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Zoning and Platting CommissionOct. 20, 2020

B-03 (C14-2020-0099 - Rezoning of 15204 N. FM 620; District 6).pdf original pdf

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ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET TO: MF-4 CASE: C14-2020-0099 (Rezoning of 15204 N. FM 620) DISTRICT: 6 ZONING FROM: DR ADDRESS: 15204 North FM 620 Road SITE AREA: 5.486 acres PROPERTY OWNER: England Ranch SE, LP (Joe F. England) AGENT: Armbrust & Brown, PLLC (Richard Suttle) CASE MANAGER: Sherri Sirwaitis (512-974-3057, STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends MF-4, Multifamily Residence-Moderate-High Density District, zoning. ZONING AND PLATTING COMMISSION ACTION / RECOMMENDATION: October 20, 2020 CITY COUNCIL ACTION: ORDINANCE NUMBER: 1 of 15B-3 C14-2020-0099 2 ISSUES: N/A CASE MANAGER COMMENTS: The property in question is currently an undeveloped tract of land with moderate vegetation. This area was annexed for limited purposes on November 15, 1984. This property is located at the edge of the city limits and fronts onto North FM 620 Road. There is a personal services use (Lugo’s Mane Tamers) and a plant nursery (Round Rock Landscape Supplies) to the east zoned DR, undeveloped tracts to the north located in the county and an undeveloped tract (zoned DR), monument sales use, personal services use (Edge Salon), construction sales and services use (D & B Tree Company) and the Round Rock ISD Bus Facility zoned CS-CO to the west. On the south side of FM 620 Road there is the Robinson Ranch PUD including a segment of State Highway 45. This area is currently undeveloped. The applicant is requesting MF-4, Multifamily Residence-Moderate-High Density District, zoning to develop an apartment complex. The staff recommends the applicant’s request for this property as the site meets the intent of the MF-4 district. The tract of land is located at the intersection of an arterial roadway, Pearson Ranch Road, and FM 620/ SH 45 Road. The proposed zoning will create a transition in the intensity of development from the single family residential neighborhood to the north to the commercial uses developed to the east and west. MF-4 zoning will permit the applicant to build a residential development that will provide for additional housing opportunities within this area of the city. The applicant agrees with the staff’s recommendation. BASIS OF RECOMMENDATION: 1. The proposed zoning should be consistent with the purpose statement of the district sought. Multifamily Residence (Moderate-High Density) district is intended to accommodate multifamily and group residential use with a maximum density of 36 to 54 units per acre, depending on unit size. This district is appropriate for moderate-high density housing in centrally located areas near …

Scraped at: Oct. 15, 2020, 9 p.m.
Zoning and Platting CommissionOct. 20, 2020

B-04 (SPC-2019-0505D - Colton Bluff Park; District 2).pdf original pdf

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ZONING & PLATTING COMMISSION SITE PLAN CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REVIEW SHEET SPC-2019-0505D 7405 Lowery Crossing ZAP DATE: 10/20/2020 SEC Planning, Ltd. (Amy Booth) 4201 W. Parmer Lane, Bldg A, Suite 200 Austin, TX 78727 KB Homes – Austin Division (Laurie Lara) 10800 Pecan Park Blvd., Suite 200 Austin, TX 78750 (512)- 651-8064 CASE NUMBER: PROJECT NAME: Colton Bluff Park ADDRESS: APPLICANT: AGENT: CASE MANAGER: Ann DeSanctis, (512) 974-3102 or WATERSHED: NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN: N/A PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: The applicant proposes a neighborhood park with sidewalks, an open air-pavilion, playground, basketball court, and site furnishings. SUMMARY STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the conditional use permit. The site plan will comply with all requirements of the Land Development Code prior to its release. SUMMARY STAFF COMMENT ON SITE PLAN: The applicant proposes a neighborhood park with a Community Recreation (Public) land use designation. Community Recreation (Public) is a conditional use within SF-4A zoning, according to Land Development Code Section 25-2-491. Therefore, Land Use Commission review and approval is required. Cottonmouth Creek (Suburban) PROJECT INFORMATION: SITE AREA ZONING PROPOSED USE PROPOSED PARKING IMPERVIOUS COVER BUILDING COVERAGE BUILDING HEIGHT F.A.R 2.486 acres SF-4A-CO Community Recreation (Public) On-street Existing 0 SF / 0% N/A N/A N/A Proposed 18,364.9SF / 17% N/A N/A N/A 1 of 5B-4 SPC-2019-0505D Colton Bluff Park NEIGHBORHOOD ORGANIZATIONS: Bike Austin Del Valle Independent School District Del Valle Community Coalition Vista Point Homeowners Association Austin Independent School District Page 2 Neighborhood Empowerment Foundation Friends of Austin Neighborhoods Onion Creek Homeowners Association Sierra Club, Austin Regional Group Go Austin Vamos CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REVIEW AND EVALUATION CRITERIA The following evaluation is included to provide staff position on each point of the conditional use permit criteria. Section 25-5-145 of the Land Development Code states: “The Commission shall determine whether the proposed development or use of a conditional use site plan complies with the requirements of this section. A conditional use site plan must: 1. Comply with the requirements of this title; Staff response: This application complies with the requirements of this title. 2. Comply with the objectives and purposes of the zoning district; Staff response: This application complies with the objectives and purposes of the zoning district. 3. Have building height, bulk, scale, setback, open space, landscaping, drainage, access, traffic circulation, and use that are compatible with the use of an abutting site; Staff response: This application is compatible with the abutting sites. 4. …

