Versión en español a continuación. Joint Arts Commission/Art in Public Places Panel Special Called Meeting February 7, 2021 Joint Arts Commission/Art in Public Places Panel meeting to be held February 7, 2021 with Social Distancing Modifications Public comment will be allowed via telephone; no in-person input will be allowed. All speakers must register in advance (February 6, 2021 by noon). All public comment will occur at the beginning of the meeting. To speak remotely at the Joint Arts Commission/Art in Public Places Meeting, members of the public must: •Call or email the board liaison at 512-974-9315 or no later than noon, (the day before the meeting). The following information is required: speaker name, item number(s) they wish to speak on, whether they are for/against/neutral, email address and telephone number (must be the same number that will be used to call into the meeting). •Once a request to speak has been made to the board liaison, the information to call on the day of the scheduled meeting will be provided either by email or phone call. •Speakers must call in at least 15 minutes prior to meeting start time in order to speak, late callers will not be accepted and will not be able to speak. •Speakers will be placed in a queue until their time to speak. •Handouts or other information may be emailed to by noon the day before the scheduled meeting. This information will be provided to Board and Commission members in advance of the meeting. •If the meeting is broadcast live, it may be viewed here: Reunión del Arts Commission/Art in Public Places Panel FECHA de la reunion (February 7, 2021) La junta se llevará con modificaciones de distanciamiento social Se permitirán comentarios públicos por teléfono; no se permitirá ninguna entrada en persona. Todos los oradores deben registrarse con anticipación (February 6, 2021 antes del mediodía). Todos los comentarios públicos se producirán al comienzo de la reunión. Para hablar de forma remota en la reunión, los miembros del público deben: • Llame o envíe un correo electrónico al enlace de junta en 512-974-9315 o a más tardar al mediodía (el día antes de la reunión). Se requiere la siguiente información: nombre del orador, número (s) de artículo sobre el que desean hablar, si están a favor / en contra / neutral, dirección de correo electrónico (opcional) y un número de teléfono (debe ser …
CHAPTER 7-2. - ART IN PUBLIC PLACES. § 7-2-1 - DEFINITIONS. In this chapter: (1) ART means a work of art or an artistically designed art feature that enhances the aesthetics of a building, bridge, streetscape, park, or other project for which funds are appropriated as described in this chapter and includes a mural, sculpture, garden, water feature, or other feature that appeals to the senses or the intellect. (2) PROJECT means a capital project funded in whole or in part by the City: (a) to construct or remodel a building, decorative or commemorative structure, or parking facility; (b) to acquire parkland or to develop a park; (c) for a street improvement project, other than street repair or reconstruction; (d) for an improvement to a streetscape; (e) for a bridge including the incorporation of an artistic feature into the structural design; (f) for a water or wastewater treatment facility; or (g) that is an appropriate project for art as recommended by the Art in Public Places Panel and Arts Commission and approved by the city council. (3) CONSTRUCTION COST means the cost of a project to the City as determined in accordance with Section 7-2-4 (Construction Cost Calculation). (4) STREETSCAPE means an improvement to a public right-of-way, including a sidewalk, tree, light fixture, sign, and furniture. Source: 1992 Code Section 9-2-1; Ord. 031009-10; Ord. 031211-11. § 7-2-2 - ART IN PUBLIC PLACES ADMINISTRATOR. The director of the Economic Growth and Redevelopment Services Office shall designate an art in public places administrator to perform the functions described in this chapter. Source: 1992 Code Section 9-2-2; Ord. 031009-10; Ord. 031211-11. § 