CITY OF AUSTIN Board of Adjustment Decision Sheet F-1 DATE: Monday June 14, 2021 CASE NUMBER: C15-2021-0036 ___Y____Thomas Ates ___Y____Brooke Bailey ___Y____Jessica Cohen ___Y____Melissa Hawthorne ___-____Don Leighton-Burwell (no vote/late) ___Y____Rahm McDaniel ___Y____Darryl Pruett ___Y____Agustina Rodriguez ___-____Michael Von Ohlen ___Y____Nicholl Wade ___-____Vacant ___-____Kelly Blume (Alternate) ___Y____Carrie Waller (Alternate) ___-____Vacant (Alternate) APPLICANT: Ron Thrower OWNER: Chalice McGee ADDRESS: 6141 JUMANO LN VARIANCE REQUESTED: The applicant is requesting a variance(s) from Section 25-2-899 (D) (E) (F) (Fences as Accessory Uses) to increase the height permitted from 6 feet (required) to 8 feet (requested) in order to maintain a recently constructed 8 ft. fence in an “SF-2-NP”, Single- Family Residence-Neighborhood Plan zoning district. (West Oak Hill Neighborhood Plan) Note: The Land Development Code 25-2-899 (D) Except as otherwise provided in this section, a solid fence constructed along a property line may not exceed an average height of six feet or a maximum height of seven feet. (E) states: a solid fence along a property line may be constructed to a maximum height of eight feet if each owner of property that adjoins a section of the fence that exceeds a height of six feet files written consent to the construction of the fence with the building official; and (2) a structure, including a telephone junction box, exists that is reasonably likely to enable a child to climb over a six foot fence and gain access to a hazardous situation, including a swimming pool. (F) A solid fence may be constructed to a maximum of eight feet in height if the fence is located on or within the building setback lines. BOARD’S DECISION June 14, 2021 POSTPONED TO JULY 12, 2021 FINDING: E-2/1 1. The Zoning regulations applicable to the property do not allow for a reasonable use because: 2. (a) The hardship for which the variance is requested is unique to the property in that: (b) The hardship is not general to the area in which the property is located because: 3. The variance will not alter the character of the area adjacent to the property, will not impair the use of adjacent conforming property, and will not impair the purpose of the regulations of the zoning district in which the property is located because: ______________________________ Elaine Ramirez Executive Liaison ____________________________ Jessica Cohen Chairman Diana Ramirez for E-2/2 BOA GENERAL REVIEW COVERSHEET CASE: C15-2021-0036 BOA DATE: June 14th, 2021 ADDRESS: 6141 Jumano Ln OWNER: …
E-2/34 E-2/35 E-2/36 E-2/37 E-2/38 E-2/39 E-2/40 E-2/41 April 16, 2021 Brian J. Tagtmeier The Kelly Legal Group, PLLC P. O. Box 2125 Austin, Texas 78768 Dear Mr. Tagtmeier: We represent Chalice McGee and write in response to your March 25, 2021 correspondence. It seems that you have not been fully informed by your clients about the underlying circumstances about which you wrote. First, our client did obtain prior written approval of the Architectural Committee before constructing the fence in question, so there is no violation of the restrictions to discuss. There are no tents, shacks or other temporary structures present. Your claims that the fence encroaches on your client’s property, or that the existing fence was damaged during the course of construction of the new fence, are also unfounded. We suggest you investigate those claims further before launching a groundless lawsuit. If you choose to litigate, it is your clients who will face exposure for paying our client’s fees. Mr. Tagtmeier, we don’t know each other but I have had positive experiences in the past with other attorneys at your firm. Our client has no interest in antagonizing yours, but they have a long history of harassing and threatening her and many others in the neighborhood. The most egregious example which has been documented is described in the attached police report. Part of her motivation for building this fence was to avoid any further such confrontations, and so far it has seemed to achieve that goal. She just wants to be left alone, and to avoid any further tension or escalation with her neighbors. Please see what you can do to de-escalate this situation. We look forward to hearing from you. Very truly yours, /s/ Daniel H. Byrne Daniel H. Byrne DHB/mpy Enclosure cc: Client E-2/42 E-2/43 E-2/44 E-2/45 E-2/46 E-2/47 E-2/48 E-2/49 E-2/50 E-2/51 LOH-Legend Oaks HOAc/o Goodwin & Company11149 Research Blvd Ste 100Austin TX 78759Voice faxDate: 10/18/2020 8:47:08 PMProject Ref: [49615552] 6141 Jumano LaneChalice McGee6141 Jumano LaneAustin TX 78749Dear Chalice McGee,I am pleased to inform you that the LOH-Legend Oaks HOA Arc Committee has approved yourapplication for the following project item(s): FenceThe approval is contingent upon compliance with the specifications set forth in the approvedapplication. If your change or addition requires a county, city or state permit, it must be obtained beforeconstruction.We feel this improvement will make a fine addition to our community and look forward to …
