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Early Childhood CouncilJan. 8, 2020

20200108-6a Land Development Code Revision original pdf

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Scraped at: Jan. 23, 2020, 4:50 a.m.
Early Childhood CouncilJan. 8, 2020

20200108-6ci Rec to APH re: early-childhood full-time-employee in FY21 budget original pdf

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Scraped at: Jan. 23, 2020, 4:50 a.m.
Early Childhood CouncilJan. 8, 2020

20200108-6cii1 Rec to AARAC re:early-childhood full-time-employee in FY21 budget original pdf

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Scraped at: Jan. 23, 2020, 4:50 a.m.
Early Childhood CouncilJan. 8, 2020

20200108-6cii2 Rec to HLQOLRAC re: early-childhood full-time-employee in FY21 budget original pdf

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Scraped at: Jan. 23, 2020, 4:50 a.m.
Commission on SeniorsJan. 8, 2020

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Scraped at: Feb. 8, 2020, 1:10 a.m.
Commission for WomenJan. 8, 2020

Approved Minutes original pdf

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COMMISSION FOR WOMEN MEETING MINUTES WEDNESDAY, January 8, 2020 REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, January 8, 2020 COMMISSION FOR WOMEN MINUTES The Commission for Women convened for a regular meeting on Wednesday, January 8, 2020 at One Texas Center, 505 Barton Springs Road, in Austin, Texas. Chair Austen called the Commission Meeting to order at 12:09 p.m. Commissioners in Attendance: Rebecca Austen, Chair Flannery Bope, Vice Chair Tanya Athar-Jogee Julia Cuba Lewis Neva Fernandez Juliana Gonzales Dyana Limon-Mercado Commissioners Absent: Rossana Barrios Amanda Lewis Sarah Tober Vacant: District 3 Staff in Attendance: Vicky Nguyen, Human Resources Department April Shaw, Human Resources Department Bryan Dore, Human Resources Department Adrienne Sturrup, Austin Public Health Donna Sundstrom, Austin Public Health Stephanie Hayden, Austin Public Health CITIZEN COMMUNICATION None. COMMISSION FOR WOMEN MEETING MINUTES 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES WEDNESDAY, January 8, 2020 The minutes from the regular meeting of November 13, 2019 were approved on Vice Chair Bope’s motion, Commissioner Athar-Jogee’s second on a 6-0 vote. Commissioners Barrios, Lewis, and Tober were absent. Commissioner Limon-Mercado was off the dais. 2. OLD BUSINESS a. Discussion and possible action regarding the following working groups: ii. Sexual assault, violence prevention, and survivor experience i. Economic equity Discussion was held. No action was taken. Discussion was held. No action was taken. iii. Access to quality and affordable healthcare Discussion was held. No action was taken. iv. Women’s Hall of Fame Discussion was held. No action was taken. b. Discussion and possible action regarding updates from the Joint Inclusion c. Updates, discussion, and possible action regarding adult entertainment club d. Discussion and possible action regarding the commission charter for 2020. e. Discussion and possible action regarding the recommendation for the City of Austin Committee. Discussion was held. No action was taken. promotional wording. Discussion was held. No action was taken. Discussion was held. No action was taken. FY2021 budget. Discussion was held. No action was taken. 3. BRIEFINGS a. Presentation from Austin Public Health regarding women’s health in the City of Austin presented by Stephanie Hayden, Director of Austin Public Health. Presentation was given by Stephanie Hayden, Donna Sundstrom, and Adrienne Sturrup. 4. NEW BUSINESS Health. a. Discussion and possible action regarding the presentation from Austin Public WEDNESDAY, January 8, 2020 COMMISSION FOR WOMEN MEETING MINUTES Discussion was held. No action was taken. 5. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS a. Presentation in March from CAN Network about their dashboard. b. Presentation in March …

