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Regular Meeting of the Commission on Aging
April 13, 2022

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COMMISSION ON SENIORS APRIL 13TH, 2022 AT 12:00PM AUSTIN CITY HALL, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS ROOM 301 WEST 2ND STREET, AUSTIN, TEXAS, 78701 OR VIA VIDEOCONFERENCING (Some members of the commission may be participating by videoconference) PUBLIC COMMUNICATION Public comment will be allowed in-person or remotely by telephone. Speakers may only register to speak on an item once either in-person or remotely and will be allowed up to three minutes to provide their comments. Registration no later than noon the day before the meeting is required for remote participation. To register, please email or call Halana Kaleel at or 512-972-5019. CURRENT BOARD MEMBERS: Janee Briesemeister, Chair Peter Varteressian, Vice-Chair Natalie Cagle Jacqueline Angel Martha Bauman Patricia Bordie Emily De Maria Nicola Erica Garcia-Pittman AGENDA Amy Temperley Martin Kareithi Luz Lopez-Guerrero Sally Van Sickle Fred Lugo Diana Spain CALL TO ORDER PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL The first 10 speakers who register to speak no later than noon the day before the meeting will be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM THE COMMISSION ON SENIORS MARCH 9TH, 2022 MEETING 2. ANNOUNCEMENTS 3. OLD BUSINESS A. Discussion and possible action Commission Work Plan – Standing Item B. Discussion and possible action from Working Groups – Standing Item i. Age-Friendly Action Plan Implementation Working Group ii. iii. Transportation, Housing and Outdoor Spaces Working Group Social Participation, Respect and Social Inclusion, Civic Participation and Employment Working Group iv. Community Support and Health Services Working Group v. Emergency Preparedness and Response Working Group C. Discussion and possible action from Joint Inclusion Committee – Standing Item (Commissioner De Maria Nicola) D. Discussion and possible action of City of Austin Budget – Standing Item (Chair Briesemeister) 4. NEW BUSINESS A. Briefing and discussion on upcoming spending priorities for federal housing and community development grants as part of the Community Needs Assessment for the FY 22-23 Action Plan (Max Horstman, Mandy DeMayo, and Helen Howell). B. Presentation: A Decade of Growth: Austin Population and Demographic Trends, Lila Valencia, City of Austin Demographer. C. Discussion and possible action on Annual Officer Elections (Officer terms May 1st, 2022, D. Discussion and possible action on Commission on Seniors FY22 Community Service E. Discussion and possible action on budget recommendations for the City of Austin FY23 to April 30th, 2023). Award. Budget. 5. STAFF BRIEFINGS A. Age-Friendly Austin Update, Tabitha …

Scraped at: April 8, 2022, 10:50 p.m.
April 13, 2022

Approved Minutes original pdf

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1 COMMISSION ON SENIORS REGULAR MEETING MEETING MINUTES WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13TH, 2022 The Commission on Seniors convened a Regular Meeting at Austin City Hall, Boards and Commissions, 301 West 2nd Street, Austin, Texas, 78702 and remotely. Board Members in Attendance: Chair, Janee Briesemeister, Vice Chair, Peter Varteressian, Amy Temperley, Diana Spain, Emily De Maria Nicola, Erica Garcia‐Pittman, Fred Lugo, Jacqueline Angel, Martha Bauman, Martin Kareithi, Natalie Cagle, Patricia Bordie, and Sally Van Sickle. Board Members not in Attendance: Luz Lopez‐Guerrero Commissioner De Maria Nicola left the dais at 1:51 pm. Commissioner Angel left the dais at 2:02 pm. Staff in Attendance: Tabitha Taylor and Halana Kaleel, Austin Public Health Presenters: Max Horstman, Mandy DeMayo, Helen Howell, and Lila Valencia. Chair, Janee Briesemeister called the Board Meeting to order at 12:03 pm. The Commission introduced themselves. PUBLIC COMMUNICATION A. No Public Communication 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM THE COMMISSION ON SENIORS FEBRUARY 9TH, 2022 MEETING A. The minutes from the March 9th, 2022, meeting were approved on Vice‐Chair Varteressian motion, Commissioner Angel second on a 13‐0 vote. Commissioner Lopez‐Guerrero was absent. 2. ANNOUNCEMENTS A. None 3. OLD BUSINESS A. Discussion and possible action Commission Work Plan – Standing Item No discussion currently. B. Discussion and possible action from Working Groups – Standing Item Age Friendly Action Plan Implementation Working Group Transportation, Housing and Outdoor Spaces Working Group  No discussion currently.  No discussion currently. i. i. ii. iii. Social Participation, Respect and Social Inclusion, Civic Participation and Employment Working Group  This working group needs a new member, meets every 4th Tuesday of the month. iv. Community Support and Health Services Working Group  No discussion currently. i. i. i. i. i. i. v. Emergency Preparedness and Response Working Group  No discussion currently. 2 C. Discussion and possible action from Joint Inclusion Committee – Standing Item (Chair D. Discussion and possible action of City of Austin Budget – Standing Item (Chair Briesemeister) Briesemeister) No discussion currently. No discussion currently. 4. NEW BUSINESS A. Briefing and discussion on upcoming spending priorities for federal housing and community development grants as part of the Community Needs Assessment for the FY 22‐23 Action Plan (Max Horstman, Mandy DeMayo, and Helen Howell). Presenters discussed review of FY20‐21 performance, federal reporting process, review of existing programs, community needs assessment/public comment schedule, and ways to provide feedback. B. Presentation: A Decade of Growth: Austin Population and …