E-2/60 E-2/61 Written comments must be submitted to the contact person listed on the notice before 9 a.m. the day of the public hearing to be viewed by the Board the night of the meeting. Your comments should include the name of the board or commission, or Council; the scheduled date of the public hearing; the Case Number; and the contact person listed on the notice. All comments received will become part of the public record of this case. Case Number: C15-2021-0036 Contact: Elaine Ramirez; Public Hearing: Board of Adjustment; June 14th, 2021 Your Name (please print) To m o -m j La / Your address(es) affected by this application "JKl am in favor O I object *1*- r Signature Date Daytime Telephone: S 1^-9%O 6 08 Comments: PUBLIC HEARING INFORMATION Although applicants and/or their agent(s) are expected to attend a public hearing, you are not required to attend. However, if you do attend, you have the opportunity to speak FOR or AGAINST the proposed development or change. You may also contact a neighborhood or environmental organization that has expressed an interest in an application affecting your neighborhood. During a public hearing, the board or commission may postpone or continue an application’s hearing to a later date, or recommend approval or denial of the application. If the board or pommission announces a specific date and time for a postponement or continuation that is not later than 60 days from the announcement, no further notice is required. A board or commission’s decision may be appealed by a person with standing to appeal, or an interested party that is identified as a person who can appeal the decision. The body holding a public hearing on an appeal will determine whether a person has standing to appeal the decision. An interested party is defined as a person who is the applicant or record owner of the subject property, or who communicates an interest to a board or commission by: • delivering a written statement to the board or commission before or during the public hearing that generally identifies the issues of concern (it may be delivered to the contact person listed on a notice)-, or appearing and speaking for the record at the public hearing; • and: • occupies a primary residence that is within 500 feet of the subject property or proposed development; • is the record owner of property within …
2309 Panther Trail The Ann Richards School for Young Women Leaders Sign Variance Application C16‐2021‐0010 1 C-1/1-PRESENTATION The Ann Richards School for Young Women Leaders 2 C-1/2-PRESENTATION Front Façade Wall Sign 3 C-1/3-PRESENTATION Interlocal Agreement with AISD Not re‐zoned under ERC 4 C-1/4-PRESENTATION Sign District – Low‐density Residential 5 C-1/5-PRESENTATION Façade Sign Permitted by Applicable Code Not re‐zoned under ERC 6 C-1/6-PRESENTATION Our Proposed Sign Not re‐zoned under ERC 7 C-1/7-PRESENTATION Our Proposed Sign Not re‐zoned under ERC 8 C-1/8-PRESENTATION Our Proposed Sign Not re‐zoned under ERC 9 C-1/9-PRESENTATION Grove Apartments Hamilton Apartments In‐N‐Out Concentra Red Lobster Pluckers Pep Boys LA Fitness Wheatsville Coop Tramor at Creek Village Apartments 10 Town and Country Montessori School C-1/10-PRESENTATION Requested Sign Would Not Impose Adverse Impact Upon Neighbors Not re‐zoned under ERC 11 C-1/11-PRESENTATION Requested Sign Would Not Impose Adverse Impact Upon Neighbors Not re‐zoned under ERC 12 C-1/12-PRESENTATION Strict Enforcement Prohibits an Adequate Sign 13 C-1/13-PRESENTATION Strict Enforcement Prohibits an Adequate Sign 14 C-1/14-PRESENTATION Joint Use Policy 15 C-1/15-PRESENTATION Granting a Variance Will Not Conflict with Purpose of Sign Ordinance 16 C-1/16-PRESENTATION School Purpose and Legacy 17 C-1/17-PRESENTATION We respectfully request a variance from Section 13‐2‐ 862(g) of the City’s Land Development Code as it existed on January 1, 1994 to allow for a wall sign of total area up to 260 square feet and up to 33’ in maximum height. • Variance does not provide the applicant with a special privilege not enjoyed by others similarly situated or potentially similarly situated AND • Strict enforcement of the provisions of the sign regulations prohibit any reasonable opportunity to provide adequate signs. • Granting the variance will not have a substantially adverse impact upon neighboring properties. • Granting the variance will not substantially conflict with the stated purposes of the sign regulations 18 C-1/18-PRESENTATION
