JOINT SUSTAINABILITY COMMITTEE 2023 PROPOSED MEETING SCHEDULE 1. January 25 2. February 22 3. March 29 4. April 26 5. May 31 6. June 28 7. July 26 8. August 30 9. September 27 10. October 25 11. November 29 12. December 13
BOARD/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Joint Sustainability Committee Resolution on Austin Energy Residential Rates WHEREAS, it is the purpose of the Joint Sustainability Committee to “advise the council on matters related to conservation and sustainability”; and WHEREAS, the Austin Energy Resource, Generation and Climate Protection Plan to 2030 and the Austin Climate Equity plan, both adopted by Council, include goals for increasing energy efficiency in buildings in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other pollution, improve resilience, and keep bills affordable; and WHEREAS, Austin has been a leader in energy efficiency since the 1970s; and WHEREAS, Austin Energy has the lowest average Residential electricity consumption of any large utility in ERCOT, which also allows it to have one of the lowest average Residential bills of any utility in ERCOT; and WHEREAS, proposed changes to Austin Energy’s Residential electric rate structure threaten further progress in energy efficiency by dramatically removing price signals to conserve; and WHEREAS, since low‐income utility customers generally use less energy than average customers, changing Austin’s progressive electric Residential rate structure that discourages consumption will make bills more burdensome to the lower and moderate income residents; and WHEREAS, Austin Energy has made a proposal in its current rate case to completely replace the current progressive rate structure with one that rewards more consumption; and WHEREAS, Austin Energy’s current $10 per month Customer Charge is on par with other Texas municipal utilities and the proposed $25 per month Customer Charge would be an outlier compared to other Texas municipal utilities; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Joint Sustainability Committee of the City of Austin advise City Council to retain Austin Energy’s current progressive rate structure and Customer Charge; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that if any rate increases are enacted, they be levied as a proportional increase to the utility’s current monthly base cost and tiers in its current rate structure.
BOARD/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Joint Sustainability Committee Resolution on Value of Solar Tariff October 26, 2022 WHEREAS, it is the purpose of the Joint Sustainability Committee to “advise the council on matters related to conservation and sustainability”; and WHEREAS, the Austin Energy Resource, Generation and Climate Protection Plan to 2030 and the Austin Climate Equity plan, both adopted by Council, include goals for increasing the use of local customer‐sited solar energy in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other pollution, improve resilience, and keep bills affordable; and WHEREAS, the Value of Solar tariff is essential for facilitating the continued use of local customer‐site solar energy; and WHEREAS, it is important for the Value of Solar tariff to accurately compensate customers with on‐site solar energy for the energy they produce, and to provide a rate that isn’t too volatile, in order to attract investment in customer‐sited solar; and WHEREAS, if a portion of the Value of Solar fee is paid for by the Energy Efficiency fee instead of the Power Supply Adjustment fee, then some customers will be exempted from their fair share of the costs since they are exempted from the Energy Efficiency fee; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Joint Sustainability Committee recommends that the Austin City Council do the following when adopting the updated Value of Solar tariff as part of Austin Energy’s base rate package: 1. Continue to collect all Value of Solar tariff costs through the Power Supply Adjustment fee; 2. Base the avoided costs of the Value of Solar rate on a rolling five‐year average; and 3. Direct Austin Energy to hire a qualified third party, with experience in calculating the value of local distributed solar energy, to: A) facilitate a collaborative stakeholder process and analysis to identify and incorporate avoided and incurred costs that may not be currently captured in the proposed methodology; and B) develop a standard offer program for community solar.
