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Urban Forestry BoardJune 17, 2015

Meeting Minutes 6-17-15 (not approved by board but Board Chair reviewed) original pdf

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+ URBAN FORESTRY BOARD REGULAR MEETING Wednesday, June 17, 2015 - 5:30 p.m. Northwest Recreation Center 2913 Northland Austin, Texas Board Members in Attendance: Board Chair Chris Kite, Board Vice-Chair Peggy Maceo, Board Members Nick Classen, Ryan Fleming and Len Newsom. Board Members Patrick Brewer and Keith Brown absent. Staff in Attendance: Parks and Recreation Department Lara Schuman, Urban Forestry Program Manager Development Services Department Keith Mars, Environmental Program Coordinator, City Arborist Program Emily King, Environmental Program Coordinator, Urban Forestry Lynn Tozser, Program Specialist, UFB Liaison Public Works Department Rob Grotty, Urban Forestry Program Manager Austin Energy Ray Henning, Line Clearance Supervisor MEETING MINUTES JUNE 17, 2015 A. CALL TO ORDER Board Chair Kite called the meeting to order at 5:45 pm. B. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approve the minutes of the Urban Forestry Board meeting of May 20, 2015. Motion made by Board Member Newsom, seconded by Board Member Fleming. Approved by Board Chair Kite, Board Vice Chair Maceo and Board Members Classen, Fleming and Newsom. C. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION The first 4 (four) speakers signed up prior to the calling of the meeting to order are allowed a three-minute allotment each to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. None. D. ANNOUNCEMENTS  The Urban Forestry Manager position within the Development Services Department has been posted.  PARD maintenance crews have been temporarily reassigned to the Resource Recovery Department to assist with cleanup of debris from the Memorial Day flood.  The legal department has permitted PARD to start repair to damages to Zilker Park from the Cyclo-Cross event.  C3 Presents has contributed $100,000 to PARD to put towards mitigation of use at Zilker Park. E. URBAN FORESTER EXECUTIVE LIAISON REPORT – Emily King, Environmental Program Coordinator, Development Services Department, including:  Austin Urban Forest Plan Implementation Monthly Update. Presentation given. F. ACTION ITEM BRIEFINGS 1. Recommendations to Council for allocation of resources to implement Austin’s Urban Forest Plan. Presenter: Chris Kite, Urban Forestry Board Chair. Presentation given. 2. Draft Cemetery Master Plan – Update of annual levels of funding for full implementation of recommendations. Presenter: Lara Schuman, Urban Forestry Program Manager, Parks and Recreation Department. Presentation given. G. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS 1. Discussion and possible action on a recommendation to Council for allocation of resources to implement Austin’s Urban Forest Plan. Presenter: Board Chair Chris Kite. Motion made by Board Member Newsom, seconded by …

Scraped at: Jan. 20, 2020, 12:21 a.m.
Waterfront Planning Advisory BoardJune 8, 2015

Agenda original pdf

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Staff Liaison: Michael Simmons-Smith - 974-1225 The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access, and if sign language interpreters or alternative formats are required, please give notice at least 4 days before the meeting date. WATERFRONT PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD JUNE 8, 2015 @ 6:00 P.M. ***BOARDS & COMMISSIONS ROOM – CITY HALL*** 301 W. 2nd Street Austin, TX 78703 AGENDA Brooke Bailey, Chair Andy Hutton Eric Schultz, Vice-Chair Laura Toups Cory Walton Dean Rindy Tyler Zickert CALL TO ORDER A. CITIZEN COMMUNICATIONS The first four (4) speakers signed up prior to the meeting will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. B. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approval of minutes from the March 9, 2015 regularly-scheduled meeting and the May 11, 2015 regularly-scheduled meeting. C. NEW BUSINESS 1. Consider and recommend to City Council to authorize award, negotiation, and execution of a contract with ECONorthwest to provide consulting services for the South Central Waterfront Area Plan Initiative. Staff: Alan Holt, Planning & Development Review Department and Terry Nicholson, Purchasing Department. 2. Update, discussion and possible action on the South Central Waterfront Area Plan Initiative. Staff: Alan Holt, Planning & Development Review Department. ADJOURNMENT

