4.nn - 701 Sparks Ave - public comment — original pdf
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From: To: Subject: Date: Gerald Daugherty HPD Preservation Letter to Commisson on Historic Status Sunday, December 10, 2023 9:10:41 AM [You don't often get email from https://aka.ms/LearnAboutSenderIdentification ] Learn why this is important at External Email - Exercise Caution Dear Landmark Commission, I respectfully implore the granting of historic status to 701 Sparks Ave, Austin,Texas. Having been a resident of Austin, Texas and Travis County for 55 years and an elected official (Travis County Pct 3 Commissioner for 14 years) I feel that the opportunity to preserve an architectural gem that was built in 1937 with the unique character of Spanish Revival architecture might certainly qualify as historic. Simply put I think it would be a complete travesty to allow its removal. We are struggling today to maintain some semblance of history… especially in a time when SO much finds itself in a political stand-off with factions that object to just about anything! What an easy decision the Commission could make for future generations to see and admire. “Thank you the Commission for giving some of us the time to express our sincere thoughts!” Gerald Daugherty ( Travis County Texas Resident). Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: This is an EXTERNAL email. Please use caution when clicking links or opening attachments. If you believe this to be a malicious or phishing email, please report it using the "Report Message" button in Outlook or forward to cybersecurity@austintexas.gov.
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From: To: Subject: Date: Barbara Buttrey HPD Preservation Historic status for 701 Sparks Ave, Austin, TX Monday, December 11, 2023 10:12:05 AM [You don't often get email from https://aka.ms/LearnAboutSenderIdentification ] Learn why this is important at I support granting historic status to 701 Sparks Ave, Austin TX because it is an example of Spanish Colonial Revival architecture, a style scattered around the center of the city and worthy of protection. The entire Sparks Ave, at the head of Eastwoods Park, should be protected and preserved as an entity near the park. The entire neighborhood contains houses typical of the old Austin I grew up in, long before 26th Street was changed. The Doby house is at the opposite end of the park. External Email - Exercise Caution Dear agency members, Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Barbara Buttrey CAUTION: This is an EXTERNAL email. Please use caution when clicking links or opening attachments. If you believe this to be a malicious or phishing email, please report it using the "Report Message" button in Outlook or forward to cybersecurity@austintexas.gov.
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December 8, 2023 To: Historic Landmark Commission From: Eastwoods Neighborhood Association Regarding: Demolition application for 701 Sparks Avenue We very much appreciate your initiation of Historic Landmark zoning for the property at 701 Sparks Avenue. Now we urge you to proceed with forwarding a recommendation for that designation. In its most recent meeting, the Eastwoods Neighborhood Association voted unanimously to support preservation of that property. The house at 701 Sparks is the keystone entrance to Sparks Avenue, a one-block long street of interesting older homes at the north end of Eastwoods Park. It was one of the earliest houses on the street, built in the 1920s when a few other innovative Mediterranean style stucco houses were being built in the neighborhood, such as the one at 3109 Harris Park Ave at the corner of 32 Street, one block away. Architect Hugo Kuehne of the UT School of Architecture, whose home at 500 E 32nd Street was of this style, influenced the introduction of the smaller versions. nd Others have described the association with residents of the house, but we will say how it is valued by the neighborhood. We live here because we enjoy the interesting mixture of housing styles and types and the informal ambience. The Seminary of the Southwest with its historic Rather House and pleasant campus sits at one corner of the neighborhood and Eastwoods Park holds a place in the center. Waller Creek divides the neighborhood and provides a natural habitat of trees and the creek. The overall feeling is of a pleasant community. In this small neighborhood our houses are mostly old, at least pre-World War II and of varying styles. Because of our proximity to UT, many of the houses were built by professors, some of prominence, such as J. Frank Dobie and Hyman Ettlinger, and some now provide housing for students. Many original houses have accessory dwellings built over the years to provide income for the homeowners. My own 1914-vintage house on Bellevue Place is a historic landmark and features a large garage apartment built in 1938 which we have rented to international graduate students for 25 years. Two other historic landmark houses on my block are similarly used. Perhaps due to its proximity to the law school, the neighborhood is mostly quiet and welcoming to students. The house at 701 Sparks has been rented for years and until very recently was maintained …
