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July 25, 2022

8-1: Parkland Dedication Requirements for Commercial Developments Presentation original pdf

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Austin Parks and Recreation Department Presentation on: Parkland Dedication Requirements for Commercial Developments Paul Books, Planner III; Robynne Heymans, Planner Senior; Thomas Rowlinson, Principal Planner; Randy Scott, Program Manager - Parks and Recreation Department July 25th, 2022 1 Proposed Formula Required Parkland = 9.4 acres X Functional Population 1,000 people • 9.4 acres per 1,000 people equals the established parks level of service • Functional Population • The estimated commuter workforce of a new development discounted by their relative opportunity to access parkland, representing the full-time equivalent population of new development • Functional Population = Employee Density X Occupancy Rate X Operation Time X Percent Commuter from Outside City Limits Employee Density (SF Per Employee) Occupancy Rate Operational Hours Percent Commuter Industrial Retail Office Hotel 2,500 SF 550 SF 300 SF 1,500 SF 94% 95% 92% - 70.8% 37.5% 23.8% 70.8% 58% 58% 58% 58% 2 2 Proposed Requirements Land Dedication – 9.4 Acres per 1,000 functional population Fee-in-Lieu – $3,781.32 per functional population Development Fee – $351.85 per functional population Per SF by Use Category: Fee-in-Lieu Development Fee Office $1.6007/SF $0.1489/SF Total: $1.7497/SF Retail $1.4206/SF $0.1322/SF $1.5528/SF Industrial $0.5838/SF $0.0543/SF $0.6382/SF Hotel $1.0352/SF $0.0963/SF $1.1315/SF Figures are preliminary and subject to change 3 3 Example of Application - Mixed Use Commercial Step 1: Calculate Estimated Employees in Commercial Space Total SF SF/Employee Total Employees 136,000 300 453 Commercial Step 2: Derive Functional Population of Commercial Space Employees Occupancy Operation Hours Percent Commuter Functional Population 92% B 23.8% 58% 57.57 C D Formula = A * B * C * D Total 453 A Commercial Step 3: Calculate Requirements of Commercial Space Commercial Land Owed 0.54 acres Formula = (Functional Population/1000) x 9.4 acres Commercial Fee-In-Lieu $217,695 Commercial Development Fee $20,250 Formula = SF of Development x $1.6007 Formula = SF of Development x $0.1489 Total Requirement: Land Owed 5.48 acres Fee-In-Lieu $1,117,376 Development Fee $182,935 Residential Step 1: Calculate Residential Population Residential Step 2: Calculate Residential Requirements Total Units SMART Units Resident Population 309 0 525 Residential Land Owed 4.94 acres Residential Fee-In-Lieu $899,681 Residential Development Fee $162,685 4 Figures are approximate Formula = (Total Units x 1.7 / 1,000)*9.4 Formula = People x $2,912.17 Formula = People x $526.49 Example of Application - Office Urban Office Hypothetical Step 1: Calculate Estimated Employees Total SF SF/Employee Total Employees 325,000 300 1,083 Step 2: Derive Functional Population Operation Hours Total …

Scraped at: July 22, 2022, 6:20 a.m.
July 25, 2022

8-2: Draft Parkland Dedication Commercial Ordinance original pdf

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PROPOSED CHANGES TO ARTICLE 14 (PARKLAND DEDICATION) ADDING COMMERCIAL PARKLAND DEDICATION REQUIREMENTS DRAFT SUBJECT TO ADDITIONAL CHANGES VERSION TWO ARTICLE 14. PARKLAND DEDICATION.1 § 25-1-601 GENERAL PROVISIONS. (A) The City of Austin has determined that recreational areas in the form of public parks are necessary for the well-being of residents and employees. The City has further determined that the approval of new residential and commercial development is reasonably related to the need for additional parkland and park amenities to serve new development. This article establishes a fair method for determining parkland dedication, or the payment of a fee in-lieu of dedication, to be required as a condition to the approval of new development in an amount proportionate to the impact of development on existing parks and established levels of service. (B) Except as otherwise provided in this section, the parkland dedication requirements of this article apply to: (1) a residential and commercial subdivision within the planning jurisdiction; a site plan within the zoning jurisdiction that includes residential units or commercial square footage [a hotel-motel use]; and a [residential]building permit for residential and commercial development, as provided under Section 25-1-608 (Dedication of Land or Payment In-Lieu at Building Permit). (C) The following are exempt from the requirements of this article: a subdivision or site plan for which parkland was previously dedicated or payment made under this title, except for the dwelling units or commercial square footage [lots] that exceed the number for which dedication or payment was made; (2) development within the City's extraterritorial jurisdiction that is within Travis County and governed by Title 30 (Austin/Travis County Subdivision Regulations); and (3) affordable dwelling units that are certified under the S.M.A.R.T. Housing Policy approved by the city council. (2) (3) (1) (D) The following definitions apply throughout this article: (1) ANNUAL OCCUPANCY RATE means the hotel-motel occupancy rate for the City of Austin, as reported annually by the Texas Economic Development & Tourism Office. (2) COMMERCIAL OCCUPANCY RATE means the City of Austin’s current commercial occupancy rate as determined annually by the director annually using the most recent data from the Austin Chamber of Commerce or a comparable source if deemed appropriate by the director. (3) COMMUTER POPULATION PERCENTAGE means the percentage of employees who live outside the City of Austin’s corporate limits, as determined by the most recent United States Census. 1Editor's note(s)—Ord. No. 20160128-086, Pt. 2, adopted February 8, 2016 …