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 10:47 p.m.
Waterfront Planning Advisory BoardJune 8, 2015

Draft Minutes from the 6-8-15 WPAB Meeting original pdf

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+ WATERFRONT PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD JUNE 8, 2015 @ 6:00 P.M. ***BOARDS & COMMISSIONS ROOM – CITY HALL*** 301 W. 2nd Street Austin, TX 78703 MEETING MINUTES Brooke Bailey, Chair Andy Hutton Eric Schultz, Vice-Chair - ABSENT Laura Toups Cory Walton Dean Rindy Tyler Zickert CALL TO ORDER A. CITIZEN COMMUNICATIONS The first four (4) speakers signed up prior to the meeting will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. There were no citizen communications. B. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approval of minutes from the March 9, 2015 and the May 11, 2015 regularly-scheduled meetings. The minutes for the May 11, 2015 meeting were approved on a motion from Mr. Hutton and a second from Mr. Tyler by a vote of 6-0-1 with Vice-Chair Schultz absent. The March 9, 2015 meeting minutes had been previously approved and posted. C. NEW BUSINESS 1. Consider and recommend to City Council to authorize award, negotiation, and execution of a contract with ECONorthwest to provide consulting services for the South Central Waterfront Area Plan Initiative. Staff: Alan Holt, Planning & Development Review Department and Terry Nicholson, Purchasing Department. The Board to recommend this action to City Council on a motion by Mr. Walton and a second by Mr. Rindy. The vote was 6-0-1 to recommend with Vice-Chair Schultz absent. 2. Update, discussion and possible action on the South Central Waterfront Area Plan Initiative. Staff: Alan Holt, Planning & Development Review Department. The Board voted 6-0-1 (with Vice-Chair Schultz absent) to approve a resolution supporting appointment of any willing current WPAB members to a proposed task force that would oversee development and function of the South Central Waterfront Area Plan Initiative. ADJOURNMENT – Chair Bailey adjourned the meeting at 7:56 p.m.

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 10:47 p.m.
Sign Review BoardJune 8, 2015

Agenda original pdf

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BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT/SIGN REVIEW BOARD June 8, 2015 5:30pm CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 301 WEST 2ND STREET AUSTIN, TEXAS ___ Jeff Jack (Chair) ___Melissa Hawthorne (Vice Chair) ___Cathy French (SRB only) ___Vincent Harding ___Will Schnier (Alternate) ___Sallie Burchett ___Stuart Hampton (Alternate) ___Michael Von Ohlen ___Bryan King ___Ricardo De Camps AGENDA EXECUTIVE SESSION (No public discussion) The Board of Adjustment/Sign Review Board will announce it will go into Executive Session, if necessary, pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, to receive advice from Legal Counsel on matters specifically listed on this agenda. The Board of Adjustment/Sign Review Board may also announce it will go into Executive Session, if necessary, to receive advice from Legal Counsel regarding any other item on this agenda. Private Consultation with Attorney – Section 551.071 A APPROVAL OF MINUTES A-1 May 11, 2015 B. SIGN REVIEW BOARD RECONSIDERATIONS NONE C. SIGN REVIEW BOARD PREVIOUS POSTPONEMENTS NONE D. SIGN REVIEW BOARD NEW PUBLIC HEARINGS D-1 C16-2015-0007 Jim Bennett for Inayat Fidai 9001 Cameron Road The applicant has requested a variance to: A. Section 25-10-124 (B) (1) (b) (Scenic Roadway Sign District Regulations) to increase the sign area from 64 square feet (required/permitted) to 144 square feet (requested); and to B. Section 25-10-124 (B) (2) (Scenic Roadway Sign District Regulations) to increase the sign height from 12 feet (required/permitted) to 30 feet (requested); and to C. Section 25-10-124 (F) (Scenic Roadway Sign District Regulations) to increase areas of internal illumination from individual letters only (required/permitted) to also include logo (requested) in order to add freestanding signage at this lot in a “CS”, General Commercial Services zoning district and Scenic Roadway Sign District. D-2 C16-2015-0008 Mark Rocke for David Buddemeyer 8901 Business Park Drive The applicant has requested a variance to Section 25-10-123 (B) (3) (a) (Expressway Corridor Sign District Regulations) to exceed the sign height from 35 feet (required/permitted) to 50 feet (requested) in order to construct a new freestanding sign in a “CS” – General Commercial Services zoning district within an Expressway Corridor Sign District. D-3 C15-2015-0009 Michele Haussmann for Bryan Barry 1824 West Slaughter Lane The applicant has requested a variance to Section 25-10-124 (B) (2) (Scenic Roadway Sign District Regulations) to increase the height of signs permitted from 12 feet (required/permitted) to 21 feet (requested) in order to add a freestanding sign in a “GR-CO”, Community Commercial – Conditional Overlay zoning district and Scenic Roadway …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:13 p.m.
Sign Review BoardJune 8, 2015

