16.a - 1205 Bickler Rd - public comment — original pdf
VERSION TWO PROPOSED LANGUAGE FOR PROJECT CONNECT ORDINANCE DRAFT SUBJECT TO ADDITIONAL CHANGES Project Connect is the City’s high-capacity public transit system expansion, PART 1. which will ultimately consist of a light rail network, an expanded bus system, transportation terminals and stations, maintenance facilities, and all associated improvements necessary for operation of the transit system. To facilitate the construction of this critical transportation infrastructure, certain modifications and waivers to City Code are necessary to ensure the construction of a high-capacity transit system. PART 2. This ordinance and the attached Exhibits A and B consist of the “Transit System Project Regulations”. Development of the Transit System Project shall conform to the limitations and conditions set forth in this ordinance. If this ordinance and the attached exhibits conflict, this ordinance controls. Except as otherwise provided by this ordinance, all other rules, regulations, and ordinances of the City apply. PART 3. The attached exhibits are incorporated into this ordinance in their entirety as though set forth fully in the text of this ordinance. The exhibits are as follows: A. B. Transit System Project Exhibit Rail Construction Noise and Mitigation Plan Requirements PART 4. Definitions. A) Transit System Project means a transportation project generally depicted on Exhibit A with any related appurtenances, including but not limited to a rail and public transit line, rail station, or a transportation terminal, funded by a public entity. [and located on publicly owned land or in the right-of-way or a public easement.] B) Unless otherwise specifically defined, all terms in this ordinance shall have the meaning established in Title 25 of Code of the City of Austin, Texas (the “Land Development Code”). PART 5. A Transit System Project for rail lines or any associated infrastructure necessary to construct the rail lines must comply with a noise and mitigation plan approved by the City that meets the requirements listed in Exhibit B. To the extent there is a conflict with Chapter 9-2 (Noise and Amplified Sound), the approved noise and mitigation plan will control. VERSION TWO PROPOSED LANGUAGE FOR PROJECT CONNECT ORDINANCE DRAFT SUBJECT TO ADDITIONAL CHANGES PART 6. Transit System Uses as described in 25-2-6(28). A) The use of a site for a traction powered substation is a Local Utility Service use B) The use of a site for the provision of maintenance, repair, vehicular or equipment servicing, material storage, or similar activities for rail lines is a …
Jeffrey McDowell October 4, 2022 neighborhood. Sincerely, Jeffrey McDowell RE: Case Number GF 22-138148 - 2706 Wooldridge Dr before the Historic Landmark Commission on October 5, 2022 To Whom it May Concern, I am the owner of 2700 Wooldridge Drive, the property adjacent to the south of 2706 Wooldridge Drive. I am writing in support of the application to demolish the building(s) located at 2706 Wooldridge Drive. Although I am not an expert in historic districts, I love our neighborhood and have lived in my current house since 2006. I fail to see how this house contributes to the historic nature of our neighborhood in any way. The house has not been well maintained and replacing it would only serve to improve the character of our
October 3, 2022 Jeff Berryman Michael Hsu Office of Architecture 826 Houston Street, Ste 100 Austin, Texas 78756 Via email to berryman@hsuoffice.com Re: Recorded Texas Historic Landmark project review, Heierman Building, 115 E. 5th Street, Austin, Travis County, Texas (RTHL 14733) Dear Mr. Jeff Berryman: Thank you for sending information regarding proposed work on the Heierman Building, which has been designated, with the adjacent Hotel Provident, as a Recorded Texas Historic Landmark (RTHL) since 1974. This letter represents the comments of the Executive Director of the Texas Historical Commission (THC). The THC Division of Architecture staff, led by Alex Toprac, has completed its review of the proposed exterior work to the property, including the Heierman – Historic Landmark Commission Review design document by Michael Hsu Office of Architecture, dated September 07, 2022. Our staff acknowledges the scope will notably include replacement of the existing roof and associated mechanical equipment and appurtenances to