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Building and Standards CommissionJuly 22, 2020

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Scraped at: July 23, 2020, 3:40 p.m.
Building and Standards CommissionJuly 22, 2020

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Annual Internal Review This report covers the time period of 7/1/2019 to 6/30/2020 BUILDING AND STANDARDS COMMISSION The Board/Commission mission statement is: The Building and Standards Commission (BSC) was established to hear cases concerning alleged violations of the City’s housing and dangerous building regulations. The Building and Standards Commission shall have the powers and duties and comply with the procedures established by the Texas Local Government Code, Chapter 54, Subchapter C (Quasi-Judicial Enforcement of Health and Safety Ordinances), and Chapter 25-12, Article 9 (Property Maintenance Code) of the Austin City Code. 1. Describe the board’s actions supporting their mission during the previous calendar year. Address all elements of the board’s mission statement as provided in the relevant sections of the City Code. • The Commission met on 8 occasions to hear cases involving substandard and unsafe or dangerous properties, and appeals. • The Commission heard a total of 56 new cases. • The Commission heard a total of 11 returning cases. • Of the new and returning cases heard by the Commission, 41 or 61% were registered with the Repeat Offender Program, of which 28 have now achieved compliance. • Of the new and returning cases heard by the Commission, 14 were deemed dangerous by the Code Official or the Fire Division Chief. • The Commission received updates on 19 cases. • The Commission met as a body on 8 out of 11 monthly meeting dates during this period, with one meeting cancelled due to a posting error and two meetings cancelled due to COVID-19 concerns. The Commission also held its annual retreat in November. Annual Review and Work Plan Year 2019-20 Page # 2 2. Determine if the board’s actions throughout the year comply with the mission statement. • The Commission issued 55 repair orders, of which 30 have achieved compliance, and 2 have achieved compliance with an unpaid penalty. • The Commission issued 2 demolition orders, neither of which has achieved • The Commission issued 1 order for an engineer’s report. • The Commission heard 5 appeals for short-term rental licenses, all of which compliance. were denied. • The Commission issued 5 reduced civil penalty orders. • The Commission reduced the civil penalty to $0 in 21 cases. 3. List the board’s goals and objectives for the new calendar year. • Staff will coordinate a Building and Standards Commission retreat. • Staff will prioritize Repeat Offender (ROP) cases, …

Scraped at: July 23, 2020, 3:40 p.m.
Building and Standards CommissionJuly 22, 2020

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BUILDING AND STANDARDS COMMISSION Covid-19 Impact on the BSC July 2020 Robert Moore Division Manager, Austin Code Department Objectives July 22, 2020  Discuss the formal boards and commissions meeting changes due to COVID-19.  Inform the Commission about field inspection impact and opportunities moving forward.  Update the Commission on permitting and planning review services during COVID-19. Meeting Changes due to COVID-19 ▪Since March 16, 2020, the City has been allowed to operate through the Governor’s disaster declaration for Texas, temporarily suspending certain meeting requirements in the Texas Open Meetings Act. The Governor most recently renewed the declaration on July 10, 2020. ▪Mayor Adler also ordered a local disaster declaration for B&C meeting processes, 2-1-6 (E). What this means for the Boards and Commissions (subject to change): ▪The Governor’s for videoconference meetings in order to maintain social distancing and encourage safe stay home practices. and Mayor’s declaration allows order ▪The process for public comment has been modified for remote meetings requiring registration, in advance, to address agenda items. Field Inspection Impact & Opportunities Moving Forward ▪Emergency order violation (COVID) cases became major focus.  Response teams created  Influx of covid-19 complaints ▪Interior inspections have been limited to imminent situations only.  Possible reduction of BSC cases. ▪Opportunity moving forward.  Virtual inspection process Permitting & Planning Review Services ▪All commercial/residential regular & in-person services are still offered but are now virtual and online  Permit applications  Plan reviews  Expedited Permits  Quick Turnaround Times  One Hour Paid Consultation for Plan Reviews ▪Website has been updated to provide this information Questions? THANK YOU

Scraped at: July 23, 2020, 3:40 p.m.
Building and Fire Code Board of AppealsJuly 22, 2020

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Scraped at: July 25, 2020, 3:20 a.m.
Asian American Quality of Life Advisory CommissionJuly 22, 2020