BOARD/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Resource Management Commission Recommendation No. 20220816-005 Resolution on Texas Gas Service Conservation Programs Whereas, the City of Austin has mandated that Texas Gas Service (TGS) conduct energy conservation programs since 1985; and Whereas, the Austin City Council adopted the Austin Climate Equity Plan on September 30, 2021, which strengthens the city’s climate goal to “net zero carbon by 2040” and includes a focus area of Sustainable Buildings with goal that by 2030, “All new buildings are net-zero carbon, emissions from existing buildings are reduced by 25%, and all natural gas-related emissions are reduced by 30%; and Whereas, the TGS energy conservation programs are also expected to help achieve the goals of the Climate Equity Plan; and Whereas, the Resource Management Commission is charged with providing feedback and recommendations regarding gas conservation efforts and to support the goals of the Austin Climate Equity Plan; and Whereas, the Resource Management Commission passed a resolution on June 20, 2017 that put a focus on reducing actual use of natural gas on site, calling for “at least 4.5% site natural gas savings” over 5 years, starting in 2018; and Whereas, incentives to install natural gas appliances in situations where there isn’t already an existing natural gas appliance, such as for new construction or replacing an electric appliance with a natural gas appliance, increase, instead of decrease, actual use of natural gas on site; and Whereas, Texas Gas has continued using a large portion of its energy conservation budget to provide incentives to install natural gas appliance where none previously existed, thus increasing use of on-site natural gas; Whereas, research by the Rocky Mountain Institute and other organizations shows that gas stoves are a large source of toxic air pollution that can make indoor air more polluted than outdoor air and that low- income households are most likely to suffer from this harmful pollution; and Whereas, incentives that increase the use of natural gas appliances are not compatible with the Austin Climate Equity Plan or public health; and Whereas, on January 24, 2022, the Resource Management Commission passed a resolution that recommended against CenterPoint Energy incentives for natural gas appliances in new construction, as well as incentives for central furnaces and water heaters; and Whereas, the TGS conservation program tariff that governs the program was adopted in December 2021 and is on a 3-year cycle, ending December of 2024. However, Austin City Council …
Transportation & the Climate Equity Plan Joint Sustainability Committee October 26, 2022 Cole Kitten, Division Manager, Austin Transportation Department Outline • List of transportation activities in the Climate Equity Plan • ASMP & the Climate Equity Plan • Status update on transportation activities Transportation & the Climate Equity Plan Transportation & Land Use Goal 1: 80% of new non-residential development is located within the city’s activity centers by 2030. • Strategy 2: Work with employers on location and amenities • Strategy 3: Create mobility hubs Goal 3: By 2030, 50% of trips in Austin are made using public transit, biking, walking, carpooling, or avoided altogether by working from home. • Strategy 1: Expand and improve public transportation • Strategy 2: Promote free transportation options • Strategy 3: Enhance transit stations and stops • Strategy 4: Prioritize bicycle networks • Strategy 5: Enhance bicycle education and training • Strategy 6: Improve sidewalks, urban trails, and crossings 3 Transportation & the Climate Equity Plan Transportation Electrification Goal 1: By 2030, 40% of total vehicle miles traveled in Austin are electrified, and EV ownership is culturally, geographically, and economically diverse. • Strategy 4: Launch an e-bike and electric car-sharing program 4 Austin Strategic Mobility Plan (ASMP) & the Climate Equity Plan • Two plans with common goals: • Mode Shift • Equity 5 Austin Strategic Mobility Plan (ASMP) & the Climate Equity Plan • The strategies across the two plans are circularly referenced and supportive of each plan’s goals. 6 Transportation & Land Use Goal 1: 80% of new non-residential development is located within the city’s activity centers by 2030. • Strategy 2: Work with employers on location and amenities • Work with medium and large employers to locate their places of business in growth centers and along corridors. What's been done so far? ATD partners with Movability, Central Texas’ transportation management association, to expand commute resources and educational programming regionally. Movability collects regional transportation demand management data, creates regional partnerships, and supports ATD in expanding transportation demand management initiatives. The current budget for this is $550,000. Movability works with employers, both established and those who are relocating, to help them build, implement, and boost engagement in commute programs that reduce drive-alone commutes among employees. They also work with public leaders and mobility service providers to communicate and collaborate across groups about hurdles, policies, and opportunities that can be addressed to help more …