Scraped at: Oct. 15, 2020, 9 p.m.
Zoning and Platting CommissionOct. 20, 2020

Zoning and Platting Commission October 20, 2020 Agenda.pdf original pdf

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Special Meeting of the Zoning and Platting Commission October 20, 2020 Zoning and Platting Commission to be held October 20, 2020 with Social Distancing Modifications Public comment will be allowed via telephone; no in-person input will be allowed. All speakers, including applicants and representatives, must register in advance (Day before the scheduled meeting, October 19, 2020 by noon. ) To speak remotely at the October 20, 2020 Zoning and Platting Commission Meeting, residents must: Preferably email Commission Liaison, Andrew Rivera at or call 512-974-6508 (the day before the meeting). The following information is required: 1. The speaker name. 2. Item number(s) they wish to speak on. 3. Whether they are for/against/neutral. 4. Mailing address. 5. Telephone number. Must be the number that will be used to call-in. Failure to provide the required information by noon October 19, 2020 shall render a request null and void. automatically roll over. A registered speaker may not sign up another speaker. Previous registration on an item does not •Once a request to register to speak has been called in or emailed to the board liaison, residents will receive either an email or phone call with additional information regarding the call in process. •Handouts or other information must be emailed to by 1:00 PM Tuesday, October 20, 2020. This information will be provided to Commission members in advance of the meeting. •Residents may watch the meeting here: Time Allotment: Speakers: 3 minutes. Applicant: 6 minutes and 3 minutes rebuttal. Monday, October 19, 2020 Postponement requests must be submitted to the case manager and Andrew Rivera by 5PM Reunión de la Comisión de Zoning and Platting Fecha 20 de Octubre de 2020 La Comisión de Zoning and Platting se reunirá el 20 de Octubre de 2020 con modificaciones de distanciamiento social. Se permitirán comentarios públicos por teléfono; no se permitirá ninguna entrada en persona. Llame o envíe un correo electrónico al enlace de la junta en 512-974-6508 a más tardar al mediodía (el día antes de la reunion, 19 de Octubre de 2020). 1. El nombre del orador. 2. Número (s) de artículo sobre el que desean hablar. 3. Si están a favor / en contra / neutrales. 4. Dirección postal. 5. Número de teléfono. Debe ser el número que se utilizará para llamar a la persona que desea hablar. Si la información solicitada no se envía antes del mediodía del 19 …

Scraped at: Oct. 16, 2020, 11:30 a.m.
Zoning and Platting CommissionOct. 20, 2020

B-05 (C8-2017-0307.4A - Vistas Section 5; District 2).pdf original pdf

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SUBDIVISION REVIEW SHEET CASE NO.: C8-2017-0307.4A SUBDIVISION NAME: The Vistas of Austin, Section 5 AREA: 44.59 acres APPLICANT: The Vista Bluff Investments LP ZAP DATE: October 20, 2020 LOTS: 162 AGENT: BGE, Inc. (John Kim) COUNTY: Travis JURISDICTION: Full Purpose ADDRESS OF SUBDIVISION: 1834 Old Lockhart Road GRIDS: MH12 WATERSHED: Rinard Creek EXISTING ZONING: SF-4A DISTRICT: 2 LAND USE: Residential SIDEWALKS: Sidewalks will be constructed along Old Lockhart Road and along all internal streets. DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: The request is for the approval of the Vistas of Austin, Section 5, comprised of 162 lots on 44.56 acres. The plat does not comply with the criteria for approval in LDC 25-4-84(B) and staff recommends disapproval for the reasons listed in the attached comment report. An application that has been disapproved with reasons may be updated to address those reasons until the application expires. If the applicant submits an update to address the reasons for disapproval, that update will be presented to the Land Use Commission within fifteen days of submittal. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends disapproval for the reason listed in the comment report dated October 15, 2020, and attached as Exhibit C. ZONING AND PLATTING COMMISSION ACTION: CASE MANAGER: Steve Hopkins E-mail: PHONE: 512-974-3175 ATTACHMENTS Exhibit A: Vicinity map Exhibit B: Proposed plat Exhibit C: Comment report dated October 15, 2020 QQ Q P BGE, Inc. 101 West Louis Henna Blvd., Suite 400 Austin, TX 78728 Tel: 512-879-0400 ● TBPELS Registration No. F-1046 TBPELS Licensed Surveying Firm No. 10106502 Q N M O N M Q L L O Q Q P Q BGE, Inc. 101 West Louis Henna Blvd., Suite 400 Austin, TX 78728 Tel: 512-879-0400 ● TBPELS Registration No. F-1046 TBPELS Licensed Surveying Firm No. 10106502 BGE, Inc. 101 West Louis Henna Blvd., Suite 400 Austin, TX 78728 Tel: 512-879-0400 ● TBPELS Registration No. F-1046 TBPELS Licensed Surveying Firm No. 10106502 BGE, Inc. 101 West Louis Henna Blvd., Suite 400 Austin, TX 78728 Tel: 512-879-0400 ● TBPELS Registration No. F-1046 TBPELS Licensed Surveying Firm No. 10106502 CITY OF AUSTIN –DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT SUBDIVISION APPLICATION – MASTER COMMENT REPORT CASE NUMBER: UPDATE: CASE MANAGER: C8-2017-0307.4A U0 Steve Hopkins PHONE #: 512-974-3175 PROJECT NAME: LOCATION: Vistas at Austin Section 5 Final Plat 0-1834 OLD LOCKHART RD SUBMITTAL DATE: FINAL REPORT DATE: September 21, 2020 October 15, 2020 STAFF REPORT: This report includes all staff comments received …

Scraped at: Oct. 16, 2020, 11:30 a.m.
Zoning and Platting CommissionOct. 20, 2020

