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Environmental CommissionFeb. 5, 2020

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Scraped at: Feb. 7, 2020, 12:40 a.m.
Environmental CommissionFeb. 5, 2020

20200205-006a: XSpace Group SP-2019-0189D Recommendation original pdf

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ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MOTION 20200205 006a Date: February 5, 2020 Subject: XSpace Group, SP-2019-0189D Motion by: Katie Coyne Seconded by: Mary Ann Neely RATIONALE: WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes the applicant is requesting variances from: • LDC 25-8-301 to construct a driveway on slopes in excess of 15 percent gradient; and, • LDC 25-8-342 to allow fill in excess of four feet of depth. WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes that staff recommends the approval of this variance because the findings of fact have been met. THEREFORE, the Environmental Commission recommends approval of the requested variances listed above. For: Bedford, Creel, Nill, Guerrero, Coyne, Neely, and Gordon Against: None Abstain: None Recuse: Ramberg Absent: Smith, Thompson, and Maceo VOTE 7-0 Approved By: Linda Guerrero, Environmental Commission Chair 1

Scraped at: Feb. 7, 2020, 3:10 p.m.
Environmental CommissionFeb. 5, 2020

20200205-006b: Aspen Heights Multifamily SER #4629 Recommendation original pdf

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ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MOTION 20200205 006b Date: February 5, 2020 Subject: Aspen Heights Multifamily Wastewater Service Extension Request #4629 Motion by: Kevin Ramberg Seconded by: Wendy Gordon RATIONALE: WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes the applicant is requesting a Wastewater Service Extension Request recommendation; and WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes Service Extension Requests (SERs) located in the Drinking Water Protection Zone and outside of the City of Austin’s full purpose jurisdiction require Council approval and review by the Environmental Commission; and WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes Watershed Protection Department staff has completed the review for Aspen Heights Multifamily Wastewater SER #4629 and recommend approval of the request. THEREFORE, the Environmental Commission recommends the Service Extension Request listed above. VOTE 7-1 For: Bedford, Creel, Nill, Ramberg, Guerrero, Coyne, and Gordon Against: Neely Abstain: None Recuse: None Absent: Smith, Thompson, and Maceo Approved By: Linda Guerrero, Environmental Commission Chair 1

Scraped at: Feb. 7, 2020, 3:10 p.m.
Environmental CommissionFeb. 5, 2020

20200205-001b: Climate Vulnerability in Austin Presentation original pdf

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Climate Vulnerability in Austin: A multi-risk assessment A project of the Austin Area Sustainability Indicators & Texas Metropolitan Observatory of Planet Texas 2050 City of Austin Environmental Commission February 5, 2020 Prepared by: R. Patrick Bixler, PhD1 and Euijin Yang2 1. LBJ School of Public Affairs 2. Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering 2 A2SI Mission: To measure quality of life and sustainability trends and serve as the foundation for a systems approach to address the challenges of our region. 3 The Texas Metro Observatory (TMO) is a communication and data platform dedicated to sharing information and ideas about Texas’ communities, understanding common problems, and developing solutions across the state’s metropolitan areas. TMO provides access to data (economic, environmental, health, demographic, governmental, etc.) for all metros in the state and produces unique data visualizations, infographics, and analysis tools that will provide a deeper understanding of issues within and among metro areas1. Climate Vulnerability in Austin Climate projections for Austin2 • Increases in annual and seasonal average temperatures • More frequent high temperature extremes • More frequent extreme precipitation • More frequent drought conditions in summer due to hotter weather Climate Vulnerability in Austin Austin can expect more extreme weather in the future Climate Vulnerability in Austin Climate Vulnerability in Austin Community Resilience Climate Vulnerability in Austin Community Resilience Neighborhood Household Climate Vulnerability in Austin Exposure Sensitivity Adaptive Capacity Community Resilience Neighborhood Household Climate Vulnerability in Austin Exposure Wildfire hazard exposure Flood hazard exposure Heat hazard exposure Sensitivity Adaptive Capacity Community Resilience Neighborhood Household Climate Vulnerability in Austin Exposure Wildfire hazard exposure (+) (+) Multi-hazard exposure (-) Community Resilience Flood hazard exposure Heat hazard exposure Sensitivity Adaptive Capacity Neighborhood Household Climate Vulnerability in Austin Exposure Wildfire hazard exposure (+) (+) Multi-hazard exposure Flood hazard exposure Heat hazard exposure Sensitivity Social Vulnerability (-) (-) Adaptive Capacity Community Resilience Neighborhood Household Climate Vulnerability in Austin Exposure Wildfire hazard exposure (+) (+) Multi-hazard exposure Flood hazard exposure Heat hazard exposure Sensitivity Adaptive Capacity (-) (-) (+) Social Vulnerability Adaptive Capacity Community Resilience Neighborhood Household Climate Vulnerability in Austin Assess the spatial sensitivity to hazards and difference across communities in their overall capacity to prepare for, respond to, and recover from hazards. We do this by adapting a well-vetted and oft-used tool – The Social Vulnerability Index (or SoVI®). Climate Vulnerability in Austin Assessing the spatial exposure of independent hazards. These include: …

Scraped at: Feb. 7, 2020, 3:10 p.m.
Board of AdjustmentFeb. 5, 2020

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Scraped at: Feb. 11, 2020, 2:40 a.m.
Board of AdjustmentFeb. 5, 2020

