Regular Called Meeting ZONING & PLATTING COMMISSION Tuesday, July 21, 2020 The Zoning & Platting Commission convened in a meeting on Tuesday, July 21, 2020 @ Chair Kiolbassa called the Commission Meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Commission Members in Attendance: Ana Aguirre – Secretary Nadia Barrera-Ramirez Timothy Bray Ann Denkler – Parliamentarian Jim Duncan – Vice-Chair Bruce Evans David King Jolene Kiolbassa – Chair Ellen Ray Hank Smith One vacancy (D-4) EXECUTIVE SESSION (No public discussion) The Zoning & Platting Commission will announce it will go into Executive Session, if necessary, pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, to receive advice from Legal Counsel on matters specifically listed on this agenda. The Commission may not conduct a closed meeting without the approval of the city attorney. Private Consultation with Attorney – Section 551.071 A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approval of minutes from June 16, 2020. Item posted in error; no action required. Following item was listed on the addendum. 2. Approval of minutes from July 7, 2020. PUBLIC HEARINGS Motion to approve the minutes from July 7, 2020 was approved on the consent agenda on the motion by Commissioner Evans, seconded by Commission Duncan on a vote of 10-0. One vacancy on the Commission. B. 1. Rezoning: Location: Owner/Applicant: Agent: Request: Staff Rec.: Staff: C14-2019-0159 - Arboretum Lot 9; District 10 9401 Arboretum Boulevard, Bull Creek Watershed GF-ARB C, Ltd. % Live Oak Gottesman Drenner Group, PC (Amanda Swor) GR, CS, CS-1 to GR-MU Recommended Sherri Sirwaitis, 512-974-3057, Planning and Zoning Department Motion to grant Applicant’s request for postponement of this item to August 18, 2020 was approved on the consent agenda on the motion by Commissioner Evans, seconded by Commission Duncan on a vote of 10-0. One vacancy on the Commission. 2. Rezoning: Location: C14-2020-0060 - Avery Lakeline; District 6 14231 North U.S. Highway 183A Service Road North Bound, Butter Cup Creek, South Brushy Creek Watersheds Lakeline Avery Partners, LP (Alex Clarke) Alice Glasco Consulting (Alice Glasco) MF-4 to CS-MU Recommended Sherri Sirwaitis, 512-974-3057, Planning and Zoning Department Owner/Applicant: Agent: Request: Staff Rec.: Staff: Public Hearing closed. Motion to grant Staff recommendation of CS-MU combining district zoning for C14-2020-0060 - Avery Lakeline located at 14231 North U.S. Highway 183A Service Road North Bound was approved on the consent agenda on the motion by Commissioner Evans, seconded by Commission Duncan on a vote of …
Special Meeting of the Arts Commission July 20, 2020 – 3-4:30pm Arts Commission to be held July 20, 2020 with Social Distancing Modifications Public comment will be allowed via telephone; no in-person input will be allowed. All speakers must register in advance, the day before the scheduled meeting, Sunday, July 19 by Noon. All public comment will occur at the beginning of the meeting. To speak remotely at the July 20 Arts Commission Meeting, residents must: Call or email the board liaison at 512-974-7854 or no later than noon, Sunday, July 19. Residents must include the following information in the email request o Resident speaker name o agenda item number(s) the resident wishes to address o whether the resident is for/against/neutral the item(s) o telephone number or email address of the resident speaker Once a request to speak has been called in or emailed to the board liaison, residents will receive either an email or phone call providing the telephone number to call on the day of the scheduled meeting. Resident speakers must call in at least 15 minutes prior to meeting start in order to speak, late callers will not be accepted and will not be able to speak. Resident speakers will be placed in a queue until their time to speak. Handouts or other information may be emailed to LIAISON EMAIL by Noon the day before (Sunday, July 19) the scheduled meeting. This information will be provided to Board and Commission members in advance of the meeting. If the meeting is broadcast live, residents may watch the meeting here: ARTS COMMISSION MONDAY, JULY 20, 2020 – 3-4:30pm VIA VIDEOCONFERENCING CURRENT BOARD MEMBERS: Jaime Castillo – Chair, Michelle Polgar – Vice Chair, Brett Barnes, Lulu Flores, Bears Rebecca Fonte, Felipe Garza, kYmberly Keeton, Amy Mok, Celina Zisman, Rick Van Dyke AGENDA The speakers signed up prior to noon on Sunday, July 19 will each be allowed a three- minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items posted on the agenda. a. Approve the minutes for the Arts Commission Special Called Meeting on June 24, 2020 b. Approve the minutes for the Arts Commission Special Called Meeting on June 26, 2020 CALL TO ORDER 1. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 3. STAFF BRIEFINGS a. COVID-19 update b. Cultural Funding Review Process update 4. NEW BUSINESS a. Discussion and Action Items i. …
