C.9.4 - 1314 Westover Rd - Pictures — original pdf
Brummett, Elizabeth From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Melanie Martinez Saturday, April 24, 2021 11:06 PM Featherston, Witt; Tollett, Blake - BC; Koch, Kevin - BC; Little, Kelly - BC; Heimsath, Ben - BC; bc- Caroline.Wright@austin.texas.gov; McWhorter, Trey - BC; Valenzuela, Sarah - BC; Myers, Terri - BC PAZ Preservation; Bertron, Cara; Sadowsky, Steve GF-2021-046344 507 LELAND STREET Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Follow up Flagged *** External Email - Exercise Caution *** Dear Commissioners, I am writing to oppose the demolition of 507 Leland Street, Case GF‐2021‐046344. As a long‐time resident of Travis Heights‐Fairview Park I have worked for more than a decade to help our neighborhood achieve our National Register District designation, so it is heartbreaking to see so many contributing properties in good condition, like this one, being demolished just as we are finally achieving our goal. While this house may not rise to the status of a landmark, it is still important to the district's overall historic character and identity. It is the collection, including these working‐class homes, that tell a story about Travis Heights and Austin. This house could certainly be remodeled to increase the square footage while still retaining its historic facade. Should the owner want to use it as a rental property, they could potentially receive tax credits as a benefit of being within the historic district. I hope the commission can persuade the owner to preserve the facade of this home, at the very least, and to help us preserve our historic neighborhood. Sincerely, Melanie Martinez 1214 Newning Ave. CAUTION: This email was received at the City of Austin, from an EXTERNAL source. Please use caution when clicking links or opening attachments. If you believe this to be a malicious and/or phishing email, please forward this email to cybersecurity@austintexas.gov. 1
Brummett, Elizabeth From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Melanie Martinez Saturday, April 24, 2021 3:57 PM Featherston, Witt; Tollett, Blake - BC; Koch, Kevin - BC; Little, Kelly - BC; Heimsath, Ben - BC; bc- Caroline.Wright@austin.texas.gov; McWhorter, Trey - BC; Myers, Terri - BC Bertron, Cara; Sadowsky, Steve; PAZ Preservation HR-2021-0441041807 BRACKENRIDGE STREET--opposed Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Follow up Flagged *** External Email - Exercise Caution *** Dear Commissioners, I am a resident of the soon‐to‐be‐official Travis Heights‐Fairview Park National Register District, and a volunteer with neighborhood's Preservation Committee. However, I am not writing on behalf of that group, but as a long‐time resident. I am opposed to the demolition of 1807 Brackenridge, based on its value as a contributing property to our historic district, and as a representative property of so many of our historical residents. This is the beauty of our historic neighborhood‐‐it was economically diverse. The vast majority of our contributing structures were the homes of working people. If we keep demolishing every home that doesn't meet the high bar of being the residence of a person of note and deemed to lack community value, there won't be a historic neighborhood at all one day. I am sad that there is so little hope for preserving this home, which is in good condition and would make a wonderful home as it is, or with an addition and updates. (If kept as a rental property, it might even qualify for tax credits for rehabilitation, thanks to our National Register district designation.) This is a fairly visible location on the edge of our district. However, the character of the new build (old demolition) next door, combined with this one, will further degrade the defining, historic character of this block as people enter the neighborhood. I have been to too many meetings where we are told to create a local historic district if we want to save these homes that are obviously the core of our historic character, but can't qualify as landmarks. We are using all the tools available without that Local District designation. We need help, so I appreciate anything this commission can offer to help us preserve our South Austin story. Sincerely, Melanie Martinez CAUTION: This email was received at the City of Austin, from an EXTERNAL source. Please use caution when clicking links or opening attachments. If you believe this to be a malicious and/or phishing …