Austin Climate Equity Plan | JSC Update September 28, 2022 1 Plan Implementation Updates ● Net Zero Section in the FY23 Budget proposal (pages 138-143) t.pdf ● 2nd quarterly briefing of the year just occurred yesterday ○ June - Overview of OOS approach and general implementation ○ September - Transportation Electrification ○ January - Sustainable Buildings ● Implementation Dashboard is live ● The 2nd Community Climate Ambassadors Cohort launched in August ● Starting this Fall, a new Climate Equity Plan Community Task Force, focused on measuring equity in implementation 2 3 Implementation Dashboard What’s in the dashboard now? Progress toward the Net-Zero by 2040 target ● ● Summary of efforts around the Overarching Strategies ● Work status snapshots for the 74 Strategies ● Coming next: metrics on the 17 quantitative goals 4 Implementation Dashboard ● Over 100 updates from internal and external partners on their work to implement the Plan ● About 70% of strategies are already Underway or Starting Soon ● ● This work will serve as a launchpad to focus next steps with partners The public can read all of this info and more live on the Dashboard now Climate Ambassadors! 6 Ambassador Highlights ● We have 9 ambassadors signed on ● They’ve gone through an Equity training and a Civic engagement workshop ● They’ve identified strategies from the Climate Equity Plan and have started working on Community Action Projects that relate to those strategies ● October’s ambassador meeting will include City staff and community partners to find areas to collaborate or provide guidance 7 Community Action Projects (by Section) Sustainable Buildings Transportation & Land Use Natural Systems Working with community orgs to conduct more accessible outreach around preparing for changing climate Conducting outreach in order to create recommendations for how to improve existing and planned transit stops Enhancing community engagement around affordable housing by surveying renters, first-time homebuyers, and folks living in co-ops Holding an event to offer youth a guided experience in nature that delves into their perceptions of green spaces and gentrification 8 Community Task Force - Project Concept 9 Where we’ve been Steering Committee for the plan, 2 years of work, Community Ownership Model Adoption of the plan supported by Staff, Community, Council in alignment Added 5 new members to the JSC for content / equity coverage Interest in creating a “working group” of the JSC, lack of focus, no dedicated support from …
Charity Care 101 THE NEED A medical crisis shouldn’t mean a financial crisis. THE NEED Medical debt exacerbates systemic inequities. THE OPPORTUNITY Millions of Americans are on payment plans or declaring bankruptcy for bills that they should not have to pay. THE PROBLEM Hospitals hold all the power. It’s not KNOWN It’s not EASY It’s not FAIR THE SOLUTION Dollar For crushes medical debt by making charity care known, easy & fair. THE IMPACT CHARITY CARE 101 CHARITY CARE 101 1: Find the policy and application CHARITY CARE 101 2: Review the policy - Income requirements to qualify - Application deadline - Application instructions - Contact Information CHARITY CARE 101 3: Determine eligibility See examples at: CHARITY CARE 101 Who Counts in a Household? See examples at: CHARITY CARE 101 Step Three: Determine eligibility BILL AGE 240 DAYS CHARITY CARE 101 Step Three: Determine eligibility - Each hospital has a different policy for insured patients. - Some forgive, some don’t. - Check the policy or call to ask! CHARITY CARE 101 Step Four: Complete application - Fill out application by hand or one a computer. - Prepare all proof of income docs. - Hand deliver, email, fax or mail CHARITY CARE 101 Step Five: Submit proof of income - Most recent tax return or proof of non-filing determination letter. - - 3 most recent pay stubs. 