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Parks and Recreation BoardOct. 26, 2021

B5: Presentation original pdf

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1 BEVERLY S. SHEFFIELD NORTHWEST DISTRICT PARK POND CONCEPT BRIEFING PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING Charles Mabry, Associate Project Manager, PARD Drew Carman, PLA, Director of Park Planning & Design, RVi October 26th, 2021 2 15 13 1 19 18 POND BACKGROUND The duck pond, a beloved resource to the community, has long suffered from stagnant water, invasive species, and poor water quality. The pond presents many challenges, but it also presents an opportunity to make not only a functioning water & habitat resource, but a design focal point of the park, providing passive recreation opportunities. LEGEND 1. ENTRY MONUMENT 2. EXPANDED BRIDGE LANDING 3. CENTRAL LAWN 4. REALIGNED PARK ROAD 5. NATIVE GRASS + WILDFLOWER PLANTINGS 6. RESTROOM 7. PLAYSCAPES, 2-5 YR, 5-12 YR 8. BASKETBALL COURT 9. PICKLEBALL COURTS 10. TENNIS COURTS 11. BOARDWALK 12. STAIRWAY W/ LIMESTONE BLOCK RETAINING 13. PICNIC SHADE STRUCTURES 14. BICYCLE PARKING 15. ACCESSIBLE ROUTE FROM DAM 17. YOUTH BIKE PLAYGROUND 18. LIMESTONE BLOCK RETAINING WALL 19. GRASSPAVE OR EQUAL 20. REMOVE MSE WALLS 21. DUMPSTER ENCLOSURE DEDICATED BIKE LANE DAM TOE NO NEW TREE ZONE 15 16. PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE, EXPANDED WIDTH 15 20 5 11 1 16 12 15 13 13 8 9 10 3 6 7 17 1 21 12 4 14 1 0 100’ 200’ Aerial photography Google 02-17-2021 For illustrative purposes only. Sub- ject to change without notice. Copyright RVi 1611 West 5th Street Suite 175 Austin, Texas 78703 Tel: 512.480.0032 Austin, TX. August 03, 2021 20002718 CITY OF AUSTIN, PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT (PARD) BEVERLY S. SHEFFIELD NORTHWEST DISTRICT PARK VISION PLAN • DRAFT BEVERLY S. SHEFFIELD NORTHWEST PARK VISION PLAN 3 PROPOSED OPTIONS 1. Minimal disturbance (aeration, selective excavation for depth in main pools) 2. Dam PER recommendations (prior recommendations; aeration, excavation, limestone toe & water quality wet pond options 2 & 3) 3. Vision Plan recommendations (further comprehensive study, aeration, native riparian vegetation planting, preserve all existing trees) (Note: the pedestrian circulation & boardwalk proposed in the Vision Plan was designed to accommodate any of these options) BEVERLY S. SHEFFIELD NORTHWEST PARK VISION PLAN 4 OPTION 1 - MINIMAL DISTURBANCE Aeration, selective excavation for depth in main pools. (Dam PER plan shown below for clarity) This option would keep the pond under PARD for operation and maintenance. The minimal disturbance option increasing include would not channel width proposed or limestone toe, as shown here. 80 …

Scraped at: Oct. 22, 2021, 6:50 p.m.
Parks and Recreation BoardOct. 26, 2021

D: Director's Report original pdf

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PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD DIRECTOR’S REPORT DATE: October 2021 COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT EVENTS: Historic Montopolis Negro School Community Meeting: The City of Austin Parks and Recreation Department (PARD) will host a virtual community meeting on Wednesday, October 27 from 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm to share information about the Historic Montopolis School. This is the first meeting to engage the Austin community in future planning for the historic school that was acquired by the City of Austin to serve as a museum. An open house at the school will be held on Saturday, November 6 from 10:00 am to noon. PARD will share information about the history of the Historic Montopolis Negro School and how the building was acquired by the City of Austin. Additionally, PARD will discuss ways the community could get involved in shaping the planning process, which is expected to begin in spring 2022. For more information, visit: District 3 Zilker Metropolitan Park Vision Plan – Pop-up Events: On October 19, PARD and the consultant team held the project's third community-wide meeting (6 pm via Zoom and Facebook Live). Spanish interpretation and American Sign Language services were provided. During the meeting, the team shared design ideas related to the park which aimed to improve mobility and transportation, programming, environmental features, and historic resources. Following the meeting, community input will continue to shape the plan as design alternatives are incorporated into an interactive map for community members to explore accompanied by an online survey. PARD is also hosting its second series of “pop-up" opportunities in every district following the meeting through November. October pop-up events were scheduled at Onion Creek Metropolitan Park (10/23), Austin Country Flea Market (10/24), and Barton Springs Pool (10/25). Additional information including community meeting details and upcoming engagement opportunities may be found on the project website: Districts 5 and 8 PLANNING UPDATES: Project Connect: Staff are vetting with the Law Department parkland takings, assuming a twofold approach. 1) Capital Metro would pursue condemnation to take Title to parkland significantly impacted by the rail line proper (e.g., Auditorium Shores, Waller Beach). 2) Austin Transportation Department would go through a Chapter 26 process for a change of use for land that will ultimately become ROW (e.g., for improved sidewalk). Other recent focus and actions: • Norwood Park – Blue Line Team met with Norwood Park Foundation, and PARD staff. Norwood was concerned about impacts of …