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Staff Briefing on 2018 Officer-Involved Shooting Report and Police Accountability Updates Asian American Quality of Life Advisory Commission Cristina Tangredi- Program Specialist, Office of Police Oversight July 22, 2020 (512) 974-9090 ATX Police Oversight @ATX_OPO 2018 Officer-Involved Shooting Report Report Overview The Office of Police Oversight reviewed every officer-involved shooting (OIS) incident involving the Austin Police Department (APD) in 2018 to identify any recurring factors and highlight areas for improvement. This report provides summaries of each incident, presents incident-specific and officer-specific data, and offers recommendations in identified areas of concern. Key Findings There were 12 officer involved shooting incidents involving APD officers in 2018 • 11 individuals and 33 officers were involved in the OIS incidents 7 incidents were fatal • • 5 incidents were determined to be fatalities caused by police. • All fatal incidents caused by police involved Black and Latinx individuals. 2 of the fatal incidents were determined to be suicides Geographic Location of Incidents: • The southeast region of Austin experienced the highest concentration of OIS incidents in 2018. • All fatal incidents caused by police took place in central, east, or southeast Austin. • Austin City Council District 2 (southeast Austin) had 5 OIS incidents, the highest concentration of incidents in 2018 • APD’s Frank sector (southeast Austin) had 4 OIS incidents, and was the sector with the highest concentration of incidents CHART 1: CITY COUNCIL DISTRICTS WHERE INCIDENTS District 2 District 3 District 4 District 8 District 9 District 10 OCCURRED District 10 1, 9% District 9 2 18% District 8 1 9% District 4 1 9% District 3 1 9% District 2 5 46% Geographic Location of Incidents CHART 2: APD SECTORS WHERE INCIDENTS OCURRED Baker Charlie David Edward Frank George Henry Henry 1 9% George 1 9% Frank 4 37% Baker 2 18% Edward 1 9% Charlie 1 9% David 1 9% Key Findings Demographic Information of Individuals Involved Gender and Ethnicity involved white males • 3 fatalities involved Latinx males • 1 fatality involved a Latinx female • 1 fatality involved a Black male Age . • Latinx individuals were disproportionately impacted by officer-involved shooting incidents in 2018 • 6 incidents involved Latinx males; 1 incident involved a Latinx female; 1 incident involved a Black male; 4 incidents • 5 OIS incidents resulted in fatalities caused by police. Only ethnic minorities were involved in these incidents. • 8 OIS incidents …

Scraped at: July 27, 2020, 7:20 p.m.
Joint Sustainability CommitteeJuly 22, 2020

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Aust in Communit y Climat e Plan 2020 Revision 7/ 22/ 20 JSC Schedule July Reviews and Revisions by Staff and Steering Committee Aug. Boards & Commissions + Public Comment Period Sept . Finalize and present to council Two Versions of the New Plan Brief Version Full Ve rs ion ● Le s s tha n 20 pa ge s ● P icture s a nd Colors ● Acce s s ible a nd re a da ble ● Tra ns la te d into S pa nis h, Vie tna me s e , S implifie d Chine s e ● S umma rize s ma jor conce pts a nd points but not a ll the de ta ils on s tra te gie s ● 100 pa ge s ● Lightly de s igne d ● Figure s , Gra phs , a nd Cha rts ● Full goa ls , s tra te gie s , a nd “how we ’ll ge t the re ” ● All the de ta ils ● Exte ns ive Appe ndix Boards and Commissions Tour August + September ● Food P olicy ● Economic P ros pe rity ● Community De ve lopme nt ● Wa te r a nd Wa s te wa te r ● Urba n Tra ns porta tion ● P la nning ● LGBTQ Qua lity of Life ● His pa nic / La tino Qua lity of Life ● As ia n Ame rica n Qua lity of Life ● Africa n Ame rica n Re s ource Advis ory ● Commis s ion on Immigra nt Affa irs ● Commis s ion on S e niors ● Commis s ion on Wome n ● Ma yor’s Commis s ion for P e ople with Dis a bilitie s ● P a rks a nd Re cre a tion ● Re s ource Ma na ge me nt ● Ele ctric Utility ● Environme nta l ● De s ign ● Ze ro Wa s te Advis ory Climate Leaders Forum ● Le tte r s e nt to ma ny loca l Bus ine s s e s ○ S hort lis t of la rge s t compa nie s ○ Clima te P la n P a rticipa nts ○ Full Aus tin Gre e n Bus ine s s …

Scraped at: July 29, 2020, 12:30 a.m.
Joint Sustainability CommitteeJuly 22, 2020

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BOARD/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Austin Travis County Food Policy Board Recommendation Number: 20200612-4.c.v.i COVID-19 Food System Response Recommendation The COVID-19 pandemic, the related shutdown, and the human toll experienced disproportionately by Black and Indigenous communities, and People of Color (BIPOC) expose the legacy and ongoing entrenchment of racial injustice in our food and economic systems. Austin faces a historical and pivotal moment as we uncover the stark contrasts related to resources and the racialized structures that form what we now call our “food system.” The contrasts begin with the creation of a system of food production on land first taken from Indigenous peoples and later taken from Black farmers. A racialized system has created White wealth through policies, practices, laws and policing, and granted unequal access to capital and profit in the food system through the exploitation, enslavement and death, primarily of Black people. On that same spectrum, throughout our history and today, Latinx workers and immigrants of color who have always performed “essential” food system work are underpaid, exposed to dangerous and unstable working conditions, harassment and economic instability. BIPOC workers in the food system are also disproportionately unable to afford good food. Locally, clear contrasts revealed through COVID-19 include a woefully under-resourced and undeveloped food system in terms of planning, resiliency and coordination. Food workers have either been laid-off and then return to back-of-house low-paid jobs in restaurants and food businesses with insufficient personal protective equipment (PPE), or they have continued to work throughout the pandemic on farms and in grocery stores, risking exposure without paid sick leave, while corporations have prospered from the heightened demand for food-related staples. Statewide, primarily Latinx meatpacking workers experienced a large outbreak of coronavirus infection with little immediate testing or support. Infection, hospitalization, and death rates from COVID-19 in our region have also skewed disproportionately Latinx. This is not an accident, but at least partly is a result of our racialized food system that produces inequitable and devastating impacts for the BIPOC in our region. As significant funding shifts are considered in local budgets, we must invest sufficient resources to understand, dismantle and remake our food system into one that is economically and racially just and puts the workers and small businesses who have been negatively impacted at the center of the process throughout. This includes food access as a right (the end of food insecurity). This is not easy to do. It requires …

