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Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission of Austin, Texas January 2022 Final Report District Map adopted October 6, 2021 Certified October 27, 2021 Presented to the City October 29, 2021 page 2 Table of Contents Table of Contents ........................................................................................ 2 Acknowledgments ....................................................................................... 4 Executive Summary .................................................................................... 5 Why ICRC: The origin story .......................................................................... 6 Commission Members .................................................................................. 8 Commissioner Errol L. Hardin (District 1) ........................................................ 9 Commissioner Selina Yee (District 1) .............................................................10 Commissioner Sara Inés Calderón (District 2) .................................................11 Commissioner Hoang Le (District 3) ..............................................................12 Commissioner Brigham Morris (District 3) ......................................................13 Commissioner Sterling Lands II (District 4) ....................................................14 Commissioner Prabhu Kannan (District 5) ......................................................15 Commissioner Eugene Schneider (District 6) ..................................................16 Commissioner Camellia Falcon (District 7) .....................................................17 Chair Christina Liu Puentes (District 7) ..........................................................18 Commissioner Joshua Blank (District 8) .........................................................19 Commissioner Shaina Kambo (District 9) .......................................................20 Commissioner Erin Dempsey (District 10) ......................................................21 Vice-Chair Luis Gonzalez (District 10) ...........................................................22 Challenges and Constraints .........................................................................23 Methodology: Public Input ...........................................................................24 Methodology: Mapping ................................................................................26 District Overviews ......................................................................................28 Final 10 District Map...................................................................................29 2021 ICRC FINAL REPORT page 3 Table of Contents District 1 Details ........................................................................................30 District 2 Details ........................................................................................32 District 3 Details ........................................................................................34 District 4 Details ........................................................................................36 District 5 Details ........................................................................................38 District 6 Details ........................................................................................40 District 7 Details ........................................................................................42 District 8 Details ........................................................................................44 District 9 Details ........................................................................................46 District 10 Detail ........................................................................................48 Closing remarks .........................................................................................50 Appendix A: 2021 ICRC Values and Norms .....................................................51 Appendix B: 2021 ICRC Timeline ..................................................................52 Appendix C: 2021 ICRC Public Feedback ........................................................55 page 4 Acknowledgments The Commission extends its deepest gratitude to the people who helped produce Austin’s city council maps for this decade. Thank you to City of Austin staff Matt Dugan, Patricia Fraga, and Lisa Rodriguez for helping the Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission (ICRC) navigate city systems at lightning speed. Thank you to City Demographer Lila Valencia, Caroline Webster with the City Attorney’s Office, and City Auditor Corrie Stokes for their support of the ICRC and its work. Thank you to the ICRC staff for your relentless energy and optimism, including administrative manager Christine Granados, legal counsel David Richards, and mapping specialist George Korbel. Special thanks to Peck Young for both his advocacy and everpresent support. We would like to thank the Community Impact Newspaper, Telemundo, Fox 7, the Austin Monitor, The Austin American Statesman, KUT, and The Austin Chronicle for their coverage of the redistricting process. We also appreciate the many venues across Austin that opened their doors to the ICRC, least of …
ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MOTION 20210119-004a Date: January 19, 2022 RATIONALE: Subject: Rainey Tower SPC-2021-0129C Heritage Tree Variance Motion by: Jennifer Bristol Seconded by: Perry Bedford WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes the applicant is seeking removal of a Heritage tree with a stem greater than 30 inches as allowed under LDC § 25-8-643 and § 25-8- 624(A)(2). WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes the tree requested to be removed is a 32.5 inch Heritage pecan. WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes the City Arborist rates the pecan as Fair condition; poor structure; and has a history of large previous failures and damage to the present building. WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes that the Environmental Criteria Manual standard is 300% mitigation, and mitigation for the site shall be addressed by further enhancing the streetscape planting conditions required under the UNO Great Streets program. The applicant has proposed a menu of options that support greater tree health and longevity such as structural soil cells, permeable paving, and expanded continuous planting beds. WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes the applicant is proposing a five years tree care plan to provide ongoing maintenance for all new trees, and one-time improvements to additional streetscape trees and tree grates as needed and identified. WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes that the request meets the City Arborist’s approval criteria set forth in LDC 25-8-624(A)(2), and thus the variance is recommended by staff. THEREFORE, the Environmental Commission recommends the requested variance request with the following: Environmental Commission Conditions: 1. Implement a thorough 5-year tree care and maintenance plan at the cost of approximately $13,600 to increase tree viability over time for the eight (8) planted trees (monitor, water, fertilize, prune, etc.). 2. Implement a 5-year tree care plan for the three (3) preserved Protected and Heritage trees at the cost of approximately $12,900 to increase tree viability through construction and post-construction (monitor, water, fertilize, etc.). 3. Tree #2145 and maintaining for 5 years, which is approximately between $150,000 – $170,000. This cost is in addition to the tree removal mitigation costs in code which are approximately $21,000 1 (depending upon tree health valuation by staff), which we propose be used in on-site streetscape improvements. Therefore, we are proposing to provide an approximate total of $171,000 - $191,000 of improvements in lieu of preserving Tree #2145 for comprehensive and enhanced viability improvements to the pedestrian streetscape and paseo. 4. Ensure perpetual care of the remaining …
ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MOTION 20210119-004b Date: Jan 19, 2022 Subject: HEB Austin No. 33, SP-2020-0400D Motion by: Jennifer Bristol Seconded by: Perry Bedford RATIONALE: WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes the applicant is requesting the Commission consider the following variance requests: 1. The variance request is to allow cut over 4 feet to 12 feet. 2. The variance request is to allow fill over 4 feet to 21 feet. 3. The variance request is to allow construction of a parking area on a slope with a gradient of more 4. The variance request is to allow construction of a driveway on a slope with a gradient of more than than 15 percent. 15 percent. WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes this action concerns land located in the Bear Creek in the Barton Springs Zone; and WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes that City of Austin staff recommends approval of the variance requests with conditions. Therefore, the Environmental Commission recommends approval of the request with the following Staff Conditions: 1. Applicant will restore illegal fill that currently exists on the site to the original grade. 2. Applicant will use native plants appropriate for the Hill Country location for revegetation. 3. The applicant will provide mitigation in the form of payment or on-site plantings for removed trees with a diameter of 19 inches or greater at a rate of 100%. 1 VOTE: 7-0 For: Perry Bedford, Haris Qureshi, Rachel Scott, Pam Thompson, Linda Guerrero, Jennifer Bristol, and Audrey Barrett Bixler Against: None Abstain: None Recuse: None Absent: Kevin Ramberg and Richard Brimer Approved By: Linda Guerrero, Environmental Commission Chair 2
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From: Sent: To: Subject: HPD ICRC Commissioners Thursday, January 20, 2022 12:37 PM HPD ICRC Commissionsers DL FW: Final Redistricting Shapefiles From: Thomas Miller Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2022 6:37:16 PM (UTC+00:00) To: HPD ICRC Commissioners <> Subject: Final Redistricting Shapefiles *** External Email - Exercise Caution *** Hello, I’m trying to get the final CoA redistricting shapefiles. Can you supply these to me? Thanks, Thomas Miller, CERA, REO | GIS Manager This electronic mail message, including any attachments, may be confidential or privileged under applicable law. This email is intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you are notified that any use, dissemination, distribution, copying, disclosure or any other action taken in relation to the content of this email including any attachments is strictly prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please notify the sender immediately and permanently delete the original and any copy of this email, including secure destruction of any printouts. CAUTION: This email was received at the City of Austin, from an EXTERNAL source. Please use caution when clicking links or opening attachments. If you believe this to be a malicious and/or phishing email, please forward this email to 1
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HPD ICRC Commissioners Friday, January 21, 2022 12:57 PM HPD ICRC Commissionsers DL FW: Clarifying Question - Redistricting Timeline From: Sent: To: Subject: From: Ryan Zerna Sent: Friday, January 21, 2022 6:57:13 PM (UTC+00:00) Monrovia, Reykjavik To: HPD ICRC Commissioners <> Subject: Clarifying Question - Redistricting Timeline *** External Email - Exercise Caution *** Hello, My name is Ryan Zerna, and I work for BallotReady, a non‐partisan voter guide that compiles information about candidates and elections for all 50 states. I am writing to ask for some clarification. On the "Timeline" page of your website, it says November 2022 is when the new districts will go into effect. Will there be an earlier date in which the new districts will be made official? Let me know when you can! Thank you, Ryan Elections Researcher CAUTION: This email was received at the City of Austin, from an EXTERNAL source. Please use caution when clicking links or opening attachments. If you believe this to be a malicious and/or phishing email, please forward this email to 1