Scraped at: July 14, 2022, 2:50 p.m.
April 13, 2022

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Scraped at: July 18, 2022, 8:20 p.m.
March 9, 2022

See Agenda for Additional Information original pdf

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COMMISSION ON SENIORS MARCH 9TH, 2022 AT 12:00PM AUSTIN CITY HALL, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS ROOM 301 WEST 2ND STREET, AUSTIN, TEXAS, 78701 OR VIA VIDEOCONFERENCING Public comment will be allowed in-person or remotely by telephone. Speakers may only register to speak on an item once either in-person or remotely and will be allowed up to three minutes to provide their comments. Registration no later than noon the day before the meeting is required for remote participation. To register, please email or call Halana Kaleel at or 512-972-5019. CURRENT BOARD MEMBERS: Janee Briesemeister, Chair Peter Varteressian, Vice-Chair Natalie Cagle Jacqueline Angel Martha Bauman Patricia Bordie Emily De Maria Nicola Erica Garcia-Pittman AGENDA Amy Temperley Martin Kareithi Luz Lopez-Guerrero Sally Van Sickle Fred Lugo Diana Spain CALL TO ORDER PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL The first 10 speakers who register to speak no later than noon the day before the meeting will be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM THE COMMISSION ON SENIORS FEBRUARY 9TH, 2022 MEETING 2. ANNOUNCEMENTS 3. OLD BUSINESS A. Discussion and possible action Commission Work Plan – Standing Item B. Discussion and possible action from Working Groups – Standing Item i. Age-Friendly Action Plan Implementation Working Group ii. iii. Transportation, Housing and Outdoor Spaces Working Group Social Participation, Respect and Social Inclusion, Civic Participation and Employment Working Group iv. Community Support and Health Services Working Group v. Emergency Preparedness and Response Working Group Briesemeister) 4. NEW BUSINESS Award. Recommendations. 5. STAFF BRIEFINGS C. Discussion and possible action from Joint Inclusion Committee – Standing Item (Commissioner De Maria Nicola) D. Discussion and possible action of City of Austin Budget – Standing Item (Chair A. Discussion and possible action on Commission on Seniors FY22 Community Service B. Discussion and possible action on working group for drafting, submitting, and monitoring FY23 Budget Recommendations. C. Discussion and possible action on Commission on Seniors FY23 City of Austin Budget A. Age-Friendly Austin Update, Tabitha Taylor, Age-Friendly Program Coordinator. B. Commission on Seniors FY 2022 Budget Survey, Halana Kaleel, Staff Liaison 6. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 7. ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice …

Scraped at: March 4, 2022, 8:50 p.m.
March 9, 2022


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COMMISSION ON SENIORS BUDGET RECOMMENDATION 20220309-04Cvi RENTAL AND UTILITY ASSISTANCE FOR OLDER ADULTS Strategic Direction: Economic Opportunity and Affordability Date: March 9, 2022 Subject: FY23 Budget Recommendations Motioned By: Temperley Seconded By: Lopez-Guerrero Recommendation Expand funding for rental and utility assistance for all; and unlink rental payments for older adults from calculations based on median family income. Description of Recommendation to Council The Commission on Seniors recommends increasing funding for rental and utility assistance funding and programs for all, including older adults and discontinue basing rental payments for older adults on area median family income. Background and Rationale: Agencies serving older adults report that they are receiving an increased number of requests for rental and utility assistance. Austin is facing an unprecedented housing crisis as rent and utility costs increase. This has an even greater impact on older adults who are living on fixed incomes such as social security. A recent study, which compares the growth in the Social Security cost of living adjustments with increases in the costs of goods and services typically used by retirees, found that since 2000 Social Security benefits have lost 32% of their buying power. ( securitys-cola-raise-cant-keep-up-with-inflation) Housing costs and rents continue to increase exponentially in Austin. As noted in the City of Austin Comprehensive Market analysis for 2020 ( ) ● Austin’s median rent increased 38% from 2010 ● Naturally occurring (market-rate) affordable rentals continued to decline Additional funds are needed to support older adults who may be at high risk for homelessness due to these increasing costs. Housing costs were cited as concerns of residents during the budget townhalls held by the Joint Inclusion Committee member commissions. An older adult from the Mueller neighborhood noted that affordable housing supported by the city base qualifications, and rent, on area median family income. However, median family income in Austin continues to rise at a much higher rate than social security or other retirement plans. The Commission on Seniors supports the request to no longer base rent increases for older adults on changes to area median family income. Vote For: Briesemeister, Varteressian, Angel, Bauman, Bordie, De Maria Nicola, Garcia-Pittman, Kareithi, Lopez-Guerrero, Lugo, Spain, Temperley, Van Sickle Against: None Abstain: None Absent: Cagle Attest: _______________________________________ Janee Briesemeister, Chair