Brummett, Elizabeth From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: bob gee Monday, April 26, 2021 12:45 PM Featherston, Witt; Tollett, Blake - BC; Koch, Kevin - BC; Little, Kelly - BC; Heimsath, Ben - BC; bc- Caroline.Wright@austin.texas.gov; McWhorter, Trey - BC; Valenzuela, Sarah - BC; Myers, Terri - BC PAZ Preservation; Bertron, Cara; Sadowsky, Steve D.9. HR -2021- 044104 – 1807 Brackenridge St. Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Follow up Flagged Dear commissioners, *** External Email - Exercise Caution *** I'm writing to oppose the demolition of 1807 Brackenridge St. This house appears to be in fine condition, as noted in the agenda backup, and is an excellent, extant example of Craftsman architecture in Travis Heights. I can attest to the possibilities of working with the original structure to create more space as opposed to tearing down. I am the owner of a home of similar style and vintage in the neighborhood and added a master suite, laundry and office to the rear of the house in 2016, while preserving the architectural integrity of the original house. The home was part of the 2019 Preservation Austin Craftsman home tour. As we face what feels like an inexorable tide of housing demolitions ‐‐ one occurred next door to me last year ‐‐ and we feel the historic character of our neighborhood slipping away, I know we have few tools at our disposal to keep the bulldozers at bay. But, as commissioners, you do have the power of persuasion. Please urge the owner of 1807 Brackenridge to consider preserving the original home and building a rear addition. Thank you, Bob Gee 302 Terrace Drive CAUTION: This email was received at the City of Austin, from an EXTERNAL source. Please use caution when clicking links or opening attachments. If you believe this to be a malicious and/or phishing email, please forward this email to cybersecurity@austintexas.gov. 1
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LIBRARY COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION 20210426-5b: Support for Austin Public Library Proposed Budget for FY22 Seconded By: Chair Dabbert Date: April 26, 2021 Subject: Support for Austin Public Library Proposed Budget for FY22 Motioned By: Commissioner Hanna Recommendation Support for Austin Public Library Proposed Budget for FY22 Description of Recommendation to Council Requesting that the Austin City Council approve the proposed Austin Public Library budget of $60,190,266 for FY2022, an increase of 2.25% or $1,321,890 from FY21, including an increase to the materials budget by 3.5% or $206,368. Rationale: “Libraries are a cornerstone of democracy—where information is free and equally available to everyone. People tend to take that for granted, and they don’t realize what is at stake when that is put at risk.” ― Carla Hayden, 14th Librarian of Congress During an unprecedented year, including COVID-19 pandemic related shutdowns and a city-wide weeklong freeze, APL continued to serve the citizens of Austin by providing online access to digital materials and by providing access to conventional format books and materials by providing curbside service at 11 of its 20 branches. APL also continues to provide innovative programming. In the past year, April 2020 – March 2021, APL hosted 1325 virtual programs with 37,430 attendees. 2020’s APL Virtual Summer Reading Program saw a 39% increase in APL Summer Reading site views with nearly 10,000 individual views between June – August. Recently, in an effort to address the ongoing digital divide, the APL coordinated a widespread device loan program in partnership with community organizations and area school districts. Through individual donations, funding from commissions and boards, the CARES Act and operational funds, APL loaned laptops and hotspots to the Housing Authority of the City of Austin (HACA), Foundation Communities, South Asian’s International Volunteer Association of Austin (SAIVA), and City Departments to support families, individuals, and especially older adults who are isolated and lack access to online information and resources. This effort was driven by a clear need observed in the community, further amplified by COVID-19. In addition, APL staff recently made 209 calls to customers over the age of 65 who haven’t visited the library since the beginning of the pandemic in March 2020. APL wanted to let customers 1 of 2 know that the library is open for curbside and answer questions about connecting to the virtual collection. APL also continues to provide staff development training to support the ability of all employees …
