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Bond Election Advisory Task ForceFeb. 8, 2018

Item 4a- Equity Survey Results Spreadsheet original pdf

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NumberWhat is the name of your proposed bond project/program/initiative?Included in Staff Recommended Starting Point? What is the name of your department?Please provide a brief description of your project/program/initiative.Which district(s) does your project/program/initiative reside in?What is the goal of your project/program/initiative?What are the success indicators of your project/program/initiative?What are the desired outcomes of your project/program/initiative?What is the desired impact of your project/program/initiative?Please describe the historical context of the project1Sidewalk Rehabilitation & Replacement ProgramYesPublic Works DepartmentReplacement Program is to replace existing failed and/or non-ADA (American with Disabilities Act) compliant sidewalks and curb ramps to create functional pedestrian paths for all users and maintain District 1;District 2;District 3;District 4;District5;District 6;District 7;District 8;District 9;District 10To create functional pedestrian routes by reconstructing damaged and noncompliant sidewalk to safe, compliant sidewalks throughout Austin for all users.pannual Key Performance Indicators related to sidewalks: 1. Linear feet of new ADA sidewalks constructed and linear feet of sidewalks rehabilitated to meet ADA requirements; and 2. Number of curb ramps constructed.pgwith functional pedestrian routes by rehabilitating and replacing existing sidewalk and addressing vegetation or vehicle obstructions along sidewalk paths. pconnections that give pedestrians and cyclists a viable mode of transportation that enable people to travel to and from destinations. Additionally, by including sidewalks and other pedestrian facilities as gsidewalks within public right-of-way has historically been considered the responsibility of the adjacent property owner. The City of Austin Code included this responsibility 2Affordable HousingYesNHCDNHCD's General Obligation bond program increases or maintains the supply of affordable rental housing by addressing the affordable housing needs identified in the Strategic Housing Blueprint, including Permanent Supportive Housing.District 1;District 2;District 3;District 4;District5;District 6;District 7;District 8;District 9;District 10To increase the supply of affordable housing throughout the City of Austin. The recently adopted Austin Strategic Housing Blueprint calls for an additional 60,000 affordable housing units in the next 10 years. The Blueprint is anchored by five community values with key recommended actions that City could take to support those values. One of the five values is "Foster Equitable, Integrated and Diverse Communities." Within the 60,000 goal, the Blueprint establishes sub-goals, several of which speak directly to equity and inclusion. Specifically, the Blueprint calls for a goal that at least 75% of new housing units should be within 1/2 mile of Imagine Austin Centers and Corridors (thereby connecting housing with transit access), at least 25% of new income-restricted affordable housing should be in high opportunity areas (thereby reducing the …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:20 p.m.
Bond Election Advisory Task ForceFeb. 8, 2018

Item 4a- Parkland and Open Space Working Group Recommendation original pdf

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Open Space Working GroupReport and Possible Action on Itemsfor the Bond Election Advisory Task ForceMembers: Estrella De Leon, Tom Nuchols, Jeff Smith and Rob Walker, chair February 8, 2018I.Purpose - 2018 election bond funding forA.Watershed protection land acquisition ($72 million), andB.The Parks and Recreation Department ($45 million)II.Watershed Protection land acquisition ($72,000,000 request)A.Our water quality is at risk, and the available and affordable land is diminishing. See the Edwards Aquifer recharge contributing zone slides, attached.1.There has been significant development growth in the watershed since19982.See the 1998, 2006 and 2017 slides of maps showing the increase indeveloped tracts of land in the watershed area over those years. Time isrunning out and land prices are rising.B.Objective: Limit development to 10% impervious cover in the Edwards Aquiferrecharge and contributing (source-water protection) zones. This requirespermanently protecting 100,000 acres of land to mitigate flooding and to protectwater quality in the creeks and the aquifer.1.Presently only 28,000 acres are permanently protected.2.We recommend $72 million to acquire an estimated 4,300 acres – about6% of the 72,000 shortfall ($36 million for acquiring fee simple tracts and$36 million for acquiring conservation easement acreage).3.Popular proposition with the voters - 62% average voter approval in 4bond elections from 1998 through 20124.Good investment of bond funding. a.Of the bonds approved from 2006 through 2013, Drainage andOpen Space funding has the highest percentage of funds expendedto date of any of the bond propositions - 96%. b.The majority of funding is spent within the first 2-3 years of a bondprogram.5.Currently, bonds are the only funding source for significant WatershedOpen Space land purchases Open Space Working Group report to BEATFFebruary 8, 2018 Page 2______________________________III.Parks and Recreation Department (PARD) bond funding ($45,000,000 request)A.The issues: 1.Austin is becoming increasing deficient in parkland. The standard is 24acres per 1,000 population. We’re now below 20 acres, a deficiency ofabout 5,000 acres (please see the attached graph).2.Our Council has no funds to act quickly to secure beautiful tracts and openspaces that become available; The Grove problem.B.We recommend $45 million for parkland acquisition, allocated as follows:1.$10 million for 200 acres in Oak Hill out Highway 71 for a metropolitandestination park.2.$5 million for 5-10 infill parks in park-deficient areas of our City.3.$5 million for 10 miles of greenbelt including completing the northernWalnut Creek park and trail system 4.$25 million for a parkland reserve fund to help preserve or acquirestrategic tracts as they become available. a.This seed money will give our Council leverage to …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:20 p.m.
Bond Election Advisory Task ForceFeb. 8, 2018