Play video original link

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Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:13 p.m.
Sign Review BoardJune 8, 2015

C16-2015-0007 original pdf

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Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:13 p.m.
Sign Review BoardJune 8, 2015

c16-2015-0008 original pdf

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Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:13 p.m.
Sign Review BoardJune 8, 2015

c16-2015-0009 original pdf

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Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:14 p.m.
Sign Review BoardJune 8, 2015

draft minutes original pdf

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BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT/SIGN REVIEW BOARD MEETING MINUTES (May 11, 2015) The Board of Adjustment/Sign Review Board convened in a meeting on May 11, 2015, City Council Chambers, 301 West 2nd Street, Austin, Texas. Chair Jeff Jack called the Board Meeting to order at 5:40 p.m. Board Members in Attendance: Jeff Jack (Chair), Melissa Hawthorne (Vice Chair), Sallie Burchett, Vincent Harding, Bryan King, Michael Von Ohlen and Cathy French (SRB) Board Member Absent –Ricardo De Camps Staff in Attendance: Leane Heldenfels, David Sorola (COA Attorney), Diana Ramirez EXECUTIVE SESSION (No public discussion) The Board of Adjustment/Sign Review Board will announce it will go into Executive Session, if necessary, pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, to receive advice from Legal Counsel on matters specifically listed on this agenda. The Board of Adjustment/Sign Review Board may also announce it will go into Executive Session, if necessary, to receive advice from Legal Counsel regarding any other item on this agenda. Private Consultation with Attorney – Section 551.071 A APPROVAL OF MINUTES A-1 April 13, 2015 Board Member Melissa Hawthorne motion to Approve the minutes for April 13, 2015 with correction to Item N-1; Board Member Sallie Burchett second on 5-0-2 vote (Board members Vincent Harding and Bryan King Abstained); APPROVED MINUTES FOR April 13, 2015 WITH CORRECTION TO ITEM N-1. Postponement requests from applicants and interested parties for Items L-2, M-6, M-11 to June 8, 2015 was approved by the Board without objection. B. SIGN REVIEW BOARD RECONSIDERATIONS NONE C. SIGN REVIEW BOARD PREVIOUS POSTPONEMENTS NONE D. SIGN REVIEW BOARD NEW PUBLIC HEARINGS D-1 C16-2015-0005 Jim Bennett for Blake Hillin 5908 Manor Road The applicant has requested a variance to: 1. Section 25-10-127 (B) (1) (Multifamily Residential Sign District Regulations) to exceed the sign height from 6 feet (required) to 13 feet 10 inches (requested); and to 2. Section 25-10-127 (B) (2) (Multifamily Residential Sign District Regulations) to exceed the sign area from 35 feet (required) to 44.3 feet (requested) in order to construct a new freestanding changeable copy sign at the Achieve Public School located in a “SF-6-NP” – Family Residence – Neighborhood Plan zoning district. (Windsor Park) The public hearing was closed on Board Member Michael Von Ohlen motion to Deny, Board Member Vincent Harding second on a 7-0 vote; DENIED. D-2 C16-2015-0006 Jim Bennett for Ann B. Lewis 5701 W. Slaughter Lane The applicant has requested a variance …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:14 p.m.
Sign Review BoardJune 8, 2015