January 4, 2024 To: Historic Landmark Commission From: Eastwoods Neighborhood Associa�on Regarding: Demoli�on applica�on for 701 Sparks Avenue We write in support of Historic Landmark designa�on for 701 Sparks Avenue. This house is the keystone entrance to Sparks Avenue, a one-block long street at the north end of Eastwoods Park. It was one of the earliest houses on the street, built in the 1920s when a few innova�ve stucco Mediterranean style houses were being built in the neighborhood, such as the one at 3109 Harris Park Ave at the corner of 32nd Street, which marks the entrance into the neighborhood from East 32nd Street. Others will describe the architectural significance of the house, and describe its associa�on with people of note in the community, but we will say how it is valued by the neighborhood. We live here because we like the interes�ng mixture of housing styles and types and the parklike ambience. The Seminary of the Southwest with its historic Rather House and pleasant campus sits at one corner of the neighborhood and Eastwoods Park holds a place in the center. Waller Creek divides the neighborhood and provides a natural exhibit of trees and the creek. The overall feeling is of a comfortable community. Our houses are mostly old, at least pre-World War II and of varying styles. Because of our proximity to UT, many of the houses were built by professors and some now provide rental housing for students. Many original houses have accessory dwellings built over the years to provide income for the homeowners. My own house on Bellevue Place, built In 1914, is a historic landmark and we have a large 1938-vintage apartment in the rear which we have rented for 25 years to five interna�onal graduate students. Two other historic houses on my block are similarly used. Several area houses have been used as rentals in recent years. Perhaps due to its proximity to the law school, the neighborhood is mostly quiet and welcoming to students. The house at 701 Sparks also has been revised for ren�ng. Un�l very recently the house was maintained well and the landscaping was atrac�ve. When the owner died it was sold off-market early last year. The new owner has not maintained the landscaping and has removed all the trees off the east side of the property, leaving the east side of the house barren and exposed. We hope the …
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ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET CASE NUMBER: C14H-2023-0145 HLC DATE: January 10, 2024 PC DATE: CC Date: APPLICANT: O’Connell Architecture, LLC (owner-initiated) HISTORIC NAME: Yarrington-Moore House WATERSHED: East Bouldin Creek, Blunn Creek ADDRESS OF PROPOSED ZONING CHANGE: 309 Park Lane ZONING CHANGE: SF-3-NCCD-NP to SF-3-H-NCCD-NP COUNCIL DISTRICT: 9 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the proposed zoning change from single family-neighborhood conservation-neighborhood plan (SF-3-NCCD-NP) to single family-historic landmark-neighborhood conservation- neighborhood plan (SF-3-H-NCCD-NP) combining district. QUALIFICATIONS FOR LANDMARK DESIGNATION: Architecture and historical associations HISTORIC LANDMARK COMMISSION ACTION: PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: CITY COUNCIL ACTION: CASE MANAGER: Kalan Contreras, 512-974-2727 NEIGHBORHOOD ORGANIZATIONS: DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: Austin Independent School District, Austin Lost and Found Pets, Austin Neighborhoods Council, Friends of Austin Neighborhoods, Greater South River City Combined Neighborhood Plan Contact Team, Homeless Neighborhood Association, Neighborhood Empowerment Foundation, Preservation Austin, SELTexas, Sierra Club, Austin Regional Group, South Central Coalition, South River City Citizens Assn., Zoning Committee of South River City Citizens BASIS FOR RECOMMENDATION: § 25-2-352(3)(c)(i) Architecture. The property embodies the distinguishing characteristics of a recognized architectural style, type, or method of construction; exemplifies technological innovation in design or construction; displays high artistic value in representing ethnic or folk art, architecture, or construction; represents a rare example of an architectural style in the city; serves as an outstanding example of the work of an architect, builder, or artisan who significantly contributed to the development of the city, state, or nation; possesses cultural, historical, or architectural value as a particularly fine or unique example of a utilitarian or vernacular structure; or represents an architectural curiosity or one-of-a-kind building. The house is an excellent example of the Free Classic variant of Queen Anne architecture and is likely one-of-a-kind in Austin. The application describes its significance as follows: The Yarrington-Moore House is a ca. 1889 Queen Anne-style residence that sits back on a corner lot at Newning Avenue and Park Lane. Arthur H. Yarrington purchased the property from Charles Newning as part of the original Fairview Park subdivision, now part of Travis Heights. It stands among the earliest houses in Fairview Park. Only a few houses in the district employ the architectural features and design details traditionally associated with the Queen Anne style. The Yarrington-Moore House is a well-known marker of the neighborhood, standing out for its classic elegance and grandeur. […] The house is one of a handful of examples of the Queen Anne style in the Travis Heights and Fairview …
