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Residential Design and Compatibility Commission Special Called Meeting April 29, 2015 6:30 PM OTC Conference Room -325 505 Barton Springs Rd -3rd FL Austin, Texas __ William Burkhardt (Chair) __ Keith Jackson __ Karen McGraw (Vice-Chair) __ Lucy Katz __ Missy Bledsoe __ Mary Ingle AGENDA CALL TO ORDER A. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL The first 4 speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. B DISCUSSION ITEMS: B-1 Discussion and possible action for code revision recommendations C APPROVAL OF MINUTES: C-1 January 7, 2015 C-2 February 4, 2015 ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 4 days before the meeting date. Please contact Daniel Word at Planning and Development Review Department, at 512-974-3341,daniel.word@austintexas,gov for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711.
Residential Design and Compatibility Commission Special Called Meeting April 29, 2015 6:30 PM OTC Conference Room -325 505 Barton Springs Rd -3rd FL Austin, Texas __ William Burkhardt (Chair) __ Keith Jackson __ Karen McGraw (Vice-Chair) __ Lucy Katz __ Missy Bledsoe __ Mary Ingle AGENDA CALL TO ORDER A. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL The first 4 speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. B DISCUSSION ITEMS: B-1 Discussion and possible action for code revision recommendations C APPROVAL OF MINUTES: C-1 January 7, 2015 C-2 February 4, 2015 ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 4 days before the meeting date. Please contact Daniel Word at Planning and Development Review Department, at 512-974-3341,daniel.word@austintexas,gov for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711.
Residential Design and Compatibility Commission REGULAR MEETING MINUTES The Residential Design Compatibility Commission convened in a regular meeting on February 4, 2015, City Hall, Boards and Commission Room, 301 West 2nd Street in Austin, Texas. William Burkhardt called the Commission Meeting to order at 6:19 p.m. Commissioners in Attendance: William Burkhardt, Karen McGraw, Mary Ingle, Lucy Katz, Keith Jackson (Missy Bledsoe absent, one vacant position) City Staff: Daniel Word C DISCUSSION ITEMS C-2 Discussion of response from legal department related to requests from prior meeting Legal department has determined that the RDCC has jurisdiction to hear cases where work has already been performed. Legal department has determined that a fence located near an open side of a carport does not automatically negate a gross floor area exemption related to that carport. Each case is unique and should be considered on the specific facts present with the case. The legal department has determined that a vote of “no action” can be appealed to council. Commissioner McGraw asked staff for interpretation of how a gate would be viewed during review. Staff commented that a carport is a space used to store a vehicle so if a fence was constructed that prohibited access, then the carport is no longer a carport. Gates would not deny access. A. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL The first 4 speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. None B. RESIDENTIAL DESIGN AND COMPATIBILITY STANDARDS B-1 2014-079972 PR Gregory H. Bow 905 Columbus Street MODIFICATION REQUESTED: The applicant has requested a modification to allow an increase to the maximum gross floor area permitted in Chapter 25-2 of the Land Development Code, Section 2.1 Subchapter F: Residential Design and Compatibility Standards to install a garage door to an existing attached carport of an existing single family residence in a SF-3-NP zoning district. **Item is continuation of postponement from October 1st, 2014 meeting** Commission’s Decision: Commissioner Karen McGraw motion to deny. 2nd by Mary Ingle. Motion fails 3-2 (Katz, Jackson opposed) Commissioner Lucy Katz motion to accept. No 2nd offered. Motion fails for lack of 2nd. Commissioner Lucy Katz motion to take no action. Commissioner Mary Ingle 2nd. APPROVED 4-1 (McGraw opposed) C DISCUSSION ITEMS: C-1 Draft and deliver letter to City Council regarding code modification recommendations related to carports Commissioner …