7-2-3 - ART IN PUBLIC PLACES PANEL. this chapter. The Arts Commission shall appoint an Art in Public Places Panel to perform the functions described in Source: 1992 Code Section 9-2-3(A); Ord. 031009-10; Ord. 031211-11. § 7-2-4 - CONSTRUCTION COST CALCULATION. (A) In this section: (1) DEBT ISSUANCE COST means the cost to the City to issue bonds for a project. (2) DEMOLITION COST means the cost to remove a building or other existing structure from a project site. (3) EQUIPMENT COST means the cost of equipment or furnishings that are portable or of standard manufacture and used in a project. The term excludes equipment or furnishings: (a) that are custom designed; or (b) that create a new use for a project. (4) PERMIT AND FEE COST means the cost of …
1/30/2021 Arts Commission | Arts Commission Home Services Programs Boards (/cityclerk/boards_commissions/meetings/5_1.htm) 1/3 1/30/2021 Arts Commission | Advise the city council in all arts-related matters, including long range planning, allocations process, and coordination with the comprehensive plan; promote close cooperation between the City and all private citizens, institutions, and agencies interested in or conducting activities relating to the arts in the city, so that all art resources within the city may be coordinated to maximize promotion and support of the arts in the city; facilitate communication between arts organizations; and foster and assist the development of the arts in the city. See Section 2-1-103 ( nodeId=TIT2AD_CH2-1CIBO_ART2BO_S2-1-103ARCO) of the City Code for additional duties. Meetings Third Monday of the month unless designated otherwise (*) 6:00 p.m. unless listed otherwise on the agenda See agenda or contact liaison for meeting location and time Meeting Documents: View Agendas, Approved Minutes and Supporting Documents ( 2021 Meeting Schedule: January 21, 2021 - Special Called January 25, 2021* - Cancelled February 22, 2021* March 15, 2021 April 19, 2021 May 17, 2021 June 21, 2021 July 19, 2021 August 16, 2021 September 20, 2021 October 18, 2021 November 15, 2021 December 13, 2021* Staff Anne-Marie McKaskle-Davis, Economic Development Department, 512-974-7854 Jesus Pantel, Economic Development Department, 512-974-9315 Meghan Wells, Economic Development Department, 512-974-9314 By-laws By-laws: Arts Commission (, PDF Annual Reports 2018 Annual Report ( Boards and Commissions Information Center (/department/boards-and-commissions- information-center) 2/3 1/30/2021 Arts Commission | Arts Commission Members ( ( Get information or assistance (/department/311) Site Map (/sitemap) Public Records ( City Council Message Board ( Visit Austin ( City Directory (/contact-us) Jobs ( Legal Notices (/page/legal-notice) Privacy Policy (/page/privacy-policy) 3/3
§ 2-1-103 - ARTS COMMISSION. (A) The Arts Commission membership should represent the broad arts constituency rather than individual disciplines. The commission should have a balanced membership reflecting in-depth knowledge of the various disciplines, large and small institutions, educational institutions, individual artists, and principles of arts administration, experimental and traditional forms, urban design, and gender. The commission should reflect Austin's ethnic diversity. (B) The commission shall: (1) serve as an advisory body to the city council in all arts-related matters, including long range planning, allocations process, and coordination with the comprehensive plan; (2) promote close cooperation between the City and all private citizens, institutions, and agencies interested in or conducting activities relating to the arts in the city, so that all art resources within the city may be coordinated to maximize promotion and support of the arts in the city; (3) facilitate communication between arts organizations; and (4) foster and assist the development of the arts in the city. (C) The commission shall require peer panelists to comply with the conflict of interest provisions of Chapter 2-7 (Ethics and Financial Disclosure). Source: Ord. 20071129-011.