Item 4b- January Town Hall Results original pdf

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January 2018 Bond Development Town HallsDistrict break DownTopics# of speakers111Parks*5022Affordable Housing1632Stormwater747Open Space4510Transportation560Libraries**775General/did not speak985Total98911107*includes Mexic‐Carte, Pools, Mayfield Park, Norwood Park, cultural centers (Carver, MACC, AARC, DAC)Unidentified33**includes Austin History CenterTotal93Notes:at least 8 TF members at each oneWritten CommentsSome citizens spoke on multiple topicsAffordable Housing3Reinvestment4

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:20 p.m.
Independent Citizens Redistricting CommissionFeb. 8, 2018

Agenda original pdf

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Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission (ICRC) Thursday, February 8, 2018, 6:00pm City Hall Council Chambers 301W. Second Street Members: Magdalena Blanco Carmen Llanes Pulido Rachel Farris Truair Mariano Diaz-Miranda Arthur Lopez Anna Saenz William Hewitt Maria Solis TJ Costello Ryan Rafols Harriett Harrow Henry Johnson Cathy Cocco Stefan Haag CALL TO ORDER Roll Call Citizen Communication The commission may discuss and take action on any of the following items: 1. Welcome - Chair Blanco 2. Updates from Counsel 3. Future vacancies, procedure, and feasibility 4. Incorporation of Annexed properties into Council Districts a. No Population / CLEARLY within current district boundaries b. Population / CLEARLY within current district boundaries c. Any property which is NOT CLEARLY within current district boundaries or other issues associated ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 4 days before the meeting date. Please call Jawana Gutierrez at 512-322-6596 for additional information. TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. Questions regarding the ICRC may be directed to Jawana Gutierrez at 512-322-6596.

Scraped at: Jan. 20, 2020, 12:14 a.m.
Independent Citizens Redistricting CommissionFeb. 8, 2018

Item 4 Map of Annexed Properties original pdf

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20171109-02520171109-02720171109-02620171109-02720171109-02720171109-02720161201-04120161110-02320161110-02220161110-02058312106749CITY OF AUSTINThis product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal,engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only theapproximate relative location of property boundaries.This product has been produced by the Planning and Zoning Department for the sole purpose of geographicreference. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or completeness.PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENTCity of Austin AnnexationsNot Included in Council DistrictBoundaries through 12/01/2017Nov 15, 2017¯Ordinance No.Contiguous to:20161110-020District 520161110-022District 520161110-023District 120161201-041District 120171109-025District 520171109-026District 520171109-027District 61 in = 4 miles

Scraped at: Jan. 20, 2020, 12:14 a.m.
Independent Citizens Redistricting CommissionFeb. 8, 2018

Item 4 Resolution original pdf

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Presiding Chair: ______________________________________________ Magdalena Blanco8th

Scraped at: Jan. 20, 2020, 12:14 a.m.
Aquatic Master Plan Task ForceFeb. 1, 2018

Community Interest Announcement original pdf

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AQUATIC MASTER PLAN TASK FORCE Community Interest Announcement Description of Announcement: Approval of the Aquatic Master Plan Task Force Recommendations Regarding the Draft Aquatic Master Plan by City Council (Members of the Aquatic Master Plan Task Force will attend City Council meeting) Thursday, February 1, 2018 10:00 a.m. Austin City Hall 301 W. Second Street Austin, Texas, 78701 A quorum of Task Force members may be present. No action will be taken by the Task Force. Task Force Liaison: Vera Labriola (512) 974-6716