Scraped at: March 15, 2022, 4:20 a.m.
March 9, 2022


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COMMISSION ON SENIORS BUDGET RECOMMENDATION 20220309 -04Cvii SUPPORT FOR TRANSPORTATION AND VOLUNTEER DRIVER RIDE SERVICE FOR OLDER ADULTS Strategic Direction: Mobility Date: March 9, 2022 Subject: FY23 Budget Recommendations Motioned By: Varteressian Recommendation Provide funding and/or partner with organizations which provide the volunteer driver ride programs in Austin (examples include Chariot, Drive a Senior, Capital City Village, and others). Description of Recommendation to Council Seconded By: Kareithi • Direct the City Manager to identify appropriate City department staff and have them engage in discussions with the volunteer driver ride program managers to determine needs. • Have City department staffs identify funds, staff support, or other potential partnerships. • Include funding for transportation services in contracts for social service programs serving older adults. • Provide funds to expand these programs, such as supporting van services with paid drivers Rationale: Volunteer ride share providers serve a critical need for our community’s senior and people with disabilities. Demand for this service is high. Many people in these populations cannot drive. While Parks and Recreation and Capital Metro have services to assist these populations, the demand far exceeds the capacity. Further, many older adults who do not qualify for Metro Access will not ride the bus (for example, because there is not a nearby bus stop). Austin has one of the fastest growing senior populations in the nation so demand will only continue to increase. Older adults responding to the Commission on Seniors budget survey often cited transportation as a barrier to accessing city programs and services. Comments submitted to the Commission from the public also show a strong preference by older adults for transportation by the own vehicle, a ride share or a volunteer driver program. Volunteer Driver Ride programs provide a means to get older adults to the doctor, grocery store, or other critical appointments. Rides to social and cultural events would provide a means to help reduce social isolation, but these rides have to be given lower priority when demand exceeds capacity. If the City provides help, it could allow the organizations to scale up to meet demand, improve the organization’s ability to provide services more equitably, and develop collaborations to share resources. These 1 of 2 organizations are largely dependent on grants and their clientele cannot afford to pay a service fee. Vote For: Briesemeister, Varteressian, Angel, Bauman, Bordie, De Maria Nicola, Garcia-Pittman, Kareithi, Lopez-Guerrero, Spain, Temperley, Van Sickle Against: …

Scraped at: March 15, 2022, 4:20 a.m.
March 9, 2022


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COMMISSION ON SENIORS BUDGET RECOMMENDATION 20220309- 04Cviii PERMANENT COMMUNITY HEALTH WORKERS STRATEGY PLAN FOR SERVING OLDER ADULTS EXPERIENCING HOMELESSNESS Strategic Direction: Health and Environment Date: March 9, 2022 Subject: FY 23 Budget Recommendation Motioned By: Garcia-Pittman Recommendation Seconded By: Temperley The Commission on Seniors recommends the Austin Public Health Homeless Services Division: 1. Transition the current temporary community health worker positions to 9 FTE permanent positions devoted to supporting the needs of persons experiencing homelessness. a. Of the allocated 9FTEs, 2 FTEs should be dedicated to serving the needs of persons 50 and older given the challenges and growth of this population as detailed below. 2. Develop and implement a strategy for serving the needs of older adults experiencing homelessness. Implementation should begin no later than January 1, 2023. The plan should: a. Identify the housing, health care, social, and other needs of older adults experiencing homelessness, including disability, long term care, dementia care, and caregiver support and develop programs to meet those needs; b. Ensure coordinated entry appropriately matches older adults with their needs; c. Include strategies to prevent older adults becoming homeless, such as deeply affordable housing and caregiver support; d. Develop the strategy in consultation with providers serving older adults and providers serving people experiencing homelessness (such as the collaborative described below). Rationale: Data provided by ECHO about the population experiencing homelessness in the Austin area shows that for all clients who entered a program between Oct 2019 and Oct 2020, 26% were age 50 or older. Nationally, data shows the number of older adults in the homeless population is growing rapidly and will continue to grow for the next decade. The number of older adults in the population of people experiencing homeless requires us to revisit and adapt assistance programs that were designed to address the needs of a much younger group and fail to account for medical, social, and emotional needs that emerge later in life. Older adults experiencing homelessness have diverse needs related to their housing, health care, social, and other needs. Further, the stresses of homelessness cause premature aging; Austin already classifies aged 55 and older in this population as older adults. In October 2020, a collaborative was formed in Central Texas to find ways to address the special needs of this aging homeless population. Members include representatives from both the aging and homeless space in non-profit, for- profit, and governmental organizations. Participants …