accommodate the construction of a 16’ tall, custom steel panel and curtain glass clad, modern rooftop addition to be set back twenty feet from the north, primary elevation parapet; removal of the egress door, primary double door entrance and associated sidelights, and existing three storefront windows on the previously altered first floor of the north, primary façade to be replaced with a single 3x5 light fixed multi-paned window in place of the egress door, a new recessed entry referencing the 1974 entry appearance reusing the salvaged existing double doors and installing slightly larger sidelights to fill in the associated remaining brick veneer masonry opening, and three new multi-paned, fixed storefront windows; as well as selective demolition of the existing fenestration and a large portion of the brick masonry on the rear, south elevation in order to accommodate the installation of a custom steel framed and paneled facade with large steel multi-paned storefront windows and a new enclosed building area on the first floor extending west from the existing egress stairwell addition that will also be extended a floor in height to be incorporated into the proposed rooftop addition. Regarding the proposed rooftop addition, our staff appreciates the architect providing the sight line diagram and accordingly setting the associated new construction twenty feet back from the primary façade’s parapet to reduce visibility of the new addition from the principal perspective across 5th Street. Yet, our staff recommends the new addition being lowered in height to be more commensurate to …
HISTORIC LANDMARK COMMISSION WEDNESDAY, September 7, 2022 – 6:00 PM CITY HALL - Council Chambers 301 W. 2nd Street Austin, TX 78701 Some members of the Commission may be participating by videoconference. The meeting may be viewed online at: http://www.austintexas.gov/page/watch-atxn-live. COMMISSION MEMBERS: x Terri Myers, Chair x Ben Heimsath, Vice Chair x Anissa Castillo x Witt Featherston x Kevin Koch ab Carl Larosche x Harmony Grogan ab Trey McWhorter ab Blake Tollett x Beth Valenzuela x Caroline Wright DRAFT MINUTES CALL TO ORDER PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL The first (10) speakers who register to speak no later than noon the day before the meeting will be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. Meghan King gave an update from Preservation Austin about upcoming events and opportunities. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. August 3, 2022 – Offered for consent approval Commissioners Castillo and Valenzuela arrive later in the meeting. MOTION: Approve the minutes, per passage of the consent agenda, on a motion by Commissioner Koch. Commissioner Featherston seconded the motion. Vote: 6-0. 1 BRIEFINGS 2. Equity-Based Preservation Plan Presenter: Cara Bertron 3. Historic Design Standards Presenter: Cara Bertron PUBLIC HEARINGS/DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION Historic Landmark and Local Historic District Applications 4. HR-2022-084104 – 6301 Bluff Springs Rd. – Applicant requested postponement Sebron Sneed House Council District 2 Proposal: New construction (Postponed August 3, 2022) Applicant: Christi Mueck City Staff: Kimberly Collins, Historic Preservation Office, 512-974-1801 Staff Recommendation: Grant the applicant’s postponement request to the next HLC meeting on October 5, 2022 to allow additional time for the applicant to bring the Commission the materials requested at the August 3rd , 2022 meeting: Preservation Plan containing the following elements-a professional engineering report with stabilization recommendations and implementation program, a professional archaeological assessment/report, including an acceptable plan for monitoring of the ruins, a field study of the Site with the likelihood of adverse effects on known or possible unknown resources on the site, including any need for exploratory testing, monitoring, or mitigation if historic resources or remains may be unearthed during construction. MOTION: Postpone the public hearing to October 5, 2022, per passage of the consent postponement agenda, on a motion by Commissioner Koch. Commissioner Featherston seconded the motion. Vote: 6-0. 5. HR-2022-060641 – 800 Edgecliff Ter. – Consent Postponement Helena and Robert Ziller House Council District 9 Proposal: New construction of a therapy pool house Applicant: …