Scraped at: July 22, 2022, 6:20 a.m.
July 25, 2022

8-3: DRAFT Commuter Commercial Requirements Nexus Study original pdf

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Updated : 6/27/22 --Draft: Study of Parkland Dedication Requirements for Commercial Uses-- This study provides an overview of parkland dedication as it pertains to retail, industrial, and office uses, as directed by City Council in Resolution No. 20220407-042, passed April 7th, 2022. This Study, produced by the Parks and Recreation Department, outlines the applicability of creating a new ordinance to require parkland dedication for commuters of commercial developments and outlines the methodology behind said ordinance. This Study may be used as the basis for creating a parkland dedication commuter commercial ordinance, for review and approval by City Council after a public and stakeholder engagement period. Purpose Parkland is an essential city service that affords well documented economic, recreational, physical, and mental health benefits to its users (see research conducted by RigolonError! Hyperlink reference not valid. 2022, who cite CromptonError! Hyperlink reference not valid. 2019, and Markevych, et al. 2017). The current parkland dedication ordinance is a critical tool that allows the Parks and Recreation Department (PARD) to mitigate the impact of new users on the park level of service for the people of Austin in accordance with goals and mandates set forth in the City Charter, City Council Resolution 20091119-068, Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan, and the PARD Long Range Plan. Parks provide recreational opportunities, create community, preserve the city’s character and natural resources, contribute to economic growth and tourism, increase transportation opportunities, and keep Austin beautiful. Parkland dedication requires new developments to account for their direct impact on the existing park system, thereby addressing several of the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan’s key goals including : “Expanding Transportation Choices” in Austin. “Tackling the Ethnic Divide”, “Prosperity for All”, “Protecting Our Natural Resources” and “Preserving Livability” by providing consistent parkland under rapidly changing development conditions. On February 25, 2020, the Parks and Recreation Board passed Recommendation 20200225-B3, which included the provision that commercial developments be subject to parkland dedication requirements. On March 28, 2022, the Parks and Recreation Board reaffirmed its support to require parkland dedication for office, retail, and industrial developments in Recommendation 20220328-B5. Enacting this provision would better provide parkland to Austin’s growing workforce; currently, 58% of the workforce commute from outside the city limits, and as such are not served by the existing parkland dedication ordinance, which only addresses the impact of full-time residential and hotel developments. Research shows that access to parkland is directly connected to an individual’s …

Scraped at: July 22, 2022, 6:20 a.m.
July 25, 2022

8-4: Public Survey Response Report original pdf

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PLD Commercial Development Input SURVEY RESPONSE REPORT 09 May 2022 - 11 July 2022 PROJECT NAME: Parkland Dedication for Commercial Development PLD Commercial Development Input : Survey Report for 09 May 2022 to 11 July 2022 SURVEY QUESTIONS Page 1 of 57 PLD Commercial Development Input : Survey Report for 09 May 2022 to 11 July 2022 Q1 Approximately how far is your place of work from a public park? 16 (5.0%) 16 (5.0%) 109 (33.7%) 109 (33.7%) 72 (22.3%) 72 (22.3%) 58 (18.0%) 58 (18.0%) 68 (21.1%) 68 (21.1%) Question options Less than 1/4 mile 1/4 to 1/2 mile 1/2 to 1 mile More than 1 mile I do not know where the closest park or natural space is Optional question (321 response(s), 8 skipped) Question type: Radio Button Question Page 2 of 57 PLD Commercial Development Input : Survey Report for 09 May 2022 to 11 July 2022 Q2 How often do you access public parks before, during, or after work? 25 (7.7%) 25 (7.7%) 47 (14.5%) 47 (14.5%) 30 (9.3%) 30 (9.3%) 37 (11.4%) 37 (11.4%) 185 (57.1%) 185 (57.1%) Question options Never Rarely (fewer than 5 times a year) Occasionally (5 to 10 times a year) Sometimes (10 to 20 times a year) Often (more than twice a month) Optional question (322 response(s), 7 skipped) Question type: Radio Button Question Page 3 of 57 PLD Commercial Development Input : Survey Report for 09 May 2022 to 11 July 2022 Q3 If you visit park space before, during, or after the work day, please share how you use the park (choose all that apply). 250 190 275 250 225 200 175 150 125 100 75 50 25 145 109 50 34 Question options Other (please specify) Exercise (walking, running, biking, workout equipment, etc.) Relaxation, meditation, mental breaks Eating or picnicking Part of your commute to or from work Connecting with friends or family Optional question (304 response(s), 25 skipped) Question type: Checkbox Question Page 4 of 57 PLD Commercial Development Input : Survey Report for 09 May 2022 to 11 July 2022 Q4 What park amenities would encourage you to visit a nearby public park before, during, or after the work day? (choose all that apply) 251 203 184 115 91 79 71 95 59 275 250 225 200 175 150 125 100 75 50 25 Question options Multipurpose field or lawn Exercise or workout equipment Trails …

Scraped at: July 22, 2022, 6:20 a.m.
July 25, 2022

8-5: DRAFT 2022-23 Commuter Commercial Parkland Fee Calculation Methodology Worksheet original pdf

