUNK=Unknown Participation
Developer Project Name AA H A/NA WBE AA H A/NA WBE Contract Amount SMBR Contact Sponsor Dept. Project Status % Expensed Incentive Amount Expenditures to Date Contact Name (May extend past project completion date) Project Completion Date Consultant/ Contractor Project Type/ Phase Goal Type: C=Contract or P=Project Specific SMALL MINORITY BUSINESS RESOURCES DEPARTMENT ACTIVE THIRD PARTY - JULY 2021 PROJECT GOALS CURRENT PARTICIPATION (Goals Met to Date) MBE WBE MBE WBE Gensler Sports Design P 1.22% 2.90% 3.48% 3.72% 0.00% 21.14% 2.13% 3.71% $5,306,272.00 $4,874,454.79 Austin Stadco (formally Precourt Sports Venture (PSV)) Design- Miscellaneous P 1.22% 2.90% 3.48% 3.72% 0.00% 8.36% 77.00% 3.36% $1,469,508.61 $1,424,529.20 P 2.04% 3.86% 0.16% 6.06% 0.00% 0.00% 4.69% 2.29% $8,051,375.00 $7,917,523.11 Construction in progress 91.86% Construction in progress 96.94% Construction in progress 98.34% Construction in progress 99.98% Construction in progress 100.00% Construction in progress 98.88% Construction-RFP 2 Construction-RFP 3 Construction-RFP 5 Construction-RFP 6 Professional (Block 185 Misc D) Professional (Block 185 D) Construction (Block 185 C) Professional (Block 185 Misc D) Construction (Block 188 C') CAAICON Q2 Stadium (Austin FC) P 1.83% 4.70% 1.20% 1.80% 10.79% 0.30% 0.00% 1.51% $60,231,429.00 $60,231,429.00 Mike Rock Construction in progress 100.00% Land Use Agreement 8/1/2021 Austin Commercial Construction-RFP 4 P 2.93% 2.89% 0.58% 1.13% 2.55% 6.46% 0.00% 0.55% $38,330,237.00 $38,321,875.00 P 1.73% 1.49% 1.00% 2.08% 0.13% 1.44% 0.00% 0.00% $13,313,555.22 $13,313,555.22 Jolene Cochran EDD P 1.69% 1.51% 1.00% 2.05% 0.50% 0.24% 17.67% 0.25% $16,338,205.00 $16,155,968.00 Greenwater Block 185 Misc D Trammell Crow C 2.90% 9.00% 4.90% 15.80% 0.00% 0.00% 60.58% 36.16% $342,932.43 $331,745.54 Design in progress 96.74% 9/1/2021 Green Water Treatment Plant Block 185 D STG Design P 2.90% 9.00% 4.90% 15.80% 0.00% 0.48% 0.24% 4.65% $3,654,151.28 $3,260,616.12 Design in progress 89.23% 9/1/2021 Trammell Crow Greenwater Block 185-C DPR Construction C 2.70% 9.70% 2.30% 13.80% 0.00% 0.24% 0.01% 0.00% $250,840,760.00 $120,912,232.68 Bryan Embrey/ Mark Fowler Construction in progress 48.20% Developer Agreement; Not applicable 9/1/2021 Greenwater Block 185 Misc D Trammell Crow P 2.90% 9.00% 4.90% 15.80% 0.00% 0.00% 60.58% 36.16% $342,932.43 $331,745.54 Design in progress 96.74% 9/1/2021 Green Water Block 188 Austin Commercial C 2.70% 9.70% 2.30% 13.80% 0.14% 1.24% 0.37% 2.03% $134,565,784.00 $130,528,810.48 Construction in progress 97.00% 8/1/2021 NOTE: Based on June 2021 expenditure reports. Projects are incentive based contracts approved by Council and managed by the Economic Development Department. 6:55 AM THIRD PARTY PROJECTS PAGE 1 OF 1 7/6/2021
June 30, 2021 CARLOS LEÓN Re: 1) APD Headquarters still being CLOSED to the public, in reality 2) APD Public Records still telling the public online, and on their invoices, that APD Headquarters is OPEN to the public, though it’s NOT open, in reality Dear Office of Police Oversight, This complaint documents APD Headquarters, located at 715 E 8th Street, still being physically CLOSED to the public, though it should be physically OPEN to the public, per Texas Government Code 658.005 (a) saying “...Normal office hours of a state agency are from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday...The offices of a state agency shall remain open during the noon hour each working day with at least one person on duty to accept calls, receive visitors, or transact business.” Because the Covid-19 health threat has subsided so much Governor Abbott signed Executive Order 36, preventing any local governmental agency or official from requiring anyone to wear a facial covering (effective May 18, 2021), there is NO health excuse to NOT re-open APD Headquarters (at 715 E 8th Street) to the public from 8 AM - 5 PM, Monday – Friday, per Texas law. In fact, multiple APD Public Records webpages FALSELY claim APD Headquarters (at 715 E 8th Street) is open, when, in reality, it’s not: Per , “...Reports can be purchased at the Main Police Headquarters, located at 715 E 8th Street. Reports are 10 cents a page and only the public portion is available for purchase from the report sales office. This is the same report that can be obtained from visiting the APD Incident Report Database. Report Sales new hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.” Per APD - Public Records Center – FAQs (page 3) at: “Question: How do I pay for information provided to me? Answer: The invoice itself includes the following, in writing: “If you agree to accept these charges, you may: You will be provided an invoice outlining any charges associated with your request. You will be able to make your payment in person or by mailing your payment to the address included on the invoice. “ c. Bring check or money order payable to "City of Austin" to our office at 715 E. 8th Street.” When I recently tried to pay an invoice in person at APD Headquarters, located at 715 E 8th Street, …