Regular Meeting of the South Central Waterfront Advisory Board July 20, 2020 South Central Waterfront Advisory Board to be held on July 20, 2020, with Social Distancing Modifications Public comment will be allowed via telephone; no in-person input will be allowed. All speakers must register in advance (Sunday, July 19 by Noon). All public comment will occur at the beginning of the meeting. To speak remotely at the July 20 South Central Waterfront Advisory Board Meeting, residents must: Call or email the board liaison at (512)-974-3362 or no later than noon, July 19, 2020. The information required is the speaker name, item number(s) they wish to speak on, whether they are for/against/neutral, and a telephone number or email address. Once a request to speak has been called in or emailed to the board liaison, residents will receive either an email or phone call providing the telephone number to call on the day of the scheduled meeting. Speakers must call in at least 15 minutes prior to meeting start in order to speak, late callers will not be accepted and will not be able to speak. Speakers will be placed in a queue until their time to speak. Handouts or other information may be emailed to by Noon the day before the scheduled meeting. This information will be provided to Board and Commission members in advance of the meeting. The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days before the meeting date. For information, please contact Sravya Garladenne in the Planning and Zoning Department at or (512) 974-3362. TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. SOUTH CENTRAL WATERFRONT ADVISORY BOARD MONDAY, JULY 20, 2020 AT 10:00 AM VIA VIDEOCONFERENCING Board Members: ___ Chair Samuel Franco (Design Commission) ___ Vice Chair Lynn Kurth (Mayor & District 9 Appointee) ___ Greg Anderson (Planning Commission) ___ Linda Guerrero (Environmental Commission) ___ Francoise Luca (Parks & Recreation Board) ___ Karen Paup (Affordable Housing Rep) ___ Wendy Price Todd (S. River City NA) ___ Jeff Seiden (Bouldin Creek NA) ___ Alfred Godfrey (Trail Foundation) Ex Officios: ___ Sam Tedford (NHCD) ___ Nazlie Saeedi (ATD) ___ Gloria Aguilera (ORES) …
SOUTH CENTRAL WATERFRONT ADVISORY BOARD DRAFT MINUTES FOR MAY 18, 2020 AT 10:00 AM The South Central Waterfront Advisory Board convened in a Regular Meeting on May 18, 2020 via Videoconferencing. Chair Samuel Franco called the meeting to order at 10:06 a.m. Board Members in attendance: Ex Officios: Chair Samuel Franco (Design Commission) Vice Chair Lynn Kurth (Mayor & District 9 Appointee) Greg Anderson (Planning Commission) Francoise Luca (Parks & Recreation Board) Karen Paup (Affordable Housing Rep) Wendy Price Todd (S. River City NA) Alfred Godfrey (Trail Foundation) Cory Walton (Bouldin Creek NA) 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND ACTION Molly Alexander (DAA) Sam Tedford (NHCD) Nazlie Saeedi (ATD) Marek Izydorczyk (ORES) Rolando Fernandez (FSD) City of Austin Planning & Zoning Staff: Alan Holt, Executive Liaison Sravya Garladenne, Staff Liaison Jodi Lane, Staff Liaison a. Board Member Al Godfrey made a motion, seconded by Vice Chair Lynn Kurth, to approve the draft April 20 and April 24, 2020 SCWAB meeting minutes. The motion to approve passed with 8 yes and 1 absent (includes absentee Linda Guerrero) votes. 2. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION a. Update on SCW Financial Framework – SCW Consultant, Ian Carlton from ECONorthwest, OR, gave a presentation on the SCW Financial Framework and discussed overarching takeaways from the financial modeling. The Board discussed this but no action was taken. 3. PROJECT UPDATES AND COMMUNICATIONS FROM STAFF a. Memo to SCWAB - Written update only from Staff – The Board acknowledged the written update from Executive Liaison Alan Holt. No action was taken. 4. ADJOURNMENT - with no objections, Chair Samuel Franco adjourned the meeting at 11:39am. The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days before the meeting date. For information, please contact Alan Holt in the Planning and Zoning Department at or (512) 974-2716. TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711.