Arts Commission Annual Review and Work Plan 2020 9 3. List the board’s goals and objectives for the new calendar year. a. Incorporate the FOUR PILLARS into all Arts Commission Programs i. Cultivate Leadership – develop current and emerging leaders ii. Ensure and Encourage Equity – reflect the growing diverse population of Austin iii. Foster Collaboration – contribute to Austin’s robust arts eco- iv. system Inspire Evolution – achieve advancement through innovation and resiliency b. GOAL I. COUNCIL RELATIONS Increase communication between Commission and Council in order to keep Council abreast of Arts Commission duties and actions. Objectives: a. Commissioners to meet face-to-face at least quarterly with appointing Council Member ** except during period of shelter in place orders in effect b. Commissioners to communicate monthly with their Council Member’s staff c. Commission to monitor the activity of the Council Economic Opportunity Committee and become involved as needed Educate new Council Members about the Cultural Arts Division and goals of its programs, including Civic Arts, Cultural Funding Programs and Art in Public Places c. GOAL II. CULTURAL ARTS FUNDING Maintain oversight of Cultural Arts Funding to ensure appropriate distribution and use. Objectives: use a. On a monthly basis, monitor Cultural Arts Funding to ensure appropriate b. Review and recommend for appropriate action all cultural funding program applications appropriate action c. Review all recommended Art in Public Places projects and recommend d. Encourage collaboration among arts organizations through policies and guidelines to maximize resources, effectiveness, productivity and quality of work, minimize fracturing among arts groups, and increase the overall impact of cultural arts funding in arts community Arts Commission Annual Review and Work Plan 2020 10 e. Review funding program guidelines annually and revise as needed. d. GOAL III. PUBLIC ART Maintain support for the Art in Public Places program Objectives: a. staff or the Art in Public Places Panel b. Commission and the Art in Public Places Panel On a monthly basis, take action on project or program recommendations from Build a strong framework of understanding and communication between the Arts e. GOAL IV. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Maintain a robust working knowledge and understanding of the role and responsibilities of the Arts Commission by all Commissioners Objectives: a. Orient any newly appointed Commissioners on the role of the Arts Commission through the use of the Arts Commission orientation document upon appointment b. Conduct an annual Arts Commission all-day retreat c. …
§ 2-1-7 - STAFF SUPPORT. (A) The city manager shall designate a City department to provide staff support for each board and each committee of a board and each joint committee, including an executive to serve as executive board liaison and a staff member to serve as board liaison between the department and the board. (B) The city clerk serves as liaison between boards, citizens, council, and department liaisons. Source: Ord. 20071129-011; Ord. 20101209-003.
§ 2-1-22 - MEMBERSHIP TERM AND LIMITATION. (A) A board member is appointed for a term of up to four years beginning March 1st. The tenure of a board member runs concurrently with the tenure of the city council member who appoints the (B) Except as provided in Subsection (C), a board member may serve no longer than eight consecutive years on the same board. Service before July 31, 2015 is excluded in determining the number of years served. (C) A board member who has served eight years on the same board is not eligible for reappointment to that board until the expiration of two years after the last date of the member's service on that member. board. Source: Ord. 20071129-011; Ord. 20080214-012; Ord. 20080618-030; Ord. 20090618-020;Ord. No. 20141211-204, Pt. 2, 7-1-15.