Historic Landmark Commission 2023 Meeting Dates & Deadlines Fees for the Historic Landmark Commission must be paid in full prior to the fee deadline to be placed on the agenda for the corresponding HLC meeting. Application Deadline Fee Deadline Meeting Date Friday, December 16, 2022 Tuesday, December 20, 2022 Wednesday, Jaunary 11, 2023 Friday, January 6, 2023 Thursday, January 12, 2023 Wednesday, February 1, 2023 Friday, February 3, 2023 Thursday, February 9, 2023 Wednesday, March 1, 2023 Friday, March 10, 2023 Thursday, March 16, 2023 Wednesday, April 5, 2023 Friday, April 7, 2023 Thursday, April 13, 2023 Wednesday, May 3, 2023 Friday, May 12, 2023 Thursday, May 18, 2023 Wednesday, June 7, 2023 Friday, June 9, 2023 Thursday, June 15, 2023 Wednesday, July 5, 2023 Friday, July 7, 2023 Thursday, July 13, 2023 Wednesday, August 2, 2023 Friday, August 11, 2023 Thursday, August 17, 2023 Wednesday, September 6, 2023 Friday, September 8, 2023 Thursday, September 14, 2023 Wednesday, October 4, 2023 Friday, October 6, 2023 Thursday, October 12, 2023 Wednesday, November 1, 2023 Friday, November 17, 2023 Tuesday, November 21, 2023 Wednesday, December 13, 2023
MACC Staff Report – 10/5/22 Website - Facebook - Digital Programs EVENTS: Viva Mexico was a huge success! Thank you to everyone who attended- over 3,000 people! CURRENT EXHIBITS La Lucha Sigue, Eastside Stories An exhibit by Bertha Rendon Delgado and Arte Texas On display in the SZC Gallery through October 8 Phase 2 Exhibit On display in the Community Gallery through Oct 8 Austin Museum Day Sunday, Sept 18 64 Rainey Street Engagement Event Thursday, Sept 29 Upcoming Exhibits: SIGNATURE EVENT: DAY OF THE DEAD Day of the Dead Community Altars On display inside the community gallery and along the and outside, Oct 22- Nov 8 Opening reception Nov 2 – Nuestras Ofrendas Presentation Austin Studio Tours On display Nov 1- December 8 in the Sam Z Coronado Gallery Opening reception on Nov 1st 6-9pm bigmedium.org/austinstudiotour Nov 1- Austin Studio Tours Opening Reception Nov 2- Nuestras Ofrendas- Dia de Muertos small celebration, focus on the families of the folks who are building altars Nov 5, Festival- Dia de Los Muertos large-scale festival with live music performances, calaveras, crafts, etc! WWW.DAYOFTHEDEADATX.NET -People have been using this site to get their sugar skull kits (300 entries) and sign up to create and altar (50 entries) -There are still opportunities for food trucks/ food vendors, outreach fair, etc! October/ November Events: Oct 7-8. Taller Abierto Painting Class Oct 7, Oct 14, Oct 21. Film Series: Mexico Through the Lens of Women Filmmakers Oct 8. 45th Annual Pun Off by the O’Henry Museum October 22- Music on the Plaza with Daniel Llanes WELLNESS Yoga -10am on Saturdays, FREE Capoeira- 12pm on Saturdays, FREE LAAP Events in September LAAP Upcoming Events: Centroamericanto Fest: Sept 9 – 10 @6pm (72 attendees) The 14th annual Centroamericanto Fest included delicious Salvadoran Food, a vendor exhibition and selfie booth. As well as performances by Sara Curruchich from Guatemala, Luis Pastor from Nicaragua and Mauricio Callejas from El Salvador. Garden Day Sept 25 @10am (10 attendees): Monthly workday where volunteers learn to grow and maintain our healing garden. Escandalo “Sábado Picante” Oct 14-15 (Fri @7pm, Sat @6pm): Join your hosts Escándalo for a mini-festival of comedy y mucho más in the spirit of Sábado Gigante! Austin Public Library: For Hispanic Heritage month, APL is hosting LAAP performances all month long! Teatro Vivo: Sat, Oct 8 @11am - Pleasant Hill Branch Mauricio Callejas: Sat, Oct 8 @ 11am - Carver …
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1 ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MOTION 20221005-003 Date: October 5, 2022 Subject: Park 290 Logistic, SP-2021-0095C Motion by: Jennifer Bristol RATIONALE: Seconded by: Kevin Ramberg WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes the applicant is requesting to vary from LDC 25-8-342 to allow fill over 4 feet up to 28 feet and requesting to vary from LDC 25-8-341 to allow cut over 4 feet up to 22 feet and; WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes the site is located in the Gilleland Creek Watershed, Suburban, Desired Development Zone; and WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes that Staff recommends this variance, with conditions having determined the required