TO: Mayor and Council Members FROM: Joseph Chacon, Austin Police Department Chief Denise Lucas, Development Services Director DATE: December 27, 2021 SUBJECT: Safer 6th Street Initiative (Resolution No. 20210729-175) The purpose of this memo is to provide a response on action items related to the Safer 6th Street resolution. Background Council Resolution No. 20210729-175 established City Council support for implementing a more comprehensive strategy toward 6th Street that maximizes its assets, embraces new opportunities, and ensures a safer environment for all, and established that the strategy needs to be multi-faceted and build on previous stakeholder processes and consultant reports. The resolution outlined actions to be taken, and for staff to report to Council on the results. Below is the response on each action item. Response to Action Items • Action #1: Create an interdepartmental team led by the Entertainment Services Group and with representation from – at a minimum – the Austin Police Department, Austin Transportation Department, Austin Energy, Austin Fire Department, Austin/Travis County Emergency Medical Services, Austin Code, and the Historic Preservation Office. Response: The interdepartmental team was created, held their kick-off meeting on August 16, 2021, and continued to meet to carry out the action items in the resolution. • Action #2: Use temporary lighting and upgrade existing lighting if necessary to provide dramatically brighter spaces along the 6th Street corridor. Response: The interdepartmental team identified locations that need additional lighting as well as priority areas for lighting. For context, 6th Street has decorative light poles, and the north-south side streets and alleys have traditional street light poles. The decorative poles on 6th Street had previously been upgraded to LED and optimized. The locations identified by the team for additional lighting are the north-south side streets and alleys. Austin Energy crews went through the 6th Street District to assess and perform maintenance on the existing traditional street lighting poles. Within the district crews replaced all of the old style high pressure sodium fixtures with LED. In all, AE replaced 64 heads of which approximately 10% were not working. Next Steps: • Conduct a lighting study to assess if there are gaps in the street light network in the district. Requests for new street light poles to fill any identified gaps will require funding and need to be added to Austin Energy’s priority list for installs. • Street light poles in the alleys are limited. There is very little …
COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Commission on Veterans Affairs Recommendation Number: (20220119-3b): Rename the Veterans Services Office to HRD USERRA Program WHEREAS, the City of Austin Human Resources Department Veteran Services Office (HRDVSO) supports City employees who are veterans, guard, and reserve members of the armed forces. HRDVSO Office is a resource for individual employees, City departments, and City management. WHEREAS, the HRDVSO was created to ensure compliance with the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 (USERRA) and is an inward-facing program meant to assist city employees in the National Guard, Reserves, or those ordered to active duty. USERRA applies to members of the Armed Forces, Reserves, National Guard, and other "Uniformed Services" (including the National Disaster Medical System and the Commissioned Corps of the Public Health Service). WHEREAS, Texas Labor Code §302.151 assimilates United States Code 38 USC §101(2) and defines a Veteran as a person who served in the active military, naval, or air service, and who was discharged or released therefrom under conditions other than dishonorable. Active services include full-time duty in the National Guard or a Reserve component, other than full-time for training purposes. In accordance with the various statues, Veterans are no longer serving in the armed forces. The primary purpose of the Veterans Service office was to assist city employees who are National Guard and Reserves. The majority of those that fall under USERRA are not Veterans; however, they are Guard and Reservists who have not yet become Veterans since they have not been discharged from service and met specific requirements. WHEREAS, over 50,000 veterans living in the Capital area are not city employees who are often seeking veteran services. The name, City of Austin Veterans Service Office insinuates that they provide services for veterans. This misnomer has led many in the Veterans Community to believe the City of Austin offers services to Austin veterans. The name Veteran Service office does not reflect their primary function of assisting non-veterans who are National Guard and Reservist who are city employees. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Commission on Veteran Affairs recommends that the name of the City of Austin Human Resources Department Veterans Service Office be changed to the HRD USERRA program. This action will alleviate the confusion and assist with the efficient delivery of services. Date of Approval: January 19, 2022 Record of the vote: Unanimous on a 7-0 vote, Commissioner Denny motion, Commissioner …
ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, January 19, 2022 The Environmental Commission convened in a public meeting on Wednesday, January 19, 2022 City Hall in Council Chambers at 301 W. 2nd Street, Austin, Texas 78701. Commissioners attending in person: Perry Bedford Haris Qureshi Rachel Scott Jennifer Bristol Audrey Barrett Bixler Commissioner attending remotely: Pam Thompson Commissioners absent: Rick Brimer Kevin Ramberg Staff in Attendance: Pamela Abee-Taulli Kaela Champlin Katie Coyne Greg Dutton Liz Johnston Keith Mars Mike McDougal Jorge Morales Anna Lan Naomi Rotramel CALL TO ORDER Chair Guerrero called the meeting to order at 6:09 P.M. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL Speakers should sign up to speak prior to the meeting being called to order; you will receive a three-minute allotment to discuss topics not posted on the agenda. Speakers Robert Kleeman 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND ACTION 1 2. 3. 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS a. Approval of the December 1, 2021 Environmental Commission Regular Meeting Minutes (5 minutes) A motion to approve the December 1, 2021 Environmental Commission Regular Meeting Minutes were approved on Commissioner Bedford’s motion, Commissioner Bixler’s second on a 7-0 vote. Commissioners Brimer and Ramberg were absent. STAFF UPDATES a. Recognize Katie Coyne for her service on the Environmental Commission and her appointment as Watershed Protection Department's Environmental Officer and Assistant Director of the Watershed Protection Department over Planning, Monitoring, and Compliance branch of divisions—Jorge Morales, Director, Watershed Protection Department (10 minutes) Item conducted as posted. No action taken. ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION a. Presentation on Equitable Transit-Oriented Development strategies for Project Connect—Anna Lan, Principal Planner, Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority and Warner Cook, Senior Planner, Housing and Planning Department (30 minutes) Item conducted as posted. No action taken. a. Name: Rainey Tower SPC-2021-0129C Applicant: Lincoln Ventures LLC Location (address): 78-84 Rainey Street Austin, Texas 78701 Council District: District 9 Watershed: Waller Creek and Lady Bird Lake Request: The applicant is seeking the removal of a Heritage tree with a single stem over Staff: Naomi Rotramel, City Arborist, Development Services Department 30 inches in diameter. Staff Recommendation: The request meets the City Arborist approval criteria set forth in LDC 25-8-624(A)(2), thus the variance is recommended. (30 minutes) Speakers Dave Anderson A motion to close the public hearing was approved on Commissioner Scott’s motion, Commissioner Bedford’s second on a 7-0 vote. Commissioners Brimer and Ramberg were absent. A motion to support the variance request with conditions was approved on …
REGULAR MEETING DOWNTOWN COMMISSION WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 19, 2022 MEETING MINUTES The Downtown Commission convened in a meeting on Wednesday, October 20, 2021, at 301 W. 2nd Street in hybrid meeting format. David Gomez, Commissioner Nelly Paulina Ramirez, Commissioner Cynthia Weatherby, Commissioner Jen Weaver, Commissioner Joel Sher, Commissioner Ben Heimsath, Commissioner Downtown Commissioners in Attendance: August Harris, Chair Christopher Lehman, Vice Chair Megan Meisenbach, Commissioner Kimberly Taylor, Commissioner Mike Lavigne, Commissioner Laura Templeton, Commissioner Kelan Robinson, Commissioner Downtown Commissioners Not in Attendance: Chris Kanipe, Commissioner, Preston Reine Commissioner, Josh Lickteig, Commissioner, Christopher Limon, Commissioner, kYmberly Keeton, Commissioner City Staff in Attendance: Mona Sanchez and Christine Maguire, Economic Development Department Brian Block, Development Services Department Andrew Rice and Elizabeth Brummett, Housing and Planning Department CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called the meeting to order at 5:34 p.m. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL No citizens were signed up to speak. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 20, 2021, MEETING MINUTES The October 20, 2021, Downtown Commission meeting minutes were adopted. 2. NEW BUSINESS - Discussion and Possible Action a. Safer Sixth Street Initiative: Presentation by Brian Block, Development Services Department i. Creation of a Downtown Commission Safer Sixth Street Working Group Chair Harris motioned to create the Downtown Commission Safer Sixth Street Initiative Working Group with Commissioner Lavigne’s second on a vote of 8-0. b. Rainey Street Trailhead (SPC-2021-0286C): Presentation by Heidi Anderson, Trail Foundation Commissioner Meisenbach motioned to support Community Engagement Concept 2 of the Rainey Street Trailhead with Commissioner Sher’s second on a vote of 8-0. c. Historic Resources Survey for Old Austin Neighborhood Association: Presentation by Andrew Rice and Elizabeth Brummett, Housing and Planning Department The Commission received a presentation from Andrew Rice and Elizabeth Brummett, Housing and Planning Department. No action was taken. - 1 - 2. OLD BUSINESS b. Convention Center Expansion Working Group Commissioner Templeton and Commissioner Lavigne provide an update of the work being done with Professor Sanders from UT San Antonio. Items from representatives of collaborating commissions including non-voting members a. Update from Commissioner Jen Weaver on recent activities and actions taken by the Design Commission. Commissioner reported that the Design Commission discussed the 80 Rainey Street Tower, and their work on the Great Streets Program. b. Update from Commissioner Ben Heimsath on recent activities and actions taken by the Historic Preservation Commission. Commissioner Heimsath reported that the Commission passed the old west Austin warehouse …