1409 Possum Trot BOA Request C15-2020-0038 D-1/1-PRESENTATION Our Variance Request • A variance from LDC 25-2-492; the rear setback in an SF-3 zoning district is 10 feet. We are requesting a rear setback of 5 feet. • The existing 1942 duplex has a 5-foot setback. It will continue to have the same 5- foot setback if the variance is approved. D-1/2-PRESENTATION Duplex at 1409 Possum Trot Requested 5-foot rear setback D-1/3-PRESENTATION Proposed Subdivision Plat D-1/4-PRESENTATION Property History • The existing structures were built in 1942 as a single-family residence and a duplex. • The property was annexed into Austin’s Full Purpose Jurisdiction and zoning regulations on March 14, 1946. • Because the property is within the City’s Full Purpose Jurisdiction with three existing units, it is classified as a legal non-complying use. D-1/5-PRESENTATION Property History (cont.) • On September 27, 2002, the City of Austin issued a Legal Tract Determination, which exempted this property from the platting requirements. • In 2019, the new owner purchased the property, and he wishes to subdivide the property into two lots, in order to bring it into compliance with the zoning regulations. D-1/6-PRESENTATION We are asking for BOA support for the following reasons: • The structures have existed since 1942, so variance approval will not impact the neighborhood. • This is a minimal departure. If this property were part of a neighborhood residential infill, the rear setback for a duplex would only be 5 feet, under 25-2-1535. However we do not qualify because residential infill requires a residential site area of one acre, and this site is smaller. D-1/7-PRESENTATION
5607 Highland Crest Drive C15-2021-0074 Hearing Date July 12, 2021 The applicant is requesting variance(s) from the Land Development Code, Section 25-2-773 (Duplex Residential Use) (B) (5) (b) from two stories (maximum allowed) to three stories (requested) in order to erect a Duplex Residential use in an “SF-3”, Single-Family Residence zoning district. 1. Section 25-2-773 specifically restricts duplexes to 30 feet; OR two stories. The interpretation is not applied to each unit of the two unit duplex, but rather it is applied to the total structure height. This variance is requesting a total structure height of three stories and none of the units will be more than two stories on their own. The building tent will be fully respected. 2. The hardship for this site is the cross slope which naturally splits the foundation into two elevations roughly 12’ apart, vertically. With the first floor of each unit starting 12’ apart a natural side by side duplex will become three stories. 2. The previous duplex structure was approximately the same scale, but that structure burned down in 2019. We would like to rebuild in the same approximate scale and space as the previous structure. 3. Given the need for housing units in Austin TX, the best use for this site is to build two units again, as it was before the fire. 4. The neighbor to the west is also a duplex and zoned SF-3. The two story portion of our structure will be directly adjacent to our residential neighbor. The three story portion will be adjacent to our office building neighbor zoned both GR and CS. Refer to following exhibits to scale comparison. D-10/1-PRESENTATION Exhibit 4 C15-2021-0074 - 5607 Highland Crest - Sean O’Brien D-10/2-PRESENTATION Exhibit 3 C15-2021-0074 - 5607 Highland Crest Dr - Sean O’Brien D-10/3-PRESENTATION Subject Site Neighbor Duplex Exhibit 1 C15-2021-0074 - 5607 Highland Crest Dr - Sean O’Brien D-10/4-PRESENTATION Subject Site Neighbor Duplex Exhibit 2 C15-2021-0074 - 5607 Highland Crest Dr - Sean O’Brien D-10/5-PRESENTATION PARTIAL BOUNDARY, TOPOGRAPHIC & TREE SURVEY LOT 2, HIGHLAND CREST DRIVE SUBDIVISION, RECORDED IN VOL. 76, PG. 174, P.R.T.C.T. TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXAS T. J. CHAMBERS SURVEY, A-7 A LOT 1 HIGHLAND CREST DRIVE SUBDIVISION S17° 00' 31"W 1.24' LOT 1 PARKCREST CENTER NO. 2 DETAIL "A" (NOT TO SCALE) 1 L H I G H L A N D C R E S T D R I V E A …
