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Electric BoardJan. 15, 2020

COA Ordinance-Board approved original pdf

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Scraped at: Jan. 28, 2020, 2 p.m.
HIV Planning CouncilJan. 15, 2020

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Scraped at: Jan. 31, 2020, 8 p.m.
Commission on Veterans AffairsJan. 15, 2020

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Scraped at: Jan. 31, 2020, 11:30 p.m.
Environmental CommissionJan. 15, 2020

Approved Minutes original pdf

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3. 4. ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, January 15, 2020 The Environmental Commission convened in a public meeting on Wednesday, January 15, 2020 in Council Chambers City Hall, 301 W. 2nd Street, Austin, Texas 78701 Commissioners in Attendance: Andy Creel Peggy Maceo Perry Bedford Curtis Smith Pam Thompson Kevin Ramberg Mary Ann Neely Katie Coyne Linda Guerrero Wendy Gordon Commissioners Absent: Ryan Nill Staff in Attendance: Chris Herrington Atha Phillips Kaela Champlin Wendy Rhoades Kate Clark Scott Hiers Radmon Rice 1. 2. CALL TO ORDER Commissioner Guerrero called the meeting to order at 6:03 P.M. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL Speakers should sign up to speak prior to the meeting being called to order; you will receive a three-minute allotment to discuss topics not posted on the agenda. None EDUCATION a. Buying and selling ecosystem services, Jim Blackburn, Professor in the Practice of Environmental Law, Rice University (15 minutes) Item conducted as posted. No action taken. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND ACTION a. Approve the minutes of the regular Environmental Commission meeting of December 4, 2019 (5 minutes) 1 5. 6. 7. 8. The minutes of the regular Environmental Commission meeting of December 4, 2019 were approved on Commissioner Ramberg’s motion, Commissioner Thompson’s second on a 10-0 vote. Commissioner Nill were absent. ENVIRONMENTAL OFFICER’S UPDATE ON PAST COMMISSION ACTIONS AND REPORT ON ITEMS OF INTEREST a. Update on Ventura at Parmer Lane, SP-2018-0564D (5 minutes) b. Discussion on 218 S. Lamar PUD (C814-2018-0121) (5 minutes) Item conducted as posted. No action taken. Item conducted as posted. No action taken. STAFF BRIEFINGS* a. None ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION a. Development Assessment Briefing on 614 South 1st Street Planned Unit Development, CD- 2019-0006—Kate Clark, Senior Planner, Planning and Zoning Department Item conducted as posted. No action taken. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND POSSIBLE ACTION a. Name: Lantana PCA Applicant: Michael Whellan, Armbrust & Brown, PLLC Watershed: Williamson Creek Watershed, Barton Springs Zone, Drinking Water Protection Location: 7415 Southwest Parkway (District 8) Staff: Atha Phillips, Environmental Officer’s Office Zone Request: Consider a Project Consent Agreement waiving provisions of City Code Chapters 25-7 (Drainage) and 25-8 (Environment), including Chapter 25-8, Article 13 (Save Our Springs Initiative), to allow construction of a mixed-use residential project at located at 7415 Southwest Parkway in the East Oak Hill Neighborhood Planning Area. This action concerns land located in the Barton Springs zone. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommended with conditions (30 minutes) Item …