Scraped at: Feb. 8, 2020, 5:10 a.m.
Water and Wastewater CommissionJan. 8, 2020

Approved Minutes original pdf

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Water & Wastewater Commission Regular Meeting January 8, 2020 Approved February 12, 2020 The Water and Wastewater Commission convened in a regular meeting on January 8, 2020 at Waller Creek Center, 625 East 10th Street, Room 104, in Austin, Texas. AGENDA Commissioners: Chien Lee, Chair William Moriarty Jesse Penn Nhat Ho Christianne Castleberry, Vice Chair Travis Michel Mia Parton Annie Schmitt Christy Williams Grant Fisher Susan Turrieta Commissioners in Attendance: William Moriarty, Jesse Penn, Travis Michel, Christianne Castleberry, Nhat Ho, Grant Fisher, Christy Williams, Susan Turrieta, Mia Parton Staff in Attendance: Greg Meszaros, David Anders, Greg Kirton, Rebecca Vento, Dustin Rhodes, Rick Coronado, Mark Martinez, Kevin Koeller, Matt Cullen, Colleen Kirk, Charles Maddox, Gary Chauvin, Dan Freding, Joe Hoepken, Thomas Corner, Bill Stauber, Bryan Barnett, Gareth Nicely, Shwetha Pandurangi, Ryan Baxter, Charles Celauro, Randi Jenkins, Brian Haws, Janet Atkinson, Denise Avery, and Blanca Madriz Additional Attendees: Rick Myrick, Anthony Hall, Alexander Kuzovkov, Shobana Angia, Tony Lopez, Gabriel Castano, David Walch, Garrett Cox, Jeremy Wall, James King, Paw Guerra The meeting was called to order at 6:01 p.m. by Vice Chair Christianne Castleberry. CALL TO ORDER CITIZEN COMMUNICATION None. A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes from the December 11, 2019 Water & Wastewater Commission regular meeting were approved on a 7-0-2-2 vote on Commissioner Moriarty’s motion and Commissioner Michel’s second with Commissioner Turrieta abstaining and Commissioner Parton off the dais. Commissioners Schmitt and Lee were absent. B. ITEMS FOR COMMISSION’S REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION FOR APPROVAL TO CITY COUNCIL 1. Recommend approval to authorize negotiation and execute a professional services agreement with Harutunian Engineering, Inc. (WBE) (staff recommendation), or one of the other qualified responders, for Request for Qualifications Solicitation No. CLMP276 to Water & Wastewater Commission Regular Meeting January 8, 2020 provide engineering services for the Davis Water Treatment Plant Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System (SCADA) System Improvements project in an amount not to exceed $1,500,000. Recommended by the Water & Wastewater Commission on Commissioner Michel’s motion and Commissioner Ho’s second on a 7-0-1-3 vote with Commissioner Penn recusing, and Commissioner Parton off the dais. Commissioners Schmitt and Lee were absent. 2. Recommend approval to authorize award and execute a construction contract with Santa Clara Construction, Ltd. (MBE), for the Highland Park Water and Wastewater Improvements Phase 1 & WL-C1 project in the amount of $5,821,470.10 plus a $582,147. 01 contingency, for a total contract amount not to exceed $6,403,617.11. …

Scraped at: Feb. 13, 2020, 11:30 p.m.
Community Technology and Telecommunications CommissionJan. 8, 2020

Approved Minutes original pdf

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COMMUNITY TECHNOLOGY & TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION MINUTES Regular Meeting Wednesday – January 8, 2020 – 6:30 PM City Hall – Boards & Commissions Room 1101 301 W. 2nd Street ‐ Austin, TX, 78701 Please go to for backup material associated with this agenda. All ATXN (City Channel 6) programming is cablecast on Spectrum, Grande Communications, and Google Fiber on their cable channel 6, on AT&T U‐ Verse Channel 99 and webcast online. Over 20 meetings per month, including this commission meeting, are available on demand online, typically within a few hours of the cablecast. Schedules and video can be found at: CURRENT COMMISSION MEMBERS: Sophie Gairo ‐ Mayor Steve Adler Nehemiah Pitts III ‐ Council Member Natasha Harper‐Madison, District 1 Claudia Yanez ‐ Mayor Pro Tem Delia Garza, District 2 Malcolm Yeatts ‐ Council Member Sabino “Pio” Renteria, District 3 David Alexander ‐ Council Member Gregorio Casar, District 4 Dave Floyd ‐ Council Member Ann Kitchen, District 5 Irfan Syed ‐ Council Member Jimmy Flannigan, District 6 Dina Ayman ‐ Council Member Leslie Pool, District 7 Michelle Reinhardt ‐ Council Member Paige Ellis, District 8 Nicole Thompson – Council Member Kathie Tovo, District 9 Sumit DasGupta ‐ Council Member Alison Alter, District 10 Commission Members Present Sophie Gairo Nehemiah Pitts III Malcolm Yeatts David Alexander Dave Floyd Irfan Syed Dina Ayman Michelle Reinhardt (Participating Remotely) Nicole Thompson Sumit DasGupta Unexcused Absence Claudia Yanez CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 6:43 PM CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL The first ten speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three‐minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. No citizens were signed up to speak 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – December 11, 2019 Motion to approve the December 11th, 2019 meeting minutes made by Commissioner DasGupta, seconded by Commissioner Yeatts passed on a vote of 7‐0‐2‐1, with Commissioners Alexander and Floyd abstaining and Commissioner Reinhardt off the dias. 2. STAFF AND COMMUNITY BRIEFINGS (A member of the public may not address a board at a meeting on an item posted as a briefing) a. Communications & Technology Management Department Update (Stephen Elkins, Communications and Technology Management) This item did not occur due to a scheduling conflict. b. Improving the resident experience with City forms (Daniel Honker, Soolin Withrow, and Andrew Do, Communications and Technology Management) The …

Scraped at: Feb. 18, 2020, 7:20 p.m.
Community Technology and Telecommunications CommissionJan. 8, 2020

