M E M O R A N D U M O F U N D E R S T A N D I N G 11/3/20 M.O.U. # PARD 20-002 Kimberly McNeeley, CPRP Director, Parks and Recreation Department Jorge Morales Director, Watershed Protection Department TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Canterbury Street Emergency Repair Project DATE: Watershed Protection Department (WPD) is allowed to use the parkland located at Metz Neighborhood Park (2407 Canterbury St.) as part of the work site for the above referenced project, as indicated in Attachment “B” (Location Map). The parkland is to be used for Temporary Use only. The requested area is: Temporary Use (Staging Area): 9,920 sq. ft. = $54,441 Total Mitigation Value = $54,441 Watershed Protection Department (WPD) is in agreement to provide the following mitigation in return for temporary use of the parkland. The estimated Project Start Date is Late November 2020 The estimated duration of the parkland use is 240 Calendar Days. Estimated Date of Final Completion (Restoration complete and accepted by Environmental Inspector and PARD; Parkland open for Public Use) is Late July 2021 Extension/modification of parkland use must receive prior written approval from PARD. Additional fees will be assessed at the same daily rate as stated in Attachment “A” of this M.O.U. Watershed Protection Department Point of Contact is: Glen Taffender, P.E. Phone Number: 974-3381 Public Works Department Point of Contact is: John Wepryk PARD Point of Contact is: Gregory Montes Parks & Recreation Board: 12-1-20 Phone Number: 974-9458 Phone Number: 974-7010 1 of 2 ____________________________________________________________ Kimberly McNeeley, CPRP Director, Parks and Recreation Department Date CONCURRENCE ____________________________________________________________ Jorge Morales Director, Watershed Protection Department Date Attachments: A (Mitigation Calculation Worksheet) B (Location Map) 2 of 2 ATTACHMENT "A" - M.O.U. MITIGATION FEES CALCULATION WORKSHEET - SUMMARY Temporary Use - Residential Staging Area $54,441 MOU # 20-002 Calculated Fee TOTAL = $54,441 Project: Canterbury-Mildred (Emergency) ATTACHMENT "A" - M.O.U. MITIGATION FEES CALCULATION WORKSHEET Project: Canterbury-Mildred (Emergency) Temporary Use - Staging TCAD Land Value of Adjacent Properties ($): $350,000 MOU # 20-002 0 Average Lot Size (sq. ft.): 6,378 Based on City-wide average for lots zoned SF-3 Value per Square Ft. ($): $55 Average Requested Area (sq. ft.): 9,920 Submitted by Requesting Department/Entity Preliminary Annual Value of Requested Area ($) $544,410 Area requested multiplied by Value per Square Ft. Adjusted Annual Value of Requested Area ($) $81,661 (15% Rate of Return) Monthly Value of Requested Area …
LOCAL STANDARDS OF CARE • State of Texas Human Resource Code Ch. 42 exempts municipalities of Child Care Licensure • Annually adopts standards of care by ordinance after a public hearing • Specific to elementary-age (ages 5-13) programs • Ordinance must include: • Minimum staffing/supervision ratios • Minimum staff qualifications • Minimum facility, health and safety standards • Mechanisms for monitoring and enforcing ordinance • Means of distribution Athletic Programs • Adult and Youth Sports • Youth Sport Organizations • Tournament/Facility Rentals • Tennis Facilities and Contract Instructors • Community Volunteer Program
Austin Parks and Recreation Department Centralized Programs Division FACT SHEET: Local Standards of Care Ordinance 1) The Austin Parks and Recreation Department (PARD) is exempt from Child Care Licensure by the State of Texas under Human Resources Code Chapter 42. Regulation of Certain Facilities, Homes, and Agencies that Provide Child-Care Services. Subchapter C. Regulation of Certain Families, Homes and Agencies. 2) The exemption is specific to an elementary-age (ages 5-13) recreation program operated by a municipality provided the governing body of municipality annually adopts standards of care by ordinance after a public hearing for such programs, that such standards are provided to the parents of each program participant, and that the ordinances shall include, at a minimum, staffing ratios, minimum staff qualifications, minimum facility, health, and safety standards, and mechanisms for monitoring and enforcing the adopted local standards; and further provided that parents be informed that the program is not licensed by the state and the program may not be advertised as a child-care facility. 3) Recreational Programs affected by this ordinance include but are not limited to After School Programs, Summer Day Camp Programs, Spring Break Camps, Holiday Break Camps, and Conference Day Camps. 4) PARD notifies parents that the programs listed above are not licensed by the state and are not child-care facilities by the following: a. Parks and Recreation Department Website (Parent Handbook) b. Parent Handbook – Hard Copy, Electronic 5) The ordinance is made available in print upon request and posted in the following locations: a. Recreational Facilities hosting youth programs b. Parks and Recreation Department website 6) Language listed in the Parent Handbook CHILDCARE LICENSING PARD Programs are exempt from childcare licensing by the State of Texas for children 5 to 13 years of age. The Department is regulated by the Austin City Council through the Local Standards of Care for Youth Recreation Programs Ordinance. If you would like to review a copy of this ordinance, please visit our website at www.austintexas.gov/recreation or contact our main office at (512) 974-6700.