Scraped at: March 15, 2022, 4:20 a.m.
March 9, 2022


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COMMISSION ON SENIORS BUDGET RECOMMENDATION 20220309-04Ci AGE FRIENDLY AUSTIN COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT SPECIALIST Strategic Direction: Government That Works Date: March 9, 2022 Subject: FY 23 Budget Recommendation Motioned By: Spain Recommendation Fund an FTE to serve as Community Engagement Specialist to support implementation of the Austin Age Friendly Action Plan. Description of Recommendation to Council Seconded By: De Maria Nicola The Commission on Seniors recommends funding an Age Friendly Austin Community Engagement Specialist. The Community Engagement Specialist will support the Age-Friendly Program Coordinator with day-to-day operations including, but not limited to, implementing the Age Friendly Austin Communication and Community Engagement Plan, supporting internal and external aging partners, and engaging in strategic planning efforts. Duties would include promoting Age-Friendly programs and services at local recreation centers, faith-based centers, and older adult facilities; facilitating trainings related to age-friendly practices; strengthening community partnerships; analyzing community data; and developing educational materials, including an asset map of programs and services. The Commission on Seniors is dedicated to improving equity in programs and services for older adults. To help achieve this goal the Communications and Outreach Coordinator will serve as a liaison between the Age Friendly Austin program and older adults, with emphasis on increasing communication and engagement with People of Color, LGBTQIA persons, low-income communities and other underrepresented or vulnerable older adults. Background and Rationale: Austin has one of the fastest growing populations of both “seniors (aged 65 and older) and “pre- seniors (aged 50-64). In response to these rapidly changing demographics, Mayor Lee Leffingwell formed the Mayor’s Task Force on Aging in 2012. The task force was charged with building public awareness, analyzing the city’s resources and opportunities for growth, and creating a set of strategic recommendations to accommodate Central Texas’ fast-growing senior population. The Task Force recommended both creating the Commission on Seniors and having Austin join the World Health Organization network of Age Friendly Communities. 1 of 3 Beginning in 2015, Austin’s Commission on Seniors partnered with AARP, AustinUP, regional aging-related service organizations and community members to develop the Austin Age-Friendly Action Plan, a requirement of retaining the Age Friendly designation. In 2016 Council voted to adopt the Age-Friendly Austin Action Plan as an addendum to Imagine Austin. In May 2018, the Commission on Seniors recommended to the Mayor and City Council that “The city provide adequate personnel resources for a Senior Program Coordinator to coordinate implementation of the Age-friendly Austin Action Plan. …

Scraped at: March 15, 2022, 4:20 a.m.
March 9, 2022


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COMMISSION ON SENIORS BUDGET RECOMMENDATION 20220309-04Cii QUALITY OF LIFE STUDY OF OLDER ADULTS IN AUSTIN Strategic Direction: Government That Works Seconded By: Temperley Date: March 9, 2022 Subject: FY23 Budget Recommendation Motioned By: Varteressian Recommendation Fund a Quality of Life Study of Older Adults in Austin. Description of Recommendation to Council In order to improve the quality of life for older adults, Austin must better understand the experience of these individuals and how intersections between age, race, ethnicity, and other demographics impact those experiences. The Commission on Seniors recommends allocating $250,000 to conduct a study to evaluate the quality of life of older adults in Austin. $250,000 is the amount allocated for two recent Quality of Life Studies (People with Disabilities and LGBTQIA) Rationale: There has never been a proper quality of life study of older adults. Nearly 10 years ago then Mayor Leffingwell’s task force conducted a survey as part of the Mayor’s Task Force on Aging. However, 77% of respondents were white and this survey did not break down findings by race, ethnicity, or gender identification. According to the 2010 Census the Austin area is one of the fastest-growing areas for both seniors (age 65 and older) and pre-seniors (age 55-64). The city demographer has not yet released detailed demographics on age from the 2020 Census, but it is expected these trends will continue. The Commission is well aware that we hear primarily from older adults who are already active and engaged in the community. We want to know what other members of the community need; indeed, we want to understand how to better engage will all segments of the community. As an example, the Commission drafts and widely distributes an annual budget survey as a tool to get community input on budget recommendations. However, the majority of survey respondents are white women aged 65-74. The Commission is seeking updated information about the community and granular information about the needs of diverse populations of older adults. A Quality of Life Study will enable the Commission, Council and City departments to: 1 of 2 • Understand how city programs and services are serving older adults and where there are gaps • Identify and remove barriers to participation • Ensure programs and services for older adults are equitable and inclusive Per Austin Code Section 2-1-132 the Commission on Seniors shall serves as an advisory board to the council concerning the …