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Scraped at: Feb. 18, 2020, 7:20 p.m.
Commission on SeniorsJan. 8, 2020

Approved Minutes original pdf

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COMMISSION ON SENIOR REGULAR MEETING MEETING MINUTES WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8TH, 2020 The Commission on Seniors convened a Regular Meeting at Austin City Hall, Boards and Commissions Room, 301 West 2nd Street, Austin, TX 78701. Board Members in Attendance: Chair, Janee Briesemeister, Vice Chair, Peter Varteressian, Adam Hauser, Amy Temperley, Diana Spain, Emily De Maria Nicola, Erica Garcia-Pittman, Jacqueline Angel, Karen Grampp, Martin Kareithi, Natalie Cagle, Sally Van Sickle, Patricia Bordie. Board Members not in Attendance: Billy Jackson and Fred Lugo. Staff in Attendance: Tabitha Taylor, Age Friendly Plan Program Coordinator, Austin Public Health and Halana Kaleel, Public Health Educator II, Austin Public Health Presenters: None. Chair, Janee Briesemeister called the Board Meeting to order at 12:08 p.m. The Commission introduced themselves. I. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION A. Charles Curry, comment on Property Tax Exemptions. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM THE COMMISSION ON SENIORS DECEMBER 11TH, 2019 MEETING A. The minutes for the regular meeting of December 11th were approved with discussed minor edits on Vice Chair, Varteressian motion, Commissioner Cagle second on a 13- 0 vote. Commissioners Jackson and Lugo were absent. III. ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Welcome Commissioner Temperley, District 1. i. New Commissioner representing District 1, Amy Temperley introduced herself. She is a current member of the Aging Services Council as well as the owner of Aging Is Cool. B. Commissioner Grampp will attend the budget meeting for the LGBTQ Quality of Life Commission. IV. NEW BUSINESS A. Finalize Age Friendly Austin Community Engagement Survey i. Recommendation adopting the Age Friendly Austin Community Engagement Survey was approved with discussed changes on Commissioner Van Sickle motion, Commissioner Grampp second on a 13-0 vote. Commissioners Jackson and Lugo were absent. V. DISCUSSION A. Update and Discussion on Interdepartmental Age-Friendly Action Plan Meeting. i. Support Staff Tabitha Taylor provided an update and recap of the Interdepartmental Age Friendly Action Plan Meeting January 7th, 2020. VI. OLD BUSINESS A. Commission Work Plan – Standing Item i. No discussion currently. B. Updates from Working Groups – Standing Item i. Age Friendly Action Plan Implementation Working Group ii. Transportation, Housing and Outdoor Spaces Working Group • No discussion currently. • No discussion currently. iii. Social Participation, Respect and Social Inclusion, Civic Participation and Employment Working Group • No discussion currently. iv. Community Support and Health Services Working Group • No discussion currently. C. Update on Joint Inclusion Committee – Standing Item (Janee Briesmeister) i. Update was provided on …

Scraped at: March 2, 2020, 2:40 p.m.
Zero Waste Advisory CommissionJan. 8, 2020

Approved January Meeting Minutes original pdf

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Zero Waste Advisory Commission Meeting Minutes January 8, 2020 The Zero Waste Advisory Commission convened in a regular meeting on January 8, 2020 in Council Chambers in City Hall in Austin, Texas. The following are the meeting highlights. For detailed information, please visit CALL TO ORDER Chair Acuna called the Commission Meeting to order at 6:36 p.m. Board Members in Attendance: Gerry Acuna, Cathy Gattuso, Lisa Barden, Melissa Rothrock, Amanda Masino, Kaiba White. Absent: Jonathan Barona, Ian Steyaert. Staff in attendance: Ken Snipes, Tammie Williamson, Richard McHale, Victoria Rieger, Gena McKinley, Andy Dawson, Gabriel Gonzalez, Lori Scott, Scott Long, Marcus Gonzalez, Amy Slagle. 1. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL Jeffrey Jacoby signed up to speak. He thanked the Commission for their resolution on November 21st. 2. APPROVAL OF NOVEMBER 21, 2019 SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES Chair Acuna entertained a motion. Commissioner Masino moved for approval. Seconded by Commissioner Gattuso. Item did not pass on a 5-0-1 vote. Commissioner Barden abstained. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION 3. OLD BUSINESS 3a. Discussion and Action – Impact of Ordinance Change Pursuant to City of Austin Extraterritorial Boundary Revision Jon White, Travis County, talked about the recently amended Solid Waste Siting Ordinance. Mr. White explained that the recent amendment fixed some contradictions that had been in the original 2003 ordinance. Mr. White said that as the ordinance was being re-worked, Travis County and the City of Austin had agreed to release extraterritorial jurisdiction over lands around the Waste Management site. Mr. White said that although the [Waste Management site] were going to continue operations, future activities would not be permitted because it’s the longstanding position that the City and County both have a longstanding position for waste disposal activities at [the Waste Management] location to end. Chair Acuna asked how this affects us in meeting the needs and goals of our city master plan, expanding household hazardous waste opportunities and diversion. Mr. White said that it does allow for potential sites to be developed elsewhere in the county, but the ordinance is more adapted to add transfer stations than landfills. Commissioner Masino asked what the boundaries were of the siting ordinance. Mr. White said it was North of 290 (Blue Goose Road), and the limits were to west where railroad and creek are; within half a mile. Chair Acuna asked for clarification, if it would impede the city’s ability to identify a household hazardous waste …