Scraped at: Feb. 7, 2020, 12:40 a.m.
Downtown CommissionJan. 15, 2020

January_15_2020_Downtown_Commission_Approved_Meeting_Minutes original pdf

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DOWNTOWN COMMISSION MINUTES REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15, 2020 The Downtown Commission convened in a meeting on Wednesday, January 15, 2020 at 301 W. 2nd Street in the Boards & Commissions Room. Downtown Commissioners in Attendance: Chair Joel Sher, Vice Chair Jennifer Bristol, Commissioner Chris Kanipe, Commissioner David Gomez, Commissioner Christopher Lehman, Commissioner Jim Schissler, Commissioner Megan Meisenbach, Commissioner Melissa Henao-Robledo, Commissioner Ben Heimsath, Commissioner Richard DePalma Downtown Commissioners Not in Attendance: Commissioner Meghan Skornia, Commissioner Sam Sargent, Commissioner Andrew Harrison, Commissioner August Harris, Commissioner Cynthia Weatherby, Commissioner Felipe Garza City Staff in Attendance: Christine Maguire and Mona Sanchez, Economic Development Department Jason Redfern and Joseph Al-Hajeri, Austin Transportation Department 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. 2. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL No citizens were signed up to speak. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE DECEMBER 18, 2019 MEETING MINUTES Vice Chair Bristol motioned to approve the December 18, 2019 meeting minutes with Commissioner Lehman’s second on a vote of 7-0. 4. PARKING ENTERPRISE The Commission received a presentation from Jason Redfern and Joseph Al-Hajeri, Austin Transportation Department. The Commission received a presentation from Jenell Moffett and Michele Van Hyfte, Downtown Austin Alliance. No action was taken. 5. DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT No action was taken. - 1 - 6. WORKING GROUPS A. Moonlight Tower Working Group No progress to report. B. Austin Core Transportation Plan (ACTP) Working Group  The Working Group met on January 3rd with staff from the Austin Transportation Department (ATD) Development Division and received an update on their progress on their stakeholder outreach. The Working Group provided them with the stakeholder list that they developed; the Working Group will continue to work with ATD. ATD also provided the Working Group with a preliminary schedule of the work on the ACTP to be completed. 7. ITEMS FROM OTHER COMMISSION  Commissioner Heimsath reported the Historic Landmarks Commission is seeing more cases where development is pressuring established landmarks. He noted the controversy over the 30+ story tower proposed for the Masonic Lodge is likely a foreshadow of more conflicts to come.  Commissioner DePalma reported that he anticipates that the Parks and Recreation Board will be discussing the Lady Bird Lake Rowing concession and the potential expansion and an amendment to the existing contract with partners Downtown Austin Alliance and Austin Parks Foundation for the improvement, management and operation of Republic Square …

Scraped at: Feb. 21, 2020, 9:11 p.m.
Economic Prosperity CommissionJan. 15, 2020

Approved Minutes from 1.15.20 Meeting original pdf

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Economic Prosperity Commission January 15, 2020 6:30pm City Hall Room 2016 301 W. 2nd Street, Austin, TX 78701 Minutes CALL TO ORDER 1) OPENING REMARKS Introduction of members and staff liaison a) Attendance: Larry Anazia - District 1; Kirsha Haverlah – District 2; Alexis Taylor - District 3, Ivanna Neri- District 4; Preston Tom- District 5; - Amy Noel- District 7;- Nathan Ryan- District 8; and ; Rachel Green – Mayor’s Appointee b) Absent: Tam Hawkins- District 9; Larry Anazia – District 1 c) Staff in Attendance: Michelle Clemons and, Nydia Castillo a) Tina Lee and Karen Haywood from the City of Austin’s Human Resources spoke to Commission about the city of Austin’s Veterans Affairs Program. 2) CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: a) No citizens signed up to speak. 3) PRESENTATIONS AND Q&A 4) WORKING GROUPS a) Creation of Veteran’s Affairs Study b) Creation of Land Use Ordinance Summary 5) OLD BUSINESS FOR DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION a) Review existing recommendations for land code and transportation b) Will move discussion on homelessness ordinance to a later meeting date. ADJOURNMENT c) Meeting was adjourned at 9:48 pm The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days (48 hours) before the meeting date. Please call Michelle Clemons at the Economic Development Department, at (512) (974-2713), for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the Economic Prosperity Commission, please contact Michelle Clemons at ( or (512-974-2713).