Residential Design and Compatibility Commission REGULAR MEETING MINUTES The Residential Design Compatibility Commission convened in a regular meeting on January 7, 2015, City Hall, Boards and Commission Room, 301 West 2nd Street in Austin, Texas. William Burkhardt called the Commission Meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. Commissioners in Attendance: William Burkhardt, Karen McGraw, Mary Ingle, Chuck Maines, Lucy Katz, Keith Jackson and Missy Bledsoe City Staff: Daniel Word A. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL The first 4 speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. Dave Piper, Zilker Neighborhood Association Concerned about waivers being requested of RDCC. Believe such requests should be directed to BOA. RDCC can only hear cases that are proposed. Screening procedures should be created to refer cases where construction has been done to BOA. B. RESIDENTIAL DESIGN AND COMPATIBILITY STANDARDS B-1 2014-079972 PR Gregory H. Bow 905 Columbus Street MODIFICATION REQUESTED: The applicant has requested a modification to allow an increase to the maximum gross floor area permitted in Chapter 25-2 of the Land Development Code, Section 2.1 Subchapter F: Residential Design and Compatibility Standards to install a garage door to an existing attached carport of an existing single family residence in a SF-3-NP zoning district. **Item is continuation of postponement from October 1st, 2014 meeting** Commission’s Decision: Commissioner Mary Ingle motion to take no position on this case. No 2nd offered. Motion fails for lack of second. Commissioner Karen McGraw motion to postpone. Commissioner Ingle 2nd. POSTPONEMENT APPROVED 7-0 C DISCUSSION ITEMS: C-1 Draft letter to City Council regarding CodeNEXT approaches No discussion C-2 Discussion of the mission of the Residential Design and Compatibility Commission (RDCC). No discussion C-3 Current rewrite of the LDC (land development code) Karen McGraw- carport issues worked out last meeting, building line has posed an issue. Staff discussed potential problems with building line being tied to the principal structure. William Burkhardt- suggests prescribing the McMansion building line coincide with the minimum front setback line. Karen McGraw- 30 foot gable allowance gets caught up in the McMansion building line issue as well. Staff suggested building in flexibility in assigning the McMansion building line when lots have irregular shapes or curved front lot lines. Karen McGraw- parking area exemptions should be capped by limiting the site to a maximum of 450 sq ft. …
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+ URBAN FORESTRY BOARD REGULAR MEETING Wednesday, April 15, 2015, - 5:30 p.m. Northwest Recreation Center 2913 Northland Austin, Texas URBAN FORESTRY BOARD MEMBERS: APPOINTMENT : Christopher Kite, Chair Council Member Laura Morrison, Place 4 Peggy Maceo (Vice-Chair) Council Member Kathie Tovo, Place 3 Len Newsom Council Member Bill Spelman, Place 5 Patrick Brewer Mayor Lee Leffingwell Nicholas Classen Mayor Pro-Tem Sheryl Cole, Place 6 Ryan Fleming Council Member Mike Martinez, Place 2 Keith Brown Council Member Chris Riley, Place 1 URBAN FORESTRY EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS : Michael Embesi, City Arborist, Development Services Department Pat Fuller, Division Manager, Parks and Recreation Department – Director Designee Vacant, Urban Forester, Development Services Department John Clement, Environmental Program Coordinator, Watershed Protection Department – Director Designee AGENDA A. CALL TO ORDER B. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approve the minutes of the Urban Forestry Board meeting of March 18, 2015. C. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION The first 4 (four) speakers signed up prior to the calling of the meeting to order are allowed a three-minute allotment each to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. D. ANNOUNCEMENTS E. URBAN FORESTER EXECUTIVE LIAISON REPORT – Emily King, Interim Urban Forester, Development Services Department, including: • Austin Urban Forest Plan Implementation Monthly Update • Status of Prominent Tree Care Program approved by UFB in September 2014 F. ACTION ITEM BRIEFINGS 1. Present Urban Forestry Board 2014 Annual Internal Review. Presenter: Chris Kite, Urban Forestry Board Chair. 