Scraped at: March 24, 2020, 2:30 a.m.
Early Childhood CouncilJan. 8, 2020

Approved Minutes original pdf

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EARLY CHILDHOOD COUNCIL MINUTES REGULAR MEETING Wednesday, January 8, 2020 The Early Childhood Council (ECC) convened in a regular meeting on Wednesday, January 8, 2020, at City Hall. Board Members in Attendance: Chair Alvarez; Vice Chair McHorse; Members Burson, Conlin, Cortés-Castillo, Huston, Paver Staff in attendance: Rachel Farley, Estella Kirscht, Donna Sundstrom Chair Alvarez called the meeting to order at 8:39 a.m. 1. INTRODUCTIONS - ECC members and guests introduced themselves 2. DISCLOSURE OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST- None 3. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL Paola Ferate-Soto with Austin Public Library had questions for Annick Beaudet about the Land Development Code (LDC) rewrite regarding green space and Dove Springs Laura Olsen with Go Austin! Vamos Austin! (GAVA) is concerned about limited opportunities for community input on the LDC rewrite, is asking for opportunities to have community engagement, requested impact analysis for displacement 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Member Huston moved to approve the November 13, 2019 Regular Meeting Minutes with no changes and Member Conlin seconded the motion. Minutes were approved unanimously by a vote of 7-0 5. PRESENTATION Annick Beaudet Assistant Director for Long Range Planning and Traffic Management with the Austin Transportation Department presented on the LDC; Donna Galati, Program Manager from Development Services Department called in to help present – Ms. Beaudet is the co-lead of the LDC Revision, along with Brent Lloyd, working within the City Manager’s Office and the office of Assistant City Manager Rodney Gonzalez, with multi-disciplinary and multi-departmental team, staff/team members from various departments who have specific expertise. There is a focus on historically underrepresented communities. Revision is guided by UT Austin’s Uprooted report on gentrification and displacement and LDC team is considering how zoning can be a tool to slow these processes. October 2019 - released a new draft text and map as a new growth concept; after the first reading in December 2019, Council approved a third concept, transition areas, mixed use corridors with multi-unit housing to absorb most of the growth as transitions into single family neighborhoods, requested significant map changes; map will be out in 12 days and will reflect Council Member Garza’s motions to make owning and operating child care easier in more parts of the City: • • Allow “large childcare” as a permitted use by right in R3 and R4 zones (two types of residential zones) • Allow minor use permit for “childcare commercial use” under residential RM1 zones Increase …

Scraped at: July 7, 2020, 12:10 a.m.
African American Resource Advisory CommissionJan. 7, 2020

Agenda original pdf

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AFRICAN AMERICAN RESOURCE ADVISORY COMMISSION Regular Meeting – January 7, 2020, 5:30 P.M. 301 West 2nd Street, Executive Session Conference Room 1st Floor Austin, Texas 78767 AGENDA BOARD MEMBERS: Chair-Daryl Horton, Vice Chair- Marissa Jones, Miriam Conner, Dr. Chiquita Eugene, Clifford Gillard, Cherelle Vanbrakle, Tam Hawkins, Volma Overton, III., Nelson Linder, Greg Smith, Elaina Fowler, Aaliyah Noble, Elton Randel, Ellen Sweets, Rashida Wright MEETING CALL TO ORDER 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. Approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting on the December 3rd. 2. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL Any speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. 3. SPECIAL PRESENTATION, DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION a. District 1 Council & Community Update - Council Member Natasha Harper-Madison b. Homeless Update – Preston Petty – Coordinated Entry Program Director Ending Community Homelessness Coalition (ECHO) c. What’s in the Mirror Overview and Update - Tarik Daniels, Executive Director d. Live Music Fund Update - Gavin Garcia Music Commission 4. WORKING GROUPS – DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION – a. Economic Opportunity and Affordability b. Mobility c. Safety d. Health and Environment e. Culture and Life Long Learning f. Government That Works for All a. Commission Retreat Update 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATION, THE AFRICAN AMERICAN COMMUNITY ALLIANCE COMMUNITY UPDATE – DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION a. The Austin Revitalization Authority – Greg Smith, President b. The Greater Austin Black Chamber of Commerce – Tam Hawkins, President and CEO c. The Baptist Minister Union – Rev. Daryl Horton, President d. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People – Nelson Lender, President e. The Austin Area Urban League – Quincy Dunlap, President and CEO f. Cultural Arts – Clifford Gillard 6. Future Agenda Items a. Austin Community College – Garrett Groves b. Austin Independent School District Stephanie Hawley 7. Announcements February 4th - MEETING LOCATION – City Hall Executive Session 1st Floor Set agenda items for future meetings, including non-substantive housekeeping matters (such as meeting dates, potential topics, and information and research requests for staff) ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days (48 hours) before …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 10:46 p.m.
African American Resource Advisory CommissionJan. 7, 2020