AUSTIN POLICE DEPARTMENT GENERAL OFFENSE HARDCOPY (ASSAULT BY THREAT) GO# 2021-1270378 [*UNOFFICIAL COPY OF EXTRA REDACTED REPORT*] Table of Contents Related Event GO# 2021-1270378 ................................................…….............................. 1 Offense(s) ............................................................................................................................ 1 Related Event(s) ................................................................................................................. 2 Related Person(s) ............................................................................................................... 2 1. VICTIM # 1 - LEON, CARLOS ..…………………....................................................………............................ 2 2. INVOLVED # 1 - HARRIS, DAVID R ................................................................................……….................. 3 Related Narrative(s) ...........................................................................................…............. 4 1. GUADARRAMA, EDWIN (AP8541), INITIAL REPORT .............................................................………....... 4 2. VALLEJO, CARLOS (AP4532), SUPPLEMENTS - REGION 1 REVIEW ...................................………...... 5 Related Clearance Information ..................................................................................….... 6 AUSTIN POLICE DEPARTMENT GENERAL OFFENSE HARDCOPY OPEN RECORDS REQUEST (ASSAULT BY THREAT) GO# 2021-1270378 REFERRED TO MUNICIPAL COURT (SUSPENDED) General Offense Information Operational Status REFERRED TO MUNICIPAL COURT (SUSPENDED Reported On MAY-07-2021 (FRI.) 0726 Occurred Between MAY-07-2021 (FRI.) 0712 AND MAY-07-2021 (FRI.) 0717 Approved On MAY-16-2021 (SUN.) Approved By AP7296 - EDWARDS, JOSEPH Report Submitted By AP8541 - GUADARRAMA, EDWIN Org Unit BAKER 200 REG I PATROL Address W 45TH ST / N LAMAR BLVD Municipality AUSTIN County TRAVIS COUNTY District BA Beat 6 Grid 328 Family Violence NO Cargo Theft NO Offenses (Completed/Attempted) Offense # 1 0901-0 ASSAULT BY THREAT - COMPLETED Location STREETS / HWY / ROAD / ALLEY Suspected Of Using N/A (MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE) Bias NONE (NO BIAS) For AP7968 Printed On May-19-2021 (Wed.) Page 1 of 7 AUSTIN POLICE DEPARTMENT GENERAL OFFENSE HARDCOPY OPEN RECORDS REQUEST (ASSAULT BY THREAT) GO# 2021-1270378 REFERRED TO MUNICIPAL COURT (SUSPENDED) Related Event(s) 1. CP 2021-1270378 Related Person(s) 1. VICTIM # 1 - LEON, CARLOS CASE SPECIFIC INFORMATION Sex MALE Address REFUSED Municipality AUSTIN State TEXAS Email REFUSED PERSON PARTICULARS MASTER NAME INDEX REFERENCE Name LEON, CARLOS Sex MALE Address REFUSED Municipality AUSTIN State TEXAS PHONE NUMBERS Email REFUSED LINKAGE FACTORS Resident Status UNKNOWN Victim Of 0901- 0 ASSAULT BY THREAT - ASSAULT BY THREAT RELATIONSHIP(S) BETWEEN VICTIM TO OFFENDER(S) Relationship VICTIM WAS ACQUAINTANCE Offender's Name HARRIS, DAVID, R Offender's Role INVOLVED #1 For AP7968 Printed On May-19-2021 (Wed.) Page 2 of 7 AUSTIN POLICE DEPARTMENT GENERAL OFFENSE HARDCOPY OPEN RECORDS REQUEST (ASSAULT BY THREAT) 2. INVOLVED # 1 - HARRIS, DAVID R CASE SPECIFIC INFORMATION GO# 2021-1270378 REFERRED TO MUNICIPAL COURT (SUSPENDED) Sex MALE Race BLACK Municipality AUSTIN State TEXAS MASTER NAME INDEX REFERENCE Name HARRIS, DAVID R Sex MALE Race BLACK Ethnicity NON-HISPANIC Municipality AUSTIN State TEXAS PHONE NUMBERS HOME (512) 250-3079 BUSINESS (512) 389-7400 PERSON PARTICULARS ALIAS(ES) Name Address Sex DOB HARRIS, DAVID HARRIS, …