3 months of bank statements. - Unemployed? ○ Social Security or unemployment benefits letters. ○ Simple letter explaining how paying for basic needs (i.e., savings, money for a friend or family member, etc). Download tax forms at: CHARITY CARE 101 Doctors Bills? - Unfortunately, charity care rules only directly apply to the non-profit hospitals themselves, not doctors or labs who work in the hospital and bill separately. ○ Step One: Get approved for charity care by the hospital. ○ Step Two: Once approved, send copies of the approval letter to the other billers and ask them to honor the policy. - Other types bills? Call the billing department to ask them about financial assistance. CHARITY CARE 101 Learn More Read our online manual for tons of FAQ and additional tips. Read at: REFERRING PATIENTS DIRECT SERVICE How Does Dollar For Help? Get started: DIRECT SERVICE How Does Dollar For Help? - All our services are complete free - no strings attached. - We do not: ○ Buy medical debt …
BOARD/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Joint Sustainability Commission Recommendation No 20221026-7 Resolution on Texas Gas Service Conservation Programs Whereas, the City of Austin has mandated that Texas Gas Service (TGS) conduct energy conservation programs since 1985; and Whereas, the Austin City Council adopted the Austin Climate Equity Plan on September 30, 2021, which strengthens the city’s climate goal to “net zero carbon by 2040” and includes a focus area of Sustainable Buildings with goal that by 2030, “All new buildings are net-zero carbon, emissions from existing buildings are reduced by 25%, and all natural gas-related emissions are reduced by 30%; and Whereas, the TGS energy conservation programs are also expected to help achieve the goals of the Climate Equity Plan; and Whereas, the Joint Sustainability Commission is charged with providing feedback and recommendations regarding gas conservation efforts and to support the goals of the Austin Climate Equity Plan; and Whereas, the Resource Management Commission passed a resolution on June 20, 2017 that put a focus on reducing actual use of natural gas on site, calling for “at least 4.5% site natural gas savings” over 5 years, starting in 2018; and Whereas, incentives to install natural gas appliances in situations where there isn’t already an existing natural gas appliance, such as for new construction or replacing an electric appliance with a natural gas appliance, increase, instead of decrease, actual use of natural gas on site; and Whereas, Texas Gas has continued using a large portion of its energy conservation budget to provide incentives to install natural gas appliance where none previously existed, thus increasing use of on-site natural gas; Whereas, research by the Rocky Mountain Institute and other organizations shows that gas stoves are a large source of toxic air pollution that can make indoor air more polluted than outdoor air and that lowincome households are most likely to suffer from this harmful pollution; and Whereas, incentives that increase the use of natural gas appliances are not compatible with the Austin Climate Equity Plan or public health; and Whereas, on January 24, 2022, the Resource Management Commission passed a resolution that recommended against CenterPoint Energy incentives for natural gas appliances in new construction, as well as incentives for central furnaces and water heaters; and Whereas, the TGS conservation program tariff that governs the program was adopted in December 2021 and is on a 3-year cycle, ending December of 2024. However, Austin City Council may …
City of Austin Ethics Review Commission LETTER OF NOTIFICATION Richard Smith November 4, 2022 City of Austin Ethics Review Commission Determination of Sanctions under City Code, Sections 2-7-48 and 2-7-49 TO: FROM: DATE: RE: In accordance with Chapter 2-7 of the Austin City Code, this letter is to advise you that the City of Austin Ethics Review Commission (the “Commission”) has completed its consideration of the complaint filed with the Commission against you on September 29, 2022. The Complaint alleges that you violated Austin City Code, Chapter 2-2 (Campaign Finance) Section 2-2-14 (Disclosure of Compliance with Chapter), by failing to include this notice in all political advertising: "This campaign has not agreed to comply with the contribution and expenditure limits of the Austin Fair Campaign Chapter." Your attorney of record agreed that prior to your receipt of the complaint, your political advertising failed to include the required notice. Your attorney also stated that shortly after receiving a copy of the complaint, you took prompt corrective actions to include the required disclosure