B-06 (C8-2018-0217.4A - Colton Bluff Phase 3; District 2).pdf original pdf

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SUBDIVISION REVIEW SHEET CASE NO.: C8-2018-0217.4A SUBDIVISION NAME: Colton Bluff Phase 3 AREA: 6.88 acres OWNER/APPLICANT: KB Homes Lone Star LP AGENT: Carlson, Brigance, Doering (Geoff Guererro) PC DATE: October 20, 2020 LOTS: 121 JURISDICTION: Full Purpose ADDRESS OF SUBDIVISION: 13910 N FM 620 Rd COUNTY: Travis WATERSHED: Cotton Mouth Creek ZONING: SF-4A, SF-4A-CO DISTRICT: 2 SIDEWALKS: Sidewalks will be constructed along all internal streets. DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: The request is for the approval of the Colton Bluff Phase 3. This is a small lot subdivision comprised of 121 lots on 6.88 acres. The plat does not comply with the criteria of approval in LDC 25-4-84(B) and staff recommends disapproval for the reason listed in the attached comment report. If the applicant submits an update to address the reasons for disapproval. That update will be presented to the land use commission within fifteen days of submittal. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends disapproval of the plat for the reasons listed in the comment report dated October 14, 2020, and attached as Exhibit C. LAND USE COMMISSION ACTION: CASE MANAGER: Steve Hopkins E-mail: ATTACHMENTS Exhibit A: Vicinity map Exhibit B: proposed plat Exhibit C: Comment report dated October 14, 2020 PHONE: 512-974-3175 E T I S 3 E S A H P F F U L B N O T L O C P A M N O I T A C O L WILLIAMCANNONDRIVE AY W K R A LLSP YFA E N KIN Mc COLTO NBLUFFSPRING SROA D C OLTO SPRIN NBLUFF GSRO AD T H A X T O N R O A D SITE D A O NR O T X A H T S ASS M ANR O AD Carlson,Brigance&Doering,Inc. Carlson,Brigance&Doering,Inc. Carlson,Brigance&Doering,Inc. CITY OF AUSTIN –DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT SUBDIVISION APPLICATION – MASTER COMMENT REPORT CASE NUMBER: UPDATE: CASE MANAGER: C8-2018-0217.4A U0 Steve Hopkins PHONE #: 512-974-3175 PROJECT NAME: LOCATION: Colton Bluff Phase 3 7231 COLTON BLUFF SPRINGS RD SUBMITTAL DATE: FINAL REPORT DATE: September 21, 2020 October 14, 2020 STAFF REPORT: This report includes all staff comments received to date concerning your most recent subdivision application submittal. The comments may include requirements, recommendations, or information. The requirements in this report must be addressed by an updated submittal. The subdivision application will be approved when all requirements from each review discipline have been addressed. If you have any questions, concerns or if you require additional information about …

Scraped at: Oct. 16, 2020, 11:30 a.m.
Zoning and Platting CommissionOct. 20, 2020

C-01 (Onion Creek Briefing).pdf original pdf

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Onion Creek Questions Zoning and Platting Commission Watershed Protection Department October 2020 How is WPD overseeing the impact of the development along Onion Creek? • The Land Development Code and associated regulations are the overseeing guide to ensure that development does not cause adverse flooding impacts • Staff from the Development Services Department review development applications for compliance with regulations, including drainage, environmental, and water quality • Watershed Protection staff get involved if: o The development is in the floodplain (and some environmental review) o The applicant requests participation in the Regional Stormwater Management Program o If DSD staff requests assistance (ex. complex engineering modelling) • WPD staff interact with DSD staff through periodic training and providing resources/information to facilitate their review What overall impact will development have for residents, business and the current infrastructure along the OC floodplain? • A development application must prove that there will not be an adverse flooding impact on other properties o Flood levels in creeks o Performance of storm drain systems • The RSMP program provides a review of development impacts on a watershed scale What risk of new elevated floodplains are being presented? • There are no flood level increases expected along Onion Creek, or any creek, due to development in Austin based on the requirements in the Land Development Code (No adverse impact) • However, perceived flood risk along all creeks in Austin recently increased due to a better understanding of the risk based on the Atlas 14 rainfall study o WPD has initiated updates to floodplain studies to identify flood risk What will be the anticipated costs for additional buy outs that are not currently planned for? What is the status of pending buyouts and costs? • The selection of a buyout alternative is determined through evaluation of viable alternatives from extensive engineering studies • Buyouts are one alternative to achieve flood risk reduction for WPD projects • Active buyout project status: Project area # of homes in project # currently owned by City Lower Onion Upper Onion Middle Williamson 823 146 66 814 (99%) 118 (81%) 51 (77%) What flood analysis has been done on the OC watershed and what areas have you focused on. When was/were the analysis(s) done and what were the results? What is the estimated costs of analysis not yet completed and what is the timeline of those analysis? Floodplain Study Completion Date Result Approximate …

Scraped at: Oct. 16, 2020, 11:31 a.m.
Resource Management CommissionOct. 20, 2020