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DRAFT 2022-2023 Commuter Commercial Parkland Fee Calculation Methodology In 2022 the City Council approved Ordinance XXXXXXXXXX which created a formula to determine the commercial fees required in-lieu of parkland dedication. The Ordinance requires an annual adoption of the parkland dedication fees during the annual fee schedule process. The fee calculation methodologies are established in § 25-X-XXX The below 2022-2023 fees reflect the Council approved calculation methodology to be adopted annually. Several of the variables in the formula are static from year to year, including the square feet per person and the operations hours. Some of the variables will be reevaluated each year based on publicly available data, such as the occupancy rate and the percent commuter workforce, as well as the fees-in-lieu of parkland land dedication and park development. The only variable in the above formula that is unique to the new development is the total square feet of the development. Variables Calculation Factor Description Parkland Level of Service Service Population / Park Acres Fee In-Lieu of Land 96.70 Service Population per 1 acre Park Acres City Population 10,086.32 Park Acres (excludes Metro and District Parks) Parkland Cost Factor $365,653.44 per acre 975,321 (2021 Population) Current City Population Average land cost of acres purchased over the last five years Park Development 4,046.98 Service Population per park Facilities Level of Service Service Population / Number of Developed Parks Number of Developed Parks City Population Park Development Cost Factor 241 975,321 (2021 Population) $1,423,928.42 Count of all developed parks Current city population Cost of developing one Neighborhood Park Functional Population Office Employee Density 300 sq ft /person Office Occupancy 0.92 Office Operation Hours 0.238 Retail Employee Density 550 sq ft / person Retail Occupancy Retail Operation Hours 0.95 0.375 U.S. Green Building Council estimate of the square feet per person in LEED BD+C: New Constructionv4 - LEED v4. Appendix 2. Default occupancy counts Austin area occupancy rates derived from the Chamber of Commerce 'Austin Area Profile' reflecting occupancy by use in Q2 2021 Office use occurs 5 out of 7 days of the week, and 8 hours a day, equal to 23.8 percent (40 hours out of 168 hours a week) operation occupancy. U.S. Green Building Council estimate of the square feet per person in LEED BD+C: New Constructionv4 - LEED v4. Appendix 2. Default occupancy counts Retail occupancy rates derived from NAI Partners report published in Q2 2021 Retail use occurs …

Scraped at: July 22, 2022, 6:20 a.m.
July 25, 2022

8-6: Stakeholder and Advocate FAQ Responses original pdf

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Commercial Parkland Dedication Stakeholder and Advocate Responses 7/15/2022 Page 1 Category affordability Question Have you done an economic impact statement to measure the affordability impact of this proposed additional fee? $2 psf for office is not small and creates concern that office rents will be raised impacting jobs and pay rates. Response City Code § 2-5-2 states the that city manager shall prepare a fiscal note for a proposed ordinance, resolution, or policy that could create an expense for the City, including a modification to the City's budget, a capital improvement project, or a council initiated matter before it is submitted to the council. To clarify, the combined per square foot fee for office is $1.75. This fee would have a positive impact on the city's budget by accounting for the impact to the park system caused by new commercial development. PARD shall confirm with the Housing and Planning Department on the issuance of an Economic Impact Statement regarding affordability. affordability In the different categories, are there any excluded categories? Different types of businesses that don’t have to do parkland dedication? We are still evaluating the applicability of the ordinance based on stakeholder and survey feedback. Draft ordinance outlines an exemption for civic uses including but not limited to schools, governmental agencies, and hospitals: "(4) civic uses as defined in Section 25-2-6 (Civic Uses)." affordability In the office example, what is the proportion of the impact of the fees to the overall cost of the office development? affordability affordability Can you provide a list of all COA development related fees in addition to proposed commercial PLD fee, including a Brief explanation/estimate/range of what a developer would pay for each of the fees. Any language about why fees are not the reason for "affordability issues." What percent of the total project cost the PLD fees would be. According to a proforma prepared by Cummings in 2021, cost per square foot to build a typical commercial building is anywhere between $148/sq ft - $657/sq ft, depending on the construction type, in Dallas, Texas. This estimate only accounts for ‘hard costs’ of construction, not the land acquisition, building design or contractor/developer overhead. Cost of parkland dedication fees currently range from $0.63/sq ft to $1.75/sq ft depending on the commercial building category. This is equivalent to about 0.27- 0.42% of the ‘hard costs’. The Development Services Website lists several fee schedules for different types …

Scraped at: July 22, 2022, 6:20 a.m.
July 25, 2022

Agenda Addendum original pdf

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REGULAR MEETING OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD JULY 25, 2022 – 6:00 PM CITY HALL CHAMBERS, ROOM 1001 301 W. 2ND STREET AUSTIN, TEXAS 78701 Some members of the Parks and Recreation Board may be participating by videoconference. The meeting may be viewed online at: CURRENT BOARD MEMBERS/COMMISSIONERS: Laura Cottam Sajbel (D-9), Chair Sarah Faust (D-5), Vice-Chair Nina Rinaldi (D-1) Anna Di Carlo (D-2) Kim Taylor (D-8) Dawn Lewis (D-10) Richard DePalma (Mayor) Patrick Moore (D-3) Kathryn Flowers (D-4) Lisa Hugman (D-6) Nancy Barnard (D-7) AGENDA ADDENDUM STAFF BRIEFINGS 18. Monthly report from the Parks and Recreation Department Director. Presenter(s): Kimberly McNeeley, Director, Parks and Recreation Department. The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days (48 hours) before the meeting date. Please call Tim Dombeck at Parks and Recreation Department, at (512) 974-6716, for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the Parks and Recreation Board, please contact Tim Dombeck at (512) 974-6716 Page 1 of 1