language in your political advertising and to add corrective stickers to all existing road signs (size 4 by 4 or 4 by 8 feet) and to yard signs where the location was known. The Commission determined based on your admissions during the preliminary hearing that a violation within its jurisdiction had occurred. Comments by individual commissioners are contained in the video recording of the Commission meeting, which is available at: Based on the determination that you violated a provision of the City Code within its jurisdiction, the Commission issues this letter of notification to you. Effective Date of the Commission’s approval of issuance of a letter of notification: 26th day of October, 2022 CITY OF AUSTIN ETHICS REVIEW COMMISSION ________________________________ Luis Soberon Chair, Ethics Review Commission
§ § § § § § § CITY OF AUSTIN ETHICS REVIEW COMMISSION Complaint No. 20220929 Julie Oliver Complainant v. Richard Smith Respondent ORDER ON PRELIMINARY HEARING I. PROCEDURAL HISTORY On September 29, 2022, Julie Oliver (“Complainant”) submitted to the Austin City Clerk (“City Clerk”) a Sworn Complaint (“the Complaint”) against Richard Smith. On September 29, 2022, the City Clerk sent a copy of the Complaint and a notice of filing to the City Attorney, the Chair of the Ethics Review Commission (“the Commission”), Complainant, and Respondent. The Complaint alleged that Respondent violated Section 2-2-14 (Disclosure of Compliance with Chapter). On October 26, 2022, the Commission conducted a Preliminary Hearing. John Buxie, counsel of record for Respondent Richard Smith, agreed that Mr. Smith had violated City Code Section 2-2-14 and described the corrective measures taken by Richard Smith to ensure that the required notice was included on his political advertising. Based on respondent’s admission of a violation of Code Section 2-2-14, the Commission determined by vote that a violation within its jurisdiction had occurred. The Commission further determined that a letter of notification be issued to the Respondent. The agenda for the October 26, 2022 meeting of the Commission and Final Hearing in this matter was timely posted on October 21, 2022. The preliminary hearing was properly noticed in City of Austin Ethics Review Commission ORDER ON PRELIMINARY HEARING – PAGE 1 accordance with Chapter 2-7 of the City Code and the Texas Open Meetings Act. The Commission has jurisdiction over Chapter 2-2 of the City Code (Campaign Finance). II. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. Complainant, Julie Oliver and John Buxie, counsel for Respondent Richard Smith, appeared at the hearing and made statements under oath. 2. Complainant provided documentary evidence attached to her complaint. Respondent’s counsel submitted documentary evidence for purposes of the hearing. During the hearing, Complainant reiterated the evidence attached to her complaint. During the hearing, Mr. Buxie described corrective measures taken by Respondent Richard Smith following receipt of the complaint and referenced documentary evidence submitted by respondent for purposes of the hearing. III. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW Respondent’s attorney agreed that Richard Smith violated the City Code provision. Based on the evidence and Respondent’s admission, the Commission determined that reasonable grounds exist to believe that a violation within the jurisdiction of the Commission had occurred. 3. The Commission also determined that the appropriate sanction is a letter of notification. …
Independent Consumer Advocate (ICA)- John B. Coffman The City of Austin utility rate-making procedure for Austin Energy rate cases provides for an ICA to represent residential and small business interests. ICA Technical Team: Clarence Johnson, David Effron Utility Rate-making Steps The ICA Examined the following Rate Case Issues: 1. Revenue Requirement (Overall Increase) 2. Allocation of Cost to Customer Classes 3. Spreading Increase to Customer Classes 4. Residential Rate Design 1. Overall Rate Increase • Independent Hearing Examiner (IHE) Proposal • AE Revised Revenue Increase Proposal is currently $35.7 Million Overall • $43 Million to Residential Class $31 Million $6.5 Million • ICA Recommended Revenue Increase 2 & 3: Allocation of Costs and Distribution of Cost to Various Customer Classes • AE and the IHE recommend a rate design that puts more cost onto residential and small business consumers • ICA Proposed Class Allocation More Favorable to Residential Customers • Large Commercial Customers proposes a much worse allocation for Residential Customers 4. Residential