2. Draft Cemetery Master Plan: Presenter: Kim McKnight, Project Coordinator, Park Planning and Design Unit, Parks and Recreation Department. 3. Heritage Tree Removal at Upper Bull Creek Greenbelt. Presenter: Lara Schuman, Urban Forest Program Manager, Parks and Recreation Department. 4. Planting of appropriate tree species on land managed by Public Works. Presenter: Rob Grotty, Urban Forest Program Manager, Public Works. G. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS 1. Discussion and possible action on a recommendation regarding the Urban Forestry Board 2014 Annual Internal Review. Presenter: Chris Kite, Urban Forestry Board Chair. 2. Discussion and possible action on a recommendation to the City Council on the Historic Cemeteries Master Plan related to trees and vegetation. Presenter: Urban Forestry Board Member Nicholas Classen. 3. Discuss and provide recommendations regarding removal of Heritage Tree at Upper Bull Creek Greenbelt. Presenter: Peggy Maceo, Urban Forestry Board Vice-Chair. 4. Discussion and possible action on a recommendation to City Council on planting of appropriate tree species on land managed by …
+ URBAN FORESTRY BOARD REGULAR MEETING Wednesday, April 15, 2015, - 5:30 p.m. Northwest Recreation Center 2913 Northland Austin, Texas Board Members in Attendance: Board Chair Chris Kite, Board Vice-Chair Peggy Maceo, Board Members Patrick Brewer, Len Newsom, Keith Brown. Board members Ryan Fleming and Nick Classen absent. Staff in Attendance: Parks and Recreation Department Pat Fuller, Division Manager, Director Designee Lara Schuman, Urban Forestry Program Manager Development Services Department Michael Embesi, City Arborist Lynn Tozser, Program Specialist, UFB Liaison Public Works Department Rob Grotty, Urban Forestry Program Manager Watershed Protection Department John Clement, Environmental Program Coordinator MEETING MINUTES A. CALL TO ORDER Board Chair Kite called the meeting to order at 5:40 pm B. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approve the minutes of the Urban Forestry Board meeting of March 18, 2015. Motion made by Board Member Brewer, Seconded by Board Member Brown to approve the meeting minutes of March 18, 2015. Approved by Board Chair Kite, Board Vice-Chair Maceo, and Board Members Brewer, Newsom and Brown. Board Members Classen and Fleming absent. C. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION The first 4 (four) speakers signed up prior to the calling of the meeting to order are allowed a three-minute allotment each to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. Sharon Blythe, Item F2 Jim Mallicote, Item F2 D. ANNOUNCEMENTS Lara Schuman’s new title is Urban Forestry Program Manager Forklift Danceworks Trees of Govalle performances this past weekend. Both were very successful. Educational events included: o Root collar clearing – APF o Firewise – AFD/WPD o Invasives – WPD o Girdling roots – Texas Forest Service o Ask an arborist and general tree info – TreeFolks o Tree tags – appraisals and benefits of trees – PARD UF o Critical Root Zones – PARD UF o NeighborWoods – TreeFolks o Mulching – TreeFolks Upcoming work at Deep Eddy Pool/Eilers Park: o Raising some low limbs o Clearing volunteer hackberries and paper mulberries from fence o Vine removal from trees o Crown cleaning of trees Combining the Urban Forestry Program with the City Arborist Program (from Parks and Recreation Department to the Development Services Department) will be completed on October 1, 2015. A celebratory, end of the planting year and potluck will occur at Tree Folks this Saturday. See their website for more information. Texas Forest Service has a one day seminar (April 30th) in …
MAR '15FEB '15JAN '15DEC '14NOV '14OCT '14SEP '14AUG '14JUL '14JUN '14MAY '14APR '1412-Month TOTALTree Permits12161812141671692902282472432492723402,816Native Inches Removed500776197276488462590504458489301925,133Inches Mitigated350374123146932002664762074152692503,168Percentage Mitigated70%48%62%53%19%43%45%94%45%85%89%272%62%Poor Condition or High Risk2,8951,7341,6211,3581,6073,5183,6193,0153,4713,5023,5394,02933,908Tree Permits2121311121421204033372220255Trees Planted553,9755,40044257123NRNRNRNRNRNR9,854Trees Removed38161501616174188232021335Native Protected Removed322012000003111Inches Removed3898765602198243177421971102832382183,971Trees DistributedNRNR13101313110460900101810Site