Scraped at: March 15, 2022, 4:20 a.m.
March 9, 2022


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COMMISSION ON SENIORS BUDGET RECOMMENDATION 20220309-04Civ EXPANDING PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PROGRAMS AND SERVICES TO OLDER ADULTS Strategic Direction: Health and Environment, Mobility, Culture and Lifelong Learning Date: March 9, 2022 Subject: FY2023 Budget Recommendation Motioned By: Kareithi Recommendation The Commission on Seniors recommends the following budget items that will maintain and expand Parks and Recreation Department (PARD) programs and services for older adults. Seconded By: Van Sickle • Fund three temporary 20-hr/wk drivers and one temporary dispatcher to support the increase in routes and the high demand for private rides. • Fund an FTE Administrative Assistant position at each of the 18 PARD facilities serving the Adult 50+ Community. • Equitable Funding for the George Washington Carver Museum. Description of Recommendation to Council PARD provides numerous programs that serve older adults in Austin, including congregate meals and transportation to meals and some other appointments. PARD needs additional funding and staff to ensure all older adults who want to participate are able. • Funding three parti-time designated drivers and a dispatcher for the Senior Transportation Program will ensure PARD’s ability to serve the Adult 50+ Community while expanding congregate meal programs. • Funding 18 FTE Administrative Assistants at each of the 18 PARD facilities servicing the Adult 50+ Community will ensure an equitable standard of administrative operations for each site that is consistent and the same throughout the Community Recreation Division. Funding permanent positions should reduce turnover of staff in administrative positions. • The Carver is underfunded when compared to the Asian American Resource Center (estimated $100,000 to $200,000 less) and Mexican American Cultural Center (about $400,000 less). Additional funding would be used for temporary staff, commodities, and contracts. This funding is not currently in the PARD budget. Rationale: Senior Transportation Program: PARD offers participants rides through the Senior Transportation Program. The program is partially funded through a grant with the Capital Area Council of Governments that provides reimbursement for rides provided to facilities that participate in the Congregate Meal Program. Pre-pandemic this program 1 of 2 provided daily ride routes to 8 senior and recreation centers throughout the City of Austin as well as private rides to doctor’s appointments and personal errands. These routes were provided to all registered participants living within a 5-mile radius of the center. In 2019 Council approved the expansion of the congregate meal program from 8 to 10 sites. When the congregate meal program …

Scraped at: March 15, 2022, 4:20 a.m.
March 9, 2022


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COMMISSION ON SENIORS BUDGET RECOMMENDATION 20220309-04Cv COMMUNITY HEALTH WORKERS FOR OLDER ADULTS Strategic Direction: Health and Environment Seconded By: Angel Date: March 9, 2022 Subject: FY23 Budget Recommendation Motioned By: Bordie Recommendation Support expansion of scope and funding for Community Health Workers for Older Adults to serve additional program participants outside of Foundation Community permanent supportive housing properties. Description of Recommendation to Council In 2018 Council approved a request from the Commission on Seniors to fund Community Health Workers focused on older adults. Foundation Communities Inc. was awarded funding from Austin Public Health in 2019 to implement aging-in-place with navigation and care management services provided by a Community Health Worker with training and expertise in serving older adults (age 55+). City of Austin-Seniors 55+ (COA-SNR 55+) project services focused on increased access to preventive services, medical appointments, and other supports to address physical health, mental health, and dental health needs. To date services have been provided to residents of Foundation Community permanent supportive housing properties. This recommendation supports expansion of services to participants residing outside of Foundation Community properties to enhance capacity for a broader scope and reach to individuals residing in single family homes or other multi-family settings. Commission on Seniors understand this $125,000 of initial funding will remain in the APH budget. This recommendation adjusts the approach to include a broader reach within existing funding levels. The Commission supports additional funding to enable the program to serve more older adults Background and Rationale: In 2018 Council approved a request from the Commission on Seniors to fund Community Health Workers focused on older adults. Foundation Communities Inc. was awarded funding from Austin Public Health in 2019 to implement aging-in-place with navigation and care management 1 of 2 services provided by a Community Health Worker with training and expertise in serving older adults (age 55+). A short period of initial program implementation occurred prior to the pandemic with a focus on the approved grant deliverables but when the pandemic hit, Foundation Communities made a necessary pivot to develop a new process for services delivery. This flexibility supports the value of an approach which uses a Community Health Worker model focused on not just health care supports but all social determinants of health, transportation, health literacy, nutrition supports, etc. An external evaluation conducted in 2021 included both qualitative and quantitative assessment of project services and participant outcomes. Both residents and staff …