URBAN RENEWAL BOARD OF THE CITY OF AUSTIN July 20, 2020 Urban Renewal Board of the City of Austin meeting to be held July 20, 2020, with Social Distancing Modifications. Public comment will be allowed via telephone; no in-person input will be allowed. All speakers must register in advance by Sunday, July 19, 2020, by NOON. All public comment will occur at the beginning of the meeting. To speak remotely at the July 20, 2020, Urban Renewal Board of the City of Austin Meeting, residents must: •Call or email the board liaison at 512-974-3128 or no later than noon, (the day before the meeting). The information required is the speaker name, item number(s) they wish to speak on, whether they are for/against/neutral, and a telephone number or email address. •Once a request to speak has been called in or emailed to the board liaison, residents will receive either an email or phone call providing the telephone number to call on the day of the scheduled meeting. •Speakers must call in at least 15 minutes prior to meeting start in order to speak, late callers will not be accepted and will not be able to speak. •Speakers will be placed in a queue until their time to speak. •Handouts or other information may be emailed to by NOON the day before the scheduled meeting. This information will be provided to Board and Commission members in advance of the meeting. •If this meeting is broadcast live, residents may watch the meeting here: URBAN RENEWAL BOARD OF THE CITY OF AUSTIN Monday, July 20, 2020 VIA VIDEOCONFERENCING 1:00 p.m. Current Board Members: Manuel Escobar, Chair Roxanne Evans, Vice Chair Danielle Skidmore Amit Motwani Darrell W. Pierce Nathaniel Bradford Jacqueline Watson PURPOSE: The Board of Commissioners primary responsibility is to oversee the implementation and compliance of approved Urban Renewal Plans that are adopted by the Austin City Council. An Urban Renewal Plan's primary purpose is to eliminate slum and blighting influence within a designated area of the city. AGENDA 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. Approval of the June 15, 2020, Regular Meeting Minutes CALL TO ORDER 2. NEW BUSINESS a. None 3. OLD BUSINESS a. Discussion and possible action on recommended modifications to the East 11th and 12th Street Urban Renewal Plan. b. Discussion and possible action on recommended modifications to the East 11th Street Neighborhood Conservation Combining District (NCCD) to …
ORDINANCE NO. __________________ WALTERS, MARK 3/10/2020 DRAFT AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 910620‐C, REZONING AND CHANGING THE ZONING MAP TO AMEND THE EAST 11TH STREET NEIGHBORHOOD CONSERVATION COMBINING DISTRICT (NCCD) FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED ALONG THE NORTHBOUND FRONTAGE ROAD OF IH‐35 BETWEEN THE NORTHERN ALLEY OF THE 800‐900 BLOCK OF EAST 7TH STREET AND EAST 12TH STREET; THE WEST SIDE OF THE 800‐1000 BLOCKS OF SAN MARCOS STREET; EAST 11TH STREET FROM IH‐35 TO NAVASOTA STREET; ALONG ROSEWOOD AVENUE FROM 11TH STREET TO APPROXIMATELY ANGELINA STREET; ALONG A SEGMENT OF THE 1200 BLOCK OF NAVASOTA STREET; AND ALONG THE EAST SIDE OF A SEGMENT OF THE 1500 AND 1600 BLOCK OF SAN BERNARD STREET IN THE CENTRAL EAST AUSTIN NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN AREA, AND TO MODIFY CERTAIN BASE DISTRICTS IN THE NCCD. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUSTIN: PART 1. The zoning map established by Section 25‐2‐191 of the City Code is amended to amend the East 11th Street neighborhood conservation combining district (NCCD), identified in the attached Exhibit "A" incorporated into this ordinance, and to add a NCCD to each base zoning district within the District on the property described in Zoning Case No. C14‐XX‐XXXX, on file at the Planning and Zoning Department, as follows: Approximately XX acres of land consisting of four subdistricts, identified in the attached Exhibit “B” incorporated into this ordinance, lying within the Central East Austin Neighborhood Plan Area, more particularly described as follows, a. Subdistrict 1, sites located along and oriented to East 11th Street between Branch Street and San Marcos Street on the west, and extending to Navasota Street on the