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Whatsinthemirror?Tarik Daniels, Founder/Executive DirectorAfrican American Advisory Commision Presentation 1/7/20 Recap of 2019Whatsinthemirror? is a 501c3 non-profit organization and social movement that provides suicide prevention and mental health awareness to communities of color through art, advocacy, and affirming care with a focus on women, youth, LGBTQIA+ persons. January 2019Presentation : Social Depression and the Intersectionality of Being Black and Queer in America*Jan 2019: Central Texas African American Family Support Conference (Austin, TX)*Aug 2019: Beyond Brothas Summer Summit (Austin, TX)*Oct 2019: In My Mind Conference ( NYC, NY)Launch of our Mental Wellness Database of Color*Called each person and ask for updated info* Future Opportunity: Website & Funding to Maintain Mental Wellness Meetups*Every First Saturday: Meet Up with Community Members and Clinicians/ Health Providers of Color*Monthly Topics*Future Opportunity: More Participation from Clinicians of Color and new space March- April 2019Anti Bullying CampaignLaunch 2017, Schools & After School ProgramsFuture Opportunity: Funding, More Schools April- Self Love, Self Esteem Fashion/Hair Show May- Children's Mental Health, Teen Summit June 2019- Trans Safety Pop Up Town Hall July- Minority Mental Health Video Challenge August 2019- Fireflies, Play Current Projects: City of Austin ProclamationWhatsinthemirror? Received a City of Austin Proclamation, declaring September 19th, LGBTQIA SUICIDE AWARENESS DAY A NIGHT OF LOVE4th Annual was the biggest one yet!LGBTQ Playwriting CompetitionOVer 110 Submissions Over $70,000 across 2 grants! The Art Heals ProjectThe Art Heals Project is a healing justice movement focused on the intersectionality of mental health and HIV Prevention/PWLHA through advocacy, art, and affirming care to marginalized communities. The Art Heals Project will consist of four components including 1) Healing Justice Peer Support Groups designed for People living with HIV/AIDS on topics around HIV related and mental wellness stigma. 2) Affirming Care Pathways that will consist of a direct care pathways for People Living with HIV/AIDS including mental wellness providers, HIV prevention providers/organizations, health centers, telehealth providers, primary care providers dedicated to cultural competency and the model of healing justice framework. 3) Social Media, Print, Billboard Campaign focused on the intersectionality of mental wellness and HIV Prevention/People Living with HIV/AIDS through creative, healing, and cultural responsiveness. 4) Southern HIV Awareness Day Arts Heals Festival that will happen on Southern HIV Awareness Day that will consists of workshops, rehearsals with People Living with HIV/AIDS, community members, artists, clinicians with various forms of art to raise awareness and eliminate HIV related and mental wellness stigma. GOAL #1Our first goal is to …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 10:46 p.m.
African American Resource Advisory CommissionJan. 7, 2020

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Annual Internal Review This report covers the time period of 7/1/2018 to 6/30/2019 __African American Resource Advisory Commission___ (Official Name of Board or Commission) The Board/Commission mission statement (per the City Code) is: to advise the City Council on issues related to the Quality of Life (QOL) for the City’s African American community, and recommend programs designed to alleviate any inequities that may confront African Americans in social, economic and vocational pursuits, including: health care; housing, including affordable housing, home ownership and homelessness; entertainment opportunities for professionals and students; employment; and cultural venues, including museums, theaters, art galleries and music venues. The Commission also advises the Council on matters related to the African American Cultural and Heritage Facility and the George Washington Carver Museum and Cultural Center. 1. Describe the board’s actions supporting their mission during the previous calendar year. Address all elements of the board’s mission statement as provided in the relevant sections of the City Code. In continued support of our mission, the 15-member African American Resource Advisory Commission, during the 2018-19 year, improved upon its commitment to involve and support the City’s African American community through open dialogue, meaningful conversations, community wide announcements and information sharing, and engaging more community leaders in our monthly meetings. Our effort this year was focused on a variety of issues and concerns, all of which we believe had an immediate impact on the African American community. Our Commission again this year expended a great deal of time and energy on the research and development of our comprehensive recommendation for the FY20 City of Austin budget. Our budget recommendation remains vitally important each year as it addresses persistent and increasing deficits for African Americans in each of our six focus areas: health care; housing, including affordable housing, home ownership and homelessness; entertainment opportunities for professionals Annual Review and Work Plan 2018-19 Page # 2 and students; employment; and cultural venues, including museums, theaters, art galleries and music venues. As a result of the honest and valuable input we received from the community, non-profit leaders and African American service providers during our monthly meetings, the community engagement meeting at the George Washington Carver Museum Cultural and Genealogy Center in March 2019, and through presentations by City of Austin Department leaders, the AARAC anticipates the availability and use of significant financial investments focused on improving the QOL of African Americans in the City of …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 10:46 p.m.
Zoning and Platting CommissionJan. 7, 2020