Agenda original pdf

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Meeting of the Resource Management Commission October 20, 2020 Resource Management Commission to be held October 20, 2020 at 6pm with Social Distancing Modifications Public comment will be allowed via telephone; no in-person input will be allowed. All speakers must register in advance by Monday, October 19 at noon. All public comment will occur at the beginning of the meeting. To speak remotely at the Resource Management Commission Meeting, residents must: •Call or email the board liaison, Jamie Mitchell, at 512/694-1073 and no later than noon, Monday, October 19, 2020. The information required is the speaker name, item number(s) they wish to speak on, whether they are for/against/neutral, and a telephone number or email address. •Once a request to speak has been called in or emailed to the board liaison, residents will receive either an email or phone call providing the telephone number to call on the day of the scheduled meeting. •Speakers must call in at least 15 minutes prior to meeting start in order to speak, late callers will not be accepted and will not be able to speak. •Speakers will be placed in a queue until their time to speak. •Handouts or other information may be emailed to by Noon the day before the scheduled meeting. This information will be provided to Board and Commission members in advance of the meeting. •If this meeting is broadcast live, residents may watch the meeting here: Reunión del Resource Management Commission FECHA de la reunion: October 20, 2020 6pm La junta se llevará con modificaciones de distanciamiento social Se permitirán comentarios públicos por teléfono; no se permitirá ninguna entrada en persona. Todos los oradores deben registrarse con anticipación (October 19 antes del mediodía). Todos los comentarios públicos se producirán al comienzo de la reunión. Para hablar de forma remota en la reunión, los residentes deben: • Llame o envíe un correo electrónico al enlace de la junta en Jamie Mitchell (512) 694-1073 or a más tardar al mediodía (el día antes de la reunión). La información requerida es el nombre del orador, los números de artículo sobre los que desean T he City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please call (512) 322-6450 …

Scraped at: Oct. 16, 2020, 4 p.m.
Resource Management CommissionOct. 20, 2020

Item 3 Presentation on Electric Vehicle Program original pdf

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Transportation Electrification Program Update Resource Management Commission Karl Popham Manager, Electric Vehicles & Emerging Technologies October 2020 © 2018 Austin Energy Agenda 1. Program Overview 2. Austin’s EV metrics 3. FY20 Highlights • DC Fast charging rollout • City fleet infrastructure • Heavy Duty / Cap Metro electrification • EV readiness for commercial buildings • Climate Equity Plan update • Equity & Inclusion “EVs are for EVeryone” • EV online buyer’s guide • “Customer Moment” 2 Electric Vehicles Electric Vehicles & Emerging Technologies Team & Emerging Tech Team EVisionary City of the Year 2020 Electric Drive 2020 Utility Industry Spotlight Award Positive Charge (Electrification) EVs for Schools Austin SHINES Plug-in America EV Utility of the Year 3 Austin Energy EV Customer Programs • Plug-In EVerywhere™ Driver Program • $4.17/mo unlimited charging at all 1000+ Level-2 ports for members • New $0.21/min DC Fast charging • Plug-In EVerywhere™ Infrastructure Rebate Program • Up to $1,200 rebate for home Level-2 wi-fi enabled ($900 non wi-fi) • Up to $4,000 rebate for commercial/public Level-2 stations • Up to $10,000 rebate for public DC Fast stations • Fleet & Public Infrastructure Pilot Tariff • New optional EV infrastructure commercial tariff promotes efficiency and high usage • EV360 Pilot • EVs for Schools • Flat rate of $30/mo for off peak home charging + Plug-In EVerywhere • EV charging stations for staff, students, parents, and visitors • New - curriculum is now available online nationally and in Spanish • E-Ride Program Up to $400 rebate from the purchase of electric bikes, includes individuals and bike fleet applications l r e n e w a b e w n d p o w e r i P o w e r e d B y G r e e n C h o c e ® i 1 0 0 % Akins High School teacher, Jay H., plugs in his EV at an “EVs for Schools” charging station 4 DC Fast Infrastructure Rollout FY20 26 new DC Fast at 9 Locations DC Fast Hubs - Texas TCEQ Alt Fuels Grant Supported Host / Site Address # Stations PARD-AISD Saltillo-Whole Foods 2001 W Cesar Chavez St. 905 East 5th St. Electric Drive 811 Electric Dr. Mueller Market 1801 E 51st St. Village at Westlake 701 S Capital of Texas DC Fast Stations Travis County 700 Lavaca Sr. Elektrica ABIA Cell Phone Lot 2705 Hwy71 2716 Spirit of …

Scraped at: Oct. 16, 2020, 4 p.m.
Asian American Quality of Life Advisory CommissionOct. 20, 2020

Agenda original pdf

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Versión en español a continuación. Asian American Quality of Life Advisory Commission October 20, 2020 Asian American Quality of Life Advisory Commission Meeting to be held October 20, 2020 with Social Distancing Modifications Public comment will be allowed via telephone; no in-person input will be allowed. All speakers must register in advance (October 19, 2020 by noon). All public comment will occur at the beginning of the meeting. To speak remotely at the October 20, 2020 Asian American Quality of Life Advisory Commission Meeting, residents must: •Call or email the board liaison at Joshua Robinson at 512-974-9006 no later than noon, (October 19, 2020). The information required is the speaker name, item number(s) they wish to speak on, whether they are for/against/neutral, and a telephone number or email address. •Once a request to speak has been called in or emailed to the board liaison, residents will receive either an email or phone call providing the telephone number to call on the day of the scheduled meeting. •Speakers must call in at least 15 minutes prior to meeting start in order to speak, late callers will not be accepted and will not be able to speak. •Speakers will be placed in a queue until their time to speak. •Handouts or other information may be emailed to by Noon the day before the scheduled meeting. This information will be provided to Board and Commission members in advance of the meeting. •If this meeting is broadcast live, residents may watch the meeting here: atxn-live Reunión del Asian American Quality of Life Advisory Commission FECHA de la reunion (October 20, 2020) La junta se llevará con modificaciones de distanciamiento social Se permitirán comentarios públicos por teléfono; no se permitirá ninguna entrada en persona. Todos los oradores deben registrarse con anticipación (October 19, 2020 antes del mediodía). Todos los comentarios públicos se producirán al comienzo de la reunión. Para hablar de forma remota en la reunión, los residentes deben: • Llame o envíe un correo electrónico al enlace de la junta en Joshua Robinson at 512-974-9006 a más tardar al mediodía (el día antes de la reunión). La información requerida es el nombre del orador, los números de artículo sobre los que desean hablar, si están a favor / en contra / neutrales, y un número de teléfono o dirección de correo electrónico. • Una vez que se haya llamado o enviado por …

