LIBRARY COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION 20200622-3a: Support for Equitable Access to Austin Public Library Resources Seconded By: Commissioner Williams Date: June 22, 2020 Subject: Support for Equitable Access to Austin Public Library Resources Motioned By: Commissioner Dwyer Recommendation Support for Equitable Access to Austin Public Library Resources Description of Recommendation to Council Requesting that the Austin City Council use their budgetary authority to make access to library resources more equitable by eliminating late fees for the return of adult library materials. Rationale: The Austin Public Library has a commitment to equity, to assure that all members of the Austin community have equal access to Library services and programs. However, as the American Library Association and numerous public library systems around the country have recognized, monetary fines present an economic barrier to access of library materials and services, especially among low-income patrons. In a Resolution passed on January 27, 2019, the American Library Association urged libraries to scrutinize their practices of imposing fines on library patrons and actively move towards eliminating them. At a time when Austinites are both facing serious economic disruption and calling on the City to invest more heavily in social services benefiting communities of color, the Austin Public Library remains a place where Austinites can seek information, services and entertainment free of charge. However, the current City policy imposes a fine on adult materials returned after their due date of $ .25 per day / per item.1 APL blocks access to library materials when a fine reaches $10. This policy imposes a significant barrier to access to the population that needs these services the most. It is an inequitable policy. Studies have shown that fines and late fees do not impact rates of return and may in fact discourage the return of library materials. As the ALA Resolution recognized, “there is mounting evidence that indicates eliminating fines increases library card adoption and library usage.” 1 Since October 1, 2018, the Austin Public Library has not charged fees for late returns of children’s materials. The Austin Public Library also imposes several other late fees, as reflected on the attached chart. This recommendation does not pertain to late fees on materials other than adult materials. In addition, the Commission does not recommend a change to the APL policy relating to lost or damaged items. If an item is lost or damaged, the account is billed the amount to replace it, as …
David Carroll, Chair Melissa Henao-Robledo, Vice Chair Aan Coleman Beau Frail Samuel Franco Martha Gonzales Ben Luckens Josue Meiners Jessica Rollason Evan Taniguchi Bart Whatley Jorge Rousselin, Executive Liaison Aaron D. Jenkins Staff Liaison Patrick Colunga Staff Liaison City of Austin Design Commission DESIGN COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION 20200622-01C June 26, 2020 Josue Meiners Seconded By: Evan Taniguchi Design Commission recommendation for the Hanover Brazos Street project. Date: Subject: Motioned By: Recommendation: The City of Austin Design Commission recommends that the Hanover Brazos Street project, located at 201 East 3rd Street, substantially complies with the Urban Design Guidelines. Rationale: Dear Director of Planning and Zoning Dept., This letter is to confirm the Design Commission’s recommendation that the Hanover Brazos Street project, located at 201 East 3rd Street, as presented to us on June 22, 2020 substantially complies with the Urban Design Guidelines as one of the gatekeeper requirements of the Downtown Density Bonus Program. The applicant addressed many of the concerns identified by the Working Group’s previous review. Our review found the following: 1. Project includes restaurant/retail space with overhead doors that open to the public ROW. In addition, there is an adjacent patio with built-in planters and overhead protection at the intersection of 3rd and Brazos. These all serve to activate the public ROW. 2. The proposed design utilizes brick at street level, which breaks down the scale of the large building and pays homage to the existing structure. 3. The existing public art will remain 4. The Brazos Street side includes windows in and overhead protection. Additionally, the garage entrance doors are pushed back from façade to provide pedestrians with a better experience crossing the driveway. 5. Vertical landscaping has been proposed on the façade at the utility room to soften the hard building edge. Respectfully, City of Austin Design Commission Vote: For: David Carroll, Bart Whatley, Evan Taniguchi, Melissa Henao-Robledo, Josue Meiners, Samuel Franco, Beau 8 - 0 - 0 Frail, Ben Luckens Against: None Absent: Martha Gonzalez, Jessica Rollason, Aan Coleman Attest: David Carroll, Chair of the Design Commission 1 of 1 Design Commission - Recommendation for the Hanover Brazos Street Page 1
COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Asian American Quality of Life Advisory Commission Recommendation Number (20200622-03b): The Asian American Quality of Life Advisory Commission recommends that the City Manager have leadership of the Austin Police Department that represents of the anti racist values that the community, City Council, and our City of Austin Leadership expects. WHEREAS, it is the value of the City of Austin to be an inclusive city for all of its citizens including those of diverse racial, ethnic, religious, and national origin backgrounds; WHEREAS, the City of Austin and the Asian American Quality of Life Commission had called for an adequate response from the Austin Police Department following the both the shootings of Mauris DeSilva and Mike Ramos; WHEREAS, our Commission has growing concerns over the ability of the Austin Police Department to keep our communities