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MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES Monday, April 26, 2021 REGULAR MEETING Monday, April 26, 2021 MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION MINUTES The Municipal Civil Service Commission convened in a regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, April 26, 2021 via videoconferencing. Chair Peréz-Wiseley called the Commission meeting to order at 9:03 a.m. Commissioners in Attendance: Teresa Peréz-Wiseley, Chair Melissa Rogers, Vice-Chair Rebecca Eisenbrey Erika Kane Commissioners Absent: Pamela Lancaster Staff in Attendance: Matthew Chustz, Municipal Civil Service Administrator April Shaw, Municipal Civil Service Coordinator Michael Sullivan, Civil Service Coordinator Mecia Griffin, Civil Service Coordinator Brent Waters, Civil Service Intern Crystal Contreras, HRIS Support 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES March 22, 2021. a. Approve the minutes from the Municipal Civil Service Commission regular meeting on The minutes of the March 22, 2021 regular meeting were approved on Vice-Chair Rogers’ motion, Commissioner Kane’s second, on a vote of 4-0. a. Conduct a hearing on the appeal filed by Michael Girod regarding their Denial of Promotion from the Public Works Department. A hearing was conducted on the appeal filed by Michael Girod regarding their Denial of Promotion from the Public Works Department. 2. HEARING 1 MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES Monday, April 26, 2021 b. Deliberate in open or closed session, pursuant to 551.074 of the Texas Government Code (personnel exception), regarding the appeal of Michael Girod regarding their Denial of Promotion from the Public Works Department. Chair Peréz-Wiseley recessed the Municipal Civil Service Commission meeting to go to closed session at 5:38 p.m. The Commission deliberated in closed session on the appeal filed by Michael Girod regarding their Denial of Promotion from the Public Works Department. Closed session ended and Chair Peréz-Wiseley called the Municipal Civil Service Commission meeting back to order at 6:20 p.m. c. Possible action and decision on the appeal filed by Michael Girod regarding their Denial of Promotion from the Public Works Department. The motion to grant Michael Girod’s appeal, place him in the position at issue and award him any lost pay or benefits from the date the individual was placed in the position was approved on Commissioner Eisenbrey’s motion, Vice-Chair Rogers’ second, on a vote of 4-0. 3. OLD BUSINESS a. Discussion and possible action on the Municipal Civil Service Commission recommendation to City Council (Recommendation 20191108-04B) regarding the review of granted denial of promotion and discharge appeals. b. Discussion and review of the Municipal Civil Service Rules …
DESIGN COMMISSION MONDAY, April 26, 2021 5:30 PM VIA REMOTE WebEx Meeting Minutes X X X X Vacant (District 6) Jessica Rollason (District 7) Aan Coleman (District 8) Bart Whatley (District 9) Ben Luckens (District 10) Call to order by: Chair D. Carroll at 5:34 p.m. Member List David Carroll – Chair (District 1) X X Melissa Hanao-Robledo – Vice-Chair (District 5) X Martha Gonzalez – (District 2) Samuel Franco (District 3) X Josue Meiners (District 4) X Evan Taniguchi (Mayor) X “X” Denote Commission Members who were in attendance X Jorge E. Rousselin, Executive Liaison X Aaron D. Jenkins, Staff Liaison X Art Zamorano, Staff Liaison CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: None. 1. NEW BUSINESS (Discussion and Possible Action): CITY OF AUSTIN HOUSING AND PLANNING STAFF a. Courtesy Briefing of the City of Austin George Washington Carver Museum Expansion, to be presented by Terry Smith-Smith & Co. Architects; Gregory Montes-City of Austin Park and Recreation Department (PARD). • Gregory Montes and Terry Smith, Smith & Co. Architects presented and answered questions from the Commissioners. • No action was taken by Design Commission for this item. Page 1 of 3 2. COMMISSION-SPECIFIC BUSINESS (Discussion and possible action): a. Approval of March 22nd meeting minutes. • Commissioner E. Taniguchi made a motion to approve the March 22nd meeting minutes as presented. Commissioner J. Meiners seconded. • The motion was approved [10 ayes, 0 nays] b. Attendance Reports for the Commissioners • Aaron Jenkins briefed the commission that attendance reports were requested by the City Clerk’s office on a regular