Findings of Fact have been met. THEREFORE, the Environmental Commission recommends the variance request with the following conditions: Staff Conditions: • Provide a tree-shaded outdoor seating area as to encourage employees to take breaks on-site, rather than driving to alternative locations. • Provide an on-site trail with drainage swales that naturally convey flows into existing on-site ponds. • Provide vegetative walls adjacent to the critical environmental feature located on the site. • Provide terraced landscaping area in the open space allocated on the site. and the following Environmental Commission Conditions: • • • • • • Recommend including solar technology where possible Recommend using A/C condensation catchment system to be used for landscaping Include at least one EV charging station for staff or visitors Encourage long-term tree care plan for the new and existing trees Utilize native plant standards for Blackland Prairie Utilize Dark Sky lighting in outdoor spaces The applicant will work with staff and landscape architect to increase the number of trees on site by 50 additional trees beyond what is on the plan set to the maximum extent practicable per site condition availability. Incorporate plants that support pollinators. The applicant will work with staff to review the reflective glass product they have proposed to ensure it is reducing bird strikes onsite. VOTE 9-0 For: Aguirre, Bedford, Brimer, Bristol, Ramberg, Schiera, Scott, Thompson, and Qureshi Against: None Abstain: None Recuse: None Absent: Barrett Bixler and Nickells Approved By: Kevin Ramberg, Environmental Commission Chair • • • 2
1 ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MOTION 20221005-004 Date: October 5, 2022 Subject: Project Connect Motion by: Kevin Ramberg RATIONALE: WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission supports the implementation and operation of Project Connect. WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission understands this proposed ordinance will not change the code requirements that trigger Boards and Commissions review and approvals. Seconded by: Rick Brimer THEREFORE, the Environmental Commission recommends the proposed ordinance in response to Resolution 20211029-003 with the following Environmental Commission Conditions: 1. Project Connect commits to brief the Environmental Commission and seek our recommendations on the 2. Project Connect commits to implementing multilingual public outreach based on the languages spoken in project development annually at a minimum; the target populations; and 3. Project Connect commits to presenting to the Environmental Commission early in the Draft EIS NEPA public involvement period to seek Commission comments and recommendations related to sound mitigation and management and other environmental elements. VOTE 8-0 For: Aguirre, Bedford, Brimer, Ramberg, Schiera, Scott, Thompson, and Qureshi Against: None Abstain: None Recuse: None Absent: Barrett Bixler, Bristol, Nickells Approved By: Kevin Ramberg, Environmental Commission Chair
ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MOTION 20221005-005 Date: October 5, 2022 Subject: Ordinance Amendment to Title 25 related to environmental protection, landscape requirements, and site plan requirements Motion by: Perry Bedford WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission has considered the ordinance amendments to Title 25 in a working group and is making additional recommendations related to environmental protection and landscape requirements and; WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes this ordinance responds to Council Resolution No. 20220609-061, which initiated Land Development Code amendments related to environmental protection, drainage, and landscape requirements. The resolution directed staff to present most of the initiated amendments to Council for consideration and; Seconded by: Rick Brimer WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes that neighborhoods and residents east of I-35 have not shared the same environmental protections as those within the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zones or where endangered species exist in West Austin and; WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes Ordinance Amendment to Title 25 has not go through public review outside of Boards and Commissions; THEREFORE, the Environmental Commission recommends