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:02 p.m.
Bond Election Advisory Task ForceJan. 18, 2018

Community Interest Announcement original pdf

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Bond Advisory Task Force Community Interest Announcement Community input event to provide information and solicit feedback on the 2018 Bond Development process Thursday, January18th 6:30pm-8:00 pm Austin Community College- South Campus 1820 W Stassney Lane Room 1315 Austin TX, 78745 Task Force Liaison: Katy Zamesnik (512) 974-2832

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:20 p.m.
Bond Election Advisory Task ForceJan. 18, 2018

Audio File- Bond Town Hall original link

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Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:20 p.m.
Bond Election Advisory Task ForceJan. 17, 2018

Community Interest Announcement original pdf

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Bond Advisory Task Force Community Interest Announcement Community input event to provide information and solicit feedback on the 2018 Bond Development process Wednesday, January17th 6:30pm-8:00 pm Millennium Youth Entertainment Complex 1156 Hargrave Street Austin TX, 78702 Task Force Liaison: Katy Zamesnik (512) 974-2832

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:20 p.m.
Bond Election Advisory Task ForceJan. 17, 2018

Audio File- Bond Town Hall original link

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Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:21 p.m.
Bond Election Advisory Task ForceJan. 11, 2018

Community Interest Announcement original pdf

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Bond Advisory Task Force Community Interest Announcement Community input event to provide information and solicit feedback on the 2018 Bond Development process Thursday, January11th 6:30pm-8:00 pm Yarborough Branch Library 2200 Hancock Drive Austin TX, 78756 Task Force Liaison: Katy Zamesnik (512) 974-2832

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:21 p.m.
Bond Election Advisory Task ForceJan. 11, 2018

Video File- Bond Town Hall original link

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Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:21 p.m.
City Manager Search Advisory Task ForceDec. 3, 2017

Agenda original pdf

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CITY MANAGER SEARCH ADVISORY TASK FORCE SPECIAL CALLED MEETING Sunday, December 3, 2017, 9:00 a.m. City Hall Boards and Commissions Room 301 W. 2nd Street Austin, Texas 78701 CURRENT TASK FORCE MEMBERS: Laura Huffman, Chair Saundra Kirk, Vice Chair Claudia Conner Susan Hambright Perla Cavazos Julio Gonzalez Altamirano Bill Spelman Channy Soeur Walter Muse Bobby Inman Jan Lehman AGENDA CALL TO ORDER 1. NEW BUSINESS Briefing and discussion on City Manager Search Process, Interview Process and Next Steps. ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days (48 hours) before the meeting date. Please call Sonya Alexander-Harry at Human Resources Department, at 512-974-3228, for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the City Manager Search Advisory Task Force, please contact Sonya Alexander-Harry at 512-974-3228.

Scraped at: Jan. 20, 2020, 12:09 a.m.
City Manager Search Advisory Task ForceJuly 27, 2017

July 27, 2017 Task Force Meeting Agenda original pdf

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CITY MANAGER SEARCH ADVISORY TASK FORCE REGULAR MEETING Thursday, July 27, 2017 4:30 p.m. Austin Energy Headquarters Town Lake Center – Assembly Room, Room 130 721 Barton Springs Austin, Texas 78704 TASK FORCE MEMBERS: Laura Huffman, Chair Saundra Kirk, Vice Chair Claudia Conner Susan Hambright Perla Cavazos Julio Gonzalez Altamirano Bill Spelman Channy Soeur Walter Muse Bobby Inman Jan Lehman AGENDA CALL TO ORDER 1. CITIZENS COMMUNICATION: GENERAL (Individuals will each be allowed 3 minutes to address the Task Force.) 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF JULY 19, 2017 TASK FORCE MEETING 3. NEW BUSINESS Discussion and possible action regarding the following: a) Updates on City Manager Recruitment Process. b) Discussion, review and approval of the report of synthesized feedback from District Meetings, Online Community Survey, 3-1-1 Feedback and Culture Analyst™ Report. ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days (48 hours) before the meeting date. Please call Sonya Alexander-Harry at Human Resources Department, at 512-974-3228, for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the City Manager Search Advisory Task Force, please contact Sonya Alexander-Harry at 512-974-3228.