Scraped at: July 29, 2020, 12:30 a.m.
Joint Sustainability CommitteeJuly 22, 2020

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Join Sustainability Commitee Project Connect Overview JULY 22, 2020 1 1 AGENDA 1. PROJECT CONNECT OVERVIEW 2. PROJECT CONNECT TIMELINE 3. RECOMMENDED SYSTEM PLAN 4. SYSTEM PLAN FEATURES 5. OVERVIEW BY MODE 6. SEQUENCING 7. RENDERINGS 8. COMMUNITY BENEFITS 9. FUNDING 10. NEXT STEPS 2 PROJECT CONNECT OVERVIEW 33 3 4 PROJECT CONNECT TIMELINE A 20 Year Discussion DEC 2018 APR 2019 AUG 2019 – MAR 2020 MAY 2020 JUN 2020 AUG 2020 NOV 2020 2021 – Beyond Project Connect Vision Plan Adopted Austin Strategic Mobility Plan Adopted Virtual Meetings Held Six Joint Work Sessions held, Covering Program, Funding and Governance Joint Session – System Plan Adoption June 10 Establish LGC Potential Transit Referendum Action It’s Go Time! Potential Transit Referendum Community Engagement Ongoing 5 PROJECT CONNECT RECOMMENDED SYSTEM PLAN 66 6 PROJEC T CONNEC T SYSTEM PLAN RECOMMENDATION Light Rail Transit in Dedicated Transitways for Orange, Blue and Gold Lines - 36 Miles, 40 Stations incl. Downtown Transit Tunnel High Frequency Bus with Priority Treatments 7 New Routes - ~74 Miles, 193 Stations Station and Operational Improvements New Commuter Rail Service to Connect Downtown to Colony Park with potential extension to Manor and Elgin 8 New Routes - 5 outside service area 24 New Park & Rides - 10 outside the service area Better bus service and stop amenities Enhanced demand response service Zero Emissions Improved Customer Tech New Circulator Zones (Pickup) Maintenance Facility Improvements 7 CONCEPTUAL DRAWING 8 8 Split Platform Street Section CONCEPTUAL DRAWING 9 9 BLUE LINE OVERVIEW 10 GOLD LINE OVERVIEW 11 ORANGE LINE OVERVIEW 12 GREEN LINE OVERVIEW 13 METRORAPID OVERVIEW 14 RECOMMENDED PROGRAM SEQUENCE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Y E A R S Initial Phase: MetroRapid Extensions* LRT* Phase II LIGHT RAIL Orange Line (LRT) Blue Line (LRT) Gold Line (LRT) METRORAIL METRORAPID Phase I Phase II Phase III Red Line (Commuter Rail) Green Line (Commuter Rail) METROEXPRESS & PARK AND RIDES METROBUS & METROACCESS IMPROVED CUSTOMER TECH Notes: 1. Based on 3/9/2020 funding recommendation 2. Years based on federal NEPA and funding approvals * When funding is available 15 NEPA / Preliminary Engineering Final Design / Procurement Construction / Commissioning 16 CONCEPTUAL DRAWING 17 17 CONCEPTUAL DRAWING 18 18 CONCEPTUAL DRAWING 19 19 Regional Transportation Center CONCEPTUAL DRAWING 20 20 PROJECT CONNECT COMMUNITY BENEFITS 2121 21 SYSTEM BENEFITS ✓ Easing traffic in our city …

Scraped at: July 29, 2020, 12:30 a.m.
Joint Sustainability CommitteeJuly 22, 2020

20200722-2B: JSC Recommendation on Project Connect Funding signed original pdf

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COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Joint Sustainability Committee Recommendation 20200722-2B – Recommendation on Project Connect Funding The CapMetro Project Connect plan is an essential long-term plan for reducing greenhouse gas emissions while improving equitable access to affordable, efficient and comfortable transportation, and meeting the goals of the Austin Community Climate Plan and the Austin Strategic Mobility Plan. Therefore, the Joint Sustainability Committee recommends that the Austin City Council place a request on the November 2020 ballot to fully fund the plan in line with the “CapMetro Recommended Program Sequence”. Record of the vote: Motion to approve by Commissioner White, second by Commissioner Schneider. Motion passes 7 approve, 0 opposed, 0 abstained. Date of approval: July 22, 2020 Attest: __________________________________ Zach Baumer, Liaison Zach Baumer