Plans Approved4163318281824291917181517252Caliper Inches Surveyed9,0569,93814,78511,23227,9655,39030,9586,4553,1371171,1352,100122,267Caliper Inches Preserved6,8625,1147,3647,48512,4603,64118,3254,484890353101,05468,024Percentage Preserved76%51%50%67%45%68%59%69%28%30%27%50%56%Native Inches Removed1790453273983,74715,5051,74912,6331,9712,247828251,04653,525Inches Planted/Mitigated5741,5072,3631,8616,8271,0665,0611,7731,3058259470523,718Percentage Replanted32%33%32%50%44%61%40%90%58%100%72%67%44%Subdivisions Approved1417149331820122416127196Funds ReceivedNR$22,000$154,150$25,400$69,238$80,498$66,945$39,980$88,650$25,100$15,225$12,318$599,504Fund Amount (Per Inch)NR4254251273464023352004431267662$2,967Grants Appropriated$0$782$0$0$15,000$6,000$0$12,000$0$610$45,795$45,000$125,187City Arborists (5)5364023103113354894374804675535705155,405Oak Wilt Arborist (1)231220141327422954394976398Environmental Inspectors (12)NR5,4084,4664,3003,9873,9983,1893,3613,5893,8763,5893,17042,933Landscape Inspectors (2)NR3845374244296147434761494General Permit Inspectors (4)NRNR668190157411401381441371101331,8581 - Tree Ordinance Review Applications (mostly protected size trees on proposed single family construction lots or protected size trees which are diseased/dying)4.15.152 - High-risk trees within parks and right-of-ways3 - Trees with trunks greater than 8" in diameter (dead and invasive species not included)4 - Site Plan Corrections, Extensions, and Boat Docks not includedNR - Not ReportedMonthly Report"March 2015"InspectionsUrban Forest Replenishment FundPermitting and ReplenishmentTree PermitsPublic PropertyElectric UtilityCommercial Site Plans Site Plans Approved416Subdivisions Approved143030Caliper Inches Surveyed6072.5Caliper Inches Surveyed29839055.59055.5Caliper Inches Preserved4262Caliper Inches Preserved260068626862Percentage Preserved70.1852614Percentage Preserved87.1605770.7577720.757772Native Inches Removed1406.5Native Inches Removed3831789.51789.5Inches Planted/Mitigated498Inches Planted/Mitigated76574574Percentage Replanted35Percentage Replanted200.320760.32076Non-Native Inches Remove404Non-Native Inches Remove0'01-MAR-2015' AND '31-MAR-2015'
Annual Internal Review This report covers the time period of 1/1/2014 to 12/31/2014 _Urban Forestry Board_ The Board/Commission mission statement (per the City Code) is: May study, investigate, plan, advise, report, and recommend any action, program, plan, or legislation which the board determines necessary or advisable for the care, preservation, pruning, planting, replanting, removal, or disposition of trees and shrubs and other landscaping in public parks, along streets, and in other public areas. Develop and establish a comprehensive urban forest plan for the planting, maintenance, and replacement of trees in parks, along streets, and in other public areas, and submit it to city council for adoption before implementation. See Section 2-1-183 of the City Code for additional duties. 1. Describe the board’s actions supporting their mission during the previous calendar year. Address all elements of the board’s mission statement as provided in the relevant sections of the City Code. • Actions related to Austin’s Urban Forest Plan: o Received approval in January from the Environmental Board. o Presented it to City Council in February, and received final approval in March. o Recommended that City Council increase the Parks and Recreation Department (PARD) Urban Forestry annual budget by $500,000 for staff support to implement the plan. o Recommended that City Council direct the City Manager to have seven key departments work closely with the Urban Forester on implementation of the plan: PARD, Public Works, Planning and Development Review, Austin Water Utility, Austin Transportation, Austin Energy, and Watershed Protection. o City staff provided updates about implementation of the plan at monthly Urban Forestry Board (UFB) meetings in 2014. Annual Review and Work Plan Year Page # • We made the following recommendations to the City Council and/or the City Manager: o Recommended that City Council increase annual funding for the care, maintenance, and planting of public trees by $12.5 million from the current $3.8 million to the $16.3 million level need for the recommended level of service in a July 2014 report by staff to City Council in response to Resolution #20130627-070. o Developed and recommended a process for implementation of a pilot program for the care and maintenance of prominent trees in the urban core in response to City Council Resolution #20120426-076. o Recommended requiring the use of green infrastructure and sustainability incentives within the development of CodeNext. o Recommended that an appropriate board be allowed to review and comment on …