east; b. Subdistrict 2, sites oriented to Juniper Street between Branch Street and Lydia Street, and including parcels with frontages on Curve Street and Waller Street; c. Subdistrict 3, sites located along IH‐35 and bounded by Embassy Drive, San Marcos Street, and Branch Street on the east, East 12th Street on the north, the Northbound Frontage Road of IH‐35 on the west and the alley of the 800‐900 block of East 7th street on the south; and d. Subdistrict 4, sites generally oriented toward the 1200 and 1300 blocks of Rosewood Avenue but excluding 1326 and 1319 Rosewood Avenue, the east side of the 1100 block of Navasota Street, the 1100‐1200 blocks of San Bernard Street but excluding 1159, 1161, 1164, and 1165 San Bernard Street. This …
URBAN RENEWAL BOARD MONDAY, June 15, 2020 10:00 AM Regular Meeting of the Urban Renewal Board – Remotely; Via WebEx DRAFT MINUTES Chair Escobar called the Board Meeting to order at 03:05 p.m. Board Members in Attendance: Manuel Escobar, Chair Roxanne Evans, Vice‐Chair Amit Motwani Danielle Skidmore Jacqueline Watson Darrell Pierce Nathaniel Bradford Board Members Absent: None Staff in Attendance: Mandy DeMayo Regina Copic Sandra Harkins PURPOSE: The Board of Commissioners primary responsibility is to oversee the implementation and compliance of approved Urban Renewal Plans that are adopted by the Austin City Council. An Urban Renewal Plan's primary purpose is to eliminate slum and blighting influence within a designated area of the city. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Approval of the May 18, 2020, Regular Meeting Minutes. The motion to approve the May 18, 2020, regular meeting minutes was made by Commissioner Skidmore seconded by Commissioner Watson, the item was approved on a 6‐0‐0 vote, Commissioner Bradford attended the meeting after the minutes were approved. 2. NEW BUSINESS 1 a. Discussion and possible action to authorize the negotiation and execution of the seventh amendment to the Escrow Agreement that provides for approval of the seventh extension to the Outside Completion Date for the properties located at 1322‐1336 East 12th Street from March 31, 2020 to June 1, 2020. The motion authorizing the negotiation and execution of the seventh amendment to the Escrow Agreement that provides for approval of the seventh extension to the Outside Completion Date for the properties located at 1322‐1336 East 12th Street from March 31, 2020 to June 1, 2020, was made by Commissioner Watson, seconded by Vice‐Chair Evans and approved on a 7‐0‐0 vote. b. Discussion of staff’s Urban Renewal Board March 31st, 2020 report. Item 2.b and 2.c were discussed together. No action taken on Item 2.b c. Discussion and possible action authorizing the Board Chair to draft and submit a response to staff’s Urban Renewal Board March 31st, 2020 report. The motion authorizing the Board Chair to draft and submit a response to staff’s Urban Renewal Board March 31st, 2020 report was made by Commissioner Watson and seconded by Commissioner Motwani and approved on a 7-0-0 vote. d. Discussion and possible action on the Agreement Concerning Implementation of the East 11th and 12th Streets with the City of Austin, Statement of Work, Performance Measures. The motion approving the Agreement Concerning Implementation of the East …
FINAL DRAFT FOR REVIEW MARCH 16, 2020 UPDATED JULY 20, 2020 URBAN RENEWAL PLAN FOR THE EAST 11TH AND 12TH STREETS URBAN RENEWAL PLAN AREA 1484775.v1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Boundary Description 2. History 2.1 Accomplishments 3. Vision, Purpose, Authority and Scope 4. Redevelopment Strategy 5. Applicability of NCCD Controls 6. Land Use 7. Relocation of Persons, Businesses (including individuals and families, business concerns, and others displaced by the project) 8. Duration and Modification Procedures of URP Appendices: Appendix A: East 11th and 12th Street Urban Renewal Plan; Amendments Appendix B: East 11th Street and East 12th Street Neighborhood Conservation Combining District (NCCDs); Amendments Abbreviations commonly used in the document: URP – Urban Renewal Plan URA‐Urban Renewal Agency ARA – Austin Revitalization Authority Note: Some of the tables and figures from the