Funding Review Process: Arts Commission Report (talking points) HOW WE GOT HERE Cultural Funding Responsiveness WG The Cultural Funding Responsiveness Working Group was established in AUG 2018 in response to misalignments by funding working groups unable to communicate with each other. The prevailing assumption that the “community agreement” directed the city and the Commission to fund “everyone” and the successful outreach efforts by CAD staff to underserved as well as new artists, created a strain on available funds. After meeting 5 times, the WG concluded that a decision must be made. But neither the Arts Commission nor CAD staff could make it. “Do we fund everyone with less money? Or fund less groups with more money?” The WG introduced two action items at the 2018 Arts Commission retreat: the 4 pillars to guide all WG discussions regarding funding programs and a survey to begin community outreach. 2018 HOT funding plateau The plateau in HOT funds plus the increase of successful applicants reduced available funds. Technically, HOT funds increased from the previous year (see green bar in the graph). But the Pg.1 Prepared by Arts Commission Chair, Jaime Salvador Castillo 1/23/21 - 2/2/21 percentage of growth was less than in previous years. And the rollover amount was also less than previous years. Issues to fix, identified by cultural contractors At both the regular September Arts Commission meeting and the Special Called Joint Music & Arts meeting in 2018, citizen communications speakers identified issues with the funding program that needed to be addressed. 1. Historic Inequities 2. Over 90% acceptance 3. Peer panel 4. 5. Better, more timely communication of changes or issues that affect the community Inconsistent Scores At the conclusion of the Special Called Joint Music & Arts meeting, CAD staff and the Arts Commission both committed to a complete review of the cultural funding process. 2018 Audit Report: Cultural Arts Contract Monitoring? _Monitoring_September_2018.pdf CONSULTANT What did they do (what was their scope)? CAD staff committed to reviewing the whole cultural funding process and took the opportunity to look at all CAD programs historically and recently. This was done with the hope of identifying values for aligning CAD processes, multiple Working Groups’ conversations, community engagement, and the scope of work for the consultant. The proposed scope of work (as heard on the recording 1 of 2, of February 2019 18:00 Guide the process of evaluation, facilitate dialogue, look at …
JOINT ARTS COMMISSION MEETING WITH ART IN PUBLIC PLACES PANEL SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2021 – 12:30pm-3:30pm VIA VIDEOCONFERENCING CURRENT BOARD MEMBERS: Jaime Castillo – Chair, Michelle Polgar – Vice Chair, Brett Barnes, Lulu Flores, Bears Rebecca Fonte, Felipe Garza, kYmberly Keeton, Amy Mok, Celina Zisman, Rick Van Dyke CALL TO ORDER MINUTES CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL The first 10 speakers who register to speak no later than noon the day before the meeting will be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. a. Approve the minutes for the regular Arts Commission meetings on December 14, 2020 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES and January 21, 2021 No action taken 2. CHAIR’S REPORT a. Communication b. Term limits 3. NEW BUSINESS a. Discussion and Action Items i. What is the Arts Commission’s relationship to the Cultural Arts Division and the Economic Development Department (staff)? No action taken ii. What is the Arts Commission’s relationship to the arts community? iii. What is the Arts Commission’s relationship to the Art in Public Places panel? No action taken No action taken iv. Final thoughts No action taken v. Cultural Funding No action taken A. Art in Public Places panel adjourned ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days (48 hours) before the meeting date. Please call Jesús Pantel at Economic Development Department, at 512-974-9315, for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the Arts Commission, please contact Jesús Pantel at 512-974-9315.
Versión en español a continuación. Environmental Commission Regular Meeting February 3, 2021 Environmental Commission to be held February 3, 2021 with Social Distancing Modifications. Public comment will be allowed via telephone; no in-person input will be allowed. All speakers must register in advance (February 2, 2021 by noon). All public comment will occur at the beginning of the meeting. To speak remotely at the February 3, 2021 Environmental Commission Regular Meeting, members of the public must: •Call or email the board liaison Kaela Champlin, (512) 974-3443,, no later than noon, (the day before the meeting). The following information is required: speaker name, item number(s) they wish to speak on, whether they are for/against/neutral, email address and telephone number (must be the same number that will be used to call into the meeting). •Once a request to speak has been made to the board liaison, the information to call on the day of the scheduled meeting will be provided either by email or phone call. •Speakers must call in at least 15 minutes prior to meeting start time in order