Scraped at: Oct. 22, 2021, 6:50 p.m.
Planning CommissionOct. 26, 2021

Planning Commission October 26 2021 Agenda.pdf original pdf

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PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA Tuesday, October 26, 2021 The Planning Commission will convene at 6:00 PM on Tuesday, October 26, 2021 at Austin City Hall, Council Chambers, Room 1001 301 W. Second Street, Austin, TX. Some members of the Planning Commission may be participating by videoconference. The meeting may be viewed online at: Awais Azhar Joao Paulo Connolly Grayson Cox Yvette Flores – Secretary Claire Hempel – Vice-Chair Patrick Howard Jennifer Mushtaler Solveij Rosa Praxis Carmen Llanes Pulido Jessica Cohen – Ex-Officio Robert Schneider Todd Shaw – Chair James Shieh – Parliamentarian Jeffrey Thompson Richard Mendoza – Ex-Officio Arati Singh - AISD Ex-Officio EXECUTIVE SESSION (No public discussion) The Planning Commission will announce it will go into Executive Session, if necessary, pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, to receive advice from Legal Counsel on matters specifically listed on this agenda. The Commission may not conduct a closed meeting without the approval of the city attorney. Private Consultation with Attorney – Section 551.071 Attorney: Steven Maddoux 512- 974-6080 Commission Liaison: Andrew Rivera, 512-974-6508 CITIZEN COMMUNICATION The first four (4) speakers signed up prior to the commencement of the meeting will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of October 12, 2021. B. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Rezoning: Location: 2. 3. Owner/Applicant: Agent: Request: Staff Rec.: Staff: Plan Amendment: Location: Owner/Applicant: Agent: Request: Staff Rec.: Staff: Rezoning: Location: Owner/Applicant: Agent: Request: Staff Rec.: Staff: C14-2021-0009 - 1725 Toomey Rd; District 5 1725 Toomey Road; South Lamar Combined NP Area (Zilker), Lady Bird Lake Watershed 1725 Toomey, LLC Drenner Group (Amanda Swor) CS to MF-6 Recommended Kate Clark, 512-974-1237, Housing and Planning Department NPA-2020-0015.03 - 6705 and 6501 Regiene Road; District 1 6705 and 6501 Regiene Road; MLK- 183 NP Area, Boggy Creek Watershed Daryl Kunik Drenner Group, PC (Leah Bojo) Industry to Major Planned Development land use Recommended Jesse Gutierrez, 512-974-1606, Housing and Planning Department C14-2020-0150 - 6705 and 6501 Regiene Road; District 1 6705 and 6501 Regiene Road; MLK- 183 NP Area, Boggy Creek Watershed Daryl Kunik Drenner Group, PC (Leah Bojo) SF-2-NP and LI-NP to LI-PDA-NP Recommended, with conditions Heather Chaffin, 512-974-2122, Housing and Planning Department Attorney: Steven Maddoux 512- 974-6080 Commission Liaison: Andrew Rivera, 512-974-6508 4. Plan Amendement: Location: Owner/Applicant: Agent: Request: Staff Rec.: Staff: NPA-2021-0023.01.SH …

Scraped at: Oct. 22, 2021, 8:30 p.m.
Planning CommissionOct. 26, 2021

Addendum adds Item C-2 Rules of Procedure and C-3 Bylaws Recommendation original pdf

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PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA Tuesday, October 26, 2021 The Planning Commission will convene at 6:00 PM on Tuesday, October 26, 2021 at Austin City Hall, Council Chambers, Room 1001 301 W. Second Street, Austin, TX. Some members of the Planning Commission may be participating by videoconference. The meeting may be viewed online at: Awais Azhar Joao Paulo Connolly Grayson Cox Yvette Flores – Secretary Claire Hempel – Vice-Chair Patrick Howard Jennifer Mushtaler Solveij Rosa Praxis Carmen Llanes Pulido Jessica Cohen – Ex-Officio Robert Schneider Todd Shaw – Chair James Shieh – Parliamentarian Jeffrey Thompson Richard Mendoza – Ex-Officio Arati Singh - AISD Ex-Officio ADDENDUM EXECUTIVE SESSION (No public discussion) The Planning Commission will announce it will go into Executive Session, if necessary, pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, to receive advice from Legal Counsel on matters specifically listed on this agenda. The Commission may not conduct a closed meeting without the approval of the city attorney. Private Consultation with Attorney – Section 551.071 Attorney: Steven Maddoux 512- 974-6080 Commission Liaison: Andrew Rivera, 512-974-6508 C. ITEMS FROM THE COMMISSION 2. Discussion and possible action regarding Rules of Procedure. (Co-Sponsors Chair Shaw and Vice- Chair Hempel) 3. Discussion and possible action regarding Bylaws. (Co-Sponsors Chair Shaw and Vice-Chair Hempel) ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days (48 hours) before the meeting date. Please call Andrew Rivera at the Housing and Planning Department, at 512-974-6508, for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. Attorney: Steven Maddoux 512- 974-6080 Commission Liaison: Andrew Rivera, 512-974-6508 SPEAKER REGISTRATION Click on link below or scan the QR code and submit the form to register to speak. Speakers should submit a separate registration form for each item of interest (Neighborhood Plan Amendment cases and associated Zoning cases are combined as they will be heard in tandem). Only one primary speaker for and against a case. If multiple register, primary speakers will be determined by the speaker who registered first. rCcM0VJ45NoBmTPGEWfEdUODBJNzhaMVhNMlpPRU0yUENVRTBYWDJLRC4u Participants are encouraged to register in advance of the meeting however, speaker registration will be available at the meeting by utilizing a mobile device to scan the above QR …