of color safe; WHEREAS, the last five officer shootings resulting in death have been on people of color; WHEREAS, the Austin Police Department are the highest paid police department in the State of Texas; WHEREAS, it is the responsibility of the leadership of the Austin Police Department to make all communities in Austin feel safe and respected; WHEREAS, The Austin Police Department currently has a budget of approximately $440 million dollars; and WHEREAS, this Commission does not believe that the current Austin Police Department spending reflects the needs of the community; WHEREAS, the Commission is supportive of moving funds from the Austin Police Department into proactive community support measures including mental health resources, victims’ services, family violence resources, and educational opportunities; WHEREAS, communities of color in Austin have historically been overlooked in the city budget and often compete for the same, limited sources of funding; WHEREAS, on April 17, 2020 City Manager Spencer Cronk released the results of an investigation conducted by Tatum Law that found that there were issues surrounding equity, fairness, and fear of retaliation within the Austin Police Department; WHEREAS, On June 11, 2020, Austin City Council approved RESOLUTION NO. 20200611- 095 which put a ban on chokeholds or strangleholds, officers shooting at moving vehicles, and the use of tear gas and impact munitions on people exercising their First Amendment rights. It also limits no-knock warrants, and the use of facial recognition technology by police, requires de-escalation tactics in all circumstances, and delays the July APD cadet class until the training curriculum is overhauled; WHEREAS, On June 11, 2020, Austin City Council …
DESIGN COMMISSION MONDAY, JUNE 22, 2020 3:00 PM Special Meeting of the Design Commission - Remotely; Via WebEx MEETING MINUTES Call to order by: Chair D. Carroll at 3:05 p.m. COMMISSION MEMBERS ✓ David Carroll, Chair (District 1) _ Martha Gonzalez, Vice-Chair (District 2) ✓ Samuel Franco (District 3) ✓ Josue Meiners (District 4) ✓ Melissa Henao-Robledo (District 5) ✓ Evan Taniguchi (Mayor) ✓ ✓ ✓ Beau Frail (District 6) Jessica Rollason (District 7) Aan Coleman (District 8) Bart Whatley (District 9) Ben Luckens (District 10) • “✓” Denotes Commission Members who were in attendance CITY OF AUSTIN PLANNING & ZONING STAFF ✓ Jorge E. Rousselin, Executive Liaison ✓ Aaron D. Jenkins, Staff Liaison ✓ Patrick Colunga, Staff Liaison CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 1. NEW BUSINESS (Discussion and Possible Action): a. Discussion and possible action to evaluate and make recommendations regarding whether The University Hills Library Parking Lot Expansion, addressed at 4701 Loyola Lane, complies with the Urban Design Guidelines, for the City of Austin; ( Aldo Sotelo Stantec, Paul Sanchez City of Austin) • The Commission supported the project as it conforms with City of Austin Design Standards; The motion was made by Chairman D.Carroll and seconded by Commission E. Taniguchi. • The recommendation motion was approved on a unanimous vote of [7‐0‐0]. Page 1 of 2 b. Discussion and possible action to evaluate and make recommendations regarding whether 321 W. 6th Street, addressed at 321 W. 6th Street, complies with the Urban Design Guidelines, for the City of Austin; Talmadge Smith Page Think, Richard Shuttle Armbrust & Brown, PLLC. A motion was made by Commissioner B. Luckens; seconded by Commissioner S. Franco; that the project did not comply with the Urban Design Guidelines; however, the commission fell short of votes in support of the motion. A recommendation was not made. • Commissioner B. Frail - Made a friendly motion to request a local artist. Commissioner B. Luckens and Commissioner S. Franco accepted. • The motion was voted [5‐1‐2]. c. Discussion and possible action to evaluate and make recommendations regarding whether Hanover Brazos Street, addressed at 201 E. 3rd Street, complies with the Urban Design Guidelines, for the City of Austin; Craig Krupitzer SCB. The motion that the project complies with Urban Design guidelines was made by Commissioner J. Meiners; and seconded by Commissioner E. Taniguchi. • The motion was approved on a unanimous vote [7‐0‐0]. 2. …
COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Asian American Quality of Life Advisory Commission Recommendation Number (20200622-03e): The Asian American Quality of Life Advisory Commission revision to the FY2021 Budget Recommendation WHEREAS, the Asian American Quality of Life (AAQoL) Advisory Commission was formed to advise the Austin City Council on issues related to the Asian American Resource Center (AARC) and provide ongoing guidance and support for Asian American quality of life initiatives; and WHEREAS, the AAQoL Advisory Commission, as part of its duties, annually submits budget recommendations each spring in support of programs that promote equity and the quality of life of Asian Americans in Austin; and WHEREAS, the Commission approved and submitted its recommendations for the FY 2020-21 City budget in April 2020; and WHEREAS, the Commission submitted its recommendations before adjustments were made to the City budget with regard to federal COVID-19 response and recovery funding and the City Council recommendations related to reallocations in the Austin Police Department (APD) budget as approved by RESOLUTION NO. 20200611-096; and WHEREAS, COVID-19 is expected to significantly decrease the funding available for City of Austin cultural arts programs; and WHERAS, using a true “racial equity” lens to apply a cultural arts funding matrix should consider how African LatinX Asian American Native American (ALAANA) would be disproportionately impacted by a drop in cultural arts funding; and WHEREAS, the Greater Austin Asian Chamber of Commerce (GAACC) experienced a reduction in funding in its most recent