Scraped at: Jan. 20, 2020, 12:09 a.m.
City Manager Search Advisory Task ForceJuly 27, 2017

Link to 7/27 meeting original link

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Scraped at: Jan. 20, 2020, 12:09 a.m.
City Manager Search Advisory Task ForceJuly 27, 2017

Austin City Manager Search - Synthesized Community Feedback original pdf

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Private and ConfidentialAustin City Manager Search Community Feedback SummaryJuly 2017Steve NewtonErin Carbrey Private and Confidential2Executive summaryThe Next City Manager: The next City Manager must be someone who’ll serve as a strategic advisor to the Mayor and City Council, implement policies, and will be an advocate for all members of the community. This individual must have experience managing a City or entity with similar or larger size and scale of Austin. There are three themes surrounding skills/abilities and characteristics of the next City Manager and critical issues facing Austin over the next 5-10 years: Communication and Leadership: The next City Manager must demonstrate exceptional communication skills and have a genuine willingness to listen and engage with the community. This individual must have experience managing a City or entity with similar size and scale of Austin. Residents and community stakeholders want a leader who’ll have the skills and experience to lead Austin by combining vision, efficient strategy, and operational excellence together in an open, communicative style.Embrace Austin: The next City Manager must be able to embrace Austin and the spirit of the community. This individual must support an environment of transparency, community, innovation, and open-mindedness. The next City Manager will be someone who is a proponent of diversity and inclusiveness and values the perspectives of others.Rapid Growth: Rapid growth is the number one issue facing Austin across multiple areas including, but not limited to: affordability, housing, equity, transportation, maintenance, infrastructure, and funding budget requests. The next City Manager will be charged with advising key stakeholders on innovative strategies to address these issues. Private and Confidential3Community outreachMembers of the Austin Community had the opportunity to participate in Phase One of the search process. There were four overlapping outreach efforts from which we collected feedback to learn more about the desired abilities, skills, and characteristics of the next City Manager as well as critical challenges facing Austin over the next 5-10 years:Employee SurveyCity Manager Search Advisory Task Force MeetingsDistrict OutreachOnline Survey and 3-1-1Districts created opportunities for their constitutes to participate in our search process. RRA received a report from each of the 10 districts. Reports were shared with RRA and Task Force Committee Members.Four public meetings were hosted by the City Manager Search Advisory Task Force.Community members and stakeholders were invited to speak.Residents were encouraged to attend and speak at each meeting.Residents had the opportunity provide feedback via an online survey or by calling …

Scraped at: Jan. 20, 2020, 12:09 a.m.
City Manager Search Advisory Task ForceJuly 27, 2017

Draft Minutes original pdf

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CITY MANAGER SEARCH ADVISORY TASK FORCE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Thursday, July 27, 2017 The City Manager Search Advisory Task Force convened in a regular meeting on Thursday, July 27, 2017 at Town Lake Center, Austin Energy Headquarters, 721 Barton Springs, Austin, TX 78704 Chair Laura Huffman called the Task Force meeting to order at 4:35 p.m. Board Members in Attendance: Laura Huffman (Chair), Saundra Kirk (Vice Chair), Claudia Conner (via phone), Perla Cavazos, Julio Gonzalez Altamirano, Bill Spellman, Channy Soeur, Walter Muse, Jan Lehman, Susan Hambright, and Admiral Bobby Inman. Staff in Attendance: Debby Maynor, Lara Foss, Lee Crawford, Rodney Crain, Rod Sigler, Daniel Murphy, and Sonya Alexander-Harry. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF JULY 19, 2017 TASK FORCE MEETING Recommendation by Task Force Chair Laura Huffman to approve the minutes for the July 19, 2017 City Manager Search Advisory Task Force Meeting was approved by Task Force Member Walter Muse’s motion with Task Force Members Perla Cavazos and Susan Hambright second on a 8-0 vote. Task Force Members Bobby Inman, Bill Spelman, and Jan Lehman were absent at the time of vote of approval. 2. CITIZENS COMMUNICATION: GENERAL No one signed up to speak. 3. NEW BUSINESS Discussion and possible action regarding the following: a) Updates on City Manager Recruitment Process Russell Reynold Associates Representative Steve Newton briefly noted a correction was made to the Culture Analyst™ Report. b) Discussion, review and approval of the report of synthesized feedback from District Meetings, Online Community Survey, 3-1-1 Feedback and Culture Analyst™ Report. Russell Reynolds Associates Representative Steve Newton reviewed and discussed the report of synthesized feedback from District Meetings, Online Community Survey, 3-1-1 Feedback and Culture Analyst™ Report with the Task Force. A recommendation to approve the report of synthesized feedback from District Meetings, Online Community Survey, 3-1-1 Feedback and Culture Analyst™ Report with changes requested by Task Force was approved on Task Force Member Spelman’s motion with Task Force Member Perla Cavazos’s second on an 11-0 vote. 4. ADJOURNMENT Task Force Member Perla Cavazos motioned to adjourn the meeting. Task Force Member Susan Hambright seconded on an 11-0 vote. The Task Force Meeting was adjourned at 5:07 p.m. The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please …