Scraped at: May 1, 2020, 1:50 p.m.
Electric BoardJan. 15, 2020

Approved Minutes original pdf

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REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 15, 2020 Electric Board APPROVED MINUTES The Electric Board convened in a Board Meeting on January 15, 2020 at Development Service Department, 5202 E. Ben White, Room 122. Chairman Flores called the Board Meeting to order at 10:05 am. Board Members in Attendance: Delwin Goss, David Adamson, Michael King, Robert Schmidt, Michael King, Ben Brenneman, Randy Pomikahl, Mark Weaver and Nicole Stasek Members Not in Attendance: Rogelio Wallace Staff in Attendance: Rick Arzola (DSD), Eric Zimmerman (DSD), Marty Starrett (DSD) and Mitchell Tolbert (DSD) 1. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: David Johnson 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes from the August 21, 2019 meeting was approved as written. Vice Chair member Goss made a motion to accept the minutes as written. Board member Pomikahl second the motion, motion passed 9-0. 3. DISCUSSION AND ACTION: a. 2020 Ordinance- On a unanimous vote, the Electrical Board made a motion to approve the 2020 Electrical Ordinance. Board member Randy Pomikahl made the motion to approve the ordinance as presented, Vice Chair Goss, seconded the motion. Motion pass 9-0. DSD staff Marty Starrett and Eric Zimmerman gave a brief summary on what needs final touches, meetings with the law department, Affordability Impact Studies, Request for Council Action (RCA) and to change the number of register agents from 3 to 6, as this came from stakeholder meetings. Board will like to address this issue after the ordinance is in place. 4. DISCUSSION: a. Austin Criteria Manual Update: Residential Liaison Eric Zimmerman informs the board that the last meeting with Austin Energy was Dec 20 and discuss about the relocation on the point of service. A.E is still hoping to have a February Design Criteria with stakeholders prior to publication. DSD is recommending that the point of delivery stays where is at and that AE change their business process to allow cost tracker for an issue to install those connectors. Board member Brenneman will act on behalf of board and makes the motion on his behalf to write a letter with board concerns on Austin Energy point of service. Board member Weaver, seconds that motion. Motion passes 9-0. After completion of the letter, it will be addressed to Michael Pittman and Joan Wilhite. b. House Bill 2439 and State Licensing Law: DSD Staff Mitchell Tolbert does not believe it has impact on any of electrical items and so we will continue to operate as business as …

Scraped at: May 6, 2020, 2:30 a.m.
Commission on Veterans AffairsJan. 15, 2020

Kiro Action Presentation original pdf

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COMMISSION ON VETERAN AFFAIRS CITY OF AUSTIN JANUARY 15, 2020 WHAT IS KIRO ACTION HOUSING? KIRO ACTION is a home, disaster relief, pop-up hotel, workers accommodation, veteran housing, and government relief structure all-in-one. Our solutions are put together in a few hours with our patent-pending designs without any heavy equipment or specialized machinery. Our solutions are real homes, built above code and over engineered, can withstand fires, high winds, have working bathrooms and electrical features; all like a normal home. We are not like some of the awful solutions on the market that are a tent or glorified shed. Our homes look and feel like a real house because we use the same building technologies in the commercial and housing industry, but with advanced materials and process. Our designs fit together in three-hours, can be moved around by three-four people, built to (and above) code. If there is a foundation, then the home can be secured to it, making it a permanent home. If there is no foundation, then you can incorporate our foldout patent-pending foundation to put it anywhere from an empty parking lot to a field. Our smallest housing solutions for refugees and general homelessness are priced at 12-14k USD (depending on options and volume), rated to last 20-years (and much longer) with the materials used, average 200 square feet (19 sq m) with a fully functioning bathroom and kitchenette. We started our organization after Thanksgiving 2019, and within 46-days we combined a team of builders, former diplomats, former government officials and have a team that has a combined 280 years in construction. In those 46-days, we built multiple designs, prototype and expanding on manufacturing in North Austin. WHAT IS KIRO ACTION HOUSING? Our prototype is setup near Mueller and is roughly 20 ft by 10 ft with the ability to sleep up to 4-people (3 adults and 1 child). With our solutions, we have the ability to make homes larger or smaller using our grid building system. If 200 sq ft is too small, our modular building design can be increased in 200 sq ft increments with ease, meaning you can have a customized unit that is 200 sq ft to 1000 sq ft (and above). WHY DID WE CHOOSE THE NAME “KIRO ACTION”? “KIRO” ((cid:2)(cid:1)) combines the definitions of “crossroad” and “forked road”. Many people that are in need of affordable housing, …