City contract based on a newly adopted funding model that does not account for disaggregated economic data of Asian Americans; and WHEREAS, the GAACC resources have become increasingly strained due to the impact of COVID-19 on Asian American businesses; and WHEREAS, public health data shows that COVID-19 has affected the African American and LatinX communities at a disproportionally higher rate than the overall population in Travis County; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the AAQoL Advisory Commission recommends that the Austin City Council direct the City Manager to maintain FY 2020-21 cultural arts funding for ALAANA contractors at the same level as FY 2019-20; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the AAQoL Advisory Commission recommends that the Austin City Council direct the City Manager to maintain the current funding level for the GAACC in FY 2020-21 to support Asian American businesses; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the AAQoL Advisory Commission recommends that the Austin City Council direct the City Manager to allocate …
COMMISSION FOR WOMEN MEETING MINUTES Monday, June 22, 2020 SPECIAL CALLED MEETING Monday, June 22, 2020 COMMISSION FOR WOMEN MINUTES The Commission for Women convened for a special called meeting on Monday, June 22, 2020 via videoconference. Chair Austen called the Commission Meeting to order at 10:06 a.m. Commissioners in Attendance: Rebecca Austen, Chair Flannery Bope, Vice Chair Tanya Athar-Jogee Juliana Gonzales Amanda Lewis Julia Cuba Lewis Sarah Tober Commissioners Absent: Neva Fernandez Dyana Limon-Mercado Vacant: District 2 District 3 Staff in Attendance: April Shaw, Human Resources Department 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. Consider approval of the minutes from the Commission for Women special called meeting on April 17, 2020. The minutes from the special called meeting on April 17, 2020 were approved on Commissioner Tober’s motion, Vice Chair Bope’s second on a vote of 6-0, with Commissioner Athar-Jogee off the dais and Commissioners Fernandez and Limon- Mercado absent. COMMISSION FOR WOMEN MEETING MINUTES 2. OLD BUSINESS a. Discussion and possible action regarding the following working groups: Monday, June 22, 2020 ii. Sexual assault, violence prevention, and survivor experience i. Economic equity Discussion was held. No action was taken. Discussion was held. No action was taken. iii. Access to quality and affordable healthcare Discussion was held. No action was taken. iv. Women’s Hall of Fame Discussion was held. No action was taken. Committee. Discussion was held. No action was taken. FY2021 budget. Discussion was held. No action was taken. b. Discussion and possible action regarding updates from the Joint Inclusion c. Discussion and possible action regarding the recommendation for the City of Austin d. Discussion and possible action regarding the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Austin’s women and girls. Discussion was held. No action was taken. 3. NEW BUSINESS a. Discussion and possible action regarding a recommendation to the City Council on anti-racism. Discussion was held. Commission for Women Recommendation No. 20200622-03A1 regarding race and gender equity was made on Commissioner Lewis’ motion, Vice Chair Bope’s second on a vote of 6-0 with Commissioner Cuba Lewis off the dais and Commissioners Fernandez and Limon-Mercado absent. COMMISSION FOR WOMEN MEETING MINUTES Monday, June 22, 2020 Commission for Women Recommendation No. 20200622-03A2 regarding equity in renaming made on Commissioner Tober’s motion, Commissioner Athar-Jogee’s second, on a vote of 6-0 with Commissioner Cuba Lewis off the dais and Commissioners Fernandez and Limon-Mercado absent. 4. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS None. ADJOURNMENT Chair Austen adjourned …
ASIAN AMERICAN QUALITY OF LIFE ADVISORY COMMISSION (AAQOLAC) REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OF MONDAY, JUNE 22, 2020 The AAQOLAC convened in a regular meeting on Monday, June 22, 2020 Chair Vince Cobalis called the Commission Meeting to order at 10:06 p.m. Commission Members in Attendance: Vince Cobalis, Sarah Chen, Peter Chao, Kirk Yoshida, Nguyen Stanton, Kavita Radhakrishnan, Hanna Huang, Ketan Patel, Shubhada Saxena, and Pooja Sethi Staff in Attendance: Rey Arellano, Assistant City Manager Brion Oaks, Chief Equity Officer Diane Siler, Deputy Budget Officer Joshua Robinson, Commissions Liaison (Equity Office) Brandon Kroos, Business Process Specialist (Equity Office) CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: N/A 1. OLD BUSINESS a. Workgroup Reports: 1. Asian American Resource Center (AARC) Workgroup: See workgroup meeting notes in the backup materials. 2. Health and Community Engagement Workgroup: No update 3. Arts and Culture Workgroup: See workgroup meeting notes in backup materials. 4. Business Planning Workgroup: No updated Budget timeline/process c. Follow-up Items: 1. Update on AARC Masterplan: 2. Update on the Asian American Recourse Center Bridge 3. Results from prior Mini-Grant awards 4. Current status of City Budget process and COVID-19 impact 2. STAFF BRIEFING a. COVID-19 Funding framework (Rey Arellano -City Manager’s Office and Diane Siler -Budget Office) – Assistant City Manager Rey Arellano and Deputy Budget Officer Diane Siler provided an update on funding the COVID-19 Funding Framework. b. Results from prior Mini-Grant awards and Update on upcoming Equity Mini-Grant application and timeline (Brion Oaks – Equity Office) – Chief Equity Officer Brion Oaks and Business Process Specialist Brandon Kroos provided an update on the Equity Mini-Grant process. 3. NEW BUSINESS a. Discussion and possible action on the election of officers to the Asian American Quality of Life Advisory Commission – Commission did not take action. b. Discussion and possible action on recommendations for the Austin Police Department – Commissioner Saxena moved to approve the recommendation. Commissioner Yoshida seconded. The vote was 8 - in Favor. 3 – Abstain – (Commissioners Chen, Patel, and Stanton) c. Network of Asian American organizations and Asian American Pacific Islander response to the COVID-19 Pandemic – Commission did not take action. and Telecommunications Commission) provided a presentation over the 2020 Census Asian d. Census 2020 initiative "Count Us In" – Commissioner Sumit DasGupta (Community Technology American Complete Count. e. Discussion and Possible action related to the FY 2021 Budget – Commissioner Yoshida moved to revise the FY2021 Budget Recommendations. Commissioner Chen seconded. …
REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, June 22, 2020 HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION MINUTES The Human Rights Commission convened in a regular meeting on Monday, June 22, 2020 via teleconference in Austin, Texas. Chair Sareta Davis called the Board Meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. Board Members in Attendance: Chair Davis, Vice Chair Jamarr Brown, Commissioner Breckenridge, Commissioner Garry Brown, Commissioner Caballero, Commissioner Casas, Commissioner Griffith, Commissioner Museitif, Commissioner Santana, Commissioner Weigel, and Commissioner White. Staff in Attendance: Monika Arvelo, Assistant Director, Human Resources Department (HRD); Jonathan Babiak, Human Resources Coordinator, HRD 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. The minutes from the regular meeting of May 18, 2020 were approved on a vote of 9-0: Chair Davis motion, Vice Chair Jamarr Brown second. Voting in favor were Chair Davis, Vice Chair Jamarr Brown, Commissioner Breckenridge, Commissioner Caballero, Commissioner Casas, Commissioner Griffith, Commissioner Santana, Commissioner Weigel, and Commissioner White. Commissioner Garry Brown and Commissioner Museitif were absent. b. The minutes from the special called meeting of June 5, 2020 were approved on a vote of 9-0: Chair Davis motion, Commissioner Santana second. Voting in favor were Chair Davis, Vice Chair Jamarr Brown, Commissioner Breckenridge, Commissioner Caballero, Commissioner Casas, Commissioner Griffith, Commissioner Santana, Commissioner Weigel, and Commissioner White. Commissioner Garry Brown and Commissioner Museitif were absent. 2. NEW BUSINESS a. Discussion and possible action regarding Complaints Sent to the Austin Police Department from the Office Of Police Oversight. (Davis/Brown, J./Breckenridge/Santana) Farah Muscadin, Director, Office of Police Oversight, City of Austin Farah Muscadin addressed the Commission and answered questions from the Commission. The Commission discussed this item. Chair Davis moved for adoption, Commissioner White second. The recommendation was approved on a vote of 11-0. b. Discussion and possible action on Recommendation Number (20200622-002a) Human Rights Commission Recommendation to Defund the Police. (White/Davis/Brown, J./Breckenridge/Casas) 1 The Commission discussed this item. Chair Davis moved for adoption, Commissioner Casas second. The recommendation was approved on a vote of 11-0. c. Discussion and possible action in regards to the city's plan and next steps for Oakwood Cemetery. (Caballero/Breckenridge/Davis) Kim McKnight, MSHP, AICP, Program Manager, Historic Preservation and Heritage Tourism, City of Austin Parks and Recreation Department Kim McKnight addressed the Commission and answered questions from the Commission. The Commission discussed this item. The Commission took no action on this item. d. Limited Discussion and possible action to have Commissioners establish goals and objectives for 2020-21, including plans and strategies for meeting those …
HISTORIC LANDMARK COMMISSION Monday, June 22, 2020 - 6:00 p.m. Regular Meeting NOTE: This meeting was conducted remotely via teleconference. COMMISSION MEMBERS: ___X__ Emily Reed, Chair ___X___ Beth Valenzuela, Vice Chair ___X___ Witt Featherston ___X___ Ben Heimsath ______ Mathew Jacob ___X___ Kevin Koch ___X___ Kelly Little ___X___ Trey McWhorter ______ Terri Myers ___X___ Alex Papavasiliou ___X___ Blake Tollett CALL TO ORDER 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. May 18, 2020 AGENDA MOTION: Pass item 1.A on the consent agenda by Reed, Valenzuela seconds. Vote: 8-0. 2. PRESENTATIONS, DISCUSSION, AND POSSIBLE ACTION A. Oakwood Cemetery Archaeology Excavation Report By: Kim McKnight, Austin Parks and Recreation Department staff B. Preliminary design concepts for an addition to the Bartholomew Building, 1415 Lavaca Street By: William Franks Speakers in favor: Bill Franks Keith Carlson Ali Momin Boyd Harris Nazar Momin No speakers opposed C. Presentation by AISD regarding Yellow Jacket Stadium NOTE: AISD is submitting an e-mail that addresses immediate concerns regarding the preservation of Yellow Jacket Stadium and will provide a full briefing at the July 27, 2020 meeting. 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION ON APPLICATIONS FOR HISTORIC ZONING, DISCUSSION AND ACTION ON APPLICATIONS FOR HISTORIC DISTRICT ZONING, AND REQUESTS TO CONSIDER THE INITIATION OF A HISTORIC ZONING CASE No cases. B. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ON APPLICATIONS FOR CERTIFICATES OF APPROPRIATENESS 1. C14H-1997-0008 – Northcliffe - Norwood Estate – Offered for consent approval 1018 Edgecliff Terrace Council District 9 Proposal: Restore historic home, add a rear trellis, reconstruct historic teahouse gazebo, add new storage building, and landscaping. Applicant: Susan Benz City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 974-2727 Committee Recommendation: Not reviewed. Staff Recommendation: Approve as proposed with the recommendation that on- site interpretive materials are included in the project’s scope of work. MOTION: Pass item B.1 on the consent agenda by Reed, Valenzuela seconds. Vote: 7-0-1, Heimsath abstaining. 2. C14H-2013-0003 – Offered for consent approval Seaholm Intake Building, 801 W. Cesar Chavez Council District 9 Proposal: Construct new front entrance, two rooftop units, and restore windows and other maintenance and repairs. Applicant: Kevin Johnson, City of Austin Parks and Recreation Department City Staff: Cara Bertron, Historic Preservation Office, 974-1446 Committee Recommendation: Not reviewed. Staff Recommendation: Approve the plans. MOTION: Pass item B.2 on the consent agenda by Reed, Valenzuela seconds. Vote: 8-0. 3. C14H-2006-LHD-2020-0018 – Offered for consent approval 3803 Avenue H Council District 3 Proposal: Reconstruct original dormer with …