Scraped at: July 22, 2022, 8:50 p.m.
July 25, 2022

1-1: Draft Minutes of June 27, 2022 original pdf

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PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD JUNE 27, 2022 MINUTES The Parks and Recreation Board convened in a regular meeting on Monday, June 27, 2022, at 301 W. Second Street, Austin Texas Chair Cottam Sajbel called the meeting to order at 6:02 PM. Board Members in Attendance: Laura Cottam Sajbel, Sarah Faust, Nina Rinaldi, Anna Di Carlo, Patrick Moore, Kathryn Flowers, Dawn Lewis. Board Members Absent: Lisa Hugman, Nancy Barnard, Kim Taylor, Richard DePalma. PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL Chase Wright – Springdale Park Neighbors Peggy Vasquez Anna Maciel – Oswaldo AB Cantu Recreation Center Antony McGregor Day – Springdale Park Neighbors Scott Cobb – Barton Springs Lifeguard Jim Ruddy – Austin Rowing Club Gavino Fernandez A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Board Member Lewis made a motion to approve the minutes of Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting of May 23, 2022. Board Member Rinaldi seconded the motion. The motion passed on a vote of 7-0 with Board Members Hugman, Barnard, Taylor and DePalma absent. B. NEW BUSINESS: PRESENTATION, DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION ITEMS 1. Presentation, discussion and possible action on Permanent Wastewater Use and Temporary Work Area, not to exceed 600 Calendar Days on parkland located at Jimmy Clay Golf Course, Roy Kizer Golf Course, Onion Creek Soccer Complex, Onion Creek Metropolitan Park N. Entrance, and Onion Creek Metropolitan Park S. Entrance. Total Mitigation is $818,542. Greg Montes, Program Manager II, Parks and Recreation Department and Brent Crawford, Project Manager, Austin Water gave a presentation and answered questions. Vice Chair Faust made a motion to recommend that Austin City Council approve a Permanent Wastewater Use and Temporary Work Area, not to exceed 600 Calendar Days on parkland located at Jimmy Clay Golf Course, Roy Kizer Golf Course, Onion Creek Soccer Complex, Onion Creek Metropolitan Park N. Entrance, and Onion Creek Metropolitan Park S. Entrance. Total Mitigation is $818,542. Board Member Moore seconded the motion. The Page 1 of 3 motion passed on a vote of 7-0 with Board Members Hugman, Barnard, Taylor and DePalma absent. 2. Briefing on Equity Office history, purpose, and updates on the work within the City and Parks and Recreation department. Sona Shah, Equity and Equality Program Manager, Parks and Recreation Department and Ana Perez and Amanda Jasso, Equity Office gave a briefing and answered questions. No action was taken on this item. 3. Briefing on the progress of the draft Commercial Parkland Dedication Ordinance for commuters and associated community …

Scraped at: July 22, 2022, 8:50 p.m.
July 25, 2022

4-1: Draft Recommendation on CUP Approvals original pdf

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WHEREAS, the intended purpose of governing public recreation areas is to secure and preserve the fullest enjoyment of public recreations areas by the public; and WHEREAS, city code prohibits the sale, possession, and consumption of alcoholic beverages within a public recreation area; and WHEREAS, city code permits alcoholic beverages in the spectating area of Krieg and Havins Softball Complexes, at a golf course, in a campsite, which is reserved for a specific person or event, or when an approval authorizes the possession, sale, or consumption by a person or for an event at a public recreation area; and WHEREAS, the process is in place already for sales of alcohol during special events; and WHEREAS, food and beverage vendors at city parks have requested conditional use permits to allow for permanent alcohol sales, and more may be requested in the future; and WHEREAS, approving a Conditional Use Permit rezones the area permanently for alcohol sales on public park property; and WHEREAS, the sites requested for alcohol sales could be close to designated children’s areas, bodies of water, or other recreation amenities which could pose a safety hazard; and WHEREAS, some members of the public have expressed the need for public recreation areas that are free of alcohol, and it is important to maintain equitable and safe access for all; WHEREAS, alcohol sales in city parks could necessitate increased staffing and enforcement within the Parks and Recreation Department, Austin Police Department, or other city departments; and WHEREAS, City Code contains no guiding factors or conditions to consider in deciding on the land use change to the property which is designated in the conditional use permit. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Parks and Recreation Board recommends the following criteria in determining whether to recommend approval of a CUP to the Planning Commission: The application must • credibly justify a change of city and park policy to allow sales of alcoholic beverages; • demonstrate the benefit to the city of the change of zoning at the location; • demonstrate sufficient plans, policies, staffing and infrastructure to comply with existing laws and contractual obligations related to alcohol sales and consumption; • locate the alcohol sales and consumption a safe distance from water bodies and children's areas, as well as any other potential hazards in the park’s unique location; • demonstrate valid community engagement processes and results of feedback from park users, community groups …