to speak, late callers will not be accepted and will not be able to speak. •Speakers will be placed in a queue until their time to speak. •Handouts or other information may be emailed to by noon the day before the scheduled meeting. This information will be provided to Board and Commission members in advance of the meeting. •If the meeting is broadcast live, it may be viewed here: live 1 Reunión del Environmental Commission FECHA de la reunion (3 de febrero de 2021) La junta se llevará con modificaciones de distanciamiento social Se permitirán comentarios públicos por teléfono; no se permitirá ninguna entrada en persona. Todos los oradores deben registrarse con anticipación (2 de febrero de 2021 antes del mediodía). Todos los comentarios públicos se producirán al comienzo de la reunión. Para hablar de forma remota en la reunión, los miembros del público deben: • Llame o envíe un correo electrónico al enlace de la junta en Kaela Champlin, (512) 974-3443, a más tardar al mediodía (el día antes de la reunión). Se requiere la siguiente información: nombre del orador, número (s) de artículo sobre el que desean hablar, si están a favor / en contra / neutral, dirección de correo electrónico (opcional) y un número de teléfono (debe ser el número que se utilizará para …
Versión en español a continuación. Commission for Women Meeting Wednesday, February 3, 2021 Commission for Women be held Wednesday, February 3, 2021 with Social Distancing Modifications Public comment will be allowed via telephone; no in-person input will be allowed. All speakers must register in advance (Tuesday, February 2, 2021 by noon). All public comment will occur at the beginning of the meeting. To speak remotely at the February 3, 2021 Commission for Women Meeting, members of the public must: •Call or email the board liaison at (512) 974-2597 or no later than noon, (the day before the meeting). The following information is required: speaker name, item number(s) they wish to speak on, whether they are for/against/neutral, email address and telephone number (must be the same number that will be used to call into the meeting). •Once a request to speak has been made to the board liaison, the information to call on the day of the scheduled meeting will be provided either by email or phone call. •Speakers must call in at least 15 minutes prior to meeting start time in order to speak, late callers will not be accepted and will not be able to speak. •Speakers will be placed in a queue until their time to speak. •Handouts or other information may be emailed to by noon the day before the scheduled meeting. This information will be provided to Board and Commission members in advance of the meeting. •If the meeting is broadcast live, it may be viewed here: Reunión del Commission for Women Miércoles, Febrero 3, 2021 a 9:00 a.m. La junta se llevará con modificaciones de distanciamiento social Se permitirán comentarios públicos por teléfono; no se permitirá ninguna entrada en persona. Todos los oradores deben registrarse con anticipación (Martes, Febrero 2, 2021 antes del mediodía). Todos los comentarios públicos se producirán al comienzo de la reunión. Para hablar de forma remota en la reunión, los miembros del público deben: • Llame o envíe un correo electrónico al enlace de la junta en (512) 974-2597 or a más tardar al mediodía (el día antes de la reunión). Se requiere la siguiente información: nombre del orador, número (s) de artículo sobre el que desean hablar, si están a favor / en contra / neutral, dirección de correo electrónico (opcional) y un número de teléfono (debe ser el número que se utilizará para llamar ). …
Versión en español a continuación. Special Meeting of Austin – Travis County Emergency Medical Services Advisory Board February 3, 2021 Austin – Travis County Emergency Medical Services Advisory Board to be held February 3, 2021 with Social Distancing Modifications Public comment will be allowed via telephone; no in-person input will be allowed. All speakers must register in advance (February 2, 2021 by noon). All public comment will occur at the beginning of the meeting. To speak remotely at the February 3, 2021 Austin – Travis County Emergency Medical Services Advisory Board Meeting, members of the public must: •Call or email the board liaison at 512-972-7148 or no later than noon, (the day before the meeting). The information required is the speaker name, item number(s) they wish to speak on, whether they are for/against/neutral, and a telephone number or email address. •Once a request to speak has been called in or emailed