Library Commission Meeting Minutes 22 June, 2020 REGULAR MEETING 22 June, 2020 THE LIBRARY COMMISSION MINUTES The Library Commission convened in a Regular Meeting on Monday, June 22, 2020 via videoconferencing. Chair Hanna called the Board Meeting to order at 3:12 p.m. Board Members in Attendance: Chair, Catherine Hanna; Vice Chair, Steven Self; Commission Members Patricia Dabbert, JC Dwyer, Deborah Pardo-Kaplan, Lily Trieu, and Chad Williams Board Members Absent: Commission Members Aguilar and Ramos Citizen Communication: None 1. Approval of Minutes from the April 27, 2020 Regular Meeting: The minutes of the regular meeting were approved on Commission Member Dabbert’s motion and Commission Member Williams’ second on an 6-0 vote. Commission Member Trieu abstained. Commission members Aguilar and Ramos absent. 2. Staff Briefing: Reopening Phase 3 – Curbside Services Patti Fowler, Interim Assistant Director, Public Services, gave the briefing. Staff Briefing: Update on City of Austin FY21 Budget Process Wendy Harrison, Financial Manager II, presented the Austin Public Library FY21 proposed budget update. 3. Old Business a. Discussion and possible action on a Fine Free Libraries Working Group Recommendation Recommendation 20200622-3a: Support for Equitable Access to Austin Public Library Resources was approved on Commission Member Dwyer’s motion and Commission Member Williams’ second on a 6-0 vote. Commission Member Trieu abstained. Commission members Aguilar and Ramos absent. 4. New Business: None Library Commission Meeting Minutes 22 June, 2020 5. Discussion of Director’s Monthly Report for May 2020 covering programming highlights, facilities, and APL priorities Director Weeks went over the Library’s phased re-opening plans. Commissioner Dwyer asked if there was an update to proposed changes to youth policies. 6. Future Agenda Items Plans for Austin History Center expansion, Lee Cooke AHCA President Adjournment: Chair Hanna adjourned the meeting at 4:38 p.m. without objection.
PUBLIC NOTICE OF A MEETING TAKE NOTICE OF A BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF AUSTIN 1.571.317.3112 Access Code: 680-061-285 TO BE HELD AT Via Conference Call Austin, TX (512.477.4488) Thursday, June 18, 2020 12:00 PM CALL TO ORDER, ROLL CALL CERTIFICATION OF QUORUM CONSENT ITEMS ACTION ITEMS Citizens Communication (Note: There will be a three-minute time limitation) 1. Presentation, Discussion, and Possible Action regarding the approval of the Board Minutes Summary for the May 21, 2020 Board Meeting 2. Presentation, Discussion, and Possible Action regarding Resolution No. 02653: Regarding the use of force by police, the need for law enforcement reform, and addressing racism and systematic inequality 3. A report on the formation and work on HACA’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Task Force 4. Update on HACA's actions related to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and update on HACA's Resident and Client Support Center 5. Presentation, Discussion, and Possible Action regarding Resolution No. 02660: An amendment to the HACA annual budget to provide additional funding to support Youth educational programming to combat negative educational impacts resulting from the coronoviris crisis 6. Presentation, Discussion, and Possible Action regarding Resolution No. 02654: Approval of Revisions to the Family Self-Sufficiency Action Plan 7. Update on AAHC's acquisition and development programs 8. Presentation, Discussion, and Possible Action on Resolution No. 02655 by the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the City of Austin (the “Authority”) approving resolution of Austin Affordable PFC, Inc. providing for the issuance of its Multifamily Housing Governmental Note (Heritage Estates at Owen Tech) (the “Note”) and to take such other actions necessary or convenient to facilitate the development of the Estates at Owen Tech 9. Presentation, Discussion, and Possible Action on Resolution No. 02656 by the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the City of Austin (the “Authority”) approving resolution of Austin Affordable PFC, Inc. providing for the issuance of its Multifamily Housing Governmental Note (Woodway Village Apartments), Series 2020 (the “Note”) and to take such other actions necessary or convenient to facilitate the development of the Woodway Village Apartments 10.Presentation, Discussion, and Possible Action on Resolution No. 02657 by the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the City of Austin (the “Authority”) approving resolution of Austin Affordable PFC, Inc. providing for the issuance of its Multifamily Housing Governmental Note (Franklin Park), Series 2020 (the “Note”) and …