COMMISSION ON VETERANS AFFAIRS MINUTES The Commission on Veteran Affairs convened in a Regular Meeting on January 19, 2022 at the City of Austin Planning and Development Center, 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Drive, Austin, Texas 78752. REGULAR MEETING January 19, 2022 Chair Manuel Jimenez called the Board Meeting to order at 7:01 PM. Board Members in Attendance: Manuel Jimenez - Chair Alfred Bingham Maria Brown-Spence Jose Carrasco Jason Denny Kevin Lenau Pete A. Salazar Staff in Attendance: Jonathan Babiak, Business Process Consultant, Office of Civil Rights (OCR); Flynn Lee, Investigator, OCR CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL None 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Chair Jimenez asked the Commission members to review the minutes from the regular called meeting on November 17, 2021. Commissioner Denny made a motion to approve the meeting minutes, Commissioner Lenau second. Motion passed on a vote of 6-0 with Chair Jimenez and Commissioners Bingham, Brown-Spence, Carrasco, Denny, and Lenau in favor. 2. OLD BUSINESS None 3. NEW BUSINESS a) Discussion and possible action regarding Commission Working Groups and the Commission’s 2021-22 goals. (Sponsors: Pete Salazar, Manuel Jimenez) i) Create and fund a Veterans Office ii) Identifying any veteran encampments and number of homeless veterans located in the City of Austin City of Austin iii) Identifying any veteran encampments and number of homeless veterans located in the The Commission discussed this item. The Commission took no action on this item. COMMISSION ON VETERAN AFFAIRS MEETING MINUTES b) Discussion and possible action on the recommendation to rename the Veterans Service Office to HRD USERRA program. (Sponsors: Pete Salazar, Manuel Jimenez) The Commission discussed this item. Chair Jimenez read the draft recommendation. After discussion, Commissioner Denny moved adoption, Commissioner Salazar second. The recommendation was adopted on a vote of 7-0 by all members present. c) Discussion and possible action on a recommendation to correct or revert the park name “Veterans Pocket Park” to read “Veterans Park.” (Sponsors: Manuel Jimenez. Jason Denny) The Commission discussed this item. The Commission took no action on this item. d) Presentation by Edwin Marty, Food Policy Manager, City of Austin Office of Sustainability, followed by discussion and possible action on the food planning process and emergency operations. (Sponsors: Manuel Jimenez, Pete Salazar) The Commission discussed this item. The presenter was not available. By unanimous consent the item will be returned to a future agenda. The Commission took no action on this item. 4. STAFF UPDATES None ADJOURN: Chair Jimenez …
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独立 公民 选区重划 委员会 Texas州Austin 2022年1月 最终报告 选区地图于2021年10月6日获采纳 于2021年10月27日获认证 于2021年10月29日呈交市议会 第2页 目录 目录 .................................................................................................................................................................... 2 致谢 .................................................................................................................................................................... 4 执行摘要 ........................................................................................................................................................... 5 为何会有ICRC:起源故事 ............................................................................................................................ 6 委员会成员 ....................................................................................................................................................... 8 委员Errol L. Hardin(第1区) ................................................................................................................... 9 委员Selina Yee(第1区) ......................................................................................................................... 10 委员Sara Inés Calderón(第2区) ....................................................................................................... 11 委员Hoang Le(第3区).......................................................................................................................... 12 委员Brigham Morris(第3区) ............................................................................................................. 13 委员Sterling Lands II(第4区) ............................................................................................................. 14 委员Prabhu Kannan(第5区) .............................................................................................................. 15 委员Eugene Schneider(第6区) ........................................................................................................ 16 委员Camellia Falcon(第7区) ............................................................................................................. 17 主席Christina Liu Puentes(第7区) ................................................................................................... 18 委员Joshua Blank(第8区) ................................................................................................................... 19 委员Shaina Kambo(第9区) ................................................................................................................ 20 委员Erin Dempsey(第10区) .............................................................................................................. 21 副主席Luis Gonzalez(第10区) .......................................................................................................... 22 挑战和制约因素 ........................................................................................................................................... 23 方法:公众意见 ........................................................................................................................................... 24 方法:绘制地图 ........................................................................................................................................... 26 选区概览 ........................................................................................................................................................ 28 最终10区地图 ............................................................................................................................................... 29 第1区详情 ...................................................................................................................................................... 