Scraped at: Oct. 16, 2020, 6:20 p.m.
HIV Planning CouncilOct. 20, 2020

Agenda original pdf

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Special Called Executive Committee Meeting of the HIV Planning Council Tuesday, October 20, 2020 Special Called Executive Meeting to be held 10/20/2020 with Social Distancing Modifications Public comment will be allowed via Microsoft Teams; no in-person input will be allowed. All speakers must register in advance (10/19/2020 by Noon). All public comment will occur at the beginning of the meeting. To speak remotely at the October 20, 2020 HIV Planning Council Meeting, residents must: •Call or email the board liaison at (512) 972-5806 and no later than noon, (the day before the meeting). The information required is the speaker name, item number(s) they wish to speak on, whether they are for/against/neutral, and a telephone number or email address. •Once a request to speak has been called in or emailed to the board liaison, residents will receive either an email or phone call providing the telephone number to call on the day of the scheduled meeting. •Speakers must call in at least 15 minutes prior to meeting start in order to speak, late callers will not be accepted and will not be able to speak. •Speakers will be placed in a queue until their time to speak. •Handouts or other information may be emailed to by Noon the day before the scheduled meeting. This information will be provided to Board and Commission members in advance of the meeting. •If this meeting is broadcast live, residents may watch the meeting here: atxn-live HIV PLANNING COUNCIL SPECIAL CALLED EXECUTIVE MEETING Tuesday, October 20, 2020, 5:00 P.M. City Hall/ Remote Meeting Austin, Texas AGENDA HIV PLANNING COUNCIL MEMBERS: Chair-L.J. Smith, Vice Chair-Barry Waller, Secretary-Glenn Crawford, Akeshia Johnson-Smothers, and Bart Whittington CALL TO ORDER CITIZEN COMMUNICATION Speakers who have registered one day prior to the meeting will have a three-minute allotment to address concerns regarding items on the agenda. i. Determine the interpretation of the Bylaws as it relates to membership and officer 1. CERTIFICATION OF QUORUM 2. INTRODUCTION/ANNOUNCEMENTS 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 4. PLANNING COUNCIL OFFICER ELECTIONS a. Review Planning Council Bylaws terms 1. Supervotes for additional terms b. Office Nominees i. Review Current Nominees ii. Nominate Additional Nominees iii. Finalize Nominees for Election c. Election Ballot Review i. Choose 2020 Officer Ballot 5. HIV PLANNING COUNCIL STAFF REPORT ADJOURNMENT Indicative of action items The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and …

Scraped at: Oct. 17, 2020, 1:30 a.m.
Resource Management CommissionOct. 20, 2020

Austin Water Utility September Report original pdf

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RMC Monthly Report September 2020 FY20 Mark Jordan Water Conservation Division City of Austin | Austin Water s t i n U f o r e b m u N 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Residential Program Participation FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 249 242 253 200 353 207 114 92 91 69 121 122 20 16 19 13 23 Pressure Reduction Valve Irrigation Audits Landscape Survival Tools Rainwater Harvesting Home Water Use Monitoring Device RMC Monthly Report – September 2020, FY20 02 60 50 40 s t i n U f o r e b m u N 30 20 10 0 Commercial & Multifamily Program Participation FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 54 17 8 0 1 0 3 2 Commercial Audit Commercial Process Rebates Commercial Kitchen Rebates RMC Monthly Report – September 2020, FY20 11 03 $450,000 $400,000 $350,000 $300,000 $ e v i t n e c n I $ $250,000 $200,000 $150,000 $100,000 $50,000 $0 Rebates and Incentives Budget, FY20 YTD FY20 Total Budget Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 $420,000 $245,000 $83,366.01 $71,338.84 $65,000 $- Commercial Commercial Multi-Family Multi-Family Residential Residential RMC Monthly Report – September 2020, FY20 04 FY20 YTD Water Waste Enforcement Activity Warnings and 311 Reports 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 162 309 239 218 199 174 98 131 130 109 100 72 71 59 63 62 63 49 4 2 8 9 20 0 Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Warnings 311 Reports RMC Monthly Report – September 2020, FY20 05 FY20 YTD Water Waste Enforcement Activity Administrative Fines Residential Commercial Multi-Family Fines Issued: 34 Fines Assessed: 23 Fines Pending: 8 Fines Disputed: 1 Fines Dismissed: 2 Administrative Fines for water waste suspended March through July due to Covid-19. s e i t r e p o r P f o r e b m u N 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1st Fine 2nd Fine 3rd Fine 4th Fine RMC Monthly Report – September 2020, FY20 06 Public Outreach Activity Number of Events FY19 FY20 Populations Reached FY19 FY20 76 24,073 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 48 45 22 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 12,825 8,575 1,722 Community Events School Presentations Community Events School Presentations RMC Monthly Report – September 2020 07 Social Media Activity, FY20 YTD Oct Nov Dec Jan …