Scraped at: July 30, 2020, 8 p.m.
Asian American Quality of Life Advisory CommissionJuly 22, 2020

20200722-03b: Support the UT School of Nursing Grant Application original pdf

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COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Asian American Quality of Life Advisory Commission Recommendation Number (20200722-03b): Support the UT School of Nursing grant application to boost community immunity through a culturally focused self-management support program to manage chronic diseases. Subject: Support the UT School of Nursing grant application to boost community immunity through a culturally focused self-management support program to manage chronic diseases. Description of Recommendation WHEREAS, the University of Texas is submitting a “Lone Star Prize” application to develop a scalable chronic disease self-management program, and WHEREAS, the proposed program targets racial, linguistic and social minorities, and WHEREAS, the program takes advantage of health technologies, combining powerful automated solutions with personalized support from nurse/community health worker (CHW) teams. NOW, THEREFORE: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE ASIAN AMERICAN QUALITY OF LIFE ADVISORY COMMISSION: Support the UT School of Nursing grant application to boost community immunity through a culturally focused self-management support program to manage chronic diseases Date of Approval: July 22, 2020 Record of the vote: Moved by Commissioner Chen, Seconded by Commissioner Yoshida. In Favor: (Commissioners Cobalis, Sethi, Chen, Yoshida, Stanton, Saxena, Chao, and DasGupta) Absent: (Commissioner Conte, Wang, Patil, Patel, Radhakrishnan, Huang, and Yang) Attest:

Scraped at: Aug. 3, 2020, 10:50 a.m.
Music CommissionJuly 22, 2020

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AUSTIN MUSIC COMMISSION SPECIAL CALLED MEETING MINUTES The Austin Music Commission convened in a special called meeting on July 22, 2020 via videoconference. July 22, 2020 Board Members in Attendance: Chair – Rick Carney, Vice-chair – Jonathan “Chaka” Mahone, Secretary - Anne-Charlotte Patterson, Parliamentarian – Oren Rosenthal, Gavin Garcia, Doug Leveton, Paul Pinon, Graham Reynolds Staff in Attendance: Kim McCarson, Stephanie Bergara CALL TO ORDER – 3:03pm The Music Commission meeting was held with social distancing modifications due to Coronavirus restrictions. Public comment was allowed on specific item numbers via telephone. The following speakers called in to speak: Pat Buchta inquires about round two of Music Disaster Relief Fund and requirements; Cat Clemons speaks about Music Disaster Relief Fund. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approval of minutes from Special Called Meeting July 6, 2020. Commissioner Reynolds motions to approve, Commissioner Mahone seconds. Carries 8-0. 2. STAFF BRIEFINGS a. Update on Music Disaster Relief Fund by Stephanie Bergara, Artist and Industry Development, Music & Entertainment, Economic Development Department. b. Update on Creative Space Disaster Relief Program by Kim McCarson, Economic and Business Liaison, Music & Entertainment Division, Economic Development Department. 3. OLD BUSINESS a. Discussion and Possible Action on Black Lives Music Fund to repair and address historic neglect within the Austin music industry towards the Black Community. Commissioner Pinon leaves the meeting at 3:30pm. No action taken. b. Discussion and Possible Action following presentation by Margie Reese of MJR Partners on Roles and Goals for the Music Commission, Live Music Fund Working Group and City Staff. No action taken. c. Discussion and possible action following a presentation on the Music Preservation Fund by Rebecca Reynolds, Music Venue Alliance. No action taken. 1 AUSTIN MUSIC COMMISSION SPECIAL CALLED MEETING MINUTES FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS July 22, 2020 1. Discussion and Possible Action following staff update on Venue Disaster Relief Fund, Commissioner Garcia motions, Commissioner Reynolds seconds. 2. Discussion and Possible Action following staff update on Creative Space Disaster Relief Program, Commissioner Reynolds motions, Commissioner Garcia seconds. 3. Discussion and Possible Action on Black Live Music Fund and Comprehensive Equity Plan following presentation by Margie Reese of MJR Partners on Roles and Goals for the Music Commission, Commissioner Reynolds motions, Commissioner Mahone seconds. 4. Discussion and Possible Action on Music Disaster Relief Fund, Commissioner Reynolds motions, Commissioner Patterson seconds. 5. Discussion and Possible Action on the $12 Million Creative Space Bond, Commissioner Leveton motions, …