CARLOS LEÓN - 7/6/21 police-force PUBLIC SAFETY - Capital Metro creates community oriented police force By Lakisha Lemons | Austin PUBLISHED 8:10 AM CT May. 20, 2021 AUSTIN, Texas — Capital Metro Transit Authority plans to roll out a new policing model for an in- house police department. The community oriented plan will include non-armed public safety ambassadors, community intervention specialists and trained transit police officers. Gardner Tabon, executive VP and chief safety officer for CapMetro, says it's an honor and a privilege to take on the challenge of reimagining public safety in the city We will be taking a totally different approach to public safety. We want to not just gain the communities trust but we want to maintain it as well. Our public safety ambassadors will have multiple responsibilities including a touch of security as well as the ability to make a decision at the scene of a possible incident and be able to de-escalate before it even becomes something a police officer may have to report to," Tabon said In part, community intervention specialists will work as liaisons between the public and the department. Putting boots on the ground in the community to help provide needed resources to individuals facing everyday challenges, such as homelessness and mental health issues. Tabon says these keys roles will help mediate a situation before it actually becomes a serious issue. The department plans to prevent calling law enforcement for incidents that may not be police or law enforcement issues. “I am particularly, as an African American male, very sensitive as to what has been going on over the past two years. I want to really make sure that we have in place a police department that the community will appreciate,” Tabon said. CapMetro’s pilot program for policing is the first initiative of its kind in the state of Texas. While the police force is transit-specific, trained police officers will have access to the best training available, as well as initial and refresher training to better serve the community -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CARLOS LEÓN/APD PUBLIC RECORDS EMAIL CHAIN On 6/25/2021 2:34:32 PM, Carlos wrote: Per, “...Reports can be purchased at the Main Police Headquarters, located at 715 E 8th Street. Reports are 10 cents a page and only the public portion is available for purchase from the report sales office. This is the same report that can be obtained from visiting the APD Incident Report Database. Report Sales new hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.” Therefore, this Friday (6/25/21) during business hours I went to Main Police Headquarters, located at 715 E 8th Street, to pay in person the $32 for Invoice ID 15131, re: R058821-051721. However, when I got there, I saw that building is CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC. Through the outside push button intercom I spoke with someone who identified himself as “Rodriguez.” He communicated there was NO way for me to pay Invoice ID 15131 in person at Main Police Headquarters, located at 715 E 8th Street, though your website says I can. He also did NOT provide any in-person payment options, though I specifically asked him for such options. When I asked him when the building would reopen, he said to contact the City Manager and City Council. Yet, Texas Government Code 658.005 (a) says “...Normal office hours of a state agency are from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday...The offices of a state agency shall remain open during the noon hour each working day with at least one person on duty to accept calls, receive visitors, or transact business.” Because the Covid-19 health threat has subsided so much Governor Abbott signed Executive Order 36, preventing any local governmental agency or official from requiring anyone to wear a facial covering (effective May 18, 2021), there must exist an in-person way for me to pay Invoice 15131 and get a printed receipt of payment, as well an electronic copy, that is also e-recorded on your e-system. Not only does your electronic payment portal require a Visa, Mastercard, or Discover card number, but says a “convenience” fee may also be debited as soon as payment as made. That’s ridiculous. I’m NOT paying any unnecessary, non-explicit “convenience” fee or any unnecessary fees associated with purchasing and/or using such a card. Therefore, I went straight to OPEN City Hall and spoke in person with Mr. Kelly (his first name), the City’s Public Information …
Austin Police Department Public Safety Commission Citywide Crimes Against Persons, Property and Society Citywide Response Times and Calls for Service Calls for Service and Response Times by Council District Overtime Budget vs. Overtime Spent Staffing July 6, 2021 Citywide-Crime Against Persons Citywide-Crimes Against Property Citywide-Crimes Against Society Citywide Response Times and Calls for Service Call Volume and Response Time Apr 1 to Jun 30, FY21 (Q3) Staffing Authorized: 1809 Filled: 1661 Current Vacancies: 148 144th Cadet Class started: June 7, 2021, with 100 cadets. As of 12/1/2020