Scraped at: July 22, 2022, 8:50 p.m.
July 25, 2022

18-1: PARD Director's Report, July 2022 original pdf

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PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD DIRECTOR’S REPORT DATE: July 2022 COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT EVENTS: Waterloo Park & Moody Amphitheater – Austin Energy Green Building Award Ceremony: An official plaque ceremony commemorating the park and amphitheater’s 4-star rating earned through the Austin Energy Green Building program for its innovative and sustainable design and construction strategies will take place on Sunday, July 31st at 9:30 AM. The ceremony will be followed by a tour of the site’s environmental features. This event is part of Waterloo Greenway’s recurring Tales on the Trail series that will continue through the fall. Districts 1 and 9 Photo of the Waterloo Park and Moody Amphitheater, courtesy of Ben Porter 1 PLANNING UPDATES: Project Connect: Parks and Recreation Department (Department) staff continue to collaborate with the Project Connect, Blue Line, and Orange Line teams. Recent activities included: • The Department is working with Austin Transit Partnership and Texas Parks and Wildlife (TPWD) on Section 6F of the Land and Water Conservation Act and 4F of the U.S. Department of Transportation Act. The Waller Beach portion will go through a 6F conversion, which requires a 1:1 replacement of land. TPWD is discussing 6F for Auditorium Shores where the line will be subterranean. • Per TPWD, replacement properties cannot be acquired through condemnation. The Department continues to search for replacement properties along the shores of the Colorado River, which would match the appraised value of Waller Beach. Candidate properties would either be owned by willing sellers or could be transferred to the Department through parkland dedication or from another City department. In the latter scenario, the Department would receive cash for the conversion which could be allocated to land acquisition or a project of the Department’s choice. More information can be found at the project website: Districts: Multiple Zilker Metropolitan Park Vision Plan: The Department and consultant team are working to create a final draft plan concept. In July, the team hosted a work session with the Austin Transportation Department and will continue discussions focused on transportation and parking options in and around Zilker Park. Additionally, the team met with researchers from the Biophilic Cities Network, an international group led by the University of Virginia, interested in the vision plan's ecological approach to restoration in an urban environment. More information including the concepts and meeting recordings may be found on the project website: Districts 5 and 8 305 S. …

Scraped at: July 25, 2022, 9:20 p.m.
July 25, 2022

8-1: REVISED Parkland Dedication Requirements for Commercial Developments Presentation original pdf

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Austin Parks and Recreation Department Presentation on: Parkland Dedication Requirements for Commercial Developments Paul Books, Planner III; Robynne Heymans, Planner Senior; Thomas Rowlinson, Principal Planner; Randy Scott, Program Manager - Parks and Recreation Department July 25th, 2022 Proposed Formula Required Parkland = 9.4 acres X Functional Population 1,000 people • 9.4 acres per 1,000 people equals the established parks level of service • Functional Population • The estimated commuter workforce of a new development discounted by their relative opportunity to access parkland, representing the full-time equivalent population of new development • Functional Population = Total Employees X Occupancy Rate X Operation Time X Percent Commuter from Outside City Limits x Percent working on-site (applies to office only, other uses are assumed 100%) Employee Density (SF Per Employee) Occupancy Rate Operational Hours Percent Commuter Industrial Retail Office Hotel 2,500 SF 550 SF 300 SF 1,500 SF 94% 95% 92% - 70.8% 37.5% 23.8% 70.8% 58% 58% 58% 58% Percent Working On- Site 100% 100% 86.6% 100% 2 Proposed Requirements Land Dedication – 9.4 Acres per 1,000 functional population Fee-in-Lieu – $3,781.32 per functional population Development Fee – $351.85 per functional population Per SF by Use Category: Fee-in-Lieu Development Fee Office $1.3862/SF $0.1290/SF Total: $1.5152/SF Retail $1.4206/SF $0.1322/SF $1.5528/SF Industrial $0.5838/SF $0.0543/SF $0.6382/SF Hotel $1.0352/SF $0.0963/SF $1.1315/SF Figures are preliminary and subject to change 3 Example of Application - Mixed Use Commercial Step 1: Calculate Estimated Employees in Office Space Total SF SF/Employee Total Employees 136,000 300 453 Commercial Step 2: Derive Functional Population of Office Space Total Employees Occupancy Operation Hours Percent Commuter Percent Work On Site Functional Population 453 A 92% B 23.8% C 58% D 86.6% 49.51 E Formula = A * B * C * D*E Commercial Step 3: Calculate Requirements of Office Space Commercial Land Owed 0.47 acres Formula = (Functional Population/1000) x 9.4 acres Commercial Fee-In-Lieu $188,523 Commercial Development Fee $17,544 Formula = SF of Development x $1.3862 Formula = SF of Development x $0.1290 Total Requirement: Land Owed 5.48 acres Fee-In-Lieu $1,088,383 Development Fee $180,299 Residential Step 1: Calculate Residential Population Residential Step 2: Calculate Residential Requirements Total Units SMART Units Resident Population 309 0 525 Residential Land Owed 4.94 acres Residential Fee-In-Lieu $899,681 Residential Development Fee $162,685 Figures are approximate Formula = (Total Units x 1.7 / 1,000)*9.4 Formula = People x $2,912.17 Formula = People x $526.49 4 Urban Office Hypothetical Example of …