Scraped at: Oct. 22, 2021, 8:30 p.m.
Planning CommissionOct. 26, 2021

B-06 BWNA Letter C-14-2021-0137; 3427 Jefferson St_.pdf original pdf

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Bryker Woods Neighborhood Association Austin, Texas October 22, 2021 Re: C-14-2021-0137; 3427 Jefferson St. Chair Todd Shaw Vice-Chair Claire Hempel Members of the Planning Commission Dear Chairman Shaw and Commissioners, We thank the Commission and the Applicant for the additional time to consider this matter and communicate with neighbors. We also appreciate the Applicant and Ms. Lynch for responding to our request for further information. This case involves the (former) Burger King at 35th and Jefferson. The parking lot on the north portion of the property is zoned CS, and the building to the south sits on property zoned LR. The Applicant proposes to demolish the building leaving a CS lot sitting next to an LR lot. The zoning application seeks to rezone the LR lot, extending CS zoning to the south. The applicant group has indicated that they are considering building a four-story office building with an underground parking garage covering both lots with an entrance and exit on Jefferson Ave. and two exits on Glenview Ave. We write now to inform the Commission that, after careful consideration, the Board of the Bryker Woods Neighborhood Association has voted to oppose the rezoning application. Among our concerns are, briefly, the following: 1. Expanding CS zoning in this location is inappropriate. Most of the Burger King property already has overly generous zoning. The current zoning allows for reasonable use of the properties. 2. A four-story office building, if built, is contextually too tall for the location. There is no four- story building on W. 35th St. Granting the application will allow a larger four-story office building than could be built under current zoning. 3. The traffic generated by a four-story office building, if built, will negatively impact the flow of traffic and the safety of surrounding streets. We disagree with the Applicant’s traffic numbers. The Applicant attributes too much traffic to the former Burger King and not enough potential traffic to their proposed use. In any event, the more salient comparison is between the traffic generated by a larger office building and the traffic generated by a smaller office building. Approving the application will allow a bigger building generating more traffic. 4. Granting the application will negatively impact the neighborhood. Denying the application will not deprive the Applicant of the reasonable use of the property. We respectfully request that you deny the application for CS zoning. Thank you for your service …

Scraped at: Oct. 22, 2021, 8:30 p.m.
Planning CommissionOct. 26, 2021

B-08 (Addtional Staff Backup C14H-2021-0144 - Rubinett House; District 10).pdf original pdf

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City of Austin - Historic Preservation Office Historic Zoning Application Packet A. APPLICATION FOR HISTORIC ZONING PROJECT INFORMATION: DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY APPLICATION DATE:__________________ FILE NUMBER(S) _____________________________________________ TENTATIVE HLC DATE: TENTATIVE PC or ZAP DATE:_________________ TENTATIVE CC DATE:_________________ CASE MANAGER _______________________________ APPLICATION ACCEPTED BY:________________________________________ CITY INITIATED: YES / NO ROLLBACK: YES/NO BASIC PROJECT DATA: 1. OWNER’S NAME:________________________________________________________________________________ 2. PROJECT NAME:________________________________________________________________________________ 3. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS (or Range): ____________________________________________ Spencer Baugher & Claire Oswalt 3004 Belmont Circle Historic Zoning Application 3004 Belmont Circle 78703 Travis ZIP__________________________ COUNTY:______________________________________ IF PROJECT ADDRESS CANNOT BE DEFINED ABOVE: LOCATED ____________ FRONTAGE FEET ALONG THE N. S. E. W. (CIRCLE ONE) SIDE OF ______________________________________ (ROAD NAME PROPERTY FRONTS ONTO), WHICH IS APPROXIMATELY _______________________________________ DISTANCE FROM ITS INTERSECTION WITH _________________________________________ CROSS STREET. AREA TO BE REZONED: 4. ACRES _________________ 0.2646 (OR) SQ.FT._______________ 5. ZONING AND LAND USE INFORMATION: EXISTING ZONING EXISTING USE TRACT# (IF MORE THAN 1) ________ __________ SF3 SF Residential N/A ________ __________ ________ __________ __________ __________ __________ ACRES / SQ. FT. PROPOSED USE PROPOSED ZONING _______________ 0.2646 _______________ _______________ _____________ Same _____________ _____________ ____________ SF3-H ____________ ____________ RELATED CURRENT CASES: 6. ACTIVE ZONING CASE? 7. RESTRICTIVE COVENANT? (YES / NO) 8. SUBDIVISION? 9. SITE PLAN? (YES / NO) (YES / NO) (YES / NO) FILE NUMBER: ______________________________________ FILE NUMBER: ______________________________________ FILE NUMBER: ______________________________________ FILE NUMBER: ______________________________________ Adopted December 2012 6 City of Austin - Historic Preservation Office Historic Zoning Application Packet B. Tax Map Full size tax maps (1"=100') showing properties within 300' of zoning request Per email correspondence with the City of Austin, the entirety of the Historic Zoning Application Package now may be submitted electronically, including the site plan. An electronic reproduction of the site plan is included below. A large map in paper format is available upon request. City of Austin - Historic Preservation Office Historic Zoning Application Packet 1 2 3 4 5 F. 1: Historical Documentation – Deed Chronology Deed Research for (fill in address) 3004 Belmont Circle, Austin, TX 78703 List Deeds chronologically, beginning with earliest transaction first and proceeding through present ownership. The first transaction listed should date at least back to when the original builder of any historic structures on the site first acquired the property (i.e., should pre-date the construction of any buildings/structures on the site). Please use the format delineated below. For each transaction please include: name of Grantor/Grantee, date of transaction, legal description involved, price, …