Scraped at: March 15, 2022, 4:20 a.m.
March 9, 2022


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COMMISSION ON SENIORS RECOMMENDATION 20220309-04Ciii MAINTAIN FUNDING FOR EDUCATION AND OUTREACH ON SENIOR HOMESTEAD TAX EXEMPTION Strategic Direction: Affordability and Government That Works Seconded By: Spain Date: March 9, 2022 Subject: FY2023 Budget Recommendations Motioned By: Van Sickle Recommendation The Commission on Seniors recommends the City Manager continue to designate at least $20,000 for door to door and other community-based education and outreach on the Senior Homestead Tax Exemption. Rationale: In 2018 the Commission on Seniors adopted Recommendation Number: 20181114- 4B: Recommendation on Senior Property Tax Assistance, calling for education and outreach to older adults on the Senior Homestead Tax Exemption. Community comments identified high property taxes as a barrier to affordability for older adults living in gentrifying parts of Austin. Further, the Commission heard from older adults that they were unaware of the exemptions they were entitled to and/or needed assistance to apply. The Council passed Resolution 20190822-070 endorsing the Commission on Seniors resolution. The Council receives periodic updates on implementation of the resolution. A relatively new state law makes older adults who have inherited their homes with other relatives eligible for a 100% exemption by filing an updated application with the appraisal district. See: The FY2022 budget includes $20,000 for this initiative in response to the Commission on Seniors request. The Commission on Seniors recommended in-person, community-based interaction with households identified as potential beneficiaries of the Senior Homestead Tax Exemption. This could include community events and, if appropriate, going door-to-door, to assist older adults in completing the required paperwork to receive these exemptions and potentially save thousands of dollars on their property taxes. However, due to the pandemic new strategies are being developed. We are hopeful that in-person outreach will be viable in the next fiscal year. Ensuring older adults receive all the tax exemptions they are due is a low-cost way to improve affordability and reduce displacement. Vote For: Briesemeister, Varteressian, Angel, Bauman, Bordie, De Maria Nicola, Garcia-Pittman, Kareithi, Lopez-Guerrero, Lugo, Spain, Temperley, Van Sickle Against: None Abstain: None Absent: Cagle Attest: Janee Briesemeister, Chair

Scraped at: March 15, 2022, 4:20 a.m.
March 9, 2022

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Scraped at: March 24, 2022, 8:20 p.m.
March 9, 2022

Approved Minutes original pdf

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1 COMMISSION ON SENIORS REGULAR MEETING MEETING MINUTES WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9TH, 2022 The Commission on Seniors convened a Regular Meeting at Austin City Hall, Boards and Commissions, 301 West 2nd Street, Austin, Texas, 78702 and remotely. Board Members in Attendance: Chair, Janee Briesemeister, Vice Chair, Peter Varteressian, Amy Temperley, Diana Spain, Emily De Maria Nicola, Erica Garcia‐Pittman, Fred Lugo, Jacqueline Angel, Luz Lopez‐Guerrero, Martha Bauman, Martin Kareithi, Patricia Bordie, and Sally Van Sickle. Commissioner Lugo left dais at 1:12pm and returned at 1:17pm. Commissioner Van Sickle left dais at 1:11pm and returned at 1:13pm. Board Members not in Attendance: Natalie Cagle Staff in Attendance: Tabitha Taylor and Halana Kaleel, Austin Public Health Presenters: None Chair, Janee Briesemeister called the Board Meeting to order at 12:05 pm. The Commission introduced themselves. PUBLIC COMMUNICATION A. No Public Communication 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM THE COMMISSION ON SENIORS FEBRUARY 9TH, 2022 MEETING A. The minutes from the February 9th, 2022, meeting was approved on Vice Chair Varteressian motion, Commissioner Lopez‐Guerrero second on a 13‐0 vote. Commissioner Cagle was absent. 2. ANNOUCEMENTS A. Meeting has occurred with auditor’s office about audit of older adults access to services. These are preliminary discussions; the office will reach back out to the commissioners around June 2022. Please send recommendations to Chair Briesemeister. 3. OLD BUSINESS A. Discussion and possible action Commission Work Plan – Standing Item No discussion currently. B. Discussion and possible action from Working Groups – Standing Item Age Friendly Action Plan Implementation Working Group Transportation, Housing and Outdoor Spaces Working Group  No discussion currently.  No discussion currently. i. i. ii. iii. Social Participation, Respect and Social Inclusion, Civic Participation and Employment Working Group  This working group needs a new member, meets every 4th Tuesday of the month. iv. v. i. ii. iii. i. ii. iii. iv. v. 2 Community Support and Health Services Working Group Emergency Preparedness and Response Working Group  No discussion currently.  No discussion currently. C. Discussion and possible action from Joint Inclusion Committee – Standing Item (Chair Briesemeister) i. No discussion currently. D. Discussion and possible action of City of Austin Budget – Standing Item (Chair Briesemeister) i. Working group will meet after the next Joint Inclusion meeting on March 29th. 4. NEW BUSINESS A. Discussion and possible action on Commission on Seniors FY22 Community Service Award. The Commission on Seniors FY22 Community Service Award survey …