Scraped at: Aug. 13, 2020, midnight
Resource Management CommissionJuly 22, 2020

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RESOURCE MANAGEMENT COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES Wednesday July 22, 2020 The Resource Management Commission convened via videoconference on Wednesday, July 22nd, 2020 in accordance with social distancing protocols necessitated by the Covid 19 pandemic. Commissioners in Attendance: Dana Harmon, Chair (District 9); Kaiba White, Vice Chair (District 2); Leo Dielmann (District 7); Jonathan Blackburn (District 8); Rebecca Brenneman (District 10); Lisa Chavarria (Mayor); James Babyak (District 6); Shane Johnson (District 4) and Tom “Smitty” Smith (District 5). There is one vacancy (District 3). Commissioners Absent: Nakyshia Fralin (District 1); CALL TO ORDER – Chair Harmon called the meeting to order at 3:04 p.m. Consent Items: APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve minutes of the June 17t , 2020 meeting. The motion to approve minutes of the June 17th, 2020 meeting with corrections was approved on a Commissioner Dielmann motion, Commissioner Johnson second on a vote of 8 ayes, 0 nays, 1 abstention (Babyak) ,1 absent, 1 vacancy. STAFF REPORTS AND BRIEFINGS 2. .Briefing and presentation by from the city of Austin Equity Office. Josh. Robinson, Commissions Liaison, City of Austin Equity Office, gave a presentation on equity and inclusion in Austin. After which, the Commissioners discussed how to increase equity and inclusion in their work including the scheduling of a workshop and a request to staff to investigate the feasibility of holding meetings in various locations throughout the City. Immediately upon completion of the presentation, the Commission took up Item 4 which is discussed below. 3. Presentation of 2021 Austin Energy Customer Energy Solutions Budget. Debbie Kimberly, Vice President of Customer Energy Solutions for Austin Energy provided an overview of the upcoming budget for energy efficiency, solar, and other customer programs as well as a discussion of achievements from the previous year. Mrs. Kimberly also discussed the affect the COVID 19 pandemic has had on certain programs which require extensive in-home contact with customers. NEW BUSINESS 4. Discussion and possible action on increasing equity and inclusion though a workshop of commissioners and developing processes to increase equity and inclusion within the Commission. The Commission voted unanimously to establish a workshop of the Commission with the City of Austin Equity Office on racial equity and inclusion. 9 ayes, 1 absent (Fraylin). 5. Establish a working group of Resource Management Commissioners to coordinate with the Office of Sustainability regarding the Austin Community Emissions Dashboard as it relates to Commission goals. This item was not …

Scraped at: Aug. 21, 2020, 11:30 a.m.
Resource Management CommissionJuly 22, 2020

Item # 2- Equity Presentation original pdf

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Resource Management Commission Equity Intro Workshop 1 Introduction and Ice-Breaker Why does Resource Management Commission exist? What role do you play in this commission, your mission, the goals/outcomes you want to achieve? 2 All men are created equal... ...was revolutionary at the time, but when Jefferson spoke these words, they applied to White male property owners. 3 Of the people, by the people, and for the people... ...yet our leaders across all industries don’t come close to the diversity of our communities. Women didn’t get the right to vote until 1920. Until the Voting Rights Act of 1965 People of Color were guaranteed access to their vote 4 Who we are: Racial equity is the condition when race no longer predicts a person’s quality of life outcomes in our community. The City recognizes that race is the primary determinant of social equity and therefore we begin the journey toward social equity with this definition. The City of Austin recognizes historical and structural disparities and a need for alleviation of these wrongs by critically transforming its institutions and creating a culture of equity. Often confused… ...But NOT the same 5 Our framework for Equity: Equity Lens 6 Map of Poverty: 7 Who Pollutes, Who is Impacted? A study published in the Academy of the Sciences in 2019 found that although White Americans are the majority polluters, it is Black and Latinx people who are impacted This increases risk of cardiovascular problems, respiratory illness, diabetes and even birth defects 8 An Example of “Colorblindness” Replicated Study done by Southampton University 19,000 emails to public service departments including Libraries, Schools, Sheriffs, County Treasurers and Clerk’s Offices Identical email requests apart from names. Black sounding names were both: •less likely to receive a response •less likely to have a cordial, respectful response Susan Smith LaKesha Washington Source: Racial Discrimination in Local Public Services: A Field Experiment in the US 9 What would equitable recommendations look like from the Resource Management Commission 10 Thank you! Any questions? 11

Scraped at: Aug. 25, 2020, 2:30 a.m.
Building and Standards CommissionJuly 22, 2020