Scraped at: Oct. 22, 2021, 8:30 p.m.
Planning CommissionOct. 26, 2021

B-11 (DCMC Water Safety Testimonial -Austin Parks and Rec Board).pdf original pdf

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Dell Children’s Medical Center 4900 Mueller Blvd Austin, TX 78723 August 19, 2021 Dear Austin Parks and Recreation Board Members and Planning Commissioners, On behalf of Dell Children’s Drowning Prevention and Water Safety Program, we are writing in opposition to allowing alcohol sales at Barton Springs Pool in Austin, Texas. Mixing alcohol use and water activity has several potential risks that increase the likelihood a severe drowning event will occur, especially in deep, cold waters such as Barton Springs. Drowning is a terrible, but preventable tragedy that takes the lives of nearly 340 Texans per year. In Central Texas, Dell Children’s Medical Center treats approximately 40 pediatric patients each year for drowning-related incidents. As an emergency medicine physician, representing the only Level I pediatric trauma hospital in Austin, Texas, I strongly urge you to consider these risk factors. It is heartbreaking to tell parents their child has died or is suffering a massive neurological injury that will change their life and their child’s life forever. Children are particularly at risk as drowning is the leading cause of unintentional injury death for children 1-4 years old and need to be closely and attentively supervised around all types of water. 1 Several factors increase the risk of drowning including lack of supervision and alcohol use. With the physiological and psychological impairments of alcohol, supervision behaviors may be affected, putting children at a higher risk for drowning. Even with adequate lifeguard coverage at Barton Springs Pool, supervision is the primary responsibility of the caregiver. The risk increases for children if that caregiver is slightly impaired due to alcohol use. Additionally, 2 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2020, July 1). WISQARS (web-based injury STATISTICS query and Reporting System)|Injury CENTER|CDC. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021, June 17). Drowning facts. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. alcohol consumption around water also increases drowning risk for adults due to the impaired motor ability, coordination, and increased risk-taking behavior. In a study of drowning deaths among adolescents and adults, alcohol was detected in up to 70% of individuals associated with drowning during a water recreational activity.3 In conclusion, we strongly discourage selling and consuming alcohol while swimming and during other recreational water activities. Drowning is 100% preventable, and we encourage our community to engage in safe and healthy behaviors, especially around bodies of water. Anything …