ORDINANCE NO. 20200220-055 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING LOCAL STANDARDS OF CARE FOR THE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT'S YOUTH RECREATIONAL PROGRAMS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUSTIN: PART 1. AUTHORITY. The Council adopts these local standards of care for the Parks and Recreation Department's youth recreational programs pursuant to Texas Human Resources Code Section 42.041(b)(14) (Required License and Accreditation) and its home rule authority. PART 2. DEFINITIONS. In this ordinance: (1) ACTIVITY LEADER means a person responsible for the direct care or supervision of participants. The term excludes a person whose primary duties include administration, clerical support, food preparation, or facility maintenance. (2) DEPARTMENT means the Parks and Recreation Department. (3) DIRECTOR means the director ofthe Parks and Recreation Department. (4) DESIGNEE means a person appointed by the director to act on the director' s behal f. (5) FACILITY means a building or improvement operated or used by the department in conducting a recreational program. (6) PARTICIPANT means a child aged five to 13 years old who is enrolled in a recreational program and is under the supervision of department staff. Page 1 of 8 (7) RECREATIONAL PROGRAM or PROGRAM means a fee-based children's program or activity offered and supervised by the department that requires a participant to enroll or register to participate. (8) VOLUNTEER means a person assisting without remuneration in the care or supervision of participants. PART 3. PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION. (A) The department shall operate recreational programs in compliance with appropriate State law, this ordinance, and the department's rules adopted by this ordinance. (B) The director, or designee, shall administer the programs. PART 4. PROGRAM RULES; MONITORING. (A) The director shall adopt rules relating to the operation of the programs. A rule adopted under this ordinance may be more restrictive than the minimum standards adopted by this ordinance. (B) The director shall monitor the programs to ensure compliance with the standards adopted by this ordinance and the rules. PART 5. REQUIRED SUPERVISION FOR NON-AQUATIC RECREATIONAL PROGRAMS. (A) Except as provided in Subsection (B) and Part 6 (Required Supervision for Aquatic Recreational Programs), the department shall provide activity leaders during a recreational program at a minimum as follows: one activity leader for each 12 participants five to nine years old; and (1) (2) one activity leader for each 15 participants ten to 13 years old. (B) The department shall provide activity leaders during a recreational …
LAND, FACILITIES, AND PROGRAMS COMMITTEE PROPOSED 2021 MEETING SCHEDULE (2nd Monday of each month, except July & December, 1:30 p.m.) January 11, 2021 February 8, 2021 March 8, 2021 April 12, 2021 May 10, 2021 June 14, 2021 August 9, 2021 September 13, 2021 October 11, 2021 November 8, 2021
Versión en español a continuación. Special Meeting of the Contracts and Concessions Committee of the Parks and Recreation Board November 20, 2020 Contracts and Concessions Committee to be held November 20, 2020 with Social Distancing Modifications Public comment will be allowed via telephone; no in-person input will be allowed. All speakers must register in advance (November 19, 2020 by noon). All public comment will occur at the beginning of the meeting. To speak remotely at the November 20, 2020 Contracts and Concessions Committee Meeting, members of the public must: • Call or email the board liaison at 512-974-6716 or sammi.curless@austintexas.gov no later than noon, (the day before the meeting). The information required is the speaker name, item number(s) they wish to speak on, whether they are for/against/neutral, and a telephone number or email address. • Once a request to speak has been called in or emailed to the board liaison, residents will receive either an email or phone call providing the telephone number to call on the day of the scheduled meeting. • Speakers must call in at least 15 minutes prior to meeting start in order to speak, late callers will not be accepted and will not be able to speak. • Speakers will be placed in a queue until their time to speak. • Handouts or other information may be emailed to sammi.curless@austintexas.gov by Noon the day before the scheduled meeting. This information will be provided to Board and Commission members in advance of the meeting. If this meeting is broadcast live, residents may watch the meeting here: http://www.austintexas.gov/page/watch-atxn-live • Reunión del Contracts and Concessions Committee of the Parks and Recreation Board November 20, 2020 La junta se llevará con modificaciones de distanciamiento social Se permitirán comentarios públicos por teléfono; no se permitirá ninguna entrada en persona. Todos los oradores deben registrarse con anticipación (November 19, 2020 antes del mediodía). Todos los comentarios públicos se producirán al comienzo de la reunión. Para hablar de forma remota en la reunión, los miembros del público deben: • Llame o envíe un correo electrónico al enlace de la junta en 512-974-6716 or sammi.curless@austintexas.gov a más tardar al mediodía (el día antes de la reunión). La información requerida es el nombre del orador, los números de artículo sobre los que desean hablar, si están a favor / en contra / neutrales, y un número de teléfono o dirección de correo electrónico. • …
PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD CONTRACTS AND CONCESSIONS COMMITTEE September 11, 2020 – 10:00-11:30am MINUTES The Contracts and Concessions Committee convened in a special meeting on Friday, September 11, 2020 via videoconference in Austin, Texas. Chair Luca called the meeting to order at 10:06am. Committee Members in Attendance: Chair Francoise Luca, Richard DePalma, Sarah Faust, Nina Rinaldi and Dawn Lewis, Ex Officio. Committee Members Absent: Anna DiCarlo. Staff in Attendance: Lucas Massie; Suzanne Piper; Tiffany Cabin; Patricia Rossett and Sammi Curless. A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes from the special meetings of August 17, 2020 and August 21, 2020 were approved on Committee Member Faust motion, Committee Member Rinaldi second on an 4-0 vote with Committee Member DiCarlo absent. B. NEW BUSINESS: PRESENTATION, DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION ITEMS 1. Discussion of facility use and maintenance agreement with Austin Metro Baseball League. Tiffany Cabin, Parks and Recreation Department, presented and discussed the facility use and maintenance agreement with Austin Metro Baseball League. 2. Discussion regarding the opportunity to identify and potentially procure innovative park and recreation related solutions, services and materials in the procurement process. Committee Member Richard DePalma made the presentation. C. MONTHLY REPORT ON NEW AND ONGOING CONTRACT DEVELOPMENT Patricia Rossett provided the report. D. FUTURE ITEMS FROM BOARD MEMBERS No future items were requested. Chair Luca adjourned the meeting at 11:24am. Page 1 of 1
INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE AUSTIN INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT AND THE CITY OF AUSTIN FOR SUPPORT OF AISD LITERACY FIRST PROGRAM AMENDMENT 1 Agreement Overview: • City of Austin recognizes the importance of early intervention to improve the reading and writing skills of Austin’s youth. • City of Austin supports the fundamental concept of the Literacy First Program: o Kindergarten - 2nd grade Reading Tutoring Intervention Program offered through the University of Texas Dana Center. o Research-based, data-driven early reading intervention program which places highly trained AmeriCorps tutors in low-income schools. o Program mission is to ensure that kindergarten through second-grade students advance to grade level before third grade. What is the Purpose of the Agreement? Beginning with school year 2016-17- 2020-21, City provides funding, in the amount of $100,000 annually, at program year end to AISD to be allocated to Eastside Vertical Team elementary schools to support the Literacy First Program described above: o Allison Elementary School o Brooke Elementary School o Govalle Elementary School o Metz Elementary School o Ortega Elementary School o Zavala Elementary School What is the Required Reciprocity from each Governmental Agency? AISD Services to be Provided • Target Population: Students at Allison, Brooke, Govalle, Metz, Ortega and Zavala elementary schools grades kindergarten through second. • Objective/Strategy: Assist students in developing language and reading skills. • The Literacy First program will be administered and be made available to at least 300-350 students attending the aforementioned elementary schools. • AISD will waive rental fees associated with the City’s use of AISD facilities for the term of this agreement associated with the City’s Creativity Club After-School Program, at Oak Hill Elementary School for the duration of this Agreement. • AISD will waive rental fee and ancillary costs associated with the use of an auditorium, a gymnasium, a classroom or field for a City’s public purpose as requested by the City throughout the duration of this agreement. Requests for classrooms or fields will be mutually agreed upon by AISD and the City and Page 1 of 4 INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE AUSTIN INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT AND THE CITY OF AUSTIN FOR SUPPORT OF AISD LITERACY FIRST PROGRAM AMENDMENT 1 • entities will follow processes outlined in AISD’s GKD (REGULATION) and GKD (EXHIBIT) regarding facility use. If use of AISD facilities is outside the time the custodians are on regular duty at the campus, custodial fees may be …