Case Number: C15-2021-0075 Miller-Long House 813 Park Blvd. Tere O’Connell, Speaker Chris Oakland, Owner D-11/1-PRESENTATION Case Number: C15-2021-0075 Miller-Long House 813 Park Blvd. View of Main House and Garage D-11/2-PRESENTATION Case Number: C15-2021-0075 Miller-Long House Garage North elevation with original doors D-11/3-PRESENTATION Case Number: C15-2021-0075 Miller-Long House Garage West elevation D-11/4-PRESENTATION Case Number: C15-2021-0075 Miller-Long House Garage East elevation D-11/5-PRESENTATION Case Number: C15-2021-0075 Miller-Long House Garage North elevation of Garage mimics east elevation of Main House D-11/6-PRESENTATION Case Number: C15-2021-0075 Miller-Long House Original Garage doors D-11/7-PRESENTATION Case Number: C15-2021-0075 Miller-Long House Garage Interior, Lower level D-11/8-PRESENTATION Case Number: C15-2021-0075 Miller-Long House Garage Interior, Upper level D-11/9-PRESENTATION ZONING: SF3-CO-NP ZONING: SF3-CO-NP TEMPORARY BENCHMARK TEMPORARY BENCHMARK TRIANGLE CUT ON CURB TRIANGLE CUT ON CURB ASSUMED ELEVATION = 100.00' ASSUMED ELEVATION = 100.00' 100 PARK BOULEVARD 101 101 GFO WM WV CRZ S 59°56'24" E 60.04' S 59°53'15" E 90.29' C.M. CRZ 1/2 CRZ 1/4 CRZ 1/4 CRZ 1/2 CRZ T331 26' OAK T331 26" OAK T332 23' OAK T332 23" OAK T333 17' OAK T333 17" OAK T334 16" MAGNOLIA ' . 3 8 9 4 1 ' E " 4 5 0 0 ° 0 3 N 20'-0" UTILITY EASEMENT EXISTING TRANSFORMERS AND CONCRETE PADS TO REMAIN E 96 WM 100 99 97 E 98 E 25' ZONING SETBACK 102 101 ' . 9 8 9 4 1 ' E " 3 4 1 0 ° 0 3 N NPS O V E R H E A D L I N E R E D R I V E R POWER POLE F I E L D V E R I F Y 1 2 7 ' - 0 " N 3 0 ° 0 0 ' 5 4 " E 1 4 9 . 8 3 ' 101 AC PAD? 100 MAIN HOUSE 0 5 10 15 20 25 FT M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M NEW SWIMMING POOL 99 98 M M M M M M M M M M M M M …
Carson story of 1209 Choquette My name is Jennifer Carson, co-owner of 1209 Choquette with Robert (Bob) Carson, my husband. Bob moved in as renter in 1992 then purchased the home in 1993. In 1995 we married and began our life together at 1209 Choquette. After the birth of our first child in 1997 and the death of our last parent we decided in 1998 to stay put in our Brentwood home because of the community we had established. To make space more practical it was suggested by our architect that adding a second story was the best option. At the time deed restrictions did not allow a second story without the “approval of neighbors”. We took our blueprints to each surrounding neighbor to get their opinion on our two-story addition. At that time, the majority of our neighbors were original owners and were very supportive of our addition. There were no two-story additions on our block and very few in the entire neighborhood. That is hard to believe now. We made significant effort to have it fit the original character of Brentwood. When we started in 1999, we had a toddler and were expecting our second child. With the need to complete construction quickly and limited funds we did not seek to add on to our original carport at that time. Our driveway follows our sloped lot toward the house so rain from the roof pooled significantly in the original carport. Progressively, the carport flooding increased. In 2003 we extended the carport to its current form to help remedy that. The pitch on the extension allows rain to better drain to either side of the driveway and carport into grass yard rather than flowing directly into the carport. Over the years we have continued to keep our home well-maintained and we remain fully vested in the neighborhood. Both of our boys attended Lamar and McCallum neighborhood schools. We have since completely remodeled the kitchen (2015/2016) upgrading plumbing and electrical. It was noted on our documents then that the carport was over the setback, but all permits were approved and inspections passed. Last month inspection was completed for entire home window replacement with double pane energy efficient windows. Currently we want to add a permittable front porch opposite the carport open on all 3 sides with a similar façade. In the planning process we learned that we needed a variance. …
C15-2021-0068 1411 GASTON AVENUE APPLICANT: BJ CORNELIUS PRESENTATION INDEX EXHIBIT 1 – STREETVIEW PHOTO EXHIBIT 2 – 1411 GASTON AVE SITE PLAN EXHIBIT 3 – FRONT ELEVATION EXHIBIT 4 – EXISTING REAR ELEVATION EXHIBIT 5 – PROPOSED REAR ELEVATION EXHIBIT 6 – FLOOR PLAN 2ND LEVEL EXHIBIT 7 – NEIGHBOR SUPPORT 1407 GASTON AVE EXHIBIT 8 – NEIGHBOR SUPPORT 1413 GASTON AVE EXHIBIT 9 – OWNER’S AFFIDAVIT D-6/1-PRESENTATION EXHIBIT #1 - STREETVIEW PHOTO CASE # C15-2021-0068 1411 GASTON AVE. APPLICANT: BJ CORNELIUS D-6/2-PRESENTATION D-6/3-PRESENTATION D-6/4-PRESENTATION D-6/5-PRESENTATION D-6/6-PRESENTATION D-6/7-PRESENTATION D-6/8-PRESENTATION D-6/9-PRESENTATION AFFIDAVIT * * * STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TRAVIS Berry Shawn Cox, being duly sworn deposes and states that he is co-owner with his wife, Joan Harris Admirand and they reside at the home located at 1411 Gaston Avenue, Travis County, Austin, Texas 78703. This Affidavit is made as part of an initial submission to the City of Austin related to a request for Variance related to a build-out of the existing attic space to create habitable living space for the home at 1411 Gaston Avenue, Austin, Texas 78703. We have retained CGS to prepare architectural design drawings and construction specifications for our build-out. In the proposed buildout, we have requested: 1. No expansion to the current exterior building envelope save the addition of 2 dormers in the back of the house for egress from the second floor to comply with fire code requirements. 