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BUILDING AND STANDARDS COMMISSION MINUTES REGULAR MEETING Date: July 22, 202 The Building and Standards Commission (BSC) convened remotely via video conference for a regular meeting on Wednesday, July 22, 2020. The meeting was available for viewing at Commission Members in Attendance: Andrea Freiburger, Chair; Pablo Avila, Vice Chair; Commissioners: Jessica Mangrum, Wordy Thompson, Timothy Stostad, James Briceno, John Green*, Sade Ogunbode, Edgar Farrera, and Natalya Sheddan. John Green was not present when the meeting was called to order.* He was present at approximately 6:50 p.m. when the Commission considered and voted on case number item 1 (11311 Walnut Ridge Drive). Commissioner Elizabeth Mueller was absent. Staff in Attendance: Melanie Alley, Code Review Analyst/BSC Coordinator; Robert Moore, Division Manager; Marlayna Wright, Investigator; James Candelas, Program Specialist; Moses Rodriquez, Supervisor, David Downing, Supervisor, Rich Lamancusa, Inspector, Eliza Torrez, Inspector, Joe Lucas, Tamara Kurtz, Business Process Consultant Sr. and Brandon Carr, Assistant City Attorney. CALL TO ORDER Chair Andrea Freiburger called the Commission Meeting to order at 6:33 p.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Vice-Chair Avila moved to approve the minutes from the June 24, 2020 regular meeting seconded by Commissioner Mangrum. The motion passed 8-0-1; thus, approving the June meeting minutes. Commissioner Sade Ogunbode abstained from the vote. PUBLIC HEARINGS Case(s): Case Number(s) 1. CL 2020-018491 Street Address 11311 Walnut Ridge Drive Owner(s) Richard Cogbill The property was not represented at the hearing. Chair Freiburger admitted Staff’s Exhibits 1 and 2A-2I. Commissioner Mangrum made the motion to adopt the proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law and adopt Staff’s recommended order for repair within 45 days from the date the order is mailed, with penalties of $1,000 to begin to accrue on the 46th day if not in compliance. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Green. The motion carried 10-0. Commissioner Mueller was absent. 2. CL 2020-040297 7216 Meador Avenue John Henry Fletcher, Julie Kuglen, Attorney, represented John Henry Fletcher, property owner, at the hearing. This property owner has 80% ownership interest; there are 10 other heirs. Albert Louise Clemmons Hill, Cynthia Johnson, and Donald Powell also attended this hearing. Chair Freiburger admitted Staff Exhibits 1 and 2A-2J. Commissioner Mangrum made the motion to adopt the proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law and adopt Staff’s recommended order to demolish to the residential structure within 45 days from the date the order is mailed, with the Code Official authorized …

Scraped at: Aug. 27, 2020, 4:40 p.m.
Joint Sustainability CommitteeJuly 22, 2020

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Item 1 JOINT SUSTAINABILITY COMMITTEE SPECIAL MEETING MEETING MINUTES July 22, 2020 The Joint Sustainability Committee convened in a special meeting on July 22, 2020 via videoconferencing. Chair Kaiba White called the Board Meeting to order at 1:16 pm. Board Members in Attendance: Kaiba White Chair, Fisayo Fadelu, Rob Schneider, Holt Lackey, Karen Magid, David Carroll, Karen Hadden, Alberta Phillips Board Members Absent: Kelly Davis, Nhat Ho, Katie Coyne Vice-Chair, Melissa Rothrock City Staff in Attendance: Zach Baumer, Phoebe Romero CALL TO ORDER CITIZEN COMMUNICATION The speakers who registered in advance for public comment have three minutes each to address items on the agenda at this time. • Susan Pantell o Concern about airport expansion and desire to include this within considerations of climate plan. o Desire for more expanded outreach as part of climate plan efforts. o Push for stronger, multi-modal transportation goals. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a) June 24, 2020 meeting of the Joint Sustainability Committee • Motion to approve (Commissioner Schneider), second (Commissioner Lackey), 8 approved, 0 opposed, 0 abstained. 2. NEW BUSINESS a) COVID-19 Food System Recommendation (Discussion and/or possible action) • Recommendation from Austin-Travis County Food Policy Board asking for additional staff and funding for a comprehensive economic, health and environmentally focused-food system response considering COVID-19. • Motion to approve (Commissioner Hadden), Second (Commissioner White); Motion withdrawn by Commissioner Hadden to allow time for future review by commissioners and a vote at a later time. b) CapMetro Project Connect Update (Discussion and/or possible action) • Presentation by Yannis Banks and Rob Borowski, CapMetro • Overview of timeline, proposed lines and system benefits • Discussed upcoming events and decision points, including funding options • Recommendation to support Project Connect Funding • Motion to approve (White), Second (Schneider) – 7 approve, 0 opposed, 0 abstained. c) Update on the Austin Community Climate Plan Revision (Discussion and/or possible action) • Item will be discussed at next meeting d) Commission members report back on any relevant discussions from their respective boards and commissions – (Discussion and/or possible action) FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS • None discussed Motion to adjourn (Commissioner White). Meeting adjourns at 2:44 pm. ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice …

Scraped at: Sept. 9, 2020, 10 p.m.
Joint Sustainability CommitteeJuly 22, 2020

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Scraped at: Sept. 11, 2020, 3 a.m.
Building and Fire Code Board of AppealsJuly 22, 2020