Scraped at: Oct. 19, 2020, 4:30 p.m.
Resource Management CommissionOct. 20, 2020

CES Savings Report original pdf

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Residential EES- Appliance Efficiency Program EES- Home Performance ES - Rebate EES- AE Weatherization & CAP Weatherization - D.I. EES-Direct Install -Other EES-School Based Education EES- Strategic Partnership Between Utilities and Retailers++ EES- Multifamily Rebates EES- Multifamily WX-D.I.+ GB- Residential Ratings GB- Residential Energy Code Residential TOTAL Commercial EES- Commercial Rebate EES- Small Business EES- Municipal EES/GB Commercial Projects GB- Multifamily Ratings GB- Multifamily Energy Code GB- Commercial Ratings GB- Commercial Energy Code Commercial TOTAL Demand Response (DR) - Annual Incremental DR- Power Partner (Residential) DR- Water Heater Timers++ DR- Power Partner (Comm & Muni) DR- Load Coop** DR- ERS (AE only) Demand Response (DR) TOTAL Thermal Energy Storage Domain Loop Central Loop Commercial Thermal Energy Storage TOTAL CES Grand TOTAL CES RMC SAVINGS REPORT FY20 Report As of 09/30/2020 MW Goal MW To Date Percentage Participant Type Participants To Date MWh To Date Rebate Budget MW Goal MW To Date Percentage Participant Type Participants To Date MWh To Date Rebate Budget 2.60 1.30 0.72 0.01 0.01 1.75 2.14 1.41 0.52 13.50 23.96 8.98 4.19 1.10 0.52 4.71 3.05 14.58 37.13 6.40 0.60 0.30 1.87 0.20 9.37 2.58 0.67 0.30 0.09 1.15 0.43 1.13 0.49 5.90 12.73 9.48 1.26 1.51 4.92 5.74 22.32 43.63 9.11 0.47 9.58 99% 51% 41% 870% 66% 20% 80% 95% 44% 53% 106% 30% 290% 104% 188% 153% 118% 142% 78% 102% Customers Customers Customers Houses Participants Products Sold Apt Units Apt Units Customers Customers Customers Customers Customers Customers Dwellings Dwellings 1,000 sf 1,000 sf Devices Devices Devices Customers Customers Projects Projects Projects 3,823 504 247 4,792 187,449 2,488 4,746 700 4,560 21,860 149 110 3,473 8,875 4,221 15,618 32,456 6,414 723 7,137 26,184.42 4,919 937 443 620 6,721 1,157 2,855 812 7,721 32,141 3,446 3,887 12,086 13,315 58,443 8 118,462.30 $ 1,600,000 $ 1,800,000 $ 2,277,000 $ 100,000 $ 200,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 1,060,000 $ 1,060,000 $ - $ - $ 9,097,000 $ 2,335,123 $ 2,260,168 $ 60,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 4,655,291 $ 1,499,910 $ 494,800 $ 90,400 $ 1,486,500 Spent to Date $ 1,204,650 1,081,898 $ $ 1,026,543 $ - $ $ $ $ $ - $ - $ 4,886 496,532 440,310 1,101,327 5,356,147 Spent to Date $ 2,475,447 $ 558,258 $ 5,279 - $ $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 3,038,984 Spent to Date 816,375 558,552 $ $ $ - $ $ - …

Scraped at: Oct. 19, 2020, 4:30 p.m.
Resource Management CommissionOct. 20, 2020

multifamily commercial pipeline original pdf

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Multifamily & Commercial Project Pipeline for Monthly RMC 10/08/2020 Figure 1: Commercial and Multifamily Project Pipeline Commercial and Small Business 279 261 113 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 t n u o C t c e o r P j 67 65 Multifamily Multifamily Income Qualified Multifamily 10 3 31 9 Pre-Approval in Progress Approved: Installation FY20 Paid and Verification Pre-Approval in Progress Approved: Installation FY20 Paid and Verification Project Pipeline Notes: 1. Figures includes all leads and applications, regardless of estimated rebate amount. 2. “Pre-Approval in Progress” includes: 1) customer/contractor submitted leads; 2) applications in development but not yet submitted to Austin Energy; and 3) applications submitted to Austin Energy that are under review for eligibility and approval of project scope. 3. “Approved: Installation and Verification” includes projects: 1) approved with installation underway; and 2) where installation is complete and final inspection and quality review are ongoing. 4. “FY20 Projects Paid” includes projects in which the check or payment has been distributed to the customer in FY20 (since Oct. 10, 2019) 5. In coordination with the customer and contractor, Austin Energy periodically removes leads and new applications that do not proceed to Installation. 6. Multifamily COVID-19 Note: Multifamily projects are allowed to proceed. Tenant approval will be obtained for all interior upgrades. Projects with proceed in phases to limit contractor time spent in tenant spaces. 7. Commercial & Small Business COVID-19 Note: The number of new projects received has decreased, but staff continue to process rebates payments. Inspections are proceeding with remote video software; limited in-person inspections occur when absolutely necessary. 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 t n u o C t c e o r P j Multifamily & Commercial Project Pipeline for Monthly RMC 10/08/2020 Table 1: Multifamily and Multifamily Income Qualified – Estimated RCA Project Pipeline (for estimated rebates >$61k) Latest Enrollment Location Workflow # Name Installation Address Council District Estimated Estimated kW w TDS kWh w TDS Estimated $ Incentive Measures Planned Total # of Units Program Multifamily Income Qualified Multifamily Income Qualified Multifamily Income Qualified Paid 1183175, 1194862 Villas on Sixth 2011 E 6TH ST 3 32.4 150,808 $72,850 Installation 1203275 Bent Tree Apartments* 8405 BENT TREE RD 10 98.3 231,788 $82,263 Installation 1190789, 1198380, 1186819 Bridge At Northwest Hills* 3600 GREYSTONE DR 10 117.1 298,917 $186,636 Multifamily Paid (Phase 1, 2) 1189801, 1198825, 1198322 Retreat at Barton Creek …