draft minutes for June 8, 2015 original pdf

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BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT/SIGN REVIEW BOARD MEETING MINUTES (June 8, 2015) The Board of Adjustment/Sign Review Board convened in a meeting on June 8, 2015, City Council Chambers, 301 West 2nd Street, Austin, Texas. Chair Jeff Jack called the Board Meeting to order at 5:45 p.m. Board Members in Attendance: Jeff Jack (Chair), Melissa Hawthorne (Vice Chair), Sallie Burchett, Ricardo De Camps, Vincent Harding, Bryan King, Michael Von Ohlen, Cathy French (SRB) and Stuart Hampton (Alternate) for one case only D-3 Board Member absent - NONE Staff in Attendance: Leane Heldenfels, Cindy Crosby (COA Attorney) Staff Absent – Diana Ramirez EXECUTIVE SESSION (No public discussion) The Board of Adjustment/Sign Review Board will announce it will go into Executive Session, if necessary, pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, to receive advice from Legal Counsel on matters specifically listed on this agenda. The Board of Adjustment/Sign Review Board may also announce it will go into Executive Session, if necessary, to receive advice from Legal Counsel regarding any other item on this agenda. Private Consultation with Attorney – Section 551.071 A APPROVAL OF MINUTES A-1 May 11, 2015 Board Member Vincent Harding motion to Approve the minutes for May 11, 2015, Melissa Hawthorne second on 8-0 vote; APPROVED MINUTES FOR May 11, 2015. Postponement requests from applicants and interested parties for Items L-2, L-3, L-4, M-2 and M-3 to July 13, 2015 and withdraw Item E-1 was approved by the Board with an exception of Item M-2. B. SIGN REVIEW BOARD RECONSIDERATIONS NONE C. SIGN REVIEW BOARD PREVIOUS POSTPONEMENTS NONE D. SIGN REVIEW BOARD NEW PUBLIC HEARINGS D-1 C16-2015-0007 Jim Bennett for Inayat Fidai 9001 Cameron Road The applicant has requested a variance to: A. Section 25-10-124 (B) (1) (b) (Scenic Roadway Sign District Regulations) to increase the sign area from 64 square feet (required/permitted) to 144 square feet (requested); and to B. Section 25-10-124 (B) (2) (Scenic Roadway Sign District Regulations) to increase the sign height from 12 feet (required/permitted) to 30 feet (requested); and to C. Section 25-10-124 (F) (Scenic Roadway Sign District Regulations) to increase areas of internal illumination from individual letters only (required/permitted) to also include logo (requested) in order to add freestanding signage at this lot in a “CS”, General Commercial Services zoning district and Scenic Roadway Sign District. The public hearing was closed on Board Member Michael Von Ohlen motion to Postpone to July 13, …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:14 p.m.
Sign Review BoardJune 8, 2015

late back up at mtg original pdf

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Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:14 p.m.
Sign Review BoardJune 8, 2015

late back up at mtg original pdf

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Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:14 p.m.
Sign Review BoardJune 8, 2015

late back up at mtg original pdf

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Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:14 p.m.
Sign Review BoardJune 8, 2015

late back up at mtg original pdf

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Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:14 p.m.
Sign Review BoardJune 8, 2015