Austin Parks and Recreation Department Annual Concession Report 2020 Finance Division Contract Compliance Staff Presented by November 2020 Austin City Code § 8-1-73 requires delivery of an annual report to the Parks and Recreation Board and the Environmental Commission providing the following information regarding concessions on Lady Bird Lake Park: Austin City Code • Name and Location • Income and Expenditures • Total Number of Boats Rented • Environmental Concerns 2 Names and Locations Rowing Dock Texas Rowing Center Zilker Zephyr Railroad (temporarily closed) Zilker Café (temporarily closed) Zilker Park Boat Rentals Butler Pitch & Putt Lone Star Riverboat Cruises Austin Rowing Club / Waller Creek Boathouse EpicSUP 3 3 COVID-19 Impact on Concessions March 13 State of Texas Declaration of State of Disaster Concessions modify operations to include distancing, hand sanitizer, etc. March 24 Austin/Travis County Stay Home-Work Safe Order Concessions closed May 1 Open Texas Phase 1 Boating concessions reopen with modified operations May 8 Lone Star Riverboat reopens at 25% capacity limits May 24 Lone Star Riverboat increases to 50% capacity limits June 28 Pause in Open Texas Phases Concessions closed for July 4 weekend and beyond August 15 Park facilities limited reopening Boating concessions reopen; modified operations still in place. Butler Pitch and Putt remains closed to begin renovations. 4 4 FY20 Income, Expenditures, and Payments $2.5 s n o i l l i M $2.0 $1.5 $1.0 $0.5 $0.0 Gross Sales *Business Expenses, IRS Publication 535 $1,411,561 Reported Expenditures Payments to City $653,102 $111,359 $403,855 $328,340 $39,068 Austin Rowing Club Butler Pitch and Putt Lone Star Riverboats Texas Rowing Center Zilker Park Boat Rentals EpicSUP $343,588 $165,033 $38,103 $281,591 $423,215 $64,822 Rowing Dock $1,467,756 $839,097 $143,031 $2,448,496 $1,850,844 $186,225 $358,344 $238,765 $33,401 5 5 Monthly Revenues FY19 vs FY20 All Concessions (down 16%) $1.6 $1.4 s n o i l l i M $1.2 $1.0 $0.8 $0.6 $0.4 $0.2 $0.0 Lone Star Riverboat (down 66%) LSR FY19 LSR FY20 EpicSUP (up 72%) s d n a s u o h T $120 $100 $80 $60 $40 $20 $0 s d n a s u o h T $120 $100 $80 $60 $40 $20 $0 FY19 FY20 EpicSUP FY19 6 EpicSUP FY20 6 FY20 Revenue vs Average (FY14–FY19) COVID-19 Impact s n o i l l i M $2.5 $2.0 $1.5 $1.0 $0.5 $0.0 Austin Rowing Butler Pitch & Club Putt $470,674 $396,512 EpicSUP $195,268 $317,524 …
CONTRACTS AND CONCESSIONS COMMITTEE PROPOSED MEETING SCHEDULE (2nd Tuesday of each month, except July and December, 12:00 p.m.) January 12, 2021 February 9, 2021 March 9, 2021 April 13, 2021 May 11, 2021 June 8, 2021 August 10, 2021 September 14, 2021 October 12, 2021 November 9, 2021
Parks and Recreation Department Contracts Under Development Concessions and Contracts Committee 20-Nov-20 Contract/Project Zilker Miniature Train Concession Phase N A NCP NA S / NS NA CCC NA PARB Dec-20 Council Jan-21 Development of a Land Management Plan for Austin Nature Preserves System P/D NA S Aug-20 Jan-21 Feb-21 Concessionaire for Operation and Management of Watercraft Rental Concession on Barton Creek (Zilker Park Boat Rental) P/D N S Dec-21 Dec-21 Jan-22 Notes On February 20, 2020, Austin City Council approved a resolution to explore options to procure a temporary vendor, through an expedited process, to oversee the repair and operations of the Zilker Park train ride. PARD has identified APF to establish a contract with a vendor to oversee the repair and operations of the Zilker Park train ride. A draft contract between PARD and APF for this purpose is being reviewed by the COA Law Department. PARB meeting date subject to change based on completion of prior legal review. The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to create a land management plan that will guide the management of the Austin Nature Preserves system and other parkland natural areas to sustainably and resiliently provide vital ecosystem services to Austin and its residents, now and in the coming decades. Presented draft scope of work to CCC on 8/21/2020. PARD working with Austin Fire Department (AFD) to finalize proposal. Corporate Purchasing recommends a later release of the solicitation and establishing a holdover with the current vendor in order to continue ongoing services to the public. It is anticipated that this strategy will allow for a greater pool of responders that may be available following the pandemic. Next steps will be defined in collaboration with Corporate Purchasing. 11/3/2020 Amendment to Interlocal Agreement between the COA and AISD - Literacy First P/D N NS Nov-20 Dec-20 Jan-21 Mutual Interest Interlocal Agreement (ILA) with Travis County to Share in the Management of Open Space Properties P/D N S Jan-21 Jan-21 Feb-21 P/D - Planning & Development A - Advertised E - Evaluation N - Negotiation NS - Non-Solicited S - Solicited NCP - No Contact Period in Effect NA - Not Applicable Dates are subject to change based on project timeline. Because of the closure of Brooke ES in the Eastside Vertical Team, the City-provided funding ($100,000) needs to be reallocated to fund other schools within this AISD geographic area. The COA has …
Remote Meeting of the Environmental Commission November 20, 2020 at 1:00 P.M. Environmental Commission to be held November 20, 2020 with Social Distancing Modifications. Public comment will be allowed via telephone; no in-person input will be allowed. All speakers must register in advance (day before the scheduled meeting, November 19, 2020 by noon). All public comment will occur at the beginning of the meeting. To speak remotely at the November 20, 2020 Environmental Commission Meeting, residents must: •Call or email the commission liaison at: Kaela Champlin (512) 974-3443 or Kaela.Champlin@austintexas.gov, no later than noon, (the day before the meeting). The information required is the speaker name, item number(s) they wish to speak on, whether they are for/against/neutral, and a telephone