to the board liaison, residents will receive either an email or phone call providing the telephone number to call on the day of the scheduled meeting. •Speakers must call in at least 15 minutes prior to meeting start in order to speak, late callers will not be accepted and will not be able to speak. •Speakers will be placed in a queue until their time to speak. •Handouts or other information may be emailed to by Noon the day before the scheduled meeting. This information will be provided to Board and Commission members in advance of the meeting. •If this meeting is broadcast live, residents may watch the meeting here: live Reunión del Austin – Travis County Emergency Medical Services Advisory Board FECHA de la reunion February 3, 2021 La junta se llevará con modificaciones de distanciamiento social Se permitirán comentarios públicos por teléfono; no se permitirá ninguna entrada en persona. Todos los oradores deben registrarse con anticipación (February 2, 2021 antes del mediodía). Todos los comentarios públicos se producirán al comienzo de la reunión. Para hablar de forma remota en la reunión, los miembros del público deben: • Llame o envíe un correo electrónico al enlace de la junta en 512-972-7148 or vivian.holmes@austintexas.gova más tardar al mediodía (el día antes de la reunión). La información requerida es el nombre del orador, los números de artículo sobre los que desean hablar, si están a favor / en contra / neutrales, y un número de teléfono o …
Versión en español a continuación Water and Wastewater Commission Meeting February 3, 2021 Water and Wastewater Commission to be held February 3, 2021 with Social Distancing Modifications Public comment will be allowed via telephone; no in-person input will be allowed. All speakers must register in advance (February 2, 2021 by noon). All public comment will occur at the beginning of the meeting. To speak remotely at the February 3, 2021 Water and Wastewater Commission Meeting, members of the public must: •Call or email the board liaison at (512) 972-0115 and no later than noon, February 2, 2021. The following information is required: speaker name, item number(s) they wish to speak on, whether they are for/against/neutral, email address and telephone number (must be the same number that will be used to call into the meeting). •Once a request to speak has been made to the board liaison, the information to call on the day of the scheduled meeting will be provided •Speakers must call in at least 15 minutes prior to meeting start time in order to speak, late callers will not be accepted and will not be either by email or phone call. able to speak. •Speakers will be placed in a queue until their time to speak. •Handouts or other information may be emailed to by noon the day before the scheduled meeting. This information will be provided to Board and Commission members in advance of the meeting. •If the meeting is broadcast live, it may be viewed here: The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days (48 hours) before the meeting date. Please call Blanca Madriz at Austin Water, 512-972-0115 for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the Water and Wastewater Commission, please contact Blanca Madriz at Reunión del WATER & WASTEWATER COMMISSION de la reunion 3 de febrero 2021 La junta se llevará con modificaciones de distanciamiento social Se permitirán comentarios públicos por teléfono; no se permitirá ninguna entrada en persona. Todos los oradores deben registrarse con anticipación (2 de febrero). Todos los comentarios públicos se producirán al comienzo de la reunión. Para hablar de …
Versión en español a continuación. Regular Meeting of the Emma S. Barrientos Mexican American Cultural Center Advisory Board February 3, 2021 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm Emma S. Barrientos Mexican American Cultural Center Advisory Board meeting to be held February 3, 2021 with Social Distancing Modifications Public comment will be allowed via telephone; no in-person input will be allowed. All speakers must register in advance February 2, 2021 by noon. All public comment will occur at the beginning of the meeting. To speak remotely at the February 3, 2021 Emma S. Barrientos Mexican American Cultural Center Advisory Board Meeting, members of the public must: •Call or email the board liaison Michelle Rojas at 512-974-3771 or no later than noon, Tuesday, February 2, 2021. The following information is required: speaker name, item number(s) they wish to speak on, whether they are for/against/neutral, email address and telephone