Approved Minutes original pdf

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Page 1 of 13 pages

BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT/SIGN REVIEW BOARD MEETING MINUTES (June 8, 2015) The Board of Adjustment/Sign Review Board convened in a meeting on June 8, 2015, City Council Chambers, 301 West 2nd Street, Austin, Texas. Chair Jeff Jack called the Board Meeting to order at 5:45 p.m. Board Members in Attendance: Jeff Jack (Chair), Melissa Hawthorne (Vice Chair), Sallie Burchett, Ricardo De Camps, Vincent Harding, Bryan King, Michael Von Ohlen, Cathy French (SRB) and Stuart Hampton (Alternate) for one case only D-3 Board Member absent - NONE Staff in Attendance: Leane Heldenfels, Cindy Crosby (COA Attorney) Staff Absent – Diana Ramirez EXECUTIVE SESSION (No public discussion) The Board of Adjustment/Sign Review Board will announce it will go into Executive Session, if necessary, pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, to receive advice from Legal Counsel on matters specifically listed on this agenda. The Board of Adjustment/Sign Review Board may also announce it will go into Executive Session, if necessary, to receive advice from Legal Counsel regarding any other item on this agenda. Private Consultation with Attorney – Section 551.071 A A-1 May 11, 2015 Board Member Vincent Harding motion to Approve the minutes for May 11, 2015, Melissa Hawthorne second on 8-0 vote; APPROVED MINUTES FOR May 11, 2015. Postponement requests from applicants and interested parties for Items L-2, L-3, L-4, M-2 and M-3 to July 13, 2015 and withdraw Item E-1 was approved by the Board with an exception of Item M-2. B. SIGN REVIEW BOARD RECONSIDERATIONS APPROVAL OF MINUTES SIGN REVIEW BOARD NEW PUBLIC HEARINGS SIGN REVIEW BOARD PREVIOUS POSTPONEMENTS Jim Bennett for Inayat Fidai 9001 Cameron Road NONE C. NONE D. D-1 C16-2015-0007 The applicant has requested a variance to: A. Section 25-10-124 (B) (1) (b) (Scenic Roadway Sign District Regulations) to increase the sign area from 64 square feet (required/permitted) to 144 square feet (requested); and to B. Section 25-10-124 (B) (2) (Scenic Roadway Sign District Regulations) to increase the sign height from 12 feet (required/permitted) to 30 feet (requested); and to C. Section 25-10-124 (F) (Scenic Roadway Sign District Regulations) to increase areas of internal illumination from individual letters only (required/permitted) to also include logo (requested) in order to add freestanding signage at this lot in a “CS”, General Commercial Services zoning district and Scenic Roadway Sign District. The public hearing was closed on Board Member Michael Von Ohlen motion to Postpone to July 13, …

Scraped at: Aug. 14, 2020, 1:10 p.m.
Sign Review BoardJune 8, 2015

sign in sheets original pdf

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Scraped at: Aug. 14, 2020, 1:10 p.m.
Waterfront Planning Advisory BoardMay 20, 2015

Downtown Austin Alliance/CoA Public Form Issues & Eggs for Congress Ave Urban Design Initiative. original pdf

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WATERFRONT PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD Community Interest Announcement Downtown Austin Alliance and City of Austin Public Engagement Forum for Issues & Eggs, to discuss the Congress Avenue Urban Design Initiative Date and Time: Wednesday, May 20, 2015 from 7:30-9:00 am Location Brazos Hall, 204 East 4th Street Christine Barton-Holmes 512-974-2788

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 10:47 p.m.
Urban Forestry BoardMay 20, 2015

Agenda 5-20-15 original pdf

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+ URBAN FORESTRY BOARD REGULAR MEETING Wednesday, May 20, 2015, - 5:30 p.m. Northwest Recreation Center 2913 Northland Austin, Texas URBAN FORESTRY BOARD MEMBERS: APPOINTMENT : Christopher Kite, Chair Council Member Laura Morrison, Place 4 Peggy Maceo (Vice-Chair) Council Member Kathie Tovo, Place 3 Len Newsom Council Member Bill Spelman, Place 5 Patrick Brewer Mayor Lee Leffingwell Nicholas Classen Mayor Pro-Tem Sheryl Cole, Place 6 Ryan Fleming Council Member Mike Martinez, Place 2 Keith Brown Council Member Chris Riley, Place 1 URBAN FORESTRY EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS : Michael Embesi, City Arborist, Development Services Department Pat Fuller, Division Manager, Parks and Recreation Department – Director Designee Vacant, Urban Forester, Development Services Department John Clement, Environmental Program Coordinator, Watershed Protection Department – Director Designee AGENDA A. CALL TO ORDER B. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approve the minutes of the Urban Forestry Board meeting of April 15, 2015. C. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION The first 4 (four) speakers signed up prior to the calling of the meeting to order are allowed a three-minute allotment each to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. D. ANNOUNCEMENTS E. URBAN FORESTER EXECUTIVE LIAISON REPORT – Emily King, Interim Urban Forester, Development Services Department, including: • Austin Urban Forest Plan Implementation Monthly Update F. ACTION ITEM BRIEFINGS 1. Urban Forestry Board 2014 Annual Internal Review. Presenter: Chris Kite, Urban Forestry Board Chair. 2. Draft Cemetery Master Plan - Presenter: Kim McKnight, Project Coordinator, Park Planning and Design Unit, Parks and Recreation Department (PARD). 3. Briefing on possible recommendations for transition of Urban Forestry Board functions to the Environmental Commission. Presenter: Board Chair Chris Kite. 4. Briefing on PARD 2016 Fiscal Year Financial Forecast. Presenter: Angela Means, PARD Financial Services Division Manager. G. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS 1. Discussion and possible action on a recommendation regarding the Urban Forestry Board 2014 Annual Internal Review. Presenter: Chris Kite, Urban Forestry Board Chair. 2. Discussion and possible action on a recommendation to the City Council on the Draft Cemetery Master Plan. Presenter: Urban Forestry Board Member Nicholas Classen. 3. Discussion and possible action on recommendations for transition of Urban Forestry Board functions to the Environmental Commission. Presenter: Board Chair Chris Kite. 4. Discussion and possible action on PARD 2016 Fiscal Year Financial Forecast. Presenter: Angela Means, PARD Financial Services Division Manager. H. BRIEFINGS – 10 Minute Limit For Each Briefing 1. Austin Energy Line Clearance Monthly Update – April 2015. Ray …