Scraped at: May 28, 2020, 7:50 p.m.
Commission on Veterans AffairsJan. 15, 2020

Approved Minutes original pdf

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COMMISSION ON VETERAN AFFAIRS MEETING MINUTES REGULAR MEETING January 15, 2020 COMMISSION ON VETERANS AFFAIRS MINUTES The Commission on Veteran Affairs convened in a regular meeting on January 15, 2020 at Austin City Hall located on 301 West 2nd Street in the Executive Session Room 1027. Chair Jason Denny called the Board Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Board Members in Attendance: Jason Denny- Chair Pete Salazar- Vice Chair Alfred Bingham Chris Ehlinger Josephine Hinds Manuel Jimenez Doris Williams Staff in Attendance: Karen Haywood, Tina Lee 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES  Chair Denny asked the Commission members to review the minutes from the regular called meeting on September 18, 2019 and November 20, 2019. Vice Chair Salazar made a motion to approve the meeting minutes and Commissioner Josephine Hinds seconded the motion. Motion passed with no objection. 2. BUSINESS  Parks and Recreation updated the Commission on the status of Veteran’s Park and construction started on November 15th. They currently have placed an erosion control and fencing, irrigation, planting materials and working on the right of way permit. Projection for completion for May 2020. More information on the background, purpose and schedule can be found at Plan to schedule a ribbon cutting ceremony 3 months prior to completion.  Recommendation to create a Department of Veterans and Military Affairs was approved by Board Member Manuel Jimenez motion, Board Member Doris Williams second on a 7 vote and the 1 abstain, 6 yes.  Manuel Jimenez discussed the resolution for the creation of Veterans Courts at the municipality level. Resolution was sent to Council and no current updates have been made.  The motion to postpone item 3D, Transition Assistance Program, to the next meeting was approved on Board Member Pete Salazar's motion, Board Member Josephine Hinds seconded on a 7-member vote COMMISSION ON VETERAN AFFAIRS MEETING MINUTES  Officer elections: Manuel Jimenez nominates Doris Williams and approved with no objections. Doris Williams nominates Manuel Jimenez to be the Vice Chair,  Sam Haytham from Kiro Action presented to the Commission on the possible solution to Veteran Homelessness in Austin. These structures are easy to install, quick to deploy and transport to other areas if needed. These structures could house up to 4 people with the needed amenities-built in such as a bathroom and kitchen. The structure is 200 sq. feet that would take 3-4 people to put together and …

Scraped at: July 7, 2020, 2:20 a.m.
Commission on Veterans AffairsJan. 15, 2020

20200115-B003: Creation of the Department of Veterans and Military Affairs original pdf

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COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION City of Austin Commission on Veterans Affairs Recommendation Number: 20200115-B003 Creation of the Department of Veterans and Military Affairs WHEREAS, the City of Austin seeks to be a national leader and community model in healing the military civilian divide by intentionally reintegrating those who have served as well as their families into our communities with purpose; WHEREAS, the City of Austin has prioritized veteran issues such as becoming an effective zero homeless veteran city and seeks to hire and support veterans and their families in order to send a message to United States military veterans that they are welcomed and honored in the city of Austin; WHEREAS, the City of Austin should capitalize upon being uniquely situated to recruit and retain defense spending and investment that has significant positive impact on our economy such as Camp Mabry and the Army Futures Command; WHEREAS, principles of the chain of command and accountability dictate the need for an office solely responsible for achieving the above-mentioned goals. Moreover, such an office presents substantial opportunities to reduce costly duplicative efforts through effective coordination and a cohesive vision; WHEREAS, the creation of such an office would send an important message about the City of Austin to veterans everywhere and give those who have served a more clear and direct voice in city government. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Austin Commission on Veterans Affairs recommends the Austin City Council that the Department of Veterans and Military Affairs be created forthwith. Date of Approval: January 15, 2020 Record of the Vote: Approved on a 6-0 vote with board member Bingham abstaining and 3 board members absent (Collura-Rosenberg, Ehlinger, Just) Attest: ___________________________________________