original 1999 Urban Renewal Plan have been deleted or modified, as they were no longer accurate or relevant. The original plan is available at this website: 1484775.v1 Commented [EM1]: Term not used elsewhere in document (is it used in other documents?). Commented [EM2]: Appendix A? Should this instead say “the documents listed in Appendix A” since there is no depiction or area description in Appendix A? EAST 11 TH & 12TH STREETS URBAN RENEWAL PLAN (URP) 1. BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION The formal boundaries of the East 11th and 12th Streets Urban Renewal Area (UR Area) are set forth in Exhibit A and the ordinance approving this URP. In general, the boundaries are: The East 11th Street Corridor, including properties within one‐half block of the north frontage of East 11th Street and south frontage of Juniper Street, from Branch Street on the west to Navasota Street on the east; and properties within one‐half block of the south frontage of East 11th, from San Marcos Street on the west to Navasota Street on the east. The East 12th Street Corridor, including properties within one‐half block of the north frontage of East 12th and between the IH‐35 Northbound Frontage Road on the west to Poquito Street to the east; and properties within one‐half block of the south frontage of East 12th Street, from Branch Street on the west to Poquito Street on the east. 2. HISTORY This East 11th and 12th Streets Urban Renewal Plan (“URP" also referred to as the East 11th and 12th Streets Community Redevelopment Plan or “CRP”), is a comprehensive document defining the official public policy guidelines …
Regular Meeting of the South Central Waterfront Advisory Board July 20, 2020 South Central Waterfront Advisory Board to be held on July 20, 2020, with Social Distancing Modifications Public comment will be allowed via telephone; no in-person input will be allowed. All speakers must register in advance (Sunday, July 19 by Noon). All public comment will occur at the beginning of the meeting. To speak remotely at the July 20 South Central Waterfront Advisory Board Meeting, residents must: Call or email the board liaison at (512)-974-3362 or no later than noon, July 19, 2020. The information required is the speaker name, item number(s) they wish to speak on, whether they are for/against/neutral, and a telephone number or email address. Once a request to speak has been called in or emailed to the board liaison, residents will receive either an email or phone call providing the telephone number to call on the day of the scheduled meeting. Speakers must call in at least 15 minutes prior to meeting start in order to speak, late callers will not be accepted and will not be able to speak. Speakers will be placed in a queue until their time to speak. Handouts or other information may be emailed to by Noon the day before the scheduled meeting. This information will be provided to Board and Commission members in advance of the meeting. The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days before the meeting date. For information, please contact Sravya Garladenne in the Planning and Zoning Department at or (512) 974-3362. TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. SOUTH CENTRAL WATERFRONT ADVISORY BOARD MONDAY, JULY 20, 2020 AT 10:00 AM VIA VIDEOCONFERENCING Board Members: ___ Chair Samuel Franco (Design Commission) ___ Vice Chair Lynn Kurth (Mayor & District 9 Appointee) ___ Greg Anderson (Planning Commission) ___ Linda Guerrero (Environmental Commission) ___ Francoise Luca (Parks & Recreation Board) ___ Karen Paup (Affordable Housing Rep) ___ Wendy Price Todd (S. River City NA) ___ Jeff Seiden (Bouldin Creek NA) ___ Alfred Godfrey (Trail Foundation) Ex Officios: ___ Sam Tedford (NHCD) ___ Nazlie Saeedi (ATD) ___ Gloria Aguilera (ORES) …
DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Updated 2020 SCW Financial Tool – Key Takeaways and Technical Methods June 16, 2020 Alan Holt, City of Austin Ian Carlton and Emily Picha Background and Purpose Since Summer 2019, ECONorthwest has been helping the City of Austin update prior financial analyses of the 2016 South Central Waterfront Vision Framework Plan (SCW Framework Plan). Our work has focused on defining scenarios to aid decision makers and the Planning & Zoning Department with a final calibration of opt-in zoning (i.e., South Central Waterfront Regulating Plan, or SCW Regulating Plan), which could contribute to a Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) Financing Plan produced by others. This memorandum provides a summary of our approach, key findings, and policy considerations. Our work built upon initial feasibility modeling from the SCW Framework Plan. To evaluate potential regulatory policies and incentives, ECONorthwest developed a parcel-based pro forma model that looked at the feasibility of potential development across the South Central Waterfront. This 2020 Financial Tool included updated assumptions and methods to provide greater clarity to City Council about potential development feasibility when considering policy options. The COVID-19 pandemic has created uncertainty for the future of the district and its timeline for development. From the creation of the SCW Framework Plan in 2016 until 2019, the District saw increased developer interest in a distinct mix of uses, but construction costs in the Austin market were also increasing rapidly. Over the next few years, demand remains uncertain. For example, construction costs may stabilize with fewer project starts, but construction costs seldom decline. Regardless of this uncertainty, developing a flexible implementation plan and associated policies can prepare the SCW to attract new development in the future. ECONorthwest | Portland | Seattle | Los Angeles | Eugene | Boise | 1 Methods and Approach The 2020 Financial Tool provided a snapshot look at the district buildout, as though all development delivered simultaneously under market conditions in late 2019 and early 2020 (ECONorthwest vetted assumptions with local developers and property owners in 2019 and the City of Austin and Endeavor provided cost information in 2020). To conduct this analysis, ECONorthwest used parcel-based pencil- outs to consider multiple “input scenarios.” The input scenarios included plan entitlements, infrastructure costs, affordable housing, and bonus participation fees. We modeled three buildout scenarios: MODEL ASSUMPTIONS • 2016 SCW Framework Plan entitlements • Late 2019 market conditions (costs and revenues) • 305 …
S F 1 et e st Str S 1 W B 1 A D 1 O S - 5 P R 5 + 6 - 1 S F 2 W R 1 P R 1 0 - 1 O S - 4 C - 1 P-6 P-7 P R 2 2 - 1 W B 2 P R 1 4 - 1 T L 1 S F 3 TL2 P R 1 3 - 1 HA1 P R 1 2 - 1 W R iv e r si W R d 2 e D r P R 1 6 - 1 AD2 P R 1 6 - 2 C A 3 E R i v P R 2 4 - 1 e r si d C - 2 e u n e v s A P-5 s e r g n o C P R 2 2 - 1 P - 1 O S - 1 P - 2 P R 2 2 - 1 S-4 P - 3 P R 2 2 - 2 S-2 S-1 B S 1 P R 2 2 - 2 S-3 P - 4 P R 2 2 - 3 C A 2 P R 2 1 - 1 P R 2 3 - 1 D 1 C1 P R 2 3 - 3 E1 O S - 3 D 2 C2 P R 2 3 - 2 D 3 P R 2 3 - 4 e D E r R 1 ML2 ML1 O S - 2 Texas School for the Deaf Lady Bird Lake Waller Creek East Branch of Bouldin Creek E R 2 Blunn Creek N 0 Feet 200 400 DRAFT 03.12.20 SOUTH CENTRAL WATERFRONT: PARCEL OWNERSHIP 2020 This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries. It has been produced the Planning and Zoning Department for the sole purpose of geographic reference. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or completeness. SOUTH CENTRAL WATERFRONT 2020 SCW Modified Physical Framework Map PARCELS WITHIN SCW REGULATING PLAN OTHER PARCELS WITHIN SCW BOUNDARY / FUTURE REG PLAN TANTALLON AUSTIN LLC OGLE CHERYL & THE CRYSTAL OGLE MANAGEMENT TRUST BROADSTONE AT THE LAKE LLC CATHERINE TOWER LLC ENDEAVOR ENDEAVOR …