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July 22, 2020 Building and Fire Code Board of Appeals Board Meeting Approved Minutes The Building and Fire Code Board of Appeals met in a Regular Called Meeting on July 22, 2020 via Webex Video Conference Chairman, Alan Schumann called the meeting to order at 1:29 p.m. Board Members in Attendance: Ben Abzug, Aubrey Brasfield, Peter Sybesma, Alan Schumann, Ashley Juraska and Timothy Arndt Board Members Not in Attendance: Marco Fiorilo, Bobby Johns and James Wilsford and Alicia Jones Staff in Attendance: Rick Arzola (DSD), Beth Culver (DSD), Tom Vocke(AFD), Ben Flick(AFD), Mark Villarreal(AFD), Tony Hernandez(DSD), Clarissa Davis(LUR), Donna Galati(LUR) Erik Lopez(Law) and Patricia Link(Law) 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The April 22, 2020 minutes were approved as written by Board member Juraska and second by board member Abzug . Motion passed 6-0. Board member Arndt wanted to show the height of the fence was from the ground to the top of the fence. Board Schumann then referenced the height in the letter of recommendation of the ISPSC to Council. Board then made another motion to approve the minutes, and board voted 6-0. 2. PUBLIC HEARING AND APPEAL-La Vista De Lopez- Prior to beginning of the public hearing, Chairman Schumann verified with City Attorney Clarissa Davis that the site plan had not been approved for the La Vista De Lopez project. And so reviewing Code section 25-11-93 “an interested party may appeal a decision of the building official to grant or deny a permit under this division to the Building and Fire Board of Appeals” Chairman Schumann asks the question to board members, if the board should hear this case if there is no approved site plan or building permit in place. After discussions between the Law office, Land Use Review staff and the Appellants representing La Vista De Lopez it was determined that the appellants were appealing the interpretation of the fire code on behalf of City code 25-1-182 and not the site plan. And under 25-1-182 “an interested party may initiate an appeal by filing notice of appeal with the responsible director or building official, as applicable” this City code was in relation to the timeline of appeals and not the appeal of decision under 25-11-93. Therefore with no approved site plan and no approved building permit in place, the Building and Fire Board made a motion on behalf Board member Brasfield, not to hear the appeal and Chairman …

Scraped at: Nov. 10, 2020, 8:20 p.m.
Asian American Quality of Life Advisory CommissionJuly 22, 2020

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ASIAN AMERICAN QUALITY OF LIFE ADVISORY COMMISSION (AAQOLAC) REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OF WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, 2020 The AAQOLAC convened in a regular meeting on Wednesday, July 22, 2020 at via WebEx Chair Vince Cobalis called the Commission Meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. Commission Members in Attendance: Vince Cobalis, Sarah Chen, Peter Chao, Kirk Yoshida, Nguyen Stanton, Shubhada Saxena, DasGupta, and Sethi Staff in Attendance: Rey Arellano, Assistant City Manager Joshua Robinson, Commissions Liaison (Equity Office) Maya Guevara, Community Engagement Specialist (Office of Police Oversight) CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: N/A 1. OLD BUSINESS a. Workgroup Reports: 1. Asian American Resource Center (AARC) Workgroup: No update provided. 2. Health and Community Engagement Workgroup: No update provided. 3. Arts and Culture Workgroup: See workgroup meeting notes in backup documents. 4. Business Planning Workgroup: No update provided.  Budget timeline/process  Annual Internal Review b. Update on the June 22 Joint Inclusion Committee meeting (Commissioner Stanton): No update provided. 1. Update on AARC Masterplan: No update provided. 2. Update on the Asian American Resource Center Bridge 3. Results from prior Mini-Grant awards (due 7/22/20) – Reference backup documents. 4. NAAO – AAPI COVID-19 response (American Stateman 7/12/20) – Reference backup c. Follow-up Items: documents. 2. STAFF BRIEFING a. Overview of 2021 City Budget (Rey Arellano, Assistant City Manager) – Assistant City Manager Rey Arellano provided an update and answered questions over 2021 City Budget. b. Office of Police Oversight reports (Maya Guevara – Office of Police Oversight) – Office of Police Oversight did not attend the meeting to present. 3. NEW BUSINESS a. Review and possible action on the Annual Internal Review Report, for submission to the City Clerk by Commission Chair. The commission voted to approve the Annual Internal Review Report. b. Support the UT School of Nursing application to boost community immunity through a culturally focused self-management support program to manage chronic diseases. Commissioner Chen moved to approve the recommendation. Seconded by Commissioner Yoshida. Vote was 8-0 c. Authorize the Discussion and possible action on the election of officers to the Asian American Quality of Life Advisory Commission. - The commission voted to elect Kirk Yoshida as Chair and Sarah Chen as Vice Chair of the Asian American Quality of Life Advisory Commission. 5. FUTURE AGENDA a. Austin Public Health briefing on the Social Services Audit Report and 2021 Budget initiatives. b. Office of Sustainability - Community Climate Plan 2020 Revision. c. State …