Scraped at: July 7, 2020, 2:20 a.m.
Airport Advisory CommissionJan. 14, 2020

Agenda original pdf

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Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:18 p.m.
Airport Advisory CommissionJan. 14, 2020

Backup original pdf

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Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:18 p.m.
Housing Authority of the City of AustinJan. 14, 2020

Agenda original pdf

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PUBLIC NOTICE OF A MEETING TAKE NOTICE OF A BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF AUSTIN TO BE HELD AT HACA Central Offices 1124 S. IH 35 Austin, TX (512.477.4488) Tuesday, January 14, 2020 12:00 PM CALL TO ORDER, ROLL CALL CERTIFICATION OF QUORUM Citizens Communication (Note: There will be a three-minute time limitation) Citywide Advisory Board Update Employee of the Quarter CONSENT AGENDA Items on the Consent Agenda may be removed at the request of any Commissioner and considered at another appropriate time on this agenda. Placement on the Consent Agenda does not limit the possibility of any presentation, discussion, or action at this meeting. Under no circumstances does the Consent Agenda alter any requirements under Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, Texas Open Meetings Act. CONSENT ITEMS 1. Presentation, Discussion, and Possible Action regarding the Approval of the Board Minutes Summary for the Board Meeting held on December 19, 2019 ACTION ITEMS 2. Update on AAHC's acquisition and development programs 3. Presentation, Discussion, and Possible Action regarding Resolution No. 02632 by the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the City of Austin (the “Authority”) approving resolution of Austin Affordable PFC, Inc. providing for the issuance of its Multifamily Housing Governmental Note (Ventura at Parmer Lane), Series 2020 (the “Note”) and to take such other actions necessary or convenient to facilitate the development of the Ventura at Parmer Lane Apartments 4. Presentation, Discussion, and Possible Action regarding Resolution No. 02633: Approval of Award of Contract for Janitorial and Porter Services 5. RAD Update EXECUTIVE SESSION The Board may go into Executive Session (close its meeting to the public) Pursuant to: a. 551.071, Texas Gov't Code, consultations with Attorney regarding legal advice, pending or contemplated litigation; or a settlement offer; b. 551.072, Texas Gov't Code, discussion about the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property; c. 551.074, Texas Gov't Code, discuss the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee; or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee. d. 551.087, Texas Gov't Code, discuss certain economic development negotiations. OPEN SESSION If there is an Executive Session, the Board will return to Open Session for discussion, consideration and possible action of matters discussed in Executive Session. REPORTS The Board accepts the following reports: • President's Report • Other Staff …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:23 p.m.
Housing Authority of the City of AustinJan. 14, 2020

Agenda original pdf

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PUBLIC NOTICE OF A MEETING TAKE NOTICE OF A BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF THE AUSTIN AFFORDABLE HOUSING CORPORATION TO BE HELD AT HACA Central Offices 1124 S. IIH 35 Austin, TX (512.477.4488) Tuesday, January 14, 2020 12:00 PM CALL TO ORDER, ROLL CALL CERTIFICATION OF QUORUM Citizens Communication (Note: There will be a three-minute time limitation) CONSENT AGENDA Items on the Consent Agenda may be removed at the request of any Commissioner and considered at another appropriate time on this agenda. Placement on the Consent Agenda does not limit the possibility of any presentation, discussion, or action at this meeting. Under no circumstances does the Consent Agenda alter any requirements under Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, Texas Open Meetings Act. CONSENT ITEMS 1. Presentation, Discussion, and Possible Action regarding the Approval of the Board Minutes Summary for the Board Meeting held on December 19, 2019 ACTION ITEMS 2. Presentation, Discussion, and Possible Action regarding Resolution No. 00144 by the Board of Directors of Austin Affordable Housing Corporation (“AAHC”) authorizing AAHC to execute any and all documents, or take any other action, that is necessary or desirable to: (i) facilitate the development of the Ventura at Parmer Lane Apartments, which consists of affordable housing units and associated amenities built upon land to be ground-leased from the Housing Authority of the City of Austin; (ii) cause AAHC’s wholly owned, subsidiary limited liability company, Ventura at Parmer Lane GP, LLC (the “General Partner”) to execute an amended and restated limited partnership agreement of Austin Leased Housing Associates II, Limited Partnership (the “Partnership”) and other related documents; (iii) cause the Partnership to enter into development financing for the Project; and (iv) cause AAHC and/or the General Partner and/or the Partnership to execute any such further documentation as necessary or desirable to allow the consummation of the transactions described herein Presentation, Discussion, and Possible Action regarding Resolution No. 00145: A Resolution by the Board of Directors of Austin Affordable Housing Corporation (“AAHC”) authorizing AAHC to execute any and all documents, or take any other action, that is necessary or desirable to: (i) cause AAHC’s wholly owned, subsidiary limited liability company, Bridge at Loyola Lofts GP, LLC (the “General Partner”), and Bridge at Loyola 3. Lofts, LP, a Texas limited partnership (the “Partnership”) to obtain bridge loan from KeyBank National Association as financing for the construction and development of Bridge at …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:23 p.m.
Robert Mueller Municipal Airport Plan Implementation Advisory CommissionJan. 14, 2020