Scraped at: May 12, 2022, 6:50 p.m.
Feb. 9, 2022

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COMMISSION ON SENIORS FEBRUARY 9TH, 2022 AT 12:00PM AUSTIN CITY HALL, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS ROOM 301 WEST 2ND STREET, AUSTIN, TEXAS, 78701 OR VIA VIDEOCONFERENCING CURRENT BOARD MEMBERS: Janee Briesmeister, Chair Peter Varteressian, Vice-Chair Natalie Cagle Jacqueline Angel Martha Bauman Patricia Bordie Emily De Maria Nicola Erica Garcia-Pittman AGENDA Amy Temperley Martin Kareithi Luz Lopez-Guerrero Sally Van Sickle Fred Lugo Diana Spain CALL TO ORDER CITIZEN COMMUNICATION In person: Each speaker signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will be called in order of sign-up and will be allowed three minutes to speak about items posted or not on the agenda. Via telephone: Call or email the board liaison at or 512-972- 5019 no later than noon, February 8th. The information required is the speaker’s name, item number(s) they wish to speak on, whether they are for/against/neutral, and a telephone number or email address. Speakers must call in at least 15 minutes prior to meeting start in order to speak, late callers will not be accepted and will not be able to speak. Speakers will be allowed three minutes to speak about items posted or not on the agenda. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM THE COMMISSION ON SENIORS NOVEMBER 10TH, 2021 AND DECEMBER 8TH, 2021 MEETNG 2. ANNOUCEMENTS 3. OLD BUSINESS A. Discussion and possible action Commission Work Plan – Standing Item B. Discussion and possible action from Working Groups – Standing Item i. Age Friendly Action Plan Implementation Working Group ii. iii. Transportation, Housing and Outdoor Spaces Working Group Social Participation, Respect and Social Inclusion, Civic Participation and Employment Working Group iv. Community Support and Health Services Working Group v. Emergency Preparedness and Response Working Group C. Discussion and possible action from Joint Inclusion Committee – Standing Item (Commissioner De Maria Nicola) D. Discussion and possible action of City of Austin Budget – Standing Item (Chair Briesmeister) 4. NEW BUSINESS A. Equitable Transit Oriented Development (ETOD): Anna Lan from Capital Metro and Laura Keating from the City’s Housing and Planning Department will present an overview and answer questions about the equitable transit-oriented development project to plan for equitable outcomes for area residents of all incomes and backgrounds along Project Connect corridors B. Discussion and possible action on Commission on Seniors Joint Inclusion Committee C. Discussion and possible action on a Resolution regarding cold weather shelters Representative. (Commissioner Temperley). D. Discussion and possible action on Budget …

Scraped at: Feb. 4, 2022, 11:20 a.m.
Feb. 9, 2022

20220209-04C: Cold Weather Shelters original pdf

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COMMISSION ON SENIORS RECOMMENDATION Recommendation Number: (20220209-04C): Cold Weather Shelters WHEREAS, The Commission on Seniors serves as an advisory board to the City Council concerning the quality of life for seniors in the Austin area and to help ensure older adults are productive, independent, and healthy; and WHEREAS, Cold weather puts seniors experiencing homelessness at significantly greater risk for death and adverse health impacts including hypothermia, heart attacks, kidney problems, liver damage, frostbite, or worse; and WHEREAS, The effectiveness of the cold weather shelter is decreased when the population it serves does not know, from night to night, whether the shelter will be open; and WHEREAS, The Winter Storm Uri After-Action Review ( Report.pdf ), shows that the City of Austin was unprepared for winter weather response, especially during Winter Storm Uri. Sixty four percent of the people who died during this storm were aged 60 and older; and WHEREAS, As of December 2021 there was no cold weather shelter plan in place. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Commission on Seniors makes the following recommendations relating to cold weather shelter planning for the City of Austin. • By September of each year the city shall develop and implement an annual cold weather shelter plan for the city for that a minimum includes: o Coordination of outreach activities prior to cold weather events to ensure that people experiencing homelessness are aware of the available options. o Nightly cold weather options, rather than only when the temperature falls to below freezing, are available. o If a temperature cut-off is necessary, raise the shelter activation temperature to a minimum of forty degrees Fahrenheit. This recommendation was made following a study of over 100 cold weather shelters in 2010 by the National Coalition for the Homeless ( content/uploads/2014/02/Winter_weather_report.pdf). o Extend cold weather shelter morning hours till 10 a.m. and provide adequate space in day centers to accommodate people who would otherwise remain outside. Date of Approval: February 9, 2022 _____________________________ Record of the vote: For: Briesemeister, Varteressian, Angel, Bauman, Bordie, Cagle, Garcia-Pittman, Kareithi, Lopez-Guerrero, Lugo, Temperley, Van Sickle. Against: None Absent: Nicola, Spain Attest: _____________________________________________

Scraped at: Feb. 11, 2022, 2:50 a.m.
Feb. 9, 2022

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Scraped at: March 3, 2022, 3:50 p.m.
Feb. 9, 2022