Zoning and Platting Commission Jan 7 2020 Agenda.pdf original pdf

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Facilitator: Heather Chaffin, 512-974-2122 Attorney: Nicolas Parke, 512-974-6463 Commission Liaison: Andrew Rivera, 512-974-6508 ZONING & PLATTING COMMISSION AGENDA Tuesday, January 7, 2020 The Zoning and Platting Commission will convene at 6:00 PM on Tuesday, January 7, 2020 at Austin City Hall, Council Chambers 301 W. Second Street, Austin, TX Ana Aguirre – Secretary David King Nadia Barrera-Ramirez Jolene Kiolbassa – Chair Timothy Bray Ellen Ray Ann Denkler - Parliamentarian Hank Smith Jim Duncan – Vice-Chair Abigail Tatkow Bruce Evans EXECUTIVE SESSION (No public discussion) The Zoning & Platting Commission will announce it will go into Executive Session, if necessary, pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, to receive advice from Legal Counsel on matters specifically listed on this agenda. The commission may not conduct a closed meeting without the approval of the city attorney. Private Consultation with Attorney – Section 551.071 CITIZEN COMMUNICATION The first four (4) speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approval of minutes from December 17, 2019. Facilitator: Heather Chaffin, 512-974-2122 Attorney: Nicolas Parke, 512-974-6463 Commission Liaison: Andrew Rivera, 512-974-6508 B. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Rezoning: C14-2019-0158 - Alonti Catering; District 5 Location: 3421 West William Cannon Drive, Suite 115, Williamson Creek Watershed-Barton Springs Zone Owner/Applicant: Cannon Oaks, LLC (Timothy Timmerman) Agent: Lenworth Consulting, LLC (Nash Gonzales) Request: GR to CS-CO Staff Rec.: Recommended Staff: Wendy Rhoades, 512-974-7719 Planning and Zoning Department 2. Rezoning: C814-88-0001.12 - Davenport West PUD Amendment 12; District 10 Location: 4417 Westlake Drive, St. Stephens Creek Watershed Owner/Applicant: Michael and Susan Dell Foundation (Anand Srinivasan) Agent: Metcalfe, Wolff, Stuart & Williams (Michele Rogerson Lynch) Request: PUD to PUD, to change a condition of zoning and allow additional office building Staff Rec.: Recommended Staff: Mark Graham, 512-974-3574 Planning and Zoning Department 3. Rezoning: C14-2019-0137 - Delwau RV Park; District 1 Location: 7715 Delwau Lane, Boggy Creek and Colorado River Watersheds Owner/Applicant: Delwau LLC (Noah Zimmerman) Agent: South Llano Strategies (Glen Coleman) Request: SF-2 to CS-MU Staff Rec.: Recommendation of CS-MU-CO, with conditions Staff: Heather Chaffin, 512-974-2122 Planning and Zoning Department 4. Rezoning: C14-2019-0103 - 9100 US-290 East; District 1 Location: 9100 US 290 East, Walnut Creek Watershed Owner/Applicant: COCO04 Austin TX, LP c/o Gladstone Commercial Corp Agent: Drenner Group PC (Dave Anderson) Request: LI-CO to …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:05 p.m.
Zoning and Platting CommissionJan. 7, 2020