Agenda original pdf

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Regular Meeting ROBERT MUELLER MUNICIPAL AIRPORT PLAN IMPLEMENTATION ADVISORY COMMISSION 6:00 p.m. — 7:45 p.m. Tuesday, January 14, 2020 Britton, Durst, Howard & Spence Building (Chestnut Community Center) 1183 Chestnut Avenue, Austin TX 78702 AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL Speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed three minutes to address the Commission regarding items not posted on the agenda. Estimate 6:00 3. NEW BUSINESS a. Northeast Austin Middle School Update (Catellus/AISD) b. Mueller Planned Unit Development Zoning Amendment Status Update a. Approve minutes from the 11/12/19 Commission meeting (Discussion and Action) (Commissioners / Catellus / Staff) c. Mueller Development Update (Catellus) 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 5. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS (Staff/Commission) 6. NEXT MEETING: February 11, 2020 (Regular Meeting) ADJOURNMENT 6:05 6:55 7:10 7:35 7:40 7:45 7:45 The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days (48 hours) before the meeting date. Please call Jill Fagan with the Economic Development Department at 512-974-7829 for additional information. TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the Robert Mueller Municipal Airport Plan Implementation Advisory Commission please contact Jill Fagan with Economic Development at 512-974-7829.

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:46 p.m.
Robert Mueller Municipal Airport Plan Implementation Advisory CommissionJan. 14, 2020

Item 3A: Northeast Austin Middle School Update original pdf

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Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:46 p.m.
Robert Mueller Municipal Airport Plan Implementation Advisory CommissionJan. 14, 2020