PUBLIC NOTICE OF A MEETING TAKE NOTICE OF A BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF THE AUSTIN AFFORDABLE HOUSING CORPORATION 1.571.317.3112 Access Code: 680-061-285 TO BE HELD AT Via Conference Call Austin, TX (512.477.4488) Thursday, June 18, 2020 12:00 PM CALL TO ORDER, ROLL CALL CERTIFICATION OF QUORUM Citizens Communication (Note: There will be a three-minute time limitation) CONSENT ITEMS ACTION ITEMS 1. 2. 3. Presentation, Discussion, and Possible Action regarding the Approval of the Board Minutes Summary for the Board Meeting held on April 16, 2020 Presentation, Discussion and Possible Action on Resolution No. 00158 by the Board of Directors of Austin Affordable Housing Corporation (“AAHC”) authorizing AAHC to execute any and all documents, or take any other action, that is necessary or desirable to: (i) facilitate the development of the Estates at Owen Tech, which consists of affordable housing units and associated amenities built upon land to be ground-leased from the Housing Authority of the City of Austin; (ii) cause AAHC’s wholly owned, subsidiary limited liability company, TX Owen Tech GP, LLC (the “General Partner”) to execute an amended and restated agreement of limited partnership of TX Owen Tech 2018, Ltd. (the “Partnership”) and other related documents; (iii) cause the Partnership to enter into development financing for the Project; and (iv) cause AAHC and/or the General Partner and/or the Partnership to execute any such further documentation as necessary or desirable to allow the consummation of the transactions described herein Presentation, Discussion and Possible Action on Resolution No. 00159 by the Board of Directors of Austin Affordable Housing Corporation (“AAHC”) authorizing AAHC to execute any and all documents, or take any other action, that is necessary or desirable to: (i) facilitate the development of the Woodway Village Apartments, which consists of affordable housing units and associated amenities built upon land to be ground-leased from the Housing Authority of the City of Austin; (ii) cause AAHC’s wholly owned, subsidiary limited liability company, AAHC Woodway Village GP, LLC (the “General Partner”) to execute an amended and restated agreement of limited partnership of Austin Leased Housing Associates IV, Limited Partnership (the “Partnership”) and other related documents; (iii) cause the Partnership to enter into development financing for the Project; and (iv) cause AAHC and/or the General Partner and/or the Partnership to execute any such further documentation as necessary or desirable to allow the consummation of the transactions described herein. 4. Presentation, Discussion …
PUBLIC NOTICE OF A MEETING TAKE NOTICE OF A BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF THE AUSTIN AFFORDABLE PFC, INC. 1.571.317.3112 Access Code: 680-061-285 TO BE HELD AT Via Conference Call Austin, TX (512.477.4488) Thursday, June 18, 2020 12:00 PM CALL TO ORDER, ROLL CALL CERTIFICATION OF QUORUM Citizens Communication (Note: There will be a three-minute time limitation) 1. 2. 3. 4. CONSENT ITEMS ACTION ITEMS Presentation, Discussion, and Possible Action regarding the Approval of the Board Minutes Summary for the Board Meeting held on March 26, 2020 Presentation, Discussion and Possible Action on Resolution No. 00073: authorizing the issuance, sale and delivery of Multifamily Housing Governmental Note (Heritage Estates at Owen Tech), Series 2020; authorizing the execution and delivery of documents and instruments necessary to carry out the financing of such multifamily residential rental development; and containing other provisions relating to the subject. Presentation, Discussion and Possible Action on Resolution No. 00074: authorizing the issuance, sale and delivery of Multifamily Housing Governmental Note (Woodway Village Apartments), Series 2020; authorizing the execution and delivery of documents and instruments necessary to carry out the financing of such multifamily residential rental development; and containing other provisions relating to the subject. Presentation, Discussion and Possible Action on Resolution No. 00075: authorizing the issuance, sale and delivery of Multifamily Housing Governmental Note (Franklin Park), Series 2020; authorizing the execution and delivery of documents and instruments necessary to carry out the financing of such multifamily residential rental development; and containing other provisions relating to the subject EXECUTIVE SESSION The Board may go into Executive Session (close its meeting to the public) Pursuant to: a. 551.071, Texas Gov't Code, consultations with Attorney regarding legal advice, pending or contemplated litigation; or a settlement offer; b. 551.072, Texas Gov't Code, discussion about the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property; c. 551.074, Texas Gov't Code, discuss the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee; or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee. d. 551.087, Texas Gov't Code, discuss certain economic development negotiations. If there is an Executive Session, the Board will return to Open Session for discussion, consideration and possible action of matters discussed in Executive Session. OPEN SESSION REPORTS The Board accepts the following reports: President's Report Other Staff Reports Commissioners' Reports/Questions to the Department Staff ADJOURNMENT "Pursuant to 30.06, Penal Code, (trespass by …
Regular Meeting of the Environmental Commission June 17, 2020 at 3:00 P.M. Environmental Commission to be held June 17, 2020 with Social Distancing Modifications Public comment will be allowed via telephone; no in-person input will be allowed. All speakers must register in advance (day before the scheduled meeting, June 16, 2020 by noon). All public comment will occur at the beginning of the meeting. To speak remotely at the June 17, 2020 Environmental Commission Meeting, residents must: •Call or email the commission liaison at: Kaela Champlin (512) 974-3443 or, no later than noon, (the day before the meeting). The information required is the speaker name, item number(s) they wish to speak on, whether they are for/against/neutral, and a telephone number or email address. •Once a request to speak has been called in or emailed to the board liaison, residents will receive either an email or phone call providing the telephone number to call on the day of the scheduled meeting. •Speakers must call in at least 15 minutes prior to meeting start in order to speak, late callers will not be accepted and will not be able to speak. •Speakers will be placed in a queue until their time to speak. •Handouts or other information may be emailed to by noon the day before the scheduled meeting. This information will be provided to Board and Commission members in advance of the meeting. •Residents may watch the meeting here: 1 1. 