City of Austin - Historic Preservation Office Historic Zoning Application Packet A. APPLICATION FOR HISTORIC ZONING PROJECT INFORMATION: DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY APPLICATION DATE:__________________ FILE NUMBER(S) _____________________________________________ TENTATIVE HLC DATE: TENTATIVE PC or ZAP DATE:_________________ TENTATIVE CC DATE:_________________ CASE MANAGER _______________________________ APPLICATION ACCEPTED BY:________________________________________ CITY INITIATED: YES / NO ROLLBACK: YES/NO BASIC PROJECT DATA: 1. OWNER’S NAME:________________________________________________________________________________ 2. PROJECT NAME:________________________________________________________________________________ 3. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS (or Range): __________________________________________________________ ZIP__________________________ COUNTY:______________________________________ IF PROJECT ADDRESS CANNOT BE DEFINED ABOVE: LOCATED ____________ FRONTAGE FEET ALONG THE N. S. E. W. (CIRCLE ONE) SIDE OF ______________________________________ (ROAD NAME PROPERTY FRONTS ONTO), WHICH IS APPROXIMATELY _______________________________________ DISTANCE FROM ITS INTERSECTION WITH _________________________________________ CROSS STREET. AREA TO BE REZONED: 4. ACRES _________________ (OR) SQ.FT._______________ 5. ZONING AND LAND USE INFORMATION: EXISTING ZONING EXISTING USE __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ TRACT# (IF MORE THAN 1) ________ ________ ________ ACRES / SQ. FT. PROPOSED USE PROPOSED ZONING _______________ _______________ _______________ _____________ _____________ _____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ RELATED CURRENT CASES: (YES / NO) 6. ACTIVE ZONING CASE? 7. RESTRICTIVE COVENANT? (YES / NO) (YES / NO) 8. SUBDIVISION? (YES / NO) 9. SITE PLAN? FILE NUMBER: ______________________________________ FILE NUMBER: ______________________________________ FILE NUMBER: ______________________________________ FILE NUMBER: ______________________________________ Adopted December 2012 1 SF-3-NCCD-NPNathaniel and Elizabeth ChapinYarrington-Moore House309 Park Lane78704-2412Travis.352915,371.49ResidentialResidentialSF-3-H-NCCD-NP.3529/15,371.49 Permitting and Development Center | 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Drive, Austin, TX 78752 | (512) 978-4000 Property Profile Report General Information Location: Parcel ID: Grid: 309 PARK LN 0300010905 MJ20 Planning & Zoning *Right click hyperlinks to open in a new window. Future Land Use (FLUM): Single Family, Transportation Regulating Plan: No Regulating Plan Zoning: Zoning Cases: Zoning Ordinances: Zoning Overlays: SF-3-H-NCCD-NP C14-02-0067 030717-119 19990225-070b 20050929-Z003 860807-H Neighborhood Plan: Infill Options: -- Historic Landmark: Urban Roadways: -- Yes Neighborhood Restricted Parking Areas: South River City NPA Mobile Food Vendors: South River City CA ADU Approximate Area Reduced Parking Neighborhood Conservation Combining District: FAIRVIEW PARK Residential Design Standards: LDC/25-2-Subchapter F Selected Sign Ordinances SOUTH RIVER CITY: FAIRVIEW PARK Zoning Map Zoning Guide The Guide to Zoning provides a quick explanation of the above Zoning codes, however, the Land Development Information Services provides general zoning assistance and can advise you on the type of development allowed on a property. Visit Zoning for the description of each Base Zoning District. For official verification of the zoning of a property, please order a Zoning Verification Letter. General information on the Neighborhood Planning Areas is available from Neighborhood Planning. …
Yarrington-Moore House 309 Park Lane Austin, Texas 78704 Elizabeth and Nathaniel Chapin, Owners Oblique view of Northeast corner 309 Park Lane Austin Landmark designation West Elevation 309 Park Lane Austin Landmark designation East Elevation 309 Park Lane Austin Landmark designation Oblique view of southeast corner 309 Park Lane Austin Landmark designation Oblique view of Southwest corner 309 Park Lane Austin Landmark designation Original interior staircase was removed ca. 1930s; new staircase added 2012 Interior Photos 309 Park Lane Austin Landmark designation Upper left: Dining Room Left: Bathroom on second level, turret Upper right: Second floor Living Room Interior Photos 309 Park Lane Austin Landmark designation Upper left: Original Corinthian porch capital and column Left: Reinforcement added to turret Upper right: Original fish scale shingles on turret Details 309 Park Lane Austin Landmark designation Original turret at Northeast corner Photo ca. 1999 Addition for living space; pre-1935 Exterior stair added in 1930s; removed during rehabilitation Before Rehabilitation East Elevation Photo ca. 1999 by owner 309 Park Lane Austin Landmark designation West and southwest corner enclosed for living space Before Rehabilitation Photo ca. 1999 309 Park Lane Austin Landmark designation Turret balcony railing removed and enclosed for living space Original entry infilled for living space Before Rehabilitation North Elevation Photo ca. 1999 309 Park Lane Austin Landmark designation https ://www.news papers .com/image/364619788 Austin American-Statesman (Austin, Texas) · Wed, Sep 1, 1886 · Page 6 Downloaded on Nov 13, 2023 https ://www.news papers .com/image/364662892 Downloaded on Nov 13, 2023 Austin American-Statesman (Austin, Texas) · Wed, Apr 14, 1886 · Page 5 April 14, 1886 Austin American-Statesman September 1, 1886 Austin American-Statesman Copyright © 2023 News papers .com. All Rights Res erved. Copyright © 2023 News papers .com. All Rights Res erved. EAST SIXTH STREET FIRE DID BUT LITTLE HARM: COTTON OVER <EM><SPAN ... The Austin Statesman (1902-1915); A. H. Yarrington, Austin Resident 53 Years, Is Dead The Austin Statesman (1921-1973); https ://www.news papers .com/image/366333332 Downloaded on Oct 31, 2023 Austin American-Statesman (Austin, Texas) · Sun, Sep 26, 1926 · Page 11 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Copyright © 2023 News papers .com. All Rights Res erved. December 4, 1907 The Austin Statesman September 26, 1926 The Austin American-Statesman April 24, 1936 The Austin Statesman Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 309 Park Lane Austin Landmark designation Marriage certificate Arthur Yarrington …