Rate Design Current: $10 fixed customer charge with 5 Tier inclining usage Rates AE Proposed: $25 fixed customer charge (150% increase) with 3 Tiers and stated intent to flatten inclining usage rates. ICA Proposed: Keep charge at $10, or increase it no more than the overall increase percentage, with 4 tiers. Fixed Customer Charge • ICA Opposes AE’s 150% increase in customer charge as excessive and regressive. AE’s current $10.00 customer charge is not unreasonable compared to Texas PUC average allowed customer charge of $7.44. • AE’s current $10.00 customer charge is approximately the same as the other two large municipal electric utilities in Texas (San Antonio and Lubbock). • High customer charges are detrimental to low usage customers and reduce the ability of customers to control their bills. • High customer charges inhibit energy efficiency because charges are incurred without regard to usage. Comparison of AE v. ICA rate design impacts for Residential customers at varying usage levels kWh Increase Percent Increase Percent ICA-Proposed Rate Design 375 $ 0.59 625 $ 1.24 875 $ 2.30 1,625 $ 0.88 3,250 $ 4.34 Average Usage AE Rate Design IHE Rev 1.56% 17.71 2.07% 16.73 2.67% $ 11.95 0.49% (14.4) 1.04% (105.1) 46.9% 27.9% 18.9% -8.1% -25.3%
JOINT INCLUSION COMMITTEE (JIC) REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 26th, 2022 REGULAR MEETING of the JOINT INCLUSION COMMITTEE (JIC) WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26th, 2022 at 3:00 P.M. CST AUSTIN CITY HALL BOARDS & COMMISSIONS ROOM 301 W. 2nd Street, Austin, TX 78701 MEETING MINTUES This meeting is being held in a hybrid format, and some members of the Commission may be participating by video conference. Public comment will be allowed in-person or via telephone. Remote speakers must register in advance (October 25th by 12pm-Noon CST). All public comments will occur at the beginning of the meeting and public speakers will be allowed up to three minutes to provide their comments. To speak or attend remotely, residents must contact the Equity Office’s Commission/Neighborhood Liaison, Jeremy Garza, no later than 12pm- noon (CST) on Tuesday, October 25th, 2022. Please telephone call at (512) 978-1797 and/or email The information required is the speaker’s name, the item number(s) they wish to speak on, whether they are for/against/neutral, email address, and telephone number (must be the same number that will be used to call into the meeting). CURRENT JIC MEMBER COMMISSIONS & REPRESENTATIVES: Member Commission: African American Resource Advisory Commission Asian American Quality of Life Advisory Commission Commission for Women Commission on Immigrant Affairs Commission on Seniors/Commission on Aging Early Childhood Council Hispanic/Latino Quality of Life Resource Advisory Commission Human Rights Commission LGBTQ+ Quality of Life Commission Mayor’s Committee for People with Disabilities JIC Representative: Alternative: Gregory Smith + Serita Fontanesi - Vincent Cobalis + Hanna Huang - Rebecca Austen + Karen Crawford + (Vice-Chair of JIC) Amy Temperley + Diana Melendez - Krystal Gomez Richard Bondi + Raul Alvarez + Amanda Afifi + Johanna Hosking Pulido- Sharon Vigil - Idonna Griffith - Charles Curry + (Chair of JIC) Robin Orlowski + Kimberly Brienzi - Ryn Gonzales + Joey Gidseg OCTOBER 26th, 2022 JOINT INCLUSION COMMITTEE (JIC) REGULAR MEETING MINUTES MEETING MINUTES CALL TO ORDER The meeting is called to order by Chair Charles Curry at: 3:01pm ROLL CALL: ABSENT: PRESENT: Human Rights Commission: Idonna Griffith & Kimberly Brienzi African American Resource Advisory Commission: Gregory Smith Asian American Quality of Life Advisory Commission: Vincent Cobalis Commission for Women: Rebecca Austen Commission on Immigrant Affairs: Karen Crawford Commission on Aging: Amy Temperley & Richard Bondi Early Childhood Council: Raul Alvarez Hispanic/Latino Quality of Life Resource Advisory Commission: Amanda Afifi …