2. There are three neighbors behind our home that would be potentially affected visually by these dormers. The home directly behind ours is owned by Jan and Bobby Jenkins [1404 Ethridge]. I have shown them the exterior proposal and they had no concerns related to the addition of the two dormers. The homes on west side of the Jenkins’ residence is currently under construction and has no view of the proposed dormers and the other home is soon to be on the market and likewise has no view of the proposed dormers. 3. The directly adjacent next door neighbors, 1407 and 1413 Gaston would not have a visual line of sight to the dormers and both had no concerns with the addition of dormers on the roof our home. 4. The proposed renovation would not affect the front façade of the home. No neighbors with views of the façade from their home expressed concern. 5. I contacted Jane Hayman, the president of the Pemberton Heights …
904 Avondale Rd. Application for Variance ‐ Screened porch encroaching into front yard setback & Variance for nonconforming use (substandard lot size). Owners: Frank and Jeannine Clark. *Frank is a restoration carpenter with 25 years of experience. *Jeannine is an interior designer. *This is our retirement home. D-7/1-PRESENTATION LOCATION: 904 Avondale. Travis Heights Neighborhood. Between Travis Heights Blvd & Alta Vista Avenue. South of Riverside Drive. D-7/2-PRESENTATION This corner of the porch intersects the required front yard setback from 25’ to 17 PROPOSED EXISTING Existing porch footprint to remain. New Porch with roof extension and screens, open on two sides. New porch will not extend past the current street‐side face of the home. Coverage area: approx. 8’ x 16’. D-7/3-PRESENTATION Current condition: Existing 1949 vintage ‘small home’ Cottage– 594 square feet, 1 bedroom. Goal: • Restoration of the existing home to conform to the character of the neighborhood without adding interior square footage. • Add screened front porch as part of the renovations. (at existing non‐enclosed front porch). Conflicts which require variance: • A triangle portion of the proposed screened porch encroaches the required 25’ front yard setback per LD Code 25‐2‐ 513G. Request to reduce setback in this area to align with front of existing home, approx. 17’ from property line. LD Code 25‐2‐947. Lot size is 5292 s.f. , which is a non conforming size lot. • D-7/4-PRESENTATION HARDSHIP SUMMARY There is, quite literally, no other location we can add this screened porch, and the porch is vital to the enjoyment of our tiny home. The shape of the lot: The pie-shape creates a very small area for any construction due to the lot depth and angles of the setbacks. The angle of the front setback cuts through a portion of the porch and house since the lot is so shallow on the short end; therefore the buildable area is severely restricted. The size of the lot: The lot is considered substandard by the current city code since it does not meet the minimum lot depth or size. The lot is measured at 5,292 SF. In many other areas of town, the city has acknowledged the need to provide a means of developing on small lots and therefore allows small lot amnesty; however in our case, the small lot amnesty is not applicable due to the neighborhood not adopting the code, and limits the amount of improvements. The …
902 HERNDON LANE 2021-000057BA (FORMERLY APPROVED AS C-15-2019-001) • Replace one-story L-shaped garage with two-story hemp-crete structure on a modified footprint to better accommodate unique placement of trees • Variance requested from: • (1) § 25-2-492(D) – 10 foot to 5 foot (existing) set back • (2) IF new structure is considered a secondary dwelling unit, § 25-2-774 – 10-foot separation between structures where 5 feet (existing) and proposed 8’ distance • Variance granted in 2019 but has expired; this is a re-request with slight modification to accommodate thicker walls from the use of hemp-crete D-8/1-PRESENTATION Existing (Page 1/12) D-8/2-PRESENTATION SITE PLAN with CRZs of the three protected trees Yellow Highlight = Existing Structure Red Outline = Proposed Change in Footprint D-8/3-PRESENTATION FIRST FLOOR: Bedroom, Bathroom, Utility D-8/4-PRESENTATION SECOND FLOOR: Office and Closet with deck curving around live oak tree D-8/5-PRESENTATION § 25-2-774 Applies IF the structure is a secondary dwelling unit 10’ between structures. Existing = 5’. Proposed = 9’6” • The proposed structure was not designed for or intended to be a two-family residential use (the title of § 25-2-774) • “Dwelling Unit” = “a residential unit . . . providing independent living facilities including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, and cooking.” § 25-1-21(37) • Interpretation Number CI2010-0004: if a structure has both a bathroom AND “a water closet and a lavatory located in the immediate area of the water closet used for the purpose of hand washing, and/or a kitchen sink, or a service sink used for the purpose of food preparation and/or sanitation of dishware” D-8/6-PRESENTATION D-8/7-PRESENTATION