30 第2区详情 ...................................................................................................................................................... 32 第3区详情 ...................................................................................................................................................... 34 第4区详情 ...................................................................................................................................................... 36 第5区详情 ...................................................................................................................................................... 38 第6区详情 ...................................................................................................................................................... 40 第7区详情 ...................................................................................................................................................... 42 2021 ICRC最终报告 第3页 目录 第8区详情 ...................................................................................................................................................... 44 第9区详情 ...................................................................................................................................................... 46 第10区详情 ................................................................................................................................................... 48 结束语............................................................................................................................................................. 50 附录A:2021 ICRC价值观和规范 ........................................................................................................... 51 附录B:2021 ICRC时间表 ........................................................................................................................ 52 附录C:2021 ICRC公众反馈 ................................................................................................................... 55 第4页 致谢 委员会向十年来帮助制作Austin市议会地图的人员致以最深切的感谢。感谢Austin市工作人员 极快的速度浏览城市系统。感谢市人口统计学家Lila Valencia、市检察官办公室的Caroline Matt Dugan、Patricia Fraga和Lisa Rodriguez帮助独立公民选区重划委员会(ICRC)以 Webster和市审计师Corrie Stokes对ICRC及其工作的支持。感谢ICRC工作人员,包括行政主管Chris- tine Granados、法律顾问David Richards和地图绘制专家George Korbel的不懈努力和乐观精神。特 别感谢Peck Young的倡导和一直以来的支持。 感谢《Community Impact Newspaper》、《Telemundo》、《Fox 7》、《The Austin Mon- itor》、《The Austin American Statesman》、《KUT》和《The Austin Chronicle》对选区重划进 程的报道。我们还衷心感谢Austin各地的许多场所向ICRC敞开大门,尤其是在新冠肺炎疫情期间, 让我们能够征求公众意见。感谢Dell Jewish社区中心、Gus Garcia娱乐中心、Dove Springs娱乐中 心、Northwest娱乐中心、Mayfield Cottage、South Austin娱乐中心、位于Oak Hill的Travis县社区 中心、LBJ野花中心、George Washington Carver和Austin独立学区。 最重要的是,我们要感谢Austin市民同胞的公民参与,没有他们的参与,整个过程就不可能实现。 我们希望,Austin的公民能为拥有一个独立的民有、民治、民享的公民选区重划委员会而骄傲。 执行摘要 “地图要由人民来画。” 2021 ICRC最终报告 第5页 – Austin市民地域代表性组织,2012年 根据Austin城市法典第II条第3节的规定,独立公民选区重划委员会(ICRC)具有为Austin 市的市议会区建立并采纳地图的唯一法律地位,同时保持严格的独立性,不受市议会的影 2021年10月6日,经过数周的审议和若干草案,ICRC一致表决通过了Austin市议会区的新地图, 响。 该地图将在未来十年内实施。面对2020年人口普查数据延迟和新冠肺炎疫情的限制,2021 ICRC举行 了40多次公开会议,包括全市范围内的20场公共论坛,并在市宪章规定的11月1日截止日期前对最终 地图进行了认证。 ICRC严格遵守宪章规定的七项选区重划标准,方法一节对此作了进一步详细说明。此外,委员会 还合作制定了指导工作的一套共同价值观和规范(见附录A)。在制作地图的整个过程中,下文列出的 原则为选区重划的成果奠定了基础。 平等代表权:选区重划的核心问题是平等和公平的代表权,包括历史上代表权不足的社区在市议会 中的代表权(这些社区由联邦法律予以定义和保护)。每个选区的城市居民人数应尽可能接近,根 据2020年美国人口普查,这个数字大约为96,185人。 独立意见:独立的选区重划程序使居民能够在不受政治影响的情况下,对社区的发展具有发言权。 选区重划程序的完整性取决于委员会能否纳入Austin人的声音。 快速成长和变化:独立的选区重划程序使ICRC能够专注于根据人口增长和流动情况来重划区界, 而不是关注或考虑选举结果。 第6页 为何会有ICRC:起源故事 Commissioner Application Process 319 applicants Over 300 Austin residents applied for a seat on the ICRC in 2020. 60 applicants 3 independent auditors from a pool of 44 CPAs formed an applicant review panel (ARP) and whittled the list of 270 down to 267 and finally to 60. . 8 commissioners City Auditor randomly selected the first 8 commissioners from the 60 applicants. Presented Jan. 22, 2021 6 commissioners The ICRC selected the final 6 commissioners to serve on the board. Entire ICRC in place by its meeting on June 20, 2021 2012年,Austin通过投票为公开和透明的绘制地图程序制定了标准,即联合实施10-1的市议会 结构,同时成立独立公民选区重划委员会(ICRC),为这10个单一成员议会区划定边界。2013 年,Austin成为美国第一个通过志愿服务来绘制市议会区地区的城市,该志愿服务是由一个完全 独立的Austin人团体提供的。这些历史性的里程碑不仅改变了城市的选举制度,也改变了其代表权比 例,为全国的城市提供了示范。在接下来的选举年,Austin市议会的组成经过转变,更紧密地代表该市 的不同社区。 在委员会成立的前一年,有三百一十九(319)名Austin居民申请加入委员会。市审计师办公室从 44名注册会计师(CPA)中随机挑选了三名独立审计师,组成申请人审查小组(ARP),该小组根据申 请人的选民登记历史记录、在最近的市议会选举中的参与情况、分析能力指标、公正性以及对Austin 的地理和多样性的认可程度,挑选了60名合格的申请人。申请人必须在Austin居住和行使投票权满五 年,有任何政治利益冲突的候选人将被取消资格。 2021年1月,ARP随机抽取了8人担任委员会成员。首批八名委员是: e 为何会有ICRC:起源故事 2021 ICRC最终报告 第7页 Erin Dempsey Luis Gonzalez Errol Hardin Prabhu Kannan Sterling Lands博士 Hoang Le BJ Morris Eugene Schneider Joshua Blank Sara Inés Calderón Camellia Falcon Shaina Kambo(学生代表) Christina Puentes Selina Yee 这些委员的任务是选择另外六名成员,以使ICRC的委员总数达到14人,其中包括一名学生代表。 这些初始成员花了三个月时间审议第二批六名成员,他们优先考虑地理多样性(涵盖十个选区)、性 别、种族/民族、年龄和专业经验。由此产生的2021 ICRC由居住在全部十个市议会区的成员组成,反 映了Austin的种族/民族多样性,委员年龄从24岁到80岁不等。 第二批六名委员是: 2021年6月2日,委员会全票通过推选Christina Puentes任主席,Luis Gonzalez任副主席。 第8页 委员会成员 2021年10月27日,独立公民选区重划委员会在Austin的许可和发展中心(PDC,地址:6310 Wilhelmina Delco Dr.)举行 会议,在认证Austin市议会区地图后,大家合影留念。委员从左到右是:第一排 – 副主席Luis Gonzalez (D7)、主席Chris- tina Puentes (D7)、Hoang Le (D3)、Selina Yee (D1)和Sara Inés Calderón (D2)。第二排 – Joshua Blank (D8)、Sterling Lands (D4)、Shaina Kambo (D9)、Errol Hardin (D1)、Eugene Schneider (D6) 和Erin …