number (must be the same number that will be used to call into the meeting). •Once a request to speak has been made to the board liaison, the information to call on the day of the scheduled meeting will be provided either by email or phone call. •Speakers must call in at least 15 minutes prior to meeting start time in order to speak, late callers will not be accepted and will not be able to speak. •Speakers will be placed in a queue until their time to speak. •Handouts or other information may be emailed to Michelle Rojas by noon the day before the scheduled meeting. This information will be provided to Board and Commission members in advance of the meeting. •If the meeting is broadcast live, it may be viewed here: Junta Especial del Grupo Asesor del Centro Mexico-Americano Emma S. Barrientos FECHA de la reunión 3 de febrero, 2021 de 6:00 pm a 7:30 pm La junta se llevará con modificaciones de distanciamiento social. Se permitirán comentarios públicos por teléfono; no se permitirá ninguna entrada en persona. Todos los oradores deben registrarse con anticipación el 2 de febrero, 2021 antes del mediodía. Todos los comentarios públicos se producirán al comienzo de la reunión. Para hablar de forma remota en la reunión, los miembros del público deben: • Llame o envíe un correo electrónico al enlace de la junta, Michelle Rojas (512) 974-3771 o al correo electrónico a más tardar al mediodía del miércoles 6 de enero. Se requiere …
COMMISSION FOR WOMEN MEETING MINUTES Friday, January 8, 2021 SPECIAL CALLED MEETING Friday, January 8, 2021 COMMISSION FOR WOMEN MINUTES The Commission for Women convened for a regular meeting on Friday, January 8, 2021 via videoconference. Chair Austen called the Commission Meeting to order at 9:05 a.m. Commissioners in Attendance: Rebecca Austen, Chair Flannery Bope, Vice Chair Tanya Athar-Jogee Julia Cuba Lewis Neva Fernandez Diana Melendez Sarah Tober Commissioners Absent: Juliana Gonzales Amanda Lewis Dyana Limon-Mercado Vacant: District 2 Staff in Attendance: April Shaw, Human Resources Department 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. Consider approval of the minutes from the Commission for Women regular meeting on December 2, 2020. The minutes from the regular meeting on December 2, 2020 were approved on Chair Austen’s motion, Commissioner Cuba Lewis second on a vote of 6-0, with Commissioner Fernandez off the dais and Commissioners Gonzales, Lewis, and Limon-Mercado absent. Friday, January 8, 2021 COMMISSION FOR WOMEN MEETING MINUTES 2. OLD BUSINESS groups: i. Economic equity a. Discussion and possible action regarding updated from the following working Discussion was held. No action was taken. ii. Sexual assault, violence prevention, and survivor experience Discussion was held. No action was taken. iii. Access to quality and affordable healthcare Discussion was held. No action was taken. iv. Women’s Hall of Fame Discussion was held. No action was taken. b. Discussion and possible action regarding updates from the Joint Inclusion c. Discussion and possible action regarding the recommendation for the City of Austin d. Discussion and possible action regarding the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Committee. Discussion was held. No action was taken. FY2021 budget. Discussion was held. No action was taken. Austin’s women and girls. Discussion was held. No action was taken. anti-racism. Discussion was held. No action was taken. e. Discussion and possible action regarding a recommendation to the City Council on COMMISSION FOR WOMEN MEETING MINUTES Friday, January 8, 2021 f. Discussion and possible action regarding Commission for Women Working Groups. The 2021 Commission for Women Working Groups were approved on Chair Austen’s motion, Commissioner Athar-Jogee’s second on a vote of 7-0, with Commissioners Gonzales, Lewis, and Limon-Mercado absent. g. Discussion and possible action regarding the Commission Charter. Updates to the Commission for Women Charter were approved on Chair Austen’s motion, Vice Chair Bope’s second on a vote of 7-0, with Commissioners Gonzales, Lewis, and Limon-Mercado absent. h. Discussion and possible action regarding childcare …
Commission for Women Working Group Membership Updated January 2021 Homelessness Tanya Athar-Jogee Rebecca Austen Flannery Bope Sarah Tober Safety Health Neva Fernandez Juliana Gonzales Amanda Lewis Tanya Athar-Jogee Flannery Bope Juliana Gonzales Diana Melendez Recognition of Equity for Women and Girls Julia Cuba Lewis Dyana Limon-Mercado Diana Melendez Sarah Tober