the amendments to Title 25 with the following additional recommendations; • § 25-2-1008 IRRIGATION REQUIREMENTS. o Recommend that xeriscaping and drought-tolerant plants be part of the landscaping requirements to reduce the dependency on irrigation and increase the survivability of the plants installed in parking areas. o (F) Remove the administrative authority to grant a variance and include the Environmental Commission as the authority to grant variances. • Functional Green o We recognize and support all functional green standards. Because this is a new area of the code the Environmental Commission requests presentations on the projects utilizing Functional Green so we can learn more about its real-world application and support the growth of its use. • § 25-8-42 ADMINISTRATIVE VARIANCES. o Remove all additions to this section. ▪ The additions go too far with administrative approvals and the removal of citizen oversite via public notices or review from boards and commissions. o Because the section removes all citizen oversite and public review it is not equitable. • § 25-2-1179 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION. o The maintenance and repair of watercraft shall be performed in a manner that prevents discharge of fuel, oil, or other pollutants into the water. ▪ Add- in the event of a leak or spill during maintenance, owner or repair service will contain the leak or spill and dispose of the hazardous material properly. ▪ Require all fuels, oil, and hazardus materials be stored …
Project Connect Foundational Ordinance and Regulations October 5, 2022 Environmental Commission Project Connect Overview 2 Project Connect: Program Components 33 Integrated Program Delivery 4 Project Connect in Progress MetroRapid Expansion, Red Line Improvements, Pickup Service Expansion • Summer 2021: Three new Circulator Pickup Zones • • • • • December 2021: MetroRapid Expo Center Groundbreaking February 2022: MetroRapid Pleasant Valley Groundbreaking July 2022: Red Line McKalla Station Groundbreaking August 2022: MetroBike Program incorporated into CapMetro Summer 2023: Target for new MetroRapid in Service • All-electric, Zero emission buses, Solar where possible To help protect your privacy, PowerPoint has blocked automatic download of this picture. Recently completed North Operations Electric Bus Yard 5 Light Rail Project Development Process Project Development Engineering Construction Revenue Service Entry into Engineering Grant Agreement Note: Project Development includes Preliminary Engineering 6 Light Rail Project Cost Considerations COST BASIS ASSUMPTIONS Original cost estimates (2019-2020) were based on 5% design and peer transit system comparison data 2022: costs have increased significantly (up to 70%-80%), due to the following drivers: Right-of-way and real estate prices (Austin market) Inflation, labor shortage, and anticipated supply chain barriers Program scope changes as a result of community input and technical requirements (e.g. Tunnel length increase from 1.5 to 4 miles) NEXT STEPS • NEED TO ALIGN PROGRAM SCOPE AND SEQUENCING TO • Community input will be essential to defining project scope, AVAILABLE FUNDING phasing and next steps. Tax increment rate will not be increased to cover ongoing program costs Federal Environmental Review Process The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process requires federal agencies to: • Assess the potential impacts of their actions on the human and natural environment • Avoid, minimize or mitigate adverse effects where reasonably feasible • Where impacts are identified, mitigation strategies are defined, and could include items such as maintaining property access, tree relocation, or noise monitoring during construction • Inform the public that environmental concerns were considered in their decision-making process 8 Cultural Environment Historic and Archeological Park and Recreation Visual and Aesthetic Physical and Natural Environment Air Quality Water Quality Noise and Vibration Trees Human Environment Environmental Justice Neighborhood & Community City of Austin Boards & Commissions – Project Connect Roles • Fulfill regulatory requirements: • Subject specific ordinances & code updates • Commission level variances or other approvals needed for permitting / project delivery • Subject specific briefings to subject-relevant commissions (e.g. NEPA to Environmental Commission) …