C15-2021-0036 – 6141 Jumano Lane City of Austin – Board of Adjustment – July 12, 2021 E-2/1-PRESENTATION C15-2021-0036 – 6141 Jumano Lane City of Austin – Board of Adjustment – July 12, 2021 E-2/2-PRESENTATION C15-2021-0036 – 6141 Jumano Lane City of Austin – Board of Adjustment – July 12, 2021 E-2/3-PRESENTATION C15-2021-0036 – 6141 Jumano Lane City of Austin – Board of Adjustment – July 12, 2021 E-2/4-PRESENTATION C15-2021-0036 – 6141 Jumano Lane City of Austin – Board of Adjustment – July 12, 2021 E-2/5-PRESENTATION 6141 Jumano 8ft. Fence Supported 8ft. Fence – not supported C15-2021-0036 – 6141 Jumano Lane City of Austin – Board of Adjustment – July 12, 2021 E-2/6-PRESENTATION PREVIOUS SURVEY NEW SURVEY C15-2021-0036 – 6141 Jumano Lane City of Austin – Board of Adjustment – July 12, 2021 E-2/7-PRESENTATION New Fence- • 6 inches interior to the property line of 6141 Jumano • Original fence left in place – not disturbed • Greater alignment with the HOA rules & regulations C15-2021-0036 – 6141 Jumano Lane City of Austin – Board of Adjustment – July 12, 2021 E-2/8-PRESENTATION C15-2021-0036 – 6141 Jumano Lane City of Austin – Board of Adjustment – July 12, 2021 E-2/9-PRESENTATION Renter C15-2021-0036 – 6141 Jumano Lane City of Austin – Board of Adjustment – July 12, 2021 E-2/10-PRESENTATION C15-2021-0036 – 6141 Jumano Lane City of Austin – Board of Adjustment – July 12, 2021 E-2/11-PRESENTATION C15-2021-0036 – 6141 Jumano Lane City of Austin – Board of Adjustment – July 12, 2021 E-2/12-PRESENTATION C15-2021-0036 – 6141 Jumano Lane City of Austin – Board of Adjustment – July 12, 2021 E-2/13-PRESENTATION C15-2021-0036 – 6141 Jumano Lane City of Austin – Board of Adjustment – July 12, 2021 E-2/14-PRESENTATION
8300 N IH-35 SVRD SB Board of Adjustment July 12, 2021 E-3/1-PRESENTATION E-3/2-PRESENTATION 8300 N IH- 35 SVRD SB Site: 3 acres 130,680 SF 600 E Powell Ln. Site: 1.74 acres 75,795 SF E-3/3-PRESENTATION Hardship • The hardship incurred is caused by the conversion of a hotel into a dense, affordable multifamily use. • Since the parking for the hotel and the location of the units has been established, and the conversion to a multifamily use must fit within the historical parameters, in order to provide code-required parking, the owner must: a) Shutter existing units (approx. 34 units); or b) Utilize offsite parking (with the expense being passed on to the tenants). • In a “greenfield” development or a redevelopment where the improvements are razed, this hardship would not occur. • The redevelopment is proceeding in this manner in order to preserve the deepest levels of affordability that is economically viable for the entire project. E-3/4-PRESENTATION Hardship Parking: Studio 1-bedroom 2-bedroom Total Request: Bedroom Type Total Units Required Parking per Unit Required Parking 67 138 21 226 units 1.5 1 2 67.0 207.0 42.0 316 284 Total parking with §25-6-478 (E2) Reduction: 317* 0.9 • Approx. additional 18% reduction to minimum parking requirements. E-3/5-PRESENTATION E-3/6-PRESENTATION Choices Options Parking Spaces On-Site Off-Site Impact on Rent Impact on Density 239 spaces None None 239 spaces 44 spaces Raise Rents None 239 spaces None Lose: 20 1-bedrooms 14 Studios 0 0 A B C E-3/7-PRESENTATION Project Summary • Reuse existing extended stay hotel building for a deeply Affordable multifamily residential use • 218 hotel units = 226 proposed residential units • 67 studios • 138 one-bedroom units • 21 two-bedroom units • 50% of units @ 60% MFI • Affordable for 40 years • Affordable units will match overall unit mix E-3/8-PRESENTATION of Off-Street Request Requesting a variance from LDC § 25-6, Appendix A Loading (Tables Requirements) for Multifamily Use to decrease the parking requirements for 1-bedroom and dwelling units larger than 1-bedroom to 1 space in order to convert existing hotel into deeply Affordable multifamily use. Parking and • Create new 10-foot pedestrian trail to Powell Lane. • Contribute $25,000 for construction of trail. • Utilize Powell Lane site for two years as temporary parking. E-3/9-PRESENTATION E-3/10-PRESENTATION E-3/11-PRESENTATION Safe Access to Mass Transit • 10-foot pedestrian use easement along eastern property line at 600 Powell Lane. • $25,000 contribution for construction of …