number or email address. •Once a request to speak has been called in or emailed to the board liaison, residents will receive either an email or phone call providing the telephone number to call on the day of the scheduled meeting. •Speakers must call in at least 15 minutes prior to meeting start in order to speak, late callers will not be accepted and will not be able to speak. •Speakers will be placed in a queue until their time to speak. •Handouts or other information may be emailed to Kaela.Champlin@austintexas.gov by noon the day before the scheduled meeting. This information will be provided to Board and Commission members in advance of the meeting. •Residents may watch the meeting here: http://www.austintexas.gov/page/watch-atxn-live 1 Reunión del Environmental Commission Fecha de la reunion (20 de noviembre de 2020 a las 1:00 P.M.) La junta se llevará con modificaciones de distanciamiento social. Se permitirán comentarios públicos por teléfono; no se permitirá ninguna entrada en persona. Todos los oradores deben registrarse con anticipación (19 de noviembre de 2020 antes del mediodía). Todos los comentarios públicos se producirán al comienzo de la reunión. Para hablar de forma remota en la reunión, los residentes deben: • Llame o envíe un correo electrónico al enlace de la junta en (512) 690-6729, Kaela.Champlin@gmail.com a más tardar al mediodía (el día antes de la reunión). La información requerida es el nombre del orador, los números de artículo sobre los que desean hablar, si están a favor / en contra / neutrales, y un número de teléfono o dirección de correo electrónico. • Una vez que se haya llamado o enviado por correo electrónico una solicitud para hablar al enlace de …
Lone Star Riverboat Cruises Lone Star Pump-outs: January 2018-October 2020 2020 February 7 February 25 June 12 September 8 October 19 2018 March 7 June 1 July 13 September 25 December 28 2019 March 22 May 2 June 7 June 8 July 5 August 7 September 18 October 21 December 11 Notes: Lone Star has two 200-gallon capacity holding tanks. Each date listed above represents one 200- gallon pump-out. As part of contract compliance, Lone Star Riverboat provides PARD with monthly reports, including invoices from hauler, Sellman Enterprises, Inc. Septic Services, and City of Austin Water Utility manifests for hauled liquid waste. All manifests going back to 2015 are on file. ~ Waste Track ing Form Generator Information ,,, Lt v c.. "'-- Bt!> H- -r ?41 . ...J - No. Generator Name: U?/v& 5-,~, \. Address: ·5" I ?:.r '57 It:>/ This waste was removed from my: County: -1-/A-~cJ ( f Telephone: ----"C:_ /_ L _ J.L..._2-_7'---'-/--'J'-t--'j' - - - D Grease Trap ..--Gl..--Septic Tank D Other _ _ _ _...,,,..._....,.., ___ _ D Grit Trap D Chemical Toilet (Specify) OR This waste is: D Sewer Sludge D Water Treatment Sludge My waste tank or trap holds up to ______ gallons. The transporter removed a total of _ ..-Z-. __ ··~ ____ gallons. Date of last pumping: ______________ _ As the generator's representative, I certify that this waste contains no hazardous materials, was removed from this address on __l_; _1_; f ~ at ---1..l=:~ D a.m . • Q15.m., and is to be transported to a facility that the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality has authorized to receive these wastes. . ~ Generator Name (printed) _:J?.:ffe~ vf i:,;JV Generator's Signa&Z"~ Transporter Information Business Name: ) G- C<- v<--\.A~ Address r) ~ 0 'f. nu1J4 rl 7'tJ0rd l j 7 J Telephone: ~( l- ·1 f L t?OG> <-- TCEQ Registration Number: _~_1_5"'_L_5 ______ _ GBRA Permit Number: -= - - - - - - -- - - - - - Vehicle Capacity: _ __ J_~_<>_.v _____ .,.--___ gallons Truck License Number: I t'Vf L i l (. / 17 Grease Trap Conditions Inches of grease: _ _ __ Inches of solids: ____ _ Method of measurement used : _ ______ _ _ _ I Condition of trap: AS A COURTESY TO THE CUSTOMER, PLEASE CHECK THE TRAP FOR NEEDED REPAIRS AND NOTIFY THE OWNER IF REPAIRS ARE NEEDED. The …
Austin Parks and Recreation Department Annual Concession Report 2020 Finance Division Contract Compliance Staff Presented by November 2020 Austin City Code § 8-1-73 requires delivery of an annual report to the Parks and Recreation Board and the Environmental Commission providing the following information regarding concessions on Lady Bird Lake Park: Austin City Code • Name and Location • Income and Expenditures • Total Number of Boats Rented • Environmental Concerns 2 Names and Locations Rowing Dock Texas Rowing Center Zilker Zephyr Railroad (temporarily closed) Zilker Café (temporarily closed) Zilker Park Boat Rentals Butler Pitch & Putt Lone Star Riverboat Cruises Austin Rowing Club / Waller Creek Boathouse EpicSUP 3 3 COVID-19 Impact on Concessions March 13 State of Texas Declaration of State of Disaster Concessions modify operations to include distancing, hand sanitizer, etc. March 24 Austin/Travis County Stay Home-Work Safe Order Concessions closed May 1 Open Texas Phase 1 Boating concessions reopen with modified operations May 8 Lone Star Riverboat reopens at 25% capacity limits May 24 Lone Star Riverboat increases to 50% capacity limits June 28 Pause in Open Texas Phases Concessions closed for July 4 weekend and beyond August 15 Park facilities limited reopening Boating concessions reopen; modified operations still in place. Butler Pitch and Putt remains closed to begin renovations. 