2020 Street Classifications and Open Spaces Waterfront Park (OS1) Crockett Square (OS4) New Street Shared Street Statesman Street S2 Local streets Statesman Streets S1, S3, S4 Street C Street D Street E Texas Loop C1, C2 D1, D2, D3 E1 TL1, TL2 Haywood Avenue HA1 Armadillo Drive AD1, AD2 S4 S 2 C A 1 S3 S1 C A 2 B S 1 C1 D1 D2 C2 M L 1 D3 E1 M L 2 Green Connector (OS2) WR1 S F 2 1 B W W R2 HA1 C A 3 A D 2 ER1 ER2 S F 1 Barton Springs Rain Garden Plaza (OS5) Bouldin Creek/TSD Trail (OS3) 2 B W AD1 TL1 TL2 S F 3 Collector Streets East Barton Springs Rd BS1 Moton Lane ML1, ML2 West Barton Springs Rd WB1, WB2 Core Transit South First Street SF1, SF2, SF3 Congress Avenue CA1, CA2, CA3 West Riverside Drive WR1, WR2 East Riverside Drive ER1, ER2 p.1 - 07/17/2020 2020 Streetscape + G reen I nfras t r u c tu re Im p rove m ent s C A 1 S4 S 2 S3 S1 B S 1 S F 1 2 B W C A 2 C1 D1 C2 D2 D3 M L 1 WR2 HA1 AD2 M L 2 ER1 E1 C A 3 ER2 WR1 1 B W S F 2 AD1 TL1 TL2 S F 3 p.2 - 07/17/2020 6 Ty pical Street S ecti ons Shared Street Collector New - 2 Local Street Collector Existing Collector New - 1 Core Transit p.3 - 07/17/2020 Shared Street Street S2 p.4 - 07/17/2020 10’0’5’Scale 1” = 1’-10” Lo cal Street Streets S1, S3, S4 Streets C-E Haywood Avenue Armadillo Drive Texas Loop p.5 - 07/17/2020 10’0’5’Scale 1” = 1’-10” Co llector New - 1 East Barton Springs Road p.6 - 07/17/2020 10’0’5’Scale 1” = 1’-10” Co llector New - 2 Moton Lane 0’ 5’ 10’ Scale p.7 - 07/17/2020 Collect or Existing West Barton Springs Road p.8 - 07/17/2020 10’0’5’Scale 1” = 1’-10” Co re Transi t Congress Avenue (Section varies) South First Street (Section varies) Riverside Drive (Section varies) 0’ 5’ 10’ 20’ Scale p.9 - 07/17/2020 2020 Transportat ion Net work p.10 - 07/17/2020
South Central Waterfront Implementation Update: July 20, 2020 South Central Waterfront Advisory Board| Austin, TX SCW DISTRICT TODAY ● 97 acres in properties (118 acres w/ ROW included) ● Patchwork of 34 private properties, and 1 City-owned property (OTC) ● Lack of connectivity - Could drop 33 downtown blocks in district of superblocks and surface parking ● Pedestrian-hostile - Limited walking grid, narrow sidewalks, few street trees, fewer streetscape amenities ● Scarcity of Greenery - ~20% of district is surface parking. Sparse tree canopy. Lack of open space. ● No Affordable Housing guaranteed. WHAT IS THE SCW VISION? Public/Private Partnership model to transform the district by: ● GREEN: Retrofitting 17 new acres of connected parks, trails, plazas and open spaces across a patchwork of properties ● CONNECTED: Insert .6 miles of new streets, add over 2 miles of refurbished and new sidewalks, and include transit options, to create a walkable and transit- friendly district ● AFFORDABLE: Incentive and support affordable housing to ultimately equal 20% of the district’s new residential units FRAMEWORK > Three Legged Stool $ Physical Framework Financial Framework City Leadership Green Streets, Pedestrian Connections & Open Space for a great public realm District-wide Value Capture, Strategic Capital Investments and Bonus Entitlements to fund public realm and affordable housing. Public-Private Partnerships and Leverage City Assets in order to achieve community goals PHYSICAL FRAMEWORK 1. 2020 (MODIFIED) PHYSICAL FRAMEWORK 2. 2020 TRANSPORTATION & OPEN SPACE PLAN 3. 2020 PHYSICAL FRAMEWORK PROJECT COST A PHYSICAL FRAMEWORK FOR RATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 1. Expanded Waterfront Open Space 1. Expanded Waterfront Open Space 1. Expanded Waterfront Open Space 1. Expanded Waterfront Open Space 1. Expanded Waterfront Open Space 2. Catalyst Open Space, Trails & Green Streets 2. Catalyst Open Space, Trails & Green Streets 2. Catalyst Open Space, Trails & Green Streets 2. Catalyst Open Space, Trails & Green Streets 3. Developer added Green Streets 3. Developer added Green Streets 3. Developer added Green Streets 4. Existing Roadway Improvements 4. Existing Roadway Improvements 5. Public Realm Framework for development Existing Waterfront Existing Waterfront Open Space Open Space New Waterfront Open Space STATESMAN & CROCKETT PROPERTIES - First among equals 35 properties = 97 acres These 2 properties = 30 acres (30% of the District’s properties area) In the SCW Vision, these two properties contribute: 65% of District’s Open Space 70% of District’s New Streets 62% of Projected District Buildout 2020 Modified SCW PLAN UPDATE …