BUILDING AND STANDARDS COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, October 26, 2022 BUILDING AND STANDARDS COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2022 The BUILDING AND STANDARDS COMMISSION convened in a REGULAR meeting on 26 OCTOBER, 2022, at the CITY OF AUSTIN PERMITTING AND DEVELOPMENT CENTER (PDC), 6310 WILHELMINA DELCO DRIVE, ROOM 1405, in Austin, Texas. Vice Chair FARRERA called the BUILDING AND STANDARDS COMMISSION (BSC) Meeting to order at 6:48 p.m. Board Members/Commissioners in Attendance: Vice Chair Edgar Farrera, Commissioners: Joseph Benigno, Michael Francis, Andrea Freiburger, John Green, Edward Selig, Wordy Thompson and Ex Officio Commissioner Chief Thomas Vocke. Board Members/Commissioners in Attendance Remotely: Commissioners Elizabeth Mueller and Timothy Stostad. PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL No one appeared before the Commission for public communication. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approve the minutes of the BUILDING AND STANDARDS COMMISSION REGULAR MEETINGS on SEPTEMBER 28, 2022. The minutes from the meeting of SEPTEMBER 28, 2022 was approved on COMMISSIONER MUELLER’S motion, COMMISSIONER FREIBURGER’S second on a 7-0-2 vote. CHAIR OGUNBODE was absent. PUBLIC HEARINGS Conduct a public hearing and consider case number CL 2022-152966. Property address: 518 SUNNY LANE The public hearing was closed on COMMISSIONER BENIGNO’S motion. A motion to grant the appeal in opposition to Austin Code staff’s recommendation to deny the appeal was approved on COMMISSIONER BENIGNO’S motion, COMMISSIONER THOMPOSON SECOND on 6-3-0 vote. CHAIR OGUNBODE was absent. 1. 2. 1 BUILDING AND STANDARDS COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, October 26, 2022 Conduct a public hearing and consider case number OL 2020-041835. Property address: 8900 N. IH 35 SVRD SB, aka Orbit Apartments. The public hearing was closed on COMMISSIONER GREEN’S motion. A motion to uphold Austin Code staff’s recommendation to deny the appeal was voted down on COMMISSIONER MUELLER’S motion, COMMISSIONER FRANCIS SECOND on 3-6-0 vote. CHAIR OGUNBODE was absent. Conduct a public hearing and consider case number CL 2017-138423. Property address: 1810 CLIFFORD AVENUE The public hearing was closed on VICE CHAIR FARERRA’S motion. The motion to modify Austin Code staff’s recommendation to modify the 2017 BSC order, by changing demolition timeframe from 45 to 90 days, and to reduce current penalties owed from 25 percent to 10 percent and keeping in place the authorization for the Code Official to proceed with demolition on the 91st day, as approved on COMMISSIONER FRANCIS’ motion, COMMISSIONER SELIG second on an 8-0-0 vote. CHAIR OGUNBODE was absent. COMMISSIONER GREEN was off dais. Conduct a public hearing …
ASIAN AMERICAN QUALITY OF LIFE ADVISORY COMMISSION OCTOBER 25th, 2022 MEETING AGENDA REGULAR MEETING of the ASIAN AMERICAN QUALITY OF LIFE ADVISORY COMMISSION OCTOBER 25th, 2022 at 6:00pm Permitting & Development Center (PDC) 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Dr, Austin, TX 78752 RM #1401 SPECIAL CALLED MEETING AGENDA This meeting is being held in a hybrid format, and some members of the Commission may be participating by videoconference. Public comment will be allowed in-person or via telephone. Remote speakers must register in advance (October 24th by 12pm-Noon). All public comments will occur at the beginning of the meeting and public speakers will be allowed up to three minutes to provide their comments. To speak or attend remotely, residents must contact the Equity Office’s Commission/Neighborhood Liaison, Jeremy Garza, no later than 12pm-noon on Monday, October 24th, 2022. Please telephone call at (512) 978-1797 or email The information required is the speaker’s name, the item number(s) they wish to speak on, whether they are for/against/neutral, email address, and telephone number (must be the same number that will be used to call into the meeting). BOARD MEMBERS: District Kirk Yoshida (Chair) Commissioner District Commissioner Azra Siddiqi Kuo Yang Lily Trieu Fang Fang VACANT VACANT 9 10 Salimah Shamsuddin Meena Mutyala Mayor Hanna Huang At-Large Pramod Patil At-Large Zahra Shakur Jamal-Hassan At-Large Sarah Chen (Vice-Chair) Vincent Cobalis At-Large Pooja Sethi 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ASIAN AMERICAN QUALITY OF LIFE ADVISORY COMMISSION OCTOBER 25th, 2022 MEETING AGENDA MEETING AGENDA CALL TO ORDER The meeting is called to order by Chair Kirk Yoshida at: ROLL CALL ABSENT: PRESENT: PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL The first ten speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of the COMMISSION’S REGULAR MEETING on both August 16th and September 20th, 2022. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Discussion and possible action about chair leadership starting January 2023. Inquiring about commissioner capacity to lead after Kirk & Vince step down from term limits. Discussion and possible action on creating a budget workgroup, designating members, outlining responsibilities, timeline, and authorizing members to speak on behalf of the Joint Inclusion Committee on matters pertaining to their assignment. Discussion & possible action on the City Clerk’s Q&A Session with Equity Office & …