— Trunk — — Crown and Branches — — Roots and Root Collar —Unbalanced crown LCR ______% Dead twigs/branches ____% overall Max. dia. ______Broken/Hangers Number __________ Max. dia. ______Over-extended branches Pruning historyCrown cleaned Reduced Flush cuts Thinned Topped Other Raised Lion-tailed Cracks ___________________________________ Lightning damage Codominant __________________________________ Included bark Weak attachments ___________________ Cavity/Nest hole ____% circ. Previous branch failures _______________ Similar branches present Dead/Missing bark Cankers/Galls/Burls Sapwood damage/decay Conks Heartwood decay ________________________ Response growthCollar buried/Not visible Depth________ Stem girdling Dead Decay Conks/Mushrooms Ooze Cavity _____% circ.Cracks Cut/Damaged roots Distance from trunk _______Root plate lifting Soil weakness Response growthMain concern(s)Load on defect N/A Minor Moderate SignificantDead/Missing bark Abnormal bark texture/color Codominant stems Included bark Cracks Sapwood damage/decay Cankers/Galls/Burls Sap ooze Lightning damage Heartwood decay Conks/Mushrooms Cavity/Nest hole _____ % circ. Depth _______ Poor taper Lean _____° Corrected? ________________________________ Response growth Main concern(s) Load on defect N/A Minor Moderate SignificantClient _______________________________________________________________Date___________________Time_________________Address/Tree location _________________________________________________________Tree no.____________ Sheet _____ of _____Tree species _________________________________________dbh_____________ Height ___________ Crown spread dia. ____________ Assessor(s)__________________________________________ Time frame_____________Toolsused______________________________Target AssessmentTarget numberTarget description Practical to move target? Restriction practical?1234 History of failures _____________________________________________________________ Topography Flat Slope _________% Aspect _____Site changes None Grade change Site clearing Changed soil hydrology Root cuts Describe _____________________________________Soil conditions Limited volume Saturated Shallow Compacted Pavement over roots ______% Describe __________________________Prevailing wind direction______ Common weather Strong winds Ice Snow Heavy rain Describe______________________________Tree Health and Species Profile Vigor Low Normal High Foliage None (seasonal) None (dead) Normal _____% Chlorotic _____% Necrotic _____% Pests_____________________________________________________ Abiotic ________________________________________________________ Species failure profile Branches Trunk Roots Describe ____________________________________________________________________Load Factors Wind exposure Protected Partial Full Wind funneling ________________________ Relative crown size Small Medium LargeCrown density Sparse Normal Dense Interior branches Few Normal Dense Vines/Mistletoe/Moss _____________________ Recent or planned change in load factors _________________________________________________________________________________________Tree Defects and Conditions Affecting the Likelihood of FailureOccupancy rate1–rare 2 – occasional 3 – frequent 4 – constantLikelihood of failureLikelihood of failureBasic Tree Risk Assessment FormPage 1 of 2 Site FactorsTarget zone Target within drip line Target within 1x Ht. Target within 1.5x Ht.Main concern(s)Load on defect N/A Minor Moderate Significant Likelihood of failure Improbable Possible Probable Imminent Improbable Possible Probable ImminentImprobable Possible Probable Imminent 1 2 3 4 Matrix 1. Likelihood matrix. Likelihood of FailureLikelihood of Impacting …