basis. Mr. Jenkins provided a courtesy reminder that Commissioners need to attend all meetings if possible; more than (3) unexcused consecutive absences will place the Commissioners in jeopardy of being removed from the Commission. Mr. Jenkins asked that staff be notified of any absence, so that the attendance report and be marked accordingly. c. Officer Elections: Chair & Vice Chair • Commissioner A. Coleman made a motion to approve David Carroll as Chair and Melissa Hanao-Robledo as Vice chair for the next election cycle. Commissioner S. Franco seconded. [Commissioner A. Coleman withdrew her motion.] • Commissioner A. Coleman made a motion to approve David Carroll as Chair and Jessica Rollason as Vice chair for the next term. Commissioner J. Meiners seconded. • The motion was approved [9 ayes, 0 nays] * Commissioner M. Gonzalez was unable to connect into the meeting, due to technical difficulties. …
HISTORIC LANDMARK COMMISSION MONDAY, APRIL 26, 2021 – 6:00 PM VIA VIDEOCONFERENCING COMMISSION MEMBERS: x ab ab x x x Terri Myers, Chair Ben Heimsath, Vice Chair Anissa Castillo Witt Featherston Kevin Koch Carl Larosche x x x x x Kelly Little Trey McWhorter Blake Tollett Beth Valenzuela Caroline Wright AGENDA CALL TO ORDER: 6:05 P.M. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL There were no speakers. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. March 22, 2021 – Offered for consent approval MOTION: Approve the minutes, per passage of the consent agenda, on a motion by Commissioner Larosche. Commissioner Valenzuela seconded the motion. Vote: 9-0. 2. PRESENTATIONS, DISCUSSION, AND POSSIBLE ACTION A. Presentation and discussion of the former Threadgill’s No. 1, 6416 N. Lamar Blvd. Victoria Haase spoke to solicit feedback from the Commission. MOTION: Recommend further study and direct the property owner to keep as much existing fabric as possible on a motion by Commissioner Koch. Commissioner Valenzuela seconded the motion; vote: 9-0. B. Discussion and possible action in response to National Register of Historic Places nomination for Third Street Railroad Trestle, west end of W. 3rd St. at Shoal Creek Nomination available at: https://www.thc.texas.gov/sbrmeeting 1 MOTION: Endorse the application, recommending the nomination to the State Board of Review, on a motion by Commissioner Larosche. Commissioner Tollett seconded the motion; vote: 9-0. 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Discussion and Possible Action on Applications for Historic Zoning, Discussion and Action on Applications for Historic District Zoning, and Requests to Consider Initiation of Historic Zoning Cases A.1. C14H-2021-0057 – 5312 Shoal Creek Blvd. – Discussion Kohn House Council District 7 Applicant: Aaron Franklin, owner City Staff: Elizabeth Brummett, Historic Preservation Office, 512-974-1264 Staff Recommendation: Recommend historic zoning. Ken Johnson and Darwin Harrison spoke in favor of historic zoning. Neil Crane spoke in opposition. MOTION: Recommend historic zoning pending resolution of boundary dispute on a motion by Commissioner Koch. Commissioner McWhorter seconded the motion. Vote: 9-0. B. Discussion and Possible Action on Applications for Certificates of Appropriateness B.1. HR-2021-050823 – 5312 Shoal Creek Blvd. – Discussion Kohn House Council District 7 Proposal: Construct an addition Applicant: Aaron Franklin City Staff: Elizabeth Brummett, Historic Preservation Office, 512-974-1264 Committee Feedback: The committee expressed concerns that the addition competes with the historic tower, with the extent of proposed landscaping modifications, and regarding the applicant’s ability to obtain landmark status with the proposed changes. Staff Recommendation: See staff report. Ken Johnson, Christy Ten …
Library Commission Meeting Minutes 26 April, 2021 SPECIAL CALLED MEETING 26 April, 2021 THE LIBRARY COMMISSION MINUTES The Library Commission convened in a Regular Meeting on Monday, April 26, 2021 via videoconferencing. Chair Hanna called the Board Meeting to order at 3:03 p.m. Board Members in Attendance: Chair, Catherine Hanna; Vice Chair, Steven Self; Commission Members Julia Aguilar, Patricia Dabbert, JC Dwyer, Lynda Infante, Courtney Rosenthal, and Lily Trieu Board Members Absent: Commission Member Daniella Ramos Citizen Communication: None 1. Welcome and introduction of new Library Commission Member Lynda Infante Commission Member Infante introduced herself to the commission. 