Scraped at: July 25, 2022, 9:20 p.m.
July 25, 2022

20220725-008: Ordinance Amending City Code Title 25-1 to Require Parkland Dedication for Commercial Developments original pdf

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PARKS AND RECREATION BOAR RECOMMENDATION 20220725-8 Date: July 25, 2022 Subject: Ordinance Amending City Code Title 25-1 to Require Parkland Dedication for Commercial Developments Motioned By: Board Member Lewis Seconded By: Board Member DePalma Recommendation The Parks and Recreation Board recommends to Austin City Council to accept the Commercial Parkland Dedication Ordinance as written. Board Member Lewis made a motion to recommend to Austin City Council to accept the Commercial Parkland Dedication Ordinance as written. Board Member DePalma seconded the motion. The motion passed on a vote of 10-0 with Board Member Rinaldi abstaining. Chair Cottam Sajbel, Vice Chair Faust, Board Members Di Carlo, Moore, Flowers, Hugman, Barnard, Taylor, Lewis and DePalma. Abstain: Board Member Rinaldi. Vote For: Against: Absent: Attest: 1 of 1

Scraped at: July 27, 2022, 4:50 p.m.
July 25, 2022

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Scraped at: July 29, 2022, 12:20 p.m.
July 25, 2022

20220725-004: Guidelines for making decisions about conditional use permits to allow for the sale of alcohol in Parks original pdf

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PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD RECOMMENDATION 20220725-4 Guidelines for making decisions about conditional use permits to allow for the sale of alcohol in Parks Seconded By: Vice Chair Faust Date: Subject: July 25, 2022 Motioned By: Chair Cottam Sajbel Recommendation The application must: The Parks and Recreation Board recommends the following criteria in determining whether to recommend approval of a CUP to the Planning Commission: • credibly justify a change of city and park policy to allow sales of alcoholic beverages; • demonstrate the benefit to the city of the change of zoning at the location; • demonstrate sufficient plans, policies, staffing and infrastructure to comply with existing laws and contractual obligations related to alcohol sales and consumption; • locate the alcohol sales and consumption a safe distance from water bodies and children's areas, as well as any other potential hazards in the park’s unique location; • demonstrate valid community engagement processes and results of feedback from park users, community groups and surrounding neighborhoods on the issue of alcohol sales at the proposed location; and • address any other unique issues that may inhibit safe and equitable access of the park for which the CUP is requested. Rationale: WHEREAS, the intended purpose of governing public recreation areas is to secure and preserve the fullest enjoyment of public recreations areas by the public; and WHEREAS, city code prohibits the sale, possession, and consumption of alcoholic beverages within a public recreation area; and WHEREAS, city code permits alcoholic beverages in the spectating area of Krieg and Havins Softball Complexes, at a golf course, in a campsite, which is reserved for a specific person or event, or when an approval authorizes the possession, sale, or consumption by a person or for an event at a public recreation area; and WHEREAS, the process is in place already for sales of alcohol during special events; and WHEREAS, food and beverage vendors at city parks have requested conditional use permits to allow for permanent alcohol sales, and more may be requested in the future; and 1 of 3 WHEREAS, approving a Conditional Use Permit rezones the area permanently for alcohol sales on public park property; and WHEREAS, the sites requested for alcohol sales could be close to designated children’s areas, bodies of water, or other recreation amenities which could pose a safety hazard; and WHEREAS, some members of the public have expressed the need for public recreation …

Scraped at: July 29, 2022, 12:20 p.m.
July 25, 2022

20220725-005: Recommendation to Approve the Conditional Use Permit at Republic Square for the Sale of Alcohol original pdf

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PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD RECOMMENDATION 20220725-5 Date: Subject: July 25, 2022 Recommendation to Approve the Conditional Use Permit at Republic Square for the Sale of Alcohol. Motioned By: Board Member Rinaldi Recommendation Recommendation to approve the conditional use permit at Republic Square for the sale of alcohol. Description of Recommendation to Council Vote Seconded By: Board Member DePalma Board Member Rinaldi made a motion to recommend approval of the conditional use permit at Republic Square for the Sale of Alcohol. Board Member DePalma seconded the motion. The motion passed on a vote of 7-2 with Vice Chair Faust and Board Members Rinaldi, Di Carlo, Moore, Flowers, Barnard and DePalma voting in favor, Chair Cottam Sajbel and Board Member Hugman voting against, and Board Members Taylor and Lewis abstaining. Vice Chair Faust, Board Members Rinaldi, Di Carlo, Moore, Flowers, Barnard and DePalma Chair Cottam Sajbel, Board Member Hugman Board Members Taylor and Lewis For: Against: Abstain: Absent: Attest: 1 of 1

Scraped at: July 29, 2022, 12:20 p.m.
July 25, 2022

20220725-006: Interlocal Agreement with LCRA for the Installation, Maintenance, and Replacement of Buoys original pdf