Victim Services Division Manager (Kachina Clark) Crisis Team Investigation Support Team Austin Police Department Victim Services Division Investigation Team counselor assignments Homicide (1) Sex Crimes (5) Child Abuse (3) Domestic Violence (6) DV/Crisis Team (1) DV/Hate Crimes (1) DV/Vehicular Homicide (1) Robbery (1) Aggravated Assault (1) LE Counseling (1) Supervisors (2) Lead Counselors (3) Supervisors (3) Counselors (22) Counselors (14) Student Interns (7) 1 lead counselor position (Crisis Team) is vacant 2 counselor positions (Crisis Team) are vacant 1 counselor position (DV) is vacant Capacity Building With COA Commission for Women and Austin City Council support, APD Victim Services Division capacity has increased over the last three years to include: Nine new positions $30,000 for social work stipends ($2,500 flat rate per intern) $15,000 for basic victim needs EMDR o EMDR-trained counselors continue to provide pro-bono work (one client at any given time) to complete their commitment of 50 sessions. Capacity is stretched thin. For example, only fifteen counselors have the ability to accept new clients at this time. o One of the Investigations Team supervisors now oversees the APD EMDR program. Ideally, we need an EMDR coordinator (part-time position) and will include a request for the position with the next VOCA grant application. Our preference is that the position be included with the City’s operating budget. o We will soon fold the therapists managed by the SARRT EMDR committee into the APD EMDR program o Funding from previous budgets is exhausted.* The need for EMDR continues to grow and we cannot meet community expectations. For program sustainability, we recommend ongoing annual funding to train local therapists in EMDR. *EMDR funding was not included with the FY20-21 operating budget Unmet Needs Long-term fiscal planning Grant-funded positions Market study to potentially adjust compensation and reclassify positions
CAPACITY CREATION FOR DVSA VICTIMS THE HOTEL SAFETY NET SURVIVORS ARE FACING DISPLACEMENT AND HOMELESSNESS IN TEXAS Survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault are being displaced and becoming homeless due to the lack of capacity and beds at local emergency shelters. Prior to the COVID-19 Pandemic, shelters were turning away close to 48% of the victims coming to them and long waitlists. In March of 2020, that percentage skyrocketed to more than 90% according to the HHSE report presented by the Texas Council on Family Violence. The "shelter In place" order traps many victims in their homes, without an outlet to make an outcry. Virus or violence? HOTEL SAFETY NET SURVIVE2THRIVEFOUNDATION QUICK STATS 1 IN 3 WOMEN...1 IN 7 MEN... HAVE EXPERIENCED INTIMATE PARTNER VIOLENCE AT LEAST ONCE IN THEIR LIFETIME. 13% OF AUSTIN'S HOMELESS COMMUNITY, SELF IDENTIFY AS VICTIMS OF SOME SORT OF DOMESTIC ABUSE. IN 2019, MORE THAN 12,000 VICTIMS A MONTH ARE TURNED AWAY FROM LOCAL SHELTERS IN TEXAS* *14TH ANNUAL NNEDV SNAPSHOT CENSUS 2019 HOTEL SAFETY NET SURVIVE2THRIVEFOUNDATION THE COMMUNITY NEED - MORE IMMEDIATE HOUSING CAPACITY FOR FLEEING VICTIMS OF DOMESTIC ABUSE. - MORE RESOURCE AVAILABILITY AND ACCESSIBILITY . - A MECHANISM FOR THE QUICK PLACEMENT OF VICTIMS BY LAW ENFORCEMENT. - VICTIM-FACING TECHNOLOGY FOR STRATEGIC PLANNING AND RESTABILIZATION. SOME SUCCESSFUL COVID-19 OUTCOMES $935,000+ in Indirect and Indirect financial assistance to victims. $29,000+ in resources dispersed via our Seed A Survivor rent/utility/food assistance program (es. August 1, 2020) for housing costs and food insecurity. $14,000+ in Back-to-School supplies, clothes, and backpacks to the children in our SANCTUARY Program via S2T case management. 20,125 calls logged to COVID-19 hotline. 573+ families placed in our Hotel Safety Net in hotels across Austin in 2020; 1,039 men, women, and children of diverse backgrounds including COCs and the LGBTQ community. 205 successful interactions with law enforcement resulting in rapid placement most happening in under one (1) hour. The opening of the SANCTUARY Gardens Empowerment & Recovery Center for survivor immersion in South Austin. HOTEL SAFETY NET SURVIVE2THRIVEFOUNDATION WE DO THINGS DIFFERENTLY. WE HAVE A SURVIVOR BOARD AND OUR CARE IS CLIENT AND TRAUMA INFORMED. WE LOVE OUR PARTNERS AND COLLABORATE...A LOT. WE USE TECHNOLOGY TO CONNECT SERVICE PROVIDERS AND VICTIMS TO RESOURCES. HOTEL SAFETY NET SURVIVE2THRIVEFOUNDATION COMMUNITY AND TECH PARTNERS APD VICTIM SERVICES The SANCTUARY web platform gives immediate access to hotel rooms. Reduces victim placement time and places …