Downtown Austin Unsheltered Homeless Count June 17, 2021 Count Summary May 2021 Baseline June 2021 Occupancy Multiplier* May 2021 Baseline Estimate June 2021 Estimate Month -to- Month % Change May 2021 -to- June 2021 % Change Unsheltered Individuals 322 Tents or Structures Automobiles 279 16 436 203 20 1 1.66 1.75 322 463 28 813 436 337 35 808 +35% -27% +25% -1% +35% -27% +25% -1% Total Estimate Heat Map of Unsheltered Individuals Heat Map of Tents or Structures Count Boundary Methodology The Downtown Austin Alliance has conducted a count of all unsheltered persons, tents or makeshift structures, and inhabited vehicles within the Public Improvement District (PID), under the I-35 underpass, and the parkland along Lady Bird Lake. The count was conducted between 3AM and 6AM on the 3rd Thursday of the month using 10 teams to survey predetermined sub districts within the larger boundary. The count is limited to observation only and as a result a multiplier*, used nationally and locally verified, is used to produce an estimated total number of individuals experiencing homelessness. Count Details for June 17th, 2021 Teams Paid Staff 10 24 2 Volunteers
Responsible Public Space Management Plan Update 7/6/2021 1 Community Engagement Lieutenant Lawrence Davis Agenda 1.Mission and Objectives 2.Phased Approach 3.Summary of APD’s current response 7/6/2021 2 Mission & Objective The mission is to establish a coordinated and consistent procedure for responding to homeless encampments while recognizing the vulnerability and limited options of those experiencing unsheltered homelessness and the risk posed by the encampments. The objective is to safely and humanely relocate persons camping in a public area, in a manner that preserves human dignity and respect while promoting voluntary compliance. 7/6/2021 3 RPM Phased operation using SARA May 11 - June 12, 2021 Community Engagement (education), Mitigation Strategies (outreach), Clean-ups Verbal Warning Period documented on FO Violation of Camping Ordinance (3223) Phase 1 – Verbal Warnings Clean-Ups, Mitigation Strategy, Engagement Verbal Warning if not previously issued, Citation if previously warned Violation of Camping Ordinance (3223) Phase 2 – Written Warnings / Citations June 13th, - July 10, 2021 Phase 3 - Citations July 11, 2021 – August 7th, 2021 72-Hour notice given before clean-up (Mitigation if possible) During Clean-ups: Officers will issue citations for title code Violation of Camping Ordinance (3223) Phase 4 – Arrests and Diversions August 8th – Assessment of operation by September 4th, 2021 7/6/2021 72-Hour Notice of Cleans ups, Arrest and Diversion APD Policy 308 Misdemeanor Citations Phase 5 – Assessment of previous actions RPM PG 6 4 DATA Collection DATA Collection Location of Homeless Camps Phase of the operation • Types of incidents • # of 311 Calls • # of 911 Calls • # of Violent Crimes • # of Property Crimes Date/Time of Each Report • Type of Enforcement Taken • Warn • Cite • Warrant • Arrest • Critical Stats Collected • Tent/encampment • Vets • # Educated • # Transported Current Progress Type of Connection As of July 1 s t 2021 67 64 90 38 114 13 Non Profit Social Service VA Mental Health Bus Tickets Faith Based Current Progress Totals As of July 1st 2021 Veterans , 33 Willing to voluntarily relocate to PARD, 290 Warnings, 382 People Educated , 384 Warnings People Educated Transported to PARD Veterans Current Progress Stats after 1st Visit 250 261 206 300 200 150 100 50 0 160 138 56 48 Encampments # Educated Willing to voluntarily relocate 1st Visit 2nd/3rd visit What’s Next Phase III will begin July 11th Operation hinges on …
Reimagining Public Safety Farah C. Muscadin, JD RPS Co-Chair Public Safety Commission July 6, 2021 Reimagining Public Safety Update RPS Review Teams and Leads •Equity Reinvestment in Community - EDD (lead), Sylnovia Holt Rabb •Services to Violence Survivors and Violence Prevention - APH (lead), Akeshia Johnson-Smothers •Public Health Reinvestment - APH (lead), Laura La Fuente •Reimagining 911 and Non-Crisis Response - Emergency Communications, Ken Murphy (lead) •Meaningful Community Engagement - CPIO (lead), Keith Reeves •Patrol & Surveillance/Patrol & Criminal Investigation - APD (lead), Troy Gay •Uprooting Punitive and Harm Culture - Equity (lead), Brion Oaks 1 8 Can’t Wait Analysis