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PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD RECOMMENDATION 20220725-6 Date: Subject: July 25, 2022 Interlocal Agreement with LCRA for the Installation, Maintenance, and Replacement of Buoys Seconded By: Board Member Di Carlo Motioned By: Vice Chair Faust Recommendation Recommendation that Austin City Council authorize the negotiation and execution of an interlocal agreement with the Lower Colorado River Authority for the installation, maintenance, and replacement of buoys to assist boaters in recognizing hazards on Lake Austin, Lady Bird Lake, Decker Lake, and the area surrounding Handcox Water Treatment Plant on Lake Travis. Vote Vice Chair Faust made a motion to recommend that Austin City Council authorize the negotiation and execution of an interlocal agreement with the Lower Colorado River Authority for the installation, maintenance, and replacement of buoys to assist boaters in recognizing hazards on Lake Austin, Lady Bird Lake, Decker Lake, and the area surrounding Handcox Water Treatment Plant on Lake Travis. Board Member Di Carlo seconded the motion. The motion passed on a vote of 10-0 with Board Member Rinaldi off the dais. Chair Cottam Sajbel, Vice Chair Faust, Board Members Di Carlo, Moore, Flowers, Hugman, Barnard, Taylor, Lewis and DePalma. For: Against: Abstain: Absent: Attest: Board Member Rinaldi. 1 of 1

Scraped at: July 29, 2022, 12:20 p.m.
July 25, 2022

Approved Minutes original pdf

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PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING MINUTES JULY 25, 2022 PARKS ANR RECREATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING MINUTES MONDAY, JULY 25, 2022 The Parks and Recreation Board convened in a regular meeting on July 25, 2022, at 301 W. 2nd Street in Austin, Texas. Chair Cottam Sajbel called the Parks and Recreation Board Meeting to order at 6:01 p.m. Board Members/Commissioners in Attendance: Laura Cottam Sajbel, Sarah Faust, Nancy Barnard, Richard DePalma, Anna Di Carlo, Katherine Flowers, Lisa Hugman, Patrick Moore, Nina Rinaldi. Board Members/Commissioners in Attendance Remotely: Dawn Lewis, Kim Taylor. PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL Anna Aguirre - GAVA Blanca Ortiz – Where the Water Runs Elena Rodriguez – Where the Water Runs Enedina Sanchez – Where the Water Runs Malcom Yeatts – EROC Contact Team Scott Cobb – Barton Springs Lifeguard Antony McGregor Day – Springdale Park Neighbors Bill Bunch – Save Our Springs Alliance and Zilker Neighborhood Association Kevin Reinis – Austin Rowing Club Kermit Maxwell – Springdale Park Neighbors 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of the Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting on June 27, 2022. The minutes from the meeting of June 27, 2022 were approved on Vice Chair Faust’s motion, Board Member Moore’s second on a 10-0 vote with Board Member Barnard abstaining. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS Presentation, discussion and possible action on the history of Waller Creek as it pertains to upcoming naming opportunities 1 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING MINUTES JULY 25, 2022 Dr. Katherine Pace, Urban Environmental Historian and Dr. Ted Gordon, Founding Chair Department of African and African Diaspora Studies, University of Texas at Austin gave a presentation and answered questions. No action was taken on this item. 3. Presentation, discussion and possible action regarding the Where The Water Runs/Donde Corre El Agua community activated park project proposal for East Williamson Creek trailhead and greenbelt with the Dove Spring Community. Christine Chute Canul, Partnership Manager, Parks and Recreation, Frances Acuña, Go Austin Vamos Austin, Blanca Ortiz, Elena Rodriguez and Enedina Sánchez, E. Williamson Creek Adopters, Bjørn Sletto, School of Architecture at the university of Texas at Austin gave a presentation and answered question. No action was taken on this item. 4. Discussion and possible action regarding a recommendation to Austin City Council on guidelines for making decisions about conditional use permits to allow for the sale of alcohol in Parks. The motion to approve the recommendation to establish criteria in …

Scraped at: Sept. 9, 2022, 7:20 p.m.
July 15, 2022

Agenda original pdf

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REGULAR MEETING OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD CONTRACTS AND CONCESSIONS COMMITTEE JULY 15, 2022 – 10:00 AM BRITTON, DURST, HOWARD AND SPENCE BUILDING 1183 CHESTNUT AVE AUSTIN, TEXAS 78702 Some members of the committee may be participating by videoconference. Public comment will be allowed in-person or remotely via telephone. Speakers may only register to speak on an item once either in-person or remotely and will be allowed up to three minutes to provide their comments. Registration no later than noon the day before the meeting is required for remote participation by telephone. To register to speak remotely, call or email Tim Dombeck, (512) 974-6716, CURRENT COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Anna L. Di Carlo (D-2), Chair Nina Rinaldi (D-1) Nancy Barnard (D-7) CALL TO ORDER PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL AGENDA Dawn Lewis (D-10) VACANT Laura Cottam Sajbel (D-9), Ex-Officio The first ten speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approve the minutes of the Parks and Recreation Board Contracts and Concessions Committee on June 17, 2022. STAFF BRIEFINGS Staff briefing regarding a contract between the City of Austin and Houston-Tillotson University for a Lake Capacity Study for Lady Bird Lake. (SD23 Strategies: Economic Opportunity & Affordability, Health & Environment, Safety, Govt that Works for All; PARD Long Range Strategies: Relief from Urban Life, Urban Public Spaces, Park Access for All). Presenter(s): Patricia Rossett, Business Process Consultant, Parks and Recreation Department. 1. 2. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS 3. Presentation, discussion and possible action on a recommendation to the Parks and Recreation Board to recommend that City Council authorize the negotiation and execution of an interlocal agreement with the Lower Colorado River Authority for the installation, maintenance, and replacement of buoys to assist boaters in recognizing hazards on Lake Austin, Lady Bird Lake, Decker Lake, and the area surrounding Handcox Water Treatment Plan on Lake Travis. (SD23 Strategies: Health & Environment, Safety, Govt that Works for All; PARD Long Range Strategies: Relief from Urban Life, Operation Efficiency, Park Access for All). Presenter(s): Gabrielle Restive, Contract Management Specialist IV and Amanda Ross, Division Manager, Parks and Recreation Department. 4. Discussion and possible action on a recommendation for Council to issue direction on the sale of alcohol within parks. (Sponsors: Di Carlo, Rinaldi, Lewis) DISCUSSION ITEMS 5. Discussion on the monthly …