Item B-01 (C14-2019-0158 - Alonti Catering; District 5).pdf original pdf

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ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET CASE: C14-2019-0158 – Alonti Catering DISTRICT: 5 ZONING FROM: GR TO: CS-CO ADDRESS: 3421 West William Cannon Drive, Suite 115 SITE AREA: 0.0417 acres (1,815 square feet) PROPERTY OWNER: Cannon Oaks, LLC AGENT: Lenworth Consulting, LLC (Timothy Timmerman) (Nash Gonzales) CASE MANAGER: Wendy Rhoades (512-974-7719, STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Staff recommendation is to grant general commercial services – conditional overlay (CS-CO) combining district zoning. The Conditional Overlay prohibits the following uses: adult-oriented businesses, bail bond services, commercial blood plasma center, drop-off recycling collection facility, exterminating services, and pawn shop services. For a summary of the basis of Staff’s recommendation, see page 2. ZONING AND PLATTING COMMISSION ACTION / RECOMMENDATION: January 7, 2020: CITY COUNCIL ACTION: January 23, 2020: ORDINANCE NUMBER: ISSUES: None at this time. CASE MANAGER COMMENTS: The subject rezoning area is a 1,815 square foot vacant lease space in a larger commercial center containing a service station, food sales, medical offices, retail and restaurant uses, personal services and pet services, and zoned community commercial (GR). The shopping center is situated at the southeast corner of West William Cannon Drive and Brodie Lane and has driveways to both streets. A drainage easement and tributary of Williamson Creek is to the east (SF-2; PUD). Please refer to Exhibits A and A-1 – Zoning Map and Aerial Exhibit. The Applicant proposes general commercial services – conditional overlay (CS-CO) district zoning in order to occupy the lease space with a food preparation use (specifically a 1 of 11B-01 C14-2019-0158 Page 2 commercial kitchen), which is first permitted by right in this district. The Applicant’s Conditional Overlay is to prohibit more intensive CS uses for the lease space. BASIS FOR RECOMMENDATION 1. The proposed zoning should be consistent with the purpose statement of the district sought. The general commercial services (CS) district is intended predominantly for commercial and industrial activities of a service nature having operating characteristics or traffic service requirements generally incompatible with residential environments. The CS district is best suited for uses located at intersections of arterial roadways or arterials with collector status. The intention is to promote safe and efficient use of transportation facilities. The property has access to William Cannon Drive and Brodie Lane, both classified as major arterial roadways. 2. Zoning changes should promote compatibility with adjacent and nearby uses. Staff recommends CS-CO zoning in accordance with the Applicant’s request based on the property’s …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:05 p.m.
Zoning and Platting CommissionJan. 7, 2020

Item B-02 (C814-88-0001.12 - Davenport West PUD Amendment 12; District 10).pdf original pdf

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ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET CASE: C14-88-0001.12 Davenport West PUD Amendment 12 DISTRICT: 10 ZONING FROM: PUD TO: PUD, to change conditions of zoning ADDRESS: 4417 Westlake Dr. SITE AREA: 5.30 acres (230,868 sq. ft.) PROPERTY OWNER: Michael & Susan Dell Foundation (Anand Srinivasan) AGENT: Metcalfe, Wolff, Stuart & Williams (Michele Rogerson Lynch) CASE MANAGER Mark Graham (512-974-3574, ) STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the requested substantial amendment to the Davenport West PUD, Amendment 12, increasing allowable non-residential floor area by 29,090 square feet for the proposed office on Lot 17, Block E, Tract F. For a summary of the basis of staff’s recommendation, see case manager comments on page 2. ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: The Environmental Commission reviewed the Davenport West PUD Amendment 12 case on Wednesday, December 4, 2019 and approved a motion (attached) 10-0 to recommend the PUD Amendment with conditions. ZONING AND PLATTING COMMISSION ACTION / RECOMMENDATION: December 17, 2019 CITY COUNCIL ACTION: January 23, 2020 ORDINANCE NUMBER: ISSUES Allowable non-residential floor area The applicant requests approval of Davenport West PUD Amendment 12 to permit building a 29,090 square foot office building and bridge linking it to their existing office building. This issue requires an amendment to the PUD. The rest of the listed issues explain how development will meet various inter-related standards such as impervious coverage, parking and height while addressing neighborhood concerns. 1 of 39B-02 C14-88-0001.12 2 CASE MANAGER COMMENTS: Davenport Ranch developer Westview agreed to set aside over 100 acres of their land in the Wild Basin area along Loop 360 Highway in exchange for the City of Austin agreeing to allow the transfer of development rights for 100 residential units to nearby land in Davenport Ranch. The land donation was a significant step in creating the Wild Basin Wilderness Preserve. In 1989 Westview received zoning approval on their master planned Davenport Ranch West PUD covering 444.31 acres. The largest portion of the land, 182 acres, provides for detached residences. The second largest land use, about 104 acres, is the St Stephens School Campus. Offices are the third largest class of land use in the PUD, occupying about 86 acres. The subject case is focused on a lot within Tract F, a plan for 144.91 acres of the Davenport West PUD. The plan identified Blocks and Lots with associated land uses including detached residential, office and retail. Tract F is located west of and adjacent …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:05 p.m.
Zoning and Platting CommissionJan. 7, 2020