Approved Minutes original pdf

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1 COMMISSION ON SENIORS REGULAR MEETING MEETING MINUTES WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9TH, 2022 The Commission on Seniors convened a Regular Meeting at Austin City Hall, Boards and Commissions, 301 West 2nd Street, Austin, Texas, 78702 and remotely. Board Members in Attendance: Chair, Janee Briesemeister, Vice Chair, Peter Varteressian, Amy Temperley, Erica Garcia‐Pittman, Fred Lugo, Jacqueline Angel, Luz Lopez‐Guerrero, Martha Bauman, Martin Kareithi, Natalie Cagle (entered dais at 12:29pm), Patricia Bordie, and Sally Van Sickle. Board Members not in Attendance: Diana Spain and Emily De Maria Nicola. Staff in Attendance: Tabitha Taylor and Halana Kaleel, Austin Public Health Presenters: Anna Lan, Capital Metro, Laura Keating, City of Austin Housing and Planning Department, and Krystal Otworth, Age Friendly Intern, MSSW Candidate. Chair, Janee Briesemeister called the Board Meeting to order at 12:08 pm. The Commission introduced themselves. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION A. No Citizen Communication 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM THE COMMISSION ON SENIORS NOVEMBER 10TH, 2021 AND DECEMBER 8TH, 2021 MEETNG A. The minutes from both meetings were approved on Vice Chair Varteressian motion, Commissioner Lopez‐Guerrero second on a 11‐0 vote. Commissioners Cagle, De Maria Nicola, and Spain were absent. 2. ANNOUCEMENTS 3. OLD BUSINESS A. Commissioner Kareithi announced Orange Line Working Groups and Community Design Workshops. An email was sent to Commissioners by staff liaisons. A. Discussion and possible action Commission Work Plan – Standing Item No discussion currently. B. Discussion and possible action from Working Groups – Standing Item Age Friendly Action Plan Implementation Working Group Transportation, Housing and Outdoor Spaces Working Group  No discussion currently.  No discussion currently. i. i. ii. iii. Social Participation, Respect and Social Inclusion, Civic Participation and Employment Working Group  No discussion currently. iv. Community Support and Health Services Working Group v. Emergency Preparedness and Response Working Group  No discussion currently.  No discussion currently. 2 C. Discussion and possible action from Joint Inclusion Committee – Standing Item (Chair D. Discussion and possible action of City of Austin Budget – Standing Item (Chair Briesemeister) Briesemeister) No discussion currently. No discussion currently. 4. NEW BUSINESS A. Equitable Transit Oriented Development (ETOD): Anna Lan from Capital Metro and Laura Keating from the City’s Housing and Planning Department will present an overview and answer questions about the equitable transit‐oriented development project to plan for equitable outcomes for area residents of all incomes and backgrounds along Project Connect corridors Commissioners received a presentation on the Equitable Transit‐Oriented …

Scraped at: May 12, 2022, 6:50 p.m.
Jan. 12, 2022

Agenda original pdf

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COMMISSION ON SENIORS JANUARY 12TH, 2022 AT 12:00PM AUSTIN CITY HALL, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS ROOM 301 WEST 2ND STREET, AUSTIN, TEXAS, 78701 CURRENT BOARD MEMBERS: Janee Briesmeister, Chair Peter Varteressian, Vice-Chair Natalie Cagle Jacqueline Angel Martha Bauman Patricia Bordie Emily De Maria Nicola Erica Garcia-Pittman AGENDA Adam Hauser Martin Kareithi Luz Lopez-Guerrero Sally Van Sickle Fred Lugo Diana Spain Amy Temperley CALL TO ORDER CITIZEN COMMUNICATION Each speaker signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will be called in order of sign- up and will be allowed three minutes to speak about items posted or not on the agenda. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM THE COMMISSION ON SENIORS NOVEMBER 10TH, 2021 AND DECEMBER 8TH, 2021 MEETNG 2. ANNOUCEMENTS 3. OLD BUSINESS A. Discussion and possible action Commission Work Plan – Standing Item B. Discussion and possible action from Working Groups – Standing Item i. Age Friendly Action Plan Implementation Working Group ii. iii. Transportation, Housing and Outdoor Spaces Working Group Social Participation, Respect and Social Inclusion, Civic Participation and Employment Working Group iv. Community Support and Health Services Working Group v. Emergency Preparedness and Response Working Group C. Discussion and possible action from Joint Inclusion Committee – Standing Item (Commissioner De Maria Nicola) D. Discussion and possible action of City of Austin Budget – Standing Item (Chair Briesmeister) 4. NEW BUSINESS Representative. A. Discussion and possible action on Commission on Seniors Joint Inclusion Committee B. Review and possible action on Commission on Seniors FY23 Budget Engagement Survey. C. Discussion and possible action on a resolution regarding cold weather shelters (Commissioner Temperley). D. Discussion on Community Engagement for FY23 Budget Process. A. Age-friendly Austin Update, Tabitha Taylor, Age-Friendly Program Coordinator. 5. STAFF BRIEFINGS 6. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 7. ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days (48 hours) before the meeting date. Please call Halana Kaleel at Austin Public Health Department, at 512-972-5019, for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the Commission on Seniors please contact Halana Kaleel at 512-972- 5019.

Scraped at: Jan. 7, 2022, 1:50 a.m.
Dec. 9, 2021

Community Interest Announcement original pdf

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Commission on Seniors Community Interest Announcement AGE-FRIENDLY AUSTIN FORUM: SOCIAL PARTICIPATION Thursday, December 9th, 2021 at 1:00pm Remote Event: Age-friendly Austin Forum Series (all events) Tickets | Eventbrite A quorum of Commission on Seniors members may be present. No action will be taken, and no Commission on Seniors business will occur Halana Kaleel 512-972-5019

Scraped at: April 21, 2021, 5:20 p.m.