Scraped at: Oct. 22, 2021, 8:30 p.m.
Planning CommissionOct. 26, 2021

B-11 (SPC-2021-0131A - Zilker Café, District 8).pdf original pdf

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PLANNING COMMISSION SITE PLAN CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REVIEW SHEET CASE NUMBER: SPC-2021-0131A PC DATE: 10/26/21 PROJECT NAME: Zilker Café ADDRESS OF APPLICATION: 2133 William Barton Dr. AREA: The applicant is requesting a change of use for a portion of Zilker Park to Parks and Recreation Services Special Use. The requested use totals 6,673 square feet depicted on the site plan included in the back up materials. COUNCIL DISTRICT: 8 (512) 974-9455 (512) 974-9490 Phone: (512) 974-2711 City of Austin (Christina Bies) 919 W 28th Half St Austin, Texas, 78705 City of Austin – Parks and Recreation Department (Liana Kallivoka) 919 W 28th Half St Austin, TX 78705 APPLICANT: AGENT: CASE MANAGER: Renee Johns PROPOSED USE: Parks and Recreation Services (Special) EXISTING ZONING: P/PH NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN: NA/Zilker PROPOSED USE: The applicant is requesting approval of a Conditional Use for a Parks and Recreation Services-Special Use in P (Public)/ PH (Public Historic) zoning within a portion of Zilker Park. The Parks and Recreation Services Special Use will total 6,673 square feet. SUMMARY STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the conditional use permit. The Parks and Recreation Services Special Use allows for the sale of alcoholic beverages at a predetermined area on this site. The site plan complies with code. Parks and Recreation Board: Per 25-2-625 (E)(4) “The Land Use Commission may not consider a site plan until it receives a recommendation from the Parks and Recreation Board.” Recommendation denied on September 28th. Draft of meeting minutes is included in the backup documentation, as official approved minutes will not be available until after October 26th. PROJECT INFORMATION Area of proposed CUP Existing Zoning Watershed Watershed Ordinance Traffic Impact Analysis Capitol View Corridor Proposed Access Proposed Impervious Cover Proposed Building Coverage Height Parking required: P zoning 6,673 square feet of Recreation Services Special Conditional Use P/PH Barton Creek Current Code NA Not applicable William Barton Drive NA NA NA 42 required/215 provided 1 of 10B-11 EXISTING ZONING AND LAND USES P/PH Site ZONING P P/PH P P LAND USES Parks and Recreation Services Parks and Recreation Services (Special) Park and Recreation Services (General) Park and Recreation Services (General)/ Barton Springs Pool Park and Recreation Services (General) Park and Recreation Services (General) North South East West CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REVIEW AND EVALUATION CRITERIA The following evaluation is included to provide staff evaluation on each point of the conditional use permit criteria. Section 25-5-145 of …

Scraped at: Oct. 22, 2021, 8:30 p.m.
Planning CommissionOct. 26, 2021

B-11 ZNA Membership Resolution on Zilker Cafe (2021-07-26).pdf original pdf

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RESOLUTION OF THE ZILKER NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION GENERAL MEMBERSHIP URGING THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO OPPOSE A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ALLOWING THE SALE OF ALCOHOL AT ZILKER CAFE IN ZILKER PARK WHEREAS, For many people, Zilker Park is an oasis from the stresses of urban life; and WHEREAS, Austin residents are fortunate to have such a vast, centrally located green space where they can engage in different recreational activities like swimming, jogging, hiking, and frisbee; and WHEREAS, Authorizing the sale of alcohol at the Zilker Cafe potentially risks degrading this oasis by increasing conflict between park users; by increasing safety risks in areas nearest the café, including the pool and playscape; and by treating this unique oasis as just another location to go grab beer or wine, with the resulting need for additional parking; and WHEREAS, Removing the prohibition on alcohol sales would require a greater presence of law enforcement to enforce public safety in the park, which has been inadequately addressed in the past; and WHEREAS, The sale of alcohol would also cause an increase in drunk driving, which is especially dangerous when exiting the park onto a busy stretch of road that includes a bike lane, and it would compete with sales from established bars and restaurants on Restaurant Row; and WHEREAS, At least six members of the Parks and Recreation Board are on record as being opposed to a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for alcohol sales at Zilker Cafe; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the general membership of the Zilker Neighborhood Association respectfully urge the Planning Commission to vote against the CUP that would allow for the sale of alcohol at the Zilker Cafe. Presented to the ZNA General Membership on July 26, 2021 and approved unanimously.

Scraped at: Oct. 22, 2021, 8:30 p.m.
Planning CommissionOct. 26, 2021

B-12 (C8-2020-0037.1A - Marshall Ranch Subdivision; District 8).pdf original pdf

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SUBDIVISION REVIEW SHEET CASE NO.: C8-2020-0037.1A COMMISSION DATE: Oct. 26, 2021 SUBDIVISION NAME: Marshall Ranch Subdivision ADDRESS: 1300 Lost Creek Blvd APPLICANT: Eanes Marshall Ranch, LP (Linda K. Haines) AGENT: Jonathan Fleming (KTCivil) ZONING: SF-2 (single family residence) AREA: 37.23 acres LOTS: 55 COUNTY: Travis DISTRICT: 8 WATERSHED: Barton Creek & Eanes Creek JURISDICTION: Full Purpose SIDEWALKS: Sidewalks will be constructed along Eanes Homestead Road, Eternity Terrace and Marshall Ranch Road. DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: The request is for the approval of Marshall Ranch Subdivision, a subdivision out of the approved Marshall Ranch Subdivision preliminary plan, comprised of 55 lots (49 single family) on 37.23 acres. The plat does not comply with the criteria for approval in LDC 25-4-84(B) and staff recommends disapproval for the reasons listed in the attached comment report. An application that has been disapproved with reasons may be updated to address those reasons until the application expires. If the applicant submits an update to address the reasons for disapproval, that update will be presented to the Land Use Commission within fifteen days of submittal. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends disapproval for reasons of the plat for the reasons listed in the comment report dated October 22, 2021 and attached as Exhibit C. CASE MANAGER: Joey de la Garza PHONE: 512-974-2664 E-mail: ATTACHMENTS Exhibit A: Vicinity map Exhibit B: Proposed plat Exhibit C: Comment report dated October 22, 2021 E G E RID L T S A C R O O M T R A D LA S C I MA S WHITEMARSH VALLEY N O Y N A N C D I A I N WORCHESTER Q U A K E R R I D G E DIA M O N D H E A D d x m . p a M n o i t a c o L e t i S - t c a r T l l a h s r a M \ s t i b h x E S G I \ i \ t c a r T l l a h s r a M - 1 0 0 0 2 B C M \ e n o t s e l i \ M T C E J O R P \ : L : g n w a r D i SUBJECT SITE S S A R G W A S A R R O …