Item B-03 (C14-2019-0137 - Delwau RV Park; District 1).pdf original pdf

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ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET CASE: C14-2019-0137 -- Delwau RV Park Z.A.P. DATE: January 7, 2020 ADDRESS: 7715 Delwau Lane AREA: 11.9 acres DISTRICT AREA: 1 OWNER: Delwau LLC (Noah Zimmerman) APPLICANT: South Llano Strategies (Glen Coleman) ZONING FROM: SF-2 TO: CS-MU-CO As part of the proposed rezoning, the Applicant proposes the following conditional overlay: The following land uses shall be prohibited on the subject property: Funeral services, Exterminating services, Pawn shop services, Bail bond services, Building maintenance services, Automotive rentals, Automotive repair services, Automotive sales, Automotive washing (of any type), Commercial blood plasma center, Commercial off-street parking, Construction sales and services, Drop-off recycling collection facility, Electronic prototype assembly, Equipment repair services, General retail sales (General), Kennels, Laundry services, Medical offices—exceeding 5,000 sq/ft of gross floor space, Offsite accessory parking, Service station, Vehicle storage, Limited warehousing and distribution, College and university facilities, Hospital services (General), Hospital services (Limited), Maintenance and service facilities, Residential treatment, Safety services, Transitional housing, Group home- Class II, Multifamily residential, and Transportation terminal. Alternative financial services, Electronic testing, and Monument retail sales. SUMMARY STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Staff’s recommendation is to grant the rezoning as requested with the condition that the site be subject to the conditions outlined in the Neighborhood Traffic Analysis (NTA) memorandum. (Please see Exhibit D- NTA Memorandum). ZONING & PLATTING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: January 7, 2020: December 3, 2019: To grant postponement to January 7, 2020 as requested by Staff, on consent. CITY COUNCIL DATE: January 23, 2020: ORDINANCE READINGS: 1st 2nd 3rd ORDINANCE NUMBER: CASE MANAGER: Heather Chaffin PHONE: 512-974-2122 e-mail: 1 of 23B-03 C14-2019-0137 Page 2 ISSUES: A rezoning application for CS-MU and CS-1 zoning was submitted for this property in January 2018. At that time, the Applicant proposed developing a campground with a portion of the site used for food trucks, limited retail options, and would allow the property owner to serve alcohol (CS-1 zoning). The request was recommended by Staff and the Zoning and Platting Commission (ZAP) but denied at City Council. The Applicant is no longer requesting CS-1 zoning for the property. The property is located on the northern shore of the Colorado River and has significant areas of floodplain and water quality buffers. Consequently, approximately 3.96 acres of the 11.9 acre site cannot be developed with buildings or other impervious cover. Delwau Lane, which provides vehicular access to the property, is substandard and not scheduled for City improvements …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:07 p.m.
Zoning and Platting CommissionJan. 7, 2020

Item B-04 (C14-2019-0103 - 9100 US-290 East; District 1).pdf original pdf

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ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET CASE: C14-2019-0103 – 9100 US-290 East Z.A.P. DATE: January 7, 2020 ADDRESS: 9100 US Highway 290 East AREA: 7.267 Acres OWNER: COCO04 Austin TX LP c/o Gladstone Commercial Corporation AGENT: Drenner Group PC (Dave Anderson) FROM: LI-CO TO: CS-CO SUMMARY STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends CS-CO zoning, with conditions. The following conditions are proposed by the Applicant: 1. The following land uses shall be prohibited: Bed & breakfast (Group 1), Bed & breakfast (Group 2), Short term rental, Alternative financial services, Bail bond services, Commercial off-street parking, Drop-off recycling collection facility, Equipment sales, Funeral services, General retail sales (convenience), General retail sales (general), Hotel-motel, Indoor entertainment, Laundry services, Monument retail services, Off-site accessory parking, Pawn shop services, Pedicab storage and dispatch, Personal improvement services, Personal services, Plant nursery, Service station, Theater, Vehicle storage, Veterinary services, Transportation terminal, Automotive repair services, Automotive sales, Automotive washing (of any type), Campground, Kennels, Community events, Congregate living, Residential treatment, Transitional housing, Maintenance and service facilities, Outdoor entertainment, and Outdoor sports and recreation. Staff also recommends that the Traffic Mitigation Memorandum prepared by City Staff be attached to the property via public restrictive covenant (RC). CASE MANAGER: Heather Chaffin PHONE: 512-974-2122 e-mail: Z.A.P. COMMISSION ACTION/RECOMMENDATION: January 7, 2020: December 3, 2019: To grant postponement to January 7, 2020 as requested by Staff, on consent. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: January 23, 2020: ORDINANCE NUMBER: 1 of 26B-04 C14-2019-0103 Page 2 of 6 ISSUES: The Applicant proposes downzoning the subject property to allow a K-12 charter school to occupy an existing building on the site. The Applicant proposes carrying forward the prohibited land uses that were added with a zoning case in 2000, as well as adding more prohibited land uses. A public restrictive covenant (RC) was attached with that case that prohibits vehicular access to Springdale Road or Sansom Road, and assorted design and operation elements. The public RC remains in effect on the subject tract. Please see Exhibit E- Restrictive Covenant. DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: The subject property is a 7.267 acre tract located in the Tuscany Business Park northeast of US 290 and Ed Bluestein Boulevard. The rezoning tract is zoned LI-CO and is developed with a vacant building. The most recent occupant of the building was a trade/business school. Immediately west of the tract is a truck supply and repair business, also zoned LI-CO. Immediately north of the tract is a warehousing …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:07 p.m.