2. 3. Regular Meeting of the Environmental Commission June 17, 2020 3:00 P.M. To 4:30 P.M. VIA VIDEOCONFERENCING COMMISSIONERS: Andrew Creel (D-1) Curtis Smith (D-2) Pam Thompson (D-3) Ryan Nill (D-4) Mary Ann Neely (D-5) Katie Coyne (D-6) Peggy Maceo (D-7) Linda Guerrero (D-9) Chair _________________________________________________________________________________ (Mayor) Vice Chair Wendy Gordon (D-10) Perry Bedford Kevin Ramberg (D-8) Secretary CALL TO ORDER Agenda APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND ACTION a. Approval of the June 3, 2020 Environmental Commission Meeting Minutes (5 minutes) ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION a. Consider Watershed Protection Department’s FY 21 Operating Budget and Five-Year Capital Improvement Program Plan—Anupa Gharpurey, Financial Manager III, Erin Wood, Principle Planner, and Kelly Gagnon, Environmental Program Coordinator, Watershed Protection Department (1 hour) COMMITTEE REPORTS a. Urban Growth Policy and Water Quality Protection Committee – Pam Thompson, Kevin Ramberg, Mary Ann Neely, Curtis Smith, and Perry Bedford b. Urban Forestry Committee – Peggy Maceo, Pam Thompson, Linda Guerrero, and …
Watershed Protection Department FY21 Budget 1 FY21 Operating Budget Significant Items • No rate increase in FY21 and FY22 • 15 new FTEs to support the operations • Capital investment of $35M per year for 5 years • Increased investment in Homeless Encampment Cleanup services • Increased investment in equity training for department staff • No reduction in programmatic services 2 FY21 Staffing Details Activity Data Management Local Flood Floodplain Office Downtown Operations Pond Maintenance Pond Maintenance Stream Restoration Human Resources Finance PIO Administration Water Quality Total Position Type Sr. GIS Analyst CAD engineer Supervising Engineer Supervisor Supervisor Crew CAD Analyst Performance Consultant Procurement Specialist Community Engagement Consultant Business Process Consultant Env. Scientists - Development Review # of Positions 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 15 3 Stream Restoration & Watershed Education Env. Information Specialist Five-Year Revenue Projection 115 110 105 100 95 90 85 FY20 Budget FY20 Est FY21 Prop. FY22 FY23 FY24 FY25 DUF Revenue Other Revenue In $ Millions DUF Revenue Other Revnue Total Revenue Median Rate FY20 Bgt 95.7 4.6 100.3 $11.80 FY20 Est 96.5 3.9 100.4 $11.80 FY21 97.1 4.1 101.2 $11.80 FY22 97.4 4.1 101.5 $11.80 FY23 104.6 4.1 108.7 $12.62 FY24 107.9 4.1 112.0 $12.98 FY25 108.4 4.1 112.5 $13.00 4 FY21 Fund Summary FY19 Actual FY20 Budget FY20 FY21 Estimated Proposed Beginning Balance Revenue Expenditures Excess/(Deficit) Ending Balance FTEs Budget $ 18.8 100.5 98.0 2.5 21.3 347 $ 15.2 100.3 103.8 (3.5) 11.7 362 $ 21.3 100.4 101.7 (1.3) 20.0 362 $20.0 101.2 107.1 (5.9) 14.1 377 5 FY21 Operating Budget by Category $107.1M Other Transfers 16% Personnel 36% Transfer to CIP 33% Other Program Exp. 15% 6 FY21 Operating Budget by Programs $55M Capital program Stream Restoration 2% 2% Flood Risk Reduction 12% Watershed Policy 4% Support Services 17% Data Mgmt 5% Water Quality Protection 13% Infrastructure & Waterway Maint. 45% 7 Capital Improvement Program Stream Restoration Project on Tannehill Branch 8 Five-Year CIP Plan: Overview • Outlines WPD’s projected major capital improvements during the next five years based on existing funds and anticipated revenues (e.g., DUF, bonds, development fees, TIF) ➢ $337 million of total project funding for FY21-25 • Projects are identified using Watershed Master Plan problem scoring and prioritization • Appropriations for the upcoming fiscal year are adopted in the annual budget • Allows the department to plan ahead for funding …
Special Meeting of the Arts Commission June 17, 2020 – 3-4:30pm Arts Commission to be held June 17, 2020 with Social Distancing Modifications Public comment will be allowed via telephone; no in-person input will be allowed. All speakers must register in advance, the day before the scheduled meeting, Tuesday, June 16 by Noon. All public comment will occur at the beginning of the meeting. To speak remotely at the June 16 Arts Commission Meeting, residents must: Call or email the board liaison at 512-974-7854 or no later than noon, Tuesday, June 16. Residents must include the following information in the email request o Resident speaker name o agenda item number(s) the resident wishes to address o whether the resident is for/against/neutral the item(s) o telephone number or email address of the resident speaker Once a request to speak has been called in or emailed to the board liaison, residents will receive either an email or phone call providing the telephone number to call on the day of the scheduled meeting. Resident speakers must call in at least 15 minutes prior to meeting start in order to speak, late callers will not be accepted and will not be able to speak. Resident speakers will be placed in a queue until their time to speak. Handouts or other information may be emailed to LIAISON EMAIL by Noon the day before (Tuesday, June 16) the scheduled meeting. This information will be provided to Board and Commission members in advance of the meeting. If the meeting is broadcast live, residents may watch the meeting here: ARTS COMMISSION WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17, 2020 – 3-4:30pm VIA VIDEOCONFERENCING CURRENT BOARD MEMBERS: Jaime Castillo – Chair, Michelle Polgar – Vice Chair, Brett Barnes, Lulu Flores, Bears Rebecca Fonte, Felipe Garza, kYmberly Keeton, Amy Mok, Celina Zisman, Rick Van Dyke AGENDA CALL TO ORDER 1. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 3. STAFF BRIEFINGS a. COVID-19 update 4. NEW BUSINESS a. Discussion and Action Items The speakers signed up prior to noon on Tuesday, June 16 will each be allowed a three- minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items posted on the agenda. a. Approve the minutes for the Arts Commission Regular Meeting on May 18, 2020 i. CARES Act Presentation, Sylnovia Holt-Rabb ii. FY21 Cultural Funding update, Meghan Wells iii. George W. Carver Cultural Center’s virtual Juneteenth Celebration i. …