Scraped at: Jan. 20, 2020, 12:21 a.m.
Urban Forestry BoardMay 20, 2015

Approved Meeting Minutes from May 20, 2015 original pdf

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+ URBAN FORESTRY BOARD REGULAR MEETING Wednesday, May 20, 2015 - 5:30 p.m. Northwest Recreation Center 2913 Northland Austin, Texas Board Members in Attendance: Board Chair Chris Kite, Board Vice-Chair Peggy Maceo, Board Members Patrick Brewer, Nick Classen, Ryan Fleming, Len Newsom, Keith Brown. Staff in Attendance: Parks and Recreation Department Lara Schuman, Urban Forestry Program Manager Development Services Department Michael Embesi, City Arborist Emily King, Environmental Program Coordinator, Urban Forestry Lynn Tozser, Program Specialist, UFB Liaison Public Works Department Rob Grotty, Urban Forestry Program Manager Austin Energy Ray Henning, Line Clearance Supervisor MEETING MINUTES MAY 20, 2015 A. CALL TO ORDER Board Chair Kite called the meeting to order at 5:42 pm. B. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approve the minutes of the Urban Forestry Board meeting of April 15, 2015. Motion made by Board Member Newsom, Seconded by Board Member Brewer to approve the meeting minutes of April 15, 2015. Approved by Board Chair Kite, Board Vice-Chair Maceo, and Board Members Brewer, Classen, Newsom and Brown. Board Member Fleming abstained. C. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION The first 4 (four) speakers signed up prior to the calling of the meeting to order are allowed a three-minute allotment each to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. Sharon Blythe F2-G2: Approve cemetery plan with conditions as explained by Nick Classen. Sharon Blythe F4: Comments on PARD 2016 budget. D. ANNOUNCEMENTS  Urban Forestry Work Day program for mulching and pruning is planned for Thursday, May 28th at Butler Park.  Forester position available in PARD.  Several staff members will be attending a Certified Arborist Prep Course which is being offered by PARD Urban Forestry, Tree Folks, and the Texas A&M Forest Service.  Development Services Urban Forestry employee, Alan Halter, has submitted a Public Land Classification project proposal to the ATX Hack 4 Change Hackathon event for June 5-7.  The State legislative bill filing deadline has passed with no specific anti-tree bills coming out of committee. E. URBAN FORESTER EXECUTIVE LIAISON REPORT – Emily King, Interim Urban Forester, Development Services Department, including:  Austin Urban Forest Plan Implementation Monthly Update. Presentation given. F. ACTION ITEM BRIEFINGS 1. Urban Forestry Board 2014 Annual Internal Review. Presenter: Chris Kite, Urban Forestry Board Chair. Presentation given. 2. Draft Cemetery Master Plan - Presenter: Kim McKnight, Project Coordinator, Park Planning and Design Unit, Parks and Recreation Department (PARD). Additional information provided by Lara …

Scraped at: Jan. 20, 2020, 12:21 a.m.
Urban Forestry BoardMay 20, 2015

20150520G2: UFB Recommendation on Cemetery Master Plan original pdf

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Scraped at: Jan. 20, 2020, 12:21 a.m.