Comisión Ciudadana Independiente de Redistribución de Distritos de Austin, Texas Enero de 2022 Informe final Mapa de Distritos adoptados el 6 de octubre de 2021 Certificado el 27 de octubre de 2021 Presentado a la Ciudad el 29 de octubre de 2021 página 2 Índice Índice ..............................................................................................................2 Agradecimientos ................................................................................................4 Resumen ejecutivo ............................................................................................5 Por qué una ICRC: La historia del origen ...............................................................6 Miembros de la Comisión ....................................................................................8 Comisionado Errol L. Hardin (Distrito 1) ................................................................9 Comisionado Selina Yee (Distrito 1) ...................................................................10 Comisionado Sara Inés Calderón (Distrito 2) .......................................................11 Comisionado Hoang Le (Distrito 3) .....................................................................12 Comisionado Brigham Morris (Distrito 3) .............................................................13 Comisionado Sterling Lands II (Distrito 4) ...........................................................14 Comisionado Prabhu Kannan (Distrito 5) .............................................................15 Comisionado Eugene Schneider (Distrito 6) .........................................................16 Comisionado Camellia Falcon (Distrito 7) ............................................................17 Presidente Christina Liu Puentes (Distrito 7) ........................................................18 Comisionado Joshua Blank (Distrito 8) ................................................................19 Comisionado Shaina Kambo (Distrito 9) ..............................................................20 Comisionado Erin Dempsey (Distrito 10) .............................................................21 Vicepresidente Luis Gonzalez (Distrito 10) ..........................................................22 Retos y limitaciones .........................................................................................23 Metodología: Aporte público ..............................................................................24 Metodología: Mapeo .........................................................................................26 Panoramas de los distritos ................................................................................28 Mapa final del Distrito 10 ..................................................................................29 INFORME FINAL DE LA ICRC 2021 página 3 Índice Detalles del Distrito 1 .......................................................................................30 Detalles del Distrito 2 .......................................................................................32 Detalles del Distrito 3 .......................................................................................34 Detalles del Distrito 4 .......................................................................................36 Detalles del Distrito 5 .......................................................................................38 Detalles del Distrito 6 .......................................................................................40 Detalles del Distrito 7 .......................................................................................42 Detalles del Distrito 8 .......................................................................................44 Detalles del Distrito 9 .......................................................................................46 Detalle del Distrito 10 ......................................................................................48 Comentarios de cierre ......................................................................................50 Anexo A: Normas y valores de la ICRC 2021 .......................................................51 Anexo B: Cronograma de la ICRC 2021 ..............................................................52 Anexo C: Comentarios públicos a la ICRC 2021....................................................55 página 4 Agradecimientos La Comisión expresa su más profundo agradecimiento a las personas que ayudaron a producir los mapas del consejo municipal de Austin para esta década. Gracias al personal de la Ciudad de Austin Matt Dugan, Patricia Fraga y Lisa Rodriguez por ayudar a la Comisión Ciudadana Independiente de Redistribución de Distritos (ICRC, por sus siglas en inglés) a navegar los sistemas de la ciudad con la velocidad de un rayo. Gracias a la Demógrafa de la Ciudad Lila Valencia, a Caroline Webster de la Oficina del Abogado de la Ciudad y a la Auditora de la Ciudad Corrie Stokes por su apoyo a la ICRC y su trabajo. Gracias al personal de la ICRC por su incansable energía y optimismo, incluidos la gerente administrativa Christine Granados, el asesor legal David Richards y el …
Ủy Ban Cư Dân Độc Lập về Tái Phân Vùng của Austin, Texas Tháng Một, 2022 Báo Cáo Chính Thức Cuối Cùng Bản Đồ Cơ Quan được phê chuẩn ngày 6 tháng Mười, 2021 Được chứng nhận ngày 27 tháng Mười, 2021 Được đệ trình cho Thành Phố ngày 29 tháng Mười, 2021 trang 2 Mục Lục Mục lục ............................................................................................................2 Lời cám ơn .......................................................................................................4 Bản Tóm Tắt Chi Tiết .........................................................................................5 Vì sao cần ICRC: Câu chuyện xuất xứ...................................................................6 Các Thành Viên Ủy Ban ......................................................................................8 Ủy Viên Errol L. Hardin (Địa Hạt 1) ......................................................................9 Ủy Viên Selina Yee (Địa Hạt 1) ..........................................................................10 Ủy Viên Sara Inés Calderón (Địa Hạt 2) ..............................................................11 Ủy Viên Hoang Le (Địa Hạt 3) ...........................................................................12 Ủy Ban Brigham Morris (Địa Hạt 3) ....................................................................13 Ủy Viên Sterling Lands II (Địa Hạt 4)..................................................................14 