Scraped at: Jan. 20, 2020, 12:09 a.m.
City Manager Search Advisory Task ForceJuly 19, 2017

Agenda original pdf

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CITY MANAGER SEARCH ADVISORY TASK FORCE REGULAR MEETING Wednesday, July 19, 2017 2:00 p.m. Austin Energy Headquarters Town Lake Center – Assembly Room, Room 130 721 Barton Springs Austin, Texas 78704 TASK FORCE MEMBERS: Laura Huffman, Chair Saundra Kirk, Vice Chair Claudia Conner Susan Hambright Perla Cavazos Julio Gonzalez Altamirano Bill Spelman Channy Soeur Walter Muse Bobby Inman Jan Lehman AGENDA CALL TO ORDER 1. CITIZENS COMMUNICATION: GENERAL (Individuals will each be allowed 3 minutes to address the Task Force.) 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF JULY 12, 2017 TASK FORCE MEETING 3. NEW BUSINESS Discussion and possible action regarding the following: a) Discussion and updates on City Manager Recruitment Process and feedback/survey input. b) Review, discussion and approval of draft City Manager profile. ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days (48 hours) before the meeting date. Please call Sonya Alexander-Harry at Human Resources Department, at 512-974-3228, for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the City Manager Search Advisory Task Force, please contact Sonya Alexander-Harry at 512-974-3228.

Scraped at: Jan. 20, 2020, 12:09 a.m.
City Manager Search Advisory Task ForceJuly 19, 2017

Approved Minutes original pdf

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CITY MANAGER SEARCH ADVISORY TASK FORCE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, July 19, 2017 The City Manager Search Advisory Task Force convened in a regular meeting on Wednesday, July 19, 2017 at Town Lake Center, Austin Energy Headquarters, 721 Barton Springs, Austin, TX 78704. Chair Laura Huffman called the Task Force meeting to order at 2:07 p.m. Board Members in Attendance: Laura Huffman (Chair), Saundra Kirk (Vice Chair), Claudia Conner, Perla Cavazos, Julio Gonzalez Altamirano, Bill Spellman, Channy Soeur, Walter Muse, Jan Lehman, Susan Hambright, and Admiral Bobby Inman. Staff in Attendance: Joya Hayes, Debbie Maynor, Rodney Crain, Lee Crawford, Trinh Bartlett, Lara Foss, Sonya Alexander-Harry, Cindy Henson, Rod Sigler, Gary Luedecke, Daniel Murphy. Steve Newton and Erin Carbrey from Russell Reynold Associates were in attendance. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Recommendation by Task Force Chair Laura Huffman to approve the minutes for the July 12, 2017 City Manager Search Advisory Task Force Meeting was approved on Task Force Member Admiral Bobby Inman’s motion with Task Force Member Susan Hambright second on a 8-0 vote. Task Force Members Jan Lehman, Bill Spelman and Walter Muse were absent at the time of the vote of approval. 2. CITIZENS COMMUNICATION: GENERAL No one signed up to speak. 3. NEW BUSINESS a) Discussion and updates on City Manager Recruitment Process and Feedback/survey input. Russell Reynolds Associates Representative Steve Newton gave an update on the City Manager Recruitment Process, the Culture Analyst™ Report and answered questions from the Task Force. He agreed to bring back Synthesized Feedback to the next Task Force Meeting to review and approve. A recommendation to approve the Culture Analyst™ Report was approved on Task Force Member Admiral Bobby Inman’s motion with Task Force Member Jan Lehman’s second on an 11-0 vote. b) Review, discussion and approval of draft City Manager profile. Russell Reynolds Associates Representative Steve Newton reviewed and discussed the draft City Manager Profile and answered questions from the Task Force. A recommendation to approve the draft City Manager Profile was approved on Task Force Member Bill Spelman’s motion with Task Force Member Jan Lehman’s second on an 11-0 vote. 4. ADJOURN Task Force Member Walter Muse motioned to adjourn the meeting. Task Force Member Admiral Bobby Inman seconded on an 11-0 vote. The Task Force Meeting was adjourned at 3:12 p.m. The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal …

Scraped at: Jan. 20, 2020, 12:09 a.m.