Scraped at: July 12, 2022, 2:20 p.m.
July 15, 2022

1-1: Draft Minutes of June 17, 2022 original pdf

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PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD CONTRACTS AND CONCESSIONS COMMITTEE FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 2022 – 10:00 AM MINUTES The Contracts and Concessions Committee convened in a regularly called meeting on Friday, June 17, 2022, at 1183 Chestnut Avenue in Austin, TX. Chair Di Carlo called the meeting to order at 10:12 AM. Board Members in attendance: Anna Di Carlo, Nancy Barnard, Nina Rinaldi, Dawn Lewis (WebEx). Board Members absent: Laura Cottam Sajbel (Ex-Officio). PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL None A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Board Member Rinaldi made a motion to approve the minutes of the Parks and Recreation Board Contracts and Concessions Committee regular of April 15, 2022. Chair Di Carlo seconded the motion. The motion passed on a vote of 4-0 with one vacancy. B. NEW BUSINESS: PRESENTATION, DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION ITEMS 1. Discussion and possible action regarding the City of Austin’s Contract with C3 Concerts for the Austin City Limits Music Festival. Board Members discussed this item and staff answered questions. No action was taken on this item. 2. Discussion and possible action regarding researching guidelines and creating recommendations for City Council on alcohol sales in public parks and other parkland facilities. Chair Di Carlo made a motion to refer a draft recommendation on alcohol sales in public parks and other parkland facilities to the Parks and Recreation Board. Board Member Barnard seconded the motion. The motion passed on a vote of 3-1 with Page 1 of 2 Board Members Di Carlo, Barnard and Lewis voting in favor, Board Member Rinaldi voting against and one vacancy. C. MONTHLY REPORT ON NEW AND ONGOING CONTRACT DEVELOPMENT Staff gave a presentation and answered questions. No action was taken on this item. D. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Lewis – Contract intentions, parameters and limitations (memo). Chair Di Carlo adjourned the meeting at 11:12 AM. Page 2 of 2

Scraped at: July 12, 2022, 2:20 p.m.
July 15, 2022

2-1: Update on Lake Capacity Study Contract original pdf

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UPDATE ON CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF AUSTIN AND HUSTON- TILLOTSON UNIVERSITY FOR LADY BIRD LAKE CAPACITY STUDY JULY 15, 2022 PRESENTER: PATRICIA ROSSETT Background Information: Parks and Recreation Board and Environmental Commission Annual Concession Report Recommendations: Page 1 of 5 UPDATE ON CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF AUSTIN AND HUSTON- TILLOTSON UNIVERSITY FOR LADY BIRD LAKE CAPACITY STUDY JULY 15, 2022 PRESENTER: PATRICIA ROSSETT In response to Parks and Recreation Board and Environmental Commission recommendations received as part of the Annual Concession Report, PARD staff has contracted with Huston- Tillotson University (HTU), specifically the Business Administration, Natural Sciences, and Environmental Justice departments, to conduct a Lake Capacity Study. HTU is the most qualified vendor to conduct the study and report its findings because:  The university has an Environmental Justice (EJ) program and major, making it the only undergraduate institution in Central Texas to offer this degree at the undergraduate level. The faculty, in the EJ program, are thus uniquely qualified to conduct an environmental assessment integrated with an environmental justice analysis.  This perspective is critical to the lake capacity study for several reasons. o First, environmental justice addresses the human consequences of environmental issues and how these often disproportionately impact systematically marginalized communities. This perspective mirrors a multi-lens approach to lake capacity, which must consider environmental, economic, and human parameters to understand capacity and impact. o Second, the economic assessments must similarly be anchored in an appreciation for the systemic factors that can lead to disproportionate economic impacts for vendors and consumers that ultimately impact opportunity and access. o In addition, HTU is a highly collaborative liberal arts institution that applies a multidisciplinary approach to student instruction and research. Agreement Overview The purpose of this contract is to work collaboratively with HTU to define lake capacity, determine the capacity of Lady Bird Lake (LBL) based on this definition, to make recommendations regarding safe recreational use of the lake and to report on current and future environmental impact of watercraft recreational activities on LBL. The study will include:  Environmental Study – For example, students and faculty will collect and analyze water samples before, during, and after a peak-use period for standard water quality metrics and algal toxins.  Vendor and Stakeholder Study – HTU will survey current watercraft vendors, both PARD and non-PARD concessions, to craft inventory, usage patterns, usage distribution, customer profile and growth plans/concerns.  …

Scraped at: July 12, 2022, 2:20 p.m.