Scraped at: Oct. 22, 2021, 8:30 p.m.
Planning CommissionOct. 26, 2021

Item C-02 Shaw and Hempel - Exhibit A.pdf original pdf

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Chair Shaw and Vice-Chair Hempel Item C-2 EXHIBIT A Rules of Procedure Sec. 1.100, after “held” insert “at Austin City Hall”

Scraped at: Oct. 22, 2021, 8:31 p.m.
Planning CommissionOct. 26, 2021

Item C-03 Shaw and Hempel - Exhibit A.pdf original pdf

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Recommendation to Council Audit and Finance Committee for adoption to Planning Commission Bylaws Chair Shaw and Vice-Chair Hempel Item C-3 EXHIBIT A Bylaws Article 7 (D) after “month” insert “at Austin City Hall”

Scraped at: Oct. 22, 2021, 8:31 p.m.
Planning CommissionOct. 26, 2021

B-11 Zilker Cafe CUP PC Presentation pdf.pdf original pdf

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Zilker Cafe Conditional Use Permit Planning Commission Presentation Denisha Cox, Contract Management Specialist IV George Maldonado, Project Manager October 26, 2021 Summary: • Zilker Café renovations are complete, awaiting a food concessionaire to serve metro park patrons • The contemplation of beer/wine sales supported by previous actions including CCC, PARB & City Council via approval of the RFP process 2 Clarifications • Operational controls: 6’ non-climbable fence surrounding pool with gated entry, defined vendor perimeter, signage • Safety Measures in place: TABC licensed concession staff • Revenue generated is allocated to the COA General Fund 3 Pre-Solicitation Survey and Planning • Survey conducted in Spring 2015 prior to solicitation for Café issued What items would you like to be available? Responses included: • Beer, wine, whiskey, and alcohol. • Requests for a biergarten. • PARB citizen comments may not reflect entire user group of large metropolitan park Current Vendor Solicitation Timeline: Concessions and Contract Committee Meeting: April 9, 2019 (RFP Review/Committee Feedback) RFP Published (including Committee Feedback) RFP Close Date Recommendation for RFP Award Posted: (Austin Finance Online) April 29, 2019 June 6, 2019 July 23, 2019 Concessions and Contract Committee Meeting: Recommendation to PARB Parks and Recreation Board Meeting: Recommendation to City Council City Council Recommendation to Negotiate and Execute New Contract with Springfed LLC JV Contract Executed with Springfed LLC, JV September 10, 2019 September 24, 2019 October 3, 2019 October 18, 2019 4 Basic Contract Terms and Conditions • Contract Term: • Reporting: • Ten (10) years initial term; • Extension with two (2) Five (5) years extension options. • Menu Selection: • Includes options that are low in salt, sugar, saturated and trans fats; vegetarian and gluten-free; and include fruits and vegetables and whole grains. • Has price points for healthy, nutritious foods that are reasonable and affordable for every visitor to the facility regardless of income or financial circumstance. • May sell alcoholic beverages with prior written approval from the PARD Director • • If approved, alcoholic beverages are limited to the sale of beer and wine. *Requires the Conditional Use Permit Process • Mobile vending cart for food/non-alcoholic beverages only; no alcoholic beverages permitted on mobile cart • Concessionaire and staff shall have and maintain all appropriate state and city permits, licenses, or certifications to handle, manage, prepare, distribute, and serve food and beverages. *Process as regulated by the Land Development Code • Building …

Scraped at: Oct. 25, 2021, 9 p.m.
Planning CommissionOct. 26, 2021

B-02 and B-03 Letter EMLK NPCT.pdf original pdf

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EMLK Contact Team Re: Regiene Rd project Case NPA-2020-0015.03 Oct 24, 2021 Hello Planning Commission, City Council Members, Mayor Pro Tem and Mayor, The EMLK NPCT has been meeting with the developer’s agent in the Regiene Rd case throughout 2021 and had multiple meetings in late summer and early this fall. It’s a big project and we had a lot to cover! We appreciated the creativity that the developer’s agent, Leah Bojo, brought to our conversations. Our Co-Chairs led the discussions with Leah, because we don’t have a neighborhood association which covers this area, and there aren't any other residents immediately impacted. We were initially encouraged by the project because after the enhancements to Highway 183 have been made recently, it is exciting for our area to have some of the expected growth come our way. Also, we appreciate that the plans for the project have been updated to accommodate many of the standards outlined on our website, EMLK Contact Team, including: ● access to the nearby Walnut Creek Trail ● a Cap Metro lite rail stop ● 1-star rating in the Austin Energy Green Building Program There are other positive aspects of the project as well- (1) we understand that affordable commercial space, which we prioritized in our conversations with Leah, was incorporated into a private agreement. We believe that is one of the first agreements of that kind in the area, and hope that this becomes more standard. (2) We requested that the developer prioritize deep affordability in the residences, and at this time, they can commit to 10% of the units at 60% of MFI, which is a step better than many developments in our area; our request was 15-20% of the units at 50-60% MFI because our area specifically is seeing that the standard “affordability” is not helping residents stay or return to our area. 60% MFI should be reflective of fitting rents to this MFI. 80% MFI should not have the same rents as 60% MFI. We look forward to discussing housing affordability solutions further, separately. (3) A mix of uses on the property, which seem likely to be a significant destination for Austinites to frequent. However, at our recent monthly meeting on Oct 18, our membership unanimously voted against the project as it currently stands; our primary concern is that the developer has not made a satisfactory commitment to ensure that the project will …