Former AIPP Panel Chair Chris McCray’s final term as an AIPP Panel Member expired in May – the AIPP Panel and staff recognize and thank him for his service. At the March meeting, the Arts Commission approved Amy Mok as the Nominating Committee Chair to fill the visual arts professional seat left vacant by Chris. The nominating committee was also made up of the Arts Commission Liaison to the AIPP Panel Brett Barnes and the current AIPP Panel Chair, Tammie Rubin. The application period was open from early March through the end of May, and the public was made aware of this through social media posts, CAD and AIPP newsletters, and through outreach by AIPP staff, and by Arts Commission and AIPP Panel members. In June, the Nominating committee met to review the applicants, and then met again to interview the finalists. 1 J Muzacz is nominated by consensus of the AIPP Panel Nominating Committee to fill the AIPP Panel vacancy. J is a visual artist who studied sociology at the University of Texas at Austin. He has experience as an arts educator, and experience working with youth and adults on collaborative artwork installations. The Nominating Committee believes he will be able to help AIPP reach artists who may not have applied to AIPP before. He is now completing his first AIPP commission for Rosewood Neighborhood Park with artist team Polis, which gives him experience with AIPP Processes that the Nominating Committee stated would benefit the Panel. 2 Elaine I Shen is the selected alternate. Elaine is Principal with Now + Shen design studio, and a practicing local visual artist working in a variety of media. She is an experienced lecturer at Fordham University and UT Austin. She was a founding member of ICOSA Collective (5 years) and has been a board member with Fusebox Festival (6 years). The Nominating Committee recognized that, as an Asian American, Elaine could bring an important voice to the Panel. 3
Anderson Mill Road Regional Mobility AIPP Project ARTS COMMISSION JULY 20, 2020 Anderson Mill Road Regional Mobility Project Project Background Anderson Mill Road Bond Goals AIPP Artwork Goals •Address congestion and enhance safety. • Creates an interesting, safe and lively pedestrian and bicycle environment; • Improve level of service and reducing delay for vehicles traveling through the corridor. • Improving facilities for travelers utilizing alternate modes of transportation such as transit, bicycles and walking Project Goals • Conceptually connects the Anderson Mill Road Corridor; • Reflects the diverse and family atmosphere of the community; • • Integrates seamlessly into the construction of the corridor; Is made from durable and low maintenance materials; and • Enriches or adds to the depth/breadth of the City of Austin’s public art collection. Selection Processes Corridor Construction Program Pre‐ Qualified Artist Pool Artists will be invited to submit a Letter of Interest explaining their connection to the Anderson Mill community. Budget $80,000 Evaluation Criteria Artistic merit and technical expertise Ability to engage the community in which the Demonstrated success completing works of art Cultural Equity artwork is being proposed Community and Project Advisors A team of advisors will convene to recommend and artist and alternate from the Corridor Construction Program Pre‐Qualified Artist Pool They may choose to interview artists or directly recommend an artiist and alternate. • Dr. Terrance Hines • Olga Campos Benz • Melissa Lipscomb • Karen Grampp • JoAn Reames • Kelley Ramirez • Katherine Nicely • Olaniyi Akindiya • Octavio Garza, Project Manager, Public Works Department • Emily Tuttle, Public Information Officer, Austin Transportation Department • Kate Messer, Communications Director, CM Flannigan, District 6 • Bears Rebecca Fonte, Arts Commissioner, District 6 • Sarah Carr – AIPP Panel Liaison Schedule 2020 July Prospectus approved by AIPP Panel and Arts Commission CIP construction begins (18 months) August Letter of Interest invitation to Local Prequalified Pool released (two weeks) 2021 February Final Design approval March Commission contract April Fabrication and Installation coordination December Anticipated project completion September Selection Process Approval October Request for Council Authorization (RCA) November Artist under design contract + project kick off meeting December Mid Design review With Arts Commission Approval ‐ Artists from the CCP Pre‐Qualified Artist Pool will be invited to submit a Letter of Interest to be consider for this opportunity. Call to Artist Opens: August 4, 2020 Closes: August 20, 2020 (two weeks)