4 4 FY20 Income, Expenditures, and Payments $2.5 s n o i l l i M $2.0 $1.5 $1.0 $0.5 $0.0 Gross Sales *Business Expenses, IRS Publication 535 $1,411,561 Reported Expenditures Payments to City $653,102 $111,359 $403,855 $328,340 $39,068 Austin Rowing Club Butler Pitch and Putt Lone Star Riverboats Texas Rowing Center Zilker Park Boat Rentals EpicSUP $343,588 $165,033 $38,103 $281,591 $423,215 $64,822 Rowing Dock $1,467,756 $839,097 $143,031 $2,448,496 $1,850,844 $186,225 $358,344 $238,765 $33,401 5 5 Monthly Revenues FY19 vs FY20 All Concessions (down 16%) $1.6 $1.4 s n o i l l i M $1.2 $1.0 $0.8 $0.6 $0.4 $0.2 $0.0 Lone Star Riverboat (down 66%) LSR FY19 LSR FY20 EpicSUP (up 72%) s d n a s u o h T $120 $100 $80 $60 $40 $20 $0 s d n a s u o h T $120 $100 $80 $60 $40 $20 $0 FY19 FY20 EpicSUP FY19 6 EpicSUP FY20 6 FY20 Revenue vs Average (FY14–FY19) COVID-19 Impact s n o i l l i M $2.5 $2.0 $1.5 $1.0 $0.5 $0.0 Austin Rowing Butler Pitch & Club Putt $470,674 $396,512 EpicSUP $195,268 $317,524 …
ITEM FOR ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION AGENDA COMMISSION MEETING DATE: NAME & NUMBER OF PROJECT: NAME OF APPLICANT OR ORGANIZATION: November 20, 2020 Concordia University Campus Residence Hall, SP-2020-0038C Brandon Hamman, P.E., LEED AP – Kimley-Horn & Associates LOCATION: 11400 Concordia University Drive, 78726 COUNCIL DISTRICT: District 6 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW STAFF: Kristy Nguyen, Environmental Review Specialist Senior, Development Services Department, (512) 974-3035, Kristy.Nguyen@austintexas.gov WATERSHED: Bull Creek, Water Supply Suburban, Drinking Water Protection Zone REQUEST: Variance request is as follows: Request to vary from Lake Austin Watershed Ordinance No. 840301-F, Section 9-10-409(a) – for a fill exceeding four feet STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends this variance, having determined the findings of fact to have been met. STAFF CONDITION: 1. Subject to the Void and Water Flow Mitigation Rule (City Environmental Criteria Manual 1.12.0 and City Standards Specification Manual No. 658S) provision that all trenching greater than 5 feet deep must be inspected by a qualified Texas Professional Geoscientist or their representative; 2. Preserve the top 10 inches of topsoil to be used onsite; and 3. Increased tree mitigation and landscaping for areas of fill to stabilize erosion as shown on landscape plan submitted in this variance packet. Staff Findings of Fact and Exhibits Development Services Department Staff Recommendations Concerning Required Findings Concordia University Campus Residence Hall, SP-2020-0038C Project Name: Ordinance Standard: Schlumberger Planned Development Area, Ordinance No. 20070215-042 (as amended) and Lake Austin Watershed Ordinance No. 840301-F, as stated in the Planned Development Area Section 9-10-409(a) – for a fill exceeding four feet Variance Request: Include an explanation with each applicable finding of fact. A. City Code: Land Use Commission variance determinations from Section 9-10-377 of the 1. 2. In site plan case #SP-2007-0231C, a variance to Lake Austin Are there special circumstances applicable to the property involved where strict application deprives such property owner of privileges or safety enjoyed by other similarly situated property with similarly timed development? Yes Ordinance #840301-F, Sections 9-10-409(a) and 9-10-409(b) was granted for a max cut of +/-5.8’ and a max fill of +/- 17.5’ to construct a parking area, baseball field, and fieldhouse. Thereafter, a variance to vary from the same code sections was granted for a max cut of +/-9.25’ and a max fill of +/- 14.85’ to construct a water quality and detention facility, a water quality channel, a softball field, and associated parking in site plan case #SP-2013-0476C. Does the project demonstrate minimum departures …
CONCORDIA CAMPUS RESIDENCE HALL 11400 CONCORDIA UNIVERSITY DRIVE AUSTIN, TX 78726 SP-2020-0038C Kristy Nguyen Environmental Review Specialist Senior Development Services Department 1 Concordia Campus Residence Hall SP-2020-0038C Site Location Austin ETJ Austin City Limits Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone Edwards Aquifer Contributing Zone This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the- ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries. This product has been produced by the Watershed Protection Department for the sole purpose of geographic reference. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or completeness. 