Versión en español a continuación. Animal Advisory Commission Meeting Monday, July 12, 3 p.m. Animal Advisory Commission Meeting to be held Monday, July 12, 3 p.m., with Social Distancing Modifications Public comment will be allowed via telephone; no in-person input will be allowed. All speakers must register in advance (Sunday, July 11, by noon). All public comment will occur at the beginning of the meeting. To speak remotely at the July 11 Animal Advisory Commission Meeting, members of the public must: • Call or email the board liaison, Belinda Hare, phone 512-978-0565 or email, no later than noon on Sunday, July 11. Email works best. The following information is required: speaker name, general communication, or agenda item number(s) they wish to speak on, whether they are for/against/neutral, email address and telephone number (must be the same phone number that will be used to call into the meeting). • Once a request to speak has been made to the board liaison, the information to call on the day of the scheduled meeting will be provided either by email or phone call. • Speakers must call in at least 15 minutes prior to meeting start time in order to speak; late callers will not be accepted and will not be able to speak. • Speakers will be placed in a queue until their time to speak. • Handouts or other information may be emailed to by noon the day before the scheduled meeting. This information will be provided to Board and Commission members in advance of the meeting. • If the meeting is broadcast live, it may be viewed here: Reunión del Animal Advisory Commission la junta en 512-978-0565 or FECHA de la reunion (Monday, July 12, 3 p.m.) La junta se llevará con modificaciones de distanciamiento social Se permitirán comentarios públicos por teléfono; no se permitirá ninguna entrada en persona. Todos los oradores deben registrarse con anticipación (Sunday, July 11, noon, antes del mediodía). Todos los comentarios públicos se producirán al comienzo de la reunión. Para hablar de forma remota en la reunión, los miembros del público deben: • Llame o envíe un correo electrónico al enlace de a más tardar al mediodía (el día antes de la reunión). Se requiere la siguiente información: nombre del orador, número (s) de artículo sobre el que desean hablar, si están a favor / en contra / neutral, dirección de …
Versión en español a continuación. The Strategic Planning/Needs Assessment Committee Meeting of the HIV Planning Council MONDAY, July 12, 2021 The Strategic Planning/Needs Assessment Committee Meeting to be held July 12, 2021, with Social Distancing Modifications Public comment will be allowed via telephone; no in-person input will be allowed. All speakers must register in advance (07/11/2021 by noon). All public comment will occur at the beginning of the meeting. To speak remotely at the July 12, 2021 HIV Planning Council Meeting, members of the public must: •Call or email the board liaison at (512) 972-5806 and no later than noon, (the day before the meeting). The information required is the speaker’s name, item number(s) they wish to speak on, whether they are for/against/neutral, and a telephone number or email address. •Once a request to speak has been called in or emailed to the board liaison, residents will receive either an email or phone call providing the telephone number to call on the day of the scheduled meeting. •Speakers must call in at least 15 minutes prior to meeting start in order to speak, late callers will not be accepted and will not be able to speak. •Speakers will be placed in a queue until their time to speak. •Handouts or other information may be emailed to by Noon the day before the scheduled meeting. This information will be provided to Board and Commission members in advance of the meeting. •If this meeting is broadcast live, residents may watch the meeting here: atxn-live la junta en Reunión del Strategic Planning/Needs Assessment Committee Meeting of the HIV Planning Council MONDAY, July 12, 2021 FECHA de la reunion (Julio 12, 2021) La junta se llevará con modificaciones de distanciamiento social Se permitirán comentarios públicos por teléfono; no se permitirá ninguna entrada en persona. Todos los oradores deben registrarse con anticipación (07/11/2021 antes del mediodía). Todos los comentarios públicos se producirán al comienzo de la reunión. Para hablar de forma remota en la reunión, los miembros del público deben: • Llame o envíe un correo electrónico al enlace de (512) 972-5806 and a más tardar al mediodía (el día antes de la reunión). La información requerida es el nombre del orador, los números de artículo sobre los que desean hablar, si están a favor / en contra / neutrales, y un número de teléfono o dirección de correo electrónico. • …