Scraped at: Oct. 27, 2021, 2 a.m.
Planning CommissionOct. 26, 2021

B-09 Citizen Comments.pdf original pdf

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From: Scott Collier < Sent: Sunday, October 24, 2021 11:53 AM To: Cc: Chelsea Collier <mm>; DSD Land Management <> Subject: Harvey Street vacation objection - File No. 2021-047001 *** External Email - Exercise Caution *** Pam - Thank you for your time on the phone last week sharing your client's position regarding the Harvey Street vacation request they have filed. After considering our discussion, my wife Chelsea (copied here) and I have decided to oppose the vacation. To reiterate, my concerns regarding the vacation are as follows: 1) Once the Harvey right of way is vacated, your client intends to purchase and thus control the property, but as a resident on Sol Wilson for years now, I would say your client has mostly been a bad neighbor. The properties they already control are poorly maintained with a ragged chain link fence, shabby sheet metal that frequently gets tagged with graffiti, and trash and various discarded items including chemical barrels that are presumably from the Shaw automotive garage previously on the property (see the photos attached, taken from my front yard). We have several times over the years called in COA code compliance complaints to get the property mowed. To be fair, the property owners have been mostly responsive to those complaints and the mowing situation at least has been better in recent months. However, overall if the current owner is so negligent with their current property, I don't find it credible that they will take better care of the property if this vacation is granted and they buy the land. Those mysterious black barrels sit on land they already own. 2) You have said that your client has no specific plans for these properties but would like to develop them, including what is now the Harvey right of way, to be beneficial to the community. As I said on the phone, I don't see that anything built on that lot would benefit the community as we already have too many cars driving and parking on Sol Wilson given it is one of two means of access to the large Elm Ridge apartment complex . Furthermore, Elm Ridge provides inadequate visitor parking, despite having plenty of spaces, and I suspect someone makes money aggressively towing from their lot, so visitors that are in the know line the street in front of our house. Nothing built on the lots in question …

Scraped at: Oct. 27, 2021, 2 a.m.
Planning CommissionOct. 26, 2021

B-11 (Citizen Comments).pdf original pdf

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*** External Email - Exercise Caution *** Please share with the planning commission. This is a dangerous choice and will ruin the vibe of a public healing space. The majority do NOT want alcohol at the springs . Do you really want drunk people who have been in the sun all day to possibly drown, get killed in a car wreck, putting stress on our city services, lifeguards, etc? There is plenty of alcohol available in this city Keep Barton springs safe and peaceful. Marsha Fatino *** External Email - Exercise Caution *** Please send to all the parks commissioners: I urge you to take a final vote against alcohol sales at Zilker Park Cafe. Protect our park goers young and old, our pool visitors and our lifeguards. Ed Crowell Sent from my iPhone This is a very bad idea to have alcohol service at Barton Springs. It will be smuggled in! This is a “family value” park. The high temperatures in summer promote drinking of all kinds, but the idea of having drunken individuals in and near the park is NOT a good idea. Kill this idea! We are again covered up with twaddle from the vocal minority regarding beer and wine sales at Zilker Park. This isn’t an issue about beer and wine sales in the new Zilker Snack Bar … it’s an issue of getting rid of ACL Fest. They will soon oppose all beer and wine sales in all of Zilker hopes of removing ACL Fest from the park. The vocal minority is opposed to ACL Fest in Zilker Park... I guess they are opposed to the over $40 million that ACL has contributed directly to Austin Parks...thanks to Austin Parks Foundation...a sizable percentage of that $40 million has gone to help parks east of IH35. Also, this isn’t an issue about beer and wine … it’s an issue of change. The vocal minority is opposed to change. Planning Commission Laura would have Council dictating what women are allowed to wear to Barton Springs pool. Her remarks of the possibility of men getting drunk at the cafe and making rude comments to women in swim-wear are just as irrational as her scare tactics. Do not turn this into some moral responsibility. Policy should be based on facts not proverbial scare tactics. Sincerely, Elizabeth Blankenship “A young woman who doesn’t know better that she shouldn’t wear …