0 5 10 Miles[ 2 PROPERTY DATA • Bull Creek, Water Supply Suburban Classification • Drinking Water Protection Zone • Full Purpose Jurisdiction • Located over Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone • Council District 6 • Subject to Schlumberger Planned Development Area, Ordinance No. 20070215-042 (as amended) and Lake Austin Watershed Ordinance No. 840301-F, as stated in the Planned Development Area 3 VICINITY EXHIBIT 4 VARIANCE REQUEST Lake Austin Watershed Ordinance No. 840301-F - Section 9-10-409(a) – for a fill exceeding four feet - Section 9-10-409(b) – for a cut exceeding four feet 5 FINDINGS OF FACT LAKE AUSTIN WATERSHED ORDINANCE, SECTION 9-10-377 TO VARY FROM SECTION 9-10- 409(A) – FOR A FILL EXCEEDING FOUR FEET 6 FINDINGS OF FACT LAKE AUSTIN WATERSHED ORDINANCE SECTION 9-10-377 1. Are there special circumstances applicable to the property involved where strict application deprives such property owner of privileges or safety enjoyed by other similarly situated property with similarly timed development? Staff Determination: Yes In site plan case #SP-2007-0231C, a variance to Lake Austin Ordinance #840301-F, Sections 9-10-409(a) and 9-10-409(b) was granted for a max cut of +/-5.8’ and a max fill of +/- 17.5’ to construct a parking area, baseball field, and fieldhouse. Thereafter, a variance to vary from the same code sections was granted for a max cut of +/-9.25’ and a max fill of +/- 14.85’ to construct a water quality and detention facility, a water quality channel, a softball field, and associated parking in site plan case #SP-2013-0476C. 7 FINDINGS OF FACT LAKE AUSTIN WATERSHED ORDINANCE SECTION 9-10-377 2. Does the project demonstrate minimum departures from the terms of the ordinance necessary to avoid such deprivation of privileges enjoyed by such other property and to facilitate a reasonable …
ITEM FOR ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION AGENDA COMMISSION MEETING DATE: NAME & NUMBER OF PROJECT: NAME OF APPLICANT OR ORGANIZATION: November 20, 2020 Concordia University Campus Residence Hall, SP-2020-0038C Brandon Hamman, P.E., LEED AP – Kimley-Horn & Associates LOCATION: 11400 Concordia University Drive, 78726 COUNCIL DISTRICT: District 6 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW STAFF: Kristy Nguyen, Environmental Review Specialist Senior, Development Services Department, (512) 974-3035, Kristy.Nguyen@austintexas.gov WATERSHED: Bull Creek, Water Supply Suburban, Drinking Water Protection Zone REQUEST: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: STAFF CONDITIONS: Variance request is as follows: Request to vary from Lake Austin Watershed Ordinance No. 840301-F, Section 9-10-409(b) – for a cut exceeding four feet Staff recommends this variance, having determined the findings of fact to have been met. 1. Subject to the Void and Water Flow Mitigation Rule (City Environmental Criteria Manual 1.12.0 and City Standards Specification Manual No. 658S) provision that all trenching greater than 5 feet deep must be inspected by a qualified Texas Professional Geoscientist or their representative; 2. Preserve the top 10 inches of topsoil to be used onsite; and 3. Increased tree mitigation and landscaping for areas of fill to stabilize erosion as shown on landscape plan submitted in this variance packet. Staff Findings of Fact and Exhibits Development Services Department Staff Recommendations Concerning Required Findings Concordia University Campus Residence Hall, SP-2020-0038C Project Name: Ordinance Standard: Schlumberger Planned Development Area, Ordinance No. 20070215-042 (as amended) and Lake Austin Watershed Ordinance No. 840301-F, as stated in the Planned Development Area Section 9-10-409(b) – for a cut exceeding four feet Variance Request: Include an explanation with each applicable finding of fact. Land Use Commission variance determinations from Section 9-10-377 of the A. City Code: 1. Are there special circumstances applicable to the property involved where strict application deprives such property owner of privileges or safety enjoyed by other similarly situated property with similarly timed development? In site plan case #SP-2007-0231C, a variance to Lake Austin Yes Ordinance #840301-F, Sections 9-10-409(a) and 9-10-409(b) was granted for a max cut of +/-5.8’ and a max fill of +/- 17.5’ to construct a parking area, baseball field, and fieldhouse. Thereafter, a variance to the same code sections was granted for a max cut of +/-9.25’ and a max fill of +/- 14.85’ to construct a water quality and detention facility, a water quality channel, a softball field, and associated parking in site plan case #SP-2013-0476C. 2. Does the project demonstrate minimum departures from the …
E RIV D R U O B R A H K C O R R O C D O ( 7 K C 0 # ' H 2 R A 0 . 0 O R 0 . B 0 0 W O 0 . 2 5 W U I D R T O H ) D P R T C R I V E R D O O C C # K 2 0 0 H 5 A 0 0 R 2 7 B 5 O O R P R D T C R . EXISTING WALMART PROPERTY EXISTING ALARA APARTMENTS PROPERTY E V I R D Y T I S R E V I N U A I D R O C N O C 00 200' 400' GRAPHIC SCALE 200' PROPERTY LINE LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION EXISTING SOFTBALL FIELD UNOCCUPIED SPRING D V O R O A L I P R . N T 9 C 0 A 8 G 2 E , P E G A . 6 S 2 5 E M E N T 150' CEF BUFFER 50' CWQZ 150' CEF BUFFER 50' CWQZ 100' WQTZ D R A I N V A O L G . E 9 0 E 8 A 2 S , E M E O P P G R . 6 N T T 2 5 C P D R O E C S # E O 2 R P 0 V R 0 E 7 T T 1 C 0 R 6 A 6 1 3 C T RIM ROCK F L 1 8 " R C R P ( I M S E = ) 9 = 9 5 4 4 8 . . 0 5 ± ± D F R I L M F F L L 1 2 8 = 4 " 9 1 8 " " R 5 R R C P C 3 . C P 2 P ( ± ( ( N S N E E ) W ) = = 9 ) = 9 4 9 4 4 6 6 . . 8 6 8 ± . 8 ± ± D R F I L M 1 = 8 " 9 R 5 C 5 . 0 P ± ( S W ) = 9 5 1 . 1 ± EXISTING BASEBALL FIELD PROPOSED LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION ET T TT T T T …