Board of Adjustment Meeting July 12, 2021 (Versión en español a continuación) Board of Adjustment to be held July 12, 2021 with Social Distancing Modifications Public comment will be allowed via telephone; no in-person input will be allowed. All speakers must register in advance (July 11, 2021 by noon). All public comment will occur at the beginning of the meeting. To speak remotely at the July 12, 2021 Board of Adjustment Meeting, members of the public must: • Call or email the board liaison at 512-974-2202 or no later than noon, (July 11, 2021 the day before the meeting). The following information is required: speaker name, item number(s) they wish to speak on, whether they are for/against/neutral, email address and telephone number (must be the same number that will be used to call into the meeting). • Once a request to speak has been made to the board liaison, the information to call on the day of the scheduled meeting will be provided either by email or phone call. • Speakers must call in at least 15 minutes prior to meeting start time in order to speak, late callers will not be accepted and will not be able to speak. • Speakers will be placed in a queue until their time to speak. • Handouts or other information may be emailed to by noon the day before the scheduled meeting. This information will be provided to Board and Commission members in advance of the meeting. • If the meeting is broadcast live, it may be viewed here: Reunión del Board of Adjustment - FECHA de la reunion (July 12, 2021) La junta se llevará con modificaciones de distanciamiento social. Se permitirán comentarios públicos por teléfono; no se permitirá ninguna entrada en persona. Todos los oradores deben registrarse con anticipación (July 11, 2021 antes del mediodía). Todos los comentarios públicos se producirán al comienzo de la reunión. Para hablar de forma remota en la reunion July 12, 2021, los miembros del público deben: • Llame o envíe un correo electrónico al enlace de la junta en 512-974-2202 o a más tardar al mediodía (July 11, 2021 el día antes de la reunión). Se requiere la siguiente información: nombre del orador, número (s) de artículo sobre el que desean hablar, si están a favor / en contra / neutral, dirección de correo electrónico (opcional) y un número de …
Versión en español a continuación. LGBTQ Quality of Life Advisory Commission Meeting July 12, 2021 LGBTQ Quality of Life Advisory Commission to be held July 12, 2021, with Social Distancing Modifications Public comment will be allowed via telephone; no in-person input will be allowed. All speakers must register in advance (July 11, 2021 by noon). All public comment will occur at the beginning of the meeting. To speak remotely at the July 12, 2021, LGBTQ Quality of Life Advisory Commission Meeting, members of the public must: •Call or email the board liaison at (512) 974-2154 or no later than noon July 11, 2021. The following information is required: speaker name, item number(s) they wish to speak on, whether they are for/against/neutral, email address and telephone number (must be the same number that will be used to call into the meeting). •Once a request to speak has been made to the board liaison, the information to call on the day of the scheduled meeting will be provided either by email or phone call. •Speakers must call in at least 15 minutes prior to meeting start time in order to speak, late callers will not be accepted and will not be able to speak. •Speakers will be placed in a queue until their time to speak. •Handouts or other information may be emailed to by noon the day before the scheduled meeting. This information will be provided to Board and Commission members in advance of the meeting. •If the meeting is broadcast live, it may be viewed here: Reunión del LGBTQ Quality of Life Advisory Commission la July 12, 2021 La junta se llevará con modificaciones de distanciamiento social. Se permitirán comentarios públicos por teléfono; no se permitirá ninguna entrada en persona. Todos los oradores deben registrarse con anticipación (July 11, 2021, antes del mediodía). Todos los comentarios públicos se producirán al comienzo de la reunión. Para hablar de forma remota en la reunión, los miembros del público deben: • Llame o envíe un correo electrónico al enlace de junta en (512) 974-2154, a más tardar al mediodía (el día antes de la reunión). Se requiere la siguiente información: nombre del orador, número (s) de artículo sobre el que desean hablar, si están a favor / en contra / neutral, dirección de correo electrónico (opcional) y un número de teléfono (debe ser el número que se utilizará para …