Anni-Michele Evans – Policy Compliance Consultant Sara Peralta – Public Information & Marketing Program Manager Public Safety Commission July 6, 2021 (512) 974-9090 ATX Police Oversight @ATX_OPO 2 Agenda 1. Background 2. Phase I: Policy Review & Recommendations 3. Phase II: Community Feedback 4. Phase III: Final Analysis and Report 3 Background: The Why Resolutions passed by Austin City Council in June 2020 Resolution 96 Resolution 50 “Strategies employed should draw from best practices and campaigns designed to reduce and eliminate use of force incidents, such as 8 Can’t Wait and Campaign Zero.” Resolution 95 “The Council directs the City Manager to ensure the City’s policies and policing policies conform to the policy directives and goals of the Council as stated in this Resolution…” “…funding for a process to rewrite the Austin Police Department’s General Orders, in collaboration with Offices that may provide policy guidance that aligns with the equity and oversight policy direction from Council, such as the Office of Police Oversight, using national best practices and community input for the implementation of new guidelines…” 4 Phase I: Policy Review & Recommendations Resolution 95 Provisions Guiding OPO’s Analysis 5 Use of deadly force against individuals, including persons fleeing (in vehicle or on foot), shall be limited to situations where necessary for self-defense or defense of others against an imminent deadly threat or threat of serious bodily injury, and either there were no reasonable alternatives to prevent serious injury, or death or all reasonable alternatives have been exhausted. Restrict shooting at moving vehicles Exhaust all alternatives before using deadly force APD General Orders requiring officers to intervene to stop improper or excessive uses of force by their fellow officers should be appropriately enforced. Use of force shall incorporate de-escalation tactics in all circumstances, and the response shall be proportionate …
` John Kiracofe PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Monday, June 7, 2021 The Public Safety Commission convened a videoconferencing meeting Monday June 7, 2021 at City Hall 301 W. 2nd Street in Austin, Texas. Chair Rebecca Gonzales called the Board Meeting to order at 3:01p.m. Board Members in Attendance: Michael Sierra-Arevalo Rebecca Gonzales Rocky Lane Kathleen Hausenfluck Nelly Ramirez Queen Enyioha Board Members Absent: Rebecca Webber, Rebecca Bernhardt, Amanda Lewis Staff in Attendance: Robin Henderson, Assistant Chief, Austin Police Department Jasper Brown, Chief of Staff, Austin/Travis County Emergency Medical Services Rob Vires, Chief of Staff, Austin Fire Department Commissioner Gonzales welcomed everyone to the meeting and shared that the Prop B agenda item was rescheduled to July 2021 meeting, due to the Special Called Council Meeting and Diana Grey (Chief Presenter) no longer available to present. Commissioner Gonzales also took a moment to wish everyone Happy Pride Month and acknowledge Black Pride Week. Commissioner Queen Austin was invited to take a moment to introduce herself since this was the first meeting that she was able to join Public Communications - Citizens signed up to speak: 2b. Update on Hiring of New Austin Police Chief (Sponsors: Commissioners Gonzales and Webber) Commissioner Gonzales welcomed Assistant City Manager Arellano and thanked him for stepping away from the Special Called City Council meeting to present an update on the hiring of a new Austin Police Chief to the Public Safety Commission. ACM Arellano shared with the board the timeline of working with a consultant in hiring a new police chief and meeting with stakeholders and the number of community sessions held so the consultant could hear the concerns and desires of -Carlos Leon – Criminal Cap Metro and Law and Order 1 what citizens would like for the new chief to look like. Per ACM Arellano, there are currently 36 applications in hand and they are expecting more applications. In June 2021, the consultant will start to screen/identify applications to bring to City Management. Commissioner Gonzales opened the floor for questions and Commissioner Ramirez commented she hopes the consult would be looking for what the constituents of Austin have stated in their feedback as to the type of police chief they want for the City of Austin. Commissioner Gonzales asked if the lines of communication were still open for citizens to continue to provide input/thoughts on hiring a new chief. Commissioner Lane asked …