Scraped at: Oct. 19, 2020, 4:30 p.m.
Resource Management CommissionOct. 20, 2020

Q 4 report original pdf

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Customer Energy Solutions FY20 – Quarter 4 Report As of 09/30/2020 Quarterly Rebates by District and Outside of COA Solar PBI not included. Rebates paid may not align with AE Finance eCombs system as of 09/30/20. Dollars are unaudited. Energy Efficiency Services Residential Programs AE Weatherization (WAP) – Direct Install • Recognizing that the income standard being used was out of alignment with cost of living in Austin, EES revised income requirements from 200% FPL, a Federal standard, to 80% MFI, a standard calculated by COA and used by NHCD to qualify low income customers. This change puts us in alignment with other city departments and the increasing cost of living in Austin. • EES also implemented a new one-page application that requires customers to “self-attest” they meet income requirements rather than submit sensitive personal information, such as W2s or pay stubs. This is in response to customer feedback on barriers to participating in the program. • EES is also including Smart Thermostats in the WAP. • If customers participate in WAP and would like to purchase a new AC, the Weatherization AC Rebate and Loan is now offering 0% financing and a rebate for a new unit through Velocity Credit Union. In Q4, 34 weatherization projects were completed. Some Q4 projects are still being invoiced. • 1 Appliance Efficiency Program (AEP) • The Appliance Efficiency Program has continued to perform despite the COVID-19 pandemic processing over 1,357 enrollments in Q4 of this fiscal year. • The program is moving the online application on the AE Website for HVAC and Variable Speed Pool Pumps. Participating contractors will now submit rebate applications via the Energy Efficiency Services rebate processing system, EECP, in order to improve the customer experience. • The program is updating its information on the Austin Energy Website Home Performance w/Energy Star (HPwES) • Due to COVID-19 the program marketing and outreach was suspended with the exception of the program website. The program marketing budget was diverted to the broader Austin Energy messaging of the utility’s response to COVID-19. The program anticipates resuming limited program marketing in the fourth quarter of FY20. • Due to COVID-19, the program’s new handbook and EECP configuration was not launched as planned in March of FY20. The program is monitoring the situation and will attempt to launch the new program at the start of FY21. • Despite COVID-19 the program was able to …

Scraped at: Oct. 19, 2020, 4:30 p.m.
Resource Management CommissionOct. 20, 2020

September program update original pdf

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Customer Energy Solutions Program Update Data through September 2020 Customer Energy Solutions October 2020 © 2018 Austin Energy CES Rebates & Incentives FY20 September 2 Overall Participation & MW Savings FY20 September 3 Residential Participation & MW Savings FY20 September 4 Commercial Participation & MW Savings FY20 September 5 Demand Response Participation & MW Savings FY20 September DR Season performance analysis is on-going. This study includes a top-down analysis of the AE load and it’s corresponding event load shed during each demand response event as well as a bottom-up estimate of the aggregated meters’ performance for each demand response event. 6 Residential Solar Incentives & MW Tracking FY20 September 7 Commercial Solar Incentives & MW Tracking FY20 September 8 Local Solar MW Inception to Date - FY20 September 9 Electric Vehicles Charging & Adoption 1010 10 Weatherization FY20 September 11 Weatherization FY20 September Homes Completed and in Current Weatherization Process: 293 12 Confidential & Proprietary ©2018 Austin Energy. All rights reserved. Austin Energy and the Austin Energy logo and combinations thereof are trademarks of Austin Energy, the electric department of the City of Austin, Texas. Other names are for informational purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective owners.

Scraped at: Oct. 19, 2020, 4:30 p.m.
Resource Management CommissionOct. 20, 2020

Solar Monthly Report original pdf

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Renewable Energy Programs Report September FY20 Green Energy Programs 159 19,651 2030 Solar Goals Residential Customers CAP Customers Residential Customers Commercial Customers 151 1,426 Community Solar Green Choice 2030 Overall Local Solar 2030 Local Solar (Customer Sited) 375 200 Goal (MW-AC) Customer-Sited Utility Scale In Progress Goal (MW-AC) Rooftop In Progress Community Solar Incentive Programs ITD FY Forecast Commercial (Estimated Annual PBI Payments) LOI Committed kW-AC $2,977,000 $251,541 $3,000,000 $1,000,000 Total 310 21,077 % Goal 72% % Goal 46% % of FY Forecast 100% 93% 99% 25% NA NA 85% NA NA NA 126% 83% NA 109% 54% NA NA 108% 53% 85% 33 Solar 4 FYTD 1,194 37 FYTD FYTD 7,614 3,239 FYTD 1,205 34 0 431 1,670 FYTD $0 FYTD 7,652 2,686 0 1,798 12,136 FYTD 148 4 9,893 439 Reserved $1,278,356 $123,970 Reserved 2,488 1,676 ITD 9,734 327 101 1,192 11,354 ITD ITD 49,113 23,554 1,099 9,923 83,688 ITD Total 269 Total 92 1,200 40 NA NA 40 NA NA NA 7,000 5,000 NA NA $3,786,585 $67,120,152 $3,000,000 $2,073,602 $12,038,177 $2,500,000 $6,143,408 NA 1,200 100% 12,000 101% 12,792,369 4,508,815 74,247,369 35,511,570 11,830,000 8,450,000 17,301,184 109,758,939 20,280,000 Residential - Application Status ITD 118 NA NA NA NA NA 253 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 56 NA NA Pend in g NA NA NA NA NA 21 NA NA Pend in g NA NA NA Application Pending Work Comp letion NA NA NA Pend in g Final Ins pection Payment App roval Notes: Residential application validation is currently in progress. Healthy amount of residential projects rolling into FY21 This report includes unincentivized solar in the totals for the FY. The RMC report only shows incentivized. 88 84 Month 156 2 Month $317,500 $45,364 Month Month $315,824 $200,925 Month 972 704 116 18 0 NA 134 $0 Month 707 2,339 0 NA 3,046 Month 1,185,719 3,939,297 5,125,016 Current $214,120 118 730 7 257 $22,208 $2,425,228 7,751,499 3,717,511 FY20 Fy19 Fy18 FY17 FY16 FY15 FY14 FY13 FY12 FY11 FY10 LOI Issued # Residential Commercial LOI Committed $ Residential Residential Commercial PBI Projects Completed # Residential Commercial PBI Commercial CBI Un-Incentivized Solar Total Completed Projects Projects Completed $ Residential Rebates Commercial PBI Paid Commercial CBI Projects Complete kW-AC Residential Commercial PBI Commercial CBI Un-Incentivized Solar Total kW AC Projects Completed kWh/yr. Residential Commercial Total kWh Applications Submitted That Have Not Received LOIs # of Residential Res Requested Rebate $ …