Applicant Form and Findings of Fact ENVIRONMENTAL BOARD VARIANCE APPLICATION Applicant Variance Request Letter October 20, 2020 City of Austin Planning and Development Review Department 505 Barton Springs Road Austin, TX 78767 Re: Variance Request Letter – Fill Concordia University Residence Hall - Site Plan Application SP-2020-0038C 11400 Concordia University Drive Austin, Texas 78726 To Whom It May Concern: INTRODUCTION PROJECT DESCRIPTION Please accept this letter as a request for a variance to the Lake Austin Ordinance #840301-F, Sections 9- 10-409(A) and 9-10-409(B) for a max fill of +/- 8.75 ft for the above referenced project. The Concordia University Texas campus is an existing campus located at 11400 Concordia University Drive in northwest Austin, Texas and Travis County. The existing property is approximately 383 acres including approximately 250 acres of preserve land. The campus has existing improvements including buildings, athletic facilities, private drives, underground utilities storm drains, stormwater ponds, and auxiliary improvements. City of Austin | Environmental Board Variance Application Guide 1 The proposed campus improvements include a 4-story residence hall building, associated parking lot, outdoor amphitheater area, pedestrian improvements, two water quality and detention ponds, and associated site improvements. This project is located within the Bull Creek Watershed, classified as a Water Supply Suburban Watershed. The site is located within the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone according to the City of Austin GIS. Critical water quality zones, water quality transition zones, and critical environmental features are located on the southern and eastern portion of the site. No development will occur in these locations. The terrain is heavily wooded and has some grass cover. No requests for a variance to CEF buffers, WQTZ or CWQZ areas are being requested. If you have any questions or comments regarding this request, please contact me at 512-271-6314. Sincerely, Brandon Hammann, P.E., LEED AP Project Manager PROJECT DESCRIPTION Applicant Contact Information Name of Applicant Street Address City State ZIP Code Work Phone E-Mail Address Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. – Brandon Hammann, P.E., LEED AP 10814 Jollyville Road, Building IV, Suite 200 Austin, Texas 78759 512-271-6314 Brandon.Hammann@kimley-horn.com City of Austin | Environmental Board Variance Application Guide 2 Variance Case Information Case Name Case Number Concordia University Residence Hall SP-2020-0038C Address or Location 11400 Concordia University Texas Environmental Reviewer Name Kristy Nguyen Applicable Ordinance Lake Austin Ordinance #840301-F, Sections 9-10-409(A) and 9-10-409(B) Watershed Name Bull Creek Watershed Classification ☐Urban ☐ Suburban X Water Supply Suburban ☐Water Supply …
Pamela Abee-Taulli Environmental Review Specialist Senior Development Services Department Radmon Rice Environmental Specialist Watershed Protection Department ULLRICH LOW SERVICE PUMP STATION ELECTRICAL FEED RENEWAL 3602 1/2 REDBUD TRL UNIT C SPC-03-0005C(R2) PROJECT LOCATION Site Location Austin ETJ Austin City Limits Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone Edwards Aquifer Contributing Zone This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the- ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries. This product has been produced by the Watershed Protection Department for the sole purpose of geographic reference. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or completeness. 0510Miles[ PROJECT LOCATION Lake Austin Westlake Hills Lady Bird Lake PROPERTY DATA •Water Supply Rural • Bee Creek, Little Bee Creek, and Lake Austin watersheds •Water Supply Suburban • Lady Bird Lake watershed •Drinking Water Protection Zone •Full Purpose Jurisdiction •Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone •Wetland & Rimrock Critical Environmental Features •Council District 8 CONSTRAINTS Existing plant from 2003 CONSTRAINTS Steep slopes CONSTRAINTS Multiple Critical Water Quality Zones & Water Quality Transition Zones CWQZ WQTZ CONSTRAINTS Rimrock & Wetland CEFs Rimrock Wetlands BACKGROUND The plan proposes 6 projects to upgrade an existing City of Austin water treatment plant. The purpose is to improve operator and environmental safety by eliminating potential hazards and to upgrade miscellaneous plant processes to ensure the plant can reliably deliver drinking water. 6 PROJECTS In two phases. •Phase 2 •Phase 3 Phase 2 Phase 3 PHASE 2 1. Switchgear enclosure (#7) 2. Duct bank and access drive (#8) 8 7 1. Containment basin 3. Sludge changeover facility PHASE 3 2. Electric building and 4. 6-inch water line related duct banks 7 VARIANCE REQUESTS 1. Vary LDC 25-8-261 to allow development in the Critical Water Quality Zone, and by extension in the Water Quality Transition Zone of a Water Supply Rural watershed in the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone South [LDC 25-8-452]. 2. Vary LDC 25-8-281 to allow construction within a rimrock Critical Environmental Feature buffer. 3. Vary LDC 25-8-301 to allow construction of a driveway on a slope with a gradient of more than 15 percent. 4. Vary LDC 25-8-302(A)(1) to allow construction of a building on a slope with a gradient of more than 25 percent 7 VARIANCE REQUESTS 5. Vary LDC 25-8-341 to allow cut to sixteen …