ATTENDANCE SHEET FEB 5, 2020 original pdf

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Scraped at: Feb. 11, 2020, 2:40 a.m.
Board of AdjustmentFeb. 5, 2020

BOA SIGN IN SHEET FEB 5, 2020 original pdf

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Scraped at: Feb. 11, 2020, 2:40 a.m.
Commission for WomenFeb. 5, 2020

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Scraped at: Feb. 11, 2020, 8:10 p.m.
Board of AdjustmentFeb. 5, 2020

C15-2019-0057 WD DS original pdf

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Scraped at: Feb. 14, 2020, 3:10 a.m.
Board of AdjustmentFeb. 5, 2020

C15-2019-0061 PP DS MAR 9 original pdf

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Scraped at: Feb. 14, 2020, 3:10 a.m.
Board of AdjustmentFeb. 5, 2020

C15-2019-0063 PP DS MAR 9 original pdf

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Scraped at: Feb. 14, 2020, 3:10 a.m.
Board of AdjustmentFeb. 5, 2020

C15-2019-0068 PP DS MAR 9 original pdf

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Scraped at: Feb. 14, 2020, 3:10 a.m.
Board of AdjustmentFeb. 5, 2020

C15-2020-0001 GRANTED DS original pdf

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Scraped at: Feb. 14, 2020, 3:10 a.m.
Board of AdjustmentFeb. 5, 2020

C15-2020-0003 PP DS MAR 9 original pdf

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Scraped at: Feb. 14, 2020, 3:10 a.m.
Board of AdjustmentFeb. 5, 2020

C15-2020-0004 PP DS MAR 9 original pdf

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Scraped at: Feb. 14, 2020, 3:10 a.m.
Board of AdjustmentFeb. 5, 2020

C15-2020-0005 PP DS MAR 9 original pdf

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Scraped at: Feb. 14, 2020, 3:10 a.m.
Board of AdjustmentFeb. 5, 2020

C15-2020-0006 PP DS MAR 9 original pdf

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Scraped at: Feb. 14, 2020, 3:10 a.m.
Board of AdjustmentFeb. 5, 2020

C15-2020-0009 PP DS MAR 9 original pdf

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Scraped at: Feb. 14, 2020, 3:10 a.m.
Board of AdjustmentFeb. 5, 2020

C15-2020-0010 PP DS MAR 9 original pdf

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Scraped at: Feb. 14, 2020, 3:10 a.m.
Environmental CommissionFeb. 5, 2020

Approved Minutes original pdf

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ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, February 5, 2020 The Environmental Commission convened in a public meeting on Wednesday, February 5, 2020 in Council Chambers City Hall, 301 W. 2nd Street, Austin, Texas 78701 Commissioners in Attendance: Andy Creel Perry Bedford Ryan Nill Kevin Ramberg Mary Ann Neely Katie Coyne Linda Guerrero Wendy Gordon Commissioners Absent: Curtis Smith Pam Thompson Peggy Maceo Staff in Attendance: Chris Herrington Atha Phillips Kaela Champlin Jonathan Garner Kristy Nguyen Mike McDougal Colleen Kirk Katie Frazier CALL TO ORDER Commissioner Coyne called the meeting to order at 6:02 P.M. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL Speakers should sign up to speak prior to the meeting being called to order; you will receive a three-minute allotment to discuss topics not posted on the agenda. Speakers Paul Robbins 1. EDUCATION a. Night Sky Preservation in Austin and Travis County—Cliff Kaplan, Hill Country Alliance (15 minutes) Item conducted as posted. No action taken. LBJ School of Public Affairs (15 minutes) Item conducted as posted. No action taken. b. Climate Vulnerability in Austin: A multi-risk assessment—Patrick Bixler, University of Texas 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND ACTION a. Approve the minutes of the regular Environmental Commission meeting of January 15, 2020 (5 minutes) The minutes of the regular Environmental Commission meeting of January 15, 2020 were approved on Commissioner Ramberg’s motion, Commissioner Neely’s second on a 7-0 vote. Commissioners Smith, Thompson, and Maceo were absent. Commissioner Creel was off the dais. ENVIRONMENTAL OFFICER’S UPDATE ON PAST COMMISSION ACTIONS AND REPORT ON ITEMS OF INTEREST a. None STAFF BRIEFINGS* a. None ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION a. None PUBLIC HEARINGS AND POSSIBLE ACTION a. Name: Xspace Group, SP-2019-0189D Applicant: Garett-Ihnen Civil Engineers Watershed: Lake Austin Watershed, Water Supply Rural Classification, Drinking Water Location: 4229 N. FM 620, Austin, TX, 78734 (Extraterritorial Jurisdiction) Staff: Jonathan Garner, Environmental Program Coordinator, Development Services Department Protection Zone Request: Variance request is as follows: 1. Request to vary from LDC 25-8-301 to construct a driveway on slopes in excess of 15 percent gradient 2. Request to vary from LDC 25-8-342 to allow fill in excess of four feet of depth Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends these variances, having determined the findings of fact to have been met. (30 minutes) Commissioner Ramberg recused on Item 6a. A motion to close the public hearing was approved on Commissioner Coyne’s motion, Commissioner Creel’s second on a 7-0 vote. …

Scraped at: Feb. 20, 2020, 10:10 p.m.