Art in Public Places City of Austin Cultural Arts Division 5202 E. Ben White Blvd. Suite 400 0 Austin, Texas 78741 512.974.7700 / Prospectus Austin Convention Center Warehouse and Marshalling Yard AIPP Project Artwork Budget: $100,000 | Project District: 3 Project Summary The City of Austin Art in Public Places (AIPP) program of the Cultural Arts Division, Economic Development Department seeks to commission a local artist or artists to create a durable, permanent exterior public artwork at the site of the new Austin Convention Center Warehouse and Marshalling Yard located at 1400 Airport Commerce Drive. The artist will engage with members of the nearby community to develop a design for the artwork—which might be an exterior mural on the façade of the warehouse or, alternatively, a freestanding work located elsewhere at the site. AIPP and the artist will work closely with the project team and community to determine the medium and exact artwork location. the remainder during the 1970s. Project Background History of Montopolis Located in City Council District 3 southeast of Lady Bird Lake, the Montopolis neighborhood was established in 1830 as a separate commu- nity southeast of Downtown Austin in south- central Travis County when Jessie C. Tannehill built a casino and laid out a townsite to be originally called "Montopolis", for its location on top of a hill. Prior to its establishment, the area was home to the Native American Tonkawa tribe who lived along the Colorado River that was part of the El Camino Real de los Tejas. After the Civil War, the area became a freedmen's town known as "Montopolis", home to newly freed slaves who worked as sharecroppers. In the early 20th century, the neighborhood saw a large influx of Mexican immigrants. The City of Austin partially an- nexed Montopolis in 1952 and fully annexed Riverside Meadows and Cactus Rose Communities Bound to the south by Texas State Highway 71 and U.S. Route 183 to the east, Riverside Meadows and Cactus Rose are the Montopolis communities in closest proximity to the project site (Census Tract 23.12, population: 8,380). This area includes the Riverside Meadow Apartments and the Cactus Rose Trailer Home community. Austin Convention Center Warehouse and Marshalling Yard AIPP Project June 2020 Page 1 of 9 » Age: A survey conducted by the American Community Survey between 2014 and 2018 revealed the community to be younger than the majority of Austin neighborhoods …
The nine corridors in the Corridor Construction Program are seen here Art in Public Places | Cultural Arts Division Economic Development Department | City of Austin 201 E. 2nd Street | Austin, TX 78701 512.974.7700 | REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS Corridor Construction Program Artist Pool Budget: Various budgets from $40,000 to $200,000 Deadline: February 13, 2020, 5:00pm CST Purpose The purpose of the Corridor Construction Program Artist Pool is to provide a streamlined application and selection process for artists interested in being commissioned for public art projects related to the Corridor Construction Program through the City of Austin Art in Public Places Program (AIPP). The Corridor Construction Program Artist Pool will be available to be used beyond the AIPP Program, for other Corridor Program efforts or other entities to select artists. The process of becoming part of the Corridor Construction Program Artist Pool requires one application from interested artists. The Selection Panel will convene once to review all eligible applications. The Selection Panel will then recommend artists for approval to the Art in Public Places Panel and Austin Arts Commission. Once approved, all artists in the Pool remain eligible for contract opportunities for the duration of the Corridor Construction Program, as needed. AIPP staff and the Art in Public Places Panel may utilize the Corridor Construction Program Artist Pool, in whole or in part, for commission opportunities based on project timeline, scope, previously identified project outcomes, and/or a highly specialized field of opportunity. The list of artists in the Pool will also be made available online for use by any private developers or independent entities. Corridor Construction Program Artist Pool Corridor Mobility Program Background In 2016, Austin voters approved $720 million in bonds for transportation and mobility improvements throughout the city. Through 2024, a dedicated project team of engineers, data analysts, and builders will be delivering these improvements for a more mobile and safe Austin. This team is guided by City Council’s Contract With Voters, which you can read here: The nine corridor limits: The 2016 Mobility Bond provides $482 million for the Corridor Construction Program. The Corridor Construction Program is the development, design, and construction of improvements along key Austin corridors that enhance mobility, safety, and connectivity for all users—whether driving, walking, biking, or taking transit. Corridors are primary roadways that affect the overall transportation network. They are used for getting around, destinations for residents and visitors …