Item 3C: Mueller Development Update original pdf

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Development Update to RMMA PIAC: Jan. 14, 2020 Upon Completion Residential 6,200 single- & multi-family homes Infrastructure $300 million Greenspace 140 acres Institutional 1.9 million sf Office 2.6 million sf Retail 750,000 sf RMMA PIAC All information in this presentation is subject to change without notice January 14, 2020 Austin Energy Headquarters • On Mueller Blvd. between Garcia and Philomena streets • 275,000+ square feet among four floors • Adjacent parking garage behind building • Ground-floor payment center, exhibits and 5,000+ sf meeting space • Broke ground in August; anticipated completion 2021 RMMA PIAC January 14, 2020 Shorenstein Office • Facing Aldrich Street at Simond across from Alamo • 235,000+ square feet among six floors • 20,000+ square feet of first-floor retail on Aldrich • Adjacent parking garage that will serve as second district garage • Broke ground in November; anticipated completion 2021 RMMA PIAC January 14, 2020 Origin Hotel • On vacant lot adjacent to Thinkery across paseo from B.D. Riley’s • 120 rooms and five floors • Parking in McBee Garage, valet • Ground-floor restaurant and 5,000 square feet of retail • Could break ground in early spring; anticipated completion 2021 RMMA PIAC January 14, 2020 AMLI Apartments • Between Aldrich and Mattie, McBee and Philomena • 406 units among two buildings, staggered from three to seven floors • Units will wrap own parking garages for each building • 15% of units will be part of Mueller’s affordable homes program • 23,000+ sf of ground-floor retail on Aldrich • Could break ground in January; anticipated completion 2021 RMMA PIAC January 14, 2020 Dell Children’s Center of Excellence Building • On Mueller Blvd. at Garcia St. • Heart, Neuroscience and Blood/Cancer centers • 160,000+ sf • Could break ground in February; anticipated completion mid-2021 • Parking garage anticipated to be completed April 2020 RMMA PIAC January 14, 2020 Pavilion at Branch Park • At Aldrich and Philomena streets, across from Kerbey Lane Cafe • 19,800+ sf of gathering space • New home for farmers’ market • • Anticipated to begin construction in January; completed by the end of the year Loading area, climate control, garage-door-style windows for open-air feel RMMA PIAC January 14, 2020 Aldrich Street Primrose School Texas Mutual Seton Medical Building Austin Energy HQ 2nd District Garage Shorenstein Office/Retail Origin Hotel Future Condo All proposed projects in black boxes are subject to change without notice RMMA PIAC …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:46 p.m.
Parks and Recreation BoardJan. 14, 2020

Agenda original pdf

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PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD CONCESSIONS AND CONTRACTS COMMITTEE Tuesday, January 14, 2020 – 1:00 P.M. Britton, Durst, Howard and Spence Building 1183 Chestnut Ave., Austin, Texas 78702 AGENDA COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Francoise Luca, (D-7), Chair Romteen Farasat, (D-4) Rich DePalma, (Mayor) Nina Rinaldi, (D-1) Anna Di Carlo, (D-2) Dawn Lewis, (D-10), Ex-Officio CALL TO ORDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. 2. Approve the minutes of the Contracts and Concession Committee regular meeting of November 12, 2019. 3. Speakers must be signed up prior to the meeting being called to order, and each speaker will be allotted three (3) minutes to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. 4. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION ITEMS a. Briefing: Discussion on Draft Scope of Work for Request for Proposals (RFP) for a Boating CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL Concession on Lady Bird Lake. Presenter: Gabrielle Restivo, Contract Management Specialist IV, Parks and Recreation Department b. Make a recommendation to the Parks and Recreation Board to recommend to the City Council the execution of Amendment No 1. to the Parkland Improvement, Management and Operations Agreement for Republic Square Park between the City, Austin Parks Foundation, and the Downtown Austin Parks, LLC. Presenter: Denisha Cox, Contract Management Specialist IV, Parks and Recreation Department CONTRACT REPORT FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 5. 6. 7. The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair ADJOURNMENT Page 1 of 2 access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days (48 hours) before the meeting date. Please call Sammi Curless, with the Austin Parks and Recreation Department, at 512- 974-6716, for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more or by phone at 512-974-6716. the Parks and Recreation Board, please contact Sammi Curless at information on Page 2 of 2