2. Approval of Minutes from the March 22, 2021 Regular Meeting via Videoconferencing The minutes of the regular meeting were approved on Commission Member Dwyer’s motion and Commission Member Dabbert’s second on an 8-0 vote. Commission Member Ramos absent. a. Austin History Center Association Update, Chad Williams, AHCA Board Member Chad Williams gave an update on AHCA plans to support the Austin History Center 3. Presentations: 4. Old Business None 5. New Business: a. Election of officers Elections for Chair – Vice Chair Self nominated Commission Member Dwyer who declined the nomination. Commission Member Dabbert nominated Commission Member Aguilar who declined the nomination. Chair Hanna nominated Commission Member Trieu who declined the nomination. Chair Hanna nominated Commission Member Dabbert with a second by Vice Chair Library Commission Meeting Minutes 26 April, 2021 Self. Having no other nominations, Patricia Dabbert was elected Chair on an 8-0 vote. Commission Member Ramos absent. Elections for Vice Chair – Vice Chair Self nominated himself for Vice Chair with a second by Chair Dabbert. Having no other nominations, Vice Chair Self was elected Vice Chair on an 8-0 vote. Commission member Ramos absent. b. Discussion and possible action on an FY22 Library Budget Recommendation Library Commission Recommendation 20210426-5b: Support for Austin Public Library Proposed Budget for FY22 was approved on Commission Member Hanna’s motion and Chair Dabbert’s second on an 8-0 vote. Commission Member Ramos absent. c. Discussion and possible action on Library Commission support for the adoption of The George Washington Carver Museum, Cultural & Genealogy Center Facility Expansion Plan Gregory Montes, Program Manager, PARD Planning, City of Austin Parks and Recreation Dept and Terry Smith, Architect, presented the plan. A motion that the Library Commission recommend adoption of the plan was approved on Commission Member Hanna’s motion and Commission Member Rosenthal’s second on an 8-0 …
Versión en español a continuación. Zero Waste Advisory Commission Construction and Demolition Ordinance Reform Committee Meeting Friday April 23, 2021 Zero Waste Advisory Commission Construction and Demolition Reform Committee to be held Friday April 23, 2021 with Social Distancing Modifications Public comment will be allowed via telephone; no in-person input will be allowed. All speakers must register in advance (Thursday April 22, 2021 by noon). All public comment will occur at the beginning of the meeting. To speak remotely at the April 23, 2021 Zero Waste Advisory Commission Construction and Demolition Ordinance Reform Committee Meeting, members of the public must: •Call or email the board liaison at 512-974-6492 or Elizabeth.Nelson@austintexas.gov no later than noon, (the day before the meeting). The following information is required: speaker name, item number(s) they wish to speak on, whether they are for/against/neutral, email address and telephone number (must be the same number that will be used to call into the meeting). •Once a request to speak has been made to the board liaison, the information to call on the day of the scheduled meeting will be provided either by email or phone call. •Speakers must call in at least 15 minutes prior to meeting start time in order to speak, late callers will not be accepted and will not be able to speak. •Speakers will be placed in a queue until their time to speak. •Handouts or other information may be emailed to Elizabeth.Nelson@austintexas.gov by noon the day before the scheduled meeting. This information will be provided to Board and Commission members in advance of the meeting. •If the meeting is broadcast live, it may be viewed here: http://www.austintexas.gov/page/watch-atxn-live Reunión del Zero Waste Advisory Commission Construction and Demolition Ordinance Reform Committee Viernes 23 de abril, 2021 La junta se llevará con modificaciones de distanciamiento social Se permitirán comentarios públicos por teléfono; no se permitirá ninguna entrada en persona. Todos los oradores deben registrarse con anticipación (jueves 22 de abril, 2021 antes del mediodía). Todos los comentarios públicos se producirán al comienzo de la reunión. Para hablar de forma remota en la reunión, los miembros del público deben: • Llame o envíe un correo electrónico al enlace de junta en 512-974-6492 o Elizabeth.Nelson@austintexas.gov a más tardar al mediodía (el día antes de la reunión). Se requiere la siguiente información: nombre del orador, número (s) de artículo sobre el que desean hablar, si están a favor / …