Scraped at: Oct. 27, 2021, 2 a.m.
Planning CommissionOct. 26, 2021

C-01 TCM WG Recommendations.pdf original pdf

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Proposed Amendment Tracking # Proposed Text Change (Underline added text/Strikethrough deleted text) Text Change Included in Amendment (YES/NO) Commissioner Chapter/Sub-Chapter Page # Proposed Amendment Justification References (if needed) Notes PC Vote ATD Staff Response 1 Thompson 2.8.0 2-16 2 Thompson General NA 3 Cox Table 2-2 2-10 Provide Cross Sections for streets with zero lanes for cars There are no mechanisms for designating pedestrian priority streets. Add a note that decouples sidewalk width from street width, where transit, urban trails, or other planning documents or land use would necessitate a wider sidewalk. Change "Use green infrastructure to protect environmentally sensitive areas and integrate nature into the City" to "Integrate nature into the City" There are no criteria for Passeos. There appears no way to require a street near a transit station to have a wider sidewalk other than Level 0-5 designation, and this also increases car traffic. Ensure that there is a way to expand sidewalk space where necessary, particular in cases where the ROW may be subject to change from a new development 4 Azhar 1.1 1-1 Use green infrastructure to protect environmentally sensitive areas and iIntegrate nature into the City Yes Align with language from Imagine Austin Page 10 of Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan

Scraped at: Oct. 27, 2021, 2 a.m.
Planning CommissionOct. 26, 2021

C-02 and C-03 Letter from COA regarding PDC and LUC Meetings.pdf original pdf

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TO: M E M O R A N D U M Mayor and Council Chairs of the following Boards, Commissions, and Committees: Zoning and Platting Commission; Planning Commission; Historic Landmark Commission; Board of Adjustment; Environmental Commission; Sign Review Board; Building and Standards Commission; Building and Fire Code Board of Appeals; Code and Ordinances Joint Committee; Design Commission; Electric Board; Mechanical and Plumbing Board; Small Area Planning Joint Committee; Waterfront Planning Advisory Board; and the Urban Forestry Board October 19, 2021 Change of location for land use related Commissions Denise Lucas, Development Services Department Director Rosie Truelove, Housing and Planning Department Director FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: On June 29, 2021, a memo was distributed regarding the opening of the Permitting and Development Center. As indicated within the memo, the PDC brings together resources and expertise from multiple City departments which provide permitting and development services for our community. The new facility is designed to provide a seamless development process, all in one place, for residential and commercial customers and special events permitting. All pertinent department representatives will be co-located at the PDC. As a next step for utilizing the PDC, liaisons to each respective board, commission, and committee will be asked to assist with coordinating the relocation of meetings to the PDC Conference Center, which is a key asset included in the approved design of the PDC. Coordination will include working with each board, commission, and committee to walk through the facility, identify and collaborate to solve for major concerns, and to develop and implement communications plans leading up to and through changes in meeting locations. The Conference Center is 5,000 square feet, will be equipped to televise meetings through ATXN by late February 2022, has sufficient room for 351-person occupancy and the capacity to be separated into small rooms, and has a 969-parking space garage connected to the PDC. Changes in meeting locations will not occur prior to February 2022. Rather, there will be initial discussions and opportunities to visit the PDC so that each respective board, commission, and committee has an opportunity to learn more about the PDC. This change will reduce the reliance on the City Hall Council Chambers and Boards and Commissions Room and reinforces the concept of the PDC serving as the City’s one-stop shop for all development and permitting related needs, which was a key recommendation in the 2015 Zucker Analysis. As with all public meetings, …

Scraped at: Oct. 27, 2021, 2 a.m.
Planning CommissionOct. 26, 2021

C-02 and C-03 Letter of Support.pdf original pdf

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Dear Commissioners, I am reaching out to you regarding the City Staff’s proposal to move future Planning Commission Meetings to a new location in far North Austin. I believe this issue will come up under Item C-3 in your meeting this evening. I would fully support any efforts to ensure the Planning Commission meetings stay centrally located at City Hall. Moving the meetings would add an undue burden to the residents in far SE Austin and Travis County. As you are aware, our population is very diverse and mostly representative of low-income and people of color, plus there would be challenges in having access to public transportation in order to make meetings on time or return home when the meetings run extremely late. I do not think the Equity Office was consulted on the impact this move would have for vulnerable populations? The City Hall location is central and the logically best location for all residents. Additionally, because City Hall is centrally located, the surrounding residents and businesses would be best equally served, including equally disadvantaged. If the meetings are moved far North, those living and/or working in South Austin, particularly SE Austin, will be at a much greater disadvantage to publicly engage in your hearings. With all the growth in our area, it will make it harder if not impossible for our community to participate in the hearings in the future. Please let me know how I can help support you. I sincerely hope the Planning Commission votes in support of keeping the Planning Commission meetings at City Hall. This would also ensure there would be no confusion on the location of zoning and land use hearings and where they would be heard regardless of which body is having the hearing: Planning Commission or City Council. Thank you for your consideration and your continued service to our community. Respectfully submitted, Ana Aguirre D2 Resident

Scraped at: Oct. 27, 2021, 2 a.m.
Parks and Recreation BoardOct. 26, 2021

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Scraped at: Oct. 27, 2021, 2:50 p.m.