Scraped at: Jan. 20, 2020, 12:06 a.m.
Parks and Recreation BoardJan. 14, 2020

2: Draft Minutes from November 12, 2019 original pdf

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PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD CONTRACTS AND CONCESSIONS COMMITTEE November 12, 2019 – 12:00 P.M. Britton, Durst, Howard and Spence Building 1183 Chestnut Ave. Austin, Texas 78702 MINUTES A. CALL TO ORDER Committee Chair Luca called the meeting to order at 12:13 p.m. Committee Members in Attendance: Rich DePalma, Anna Di Carlo, Francoise Luca, and Dawn Lewis—Ex-Officio Committee Members Absent: Romteen Farasat, Nina Rinaldi B. APPROVAL OF MINUTES October 8, 2019. 1. Approve the minutes of the Contracts and Concessions Committee regular meeting of Committee Member Di Carlo moved to approve the minutes without changes. Committee Member DePalma seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. C. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL There were no citizen communications. D. NEW BUSINESS: DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION ITEMS 2. Item Briefing. Establishing new concession contract for Hancock Golf Learning Center. Presenter: Kevin Gomillion, Golf Division Manager, Parks and Recreation Department. Page 1 of 2 Board members discussed the following concerns regarding the potential new concession: Parking lot size, availability and type of concessions, marketing and outreach efforts to attract new users, co-programming with Hancock Rec Center. 3. Item. Approve the committee meeting schedule for calendar year 2020. Committee agreed to keep the meetings at the same day and time (second Tuesday of the month at noon), with the summer month off to align with Council break. Staff will confirm exact months for 2020 meetings and bring final schedule to PARB next meeting. E. CONTRACT REPORT Presented by Gabrielle Restivo, Contract Management Specialist IV, Parks and Recreation Department F. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS None G. ADJOURNMENT Committee Chair Luca adjourned the meeting at 1:07 p.m. Page 2 of 2

Scraped at: Jan. 20, 2020, 12:06 a.m.
Parks and Recreation BoardJan. 14, 2020

4a: Lady Bird Lake Boating Concession Presentation original pdf

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BOATING CONCESSION ON LADY BIRD LAKE Request for Proposal (Current Concessionaire - Texas Rowing Center) Presented by: Gabrielle Restivo Contract Management Specialist IV Contracts and Concessions Committee January 14, 2020 1 CONCESSION HISTORY Texas Rowing Center • Opened as Texas Rowing in 1987 by Anne Marie Heilman • Continued in 1999 under the joint ownership of Heilman and Matt Knifton • In 2002, continued under the sole ownership of Matt Knifton • Current contract: o 5/19/00-5/18/05 o 3, 5-year options exercised through 5/18/2020 2 CONCESSION CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS Texas Rowing Center o ADA wheelchair ramp to boathouse added in 2011 ($30,000) ($75,000) ($12,000) o Wooden dock expanded 5,000 square feet in 2013 o Steel racks for boat storage added to dock in 2013 o Floating dock and boathouse expansion in 2020 ($762,500) 3 Historic Gross Sales, Reported Expenditures, and Revenue Payments $3,000,000 $2,500,000 $2,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 $0 Texas Rowing Center $2,530,256 $2,516,287 $2,151,707 $1,956,951 $2,082,843 $2,141,722 $2,296,633 $1,551,287 $226,974 $197,016 $216,249 $205,687 FY 2016 FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 Gross Sales Revenue Payments to the City Expenditures Reported 4 BOATING CONCESSION ASSETS • Wooden Dock 510 ft. in length, varying 20 to 60 feet in width; 17, 500 square feet in area • Two Boathouses 2,108 square feet and 860 square feet in size, housing 52 and 20 boats respectively • Two Floating Boathouses 3,000 square feet each • Three Storage Units 12 feet in height; two are 320 square feet in size and one is 200 square feet 5 VISION FOR BOATING CONCESSION • Quality, safe, and affordable rowing • Rentals and instruction commercially and as a public- benefit • Programming for youth and seniors • Special events • Joint ventures to promote rowing sports • Aesthetic appeal • Compatibility with existing lake uses • Environmental stewardship for Lady Bird Lake • Leveraging assets for maximum revenue share 6 RFP BOATING SOLICITATION GOALS AND REQUIREMENTS Programming •5 years of experience with safety record, demonstrated expertise •Supply all necessary watercraft •Motorboats permitted for training rowing teams only •Sustainability (environmental) Plan •Programming (services and activities) Plan •Fee schedule approval •Marketing Plan •Monthly and annual reporting requirements •Revenue share proposal Improvements •Capital Improvement Plan required •Improvement Plans require written approval •10% reinvestment required in equipment and facilities •Dock/gangway repairs and replacements 7 BOATING CONCESSION ON LADY BIRD LAKE Draft Solicitation Timeline* RFP Published RFP Close Date RFP Evaluation and Award Recommendation 3rd Week of …

Scraped at: Jan. 20, 2020, 12:06 a.m.