Scraped at: Dec. 1, 2020, 3:20 p.m.
Resource Management CommissionJuly 22, 2020

Annual Internal Review original pdf

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Annual Internal Review This report covers the time period of 7/1/2019 to 6/30/2020 RESOURCE MANAGEMENT COMMISSION The Resource Management Commission’s mission statement per the City Code is: (A) Maintain an overview of all programs, studies and proposals concerning the efficient use of energy, alternate energy technologies, renewable energy resources, including solar and wind, and the conservation of energy, excluding the use of conventional coal, nuclear, natural gas, or petroleum technologies. (B) Serve as a liaison with other city commissions, including the Electric Utility Commission. (C) Receive citizen input on alternate energy technologies, renewable energy sources, and on energy conservation. (D) Review and analyze: (1) energy conservation technologies and renewable energy sources as to their short-term and (2) energy conservation policies, alternate energy technologies, and renewable energy projects in (3) water conservation policies, alternate technologies, and water conservation projects in other long-term feasibility in the city; other cities and states; cities and states; and (4) City Code to identify potential amendments that encourage the use of alternate energy technologies and renewable energy sources, and the conservation of energy. (E) Advise the City Council: (1) in developing and reviewing city plans and programs in the area of alternate energy technologies, renewable energy sources, and energy conservation. (2) as to available funding from private and public sources which are available to the city for alternate energy technologies and renewable energy, and for the conservation of energy; (3) on energy conservation, on alternate energy technologies, and on renewable energy sources and report to City Council on the status of its activities at least annually; (4) in developing and reviewing city plans and programs that encourage water conservation as it relates to water consumption from the tap to customer and within structures or building; and, (5) regarding appropriate City Code amendments that encourage the use of alternate energy technologies and renewable energy sources, and the conservation of energy. (1) the conservation of energy, the use of alternate energy technologies and renewable energy sources in City-owned facilities; and Page 1 of 4 (F) Encourage: Resource Management Commission Annual Internal Review Report 2019-2020 (2) the private and public sectors to develop and to use alternate energy technologies and renewable energy sources, and to conserve energy. 1. Describe the board’s actions supporting their mission during the previous calendar year. Address all elements of the board’s mission statement as provided in the relevant sections of the City Code. The …

Scraped at: Dec. 11, 2020, 7:30 p.m.
Zoning and Platting CommissionJuly 21, 2020

B-01 (C14-2019-0159 - Arboretum Lot 9; District 10) original pdf

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ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET CASE: C14-2019-0159 (Arboretum Lot 9) DISTRICT: 10 ADDRESS: 9401 Arboretum Boulevard ZONING FROM: GR, CS, CS-1 TO: GR-MU SITE AREA: 15.20 acres (662,112 sq. ft.) PROPERTY OWNER: GF-ARB C, Ltd. % Live Oak Gottesman AGENT: Drenner Group, PC (Amanda Swor) CASE MANAGER: Sherri Sirwaitis (512-974-3057, STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends GR-MU, Community Commercial-Mixed Use Combining District, zoning. ZONING AND PLATTING COMMISSION ACTION / RECOMMENDATION: February 4, 2020: Postponed to February 18, 2020 at the applicant's request by consent (9-0, J. Kiolbassa-absent); H. Smith-1st, N. Barrera-Ramirez-2nd. February 18, 2020: Postponed to April 7, 2020 at the applicant's request by consent (10-0); H. Smith-1st, B. Evans-2nd. April 7, 2020: Meeting cancelled. May 5, 2020: Postponed to June 16, 2020 at the staff's request by consent (8-0, N. Barrera-Ramirez and J. Kiolbassa-absent); B. Evans-1st, H. Smith-2nd. June 16, 2020: Case to be re-notified because of posting error. July 21, 2020 CITY COUNCIL ACTION: February 20, 2020: A motion to postpone this item to April 9, 2020 at the request of staff was approved on Mayor Pro Tem Garza's motion, Council Member Renteria's second on an 11-0 vote. April 9, 2020: Postponed to June 4, 2020 at the staff's request by consent (11-0); June 4, 2020: Postponed to July 30, 2020 at the staff's request by consent (11-0) K. Tovo-1st, A. Alter-2nd. July 30, 2020: ORDINANCE NUMBER: 1 of 36B-01 C14-2019-0159 ISSUES: There is a restrictive covenant covenant on this property,C14r-83-280 (Please see the Restrictive Covenant - Exhibit D). In the covenant,,note 2. reads,, "The area on the site that is reserved for a Conservation Area will be rezoned to an appropriate zoning category that will preclude its use for commercial or residential facilities. Then the Principal Roadway Area site plan as required by Zoning Ordinance is approved. The site of the area is approximately 30 acres,and is shown on the attached site plan attached hereto as Exhibit B."” The conservation area was zoned GR and has never been rezoned to preclude the use for commercial or residential facilities. The Environmental Officer has provided an synopsis of the issues concerning the restrictive covenant conditions and impervious cover for this property (Please see Exhibit E). In this rezoning request,,the applicant is asking to rezone a 15+ acre area that does include part of the designated conservation area. CASE MANAGER COMMENTS: The site under consideration is a 15.20 acre property located at …

Scraped at: July 16, 2020, 3:30 p.m.