Ủy Viên Prabhu Kannan (Địa Hạt 5)....................................................................15 Ủy Viên Eugene Schneider (Địa Hạt 6) ................................................................16 Ủy Viên Camellia Falcon (Địa Hạt 7) ...................................................................17 Chủ Tịch Christina Liu Puentes (Địa Hạt 7) ..........................................................18 Ủy Viên Joshua Blank (Địa Hạt 8) ......................................................................19 Ủy Viên Shaina Kambo (Địa Hạt 9) .....................................................................20 Ủy Viên Erin Dempsey (Địa Hạt 10)....................................................................21 Phó Chủ Tịch Luis Gonzalez (Địa Hạt 10) ............................................................22 Các Thách Thức và Hạn Chế ..............................................................................23 Phương Pháp: Ý Kiến Đóng Góp của Công Chúng .................................................24 Phương Pháp: Lập Bản Đồ ................................................................................26 Các Thông Tin Tổng Quan về Địa Hạt ............................................................... 28 Bản Đồ 10 Địa Hạt Chính Thức ..........................................................................29 Thông Tin Chi Tiết về Địa Hạt 1 .........................................................................30 Thông Tin Chi Tiết về Địa Hạt 2 .........................................................................32 Thông Tin Chi Tiết về Địa Hạt 3 .........................................................................34 Thông Tin Chi Tiết về Địa Hạt 4 .........................................................................36 Thông Tin Chi Tiết về Địa Hạt 5 .........................................................................38 Thông Tin Chi Tiết về Địa Hạt 6 .........................................................................40 Thông Tin Chi Tiết về Địa Hạt 7 .........................................................................42 BÁO CÁO CHÍNH THỨC CUỐI CÙNG CỦA ICRC 2021 trang 3 Mục Lục Thông Tin Chi Tiết về Địa Hạt 8 .........................................................................44 Thông Tin Chi Tiết về Địa Hạt 9 .........................................................................46 Thông Tin Chi Tiết về Địa Hạt 10 .......................................................................48 Các nhận xét kết luận ......................................................................................50 Phụ Lục A: Các Giá Trị và Quy Chuẩn ICRC 2021..................................................51 Phụ Lục B: Khung Thời Gian Hoạt Động của ICRC 2021 ........................................52 Phụ Lục C: Phản Hồi của Công Chúng về ICRC 2021 .............................................55 trang 4 Lời cám ơn Ủy Ban muốn gửi lời cám ơn sâu sắc tới những người …
DOWNTOWN COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2021 The Downtown Commission convened in a meeting on Wednesday, October 20, 2021, at 301 W. 2nd Street in hybrid meeting format. Downtown Commissioners in Attendance: August Harris, Chair David Gomez, Commissioner Christopher Lehman, Vice Chair Nelly Paulina Ramirez, Commissioner Megan Meisenbach, Commissioner Cynthia Weatherby, Commissioner Chris Kanipe, Commissioner Mike Lavigne, Commissioner Josh Lickteig, Commissioner Preston Reine Commissioner Joel Sher, Commissioner Laura Templeton, Commissioner Kelan Robinson, Commissioner Downtown Commissioners Not in Attendance: Melissa Henao-Robledo Commissioner, Commissioner Ben Heimsath, Commissioner Christopher Limon, kYmberly Keeton, Commissioner, Kimberly Taylor, Commissioner City Staff in Attendance: Mona Sanchez and Christine Maguire, Economic Development Department CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called the meeting to order at 5:35 p.m. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL No citizens were signed up to speak. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER 15, 2021, MEETING MINUTES The September 15, 2021, Downtown Commission meeting minutes were adopted. 2. NEW BUSINESS - Discussion and Possible Action a. Cypress and Shoal Creek Public Space Strategy: Presentation by Nina Rinaldi, Shoal Creek Conservancy Item withdrawn. (DSC) No action was taken. b. Safer Sixth Street Initiative: Presentation by Brian Block, Development Services Department c. Discussion and possible action on the 2022 Downtown Commission Meeting Schedule. - 1 - Commissioner Joel Sher motioned to approve the 2022 Downtown Commission meeting schedule with Commissioner Meisenbach’s second on a 7-0. 3. OLD BUSINESS Items from representatives of collaborating commissions including non-voting members a. Update from Commissioner Melissa Henao-Robledo on recent activities and actions taken by b. Update from Commissioner Ben Heimsath on recent activities and actions taken by the the Design Commission. Commissioner Henao-Robledo absent; no updates. Historic Preservation Commission. Commissioner Heimsath absent; no updates. c. Update from Commissioner Cynthia Weatherby on recent activities and actions taken by the Urban Transportation Commission (UTC) Commissioner Weatherby report that the UTC had discussed the changes in taxi service. d. Update from Commissioner kYmberly Keeton on recent activities and actions taken by the e. Update from Commission Christopher Limon on recent activities and actions taken by the f. Update from Commissioner Kimberly Taylor on recent activities and actions taken by the Arts Commission. Commissioner Keeton absent; no updates. Music Commission. Commissioner Limon absent; no updates. Parks & Recreation Board Commissioner Taylor absent; no updates. Public Safety Commission. No updates. g. Update from Commissioner Nelly Paulina Ramirez on recent activities and actions taken by the …
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