Scraped at: Oct. 19, 2020, 4:30 p.m.
Zoning and Platting CommissionOct. 20, 2020

B-1 Citizen Comments.pdf original pdf

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From: Jeanie McClellen < Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2020 11:48 AM To: Sirwaitis, Sherri <>; Rivera, Andrew <> Cc: a Subject: Case #C14-2020-0059 *** External Email - Exercise Caution *** Ms. Sirawaitis and Mr. Rivera, I am writing as a resident who resides adjacent to the land in question of the above referenced case, just on the other side of Walnut Creek from the proposed development. I am a staunch proponent of the proposed use of the land for a variety of reasons but first and foremost because left undeveloped the land has been used as a homeless and vagrant camp, not only decreasing the desirability for buyers to consider our new property for residing or investment but also as a risk to property loss. As the former HOA president to Scofield Farms Meadows, I have had to call the police multiple times over a two year period for trespassing, camp fires, and theft. The homeless and various criminal actors have used that land to hide in or as cover to reach our property undetected. Developing the land in a responsible manner, in which I am confident after research into the developers and investors, is a must for our property and personal safety as well as a beautiful addition to this area that otherwise hosts far too many car repair, auto junkyard and low income housing alternatives. The proposed development will provide a far improved backdrop and extension to our own manicured neighborhood and I welcome the prospect of the build. Not to mention, the proposed trail that the City is planning behind our property - down the road... Would be a shame for the homeless and criminal actors to make that feel unsafe with the cover of the surrounding undeveloped land. In which case, who would use it? Better that the trail should serve not only our community but the intended residents of the new development as well. Jeanie McClellen 13501 Metric Blvd #40 Austin, TX 78727 512-773-7147 From: Alexandra Haas < > Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2020 10:24 AM To: Sirwaitis, Sherri <> Subject: Zoning case # C14-2020-0059 *** External Email - Exercise Caution *** Hi Sherri, I am writing with concerns about the application to rezone 1417 West Howard Lane, the hearing for which is taking place tonight at 6PM. The area is prone to flooding and removing the natural ground cover will cause increased run-off into …

Scraped at: Oct. 20, 2020, 5 p.m.
Zoning and Platting CommissionOct. 20, 2020

ZAP October 20, 2020 Speaker List.pdf original pdf

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ZAP October 20, 2020 Speaker List B1 Applicant - Alice Glasco For: Dan Hennesey Bailey Harrington Jill Tarleton B-3 Richard Suttle B-4 Amy Booth Applicant

Scraped at: Oct. 20, 2020, 5 p.m.
Human Rights CommissionOct. 20, 2020

City-Community Reimagining Public Safety Task Force original pdf

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Human Rights Commission Community Interest Announcement Austin City-Community Reimagining Public Safety Task Force Tuesday, October 20, 2020 6:00 p.m. Via Videoconference Passcode: RPSTskFrc Please click the link below to join the webinar: A quorum of commission members may be present. No action will be taken. For more information, please contact the commission’s staff liaison, Jonathan Babiak, at (512) 974-3203 or by email at

Scraped at: Oct. 20, 2020, 5:20 p.m.
Asian American Quality of Life Advisory CommissionOct. 20, 2020

Agenda Item 2a1_AARC Workgroup Meeting Notes original pdf

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‘Arts and Culture’ workgroup report -Sep 2020 Team: (a) Pramod Patil (Chair) (b) Peter Chao (c) Shubhada Saxena (d) Hanna Huang Date: 10/19/2020 Accomplishments: Here are the accomplishments/ report for the month of August and September -20201 • Establishment of Austin Creatives of Greater Austin (ACGA) Our workgroup members (Pramod Patil, Hanna Huang) worked with members of the community to establish a new organization Austin Creatives of Greater Austin (ACGA). The mission of this organization is to elevate, advocate for, and provide opportunities for the AAPI creative community through education, resources, collaboration, and celebration of multiculturalism. Though ACGA we will expect to share city of Austin resources and stages by Asian artists. ACGA’s initial focus will be in commercial music. in Austin, Texas, • Application for RFI 5500 SMW6000 On September 21st, 2020 ACGA applied for the RFI 5500 SMW6000 with a proposal to build a creative music hub at Asian American Resource Center. The proposal included creative music hub that would include a music/audio recording studio and rehearsal space. The music hub would also have a video soundstage to create promotional visual content for musicians. The public benefit would be a city subsidized and operated creative media studio and hub for Austin’s AAPI and broader music community. The proposed hub would also serve as an educational resource for young, aspiring musicians. The facilities would bring more exposure to Austin’s musicians within the larger AAPI community.

Scraped at: Oct. 20, 2020, 11:50 p.m.