Your Department with a Heart! Protected Size Removal Examples Rob Grotty Urban Forestry Program Manager CITY OF AUSTIN PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Austin’s Groundbreaking Team 21” Arizona Ash Your Department with a Heart! Your Department with a Heart! 22 inch American Elm Your Department with a Heart! 29 inch Cedar Elm Your Department with a Heart! 31 inch Water Oak Your Department with a Heart! Questions?? Rob Grotty (512) 974-9198 CITY OF AUSTIN PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Austin’s Groundbreaking Team
City of Austin Historic Cemeteries Master Plan Kim McKnight, MSHP Presentation to Urban Forestry Board April 15, 2015 Process to Date •2012: Parks Board Working Group to identify issues and concerns •Summer, 2013: 6 meetings to develop Scope of Work •Fall, 2013: RFP issued •March, 2014: Contract with AmaTerra Env. Executed; includes tree assessment and survey •Community Meetings •April 30, 2014: Carver Branch Library •June 26, 2014: NW Recreation Center •August 23, 2014: Ruiz Branch Library •November 2, 2014: Zilker Botanical Garden •January 24, 2015: Carver Branch •January 23-March 9, 2015: Draft Master Plan Posted to Website for Community Review •Early April, 2015: Post revised draft for Boards, Commissions & Council Community Engagement •6 Scope of Work development meetings •5 public meetings •Board and Commission process •Media releases •Monthly newsletters throughout entire process placed in libraries and recreation centers •Email notices •City website and project website •Signage in Cemeteries •Extensive outreach through more than 70 social media outlets •Interviews with 25 Stakeholders •Outreach targeted to Community Registry, Austin Neighborhoods Council, Save Austin’s Cemeteries, Preservation Austin, African-American Cultural Heritage District The draft Master Plan Part I: Introduction 1.Introduction 2.Natural, Historical, and Cultural Contexts Part II: Cemetery Management Guidelines 3.General Management Guidelines 4.Oakwood Cemetery 5.Oakwood Cemetery Annex 6.Plummers Cemetery 7.Evergreen Cemetery 8.Austin Memorial Park Cemetery Part III: Policy and Funding Recommendations 9.Regulations and Laws 10.Cemetery Oversight 11.Emergency Preparedness 12.Historic Designations 13.Grave Ornamentation 14.Funding and Revenue 15.Partnerships and Programs Tree Survey •Rehabilitation •Spatial Organization and Circulation •Vegetation, including trees •Grave Markers, Plot Curbs, Plot Fencing •Fences •Site Furnishings •Benches, Signs and Kiosks General Management Guidelines Cemetery Treatment Guidelines for Individual Cemeteries •Vegetation Conditions •Marker Conditions •Drainage •Buildings and Facilities •Appearance •Boundary fencing and screening •Wayfinding and interpretation •Preservation and protection •Visitor amenities •Entrance and Access •Vulnerability •Expansion Cemetery Treatment Guidelines related to trees •Importance of Vegetation •Historic Cemetery Trees •Preserving •Removing •Replacing •Planting New Trees •Trees of Special Concern •Post Oaks •Crape Myrtles •Eastern Red Cedar •Preserving Historic Shrubs and Perennials •Invasive Plants •Cemetery Lawn Care •Analyze •Prepare •Plant •Maintain •Irrigation Process Going Forward Please note that this is a tentative timeframe and subject to change: •April, 2015: Present draft plan to Urban Forestry Board & Historic Landmark Commission •May, 2015: Present final draft plan to Land Facilities & Program Committee, Parks and Rec Board •June, 2015: Present final draft plan to Planning Commission & Open Space, Environment & Sustainability Committee of the …
Urban Forestry Board99 32 72 147 91 87 102 46 65 49 26 59 83 79 125 80 97 118 84 47 34 19 38 42 020406080100120140160Apr-14May-14Jun-14Jul-14Aug-14Sep-14Oct-14Nov-14Dec-14Jan-15Feb-15Mar-15# of Customer Calls Completed-TOT# of Customer Calls Received-TOT# of Customer Calls Received and Completed_TOT 40 37 19 18 17 12 18 22 16 17 29 50 0102030405060Apr-14May-14Jun-14Jul-14Aug-14Sep-14Oct-14Nov-14Dec-14Jan-15Feb-15Mar-15# of Miles Completed_TOT 716 909 650 878 804 935 1093 794 465 596 1038 1213 0200400600800100012001400Apr-14May-14Jun-14Jul-14Aug-14Sep-14Oct-14Nov-14Dec-14Jan-15Feb-15Mar-15# of Properties Worked-TOT 101 0 90 0 46 0 311 131 0 131 77 102 21 0 23 8 18 4 17 16 16 50 61 81 050100150200250300350Apr-14May-14Jun-14Jul-14Aug-14Sep-14Oct-14Nov-14Dec-14Jan-15Feb-15Mar-15# of Trees Removed & Distributed # of Trees Distributed# of Trees Removed